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SS symmetry

Nonlinear Adaptive Fuzzy Control Design for Wheeled Mobile
Robots with Using the Skew Symmetrical Property
Yung-Hsiang Chen 1 and Yung-Yue Chen 2, *

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology,

Pingtung 912301, Taiwan
2 Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronics Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan 701401, Taiwan
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +886-6-275-7575 (ext. 63541)

Abstract: This research presents a nonlinear adaptive fuzzy control method as an analytical design
and a simple control structure for the trajectory tracking problem in wheeled mobile robots with skew
symmetrical property. For this trajectory tracking problem in wheeled mobile robots, it is not easy to
find an analytical adaptive fuzzy control solution due to the complicated error dynamics between
the controlled wheeled mobile robots and desired trajectories. For deriving the analytical adaptive
fuzzy control law of this trajectory tracking problem, a filter link is firstly adopted to find the solvable
error dynamics, then the research is based on the skew symmetrical property of the transformed
error dynamics. This proposed nonlinear adaptive fuzzy control solution has the advantages of low
computational resource consumption and elimination of modeling uncertainties. From the results
for tracking two simulation scenarios (an S type trajectory and a square trajectory), the proposed
nonlinear adaptive fuzzy control method demonstrates a satisfactory trajectory tracking performance
for the trajectory tracking problem in wheeled mobile robots with huge modeling uncertainties and
outperforms the existing H2 control method.

Keywords: nonlinear adaptive fuzzy control; wheeled mobile robots; skew symmetrical property;
energy consumption
Citation: Chen, Y.-H.; Chen, Y.-Y.
Nonlinear Adaptive Fuzzy Control
Design for Wheeled Mobile Robots
with Using the Skew Symmetrical
Property. Symmetry 2023, 15, 221. 1. Introduction
https://doi.org/10.3390/ The broad applications of wheeled mobile robots (WMRs) with a skew symmetrical
sym15010221 property have been attracting much attention because WMRs have been becoming more
Academic Editors: Chun-Yen Chang,
and more important for assisting daily human life and industry operations in recent years.
Teen-Hang Meen, Charles Tijus and These WMRs need to have a precise motion ability and effective control methods to achieve
Po-Lei Lee assigned missions [1–5]. Much of the literature on WMRs for trajectory tracking control
have been focused on fuzzy control [6–9], neural networks control [10–12], sliding mode
Received: 22 December 2022 control [13–16], backstepping control [17–19], and feedback linearization control [20–22].
Revised: 8 January 2023
However, in real applications, successfully implementing the above proposed control meth-
Accepted: 10 January 2023
ods requires huge design efforts due to controller complexities. Thus, an effective optimal
Published: 12 January 2023
control with a simple and easy-to-implement control structure is important for controlled
WMR, and there are several related research works on this [23–26]. For the above issue,
a simple optimal control structure should be developed, and this issue can be fixed with
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
a closed-form solution or analytical solution for this optimal trajectory tracking problem.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. However, it is a difficult task for the trajectory tracking problem of the WMR to obtain a
This article is an open access article closed-form solution or analytical solution due to complex error dynamics. Fortunately,
distributed under the terms and using a suitable mathematical arrangement, the closed-form solution or an analytical so-
conditions of the Creative Commons lution can be derived. In practice, the WMR must work under modelling uncertainties
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// due to variations of payload and energy loss. Therefore, an innovative nonlinear adaptive
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ fuzzy optimal control method that is a closed-form design will compensate for the issue
4.0/). of system parameter variations for the optimal trajectory tracking problem of the WMR

Symmetry 2023, 15, 221. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15010221 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/symmetry

Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 2 of 18

in this investigation. Adaptive fuzzy control designs with parameters of on-line learning
ability have been widely used in many applications. For example, a neural network based
adaptive control design was proposed for dealing with nonlinear nonaffine systems with
modeling uncertainties [27]; a trajectory-tracking and path-following design was developed
for underactuated autonomous vehicles with parametric modeling uncertainty [28]; an
iterative learning control (ILC) of constrained multi-input multi-output (MINO) nonlinear
systems under the state alignment condition with varying trail lengths was developed to
meet the alignment condition by adjusting the reference trajectory [29]; and a data-driven
control of networked nonlinear systems with event-triggered output was proposed by
integrating the estimated disturbances, the true and the estimated tracking error and the
resultant tracking error systems, which were uniformly ultimately bounded [30]. These
published results indicate the powerful modeling elimination capability of adaptive control
laws with on-line parameter learning ability. For these reasons, for tackling varying system
parameters of the WMR, a parameterized formulation is used on-line to precisely estimate
time-varying system parameters, including mass, inertia, etc., in this investigation. This
proposed adaptive fuzzy control law facilities engineers and researchers to realize control
design of the WMR practically, because it is a closed-form solution and has the simplest
control structure. Due to these promising characteristics, this centralized control law will
possess a low calculation consumption and thus save energy. Furthermore, this proposed
method can mitigate the effect of varying modelling uncertainties based on the on-learning
ability of the derived adaptive fuzzy control law for system parameters. This research is
arranged as follows. Section 1 presents the introduction and literature review. In Section 2,
the wheeled mobile robot dynamics are described. Section 3 presents the adaptive fuzzy
with H2 control design. Section 4 illustrates the simulation results obtained for tracking the
S type and square trajectory by adopting the proposed adaptive fuzzy control method and
the H2 control method. Finally, the conclusions are given in Section 5.

2. Wheeled Mobile Robot Dynamics

In this section, the WMR dynamics are described and the error dynamics of trajectory
tracking with the desired trajectory are also formulated.

2.1. Wheeled Mobile Robot Dynamics

A wheeled mobile robot which consists of two driving wheels and one omnidirectional
wheel is shown in Figure 1. Two driving wheels of the WMR are separated by 2E and
both two driving wheels have the same radius of r. The instantaneous position of this
controllable WMR in the global coordinate frame {O, X, Y} is denoted as a. R = (x R ,y R )
presents the position of the controllable WMR in the global coordinate frame, and the angle
θ denotes the direction of the local frame {R, XR , YR }. Based on the above descriptions, the
global coordinate frame of the WMR will be expressed by Equation (1).
a = [xR yR θ] (1)

The dynamic system of the WMR is illustrated in Figure 1 and this WMR usually
moves heading toward the direction of the axis of the driving wheels. Then, the kinematics
of the WMR with constraints can be presented as Equation (2).
.  

cos θ −d sin θ  
. . v
a =  y.R  =  sin θ d cos θ  l (2)
 
θ 0 1

where vl and ω denote the linear and angular velocities, respectively.

According to the WMR kinematics model in Equation (2), it can be transferred to the
dynamics of the controlled WMR by applying the Euler–Lagrange method. Then, Equation
(2) can be rewritten as Equation (3):
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 3 of 18

.. . .
P( a) a + Q( a, a) a + O( a) = W ( a)τ (3)
where P( a) ∈ R3×3 is the inertia matrix, Q( a, a) ∈ R3×3 is the centripetal and coriolis
matrix, O( a) ∈ R3×3 is the gravitational vector, W ( a) ∈ R3×2 is the input transformation
Symmetry 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW . .. 3 of 21
matrix, and τ ∈ R2×1 is the torque of input control vector. The a and a are velocity and
acceleration vectors of the WMR, respectively.

Figure Wheeled mobile
mobile robot
robot dynamic

In Equationto(3),
WMR kinematics
are modelwhich
two properties in Equation (2), it canasbeP1
are described transferred to the
and P2 [31,32].
P1. Theof inertia
the controlled
matrix PWMR
( a) is by applyingpositive
symmetric the Euler–Lagrange
definite. method. Then, Equa-
. .
tion P2.
(2) can be rewritten
Skew symmetry asproperty:
Equation (3):
The matrix P( a) − 2Q( a, a) is skew symmetric and
. .
x T ( P( a) − 2Q( a, a)) x = 0Pfor ) a x+∈QR(na. , a ) a + O ( a ) = W ( a )τ
( a all (3)
The O( a) can be ignored because this WMR moves on the horizontal plane. Then,
where P(3)
Equation (a) ∈ 3×be
is the inertia
rewritten as matrix,
Equation a,a) ∈3×3 is the centripetal and coriolis matrix,
O(a) ∈3×3 is the gravitational vector,.. W (a) ∈ . 3×.2 is the input transformation matrix, and
P( a) a + Q( a, a) a = W ( a)τ (4)
τ ∈  2×1 is the torque of input control vector. The a and a are velocity and accelera-
tion The
vectors of the descriptions
WMR, respectively. .
detailed of P( a) ∈ R3×3 , Q( a, a) ∈ R3×3 and W ( a) ∈ R3×2 are
givenIn Equation (3), there are two properties which are described as P1 and P2 [31,32].
P1. The inertia matrix P(a) is symmetric
m positive
0 definite.
ml sin θ

P2. Skew symmetry ) =  0The matrixm P (a) - −
P( aproperty: 2Qml a) θis skew symmetric and(5)
x (P (a) - 2Q(a, a))x = 0 for all x ∈ml
T n
 sin . θ −ml cos θ IP
The O ( a ) can be ignored because this WMR moves on the horizontal plane. Then,
 
0 0 ml θ cos θ
Equation (3) can be rewritten as . .
( a, a) = (4). (6)
 
0 0 ml θ sin θ 
P ( a ) a + Q (0a , 0a ) a = 0W ( a )τ (4)

The detailed descriptions of P(a) ∈  3×3cos θ

 
1  , Q(a,a) ∈  and W (a) ∈  are given be-
sin θ3×3 3×2

low: W ( a) = sin θ sin θ (7)

E −E
 m  0 ml sin θ 
P(a) =  0 τ = m −ml cos θ 
τl (5)(8)
 ml sin θ −ml cos θ IP 
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 4 of 18

where m is the WMR mass, θ is the angle of heading attitude, l is the distance between
position R and a, IP is the inertia, τr and τl are the torques of right and left wheel, respec-
tively. The system parameters (m, l, IP ) of WMR are modeling uncertainty due to varying
payloads in this research.

2.2. The Mathematical Model of Trajectory Tracking Error Dynamics

Suppose the desired trajectory ar is a twice continuously differentiable function ar ∈ C2 .
. ..
The ar and ar are the velocity and acceleration vector of ar , respectively, in this investigation.
Based on the above definitions, the trajectory tracking error between the WMR a and the
desired trajectory ar can be described in the following equation:
".# . . 
â a − ar
e= = (9)
â a − ar

where T
ar = [ x d yd θd ] (10)
The following dynamics of the trajectory tracking error can be obtained by Equations
(4) and (9).
.  .. . . 
− P−1 ( a) Q( a, a) 03×3 − ar − P−1 ( a) Q( a, a) ar
. P ( a )W ( a ) τ
e= e+ + (11)
I3×3 03 × 3 03 × 3 03 × 3

In order to analyze this trajectory tracking problem of a WMR with Equation (11), a
PD type filter link f (t) and a state space transformation matrix T are defined as Equations
(12) and (13) to simplify this dynamic of the trajectory tracking error.
f (t) = ϑ â + v â (12)

where ϑ and v are positive constants which are adjustable variables.

ϑI3×3 vI3×3
T= (13)
I3×3 03 × 3

Differentiating the PD type filter link f (t) and Equation (12) can be described with
following equation:
. .
f (t) = − P−1 ( a) Q( a, a) f (t) + ϑP−1 ( a)[− F (e, t) + W ( a)τ ] (14)

where ϑ.
.. . . ϑ
F (e, t) = P( a)( ar −
â) + Q( a, a, )( ar − â) (15)
v v
From Equations (12) to (14), a more solvable error dynamics can be presented as
". #
. −1 f. ( t )
= M(e, t)e(t) + B(e, t) − F (e, t) + τ 0
e=T (16)

in which .
− P−1 ( a) Q( a, a)
M (e, t) = T −1 1 T (17)
v I3×3 − vϑ I3×3
B(e, t) = T −1 DP−1 ( a) (18)
D = 3×3 (19)
τ 0 = W ( a)τ (20)
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 5 of 18

The nonlinear function F (e, t) contains perturbed factors due to the variations of the
WMR system parameters. For precisely estimating F (e, t), a fuzzy approximation which
includes a set of adjustable parameters Θ f is integrated as an important control part of τ 0
as follows:
τ 0 = τe + τ f (e, Θ f ) (21)
where τ f (e, Θ f ) is a fuzzy approximator and Θ f is the adaptive parameter vector. This
τ f (e, Θ f ) is used for approximating the perturbed term F (e, t). The control term τe is used
to eliminate the influence of the environmental disturbances.
Substituting Equation (21) into Equation (16), we can obtain Equation (22).
h i
e = M (e, t)e(t) + B(e, t)τe + B(e, t) − F (e, t) + τ f (e, Θ f ) (22)

The proposed fuzzy approximation τ f (e, Θ f ) with adjustable parameters can be de-
scribed in Equation (23):
τ f (e, Θ f ) = ξ (e)Θ f (23)
where T
Θ f = Θ1 Θ2 Θ3

 T 
ξ 1 (e) 01× M 01× M
ξ (e) = 01× M ξ 2T (e) 01× M  (25)
01× M 01× M ξ 3T (e)
Θi = Θi1 · · · ΘiM

i = 1, 2, 3 (26)
ξ i e) = ξ i1 (e) · · · ξ iM (e) i = 1, 2, 3 (27)

and ξ il (e) can be described as

∏ µ Fil (e j )
j =1 j
ξ il (e) = i = 1, 2, 3 and l = . . . M (28)
M 6
∑ ∏ µ Fik (e j )
k =1 j =1 j

Furthermore, the optimal parameter vector Θ f (t) must be defined before deriving the
adaptive law. The optimal parameter vector is defined as

Θ∗f (t) = arg min max ξ (e)Θ f (t) F (e, t) (29)

Θ f ∈ΩΘ e∈Ωe

where k.k denotes the Euclidean norm, ΩΘ and Ωe are the set of Θ f (t) and e(t), respectively.
Based on this optimal parameter vector Θ∗f (t), the perturbed term F (e, t) can be formulated
as follows:
F (e, t) = ξ (e)Θ∗f + ε(t) (30)

where ε(t) is the approximation error.

Substituting Equations (23) and (30) into Equation (22), we can obtain Equation (31).
e = M (e, t)e(t) + B(e, t)τe + B(e, t)ξ (e)Θ
e f (t) + B(e, t)d(t) (31)

e f (t) = Θ f (t) − Θ∗ (t)
Θ (32)

d(t) = −ε(t) (33)

Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 6 of 18

3. Adaptive Fuzzy with H2 Control Design

3.1. Adaptive Fuzzy with H2 Trajectory Tracking Problem for WMR
The design objective of this trajectory tracking problem is to develop an adaptive fuzzy
with H2 control law to satisfy the H2 optimal performance index. Inspecting Equation (31),
the adaptive fuzzy with H2 control design of trajectory tracking of a WMR can be solved if
this problem has a closed-form solution τe (t) and an adaptive law Θ e f (t) that satisfies the
following performance index [33].
 Z t 
T f
min e (t f ) L f e(t f ) + Θ f (t f ) Z Θ f (t f ) +
e e [e (t) Le(t) + τe (t) Xτe (t)]dt (34)
τe (t)∈[0,t f ) 0

where L f , L, Z and X are the weighting matrix which are positive definite matrices for all
t f ∈ [0, ∞).
If one unique solution, C (e, t) satisfies the nonlinear time-varying differential Equation
(35). According to the mathematical analysis, the trajectory tracking problem of a WMR
will be guaranteed to find a closed-form solution.
C (e, t) + C (e, t) M (e, t) + M T (e, t)C (e, t) + L − C (e, t) B(e, t) X −1 B T (e, t)C (e, t) = 0 (35)

and the control law τ 0 (e, t) can be described as

1 ∗
τ 0 (e, t) = ξ (e)Θ∗f (t) + τ (e, t) (36)
εv e
τe∗ (e, t) = − X −1 B T (e, t)C (e, t)e(t) (37)
. ∗
Θ f (t) = −vZ −1 ξ T (e) B T (e, t)C (e, t)e(t) (38)

C (e, t) = C T (e, t) ≥ 0 (39)

3.2. Analytical Solution C (e, t) of Adaptive Fuzzy with H2 Trajectory Tracking Problem
The trajectory tracking problem is a closed-form solution if the analytical solution
C (e, t) is to be solved mathematically. It is tough to solve Equation (35) and find an
analytical solution for C (e, t) because the differential Equation (35) is a very complex time-
varying equation. Fortunately, we can obtain the solution of C (e, t) by treating C (e, t) as
the following mathematical form:
M (e, t) 03×3
C (e, t) = R T R (40)
03 × 3 O

where R and O are a positive matrix.

Applying Equation (16) and C (e(t), t) into Equation (40) yields:
C (e, t) + C (e, t) M(e, t) + M T (ei , t)C (e, t) = Λ (41)

0 O
Λ = 3×3 (42)
O 03 × 3
Equation (43) can be obtained by using Equations (18) and (40):

C (e, t) B(e, t) = DT T (43)

According to Equations (41) and (43), the time-varying Equation (35) can be described
as the following Equation (44):
Λ + L − T T DX −1 D T T = 0 (44)
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 7 of 18

X = δ2 I3×3 (45)
where δ > 0.
The symmetric matrix L in Equation (44) is a diagonal matrix and can be further
factorized as the following form:

l11 T l11
L= T (46)
l21 l22 T l22

Applying T and D defined in Equations (13) and (19), Equation (44) can be described
as Equation (47):
" #
l11 T l11 − δ12 T11 T T11 O + l12 − δ12 T11 T T12
=0 (47)
O + l12 T − δ12 T12 T T11 l22 T l22 − δ12 T12 T T12

According to Equation (13), above submatrices T11 and T12 can be rewritten as

T11 = δl11 (48)

T12 = δl22 (49)

δl11 δl22
T= (50)
0 I
In Equation (47), the matrix l11 and l22 must be a diagonal form based on T11 = ϑI3×3 and
T22 = vI3×3 in Equation (13). The l11 and l22 will be defined in Equation (51):

l11 = l22 = I3×3 (51)

ϑ=v=δ (52)
From the results of Equation (47), the nonlinear adaptive fuzzy control law τ 0 (e, t) can
be presented as Equations (53) and (55), respectively:

τe∗ (e, t) = − Π T e(t) (53)
where T
Π = l11

l22 (54)

In addition, the nonlinear adaptive fuzzy law Θ

e f (t) can be expressed in the following:

e f (t) = Z −1 ξ (t)Πe(t)
Θ (55)

By integrating τe∗ (e, t) and Θ

e f (t) derived in Equations (53) and (55), the overall non-
linear adaptive optimal control law τe∗ (e, t) and the adaptive law Θ∗f (t) are described as
τe∗ (e, t) = −δTT Π TT e(t) (56)
Θ∗f (t) = − Z −1 ξ T (t)Π TT e(t) (57)
Then, the trajectory tracking problem of adaptive fuzzy control can be solved by the
following adaptive fuzzy control law.
1 ∗
τ 0 (e, t) = ξ (t)Θ∗f (t) + τ (e, t) (58)
v e
f T

Then, the trajectory tracking problem of adaptive fuzzy control can be solved by the
following adaptive fuzzy control law.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 τ ′(e, t) = ξ (t)Θ*f (t) + τe* (e, t) (58) 8 of 18

3.3. Closed-Loop3.3.
Control Diagram
Closed-Loop of ThisDiagram
Control ProposedofMethod
This Proposed Method
Assuming all system states
Assuming allof the controlled
system states of WMR can be fully
the controlled WMR measured, the measured,
can be fully control the control
block diagramblock
of thediagram
trajectory tracking design of a WMR is illustrated in Figure
of the trajectory tracking design of a WMR is illustrated 2. There
in Figure 2. There
are five function
areelements, including
five function a desired
elements, trajectory
including generator,
a desired the proposed
trajectory generator,adaptive
the proposed adaptive
control law, optimal
control law, optimal control term, system parameter adapterdynamics
control term, system parameter adapter law and of the of the WMR.
law and dynamics

Figure 2. The closed-loop control

Figure 2. The diagramcontrol
closed-loop of a WMR via the
diagram of proposed
a WMR viamethod.
the proposed method.

4. Verification4.Results
Verification Results
There are twoThere
testingare two testing
scenarios, i.e., scenarios,
an S type i.e.,
and an S type
square and square
trajectory, trajectory,
to verify the to verify the
tracking performance in this section. The desired S type trajectory
tracking performance in this section. The desired S type trajectory has a radius of 5 m. For has a radius of 5 m. For
the desired square trajectory, there are four straight lines
the desired square trajectory, there are four straight lines and four corners. The mathe- and four corners. The mathe-
matical equations equations
of the desired Softype
the desired
and squareS type and square
trajectory trajectory in
are presented areSection
4.1. in Section 4.1.
This proposedThis proposed
method method
will also will also with
be compared be compared
H2 control with H2 control
approach [24],approach
which was [24], which was
developed baseddeveloped basedWMR
on the same on themodel
same WMR as thismodel as this investigation.
investigation. In addition, In addition,
Matlab ver-Matlab version
of 2022a
sion of 2022a will will to
be used beverify
used to verify
the the trajectory
trajectory trackingtracking performance
performance of this of this proposed method
and the compared
method and the compared method. method.

4.1. Verification Environment Configuration

4.1. Verification Environment Configuration
The related WMR parameters of this simulation are given in Table 1. The time-varying
The related WMR parameters of this simulation are given in Table 1. The time-vary-
mass m = m + ∆m includes a fixed value m = 10(kg) and a disturbed value ∆m. This
ing mass m =m +Δm includes a fixed value m=10( kg) and a disturbed value Δm . This
∆m involves the 20% variation of m to simulate the real situation of WMR under cargo of
Δm involves the weights. of m to simulate the real situation of WMR under cargo
20% variation
of different weights.
Table 1. Wheeled mobile robot parameters.
Table 1. Wheeled mobile robot parameters.
Description Parameter Value
Description Parameter Value
WMR wheel radius r 6.5 (cm)
WMR wheel radiusWMR width r 2E 6.5 (cm) 35.6 (cm)
WMR widthDistance from a to C 2E l 35.6 (cm) 14 (cm)
Distance from a to WMR
C mass l m 14 (cm) 10 (kg)
WMR inertia IP 10 (kg-m2 )

In the desired S type trajectory scenario, the original states are x0 = 0(meter),

y0 = 0(meter), and ωd = 3 /s. This desired trajectory (DT) is generated by Equation (59)
and is shown in Figure 3. 
x = x0 + rd cos(2θd )
y = y0 + 2rd sin(θd )
where rd is the radius of the desired S type trajectory, and θd = 0 ωd dt is the desired
rotation angle with the desired constant angular velocity ωd .
 x = x0 + rd cos(2θd )
 (59)
 y = y0 + 2rd sin(θd )
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 where rd is the radius of the desired S type trajectory, and θ d =  ωd dt is the desired
9 of 18
rotation angle with the desired constant angular velocity ω d .

Figure Thedesired
fromxx00== 00 m,
m, yy00 == 00 m.

another desired
desiredsquare trajectory
square scenario,
trajectory this desired
scenario , thistrajectory
desired (DT) is constructed
trajectory (DT) is with
four straight lines and four corners, which are d1, d2, . . . , d8 from
structed with four straight lines and four corners, which are d1, d2, …, d8 from Equation (60) to (67). The
initial condition
(60) to (67). of this desired square trajectory is configured
The initial condition of this desired square trajectory to x 0 = − 7 ( m ) , y 0 =
is configured − 8 ( ),
Symmetry 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW ◦ 11 of 21
and = 3 /s. These sub-trajectories are described in the following statements
x0 = −r 7(m) , y0 = −8(m) , and ω r = 3 ° / s . These sub-trajectories are described in the fol-
ω and are
shown in Figure 4.
lowing statements and are shown in Figure 4.

Figure Thedesired
fromxx00== −
−77 m,
m, yy00==−8−m.
8 m.

The first line d1 starts from ( x0 , y0 ) and moves forward to the right-hand side with
a moving velocity vr and can be described by the following equation.

 xr1 = x0 + vr t1

d1 :  yr1 = y0 (60)
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 10 of 18

The first line d1 starts from ( x0 , y0 ) and moves forward to the right-hand side with a
moving velocity vr and can be described by the following equation.

 xr1 = x0 + vr t1
d1 : y = y0 (60)
 r1
θr1 = 0

The first corner d2 starts from ( xr1 , yr1 ) with a radius rr and rotation angle θr2 which
is presented in Equation (61).

 xr2 = xr1 + rr cos(θr2 + 270◦ )

d2 : yr2 = yr1 + rr sin(θr2 + 270 ) (61)
 θ = R t2 ωr dt

r2 t

From Equation (62), the second line d3 starts from ( xr2 , yr2 ) with a moving velocity vr

and a θr3 = 90 . 
 xr3 = xr2
d3 : y = yr2 + vr t3 (62)
 r3 ◦
θr3 = 90
As in corner d2, the second corner d4 can be generated with the following equation.
The initial position of d4 is ( xr3 , yr3 ) and θr4 is the rotation angle of d4.

 xr4 = xr3 + rr cos(θr4 )

d4 : yr4 = yr3 + rr sin(θr4 ) (63)
 θr4 = t4 ωr dt + 90◦
 R
3 t

The third line d5 starts from ( xr4 , yr4 ) with a velocity vr and a θr5 = 90 is expressed as

 xr5 = x4 − vr t5
d5 : y = yr4 (64)
 r5 ◦
θr5 = 180

In Equation (65), the third corner d6 of this desired square trajectory starts from
( xr5 , yr5 ) with a radius rr and rotation angle θr6 .

 xr6 = xr5 + rr cos(θr6 + 90◦ )

d6 : yr6 = yr5 + rr sin(θr6 + 90 ) (65)
 θ = R t6 ωr dt + 180◦

r6 t5

The fourth line d7 of this desired square trajectory starts from ( xr6 , yr6 ) with a velocity

vr and a constant θr5 = 270 is described as following equation.

 xr7 = xr6
d7 : y = yr6 − vr t7 (66)
 r7 ◦
θr7 = 270

Finally, the fourth corner d8 of this desired square trajectory starts from ( xr7 , yr7 ) with
a radius rr and rotation angle θr8 can be presented as

 xr8 = xr7 + rr cos(θr8 + 180◦ )

d8 : yr8 = yr7 + rr sin(θr8 + 180 ) (67)
 θ = R t8 ωr dt + 270◦

r8 t7

Initial conditions of the controlled WMR with respect to these two control laws and
two tracking trajectories are given in Table 2.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 11 of 18

Table 2. Initial positions and attitude of the WMR.

Tracking Trajectory Initial Position (xr , yr ) Attitude θ

S Type Trajectory (0,3.8) π/4
Square Trajectory (−9,9) 3π/4

4.2. The Fuzzy Logic System Definition

In this research, the membership functions are set as Gaussian function. The advantage
of Gaussian function is that it can cover the entire universal and differentiable variables.
These membership functions are selected in the following equations.
h 2 i
µ Fi1 = exp − e j − 3a j (68)

h 2 i
µ Fi2 = exp − e j − 2a j (69)
h 2 i
µ Fi3 = exp − e j − a j (70)
µ Fi4 = exp −e2j (71)
h 2 i
µ Fi5 = exp − e j + a j (72)
h 2 i
µ Fi6 = exp − e j + 2a j (73)
h 2 i
µ Fi7 = exp − e j + 3a j (74)

for i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 where a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 are the center for each
membership functions which will be defined for adjusting parameters. However, each
output of the fuzzy logic system is given 7 fuzzy rules corresponding to 6 state variables.
All fuzzy rules are defined in the following statements.
R(i1) : IF e1 is F1i1 , e2 is F2i1 · · · and e6 is F6i1 then τ f i is Gi1
R(i2) : IF e1 is F1i2 , e2 is F2i2 · · · and e6 is F6i2 then τ f i is Gi2
R(i3) : IF e1 is F1i3 , e2 is F2i3 · · · and e6 is F6i3 then τ f i is Gi3
R(i4) : IF e1 is F1i4 , e2 is F2i4 · · · and e6 is F6i4 then τ f i is Gi4
R(i5) : IF e1 is F1i5 , e2 is F2i5 · · · and e6 is F6i5 then τ f i is Gi5
R(i6) : IF e1 is F1i6 , e2 is F2i6 · · · and e6 is F6i6 then τ f i is Gi6
R(i7) : IF e1 is F1i7 , e2 is F2i7 · · · and e6 is F6i7 then τ f i is Gi7
for i = 1, 2, 3.
7 6
A = ∑k=1 ∏ j=1 µ Fik (e j ) (75)

and given fuzzy architecture matrix ξ (e) adaptive vector Θ f as

ξ 1T (e)
 
01×7 01 × 7
ξ ( e ) =  01 × 7 ξ 2T (e) 01 × 7  (76)
01 × 7 01×7 ξ 3T (e)
Θ f = Θ1 Θ2 Θ3

where T
Θi = Θi1 Θi2 Θi3 Θi4 Θi5 Θi6 Θi7

∏ j=1 µ Fi1 (e j ) ∏6j=1 µ Fi2 (e j ) ∏6j=1 µ Fi7 (e j )
ξ i (e) = j j j (79)
A A ··· A
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 12 of 18

Symmetry 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 21

for i = 1, 2, 3. In the following simulation, we will apply the same fuzzy rules and Gaussian
function for the fuzzy logic system.
Θ i = [Θ i1 Θ i 2 Θ i 3 Θ i 4 Θ i 5 Θ i 6 Θ i 7 ]

4.3. Simulation Results

∏ j =1 F j ∏ j =1 F j
μ (e ) μ
(e ) μ (e ) 
∏ j =1 F j 
ξi (e) =  above, a published H
i1 i2 i7
As depicted j j
2 control method
adopted in this investigation
 A A A 
for comparison [24]. The system parameters of the  WMR are provided in Table 1 and
for i = 1, 2,positions andsimulation,
3. In the following attitudeweof the
will WMR
apply the sameare listed
fuzzy rules andinGaussian
Table 2. For explicitly presenting
the simulation
function for the fuzzy results
logic system. of the S type and square trajectory, trajectory tracking results of
this proposed
4.3. Simulation Resultsadaptive fuzzy control method (AF) and the H2 control method (H2 ) with
respect to theabove,
As depicted trajectory
a published ofHthe desired
2 control method S type and
is adopted in thissquare
investigationwillforbe revealed separately in the
comparison [24]. The system parameters of the WMR are provided in Table 1 and initial
following discussion.
positions and attitude of the WMR are listed in Table 2. For explicitly presenting the sim-
ulationTheresults S oftype
the S trajectory
type and square tracking resultstracking
trajectory, trajectory of theresults
WMR controlled
of this pro- by using the adaptive
posed adaptive
fuzzy control fuzzy control method
method (AF)(AF) and andH H2 control method
the control method (H2) with
(H respect
) with toinitial conditions are shown
2 2
the trajectory of the desired S type and square will be revealed separately in the following
in Figures 5 and 6. From Figures 5 and 6, the trajectory tracking performance can be
found The forS typethis WMR
trajectory in the
tracking first
results of corner
the WMR of the desired
controlled by using the S type trajectory driven by these two
fuzzy control method (AF) and H2 control method (H2) with initial conditions are shown
control methods. Obviously, the WMR in Figure 5
in Figures 5 and 6. From Figures 5 and 6, the trajectory tracking performance can be found
controlled by the proposed adaptive
for this WMRcontrol method
in the first corner of(AF) hasS quicker
the desired type trajectoryconvergent
driven by theserates in tracking the desired S type
two control
methods. Obviously, the WMR in Figure 5 controlled by the proposed adaptive fuzzy
trajectory than the H2 method
control method (AF) has quicker
(H2 )infrom
convergent rates
the trajectory contour, even under the effect of a
tracking the desired S type trajectory
than themodeling
H2 method (H uncertainty of mcontour,
2) from the trajectory which evenwas not
under theconsidered
effect of a 20% mod-in the control design process of
the uncertainty
control m which was not considered in the control design process of the H2
of method.
control method.

Figure 5. The result of the S type trajectory by the adaptive fuzzy control method from x = 0 m, y =
3.8 m. 5. The result of the S type trajectory by the adaptive fuzzy control method from x = 0 m,
Symmetry 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 21
y = 3.8 m.

Figure 6. The result of the S type trajectory by the H2 control method from x = 0 m, y = 3.8 m.
Figure 6. The result of the S type trajectory by the H2 control method from x = 0 m, y = 3.8 m.
The tracking errors in the X-axis, Y-axis and the heading angle of the WMR are illus-
trated in Figures 7–9. The results depict the histories of tracking errors e X , e Y , and e θ
for the WMR using the adaptive fuzzy control method and H2 control method. From the
comparisons of these tracking results, it is easy to see that the trajectory tracking perfor-
mance of the H2 control method is worse than the proposed adaptive fuzzy control method
for the controlled WMR because of the existence of the effect of 20% modeling uncertainty
caused by Δ m . From these simulation results, both of these two control methods possess
rapid transient response. However, larger tracking errors are found in the whole tracking
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 13 of 18

Figure 6. The result of the S type trajectory by the H2 control method from x = 0 m, y = 3.8 m.
The tracking errors in the X-axis, Y-axis and the heading angle of the WMR are
illustrated in Figures
The tracking 7–9.
errors in The results
the X-axis, depict
Y-axis and the histories
the heading angle ofofthetracking illus- e X ,eY, and
WMR areerrors
for the WMR7–9.
in Figures using
Thethe adaptive
results depict thefuzzy control
histories method
of tracking andeH
errors X 2 econtrol
, Y , and emethod.
θ From
for comparisons
the WMR using of thethese tracking
adaptive results,
fuzzy control it is and
method easyH2 to see that
control method.theFrom
the tracking
comparisons ofofthese
performance the Htracking results,
2 control it is easy
method to see that
is worse thanthethetrajectory
proposed tracking perfor-
adaptive fuzzy control
mance offor
method the H 2 control method is worse than the proposed adaptive fuzzy control method
the controlled WMR because of the existence of the effect of 20% modeling
for the controlled WMR because of the existence of the effect of 20% modeling uncertainty
uncertainty caused by ∆m. From these simulation results, both of these two control methods
caused by Δ m . From these simulation results, both of these two control methods possess
possess rapid response.
rapid transient transientHowever,
response. However,
larger tracking larger tracking
errors are found inerrors are tracking
the whole found in the whole
period forperiod
the H2 for
control H2 control
the method. On themethod.
whole, On the whole,
the proposed the proposed
adaptive adaptive fuzzy
fuzzy control
outperforms outperforms
the H2 controlthe H2 control
method method in the WMR.
in the WMR.

Symmetry 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 21

Figure 7. The X axis errors of the adaptive fuzzy and H2 control method for S type trajectory from
Figure 7. The X axis errors of the adaptive fuzzy and H2 control method for S type trajectory from x
x==0 0m,m,
y =y3.8
= 3.8
m. m.

Figure 8.
8. The
TheYYaxis errors
axis of the
errors ofadaptive fuzzy and
the adaptive H2 control
fuzzy and Hmethod for S type trajectory from x
Figure 2 control method for S type trajectory from
= 0 m, y = 3.8 m.
x = 0 m, y = 3.8 m.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 14 of 18
Figure 8. The Y axis errors of the adaptive fuzzy and H2 control method for S type trajectory from x
= 0 m, y = 3.8 m.

Symmetry 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 21

Figure 9.
9. The
Theangle errors
angle of the
errors of adaptive fuzzy and
the adaptive H2 control
fuzzy and Hmethod for S type trajectory from x
Figure 2 control method for S type trajectory from
= 0 m, y = 3.8 m.
x = 0 m, y = 3.8 m.

Figures 10
Figures 10 and
and 11
11 reveal
reveal the
the square
square trajectory
trajectory tracking
tracking results
results ofof the
the WMR
WMR driven
driven byby
the adaptive fuzzy control method (AF) and H method (H ). The performance
the adaptive fuzzy control method (AF) and H2 method (H2 ). The performance of the square
2 2 of the
square trajectory
trajectory trackingtracking can be obtained
can be obtained for this for
WMRthisinWMR in four corners
four corners of the desired
of the desired square
trajectory driven by these two control methods. The WMR controlled by theby
square trajectory driven by these two control methods. The WMR controlled the pro-
posed adaptive
adaptive fuzzy method
fuzzy control control method (AF) demonstrated
(AF) demonstrated outstanding
outstanding performance
performance for
for tracking
the thesquare
desired desiredtrajectory
square trajectory
compared compared
to the H2tomethod
the H2 method (H2) the
(H2 ) under under theof
effect effect
a 20%of
a 20% modeling
modeling of m. of m .

Figure 10.
Figure 10. The
The result of the square trajectory by the adaptive
adaptive fuzzy
fuzzy control
control method
method from
from xx==−9
y= =9 9m.m.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 15 of 18
Figure 10. The result of the square trajectory by the adaptive fuzzy control method from x = −9 m, y
= 9 m.

Symmetry 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 21

Figure 11. The
The result
squaretrajectory by the
trajectory by H 2 control
the method
H2 control from x from
method = −9 m,
x =y =−99m.
m, y = 9 m.

The tracking
The tracking error
error results
results in the X-axis, X-axis,
in theY-axis andY-axis andangle
the heading the heading
of the WMR angle
can of the WMR
can be found
be found in Figures
in Figures 12–14.
12–14. The Theillustrate
results resultstheillustrate the performance
performance of tracking errors of tracking
eX , errors eX ,
eYe,Y and
, andeθefor
for desired
the desired square
square trajectory
trajectory tracking
tracking of the of
by by
adopting adopting
the adap- the adaptive
fuzzy control
tive fuzzy method
control method and
and H H2 2control
control method.
method. According
According to the compared
to the compared results, it results, it is
is obviousthat
that the proposed
the proposed adaptive
adaptive fuzzyfuzzy
controlcontrol method
method has a betterhas a better
trajectory trajectory tracking
performance than
performance thanthe H2Hcontrol
the 2 controlmethod
methodfor the controlled
for the WMR due
controlled WMR to the
due Δ m
to the ∆m effect of 20%
of 20% modeling uncertainty. From these tracking error results, we can see that smaller
modeling uncertainty. From these tracking error results, we can see that smaller tracking
tracking errors always can be obtained throughout the entire tracking period for the pro-
errors always can be obtained throughout the entire tracking period for the proposed
posed adaptive fuzzy control method. On the whole, the H2 control method is obviously
inferior tofuzzy controladaptive
the proposed method. On control
fuzzy the whole,
methodtheinH 2 control
the trajectorymethod
the inferior
the proposed adaptive fuzzy control method in the trajectory tracking of the WMR.

Figure 12. The X axis errors of the adaptive fuzzy and H2 control method for the square trajectory
Figure 12. The X axis errors of the adaptive fuzzy and H2 control method for the square trajectory
from x = −9 m, y = 9 m.
from x = −9 m, y = 9 m.
Symmetry 2023,15,
Symmetry2023, 15,221
19 of 18

Figure 13.The
andHH2 2control
x = −9 m, y = 9 m.
x = −9 m, y = 9 m.

Figure 14.The
andHH2 2control
from m, yy == 99 m.
9 m, m.

successfully developed for the trajectory tracking problem in wheeled mobile robots
successfully developed for the trajectory tracking problem in wheeled mobile robotsin thisin
Symmetry 2023, 15, 221 17 of 18

research. The main contribution of this study is the closed-form solution with adaptive
fuzzy control method for the trajectory tracking problem in wheeled mobile robots. Based
on the related literature, the closed-form solution for the trajectory tracking problem in
wheeled mobile robots has still not been perfected due to the lack of optimal control meth-
ods for complex dynamics under modeling uncertainties. For achieving this investigative
purpose, this study has several key contributions, i.e., the simplest and most easy-to-
implement control structure for the trajectory tracking problem in wheeled mobile robots
with a closed-form solution. According to the above results, this proposed method provides
an energy consumption saving with complex control structures in practice. From the two
simulation scenarios, the proposed adaptive fuzzy control method has better tracking
performance of the desired S type and square trajectory than the H2 method, no matter the
convergence of tracking errors in X-axis, Y-axis and the heading angle, and in handling of
modelling uncertainties.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.-H.C. and Y.-Y.C.; methodology, Y.-H.C. and Y.-Y.C.;
software, Y.-H.C. and Y.-Y.C.; validation, Y.-H.C. and Y.-Y.C.; formal analysis, Y.-H.C. and Y.-Y.C.;
investigation, Y.-H.C. and Y.-Y.C.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.-H.C. and Y.-Y.C.; writing—
review and editing, Y.-H.C. and Y.-Y.C.; supervision, Y.-H.C. and Y.-Y.C.; visualization, Y.-H.C. and
Y.-Y.C.; funding acquisition, Y.-H.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan),
project number is MOST 111-2221-E-020-023.
Data Availability Statement: All data revealed in this paper are made by our team.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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