– د2222 جامعت اىقاهزة – مييت اىحاسباث و اىمعيىماث اىفزقت األوىً – اىبزمجت اىهينييت
2222 مايى22 ) ىيتذرب عيً اهم أخطاء اىبزمجت بيغت سً بيس بيس (اختياري) – اىتسييم1( مسائو اضافيت
Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence – CS112 / 2022 – Structured Programming
Extra Problems (1) to Train on C++ Program Errors (Optional) – Deadline 20 May 2022
قم بتشغيو، جميع اىبزامج اىمزفقت تعمو ىنه فيها مشنيت مما فً اىىصف حاوه امتشاف اىمشنيت فً مو مه اىبزامج اىتاىيت
بزوامج اىتاىيت ستجذ أوها تعمو ىنه مو مىها ال يؤدي اىمطيىب مما يىبغً وعييل11 وسخت اىبزوامج اىمزفقت ىنو مه اىـ
.امتشاف اىمشنيت و حيها
مجمىعاث يحيىن اىمسائو ميها وحذهم و يقذمىن اىىتيجت ىيذمتىر12 و تقذيم اىحو ىً و اوه2 قم باىعمو فً مجمىعاث مه
ً يزفع اىحو عيً مىصت بالك بىرد فً صىرة ميف مضغىط يحىي تقزيز ب، بامى معمىه باىعجىة2 ًاىزميً يحصيىن عي
.دي اف يصف خطأ مو بزوامج مع بزوامج صحيح يعمو مقابو ىنو مه هذي اىبزامج بعذ تصحيح اىخطأ
All included programs have an error and although they work, they do not do the supposed task correctly.
Work in groups of 2 to find the errors and upload your solution in a zip file with a pdf report of the errors
and a correct version of each program in Blackboard. Prizes are given for first 10 correct solutions.
1. This program is supposed produce a list of the squares of the numbers from 1 to 10. It does
produce a list of squares, but this is not what the programmer expected.
1 /************************************************
2 * Print out the square of the numbers *
3 * from 1 to 10 *
4 ************************************************/
5 #include <iostream>
7 int main()
8 {
9 int index; /* Index into the table */
11 for (index = 1; index <= 10; ++index);
12 std::cout << index << " squared " <<
13 (index * index) << '\n';
15 return (0);
16 }
2. This program is designed to test to see if two numbers are non-zero. The problem is that the
programmer used a little too much shorthand, and something is going wrong:
1 /************************************************
2 * if_test -- Simple test of the if statement. *
3 ************************************************/
4 #include <iostream>
6 int main()
7 {
8 int i1 = 12; // A number
9 int i2 = 3; // Another number
11 if (i1 & i2)
12 std::cout << "Both numbers are non-zero\n";
13 else
14 std::cout << "At least one number is zero\n";
15 return (0);
16 }
3. The following program is designed to print out a 3-by-3 matrix. But the results aren't the
elements of the matrix; they are something else instead. What's going on?
1 /************************************************
2 * print_element -- Print an element in a *
3 * matrix. *
4 ************************************************/
5 #include <iostream>
7 // A simple matrix
8 int matrix[3][3] = {
9 {11, 12, 13},
10 {21, 22, 23},
11 {31, 32, 33}
12 };
14 int main()
15 {
16 std::cout << "Element[1,2] is " <<
17 matrix[1,2] << std::endl;
18 return (0);
19 }
4. A classic mathematical problem is to add the numbers 1 to 100. But this program seems
come up with the wrong answer (correct answer 5050):
1 /************************************************
2 * A program to sum the numbers from 1 to 100 *
3 * using a brute force algorithm. *
4 ************************************************/
5 #include <iostream>
7 int main()
8 {
9 int sum; // The running sum
10 int count; // The current number
12 for (count = 1; count <= 100; ++count)
13 sum += count;
15 std::cout <<
16 "The sum of the numbers " <<
17 "between 1 and 100 is " <<
18 sum << '\n';
19 return (0);
20 }
5. This is a short program to compute and print the squares of the numbers from 1 to 5. It's
simple enough, so what's wrong in the program even if it prints the correct answer?
1 /************************************************
2 * squares -- Print the squares of the numbers *
3 * from 1 to 5. *
4 ************************************************/
5 #include <iostream>
7 int main()
8 {
9 // An array for the squares
10 int array[5];
12 int i; // Index into the array
14 for (i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
15 array[i] = i*i;
16 }
18 for (i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
19 std::cout << i << " squared is " <<
20 array[i] << '\n';
21 }
22 return (0);
23 }
6. This program computes the area of a triangle. The formula is simple, the program is simple,
and it's clear that everything works. But there is a surprise lurking within this code:
1 /************************************************
2 * triangle -- Compute the area of a triangle *
3 ************************************************/
4 #include <iostream>
5 int main()
6 {
7 int base = 0; /* Base of the triangle */
8 int height = 0; /* Height of the triangle */
10 base = 5; /* Set the base of the triangle
11 height = 2; /* Set the height */
13 // Area of the triangle
14 int area = (base * height) / 2;
16 std::cout << "The area is " <<
17 area << std::endl;
18 return (0);
19 }
7. This is a simple program designed to figure out how many significant digits are used for
floating point. The idea is simple: Pick a nice repeating fraction such 1/3 (0.333333), print it,
and see how many digits you get.
However, the results puzzled this programmer. He knew the computer couldn't be that stupid. So
what happened?
1 /************************************************
2 * divide -- Program to figure out how many *
3 * digits are printed in floating point *
4 * by print 1/3 or 0.333333. *
5 ************************************************/
6 #include <iostream>
8 int main()
9 {
10 float result; // Result of the divide
12 result = 1/3; // Assign result something
14 std::cout << "Result is " << result << '\n';
15 return (0);
16 }
8. The programmer knows that shifting left is the same as multiplying by a power of two. In
other words:
x << 1 is the same as x * 2 (2 = 2 )
x << 2 is the same as x * 4 (4 = 2 )
x << 3 is the same as x * 8 (8 = 2 )
The programmer uses this trick to quickly perform a simple calculation. But something goes
9. If you are a programmer, you've made the mistake contained in this program. If you're
becoming a programmer, you will make this mistake. And it will drive you nuts until you
figure out what it is.
1 /************************************************
2 * Test the logic for a simple accounting *
3 * program. *
4 ************************************************/
5 #include <iostream>
7 int main()
8 {
9 // Amount owed (if any) by the user
10 int amount;
12 std::cout << "Enter current balance: ";
13 std::cin >> amount;
15 if (amount = 0)
16 std::cout << "You owe nothing\n";
17 else
18 std::cout << "You owe " << amount << "\n";
20 return (0);
21 }
10. The program is a simple one designed to check the numbers between 2 and 9 to see if they
are prime. The algorithm that is used is a bit simplistic and does its work using the brute
force method, but it looks like it should work. So what really happens?
1 /************************************************
2 * prime -- A very dump program to check to see *
3 * if the numbers 2-9 are prime. *
4 ************************************************/
5 #include <iostream>
7 int main()
8 {
9 int i; // Number we are checking
11 for (i = 2; i < 10; ++i) {
12 switch(i) {
13 case 2:
14 case 3:
15 case 5:
16 case 7:
17 std::cout << i << " is prime\n";
18 break;
19 defualt:
20 std::cout << i <<
21 " is not prime\n";
22 break;
23 }
24 }
25 return (0);
26 }
11. This program divides two integers. Although it's too simple to fail, it does.
1 /************************************************
2 * Simple divide program. *
3 ************************************************/
4 #include <iostream>
6 int main()
7 {
8 int n1, n2; // Two integers
10 std::cout << "Enter two integers: ";
11 std::cin >> n1 >> n2;
13 if (n2 =! 0)
14 std::cout << "Result is: " <<
15 (n1/n2) << '\n';
16 else
17 std::cout << "Can not divide by zero\n";
19 return (0);
20 }
12. This program is supposed to make sure that the width and height don't get too small. It works
for width, but there's a problem with height.
1 /************************************************
2 * Test the logic to limit the width and height *
3 * of a rectangle. *
4 ************************************************/
5 #include <iostream>
7 int main()
8 {
9 // The smallest legal value
10 // of width and height
11 const int MIN = 10;
13 int width = 5; // Current width
14 int height = 50; // Current height
16 if (width < MIN) {
17 std::cout << "Width is too small\n";
18 width = MIN;
20 if (height < MIN)
21 std::cout << "Height is too small\n";
22 height = MIN;
23 }
25 std::cout << "area(" << width << ", " <<
26 height << ")=" <<
27 (width * height) << '\n';
28 return (0);
29 }
13. The following program should output ABC. What does it really do?
1 /************************************************
2 * Toy program to print three characters. *
3 ************************************************/
4 #include <iostream>
6 int main()
7 {
8 //A character to be printed
9 char ch = 'A';
11 std::cout << ch; // Output A
12 std::cout << ch+1; // Output B
13 std::cout << ch+2; // Output C
14 std::cout << std::endl;
15 return (0);
16 }
14. We all know that 1 + 1 = 2 and 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. Also 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 is 3/3 or 1.
The following computer program demonstrates this. But for some reason it doesn't work. Why?
1 /************************************************
2 * test out basic arithmetic that we learned in *
3 * first grade. *
4 ************************************************/
5 #include <iostream>
7 int main()
8 {
9 float third = 1.0 / 3.0; // The value 1/3
10 float one = 1.0; // The value 1
12 if ((third+third+third) == one)
13 {
14 std::cout <<
15 "Equal 1 = 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3\n";
16 }
17 else
18 {
19 std::cout <<
20 "NOT EQUAL 1 != 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3\n";
21 }
22 return (0);
23 }
15. Are a,b,c in descending order? Does the program agree with you?
1 /************************************************
2 * test to see if three variables are in order. *
3 ************************************************/
4 #include <iostream>
6 int main()
7 {
8 int a,b,c; // Three simple variables
10 a = 7;
11 b = 5;
12 c = 3;
14 // Test to see if they are in order
15 if (a > b > c)
16 std::cout << "a,b,c are in order\n";
17 else
18 std::cout << "a,b,c are mixed up\n";
19 return (o);
20 }