TQ-Media-and-Information Literacy

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Republic of the Philippines

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Caraga Region



Directions: C. promoting freedom of expression

Read and understand each question D. creating media content
carefully. Then write the letter of the
correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. When it comes to media literacy, it 4. Media messages can influence

encompasses a range of skills and people's behaviors and beliefs. Does
abilities. Which of the following is an this mean all media effects are
example of media literacy? negative?

A. the ability to critically analyze A. Yes, people should avoid all

media messages media.
B. the ability to use technology B. Yes, the media has bad
tools effectively influences on people.
C. the ability to access a variety of C. No, the media never influences
media sources people's behaviors and beliefs.
D. the ability to create media D. No, media effects can be positive
content or negative depending on the
message conveyed.

2. What is the role of information 5. Imagine you are working on a

literacy? research project for school. You need
to gather information from various
A. to recognize when information is sources and communicate your
needed and locate it effectively findings effectively. In this context,
B. to access a wide range of media what best describes the similarities
among media, information, and
C. to develop effective production
D. to promote freedom of expression A. they have no similarities
B. they are three identical concepts
3. Imagine you are researching a C. they solely focus on digital skills
current event and trying to critically D. they all facilitate communication
analyze the gathered information. In and access to information
this context, which of the following
steps is involved in the process of 6. You are trying to decide whether to
media and information literacy? trust a news article you read online. In
order to apply media literacy skills,
A. analyzing and evaluating media which of the following steps should you
messages take in this situation?
B. accessing a wide range of media

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Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

A. evaluate the credibility of the messages, Information Literacy

source and analyze the content empowers effective
B. use technology tools to access communication, and Technology
more information Literacy strengthens digital
C. read books and articles to skills.
improve literacy skills C. Media Literacy involves analyzing
D. analyze the impact of media on information sources, Information
society Literacy supports understanding
media technology, and
7. How does technology literacy differ Technology Literacy aids in
from media literacy? deciphering media content.
A. Technology literacy focuses on D. Media Literacy teaches media
creating media, while media production, Information Literacy
literacy focuses on accessing addresses media consumption,
media. and Technology Literacy focuses
B. Technology literacy is only about on critical thinking.
digital media, while media 9. Responsible use of media and
literacy includes traditional information involves being aware of
media. privacy concerns, understanding the
C. Technology literacy involves implications of sharing personal data
evaluating and integrating online, and respecting intellectual
information, while media literacy property rights.
focuses on communication.
D. Technology literacy is about Describe two ways individuals can
using technological tools demonstrate responsible use of media
effectively, while media literacy is and information in their daily lives.
about analyzing media content.
A. Engaging actively in fact-
8. Media and information literacy checking before sharing
empower individuals to critically information online and
evaluate media content, understand respecting the privacy settings
the role of information in society, and on social media platforms.
effectively utilize technology tools. B. Limiting screen time to avoid
information overload and
How do Media Literacy, Information avoiding the unauthorized use of
Literacy, and Technology Literacy copyrighted material in projects.
contribute to empowering individuals C. Analyzing the influence of media
in today's information-driven society? messages on personal beliefs and
A. Media Literacy focuses on ethical values and promoting awareness
use of technology, Information of media literacy principles
Literacy deals with critical within their community
thinking about media, and D. Respecting the intellectual
Technology Literacy emphasizes property rights of content
media consumption. creators and using technology
B. Media Literacy enhances tools to enhance digital literacy
understanding of media skills.

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Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

10. Practicing digital etiquette, platforms impacted cultural

respecting intellectual property rights, representation and diversity in the
and critically evaluating online content media industry?
are essential for responsible media and
information usage. A. Traditional media channels often
portrayed stereotypical
Provide one recommendation for representations of marginalized
individuals to solve the problem of groups, while new media
misinformation spread online. platforms have facilitated more
diverse and inclusive narratives.
A. Share articles without verifying B. The rise of streaming services
facts to increase engagement. has allowed for a wider range of
B. Engage with a wide range of voices and stories to be
sources to cross-verify showcased, challenging
information before sharing. traditional norms in
C. Avoid fact-checking to save time entertainment.
and energy in the digital world. C. Social media platforms have
D. Publish sensationalized provided a space for
headlines to attract attention underrepresented communities
from others. to share their stories and
11. While researching for a school perspectives, leading to
project, you find an article that increased visibility and
appears to have copied content directly awareness.
without proper citations. How would D. The transition to new media has
you assess this situation in terms of raised questions about the
responsible use of media and authenticity and accuracy of
information? cultural portrayals, highlighting
the need for responsible content
A. Consider it normal practice and creation and representation.
proceed to use the content
without citations. 13. Which theory of the press
B. Report the plagiarism to the emphasizes the importance of media
relevant authorities and seek freedom and the ability of individuals
permission to use the material. to find and judge good ideas from a
C. Ignore the lack of citations and bad one?
acknowledge the information as
your own. A. Authoritarian Theory
D. Share the article without B. Libertarian Theory
attributing the original source to C. Marxist Theory
increase visibility. D. Social Responsibility Theory
12. As new media platforms continue
to reshape the media landscape,
societal values and norms are being
influenced by the content shared
online. How has the evolution of media
from traditional to new media
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Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

14. Sarah is a journalist who wants to A. Discontinue traditional media

adapt to the changing media landscape platforms to focus on new media
and effectively engage with her strategies.
audience. Which of the following steps B. Enhance interactive features on
can Sarah take to adapt to the traditional media platforms for
evolution of media? audience engagement.
C. Limit access to new media
A. Rely only on traditional media platforms to redirect users to
platforms for her reporting. traditional media.
B. Embrace new media platforms D. Avoid digital transformation and
and experiment with different maintain traditional media
formats. practices.
C. Ignore the impact of new media
on journalism and continue with 17. A company wants to promote its
traditional methods. new product. Which type of media
D. Avoid engaging with her would be most effective in reaching a
audience and focus solely on wide audience quickly?
reporting the news.
A. print media, such as
15. Lisa is analyzing the impact of the newspapers and magazines
evolution of media on societal values B. broadcast media, such as
and norms. Which of the following television and radio
statements best describes the C. new media, such as social
difference between traditional media media platforms and online
and new media in shaping values and advertisements
norms? D. visual media, such as billboards
and posters
A. Traditional media has a greater
impact on shaping values and 18. Indigenous media refers to forms of
norms compared to new media. communication and information
B. New media is more influential in dissemination that are rooted in the
shaping values and norms culture and traditions of a specific
compared to traditional media. community. How does indigenous
C. Traditional media and new media media differ from more common
have equal impact on shaping sources of information such as
values and norms. libraries and the internet?
D. Traditional media focuses on
one-way communication, while A. Indigenous media focuses on
new media allows for interactive oral storytelling and
and participatory engagement. community-based knowledge
sharing, while libraries and the
16. As traditional media continues to internet provide access to a wide
coexist with new media, the range of written and digital
competition for audience attention and resources.
trust intensifies. How can traditional B. Indigenous media relies on
media outlets adapt to remain relevant traditional communication
in the digital age? methods, while libraries and the

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Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

internet offer modern content can be changed and

technologies for accessing updated.
information. B. Indigenous media focuses on
C. Indigenous media is primarily visual storytelling, while the
used within a specific internet relies on written
community, while libraries and narratives.
the internet have a broader C. Mural art is exclusive to the
reach and audience. community, while the internet
D. Indigenous media is exclusively allows for global dissemination of
transmitted through physical cultural content.
mediums, while libraries and D. Indigenous media relies on
the internet are digital traditional art forms, while
platforms. internet platforms promote
modern digital media.
19. How does the presentation of an
issue or news differ between print
media and online media?
21. In analyzing the presentation of a
A. Print media offers a more controversial news story on
interactive and engaging environmental pollution, how does the
experience, while online media information differ when viewed through
provides a static and text-based print media, broadcast media, and
format. online platforms?
B. Print media relies on physical
distribution, while online media A. Print media provides a
allows for instant and comprehensive and detailed
widespread access. analysis, while broadcast media
C. Print media focuses on local offers a visually impactful
news, while online media covers representation, and online
a broader range of topics and platforms allow for instant
reaches a global audience. updates and diverse
D. Print media provides real-time perspectives.
updates and live reporting, B. Print media is outdated and
while online media offers a more impractical, broadcast media is
in-depth analysis and biased, and online platforms lack
commentary. credibility in presenting the
20. An indigenous community creates C. Print media lacks visuals,
a mural depicting their cultural broadcast media is overly
heritage to preserve and share their sensationalized, and online
traditions. How does this form of platforms contain too much
indigenous media differ from utilizing information to be considered
the internet for cultural preservation? reliable sources.
D. Print media focuses on
A. Mural art is a permanent form of sensational headlines, broadcast
communication, while internet media lacks in-depth reporting,
and online platforms are too

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Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

cluttered with advertisements to 24. You are tasked with creating a

present accurate news. poster for a school event. Which of the
following elements would be considered
22. Which statement reflects accurate a media code in this situation?
analysis on the impact of lives
streaming to audience engagement? A. School logo
B. Event theme
A. Limits audience engagement C. Event date and time
due to technological D. Poster paper quality
B. Enhances audience 25. A local environmental organization
participation and interaction in wants to raise awareness about the
real-time. importance of recycling in the
C. Decreases audience satisfaction
community. How can they effectively
with media content.
D. Eliminates influence on use media codes and conventions to
audience perceptions of media disseminate this information?
A. Incorporate bright colors and
23. When disseminating complex captivating images in print
scientific information to the public, materials, present emotional
how could the approach differ in the testimonials in broadcast ads,
use of media codes and conventions
and create interactive quizzes on
across print articles, broadcast
segments, and online resources? recycling on online platforms.
B. Stick to black and white visuals
A. Print articles may provide in- for print, have a monotone voice-
depth analysis, broadcast over in broadcast ads, and avoid
segments could simplify key
digital content for online
points, and online resources
might offer interactive promotion.
visualizations. C. Provide conflicting information
B. Print articles may lack technical across different media, use dull
terms, broadcast segments could colors in print materials, and
focus on jargon, and online offer limited information in
resources might omit crucial online campaigns.
D. Avoid visual elements in print
C. Print articles may be visually
appealing, broadcast segments materials, have a serious tone in
could be text-heavy, and online broadcast messages, and post
resources might prioritize minimal content on online
entertainment over accuracy. platforms.
D. Print articles may lack visuals,
broadcast segments could use 26. Intellectual property is the creation
conflicting narratives, and online of the mind, such as inventions,
resources might provide literary and artistic works, designs
contradictory information. and symbols, names and images

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Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

used in commerce. What category 12, 2012. It aims to address legal

of Intellectual Property where issues concerning online
drawings, paintings, photographs, interactions and the Internet in the
and sculptures belong? Philippines. Based on the
statement why is RA 10175
A. Architectural important?
B. Copyright
C. Industrial A. It establishes the necessary legal
D. Geographical frameworks to detect,
investigate, and prosecute these
27. In the Philippines copyright, both crimes, aiming to maintain a safe
original works and derivative works cyberspace environment for all.
are protected. But some works are B. It protects fundamental rights
not covered by copyright due to and privileges.
insufficient authorship or due to C. It promotes cybercrime
the work being of importance to awareness.
public interest. What do you think D. It protects Intellectual Property
are the works not covered by rights.
A. dramatic or dramatic-musical 29. What is bullying?
compositions; choreographic
works or entertainment in A. It is a physical action inflicted on
dumb show. a child by other than accidental
B. lectures, sermons, addresses, means.
dissertations prepared for oral B. It is an unwanted, aggressive
delivery, whether reduced in behavior among school-aged
writing or other material forms. children that involves a real or
C. any idea, production, system, perceived power imbalance.
method or operation, concept, C. It could be a term that refers to
principle, discovery or mere the gap between demographics
data as such, even if they are and regions that have access to
expressed, explained, trendy info and technology, and
illustrated or embodied in a people that do not or have
mark. restricted access.
D. audiovisual works and D. A disorder in which the
cinematographic works and individual turns to the internet
materials produced by a or plays computer games to
process analogous to change moods, overcome
cinematography or any process anxiety, deal with depression,
of making audio-visual reduce isolation or loneliness, or
recordings. distract themselves from
overwhelming problems.
28. Republic Act No. 10175 also known
as Cybercrime Prevention Act of 30. “Stop Cyberbullying” campaign
2012 is a law in the Philippines addresses the problem of growing
that was approved on September scale of violence with the use of

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Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

electronic media among children best reason why it is important to

and young people. What is the reduce digital divide?
primary objective of this
A. Because, if individuals have limited
or no access to or knowledge of
A. Increases awareness of cyber digital technologies and the
bullying and knowledge of Internet, then their capacity to fully
network within our target contribute to, and benefit from
audience through media impact.
society and the economy is
B. Promotes better digital Literacy.
C. Fosters awareness of Digital
Literacy and knowledge on how
B. Because, if individuals have limited
to be a responsible digital user.
D. Produces responsible citizens.
or no access to or knowledge of
digital technologies, then their
31. Mark reported to his adviser about ability will not contribute and
the bullying that happened in the benefit from the society and the
school in which he and his friends economy will increased.
were involved. Which factor is
considered bullying? C. Because, if we have enough access
to or knowledge of technology, our
A. Telling someone a false capacity will contribute to the
information. decrease of our economy.
B. Encouraging other students to
be friends with someone. D. Because, if we have not enough
C. Leaving someone out on purpose knowledge of digital technologies,
when you know they will be hurt our capacity will fully contribute to
by your actions.
and benefit to the increased of our
D. Using power - such as physical
strength, access to embarrassing
information, or popularity—to 33. The power of media and
control or harm others. information lies in its ability to shape
perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors,
32. Digital divide refers to the gap
as well as to facilitate communication,
between demographics and regions
collaboration, and innovation and can
that have access to modern
be demonstrated in various situations,
information and communications
technology (ICT), and those that lack or
have restricted access.. This A. Business and Marketing
technology can include the telephone, B. Crisis Management
television, personal computers and B. Elections
internet connectivity. Based on this D. Idleness
statement, what do you think is the

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Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

34. In Business and marketing, Media What do you mean by MOOC?

and information can also influence
A. Massive Old Order Courses
consumer behavior and business
B. Massive Online Open Courses
strategies. The following are companies
C. Massive Open On-line Courses
often use various forms of media,
D. Massive Order for On-line
A. advertisements
37. MOOCs can be addressed to
B. influencer marketing
unemployed helping them to develop
C. product placements
certain skills needed for employability.
D. raising awareness
They can also contribute to the free
training of employees. What do you
35. Political campaigns often use
think is the BEST explanation of the
various forms of media, such as
impact of MOOCs on students?
television ads, social media, and news
coverage, to promote their agendas and A. Discover the ways of using
win support from voters. What do you open online courses in the
think is the BEST explanation why learning process and future
politics used media and information in professional activities which
their political campaign? contribute to self-learning and
self-education skills development.
A. To facilitate social movements
B. Help find interests to learn new
by raising awareness about
social issues.
C. Update skills and broaden
B. To influence the outcome of
elections by shaping public
D. Help join in the community
opinion, disseminating
conversations to talk about topics
information about candidates
that are interesting.
and issues, and mobilizing
38. Media and Information is an
C. To influence consumer behavior
important part of today's world. It
and business strategies.
helps people stay connected and share
D. To facilitate learning, research,
ideas, thoughts, and opinions with
and innovation by providing
others in a safe and secure
access to knowledge, data, and
environment. It can also be used to
promote businesses, organizations,
and causes, as well as to stay informed
36. MOOCs provides access to quality
about current events and trends. The
education as possible to many people
following are the NEGATIVE effects of
and contribute to continuous
media and information, EXCEPT:
education of various social groups.

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Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

A. online harassment category of Text Information has the

B. offers numerous benefits purpose of giving information on a
C. Misinformation and addiction specific topic.
D. raises concerns about privacy A. Fiction
B. Invented
39. Media and information literacy C. Formal Text
provides the backbone to D. Informal Text
understanding media and the role of
media in our society. MIL also provides 41. Visual media are sources of
some of the essential skills necessary information in the form of visual
for critical thinking, analysis, self- representations. These can be
expression, and creativity. Which of abstractions, analogues, rough
the following fails to define an illustrations, or digital reproductions of
individual who is a Media and the objects. Which of the following
Information Literate? types of visual media do posters belong
A. Understand, sort, and choose the
A. animation
good and apply what is absorbed
B. images
from the media and information.
C. infographics
D. videos
B. Access, analyze, evaluate, create,
and be actively involved in the 42. Audio information and media is a
almost borderless era of media communication that utilizes
communication and information. sound to deliver and transfer
information by using recordings and
C. Find, evaluate, and communicate audios. These are also used in auditory
using digital media platforms. teaching which is very effective for
people who learn faster through sound
D. Distinguish between reliable or hearing. Which of the following
sources of information, determine statements is the disadvantage of
the role of media in culture and be Audio information media?
responsible for his/her
A. They are not interactive, and they
understanding of the influence of do not provide the visual elements
mass communication, while that many of us desire.
switching between different media B. It can be costly and less private
platforms. than other forms of
40. Text media are either printed or C. Lack of non-verbal cues.
D. Security may be compromised.
digital text material that is published
for the purpose of communicating
information to an audience. What
Balilahan, Mabua, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
(086) 211-3225
National Achievement Test
[email protected]

Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

43. Motion media is a form of media A. caricature

that has the appearance of moving text B. fiction
and graphics on a display, with a C. non-fiction
D. parody
purpose of disseminating information
to an audience. Which is the BEST 46. Multimedia is a transmission that
explanation, why is there a need to combines media of communication
understand motion media and such as text, graphics, audio,
information? animation, and video. The following are
A. because the movement of the elements which represent creative
combination of texts and multimedia, EXCEPT:
graphics communicate A. colors
information in multiple ways B. design
B. because the movement of the B. innovation
combination of texts has C. social media
nothing to do with
C. because the movement of 47. Elements of multi-media compose
graphics communicates of text, audio, video, graphics, and
information in one way animation. It uses media in an
D. because it caters visual interactive manner to provide
learners information in multiple ways.
Which is then the most important
elements of multimedia?
A. audio
44. Text information is produced B. animation
through the several steps. Which C. text
do you think is the first step in D. video
producing a text information?
A. The writer does a thorough 48. Visual design elements are the
gathering of information about building blocks or basic units in
the topic. the construction of visual images.
B. The writer constructs an outline Which of the following design
of the topic and composes the elements is usually a geometric
draft. area that stands out from the space
C. The writer goes back to the draft next to or around it, or because of
and develops it into a full text. differences in value, color or
D.The writer selects a topic or an texture.
issue worth writing about.
A. color
45. Jia wrote stories as a product of B. line
her imagination, like fairy tales, C. shape
mythologies, and legends. What D.value
classification of text information
did Jia write?

Balilahan, Mabua, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300

(086) 211-3225
National Achievement Test
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Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

49. One of the visual design principles

is bringing together a composition
with similar units. For example, if
your composition is using wavy
lines and organic shapes, you
should consistently use these types
of lines and not put just one
geometric shape. Based on the
statement above, what visual
design principle is described?

A. Balance
B. Center of interest
C. Consistency
D. Harmony

50. Color is determined by its hue,

intensity, and value. It also plays a
major role in our visual perception and
even influences our reactions to the
world around us. Based on this
statement, why there is a need to
utilize color for effective visual

A. Colors have a remarkable ability

to evoke feelings, communicate
ideas, and leave an impression.
B. Colors can show processes in
detail and in sequence.
C. Colors bring together the
D. Colors can be used as a
background to bring an object out.

Balilahan, Mabua, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300

(086) 211-3225
National Achievement Test
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Date: 03/01/2024 | Version: V3 | DC No: I-OSDS-002

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