Extemporaneous Dosage Forms - Oral Liquids
Extemporaneous Dosage Forms - Oral Liquids
Extemporaneous Dosage Forms - Oral Liquids
Extemporaneous Dosage
Oral Liquids
Tammy Nguyen B. Pharm, MPS, Compounding Pharmacist, Medisca Australia
AFTER COMPLETING THIS ‘‘Oral liquids provide flexibility in dosing and are
ACTIVITY, PHARMACISTS beneficial when a patient requires dose titration,1
1. List populations for which however, many pharmaceutical drug products are
the compounding of an oral not available as oral liquids2’’
liquid may be necessary Oral liquid preparations are a • patients with enteral feeding
2. Outline necessary versatile option for clinicians tubes
considerations that should looking for an alternative to the • patients with dysphagia or
be made by the pharmacist more common oral solid dosage aspiration
to ensure product stability form. Compounding pharmacists • veterinary patients
3. Describe methods used in may be required to prepare oral
the compounding of liquid liquids if an oral solid dosage form Oral liquids are separated into
preparations is unsuitable for a specific patient two main categories; solutions
or if the dosage required by the and suspensions3. Solutions are
patient cannot be practically one of the oldest pharmaceutical
The 2016 Standards addressed administered. This article dosage forms3. Solutions refer to
by this activity include: 1.3, 1.5, discusses the various types of oral liquids where all solid ingredients,
3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6 liquids and specific suitability and including the active are fully
stability considerations related solubilised in a solvent(s)4. The
to them, including microbial and solvent may be aqueous or
First published in the Australian chemical. The compounding organic or a combination of both.
Journal of Pharmacy online pharmacist may have additional Examples of oral solutions include
version. 1st May 2019. considerations when dispensing syrups, elixirs, linctuses and
Reproduced and distributed oral liquids such as techniques aromatic waters.
by the Medisca Group of used for extemporaneous
companies with the permission preparations or when preparing Oral suspensions have insoluble
of the publisher. medications for animals. components that are suspended
in a dispersion medium with
Liquid preparations are an ideal suspending agents5. Suspending
choice for a wide range of clinical agents are used to aid in the
settings, including, but not limited dispersion of powders evenly
to: throughout the preparation
• infants and children to prevent the flocculation of
particles in the preparations5,6. worldwide expectation that the for paediatric populations has led
Flocculated particles clump elderly will make up a greater to off-label or unlicensed use of
together and if the particles are proportion of the population4, adult medications. This practice
large enough, gravitational forces thereby potentially increasing the itself poses a risk to paediatric
pull the particles down resulting prevalence of dysphagia. patients as they are a distinct and
in sedimentation4. Alternatively, heterogeneous population which
if the particles clumped together Available Dosage Forms exhibit different pharmacokinetic
are relatively small, they can float The WHO List of Essential and pharmacodynamics when
to the top of the suspension and Medicines for Children9 and compared to adults13. All of these
result in creaming4. Suspensions, WHO List of Essential Medicines factors combined, indicate a
if poorly prepared can result for Adults10 lists 76 and 84 continuous need for liquid oral
in the inaccurate dosing to the medications, respectively, preparations in the health care
patient. available in an oral liquid or setting into the future.
powder for oral liquid out of
Dysphagia possible 433-listed medications. TGA-registered (when treating
Solid oral dosage forms are Tablet formulations tend to humans) and APVMA-registered
frequently unsuitable for children be more cost-effective for products (when treating
under the age of six7. Additionally, pharmaceutical companies animals) are the first choice of
between 25-45% of children in to develop11, and have the pharmacotherapy for clinicians,
general, suffer from dysphagia added benefits of being more as they have undergone
(difficulty swallowing)8. Dysphagia economical to transport and extensive scrutiny for safety,
is a condition also seen in elderly store compared to their liquid stability and efficacy prior to
populations due to the incidence counterparts11. being becoming available on
of age-related changes in salivary the Australian market. Part of
gland function8. The prevalence Pharmaceutical companies the documentation submitted
of dysphagia also increases may be challenged with greater to regulatory authorities are the
in patients with cognitive regulatory requirements when results of pharmacopeia tests,
dysfunction or neurodegenerative conducting studies for children, some of which will be discussed.
diseases, and in patients who resulting in the higher outlay Although extemporaneous
have had a stroke8. in investment for a smaller preparations are not required to
Global trends indicate a return given the smaller market undergo such tests, pharmacists
continuous increase in life potential11. The lack of availability can utilise pharmacopeia tests
expectancy, and thus there is a of manufactured formulations in order to manage the risks to
Figure 1: Decision tree for compounding liquids for children and adults
than potency assays, are often completely inert, toxic or harmful begins to rapidly decompose at
published in journals or white to the patient, or exhibit an pH 7.830. Omeprazole is known
papers. Pharmacists should be increased therapeutic activity to to be sensitive to heat, humidity,
aware that the pharmacopeia the original chemical. light and organic solvents.32 The
requirements for stability- degradation of omeprazole can
indicating studies have changed Databases, which list the be significantly slowed when the
over time. The method used compatibilities of specific active is protected from light32.
should be thoroughly scrutinised, bases, are not the same as
as current requirements are stability-indicating study results. Dosage for omeprazole in children
more stringent. The updated Compatibility results only is dependent on weight, which
version of USP<795>, due to be consider whether the APIs and makes an oral liquid an ideal
implemented in the USA from the base are physically stable rather choice of dosage form given
1st of December 2019, requires than examining chemical stability. the ease of dose adjustment.14
stability indicating studies to Commercially-available capsule
perform and pass additionally: We will now look at a common products and delayed release
1. an antimicrobial efficacy condition, which may present in or enteric coated tablets are
test on certain aqueous the pharmacy and compare two all designed to offer protection
preparations methods of preparing an oral of the API from stomach acid.
2. the container-closure needs liquid to facilitate appropriate However these dosage forms
to be studied28. treatment for a child. are usually unsuitable when
dispensing for children.
A stability-indicating study is Case Study – Omeprazole
not necessarily the same as Suspension The APF 24 provides a
a strength or potency assay. Omeprazole is a proton pump formulation where the
Stability-indicating studies inhibitor indicated for children omeprazole is suspended
may indicate potency, but for the treatment of gastro- in a buffered 8.4% sodium
not necessarily vice versa27. A oesophageal reflux disease bicarbonate solution14. The
potency assay performed at (GORD).14 Omeprazole suppresses APF24 formulation allows the
different times, only determines the secretion of gastric acid by pharmacist to prepare the liquid
the amount of the drug present inhibiting the (H+/K+ ATPase) with either the raw API or the
over time27. Some potency tests enzyme system, also referred commercially available capsules.
do not distinguish how much to as the ‘proton pump’ of the Compounding suppliers have also
of the drug is a degraded over gastric parietal cell29. Other formulated bases buffered in an
time, as degradants may still indications for omeprazole alkaline environment to reduce
appear on the potency assay include management of the degradation of omeprazole31.
due to a similarity in chemical peptic ulcer disease, H. Pylori The formulation prepared with a
structure27; whereas a stability- eradication and Zollinger-Ellison proprietary base has a supporting
indicating assay always identifies syndrome. stability indicating study to
the API concentration from justify an extended expiry date.
its degradants. Degradants of Omeprazole is white to off- However, the formulation must
analytes do not necessarily have white powder slightly soluble be prepared with the raw API to
the same therapeutic action as in water and sparingly soluble assign this longer expiry date. Due
the original active ingredient. in alcohol29. Omeprazole is to the degradation of omeprazole
A degradant may be either optimally stable at pH 11 and by light, an amber closure system
is the final dispensing container of
choice in both formulations14,31.
in purified water. and add additional purified and there is sufficient evidence
3. Add compound water to the required batch of stability for the specific
hydroxybenzoate solution size and shake vigorously. formulation.
4. Add omeprazole to form Expiry Date: 70 days after
white dispersion preparation. Refrigerate at 2-8oC, Pharmacists may prepare an oral
5. pH should be adjusted to USP <61> and USP <62> pass after vehicle in their laboratory or use a
be above 8 using sodium 70 days31. proprietary base. Manufacturers
hydroxide solution 10% Storage: Amber, UV resistant of proprietary bases may have
Expiry Date: 28 days after polypropylene bottle studies or data to support
preparation. Refrigerate at the evidence of chemical and
2-8oC14 Conclusion microbial stability with specific
Storage: Glass Amber Bottle Oral liquids are an important APIs. These considerations
dosage form option when treating may mitigate the risk to the
Formula: Omeprazole 10mg/mL paediatric and geriatric patients. patients using medications
(100mL) Oral Liquid Suspension30 Although oral solid dosage forms extemporaneously prepared and/
-See table 6 are more prevalent, they are or “off label”.
Method of Preparation not appropriate for all patients,
1. Weigh out omeprazole and hence pharmacists may be
Oral Mix Dry Alka. required to prepare an oral liquid
2. Combine and triturate the extemporaneously if there is
powders to form a fine no suitable registered product.
homogeneous powder. Pharmacists must undertake risk
3. Incrementally add the assessments and use professional
purified water (60 mL) to the guidelines when formulating
powder blend and disperse medications into oral liquids,
the powders. to ensure the dosage form is
4. Transfer to dispensing bottle appropriate for the patient
Omeprazole* 0.200 g
Sodium bicarbonate 8.400 g
Compound hydroxybenzoate 1.0 mL
Purified Water, USP q.s. to 100.0 mL
*omeprazole 20mg capsules may be used but may take longer
to form a dispersion due to the enteric coated pellets (up to 2
28. Open Microphone Session on USP
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3. Which of the following can be appropriately crushed for the preparation of oral liquids.
A. Slow release tablets
B. Cytotoxic tablets
C. Immediate-release tablets
D. Enteric coated capsules
4. Populations in which oral liquids may be utilised for increased compliance include
A. paediatrics
B. geriatrics
C. animals
D. all of the above
5. Forced degradation involves exposing the active ingredient to known degraders, such as high heat, high humidity,
UV radiation, acid, base and peroxide. This procedure is used in:
A. an antimicrobial efficacy test
B. a stability-indicating study
C. a preservative efficacy test
D. a microbial examination for non-sterile products
6. Consider the statements below regarding stability-indicating studies and choose the most correct answer:
I. Stability-indicating studies are carried out for at least 6 months, whilst potency studies are carried out for any
selected time period
II. Stability-indicating studies always assay the API under forced degradation, whilst potency studies do not
III. Stability-indicating studies include specific packaging and temperature conditions
IV. Stability-indicating studies always separate the API from it’s degradants, whereas potency studies do not
A. I. is correct
B. Only II and III are correct
C. II, III and IV are correct
D. All are correct
7. The Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary 24 (APF 24) and Professional Practice Standards (PPS) recommend
A. modify commercially available products to use in extemporaneous preparations where possible.
B. exercise caution when modifying commercially available products to use in extemporaneous preparations
C. never use a commercially available product to compound into a liquid preperation
D. modify commercially available products to use in extemporaneous preparations where possible, ensuring
they disclose concentrations of all excipients.