2Q. Week 1
2Q. Week 1
2Q. Week 1
Abuyog, Leyte
S.Y. 2022-2023
Learning Target:
Explain that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative
strategy affects various factors such as language form, interaction duration, relationship
of speaker/s to audience or receiver of message, roles and responsibilities of the speaker,
the message itself and the manner of delivery of the speaker.
Gabinete, Mari Karen L., Mildred L. Devera, Maria Trinititas Farrales-Canlas (2017).
Effective oral communication, A practical approach. Trinitas Publishing, Inc.
I. Preliminaries
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
1. Elicit
Ask the students, “Why there is a shifting in communication?”.
2. Engage
Ask the students the following questions:
3. Explore
Let the students read the text on the screen.
Oprah Winfrey, a renowned American talk show host, once said that successful
communication always begins with connection. You must understand, however, that
connection between two or more communicators is only achieved if the conditions
and factors relevant to the communicative process make it so. Just like a balancing
and juggling act that needs to adjust with movements to keep everything steady and
controlled, communication is also a process where connection is maintained through
careful balancing and juggling of all factors involved in the communication process.
After reading, ask the students, “What does Oprah Winfrey means?”. Call at least
2-3 students to give their thoughts.
4. Explain
After sharing the different thoughts, the teacher will discuss the following.
1. Language form
2. Duration of interaction
3. Relationship of speaker
4. Role and responsibility of speaker
5. Message
6. Delivery
5. Elaborate
Ask the students, “Why connection is important in the communication?”.
Concept Notes:
4. Role and responsibility of speaker - will depend on the purpose and context
of communication.
6. Delivery - the manner of delivery involving verbal and nonverbal cues made
by the speaker.
6. Evaluate
Directions: Explain how the factors such as language form, interaction duration,
relationship of speaker/s to audience or receiver of message, roles and responsibilities of
the speaker, the message itself and the manner of delivery of the speaker. affect the
III. Closure
1. Collection of activity
2. Prayer
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Learning Target:
1. Define language form
2. Explain duration of interaction in a speech situation.
Gabinete, Mari Karen L., Mildred L. Devera, Maria Trinititas Farrales-Canlas (2017).
Effective oral communication, A practical approach. Trinitas Publishing, Inc.
I. Preliminaries
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
1. Elicit
Ask the students, “What was the lesson yesterday?”.
2. Engage
Let the students read and answer the situation.
Imagine that you are a Grade 12 honor student and the president of your school’s
Supreme Student Government. For the past two days, you have been preparing for a final
graded report in your Oral Communication class which you are going to present during
your first period in the morning. You now come to school feeling confident and thinking
that it is going to be one great day.
With the provided context above, think of the ways on how you will handle the
conversation with the different person. A brief description of the person is provided to
give you an idea on how you are going to respond or communicate to them.
1. Mr. Reyes, your Oral Communication teacher, calls you to briefly explain to
him how you are going to present your group’s work before you present in
front of the class.
2. Ms. Ortiz, your SSG adviser asked you to make a report about the past event
you had at school.
3. Explore
The teacher will show two pictures on the screen and ask the students the
following questions:
4. Explain
The teacher will discuss the difference between a formal and informal language
and the amount of time in a conversation.
5. Elaborate
Ask the students, “Why do we need to create an ambiance in communication?”.
Concept Notes:
6. Evaluate
Directions: Watch the video and define what language form is used in the
communication and state the duration of interaction.
III. Closure
1. Collection of activity
2. Prayer
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Learning Target:
Identify the relationship of speaker and its role and responsibilities.
Gabinete, Mari Karen L., Mildred L. Devera, Maria Trinititas Farrales-Canlas (2017).
Effective oral communication, A practical approach. Trinitas Publishing, Inc.
I. Preliminaries
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
1. Elicit
Ask the students, “What was the lesson yesterday?”.
2. Engage
The teacher will show a picture on the screen and ask the students, “What
speech style is shown on the picture?”.
3. Explore
Let the students watch a video about body shaming. After watching, ask the
students the following questions:
5. Elaborate
Ask the students, “Why do we need to know the speech style used by the
Concept Notes:
a. Intimate c. Consultative
b. Frozen d. Casual e. Formal
6. Evaluate
The SK Chairperson called for a meeting. After presenting the agenda for
the day, he asked the body to raise other concerns to be discussed. They put
forward two other matters namely: the upcoming programs for youth development
and the construction of the new SK building. During the open forum, the Chair
instructed his fellow youth to raise their hand if they want to say something. The
attendees waited for their turns in the process. The meeting progressed and every
time the discussion would get off the track, the Chair would call for order and
remind the group to stay focused. The discussion flowed smoothly then, and with
everyone’s cooperation, the shift from one topic to the next was done with ease.
Other matters were also clarified. Soon, the chairman asked everybody if they
have fully understood all the issues and concerns discussed. Everybody nodded
and said, “Yes!” in response. The meeting was adjourned promptly.
III. Closure
1. Collection of activity
2. Prayer
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ROSEMIE O. ABARCA _______________________
Subject Teacher Date
Abuyog, Leyte
S.Y. 2022-2023
Learning Target:
1. Analyze the content of a message.
2. Identify the manner of delivery.
Gabinete, Mari Karen L., Mildred L. Devera, Maria Trinititas Farrales-Canlas (2017).
Effective oral communication, A practical approach. Trinitas Publishing, Inc.
I. Preliminaries
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
1. Elicit
Ask the students, “What was the lesson yesterday?”.
2. Engage
The teacher will show a text on the screen and let the students read it. After
reading, ask the students “What is the content of the message?”.
For Ann, the Italian food tastes best, while Joe says that French food is
3. Explore
The teacher will let the students watch a video of SONA 2021 of the former
President, and after watching ask the students, “What manner of delivery is shown in
the video?”.
4. Explain
The teacher will explain what the message and delivery is and teach the
students on how to read and analyze the message of a text.
After teaching the students on how to analyze the message of the text, the
teacher will ask the students, “On the previous video you watched, what is the
message all about?”.
5. Elaborate
Ask the students, “Why do we need to analyze the content of a message?”.
Concept Notes:
The Message involves the intention of the message. The message may be
facts, opinion, feelings, order, suggestions, and questions.
6. Evaluate
Directions: Watch the video shown and analyze the content of the message,
then identify what manner of delivery was shown.
1. https://youtu.be/xGfukDMuhdQ
2. https://youtu.be/66gwKVVsZdo
3. https://youtu.be/v26CcifgEq4
III. Closure
1. Collection of activity
2. Prayer
Prepared by Checked by
Learning Target:
Explain that a shift in Speech context, Speech Style, Speech Act and
Communicative Strategy affects the following: Language form, Duration of Interaction,
Relationship of Speaker, Role and Responsibilities of the Speaker, Message, and
Gabinete, Mari Karen L., Mildred L. Devera, Maria Trinititas Farrales-Canlas (2017).
Effective oral communication, A practical approach. Trinitas Publishing, Inc.
I. Preliminaries
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
Summative Test I
(Copy of the summative test is on the next page)
III. Closure
1. Collection of activity
2. Prayer
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ROSEMIE O. ABARCA _______________________
Subject Teacher Date
Name: Grade & Section:
Activity Title: Quiz No. 1 Date:
Activity No.: 2.5
Learning Competency:
Explain that a shift in Speech context, Speech Style, Speech Act and
Communicative Strategy affects the following: Language form, Duration of Interaction,
Relationship of Speaker, Role and Responsibilities of the Speaker, Message, and
1. The program’s master of ceremony stated, “We are about to start the program in less than a
minute.” Identify the speech act used.
A. Illocutionary Act C. Perlocutionary Act
B. Locutionary Act D. None of the above
2. ‘Ana, will you please lead the class in reciting the Patriotic Oath,” Ms. Sanchez said. What
classification of speech style used?
A. Casual C. Frozen
B. Consultative D. Intimate
3. This refers to the content that may be facts, opinion, feelings, order, suggestions, and
A. Delivery C. Language form
B. Duration of interaction D. Message
4. It refers to the speech style used by the speaker suited to his/her relationship to the person with
10. This refers to the amount of time a conversation takes between and among communicators.
A. Duration of interaction C. Informal language
B. Formal language D. Responsibilities of the speaker
1. Intimate Gina, look at your crush, he is with someone.
2. Casual Doctor, can you please tell me what’s going
on with my body?
3. Frozen Guest speaker: Congratulations everyone!
4. Consultative Let’s start the Lord’s prayer before we start
the program.
5. Formal Jake, I am your father, and I will protect you
against all harm.
Please mother I am begging you.
DIRECTIONS: Explain how we can use effective communicative strategies in a variety of
speech situations.
To achieve a successful communication transaction, these factors such as: Language form,
Duration of Interaction, Relationship of Speaker, Role and Responsibilities of the Speaker,
Message, and Delivery needs to be taken into careful consideration.
For Essay
4 3 2 1 0 Total
Correctly identified
the term or phrase asked With error in the term or phrase Incorrect or no
-------------------- --------------------
asked answer