Class 4
Class 4
Class 4
A career in
• talk about future intentions
• talk about accountancy jobs
^ L C C O L in tc in C V * about the qualities need ed to be
an accountant
an aeeAiintanl
Read the text in 2 again. Which of these statements about accountancy are
mentioned? Tick ( / ) or cross (X).
1 □ Qualified accountants can work abroad.
2 □ Accountancy is a very old profession and the earliest financial records
date back 7,000 years.
3 □ There are always job vacancies for accountants.
4 □ All businesses need accountants to understand and manage their
5 □ A job in accountancy gives you lots of choices about what to do and
where to go in your career.
6 □ You need a proper qualification to get all the advantages of a career in
7 □ Accountants usually earn a lot of money.
8 □ There are many different accountancy qualifications that people can get.
4 Choose the best explanation a-c for each statement 1-3.
a) There are jobs for accountants in all the countries of the world.
b) Lots of accountants leave Australia to go and work in Azerbaijan.
c) There are plenty of accountants in Australia and Azerbaijan.
The choice you make now will affect your career options in the
a) You need to decide now exactly what job you want to have in the future.
b) You will have more choice of jobs in the future if you choose the right
qualification now.
c) It is not possible to become an accountant if you have a different
job now.
Vocabulary Find the words in the box in the text in 2. Underline the words in the text and
then use them to complete these sentences.
1 Derek is only 20, but he’s v e r y ______ . In five years’ time he wants to be
the boss of his own company.
2 The more qualifications you have, the more you will have because
you will be able to choose from a variety of different jobs and professions.
This company offers excellent___________ We will promote you quickly and
your salary will increase rapidly.
4 Sometimes the m ost_____ jobs are not those with the highest salaries.
Low-paid jobs that help other people are often very satisfying.
5 It is important to have___________ Decide where you want to be in five years’
time and how much you want to earn, then work hard to achieve these
6 Janice works hard and does her work quickly and well. As a result she’s
always_________ and it’s hard for her to find time for a holiday!
7 Emilia is v e r y ___________ You can give her a task and ten minutes later
it’s done.
8 There are lots of qualifications you can take. The m ost ones are
those offered by well-known professional organisations.
A career in accountancy 45
What do accountants do?
Speaking 1 Which of these things do you think accountants do?
a) Provide a record of a company’s assets, debts and investments.
b) Produce reports showing the financial position, cash flow and profitability of
an organisation.
c) Help the management of a company run their business efficiently.
d) Help investors decide if shares in a company will be a good investment.
Listening 2 EM-'KUW ancj Callum meet at the gym. Listen to the dialogue. Are these
sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Callum is going to be an accountant. (T / F )
2 Bob thinks accountancy is boring. (T / F )
3 Callum is going to get his accountancy qualification in October. (T / F )
4 Callum is going to work abroad. (T / F )
5 Callum is going to get married. (T / F )
6 Bob isn’t working at the moment. (T / F )
Listening 4 Complete these sentences with the words in the box. Check your answers in the
audio script on pages 75-76.
Accountancy course 1
A c c o u n ta n ts p ro d u c e fin an cial s ta te m e n ts . A fin an cial s ta te m e n t is
a w r itte n re p o rt w ith in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e fin a n c ia l a c tiv itie s o f a
co m p an y . I t in c lu d e s a balance sheet a n d a p ro fit and loss statement.
• A b a lan ce sh e e t lists th e c o m p a n y ’s assets (th e th in g s it o w n s), its
lia b ilitie s (th e th in g s it ow es) a n d its c a p ita l (m o n ey in v e ste d in th e
c o m p a n y ).
• A p ro fit a n d loss s ta te m e n t show s th e c o m p a n y ’s in c o m e , expenses
a n d p ro fits o r losses. |
A c c o u n ta n ts p ro d u c e fin a n cia l s ta te m e n ts q u a rte rly (every th re e
m o n th s ) o r a n n u a lly (every year) to sh o w th e fin a n c ia l p o s itio n o f a
c o m p a n y a n d its p e rfo rm a n c e over a p e rio d o f tim e . T h is p e rio d o f
tim e is c a lled th e re p o rtin g p e rio d .
T h e re are m a n y d iffe re n t p eo p le w h o need th is in fo rm a tio n . T h ey
c o u ld be sh areh o ld ers, th e d ire cto rs o f th e com pany, g o v e rn m e n t
d e p a rtm e n ts , em p lo y ees, su p p lie rs o r c u sto m ers. In v estors can also
lo o k a t th is in fo rm a tio n a n d decid e w h e th e r o r n o t to b u y shares in
th e com pany. m
Vocabulary 6 Find a word or phrase from the information sheet in 5 with a similar meaning to 1-6.
1 things a company owns, such as machines and buildings
2 things a company owes, such as debts and taxes
3 a record of a company’s assets, liabilities and capital
4 money left from a company’s income once expenses have been paid
5 people who sell goods and services to a company
6 money a company receives from the sale of goods or services
7 Match the opposites 1-7 and a-g. Then use some of these words to complete the
1 profit a) customers
2 owns b) spoken
3 income c) management
4 written d) liabilities
5 suppliers e) expenses
6 assets 0 loss
7 employees g) owes
A career in accountancy 6 47