Mod 2
Mod 2
Mod 2
The gate oxide capacitance per unit area, on the other hand, is
changed as follows.
Linear & Saturation-mode Drain Current
The aspect ratio W/L of the MOSFET will remain unchanged under
The transconductance parameter kn’ will also be scaled by a factor of S.
Terminal voltages are scaled down by the factor S
Power Dissipation of The MOSFET
Scaling reduces both the drain current and the drain-to-source voltage by a
factor of S
Hence, the power dissipation of the transistor will be reduced by the factor by
Constant-Voltage Scaling
In constant-voltage scaling, all dimensions of the MOSFET are reduced by a
factor of S, as in full scaling. On the other hand, the power supply voltage and
the terminal voltages remain unchanged.
The channel-end voltage is equal to VDSAT, the saturation current can be found as
Carrier velocity saturation actually reduces the saturation-mode current below the
current value predicted by the conventional long-channel current equations.
The current is no longer a quadratic function of the gate-to-source voltage VGS, and it
is virtually independent of the channel length.
Under these conditions, the device is defined to be in saturation when the carrier
velocity in the channel approaches about 90% of its limit value.
In short-channel MOS transistors, the carrier velocity in the channel is also a
function of the normal (vertical) electric-field component Ex.
Since the vertical field influences the scattering of carriers (collisions
suffered by the carriers) in the surface region, the surface mobility is
reduced with respect to the bulk mobility.
The dependence of the surface electron mobility on the vertical electric field
can be expressed by the following empirical formula
The amount of threshold voltage reduction ΔVT0 due to short-channel effects can be
found as:
The threshold voltage shift term is proportional to (Xj/L). As a result, this term becomes more
prominent for MOS transistors with shorter channel lengths, and it approaches zero for long-
channel MOSFETs where L >> Xj
Consider an n-channel MOS process with the following parameters: substrate
doping density NA = 1016 cm-3 , polysilicon gate doping density
ND (gate) = 2 x 1020 cm-3, gate oxide thickness tox = 50 nm, oxide-interface
fixed charge density Nox = 4 x 1010 cm-2 , and source and drain diffusion
doping density ND = 1017 cm-3 . In addition, the channel region is implanted
with p-type impurities (impurity concentration N = 2 x 1011 cm-2) to adjust the
threshold voltage. The junction depth of the source and drain diffusion
regions is Xj = 1.0 µm. Plot the variation of the zero-bias threshold voltage VT0
as a function of the channel length (assume that VDS = VSB = 0). Also find VT0
for L = 0.7 µm,VDS = 5 V, and VSB = 0.
Calculation of VT0
The work function difference between the gate and the channel reflects the built-in
potential of the MOS system, which consists of the p-type substrate, the thin silicon
dioxide layer, and the gate electrode. Depending on the gate material, the work function
difference is
Now, we can combine all components and calculate the threshold voltage
The threshold voltage without the channel implant was already calculated for the same process parameters in
Example 3.2, and was found to be V. = 0.40 V. The additional p-type channel implant will increase the threshold
voltage by an amount of qN, I Cx. Thus, we find the long-channel zero-bias threshold voltage for the process
described above as
the amount of threshold voltage reduction due to short-channel effects must be calculated using
The following plot shows the variation of the threshold voltage with the channel length.
The threshold voltage decreases by as much as 50% for channel lengths in the submicron
range, while it approaches the value of 0.8 V for larger channel lengths.
Now, consider the variation of the threshold voltage with the applied drain-to-source
Equation shows that the depth of the drain junction depletion region increases with
the voltage VDS. For a drain-to-source voltage of VDS = 5 V, the drain depletion depth
is found as:
The threshold voltage of this short-channel MOS transistor is calculated as
Narrow-Channel Effects
MOS transistors that have channel widths W on the same
order of magnitude as the maximum depletion region
thickness Xdm are defined as narrow-channel devices.
The oxide thickness in the channel region is tox, while the
regions around the channel are covered by a thick field
oxide (FOX).
The most significant narrow-channel effect is that the actual
threshold voltage of such a device is larger than that
predicted by the conventional threshold voltage formula.
where K is an empirical parameter depending on the shape of the fringe depletion region.
Assuming that the depletion region edges are modeled by quarter-circular arcs, for example, the parameter K
can be found as
MOSFET Capacitances
The current-voltage characteristics investigated here can be applied for investigating
the DC response of MOS circuits under various operating conditions.
In order to examine the transient (AC) response of MOSFETs and digital circuits
consisting of MOSFETs, on the other hand, we have to determine the nature and the
amount of parasitic capacitances associated with the MOS transistor.
The on-chip capacitances found in MOS circuits are in general complicated functions
of the layout geometries and the manufacturing processes.
Most of these capacitances are not lumped, but distributed, and their exact
calculations would usually require complex, three-dimensional nonlinear charge-
voltage models.
In the following, we will develop simple approximations for the on-chip MOSFET
capacitances that can be used in most hand calculations.
These capacitance models are sufficiently accurate to represent the crucial
characteristics of MOSFET charge-voltage behavior, and the equations are all based on
fundamental semiconductor device theory.
Top view of the MOSFET
The mask length (drawn length) of the gate is
indicated by LM
The actual channel length is indicated by L.
The extent of both the gate-source and the
gate-drain overlap are LD;
Thus, the channel length is given by
Based on their physical origins, the parasitic device capacitances can be classified into
two major groups:
1. Oxide-related Capacitances.
2. Junction Capacitances.
Oxide-related Capacitances
The two overlap capacitances that arise are
CGD (overlap) and CGS (overlap).
Assuming that both the source and the drain diffusion regions have
the same width W, the overlap capacitances can be found as
This expression can be rewritten in a more general form, to account for the junction grading
The parameter m in is called the grading coefficient. For an abrupt pn-junction profile, i.e., for
m = 1/2, the equations 1 and 2 become identical. The zero-bias junction capacitance per unit
area Cjo is defined as
The terminal voltages of a MOSFET will change during dynamic operation, accurate
estimation of the junction capacitances under transient conditions is quite complicated;
The problem of estimating capacitance values under changing bias conditions can be
simplified, if we calculate a large-signal average (linear) junction capacitance instead, which,
by definition, is independent of the bias potential. This equivalent large-signal capacitance
can be defined as follows:
Here, the reverse bias voltage across the pn-junction is assumed to change from VI to V2.
Hence, the equivalent capacitance Ceq is always calculated for a transition between two
known voltage levels.
Consider a simple abrupt pn-junction, which is reverse-biased with a voltage Vbias. The doping
density of the n-type region is ND 1019 cm-3, and the doping density of the p-type region is
given as NA = 1016 cm-3. The junction area is A = 20 µm x 20 µm. Calculate the Ceq for the
reverse bias voltage changes from V = 0 to V2 = - 5 V.
First, we will calculate the zero-bias junction capacitance per unit area, C , for this structure.
The built-in junction potential is found as