Chapter Ten
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In 1637 Descartes gave the corpuscular model of light and derived Snell’s
law. It explained the laws of reflection and refraction of light at an interface.
The corpuscular model predicted that if the ray of light (on refraction)
bends towards the normal then the speed of light would be greater in the
second medium. This corpuscular model of light was further developed
by Isaac Newton in his famous book entitled OPTICKS and because of
the tremendous popularity of this book, the corpuscular model is very
often attributed to Newton.
In 1678, the Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens put forward the
wave theory of light – it is this wave model of light that we will discuss in
this chapter. As we will see, the wave model could satisfactorily explain
the phenomena of reflection and refraction; however, it predicted that on
refraction if the wave bends towards the normal then the speed of light
would be less in the second medium. This is in contradiction to the
prediction made by using the corpuscular model of light. It was much
later confirmed by experiments where it was shown that the speed of
light in water is less than the speed in air confirming the prediction of the
wave model; Foucault carried out this experiment in 1850.
The wave theory was not readily accepted primarily because of
Newton’s authority and also because light could travel through vacuum 351
and it was felt that a wave would always require a medium to propagate
from one point to the other. However, when Thomas Young performed
his famous interference experiment in 1801, it was firmly established
that light is indeed a wave phenomenon. The wavelength of visible
light was measured and found to be extremely small; for example, the
wavelength of yellow light is about 0.5 µm. Because of the smallness
of the wavelength of visible light (in comparison to the dimensions of
typical mirrors and lenses), light can be assumed to approximately
travel in straight lines. This is the field of geometrical optics, which we
had discussed in the previous chapter. Indeed, the branch of optics in
which one completely neglects the finiteness of the wavelength is called
geometrical optics and a ray is defined as the path of energy
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propagation in the limit of wavelength tending to zero.
After the interference experiment of Young in 1801, for the next 40
years or so, many experiments were carried out involving the
re R interference and diffraction of lightwaves; these experiments could only
be satisfactorily explained by assuming a wave model of light. Thus,
around the middle of the nineteenth century, the wave theory seemed
to be very well established. The only major difficulty was that since it
was thought that a wave required a medium for its propagation, how
could light waves propagate through vacuum. This was explained
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that the theoretical value was very close to the measured value of speed
o f l i g h t . F r o m t h i s , h e p r o p o u n d e d t h a t light must be an
electromagnetic wave. Thus, according to Maxwell, light waves are
associated with changing electric and magnetic fields; changing electric
field produces a time and space varying magnetic field and a changing
magnetic field produces a time and space varying electric field. The
changing electric and magnetic fields result in the propagation of
electromagnetic waves (or light waves) even in vacuum.
In this chapter we will first discuss the original formulation of the
Huygens principle and derive the laws of reflection and refraction. In
Sections 10.4 and 10.5, we will discuss the phenomenon of interference
which is based on the principle of superposition. In Section 10.6 we
Light travels in a straight line in Class VI; it does not do so in Class XII and beyond! Surprised,
aren’t you?
In school, you are shown an experiment in which you take three cardboards with
pinholes in them, place a candle on one side and look from the other side. If the flame of the
candle and the three pinholes are in a straight line, you can see the candle. Even if one of
them is displaced a little, you cannot see the candle. This proves, so your teacher says,
that light travels in a straight line.
In the present book, there are two consecutive chapters, one on ray optics and the other
on wave optics. Ray optics is based on rectilinear propagation of light, and deals with
mirrors, lenses, reflection, refraction, etc. Then you come to the chapter on wave optics,
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and you are told that light travels as a wave, that it can bend around objects, it can diffract
and interfere, etc.
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In optical region, light has a wavelength of about half a micrometre. If it encounters an
obstacle of about this size, it can bend around it and can be seen on the other side. Thus a
micrometre size obstacle will not be able to stop a light ray. If the obstacle is much larger,
however, light will not be able to bend to that extent, and will not be seen on the other side.
This is a property of a wave in general, and can be seen in sound waves too. The sound
wave of our speech has a wavelength of about 50 cm to 1 m. If it meets an obstacle of the
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size of a few metres, it bends around it and reaches points behind the obstacle. But when it
comes across a larger obstacle of a few hundred metres, such as a hillock, most of it is
reflected and is heard as an echo.
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Then what about the primary school experiment? What happens there is that when we
move any cardboard, the displacement is of the order of a few millimetres, which is much
larger than the wavelength of light. Hence the candle cannot be seen. If we are able to move
one of the cardboards by a micrometer or less, light will be able to diffract, and the candle
will still be seen.
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One could add to the first sentence in this box : It learns how to bend as it grows up!
large distance from the shape of the wavefront at a later time. Let us consider a diverging
the source, a small wave and let F1F2 represent a portion of the spherical wavefront at t = 0
(Fig. 10.2). Now, according to Huygens principle, each point of the
portion of the
spherical wave can wavefront is the source of a secondary disturbance and the wavelets
be approximated by a emanating from these points spread out in all directions with the speed
plane wave. of the wave. These wavelets emanating from the wavefront are usually
referred to as secondary wavelets and if we draw a common tangent
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to all these spheres, we obtain the new position of the wavefront at a
later time.
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t = 0 and G1 G2 is the secondary wavelets is maximum in the forward direction and zero in the
wavefront at a later
backward direction; by making this adhoc assumption, Huygens could
time τ . The lines A1 A2 ,
B1B2 … etc, are
explain the absence of the backwave. However, this adhoc assumption is
normal to both F1F 2 not satisfactory and the absence of the backwave is really justified from
and G1G 2 and more rigorous wave theory.
represent rays. In a similar manner, we can use Huygens principle to determine the
shape of the wavefront for a plane wave propagating through a medium
354 (Fig. 10.3).
Wave Optics
We will now use Huygens principle to derive the laws of
refraction. Let PP′ represent the surface separating medium
1 and medium 2, as shown in Fig. 10.4. Let v1 and v 2
represent the speed of light in medium 1 and medium 2,
respectively. We assume a plane wavefront AB propagating
in the direction A′A incident on the interface at an angle i
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as shown in the figure. Let τ be the time taken by the
wavefront to travel the distance BC. Thus, Christiaan Huygens
mathematician and the
founder of the wave
theory of light. His book,
T reatise on light, makes
fascinating reading even
today. He brilliantly
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work in addition to
reflection and refraction.
He was the first to
analyse circular and
simple harmonic motion
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second medium (v 2) will be less then the speed of the light wave in the
first medium (v1). This prediction is opposite to the prediction from the
Demonstration of interference, diffraction, refraction, resonance and Doppler effect
of the wave theory is correct. Now, if c represents the speed of light in
vacuum, then,
n1 = (10.4)
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n2 = v (10.5)
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λ2 AE v2
v1 v2
= (10.7)
λ1 λ2
The above equation implies that when a wave gets refracted into a
denser medium (v1 > v 2) the wavelength and the speed of propagation
decrease but the frequency ν (= v/λ) remains the same.
will now be greater than angle of incidence; however, we will still have
n 1 sin i = n 2 sin r . We define an angle ic by the following equation
sin i c = (10.8)
Thus, if i = ic then sin r = 1 and r = 90°. Obviously, for i > ic, there can
not be any refracted wave. The angle ic is known as the critical angle and
356 for all angles of incidence greater than the critical angle, we will not have
Wave Optics
any refracted wave and the wave will undergo what is known as total
internal reflection. The phenomenon of total internal reflection and its
applications was discussed in Section 9.4.
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FIGURE 10.5 Refraction of a plane wave incident on a rarer medium for
which v 2 > v1 . The plane wave bends away from the normal.
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represents the time taken by the wavefront to advance from the point B
to C then the distance
BC = vτ
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in the emerging wavefront as shown in the figure. In Fig. 10.7(b) we
consider a plane wave incident on a thin convex lens; the central part of
the incident plane wave traverses the thickest portion of the lens and is
delayed the most. The emerging wavefront has a depression at the centre
and therefore the wavefront becomes spherical and converges to the point
F which is known as the focus. In Fig. 10.7(c) a plane wave is incident on
a concave mirror and on reflection we have a spherical wave converging
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to the focal point F. In a similar manner, we can understand refraction
and reflection by concave lenses and convex mirrors.
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FIGURE 10.7 Refraction of a plane wave by (a) a thin prism, (b) a convex lens. (c) Reflection of a
plane wave by a concave mirror.
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From the above discussion it follows that the total time taken from a
point on the object to the corresponding point on the image is the same
measured along any ray. For example, when a convex lens focusses light
to form a real image, although the ray going through the centre traverses
a shorter path, but because of the slower speed in glass, the time taken
is the same as for rays travelling near the edge of the lens.
when the source moves away from the observer. Thus, the Doppler shift
can be expressed as:
∆ν vradial
= – (10.9)
ν c
The formula given above is valid only when the speed of the source is
small compared to that of light. A more accurate formula for the Doppler
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effect which is valid even when the speeds are close to that of light, requires
the use of Einstein’s special theory of relativity. The Doppler effect for
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light is very important in astronomy. It is the basis for the measurements
of the radial velocities of distant galaxies.
Example 10.1 What speed should a galaxy move with respect
to us so that the sodium line at 589.0 nm is observed
at 589.6 nm?
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∆ν ∆λ
Solution Since νλ = c, =– (for small changes in ν and λ). For
ν λ
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or, v radial ≅ + c = + 3.06 × 105 m s –1
= 306 km/s
Therefore, the galaxy is moving away from us.
Example 10.2
(a) When monochromatic light is incident on a surface separating
two media, the reflected and refracted light both have the same
frequency as the incident frequency. Explain why?
(b) When light travels from a rarer to a denser medium, the speed
decreases. Does the reduction in speed imply a reduction in the
(c) For a given frequency, intensity of light in the photon picture is
determined by the number of photons crossing an unit area per
unit time.
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In this section we will discuss the interference pattern produced by
the superposition of two waves. You may recall that we had discussed
re R the superposition principle in Chapter 15 of your Class XI textbook.
Indeed the entire field of interference is based on the superposition
principle according to which at a particular point in the medium, the
resultant displacement produced by a number of waves is the vector
sum of the displacements produced by each of the waves.
Consider two needles S1 and S2 moving periodically up and down
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with time; when this happens the two sources are said to be coherent.
Figure 10.8(b) shows the position of crests (solid circles) and troughs
(dashed circles) at a given instant of time. Consider a point P for which
S1 P = S2 P
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than the waves from S2 and will again be in phase [Fig. 10.9(a)]. Thus, if
the displacement produced by S1 is given by
y1 = a cos ωt
then the displacement produced by S2 will be given by
y2 = a cos (ωt – 4π) = a cos ωt
where we have used the fact that a path difference of 2λ corresponds to a
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phase difference of 4π. The two displacements are once again in phase
and the intensity will again be 4 I0 giving rise to constructive interference.
In the above analysis we have assumed that the distances S1Q and S 2Q
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are much greater than d (which represents the distance between S1 and
S2) so that although S1Q and S2Q are not equal, the amplitudes of the
displacement produced by each wave are very nearly the same.
We next consider a point R [Fig. 10.9(b)] for which
S2R – S1 R = –2.5λ (a) Constructive
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The waves emanating from S1 will arrive exactly two and a half cycles interference at a
later than the waves from S2 [Fig. 10.10(b)]. Thus if the displacement point Q for which the
produced by S1 is given by path difference is 2λ.
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(b) Destructive
y1 = a cos ωt interference at a
then the displacement produced by S2 will be given by point R for which the
path difference is
y2 = a cos (ωt + 5π) = – a cos ωt 2.5 λ .
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where we have used the fact that a path difference of 2.5λ corresponds to
a phase difference of 5π. The two displacements are now out of phase
and the two displacements will cancel out to give zero intensity. This is
referred to as destructive interference.
To summarise: If we have two coherent sources S1 and S2 vibrating
in phase, then for an arbitrary point P whenever the path difference,
S1P ~ S2P = n λ (n = 0, 1, 2, 3,...) (10.10)
we will have constructive interference and the resultant intensity will be
4I0 ; the sign ~ between S1P and S2 P represents the difference between
S1P and S2 P. On the other hand, if the point P is such that the path
S1P ~ S2P = (n+ ) λ (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...) (10.11)
FIGURE 10.10 Locus
we will have destructive interference and the resultant intensity will be of points for which
zero. Now, for any other arbitrary point G (Fig. 10.10) let the phase S P – S P is equal to
1 2
difference between the two displacements be φ . Thus, if the displacement zero, ± λ, ± 2λ , ± 3λ .
produced by S1 is given by
y1 = a cos ωt 361
then, the displacement produced by S2 would be
y2 = a cos (ωt + φ )
and the resultant displacement will be given by
y = y1 + y2
= a [cos ωt + cos (ωt + φ )]
= 2 a cos (φ/2) cos (ωt + φ /2)
The amplitude of the resultant displacement is 2a cos (φ/2) and
therefore the intensity at that point will be
I = 4 I 0 cos2 (φ /2) (10.12)
If φ = 0, ± 2 π, ± 4 π,… which corresponds to the condition given by
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Eq. (10.10) we will have constructive interference leading to maximum
leading to zero intensity.
Ripple Tank experiments on wave interference
Now if the two sources are coherent (i.e., if the two needles are going
up and down regularly) then the phase difference φ at any point will not
change with time and we will have a stable interference pattern; i.e., the
positions of maxima and minima will not change with time. However, if
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the two needles do not maintain a constant phase difference, then the
interference pattern will also change with time and, if the phase difference
changes very rapidly with time, the positions of maxima and minima will
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also vary rapidly with time and we will see a “time-averaged” intensity
distribution. When this happens, we will observe an average intensity
that will be given by
The British physicist Thomas Young used an
ingenious technique to “lock” the phases of the waves
emanating from S1 and S2 . He made two pinholes S1
FIGURE 10.11 If two sodium
and S2 (very close to each other) on an opaque screen lamps illuminate two pinholes
[Fig. 10.12(a)]. These were illuminated by another S1 and S2, the intensities will add
pinholes that was in turn, lit by a bright source. Light up and no interference fringes will
waves spread out from S and fall on both S1 and S2 . be observed on the screen.
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S1 and S2 then behave like two coherent sources
because light waves coming out from S1 and S2 are derived from the
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same original source and any abrupt phase change in S will manifest in
exactly similar phase changes in the light coming out from S1 and S2 .
Thus, the two sources S1 and S2 will be locked in phase; i.e., they will be
coherent like the two vibrating needle in our water wave example
[Fig. 10.8(a)].
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(a) (b)
using the analysis given in Section 10.4 where we had shown that for an
arbitrary point P on the line GG′ [Fig. 10.12(b)] to correspond to a
maximum, we must have
S2P – S1P = n λ; n = 0, 1, 2 ... (10.15)
2 2
d d
2 2
(S2P ) – (S1P ) = D2 + x + – D2 + x – = 2x d
2 2 363
where S1S2 = d and OP = x . Thus
2 xd
S2 P – S1P = S P+S P (10.16)
2 1
example, for d = 0.1 cm, D = 100 cm, OP = 1 cm (which
correspond to typical values for an interference
THOMAS YOUNG (1773 – 1829)
experiment using light waves), we have
S2 P + S1P = [(100)2 + (1.05)2]½ + [(100)2 + (0.95)2] ½
Thomas Young ≈ 200.01 cm
(1773 – 1829) English Thus if we replace S2P + S1 P by 2 D, the error involved is
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physicist, physician and about 0.005%. In this approximation, Eq. (10.16)
Egyptologist. Young worked becomes
on a wide variety of
re R scientific problems, ranging
S2 P – S1P ≈ (10.17)
from the structure of the eye
and the mechanism of Hence we will have constructive interference resulting in
vision to the decipherment
a bright region when
of the Rosetta stone. He
revived the wave theory of nλ D
x = xn = ; n = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ... (10.18)
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x = x n = (n+ ; n = 0, ± 1, ± 2
) (10.19)
Thus dark and bright bands appear on the screen, as shown in
Fig. 10.13. Such bands are called fringes. Equations (10.18) and (10.19)
show that dark and bright fringes are equally spaced and the distance
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or β = (10.20)
which is the expression for the fringe width. Obviously, the central point
O (in Fig. 10.12) will be bright because S1O = S2 O and it will correspond
to n = 0. If we consider the line perpendicular to the plane of the paper
and passing through O [i.e., along the y-axis] then all points on this line
will be equidistant from S1 and S2 and we will have a bright central fringe
which is a straight line as shown in Fig. 10.13. In order to determine the
shape of the interference pattern on the screen we note that a particular
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FIGURE 10.13 Computer generated fringe pattern produced by two point source S1 and S2 on the
screen GG′ (Fig. 10.12); (a) and (b) correspond to d = 0.005 mm and 0.025 mm, respectively (both
figures correspond to D = 5 cm and λ = 5 × 10–5 cm.) (Adopted from OPTICS by A. Ghatak, Tata
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shown as the line SO. What happens if the source S is slightly away from
the perpendicular bisector. Consider that the source is moved to some
new point S′ and suppose that Q is the mid-point of S1 and S2. If the
angle S′QS is φ , then the central bright fringe occurs at an angle –φ , on
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* Dennis Gabor received the 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the
principles of holography. 365
interference. Thomas Young had expected it because he believed
in the wave theory of light.
We should mention here that the fringes are straight lines although
S1 and S 2 are point sources. If we had slits instead of the point sources
(Fig. 10.14), each pair of points would have produced straight line fringes
resulting in straight line fringes with increased intensities.
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Interactive animation of Young’s experiment
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Example 10.3 Two slits are made one millimetre apart and the screen
is placed one metre away. What is the fringe separation when blue-
D λ 1 × 5 × 10 –7
Solution Fringe spacing = = m
d 1 × 10 –3
= 5 × 10–4 m = 0.5 mm
( In each operation, take all parameters, other than the one specified,
to remain unchanged.)
(a) Angular separation of the fringes remains constant
(= λ/d). The actual separation of the fringes increases in
proportion to the distance of the screen from the plane of the
two slits.
(b) The separation of the fringes (and also angular separation)
decreases. See, however, the condition mentioned in (d) below.
(c) The separation of the fringes (and also angular separation)
decreases. See, however, the condition mentioned in (d) below.
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(d) Let s be the size of the source and S its distance from the plane of
the two slits. For interference fringes to be seen, the condition
s/S < λ/d should be satisfied; otherwise, interference patterns
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produced by different parts of the source overlap and no fringes
are seen. Thus, as S decreases (i.e., the source slit is brought
closer), the interference pattern gets less and less sharp, and
when the source is brought too close for this condition to be valid,
the fringes disappear. Till this happens, the fringe separation
remains fixed.
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(e) Same as in (d). As the source slit width increases, fringe pattern
gets less and less sharp. When the source slit is so wide that the
condition s/S ≤ λ/d is not satisfied, the interference pattern
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(f ) The interference patterns due to different component colours of
white light overlap (incoherently). The central bright fringes for
different colours are at the same position. Therefore, the central
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fringe is white. For a point P for which S2P –S1P = λ b/2, where λb
(≈ 4000 Å) represents the wavelength for the blue colour, the blue
component will be absent and the fringe will appear red in colour.
Slightly farther away where S2Q–S1Q = λb = λr/2 where λr (≈ 8000 Å)
is the wavelength for the red colour, the fringe will be predominantly
Thus, the fringe closest on either side of the central white fringe
is red and the farthest will appear blue. After a few fringes, no
clear fringe pattern is seen.
In the discussion of Young’s experiment, we stated that a single narrow
slit acts as a new source from which light spreads out. Even before Young,
early experimenters – including Newton – had noticed that light spreads
out from narrow holes and slits. It seems to turn around corners and
enter regions where we would expect a shadow. These effects, known as
diffraction, can only be properly understood using wave ideas. After all,
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you are hardly surprised to hear sound waves from someone talking
around a corner !
When the double slit in Young’s experiment is replaced by a single
re R narrow slit (illuminated by a monochromatic source), a broad pattern
with a central bright region is seen. On both sides, there are alternate
dark and bright regions, the intensity becoming weaker away from the
centre (Fig. 10.16). To understand this, go to Fig. 10.15, which shows a
parallel beam of light falling normally on a single slit LN of width a. The
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straight lines joining P to the different points L,M,N, etc., can be treated as
parallel, making an angle θ with the normal MC.
The basic idea is to divide the slit into much smaller parts, and add
their contributions at P with the proper phase differences. We are treating
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NP – LP = NQ
= a sin θ
≈ aθ (10.21)
Similarly, if two points M1 and M2 in the slit plane are separated by y, the
first the angle θ where the path difference a θ
is λ. Then,
θ ≈ λ /a . (10.22)
Now, divide the slit into two equal halves FIGURE 10.15 The geometry of path
LM and MN each of size a/2. For every point differences for diffraction by a single slit.
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M 1 in LM, there is a point M2 in MN such that
M 1M 2 = a/2. The path difference between M 1 and M2 at P = M 2P – M1P
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= θ a/2 = λ/2 for the angle chosen. This means that the contributions
from M1 and M2 are 180º out of phase and cancel in the direction
θ = λ/a. Contributions from the two halves of the slit LM and MN,
therefore, cancel each other. Equation (10.22) gives the angle at which
the intensity falls to zero. One can similarly show that the intensity is
zero for θ = n λ/a, with n being any integer (except zero!). Notice that the
be C
angular size of the central maximum increases when the slit width a
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It is also easy to see why there are maxima at θ = (n + 1/2) λ/a and
why they go on becoming weaker and weaker with increasing n. Consider
an angle θ = 3λ/2a which is midway between two of the dark fringes.
Divide the slit into three equal parts. If we take the first two thirds of the
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2 2 a 3λ
a ×θ = × =λ (10.23)
3 3 2a
between them. The best we can do is, roughly speaking, is to
say that when there are only a few sources, say two interfering
sources, then the result is usually called interference, but if there
is a large number of them, it seems that the word diffraction is
more often used.
In the double-slit experiment, we must note that the pattern on the
screen is actually a superposition of single-slit diffraction from each slit
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or hole, and the double-slit interference pattern. This is shown in
Fig. 10.17. It shows a broader diffraction peak in which there appear
re R several fringes of smaller width due to double-slit interference. The
Interactive animation on single slit diffraction pattern
number of interference fringes occuring in the broad diffraction peak
depends on the ratio d/a, that is the ratio of the distance between the
two slits to the width of a slit. In the limit of a becoming very small, the
diffraction pattern will become very flat and we will obsrve the two-slit
interference pattern [see Fig. 10.13(b)].
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Example 10.5 In Example 10.3, what should the width of each slit be
to obtain 10 maxima of the double slit pattern within the central
maximum of the single slit pattern?
Solution We want aθ = λ ,θ =
λ λ d
10 =2 a = = 0 .2 mm
d a 5
Notice that the wavelength of light and distance of the screen do not
* Richand Feynman was one of the recipients of the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics
370 for his fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics.
Wave Optics
slit diffraction pattern on the screen. The centre of the central bright fringe
will appear at a point which lies on the straight line SS1 or SS2, as the
case may be.
We now compare and contrast the interference pattern with that seen
for a coherently illuminated single slit (usually called the single slit
diffraction pattern).
(i) The interference pattern has a number of equally spaced bright and
dark bands. The diffraction pattern has a central bright maximum
which is twice as wide as the other maxima. The intensity falls as we
go to successive maxima away from the centre, on either side.
(ii) We calculate the interference pattern by superposing two waves
originating from the two narrow slits. The diffraction pattern is a
superposition of a continuous family of waves originating from each
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point on a single slit.
(iii) For a single slit of width a, the first null of the interference pattern
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occurs at an angle of λ/a. At the same angle of λ/a, we get a maximum
(not a null) for two narrow slits separated by a distance a.
One must understand that both d and a have to be quite small, to be
able to observe good interference and diffraction patterns. For example,
the separation d between the two slits must be of the order of a milimetre
or so. The width a of each slit must be even smaller, of the order of 0.1 or
be C
0.2 mm.
In our discussion of Young’s experiment and the single-slit diffraction,
we have assumed that the screen on which the fringes are formed is at a
o N
large distance. The two or more paths from the slits to the screen were
treated as parallel. This situation also occurs when we place a converging
lens after the slits and place the screen at the focus. Parallel paths from
the slit are combined at a single point on the screen. Note that the lens
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does not introduce any extra path differences in a parallel beam. This
arrangement is often used since it gives more intensity than placing the
screen far away. If f is the focal length of the lens, then we can easily work
out the size of the central bright maximum. In terms of angles, the
separation of the central maximum from the first null of the diffraction
pattern is λ/a . Hence, the size on the screen will be f λ/a.
a small angle at the eye. This is the reflection of the Sun in any shiny
convex surface (e.g., a cycle bell). Do not try direct sunlight – it can damage
the eye and will not give fringes anyway as the Sun subtends an angle
of (1/2)º.
In interference and diffraction, light energy is redistributed. If it
reduces in one region, producing a dark fringe, it increases in another
region, producing a bright fringe. There is no gain or loss of energy,
pu T
which is consistent with the principle of conservation of energy.
Although the size of the spot is very small, it plays an important role
in determining the limit of resolution of optical instruments like a telescope
or a microscope. For the two stars to be just resolved
0.61λ f
f ∆ θ ≈ r0 ≈
pu T
∆θ ≈ (10.25)
re R
Thus ∆θ will be small if the diameter of the objective is large. This
implies that the telescope will have better resolving power if a is large. It
is for this reason that for better resolution, a telescope must have a large
diameter objective.
∆θ ≈
FIGURE 10.20 Real image formed by the objective lens of the microscope. 373
You can estimate the resolving power of your eye with a simple experiment. Make
black stripes of equal width separated by white stripes; see figure here. All the black
stripes should be of equal width, while the width of the intermediate white stripes should
increase as you go from the left to the right. For example, let all black stripes have a width
of 5 mm. Let the width of the first two white stripes be 0.5 mm each, the next two white
stripes be 1 mm each, the next two 1.5 mm each, etc. Paste this pattern on a wall in a
room or laboratory, at the height of your eye.
pu T
Now watch the pattern, preferably with one eye. By moving away or closer to the wall,
find the position where you can just see some two black stripes as separate stripes. All
the black stripes to the left of this stripe would merge into one another and would not be
re R
distinguishable. On the other hand, the black stripes to the right of this would be more
and more clearly visible. Note the width d of the white stripe which separates the two
regions, and measure the distance D of the wall from your eye. Then d/D is the resolution
of your eye.
You have watched specks of dust floating in air in a sunbeam entering through your
be C
window. Find the distance (of a speck) which you can clearly see and distinguish from a
neighbouring speck. Knowing the resolution of your eye and the distance of the speck,
estimate the size of the speck of dust.
o N
1 .22 λ v
= .
D m
1 .22 f λ
= (10.28)
Now, combining Eqs. (10.26) and (10.28), we get
1.22 λ
374 d min =
2 tan β
Wave Optics
1.22 λ
2 sin β (10.29)
If the medium between the object and the objective lens is not air but
a medium of refractive index n, Eq. (10.29) gets modified to
1.22 λ
d min = (10.30)
2 n sin β
The product n sinβ is called the numerical aperture and is sometimes
marked on the objective.
The resolving power of the microscope is given by the reciprocal of
the minimum separation of two points seen as distinct. It can be seen
pu T
from Eq. (10.30) that the resolving power can be increased by choosing a
medium of higher refractive index. Usually an oil having a refractive index
close to that of the objective glass is used. Such an arrangement is called
re R
an ‘oil immersion objective’. Notice that it is not possible to make sinβ
larger than unity. Thus, we see that the resolving power of a microscope
is basically determined by the wavelength of the light used.
There is a likelihood of confusion between resolution and
magnification, and similarly between the role of a telescope and a
microscope to deal with these parameters. A telescope produces images
be C
of far objects nearer to our eye. Therefore objects which are not resolved
at far distance, can be resolved by looking at them through a telescope.
A microscope, on the other hand, magnifies objects (which are near to
o N
us) and produces their larger image. We may be looking at two stars or
two satellites of a far-away planet, or we may be looking at different
regions of a living cell. In this context, it is good to remember that a
telescope resolves whereas a microscope magnifies.
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We define a quantity z F called the Fresnel distance by the following
zF a2 / λ
Equation (10.31) shows that for distances much smaller than z F , the
spreading due to diffraction is smaller compared to the size of the beam.
It becomes comparable when the distance is approximately zF . For
distances much greater than z F , the spreading due to diffraction 375
dominates over that due to ray optics (i.e., the size a of the aperture).
Equation (10.31) also shows that ray optics is valid in the limit of
wavelength tending to zero.
Example 10.7 For what distance is ray optics a good approximation
when the aperture is 3 mm wide and the wavelength is 500 nm?
–3 2
( 3 × 10 )
Solution z F = = –7
= 18 m
λ 5 × 10
pu T
re R
Consider holding a long string that is held horizontally, the other end of
which is assumed to be fixed. If we move the end of the string up and
down in a periodic manner, we will generate a wave propagating in the
+x direction (Fig. 10.21). Such a wave could be described by the following
be C
o N
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where a and ω(= 2πν ) represent the amplitude and the angular frequency
of the wave, respectively; further,
λ= (10.33)
represents the wavelength associated with the wave. We had discussed
propagation of such waves in Chapter 15 of Class XI textbook. Since the
displacement (which is along the y direction) is at right angles to the
direction of propagation of the wave, we have what is known as a
transverse wave. Also, since the displacement is in the y direction, it is
often referred to as a y-polarised wave. Since each point on the string
pu T
moves on a straight line, the wave is also referred to as a linearly polarised
wave. Further, the string always remains confined to the x-y plane and
re R
therefore it is also referred to as a plane polarised wave.
In a similar manner we can consider the vibration of the string in the
x-z plane generating a z-polarised wave whose displacement will be given
z (x,t ) = a sin (kx – ωt ) (10.34)
be C
Thus, if the light from an ordinary source (like a sodium lamp) passes
through a polaroid sheet P1, it is observed that its intensity is reduced by
half. Rotating P1 has no effect on the transmitted beam and transmitted
intensity remains constant. Now, let an identical piece of polaroid P 2 be
placed before P1. As expected, the light from the lamp is reduced in
intensity on passing through P2 alone. But now rotating P1 has a dramatic
effect on the light coming from P2. In one position, the intensity transmitted 377
by P 2 followed by P1 is nearly zero. When turned by 90º from this position,
P1 transmits nearly the full intensity emerging from P2 (Fig. 10.22).
pu T
re R
FIGURE 10.22 (a) Passage of light through two polaroids P 2 and P 1. The
transmitted fraction falls from 1 to 0 as the angle between them varies
from 0º to 90º. Notice that the light seen through a single polaroid
be C
P 1 does not vary with angle. (b) Behaviour of the electric vector
when light passes through two polaroids. The transmitted
polarisation is the component parallel to the polaroid axis.
The double arrows show the oscillations of the electric vector.
o N
then when the polarised beam passes through the polaroid P2, the
component E cos θ (along the pass-axis of P2 ) will pass through P2 .
Thus, as we rotate the polaroid P1 (or P 2), the intensity will vary as:
I = I0 cos2θ (10.35)
where I0 is the intensity of the polarized light after passing through
P1 . This is known as Malus’ law. The above discussion shows that the
intensity coming out of a single polaroid is half of the incident intensity.
By putting a second polaroid, the intensity can be further controlled
from 50% to zero of the incident intensity by adjusting the angle between
the pass-axes of two polaroids.
Polaroids can be used to control the intensity, in sunglasses,
windowpanes, etc. Polaroids are also used in photographic cameras and
3D movie cameras.
378 I = I 0 cos 2θ ,
Wave Optics
I = I 0 cos2θ cos2 –θ
2 2 2
= I0 cos θ sin θ =(I0/4) sin 2θ
Therefore, the transmitted intensity will be maximum when θ = π/4.
10.7.1 Polarisation by scattering
The light from a clear blue portion of the sky shows a rise and fall of
intensity when viewed through a polaroid which is rotated. This is nothing
pu T
but sunlight, which has changed its direction (having been scattered) on
encountering the molecules of the earth’s atmosphere. As Fig. 10.23(a)
re R
shows, the incident sunlight is unpolarised. The dots stand for polarisation
perpendicular to the plane of the figure. The double arrows show
polarisation in the plane of the figure. (There is no phase relation between
these two in unpolarised light). Under the influence of the electric field of
the incident wave the electrons in the molecules acquire components of
motion in both these directions. We have drawn an observer looking at
be C
FIGURE 10.23 (a) Polarisation of the blue scattered light from the sky.
When light is incident on an interface of two media, it is observed that some part of it
gets reflected and some part gets transmitted. Consider a related question: Is it possible
that under some conditions a monochromatic beam of light incident on a surface
(which is normally reflective) gets completely transmitted with no reflection? To your
surprise, the answer is yes.
pu T
re R
Let us try a simple experiment and check what happens. Arrange a laser, a good
polariser, a prism and screen as shown in the figure here.
Let the light emitted by the laser source pass through the polariser and be incident
on the surface of the prism at the Brewster’s angle of incidence iB. Now rotate the
polariser carefully and you will observe that for a specific alignment of the polariser, the
light incident on the prism is completely transmitted and no light is reflected from the
be C
The oscillating electrons in the water produce the reflected wave. These
move in the two directions transverse to the radiation from wave in the
medium, i.e., the refracted wave. The arrows are parallel to the direction
of the reflected wave. Motion in this direction does not contribute to the
reflected wave. As the figure shows, the reflected light is therefore linearly
polarised perpendicular to the plane of the figure (represented by dots).
This can be checked by looking at the reflected light through an analyser.
The transmitted intensity will be zero when the axis of the analyser is in
the plane of the figure, i.e., the plane of incidence.
When unpolarised light is incident on the boundary between two
transparent media, the reflected light is polarised with its electric vector
perpendicular to the plane of incidence when the refracted and reflected
rays make a right angle with each other. Thus we have seen that when
reflected wave is perpendicular to the refracted wave, the reflected wave
is a totally polarised wave. The angle of incidence in this case is called
Brewster’s angle and is denoted by iB. We can see that i B is related to the
refractive index of the denser medium. Since we have i B+r = π/2, we get
from Snell’s law
sin i B sin i B
µ= =
380 sin r sin ( π /2 – i B )
Wave Optics
sin i B
= = tan i B (10.36)
cos iB
This is known as Brewster’s law.
What should be the angle of incidence so that the reflected and
refracted rays are perpendicular to each other?
Solution For i + r to be equal to π/2, we should have tan i B = µ = 1.5.
This gives i B = 57°. This is the Brewster’s angle for air to glass
pu T
reflection at the Brewster angle. In this special situation, one of the two
perpendicular components of the electric field is zero. At other angles,
re R
both components are present but one is stronger than the other. There is
no stable phase relationship between the two perpendicular components
since these are derived from two perpendicular components of an
unpolarised beam. When such light is viewed through a rotating analyser,
one sees a maximum and a minimum of intensity but not complete
darkness. This kind of light is called partially polarised.
be C
But this term is important only if it has a non-zero average, which
occurs only if the sources have the same frequency and a stable
phase difference.
4. Young’s double slit of separation d gives equally spaced fringes of
angular separation λ/d. The source, mid-point of the slits, and central
bright fringe lie in a straight line. An extended source will destroy
the fringes if it subtends angle more than λ/d at the slits.
5. A single slit of width a gives a diffraction pattern with a central
λ 2λ
pu T
maximum. The intensity falls to zero at angles of ± , ± , etc.,
a a
with successively weaker secondary maxima in between. Diffraction
limits the angular resolution of a telescope to λ/D where D is the
re R diameter. Two stars closer than this give strongly overlapping images.
Similarly, a microscope objective subtending angle 2β at the focus,
in a medium of refractive index n, will just separate two objects spaced
at a distance λ /(2n sin β), which is the resolution limit of a
microscope. Diffraction determines the limitations of the concept of
light rays. A beam of width a travels a distance a2 /λ, called the Fresnel
distance, before it starts to spread out due to diffraction.
be C
6. Natural light, e.g., from the sun is unpolarised. This means the electric
vector takes all possible directions in the transverse plane, rapidly
and randomly, during a measurement. A polaroid transmits only one
component (parallel to a special axis). The resulting light is called
o N
1. Waves from a point source spread out in all directions, while light was
seen to travel along narrow rays. It required the insight and experiment
of Huygens, Young and Fresnel to understand how a wave theory could
explain all aspects of the behaviour of light.
2. The crucial new feature of waves is interference of amplitudes from different
sources which can be both constructive and destructive, as shown in
Young’s experiment.
3. Even a wave falling on single slit should be regarded as a large number of
10.1 Monochromatic light of wavelength 589 nm is incident from air on a
water surface. What are the wavelength, frequency and speed of
(a) reflected, and (b) refracted light? Refractive index of water is
10.2 What is the shape of the wavefront in each of the following cases:
(a) Light diverging from a point source.
(b) Light emerging out of a convex lens when a point source is placed
at its focus.
(c) The portion of the wavefront of light from a distant star intercepted
pu T
by the Earth.
10.3 (a) The refractive index of glass is 1.5. What is the speed of light in
glass? (Speed of light in vacuum is 3.0 × 108 m s–1)
re R
(b) Is the speed of light in glass independent of the colour of light? If
not, which of the two colours red and violet travels slower in a
glass prism?
10.4 In a Young’s double-slit experiment, the slits are separated by
0.28 mm and the screen is placed 1.4 m away. The distance between
be C
the central bright fringe and the fourth bright fringe is measured
to be 1.2 cm. Determine the wavelength of light used in the
o N
10.6 A beam of light consisting of two wavelengths, 650 nm and 520 nm,
is used to obtain inter ference fringes in a Young’s double-slit
(a) Find the distance of the third bright fringe on the screen from
the central maximum for wavelength 650 nm.
(b) What is the least distance from the central maximum where the
bright fringes due to both the wavelengths coincide?
10.7 In a double-slit experiment the angular width of a fringe is found to
be 0.2° on a screen placed 1 m away. The wavelength of light used is
600 nm. What will be the angular width of the fringe if the entire
experimental apparatus is immersed in water? Take refractive index
of water to be 4/3.
10.8 What is the Brewster angle for air to glass transition? (Refractive
index of glass = 1.5.)
10.9 Light of wavelength 5000 Å falls on a plane reflecting surface. What
are the wavelength and frequency of the reflected light? For what
angle of incidence is the reflected ray normal to the incident ray?
10.10 Estimate the distance for which ray optics is good approximation
for an aperture of 4 mm and wavelength 400 nm. 383
10.11 The 6563 Å Hα line emitted by hydrogen in a star is found to be red-
shifted by 15 Å. Estimate the speed with which the star is receding
from the Earth.
10.12 Explain how Corpuscular theory predicts the speed of light in a
medium, say, water, to be greater than the speed of light in vacuum.
Is the prediction confirmed by experimental determination of the
speed of light in wate r? If not, which alternative picture of light is
consistent with experiment?
10.13 You have lear nt in the text how Huygens’ principle leads to the laws
of reflection and refraction. Use the same principle to deduce directly
pu T
that a point object placed in front of a plane mirror produces a
virtual image whose distance from the mirror is equal to the object
distance fr om the mirror.
re R 10.14 Let us list some of the factors, which could possibly influence the
speed of wave propagation:
(i) nature of the source.
(ii) direction of propagation.
(iii) motion of the sour ce and/or observer.
be C
(iv) wavelength.
(v) intensity of the wave.
On which of these factors, if any, does
o N
properties of images in optical instruments. What is the
10.18 Two towers on top of two hills are 40 km apart. The line joining
them passes 50 m above a hill halfway between the towers. What is
the longest wavelength of radio waves, which can be sent between
the towers without appreciable diffraction effects?
pu T
10.19 A parallel beam of light of wavelength 500 nm falls on a narrow slit
and the resulting diffraction pattern is observed on a screen 1 m
away. It is observed that the first minimum is at a distance of 2.5
re R
mm from the centre of the screen. Find the width of the slit.
10.20 Answer the following questions:
(a) When a low flying aircraft passes overhead, we sometimes notice
a slight shaking of the picture on our TV screen. Suggest a
possible explanation.
(b) As you have learnt in the text, the principle of linear
be C
10.21 In deriving the single slit diffraction pattern, it was stated that the
intensity is zero at angles of n λ/a. Justify this by suitably dividing
the slit to bring out the cancellation.
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