What Are The Important Factors To Improving Economic Performance? Evidence Form Manufacturing Industry
What Are The Important Factors To Improving Economic Performance? Evidence Form Manufacturing Industry
What Are The Important Factors To Improving Economic Performance? Evidence Form Manufacturing Industry
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of tangible assets, supply chain
management, and superior performance on economic performance in manufacturing companies in
Indonesia. The research time period used is 3 years, namely the period 2016-2018. The sampling
technique uses purposive sampling technique. Based on the established criteria obtained 33
companies. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange
website. The analysis method used is panel data regression analysis. The results showed that
superior performance has a significant positive effect on economic performance. Tangible assets
and supply chain management have no effect on economic performance.
In the current era of globalization, the development of the industrial world, especially the
manufacturing industry, continues to develop every year, this causes business competition,
especially in the economic sector, to increase. The more developed the business world, the
competition between one company and another is increasing and tight. To be able to compete with
other companies, the company must be able to manage all its assets and obligations as much as
possible so that the company's operational activities can run well according to the initial plan of the
company was established. In the implementation of its operations, it is not uncommon for
companies to be less effective and efficient in managing the resources owned by the company.
Inefficient resource management can lead to higher operating costs. With the high cost of operating
the enterprise, the profit generated is getting smaller and smaller. In addition, the condition of the
world economy and the unstable rupiah exchange rate against the dollar recently have made the
company's economic performance even lower because it is unable to produce maximum profit
(Mukhayaroh, 2017).
Economic Performance or companies are basically needed as a tool to measure the health of
a company (financial health). In this study, the performance measure used is the performance of
company shares as measured by stock returns (capital market-based measure). Return is a profit
obtained from the investment process that can be used to motivate investors in investing, also
describing investors' evaluation of the company's ability to generate income in the future compared
to the past (Wulandari & Hidayah, 2013). Ariyanti (2019) Tangible asset is a tangible fixed asset
located or located in Indonesia, which is owned and used to obtain, collect, and maintain income
which is a tax object. Tangible Asset (TA) is a ratio that measures the share of fixed assets from
total assets. If a high ratio indicates that the greater the proportion of fixed assets within the
company, the easier it will be to increase more debt at a lower level, as long as they pledge such
fixed assets as collateral to creditors. While according to (Arisadi, Djumahir, & Djazuli, 2013).
As the market increasingly loses regional boundaries and the emergence of information
technology, competition in the business world is getting tougher. Customer demands are also
getting higher and higher. Getting a cheap and quality product is not enough. Companies are
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Volumes 4 No. 1 (2024)
2.1 Stewardship Theory
Stewardship theory explains that the common interest is used as the basis of a manager's
actions. If there is a difference in interests between the principal and the steward, then the steward
will try to cooperate because acting in accordance with the principal's actions and in the common
interest can be a rational consideration for the achievement of common goals. The important thing
in stewardship theory is that the manager aligns his goals according to the principal's goals but that
does not mean that the steward does not have the needs (Raharjo, 2007).
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receivables. In accounting, tangible fixed assets include assets that have a physical form and are
in the normal operation of the company, as well as have usefulness in the normal operation of the
company, and have relatively permanent uses (Ariyanti, 2019).
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Volumes 4 No. 1 (2024)
The population in this study was manufacturing companies listed on the IDX period 2016-
2018. The number of samples in the study was 33 companies. Sampling using purposive sampling
method. The dependent variable used in this study is Economic Performance. Economic
Performance is the relative performance of a company (changing from year to year) in a similar
industrial group (industries engaged in the same business) which is characterized by the magnitude
of the company's annual return (Almilia & Wijayanto, 2007). In this study, the performance
measure used is the performance of company shares which is measured by stock returns (capital
market-based measure) using the following formula:
EP = Economic Performance
P1 = Year-end share price
P0 = Initial share price of the year
Div = Dividend distribution
WithRi = Median return industry
The first independent variable in this study is Tangible Asset (TA). Tangible Assets is a ratio
that measures the share of fixed assets from total assets. A high ratio indicates a lot of fixed assets
and small working capital, which can reduce the company's ability to maintain inventory and carry
receivables (Ariyanti, 2019). Tangible assets can be measured using the following formula:
The second independent variable in this study was Supply Chain Management (SCM).
Supply Chain Management is a network of companies that work together to create and deliver a
product into the hands of the end user. These companies usually include suppliers, factories,
distributors, stores or retail, as well as supporting companies such as logistics service companies
(Pujawan & Mahendrawathi, 2017). In this study, Supply Chain Management measurement uses
the SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) model approach. SCOR is a model with reference
to supply chain operations. The following are the indicators of supply chain management:
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Table 1 Index Model SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference)
PL1 The company assesses material distribution needs
PL2 The company carries out inventory planning and control
PL3 The company carries out production planning
PL4 The company carries out material planning
PL5 The company conducts capacity planning
PL6 The company made supply chain plan adjustments with financial plan
The company schedules shipments from suppliers, receives, checks, and authorizes
payments to suppliers
SO2 The company conducts supplier selection
SO3 The company discloses supplier performance evaluations
MK1 The company conducts production scheduling
MK2 The company carries out production activities and conducts quality testing
MK3 The company manages semi-finished goods
MK4 The company maintains production facilities
DL1 The company handles orders from customers
DL2 The company chooses a delivery service company
DL3 The company handles warehousing activities of finished products
DL4 The company makes the delivery of bills to customers
RE1 The company carries out the identification of defective product conditions
RE2 The company requests authorization of the return of defective products
RE3 The company schedules return
RE4 Making product returns
Source: Pujawan & Mahendrawathi, 2017.
The assessment is carried out in measuring SCM with a score of 0 and 1. Where the value is
0 for the undisclosed item and the value 1 for the item disclosed by the company. If the company
discloses SCM activities in full, the maximum value achieved is 21. Furthermore, the scores of
each such disclosed item are summed up to obtain the overall score for each company. The total
score is then divided by the number of item categories or the total expected item. The SCM
calculation formula is as follows:
SCMj : Company Supply Chain Management Index
nj : Number of disclosure scores by SCOR (Supply Chain Operation Reference)
Ʃ Xij : Number of scores disclosed by the company
The third independent variable in this study was Superior Performance (SP). Superior
Performance or superior work is performance derived from competitive advantage. The
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Volumes 4 No. 1 (2024)
a. Mean is the average of data, obtained by summing all data and dividing it by data
(Winarno, 2015: 3.9). the largest mean value experienced by the Superior Performance
(SP) variable is 27.85989, while Tangible Asset (TA) has the smallest mean value of
b. Median is the middle value (the average of two middle values when the data is even)
when the data is sorted from the smallest to the largest (Winarno, 2015: 3.9). The largest
median is experienced by the Superior Performance (SP) variable of 27.36800, while the
Tangible Asset (TA) variable has the smallest median of 0.313000.
c. Maximum is the largest value of the data (Winarno, 2015: 3.9). The largest maximum
was experienced by the Superior Performance (SP) variable of 31.53500 obtained by PT
Astra Internasional Tbk in 2018, while the Tangible Asset (TA) variable had the smallest
maximum of 0.631000 obtained by PT Supreme Cable Manufacturing and Commerce
Tbk in 2016.
d. Minimium is the smallest value of the data (Winarno, 2015: 3.9). The largest minimum
was experienced by the Superior Performance (SP) variable of 25.39000 obtained by PT
Tunas Alfin Tbk in 2016, while the Tangible Asset (TA) variable had the smallest
minimum of 0.132000 obtained by PT Supreme Cable Manufacturing and Commerce
Tbk in 2016.
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e. Std. Dev. (Standard Deviation) is a measure of dispersion or dispersion of data (Winarno,
2015: 3.10). The largest standard deviation value experienced by the Superior
Performance (SP) variable was 1.649135, which means that the Economic Performance
(EP) variable has a higher risk level of change compared to other variables during the
study period. Meanwhile, the Supply Chain Management (SCM) variable has the lowest
level of risk,
f. which is 0.077011. This shows that the Supply Chain Management (SCM) variables
during the study period underwent fewer volatile changes.
g. Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry of the distribution of data around the mean. The
skewness of a symmetrical distribution (normal distribution) is 0 (zero). Positive
skewness shows that the data distribution has a long tail on the right side and negative
skewness has a long tail on the left side (Winarno, 2015: 3.10). The variables that have a
positive value are Economic Performance (EP), Tangible Asset (TA) and Superior
Performance (SP). Meanwhile, the variables that have negative values are Supply Chain
Management (SCM)."
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Volumes 4 No. 1 (2024)
Based on the table above, it can be seen that Prob. Cross-section random > α (0.05), then H0
is accepted, which means that Random Effect Model (REM) is better used in estimating panel data
regression than Fixed Effect Model (FEM).
Test Hypothesis
Cross-section Time Both
Based on the table above, it can be seen that Prob. The Breusch-Pagan cross-section < α
(0.05), then Ha is accepted, which means that the Random Effect Model (REM) is better used in
estimating panel data regression than the Common Effect Model (CEM).
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Based on testing of the three panel data regression models, it can be concluded that the
random effect model in panel data regression is used further in estimating the influence of Tangible
Assets, Supply Chain Management, and Superior Performance on Economic Performance in the
manufacturing industry in Indonesia in 2016-2018.
model Random Effect, in this model there is no need to test classical assumptions anymore because
the data structure used is General Least Square (GLS).
The table above shows that the value of F-statistic is 14. 06221, while F tables with a rate of
α = 5%, df1 (k-1) or df1 (4-1) = 3 and df2 (n-k) or df2 (99-4) = 95 obtained the value of F table by
2.70. Thus F-statistics (14.06221) > F table (2.70) and Prob value (F-statistic) 0.000000 < 0.05 then
it can be concluded that Ha is diterima thus, an independent variable in this study consisting of
Tangible Assets, Supply Chain Management, and Superior Performance together has an influence
on Ecocnomic Performance. Thus, the variable model is declared feasible, as a research model.
Based on the table above, it shows that the Adjusted R-squared value is 0.285645, meaning
that the variable changes in the ups and downs of economic performance disclosure can be
explained by Tangible Asset, Supply Chain Management, and Superior Performance by 28.56%,
while the rest is 71.44 % is explained by other variables that were not studied in this study.
3. t Test
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Volumes 4 No. 1 (2024)
4.1 The Effect of Tangible Assets on Economic Performance.
The Tangible Asset variable has such a value of t-statistic TA (-1.111266) < t Table
(1.98525) and a Prob value. 0.2693 > 0.05 thus H1 is rejected, which means that Tangible Assets
have no effect on Economic Performance. This condition can occur because the company cannot
manage or utilize the fixed assets owned properly and correctly. As in determining the depreciation
method, or even when the company is experiencing a bad financial condition, the company will
make the tangible fixed assets it has as collateral to help the company's financial condition.
However, when it is done there will be debts incurred for the company. So that tangible assets
cannot be a benchmark in determining whether a company's economic performance is good or not.
The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Yunita Castekia Arisadi,
Djumahir, & Atim Djazuli (2011) which states that an increase in Fixed Tangible Assets will
reduce the company's financial performance. This can be proven in a sample of research data on
manufacturing industry sector companies for the 2016-2018 period. Where PT Argha Karya Prima
Industry Tbk has a Tangible Asset (FY) ratio of 0.620 (2016) and 0.579 (2017). Meanwhile, the
company's economic performance (EP) increased by 15,627 (2016) and 16,166 (2017). This means
that the company's high Tangible Asset ratio will result in a decrease in the company's economic
103 International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration |IJEBAS
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that an enterprise obtains depends on the attractiveness of the market economy and the economic
value created by the enterprise. Moreover, the company has a competitive advantage only if it can
create more economic value than its competitors.
This is supported by stewardship theory, where this theory describes management attitudes
to provide direction so that the company is able to achieve superior performance. Therefore,
management must be able to control and control the company's activities so that it can achieve what
is the company's goal. When the company's goal of having superior performance is achieved, the
company's economic performance will also increase. The results of this study are in line with
conducted by Sandra Ruiz & Paulo Arvate (2017) which states that a company that has superior
performance means that it has good economic attractiveness and economic value. This can be
proven in a sample of research data on manufacturing industry sector companies for the 2016-2018
period. Where PT Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk has a Superior Performance (SP) value of 27,613
(2016) and 28,051 (2017). Meanwhile, the increase in the company's economic performance (EP)
was 16,751 (2016) and 18,951 (2017). This means that the high value of the company's Superior
Performance will result in an increase in the company's economic performance.
Based on the results of the analysis, the conclusions in this study are as follows:
1. The tangible asset variables in this study did not have a significant influence on economic
2. The supply chain management variable in this study did not have a significant influence on
economic performance.
3. The superior performance variable in this study has a positive effect on economic
4. Simultaneously tangible assets, supply chain management, and superior performance affect
economic performance.
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