319 Brochure

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Class 319 Electric Multiple Unit

Passenger Satisfaction 4
Refurbishment and Modernisation 9
Passengers of Reduced Mobility Provision 10
Interior Layout Options 10
Acceleration, Speed and Performance 10
Porterbrook Leasing Company Limited New Traction 11
Ivatt House, 7 The Point, Pinnacle Way,
Passenger Information System 12
Pride Park, Derby, DE24 8ZS
3-Car 14
T +44 (0) 1332 285050 Air Conditioning 15
F +44 (0) 1332 285051 Auxiliary Supply 15
New Impressions 17
[email protected] Technical Information 20
http://www.porterbrook.co.uk 319/0 Data Sheets 21
319/2 Data Sheets 25
319/3 Data Sheets 29
319/4 Data Sheets 34

Issue 01 Revision A
August 2012

2 3
Passenger Satisfaction

The Class 319 EMU is an efficient longer Most vehicles are still fitted with the original “Ashbourne”
distance commuter train with performance to seats although some have been fitted with more
match most diagram requirements. modern Chapman seats. While not compliant to new
seat standards the existing seats have the advantage
of improving visibility assisting passengers in finding
The suspension provided for its 100mph
empty seats and improving CCTV coverage.
capability delivers a better ride than most
commuter stock throughout the speed range. The trains have been used for Inter City services such
The unit is the ultimately versatile train. as the Connex “Brighton Express” and inner suburban
services such as the Sutton Loop. They were designed
for the Thameslink service which combines longer
The vehicle provides excellent interior space, distance running with the inner suburban central
making full use of the standard C1 loading section, emphasising the flexibility of the design.
gauge. This allows 2 +3 seating or 2 + 2 with
additional standing space. The units are identical from an engineering point of
view but they have different interior configurations for
Passenger boarding and alighting is eased by each sub-class. The layouts are shown in the technical
1/3 – 2/3 doors and extensive use of bay seating information section of this document.
to ease passenger flow. The vehicle incorporates
a cab end emergency gangway which permits
operation in single-bore tunnels.

Opening windows are provided as air conditioning

is not fitted although this is an option available at
additional cost. Interiors were improved at the
last classified repair providing a bright and clean
environment with good lighting levels.

Class No. Built Year Built Unit Numbers Notes

319/0 13 1987-1988 319001 - 319013
319/2 7 1987-1988 319214 - 319220 Refurbished from Class 319/0 1996-1997.
Originally classed as 319/0. (319014 - 319020)
319/3 26 1990 319361 - 319386 Refurbished from Class 319/1 1997-1999.
Originally classed as 319/1. (319161 - 319186)
319/4 40 1987-1988 319421 - 319460 Refurbished from Class 319/0 1997-1998.
Originally classed as 319/0. (319021 - 319060)

4 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 5

6 7
Refurbishment and
The standard commuter arrangement can The interior can be configured to best suit the chosen
be adapted for outer or inner suburban use operating pattern, although the existing layout is
designed to ease passenger movement, important
to further optimise the units for a chosen
for keeping down dwell times and accommodating
duty. The units 100 mph capability offers the
standing passengers in the peak.
possibility of more inter-urban working with
interiors adapted accordingly. The vehicles have recently undergone a major
programme of corrosion repair and protection hence it
The units were built as a 4-car unit using is expected that the down time for the next repair will
a single 4-motor powered vehicle This be reduced. The repairs were carried out to a high
arrangement offers the possibility of removing standard, assuring structural integrity for the remainder
a trailer vehicle and operating as a 3-car set if of their operational life.
some equipment is re-located.

Performance could be optimised for inner suburban

working if the units were re-geared for 75 mph
maximum speed. This would increase starting tractive
effort, which is the dominant factor when stations are
only a few minutes apart. Computer simulations for a
given route will provide an accurate timetable to inform
the decision on gearing.

The units are “dual voltage” as they operate on 25kV ac

overhead and 750v dc third rail systems. Changeover
is made at standstill providing the passenger with
a seamless journey between the two systems. This
feature could prove particularly valuable where
sections of the third rail system are being upgraded to
25 kV overhead.

Performance and economy can be improved by fitting

new traction equipment, discussed later. New traction
can maintain the dual voltage capability or move to
ac only. Removing the dc capability reduces weight
and cost hence it is not recommended to retain the
dc capability “just in case” if it is not required for the
planned duty.

8 319 Electric Multiple Unit 9

Passengers of Reduced Interior Layout Options New Traction
Mobility (PRM) Provision
The vehicles require modifications to the layout for The use of the units on inner suburban diagrams For some time Porterbrook has been developing weighing technology in the drive system. The existing
operation in 2020 and beyond as the toilet is not brings a requirement to increase capacity which can proposals for fitting new ac traction to the fleet. Only a traction system operates on an average adhesion level
accessible from the wheelchair spaces. These be achieved by the removal of some seats to increase few years ago the cost of this was prohibitive, however based on a tare loading, however the new traction can
modifications are minimised if toilets are not required, standing capacity. Such changes increase the crush recently these costs have reduced while the benefits detect increased load and use this to transmit more
but the expected modifications are: - laden weight of the vehicles, which is easily achievable have improved due to rising energy prices. power since the adhesive weight is increased. The
on the trailer vehicles, however on the power car such configuration of the units with all the power equipment
• Seat back handles – New design required with changes have to be limited to remain within loading This option would remove the existing traction on one vehicle is the best arrangement for power
wider grip; limits. equipment, including the motors, and replace it with a transmission.
• Priority seats – some fitted at refurbishing but more modern 3-phase traction package from a well known
required; The preferred layout for increasing capacity while also supplier. This has the following benefits: -
• Second wheelchair space required (both spaces to improving passenger flows involves the removal of the
be near toilet); aisle seats next to the door vestibules thus providing • Enables regenerative braking;
• Call for aid buttons to be fitted in toilet and a bigger open area around the doors. Other more • Improves reliability (less moving parts);
wheelchair spaces; innovative layouts such as used on the SWT Class 455 • Improves availability (less repairs and examinations,
• Interior door handles – new design required to units can be applied, except on the power car which remote diagnostics);
operate with lower force; must retain 2 + 2 seating throughout. Detailed capacity • Reduces maintenance costs -
• Door sounders – required in all external door calculations are in preparation. • ac motors require less maintenance;
control panels; • Brake pad use cut by 50%;
• Universal Toilet to be fitted; • Less moving parts; The preferred option uses axle-selective technology
• Passenger Information System to be fitted; • Wheel life improves with better slip control; which provides much better slip control, better reliability
• Handrails at entrance doors to be changed for and allows regenerative braking to be used in low
compliant design. Regenerative braking is the dominant factor in the adhesion conditions. Wheel – rail adhesion is further
business case for new traction as simulations show enhanced by a new WSP system which is combined with
This work involves significatn interior changes it will return over 20% of traction electricity on inner smart braking technology to concentrate brake effort on
so it is anticipated that it will be combined with a suburban working or around 10% on Inter – City. the motor vehicle and so maximise regenerative brake
Continued Service Operation project bringing in other benefit. A detailed feasibility study has been carried out
improvements as discussed below. New traction has the potential to improve performance; which quantified savings and shows this modification
however the proposal avoids bogie modifications merits serious consideration if the units are planned to
by retaining the existing four-motor configuration. operate on frequent-stop services beyond 2020.
Acceleration, Speed and Increased installed power can be provided by using load
The units are capable of 100 mph operation and are
fitted with enhanced emergency braking. The high
speed gearing means tractive effort at slow speed is
not optimised, but if the units are required for “Metro”
type services the traction motors can be re-geared.

This takes away the 100 mph capability but give better
acceleration so on diagrams with short station spacing
the overall journey time will be improved. A further
improvement can be made by fitting new traction
equipment as described on the next page.

10 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 11

Passenger Information System
Passenger information systems are a requirement for PRM TSI compliance but are also invaluable for any occasional

7 4 1 traveller. The system proposed will be compatible with other units allowing the Class 319’s inter-working capability

9 6
to be retained. Enhancements are possible to the system to meet further information requirements and exact display

8 2
configuration is flexible to customer preference.

1 | External Destination Display 6 | External Side of Train Display

Installed in each driving vehicle. PRM TSI compliant Installed adjacent to each door. Outward facing, side of train
Yellow LED Ultra Bright sunlight legible with automatic display. PRM TSI compliant Yellow LED Ultra Bright sunlight
brightness control in single or multi-line. legible with automatic brightness control in single or multi-
LED Matrix size can be manufactured to any particular
requirements, although many proven existing designs LED Matrix size can be manufactured to any particular
are available from our portfolio. Displayed messages requirements, although many proven existing designs are
may be static or scrolling. available from our portfolio. Displayed messages may be
static or scrolling.
2 | Drivers Interface Unit (DIU)
Installed in each driving vehicle. Provides the driver 7 | Internal Saloon Display
interface for PA, Cab to Cab, Passenger Alarms, PRM TSI compliant, supplied as single or double sided,
Radio Systems and controls for the Passenger these displays are suspended centrally or mounted on the
Information System. Layout and size manufactured bulk head walls in the saloon vehicles. Standard brightness in
to any particular requirements, although many proven single colour or multi-colour LED formats. Single or multi-line,
existing designs are available from our portfolio. high or low resolution.

LED Matrix size can be manufactured to any particular

3 | Passenger Information System Controller
requirements, although many proven existing designs are
Installed in each driving vehicle. Communicates via available from our portfolio. Displayed messages may be
standard train wires or Ethernet network to all PIS static or scrolling.
equipment throughout the train. Route Database files
are uploaded to this unit via a GPRS communications 8 | Passenger Emergency Alarm Communications
link for automatic broadcast of journey related Unit (PEACU)
announcements. Can be supplied 19 inch rack based
Provides emergency speech and emergency brake functions.
(half Euro height) or as a sealed bulk head mounting
Includes a loudspeaker/microphone and large red button
(latching or non latching) and indicates to the passenger
when to speak to the driver. Suitable for installation adjacent
4 | Dual Antenna
to doors, disabled seating locations and within toilet modules.
Installed on the roof of each driving vehicle. A low
profile dual antenna (GPS and GPRS) enables 9 | Saloon Audio Control Unit (SACU)
geographic tracking and data upload/download.
Installed in each vehicle, this is the PA amplifier and interface
to all saloon equipment including loudspeakers, Displays,
5 | Stewards Handset
Passenger Alarms and Stewards Handsets.
Provides PA, Cab to Cab and triggering of recorded
messages. Installed at the Stewards Point in each car.

12 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 13

3-Car Air Conditioning Auxiliary Supply

The Class 319 was designed in the standard Converting the units to 3-cars improves their power to This feature has become standard on modern trains, The vehicles currently use a motor-alternator machine
configuration of 4 x 20 metre vehicles which is suitable weight ratio and ideally would be combined with new however this was not the case when the Class 319s to provide the various electrical supplies needed. This is
for the vast majority of EMU duties in London and the traction described above to improve starting tractive were built. a rotating machine and therefore requires maintenance
South East. Recognising that some areas require 3 effort. This would provide better performance on but in a new train this function would be provided by a
and 6-car formations to fit platform lengths Porterbrook diagrams with frequent stops. Re-gearing to 75 mph Concept designs have been produced for fitting air static converter and this is proposed for Class 319.
has commissioned a detailed feasibility study into maximum speed is also recommended to optimise conditioning but this is not a simple operation, primarily
converting the units to 3-cars which has identified the performance on inner-suburban diagrams. because the auxiliary supply cannot support the The existing system causes little trouble when correctly
detail of work required and provided a budget price. additional electrical load and must be replaced by an maintained but is unable to support additional loads
upgraded electronic system. such as air conditioning. There would be a need to
The items to be moved are: - produce an electrical safety case for the new system but
Current proposals assume the existing windows are if the work was contained within traction replacement
1. Item Reference Item retained with hopper ventilators sealed up. Conditioned the two systems would be approved together with
2. Motor Alternator Set air would be fed into the vehicle via new ducts set into only a marginal increase in cost for auxiliary system
3. Motor Alternator Set Inductor (Choke) (MSL) the vehicle ceiling controlled by sensors in the air return approval.
4. Motor Alternator Set Resistor Box (MPZ) path.
5. Auxiliary Supply Case (Type 11SF020B2)
6. Auxiliary Control Case (Type 11SF021B2) Alternative more basic air cooling systems have been
7. Auxiliary Transformer (AT) proposed and could be fitted if desired, however
8. Compressor to provide reasonable passenger comfort levels
9. Battery Box (and associated battery fuse box) replacement of the auxiliary supply system remains
10. Lighting Changeover Switches (LCS1 & LCS2) essential.
11. Shore Supply Sockets No.1 and No.2
12. Compressor Resistors (CZ & CDZ)
13. Heating and Compressor Fuses, in end cupboard
14. 750V Connection Panel, in end cupboard
15. Control & Toilet Panel (Type 23CP135B2), in end
16. BD1, BD2 & BD3 diodes, in end cupboard
17. Radio Equipment Connection Panel
18. Radio Equipment and Aerial (where fitted)
19. Main Reservoir
20. Main Reservoir Isolating Cock (MRIC)
21. Main Reservoir Pipe Reducing Valve
22. Main Reservoir Pipe Connection Point
23. Main Reservoir Monitor Point

Photo by Matt Buck

[CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0) or
CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)],
via Wikimedia Commons

14 15
New Impressions
In seeking the revenue boost which comes from rolling stock
improvements a new impression is needed from the moment the train
arrives. Use of the “new” train as an advertising image is enabled by
a complete new look to the front end.

The existing cab with emergency egress could be modernised to

create the appearance of a new train by the replacement of the cab
moulding. Designers Dg8 have been commissioned to produce a
design which would pick up the existing fixing points and equipment
interfaces. The result will create a first impression more striking than
many new commuter trains.

If the unit end gangway is required some elements of the Dg8 design
could be included, particularly the revised light clusters which would be
blended around the gangway support flexitors.

16 17
18 19
Technical Information 319/0 Data Sheets
Basic information
Class 319
Sub class 0
Manufacturer BREL
Number of
13 13 13 13
As per the Track Access Agreement
Power 750Vdc/25kVac
GTO thyristor control
N/A 4 x GEC G315BZ N/A N/A
traction motors (990kW
19.83m 19.92m 19.92m 19.83m

Width 2.82m
Height 3.58m
Gauge Kinematic envelope drawing available on request
Axle load
7.25t tare 12.65t tare 7.75t tare 7.425t tare

compatibility Outer: Tightlock Outer: None Outer: None Outer: Tightlock
Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar
coupler coupler coupler coupler

Acceleration Unknown
Braking Compliant with minimum brake performance curve as specified in Appendix 4, Group Standard
Capability GM/TT 0172.
Westinghouse 3 step friction brake
Other features
e.g. In-cab
CSR Radio and Cab CSR Radio and Cab
CCTV, other Saloon CCTV Saloon CCTV
Cooling Cooling

20 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 21

Build dates
Day to day operation
Door Unit DTSO(A) MSO TSO DTSO(B) Year of Previous numbers
Pneumatically operated bi-parting sliding, 1/3 and 2/3 position (4 per vehicle). Manufacture (if changed)
Seating 319001 77291 62891 71772 77290 1987
2+2 and 3+2 facing/unidirectional seating (standard class only)
Configuration 319002 77293 62892 71773 77292 1987
No. of seats 82 82 77 78 319003 77295 62893 71774 77294 1987
Floor space 2 2 2 2 319004 77297 62894 71775 77296 1987
42.8m 44.7m 41.3m 42.4m
for standing
319005 77299 62895 71776 77298 1987
Toilets 0 0 2 0
319006 77301 62896 71777 77300 1987
Diagram 319007 77303 62897 71778 77302 1987
319008 77305 62898 71779 77304 1987
319009 77307 62899 71780 77306 1987
319010 77309 62900 71781 77308 1987
319011 77311 62901 71782 77310 1987
319012 77313 62902 71783 77312 1987
319013 77315 62903 71784 77314 1987

Heavy Maintenance
Activity Commencement Duration Nature of activity Responsible party

PB/VI3191 Issue 4 Porterbrook

C4 475,000 miles 5 days/unit
Revision A August
+25,000/-0 over
lease duration

PB/VI3196 Issue 2 Porterbrook

RES 10-15 years over 5 days/unit
Revision A April
lease duration

PB/VI3196 Issue 2 Porterbrook

C6 7-8 years over lease 20 days/unit
Revision A April

22 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 23

319/2 Data Sheets
Modifications Basic information
Modification Duration Nature of activity Responsible
Class 319
Base Offer
Sub class 2
2 days Porterbrook
Door reliability Improve reliability. Introduce a revised installation design Manufacturer BREL
for the door actuator and its associated interlocks.
Number of
7 7 7 7
2 days Porterbrook
Interior lighting Remove possible obsolescence problem with current Route
As per the Track Access Agreement
lighting. availability
Power 750Vdc/25kVac
1 day Porterbrook GTO thyristor control
Head/tail/marker The current filament lamps used are unreliable and will N/A 4 x GEC G315BZ N/A N/A
lights be changed for LEDs (tail/marker/LED). traction motors
(990kW total)
5 additional days to the Porterbrook Hardware
Full PRM-TSI The vehicles will be modified to comply with the PRM
C6 downtime
compliance TSI legislation which will include seat back handles, Length
additional wheelchair space/call for aid button, door 19.83m 19.92m 19.92m 19.83m
sounders, and boarding ramp fixing points. The toilet will
need replacement for full PRM-TSI compliance. Width 2.82m
Height 3.58m
Enhanced Offer
Gauge Kinematic envelope drawing available on request
Traction system 10 additional days to the Provide regenerative braking and improve reliability. Porterbrook Axle load
C6 downtime Upgrade the current traction system which will include a 7.25t tare 12.65t tare 7.75t tare 7.425t tare
new traction converter, traction motors, WSP and power
cables. Coupling
compatibility Outer: Tightlock Outer: None Outer: None Outer: Tightlock
Regenerative Included in above Included in the upgraded traction system detailed above. Porterbrook Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar
braking coupler coupler coupler coupler

Static Converter Included in above Remove possible obsolescence and improve reliability. Porterbrook Performance
Replace the M/A set with a new static converter.
Saloon air- Included in above Improve environment for passengers and train crew by Porterbrook Speed
conditioning fitting an air conditioning system to the saloon. Acceleration Unknown
Braking Compliant with minimum brake performance curve as specified in Appendix 4, Group Standard
Capability GM/TT 0172.
Westinghouse 3 step friction brake
Information not supplied System
Other features
Any information not supplied because of a lack of availability must be listed here under the ’reasonable endeavour’ clause of the competition
commission’s ruling. e.g. In-cab
 Acceleration and Braking Capability CSR Radio and Cab CSR Radio and Cab
CCTV, other Saloon CCTV Saloon CCTV
Cooling Cooling
 Average Power Consumption
 Modification Commencement Dates facilities.

24 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 25

Build dates
Day to day operation
Door Unit DTSO MSO TSO DTCO Year of Previous numbers
Pneumatically operated bi-parting sliding, 1/3 and 2/3 position (4 per vehicle). Manufacture (if changed)
Seating 319214 77317 62904 71785 77316 1987
Configuration First: 2+1 facing
319215 77319 62905 71786 77318 1987
Std: 2+2 facing seating and 3+2 facing/unidirectional
319216 77321 62906 71787 77320 1987
No. of seats 18 First
64 Std 60 Std 52 Std 319217 77323 62907 71788 77322 1987
36 Std
Floor space 2 2 2 2
319218 77325 62908 71789 77324 1987
42.8m 44.7m 35.7m 42.4m
for standing 319219 77327 62909 71790 77326 1987
Toilets 1 standard 319220 77329 62910 71791 77328 1987
0 0 1 partially-compliant 0
Heavy Maintenance
Activity Commencement Duration Nature of activity Responsible party

PB/VI3191 Issue 4 Porterbrook

C4 475,000 miles 5 days/unit
Revision A August
+25,000/-0 over
lease duration

PB/VI3196 Issue 2 Porterbrook

RES 10-15 years over 5 days/unit
Revision A April
lease duration

PB/VI3196 Issue 2 Porterbrook

C6 7-8 years over lease 20 days/unit
Revision A April

26 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 27

319/3 Data Sheets
Modifications Basic information
Modification Duration Nature of activity Responsible
Class 319
Base Offer
Sub class 3
2 days Porterbrook
Door reliability Improve reliability. Introduce a revised installation design Manufacturer BREL
for the door actuator and its associated interlocks.
Number of
26 26 26 26
2 days Porterbrook
Interior lighting Remove possible obsolescence problem with current Route
As per the Track Access Agreement
lighting. availability
Power 750Vdc/25kVac
1 day Porterbrook GTO thyristor control
Head/tail/marker The current filament lamps used are unreliable and will N/A 4 x GEC G315BZ N/A N/A
lights be changed for LEDs (tail/marker/LED). traction motors
(990kW total)
5 additional days to the Porterbrook Hardware
Full PRM-TSI The vehicles will be modified to comply with the PRM
C6 downtime
compliance TSI legislation which will include seat back handles, Length
additional wheelchair space/call for aid button, door 19.83m 19.92m 19.92m 19.83m
sounders, and boarding ramp fixing points. The toilet will
need replacement for full PRM-TSI compliance. Width 2.82m
Height 3.58m
Enhanced Offer
Gauge Kinematic envelope drawing available on request
Traction system 10 additional days to the Provide regenerative braking and improve reliability. Porterbrook Axle load
C6 downtime Upgrade the current traction system which will include a 7.25t 12.65t 7.75t 7.425t
new traction converter, traction motors, WSP and power
cables. Coupling
compatibility Outer: Tightlock Outer: None Outer: None Outer: Tightlock
Regenerative Included in above Included in the upgraded traction system detailed above. Porterbrook Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar
braking coupler coupler coupler coupler

Static Converter Included in above Remove possible obsolescence and improve reliability. Porterbrook Performance
Replace the M/A set with a new static converter.
Saloon air- Included in above Improve environment for passengers and train crew by Porterbrook Speed
conditioning fitting an air conditioning system to the saloon. Acceleration Unknown
Braking Compliant with minimum brake performance curve as specified in Appendix 4, Group Standard
Capability GM/TT 0172.
Westinghouse 3 step friction brake
Information not supplied System
Other features
Any information not supplied because of a lack of availability must be listed here under the ’reasonable endeavour’ clause of the competition
commission’s ruling. e.g. In-cab
 Acceleration and Braking Capability CSR Radio and Cab CSR Radio and Cab
CCTV, other Saloon CCTV Saloon CCTV
Cooling Cooling
 Average Power Consumption
 Modification Commencement Dates facilities.

28 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 29

Day to day operation
Pneumatically operated bi-parting sliding, 1/3 and 2/3 position (4 per vehicle). Build dates
Seating Unit DTSO(A) MSO TSO DTSO(B) Year of Previous numbers
3 + 2 facing seating (standard class only) Manufacture (if changed)
No. of seats 74 79 74 78 319361 77459 63043 71929 77458 1990

Floor space 2 2 2 2 319362 77461 63044 71930 77460 1990

42.8m 45.2m 41.3m 42.4m
for standing
319363 77463 63045 71931 77462 1990
Toilets 0 0 2 0
319364 77465 63046 71932 77464 1990
319365 77467 63047 71933 77466 1990
319366 77469 63048 71934 77468 1990
319367 77471 63049 71935 77470 1990
319368 77473 63050 71936 77472 1990
319369 77475 63051 71937 77474 1990
319370 77477 63052 71938 77476 1990
319371 77479 63053 71939 77478 1990
319372 77481 63054 71940 77480 1990
319373 77483 63055 71941 77482 1990
319374 77485 63056 71942 77484 1990
319375 77487 63057 71943 77486 1990
319376 77489 63058 71944 77488 1990
319377 77491 63059 71945 77490 1990
319378 77493 63060 71946 77492 1990
319379 77495 63061 71947 77494 1990
319380 77497 63062 71948 77496 1990
319381 77973 63093 71979 77974 1990
319382 77975 63094 71980 77976 1990
319383 77977 63095 71981 77978 1990
319384 77979 63096 71982 77980 1990
319385 77981 63097 71983 77982 1990
319386 77983 63098 71984 77984 1990

30 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 31

Heavy Maintenance Modification Duration Nature of activity Responsible

Activity Commencement Duration Nature of activity Responsible party Saloon air- Included in above Improve environment for passengers and train crew by Porterbrook
conditioning fitting an air conditioning system to the saloon.
PB/VI3191 Issue 4 Revision Porterbrook
C4 475,000 miles +25,000/-0 5 days/unit
A August 2007
over lease duration

RES 10-15 years over lease

5 days/unit
PB/VI3196 Issue 2 Revision
A April 2005
Information not supplied
Any information not supplied because of a lack of availability must be listed here under the ’reasonable endeavour’ clause of the competition
commission’s ruling.
PB/VI3196 Issue 2 Revision Porterbrook
C6 7-8 years over lease 20 days/unit
A April 2005
duration  Acceleration and Braking Capability
 Average Power Consumption
 Modification Commencement Dates

Modification Duration Nature of activity Responsible

Base Offer

2 days Porterbrook
Door reliability Improve reliability. Introduce a revised installation design
for the door actuator and its associated interlocks.

2 days Porterbrook
Interior lighting Remove possible obsolescence problem with current

1 day Porterbrook
Head/tail/marker The current filament lamps used are unreliable and will
lights be changed for LEDs (tail/marker/LED).

5 additional days to the Porterbrook

Full PRM-TSI The vehicles will be modified to comply with the PRM
C6 downtime
compliance TSI legislation which will include seat back handles,
additional wheelchair space/call for aid button, door
sounders, and boarding ramp fixing points. The toilet will
need replacement for full PRM-TSI compliance.

Enhanced Offer

Traction system 10 additional days to the Provide regenerative braking and improve reliability. Porterbrook
C6 downtime Upgrade the current traction system which will include a
new traction converter, traction motors, WSP and power

Regenerative Included in above Included in the upgraded traction system detailed above. Porterbrook

Static Converter Included in above Remove possible obsolescence and improve reliability. Porterbrook
Replace the M/A set with a new static converter.

32 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 33

319/4 Data Sheets
Basic information Day to day operation


Pneumatically operated bi-parting sliding, 1/3 and 2/3 position (4 per vehicle).
Class 319
Sub class 4 Configuration First: 2+1 facing

Manufacturer BREL Std: 2+2 facing

Number of No. of seats 74Std 12 First

40 40 40 40 77 Std 72 Std
vehicles 1 Wheelchair 54 Std

Route Floor space 2 2 2 2

As per the Track Access Agreement 42.8m 44.7m 41.3m 42.8m
availability for standing

Power 750Vdc/25kVac Toilets 0 0 2 0

GTO thyristor control Layout
N/A 4 x GEC G315BZ N/A N/A Diagram
traction motors
(990kW total)
19.83m 19.92m 19.92m 19.83m

Width 2.82m
Height 3.58m
Gauge Kinematic envelope drawing available on request
Axle load
7.25t tare 12.65t tare 7.75t tare 7.425t tare

compatibility Outer: Tightlock Outer: None Outer: None Outer: Tightlock
Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar Intermediate: Bar
coupler coupler coupler coupler

Acceleration Unknown
Braking Compliant with minimum brake performance curve as specified in Appendix 4, Group Standard
Capability GM/TT 0172.
Westinghouse 3 step friction brake
Other features
e.g. In-cab
CSR Radio and Cab CSR Radio and Cab
CCTV, other Saloon CCTV Saloon CCTV
Cooling Cooling

34 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 35

Build dates Unit DTSO MSO TSO DTCO Year of
Previous numbers
(if changed)

Unit DTSO MSO TSO DTCO Year of Previous numbers 319457 77451 62971 71876 77450 1988
Manufacture (if changed)
319458 77453 62972 71877 77452 1988
319421 77331 62911 71792 77330 1988 319459 77455 62973 71878 77454 1988
319422 77333 62912 71793 77332 1988 319460 77457 62974 71879 77456 1988
319423 77335 62913 71794 77334 1988
319424 77337 62914 71795 77336 1988
319425 77339 62915 71796 77338 1988
319426 77341 62916 71797 77340 1988 Heavy Maintenance
319427 77343 62917 71798 77342 1988 Activity Commencement Duration Nature of activity Responsible party
319428 77345 62918 71799 77344 1988
PB/VI3191 Issue 4 Porterbrook
319429 77347 62919 71800 77346 1988 C4 475,000 miles 5 days/unit
Revision A August
+25,000/-0 over
319430 77349 62920 71801 77348 1988 2007
lease duration
319431 77351 62921 71802 77350 1988
319432 77353 62922 71803 77352 1988 PB/VI3196 Issue 2 Porterbrook
RES 10-15 years over 5 days/unit
Revision A April
319433 77355 62923 71804 77354 1988 lease duration
319434 77357 62924 71805 77356 1988
PB/VI3196 Issue 2 Porterbrook
319435 77359 62925 71806 77358 1988 C6 7-8 years over lease 20 days/unit
Revision A April
319436 77361 62926 71807 77360 1988 2005

319437 77363 62927 71808 77362 1988

319438 77365 62928 71809 77364 1988
319439 77367 62929 71810 77366 1988
319440 77369 62930 71811 77368 1988
319441 77371 62931 71812 77370 1988
319442 77373 62932 71813 77372 1988
319443 77375 62933 71814 77374 1988
319444 77377 62934 71815 77376 1988
319445 77379 62935 71816 77378 1988
319446 77381 62936 71817 77380 1988
319447 77431 62961 71866 77430 1988
319448 77433 62962 71867 77432 1988
319449 77435 62963 71868 77434 1988
319450 77437 62964 71869 77436 1988
319451 77439 62965 71870 77438 1988
319452 77441 62966 71871 77440 1988
319453 77443 62967 71872 77442 1988
319454 77445 62968 71873 77444 1988
319455 77447 62969 71874 77446 1988
319456 77449 62970 71875 77448 1988

36 Porterbrook 319 Electric Multiple Unit 37

Modification Duration Nature of activity Responsible

Base Offer

2 days Porterbrook
Door reliability Improve reliability. Introduce a revised installation design
for the door actuator and its associated interlocks.

2 days Porterbrook
Interior lighting Remove possible obsolescence problem with current

1 day Porterbrook
Head/tail/marker The current filament lamps used are unreliable and will
lights be changed for LEDs (tail/marker/LED).

5 additional days to the Porterbrook

Full PRM-TSI The vehicles will be modified to comply with the PRM
C6 downtime
compliance TSI legislation which will include seat back handles,
additional wheelchair space/call for aid button, door
sounders, and boarding ramp fixing points. The toilet will
need replacement for full PRM-TSI compliance.

Enhanced Offer

Traction system 10 additional days to the Provide regenerative braking and improve reliability. Porterbrook
C6 downtime Upgrade the current traction system which will include a
new traction converter, traction motors, WSP and power

Regenerative Included in above Included in the upgraded traction system detailed above. Porterbrook

Static Converter Included in above Remove possible obsolescence and improve reliability. Porterbrook
Replace the M/A set with a new static converter.

Saloon air- Included in above Improve environment for passengers and train crew by Porterbrook
conditioning fitting an air conditioning system to the saloon.

Information not supplied

Any information not supplied because of a lack of availability must be listed here under the ’reasonable endeavour’ clause of the competition
commission’s ruling.

 Acceleration and Braking Capability

 Average Power Consumption
 Modification Commencement Dates

38 Porterbrook

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