About Delta Queue
About Delta Queue
About Delta Queue
The delta queue is a data store in the source system, in which data records are either written automatically
using an update process (for example, with FI documents) or by extraction using a function module following
a data request from BW (for example, LIS extraction for BWs earlier than BW 2.0).
The data records are transferred from the BW scheduler into BW when a delta request takes place.
The data is compressed in the delta queue. It can be requested by more than one BW system. The delta
queue can also be repeated, meaning that data from the most recent extraction process is stored in the
delta queue. The repeat mode of the delta queue is target system-specific.
If changes have been made to the extract structure of a DataSource between writing the data to the delta
queue and reading the queue data (for example, as a result of an upgrade) you can see from the data stored
in the queue which structure the changes have been written to in the delta queue. In the queue monitor,
fields that were previously empty, are now filled, and previously filled fields are now empty.
The status symbol indicates whether the update in a delta queue is activated for a DataSource. If the status
symbol is green, the delta queue is activated, meaning it is filled with data records when an update process
or a data request from BW is running. A prerequisite for the delta update is the successful completion of the
delta process initialization in the BW scheduler.
1. To check whether and how many data a delta queue contains, select the delta queue and
choose Display data records.
2. You get to a dialog box where you to specify how you want the data records to be displayed.
a) You can choose the data packets containing the data records that you want to see.
b) You can choose to display particular data records in a data packet.
c) You can use a simulation of the extraction parameters to choose how you want the data
records displayed.
3. Choose Execute to display the data records.
For DataSources that support generic delta, you can display the current value of the delta-relevant field in
the delta queue. In the Status column, choose Detail to do this. The value displayed contains the largest
value of the delta-relevant field for the last extraction. It acts as the lower limit for the next extraction.
If you delete the data in a delta queue, you do not have to reinitialize the delta process before you are able
to write the data records of the DataSource to the delta queue.
Please note that data that has not yet been read from the delta queue is also deleted. This invalidates an
existing delta update. Use this function only if you are aware of the consequences this will have.
Deleting queues
You delete the entire queue by choosing Queue -> Delete Queue. To write data records from the
corresponding DataSource into a delta queue, you need to reinitialize the delta process.