Related Learning Experience Fundamentals in Nursing 4 Rotation

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Shara M. Delgado
April Joy Donato
Trish Nizzeth Gaño
Jasmine Ann Maximo
Nesronn Martin

(BSN 1-A , Cluster 2)


Mr. Ivore Christian Bueno

(Clinical Instructor)
Assessment Diagnosis Inference Goal Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Objective  Antibiotic-  Antibiotic Short Term:  Vital signs  To observe  After nursing
associated associated diarrhea every 4 changes and interventions the
 The patient is diarrhea is occurs in about 5- After nursing hours while monitor vital sign patient have
awake, alert and characterized by 30% of patients interventions, The awake of the patient been free from
oriented, weak a low-grade either early during patient will report because drastic discomfort.
in appearance. fever, abdominal antibiotic therapy or absence of  IV lactated alterations
 The patient has pain, and up to two months abdominal cramps Ringer’s indicate  After the nursing
a low-grade cramps, as well after the end of the and pain and will solution @ underlying interventions the
fever, dry mouth as 6-10 watery treatment. maintain adequate 150 mL/hr. medical patient
 The patient has stools each day. fluid volume. problems. reestablishes and
a abdominal  Causes of diarrhea  Stool for maintains a
cramps, and are disruption of the Expected Outcome occult normal pattern of
abdominal pain normal flora of the blood,  To bowel
gastrointestinal tract -Verbalize O&P, and replace/supply functioning.
Subjective or direct irritation to understanding of C. diff. the lost fluids
the GI mucosa by a causative factor. and electrocytes  After nursing
 The patient drug. The most the patient’s interventions, the
quoted “I don’t clinically significant -Verbalize the  Bathroom body had lost. patient verbalizes
think I have form of antibiotic- rationale for with understanding of
gone this much associated diarrhea treatment regimen. assistance. diarrhea’s causes
in my entire life! is overgrowth of and the rationale
I can’t even Clostridium difficile, Long Term:  Prepare for for treatment.
describe how which can lead to  Skin/ required test and
bad my bottom pseudomembranou After of nursing wound to help
feels! I was just s colitis. interventions, the care differentiate
getting over my patient will Re- consult patient’s disease
chest infection establish and and assess the
with all those maintain normal severity of each
antibiotic pills.” bowel movement episode

-Reduction in  To provide
frequency of stools. assistance in
 The patient bedrest and
experienced -Return of the stool bathroom
abdominal pain to the normal privileges and to
and abdominal consistency. ensure patient is
cramps with a in safe, clean
pain scale of 7 and comfortable
out of 10. environment.
 The patient  To assist body’s
suffers from natural process
diarrhea and has of repair and to
6 to 10 watery monitor the
stools a day. progress of
wound healing.

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