Quick Start Guide PRTG Enterprise Monitor
Quick Start Guide PRTG Enterprise Monitor
Quick Start Guide PRTG Enterprise Monitor
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Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 4
Step 1: Check the system requirements for the installation of a PRTG server ....................................... 5
Step 2: Install a PRTG server ............................................................................................................................... 6
Step 3: Set up your PRTG installation ............................................................................................................. 12
Step 4: Add a user account to your PRTG installation for the connection to ITOps Board ................ 13
Step 5: Install more PRTG servers (optional) ................................................................................................ 15
Step 6: Install Paessler PRTG MultiBoard ...................................................................................................... 16
Step 7: Connect your PRTG servers with PRTG MultiBoard ...................................................................... 20
Step 8: Install ITOps Board ................................................................................................................................ 22
Step 9: Create integrations in ITOps Board for your PRTG servers ......................................................... 23
Introduction |
Welcome to Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor. You have chosen a software product that comes with a
comprehensive set of features and provides the scalability and flexibility you need for monitoring large-
scale IT environments.
Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor includes PRTG Network Monitor and ITOps Board, which offers
advanced, centralized dashboards, a service-oriented management view, and extended alerting across
all your configured PRTG servers, including remote probes.
We also recommend to install PRTG MultiBoard to manage all your PRTG servers. PRTG MultiBoard is
the main interface for installations with several PRTG servers.
4 10/10/2023
Introduction | Step 1: Check the system requirements for the installation of a PRTG server
For up-to-date setup recommendations, see the Paessler website: System requirements for PRTG.
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Introduction | Step 2: Install a PRTG server
Installing a PRTG server works like other Windows-based applications. To install a PRTG server, run the
installation setup program prtg_installer.exe from the .zip file that you downloaded.
The activation of a Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor subscription license requires as of PRTG
1. Confirm the question of the Windows User Account Control with Yes to allow PRTG to install. The
installation dialog guides you through the installation process.
2. Select a language for the installation and click OK. The available language options depend on both
your Windows version and the setup file.
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Introduction | Step 2: Install a PRTG server
4. Enter your email address to make sure you receive important system alerts and click Next.
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Introduction | Step 2: Install a PRTG server
5. Enter your license key and click Next. For more information about the activation of your license, see
section Step 3.1: Activate your license.
6. Select if you want to use the Express or the Custom installation mode and click Next. If you select
the Express installation mode, you can directly proceed with step 9.
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Introduction | Step 2: Install a PRTG server
7. This page is only visible if you use the Custom installation mode. You can change the paths to the
PRTG program directory and PRTG data directory, if necessary. Click Next.
8. This page is only visible if you use the Custom installation mode. Select if you want to run an auto-
discovery of your network or if you want to skip the auto-discovery. This might be useful for
performance reasons or if you prefer to manually add devices and sensors to your installation. Click
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Introduction | Step 2: Install a PRTG server
9. This page is only visible if you select Run auto-discovery. You can enter a Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) community string. The default SNMP community string is public.
Click Next.
After installation, you can open the PRTG web interface in your preferred browser.
In some cases, antivirus software like Windows Defender interferes with the PRTG installer. This
might cause high CPU load on the PRTG server, which might prevent a successful installation.
Temporarily disable Windows Defender and other antivirus software if you have issues installing PRTG.
10 11/10/2023
Introduction | Step 2: Install a PRTG server
Online Activation
You received the License Key from Paessler via email. Copy the key and paste it when PRTG asks you to
enter your license information in the setup dialog.
Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor subscription licenses do not have a License Name. The installer
automatically grays out the License Name field if you enter a PRTG Enterprise Monitor subscription
license key.
If you think that you have correctly entered your license key but get a License Invalid message,
contact [email protected].
Offline Activation
If no internet connection is available, you must activate PRTG manually. For a step-by-step guide on how
to activate your PRTG Enterprise Monitor license manually, see the Knowledge Base: How do I manually
activate my PRTG Enterprise Monitor license?
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Introduction | Step 3: Set up your PRTG installation
PRTG automatically starts the Smart Setup on a new PRTG installation. This setup assistant,
represented by a member of the Paessler team, guides you through the initial setup of your network
monitoring system. The Smart Setup reappears until you have completed all steps. You can skip the
introduction altogether right at the beginning.
For more information, see the PRTG Manual: Step 2: Smart Setup.
12 1/9/2023
Introduction | Step 4: Add a user account to your PRTG installation for the connection to ITOps Board
Step 4: Add a user account to your PRTG installation for the connection
to ITOps Board
To use ITOps Board, you need to add a dedicated user account to your PRTG installations to which
ITOps Board can connect.
1. Log in to the PRTG web interface as an administrator user. The default login name and password for
the PRTG System Administrator user are prtgadmin and prtgadmin.
2. Select Setup | System Administration | User Accounts from the main menu bar.
3. Hover over and select Add User from the dropdown menu.
4. Enter a Login Name for the new user, for example, itopsboard, and a Display Name, for example,
ITOps Board API Access.
5. Enter a Primary Email Address and a Password for the new user.
6. For Account Type, select Read/write user.
7. As the new user’s Primary Group, select the PRTG Administrators group from the dropdown list.
This is necessary because the new user needs to be an administrator user. You can also select
any other user group with administrative rights.
8. Set all other options as you require them.
9. Click Create to add the new user account to PRTG.
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Introduction | Step 4: Add a user account to your PRTG installation for the connection to ITOps Board
For more information on how to manage user accounts in PRTG, see the PRTG Manual: User
Accounts and User Groups.
14 6/7/2023
Introduction | Step 5: Install more PRTG servers (optional)
If you already want to set up more PRTG servers, repeat step 2, step 3, and step 4. You can also install
further PRTG servers at a later time.
Note that each PRTG server system has its own configuration and its own local user accounts.
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Introduction | Step 6: Install Paessler PRTG MultiBoard
You can find a comprehensive guide to PRTG MultiBoard in the PRTG MultiBoard & PRTG app for
desktop manual.
Paessler PRTG MultiBoard is a native, cross-platform application that enables fast access to all of your
PRTG servers, including PRTG Network Monitor and PRTG Hosted Monitor instances. With PRTG
MultiBoard you can configure your setup, view monitoring results, and keep an eye on your network.
As a PRTG Enterprise user, you also have access to PRTG MultiBoard features, which has extended
features, including the multiboard and probe transfer.
For more information, see sections 4: General features and 5: PRTG MultiBoard in the PRTG
MultiBoard & PRTG app for desktop manual.
PRTG MultiBoard provides a more technical and detailed view than the service-oriented view of ITOps
Board. PRTG MultiBoard natively includes most PRTG functions. For a few options, PRTG MultiBoard
opens an external browser window using your default browser, for example, for system setup.
System Requirements
To install and use PRTG MultiBoard, you must have the following:
§ Administration rights
16 7/24/2023
Introduction | Step 6: Install Paessler PRTG MultiBoard
For more information, see section 2.1: System Requirements in the PRTG MultiBoard & PRTG app
for desktop manual.
1. Download the PRTG app for desktop installer from the Paessler website.
3. Click Install to accept the terms and conditions and to install PRTG app for desktop.
PRTG app for desktop is automatically installed under C:\Program Files\Paessler\PRTG
Desktop. Click Change Path to select a different folder. We recommend that you use the default
If asked, confirm the question of the Windows User Account Control with Yes to allow the
program to install.
4. After installation, click Launch to start PRTG .
5. Click Connect to my server to continue. Optionally, you can try the demo server.
6. Enter the connection settings for one of your PRTG servers and click Save to connect. To begin, you
will only be adding one PRTG core server or PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. After installation, you
can add more servers in File | Settings | Accounts.
For more information, see section Step 7: Connect your PRTG servers with PRTG MultiBoard.
7. Click Yes to continue.
8. The installer will show a few tips for using PRTG app for desktop features. Click Next to continue for
the next few screens.
9. On the last screen, the installer will prompt you to enable the system tray to receive desktop
notifications. Enable or disable the check box next to Enable the system tray to receive desktop
notifications via the system tray or to deactivate notifications. This setting can be changed after
10. Click Done to start PRTG app for desktop.
1. In PRTG Desktop, navigate to File | Settings | License Info and click Activate to continue.
2. Enter your license key to activate PRTG MultiBoard.
3. Restart PRTG Desktop to enable the PRTG MultiBoard features.
For more information, see section 6.6 License Info in the PRTG MultiBoard & PRTG app for desktop
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Introduction | Step 6: Install Paessler PRTG MultiBoard
General features
Multi-edit § Select multiple objects in the device tree to bulk edit settings or to apply context
menu functions to all selected objects at once.
§ View data of the first five selected objects, for example index graphs.
Alerting § Enable the tray icon, taskbar notifications, or notification sounds to keep you up to
date in the case of new Alarms, Log Entries, or Tickets.
For more information, see section 4: General features in the PRTG MultiBoard & PRTG app for
desktop manual.
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Introduction | Step 6: Install Paessler PRTG MultiBoard
§ View the device trees and data of all your PRTG servers at a glance.
§ Group sensors into customized sensor sets across all your PRTG servers.
Probe § Clone remote probes from one PRTG server to another without losing historic
Transfer data.
For more information, see section 5: PRTG MultiBoard in the PRTG MultiBoard & PRTG app for
desktop manual.
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Introduction | Step 7: Connect your PRTG servers with PRTG MultiBoard
In the Accounts settings, you can add, edit, and remove connections to one or more PRTG servers.
PRTG MultiBoard connects to the PRTG web server that runs on the PRTG core server system or to a
PRTG Hosted Monitor instance.
Note that PRTG MultiBoard does not support multiple connections to the same PRTG server. You
can only add one account per PRTG server.
Setting Description
Name Optionally enter a name that PRTG MultiBoard displays in the Servers list and
in the page header bar.
If you leave this field empty, PRTG MultiBoard displays the IP address or
Domain Name System (DNS) name that you enter under Server.
Server Select if you want to use a secure HTTPS connection or an unsecure HTTP
connection. The default port for a secure connection is 443. The default port
for an unsecure connection is 80.
Enter the IP address or DNS name of the PRTG server that you want to
connect to. This is the same address or name as defined in the PRTG web
server settings.
Make sure that the values match the values of the PRTG web server
Make sure that the PRTG server is reachable and that no firewall settings
block the connection. This is especially important if you use network
address translation (NAT) rules.
PRTG MultiBoard can connect to a maximum of two non-commercial
installations (trial edition or freeware edition). There are no restrictions on
connections to commercial installations.
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Introduction | Step 7: Connect your PRTG servers with PRTG MultiBoard
Setting Description
Port Use the default port or enter the port that the PRTG server runs on. This is the
same port as defined in the PRTG web server settings.
Make sure that the values match the values of the PRTG web server
Make sure that the PRTG server is reachable and that no firewall settings
block the connection. This is especially important if you use NAT rules.
For more information, see section 2.1: System requirements in the the
PRTG MultiBoard & PRTG app for desktop manual,.
Login Name Enter the login name that you use to log in to the PRTG web server. This can
be the login name of the PRTG System Administrator user or the login name of
a different PRTG user.
The default login name of the PRTG System Administrator user is
For more information, see the PRTG Manual: User Accounts.
Password Enter the password that you use to log in to the PRTG web server.
The default password of the PRTG System Administrator user is
PRTG Desktop individually stores the connection settings for each Windows user under
%appdata%\Paessler\PRTG Desktop\data.
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Introduction | Step 8: Install ITOps Board
In ITOps Board, you can connect several PRTG installations for a central dashboard view, for customized
service level and process level overviews, and for central alerting.
For installing ITOps Board, see the ITOps Board Installation Guide. You can download all necessary
installation files here.
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Introduction | Step 9: Create integrations in ITOps Board for your PRTG servers
Once you have installed ITOps Board, connect your PRTG installations to ITOps Board by adding a new
integration for PRTG.
You need one integration for each PRTG server. For each integration, use the respective PRTG user
account that you created in Step 4: Add a user account to your PRTG installation for the connection
to ITOps Board for the connection to ITOps Board.
For detailed instructions on how to create an integration for PRTG in ITOps Board, see the ITOps
Board Installation Guide, chapter 6, section Configure Integrations.
Note that the user accounts that you create in ITOps Board are not synchronized with the user
accounts on your PRTG servers.
And that’s it! Now you can start using ITOps Board together with PRTG Network Monitor for your
advanced, centralized dashboard experience.
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Last change to this manual: 11/17/2023