Techno Economic Analysis
Techno Economic Analysis
Techno Economic Analysis
hydrogen production
Henry, A., McStay, D., Rooney, D., Robertson, P., & Foley, A. (2023). Techno-economic analysis to identify the
optimal conditions for green hydrogen production. Energy Conversion and Management, 291, Article 117230.
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Keywords: The intermittency of renewable energy sources necessitates energy storage to meet the full demand and
Green hydrogen balancing requirements of the grid. Green hydrogen (H2) is a chemical energy carrier that can be used in a
Economics flexible manner and store large amounts of energy for long periods of time. This techno-economic analysis in
vestigates H2 production from wind using commercially available desalination and electrolysis units. Proton
Wind power
exchange membrane and alkaline electrolyser units are utilised and compared. The intermittency of wind is
Energy storage
Power-to-X examined, with comparison against grid-bought electricity. A model is developed to determine the selling price
required to ensure profitability over a 10-year period. Firstly, where H2 is produced using energy from the grid,
with electricity purchased when below a specified price point or between specified hours. In the second scenario
a wind turbine is owned by the user and the electricity price is not considered, while the turbine capital
expenditure is. The price of H2 production from wind is found to be comparable with natural gas derived H2 at a
larger scale, with a minimum selling price calculated to be 4.85 £/kg at a setpoint of 500 kg of H2/hr. At a
setpoint of 50 kg of H2/hr, this is significantly higher at 12.10 £/kg. In both cases, the alkaline electrolyser
produced cheaper H2. This study demonstrates an economy of scale with H2 prices decreasing with increased
scale. H2 prices are also closely linked to the capital expenditure, with the equipment size, space and safety
identified as limiting factors.
intervals [5].
Many different types of energy storage technologies are discussed in
1. Introduction the literature. Le et al. conducted a techno-economic analysis comparing
hydrogen (H2), battery and hybrid energy storage systems. The optimal
With the rise of renewable energy and the decline of fossil fuels, the storage depends on renewable energy availability, system size and the
energy mix is constantly evolving. This is largely due to the intermit energy demand of the system. H2 was found to reduce component
nature of renewables, which necessitates multiple energy sources to degradation and increase efficiency, allowing for > 80 % renewable
meet the full demand of the grid, wherein supply and demand do not energy penetration [6]. H2 is best suited for long-term seasonal storage
always align [1]. This can be accomplished through complementary but is expensive, while batteries are more cost-effective but better for
energy sources, but more commonly through energy storage solutions short-term storage. Marocco et al. highlight the potential need for bat
[2]. The best energy storage option is typically scenario-specific, teries as a buffer for the smoothing down of renewable energy sources,
dependent on the required storage capacity, environmental con increasing the reliability of the electricity provided and avoiding high-
straints, as well as operation and maintenance needs [3]. This will cost grid connections. Batteries can be used on a daily basis but are
ensure energy security while accommodating or mitigating the vari more expensive for long-term energy storage [7]. This is reiterated by Li
ability of the power source [4]. Additionally, the specific conditions of et al., who highlighted lithium-ion batteries and H2 as advantageous for
the renewable source must be considered, and baseloads or backups, energy storage durations of less than 10 h and > 48 h, respectively. This
including fossil fuels, batteries or grid electricity, may be needed at
* Corresponding author at: School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University of Belfast, David Keir Building, Belfast BT9 5AG, United Kingdom.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Henry).
Fig. 1. Size, scale and maturity level of storage technologies (adapted from [3;4]).
study also predicted that by 2030, new energy storage types will reach technologies, with emphasis on collaboration between stakeholders.
maturity, leading to rapid development and widespread deployment of Panda et al. reviewed the integration of energy storage with hybrid
the industry. There will also be a need for H2 carriers like ammonia to be power sources, determining the need for focus on acceptability and
developed to solve H2 transportation issues [8]. affordability by low-income and economically backward communities.
Gasanzade et al. studied geological compressed air energy storage, They concluded that the hybridisation of energy storage systems, with
which was found to supply up to 115 MW of electrical power and a differing technological and operation characteristics, could satisfy the
maximum of 49.9 GWh of electric energy for up to 429 hours, equivalent requirements for power systems [12]. Hunter et al. analysed long-
to grid-scale power storage capacity. However, this technology is limited duration energy storage and flexible power generation via techno-
by location [9]. Jiang et al. presented a novel amine-based thermal en economic analysis. The lowest-cost and lowest-carbon technologies to
ergy storage system that stores thermal energy during carbon dioxide support renewable energy grids were natural gas production with car
(CO2) desorption and releases thermal energy during absorption. The bon capture and H2 systems with geologic storage over 120 hours.
study is preliminary but shows promise with > 70 % thermal energy Storage technologies such as pumped hydro, compressed air storage and
conversion efficiency and a moderate energy density [10]. Yang et al. lithium-ion battery were more expensive over 12 hours of storage
proposed a novel integrated system for H2 liquefaction and liquid air duration due to storage related capital costs [13]. In agreement over a
energy storage to provide energy storage and power generation. The shorter time period, Sreekanth et al. carried out a feasibility study on
system can achieve high energy efficiency and reduce the price of H2 energy storage in an arid region, with compressed air storage, pumped
liquefaction and storage while daily producing 50 tonnes of H2 and hydro and sodium sulfur battery found to be the best for solving prob
generating 131.1 MWh at an efficiency of 58.9 % [11]. Common to lems surrounding power supply optimisation and high demand at peak
almost all recent literature sources on emerging energy storage tech loads [14]. Braga highlighted the need for energy demand management
nologies are suggestions for policymakers to prioritise research and measures to increase feasibility and cost-effectiveness for the integration
development to improve the performance and cost-effectiveness of the of renewable energy storage and for power system balancing. This study
A. Henry et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117230
investigated the use of pumped hydro, batteries and H2 to store this, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) suggest that
renewable energy in Moldova using a varying mixture of wind and solar, the levelised cost of H2 (LCOH) from renewables could decrease to
finding H2 storage to be unsuitable to these specific conditions and approximately 1.10 £/kg in 2050 if the cost of electrolysers falls
battery to have the shortest payback period overall [15]. These examples accordingly, along with the levelised cost of energy (LCOE) of the
emphasise the specificity of energy storage to each application. renewable energy source in question which can sometimes be an unre
Fig. 1 further illustrates different types of energy storage, showing alistic simplification [28]. Some main drivers in cost reduction will be
their maturity levels, typical size and if they can store energy for long or global technological learning, learning-by-doing and economies of scale
short periods of time. This ranges from capacitors with a small storage [24].
capacity that may last only seconds to larger scale technologies like This study particularly focuses on H2 production from wind energy.
pumped hydro that are also more developed and can store energy for The wind energy sector is rapidly growing, with a total of 780.3 GW of
years. It is also evident that chemical compounds provide energy storage current installed onshore capacity, 72.5 GW of which was installed in
at scale and over extended periods of time. 2021 [29]. Olateju et al. investigated large-scale H2 production from
H2 is a promising chemical energy storage medium that can be used wind by analysing real-time wind energy data in Western Canada. This
as a primary energy source or processed further [16]. However, using H2 data determined an optimal plant size that produces 760 m3 H2/hr while
can be challenging due to storage [17], transport, safety concerns and also using a battery capacity of 360 MWh. This study found a minimum
the need for the end user to change their system [18]. One possible H2 production cost of 7.20 £/kg H2, which could be reduced to 2.70 £/kg
solution is to mix H2 with natural gas in pipelines, operating at a H2 if existing wind farms were utilised. Touili et al. investigated the use
maximum content of 20 % [19]. Using H2 as an intermediate is perhaps a of a PEM electrolyser with a 4.2 MW wind turbine and found a levelized
more promising solution, where it forms the centre of a Power-to-X type cost of H2 of 10.82 £/kg H2 [30]. Furthermore, Apostolou et al. con
scheme. Fig. 2 shows the various applications of H2, which can be pro ducted a literature review of wind-H2 systems finding H2 prices as high
duced through traditional and highly polluting methods like methane as 21.84 £/kg H2, but generally, a figure around 8.40 £/kg H2 was
steam reforming, emitting approximately 7 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of common [31].
H2 produced [20]. However, H2 produced through Power-to-X schemes Janke et al. investigated a wind-H2 system for a small-scale agricul
is green, having been produced from a renewable energy source [21]. tural project. This used 10–40 2 MW wind turbines and found the lev
This makes it a more suitable storage medium for intermittent renew elized cost of H2 to range from 12.17 to 17.81 £/kg H2. This was found to
able energy sources with less environmental impact [22]. In their re decrease when the scale of the project was increased, as well as when by-
view, Wulf et al. found that more than 120 Power-to-X projects are products were recovered and sold, improving the overall feasibility of
operational or in planning stages in Europe, with a trend towards the project, with a minimum levelized cost of H2 produced at 9.61 £/kg
diversification of technologies and production of different final products H2 [32]. Khouya agreed with this, finding that in a wind-H2 system, the
like methane, methanol, dimethyl ether and other long-chain hydro levelized cost of H2 decreases with scale as long as the energy source is
carbons [23]. adjusted accordingly [33]. Marocco et al. also found capital expenditure
Green H2 is generated via electrolysis, which splits water into H2 and (CAPEX) levels of H2 storage systems to be high, making them less
oxygen by applying a voltage to the cells and passing current between economically feasible in smaller systems. In the comparison of multiple
two electrodes, which are in contact with an ion-conducting medium. sites using the battery-H2 hybrid model, it was found that the lowest
Alkaline and proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis are the two LCOE occurred when either technology was used alone [7].
main technologies used, with typical scale reaching up to 5 MW in size Hence, this study examines the price of H2 produced from wind
[24]. Alkaline electrolysis, which uses an aqueous electrolyte to conduct through a techno-economic analysis, differing from the analysis in
ions (tending to be 30 % potassium hydroxide), tends to be used in literature due to the use of quotations for multiple types of commercially
commercial applications. The more recent PEM technology uses a solid available electrolysers, as well as desalination equipment. This provides
polymer electrolyte [25]. The solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) is a more realistic cost of H2. There are four sections to this paper, wherein
another technology that may be used, however, it requires both elec the first introduces the hypotheses and relevance of the work. This has
tricity and heat, as well as high operating temperatures (>750 ◦ C) [26]. highlighted the levelized cost of H2 to be a general value and that there is
While this is not as advanced or available at a commercial level, SOEC much development of this type of work to be carried out in the future. It
may prove promising in the future for efficiency gains [26]. has also shown results to be scenario specific. The second section pre
A challenge associated with green H2 production is its high cost when sents the methods for the techno-economic analysis, including the
not produced as a by-product of processes like steam methane reform introduction of three scenarios which are examined. In this study, two
ing. For instance, natural gas-derived H2 costs between 0.72-2.56 £/kg, types of electrolysers are investigated – the alkaline electrolyser and the
while renewable energy derived H2 costs 2.40–6.00 £/kg [27]. Despite PEM. The production of H2 from the two types of electrolysers is
A. Henry et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117230
Fig. 3. Schematic for the H2 production system using either wind or grid-derived electricity.
A. Henry et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117230
Alkaline electrolysis specific energy (kWh/kg)* 58.94 PCAPEX = Pelec + Pdesal + Plabour (7)
PEM electrolysis specific energy (kWh/kg)* 62.44
Alkaline electrolysis efficiency (%)* 70.78 % POPEX = PO&M + Pgrid + Plabour (8)
PEM electrolysis efficiency (%)* 68.96 %
Electrolysis water demand (kg H2O/kg H2) [41] 1.00 The unit electricity price (Punit) is based on the average price from
Desalination specific energy (kWh/kg)* 4.83E-03 Nord Pool UK for the time period [34]. The annual electricity purchase
Desalination efficiency (%)* 47.35 %
Operating period (hours) 8760.00
price is excluded from Scenario 3, as the user has access to a wind tur
Turbine capacity (%) [36] 43.00 % bine and thus does not pay for electricity off the grid. Equation (9) shows
Alkaline maintenance as % of CAPEX (%)* 3.68 % calculation of the electricity bill included in the system OPEX.
PEM maintenance as % of CAPEX (%)* 2.97 %
Desalination maintenance as % of CAPEX (%)* 12.73 % Pgrid = Etotal Punit (9)
Container cost (£) [42] 4,000.00
Shipping rate of container (£) [39] 16,000.00 Ptot
H2 price = (10)
t(1 − ROR)mhy
of an average that is not representative of the overall range. The H2 price (Phy) is calculated using Equation (10), where the ROR
is assumed to be 10 %. This is an arbitrary figure which can be changed if
2.1. Method for techno-economic analysis required. Finally, Table 3 summarises the assumptions discussed in this
method. Where figures are marked with an asterisk (*), these are based
The mass of H2 (mhy) produced is based on the capacity of the elec on average values compiled from an initial literature review, which is
trolysis unit (celec), in kg/hr (Table 1), and the number of operating hours summarised in the Appendices section (Tables A.1-A.3).
(t), assumed to be 8760 hours which provides annual results for the
system. Factoring in the number of units (N) and the efficiency (ηelec) 2.2. Case study: variable wind profile at Killybegs, Donegal
gives the final mass of H2 produced, in kg, annually. This is shown in
Equation (1). A case study is conducted at a specified site, utilising Scenario 3 and
determining how it may be optimised. The intermittency of the wind is
mhy = celec Ntηelec (1)
considered here, wherein there is not a level amount of energy provided
The system cost is calculated with Equation (2). The unit price of the over the course of the year, and there is variability. Wind data is based
system is a factor of the number of necessary units to reach the required on historical data over the course of a year for a specified location, with
H2 production. The container cost is included only where necessary, the wind profile shown (Fig. 4).
with some of the quoted equipment already housed in prefabricated The location of choice is Killybegs, Donegal as it has a large natural
containers. The shipping rate is assumed [39], and the piping cost is wind resource, as well as access to salt water which may be used in the
based on the price of piping and the estimated length of piping required desalination process prior to the electrolysis step. There is also an
[40]. associated capacity factor for this site, showing the actual energy pro
duced in the time period, and this is 56.41 % based on wind data [43]
System cost = Unit price + Container cost + Shipping rate + Piping costs
from an online open source project [44]. Additionally, when looking at
wind atlas data as provided in [45] it is shown that this location has the
The energy used in the system is based on the amount of H2 made maximum average wind velocity of 6–8 m/s, showing the location to be
from electrolysis, the amount of water made from desalination, and the the most favourable for harnessing wind energy. Other locations of in
respective specific energies in kWh/kg of each process, eelec and edesal. It terest include the North Sea and Scotland, which fall within the same
has been assumed that the water used in the system is 1 kg per kg H2 high average velocity zone, thus having the potential to provide similar
produced, with this providing a figure for the water demand of the results as Killybegs, Donegal. Table 4 shows the costing assumptions
electrolysis process. The energy use for each system is denoted as Eelec associated with the wind turbine used in the process, these are provided
and Edesal, for electrolysis and desalination, respectively, in kWh. These by IRENA [36].
calculations are shown in Equations (3) and (4). The overall scheme is optimised based on the use of a wind turbine.
In this case the scenarios that produced the cheapest H2 are optimised in
Eelec = eelec mhy (3)
determining the effect of the size of the wind turbine and the number of
electrolysers used in the process.
Edesal = edesal mwater (4)
The variability of wind can cause large fluctuations in load which can
The total energy used in the production of green H2 production, Etotal, be harmful for system operation [46]. This may lead to the requirement
is the sum of the energy used in the electrolysis and desalination stages. of additional electrolyser units to cope with the load and sufficient
This is shown in Equation (5). storage for additional H2 production. Ramping events are sudden
changes in the amount of supplied wind power, which must be
Etotal = Eelec + Edesal (5)
addressed in system design and sizing. A ramp may be defined as a
The cumulative costs (Ptot) cover the costs associated with the system change in power output over 4 hours or less that is at least 50 % of the
over the defined 10-year period, shown in Equation (6). In the equations installed capacity [47]. This is briefly investigated to estimate storage
below, the OPEX is the annual operational expenditure (POPEX), and time requirements for H2 produced on the site. Determining the storage re
denotes the number of years (t), with the results calculated over a 10- quirements for a wind-H2 system is an important step in furthering this
year period. The equipment maintenance is assumed to be a % of the research field [17]. For this case, Table 5 shows the storage assumptions
CAPEX (PCAPEX) annually. The CAPEX denotes the capital expenditures associated with current industry H2 storage technology. This includes
of the system. The individual calculations for CAPEX and OPEX are high pressure H2 storage at 517 bar [48] and the transport of H2 in tube
shown in Equations (7) and (8). In this case, Pelec is the price of the trailers [49] from the site in question.
electrolyser, Pdesal is the price of the desalination unit, Plabour is the cost of Ramping events are identified in the historical data, and it is deter
labour, PO&M denotes maintenance costs, and Pgrid is the cost of buying mined if this impacts the storage requirements of the system. The storage
A. Henry et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117230
Fig. 4. Wind profile for Killybegs, Donegal showing variability in turbine output.
shows the varying output of the wind turbine there are times when there
Table 4
is not enough or no power output. This means there is no H2 produced,
Assumptions associated with wind turbine [36].
thus is a real-life scenario, there is a need for combination of wind with
CAPEX (€/MW) 4,662,063.00 either grid electricity or another complementary energy source. This
OPEX (€/kW/year) 92.11 will be included in future works.
A. Henry et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117230
CAPEX can be paid off, and profits generated. However, Scenario 1 may
Table 7
not be feasible because electricity prices cannot be accurately predicted
Calculated minimum H2 selling price and associated CAPEX, for a H2 production
[34], and with this reliance on electricity prices the system is constantly
setpoint of 500 kg/hr, for PEM and alkaline electrolysis technologies.
turning on and off when this setpoint is met. This does not consider the
Scenario Technology Minimum H2 CAPEX (£) Annual OPEX start-up and shutdown capabilities of the equipment, or the additional
selling price (£/year)
energy needs which may be associated with these processes. While
Scenario 1 explores the arbitrage concept to generate the most profit, a
1 PEM 5.98 62,939,295.46 17,238,598.07
more realistic way to produce pricing that is close to the levelized costs is
Alkaline 5.12 38,178,932.18 16,345,789.91
2 PEM 17.24 62,939,295.46 7,860,402.42 through heavy subsidies and government incentives such as carbon
Alkaline 13.48 38,178,932.18 7,251,886.34 taxation or carbon credits.
3 PEM 5.60 181,501,695.46 3,926,313.59 The prices for Scenarios 2 and 3 are significantly higher than Sce
Alkaline 4.85 156,741,332.18 3,456,088.53 nario 1 for the production setpoint of 50 kg/hr. This is because Scenario
2 is limited by the number of operating hours being set to certain times
H2 price was affected by the electricity setpoint, with lower prices of the day only, and in Scenario 3 significant CAPEX must be overcome
favouring higher production setpoints. The electricity price distribution before profit is generated. For Scenarios 2 and 3, to generate H2 prices
had the highest frequency at 40–45 £/MWh, as shown in Fig. 5. The closer to levelised values defined previously, the H2 setpoint must be
higher the electricity setpoint, the more hours in the year when the significantly increased to 500 kg/hr, as shown in Table 7. This indicates
system is in operation, hence with lower setpoints this is restricted to that systems like these are only feasible on very large scales, in particular
fewer hours. With more hours of operation, the quicker the initial if these prices are to be competitive with traditionally produced H2 [54].
Fig. 6. Overview of results from Scenario 1, 2 and 3 (S1, S2 and S3), showing the calculated selling price of H2 required to reach a 10% ROR over a 10-year period
with a changing CAPEX requirement. Each line represents a different scenario with a specific H2 production setpoint in kg/hr.
A. Henry et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117230
Fig. 7. Overview of results from Scenario 1, 2 and 3 (S1, S2 and S3), showing the calculated selling price of H2 required to reach a 10 % ROR over a 10-year period
with a changing CAPEX requirement for a specific H2 production setpoint of 500 kg/hr, with separation of alkaline and PEM electrolyser technologies.
Fig. 8. H2 price in £/kg based on a range of turbine sizes and showing the number of electrolysers required. Result shown for both alkaline and PEM electrolysers.
Table 8
Overview of results from the Killybegs case study over range of turbine sizes used.
Electrolyser technology Turbine size (MW) No. electrolysers H2 made (tonne) H2 price (£/kg) CAPEX (million £) Annual OPEX (million £/year)
With the increase in H2 production setpoint, it can be seen that significantly. The prices for Scenario 1 are 5.98 and 5.12 £/kg for the
Scenario 3 provides the cheapest selling price for H2, at 5.60 and 4.85 PEM and alkaline systems, respectively. Similarly, this also occurs for
£/kg for the PEM and alkaline systems, respectively. In comparison, Scenario 2, which still has the highest selling prices. With the larger H2
while the selling prices from Scenario 1 have been reduced with the production setpoint of 500 kg/hr this provides more opportunity for
higher H2 setpoint of 500 kg/hr, they have not decreased as profit, however, for the scenarios where electricity is bought from the
A. Henry et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117230
Table 9 Table A1
Results for initial ramping study, using PEM and alkaline electrolysers. Table of data from desalination literature sources.
Electrolyser Average H2 Average H2 Average no. Largest Capacity Specific energy Price of water OPEX Reference
technology production not covered by tube trailers identified m3 water/day kWh/m3 water £/m3 water % of
(kg/week) onsite storage per week ramp (kg H2) produced produced CAPEX
(kg/week) *
128,000.00 5.85 – – [55]
PEM 1,517.85 789.76 1.58 61.32 24,000.00 5.00 – –
ALK 1,607.97 875.47 1.75 64.96 100,000.00 – 0.36 –
320,000.00 – 0.53 –
15,000.00 – 0.38 –
grid, this also increases the OPEX as more electricity must be purchased. 60,000.00 – 1.29 –
Table 7 shows this increase in OPEX, which in turn is higher than the 1,000.00 – 0.56 –
4,800.00 – 1.38 –
OPEX associated with a wind turbine, which is required annually for 200.00 7.20 – –
maintenance over the 10-year period. 1,000.00 – 1.44 –
Scenario 3 has a significantly larger CAPEX than the scenarios that 25,000.00 – 4.16 –
use electricity from the grid. This is due to the CAPEX of the turbine at 100.00 – 5.20 –
2.00 4.40 [56]
the outset, based on IRENA projected prices [36]. Despite this, Scenario
– –
5.70 3.15 – –
3 H2 prices are also lower than that of Scenario 2. With the set operating 7.50 3.25 – –
hours defined for Scenario 2, this means there are a limited number of 9.30 3.32 – –
operating hours compared to the other scenarios studied, especially 10.00 3.40 – –
Scenario 3 which is assumed to operate at a constant level over a period 10.20 3.45 – –
10.25 3.40 – –
of a year. This will mean more equipment is needed to reach the defined 9.80 3.38 – –
H2 production goals in Scenario 2, which will subsequently have higher 9.60 3.36 – –
OPEX costs per year in addition to electricity prices not incurred for 9.50 3.38 – –
Scenario 3. 9.40 3.36 – –
40,000.00 3.10 1.26 [57]
Fig. 6 shows an overview of the scenario results and Fig. 7 shows an –
1,025.00 – 2.88 – [58]
overview of the 500 kg/hr scenarios with electrolyser types identified. 128,000.00 5.00 0.32 –
These figures clearly show the impact of scale and electrolyser tech 400.00 4.60 0.25 – [59]
nology type on the price of H2 produced. In all scenarios, an increase in 180.00 4.65 0.11 –
scale decreases the H2 selling price, showing an economy of scale. Fig. 7 300.00 5.28 0.11 –
500.00 3.03 0.05 –
shows how alkaline electrolysers in general have a smaller H2 selling 600.00 9.38 0.09 –
price, which may be related to how the technology is more advanced 580.00 6.16 0.03 –
than the PEM and its lower specific energy [25]. Additionally, the 500.00 8.36 0.11 –
gathered quotations for PEM electrolysers were across a larger range of 1,200.00 5.00 1.31 – [60]
100.00 4.00 [61]
production capabilities, covering higher H2 production quantities. This – –
1,000.00 – 3.20 –
is reflected in the more extreme CAPEX values shown in the scheme, 2,500.00 – 1.20 –
which ultimately were not economically feasible in this scheme. 1,000.00 3.30 0.94 –
Other factors are imperative in the optimisation of this system. These 50.00 5.00 4.80 –
include the space requirements of the system and how many of each 2,000.00 4.00 2.20 –
4,000.00 5.00 1.60 2.5 % [62]
piece of equipment may be required per scenario and how many will 5,000.00 3.50 0.80 –
operate at once, their respective start-up and shutdown times, and their 200.00 5.00 – – [63]
overall operating lifetime. This will highlight the additional mainte 18.00 8.40 2.00 –
nance and replacement fees which will add to the OPEX of the system. 200.00 7.50 0.80 –
5,000.00 2.90 0.67
With space requirements, this is linked to any specific site that may have –
12.00 3.40 2.08 –
such a scheme implemented. There will be a pinch point at which the 100.00 – 1.17 – [64]
lowest H2 selling price possible will be found per specific locations, but 200.00 3.50 – – [65]
no further optimisation is possible due to monetary or spatial limita 3,000.00 6.50 – –
tions. In this study, space has not been implemented as a limitation. 5,200.00 2.50 – – [66]
5,700.00 2.30
These are pieces of work for future study.
– –
22,800.00 3.34 – – [67]
250.00 11.00 1.78 27 % [68]
500.00 – 1.53 23 %
3.2. Case study: Killybegs, Donegal 2,000.00 – 1.22 23 %
3,500.00 – 1.14 22 %
A case study is conducted for Killybegs, Donegal wherein a wind 4,800.00 8.00 0.91 23 %
20,000.00 3.10 – – [69]
profile for the location is utilised to show the effect of wind variability 8.50 3.40 1.89 – [70]
on the price of H2 produced. Additionally, the system is optimised to
reduce the H2 selling price to a minimum. This is based on the number of 200.00 6.90 – –
electrolysers used and the size of the wind turbine used. This is to 0.40 – – –
30.50 3.71
determine the effect of both scale of operation and the footprint of the – –
1,000.00 2.70 – –
apparatus, wherein the larger systems take up space and so there may be 400.00 4.30 0.87 –
a cut-off point at which a certain size is not feasible.
Fig. 8 shows the range of H2 selling prices calculated over the varying 10.95 12.25 – –
wind turbine sizes, as well as the number of electrolysers. The number of 10.95 14.10 – –
24.00 4.38 3.744
electrolysers is optimised to the amount of energy available from the
wind turbine at the location, wherein an average capacity factor of 7.50 4.24 – –
56.41 % is found. (continued on next page)
The H2 selling price favours a larger size of wind turbine, with the 25
A. Henry et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117230
MW system producing a selling price of 6.79 and 8.20 £/kg for the This study has provided a more detailed analysis of the price to
alkaline and PEM systems, respectfully. In turn, however, the number of produce wind-H2, focusing on commercially available equipment for
electrolysers required increases drastically, wherein the 7 MW turbine electrolysis and desalination. This study demonstrates the importance of
system uses 8 and 5 electrolysers for the alkaline and PEM systems, accurate pricing, using quotations from currently operating companies
respectfully, and the 25 MW system used 30 and 18, respectfully. An and avoiding terms not representative of actual prices. By investigating
overview of these results is shown in Table 8. This increase is significant, the impact of changing electricity prices and using wind turbine prices, a
and thus there will be a limit to the spatial usage for the system, which is more robust estimate of the cost of H2 is calculated, while also avoiding
dependent on the size of the site in use and also any safety aspects which average LCOE terms which can be unreliable.
may be associated with the number of electrolysers and H2 storage Scenario 3 uses a wind turbine owned by the operator and is the most
allowed in proximity. cost-effective option. Although this scenario has a larger CAPEX, it
H2 storage is not included within the scope of this work, but cannot avoids limitations associated with set operating hours and electricity
be excluded in any real-life implementation. This is a stage that tends to bills incurred annually, as well as higher maintenance fees. The study
be costly. Furthermore, these much larger systems require a significant also highlights the importance of operating at scale to achieve the lowest
initial investment, with the required CAPEX for each shown in Table 8. H2 selling price, with the alkaline electrolyser producing the lowest
As found previously, the alkaline system produces the cheapest H2 prices at 5.12, 13.48, and 4.85 £/kg for Scenarios 1, 2 and 3,
overall. This is linked to the lower specific energy of the alkaline system respectively.
A. Henry et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117230
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