Immunonutrition Interactions of
Immunonutrition Interactions of
Immunonutrition Interactions of
Interactions of Diet,
Genetics, and Inflammation
Edited by
Bharat B. Aggarwal • David Heber
of Diet, Genetics,
and Inflammation
of Diet, Genetics,
and Inflammation
Edited by
Bharat B. Aggarwal
The University of Texas
Houston, Texas, USA
David Heber
UCLA Center for Human Nutrition
Los Angeles, California, USA
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vi Contents
viii Preface
basic research already developed in cell culture and animal models demonstrating
the mechanisms underlying the interaction of nutrition and immune function. We
hope that this book will achieve these objectives.
x Editors
holds the Ransom Horne, Jr., Endowed Professorship in Cancer Research. Since
then, he has been investigating the role of inflammatory pathways mediated
through TNF, NF-kappaB, and STAT3 for the prevention and therapy of cancer
and other chronic diseases. While searching for novel and safe anti-inflammatory
agents, his group has identified more than 50 novel compounds from dietary
sources and from traditional medicine that interrupt these cell-signaling pathways.
These agents have been tested in various animal models, and some of them are
now in clinical trials. Dr. Aggarwal has published more than 600 papers in peer-
reviewed international journals (including Science, Nature, Cancer Cell, PNAS,
Journal of Experimental Medicine, Blood, JBC, Cancer Research, and Journal of
Immunology), invited reviews, and book chapters.
Dr. Aggarwal is an inventor/coinventor of over 33 patents. He has been included
in ISI Highly Cited among the most popular authors in the immunology category
since 2001. He has also been listed as one of the top 25 researchers worldwide in the
area of apoptosis. His papers exhibit very high citation index (some exceed 1000).
His overall citation is now at 75,900 with an H-index of 106.
Dr. Aggarwal currently serves as a member of the editorial boards of 24 inter-
national journals. He has previously served as a reviewer for more than 160 jour-
nals, various grant proposals, and of several PhD theses. Dr. Aggarwal has edited
12 books and has served as guest editor for special issues of Biotherapy, Cancer
Letters, and Current Opinion in Pharmacology. He has trained over 80 postdoctoral
fellows and visiting professors from around the world. He has co-organized and
served as a member in many national and international conferences and symposia,
started the International Society of Translational Cancer Research, and has delivered
over 350 lectures/seminars/keynote talks in more than 50 countries.
He has recently authored a book entitled Healing Spices (released in January 2011
by Sterling), which is already a bestseller.
Dr. Aggarwal has received numerous awards, including the following:
xii Contributors
Andre Nel
Department of Medicine, Pediatrics and
Public Health
Division of NanoMedicine
David Geffen School of Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California
1 Evolution of Innate and
Adaptive Immunity
David Heber and Bharat B. Aggarwal
Introduction................................................................................................................. 1
Evolution of Innate Immunity..................................................................................... 5
Innate Immune System in Plants............................................................................ 5
Innate Immune System in Humans........................................................................ 6
Evolution of Cellular Immunity.................................................................................. 6
Immunity and Inflammation................................................................................... 7
Cellular Immunity.................................................................................................. 7
Adaptive Immune System........................................................................................... 9
Malnutrition and Immune Function.......................................................................... 10
Immune Function in Obesity.................................................................................... 11
Macrophage Receptors for Omega-3 Fatty Acids..................................................... 11
Immune Function and Vitamin and Mineral Balance............................................... 12
Practical Considerations for Modulating Immune Function..................................... 14
References................................................................................................................. 15
The human immune system can be divided into two functional entities: the innate
and the adaptive immune systems. The innate immune system appeared early in
evolution prior to the time that plants and animals took separate paths, but the
basic mechanisms of pathogen recognition and activation of the innate immune
response are conserved throughout the evolution of plants and animals includ-
ing humans [1]. Innate immunity is the first line of defense against infectious
microorganisms in humans and relies on germ line–encoded pattern recognition
receptors (PRRs) to recognize pathogen-derived substances [1]. Activation of the
innate immune system through these receptors leads to the expression of a vast
array of antimicrobial effector molecules that attack microorganisms at many
different levels.
The innate immune system has been studied extensively in fruit flies (Drosophila
melanogaster) [2] and even in worms such as Caenorhabditis elegans. These ani-
mals have the same genes as vertebrates, including mice and humans, that encode
intracellular signaling pathways leading to the activation of the transcription fac-
tor nuclear factor-kappa B (NFκB). These gene cassettes encode various proteins
2 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Plants Animals
Angiosperms *Vertebrates* immunity
Gymnosperms Echinoderms
Seed producers Fungi Rotifers
Horsetails Club fungi Anthropods
Club moss Sac fungi Annelids
Ferns Bread mold Mollusks
Bryophytes Worms
Innate Flagellates Innate
immunity immunity
TLR Toll
MyD88 dMyD88
IKK kinase
IκB Cactus
FIGURE 1.2 Comparison of the mammalian and fruit fly Toll-like receptor signaling path-
ways. The intracellular domain of the toll-like receptors in flies and mammals interact with
a homologous domain in the adaptor protein MyD88. The terminal parts of the pathway
are also homologous between Drosophila and mammals; phosphorylation of Cactus initiates
its degradation and the release of the Dif/Relish dimer, which is a transcription factor and
homologue of NFκB. (From Janeway, C.A., Jr. et al., Immunobiology: The Immune System in
Health and Disease, 6th edn., pp. 52–53, Garland Science, New York, 2005.)
system of plants. Toll receptors in fruit flies perform the same defensive function
as in mice, and there are analogous signaling pathways in both mice and fruit
flies largely conserved through evolution in the human innate immune system
(see Figure 1.2).
The genes of innate immune function in plants are not arranged in the same
order as in fruit flies, but all the signaling elements can be identified in plants as
separate or fused genes [6]. During pathogen-initiated or environmental stress, plant
hormonal signaling pathways prioritize defense over other cellular functions. This
connection, in turn, provides the necessary background for the immune modula-
tory effects of plant substances under the general rubric of phytochemicals found in
4 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
fruits, vegetables, grains, spices, and herbs. Typically, plants raised under stressful
conditions such as low light and water produce increased concentrations of specific
molecules. In other situations, a specific external stress such as ultraviolet light in
dark-adapted mushrooms can lead to the elaboration of defensive toxins.
The cloning of the obese gene (ob) in mice, leading to the discovery of leptin,
began a decade of intensive cellular and molecular investigation on the regulation of
body weight, food intake, and physical activity [7]. The role of leptin has largely been
misunderstood due to the observation that when this protein is administered to obese
mice lacking only this gene in a homozygous condition (the ob/ob mouse), these mice
become thin. A very small number of humans with this genetic condition have also
been shown to become thin following leptin administration. However, despite the ori-
gin of the name leptin (from the Greek root for thinning), its primary role is in the
recovery from starvation and as a cytokine in the immune response. As levels of leptin
in the circulation and central nervous system fall with malnutrition, food intake is
increased and physical activity is decreased. In fact, low leptin levels are a biomarker
of malnutrition in elderly hospitalized patients, and levels rise as malnourished indi-
viduals are renourished [8]. The circulating levels of leptin are proportional to fat mass
but are lowered rapidly by fasting or increased by inflammatory mediators.
The impaired T-cell immunity of mice now known to be defective in leptin (ob/
ob) or its receptor (db/db) is related to the absence of functional leptin signaling due
to the absence of a functional leptin protein (ob/ob) or the leptin receptor protein
(db/db) [9]. Impaired cell-mediated immunity and reduced levels of leptin are both
features of low body weight in humans. Indeed, malnutrition predisposes to death
from infectious diseases, and the impaired immune function resulting from protein-
energy malnutrition and HIV infection is well documented [10]. On an evolutionary
basis, the ability to fight off infection and the ability to store fat in cells were both
critical to survival. While the adaptation to starvation and associated gradual weight
loss do not impair immune function, rapid weight loss does [11]. Moreover, the close
interrelationship of immune function and nutrition has been confirmed with modern
molecular-nutrition tools.
Over the last century, the intricate interaction between human immunity and
metabolism has been recognized and investigated extensively [12]. Indeed, it has
been demonstrated that adipose tissue is not merely the site of energy storage, but
can be considered as an immune-related organ producing a series of molecules
named adipocytokines. Nutritional depletion, specific deficiencies, and kwashiorkor-
like malnutrition suppress immune function [13].
The immune system in humans is an integral part of the adaptation to starvation.
The observation that depletion of the body cell mass to less than half of its normal
mass is incompatible with life regardless of the etiology of malnutrition hinges on
the decompensation of immune function. On the other hand, staying with the theme
that humans are well adapted to starvation but poorly adapted to overnutrition, there
is chronic low-grade inflammation associated with overweight and obesity, medi-
ated by intra-abdominal fat-resident immune cells that cause a systemic inflamma-
tion [14]. In order to understand these two poles of the interaction of nutrition and
immune function, it is necessary to understand the difference between innate and
adaptive immune mechanisms and their evolution.
Evolution of Innate and Adaptive Immunity 5
immune response is well established [20–24]. More recently, ABA [25,26], auxins
[27,28], gibberellins [29], cytokinins [30,31], and brassinosteroids [32] have also
been demonstrated to play important roles in innate immunity. The involvement of
so many plant-growth regulators in plant immunity suggests that the control of plant
growth, development, and defense is interconnected in a complex network of cross-
communicating hormone-signaling pathways. Therefore, the innate immune system
enables plants to utilize their resources in a cost-efficient manner by regulating the
amounts of substrates committed to cell formation. These defense responses may have
evolved to save energy under enemy-free conditions, as they only involve costs when
defenses are activated upon pathogen or insect attack. Trade-offs between plant-growth
rate and disease resistance are established by numerous studies and are consistent with
the idea that plant growth and defense are interconnected via common signaling path-
ways just as human nutritional status and immune function are interconnected.
Cellular Immunity
White blood cells (WBCs) are called leukocytes and are able to move freely through
the circulation, lymphatics, and tissues in order to capture cellular breakdown
8 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Natural killer cells, or NK cells, are a component of the innate immune system,
which does not directly attack invading microbes. Rather, NK cells destroy compro-
mised host cells, such as tumor cells or virus-infected cells, recognizing such cells
by a condition known as missing self. This term describes cells with low levels of
a cell-surface marker called MHC I (major histocompatibility complex)—a situa-
tion that can arise in viral infections of host cells. They were named natural killer
because of the initial notion that they do not require activation in order to kill cells
that are missing self.
Dendritic cells (DCs) are phagocytic cells present in tissues that are in con-
tact with the external environment, mainly the skin (where they are often called
Langerhans cells), and the inner mucosal lining of the nose, lungs, stomach, and
intestines. They are named for their resemblance to neuronal dendrites, but dendritic
cells are not connected to the nervous system. Dendritic cells are very important in
the process of antigen presentation and serve as a link between the innate and adap-
tive immune systems.
Dendritic cells are present in all tissues, where they gather antigens from the
local environment but are not in an immunostimulatory state. In Janeway’s stranger
model, antigen-presenting cells (later appreciated to be DCs) were endowed with
PRRs that recognize the unique features of microbial molecules (pathogen-associ-
ated molecular patterns, PAMPs). When PAMPs were present—for example, from
an infection or adjuvant—then DCs were stimulated to migrate to lymphoid tis-
sues and present both antigen and costimulatory molecules (CD80 and/or CD86)
to T-cells. In Matzinger’s danger model [33,34], the crucial event controlling the
initiation of an immune response was not infection, but the production of danger sig-
nals known as damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) from cells stressed,
damaged, and/or dying in the local tissue. These were postulated to act on DCs in a
manner that also caused them to migrate to lymphoid tissue and present antigens to
T-cells in an immunostimulatory manner. It has been speculated that DAMPs might
be produced in response to PAMPs and therefore that DAMPs might be the final
mediator promoting immune responses in all situations, including infection. This
might occur; however, it is also possible, and in our view probable, that DAMPs and
PAMPs can alert the immune system to a problem independently and possibly even
in a synergistic manner.
gene segments. This mechanism allows a small number of genes to generate a vast
number of different antigen receptors, which are then uniquely expressed on each
individual lymphocyte. Because the gene rearrangement leads to an irreversible
change in the DNA of each cell, all of the offspring of that cell will then inherit genes
encoding the same receptor specificity, including the memory B-cells and memory
T-cells that are the keys to long-lived specific immunity.
The host’s cells express self antigens. These antigens are different from those on
the surface of bacteria (non-self antigens) or on the surface of virally infected host
cells (missing-self). The adaptive response is triggered by recognizing nonself and
missing-self antigens.
With the exception of nonnucleated cells (including red blood cells), all cells are
capable of presenting antigens and of activating the adaptive response. Some cells
are specially equipped to present antigens and to prime naive T-cells. Dendritic cells
and B-cells (and to a lesser extent macrophages) are equipped with special immu-
nostimulatory receptors that allow for enhanced activation of T-cells and are termed
professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Several T-cell subgroups can be acti-
vated by professional APCs, and each type of T-cell is specially equipped to deal
with each unique toxin or bacterial and viral pathogen. The type of T-cell activated
and the type of response generated depend, in part, on the context in which the APC
first encountered the antigen.
intramuscular fat depots) and liver with subsequent activation of macrophage proin-
flammatory pathways and cytokine secretion is the critical link between overnutri-
tion and inflammation.
Omega-3 fatty acids (ω-3 FAs), DHA and EPA, exert anti-inflammatory effects,
but the mechanisms are poorly understood. Recently, it was discovered that the
G protein–coupled receptor 120 (GPR120) functions as an ω-3 FA receptor/sensor
[43]. Stimulation of GPR120 with ω-3 FAs or a chemical agonist caused broad anti-
inflammatory effects in monocytes (RAW 264.7 cells) and in macrophages obtained
from the intraperitoneal fluid. All of these effects were abrogated by GPR120 knock-
down, demonstrating that the GPR120 membrane protein functions as an ω-3 FA
receptor/sensor in proinflammatory macrophages and mature adipocytes. Moreover,
GPR120 is highly expressed in proinflammatory macrophages and functions as an
ω-3 FA receptor, mediating the anti-inflammatory effects of this class of FAs to
inhibit both the TLR2/3/4 and the TNF-α response pathways and cause systemic
insulin sensitization. Therefore, the in vivo anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing
effects of ω-3 FAs are dependent on expression of GPR120, as demonstrated in stud-
ies of obese GPR120 KO animals and WT littermates.
The worldwide diversity of dietary intakes of n-6 and n-3 FAs influences tissue
compositions of n-3 long-chain FAs (LCFAs: eicosapentaenoic, docosapentaenoic,
and docosahexaenoic acids) and risks of cardiovascular and mental illnesses [44] via
inflammatory mechanisms mediated by eicosanoids synthesized from arachidonic acid
and other long-chain omega-6 FAs. By increasing ω-3 FA intake from fish and fish oil
or algae oil supplements and decreasing ω-6 FA consumption from vegetable oils and
processed foods, it is possible to change tissue and plasma FA balance. More research
is needed to connect these changes to changes in immune function, but there is evi-
dence from epidemiological studies [45] that increases in the ratio of ω-6: ω-3 poly-
unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) are associated with increases in chronic inflammatory
diseases such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), cardiovascular disease,
obesity, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), rheumatoid arthritis, and Alzheimer’s dis-
ease (AD). By decreasing the ratio of ω-6:ω-3 PUFA in the Western diet, reductions
may be achieved in the incidence of these chronic inflammatory diseases.
immune function in hospitalized patients, the elderly, and military personnel work-
ing under stressed conditions.
Finally, in addition to calorie and protein balance, micronutrients and lipid bal-
ance of omega-3 and omega-6 are critical. These needs can be met through a balanced
diet, but in at-risk groups including the elderly, individuals consuming unbalanced
diets, and military personnel under stress, it may be advisable to include a multi-
vitamin/multimineral dietary supplement to support healthy immune function. For
balancing omega-3 and omega-6 FAs in cells, it is important to both increase the
intake of DHA and EPA from fish or supplements while also reducing the intake of
omega-6 FAs from foods containing vegetable oils.
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2 Cellular Mechanisms of
Cytokine Activation
David Heber and Bharat B. Aggarwal
Introduction............................................................................................................... 19
Transcription Factors and Mitogen-Activated Kinase Pathways..............................20
Nuclear Factor-Kappa B.......................................................................................20
Nuclear Factor of Activated T-Cells..................................................................... 21
Activating Protein-1............................................................................................. 21
Extracellular Signal–Regulated Kinases.............................................................. 22
c-Jun N-Terminal Kinases.................................................................................... 22
p38........................................................................................................................ 22
Reactive Oxygen Species and Immune Function..................................................... 23
Lipid Peroxidation Products.....................................................................................25
Cytokine Activation Pathways..................................................................................25
Inflammasome, Cytokines, and Pyroptosis............................................................... 30
Conclusion................................................................................................................ 31
References................................................................................................................. 31
Inflammation begins with the activation and recruitment of immune effector cells
and the secretion of cytokines, which are essential for the host defense system. In
this chapter, the cellular mechanisms of cytokine activation will be reviewed. As dis-
cussed further in later chapters, chronic inflammation persists even after elimination
of pathogen(s). Chronic low-grade inflammation has been associated with cancer
[1,2], inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis [3,4], atherosclerosis, rheuma-
toid arthritis [5], asthma, and Alzheimer’s disease [6]. The damaging responses sec-
ondary to chronic inflammation in different organ systems reviewed throughout this
chapter are mediated by cytokines activated through similar molecular mechanisms
within the immune system, in adipocytes, and in other specialized cells. Cytokine
regulation and dysregulation play a significant role in the pathogenesis of various
chronic inflammatory diseases [7,8], and understanding the molecular basis of cyto-
kine activation is critical to knowing about the role of nutrients and phytochemicals
in immune function presented throughout this chapter.
20 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Activating Protein-1
AP-1 is not a single factor but rather refers to a group of transcription factors including
Jun, Fos, or ATF (activating transcription factor) subunits that form dimers and bind
to a common DNA site, the AP-1-binding site [22]. This common site was first iden-
tified by its role in human metallothionein IIA gene regulation [23]. Following its
discovery, AP-1 activity was found to be induced by many stimuli, including growth
factors, cytokines, T-cell activators, neurotransmitters, and UV irradiation [22].
The signaling pathways leading to NF-κB and AP-1 activation are overlapping,
where both are involved in the induction and regulation of cytokines/chemokines.
NF-κB is activated in response to stress, such as oxidative stress, bacterial toxins,
viruses, and UV light [24], and is essential for differentiation, proliferation, and sur-
vival of many cell types including T-lymphocytes [25]. AP-1 activation requires Fos
(c-Fos, FosB, Fra-1, Fra-2) and Jun (c-Jun, v-Jun, JunB, JunD) through the formation
of homo- and heterodimers [26,27] and regulates transcription of a broad range of
genes involved in immune responses [28–31]. Both AP-1 and NF-κB binding sites
have been identified in the promoter region of IL-6 and CXCL8 [32]; however, the
mechanism by which these interleukins are regulated in T-cells is still not clear.
CXCL8 is a C-X-C chemokine with properties enabling it to recruit T-cells and
22 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
basophils and to activate neutrophils and monocytes [33]. IL-6 is a cytokine that
possesses both pro- and anti-inflammatory characteristics and that plays a key role
in hematopoiesis and acute-phase responses [34,35].
p38 gets its name from the fact that it was first isolated as a 38 kDa protein rap-
idly tyrosine-phosphorylated in response to lipopolysaccharide stimulation [43,44].
Four splice variants of the p38 family have been identified: p38α, p38β [45], p38γ
(ERK6, SAPK3) [46,47], and p38δ (SAPK4) [48,49]. Of these, p38 and p38β are
Cellular Mechanisms of Cytokine Activation 23
ubiquitously expressed while p3γ8 and p38δ are differentially expressed depending
on tissue type. Sequence comparisons have revealed that each p38 isoform shares
∼60% identity within the p38 group but only 40%–45% to the other three MAP
kinase family members.
In common with other MAP kinases, p38 kinases are activated by dual kinases
termed the MAP kinase kinases (MKKs). There are two main MAPKKs that are
known to activate p38, MKK3 and MKK6. Also, it has been shown that MKK4,
an upstream kinase of JNK, can aid in the activation of p38α and p38δ in specific
cell types [48]. These data suggest, then, that activation of p38 isoforms can be spe-
cifically controlled through different regulators and coactivated by various combi-
nations of upstream regulators. The cellular specificity and specific activation and
inactivation of MAP kinases described earlier provide a flexible and responsive sys-
tem that can be activated in response to specific inflammatory stimuli and inacti-
vated. The activation of the p38 pathway plays essential roles in the production of
proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 β, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), and IL-6)
[50]; induction of enzymes such as COX-2, which controls connective-tissue remod-
eling in pathological conditions [51]; expression of intracellular enzymes such as
iNOS, a regulator of oxidation [52,53]; and induction of VCAM-1 and other adherent
proteins along with other inflammatory-related molecules [54]. In addition, a regula-
tory role for p38 in the proliferation and differentiation of immune system cells such
as GM-CSF, EPO, CSF, and CD-40 has been established [55,56]. A strong link has
been established between the p38 pathway and inflammation.
O2 into H2O2 (SOD-1, -2, and -3) or degrade H2O2 (catalase, glutathione peroxidases,
and peroxiredoxins) [68,69].
When cellular production of ROS overwhelms its antioxidant capacity, a state of
oxidative stress is reached leading to serious cellular injuries and contributing to the
pathogenesis of several diseases. Nevertheless, if not generated in too high concen-
tration, ROS act as second messengers in signal transduction and gene regulation in a
variety of cell types and under several biological conditions such as cytokine, growth
factor and hormone actions, ion transport, transcription, neuromodulation, and apop-
tosis [70,71]. It is now well established that H2O2 is the main ROS mediating cellular
signaling because of its capacity to inhibit tyrosine phosphatases through oxida-
tion of cysteine residues in their catalytic domain, which in turn activates tyrosine
kinases and downstream signaling [72,73]. Depending on the level of ROS, different
redox-sensitive transcription factors are activated and coordinate distinct biological
responses. A low oxidative stress induces Nrf2, a transcription factor implicated in
the transactivation of gene coding for antioxidant enzymes [74].
An intermediate amount of ROS triggers an inflammatory response through the
activation of NF-κB and AP-1, and a high level of oxidative stress induces perturba-
tion of the mitochondrial pores and disruption of electron transfer, thereby resulting
in apoptosis or necrosis of cells (Figure 2.1) [74]. NF-κB was the first transcription
factor shown to be redox-regulated [75,76].
Cellular redox status may play a key role in the regulation of immune responses
mediated by other transcription factors in addition to NF-κB. Addition of anti-
oxidants has been shown to modulate T-cell responses as measured in terms of
proliferation and cytokine secretion implicating the importance of ROS in antigen-
mediated T-cell activation [16]. Cytokines secreted by different cells participating
in the immune response are known to play a critical role in successful pathogen
Level of oxidative stress
FIGURE 2.1 (See color insert.) Hierarchical oxidative stress model. A low oxidative stress
induces Nrf2, a transcription factor implicated in the transactivation of gene coding for
antioxidant enzymes. An intermediate amount of ROS triggers an inflammatory response
through the activation of NF-κB and AP-1, and a high amount of oxidative stress induces
perturbation of the mitochondrial PT pore and disruption of the electron transfer, thereby
resulting in apoptosis or necrosis. (Adapted from Williams, M.S. and Kwon, J., J Free Radic.
Biol. Med., 37, 1144, 2004.)
Cellular Mechanisms of Cytokine Activation 25
the receptor cytoplasmic tail of specific adaptor and effector proteins, including
IL-1RacP, MyD88, and Tollip [101–103]. MyD88 then mediates the recruitment of
the interleukin-1 receptor- associated kinase (IRAK) family members to the IL-1R
[104], which in turn recruit TRAF6 [105]. Then, TRAF6 recruits TAK1, which
mediates the phosphorylation of the IKK complex, a crucial step already reviewed
earlier in NF-κB activation [106].
TNF-α is another potent proinflammatory cytokine that plays a crucial role in
apoptosis, cell proliferation, differentiation, and septic shock [107]. TNF-α binds
to its cellular TNFR1 receptor, which triggers an intracellular pathway leading to
activation of NF-κB and AP-1 transcription factors. The signaling pathway that
leads to NF-κB activation is well understood [18,108]. After binding to TNFR1 by
TNF-α, aggregation of the receptor and dissociation of silencer of death domain
(SODD) follows. SODD is an inhibitor of TNFR1 activity, and dissociation of
SODD allows binding of TNFR-associated death domain protein (TRADD pro-
tein) [109]. TRADD then recruits downstream adapters like TNF–receptor associ-
ated factor (TRAF proteins) [110]. Although many members of the TRAF family
have been implicated in TNF signaling, TRAF2 and TRAF5 have been shown
to have a role in NF-κB activation by TNF-α [111]. Receptor-interacting protein
(RIP1) is also involved in NF-κB activation by TNF-α [112]. RIP1 acts as a scaf-
fold protein permitting the recruitment of the IKK complex, which is critical to
NF-κB activation following TNF-α binding to the cell membrane [113].
Cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-1β activate the classical NF-κB pathway
[114,115]. In addition, the innate immune system activation by Toll-like receptors
(TLRs) [116] and antigen receptors (TCR, BCR) trigger this pathway [117–119].
After signaling through their different receptors, these various stimuli all result in
the activation of IκB-kinase (IKK) complex, which includes the scaffold protein
NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO, also called IKKγ) [120], IKKα, and IKKβ
kinases [121]. Once activated by phosphorylation, the IKK complex phosphorylates
IκBα. The complex is then ubiquitinated and degraded via the proteasome pathway.
The freed NF-κB subunits p50 and p65 can then move into the nucleus where they
activate the transcription of genes for cytokines, chemokines, adhesion molecules,
and inhibitors of apoptosis (Figure 2.2) [118].
In addition to this classical pathway, there is an alternate pathway that does not
involve NEMO (IKKγ). This alternate NF-κB pathway is involved in secondary
lymphoid organ development and in adaptive immunity. This pathway is induced
by B-cell activating factor (BAFF) [122], lymphotoxin b (LTb) [123], CD40 ligand
[124], and human T-cell leukemia (HTLV) and Epstein–Barr (EBV) virus [125,126].
It enhances NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK)- and IKKα-dependent processing of p100
into p52, which binds DNA in association with its partners, like RelB. These stimuli
also activate the classical pathway (Figure 2.3).
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is found in the outer membrane of gram-negative
bacteria and activates host innate immunity by stimulating phagocytic cells,
monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils to produce inflammatory cytokines,
including IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-α [127]. LPS is recognized by TLR4 membrane
receptors that mediate the innate immunity inflammatory response. After LPS
binds to TLR4, the portion of the TLR4 receptor protein in the cytoplasm recruits
Cellular Mechanisms of Cytokine Activation 27
RIP Ubc13
γ γ Uev1A
complex α β β α
MEKK3 Ub 53
Ub 53
Ub 63
P IκBα
p50 p65
FIGURE 2.2 (See color insert.) TNFR1 signaling. In this model of TNFR1 signaling,
the IKK complex is activated while associated with the receptor. The IKK complex is
recruited to the receptor in a TNF- α-dependent manner. This recruitment requires
TRAF2 and may also involve the interaction between IKKγ and RIP. TRAF2 is thought
to activate the IKK complex via a ubiquitin-dependent signaling pathway. The TRAF2/
ubiquitin signaling complex may lead to the activation of MEKK3, although this has yet
to be demonstrated. RIP is also likely to play a role in activation of the IKK complex,
possibly by interacting with MEKK3 (From Yang, J. et al., Nat. Immunol. 2, 620, 2001.)
Once activated, the IKK complex phosphorylates IκBα on serines 32 and 36, leading to
its proteasome-mediated degradation. (Reprinted with permission from Silverman, N. and
Maniatis, T., Genes Dev., 15, 2321. Copyright 2001 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Press, 2321.)
MyD88, which links TLR4 to IRAK and TRAF6 and leads to NF-κB activation
[128,129]. CD14, which is expressed on the surface and in the cytoplasm (sCD14)
of monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils, interacts with LPS-binding protein
(LBP), which binds to a lipid region of LPS and promotes LPS docking at the
TLR4 receptor [130–132] (Figure 2.4).
Classical pathway Alternative pathway
Ub P P
p50 p65
P P Ub
IκBα Ub
Ub P P
p50 p65 Ub p100
FIGURE 2.3 (See color insert.) Classical and alternative pathways of NF-κB activation. Ligation of TNFR1, IL-1/TLR, TCR, and BCR induces
IKK-dependent IkBα phosphorylation on S32 and 36, which induces ubiquitination and degradation of the inhibitory protein, thus allowing NF-κB
to migrate into the nucleus and transactivate inflammatory genes (classical pathway). Upon ligation of LTbR, BAFFR or CD40 or infection by HTLV
or EBV, the alternate pathway is induced. It enhances NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK)- and IKKα-dependent processing of p100 into p52, which binds
DNA in association with its partners and stimulates genes implicated in lymphoid organ development and organogenesis. These stimuli also activate
Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
CD14 MD-2
63 Ub TRAF6
63 Ub TAB2 TAK1
γ γ
complex α β β α
β- T r P
P IκBα U b i q uC
iti n
p50 p65 Prote a s o m e
FIGURE 2.4 (See color insert.) LPS signaling pathway in mammals. In this model, LPS
is recognized by a complex of three proteins: CD14, MD-2, and TLR4. TLR4 activates the
intracellular signaling cascade by recruiting MyD88 and IRAK to the membrane. IRAK
associates with the receptor complex transiently; once released IRAK can associate with and
activate TRAF6. The TRAF6 RING finger, in combination with Ubc13 and Uev1A, mediates
the K63-extended polyubiquitination of TRAF6 itself. The TAK1/TAB1/TAB2 complex is
activated by its association with ubiquitinated TRAF6. Interestingly, the TAK1-associated
protein TAB2 translocates from the membrane fraction to the cytoplasmic fraction upon
treatment with IL-1. Once activated, the TAK1 complex phosphorylates and activates the
IKK complex. The activated IKK complex then phosphorylates IκBα, leading to its ubiqui-
tination and degradation by the proteasome.
30 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
inflammasome complexes. Due to its prominent role in the innate immune response
against microbial pathogens and its role in metabolic diseases and autoinflamma-
tory disorders, elucidating the mechanisms of inflammasome activation will be of
great interest.
The cellular and intracellular processes reviewed in this chapter mediate the immune
response to external and internal stresses including oxidant stress. These pathways
are complex and interacting, which provides added security to cells and organs
against invasion, loss of nutrients or blood flow, or destruction by trauma. When
these defense mechanisms work well in a controlled manner, they are vital to human
survival. However, when low-grade chronic activation of these pathways occurs, it
results in cellular and DNA damage. In the extreme, these changes can lead to com-
mon forms of cancer. Much of what has been learned about these mechanisms and
pathways comes from cancer research. In cancer cells, many of these pathways are
permanently in the on position, enabling scientists to manipulate the pathways in
order to understand them. As the science implicating inflammation in many different
organ systems is examined in further chapters, we will revisit these same pathways
as markers of inflammation and as signposts in basic research.
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3 Cellular Lipids and
David Heber and Susanne Henning
Introduction............................................................................................................... 39
Fat as an Essential Macronutrient.............................................................................40
Relationship of Excess Fat Calories and Visceral Fat to Inflammation.................... 41
Subcellular Signaling Pathways Linking Inflammation and Metabolism................. 43
Lipid Rafts and Cellular Signaling........................................................................... 45
Conclusion................................................................................................................ 48
References................................................................................................................. 49
Lipids play a key role in the body both as stores of energy and as cellular signals
for a number of essential physiological processes. Dietary fats and the fats stored
in the body are predominantly triglycerides consisting of a three-carbon backbone
(glycerol) and three fatty acids linked to these carbons. In the process of digestion,
the fatty acids are removed from the backbone and then reattached in the cells of
the body. This complex process enables the body to modulate the biology of the fats
ingested to avoid starvation and infection, the two major threats to the survival of
ancient mankind. From an evolutionary standpoint, lipids represent the most effec-
tive store of portable energy, carrying 9 Cal/g, but the cells adapted to store this lipid
evolved in an environment where storage of energy was critical to survival. There
was no evolutionary pressure for ridding the body of excess dietary fat and calories.
The modern environment, where the increased availability of foods and a sedentary
lifestyle have led to the common occurrence of positive calorie balance, is a rela-
tively recent development in human evolution. It is now recognized that this posi-
tive energy balance has led to an activation of innate immune responses evolved in
ancient times to protect the body from infection. However, when persistent activation
of inflammation occurs even at a low level, as it does in visceral obesity, it is associ-
ated with the many diseases affected by excess inflammation that are associated with
obesity and discussed elsewhere in this text.
The relevance of the lipids discussed in this chapter relates to the ability to modify
dietary fat intake both in quantity, which affects calorie balance, and in the chemi-
cal composition of dietary fats, which affects the degree to which specific immune
40 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
functions are activated at a cellular and molecular level. Unlike coldwater fish that
can elongate and desaturate the 18-carbon fatty acids to the metabolites with more
than 20 carbons, such as arachidonic acid and eicosapentanoic acid, which compete
for sites on enzymes leading to the production of the eicosanoids, which mediate
inflammation at a cellular level, humans are highly inefficient at this enzymatic junc-
ture and so must alter the dietary intake of these two competing fats by reducing
their intake of n-6-rich fats and increasing the intake of n-3-rich fats from fish and
algae in order to modulate immune functions at a cellular level.
The term perfect storm is used in meteorology when two or more active storm
systems come together to cause more damage and flooding than when a single storm
is present. The modern Western diet has resulted in an excess of calories relative to
energy expenditure due to the addition of hidden fats in the diet over the last several
decades. This has promoted growth of fatty tissue, which triggers systemic inflam-
mation at some critical level of adipose tissue accumulation. The second storm is
related to the nature of the fat which has been added. The predominance of omega-6
and saturated fats has led to an imbalance of signaling systems at a cellular and
molecular level, which promotes inflammation. Inflammation, in turn, results in
oxidant stress, which enhances the inflammatory responses by forming oxidized
phospholipids and triggering inflammation secondary to the accumulation of toxic
products. The targets of this inflammatory response at a cellular and tissue level
include the heart where inflammation is integral to atherosclerosis, the liver where
inflammation can lead to liver failure, the brain where inflammation can lead to
dementia, and the muscles where inflammation can result in sarcopenia. Finally,
inflammation is integral to promoting carcinogenesis as discussed elsewhere in this
text and may account in part for the association of obesity with many common forms
of cancer.
notations indicating the number of carbons (i.e., 18 carbons), the number of double
bonds (i.e., 3), and the location of the first double bond from one end of the molecule
as a number of carbons from the end, with n-6 indicating six carbons from the end
and n-3 indicating three carbons from the end. This difference in chemical structure
affects the flexibility of the molecule so that n-3 fatty acids are more flexible at low
temperatures, which accounts for their enrichment in the tissues of coldwater fish
and aqueous plants and algae. They also have different effects on immune function.
The n-6 fats are more proinflammatory and in some instances help the body mount
an inflammatory response in the face of a threatening pathogen. However, when
found in large excess as in the modern diet, the n-6 fat imbalance versus n-3 fats
results in a chronic inflammatory state commonly found in individuals with excess
abdominal visceral fat and obesity.
These two fats are essential at very low levels in the diet—up to 5% of calories—
in order to maintain normal cell function and support normal growth. Essential fatty
acid deficiency leads to death in animals that develop fatal dermatitis. However,
essential fatty acid deficiency is unknown in humans with an intact gastrointestinal
tract. Individuals dependent on parenteral nutrition due to the loss of gastrointestinal
function are dependent on essential fats for survival.
The practical importance of understanding the differences between n-3 and n-6
fats derives from the fact that there is a great deal of global diversity in these fats.
Hibbeln, Lands, and co-workers have calculated the proportion of long-chain fatty
acids greater than 20 carbons in the diets of many countries and found a variation of
the n-6 proportion from 32% to 87% [6]. Moreover, the dietary diversity in these pro-
portions is reflected in blood samples obtained by fingerstick. It has also been shown
that it is possible to change the blood levels of fatty acids to alter the proportions in a
beneficial direction. This thesis [7] is described in much greater detail by Dr. Lands
in a subsequent chapter of this book.
increased expression of genes that are found in inflammation and are characteristic
of activated macrophages [11,12]. Moreover, there are increases in circulating proin-
flammatory cytokines [13] and decreases in anti-inflammatory adipocytokines (e.g.,
adiponectin) [14]. Abdominal visceral fat is a limited storage depot for fat as it carries
out its function as a portable storage of fat calories. As long as the amount of fat is in
the physiological range and is not growing rapidly, the adipose tissue macrophages
(ATM) remain in the unstimulated or M2 alternatively activated state. However,
following rapid growth of intra-abdominal fat where there is evidence of dead fat
cells missing their perilipin protein, there is activation of M1 classically activated
macrophages, which impair insulin signaling and adipogenesis [15] as well as some
T cells [16]. Insulin sensitivity is also impaired in the liver in parallel secondary to
the effects of interactions of immune cells and hepatocytes [17,18].
Increasing abdominal-fat deposition and growth of this fatty tissue involves
angiogenesis, which forms neovascularization analogous to what occurs with tumor
growth. As with tumors, the tissue is poorly oxygenated, and some fat cells ultimately
die, sending the necessary signal to mobilize the ingress of immune cells as well as
a shift in the inflammatory profile of macrophages from M2 to M1, while the M2
state is linked to the activity of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs)
gamma and delta [19]. Adipose tissue also contains potent tolerogenic CD4+ Tregs
that are downregulated by obesity, another potential initiating event in inflamma-
tion [16,20]. On the other hand, visceral obesity induces an increase in expression
of GPR120, an omega-3 fatty acid receptor that can reduce M1 macrophage activa-
tion while increasing M2 gene expression. As discussed further in the following,
this adaptation limits inflammation. There are as many as 30 million macrophages
in each kilogram of excess fat, so that the mass of inflammatory cells is markedly
increased in visceral obesity [21].
In addition, there is apoptotic cell death and tissue hypoxia [22–24] occurring at
the same time as changes in macrophage expression profile toward a more inflamma-
tory state [22,25]. While there are some studies in animals which attempt to describe
a logical temporal evolution of the inflammatory state associated with abdominal
visceral fat accumulation, there may be parallel events which make such a theoreti-
cal construct impossible to test. In addition to fat in the abdominal visceral depot,
there is fat that occurs outside this area, and it is called ectopic fat.
Ectopic fat in the liver can be an important marker of metabolic syndrome. Fat is
normally stored in the liver, but when inflammation is present, this is called nonalco-
holic steatosis hepatis (NASH). While it is estimated that 80% of obese individuals
have excess liver fat with the best marker being elevated triglycerides in the blood,
only a small fraction have NASH. A small fraction of those go on to liver failure or
cirrhosis. However, a small portion of a very large number is a large number, and
fatty liver and NASH are the third leading cause of liver transplantation after viral
hepatitis and alcoholism. NASH is forecast to increase markedly in incidence and
eclipse these other causes in the next few decades. NASH is marked by an increase
in total and M1 macrophages consistent with what has been observed in abdominal
fat [26–28]. Kupffer cells, which are immune cells normally found in the liver, may
be involved, or it may simply be the immune cells entering as the result of processes
coincident with the accumulation of visceral fat [29].
Cellular Lipids and Inflammation 43
Muscle can be infiltrated with fat, and there is increased cytokine production
in muscle with obesity and insulin resistance. Muscle cells can become inflamed
directly via an innate immune response through TLR4 receptors [30] or from infil-
trating M1 macrophages [31,32]. As discussed in the chapter on muscle and immune
function (see Chapter 15), muscle cells also release anti-inflammatory myokines, but
only when they contract. Therefore, the fat deposition with proinflammatory cyto-
kines may be counteracted by exercising muscles. The exact roles of the myokines
and fat-cell adipokines have yet to be established.
Changing the intake of n-3 fatty acid–rich fat relative to n-6 fatty acid–rich fat can
be achieved both by lowering the total intake of fat, since most processed foods con-
tain a large excess of omega-6, and increasing the intake of coldwater fish or fish-oil
supplements. Reducing total fat intake lowers the amount of arachidonic acid (AA)
made from linoleic acid. Fish oil, algal oil, and fish intake can increase eicosapen-
taenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) measured in blood, red cell
membranes, and ultimately tissues. Numerous studies have demonstrated a multi-
plicity of functional effects of n-3 fatty acids in human physiology, human diseases,
and animal models [48–52]. These include effects on plasma lipids and lipoproteins
[53], eicosanoid metabolism, platelet–vessel wall interactions, blood viscosity, arte-
rial blood pressure, coagulation, cytokines, and growth factors.
The mediators of the immune responses triggered by the fatty acids found in tri-
glycerides in dietary fat are mediated by metabolic products called eicosanoids [54].
The key to understanding the effects of different types of dietary fats is to realize
that at key points in the enzymatic pathways leading to the production of eicosanoids,
these different fatty acids compete as substrates for the same enzymes. So, the end
products of the metabolism of fatty acids, namely eicosanoids, are influenced by
this competition. There are four types of eicosanoids—prostaglandins, prostacy-
clins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes. For each type, there are two or three separate
series, derived either from an n-3 or n-6 fatty acid. Products coming from the metab-
olism of arachidonic acid (20:4 n-6) influence over 20 eicosanoid-mediated signaling
pathways in the cell including impacts on inflammation and immune function.
The eicosanoids are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 18 on balancing n-3
and n-6 dietary fats.
In addition, dietary fats can alter the composition of the cell membrane including
the composition of lipid rafts [55]. Lipid rafts are domains in the plasma membrane
that contain high concentrations of cholesterol and glycosphingolipids. They exist as
distinct liquid-ordered regions of the membrane that are resistant to extraction with
nonionic detergents. Rafts appear to be small in size, but may constitute a relatively
large fraction of the plasma membrane. While rafts have a distinctive protein and
lipid composition, all rafts do not appear to be identical in terms of either the proteins
or the lipids that they contain. A variety of proteins, especially those involved in cell
signaling, have been shown to partition into lipid rafts. As a result, lipid rafts are
thought to be involved in the regulation of signal transduction. For example, andro-
gen receptors in lipid rafts in the prostate-cancer cell membrane can activate tyrosine
kinase, leading to a nonnuclear action of androgens in these cells. Experimental evi-
dence suggests that there are probably several different mechanisms through which
rafts control cell signaling. For example, rafts may contain incomplete signaling
pathways that are activated when a receptor or other required molecule is recruited
into the raft. Rafts may also be important in limiting signaling, either by physical
sequestration of signaling components to block nonspecific interactions, or by sup-
pressing the intrinsic activity of signaling proteins present within rafts.
Dietary fats can also affect cytokine synthesis and directly affect gene expression
[56]. Figure 3.1 illustrates the various n-3 and n-6 enzymatic pathways, along with
Cellular Lipids and Inflammation 45
δ-6 δ-5
FIGURE 3.1 Metabolism of n-6 and n-3 PUFAs. δ-5 and δ-6 desaturase enzymes (ovals)
are active in both n-3 and n-6 fatty acid metabolism, converting intermediate-chain n-3
ALA to long-chain n-3 EPA and n-6 linoleic acid (LA) to n-6 arachidonic acid (AA). EPA
is converted to prostaglandin E3 (PGE3), an eicosanoid with potential anti-inflammatory and
antithrombotic effects, whereas AA is converted to PGE2 and leukotriene B4 (LTB4), both
proinflammatory eicosanoids. Thus, n-3 and n-6 fatty acids compete for common metabolic
enzymes, and relative intake of these fatty acids has been hypothesized to determine potential
proinflammatory versus anti-inflammatory, thrombotic, and aggregatory effects. Metabolites
in these pathways also exert feedback inhibition (black arrows); for example, long-chain n-3
EPA inhibits an important step in the elongation of intermediate-chain n-3 ALA. SDA indi-
cates stearidonic acid (octadecatetranoic acid); ETA, eicosatetraenoic acid; GLA, γ-linolenic
acid; and DGLA, dihomo-γ-linolenic acid. (From Mozaffarian, D. et al., Circulation, 111(2),
157, January 18, 2005. With permission.)
the major eicosanoids from AA, EPA, and DGLA. DGLA and EPA compete with
AA for the actions of the lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase enzymes. Competing
with arachidonic acid is eicosapentanoic acid (20:5, n-3) and, to a lesser extent, diho-
mogammalinoleic acid (20:3 n-6). Low dietary intake of these fatty acids, especially
the n-3 series, has been implicated in the progression of heart disease and in brain
health. There is emerging science suggesting that dietary n-3 fatty acids may be use-
ful in psychiatric disorders.
The inhibition of TAB1 prevents phosphorylation and thus activation of IκB kinase
upstream of NFκB and MKK4 (mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4) upstream
of JNK [78]. This work has demonstrated the cellular and molecular mechanisms
underlying the anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 fatty acids on macrophages.
Clearly, these are not the only metabolic effects as Dr. William Lands will expand
upon the biochemical effects of competition between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty
acids in the production of eicosanoids.
However, studies in mice fed a high-fat diet with low levels of omega-3 fatty acids
resulted in activation of the immune system, insulin resistance, and hepatic steatosis,
all of which was prevented when this diet was supplemented with omega-3 fatty
acids (DHA and EPA).
Transgenic animals who were lacking a functioning GPR120 receptor and fed a
high-fat diet did not benefit from supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids. These
experiments elegantly demonstrated that GPR120 plays an important role in the met-
abolic benefits of DHA and EPA. Mice receiving bone marrow transplants from the
GPR120-deficient mice with macrophages lacking the GPR 120 receptor were also
resistant to the beneficial properties of DHA and EPA. Thus, the omega-3 fatty acids
appear to act primarily through macrophages.
Taken together with previous data, these findings support a model in which
dietary fatty acids control the inflammatory properties of macrophages in adipose
tissue by regulating the activity and expression of opposing receptors. With a normal
diet containing a balanced ratio of saturated and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids,
anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages protect adipose cells by dampening excess
inflammation and maintaining insulin sensitivity of fat cells [78]. When mice are
given a high-fat diet with excess calories and little omega-3 fatty acids, TLR4 is
left unchecked in fat cells (see Figure 3.2). The activated receptor induces expres-
sion and release of chemokines, such as MCP-1 (monocyte chemotactic protein-1),
which then recruit proinflammatory M1 macrophages into adipose tissue [78]. These
cells produce cytokines, such as TNF-alpha, which further activate the macrophages
and attenuate insulin action in adipocyte, ultimately leading to insulin resistance.
Activated M1 macrophages express elevated levels of GPR120. Thus, addition of
omega-3 fatty acids to the diet stimulates GPR120 and initiates a signaling pathway
through b-arrestin2, which blocks the effects of TLR4 and inflammatory cytokine
receptors. This reduces the inflammatory state of these cells and simultaneously
promotes the return of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages to adipose tissue, which
leads to the restoration of insulin sensitivity.
Despite these elegant findings in animal models, more research is needed to
determine whether omega-3 dietary supplements and increased consumption of
omega-3-rich fish can provide high enough concentrations of circulating omega-3
fatty acids to promote GPR120 activation. Nevertheless, the new insights presented
by these studies into the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of omega-3 fatty acids pro-
vide a platform for investigating these important questions. The identification of the
GPR120 receptor provides a biomarker for use in clinical investigations of the effects
of omega-3 fatty acids in chronic diseases of aging including type 2 diabetes mel-
litus, cardiovascular disease, and common forms of cancer. Our group is currently
studying these receptors in a clinical trial in prostate cancer patients.
48 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
ω-3 M1 macrophage
M2 macrophage Saturated
GPR120 fatty acids
(anti-inflammatory) fatty acids
M1 macrophage NFκB
(proinflammatory) JNK
FIGURE 3.2 (See color insert.) A high-fat diet with a disproportionate ratio of saturated
fatty acids to ω-3 fatty acids triggers activation of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in adipocytes
and circulating immune cells. This launches an inflammatory cascade that results in the
recruitment of proinflammatory M1 macrophages, increased secretion of TNFα, and insulin
resistance in adipocytes. The addition of ω-3 fatty acids to the diet activates the G protein-
coupled receptor GPR120 on proinflammatory M1 macrophages (Oh et al., 2010), which in
turn attenuates the inflammatory response and recruits anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages
to adipose tissue. Eventually, these M2 macrophages restore secretion of interleukin-10 and
improve insulin sensitivity. (Courtesy of A.R. Saltiel, Life Sciences Institute, Departments
of Internal Medicine and Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Michigan
Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI. With permission.)
This chapter has summarized the role of lipids in triggering inflammation at a cel-
lular and molecular level. Much of the evidence for the role of lipids at a cellular level
comes from animal studies demonstrating that when excess lipids are consumed,
there is growth of abdominal adipocytes and deposition of triglycerides in the liver.
These events trigger a hormonal response in the body as the result of insulin resis-
tance and a secondary inflammatory response in adipose tissue both in the abdomi-
nal visceral fat and in other fat depots in the pancreas, muscle, and hypothalamus.
At a cellular level, the accumulation of lipids and specific fatty acids can affect the
physiological function of adipocyte tissue macrophages, which originate in the bone
marrow and enter the abdominal visceral fat from the circulation in order to phago-
cytize dead fat cells which have outgrown their blood supply from neovasculature
formed during the growth of adipose tissue, as discussed in separate chapters on
abdominal adiposity in diabetes and obesity. At a molecular level, the role of specific
Cellular Lipids and Inflammation 49
types of fatty acids in these tissues has been demonstrated in cell culture and animal
studies. Saturated fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, and other polyunsaturated fatty
acids as well as monounsaturated fatty acids have all been studied and specific sig-
naling pathways identified at a cellular level. Among the most well recognized of
these are the pathways mediated by saturated fatty acids and those mediated by the
competition between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which results in a balance
of proinflammatory or anti-inflammatory eicosanoids in cells which in turn activate
inflammatory responses in cells.
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4 Biomarkers of
Inflammation and
the Western Diet
David Heber and Susanne Henning
Introduction............................................................................................................... 53
Mechanisms Underlying Chronic Low-Grade Inflammation................................... 54
C-Reactive Protein and Other Acute-Phase Reactants.............................................. 54
Proinflammatory Cytokines...................................................................................... 55
Chemokines............................................................................................................... 56
Telomere Length....................................................................................................... 56
Adiponectin............................................................................................................... 57
Vitamin D and Inflammation.................................................................................... 58
Conclusion................................................................................................................ 58
References................................................................................................................. 59
Contemporary research in nutritional sciences and immunology has led to a new
understanding of the role of inflammation in obesity- and age-related chronic
diseases. This realization has also led to a convergence of the fields of immunology
and nutrient physiology and the understanding that they are closely linked [1,2]. This
chapter will review numerous ways to evaluate the impact of inflammation on chronic
diseases utilizing biomarker measurements. Recent studies forecast that by the year
2030 a doubling to tripling of obesity-associated diseases such as diabetes, heart
disease, and common forms of cancer will occur [3,4]. While the human genome
has changed very little in the last 50,000 years, our diets and lifestyles have changed
greatly in just the last 500 years with the introduction of sugars, fats, and salt at levels
never seen in the history of mankind. The discovery of agriculture some 10,000 years
ago led to increased intakes of dairy products and grains. This change in diets was
accelerated during the last 200 years by the Industrial Revolution, leading some
individuals to argue that we should imitate aspects of the diet that was prevalent in
the Paleolithic era [5–7]. The results of these changes in diet and lifestyle have been
linked to inflammation as reviewed in this chapter.
54 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
enabled the analysis of single biomarkers of low-grade inflammation in one run using
enzyme-linked immunoassays. However, obtaining multiple biomarkers based on
many single-biomarker measurements is very labor intensive and expensive. These
issues represent a significant challenge to an efficient multiple biomarker approach,
particularly in large observational cohort or clinical trial studies. A solution to these
challenges is the simultaneous measurement of a set of low-grade inflammatory bio-
markers in one run. Such methods have recently become available with the use of
multiarray platforms (e.g., Luminex® and Meso Scale Discovery® [MSD]). However,
it remains to be established to what extent biomarker concentrations, as measured
with these multiarray platforms, are comparable to well-established single-biomarker
measurements. Although some cross-validation studies have been performed, most
have not focused on biomarkers of low-grade inflammation [21–25], and the two
studies that did so pointed out the problem of different measured concentrations,
which may lead to bias in epidemiological associations [25].
CRP is the most studied biomarker of chronic low-grade inflammation associated
with obesity, diabetes, and CVD risk. Numerous studies have been published on the
use of CRP measurement to improve assessments of cardiovascular risk for patients
in primary prevention programs. More than 20 prospective studies of distinct
cohorts demonstrated that elevated levels of CRP are associated with an elevated
risk of future coronary events after adjustment for at least four traditional risk fac-
tors, including Framingham risk factors and/or diabetes and obesity [26–45]. This
association applied both to men and to women across a wide age range (e.g., from
middle-aged to elderly). Some studies stratified groups of patients by their highly
sensitive CRP (hsCRP) test results—hsCRP levels of less than 1 mg/L, 1–3 mg/L,
and greater than 3 mg/L—and showed that these cutoffs correspond with low-risk,
moderate-risk, and high-risk groups, respectively, although actual levels of risk were
fairly linear across a wide range of CRP levels. A high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP)
test measures low levels of CRP using laser nephelometry. The test gives results in
25 min with a sensitivity down to 0.04 mg/L.
Proinflammatory cytokines induce systemic inflammation and include chemokines
and cytokines. Some cytokines (such as interleukin-6 [IL-6]) circulate in picomolar
(10 −12 M) concentrations that can increase up to 1000-fold during trauma or infec-
tion. The widespread distribution of cellular sources for cytokines may be a feature
that differentiates them from hormones. Virtually all nucleated cells, but especially
endothelial cells, epithelial cells, and resident macrophages, are potent producers of
IL-1, IL-6, and TNFα. IL-6 is responsible for stimulating acute-phase protein syn-
thesis, as well as the production of neutrophils in the bone marrow. It supports the
growth of B-lymphocytes and is antagonistic to regulatory T cells. IL-6 is the most
studied of the cytokines that use gp130, also known as CD 130 or IL-6 signal trans-
ducer (IL6ST), in their signaling complexes. Other cytokines that signal through
receptors containing gp130 are IL-11, IL-27, ciliary neurotrophic factor, leukemia
inhibitory factor, and oncostatin M. In addition to the membrane-bound receptor,
a soluble form of IL-6R (sIL-6R) has been purified from human serum and urine.
56 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Chemokines derive their name from the Greek root kinos meaning movement, and
they are a family of small protein cytokines secreted by immune cells that induce
directed movement or chemotaxis of nearby responsive cells. Chemokines have been
classified into four main subfamilies: CXC, CC, CX3C, and XC. All of these pro-
teins exert their biological effects by interacting with G-protein-linked transmem-
brane receptors on the surface of their target cells.
With inflammation, chemokines are released from a wide variety of cells in
response to stimuli such as bacterial or viral infections. Their release is also stimu-
lated by proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1. The chemokines function during
inflammation to attract immune effector cells such as macrophages and other white
blood cells to sites of infection or tissue damage. Inflammatory cytokines include
CXCL-8, CCL2, CCL3, CCL4, CCL5, CCL11, and CXCL10.
Chemokines have been shown to participate in and control the process of a num-
ber of acute and chronic inflammatory conditions by promoting the infiltration and
activation of inflammatory cells into injured or infected tissues [53].
Telomeres are regions of repetitive DNA sequence that prevent the DNA replication
process or damage from degrading the ends of chromosomes, essentially acting as
buffers and protecting the genes closest to the chromosome ends. Russian biologist
Alexei Olovnikov first hypothesized in the early 1970s that chromosomes could not
completely replicate their ends and that such losses could ultimately lead to the end
of cell division. Elizabeth Blackburn and her colleagues published work suggesting
that telomere shortening was linked with aging at the cellular level, affected lifespan,
and could lead to cancer. In 1984, telomerase, the enzyme that replenishes telomeres,
was discovered in Blackburn’s lab leading to the award of the Nobel Prize in 2009
for the discovery of telomeres and telomerase. The rate of telomere shortening
is a biomarker of inflammation and aging [54]. It has been proposed that eating
Biomarkers of Inflammation and the Western Diet 57
antioxidant-rich foods might reduce the risk of many age-related chronic diseases by
inhibiting low-grade chronic inflammation [55]. Several studies have demonstrated
an association of telomere length with both cellular senescence and development
of chronic disease associated with physiological aging [56,57]. Although telomere
length may predict clinical outcomes and mortality among humans, cells with short-
ened telomeres remain genetically stable if the telomere maintenance system, which
includes mainly telomerase, is fully functioning [58]. Metabolic factors, such as
abdominal fat and increased circulating glucose levels, are related to shorter telo-
meres and lower telomerase activity [59–61], supporting the role of lifestyle and
environmental factors in telomeres maintenance. Population-based studies and
large-scale clinical trials have provided scientific evidences that diet, especially
those rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, and low-fat dairy products, is associated with
a lower incidence of age-related chronic diseases [62,63]. Telomere length has been
related to dietary factors including a greater intake of antioxidants [64,65], less pro-
cessed meat consumption [65], and intake of fruits and vegetables and less dietary fat
[66,67]. Changes in diet and lifestyle have been shown to influence telomere length
through mechanisms reflecting their role in inflammation, oxidative stress, DNA
integrity, and DNA methylation [55].
The analysis of telomere length is emerging as a commercial biomarker for aging
and disease, as well as a tool in the search for new medications. Several companies
offer tests for telomere length. Despite commercial enthusiasm, interpreting pre-
cisely what an individual’s telomeres mean for their health and longevity remains
challenging. As a result, there is a division within the research community between
those who are pushing ahead with ventures to offer tests to the public and those who
feel that telomere testing is premature given our current state of knowledge.
Adiponectin is the most abundant adipose tissue derived cytokine. The circu-
lating level of adiponectin ranges from 5 to 30 μg/mL in humans [68], which
represents up to 0.05% of total plasma proteins [69,70]. It has anti-inflammatory,
antidiabetic, and antiatherogenic properties, and low circulating levels are asso-
ciated with central obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome (MetS), and
T2DM [71]. Serum adiponectin concentrations are highly heritable, and a number
of genome-wide association studies have identified ADIPOQ, the gene encod-
ing adiponectin, as the main locus contributing to variations in serum levels
in European and Asian populations [72–75]. Cross-sectional studies in healthy
and diabetic populations have provided further evidence for the association of
single-nucleotide polymorphisms in ADIPOQ with serum adiponectin concen-
trations [76–80]. Several studies have linked ADIPOQ variants to T2DM and
MetS, although the results to date have been discordant and not replicated across
whole populations [75,78–82]. Adiponectin cellular signaling is mediated by two
adiponectin receptors. The genes for these (ADIPOR1 and ADIPOR2), although
generally not associated with serum adiponectin, have themselves been impli-
cated in insulin resistance and T2DM risk in genetic association studies but also
with inconsistent results [83–87].
58 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
The impact of Western diets and lifestyles is leading to an international epidemic
of excess adiposity. With the discovery that adipose cells are an integral component
of immune function and that excess adiposity can activate the innate and adaptive
immune systems in a chronic fashion, immune function and nutrition have become
inextricably linked. There is no single marker of inflammation that can be reliably used
to assess this impact. CRP and selected cytokines have been extensively studied, but
newer data suggest that there is a balance of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory
cytokines that is beneficial with wound healing but harmful when activated as part
of low-grade chronic inflammation. Hormonal factors, including vitamin D but also
Biomarkers of Inflammation and the Western Diet 59
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Biomarkers of Inflammation and the Western Diet 65
Introduction............................................................................................................... 67
Phytochemical Evolution and Human Immunity...................................................... 69
Classification of Phytochemicals.............................................................................. 70
Phytochemicals and Inhibition of Inflammation....................................................... 74
Tea............................................................................................................................. 74
Berry Polyphenols and Hydrolyzable Tannins from Pomegranate........................... 75
Condensed Tannins from Grape Seed Extract.......................................................... 75
Cocoa Polyphenols from Chocolate.......................................................................... 75
Glucosinolates........................................................................................................... 76
Carotenoids............................................................................................................... 77
Conclusions and Future Directions........................................................................... 78
References................................................................................................................. 78
Epidemiological evidence suggests that diets rich in fruits and vegetables are associ-
ated with a reduced risk of various age-related chronic diseases, including cardio-
vascular disease (CVD), diabetes, certain cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease, where
visceral obesity and low-grade inflammation are common underlying mechanisms
of disease [1]. In the setting of the global epidemic of obesity and age-associated
chronic diseases, the reduction of oxidant stress and low-grade inflammation
associated with increased visceral fat through consumption of colorful fruits and
vegetables may provide one public health nutrition approach [2]. The reduced calorie
density and rich micronutrients characteristic of fruits and vegetables are also likely
to be positive contributors to balanced nutrition when combined with a reduction
in refined carbohydrates, increased protein intake, and adoption of healthy active
lifestyles to restore the balance of energy intake and output undermined by a lack of
physical activity [3].
In fruits and vegetables, polyphenols are the largest group of phytochemicals
and are perceived as being responsible for many of their anti-inflammatory effects.
Polyphenols are able to scavenge free radicals and inactivate other pro-oxidants
but they also have anti-inflammatory actions by inhibiting the activation of nuclear
factor-kappa B (NF-κB) and related cell signaling pathways that trigger systemic
68 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Humans, unlike most mammals, do not synthesize vitamin C [16]. It has been pro-
posed that this genetic machinery was inactivated due to the plentiful vitamin C in
the ancient diet based on plant foods rich in vitamin C and other phytochemicals.
Therefore, it may be that our bodies have a need for phytochemicals for optimum
nutrition at levels above the minimum daily requirement to avoid vitamin deficien-
cies. For example, the RDA for vitamin C is 60 mg/day. The human body loses
45 mg/day on average from a store of 1500 mg, but a typical fruit such as an orange
may contain twice the RDA. So amounts up to 500 mg/day are not toxic, but are
simply metabolized by the body and excreted as oxalate in the urine [17]. At very
high doses, oxalate stones are possible, but the safe range of consumption is wide and
well above the RDA. Most phytochemicals including polyphenols have no dietary
recommendation associated with them beyond the recommendation to consume five
servings per day of fruits and vegetables. Today most Americans eat refined carbo-
hydrates removed from their plant sources with lots of calories, the wrong balance of
fats, and too little protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Government surveys show
that 80% of Americans fail to eat the recommended five servings per day of fruits
and vegetables. The translation of the nutrition science of fruits and vegetables to
dietary practice will be discussed in a later chapter. This chapter will consider the
notion that phytochemicals may represent a feasible approach to the inhibition of
low-grade chronic inflammation such as that associated with visceral obesity with-
out the toxicity associated with some anti-inflammatory drugs, and that the preven-
tive potential of phytochemicals in age-related chronic diseases may be due largely
to their anti-inflammatory effects.
A brief survey of the classification and nomenclature of phytochemicals is presented
here prior to considering the available literature on some selected phytochemicals
and inflammation. A comprehensive discussion of all phytochemicals is outside the
scope of this chapter and would require a multivolume dedicated text. Phytochemicals
can be broadly classified into three major groups: terpenoids, polyphenols, and alka-
loids. More than 5000 of these compounds have been discovered, and it is expected
that scientists will discover many more. Any one serving of vegetables could provide
over 100 different phytochemicals. For example, while cruciferous vegetables are
Phytochemicals and Immune Function 71
Alkaloids are one of the largest groups of chemical defenses produced by thou-
sands of plant species from hundreds of plant families. Amino acids are the building
blocks for alkaloids, and alkaloids include a very large number of bitter nitrogenous
compounds. Although they existed long before humans, some alkaloids have remark-
able structural similarities with neurotransmitters in the central nervous system of
humans, including dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine. The amazing effect of
these alkaloids on humans has led to the development of powerful painkiller medica-
tions and other behavior-altering and addictive drugs [53].
Caffeine, which is one of the most widely studied behavior-altering drugs,
improves all aspects of brain health, including attention, cognition, mood, and
memory [54]. Consumed as a coffee beverage, it comes along with polyphenol anti-
oxidants found in coffee beans. Theobromine, found in chocolate, is accompanied
by antioxidant cocoa flavanols. Therefore, the polyphenols rather than the alkaloid
components of these foods are relevant to this chapter.
This alkaloid class also includes capsaicin, the phytochemical that causes burning
pain through interaction with pain receptors on the tongue when a hot chili pepper is
chewed. Once acclimated to the burning, some individuals find the sensation pleas-
ing, and in ancient cultures, this spice was used as an aphrodisiac. Capsaicin is not
broken down during the digestion process and can cause burning in the lower diges-
tive tract hours after ingestion [55]. Botanists believe that birds are immune to the
burning sensation of capsaicin and may serve to disperse the seeds. Capsaicin may
prevent hungry mammals from devouring the fruits so that they can be eaten by fruit-
eating birds that are attracted to bright red fruits. Passing through the bird’s digestive
tract relatively unharmed, the small seeds are dispersed to other favorable regions.
The pain receptor is found on the tongue while another receptor in the intestine
increases energy expenditure via retrograde neural transmission to the central ner-
vous system and may affect satiety [56]. Capsaicin is also anti-inflammatory as a non-
toxic dose of capsaicin inhibited Helicobacter pylori-induced interleukin-8 (IL-8)
production by gastric epithelial cells through the modulation of the NF-κB and IL-8
pathways [57]. Capsaicin will also be discussed further in the chapter on spices.
Polyphenols are the most important class of dietary antioxidants, and their anti-
inflammatory effects will be discussed in some detail. Polyphenols get their name
from a chemical structure consisting of one or more aromatic rings with one or more
hydroxyl groups (these are the phenols). Within this large class of phytochemicals,
subclasses include the flavonoids, stilbenes, coumarins, and tannins. Polyphenols
are produced in plant cells through secondary metabolism and function in both plant
reproduction and growth. They also act in the plant immune system against patho-
gens, parasites, and predators, as well as contributing to the color of plants. In addi-
tion to their roles in plants, polyphenols may modulate human immune function in
beneficial ways and act as antioxidants. Polyphenols are found in a wide variety of
fruits and vegetables, including pomegranates, strawberries, cherries, apples, cran-
berries, grapes, pineapples, peaches, lemons, oranges, pears, and grapefruits. They
are also found in teas and chocolate as catechins and cocoa flavanols. It is estimated
that flavonoids account for approximately two-thirds of the polyphenols in the diet
with the majority of the remainder from phenolic acids.
Phytochemicals and Immune Function 73
Flavonoids are the largest subgroup of polyphenols with more than 5000 different
phytochemical flavonoids identified. The flavonoids include the following structur-
ally different subgroups: (a) flavones (e.g., apigenin, luteolin), which are found in pars-
ley and celery. Hydroxylation on position 3 of the flavone structure gives rise to the
3-hydroxyflavones also known as the (b) flavonols (e.g., kaempferol and quercetin),
which are found in red and yellow onions, broccoli, red grapes, cherries, French
beans, leeks, and apples; (c) isoflavones (e.g., daidzein and genistein), mainly found
in soy and soy products, have a large structural variability, and more than 600 isofla-
vones have been identified to date; (d) flavanones/flavanonols (e.g., hesperetin, narin-
genin/astilbin, and engeletin), which are mainly found in citrus fruits, herbs (oregano),
and wine; (e) flavanols, for example, (+)-catechin, (−)-epicatechin, epigallocatechin,
and EGCG, which are abundant in green tea, red wine, and chocolate. Flavanols are
found both as monomers and oligomers referred to as condensed tannins or proan-
thocyanidins; (f) anthocyanidins (e.g., pelargonidin, cyanidin, and malvidin), whose
sources include red wine and berry fruits. Flavonoids are most frequently found in
nature as conjugates in glycosylated or esterified forms but can occur as aglycones,
especially as a result of the effects of food processing; and (g) hydrolysable tannins
(e.g., ellagitannins) found in pomegranate and walnut. Many different glycosides can
be found in nature. More than 80 different sugars have been discovered conjugated
to flavonoids. Red wine, pomegranate juice, and grape juice also contain significant
levels of flavonoids and anthocyanin pigments. Anthocyanins give the red-purple and
blue colors to berry fruits, fruit juices, and red wine. Flavonoids act as antioxidants
and regenerate vitamin C, inhibit LDL cholesterol oxidation, inhibit platelet aggrega-
tion, and have anti-inflammatory and antitumor actions in experimental models. For
example, quercetin, the major flavonol in the diet, possesses both anticarcinogenic
activity and ability to inhibit LDL oxidation. It also inhibits the methylation of other
flavonoids such as tea catechins increasing their bioactivity [58].
Phenolic acids can be subdivided into two major groups—hydroxybenzoic acids
and hydroxycinnamic acids. Hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives include p-hydroxy-
benzoic, protocatechuic, vannilic, syringic, and gallic acids. They are commonly
present in the bound form and are typically a component of a complex structure
such as lignins and hydrolyzable tannins [59]. They can also be found in the form
of sugar derivatives and organic acids in plant foods. In addition, phenolic acids
are produced from tea catechins and other dietary polyphenols by the gut micro-
flora [60]. Hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives include p-coumaric, caffeic, and ferulic
acids [61]. They are mainly present in the bound form, linked to cell-wall structural
components, such as cellulose, lignin, and proteins through ester bonds [62]. Ferulic
acids occur primarily in the seeds and leaves of plants. Wheat bran is a good source
of ferulic acids, which are esterified to hemicellulose of the cell walls. Food process-
ing, such as thermal processing, pasteurization, fermentation, and freezing, contrib-
utes to the release of the bound phenolic acids from the cell walls. Caffeic, ferulic,
p-coumaric, protocatechuic, and vannilic acids are present in almost all plants.
Chlorogenic acids and curcumin are also major derivatives of hydroxycinnamic
acids present in plants [63]. Chlorogenic acids are the ester of caffeic acids and are
the substrate for enzymatic oxidation leading to browning, particularly in apples
74 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
and potatoes. Recent research on chlorogenic acid from green coffee bean extracts
has been featured as dietary supplements for weight loss [64], but chlorogenic acid
can be found in many plants [63].
Green tea (Camellia sinensis) is made by stopping the natural process of oxida-
tion in tea leaves by steaming or heating the leaves. Green tea has been a popular
beverage used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 5000 years. Green tea con-
sumption has been associated with decreased risks for obesity [70], diabetes [71,72],
Phytochemicals and Immune Function 75
While the example of glucosinolates from broccoli has already been discussed in
isolation, it is worth revisiting the large class of glucosinolates. About 120 different
glucosinolates are known to occur naturally in plants. They are synthesized from
certain amino acids. The so-called aliphatic glucosinolates are derived mainly from
methionine but also from alanine, isoleucine, leucine, and valine. Glucoraphanin
is derived from dihomomethionine, which is methionine chain-elongated twice.
Aromatic glucosinolates include indolic glucosinolates, such as glucobrassicin,
derived from tryptophan and others from phenylalanine as well as homophenylala-
nine, and sinalbin derived from tyrosine. Plants contain the enzyme myrosinase,
which, in the presence of water, cleaves off the glucose group from a glucosinolate.
The remaining molecule is then converted to either an isothiocyanate, a nitrile, or
a thiocyanate. These are the active substances that serve as defense for the plant.
The plant uses these as a defense when the cell is crushed by a predator, which then
brings together the myrosinase, that is in a separate compartment of the cell from the
glucosinolate, activating this primitive defense mechanism.
Consumption of broccoli sprouts, a rich source of glucoraphanin, has been asso-
ciated with decreased incidence, multiplicity, and tumor growth in animal cancer
models [111–113]. In 1992, Paul Talalay and colleagues at Johns Hopkins University
Phytochemicals and Immune Function 77
Lycopene at physiological concentrations is able to attenuate the LPS-mediated
induction of TNFα in RAW 264.7 macrophages, at both the mRNA and protein
levels. The molecular mechanism was studied, and it appeared that the LPS activa-
tion of both JNK and NF-κB signaling pathways was modulated by lycopene [120].
The anti-inflammatory effects of lycopene on macrophages were accompanied by
a decrease in LPS-stimulated macrophage migration in the presence of lycopene.
Furthermore, lycopene decreased macrophage-conditioned medium-induced pro-
inflammatory cytokine, acute phase protein, and chemokine mRNA expression in
3T3-L1 adipocytes.
β-Carotene has shown antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. In vitro and
in vivo regulatory functions of β-carotene have been shown in the production of NO
and PGE(2), as well as the expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS), cyclooxy-
genase-2, TNFα, and IL-1beta. β-Carotene also inhibits the expression and produc-
tion of these inflammatory mediators in both LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells and
primary macrophages in a dose-dependent fashion, as well as in LPS-administrated
mice. Furthermore, β-carotene suppressed NF-κB activation and iNOS promoter
activity in RAW264.7 cells stimulated with LPS. β-Carotene blocked nuclear trans-
location of the NF-κB p65 subunit, which correlated with its inhibitory effect on
IκB-α phosphorylation and degradation. These results suggest that β-carotene pos-
sesses anti-inflammatory activity by functioning as a potential inhibitor for redox-
based NF-κB activation, probably due to its antioxidant activity.
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84 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Introduction............................................................................................................... 85
Genetic Variation in Complex Diseases.................................................................... 86
Genetic Variation in the Immune System................................................................. 87
Interaction of the Immune System with the Microbes in the Environment.............. 89
Obese Microbiota: Interactions with the Immune System........................................90
Autoimmune Disorders and the Gut Microflora....................................................... 91
Most common disorders that have a genetic component such as obesity, diabetes,
heart disease, common forms of cancer, most autoimmune diseases, and allergic
diseases, including asthma, have both a genetic and an environmental component.
It is now recognized that an underlying mechanism of disease common to these
various disorders is inflammation. Both environmental factors and multiple genes,
each with modest contributions to the total variance in association with common
diseases, are found universally in common diseases. Although the number of known
mutations underlying complex traits is still relatively small, advances in genomics
have greatly enhanced both genetic discovery and the analysis of genomic and epi-
genomic influences on disease risk. The methods of linkage analysis and gene asso-
ciation studies have been enhanced with recent technological advances in genome
mapping, sequencing, and analysis of individual variation. Genome-wide associa-
tion studies (GWASs) and the use of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are
being widely applied to research on chronic diseases using commercially available
However, genetics simply sets the stage for a disease while the environmental
influences including the impact of diet, lifestyle, and obesity on inflammation trigger
the ultimate development of that disease or disorder. The understanding of common
environmental influences has also advanced. The World Health Organization has
recognized the impact of malnutrition on immune function as well as the effects
86 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
surveillance. The antibody response eliminates pathogens and allows for generation
of long-term immune memory. Antibodies may act, for example, to neutralize bac-
terial toxins, opsonize bacteria in order to target them for phagocytosis or destroy
them via complement activation.
GWASs have resulted in the identification of 200 genomic loci in autoimmune
diseases [3–5]. Crohn’s disease has been highlighted as a significant GWAS suc-
cess story in which new pathogenic pathways and potential drug targets have been
identified. Genes encoding components of cytokine signaling, as well as of innate
immunity including autophagy, and of a sensor of bacterial peptidoglycan have been
identified [6]. Genetic variation involving genes at diverse genomic locations that
encode proteins involved in a given immune pathway is associated with several
related phenotypes. For example, strong associations have been recognized between
the IL-23/IL-12 signaling pathways and several autoimmune diseases, including
inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, and primary biliary cirrhosis [3,7].
GWAS has uncovered overlap between the pathways and mechanisms involved
in immune-related diseases [8]. In a recent analysis, among 107 independent SNP
markers associated at genome-wide significance across seven common autoimmune
diseases, 44% associated with at least two diseases [9]. Moreover, in 8% of the
observed associations, the effects were shared but in an opposite direction, with
increased risk in some diseases and protection in others. This is seen, for example,
with PTPN22 R620W; it is associated with increased risk of rheumatoid arthri-
tis, thyroid disease, and type 1 diabetes mellitus but with protection for Crohn’s
disease, and no effect on multiple sclerosis [3]. Associations involving cytokine
signaling, pathways involved in B- and T-cell activation, innate immunity, and
response to pathogens also demonstrated this type of overlap [3]. These shared pat-
terns support the notion of underlying central mechanisms across diseases most
likely involving inflammation. The initial response to antigens or microbial pat-
tern can also be affected [10]. Since their discovery, innate immunity microbial
sensors have been shown to play a critical role in innate immune responses to
microbes in several experimental in vitro, ex vivo, and animal models. However,
their role in the human response to infection in natural conditions has just started
to be deciphered by means of clinical studies of primary immunodeficiencies and
epidemiological genetic studies. There have been a number of studies of the genetic
diversity of the various families of microbial sensors in humans and of other mol-
ecules involved in the signaling pathways they trigger. The genetic associations,
revealed by both clinical and epidemiological genetic studies, of microbial sensors
concentrate on five different families: TLRs, C-type lectin receptors, NOD-like
receptors (NLRs), RIG-I-like receptors, and cytosolic DNA sensors. Variations at
the genes encoding these molecules have been related to the susceptibility to and
the severity of infectious diseases and other clinical conditions associated with
immune dysfunction, including autoimmunity, inflammation, allergy, and cancer.
At this time, the genetic links between innate immunity sensors and human disor-
ders remain to be established.
Epigenetics consists of those factors such as methylation and histone deacety-
lation, which can modulate gene expression. Epigenetics has been studied in the
immune system [11,12] where it is involved in the regulation of immune-cell identity
Genetic and Environmental Modifiers of Immune Function 89
necessary exposure of the infant gastrointestinal tract to host bacteria that are ben-
eficial in stimulating normal immune function and tolerance of self. These examples
demonstrate the impact of microbial interactions with the immune systems on host
Food intake
Weeks: 0 8 10 12 14 16
End study
HF/HS feeding
Weeks: 0 8
BxH20/K J
BX A12/P J
CX A13 gnJ
Bx 11/Ty
BX A1/ /HI J
Bx D /T gnJ
BX K Rww yJ
D3 Pg J
BXxH2 2/P
/T ww
D 87/ yJ
9/T nJ
Ax /J
B B1
12 R
4/ 9/T
yJ wJ
B 2 /T /Rw AJ
Body fat percentage
AX xD 4b/ 1 i
BX B1 19 Ty D 61
D6 0/ /Ty J 20 Bx XD 13/H nJ
BX 0/R Pgn J B XB /Pg wwJ
w J C xA4 5/R J
BX A2/P wJ B D7 hiLt
BX D32/ gnJ 30 BX D/S yJ
BXD D21/ TyJ NO D15/T
BXD 43/Rw yJ
BXD 85/Rww J
w 40 C57 19a/Pg
66/R J AxB 5/RwwJ
ww BXD4 /TyJ
BXD16/T /J CxB3/ByJ
129X1/SvJ BXD49/RwwJ
BxA1 PgnJ
1/ SWR/J
AKR/J AxB8 8/RwwJ
x D 31/T wJ BX 13/Ty
B Rw BX D55/R J
62/ iLtJ Cx A24/ wwJ
BXD N/SH gnJ C5 B7/ PgnJ
NO xA7/ MyJ J
/ c BX 7L/J ByJ
B A C H6
M 2/Kc cJ B 3H /T
H 2 /La wJ Ax XD /He yJ
Bx ZW Rw /J B6 40/ J
N 51/ A /P Ty
BX D 86/ gnJ
H /T J
Bx 38 Pgn
D gn J
BX XD 6/P wwJ
CX XD3 9/T yJ
D 74/ Rw
BX B11 6/T yJ
B A1 0/R wJ
D /
84 Rw wJ
Bx xA8
Bx D5 /Rw J
D7 /H yJ
/R w
BX D64 /Rww
ww J
ww J
9/R iA
BX D71 wwJ
BX D48/R wJ
BX 56/Rw
AxB15 SM/J
BXD70/Rw /J
FIGURE 6.1 (See color insert.) Natural variation in gene-by-diet interactions. (a) Schematic
of study design with indicated time points for HF/HS feeding, magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), food intake monitoring, and end of study. (b) Body fat percentage in male mice (108
strains) before and after 8 weeks of HF/HS feeding. Error bars represent SEM.
Genetic and Environmental Modifiers of Immune Function 93
400 50%–100%
Body fat percentage growth
300 250%–300%
0 2 4 6 8
(c) Weeks on diet
5.0 5.0
4.5 4.5
Food intake (g/day)
4.0 4.0
3.5 3.5
3.0 3.0
2.5 r = 0.45 2.5 r = 0.52
2.0 p = 4.18e–33 2.0 p = 1.49e–45
20 30 40 50 60 15 20 25 30 35 40
(d) Body weight—4 weeks on diet (g) (e) Lean mass—4 weeks on diet (g)
5.0 5.0
4.5 4.5
Food intake (g/day)
Food intake (g/day)
4.0 4.0
3.5 3.5
3.0 3.0
2.5 2.5 r = 0.01
r = 0.18 p = 0.807
2.0 p = 4.33e–06 2.0
10 20 30 40 0 100 200 300 400
(f) Body fat percentage— (g) Body fat percentage
4 weeks on diet growth—0–4 weeks
FIGURE 6.1 (continued) (See color insert.) Natural variation in gene-by-diet interactions.
(c) Biweekly percent body fat percentage increase in male mice with indicated body fat
percentage increase after 8 weeks of HF/HS feeding. (d–g) Correlation of food intake
(g/day/mouse) with body weight (d), lean mass (e), body fat percentage—4 weeks on HF/HS
diet (f), and body fat percentage growth—0–4 weeks (g), regression line. r, bi-weight mid-
correlation; p, p value. (From Parks, B.W. et al., Cell Metab., 17, 141, 2013. With permission.)
94 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
PC2 (4%)
Other Bacteroidetes
PC3 (3.3%)
PC1 (9.5%)
FIGURE 6.2 (See color insert.) Robust shifts in gut microbiota composition after HF/HS
feeding. (a) Relative abundances of the different phyla after chow diet and HF/HS feeding
(average among 52 matched strains). (b) Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) plot of the
unweighted UniFrac distances. Each circle representing a different mice strain is colored
according to the dietary conditions. PC1, PC2, and PC3 values for each mouse sample are
plotted; percent variation explained by each PC is shown in parentheses.
Genetic and Environmental Modifiers of Immune Function 95
Chow HF/HS
–6.0 –4.8 –3.6 –2.4 –1.2 0.0 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6.0
(c) LDA score (log 10)
FIGURE 6.2 (continued) (See color insert.) Robust shifts in gut microbiota composi-
tion after HF/HS feeding. (c) Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) coupled with effect size
measurements identifies the most differentially abundant taxons between chow and HF/HS
diets. HF/HS-diet-enriched taxa are indicated with a positive LDA score and taxa enriched in
normal chow diet have a negative score. Only taxa meeting an LDA significant threshold >2
are shown. (From Parks, B.W. et al., Cell Metab., 17, 141, 2013. With permission.)
of life persisting throughout life in the absence of antibiotics due to the attachment
of H. pylori to the gastric epithelium with a corkscrew-like action [48,49]. Nearly
all adults in developing countries harbor H. pylori, and this bacterium has probably
colonized mankind for much of human history. There is strong evidence linking the
decreased prevalence of H. pylori in the Western world to increased antibiotic use.
At the same time, its absence is associated with elevated rates of asthma and allergic
disorders in the same Western populations [50,51]. Moreover, increased prevalence
of gastroesophageal reflux disease, adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, and Barrett’s
esophagus has been linked to decreased prevalence of certain strains of H. pylori
[52]. Overall, the strong link between H. pylori and modern diseases illustrates how
the disruption of the human microbiota can influence the overall health. To date,
there is no mechanistic evidence linking the absence of H. pylori to differences in
specific immune functions that could increase the risk of allergies.
An increasing variety of disease states and disorders is being found to corre-
late with the host microbiota [53], including susceptibility to influenza [54], retro-
virus transmission [55], colon cancer [56], autoimmune demyelination [56], and
even behavior [35,57]. Government-funded sequencing projects such as the Human
Microbiome Project [58,59] and the Earth Microbiome Project [60] may ultimately
lead to some more unified and comprehensive understanding of the link between the
microbiome and health.
As reviewed in this chapter, genetics and epigenetics affect both innate and adaptive
immune function. However, the largest part of the immune system, the gut-associated
immune system, interacts with the external world at the level of the intestinal micro-
biota and represents a modifiable and responsive organ of immune function. Nutrition
impacts the microflora in the gut and so impacts immune function. The gene–
environment interactions underlying diet and immune function provide an opportu-
nity to impact the incidence of immune-related and inflammation-driven common
diseases through changes in diet and lifestyle that impact multiple pathways.
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7 Cancer and Inflammation
David Heber
Introduction............................................................................................................. 101
Acute Inflammation and Cancer............................................................................. 102
Chronic Inflammation and Cancer.......................................................................... 102
Colon Cancer and Gut Microflora...................................................................... 102
Helicobacter and Stomach Cancer..................................................................... 103
Hepatitis Viruses and Liver Cancer.................................................................... 103
Prostate Cancer and Inflammation..................................................................... 103
Inflammation and Lymphomas........................................................................... 104
Inflammation in Tumor Promotion, Angiogenesis, and Metastasis........................ 104
Targeted Immunotherapy: Inflammation and Tumor Cell Killing.......................... 105
Inflammation as a Side Effect of Tumor Treatment................................................ 107
Inflammation as a Causative Factor in Cancer Cachexia........................................ 108
Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 109
References............................................................................................................... 109
Inflammation and cancer are closely associated, and invasive cancers have been
conceptualized as being linked to persistent pathogens with metabolic and immune
adaptations that make them resistant to killing, starvation, or clearance by immune
surveillance while growing and consuming host nutrients. While cancer can result in
a chronic inflammation, the opposite is also true as inflammation can lead to cancer.
Many of the known risk factors for common forms of cancer are associated with
some form of chronic inflammation. Up to 20% of cancers are linked to chronic
infections, 30% can be attributed to tobacco smoking and inhaled pollutants (such
as silica and asbestos), and 35% to dietary factors (with 20% of the overall cancer
burden attributed to obesity) [1]. Inherited forms of cancer account for only about
10% of all cancers with the vast majority due to somatic mutations secondary to
some of the environmental factors provided earlier. Many of the common forms of
cancer occur in epithelial cells impacted by the microenvironment through chronic
inflammation from stromal cells or invading immune cells.
On the other hand, inflammation is an integral component of all tumors as
first discovered by the pathologist Virchow in the nineteenth century. Induced
inflammation was also used historically and, to a limited extent, currently as a means
of killing tumor cells by upregulating the immune system using various bacterial
mixtures. Targeted immunotherapy uses antibodies or immune cells to kill tumor
102 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Pathogens that are known to infect and induce inflammation in the human prostate
include E. coli and sexually transmitted organisms [28]. Recently, Propionibacterium
acnes was reported as the predominant bacterium detected in tissues from patients
with BPH [29] and prostate cancer [30]. P. acnes is a highly proinflammatory bacte-
rium that is implicated as the causative agent in the etiology of common and invasive
acne and in many other inflammatory conditions [31]. P. acnes was previously called
Corynebacterium parvum and was studied in the 1970s and 1980s as an immunos-
timulatory agent in the treatment of cancer [32,33].
Anti-inflammatory phytochemicals including lycopene, green tea polyphenols,
and pomegranate polyphenols among others have been shown to affect prostate
tumor growth at least in part by inhibiting NF-κB and inflammation [34–36].
FIGURE 7.1 (See color insert.) The roles of different subpopulations of TAMs in tumor pro-
gression. (1) Invasion: TAMs secrete a variety of proteases to break down the basement mem-
brane around areas of proliferating tumor cells (e.g., ductal carcinoma in situ in the breast),
thereby prompting their escape into the surrounding stroma where they show deregulated
growth. (2) Angiogenesis: In areas of transient (avascular) and chronic (perinecrotic) tumor
hypoxia, macrophages cooperate with tumor cells to induce a vascular supply for the area by
upregulating a number of angiogenic growth factors and enzymes. These diffuse away from
the hypoxic area and, together with other proangiogenic stimuli in the tumor microenviron-
ment, stimulate endothelial cells in neighboring, vascularized areas to migrate, proliferate,
and differentiate into new vessels. (3) Immunosuppression: Macrophages in hypoxic areas
secrete factors that suppress the antitumor functions of immune effectors within the tumor. (4)
Metastasis: A subpopulation of TAMs associated with tumor vessels secretes factors like EGF
to guide tumor cells in the stroma toward blood vessels where they then escape into the circu-
lation. In the stromal compartment (both acellular regions and others where they are in close
contact with tumor cells), TAMs secrete growth factors to stimulate tumor cell division and/
or undefined factors that promote tumor cell motility. Note: ? refers to undefined factors that
promote tumor cell motility. (From Lewis, C.E. and Pollard, J.W., Cancer Res., 66, 605, 2006.)
The ability of vaccinations to prevent and treat many infectious diseases encour-
aged research on the use of vaccines against cancer. While cancer cells express sur-
face antigens that differ from those of normal cells, tumor cells are only generally
tolerated by the host. As the cancer evolves within the body due to the inherent
genetic instability of tumor cells, the cells are capable of no longer expressing tumor
antigens or launching defenses against immune attack. As the tumor grows, it favors
the activation and the expansion of adaptive regulatory T (Treg) cells and, therefore,
the generation of a microenvironment that tolerates the cancer cells. The evasion of
immune surveillance can thus increase as a tumor grows.
Cancer and Inflammation 107
One form of immunotherapy seeks to block the immune tolerance of the host for
cancer cells. This strategy seeks to restore a vigorous antitumor immune response
by blocking those aspects of immune function leading to tolerance of the tumor
cells. Immune checkpoint proteins can be blocked by human antibodies with pro-
found effects in vitro, in animal tumor systems, and in patients. Promising clinical
data have already been generated in melanoma and other tumor types with human
antibodies directed against cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) and the
programmed death-1 (PD-1) protein [57,58]. CTLA-4 is an immunoglobulin pro-
tein expressed on the surface of T cells that transmits an inhibitory signal. An
antibody against CTLA-4 is the basis of a drug called ipilimumab, which is FDA
approved for melanoma. It acts by inhibiting immune system tolerance to tumors
and thereby provides a potentially useful immunotherapy strategy for patients with
cancer. In humans, the exact mechanism by which CTLA-4 inhibition induces an
antitumor effect is still unclear. PD-1 is related to the CTLA-4 family of T cell reg-
ulators. Inhibition of PD-1 functions via immune signaling pathways is different
from CTLA-4 and is likely to have a different spectrum of effects from blocking
CTLA-4. The clinical development of anti-PD-1 antibody so far has shown that it
has a potent effect when administered alone, and trials of vaccines with anti-PD-1
are being done currently.
The use of antibodies to deliver drugs as targeted chemotherapies has success-
fully entered clinical practice and holds promise [59]. These drugs consist of an anti-
body and toxin–drug combined together via a chemical linker. These antibody–drug
combinations are being further developed with less toxic drugs, and other reviews
go into detail on the design and testing of such antibody–drug combinations. For our
purposes in this chapter, it is important to understand the potential and limitations
of these approaches as the killing of tumor cells also results in the stimulation of the
innate immune system and inflammation as discussed in the following.
cells, the adaptive response to nutrient deprivation in normal cells is mediated in part
by the reduction of extracellular glucose and IGF-1 concentration and intracellular
signaling [60–62,65]. Fasting for two to three days before and for 24 h after chemo-
therapy is well tolerated by cancer patients receiving a variety of toxic treatments
[62]. In mice, fasting protects against ischemia–reperfusion injury [66]. The depriva-
tion of a single essential amino acid results in both lower IGF-1 levels and protection
against renal and hepatic ischemic injury [67] in response to ischemia–reperfusion.
Therefore, short-term fasting and special nutrition regimens are both being investi-
gated to determine whether side effects of chemotherapy are lessened and whether
there is a potential to enhance cancer cell killing at the same time.
Inflammation plays a critical role in the causation and progression of many forms of
cancer. Since inflammation can be affected by diet, the relationship of inflammation
to cancer is one of the key connections between diet and cancer as well [82]. For
many of the known or suspected dietary risk factors for common forms of cancer, the
mediator may be chronic low-grade inflammation engendered by the Western diet
and a sedentary lifestyle. The immune response is also affected by many different
nutrients including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and other vitamins and minerals.
Therefore, optimizing nutrient intake by including known antioxidants and natural
products with anti-inflammatory activities represents a unique opportunity to apply
immunonutrition to cancer prevention and treatment.
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8 Pathophysiology and Related
Abdominal Obesity
Metabolic Complications
Ana F.T.A. Junqueria and Caroline M. Apovian
Introduction............................................................................................................. 115
Abdominal Obesity and Disease Risk..................................................................... 117
Metabolic Abnormalities Related to Visceral Obesity....................................... 117
Adipose Organ........................................................................................................ 119
Adipose Tissue Dysfunction in Obesity.................................................................. 120
Adipose Tissue Distribution.................................................................................... 121
Heterogeneity among Adipose Tissue Depots........................................................ 124
Differences in Developmental Roots of Adipose Tissue.................................... 124
Differences in Cellularity, Growth, and Remodeling......................................... 124
Differences in Adipocyte Metabolism................................................................ 125
Theory of the Portal Circulation.................................................................... 126
Theory of Ectopic Fat Deposition................................................................. 126
Adipokine and Cytokine Secretion.................................................................... 127
Lessons from Fat-Tissue Removal and Transplantation.................................... 130
Measuring Abdominal Fat in Clinical Practice....................................................... 130
Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 134
References............................................................................................................... 134
A significant worldwide increase in the prevalence of obesity has been noticed
in the last decades, which may be associated with an excess of more the 100,000
deaths per year in the United States [1,2]. With the development of obesity, the
adipose tissue becomes increasingly dysfunctional. Excess fat mass is often associ-
ated with elevated systemic free fatty acids (FFAs), altered adipokine and cytokine
secretion, and local and systemic inflammation. Those changes are linked to the
development of abnormalities such as insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, dyslip-
idemia, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and a chronic proinflammatory and
prothrombotic state. Eventually, the metabolic derangements observed in obese
individuals increase the risk of the development of type 2 diabetes, nonalcoholic
116 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
(a) (b)
FIGURE 8.1 Two types of body fat distributions: (a) android or apple-shaped and
(b) gynecoid or pear-shaped. Weight gain in the area around the waist (android type) is asso-
ciated with obesity-related metabolic diseases. Weight gained around the hips and flank area
(gynecoid type) may be protective. There is evidence that adipose tissues in the upper body
have different phenotypic characteristics than those found in hips and thighs. (Reprinted
from Ophthalmology, 117(1), Kesler, A., Kliper, E., Shenkerman, G., and Stern, N., Idiopathic
intracranial hypertension is associated with lower body adiposity, 169–174, Copyright 2010,
with permission from Elsevier.)
OR (95% Cl)
<20 20–23 23.1–25 25.1–27 27.1–30 >30
FIGURE 8.2 Association of WHR within BMI categories with myocardial infarction
risk. (Reprinted from The Lancet, Vol. 366, Yusuf, S., Hawken, S., Ôunpuu, S.,
Bautista, L., Franzosi, M.G., Commerford, P., Lang, C.C., Rumboldt, Z., Onen, C.L.,
Lisheng, L., Tanomsup, S., Wangai, Jr P., Razak, F., Sharma A.M., and Anand, S.S., On behalf
of the INTERHEART Study Investigators, Obesity and the risk of myocardial infarction
in 27,000 participants from 52 countries: A case-control study, 1640–1649, Copyright 2005,
with permission from Elsevier.)
In mammals, adipose tissue exists in two forms, white adipose tissue (WAT) and
brown adipose tissue (BAT). The primary role of BAT is to store small amounts of
fat that can be used, when needed, to produce heat and maintain body temperature
[19]. WAT, on the other hand, is designed to store large amounts of excess energy in
the form of triglycerides for use during periods of food deprivation. This requires
the process of fatty acid uptake as well as lipogenesis for accumulation of fat and the
mobilization of this energy for use by other cells of the organism through the process
of lipolysis [20]. This was thought to be the only function of the adipose organ, but
for the past two decades, the traditional view of adipose tissue as a passive energy
reservoir is no longer valid. Besides a depot of highly energetic molecules, the adi-
pose tissue is a complex, essential, and active metabolic and endocrine organ [21].
As early as 1987, adipose tissue was identified as a major site for metabolism of
sex steroids, but it was mainly in 1994 that adipose tissue was firmly established as an
endocrine organ, with the identification of leptin, an adipocyte-derived hormone that
regulates energy intake and expenditure. Since that time, a substantial number of other
factors secreted from the adipose organ have been recognized (Table 8.1). Many of
these factors act locally within the adipose tissue through autocrine/paracrine mecha-
nisms, but others act systemically to influence the function of distant tissues like the
brain, skeletal muscle, liver, pancreas, and heart. In addition to these efferent signals,
Examples of Adipocyte-Derived Proteins with
Endocrine Functions
Cytokines and Leptin
cytokine-related proteins TNF-α
Other immune-related proteins MCP-1
Proteins involved in the PAI-1
fibrinolytic system Tissue factor
Complement and Adipsin (complement factor D)
complement-related proteins Complement factor B
Lipids and proteins for lipid Lipoprotein lipase (LPL)
metabolism or transport Cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP)
Apolipoprotein E
Enzymes involved in steroid Cytochrome P450-dependent aromatase
metabolism 17βHSD
Proteins of the RAS AGT
Other proteins Resistin
120 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Examples of Receptors Expressed in Adipose Tissue
Receptors for traditional Insulin receptor
endocrine hormones Glucagon receptor
GH receptor
TSH receptor
Gastrin/CCK-B receptor
Glucagon like peptide-1 receptor
Angiotensin II receptors type 1 and 2
Nuclear hormone receptors Glucocorticoid receptor
Vitamin D receptor
Thyroid hormone receptor
Androgen receptor
Estrogen receptor
Progesterone receptor
Cytokine receptors Leptin receptor
IL-6 receptor
TNF-α receptor
Catecholamine receptors β1, β2, β3 receptors
α1, α2 receptors
adipose tissue expresses numerous receptors that allow it to respond to afferent signals
from traditional hormone systems and the central nervous system (Table 8.2) [21].
It must be outlined that adipocytes are not the only cell type present in the adipose
organ. Preadipocytes, immune cells, mesenchymal cells, and connective, vascular
and nervous elements are found in the adipose organ and outnumber adipocytes in
the tissue. Although adipocytes secrete several endocrine hormones, many secreted
proteins are derived from the nonadipocyte fraction of adipose tissue. Those compo-
nents function together as an integrated unit, and through an interactive network, the
adipose tissue is integrally involved in coordinating a variety of biological processes
including energy metabolism, neuroendocrine function, and immune function [4,21].
resistance has been described [22]. Likewise, increased inflammation has been found
in adipose tissue of insulin-resistant compared with insulin-sensitive obese patients,
suggesting that it could be a key factor that distinguishes the two populations [23]. As
adipocytes become hypertrophic, macrophages and other immune cells infiltrate the
tissue, become activated, and secrete proinflammatory molecules, while adipocyte
production of anti-inflammatory adipokines such as adiponectin is suppressed.
Unless the vasculature expands in proportion to the expansion of adipocyte vol-
ume, microhypoxia results and contributes to the inflammation within the tissue
[24]. Yet another abnormality observed in obese humans is an increase in oxidative
stress, which may represent a mechanistic link between several components of meta-
bolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. The balance of these factors, acting on
target tissues, especially liver, hypothalamus, muscle, and pancreas, influences insu-
lin action, substrate utilization, and inflammation, playing a major role in increasing
metabolic risk of cardiovascular diseases (Figure 8.3).
leptin, IL-6
SAA, IL-8,
Leptin, IL-6 Muscle
IL-6, TSP-1
Insulin secretion
Food intake
Energy Inflammation
expenditure Atherogenesis
FIGURE 8.3 (See color insert.) Adipose signals influence systemic metabolism and appetite. Dysfunctional adipose tissue in obesity produces more
proinflammatory factors (e.g., FFA, SAA, IL-6) and less anti-inflammatory factors (e.g., adiponectin). These exacerbate inflammation and hence risk
for metabolic diseases by affecting liver, skeletal muscle, beta cells, as well as blood vessels. Insulin–glucose homeostasis becomes impaired as a result
of increased hepatic glucose output and muscle insulin resistance, and basal insulin secretion from pancreas is increased, most likely by FAs. Leptin
normally regulate food intake and energy expenditure through its effects on the central nervous system. Besides leptin levels are commonly elevated in
the obese state, most obese persons are resistant to the weight-reducing effects of leptin. (Reprinted from Mol Aspects Med, 34(1), Lee, M.J., Wu, Y.,
and Fried, S.K., Adipose tissue heterogeneity: Implication of depot differences in adipose tissue for obesity complications, 1–11, Copyright 2013, with
Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Fatty liver
Retroperitoneal Preperitoneal
perinephric Abdominal sc
sc deep
Gluteal sc
(femoral) sc
FIGURE 8.4 (See color insert.) Major adipose depots in humans. Subcutaneous adipose
tissues include abdominal, femoral, and gluteal. Intraperitoneal (visceral) adipose tissues are
associated with digestive organs. Omental is attached to the stomach and mesenteric and epi-
ploic are associated with the intestine and colon, respectively. Retroperitoneal fat is located in
the retroperitoneal compartment. (Reprinted from Mol Aspects Med, 34(1), Lee, M.J., Wu, Y.,
and Fried, S.K., Adipose tissue heterogeneity: Implication of depot differences in adipose
tissue for obesity complications, 1–11, Copyright 2013, with permission from Elsevier.)
whereas testosterone-treated men have less fat mass with selective loss of central
fat [28,29]. In addition, while premenopausal women often have increased amounts
of subcutaneous adipose tissue, postmenopausal women are prone to increases in
intra-abdominal fat, and this is attenuated by hormone replacement therapy [30].
Factors that govern this sexual dimorphism in humans better clarification, but may
contribute to the etiology of differences observed in cardiovascular disease risks
among men and women. In addition to gender differences, age- and ethnicity-related
variations in fat distribution are observed. Fat tends to accumulate in central areas
with aging (both subcutaneous and visceral depots) [31]. Compared to Caucasians,
African Americans and Hispanics have relatively less visceral fat, while South
Asians seem to have more central adiposity [32,33].
124 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
inhibition. Adipose tissue depots are heterogeneous with regard to their response to
catecholamine-stimulated lipolysis due to expression differences of these two recep-
tors [20]. Intra-abdominal adipose tissues are more responsive to catecholamine-
stimulated lipolysis than SAT, due to a greater presence of β-adrenergic receptors
than α2-adrenergic receptors on the cell membrane [58,59]. By contrast, catechol-
amines have a very small lipolytic effect in gluteal subcutaneous adipose tissue of
normal and obese women and subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue of obese men,
due to a concomitant increase in α2-adrenergic and decrease in β-adrenergic respon-
siveness [60]. With regard to heterogeneity in lipolysis between subcutaneous depots
(femoral, gluteal, and abdominal), most studies indicate that upper body adipocytes
are more responsive to β-adrenergic agonists, and lower-body adipocytes are more
responsive to the antilipolytic effects of α2-adrenergic agonists with lower lipolytic
responses to mixed agonists [61].
which does not exclude a contribution from the mechanism described earlier, is that
subcutaneous adipose tissue could reach its limit of expansion (maximum hypertro-
phy of existing adipocytes and failure to recruit new adipocytes) with excess energy
intake, and so energy would be stored in visceral fat [68,69] (Figure 8.5). Such a rela-
tive deficit in the capacity of subcutaneous fat to store excess energy would result in
increased accumulation of fat at undesired sites such as the liver, the skeletal muscle,
the heart, and even pancreatic β-cells, a phenomenon that has been described as
ectopic fat deposition [70]. Consistent with this theory is the fact that transgenic
mice that are essentially fatless owing to the expression of A-ZIP/F-1 protein, which
blocks the activity of several transcription factors, also show liver and muscle insulin
resistance and eventually develop diabetes. Surgical implantation of adipose tissue in
these mice improves the insulin sensitivity of their liver and muscles, consistent with
the idea that subcutaneous fat is a metabolic sink to buffer an energy surplus [71,72].
In humans, lipodystrophy, the loss of the ability to store excess lipids in adipose tis-
sue, can lead to the overdevelopment of ectopic fat stores and hence metabolic per-
turbations. In accordance with this hypothesis, treatment with glitazones increases
subcutaneous fat deposition, which might help to explain the beneficial effects of
this class of drug on muscle and liver insulin sensitivity [68,73]. Given evidence for
heterogeneity in the metabolic consequences of obesity for liver and muscle metabo-
lism, it seems likely that both direct effects of an expanded VAT and limitations of
SAT storage capacity that result in ectopic fat contribute to tissue-specific metabolic
impairments within an individual [4].
Normal adiposity
energy balance
Unfavorable genotype
Maladaptive response
to stress
Muscle fat
Low muscle fat ( intracellular lipid)
comparing visceral and subcutaneous fat showed that visceral adipose tissue has
a higher secretory capacity than subcutaneous adipose tissue [81]. Generally, the
expression of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, RANTES, MIP-1α,
PAI-1) is higher in visceral fat. In addition, molecules involved in innate immu-
nity and the acute-phase response and complement factors are overexpressed in
visceral adipose tissue. The depot differences in TNF-α expression levels are
inconsistent [4]. Plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammatory marker
that is predictive of a risk of myocardial infarction, are increased in patients with
visceral obesity [11].
Leptin is a hormone secreted by adipose tissue in direct proportion to the amount
of body fat. The circulating leptin levels serve as a gauge of energy stores, thereby
directing the regulation of energy homeostasis, neuroendocrine function, and metab-
olism. Persons with congenital deficiency are obese, and treatment with leptin results
in dramatic weight loss through decreased food intake and possible increased energy
expenditure. However, most obese persons are resistant to the weight-reducing
effects of leptin [82]. Fat distribution contributes to the variability in serum leptin in
obese patients; in particular, subcutaneous abdominal fat is a stronger determinant
of leptin concentration [83].
The protein adiponectin is specifically derived from adipose tissue. As opposed
to proinflammatory adipokines, adiponectin levels are reduced in obese individu-
als, particularly among patients with excess visceral adiposity [84]. Adiponectin has
been found to have many effects in vitro that are compatible with improved insulin
signaling and potential protection against atherosclerosis [85]. The reduced adipo-
nectin levels observed in viscerally obese patients could therefore be a contribut-
ing factor responsible for their atherogenic and diabetogenic metabolic risk-factor
profile [68].
Omentin is a protein expressed and secreted from visceral but not subcutane-
ous adipose tissue that increases insulin sensitivity in human adipocytes. Decreased
omentin levels are associated with increasing obesity and insulin resistance [86]. In
vitro, omentin increases insulin sensitivity of glucose uptake in human adipocytes,
suggesting that omentin might protect this depot from insulin resistance associated
FIGURE 8.5 (See color insert.) The lipid overflow–ectopic fat model. Excess visceral
fat accumulation might be causally related to the features of insulin resistance, but might
also be a marker of a dysfunctional adipose tissue being unable to appropriately store the
energy excess. According to this model, the body’s ability to cope with the surplus of calo-
ries (resulting from excess caloric consumption, a sedentary lifestyle, or a combination
of both factors) might, ultimately, determine the individual’s susceptibility to developing
metabolic syndrome. There is evidence suggesting that if the extra energy is channeled into
insulin-sensitive subcutaneous adipose tissue, the individual, although in positive energy
balance, will be protected against the development of the metabolic syndrome. However, in
cases in which adipose tissue is absent, deficient, or insulin resistant with a limited ability
to store the energy excess, the triacylglycerol surplus will be deposited at undesirable sites
such as the liver, the heart, the skeletal muscle and in VAT—a phenomenon described as
ectopic fat deposition. (Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Nature,
Després, J.P. and Lemieux, I., Abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome, 444(14),
881–887, Copyright 2006.)
130 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
with high levels of inflammatory cytokines that are detected in visceral fat [87].
Visfatin was identified as a visceral specific adipokine, but in humans its expression
levels are similar between VAT and SAT [88]. Adipose tissue has also been identified
as a site of expression of resistin (expressed in monocytes in humans) and thrombo-
spondin-1, but their functional importance and depot differences in their expression
levels are as yet unclear [4,74].
Capability of Different Body Fat Measurements to Estimate
Total Body Fat and Fat Distribution
Capability Capability Applicability in
Measuring Measuring Fat Large Population
Method Total Body Fat Distribution Studies
CT Moderate Very high Low
MRI High Very high Low
DXA Very high High Moderate
Densitometry Very high Very low Low
Dilution techniques High Very low Moderate
BIA Moderate Very low High
BMI Moderate Very low Very high
WC, HC, WHR, SAD Low High Very high
Skinfolds Moderate Moderate High
Notes: CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; DXA, dual-
energy X-ray absorptiometry; BIA, bioelectrical impedance analysis; BMI,
body mass index; WC, waist circumference; HC, hip circumference; WHR,
waist-to-hip ratio; SAD, sagittal abdominal diameter.
adult men and women as underweight (BMI < 18.5), normal weight (BMI 18.5—
24.9), overweight (BMI 25—29.9), or obese (class 1 BMI 30—34.9, class 2 BMI
35—39.9, class 3 BMI ≥ 40). For children and adolescents, the calculated BMI num-
ber can be plotted on BMI-for-age growth charts for either girls or boys to obtain
a percentile ranking [100]. Large epidemiological studies in adult populations have
shown a positive correlation between cardiovascular mortality risk with BMI values
higher than 25 kg/m2 [101]. However, the use of BMI alone has its limitations in risk
prediction and in generalizations for populations from different ethnic backgrounds
(Table 8.4). It does not take into consideration the body-fat distribution, while it is
clearly established that more fat in the abdomen is a risk factor for the development
of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. In addition, BMI cannot distin-
guish between fat mass and lean mass or the presence of edema. For example, well-
trained bodybuilders have a low percentage of body fat, but their BMI may be on the
overweight range because of their large muscle (lean) mass [98].
As exposed anteriorly, numerous studies have indicated that abdominal obesity is
a better predictor of risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease than weight or BMI
alone [8–10,102]. Abdominal fat can be easily assessed in clinical practice by per-
forming anthropometric measurements of the WC and the WHR. Dual-energy x-ray
absorptiometry (DXA), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imag-
ing (MRI) are more accurate but are impractical for routine clinical use [103]. In the
clinical setting, the WC is generally the preferred method to assess abdominal fat
content given its ease of use, when performed properly. Whether WHR imparts any
132 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Combined Recommendations of Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference
Cut-Off Points Made for Overweight or Obesity, and Association
with Disease Risk
Disease Riska Relative to Normal Weight
and Waist Circumference
BMI Obesity Men 102 cm (40 in.) or less Men > 102 cm (40 in.)
(kg/m2) Class Women 88 cm (35 in.) or less Women > 88 cm (35 in.)
Underweight < 18.5 – –
Normal 18.5–24.9 – –
Overweight 25.0–29.9 Increased High
Obesity 30.0–34.9 I High Very High
35.0–39.9 II Very High Very High
Extreme 40.0 + III Extremely High Extremely High
Note: +, Increased waist circumference also can be a marker for increased risk, even in persons of
normal weight.
a Disease risk for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and CVD.
To measure waist
circumference, locate
the upper hip bone
and the top of the right
iliac crest. Place a
measuring tape in a
horizontal plane around
the abdomen at the level
of the iliac crest. Before
reading the tape measure,
ensure that the tape is
snug, but does not
compress the skin, and
is parallel to the floor.
The measurement is
made at the end of a
normal expiration.
FIGURE 8.6 Measuring WC according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey III protocol. (Reprinted from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute,
The Practical Guide to the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight
and Obesity in Adults, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD, 2000;
National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Obes Res., 6, 51S,
1998; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, NHANES
III Anthropometric Procedures Video, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC,
1996. With permission.)
Although an increase in total body adiposity is associated with an increase in disease
risk, the amount of central upper-body fat, particularly intraperitoneal, has been asso-
ciated with an increase in risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin
resistance, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and various types of cancers. This
phenomenon is usually verified at any level of total body fat. In clinical practice,
measuring WC in addition to the BMI may be helpful for the identification and man-
agement of a subgroup of overweight or obese patients at high cardiometabolic risk.
Evidence supports that adipocytes distributed in the various fat depots in the
body are phenotypically different, as a result of genetic and developmental events.
Moreover, important regional distinctions exist between the depots regarding cel-
lular composition, microvasculature, metabolic characteristics, and secretory prod-
ucts. These differences collectively comprise the microenvironment that contributes
to heterogeneity in metabolism and endocrine function within each depot and may
help in understanding the pathophysiological association of visceral fat and cardio-
metabolic risk.
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9 Type 2 Diabetes and
Zhaoping Li and David Heber
Introduction............................................................................................................. 141
Cytokines and Inflammation in Diabetes................................................................ 142
Dietary Factors in Inflammation............................................................................. 143
Cellular and Subcellular Mechanisms of Inflammation in Diabetes...................... 144
References............................................................................................................... 146
Over the past 50 years, the understanding of type 1 and type 2 diabetes has changed
drastically. In the 1970s, medical schools were teaching that type 2 diabetes was due
to the aging of the beta cell somehow and that it was otherwise analogous to type 1
diabetes where the most important element would be the control of blood sugar. With
the discovery of the immune actions of adipocytes in abdominal obesity, the role of
inflammation in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) became evident as discussed in
this chapter.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is understood as being due to immune
destruction of the beta cells in early life. However, there is some overlap between
these two types of diabetes [1]. Antibodies suggesting autoimmune reaction to islet
cells are found in up to 15% of subjects in the UK Prospective Diabetes Study
(UKPDS) of subjects with T2DM. Autoantibodies to the enzyme glutamic acid
decarboxylase (GAD) and cytoplasmic islet cell antibodies (ICA) were associated
with the amount of insulin required as compared with patients not carrying these
autoantibodies. While the idea that autoimmunity may explain a subset of T2DM
patients as large as the entire population of T1DM in the United States (about two
million individuals) holds open the possibility that immunomodulatory therapeu-
tic strategies could be instituted early in a subset of patients diagnosed as having
T2DM, which could conceivably delay the progression to insulin-requiring status
over time during which systemic inflammation is relentlessly destroying beta cells
in the pancreas.
The worldwide epidemics of obesity and diabetes follow similar demographic
patterns with the largest increases in the next 30 years predicted in China and
India [2].
142 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
The increased prevalence of T2DM has been attributed to economic and environ-
mental changes that promote a Western diet and sedentary lifestyle leading to excess
adiposity. As discussed elsewhere in this text, inflammation has been proposed as
an underlying pathophysiological mechanism in metabolic syndrome, type 2 dia-
betes mellitus, and many obesity-associated chronic diseases including cardiovas-
cular diseases [3].
endothelium, adipocytes
FIGURE 9.1 (See color insert.) Innate immunity and type T2DM. Cell components of
the innate immune system, such as macrophages, endothelial cells, and adipocytes detect,
through pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs), potential environmental threats to the host,
which are represented by signals such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), fatty acids, and
advanced glycation end products (AGES). This process activates nuclear transcription fac-
tors, such as nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB), which induce immune inflammatory genes,
which in turn cause the release of cytokines. These cytokines act in many cells in the body
to produce the clinical and biochemical features of type 2 diabetes and its chronic complica-
tions. APPs, acute-phase proteins; CRP, C-reactive protein; IL, interleukin; TNF-α, tissue
necrosis factor alpha; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1; ICAM-1, vascular endo-
thelial growth factor expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1. (From Santos-Tunes, R.
et al., J. Can. Dent. Assoc., 76, a35, 2010. With permission.)
the translocation of live gram-negative bacteria from the gut to adipose tissue [15].
Both saturated fatty acids and n-6 fatty acids can have proinflammatory effects [16],
while n-3 fatty acids can oppose these effects and balance immune function [17].
Periodontitis is a very common low-grade infection related both to Western diets
and to T2DM as well as cardiovascular disease [18,19]. The characteristics of the
mouth flora, especially Streptococcus mutans, which produces acid from glucose,
have been implicated in the etiology of dental caries and periodontal disease. The
gut microflora impacted by a Western diet also can affect host metabolism and
immune function [20,21]. LPS, a highly inflammatory component of the cell wall
of the gram-negative bacteria, has been suggested as a causal link between gut
microflora and systemic low-grade inflammation leading to obesity and diabetes
mellitus (Figure 9.2) [22].
Nucleus NF-κB
Inflammatory markers
and mediators
Insulin resistance
FIGURE 9.2 (See color insert.) Proposed mechanism by which periodontal inflammatory
mediators may contribute to the development of insulin resistance in individuals with both
type 2 diabetes and periodontitis. The inflammatory mediators originating from periodon-
tal sources can interact systemically with lipids, free fatty acids, and advanced glycation
end products (AGES), all of which are characteristic of diabetes. This interaction induces or
perpetuates activation of the intracellular pathways, such as the I-kappa-B (IκB), I-kappa-B
kinase-β (IKKβ), nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κβ), and the protein c-Jun N-terminal kinase
(JNK) axes, all of which are associated with insulin resistance. The activation of these
inflammatory pathways in immune cells (monocytes or macrophages), endothelium cells,
adipocytes, hepatocytes, and muscle cells promotes and contributes to an increase in the over-
all insulin resistance, which makes it difficult to achieve metabolic control in patients with
both type 2 diabetes and periodontitis. IL, interleukin; IRS-1, insulin receptor substrate-1;
LPS, lipopolysaccharide; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; PKCs, protein kinases C; PRRs, pattern-
recognition receptors; pS302 (serine-302) and pS307 (serine-307), examples of serine sites;
ROS, reactive oxygen species; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor alpha. (From Santos-Tunes, R.
et al., J. Can. Dent. Assoc., 76, a35, 2010. With permission.)
and insulin resistance [27]. Animal studies support the role of NOD1 and NOD2 in
glucose intolerance and diabetes induced by high-fat diets [15].
Activation of several pathways including the activation of the c-Jun NH(2)-
terminal kinase (JNK) and the inhibitor of kappa-B kinase (IKK) regulate
downstream transcriptional processes through nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), therefore
amplifying the expression of proinflammatory mediators. Indeed, at the cellular and
146 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
molecular level, NF-κB has a central role in promoting the synthesis of mediators of
inflammation that act in a paracrine or endocrine fashion.
Diesel exhaust particles (DEP) less than 2.5 μm in diameter have been associ-
ated with an increased risk of diabetes occurrence and increased mortality in people
with diabetes compared with nondiabetic subjects [28,29]. Inflammation secondary
to oxidative stress has been suggested as an underlying mechanism [28,30]. We have
recently shown that broccoli sprout extract standardized for sulforaphane content
can inhibit DEP-induced nasal inflammation in atopic individuals (Heber et al.,
unpublished observations). These observations would implicate the nrf2/keap path-
way which interacts with the NF-κB pathway of inflammation.
The cellular and molecular mechanisms linking inflammation and T2DM and
related complications has stimulated interest in targeting these pathways as part of
the strategy to prevent or control diabetes mellitus and its complications [31,32].
Lifestyle interventions such as those implemented in diabetes prevention trials lower
levels of inflammatory markers most likely through reduction of abdominal fat and
improved metabolic homeostasis [33]. Salicylates (aspirin), which are nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs, have been known for over 100 years to improve metabolic
control in diabetes, but the dose necessary would have an unacceptable incidence of
serious adverse effects such as bleeding [31]. The nonacetylated form of salicylates,
which are safer, have been shown in small clinical trials to improve metabolic con-
trol in people with type 2 diabetes [34,35], suggesting possible utility for diabetes
prevention and control, a possibility currently under investigation in much larger
trials [36]. Improving gut microbiota through dietary intervention or probiotics has
been considered as a possible emerging strategy for preventing the development and
progression of diabetes mellitus [37]. In subsequent chapters, the impact of spices
and other phytochemicals with anti-inflammatory effects will be reviewed. In par-
ticular, there is good evidence that cinnamon, which is derived from tree bark and
contains cinnamic acid, has effects on insulin action in humans and may play a role
in controlling blood sugar. However, there are numerous botanicals that lower blood
sugar as do specialized fibers such as alginates.
In summary, all of these approaches targeting inflammation must be put into
proper perspective with reductions in abdominal or visceral adiposity as the primary
goal in prevention and management of the inflammation associated with diabetes
mellitus. Early intervention in patients with metabolic syndrome or hyperglycemia
may delay or prevent progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus in part by decreasing
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148 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Cardiovascular Health, Systemic Inflammation, Intestine, and Oxidized Lipids....... 149
LDL Oxidized Phospholipids................................................................................. 150
HDL and Prevention of Lipid Oxidation................................................................ 150
HDL Mimetic Peptides........................................................................................... 151
Inflammatory Reaction in Vascular and Nonvascular Cells
Initiated by Oxidized Lipids................................................................................... 154
Prevention of Inflammatory Reaction by HDL....................................................... 154
Dysfunctional HDL................................................................................................. 155
Small Intestine Is Important in Modulating Systemic Inflammation...................... 157
Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 158
References............................................................................................................... 159
150 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
with apoA-I in the presence of antioxidants and the LDL and the apoA-I were then
rapidly separated, the LDL treated with apoA-I contained only approximately one-
third to one-half as much HPODE and HPETE as was present initially. Before these
incubations, the apoA-I contained no detectable HPODE or HPETE, but after the
incubation with LDL, one-half to two-thirds of the HPODE and HPETE that had
been present in the LDL were transferred to the apoA-I, along with some cholesterol
and phospholipid. The LDL treated with apoA-I was able to neither generate lipid
hydroperoxides nor induce monocyte adherence or monocyte chemotactic activity
when added to human artery wall cocultures. If the apoA-I that was incubated with
the LDL was subjected to lipid extraction and the extracted lipids were added back to
the LDL that had been treated with apoA-I, the reconstituted LDL was able to induce
lipid hydroperoxide formation and induce monocyte adherence and monocyte che-
motactic activity [26].
Consistent with these properties of apoA-I, it was reported [42] that HDL is a
major carrier of lipid hydroperoxides in humans. HDL appears to be the major car-
rier of lipid hydroperoxides in mice, and the concentration of lipid hydroperoxides in
HDL taken from the atherosclerosis-susceptible C57BL/6J mice either on a low-fat
chow diet or on an atherogenic diet was significantly greater than the lipid hydro-
peroxide levels found in the HDL of the atherosclerosis-resistant C3H/HeJ mice.
Six hours after the injection of human apoA-I into the tail veins of C57BL/6J mice,
their LDL was no longer able to induce lipid hydroperoxide formation or monocyte
chemotactic activity in human artery wall cocultures [26]. In contrast, injection of
human apoA-II or saline did not prevent LDL-mediated induction of lipid hydro-
peroxide formation or LDL-induced monocyte chemotactic activity. Similarly, 6 h
after infusing apoA-I and phospholipid into healthy human volunteers, there was a
dramatic decrease in the ability of their LDL to induce lipid hydroperoxide forma-
tion and monocyte chemotactic activity in the cocultures of six of six subjects. Thus,
apoA-I has the ability to remove HPODE and HPETE from human LDL and to dra-
matically reduce the inflammatory properties of LDL in both mice and humans [26].
LDL is added to artery wall cells in culture and allowed to oxidize and generate
monocyte chemotactic activity. Presence of normal HDL prevents this while adding
patient HDL amplifies it. Despite achieving very high plasma levels of peptide, there
was no improvement in HDL inflammatory index [45]. This led to a reappraisal of
why peptide was so effective in mice and led to the surprising discovery that a major
site of action for the 4F peptide may be in the intestine, even when it is administered
subcutaneously [46].
Based on the information generated, we have developed several hypotheses.
Hypothesis 1 is that the oxidation of lipids by nonenzymatic means or by meta-
bolic pathways produces oxidized lipids, which trigger an inflammatory response in
many tissues including the vasculature and in the small intestine. In hypothesis 2,
we think metabolites of arachidonic acid, such as 12-HETE, can act similar to oxi-
dized phospholipids (Ox-PLs) to induce inflammation. The basis of our hypothesis 3
is that HDL contains proteins and enzymes that can inactivate and/or remove these
proinflammatory lipids, but in some circumstances, such as a systemic acute-phase
response, the proteins and enzymes associated with HDL are altered so that the
inflammatory response is either not inhibited or enhanced. In hypothesis 4, we pro-
pose that apoA-I mimetic peptides, such as 4F, reduce inflammation by binding and
removing oxidized lipids from tissues. And finally in hypothesis 5, we have come to
observe that oxidized lipids in the small intestine are important in modulating sys-
temic inflammation, and the intestine is a major site for the action of apoA-I mimetic
peptides, such as 4F, which bind these oxidized lipids.
As was stated earlier, oxidized lipids are found in the vasculature of animal models
of atherosclerosis, in human atherosclerotic lesions, and in other inflammatory
diseases. It has been clearly shown that phospholipids are the source of substrates
for multiple enzymatic pathways and an integral component of all mammalian
membranes. The role of phospholipid oxidation products in atherosclerosis has
recently been reviewed. Our group [47,48] demonstrated by liquid chromatography–
electrospray ionization/multistage mass spectrometry that Ox-PLs were present in
fatty streaks from cholesterol-fed rabbits and in lesions of apolipoprotein E–null
mice [47]. We also demonstrated [48] that the group at the sn-2 position of Ox-PL
determines the specific bioactivity and that the substitution of stearoyl for palmitoyl
at the sn-1 position or ethanolamine for choline at the sn-3 position of the phospho-
lipid did not alter bioactivity. We further showed that all parts of the phospholipid
molecules are required for these bioactivities.
The binding of oxidized LDL to the scavenger receptor CD36 in mice was
demonstrated to be attributable to Ox-PL that were associated with both lipid and
protein moieties of the lipoprotein. It was demonstrated that a variety of Ox-PLs
beyond those described earlier [47,48] are present in lesions and that they inter-
act with CD36 in the mouse [49]. A simple phospholipid, such as 1-palmitoyl-2-
arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine (PAPC), when air oxidized produces
hundreds of compounds [47], and hence it is not surprising that there are a myriad
of Ox-PL found in nature.
It has been well demonstrated that oxidized lipids can initiate an inflamma-
tory response and are also formed in an inflammatory reaction. To understand the
sequence of events, the time course of the appearance of Ox-PL and monocytes in
Heart Disease and Inflammation 153
aortas of human fetuses was followed [50]. It was found that the presence of Ox-PL
preceded the appearance of the monocytes [51]. The findings of other groups [52]
highlight the importance of Ox-PL to human disease. The vulnerability of plaques
was found to be related to the amount of LDL containing oxidized phosphatidylcho-
line in the lesion. After percutaneous angioplasty, there was a dramatic increase in
plasma levels of Ox-PL confirming the presence of Ox-PL in clinically important
lesions in humans [53]. Cardiolipin is found in bacteria, in the inner membrane of
mitochondria, and in LDL. A natural antibody to oxidized cardiolipin bound to oxi-
dized LDL, apoptotic cells, and atherosclerotic lesions has been isolated that did not
recognize native cardiolipin or native LDL, confirming that the oxidation of phos-
pholipids occurs in inflammatory conditions in vivo in rabbits and humans.
In monkey and rabbit models of atherosclerosis, it was demonstrated (54) that
during regression of lesions, Ox-PL increased in plasma and decreased in lesions,
consistent with the findings of this group in humans [53]. Interestingly, it was
found [55] that Ox-PL in human plasma is largely associated with Lp(a) lipopro-
tein and is strongly associated with angiographically documented coronary artery
disease (CAD), particularly in patients 60 years of age or younger. Ox-PL was also
shown [56] to be present in plasminogen, which is homologous to Lp(a), and affects
It is not known precisely how diet-induced inflammation produces Ox-PL, but
still the process seems to be widespread in nature. In one study, it was demonstrated
[56,57] that Ox-PL accumulated in lesions induced by cholesterol-feeding zebra fish
More recent work shows that the presence of Ox-PL at sites of inflammation is
not restricted to atherosclerosis. For example, Ox-PL was found [58] in the lungs
of human and animals infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),
anthrax, or H5N1. Furthermore, pulmonary challenge with inactivated H5N1 avian
influenza virus rapidly induced acute lung injury and Ox-PL formation in mice
[58]. Consistent with these findings, after influenza infection, it was shown [59] that
interleukin-17RA–null mice had markedly better survival and less Ox-PL formation
in the lungs. Also in mice that are genetically prone to polyp formation and colon
cancer, Ox-PL has been found in the mucosa of the small intestine [60]. Ox-PL has
been found in skin lesions of patients with leprosy [61] and in brain lesions of patients
with multiple sclerosis [62]. Additionally, Ox-PL have been found in patients with
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and Ox-PL levels correlated with disease severity
in humans [63]. Administration of the apoA-I mimetic peptide 4F known to bind
Ox-PL with extraordinarily high affinity [64] significantly reduced hepatic fibrosis in
a mouse model of this disease [65]. The existence of Ox-PL in human eyes was seen
to increase with age and was increased in the eyes of patients with age-related macu-
lar degeneration [66]. The hearts in a mouse model of scleroderma contained higher
levels of antibody to Ox-PL as compared to controls, and with the administration of
the 4F peptide, the tissue levels of these antibodies decreased [67].
The presence of Ox-PL in a wide range of inflammatory conditions in species rang-
ing from zebra fish to humans is consistent with hypothesis 1 proposed in this review.
Some of the studies cited in this section are also consistent with hypothesis 4 pro-
posed in this review.
154 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Inflammatory reaction characteristic of atherosclerosis is not prevented by HDL
obtained from animal models of atherosclerosis or from humans with atheroscle-
rosis or from mammals with other chronic inflammatory diseases, or HDL with
apoA-I modified by-products found in inflammatory reactions. Dysfunctional HDL
may even enhance inflammatory reaction.
We reported [100] that anti-inflammatory HDL becomes proinflammatory in rab-
bits and humans during an acute-phase response. Subsequently, we reported [101]
that injection of Ox-PL into mice genetically susceptible to diet-induced athero-
sclerosis (C57BL/6J mice), but not in mice resistant to diet-induced atherosclerosis
(C3H/HeJ mice), induced an acute-phase response with decreased PON1 activity
and elevations of apoJ.
Feeding an atherogenic diet to LDLR−/− mice for 3 days [102] did not decrease
hepatic PON1 mRNA but caused a dramatic decrease in plasma PON1 activity and
mass. There was a temporal relation between the decreased activity and mass of para-
oxonase and the increase in the lipid hydroperoxide content of HDL with a decrease
in HDL-cholesterol, native apoA-I, and apoA-II levels. Higher-molecular-weight
forms of apoA-I appeared as the native apoA-I disappeared from the circulation.
156 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
were many fold greater in the enterocytes of the small intestine compared to hepatic
levels. The significance of intestinal phospholipase activity in regulating the metabo-
lism of arachidonic acid was demonstrated by studies of patients with an inherited
cytosolic phospholipase A2-α deficiency. These patients have been shown to have
impaired eicosanoid biosynthesis and small intestine ulceration [125]. Cytosolic
phospholipase A2 was shown to be protective against cyclooxygenase inhibitor-
induced intestinal damage [126]. Cytosolic 12-lipoxygenase and phospholipase A2
mediate monocyte adhesion to ECs in response to Ox-PL [71]. Deletion of endothe-
lial-specific cyclooxygenase-2 in mice was shown [127] to result in intestinal inflam-
mation similar to Crohn’s disease. Patients with Crohn’s disease have evidence of
altered ability of HDL to act on Ox-PL, systemic inflammation, and increased risk
for cardiovascular events [128]. In bacteria, Ox-PL have been implicated in the regu-
lation of boil formation [129]. Moreover, Ox-PL were found to be increased at an
early stage of intestinal polyp formation in a mouse model of familial adenomatous
polyposis [130]. In these mice, treatment with the 4F peptide resulted in decreased
polyp formation and reduced colon cancer. In addition, the treatment of these mice
with the 4F peptide significantly decreased plasma levels of lysophosphatidic acid
[130], which binds to the 4F peptide with an affinity of 0.000523 nmol/L. This is of
2.5-million-fold higher affinity than the binding of lysophosphatidic acid to human
apoA-I [93]. These studies suggest that in these mouse models, binding and removal
of proinflammatory lipids is a potential mechanism for the inhibition of tumor
development [130,131]. Additionally, these studies suggest that therapies targeted to
reduce inflammation in the small intestine may benefit a number of critical human
illnesses including atherosclerosis. Hypothesis 4 and hypothesis 5 proposed in this
review are consistent with the studies reviewed earlier.
The oxidation of normal lipids by metabolic pathways or by nonenzymatic means
produces oxidized lipids that trigger an inflammatory response in many tissues
including the vasculature. Metabolites of arachidonic acid, such as 12-HETE and
likely many other oxidized fatty acids including those esterified to cholesterol or
phospholipids, can act similar to Ox-PL to induce inflammation. Despite the fact that
some of the biologic activities of metabolites of arachidonic acid, such as 12-HETE
and Ox-PL, are similar, the pathways by which they exert their biologic activity may
not be similar and remain to be defined by future research. HDL contains proteins
and enzymes that can inactivate or remove these proinflammatory lipids, but in some
circumstances, such as a systemic acute-phase response, the proteins and enzymes
associated with HDL are altered so that the inflammatory response is either not
inhibited or is enhanced. ApoA-I mimetic peptides, such as 4F, reduce inflammation
by binding and removing oxidized lipids from tissues. And finally, oxidized lipids
in the small intestine are important in modulating systemic inflammation, and the
intestine is a major site for the action of apoA-I mimetic peptides, such as 4F, which
bind these oxidized lipids. Definitive proof of each of these hypotheses will require
extensive future research by many laboratories.
Heart Disease and Inflammation 159
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11 Chronic Kidney Disease
and Inflammation
Karl J. Neff and Carel Le Roux
Introduction............................................................................................................. 167
Injury and the Initiation of Renal Inflammation..................................................... 167
Kidney Disease and Inflammation: The Role of Macrophages.............................. 168
Kidney Disease and Inflammation: The Role of T-Cells........................................ 170
Kidney Disease and Inflammation: Proinflammatory
and Proresolution Molecules................................................................................... 171
Course of Inflammation and CKD.......................................................................... 172
Nutrition and Renal Inflammation: Potential Interactions...................................... 174
Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 175
References............................................................................................................... 175
Inflammation is a key mechanism in the development of chronic kidney disease
(CKD). Severe acute or chronic inflammation can initiate, maintain, and promote
progression of CKD. Inflammation in CKD results from an imbalance of proin-
flammatory and proresolving mediators that determine the extent of activity of the
inflammatory response. The regulation of this system is complex, but several key
immune cells, with macrophages being of particular importance, are major modula-
tors of the inflammatory response in CKD.
This balance can be disrupted by any number of insults including ischemia and
hyperglycemia. Once injured, the renal cells become part of an inflammatory pro-
cess regulated by the injured cells themselves and the immune system. Several pro-
inflammatory and proresolving mediators are involved.
168 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
T-cells and can determine the balance between a proinflammatory and proresolv-
ing milieu [28]. Therefore, multiple T-cell subsets are involved in the inflammatory
process in CKD. Understanding the relationship and activating mechanisms between
each subset should be of particular interest, as it may be that TReg modulation could
become a viable therapeutic target for CKD in the future.
is associated with increased renal cell apoptosis [47,48]. Renal tubular epithelium is
the major source, but macrophages and T-cells can also produce IL-18 [49].
Adiponectin is produced by adipocytes and is a key agent in the antiinflammatory
response. It acts by countering the effect of TNF-α on leukocyte transport across
epithelial membranes and on macrophage proinflammatory signaling [50–52].
This can impede the migration of macrophages into the renal interstitium and
therefore could potentially minimize renal inflammation. Additional effects on
TGFb and endothelial function could improve renal histological outcomes and
reduce proteinuria [53].
Active proresolution pathways are also central to the development and pathogenesis
of inflammation in CKD. Defective inflammatory resolution can result in the
interstitial fibrosis that is a central feature of CKD [54,55]. Localized production of
lipid mediators, such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes, result in vasodilatation and
chemoattraction of proinflammatory immune cells. Prostaglandin formation also
induces the production of proresolving lipid mediators via lipoxygenase-catalyzed
pathways [56]. These mediators, including lipoxins, protectins, and resolvins, reduce
vascular permeability, inhibit immune cell recruitment, and promote the conversion
of proinflammatory macrophage phenotypes to proresolving. Therefore, this mecha-
nism affects an inflammatory break while inflammation is developing. If this break
is defective, then inflammation can continue unabated leading to CKD.
Lipoxins are proresolution agents in glomerulonephritis and acute kidney injury
that can reduce proteinuria and mesangial cell proliferation in human. The activity
of lipoxins may be partially mediated by a reduction in proinflammatory cytokines
and chemokines [57]. However, they also reduce immune cell migration and can
promote the development of a proresolving macrophage phenotype [58].
Resolvins, protectins, and maresins are other proresolving mediators that are
important in the resolution of inflammation. These act by inhibiting neutrophil
migration and modulating macrophage activity [20,59,60]. Resolvins and protec-
tins can both attenuate renal injury in animal models of ischemia–reperfusion [20].
Introducing these agents once inflammation has been initiated by ischemia can result
in improved resolution, demonstrating the importance of their role not only in deter-
mining the onset or degree of inflammatory activity, but also their active role in
resolving the inflammatory process.
epithelial cells to produce fibrosis [61]. Activation of mesangial cells and fibroblasts
is an early event. After this process has developed, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transi-
tion (EMT) occurs.
Activated fibroblasts are termed myofibroblasts and are characterized by de novo
production of alpha SMA and production of excessive amounts of profibrotic extra-
cellular matrix. These cells can be derived from residing fibroblasts or from other
mesenchymal cells [62]. Several of the proinflammatory cytokines promote fibro-
blast activation, but TGFb is one of the most consistently implicated molecules [63].
In rodent models, overexpression of TGFβ is associated with marked glomeruloscle-
rosis and TIF [64]. Administration of a TGFβ–neutralizing antibody attenuates the
development of fibrotic renal disease [65,66]. There is also an effect to reduce the
onset of renal impairment [66].
However, TGFβ should not be considered a purely profibrotic agent, as it can
also inhibit NF-κβ via SMAD pathways, thereby modulating renal inflammation
[67]. This can implicate TGFβ in proresolution pathways via intermediaries such as
SMAD 7 [67]. TGFβ seems to induce phenotype-switching of macrophages to the
M2 proresolving phenotype, and overexpression of TGFβ is anti-inflammatory and
reduces renal fibrosis [68]. Therefore, the role of TGFβ is important but complex,
and the mechanisms underlying the multiple interactions need to be fully elucidated.
EMT normally terminates when inflammation is resolved as a part of the repair
process after tissue injury. If inflammation persists, as is the case in CKD, then
EMT continues, and the activated mesenchymal cells promote fibrosis [69]. In this
scenario, the chronic exposure of renal tubular epithelial cells to proinflammatory
profibrotic signals produces a mesenchymal phenotype giving rise to fibroblasts and
myofibroblasts. EMT is characterized by reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton,
disruption of tubular basement membrane, a loss of epithelial cell adhesion, and
enhanced cell migration and invasion.
The development of EMT is associated with chronic inflammation and may
involve glomerular podocytes resulting in functional impairment. This can result
in proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis. EMT is regulated by intracellular signal
transduction pathways involving TGFβ/SMAD, integrin-linked kinase, and Wnt/β-
catenin signaling. TGFβ also promotes this process. Markers of EMT such as vimen-
tin are found in humans with CKD [69,70]. These markers correlate with declining
renal function.
In severe sustained or repetitive kidney insult, the cell cycle can become dysregu-
lated, and in concert with profibrotic TGFβ production from renal epithelial cells,
epigenetic changes in resident fibroblasts can result with subsequent myofibroblast
formation and activation [8]. Therefore, EMT conversion of epithelial cells to myo-
fibroblasts may not be the only source of this cell population, although this remains
a controversial concept.
To date, demonstrating a clear relationship between EMT and CKD has been
difficult as fibroblastic conversion has been incompletely defined due to a paucity of
specific markers. Most of the available markers such as vimentin are not specific for
fibroblasts because they are also present in other inflammatory and endothelial cells.
Injured renal tubular endothelial cells in vivo can undergo partial EMT in which
only one or two markers are altered. Therefore, conclusive evidence demonstrating
174 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
the presence of EMT in CKD and determining its contribution is elusive. This must
be understood when considering the role EMT plays in the course of inflammation
in CKD.
Inflammation is a critical mechanism, which can initiate CKD and which can pro-
mote the progression of CKD to end-stage renal disease. This is mainly due to the
macrophage-mediated migration of activated proinflammatory immune cells into
the renal interstitium. The renal tubular endothelium and the T-cell populations are
also key participants in this process. However, the overarching mechanism relies on
a balance between the proinflammatory and proresolving milieu. Further therapeutic
strategies, including nutritional supplementation, focused on modifying this balance
to a proresolving environment by modulating immune cell activity is likely to be of
importance in the future treatment of CKD.
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12 Alzheimer’s Disease
and Inflammation
Stephen T. Chen and Gary W. Small
Introduction............................................................................................................. 181
Overview of Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease................................................. 182
Overview of the Inflammatory System and AD...................................................... 183
Anti-inflammatory Treatments................................................................................ 186
Antioxidants............................................................................................................ 188
Ginkgo biloba.......................................................................................................... 190
Estrogens................................................................................................................. 191
Curcumin................................................................................................................. 192
Fatty Acids.............................................................................................................. 193
Immunotherapy....................................................................................................... 194
Additional Aβ-Lowering Therapies........................................................................ 195
Summary................................................................................................................. 196
References............................................................................................................... 197
Just three years after Alois Alzheimer published the clinical and histopathological
features of the first case of presenile dementia in 1907 [1], Oskar Fischer hypoth-
esized that inflammation was present in the brains of patients with dementia [2];
however, only in the last two decades has this hypothesis been systematically stud-
ied and confirmed. Thanks to this relatively recent consideration, inflammatory
pathways are now essential to the discussion of the pathogenesis and progression
of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). As in heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and
numerous other diseases, inflammation plays a central role in the pathophysiology of
AD, the most common neurodegenerative disorder of aging.
Scientists have identified several inflammatory pathways and substances that con-
tribute to the neurodegenerative process. These findings have translated to numerous
treatment and prevention studies that may eventually mitigate the impact of AD,
which afflicts an estimated 5.4 million people in the United States—one in eight
Americans over age 65—and costs approximately $200 billion in direct healthcare
costs and $210 billion in unpaid caregiving each year [3].
Under homeostatic physiological conditions, the inflammatory system can aid
the brain with tissue remodeling, neurogenesis, neural plasticity, and long-term
182 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Genetic studies suggest that amyloid and its precursors are causative in AD and
not disease markers. Mutations in the APP, presenilin 1, and presenilin 2 genes that
increase total Aβ are linked to early-onset familial AD [20–23]. APOE4, which
increases Aβ deposition, is a major risk factor for late-onset AD [24].
Results from several investigations have posed challenges to the amyloid hypoth-
esis. Perhaps the strongest opposition comes from evidence that Aβ plaque load cor-
relates poorly with cognitive impairment in AD patients [25,26]. Moreover, severity
and duration of AD correlate with neurofibrillary tangles, but not with senile plaques
[27]. Amyloid deposition is poorly correlated with other pathological markers of AD,
including synaptic and neuronal loss and cytoskeleton abnormalities [26]. Opponents
of the amyloid hypothesis argue that not only is amyloid not responsible for AD, but it
is actually protective against cellular stress and oxidative damage [28,29]. However,
individually or collectively, these perceived weaknesses are not sufficient to under-
mine the broad framework of data that supports the amyloid hypothesis, though they
do illustrate some deficiencies in our knowledge of AD.
Rather than compete with one another, the amyloid and cholinergic hypotheses
may be integrated by evidence that the two pathways converge. Acetylcholine and
Aβ can have reciprocal neuromodulatory effects. Muscarinic agonists increase the
secretion of nonamyloidogenic APP derivatives and reduce the production of amy-
loidogenic Aβ peptides [30–32]. Lesions of the basal forebrain cholinergic neurons or
transient inhibition of cortical ACh release can elevate local APP synthesis [33–35].
Insults that reduce cholinergic transmission may make cholinergic neurons more
vulnerable to the direct toxicity of Aβ [36,37]. Amyloidogenic Aβ is toxic to cholin-
ergic enzymes and neurons [38,39] and can induce a strong inflammatory response
that is accompanied by a decrease in the number of cholinergic neurons around
the amyloid deposits and hypofunction of the cortical cholinergic system [40]. The
destabilization of neuronal calcium homeostasis and the production of toxic and
inflammatory mediators are mechanisms that could explain Aβ-induced cholinergic
dysfunction and degeneration [41–43].
TABLE 12.1
Inflammatory Mediators and Their Effects on Pathophysiology and
Clinical Features of Alzheimer’s Disease
Mediator Protective Effects ProInflammatory Effects References
Microglia Increases beta-amyloid (Aβ) Decreases Aβ clearance [48–51]
clearance Releases cytokines
Interleukin-1 Facilitates long-term potentiation Increases amyloid [31,52–56]
(LTP) precursor protein (APP)
Decreases LTP
Interleukin-6 Anti-inflammatory Increases APP [60–65]
Immunosuppressive transcription
Tumor necrosis Neurotrophic and neuroprotective Increases expression of [68–73]
factor-α against Aβ, glutamate, reactive complement and
oxygen species cyclooxygenases (COX)
Induces expression of protective
manganese superoxide
dismutase and calbindin
Tumor growth Protects against glutamate, Aβ Stimulates prostaglandin [77–79]
factor-β E2 synthesis, expression
of COX-1 and COX-2
Chemokines Inhibits apoptosis Associated with lower [82–85]
Increases brain-derived cognitive scores and
neurotrophic factor faster cognitive decline in
Suppresses expression of humans
inflammatory mediators
Complement Unknown Activates microglia and [95–98]
and activating signals to microglia and astrocytes [95–98], thereby stimulating fur-
ther inflammatory changes. In the AD brain, complement activation fragments,
reactive astrocytes, and activated microglia are all highly colocalized with plaques
containing aggregated Aβ [89,99–101].
While not a hallmark of AD, vascular pathology is present in 30%–60% of AD
patients [102]. Moreover, AD pathology is present in 40%–80% of vascular dementia
patients [103,104]. A link between heart disease and AD pathology has also been
described: increased Aβ deposits have been observed in the brains of nondemented
heart disease patients [105,106]. A common pathway may be chronic inflamma-
tion, which increases risk of atherosclerosis and has been documented in AD brains
[107–109]. APOE4 is a risk factor for developing both atherosclerosis and late-onset
AD [110]. These relationships suggest that neurovascular damage is a primary occur-
rence and that subsequent injuries, including Aβ deposition, amplifies and/or exacer-
bates vascular damage that then leads to neurodegenerative processes and ultimately
cognitive decline [111].
While we do not know whether inflammation in AD might be a cause and/or effect
of the disease, we do know that the inflammatory response is localized around the
Aβ plaques [112]. Regardless of whether Aβ deposition precedes inflammation, once
that deposition begins, it is thought to activate proinflammatory glial cells to pro-
duce inflammatory molecules [18], which may lead to a continuous cycle of Aβ
deposition and inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may
disrupt this pathogenic cycle by inhibiting COX, which converts arachidonic acid
to several prostaglandins, hormones that help recruit and organize inflammatory
responses [113,114]. Some NSAIDs have the capability of reducing plaque bur-
den independently of COX by modulating the activity of γ-secretase to cleave APP
to yield more benign Aβ1–40 and less toxic Aβ1–42 [115]. These NSAIDS are also
referred to as selective Aβ-lowering agents (SALAs). Ibuprofen and indomethacin
are SALAs, while aspirin, naproxen, and celecoxib are not.
Epidemiological studies during the 1990s reported that arthritis or anti-
inflammatory drug use was associated with reduced prevalence of AD. A 1996
meta-analysis of seven of these studies suggested that anti-inflammatory drugs have
a protective effect against AD, with an odds ratio of 0.556 (p = 0.0001) [116]. Later
nonprospective studies focused specifically on NSAID use, with the majority report-
ing that greater NSAID use was associated with lower AD prevalence [117]. A meta-
analysis of these data, which included 1,833 AD cases and 13,780 controls, yielded an
overall odds ratio of 0.47, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.36–0.62 [117]. Prospective
studies later reported favorable, though not as robust, results for NSAIDs. A meta-
analysis of five prospective studies [118–122], which included 836 incident AD cases
and 16,294 controls, yielded an overall risk ratio (RR) for any lifetime use of nonaspi-
rin NSAIDs and AD of 0.71 (CI 0.58–0.87) [117]. In the three studies in which duration
of use was available [118,119,121], the combined RR for two or more years of NSAID
use was 0.42 (CI 0.26–0.66). The overall RR for any lifetime use of aspirin was 0.83
(CI 0.59–1.17) and for aspirin use greater than two years was 0.73 (CI 0.55–0.97) [117].
Alzheimer’s Disease and Inflammation 187
Subsequent studies have reported mixed results, two showing that NSAIDs may pro-
tect against AD [123,124], and two showing no protective effect [125,126].
Randomized controlled trials of NSAIDs for the prevention of AD are few in
number. The Alzheimer’s disease anti-inflammatory prevention trial (ADAPT),
a randomized controlled study of naproxen, celecoxib, and placebo in over 2000
elderly asymptomatic individuals with a family history suggesting increased risk
of AD [127] began in 2001, but was suspended in 2004 by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) because of an apparent increase in cardiovascular and cere-
brovascular events with naproxen, but not with celecoxib, compared to placebo. At
that point, after an average 24 months of treatment, the analysis suggested a possible
increase in risk of AD with either NSAID versus placebo, with hazard ratios (HR)
of 1.99 (CI 0.80–4.97, p = 0.14) for celecoxib and 2.35 (CI 0.95–5.77, p = 0.06) for
naproxen [128]. After treatment was suspended, investigators continued to follow
subjects for incident AD cases, the primary outcome of the study. Results from the
extended observation period of 18–24 months showed that the early NSAID-related
harm was no longer evident, though secondary analyses showed that increased risk
remained notable in the first 2.5 years of observations, especially in subjects enrolled
with cognitive impairment but no dementia (CIND) [127]. These subjects had HRs of
3.2 (CI 0.72–13.8) for naproxen and 4.0 (CI 1.00–15.6) for celecoxib. Secondary anal-
yses excluding CIND subjects yielded higher HRs in the first 2.5 years of the study,
2.50 (CI 0.72–8.7) for naproxen and 3.11 (CI 0.92–11) for celecoxib, but lower HRs
during the extended observation period, 0.33 (CI 0.11–0.98) for naproxen and 0.64
(CI 0.28–1.5) for celecoxib. The results of these secondary analyses indicate that
asymptomatic individuals treated with NSAIDs have a reduced risk of developing
AD, but only after an interval of two to three years, consistent with findings from
some of the earlier studies discussed. The authors hypothesized that subjects who
developed dementia early in the study, most of whom had CIND or lower baseline
cognitive scores, probably had substantial AD pathology at enrollment and that the
NSAIDs had an adverse effect on AD pathogenesis in its later stages. This hypoth-
esis was based on findings that inhibition of COX-2 and its role in the transduction
of postsynaptic signs from N-methyl d-aspartate-type glutamate receptors decreases
the efficiency of such signaling [129] and could provoke increased presynaptic
stimulation and possibly produce a deleterious effect on already dysfunctional neu-
rons, as in individuals with early or presymptomatic AD and CIND. Heavy NSAID
use was also found to be associated with greater neuritic plaque accumulation in a
population-based study [130].
In another AD prevention study, Thal and colleagues conducted a randomized,
double-blind study of 1457 patients with MCI to investigate whether rofecoxib could
delay conversion to clinical AD [131]. The estimated annual AD incidence rates were
lower than the anticipated 10%–15% for MCI, but actually higher in the rofecoxib
group (6.4%) than in the placebo group (4.5%). The treatment groups did not differ
in measures of cognition and global function. The authors concluded that COX-2
inhibition is not a useful therapeutic approach in AD.
In a study of the effects of the COX-2 inhibitor, celecoxib (200 or 400 mg), on
cognitive performance and regional cerebral glucose metabolism in nondemented
volunteers with mild age-related memory decline, the investigators randomized
188 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
88 subjects, aged 40–81 years (mean: 58.7, SD: 8.9 years) to 18 months of exposure to
active drug or placebo. Forty subjects completed the study. Subjects in the celecoxib
group showed benefits in executive functioning and language/semantic memory
compared with the placebo group. Concomitantly, positron emission tomography
(PET) scans of regional glucose metabolism demonstrated significant bilateral meta-
bolic increases in prefrontal cortex in the celecoxib group but not in the placebo
group. Results from this small study suggest that daily celecoxib use may improve
cognitive performance and increase regional brain metabolism in people with age-
associated memory decline [132].
Among patients with a diagnosis of AD, randomized controlled trials provide weak
support for NSAIDs, delaying the progression of AD (Table 12.2). Animal models
have demonstrated that NSAIDs prevent early AD-related pathogenic events before the
onset of Aβ deposition, but fail to reverse existing pathogenic changes [133]. This find-
ing suggests that NSAID use must begin very early in the disease process, well before
the onset of symptoms, to be effective in AD prevention or delay and may offer an
explanation for studies not demonstrating any benefit from NSAID use. Another possi-
ble explanation for the disappointing results is the relatively short duration of treatment,
two years or less in each study. The one group that appeared to benefit from an NSAID
was treated for two years [134]. Data from the observational and prevention studies
reviewed suggest that longer duration of treatment yields more favorable outcomes.
Oxidative stress may play a key role in the pathogenesis of AD and other neurode-
generative conditions via inflammatory mediators. Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
are chemically unstable molecules that are formed through oxidative processes and
efficiently scavenged by endogenous antioxidants under physiological conditions.
However, in conditions that induce an inflammatory response, activated microglia
and Aβ peptides can activate oxidative processes and generate excess ROS that can-
not be destroyed, resulting in oxidative stress [135,136]. Oxidative stress may mani-
fest as DNA, RNA, protein oxidation, or lipid peroxidation, all of which have been
described in AD [137]. Antioxidants have been studied as a possible treatment or
preventive strategy for AD on the premise that they reduce oxidative damage to cel-
lular components.
Early evidence for the utility of antioxidants in AD came from epidemiologi-
cal studies. In a study of over 4000 elderly individuals, lower vitamin E serum
levels were associated with decreasing memory, though levels of vitamins A and C,
β-carotene, and selenium were not [138]. In the Honolulu–Asia aging study, use of
vitamins C and E was not protective against onset of AD, and use of either vitamin
was protective against vascular and other dementias and associated with better cogni-
tive performance in nondemented men [139]. However, longitudinal data from that
same study did not find that the dietary intake of antioxidants modified the risk of
developing dementia [140]. Long-term use of vitamins C and E, but not either alone,
was associated with better cognitive performance in a large study of elderly women
in the Nurses’ Health Study [141]. The Chicago Health and Aging Project questioned
elderly community residents about dietary antioxidant intake and found that high
TABLE 12.2
Published Randomized Controlled Studies on Efficacy of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Patients with Alzheimer’s
Disease (AD)
Lead Author Findings (Treatment
[Reference] Year Agent, Daily Dose N Study Group Duration Outcome Measures vs. Placebo)
Scharf et al. [276] 1999 Diclofenac/Misoprostol 41 Mild-moderate AD 25 weeks ADAS-Cog, MMSE No significant difference
Aisen et al. [275] 2003 Rofecoxib 25 mg daily 351 Mild-moderate AD 1 year ADAS-Cog No significant difference
Naproxen 220 mg twice daily
Alzheimer’s Disease and Inflammation
Reines et al. [274] 2004 Rofecoxib 25 mg 481 Mild-moderate AD 1 year ADAS-Cog No significant difference
Wilcock et al. [134] 2008 Tarenflurbil 400 mg or 800 mg 210 Mild-moderate AD 1 year + 1 year ADAS-Cog,ADCS- Mild AD/800 mg/2 years:
twice daily extension ADL, CDR-sb lower rates of decline in
all measures than placebo
1 year + tarenflurbil 1 year
De Jong et al. [277] 2008 Indomethacin 100 mg 51 Mild-moderate AD 1 year ADAS-Cog, MMSE No significant difference
Green et al. [262] 2009 Tarenflurbil 800 mg twice daily 1046 Mild-moderate AD 18 months ADAS-Cog No significant difference
Pasqualetti et al. [278] 2009 Ibuprofen 400 mg twice daily 132 Mild-moderate AD 1 year ADAS-Cog No significant difference
Aisen et al. [279] 2002 Nimesulide 100 mg twice daily 40 Probable AD 12 weeks ADAS-Cog No significant difference
Note: ADAS-Cog, cognitive subscale of the AD assessment scale; MMSE, mini-mental state exam; CDR-sb, clinical dementia rating sum of boxes.
190 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
vitamin E intake, but not vitamin C or carotene, was associated with lower rates of
cognitive decline [142]. A separate analysis from this study found, among the high
vitamin E intake group, only non-APOE4 carriers had a lower risk of developing AD
[143]. Similarly, in the Rotterdam study, an unexpected subgroup, current smokers
who had a high intake of antioxidants, had the lowest risk of developing AD, though
overall, high intake of vitamins C and E was associated with a lower risk of AD [144].
Three randomized controlled trials of vitamin E and cognitive decline have been
published. In a two-year study of patients with moderate AD, the group that received
2000 IU/day of vitamin E survived 230 days longer than the placebo group in delaying
one of the following: death, institutionalization, loss of ability to perform basic activi-
ties of daily living, or severe dementia [145]. Vitamin E intake, however, did not influ-
ence the rate of decline based on cognitive testing. Among subjects with MCI, vitamin
E did not reduce the probability of converting to dementia during the 3-year treatment
[146]. A recent study of mild to moderate AD reported that vitamin E, taken with other
antioxidants for 16 weeks, not only provided no benefit, but actually accelerated cogni-
tive decline, though it did reduce a CSF oxidative stress biomarker [147].
The positive clinical trials using vitamin E led many clinicians to prescribe high
doses until an analysis of existing studies pointed to increased mortality associated
with high-dose vitamin E use. A meta-analysis of 19 randomized controlled trials
that included over 135,000 patients with a variety of medical conditions cautioned
that high-dose vitamin E (> = 400 IU/day) may increase mortality [148], particularly
in older patients and those with pre-existing cardiac conditions.
Explanations for the lack of benefit from vitamin E in clinical trials have been
proposed [149]. Incorrect dosing could accelerate cognitive decline [147], increase
mortality [148], or result in a suboptimal redox potential that would not reduce oxi-
dative stress [150]. Studies involving MCI and/or AD may be too late in the disease
process for antioxidants to significantly influence cognitive outcomes. Vitamin E,
a lipophilic compound, may need to be coupled with a water-soluble antioxidant such
as vitamin C to protect against oxidation of aqueous-phase nucleic acids and pro-
teins. Perhaps more important than eliminating ROS, which at physiological levels
perform vital cellular functions, is maintaining redox potential that may be disturbed
by excess antioxidants [151]. Also, the particular form of vitamin E (e.g., α-tocopherol
vs. γ-tocopherol) used in clinical trials could influence results.
Other readily available antioxidants include polyphenols, which have demon-
strated neuroprotective effects across different model systems. Resveratrol, quer-
cetin, and (+)-catechin are compounds in red wine that have been shown to prevent
hippocampal cell death and intracellular ROS accumulation [152]. In cultured rat
pheochromocytoma cells, resveratrol attenuated Aβ-induced cytotoxicity, apoptotic
features, and intracellular ROS accumulation [153]. Phase II clinical trials examin-
ing the effects of resveratrol on neurodegenerative diseases are ongoing [154].
Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) is one of the most widely used and studied herbal
remedies for dementia and cognitive impairment [155] and appears to have anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant effects. EGb 761 has been shown to reduce tissue
Alzheimer’s Disease and Inflammation 191
levels of ROS and inhibit membrane lipid peroxidation [156]. Ginkgolide B, a bio-
logically active constituent of EGb 761, ameliorated the neurological injury and
expression of inflammatory mediators in the brain tissue of rats subjected to cerebral
ischemia–reperfusion [157].
Despite over 750 publications of clinical trials involving ginkgo products and cogni-
tive decline or dementia, the use of ginkgo to treat cognitive disorders remains a subject
of controversy [155]. Many of these studies had methodological limitations, such as very
small samples [158], acute administration [159–161], brief treatment durations [162],
combinations of agents [163], or inclusion of younger healthy volunteers [160,163].
The Ginkgo Evaluation of Memory (GEM) study is the largest completed ran-
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled dementia prevention trial to date. The
GEM randomized 3069 community-dwelling participants aged 72–96 years with no
or mild cognitive impairment to EGb 761 120 mg twice daily or placebo and admin-
istered annual comprehensive neuropsychological test batteries for median period of
6.1 years. Results showed that the incidence of AD and the rate of cognitive decline
were no different between EGb 761 and placebo [164,165].
A recent meta-analysis of patients with dementia yielded more favorable results
for EGb 761. Only nine clinical trials met its study criteria, which included a diag-
nosis of AD, vascular or mixed dementia, use of the standardized extract EGb 761,
a minimum treatment duration of 12 weeks, a minimum number of participants of
ten per group, and the availability of a full-text publication [155]. All trials included
2372 patients with mild to moderate dementia and were randomized, double blinded,
and, with one exception, placebo controlled. Cognitive outcomes for patients treated
with EGb 761 were significantly better than for those treated with placebo for all
patients with dementia, as well as for the subgroup of patients with AD. Among all
patients with dementia, standardized change scores were greater for ginkgo than for
placebo, with the standardized mean difference (SMD) = −0.58 (95% CI −1.14 −0.01,
z = 2.01, N = 7, p = 0.04), indicating a moderate treatment effect, though heterogene-
ity, or extent of differences between individual studies, was substantial (χ2 = 178.92,
I2 = 97%). Separate analyses for the AD subgroup also yielded greater standardized
change scores for ginkgo than for placebo, with SMD = −0.63 (95% CI −1.16 −0.10,
z = 2.35, N = 6, p = 0.02), but also revealed high heterogeneity (χ2 = 95.96, I2 = 95%).
The authors of the meta-analysis stated that none of the studies sufficiently con-
sidered criteria for external validity [166]. Some studies tried to assure high internal
validity by excluding patients with somatic or psychiatric comorbidity and not allow-
ing concomitant medications, thereby limiting generalizability, although the setting
in most of the studies included patients being treated by outpatient clinics or practice-
based physicians. The study excluded over 95% of publications on ginkgo and dementia
or cognitive decline, indicating probable further limitation of generalizability. Other
review publications similarly excluded the vast majority of related studies [167,168].
Estrogens protect against Aβ neurotoxicity through anti-inflammatory mechanisms.
Estradiol can downregulate inflammatory gene expression in the brain [169–171]
and reduce hippocampal neuronal loss and microglial activation surrounding Aβ
192 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Curcumin, derived from the plant Curcuma longa and found in the Asian spice
turmeric, has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects through various mechanisms
that may have a beneficial effect in AD. Anti-inflammatory effects are based on the
inhibition of transcription of cytokines, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and COX-2.
Curcumin has an inhibitory effect on Aβ aggregation [189] and Aβ-induced DNA
damage, tau hyperphosphorylation, increase in intracellular calcium, reduction of
antioxidant levels [190], and generation of ROS [191]. Curcuminoids have been
shown to repair immune defects in AD patients [192] and to inhibit acetylcho-
linesterase, the primary enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine [193]. Most in
vivo animal studies show positive effects with curcumin in reducing Aβ, plaque
burden, and tau phosphorylation [194–198]. To date, there have been only five
clinical trials involving curcumin and AD patients. The only study with published
data showed no significant difference in MMSE scores and Aβ1–40 levels between
groups of possible or probable AD patients after receiving 0, 1, or 4 g of curcumin
daily for six months [199]. The absence of a treatment effect may relate to the
particular form of curcumin used, its bioavailability and dosing, duration of treat-
ment, and stage of illness. Curcumin may be more effective in protecting the brain
from neurodegeneration if ingested in mild stages of illness and for longer periods.
Alzheimer’s Disease and Inflammation 193
The omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC PUFAs)
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are crucial to nor-
mal brain development and function and play important roles in neuronal growth,
development of synaptic processing of neural cell interaction, and expression of
genes regulating cell differentiation and growth [200]. Later in life, n-3 LC PUFAs
enhance brain function by promoting synaptic activity, neurogenesis, and dendritic
spine density [201–203]. n-3 LC PUFAs also have antioxidative stress and anti-
inflammation effects, protecting against age-related neuronal damage [201]. In aged
rats, EPA attenuates inflammatory changes associated with the age-related deficit in
hippocampal long-term potentiation [204]. In a mouse model of ischemic stroke, a
bioactive DHA derivative inhibited two major steps in post-stroke neuronal injury,
lipid peroxidation, and leukocyte infiltration [205]. These findings indicate potential
mechanisms by which n-3 LC PUFAs help maintain neuronal health by reversing
age-related inflammation changes.
Studies suggest that dietary n-3 LC PUFAs can influence age-related cognitive
changes. DHA concentration in the brain decreases with age in humans [206] and
rats [207]. Supplementation with n-3 LC PUFAs improves memory or spatial task
performance in aged mice [208] and in rats depleted of n-3 LC PUFAs [209,210]. In
humans, studies consistently demonstrate that higher intake of fish, the major source
of n-3 LC PUFAs, is related to less cognitive decline [211–214], lower incidence of
dementia [212,215,216], and better cognitive performance [217–219]. However, vari-
able associations have been found between dietary intake levels of n-3 LC PUFAs
and cognitive outcomes; only a handful of the aforementioned studies that also
examined relationships between cognitive outcomes and dietary intake levels of n-3
LC PUFAs have found significant positive relationships [211,216,217].
Higher concentrations of n-3 LC PUFAs in plasma or erythrocytes have been
associated with better cognitive function, less cognitive decline, or lower risk of
developing dementia in cognitively normal older adults in both cross-sectional and
prospective studies [220–223]. By contrast, the study by Laurin et al. found no sig-
nificant difference in n-3 LC PUFA concentrations between controls and both preva-
lent cases of cognitive impairment and dementia in its cross-sectional analysis. In the
prospective analysis, a higher EPA concentration was found in cognitively impaired
cases compared to controls, while higher DHA, omega-3, and total PUFA concentra-
tions were found in dementia cases [224].
Randomized controlled trials of n-3 LC PUFA supplementation on cognitive
functioning in the elderly have yielded less positive results. Patients with mild to
moderate AD who took n-3 LC PUFAs did not experience different rates of cognitive
194 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
decline than those who took placebo [225–227]. The smallest of those studies
included 23 subjects with MCI, who did show significant improvement in cognitive
performance after 24 weeks on n-3 LC PUFAs compared to placebo [225]. Among
the three studies that enrolled cognitively healthy individuals, two studies found no
overall effect of DHA and EPA supplementation on cognitive performance despite
higher plasma levels [228,229]. The third study showed that DHA supplementation
did improve immediate and delayed verbal memory scores, but not working memory
or executive function tests [230].
Immunotherapies are in development to target reducing Aβ and subsequent plaque for-
mation and possible downstream effects of Aβ such as inflammation. Immunizations
are either active, with full-length Aβ or Aβ analogues together with an adjuvant,
or passive, with humanized anti-Aβ antibodies or intravenous immunoglobulins. In
1999, Schenk and colleagues reported the first promising results of Aβ immuno-
therapy, showing that active vaccination with Aβ1–42 and Freund’s adjuvant not only
prevented Aβ accumulation in younger transgenic mice that overexpress APP, the Aβ
precursor, but also cleared pre-existing amyloid plaques in older animals [231]. The
first human immunotherapy trial used active immunization, aggregated Aβ1–42 and
the QS-21 adjuvant in patients with probable AD and demonstrated good safety and
tolerability and a high antibody response in Phase I [232], but was halted in Phase II
after 6% of the treatment group developed meningoencephalitis [233], perhaps due
to a T-cell response against Aβ [234]. However, the clinical outcomes were positive:
antibody responders performed better in the neuropsychological test battery at the
end of the study [235] and demonstrated less functional decline several years after
the study [236] than the placebo group.
Because of the adverse effects of active vaccination, attention turned to pas-
sive immunization with humanized monoclonal antibodies or immunoglobulins
[237,238], which bind to either Aβ plaques and other Aβ aggregates in the brain and
thereby induce Aβ clearance by microglia or to soluble Aβ in the periphery, which
clears Aβ before ever reaching the brain [239]. Preclinical studies of transgenic AD
mice have shown that passive administration of antibodies directed against Aβ enter
the brain, reduce amyloid burden in brain parenchyma and vasculature [240–243],
and improve cognition [244].
Bapineuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody to Aβ, has demonstrated
effects on both clinical and pathological markers. When administered to patients
with mild to moderate AD, bapineuzumab resulted in less cognitive decline among
study completers and APOE4 noncarriers than placebo [245]. Bapineuzumab-
treated patients had decreases in CSF tau, which may indicate downstream effects on
the degenerative process [246]. Treatment with bapineuzumab for 78 weeks reduced
cortical retention of Carbon-11-labeled Pittsburgh compound B, a marker of corti-
cal fibrillar Aβ load in vivo, compared with both baseline and placebo, but did not
demonstrate cognitive benefits [247].
Similar to active immunization, passive immunization has not been without diffi-
culties. Microhemorrhages associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) were
Alzheimer’s Disease and Inflammation 195
increased in APP transgenic mice treated with some antibodies [248,249]. Amyloid-
related imaging abnormalities (ARIA) suggestive of microhemorrhages, vasogenic
edema, sulcal effusions, and hemosiderin deposits have been reported in AD patients
treated with bapineuzumab [250]. Several mechanisms may be responsible for these
microhemorrhages, including increased T-cell activation [251], the matrix metallo-
proteinase protein degradation system [252], and interactions of anti-Aβ antibodies
with vascular amyloid causing structural fragility of degenerated vessel walls [248].
Another possible explanation might be related to the interaction between antibodies
and effector cells such as macrophages and microglia. Deglycosylated antibodies,
which reduce this interaction, remain effective in clearing amyloid plaques while
reducing microhemorrhages in transgenic mice [253]. Not limited to passive immu-
nization, increased vascular amyloid and microhemorrhage have also been observed
with active immunization [254].
Until recently, immunotherapy trials have only included patients with clinical
signs of AD. In May 2012, crenezumab was selected for the first trial of a
humanized monoclonal antibody against Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42 on individuals with
no signs of dementia to investigate whether early intervention can help prevent or
slow the disease. The drug will be tested among members of an extended family
of about 5000 people from the Antioquia region of Colombia, about one-third of
whom carry the presenilin 1 gene and may experience symptoms of AD as early as
the fourth decade of life. The drug manufacturer hopes to enroll the first patients
in early 2013 and have the first interim analysis in early 2017. (Huffington Post,
May 15, 2012)
generate more plasmin, a protease that degrades Aβ oligomers and monomers [269].
One such agent significantly lowered plasma and brain Aβ levels, restored long-term
potentiation deficits in hippocampal slices, and reversed cognitive deficits in trans-
genic Aβ-producing mice [270]. Facilitators of Aβ degradation remain in the early
stages of clinical testing.
The study of inflammation demonstrates its increasing importance in the pathogen-
esis of AD and may hold the key to developing effective prevention and treatment
strategies for those who are at risk of and who suffer from the disease. Preclinical
studies have shown that inflammatory pathways are intimately connected to the pres-
ence of Aβ, which aggregates and is deposited to form neuritic plaques, one of the
pathological hallmarks of AD. Despite elucidating these inflammatory mechanisms,
more than a century after Alois Alzheimer first defined its clinical and histopatho-
logical features, AD continues to confound scientists in discovering a satisfactory
remedy. At present, the only drugs approved by the FDA for the treatment of AD,
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and memantine, are not known to directly affect the
inflammatory pathways that are involved in AD and demonstrate only modest tran-
sient symptomatic benefit and no evidence of significantly modifying disease pro-
gression [271]. Unfortunately, among the many pharmacological agents reviewed
here that do affect these inflammatory pathways, none has shown adequate promise
in clinical trials for the prevention or treatment of AD.
The difficulty in observing a robust treatment effect in AD may lie in the natural
course of the disease, which begins years before the onset of symptoms or signs
and typically progresses slowly. Deleterious inflammatory responses can occur at
all ages, and which ones may impact diseases such as AD is unknown. The esti-
mated time frame for pathological Aβ to accumulate to levels found in patients with
clinical AD is 10–15 years [272]. The current prevailing methodology of testing anti-
inflammatory or anti-Aβ therapies in patients with dementia or even MCI, in whom
the neurodegenerative process has already begun, for no more than a few years,
does not conform to what is known from preclinical data, has yielded disappointing
results, and will likely continue to result in no observable treatment benefit. The most
likely successful therapies will need to intervene well before symptoms are evident,
thus requiring sensitive early detection methods, and be monitored for many years,
with a minimum time frame of 15–20 years proposed by some [272]. Remarkable
advances in AD biomarker techniques have been made in the past decade [273] and
must continue to further techniques to reliably predict who will most likely develop
AD and who will respond to which treatments at what stages of disease and to moni-
tor the biochemical and clinical responses. Clearly, advancing these biomarker tech-
niques and designing and implementing such protracted clinical trials will require
monumental efforts to overcome substantial financial, regulatory, and scientific
hurdles. However, the costs of not developing more effective therapies cannot be sus-
tained. The successful development of such therapies will almost certainly depend
on the further exploration of resident mediators and therapeutic modifiers of brain
Alzheimer’s Disease and Inflammation 197
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13 Nutrition in
A Focus on Systemic
Lupus Erythematosus and
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Maureen McMahon
Introduction............................................................................................................. 211
Caloric Restriction.................................................................................................. 212
Amino Acids........................................................................................................... 213
Taurine.................................................................................................................... 213
Isoflavones.............................................................................................................. 214
n-3 and n-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids................................................................ 214
Furanocoumarins..................................................................................................... 216
Vitamin D................................................................................................................ 217
Vitamin E................................................................................................................ 218
Vitamins B6, B12, and Folate................................................................................. 219
Vitamin C................................................................................................................ 220
Curcumin................................................................................................................. 221
Conclusions............................................................................................................. 221
References............................................................................................................... 222
A normal functioning immune system recognizes and eliminates foreign cells, bacte-
ria, viruses, and macromolecules while maintaining tolerance toward self. If mecha-
nisms of tolerance break down, the persistence of autoreactive T and B cells can
occur, leading to the formation of autoantibodies, the elaboration of inflammatory
cytokines, and ultimately to the development of autoimmune diseases such as sys-
temic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) [1]. The prevalence
and incidence of autoimmune diseases are increasing in the developing world, sug-
gesting that the Western diet and lifestyle may be contributing [2]. Multiple aspects
of nutrition, including dietary interventions and nutritional supplements, may have
212 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
implications for both the pathogenesis and the management of autoimmune diseases
such as SLE and RA [3]. In addition, patients with RA and SLE have been defined
as at-risk populations for cardiovascular disease (CVD) by the American Heart
Association (AHA) and may therefore benefit from dietary interventions aimed to
reduce heart disease risk as well [4]. Here, we will review the interactions between
nutrition and autoimmunity by focusing on two of the most common autoimmune
rheumatic diseases, RA and SLE.
Excessive caloric intake by SLE patients has been linked to metabolic syndrome,
obesity, increased heart disease, and increased lupus disease activity [5]. Obesity
itself has been linked to immune impairment; for example, obese children
have impairment of cell-mediated immune reactions and reduced intracellular
bacterial killing by polymorphonuclear leukocytes [6]. Obesity can also lead to
resistance to the adipokine leptin, which can in turn lead to hyperleptinemia,
an increase in proinflammatory cytokines, and increased stimulation of antigen-
presenting cells [7]. Leptin also inhibits T-regulatory cells, which can further
impair self-tolerance [7].
Excessive calorie intake has been associated with increased arthritis and elevated
IL-17 and Th17 expression in a collagen-induced arthritis mouse model [8]. In lupus-
prone mice, a high-fat diet and exogenous leptin administration resulted in increased
atherosclerosis (ATH) and worsened renal disease [9]. Conversely, restriction of
calories by 30%–40% has been shown to prolong the life of lupus-prone MRL/lpr
mice [10]. Caloric restriction may contribute to this survival benefit through mul-
tiple immune-mediated phenomena; for example, fasted NZB/NZW lupus mice have
reduced secretion of IgG2A and platelet-derived growth factor, which in turn results
in reduced glomerular lesions [11]. Caloric restriction also attenuates the increased
levels of Th1 cytokines typically seen in these mice, including interleukin-2 (IL-2)
and interferon gamma (IFN-γ), and inhibits decreases in CD4+ and CD8+ lympho-
cytes [10,12].
Extreme protein intake may also have deleterious effects on SLE disease activity.
Mice fed moderate levels of protein had a delay in the development of autoimmunity
compared with those fed a normal (higher) protein diet [13].
In human studies, higher protein consumption also resulted in higher rates
of cortical bone loss in juvenile patients with SLE [14]. A protein-restricted diet
(<0.6 g/kg/day) also improved the mean glomerular filtration rate in a population
of predialytic chronic renal disease patients (not restricted to SLE) [15]. In one
study in lupus-prone NZB/W mice, however, mice fed a low-fat (4.5%), high-
protein (23%) diet had later onset of hemolytic anemia, decreased autoantibody
formation, and increased longevity compared with mice fed a higher-fat, lower-
protein diet [16]. In a retrospective analysis from the Nurse’s Health Study, there
was no association found between protein or meat consumption and incidence
of RA [17]. Currently, data are insufficient to recommend any low-protein diet
for patients with autoimmune diseases. The recommended daily allowances for
protein are 46 g for women and 56 g for men in the 19–70+ years age group [18].
Nutrition in Autoimmunity 213
Note that a low-protein diet is not currently recommended for lupus nephritis
patients to avoid a negative protein balance and/or malnutrition.
L-canavanine is a nonprotein amino acid found in grains such as soybean, alfalfa
sprouts, onions, and seeds. A natural homologue of l-arginine, it has antimetabolic
activity and can induce cell apoptosis [19]. l-canavanine also demonstrates a supe-
rior ability to induce T cells and immunoglobulin-secreting cells [20]. Alfalfa seed
may have beneficial cardiovascular effects, as ingestion has been shown to reduce
serum cholesterol levels and leads to both prevention and regression of atheroscle-
rotic plaques in rats, rabbits, and monkeys [19]. However, during a human trial of
alfalfa seeds, a previously healthy man developed an autoimmune syndrome with
splenomegaly, pancytopenia, Coombs positive autoimmune hemolytic anemia
(AIHA), antinuclear antibodies (ANA), and hypocomplementemia. This syndrome
resolved after the discontinuation of alfalfa [21].
Furthermore, when l-canavanine was fed to mice, DBA/2 mice were more
likely to develop anti-dsDNA and ANA antibodies, and NZB/W mice demonstrated
accelerated mortality, worsened renal damage, and an increased number of
immunoglobulin-producing cells [22]. Studies in cynomolgus monkeys have also
demonstrated that ingestion of alfalfa sprouts can induce a reversible lupus-like
autoimmune syndrome accompanied by positive ANA and double-stranded DNA
(dsDNA) antibodies and by hypocomplementemia [19].
The Baltimore Lupus Environmental Study also showed a significant association
between alfalfa sprout consumption and initiation of SLE disease [5]. Ingestion of
6–24 alfalfa tablets per day has also been found to flare lupus disease activity in
patients [19]. In general, these findings have led to the recommendation that lupus
patients avoid the ingestion of alfalfa sprouts or alfalfa derivatives. However, in one
study, supplementation with alfalfa-based ethyl acetate extract resulted in a signifi-
cant decrease in the levels of IFN-γ and inflammatory responses of self-reactive
lymphocytes, decreased the disease severity, and increased the survival and life span
of lupus-prone MRL/lpr mice [23]. Alfalfa sprouts do also have lipid-lowering prop-
erties, and some studies suggest that cooking can destroy the deleterious effects of
alfalfa without attenuating its lipid-lowering effects.
Taurine is a major intracellular B-amino acid found in foods such as eggs, meat,
oysters, and squid. Taurine is present in high concentrations in leukocytes and is
thought to regulate the immune system by protecting cells from oxidative stress,
primarily through the neutralization of hypochlorous acid [24,25]. Taurine can
also regulate the immune response by inhibiting the production of inflammatory
cytokines and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and by decreasing the activity of matrix
metalloproteinases [24].
There are some animal data to suggest that taurine supplementation could be
beneficial in rheumatic diseases. For example, administration of intraperitoneal
214 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Soybean-based foods are high in isoflavones, which are structurally similar to
17B-estradiol. Soy isoflavones are commonly used to combat the symptoms of
menopause and are also known to have antioxidant [31] and immune-modulating
effects [32]. In a collagen-induced model of arthritis, rats treated with soy protein
and the isoflavones genistein and daidzein demonstrated decreased arthritis
symptoms and decreased serum concentrations of inflammatory cytokines and adi-
pokines, including tumor necrosis factor- alpha (TNF-α), IL-6, adiponectin, and
leptin [33]. Prevention of tissue damage and joint inflammation was also observed
following treatment [33]. In addition, arthritis-induced decreases in the levels of
protective antioxidant enzymes such as paraoxonase and arylesterase activity were
restored after treatment with soy protein and isoflavones [31]. However, there is some
concern that isoflavones could have negative effects on rheumatic diseases such as
SLE that are thought to have an estrogenic component. To date, data regarding the
effects of isoflavones in SLE are conflicting. In one study by Zhao et al., lupus-prone
MRL/lpr mice fed soybean-rich diets demonstrated increased serum creatinine,
decreased creatinine clearance, and increased the severity of glomerular disease
[34]. However, in another study, isoflavone supplements improved the survival of
SLE mice, decreased anti-dsDNA and anticardiolipin antibody production, and
decreased secretion of IFN-γ, compared to controls treated with tamoxifen [35].
Clinical studies of the effects of isoflavones on disease activity in patients with SLE
and RA are currently lacking.
The fatty acid intake of the typical Western diet contains about 0.5%–1% of the
n-3 PUFA EPA and 1.5%–3% DHA compared to 10%–20% of the n-6 PUFA ARA
[36]. Modulation of the percentages of dietary fatty acid intake can result in altera-
tions in the fatty acid composition of blood leukocytes, including monocytes and
neutrophils [36].
n-3 fatty acid has been reported to result in downregulation of many inflamma-
tory mediators both in healthy patients and in patients with rheumatic diseases. For
instance, dietary fish oil supplementation leads to decreased leukocyte production
of PGE2 and leukotrienes in healthy volunteers [39], and decreased neutrophil [40]
and monocyte production of LTB4 [41] and PGE2 [42] in patients with RA. EPA and
DHA inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-6, and
IL-1 in both in vitro studies [43,44] and in some in vivo studies in healthy volun-
teers, although human studies have not been uniformly consistent [36]. DHA also
has significant inhibitory effects on NF-κB and TNF-α [37]. Cell culture and animal
studies indicate that both EPA and DHA inhibit T-cell proliferation and production
of IL-2 [45]. Although some clinical studies have supported these findings [46],
the results have been inconsistent [36]. n-3 fatty acids may also have antioxidant
effects: high doses of n-3 fatty acids (>3 g/day), but not lower doses, resulted in
decreased production of reactive oxygen species by neutrophils and monocytes in
the blood of healthy volunteers [47]. Supplementation with n-3 FA and a low n-6 FA
diet decreased the expression of serum sTNF-R p55 and C-reactive protein (CRP)
levels in patients with RA [48].
Multiple studies in animal models of RA have suggested a clinical benefit to sup-
plementation with fish oil [49]. In one study, animals with collagen-induced arthri-
tis that were fed fish oil had delayed onset of arthritis, reduced incidence, and less
severe disease compared to animals given a vegetable oil feed [50]. In another study,
animals treated with either fish oil or krill oil developed slower onset and less severe
disease than control animals [51].
n-3 fatty acids have had multiple favorable studies in SLE mouse models. Fish
oil supplementation decreased proteinuria and protected kidney tissues against
free radical–induced damage in multiple murine models of SLE [37], presumably
through reductions in PI3 lipid kinase [52], decreased apoptosis, and decreased
TGF-β expression in renal tissue [53]. DHA has also been demonstrated to reduce
IL-18, serum ds-DNA antibody levels, and IgG renal deposits in NZB/NZW mice
[52]. Flaxseed oil is also high in n-3 PUFA and has also been shown to decrease pro-
teinuria, preserve glomerular function, and decrease anticardiolipin and anti-dsDNA
antibodies in mouse models of SLE [37].
In humans, one large epidemiologic study from Sweden demonstrated that dietary
intake of oily fish was associated with a modestly decreased risk of developing RA
[54]. There have also been a number of clinical trials of fish oil in RA. These results
were examined in a meta-analysis by Goldberg et al. in 2007, which indicated that
fish oil in RA reduces patient-assessed joint pain, the number of painful and tender
joints, duration of morning joint stiffness, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory use.
The meta-analysis found no effect of fish oil on patient-assessed disease activity
or the Ritchie articular index [55]. These findings were contradictory to a previous
AHRQ-sponsored meta-analysis by MacLean et al., which concluded that fish oil
216 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Photosensitivity is a hallmark of SLE disease activity [61]. Dietary furanocouma-
rins (FCs) are produced by a number of plants, including celery, parsley, grape-
fruit, and parsnips, and can cause photosensitization. FCs intercalate into DNA,
where they can be activated by UV light to form a bond with pyrimidine bases
(especially thymidine). FCs also induce the formation of reactive oxygen species
and free radicals [62].
The dietary levels of FCs required for the induction of photosensitivity in the
general population are fairly high; for example, a normal dietary portion of celery
root is 100–150 g, while portions five to seven times that size would normally be
required to reach the serum levels required to produce phototoxic reactions. However,
it is possible that the phototoxic threshold is lower in SLE because lupus patients are
known at baseline to have a significantly reduced minimum erythemal dose to UV
light compared to healthy subjects [62]. Renal insufficiency might also lower the
Nutrition in Autoimmunity 217
The vitamin D receptor is expressed on the surface of many cells of the immune
system, including monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells (DCs), and activated
T and B cells [64]. 1,25(OH)2D has several immune modulating effects, including
downregulating Th1 responses, decreasing proliferation of activated B cells, and
increasing regulatory T cells [65,66]. It also promotes the development of tolerogenic
DCs and inhibits the IFN-α signal that is typical of active SLE [67]. Vitamin D also
appears to play an important role in innate immunity, as monocyte and macrophage
Toll-like receptor responses to bacterial infections are heightened by 25(OH)D [68].
The vitamin D receptor is expressed on the surface of many cells of the immune sys-
tem, including monocytes, macrophages, DCs, and activated T and B cells [64]. SLE
patients with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to have higher mean IFN-α levels
than those without [64]. Vitamin D also can inhibit anti-dsDNA antibody production
in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from SLE patients [69].
SLE patients have been noted to have low serum vitamin 25(OH) D levels (mean
25.5 mmol/L) compared to the recommended levels of 50–80 mmol/L. SLE patients
have several unique clinical aspects, which may contribute to vitamin D deficiency.
Because of the photosensitive nature of SLE disease activity, photoprotection is
strongly recommended for all SLE patients; however, sunlight is the primary source
of vitamin D3 [66]. Chronic steroid use and higher serum creatinine levels are also
associated with decreased vitamin D levels [70]. Lupus disease activity itself may
result in lower vitamin D levels [71]. Although some studies have suggested that high
vitamin D intake (>37 mg/mL) is associated with decreased risks for type I diabetes,
inflammatory bowel disease, and multiple sclerosis, a large prospective study (the
Nurse’s Health Study) found no association between vitamin D intake and the inci-
dence of a new diagnosis of either SLE or RA [72]. There have been some studies
that have suggested an association between SLE disease activity and SLE; for exam-
ple, Petri et al. found that a 20 ng/mL increase in vitamin D was associated with a
modest decrease in the odds of having a high activity score and a 15% decrease in the
odds of having clinically important proteinuria [73]. A recent meta-analysis looked
at all the studies of the association between vitamin D and SLE disease activity.
They concluded that there is convincing evidence to support the association between
vitamin D and disease activity. Out of the 15 observational studies that looked at this
question, 10 studies (including the three largest) demonstrated a statistically signifi-
cant inverse relationship. There was no convincing evidence, however, to support an
218 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
association between damage and vitamin D levels [74]. In one randomized clinical
trial, SLE patients treated with vitamin D had improved markers of disease activity,
including lower anti-double-stranded DNA and anti-Smith antibodies, and higher
C4 levels [71]. There were also significant decreases in inflammatory cytokines and
markers, including IL-6, IL-18, IL-1, and fibrinogen [71]. In another study, vitamin
D supplementation in SLE induced increases of CD4+ T cells and regulatory T cells
and a decrease in effector Th1 and Th17 cells. Vitamin D also induced a decrease in
memory B cells and anti-DNA antibodies [75].
In RA, one observational study demonstrated that patients with RA were more
likely to have low vitamin D than matched controls and that vitamin D levels were
inversely related to disease activity measured by the visual analog scale, but not by
the Disease Activity Score (DAS) [76]; however, another cohort study found that
extremely low vitamin D levels (<15 nmol/L) were significantly associated with high
DAS and more severe RA disease [77]. In a meta-analysis, Song et al. concluded that
there is a significant inverse association between vitamin D supplement intake and
RA incidence [78]. They also found that most studies indicated an inverse associa-
tion between vitamin D intake and RA disease activity [78].
Vitamin D also has important implications for bone health in patients with rheu-
matic diseases. For instance, patients with SLE are at greater risk for both osteoporo-
sis and fractures. This increased risk has been attributed to corticosteroid use, renal
disease, and to disease activity itself, but vitamin D deficiency also appears to play
a role. Low levels of 25(OH) vitamin D results in decreased absorption of dietary
calcium and ultimately reduced bone mineral density [66]. Low vitamin D levels
have been associated with osteopenia in adolescent patients with SLE [79]. The
American College of Rheumatology recommends that all postmenopausal patients
with rheumatic diseases who are treated with glucocorticoids should be treated with
both vitamin D and calcium 1200–1500 mg/day [80].
Vitamin D has also been implicated in the risk for CVD. In one meta-analysis
of 28 studies from the general population, the highest levels of serum 25(OH)
vitamin D were associated with a 43% reduction in cardiometabolic disorders (OR
0.57, 95% [CI 0.48–0.68]) [81]. Studies in rheumatic disease populations also suggest
an association between vitamin D and cardiovascular risk. In one RA cohort study,
low levels of 25 (OH) vitamin D were associated with increased markers of endo-
thelial dysfunction, including E-selectin, ICAM, and low levels of HDL cholesterol,
even after controlling for disease activity [82]. In one study of SLE subjects, levels
of 25 (OH) vitamin D were inversely associated with carotid plaque [83]. Similarly,
Reynolds et al. found that vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased aortic
stiffness in SLE, independent of CVD risk factors and insulin [84].
Vitamin E is the most effective peroxyl radical scavenger and protects lipid mem-
branes against peroxidation [85]. In addition, vitamin E has multiple effects on the
immune system. Vitamin E deficiency impairs humoral and cellular immune func-
tions (2). Vitamin E also decreases production of PGE2 and decreases lymphocyte
proliferation [86].
Nutrition in Autoimmunity 219
The relationship of vitamin E to SLE has been conflicting. Some studies suggest
that MRL/lpr mice fed supplements of vitamin E had decreased inflammatory cyto-
kine production, decreased autoimmunity, and increased survival [2]. In one study in
MRL/lpr mice, low-dose vitamin E supplementation led to improved survival; how-
ever, high-dose supplementation had decreased survival compared to low dose [87].
Furthermore, high-dose vitamin E supplementation did not result in decreased levels
of tissue oxidation, but did result in increased production of anti-dsDNA and anticar-
diolipin antibodies. In the low-dose vitamin E group, IL-2 secretion was enhanced,
while the high dose inhibited IL-2 release [88]. In a separate study, NZB/W mice
on an oxidized oil diet had decreased oxidative stress, proinflammatory cytokine
production (IL-6 and IFN-γ), and decreased anti-dsDNA antibody production when
supplemented with vitamin E [89].
The data from clinical studies have also been conflicted. In one clinical cohort
study in RA, serum MDA levels were higher, and plasma concentration of vitamin E
was significantly lower than healthy controls [90]. In a large randomized controlled
trial, the Women’s Health study, vitamin E supplementation did not decrease the risk
of incident RA [91]. A meta-analysis of trials of vitamin E in RA concluded that the
clinical trials “have been methodologically weak and have produced contradictory
findings” [92].
The results of studies of vitamin E in SLE are also conflicted. In one study, vita-
min E intake was inversely associated with disease activity in SLE [93]; however,
this association was not seen in the Nurses Health Study [94]. In another study, a
combination of vitamin C and vitamin E intake resulted in decreased lipid peroxida-
tion (measured by malondialdehyde levels), but did not improve endothelial function
in SLE [95].
Thus, there is inconsistent evidence that suggests no clear benefit for vitamin E
supplementation in SLE and RA. In addition, in the AHA guidelines for the preven-
tion of CVD in women, supplementation with vitamin E was considered a class III
recommendation, meaning that the intervention was considered to be not useful and/
or harmful and therefore should not be used for the prevention of CVD [4].
Vitamin C is known to have antioxidant effects. Supplementation with monthly
vitamin C resulted in significant improvements in flow-mediated dilation in non-
autoimmune patients with coronary artery disease [3]. Oxidative stress is increased
in patients with SLE and RA, and thus vitamin C may exert a protective role in
these patients [108,109]. In mice, supplementation with vitamins C, E, and B reduces
lymphoproliferation, IgG, and anti-dsDNA antibody levels [110], while insuf-
ficiency resulted in increased oxidative stress and induction of inflammation [3].
In a collagen-induced model of arthritis, vitamin C supplementation resulted in
improved antioxidant status, with decreased plasma measures of lipid peroxidation,
ceruloplasmin, and PGE2 [111].
Vitamin C supplementation also resulted in small but significant reductions in
lipid peroxidation in SLE patients [3]. In one prospective longitudinal Japanese
cohort study, risk of active lupus disease was inversely associated with vitamin C
intake [93]. As noted earlier, a combination of vitamin C and E supplementation did
result in decreased measurements in some (but not all) markers of oxidative stress
in SLE patients, but it did not improve endothelial function [95]. In a small study
in RA patients, supplementation with quercetin + vitamin C (166 mg + 133 mg/
capsule) did not result in any improvement in disease severity or blood markers of
inflammation (TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1Β, or CRP) [112]. Overall, there are currently no
convincing data to recommend vitamin C supplementation for patients with RA or
SLE. In addition, dietary supplementation with vitamin C was considered a class
III recommendation (i.e., not recommended) for primary and secondary prevention
of CVD in women [4].
Nutrition in Autoimmunity 221
Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) is a yellow pigment found in the rhizome of turmeric.
Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory agent that is known to have antioxidant properties,
can inhibit the complement cascade, and may also play a role in the inhibition of auto-
immune diseases [113]. Curcumin downregulates inflammatory cytokines such as
IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, TNF-α, and IFN-γ and also downregulates associated signaling
pathways in immune cells, such as the NF-κΒ, ERK1/2, and JAK/STAT pathways
[114,115]. Curcumin has also been reported to inhibit IFN-α-induced expression of
COX-2 and to downregulate PGE2 production [113]. Curcumin is also able to induce
apoptosis in the synovial fibroblasts of RA patients; [115] this antiproliferative activ-
ity may contribute to its ability to decrease the synovial hypertrophy that is charac-
teristic of RA [113].
In one collagen-induced mouse model, curcumin attenuated the progression and
severity of arthritis, accompanied with decreases of serum B-cell-activating factor
belonging to the TNF family (BAFF) levels and decreased serum IFN-γ and IL-6
[116]. When curcumin supplementation was given to lupus-prone NZB/W mice, IgG
immune complex deposition, renal inflammation, and anti-dsDNA antibody forma-
tion were all reduced; these protective effects seemed to be mediated by T-regulatory
cells [117]. However, when curcumin was used in an experimental mouse model of
central nervous system lupus, immune complex deposition and worsened neurologic
outcomes/cognitive performance (maze performance) were noted [118].
There has been one small randomized clinical trial on curcumin in RA, in which
curcumin-treated patients had significant improvements in Disease Activity Scores
(DAS) and a higher percentage achieved ACR 20, 50, and 70 scores compared to
diclofenac-treated patients [119]. In one small randomized placebo controlled trial
in lupus nephritis, curcumin supplementation decreased proteinuria, hematuria, and
systolic blood pressure compared to controls [120]. Further studies will need to be
done to establish the efficacy and safety of curcumin in the treatment of autoimmune
Although nutrition can impact the development and progression of autoimmunity in
multiple ways, there is a paucity of strong clinical data regarding specific nutritional
interventions in patients with rheumatic diseases. To date, data for supplementation
with n-3 fatty acids and vitamin D are the most consistent. Until more adequate data
are obtained in large well-designed randomized controlled trials in patients with
autoimmune diseases, it is reasonable to base other specific dietary intake recom-
mendations for patients upon the AHA dietary recommendations for women at risk
for CVD [4].
According to these guidelines, “patients should be advised to consume a diet rich
in fruits and vegetables; to choose whole-grain, high-fiber foods; to consume fish,
especially oily fish, at least twice a week; to limit intake of saturated fat, cholesterol,
alcohol, sodium, and sugar; and to avoid trans-fatty acids. Note: Pregnant women
(and possibly those with future child-bearing potential) should avoid eating fish with
222 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
the highest level of mercury contamination (e.g., shark, swordfish, king mackerel,
or tile fish). Women should maintain or lose weight through an appropriate balance
of physical activity, caloric intake, and formal behavioral programs when indicated
to maintain or achieve an appropriate body weight (e.g., BMI < 25 kg/m2 in U.S.
women), waist size (e.g., <35 in), or other target metric of obesity” [4].
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14 Asthma and
Andre Nel and David Heber
Introduction............................................................................................................. 229
Asthma: A Complex Disorder................................................................................. 230
Air Pollution........................................................................................................... 230
Oxidant Stress and Asthma..................................................................................... 231
Nrf2 and Oxidant Stress.......................................................................................... 232
Cellular Mechanisms of Inflammation in Allergic Asthma.................................... 232
Effects of Particulate Matter in Allergic Asthma.................................................... 233
Asthma and Obesity................................................................................................ 235
Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 237
References............................................................................................................... 237
Allergic diseases affect approximately one-third of the general population, and
asthma is a heterogeneous disorder, characterized by reversible airway obstruction
and bronchial hyperresponsiveness, which is commonly associated with atopy [1,2].
Among the multiple factors that contribute to asthma are genetic predisposition,
immunological aberration, and the possible involvement of noxious environmental
factors [3]. Epidemiological studies, in particular, have suggested that worldwide
increases in allergic and respiratory disease may be associated with environmen-
tal pollutants such as air pollution [4,5]. The major component of airborne particu-
late matter (PM) is diesel exhaust particles (DEPs), which can induce and enhance
allergic responses [6] by entering cells as nanoparticles and directly and indirectly
generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) [7,8]. The defensive response of the lung
alveolar cells to ROS is mediated through nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2
(Nrf2), and one of the primary cellular defenses to this reaction is mediated through
glutathione S-transferases such as GSTM1 [9–11]. The GSTM1 null mutation is
present in up to 50% of normal individuals and predisposes these individuals to a
higher risk of acquiring environmentally related diseases, including some forms of
cancer [11]. It has also been reported that individuals with the null mutation have a
higher induction of IgE in response to DEP plus secondhand smoke exposure [12].
DEP increases inflammation and stimulates oxidant stress pathways in the normal
bronchial epithelium, but asthmatics are more sensitive to the effects of DEPs, and
230 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Epidemiological studies have demonstrated an association between air pollution
and the prevalence of respiratory symptoms characteristic of asthma throughout
the world. When the association was examined for atopic and nonatopic individu-
als separately, the association of air pollution with asthma was unaffected [19–21].
Besides increases in symptoms, air pollution has been associated with decreases in
pulmonary function, including depressed forced expiratory volume-1 second (FEVy)
or peak expiratory flow rates [22,23].
Environmental factors, including weather, pollen, and tobacco smoke, are impor-
tant risk factors in asthma, but each has been found to act independently of air pol-
lution and these factors do not explain the association between air pollution and
Asthma and Inflammation 231
asthma [24–29]. Moreover, stationary sources of air pollution have been associated
with increased risks of asthma [19,30–38].
The major component of airborne PM is DEPs, which can induce and enhance
allergic responses [6] by entering cells as nanoparticles and directly and indirectly
generating ROS [7,8].
High Low
ratio ratio
oxidative stress
Level of
FIGURE 14.1 Hierarchical oxidative stress responses. At a low level of oxidative stress
(tier 1), antioxidant enzymes are induced to restore cellular redox homeostasis. At an interme-
diate level of oxidative stress (tier 2), activation of MAPK and NF-κB cascades induces pro-
inflammatory responses, for example, cytokines and chemokines. At a high level of oxidative
stress (tier 3), perturbation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and disruption
of electron transfer result in cellular apoptosis or necrosis.
232 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
to the nucleus where it is responsible for the transcriptional activation of more than
200 genes that express proteins to defend against oxidative stress.
activation of lung tissue cells and attraction and infiltration of leukocytes from the
blood. The accumulation of eosinophilic leukocytes is a prominent feature of inflam-
matory reactions that occurs in allergic asthma [52].
A wide range of cellular responses underlies chronic allergic disease, includ-
ing the production of inflammatory substances that mediate the reactions. Both
histamine and cysteinyl leukotrienes account for most of the early- and late-phase
responses. They are typically released from mast cells in the early phase and eosin-
ophils, basophils, and macrophages in the late phase. However, the magnitude of
both acute and chronic asthmatic reactions correlates with the number of eosinophils
present in the lung [53], and the suppression of this eosinophil accumulation impairs
the development and progression of these processes [54]. The increase in the number
of eosinophils is important since it correlates in time with an increase in bronchial
hyperresponsiveness [55,56]. From biopsy studies, it is known that infiltrating eosin-
ophils mainly show degranulation at subepithelial sites but also at sites deeper in the
interstitium [57]. The causal relationship between an increase in infiltrating eosino-
phils and bronchial hyperresponsiveness is not finally settled. It is generally assumed
that the deposition of toxic products of eosinophils—for example, eosinophilic cat-
ionic protein and major basic protein—is able to induce the shedding of epithelial
cells as seen in human bronchial tissues from asthmatics. Eosinophilic cationic pro-
tein is present in the bronchial submucosa of adults with asthma, especially in areas
where sloughing of epithelium has occurred [58]. In addition, this protein has also
been implicated in the inflammatory response accompanying allergic rhinitis [59].
Guinea pigs sensitized to ovalbumin (OVA), an animal model for allergic asthma,
have been shown to develop airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) after antigen chal-
lenge. This hyperresponsiveness coincided with infiltration of eosinophils in airways
[60–62]. Moreover, a significant increase in the levels of eosinophil peroxidase and
major basic protein was observed in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of these sensitized
and challenged animals [59,62,63].
Der f, in the presence of DEP [73,74]. Furthermore, when Balb/c mice were exposed
to an aerosolized leachate of residual oil fly ash, their offspring demonstrated
a significant increase in AHR, eosinophilic inflammation, and IgE production in
response to sensitization with a suboptimal dose of OVA [75]. Cultured splenocytes
from these offspring demonstrated an increased IL-4/IFNγ ratio, suggesting a skew-
ing toward Th2 immunity [75]. The immunological basis for the adjuvant effects of
PM is still improperly understood.
Several cell types are involved in allergen sensitization and asthma pathogenesis,
including antigen-presenting cells (APCs), T-helper 2 (Th2) lymphocytes, IgE-
secreting plasma cells, mast cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, mucus-secreting goblet
cells, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells. DEP can directly impact a number of
cells that play a role in the afferent or efferent immune response [76–83]. Traditional
adjuvants exert their effects on the afferent or early phase of the immune response,
which implies possible effects on APCs [84,85]. Consequently, a lot of attention is
currently being directed at the possible contribution of dendritic cells (DCs). DCs
play a crucial role in initiating T-cell activation and are the main APCs that are
responsible for allergen processing and presentation in asthma. Airway DCs continu-
ously sample their environment for antigens and allergens [86–88]. After allergen
capture and receipt of a danger signal, DCs upregulate CCR7 expression, enter the
afferent lymphatic vessels, and carry the allergen to the draining lymph nodes, where
it is presented by MHC in the presence of costimulatory molecules. Allergen-specific
T-cells are selected for antigen specificity and induced to proliferate. Depending on
the cytokine milieu and other variables, DCs could initiate a primary Th2 response in
regional lymph nodes [86–91]. Following immune excitation, memory/effector CD4+
Th2 cells then leave the draining lymph nodes and extravasate at sites of inflammation
during the challenge phase. Once in the tissues, Th2 cells interact with IgE-bearing
local DCs to increase IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, and IL-13 production [86–88,92–98]. These
cytokines are important for inducing tissue eosinophilia, airway hyperreactivity, and
the production of chemokines that attract further inflammatory cells.
In addition to adjuvant effects, PM exposure induces acute asthma exacerba-
tions independent of their effects on allergic sensitization [99]. For instance, it is
capable of inducing AHR in naive mice in the absence of allergen [100,101]. It has
also been demonstrated that DEP alone can induce increased AHR in asthmatic
individuals [102]. While these effects may be related to PM effects on the immune
system, the particles and their components may directly contribute to increased
AHR during asthma attack [103–105]. One possible mechanism is nitric oxide gen-
eration, as evidenced by the ability of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors to interfere
with DEP-induced AHR in mice [106]. Shedding of airway epithelial cells is another
possibility, based on the ability of DEP to induce acute epithelial damage in vivo and
in vitro [107–110]. Two recent reviews have summarized the potential mechanisms
of PM–lung interaction and particle translocation to other tissues with a focus on the
ultrafine particle (UFP) [111,112]. It has been suggested that the unique physical and
chemical properties of UFP play important roles in particle deposition in the lung
and translocation to the extralung tissues. When inhaled UFPs deposit on the epithe-
lial surface of the peripheral lungs, their contact with surfactant layer and epithelial
lining fluid (ELF) leads to their interactions with proteins and other biomolecules in
Asthma and Inflammation 235
the ELF. The large number concentration of UFP, compared with that of micrometer-
sized PM, allows them to deposit over a large surface area of alveoli. This may result
in a scattered chemotractant signal that leads to less recognition and phagocytosis of
UFP by alveolar macrophages. In addition, PM may form complexes with proteins
in the ELF. While proteins on the surface of micrometer-sized PM are immobi-
lized and therefore allow rapid phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages, the extremely
small size of UFP may make UFP–protein complexes that are protein specific and
less accessible to the cells of defense system such as macrophages in the lung epi-
thelium. Modifications of UFP may also allow DCs to process these particles, take
up antigenic material, and carry it to the immune system, where it elicits an immune
response (Figure 14.2) [111,112].
Redox NP
Mito Endosome
PAHs Fenton ROS
Quinones reaction Mito
Cyt C
Nrf2 Cyt C Nrf2 Ca2+
HO-1, Phase II
FIGURE 14.2 (See color insert.) Comparison of the mechanisms of ROS generation
induced by UFP and NM outside or inside of cells. Ambient UFP usually contains large
amount of organic chemical such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and quinines
and transition metals such as Fe and Cu, which can generate ROS through redox chemistry
both outside and inside of cells. UFPs have also been found to lodge in mitochondria, causing
damage to mitochondrial function and structure, which can also produce more ROS. Cells
under oxidative stress will have tiered responses, including cell defense (tier 1), proinflamma-
tion (tier 2), and mitochondria-mediated cell death (tier 3). Nanomaterial (NM) are uniform in
size and can also generate ROS via crystal structural defects or under UV conditions. NM are
taken up into cells via endocytosis, which includes phagocytosis, clathrin-dependent endocy-
tosis, caveolae-mediated endocytosis, or macropinocytosis depending on specific cell types.
After cells take up NM, endosomes are formed, and ROS can be produced via the formation
of NADPH oxidase. After a series of fusion and fission processes, endosomes will fuse with
lysosomes. NM can break loose from lysosomes and interact with other organelles such as
mitochondria, which can produce more ROS. The cells under oxidative stress will go through
tiered oxidative stress responses as described previously. (From Li, N. et al., Free Radic. Biol.
Med., 44(9), 1689, 2008.)
Asthma and Inflammation 237
weight loss goal of 5%–10% could assist in the clinical management of overweight
and obese adults with asthma.
As reviewed in this chapter, asthma is a complex disease influenced by changes in
environmental exposures to air pollution and nutritional factors including a proin-
flammatory obesogenic diet and sedentary lifestyles. The role of PM in air pollution
has been shown to lead to oxidative stress in lung tissue. Phytochemicals that can
impact Nrf2 such as sulforaphane hold promise for reducing inflammation due to
oxidant stress in the lung. Oxidant stress, in turn, stimulates both inflammation and
atopy so that asthmatic symptoms reflect a complex mixture of influences. Innate
immunity due to chronic low-grade inflammation associated with obesity may play
a role. Therefore, an integrative approach to nutritional intervention that includes
caloric restriction, increased dietary antioxidant intake, and increased physical
activity holds promise for the treatment of the obese phenotype of asthma in both
children and adults.
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15 Muscle and Immune
Anthony Thomas and David Heber
Introduction............................................................................................................. 245
Function of Myokines: Cytokines Secreted by Muscle Cells.................................246
Visceral/Subcutaneous Fat and Inflammation......................................................... 250
Skeletal Muscle, Sarcopenia, and Inflammation..................................................... 252
Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 254
References............................................................................................................... 254
The global obesity epidemic is associated with an array of cardiometabolic perturba-
tions and increased risk of chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes (T2D), cardio-
vascular disease (CVD), and various cancers. Specifically, excess intra-abdominal
fat accumulation (visceral obesity) is believed to be more important than total body
fat in predicting morbidities traditionally associated with obesity, and various fac-
tors (e.g., age, gender, physical activity/fitness, hormones, and ethnicity/genetics)
are believed to influence depot-specific adipose tissue distribution [1]. Visceral obe-
sity contributes to the chronic low-grade inflammation that plays a causative role
in obesity-induced insulin resistance and the pathophysiology of obesity-associated
diseases [2].
Both typical aging in association with sedentary lifestyles and inadequate pro-
tein intake are associated with sarcopenic obesity, a condition of reduced muscle
and increased body fat even when body weight is normal or low [3], leading to an
increase in visceral fat. In countries such as China and India, metabolic syndrome
and T2D are frequently observed at normal or low body weights due to the presence
of increased visceral fat [4]. In addition, sarcopenic obesity is very common in
postmenopausal women [5]. Magnetic resonance imaging studies demonstrated that
45% of women and 60% of men surveyed from the general population in London
had increased intra-abdominal fat even when body weight was normal and waist
circumference was normal [6]. Conversely, Matsuzawa [7] showed that very obese
active sumo wrestlers with low visceral adiposity are quite insulin sensitive com-
pared to retired sedentary sumo wrestlers displaying greater amounts of visceral adi-
pose tissue. Thus, both metabolically healthy obese and metabolically obese normal
246 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
weight individuals have been described with excess visceral fat and physical activity
as likely underlying factors determining differential disease risk [1].
The major modifier of intra-abdominal fat in the aforementioned studies was the
observation that fit people have reduced visceral fat [6]. Anti-inflammatory effects of
regular physical activity/exercise could be mediated in part via reduction in visceral
fat mass [7]. Contracting skeletal muscles release myokines, which can work in an
endocrine fashion on visceral fat as well as have direct anti-inflammatory effects
on cells in other organs and tissues [8]. At the same time, myokines function within
the muscle via autocrine/paracrine mechanisms, exerting effects on signaling path-
ways involved in fat oxidation and glucose metabolism. Regular exercise protects
against a number of chronic diseases associated with chronic inflammation, and
visceral obesity is associated with chronic inflammation [9]. Furthermore, physi-
cal inactivity is associated with increased chronic disease risk independent of body
weight, and acute periods of physical inactivity (no change in body composition) are
associated with negative metabolic/physiologic changes (e.g., reduced insulin sensi-
tivity, skeletal muscle atrophy, and increased visceral fat) [10].
Myokines may in part mediate the protective effects of exercise with regard to
sedentary lifestyle–related chronic diseases. It is likely that regular physical activity/
exercise is an essential component of any diet and lifestyle program aiming to reduce
intra-abdominal fat, inflammation, and related chronic disease risk.
At the other end of the nutritional spectrum, it is known that reductions in body
cell mass below 50% of preillness levels are incompatible with life regardless of the
cause of malnutrition including starvation, tumor, infection, or surgery [11]. Kotler
[12] was able to accurately estimate the date of death from AIDS using total body
potassium measures of lean body mass. Some research suggests that loss of specific
immune function with malnutrition may be secondary to loss of immune stimulation
by muscle cells [13].
The concept of skeletal muscle as an endocrine and immune organ parallels the
same concept in adipose tissue and fat cells. Therefore, muscle/myocyte immune
function, adipose/adipocyte immune function, exercise, and nutrition are all inti-
mately linked with immune function systemically.
Proinflammatory Anti-inflammatory
FIGURE 15.1 (See color insert.) During sepsis, there is a marked and rapid increase in
circulating TNF-α, which is followed by an increase in IL-6. In contrast, during exercise,
the marked increase in IL-6 is not preceded by elevated TNF-α. (From Pedersen, B.K.
and Febbraio, M.A., Physiol. Rev., 88, 1379, 2008. With permission from the American
Physiological Society.)
be identified from the muscle cell secretome [19], the most studied of these is the
cytokine IL-6. IL-6 was the first myokine found to be secreted into circulation as
a result of muscle contraction; levels increase proportional to exercise duration
and the amount of muscle mass engaged in the exercise/exercise intensity [20],
and levels can acutely increase up to 100-fold from basal levels during exercise
(lesser increases are more frequently observed) [21]. It was previously believed that
increased IL-6 during exercise was due to an immune response evoked by local
skeletal muscle tissue damage with macrophages hypothesized to be the cellular
origin [22]; however, circulating IL-6 increases during exercise without observed
muscle damage [21], and muscle cells per se are now recognized as the predomi-
nant source during exercise.
248 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
With exercise, IL-6 mRNA levels increase markedly within 30 min of initiation
[23,24] with evidence suggesting that the concentration of IL-6 within contracting
skeletal muscle is potentially 5- to 100-fold higher than levels in the blood [25],
despite large amounts being secreted into circulation. Liver extraction of IL-6 from
the blood following exercise may limit potentially negative metabolic effects of pro-
longed systemic elevations in IL-6, as levels quickly decrease toward preexercise
levels following exercise. Increased basal systemic IL-6 levels are positively associ-
ated with physical inactivity and the metabolic syndrome, while there is a negative
association between regular physical activity and basal systemic IL-6 [21]. In fact,
the magnitude of exercise-induced acute increases in plasma IL-6 is diminished over
time with training, but basal IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) expression is robustly increased
in the trained skeletal muscle [26].
Thus, adaptations to regular exercise may increase sensitivity to IL-6 in trained
skeletal muscle despite systemically reduced basal and blunted acute exercise-
induced elevations. Exercise-induced muscle-derived IL-6 is thought to primarily
play a metabolic versus inflammatory role as it can be produced during contrac-
tion independent of TNF-α with expression increased due to glycogen depletion
and attenuated IL-6 release from contracting muscle with glucose ingestion dur-
ing exercise. With muscle contractions of both type I and type II muscle fibers,
IL-6 acts locally to activate AMP kinase and/or phosphatidylinositol 3 (PI3) kinase,
which increase fat oxidation and glucose uptake. IL-6 may also work in an endo-
crine fashion to increase hepatic glucose production during exercise and lipolysis in
adipose tissue as well as from intramuscular lipid stores [20]. It appears that IL-6
works in concert with catecholamines and cortisol to redistribute energy substrates
available to working muscles during exercise by enhancing the release of glucose
from the liver and fatty acids from adipose tissue while simultaneously increas-
ing uptake of glucose and fat oxidation in the working muscle (IL-6 antagonism
of insulin action in hepatocytes and adipocytes may contribute to these effects).
IL-6 released from contracting muscles may promote a general anti-inflammatory
response. IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra: attenuates proinflammatory actions
of IL-1), IL-10 (anti-inflammatory cytokine), soluble TNF-α receptor (sTNF-R:
antagonizes cellular TNF-α signaling), cortisol (glucocorticoid with potent anti-
inflammatory effects), and C-reactive protein (may enhance IL-1ra release from
monocytes) are all increased in response to infusion of rhIL-6 [21]. Additionally,
IL-6 attenuates TNF-α produced in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS; circulat-
ing LPS is increased with high- fat feeding and obesity) in cultured human mono-
cytes as well as in vivo [27,28].
Mice that are deficient in IL-6, either due to neutralizing antibody treatment or
genetically deficient due to IL-6 gene knockout, have elevated TNF-α levels in their
circulation [29]. The activation of IL-6 signaling in macrophages is triggered by cal-
cium/NFAT and glycogen/p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways
unlike the triggering of IL-6 in immune cells, which is linked to the activation of
nuclear factor-κB ( NF-κB). Differences in the cellular signaling pathways may be
needed since IL-6 derived from contracting muscle appears to have anti-inflammatory
activity, which is the opposite of what is found with IL-6 from immune cells (see
Figure 15.2). These observations are consistent with the idea that regular exercise exerts
Muscle and Immune Function 249
P13-K p-STAT3
Increased hepatic
Contraction glucose production
during exercise
IL-6 IL-6
IL-6 IL-6
Adipose tissue
Increased lipolysis
FIGURE 15.2 (See color insert.) Skeletal muscle expresses and releases myokines into the
circulation. In response to muscle contractions, both type I and type II muscle fibers express
the myokine IL-6, which subsequently exerts its effects both locally within the muscle
(e.g., through activation of AMPK) and—when released into the circulation—peripherally
in several organs in a hormone-like fashion. Specifically, in skeletal muscle, IL-6 acts in
an autocrine or paracrine manner to signal through a gp130Rβ/IL-6Rα homodimer, result-
ing in the activation of AMP kinase and/or PI3 kinase to increase glucose uptake and fat
oxidation. IL-6 is also known to increase hepatic glucose production during exercise or lipol-
ysis in adipose tissue. (Modified from Pedersen, B.K. and Febbraio, M.A., Physiol. Rev.,
88, 1379, 2008. With permission from the American Physiological Society; Reprinted from
Curr. Opin. Clin. Nutr. Metab. Care., 10(3), Pedersen, B.K. and Fischer, C.P., Physiological
roles of muscle-derived interleukin-6 in response to exercise, 265–271, Copyright 2007, with
permission from Elsevier.)
increase with both resistance [32] and aerobic exercise. Evidence suggests that
IL-15 has protective effects against sarcopenic obesity to promote healthy aging.
IL-15 accumulates in muscle with strength training and is a factor both promoting
muscle hypertrophy (decreased muscle protein degradation) and also reducing
body fat [33]. Following strength training, IL-15 mRNA levels are upregulated
in human skeletal muscle [34]. In mice, a decrease in visceral, but not subcu-
taneous, fat was observed when IL-15 was genetically overexpressed in muscle
[35]. Additionally, IL-15-deficient mice become obese, insulin resistant, and glu-
cose intolerant in the absence of increased energy consumption; exogenous IL-15
administration reversed this obesity as well as diet-induced obesity and associated
metabolic perturbations [36,37].
Human adipocyte differentiation in culture was inhibited by IL-15 [36]. Increased
IL-15 in the circulation has been associated with lower body fat and increased bone
mineral content in humans. In these studies, there was no significant effect on lean
body mass or other cytokines [38]. IL-15 is required for the development and survival
of natural killer lymphocytes as well as other T-lymphocyte subsets, which suggests
that exercise/skeletal muscle is critical to the maintenance of proper immune func-
tion with aging to protect against diseases of the elderly including infections and
cancer [31]. Taken together, data from human and animal studies to date support the
concept that IL-15 secretion from muscle during or following exercise has favorable
effects on body composition and is a myokine that protects against age-related sar-
copenic obesity and declines in immune function.
Recently, a novel myokine termed Irisin (after the Greek messenger goddess
Iris, to highlight the role as a protein messenger derived from skeletal muscle to
other tissues) is increased in skeletal muscle and blood in response to exercise with
beneficial metabolic effects that partially manifest via regulation of adiposity/
adipocyte function [39]. Specifically, Irisin stimulates fat cells within white
adipose tissue to function more like highly thermogenic brown fat cells, thus
increasing energy expenditure to promote a lean phenotype. Boström et al. [39]
showed that modestly elevating plasma Irisin similar to increases observed with
regular exercise protects mice from diet-induced obesity and associated metabolic
including dementia [41], CVD [42], T2D [43], and common forms of cancer such as
colon [44] and breast cancer [45], as well as all-cause mortality even in people with
a normal body weight (independent of BMI) [40]. Thus, the health consequences of
intra-abdominal adiposity and physical inactivity are similar. Moreover, both physi-
cal inactivity [10] and visceral obesity [46] are associated with persistent systemic
low-grade inflammation [47].
Models of lipodystrophy suggest that if the subcutaneous fat becomes inflamed
and adipocytes undergo apoptosis/necrosis, the fat storing capacity is impaired;
hence, fat is diverted from adipose (tissue specialized for energy storage as tri-
glycerides) and deposited as ectopic fat subjecting other tissues to the cytotoxic
effects of excess fatty acids. Given the anti-inflammatory effects of regular exercise
[48], physical inactivity may lead to inflammation of subcutaneous adipose tissue
and impaired ability to store fat, also in people who do not fulfill the criteria for
Evidence exists that visceral fat is more susceptible to immune cell infiltration
and production of proinflammatory mediators with positive energy balance than
subcutaneous fat and constitutes an important source of chronic low-grade systemic
inflammation [46]. A number of studies point to an independent effect of exercise on
intra-abdominal adiposity. A recent review highlighted the notion that repeated bouts
of exercise have a major impact on visceral obesity [8]. Thus, most studies show that
increased physical activity is associated with significant reductions in waist circum-
ference (as an indirect correlated measure of intra-abdominal fat accumulation) and/
or visceral fat, despite either no change in body weight or a change of <3%, regard-
less of sex or age [8]. In a couple of studies [35,36], men and women with abdominal
obesity exercised under supervision and were required to consume additional food
calories to prevent exercise-induced weight loss. The objective was to determine
whether chronic exercise (40–60 min of daily exercise for 12–16 weeks) without
weight loss was associated with reductions in obesity. The results from these studies
illustrate that considerable reductions in total fat, visceral fat in particular (which
decreased by 12%–18%), and waist circumference can be achieved in the absence of
weight loss. In addition to marked reductions in these measures of obesity, increases
were also observed in skeletal muscle mass and cardiorespiratory fitness (both inde-
pendently associated with reduced disease risk).
Subcutaneous fat serves both as an energy store for other tissues such as working
muscles and also releases the anti-inflammatory adipokine, adiponectin (blood lev-
els are inversely associated with adiposity). Additionally, fatty acids derived from
fat stores during exercise are believed to play a role in skeletal muscle adaptations
to exercise. Innate immune receptors (i.e., Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 (TLR-2/4)) are
expressed on the cell surface of innate immune cells as well as various other cell
types including myocytes. Specific fatty acid species can modulate cell signaling
mediated through these receptors (e.g., MAPK family members and NF-κB) dif-
ferentially in various cells expressing TLR-2 and -4 on their cell surface. Exercise
regulates various signaling pathways including differential activation of MAPK
family members to influence cell metabolism, growth, proliferation, and differen-
tiation depending on type, intensity, duration, and nutritional status; however, the
mechanisms of activation are incompletely understood.
252 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
A sedentary lifestyle, especially when its effects are amplified by a Western diet,
appears to lead to the accumulation of visceral fat, which is a source of systemic
inflammation. Chronic inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of many dis-
eases, including insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, neurodegeneration, and tumor
growth. Therefore, the protective effects of exercise may be due in part to the anti-
inflammatory effects of regular exercise, which can be mediated via a reduction in
visceral fat mass and/or by induction of an anti-inflammatory environment with each
bout of exercise. The finding that muscles produce and release myokines has opened
up a whole new area for investigations to understand the mechanisms whereby exer-
cise influences metabolism and exerts anti-inflammatory effects. Much work remains
to determine the interactions between adipokines and myokines as well as potential
muscle—fat crosstalk. These investigations should lead to new insights useful in the
prevention and treatment of obesity and its associated diseases.
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16 Approaches to Reducing
Abdominal Obesity
Zhaoping Li and David Heber
Introduction............................................................................................................. 259
Significance of Visceral Fat....................................................................................260
Origins of Visceral Fat............................................................................................ 261
Hormonal Influences on Abdominal Visceral Fat................................................... 262
Testosterone........................................................................................................ 262
Estrogen............................................................................................................. 262
Endocannabinoids.............................................................................................. 265
Growth Hormone...............................................................................................266
Dietary Fructose......................................................................................................266
Correcting Underlying Hormonal Abnormalities................................................... 267
Iatrogenic Hormones and Obesity: Insulin and Glucocorticoids....................... 267
Testosterone........................................................................................................ 267
Growth Hormone............................................................................................... 268
Exercise and Diet Interventions to Reduce Visceral Adiposity............................... 268
Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 269
References............................................................................................................... 269
Excess intra-abdominal adipose tissue accumulation, often termed visceral obesity,
is the critical target for medical and public health efforts to reduce the systemic
inflammation related to the global epidemic of obesity-associated metabolic disor-
ders. Visceral obesity is characterized by ectopic triglyceride (TG) storage closely
related to clustering risk factors for chronic age-related disorders including heart
disease, diabetes, liver disease, and common forms of cancer. Hypertriglyceridemia,
liver insulin resistance, inflammation of the liver, increased liver VLDL synthesis
and secretion, reduced TG-rich lipoprotein clearance, small dense LDL particles,
reduced HDL cholesterol, and increased circulating adipocytokines are among the
many metabolic alterations that characterize this common condition. Age, gender,
genetics, and ethnicity contribute to the observed variations in visceral adipose tis-
sue accumulation in different populations globally. Efforts to bring all obesity under
260 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
the rubric of body mass index have failed in much of Asia, where there will be a sig-
nificant expansion of the epidemic of type 2 diabetes mellitus among individuals not
classified as either overweight or obese by Western BMI criteria. Attempts to adjust
BMI criteria to lower levels have largely been without success since they do not deal
with the underlying problem of visceral obesity.
Specific mechanisms involved in increasing visceral fat storage when there is
positive energy balance include angiogenesis, sex hormone imbalance, local enzy-
matic cortisol production in abdominal adipose tissues, endocannabinoid actions,
growth hormone (GH) deficiency, and excessive dietary fructose. Physiological char-
acteristics of abdominal adipose tissues such as adipocyte size and number, lipolytic
responsiveness, lipid storage capacity, and inflammatory cytokine production are
significant correlates and even possible determinants of the increased chronic disease
risk factors associated with visceral obesity.
Estrogen replacement in postmenopausal women, and testosterone replacement
in androgen-deficient men, has been shown to favorably impact body fat distribution
while also reducing risk factors. However, hormonal therapies have been associated
with serious side effects, making them useful for only some individuals. However,
they cannot be endorsed as widespread public health answers to the problem of
visceral obesity. Lifestyle interventions leading to weight loss generally induce
preferential mobilization of visceral fat.
In clinical practice, measuring waist circumference in addition to the body mass
index is somewhat helpful for the identification and management of a subgroup of
overweight or obese patients at higher risk of chronic diseases. However, newer
methods of visualizing intra-abdominal fat, including magnetic resonance imaging,
have shown that even individuals with normal body weight and waist circumference
can have excess intra-abdominal fat. Recognizing the beneficial impacts of mus-
cle lipoprotein lipase on circulating TGs and of muscle on the insulin-independent
uptake of glucose from the circulation, a combined program of resistance exercise to
build muscle combined with balanced nutrition including adequate protein to main-
tain muscle mass may represent the best approach to reducing intra-abdominal fat.
However, documenting the benefits of this approach will require extensive and care-
fully designed clinical trials.
A striking example of the limitations of the BMI relates to individuals with sar-
copenic obesity, a common condition associated with low protein intake, sedentary
lifestyle, inflammation, and premature aging [5]. Another example of this concept is
the metabolically obese, normal weight (MONW) subject [6,7]. These MONW indi-
viduals, who have normal BMI values, nonetheless suffer from metabolic compli-
cations commonly found in obese people. Conversely, metabolically healthy obese
(MHO) individuals described by other research groups have a BMI above 30 kg/m2
but are not characterized by insulin resistance or dyslipidemia [8–10]. These obser-
vations suggest that high CVD risk may be observed even below the normal BMI
cutoff of 25 kg/m2. A key factor underpinning the difference in CVD risk between
MONW and MHO individuals is the likely presence of excess visceral adipose tissue
[11–13]. Matsuzawa [14] has demonstrated that very obese individuals with a small
amount of visceral adiposity—active sumo wrestlers, for example—are MHO with
normal insulin sensitivity, whereas retired sedentary sumo wrestlers with greater
amounts of visceral adipose tissue tend to be insulin-resistant, dyslipidemic and have
a high prevalence of metabolic complications such as type 2 diabetes and CVD.
This condition has been called hypertriglyceridemic waist, a simple clinical phe-
notype predictive of excess visceral adiposity [15,16]. Men with both low waist and
TG values were at low risk of being viscerally obese (<20%), while >80% of indi-
viduals with hypertriglyceridemic waist had excess visceral adiposity and related
metabolic abnormalities, including elevated glucose and insulin concentrations as
well as altered blood lipid profiles. The strategies needed to reduce visceral fat, a
condition often invisible to the clinician, are vital to the efforts to curb the global
epidemic of overweight and obesity-associated disorders linked to chronic low-grade
As abdominal fat grows as the result of an obesogenic diet, the expanding adi-
pose tissue becomes hypoxic. This poor oxygenation results from the tortuous nature
of the new blood vessels formed, a phenomenon that also occurs in tumor tissue.
Both differentiation and hypoxia induce vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
expression by adipocytes [22–24]. Inhibition of VEGF signaling prevents adipose
tissue expansion during diet-induced obesity [25]. Furthermore, diet-induced VEGF
secretion from adipose tissue is attenuated in Id3-deficient mice. These studies sup-
port a defined molecular mechanism by which Id3 can regulate VEGF expression by
the E-protein E12 (see Figure 16.1). Id3 functions to repress the activity of E-proteins
through direct protein binding, preventing the association of E-proteins with target
DNA. These studies provide support for the concept that angiogenesis is critical in
the formation of abdominal visceral fat, and its inhibition may be one strategy to
reduce abdominal fat by inhibiting its formation during weight regain.
Menopause leads to a decline in both estrogen and progesterone production from ova-
ries. These hormonal changes are associated with changes in body composition and
body fat including increased visceral fat [33,34]. Together with the decline in estra-
diol levels, a smaller decline in testosterone levels occurs, leading to an increased
testosterone to estrogen ratio [35]. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome have a
Lean Obese
Id3 Expression
E12 E12 binding
Approaches to Reducing Abdominal Obesity
FIGURE 16.1 Regulation of adipose tissue vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and angiogenesis by inhibitor of differentiation-3
(Id3) during diet-induced obesity. In response to high-fat diet feeding, endothelial cells of capillaries within adipose tissue express Id3. Id3 associates
with the E-box protein E12, which prevents E12 binding and transrepression of the VEGF promoter. The ensuing increase in VEGF promoter activity
induces transcription and VEGF secretion, which subsequently facilitates angiogenesis and adipose tissue expansion during obesity.
264 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Chronic psychological stress can lead to increased cortisol secretion. Low socio-
economic status and job stress, two indicators of chronic stress, are associated with
greater abdominal adiposity in cross-sectional and prospective studies [52–54].
Stress can impact abdominal adiposity through repeated activation of the hypotha-
lamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, resulting in hypersecretion of cortisol. Cortisol
can then bind to glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) on fat cells, activating lipoprotein
lipase leading to fat storage in adipocytes [55]. Increases in cortisol in combination
with increased levels of insulin mobilize amino acids and fatty acids from peripheral
to abdominal regions for immediate use by the liver for gluconeogenesis and ketones
for energy use by the brain [56,57]. A greater density of GRs are found on visceral
compared to peripheral fat cells partly explaining why fat stores are redistributed to
intra-abdominal regions in the presence of elevated cortisol [58–60].
Healthy volunteers who exhibit increased cortisol reactivity in response to labo-
ratory stress tasks have greater abdominal adiposity [61–63], and among depressed
postmenopausal women, those with higher morning cortisol have greater levels of
visceral fat as measured by computed tomography compared to those with lower
cortisol levels [64] and healthy controls [65].
In addition to direct effects of chronic stress on abdominal obesity, psychological
stress can also trigger consumption of high- fat and sweet food, leading to overall
weight gain [66–76]. Stress eating may also increase visceral adiposity independent
of total weight gain. The combination of chronic stress and a high fat and sugar
diet markedly increases visceral adipose tissue through stress-mediated upregulation
of neuropeptide Y and its receptors in fat tissues of rodents [77]. Neuropeptide Y
Approaches to Reducing Abdominal Obesity 265
promotes fat angiogenesis and the proliferation and differentiation of new adipo-
cytes. In humans, self-identified stress eaters tend to gain more abdominal fat during
stressful periods compared to nonself-identified stress eaters [78]. However, attempts
to use behavioral therapies such as mindfulness training to reduce stress have not
been successful in also reducing visceral fat while having some impact on stress eat-
ing and cortisol secretion patterns [79].
There are also clinical similarities between obesity and the overactivity of gluco-
corticoids in Cushing’s syndrome. A buffalo hump, which is one of the key findings
in Cushing’s syndrome, also occurs in severe obesity, but circulating cortisol levels
are not elevated in obesity.
There is increasing evidence that altered cortisol metabolism may influence the
development of visceral fat and the metabolic syndrome [80–82]. The key enzyme
responsible for the reversible activation of cortisol, 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydro-
genase (11b-HSD), has been extensively explored with its isoforms, types 1 and 2,
being differently expressed in different organs indicating that cortisol action is tissue
specific. Increased adipose tissue 11b-HSD type 1 expression and activity [83,84]
have been observed in obese individuals.
Correlations between glucocorticoid secretion and other components of the meta-
bolic syndrome, that is, insulin sensitivity, hypertension, and HDL cholesterol, have
also been seen in cross-sectional studies [80,85]. Comprehensive studies have shown
that measurement of urinary-free cortisol and cortisone provides the best estimate of
11b-HSD type 2 activity. This enzyme is mainly expressed in kidneys, protecting the
mineral corticoid receptor against excessive cortisol levels [86].
Urinary cortisol output and serum cortisol concentrations in the steady state mea-
sured under field conditions and during standardized inhibitory and stimulatory tests
in premenopausal obese women have been analyzed in relation to adipose tissue dis-
tribution [87]. Urinary cortisol output was increased under field conditions in women
with an elevated waist-to-hip circumference ratio and, in particular, in women with
a large abdominal sagittal diameter, indicating visceral fat accumulation. However,
dexamethasone inhibition of cortisol secretion was normal. Stimulation with cor-
ticotropin analogue and with physical (cold pressor test) or mental (color-word or
mathematic) stress tests also showed elevated responses of serum cortisol, but not of
prolactin or GH concentrations. It is suggested that women with visceral fat accumu-
lation have elevated cortisol secretion due to an increased sensitivity along the HPA
axis and that this may be causing their abnormal fat depot distribution.
The extensive distribution of the receptors in the endocannabinoid system reflects
a profound complexity of the system regarding human physiology. The effects of
endocannabinoids are mediated via the endocannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) and 2
(CB2). CB1 is found in the brain, liver, and muscle tissue, whereas CB2 is present in
monocytes as well as other cells of the immune system [88]. Both animal and human
studies have linked the endocannabinoid system with food intake, lipogenesis, and
addictive behavior [89]. Furthermore, the activation of the CB1 may play a role in
the development of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle [90]. In placebo-controlled
266 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
clinical trials, treatment with the CB1-selective antagonist rimonabant has resulted
in reduction in body weight and waist circumference and improvement of risk factors
including insulin sensitivity and lipid profile [91–94], and the appetite-suppressant
effect of rimonabant has been shown to depend on CB1 [95]. In contrast, treatment
with a CB1 agonist is associated with an increase in hepatic lipogenesis in wild-type
mice [96].
Growth Hormone
Aging is associated with a progressive decline in GH and IGF-I availability [97–99].
Healthy older individuals with relative reductions in GH and patients with patho-
logical GH deficiency share a similar physical phenotype marked by osteopenia,
sarcopenia, visceral adiposity, insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, and increased risk
of cardiovascular disease.
In women with increased abdominal adiposity, physiological GH secretion is
impaired and peak stimulated GH response is decreased [99,100]. GH plays a role in
modulating body composition, and GH deficiency in women with hypopituitarism is
associated with increased body fat, including visceral adiposity, and decreased lean
body mass [101]. Visceral adiposity has also been shown to be a major determinant
of GH secretion in nonobese adults [102]. IGF-1, an important modulator of body
composition, is secreted by the liver and other organs in response to GH. As IGF-1
is an important determinant of body composition, particularly critical for the main-
tenance of muscle mass [103], reduced levels in obese premenopausal women may
exert deleterious effects on body.
Fructose was in the ancient human diet primarily in fruits, which also contain antioxi-
dants and dietary fiber. With the introduction of cane sugar in the 1600s into the human
diet, table sugar, which is 50% fructose within the sucrose molecule, became a staple
in the human diet. In the 1980s with the subsidization of corn crops, high-fructose corn
syrup (HFCS) with either 42% or 55% fructose was introduced into the diet in large
amounts as a substitute for sucrose. HFCS is added to many foods including ketchup
and breads where consumers do not expect to find added sugar. The food industry has
found that sweetening many foods increases their appeal and sales of processed foods.
As a result, the intake of fructose has increased in parallel to the rise of obesity over
the last 40 years. The intake of fructose has risen from about 37 g/day in the 1970s to
an average of 55 g/day in the 1990s. Adolescents are by far the highest fructose con-
sumers, consuming on average 70 g/day or about 12% of total calories. About one-fifth
of adolescents consume 25% of their total calories as fructose [104,105].
HFCS and sucrose have similar endocrine and metabolic effects [106]. Unlike
the hepatic metabolism of glucose, which principally leads to glycogen synthesis,
the hepatic metabolism of fructose results in sustained elevations in postprandial TG
levels [107–111]. Importantly, increased fructose consumption, particularly in the
form of sugar-sweetened beverages, has been implicated in promoting weight gain
[112–114], and visceral adiposity [115,116], as well as hepatic steatosis [117–120].
Approaches to Reducing Abdominal Obesity 267
Testosterone replacement therapy decreases visceral fat area [124,125] and visceral
fat accumulation [126] in middle-aged obese men and aging men with low-normal
testosterone levels.
268 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
Growth Hormone
Administration of GH or its secretagogues in older adults for intervals of one to
six months elevates GH and IGF-I concentrations, increases lean body mass, and
decreases intra-abdominal adiposity [127–129]. It appears that while GH decreases
with age, the IGF-1 response to GH is maintained in the liver.
Although the effects of GH administration to decrease visceral adiposity, increase
muscle mass, and improve cardiovascular risk markers, including hsCRP, are well
established in patients with GH deficiency due to hypothalamic/pituitary disorders
[130–132], few studies have been performed administering low-dose GH in other-
wise healthy obese subjects [133–136]. Administration of low-dose GH to obese
men [137,138] and postmenopausal women [133] resulted in decreased visceral fat
mass and improved lipid profiles, suggesting a possible beneficial effect of GH in
healthy subjects with visceral obesity. Abdominal obesity and insulin resistance are
central findings in metabolic syndrome. Since treatment with recombinant human
growth hormone (rhGH) can reduce body fat mass in patients with GH deficiency,
rhGH therapy may also have favorable effects on patients with metabolic syndrome.
However, due to the highly increased risk for type 2 diabetes in these patients, strat-
egies are needed to reduce the antagonistic effect of rhGH against insulin. One
strategy that has been successful in HIV–AIDS patients has been the coadministra-
tion of thiazolidinediones to increase subcutaneous fat and counteract the GH effects
on glucose tolerance [137].
Visceral fat is a key organ in the genesis of the chronic low-grade inflammation
associated with obesity and diabetes and that has so many organ-specific disease
implications outlined in this text. The correction of hormonal factors, dietary fac-
tors, physical activity, and inhibition of angiogenesis are all reasonable targets for the
prevention of increased visceral fat. The measurement of excess fat and its targeting
as the goal of weight management efforts promises to have a major impact on the
global epidemic of obesity-associated inflammatory diseases discussed in this text.
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17 Barriers to Fruit and
Vegetable Consumption
and Practical Strategies
for Increasing Fruit
and Vegetable Intake
Susan Bowerman
Introduction............................................................................................................. 279
Fruit and Vegetable Intakes in the US Population..................................................280
Barriers to Fruit and Vegetable Consumption.........................................................280
Cost as a Barrier to Fruit and Vegetable Consumption...................................... 281
Lack of Access as a Barrier to Fruit and Vegetable Consumption..................... 282
Inconvenience as a Barrier to Consumption...................................................... 283
Taste as a Barrier to Intake................................................................................. 283
Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption......................................................... 283
Predictors of Fruit and Vegetable Intake............................................................ 283
Addressing Barriers to Fruit and Vegetable Intake............................................284
Simple Strategies for Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Intake............................. 286
References............................................................................................................... 287
Fruit and vegetable consumption is a cornerstone of a well-balanced diet, and the link
between fruit and vegetable intake and health is well established. Yet, while the
majority of Americans acknowledge the importance of fruits and vegetables in the
diet, most are not meeting recommended intakes [1].
Consumers cite numerous barriers to meeting the recommended number of daily
servings of fruits and vegetables, including taste preferences both individually and
within the family unit, cost, perishability of fresh produce, limited access, as well as
lack of time and knowledge with regard to preparation.
In order to encourage consumers to increase their intake of fruits and vegetables,
health-care providers must first be familiar with the challenges faced by their patients.
280 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
group reported increases in total fruit and vegetable intake from 6.3 to 8.9 servings
per day, with a modest increase in food costs of $1.22 per person per week [19].
residents did not, in fact, lack access, as the average distance to a supermarket was
less than half a mile. Despite the fact that there was a supermarket within an average
of 0.6 miles, those who reported that they did not have a supermarket within walking
distance consumed significantly fewer fruits and vegetables (0.56 servings/day) than
those who reported a supermarket within walking distance from home.
believe that vegetable consumption is important to good health make an extra effort
to do so and that taste preferences, particularly for raw vegetables, is positively cor-
related with increased intake. In a survey of 838 adults in Washington state, the most
common behaviors related to increased vegetable consumption were the inclusion
of a vegetable at the evening meal, snacking on raw vegetables, and selecting mixed
dishes that were vegetable based such as vegetable soups and vegetable stir-fries [41].
In a cross-sectional survey of 1138 adult women in Melbourne, Australia,
those who enjoyed the process of meal planning, shopping, and preparation were
more likely to consume two or more servings of vegetables per day, while those
who reported that cooking was a chore or who spent less than 15 min preparing a
meal were less likely to consume two daily vegetable servings. Fruit consumption
also increased as the number of meals prepared at home and the number of packed
lunches increased. Planning, cooking, and packing meals ahead of time, as well as
the enjoyment of the process of meal preparation and consuming meals at home with
family were all associated with higher intakes [42].
As might be expected, those who grow their own vegetables report higher intakes
of fruits and vegetables than those who do not [43]. Similarly, farm-to-consumer
approaches (farmers’ markets, pick-your-own produce stands, community-supported
agriculture programs) may also improve diet quality [44,45] and may also have the
potential to increase access to fruits and vegetables in low-income areas that have
limited access.
were offered three different vegetables on the plate, they consumed an additional
48 g of total vegetables, or the equivalent of more than a one-half serving.
The issue of cost as it relates to fresh fruits and vegetables could be addressed, in
part, with an encouragement to consumers to purchase frozen items, which would
help alleviate concern over food wastage. In a 2012 survey conducted by the Produce
for Better Health Foundation, almost two-thirds (65%) of the primary shoppers in
the family reported that they throw out at least some of the fresh fruit they buy, and
over 80% throw out at least some of the fresh vegetables they buy. Overall, food
purchasers considered fresh fruits and vegetables to be the most healthy form, but
acknowledged that frozen foods are easy to use, quick to prepare, and generally more
cost-effective [56].
Despite a common perception that freezing is destructive to the nutrients in fresh
produce, several studies have demonstrated otherwise. One study examined the
vitamin C content of frozen peas, broccoli, spinach, green beans, and carrots to that
of fresh and found that the nutritional value did not suffer as a result of freezing and
that, in some cases, the nutritional quality was superior to vegetables that had been
purchased fresh and stored in the home for several days [57].
In another study, the antioxidant activity of fresh vegetables was compared to the
same vegetables that had been frozen, jarred, or canned. It was noted that the anti-
oxidant activity of fresh vegetables declines significantly after harvest and during the
storage process, and that frozen vegetables exhibit antioxidant activity similar to the
same vegetables purchased in the fresh state from supermarkets [58], due, in part, to
the fact that processing vegetables into a frozen product is done relatively quickly
after harvest.
Vision plays an important role in food selection, and visual appearance and color
of foods is considered before taste, aroma, and texture [59]. Color is one of the more
important visual attributes in foods and can serve, for example, as an indicator of food
quality (such as the difference between a ripe yellow banana and an overripe brown
banana). In addition, different colors are known to influence taste perception [60].
The primary phytochemical pigments that impart color to foods are fat-soluble
chlorophylls, which contribute green colors, and carotenoids (e.g., lycopene,
lutein, α- and β-carotene), which impart yellow, orange, and red colors to foods.
Water-soluble compounds that contribute color include the anthocyanins (red and
blue colors), flavonoids (yellow), and betalains (red). The distinct colors provided
by these different pigments were used as the basis for the creation of a color-
coded system [61] aimed at helping consumers to increase their fruit and veg-
etable intake by including one serving from each of seven distinct color groups
each day (Table 17.1).
TABLE 17.1
Color Code Groups of Fruits and Vegetables
Color Group Phytochemical Representative Fruits and Vegetables
Red Lycopene Tomato and tomato products such as juice, soups, and
pasta sauces; pink grapefruit, watermelon, guava
Red-purple Anthocyanins Red grapes, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries,
Orange α- and β-Carotene Carrot, mango, pumpkin
Orange-yellow β-Cryptoxanthin and Tangerine, orange, pineapple, papaya
Yellow-green Lutein and zeaxanthin Spinach, avocado, kiwi, honeydew, yellow corn
Green Glucosinolates and indoles Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale
White-green Allyl sulfides Leeks, onions, garlic, chives
• Add vegetables to mixed dishes such as pasta and rice dishes and to pre-
pared soups.
• Add vegetables or fruits as an ingredient in foods such as pasta sauces, meat
loaves, omelets, smoothies, and sandwiches.
• Add vegetables to takeout foods such as Chinese or Indian dishes.
• Keep serving bowls of fruits, vegetables, and salads on the dinner table to
encourage consumption.
• Make time on the weekends to plan meals, shop, and prepare as much as
• Keep a fruit bowl on the kitchen counter and cut up vegetables in the refrig-
erator to encourage intake.
• Seek out local farmers’ markets or community-supported agriculture pro-
grams which may offer more fruit and vegetable variety at affordable prices.
• Add fresh fruit to cereals and yogurt.
• Increase variety by trying a new fruit or vegetable on a regular basis.
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2009. CDC State Indicator Report on fruits and vegetables, 2009.
nutrition/downloads/StateIndicatorReport2009.pdf (accessed on June 11, 2013).
2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture.
January 2005. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005, 6th edn. Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office.
3. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
December 2010. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, 7th edn. Washington,
DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
4. United States Department of Agriculture. (accessed on
June 10, 2013).
5. Produce for Better Health Foundation. 2010. State of the plate: 2010 study on America’s
consumption of fruits and vegetables, 2010. (accessed on
June 1, 2013).
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18 Balancing Omega-3 and
Healthy Fats and Oils
Introduction............................................................................................................. 291
Converting Dietary Fats into Tissue Lipids............................................................ 292
Converting Tissue HUFA into Receptor-Mediated Signals.................................... 295
Recognizing How Nutrients Cause Harm and What Is a Valid Surrogate..............300
Tools to Create Balanced Omega-3 and Omega-6 Acids in Tissues.......................304
Health Risk Assessment.....................................................................................304
Quantitative Link of Foods with HRA Values................................................... 305
Ways to “NIX the 6 and EAT the 3”..................................................................308
Vegetables and Fruits.........................................................................................308
Food Oils and Fats.............................................................................................308
Beans Are Legumes............................................................................................309
Unexpected Values and Other Surprises............................................................309
Key Foods for Americans...................................................................................309
Conclusions............................................................................................................. 311
Acknowledgment.................................................................................................... 311
References............................................................................................................... 311
Daily food habits can provide imbalanced nutrients in ways that impair health and
cause the signs and symptoms of many chronic diseases that health professionals
treat. Effective health care is more likely when preventing the cause rather than just
treating symptoms created by the cause. Also, it seems unethical to remove symp-
toms and create a sense of benefit while leaving the primary cause unchanged to
continue harming individuals and their future generations. This chapter considers
some chronic immune–inflammatory processes modulated by foods. The challenge
is to identify explicit molecular connections by which nutrient imbalances cause the
clinical conditions so that we can prevent the causal imbalance and maintain health.
Healthy people do not need treatments.
A complex web of signals occurs during immune–inflammatory processes as
diverse cells like neutrophils, macrophages, monocytes, lymphocytes, and eosinophils
292 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
are recruited to tissues where they participate in immune processes and create both
inflammatory and anti-inflammatory conditions. The signaling web includes over a
hundred gene-defined regulatory proteins called cytokines (including chemokines and
interleukins), which act on specific cellular receptors that activate the transcription
of genes which alter the migration, adhesion, growth, differentiation, and behavior of
the responding cells. Science can-not measure the purpose of the molecular interac-
tions involved, but it can measure how the interactions produce health-related conse-
quences and how nutrient intakes alter the outcomes. Healthy nutrition must provide
enough of the needed essential amino acids for synthesis of the cytokine-regulatory
proteins. Fortunately, most foods contain all of the essential and nonessential amino
acids needed to maintain the complex web of regulatory protein signals. As a result,
current nutrition habits permit cytokine-mediated events to proceed in a normal
balanced manner in accord with inherent gene-defined specificities.
In contrast to this situation, another aspect of healthy nutrition involves essential
omega-3 (n-3) and omega-6 (n-6) fatty acids that form bioactive lipid mediators acting
in a different web of signals that alter the immune–inflammatory cytokine-mediated
network [1]. Those lipid mediators can be present in mammalian tissues only from
nutrients that are eaten, and the relative amounts of n-3 and n-6 nutrients differ widely
among the foods that we eat. Because n-3 and n-6 fatty acids have different physi-
ological actions, food choices can create unintended consequences. This chapter will
focus on how ill-informed food choices create a balance of tissue-selective signals
that produce harmful health outcomes. People recognizing this risk can make vol-
untary food choices to create a balance that prevents the unwanted outcomes. This
chapter discusses how n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are converted
to highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) and accumulated in tissue membrane lipids
from which they are mobilized and converted into potent bioactive mediator actions.
Their different actions on cellular migration, adhesion, growth, differentiation, and
behavior have a profound impact on human physiology and pathophysiology.
For example, the balance among HUFAs accumulated in a tissue sets the stage
for creating chronic inflammatory conditions by recruiting neutrophils and macro-
phages to the site. The n-6 mediator, LTB4, is a much more potent chemotactic agent
than the n-3 mediator, LTB5 [2–4]. As a result, tissues with more n-6 HUFA than
n-3 HUFA develop more intense inflammatory conditions. In contrast, tissues that
have accumulated more n-3 HUFA than n-6 HUFA develop less harmful conditions.
Some similarities and differences in the conversion of n-3 and n-6 nutrients into
health consequences are noted in the following sections.
Sprecher shunt
FIGURE 18.1 Conversion of PUFA into HUFA. The corresponding n-3 and n-6 homologs
react similarly with the enzymes noted, making the relative abundance of substrates a major
determining factor in the relative amount of products formed. The number notations describe
the length of the carbon chain and the number of double bonds in the fatty acid.
that accumulates in the liver phospholipids and triglycerides, which are secreted into
the bloodstream carried by very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and high-density
lipoproteins (HDL).
All of the many enzyme-catalyzed steps noted have different reaction rates for
acids with different lengths of acyl chain and numbers of double bonds. However,
they have similar rates for n-3 and n-6 structures as these two types compete with
each other for binding to the catalytic site. The similar competitive action means
that the amounts of n-3 and n-6 in PUFA and HUFA of the diet are reflected in the
relative proportions of n-3 and n-6 HUFA accumulated in liver lipids. Further,
the proportions of HUFA secreted from the liver as VLDL components tend to
be reflected in the circulating plasma lipoproteins and erythrocytes as well as
other tissues following subsequent indiscriminate reactions of hydrolysis and
The earliest quantitative evidence of similar competitive metabolic actions was
provided by Mohrhauer and Holman [5,6]. They showed (Figure 18.2) how the pro-
portion of n-6 or n-3 in HUFA rises and then plateaus as dietary amounts rise from
0 to 2% of food calories (0–2 en%). In those studies, the HUFA response and the
growth of young rats had a midpoint response to dietary supply near 0.1 en% for
either n-6 linoleic or n-3 linolenic acid. Such very low levels of PUFA intake allow
the oleic acid in the tissue to compete also in elongation and desaturation processes
and to form the HUFA 20:3n-9. That competition is clearly evident in panel c, which
shows equal competition of n-6 or n-3 PUFA (with a midpoint near 0.1 en%) in
displacing the n-9 acid from accumulating in HUFA. The results also show that
294 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
n-3 as % HUFA
n-9 as % HUFA
20:4 % HUFA
50 JLR΄63
50 40
40 JLR΄63 no fat
no fat 40 30
30 C3 = 0.08en%
20 20 C6 = 0.08en%
10 C6 = 0.1 en% 10 C3 = 0.1 10
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5
(a) Dietary en% 18:2n-6 (b) Dietary en% 18:3n-3 (c) en% n-6 or n-3 PUFA
FIGURE 18.2 Similar abilities for n-3 and n-6 PUFA in forming HUFA. The graphs show
similar growth responses of rats from 27 to 100 days of age (expressed as percent of maxi-
mum) with low intakes of (a) 18:2n-6 and (b) 18:3n-3. The observed HUFA proportions in liver
lipids are compared with those predicted by a simple model of competitive substrate interac-
tions. The proportion of (c) 20:3n-9 in HUFA was less when dietary PUFA was higher. (Data
from Mohrhauer, H. and Holman, R.T., J. Lipid Res., 4, 151, 1963 [as shown in Lands, B.,
Prog. Lipid Res., 47, 77, 2008].)
5%–10% n-9 in HUFA can occur in healthy animals. This fact will be discussed in
the context of using levels of n-9 HUFA as a surrogate for clinical status.
In 1963, quantitative results with human infants also showed a midpoint near
0.1 en% for n-6 linoleic acid efficacy in preventing signs of essential fatty acid defi-
ciency, which were absent at intakes of 1 en% or above [7]. Those valuable results
can never be repeated for ethical reasons, but they showed clearly how similar the
metabolic dynamics of n-3 and n-6 acids are for rats and humans. Later, Cuthbertson
affirmed that many healthy babies had been raised on intakes of 0.5 en% linoleic
acid [8]. These quantitative results are important as we consider further what a
healthy balance of n-6 and n-3 acids might be in dietary and tissue lipids.
Over 20 years after the early reports noted, my laboratory confirmed the quan-
titative competitive relationship in rats, describing it with an empirical hyperbolic
equation [9]. The equation was then extended to predict the likely impact of dietary
PUFA and HUFA on the proportions of n-3 and n-6 in the HUFA of humans [10,11].
Twenty years after that, the empirical equation was further confirmed as it predicted
successfully the impact of dietary essential fatty acids on tissue HUFA in an analysis
of data from 34 published studies of nearly 4000 people in 92 groups from 11 dif-
ferent countries [12].
We now recognize that the wide range of blood HUFA proportions (28%–88%
n-6 in HUFA) reported for different populations worldwide [12–14] is caused pri-
marily by the wide range of ethnic food habits that occur, and different combina-
tions of familiar foods can give a wide range of values. To a first approximation, the
Healthy Fats and Oils 295
general balance of n-3 and n-6 HUFA accumulated in human tissues is influenced
more by the relative proportions of n-3 and n-6 fats in foods eaten than by any gene-
defined selective preference for n-3 or n-6 structures. There is no evidence of a gene-
determined normal balance of n-3 and n-6 HUFA being maintained in most human
tissues. Rather, each person creates (knowingly or unknowingly) a balance in tissue
HUFA and thereby lives with the consequences. In the absence of a gene-defined
normal balance, those consequences shape our sense of what would be a desirable
healthy balance.
An interesting genetic form of fatty acid desaturase activity that gives more rapid
conversion of PUFA to HUFA occurs more frequently in people of African than
European or Asian origin [15,16]. Africans with fast alleles may synthesize n-3 and
n-6 HUFA sufficient for growth and development when eating a vegetarian diet with
balanced amounts of n-3 and n-6 PUFA and no HUFA. However, when they eat
typical American foods with much more n-6 linoleic than the n-3 linolenate, they
accumulate higher proportions of n-6 arachidonate in their HUFA and have a higher
risk of diseases mediated by n-6 eicosanoids than do Americans of European or
Asian origin. The elevated risk opens a broad concern about possible harm from the
current 7–10 en% of linoleic acid in the US diet. Further concern of harm from added
linoleic acid can be viewed in the context of Cuthbertson’s conclusion that intakes of
0.5 en% seem adequate for normal human growth and development [8]. We are all
free to pick the amounts of nutrients that best serve our desire for good health, and
we must decide when enough is enough.
molecule to act only in a brief transient way. Anything slowing the rate of formation
causes fewer active molecules to act for a shorter time.
Some external events stimulate a cell and cause a rise in intracellular calcium,
which activates cellular phospholipases that hydrolyze HUFA from their major site
of accumulation, the 2-position of membrane phospholipids. As with the enzymes
mentioned previously, the phospholipases respond to chain length and number of
double bonds, but do not act appreciably differently with n-3 or n-6 structures. As a
result, the relative proportions of nonesterified n-3 and n-6 HUFA made available to
the fatty acid oxygenases reflect those in the cellular membranes.
Figure 18.3 notes that formation of LTA4 and LTA5 by 5-LO as well as LTB4
and LTB5 by LTA hydrolase occurs with no appreciable discrimination. If the BLT
receptor responded equally to the n-3 and n-6 active agents, there would be little
cPLA2 1.0
Release HUFA sPLA2 1.0
Form 1.0 0.2
bioactive GSH
FIGURE 18.3 Selective and nonselective events in eicosanoid formation and action:
(a) Leukotrienes. Release of arachidonic acid (AA) from membrane phospholipids by
cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) and soluble phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) is similar with
AA and EPA as shown by a ratio of 1.0. The 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) converts AA and EPA
similarly into hydroperoxy eicosatetraenoic acid (5-HPETE) and hydroperoxy eicosatetrae-
noic acid (5-HPETE) as well as to leukotriene A4 (LTA4) and leukotriene A5 (LTA5). Also,
LTA hydrolase (LTAH) forms LTB4 and LTB5 at similar rates. However, the receptors, BLT1
and BLT2, respond less markedly to LTB5 than LTB4 when forming intracellular signals.
Healthy Fats and Oils 297
Tissue HUFA
Phospholipid-AA (EPA)
cPLA2 1.0
Release HUFA sPLA2 1.0
FIGURE 18.3 (continued) Selective and non-selective events in eicosanoid formation and
action: (b) Prostaglandins. Cycloxygenase-1 (COX-1) and cycloxygenase-2 (COX-2) react
more slowly with EPA than AA, giving ratios of 0.1 and 0.3, respectively. Other abbreviations
are L-PGDS, lipocalin prostaglandin D synthase; H-PGDS, hematopoietic prostaglandin D
synthase; m-PGES-1, microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1; PGFS, prostaglandin F syn-
thase; PGIS, prostaglandin I synthase; TXAS, thromboxane synthase; DP, prostaglandin D
receptors (1–2); EP, prostaglandin E receptors (1–4); IP, prostaglandin I receptor; TP, throm-
boxane receptor. (Modified from Wada, M. et al., J. Biol. Chem., 282, 22254, 2007.)
of COX-1 during TXA5 formation from the n-3 EPA gives less potent platelet aggre-
gation compared to that for TXA2 from the n-6 AA [26].
Prostaglandins amplify cytokine signals and create more chemokines that recruit
more cells in a positive feedback loop that shifts a transient state of inflammation
to chronic inflammatory damage [27]. For example, PGE2 acting through the EP2
receptor activates NFkB, which induces formation of COX-2, which then produces
more PGE2 and amplifies inflammation. Also, the PGI2 signaling through the IP
receptor synergizes with the cytokine IL1β to increase expression of the CXCL7
chemokine and increase recruitment of neutrophils, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells
to inflamed sites in the vascular wall.
Rapid progress in defining important prostanoid signaling pathways has come
from use of gene knockout of specific receptors in mice to show the action of individ-
ual prostanoid mediators in acute thrombosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, brain
injury, and vascular tone [28,29]. Also, the knockout of the BLT-1-receptor prevented
elevated glucose and insulin resistance associated with inflammation in adipose tis-
sue and liver of obese mice [30]. The BLT-1-mediated activation of intracellular JNK
and NF-kB in macrophages elevates release of inflammatory cytokines CCL2 and
IL-6 and further increases the inflammatory condition that underlies the rise in some
biomarkers noted at the right of Figure 18.4.
Prostanoid receptors can be grouped by their coupled G-proteins, which con-
vert mediator binding into intracellular signals [29]. The EP1, FP, and TP recep-
tors couple to Gq, which raises intracellular Ca2+. This amplifies signaling mediated
by the prenylated proinflammatory factor Rho [29]. As a result, the proinflam-
matory action of Rho is less when statin drugs lower the availability of required
isoprenoids and when tissue HUFA have lower proportions of competing n-6 HUFA
(see Figure 18.4). The receptors also promote muscle contraction. Relaxant receptors
(DP, EP2, EP4, IP) couple to Gs and raise intracellular cAMP levels, whereas EP3
couples to Gi and lowers intracellular cAMP levels. All four different PGE recep-
tors create more intensive signals with the n-6 PGE2 compared to the n-3 PGE3
[23]. Their selective location on different cells gives a wide range of physiological
responses to stimuli as they modify intracellular signaling networks. For example,
fever during illness is mediated by a pathway of interleukin-1 inducing COX-2 that
forms PGH2, which PGES converts to PGE2 that acts on the EP3 receptor, which
activates Gi-mediated lowering of intracellular cAMP levels. Alternatively, anorexia
from illness is mediated by PGE2 acting on EP4 receptors [31]. Also, the anxiogenic
effect of repeated social defeat (subjugation or frustration) is mediated by a signaling
pathway of COX-1 forming PGH2 that PGES converts to PGE2, which then activates
an EP1 receptor which activates Gq-mediated elevation of intracellular Ca2+ [32].
As the lipid mediators operate in lipid–cytokine–chemokine cascades, they
recruit and activate leukocytes, which produce even more cytokines and chemokines
and amplify further recruitment of leukocytes in an explosive type of positive feed-
back loop [1]. Importantly, nonlinear aspects of amplification by these mediators
can create more severe consequences than anticipated from the quiet initial state of
normal tissue. The context for interpreting these consequences is considered in the
next section.
Amino acids CO2 Exercise
Fatty acids Acetyl-CoA Synthesis
Essential FA
Healthy Fats and Oils
Prenylated proteins
Insulin resistance
Elevated glucose
n-6 eicosanoids
Oxidant stress and
inflammation and
Excessive n-6 signals proliferation and
Vessel wall
impaired nitric oxide
Platelet activation
Morbidity and
Thrombosis Arrhythmia
FIGURE 18.4 Food-based problems. The role of n-3 and n-6 essential fatty acids is indicated on the left of the figure, and the flow of excess food
energy and its biomarkers are noted at the right.
300 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
diet therapy of caloric restriction and weight loss should be continued even when use
of drugs seems appropriate [37]. This gave a clear priority to preventing the disease
while treating an associated predictive sign. However, the committee also voted that
cholesterol was a causal mediator, and many people then regarded it as a valid surro-
gate for CVD. From that time, attention turned to treatments with statin drugs to lower
cholesterol, and clinicians and patients were distracted from preventing the causal
food energy imbalances. The following decades led to an obesity epidemic with little
change in the overall incidence and prevalence of CVD among Americans while bil-
lions were spent to lower blood cholesterol rather than prevent its food-based cause.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to regard CVD as a pre-
ventable disease that profoundly affects mortality, disability, and health-care costs in
the United States [38]. While major efforts continue to try to reduce the prevalence
of CVD risk factors, concern remains whether the factors being monitored are major
causal mediators (i.e., valid surrogates for CVD) or associated markers caused by an
unrecognized causal factor. After decades of effort at preventing CVD, death rates
have decreased while an unprevented cause leaves the prevalence of CVD mainly
unchanged. An estimated 82,600,000 American adults (>1 in 3) currently have one
or more types of CVD. The American Heart Association noted that CVD accounted
for 1 of every 2.9 deaths in the United States in 2007 [39]. This high prevalence
seems inappropriate for a preventable disease.
For six decades, the biomedical community has regarded eating too much energy-
dense food to be a cause of cardiovascular disease ([37], reviewed in [14]), and it rec-
ognizes elevated plasma triglycerides (triglyceridemia) as a univariant predictive risk
factor for CVD morbidity [40]. In this context, people who maintain constant body
weight metabolize most food energy to CO2 and H2O (Figure 18.4) while some of the
nutrients add to or replace cellular components during growth and repair. The basal
rate of energy use for an average adult human sitting at a desk, watching computers
or television, or driving a car is near 200 cal per 3 h [41]. This rate means that a meal
of 900 cal has many more calories than would be used in the next few hours. Without
added work and exercise to remove the extra 700 cal from the body, the liver is likely
to convert much of it to circulating VLDL, which are mostly triglycerides. That is
the way that it responds to excess circulating food energy. Eating fewer calories per
meal seems wise.
The biomarkers for excess food energy at the right side of Figure 18.4 are widely
discussed by health professionals as predictive risk factors for CVD. These factors
accompany the hydrolysis in the bloodstream of VLDL, which produces nonesterified
acids (NEFAs) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). Over the past few decades, billions
of dollars have been spent in studying LDL and the cholesterol that it carries, while
the simultaneously produced NEFA are seldom discussed. Nevertheless, the NEFAs
that always must occur whenever LDL is formed can cause transient local oxidative
inflammatory conditions [42–45] and inhibit the action of insulin [30,46]. Importantly,
the transient postprandial inflammation following every large meal may be converted
into chronic inflammatory vascular damage when amplified by excessive actions of
n-6 eicosanoids [27,30] in a type of food energy toxicity or metabolic syndrome.
Evidence from a 25-year follow-up of the pioneering Seven Countries Study
([47], reviewed in [14]) suggests that the excess postprandial food energy that
302 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
25-year CHD mortality (%)
%n-6 in HUFA
20 No. Europe–80%
10 So. Europe–60%
100 150 200 250 300 350
Serum TC (mg/dL)
FIGURE 18.5 Comparing mortality and cholesterol with different HUFA balances. The
figure is modified from Figure 13 in Reference 14 which describes results from the 25-year
follow-up of the Seven Countries Study. (From Verschuren, W.M. et al., JAMA, 274, 131,
elevates circulating cholesterol may not cause fatalities in people who maintain bal-
anced proportions of n-3 and n-6 in their tissue HUFA (Figure 18.5). In Japan, where
the average proportion of n-6 in HUFA is near 50% or lower, blood cholesterol lev-
els did not predict mortality. In fact, recent results from 173,539 Japanese men and
women showed slightly lower mortality with higher cholesterol values [48]. Further,
the low proportion of n-6 in HUFA of the Japanese has long been associated with
a much lower incidence of CVD than that in the United States [49]. Such results
suggest that blood cholesterol levels may be a less valid surrogate biomarker for
clinical endpoints than the proportions of n-3 and n-6 HUFA. Certainly, n-6 eico-
sanoids have a more established role in mediating inflammation than does choles-
terol. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease [50].
Recently, a large clinical trial named ezetimibe and simvastatin in hypercholester-
olemia enhances atherosclerosis regression (ENHANCE) lowered blood cholesterol
without lowering coronary heart disease (CHD) clinical events [51]. That prompted
public questions of whether cholesterol is a valid surrogate marker for CHD and
whether cholesterol drugs actually do any good [52–54]. Also, the Justification for the
Use of Statins in Primary Prevention: An Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin
(JUPITER) trial [55] showed that statin treatment lowered elevated levels of an acute
stress protein that is released during inflammatory conditions. It reopened public
questions of whether cholesterol or inflammation is more important in mediating
CVD morbidity and mortality. More serious attention to the maxim “Association is
not causation!” may avoid overreactions that fuel continual efforts to lower blood
cholesterol. There is no clear gene-defined level of what is normal. Well-intended
efforts to define a normal level and to lower current noncausal surrogate levels need
rigorously logical measures that indicate when enough is enough. When a tissue has
lower proportions of n-6 in HUFA, it forms less n-6 prostanoids that amplify the
Healthy Fats and Oils 303
Consumers have been provided with much fragmentary and conflicting advice
on dietary lipids [14]. For instance, imprecise advice to replace saturated fats with
unsaturated fats still remains inadequately assessed. Repeated messages from phar-
maceutical marketers and food marketers often focus on a narrow part of the health
problem without a broader context, and the partial information is often misinter-
preted by the public. During the twentieth century, Americans had a striking rise
in consumption of vegetable oils rich in n-6 fats [62]. Whether this consumption
represents a fully informed food choice needs careful review, especially by people
suffering from preventable health disorders that are amplified by n-6 mediators.
Primary prevention of the cause of a preventable food-related disease works well
when individuals make voluntary choices to prevent early nutritional imbalances
before they develop into costly health disorders [63]. Figure 18.4 shows known events
in an overall context that allows people to make better informed decisions about how
to prevent imbalances in foods they eat that are affecting their health. Healthy people
do not need to pay for treatments.
The next section examines tools with which people can inform themselves how
to find foods that increase the intake of omega-3 nutrients, decrease the intake of
omega-6 nutrients, and have fewer calories per meal to maintain a desired balance in
their physiological processes.
individual actually has at the present. Gas chromatographic analyses easily measure
the proportions of n-3 and n-6 acids in blood HUFA. The assay results are valu-
able evidence of the balance that an individual is maintaining [73,74]. Such assays
showed similar relative proportions for n-6 and n-3 HUFA in the total HUFA of
liver, plasma, serum, and red blood cells (RBC) in rats [1–5,9] and plasma, serum,
and RBCs of humans [10,73,75,76]. Despite an average 125-day lifespan of RBCs,
continual remodeling of fatty acids in phospholipids gives proportions of HUFA in
RBCs similar to those in plasma and serum HUFA [75]. These similar proportions
make possible a simple, economical, direct assay of a fingertip blood spot that does
not need time-consuming efforts to separate blood fractions [73,77]. Reporting assay
results as either % n-3 in HUFA or % n-6 in HUFA confirms values predicted from
the causal dietary PUFA and HUFA consumed. Reporting the % n-6 in HUFA keeps
attention on the diet-induced capacity to form n-6 eicosanoids, which mediate so
many undesired disease processes [64].
Of course, people want to eat different foods from day to day, and the software
prediction with each daily menu plan gives only an estimate of the direction in which
the plan would influence future HRA outcomes. The software uses rigorous quan-
titative relationships of the nutrient interactions that are described in this chapter to
help dietitians and nutritionists develop and advise healthy food combinations for
their clients. However, those nutrition professionals need fast access to information
on explicit foods to put into the plans. Also, both clients and professionals found
that planning all of the different menu plans for a week or two is an unwanted,
tedious task. Rather, people asked for a faster way to identify individual desirable or
undesirable foods when shopping and planning meals. With a context of Americans
having average HRA values near 75%–80% n-6 in HUFA, we developed an omega
3–6 balance score [81] to help people increase their intake of omega-3 nutrients and
decrease their intake of omega-6 nutrients and move their HRA values toward a
more balanced value associated with lower incidence of CVD.
KIM Report by Meal Times For Sample: 30% 30% Plan # 4 Sample: 30%
Breakfast Serving Size grams kcals Servings Short 6 Short 3 Long 6 Long 3
Milk, reduced fat, fluid, 2% milkfat, with added 1 cup 244 122 1 105 68 0 0
Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S 0.75 cup (1 NLEA 29 92 1 297 21 1 0
Blueberries, raw 50 berries 68 38 1 67 46 0 0
Lunch Serving Size grams kcals Servings Short 6 Short 3 Long 6 Long 3
Oil, olive, salad or cooking 1 tbsp 14 239 2 2133 162 0 0
Pork, fresh, loin, tenderloin, separable lean only, 3 oz 85 159 1 417 9 34 0
Lettuce, looseleaf, raw 0.5 cup, shredded 28 10 2 26 63 0 0
Mushrooms, raw 0.5 cup pieces 35 18 2 93 1 0 0
Spinach, raw 1 cup 30 7 1 7 35 0 0
Bread, cracked-wheat 1 slice 25 130 2 324 17 0 0
Lemon juice, raw 1 floz 31 8 1 0 0 0 0
Dinner Serving Size grams kcals Servings Short 6 Short 3 Long 6 Long 3
Cheese, cottage, nonfat, uncreamed, dry, large or 4 oz 113 96 1 12 5 0 0
Finfish, salmon, coho, wild, cooked, dry heat 0.5 fillet 178 247 1 100 190 39 1885
Broccoli, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 stalk, large 280 78 1 106 361 0 0
Cauliflower, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt 3 flowerets 54 12 1 27 90 0 0
Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, white 1 glass (3.5 fl oz) 103 70 1 0 0 0 0
Cheese, gouda 1 oz 28 101 1 75 112 0 0
Turnips, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt 1 cup, cubes 156 33 1 14 50 0 0
Snacks Serving Size grams kcals Servings Short 6 Short 3 Long 6 Long 3
Cheese, feta 1 oz 28 75 1 92 75 0 0
Apples, raw, with skin 1 medium (2-3/4" 138 81 1 120 25 0 0
Ice creams, chocolate 0.5 cup (4 fl oz) 66 285 2 330 198 0 0
Nuts, pine nuts, pignolia, dried 1 oz 28 80 0.5 2933 93 0 0
Total Energy Choice = 1981 kcals total mg = 7278 1619 74 1885
%Cal= 3.31% 0.74% 0.03% 0.86%
These overall choices will give
KIM notes: 30% long 6 in your body's long total
Your energy allowance is 1977 kcals
Your Weight seems OK % long 6 in long total ==>>> 47% 58% 78%
Heart attack deaths/100,000 ===>>> 50 90 200
FIGURE 18.6 Two daily menu plans prepared with KIM-2. Each plan has 21 different
familiar foods which lead to either 30% or 80% n-6 in HUFA.
Healthy Fats and Oils 307
KIM Report by Meal Times For Harold Jackson 80% Plan # 647 Harold
Breakfast Serving Size grams kcals Servings Short 6 Short 3 Long 6 Long 3
Butter, with salt 1 pat (1" sq, 1/3" 5 36 1 92 59 0 0
Milk, reduced fat, fluid, 2% milkfat, with added 1 cup 244 122 1 105 68 0 0
Applesauce, canned, unsweetened, without added 1 cup 244 105 1 29 7 0 0
Bread, cracked-wheat 1 slice 25 130 2 324 17 0 0
Lunch Serving Size grams kcals Servings Short 6 Short 3 Long 6 Long 3
Cheese, cottage, nonfat, uncreamed, dry, large or 4 oz 113 96 1 12 5 0 0
Oil, soybean, salad or cooking 1 tbsp 14 120 1 6936 925 0 0
Chicken, broilers or fryers, meat only, roasted 1 unit (yield from 1 146 277 1 2000 102 161 102
Lettuce, looseleaf, raw 0.5 cup, shredded 28 5 1 13 32 0 0
Mushrooms, raw 0.5 cup pieces 35 9 1 47 0 0 0
Spinach, raw 1 cup 30 7 1 7 35 0 0
Tomatoes, red, ripe, raw, year round average 1 medium whole 123 26 1 160 6 0 0
Corn, sweet, white, canned, whole kernel, regular 0.5 cup 128 82 1 291 9 0 0
Bread, pita, white, unenriched 1 pita, large (6-1/2" 60 165 1 307 14 0 0
Dinner Serving Size grams kcals Servings Short 6 Short 3 Long 6 Long 3
Cheese, gouda 1 oz 28 101 1 75 112 0 0
Salad dressing, mayonnaise, soybean oil, with salt 1 tbsp 14 49 0.5 2560 290 0 0
Pork, fresh, loin, tenderloin, separable lean only, 3 oz 85 159 1 417 9 34 0
Corn, sweet, yellow, frozen, kernels cut off cob, 0.5 cup 82 72 1 291 9 0 0
Crustaceans, shrimp, mixed species, cooked, 4 large 30 73 1 1353 80 18 80
Chickpeas (garbanzo beans, bengal gram), mature 1 cup 164 269 1 1825 71 0 0
Snacks Serving Size grams kcals Servings Short 6 Short 3 Long 6 Long 3
Apples, raw, with skin 1 medium (2-3/4" 138 81 1 120 25 0 0
Snacks, potato chips, plain, salted 1 oz 28 76 0.5 1698 27 0 0
Total Energy Choice = 2060 kcals total mg = 18661 1900 212 183
%Cal=8.15% 0.83% 0.09% 0.08%
These overall choices will give
KIM notes:
80% long 6 in your body's long total
Your energy allowance is 2250 kcals
Your Weight seems OK % long 6 in long total ==>>> 47% 58% 78%
Heart attack deaths/100,000 ===>>> 50 90 200
FIGURE 18.6 (continued) Two daily menu plans prepared with KIM-2. Each plan has 21
different familiar foods which lead to either 30% or 80% n-6 in HUFA.
The balance score summarizes in a single value the balance among 11 omega-3
and omega-6 essential fatty acids in a food [81]. It uses the same USDA Nutrient
Database information and expresses each essential fatty acid as mg/calorie for a
selected food. This allows the calorie-weighted average for foods eaten in a day
to equal the same en% value that is used in the rigorous overall planning software
noted earlier [80]. Whether or not a person chooses to calculate the calorie-weighted
average, the desirable or undesirable foods are quickly identified by a single omega
3–6 balance score value. Foods with more positive omega 3–6 balance food scores
will increase the predicted percent of omega-3 in tissue HUFA, whereas those with
more negative scores will increase the predicted percent of omega-6 in tissue HUFA
[81]. Obviously, a score of zero represents equal balance of the two types of com-
peting nutrients, and it is associated with a lower health risk assessment value than
occurs with typical Western diets.
308 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
18:2n-6. When these food oils are listed as a good source of omega-3, the consumer
may misinterpret the impact they will have on the HRA value. Omega 3–6 balance
scores include metabolic competition in the single assigned value for each food, and
they prevent omitting its consequence during discussion of healthy foods. The USDA
fats and oils group of 194 items has scores ranging from +263 to −84 with an average
value of −21. Consumers may find surprising values for oils they currently use, and
they may want to revise which they wish to continue using in their food repertoire.
The unweighted average score of the top 100 items is about −6, equivalent to an
HRA value of 78% n-6 in HUFA. Removing ten food items with the most nega-
tive scores gave 90 remaining items with an unweighted average of about −3. This
simple step shifted the predicted HRA value from the typical American value near
78% to the Mediterranean value near 60% [81]. Not surprisingly, the items that were
removed are not common in traditional Mediterranean foods: soybean oil, −50; may-
onnaise, −46; tub margarine, −39; microwave popcorn, −37; Italian salad dressing,
−35; potato chips, −29; stick margarine, −28; vegetable shortening, −28; peanut but-
ter, −24; tortilla chip snacks, −24. Furthermore, Mediterranean menus include some
seafood items, and there were none in the United States’ top 100 foods. If some were
added to the 90 remaining items, the resulting overall average 3–6 balance would
have an even more positive value. Explicit information on the 3–6 balance of a food
gives an easy way to practice primary prevention. No prescriptions are needed.
The Seven Countries Study started long ago to examine CVD-associated risk
factors in different countries with an awareness that Mediterranean people had a
lower incidence of CVD than did Americans and that the CVD incidence was still
lower among people in Japan. The sense that some populations were unknowingly
practicing primary prevention triggered the large epidemiological study after World
War II. While clinical investigators put much attention on associated blood choles-
terol values, subsequent reports recognized that the wide range of ethnic food habits
of different populations causes a wide range of measured blood HUFA proportions
that is associated closely with CVD mortality [13,14]. Figure 18.5 reflects those val-
ues, and Figure 18.7 shows how the average % n-6 in HUFA associates with aver-
age omega 3–6 balance scores of different ethnic diets. Values of 30%–40% n-6
in HUFA associate with traditional Japanese foods (with an average balance score
near +1); however, HRA values in Japan are rising steadily as younger generations
eat more Western foods [49,87]. In addition, the traditional Mediterranean diet is
shifting under similar influences [88], and the average balance score seems likely to
become more negative than −3 (Figure 18.7).
The diet changes illustrate how a population’s food habits change under marketing
influences and how unintended consequences can follow food decisions uninformed
FIGURE 18.7 Relating blood HRA values with food balance scores. The horizontal bars
indicate the approximate HRA values reported for different populations.
Healthy Fats and Oils 311
Health-care professionals identify many signs and symptoms that predict risk of dis-
ease and death, and they use them as targets to treat. However, primary prevention
of the need to treat requires a sharp focus on identifying and preventing explicit pre-
ventable factors that cause those signs and symptoms. Evidence supports the hypoth-
esis that a preventable imbalance between n-3 and n-6 nutrients combines with an
imbalance in the intake and use of food energy to cause harmful health conditions
in America. We have tools that help consumers convert imprecise nutrition advice
into explicit actions that make voluntary changes in their daily life. Healthy people
do not need treatments.
Dr. N. Schoene provided helpful advice in preparing this chapter.
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19 Spices and Dietary
Supplements with
Anti-Inflammatory Activity
Bharat B. Aggarwal and David Heber
Introduction............................................................................................................. 317
History of Spices..................................................................................................... 318
Turmeric and Curcuminoids................................................................................... 319
Chili and Capsaicin................................................................................................. 321
Ginger and Gingerol............................................................................................... 321
Black Pepper and Piperine...................................................................................... 322
Cinnamon and Cinnamaldehyde............................................................................. 322
Fenugreek and Parthenolide.................................................................................... 323
Homologous Structures and In Vitro Antioxidant Function of Spices.................... 323
Spices and In Vivo Inhibition of Lipid Oxidation................................................... 324
Dietary Supplements Containing Spices................................................................. 325
Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 326
References............................................................................................................... 326
Although the saying “Add spice to your life,” is highly Western, much of the Western
diet is spice-free. Similarly, some Western names of people such as Anise, Ginger,
Rosemary, Mace, Pepper, Basil, Tulsi, Sage, Jasmine, Angelica, Curry, or Chili are
also connected with spices. All this indicates Western countries have been always
fascinated by the spices. As mentioned, much of the Western diet is spice-free.
Ketchup and mustard are the primary American spices along with pepper and salt,
which may not even be a spice. In fact, while fat, salt, and sugar are used to flavor
processed foods, which are part of an obesogenic diet, it may be that spices can pro-
mote increased intakes of fruits and vegetables. There are already examples of spices
that have found their way onto the American palate. Oregano was virtually unknown
in America until American pizza was developed using oregano and tomato sauce.
The flavors and aromas of pizza are related almost exclusively to oregano. Spices can
have both direct antioxidant benefits for the diet but can also be used to substitute for
excess salt and to promote the intake of fruits and vegetables.
318 Immunonutrition: Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
A spice is edible, aromatic, and dried. It comes from a plant’s root, bark, flower,
bud, leaves, or stem. Since herbs are dried, they concentrate antioxidants, such as
the polyphenols found in fruits and vegetables, so that their antioxidant potency on a
weight basis far outstrips most fruits and vegetables.
Phenolic compounds in these plant materials are closely associated with their
antioxidant activity, which is mainly due to their redox properties and their capacity
to block the production of reactive oxygen species. More recently, their ability to
interfere with signal transduction pathways involving various transcription factors,
protein kinases, phosphatases, and other metabolic enzymes has also been demon-
strated. Volatile or aromatic antioxidants are also important. While pomegranate
has one of the greatest antioxidant potencies among fruits based on its polyphenols,
its antioxidant potency on a weight basis is outstripped by clove. Spices such as
clove contain aromatic or volatile antioxidants, which impart the flavor and aromas
characteristic of spices and add additional antioxidant potency. However, spices are
consumed in much smaller amounts than fruits or vegetables.
Consumed in the nutritional range of 500 mg to 1 g, spices can contribute signifi-
cantly to antioxidant potency of the diet and may have additional biological effects.
In addition to antioxidant potency, many spice phytonutrients have additional prop-
erties including anti-inflammatory properties, which will be the focus of this chapter.
Throughout the ancient and medieval world, spices carried a high value and were
considered so special that they formed a vital part of international trade. Spices
have been used for centuries, serving a variety of purposes in a wide variety of
cultures. They have been used as flavor agents, as colorants to add special taste
to dishes, and also as preservatives to prevent the growth of bacteria. But today,
the importance of spices has become even more evident than at any other time
throughout history.
Alexander the Great’s campaigns in Central Asia around 330 BC are often
credited with the dissemination and adoption of herbs and spices among many
cultures because they introduced Asian, Persian, Indian, and Greek cultures and
ideas [1,2]. Early records indicate that herbs and spices were used as medicines in
ancient Egypt and Asia and as food preservatives in ancient Rome and Greece [3].
Herbs and spices continued to be used during the middle ages for flavoring, food
preservation, and/or medicinal purposes [4]. In countries such as India where pov-
erty and malnutrition are unbridled, knowledge of plant-derived antioxidants and
spices could reduce the cost of health care. India has a rich history of using various
herbs, spices, and herbal components for treating various diseases [5]. It has been
believed for some time that dietary factors play a key role in the development of
some human diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Several herbs and spices
of culinary origin were included in the approved monographs, such as caraway oil
and seed, cardamom seed, cinnamon bark, cloves, coriander seed, dill seed, fennel
oil and seed, garlic, ginger root, licorice root, mint oil, onion, paprika, parsley herb
and root, peppermint leaf and oil, rosemary, sage, thyme, turmeric root, and white
mustard seed [6].
Spices and Dietary Supplements with Anti-Inflammatory Activity 319
The use of herbal medicine has skyrocketed over the last 10 years, with out-
of-pocket costs estimated at more than $5 billion in the United States alone. Most
herbal medicinals have multiple effects modulating the cardiovascular system
[7]. In the traditional Indian systems of medicine Ayurveda and Siddha, various
spices and herbs are described to possess medicinal properties, such as being anti-
thrombotic, antiatherosclerotic, hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory,
antiarthritic, etc. [8]. Because spices have very low calorie content and are relatively
inexpensive, they are reliable sources of antioxidants and other potential bioactive
compounds in the diet [9].
Spices that are primarily used in India and surrounding countries were sought for
centuries by such great explorers as Marco Polo, Vasco de Gama, and Christopher
Columbus. The spices are primarily herbs, including leaves (as in mint and cilantro),
seeds (e.g., fenugreek), barks (e.g., cinnamon), fruit (e.g., black pepper, red chili,
cardamom, mango, and pomegranate), and roots (e.g., turmeric and licorice) of
plants that have been used for centuries to preserve food, enhance its color, make it
more aromatic, and improve its taste; perhaps more importantly, the spices were used
to improve the digestive qualities and medicinal value of the food. Several of these
spices have been shown to modulate inflammatory pathways [10].
Several pilot studies have been done in human subjects with curcumin to exam-
ine its effect on obesity-related parameters. One of the first studies showed that cur-
cumin lowered blood sugar levels in diabetic patients [30]. Another study examined
the effect of curcumin in humans on the levels of HDL- and LDL-cholesterol [32].
Administration of 10 mg curcumin per day for 30 days to eight human subjects
increased HDL-cholesterol, decreased LDL-cholesterol, and increased APO A but
decreased APO B and APO A/B. The same group reported another study with cur-
cumin in human subjects with atherosclerosis [33]. In this study, 10 mg curcumin
was administered twice a day for 15 days to 16 men and 14 women. Curcumin
significantly lowered the levels of plasma fibrinogen in both men and women.
weight in rats [44]. Ginger extracts containing gingerol were found to enhance adi-
pocyte differentiation [45] and insulin-sensitive glucose uptake, thus suggesting its
potential for treating diabetes. Zingerone, another component of ginger, was found
to suppress the inflammatory responses of adipose tissue in obesity by suppressing
the inflammatory action of macrophages and release of MCP-1 from adipocytes [19].
Thus, these studies also suggest that ginger has potential in preventing obesity and
obesity-linked metabolic effects.
enzyme responsible for leukotriene production [83]. Based on IC50, their ability to
suppress 5-lipooxygenase was found to be eugenol > curcumin > cinnamaldehyde >
piperine > capsaicin.
The potentials of spices to improve human health and the tastes of healthy foods and
to counteract inflammation are all significant. Consuming spices in gram amounts
has significant effects on biological processes, and these amounts can be incorpo-
rated in the diet. Scientists in the food industry, the government, and academia must
interact to realize the full potential benefits of spices for human health.
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Level of oxidative stress
Low Intermediate High
Nrf-2 NF-κB Mitochondrial
Signaling pathway AP-1 PT pore
FIGURE 2.1 Hierarchical oxidative stress model. A low oxidative stress induces Nrf2, a
transcription factor implicated in the transactivation of gene coding for antioxidant enzymes.
An intermediate amount of ROS triggers an inflammatory response through the activation of
NF-κB and AP-1, and a high amount of oxidative stress induces perturbation of the mitochon-
drial PT pore and disruption of the electron transfer, thereby resulting in apoptosis or necro-
sis. (Adapted from Williams, M.S. and Kwon, J., J Free Radic. Biol. Med., 37, 1144, 2004.)
RIP Ubc13
γ γ Uev1A
complex α β β α
MEKK3 Ub 53
Ub 53
Ub 63
P IκBα
p50 p65
FIGURE 2.2 TNFR1 signaling. In this model of TNFR1 signaling, the IKK complex is
activated while associated with the receptor. The IKK complex is recruited to the receptor in a
TNF-α-dependent manner. This recruitment requires TRAF2 and may also involve the interac-
tion between IKKγ and RIP. TRAF2 is thought to activate the IKK complex via a ubiquitin-
dependent signaling pathway. The TRAF2/ubiquitin signaling complex may lead to the
activation of MEKK3, although this has yet to be demonstrated. RIP is also likely to play a role
in activation of the IKK complex, possibly by interacting with MEKK3 (From Yang, J. et al.,
Nat. Immunol. 2, 620, 2001.) Once activated, the IKK complex phosphorylates IκBα on serines
32 and 36, leading to its proteasome-mediated degradation. (Reprinted with permission from
Silverman, N. and Maniatis, T., Genes Dev., 15, 2321. Copyright 2001 by Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press, 2321.)
Classical pathway Alternative pathway
Ub P P
p50 p65
P P Ub
IκBα Ub
Ub P P
p50 p65 Ub p100
FIGURE 2.3 Classical and alternative pathways of NF-κB activation. Ligation of TNFR1, IL-1/TLR, TCR, and BCR induces IKK-dependent IkBα
phosphorylation on S32 and 36, which induces ubiquitination and degradation of the inhibitory protein, thus allowing NF-κB to migrate into the nucleus
and transactivate inflammatory genes (classical pathway). Upon ligation of LTbR, BAFFR or CD40 or infection by HTLV or EBV, the alternate path-
way is induced. It enhances NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK)- and IKKα-dependent processing of p100 into p52, which binds DNA in association with its
partners and stimulates genes implicated in lymphoid organ development and organogenesis. These stimuli also activate the classical pathway.
CD14 MD-2
63 Ub TRAF6
63 Ub
63 Ub TAB2 TAK1
γ γ
complex α β β α
β-T r C P
P U biq u iti n
P IκBα
p50 p65 Prote a s o m e
FIGURE 2.4 LPS signaling pathway in mammals. In this model, LPS is recognized by a
complex of three proteins: CD14, MD-2, and TLR4. TLR4 activates the intracellular signaling
cascade by recruiting MyD88 and IRAK to the membrane. IRAK associates with the recep-
tor complex transiently; once released IRAK can associate with and activate TRAF6. The
TRAF6 RING finger, in combination with Ubc13 and Uev1A, mediates the K63-extended
polyubiquitination of TRAF6 itself. The TAK1/TAB1/TAB2 complex is activated by its asso-
ciation with ubiquitinated TRAF6. Interestingly, the TAK1-associated protein TAB2 translo-
cates from the membrane fraction to the cytoplasmic fraction upon treatment with IL-1. Once
activated, the TAK1 complex phosphorylates and activates the IKK complex. The activated
IKK complex then phosphorylates IκBα, leading to its ubiquitination and degradation by the
High-fat diet High-fat diet
Low-fat diet Low ω-3 fatty acids High ω-3 fatty acids
Interleukin-10 Polyunsaturated Arginase
Arginase Saturated ω-3 fatty acids
fatty acids TNFα
ω-3 M1 macrophage
M2 macrophage Saturated
GPR120 fatty acids
(ani-inflammatory) fatty acids
M1 macrophage NFκB
(proinflammatory) JNK
FIGURE 3.2 A high-fat diet with a disproportionate ratio of saturated fatty acids to ω-3
fatty acids triggers activation of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in adipocytes and circulat-
ing immune cells. This launches an inflammatory cascade that results in the recruitment
of proinflammatory M1 macrophages, increased secretion of TNFα, and insulin resistance
in adipocytes. The addition of ω-3 fatty acids to the diet activates the G protein-coupled
receptor GPR120 on proinflammatory M1 macrophages (Oh et al., 2010), which in turn atten-
uates the inflammatory response and recruits anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages to adipose
tissue. Eventually, these M2 macrophages restore secretion of interleukin-10 and improve
insulin sensitivity. (Courtesy of A.R. Saltiel, Life Sciences Institute, Departments of Internal
Medicine and Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Michigan Medical School,
Ann Arbor, MI. With permission.)
Food intake
Weeks: 0 8 10 12 14 16
End study
HF/HS feeding
Weeks: 0 8
BxH20/K J
BXD 20/TyJ
BX A12/P J
CX A13 gnJ
Bx 11/Ty
BX A1/ K/H J
D 87/ yJ J
BX K Rww yJ
D3 Pg IJ
BXxH2 2/P
/T ww
9/T nJ
A /J
Bx D T
D4 D
B xB1
12 R
J wJ
4/ 9/T
D 10
Bx 24 Ty w
Body fat percentage
A D b 1/ 1/R iAJ
BX XB1 19 /Ty D 6
D6 0/ /Ty J 20 Bx XD 13/H nJ J
BX 0/R Pgn J B XB /Pg ww
w J C xA4 5/R J
BX A2/P wJ B D7 hiLt
BX D32/ gnJ 30 BX D/S yJ
BXD 21/ yJ T NO D15/T
BXD 43/Rw yJ
BXD 85/Rww J
w 40 C57 19a/Pg
66/R J AxB 5/RwwJ
ww BXD4 /TyJ
yJ CxB3/ByJ
129X1/SvJ BXD49/RwwJ
BxA11/PgnJ SWR/J
AKR/J AxB8 8/RwwJ
D 3 1/T J BX 13/Ty
Bx Rww BX D55/R J
62/ iLtJ Cx A24/ wwJ
BXD N/SH gnJ C B7/ PgnJ
NO xA7/ /MyJ J BX 57L/J ByJ
B A c C H
M 2/Kc acJ B 3H 6/T
H 2 /L wJ Ax XD /He yJ
Bx ZW /Rw A/J B6 40/ J
N 51 /P Ty
BX XD 86/ gnJ J
BX BxH 8/T nJ
D gn J
B D /P
CX D3 9/T yJ
D 74/ Rw
D3 /P
BX A16 /Rw wJ
BX B11 6/T yJ
84 R wJ
Bx xA8
Bx D50 4/Rw J
D7 /H yJ
/R ww
w J
9/R iA
ww J
BX D71/R wwJ
BX D48/R wJ
BxH /N
BX D56/Rw
BX 8/TyJ
AxB15 M/J
C57BL gnJ
BXD70/Rw /J
FIGURE 6.1 Natural variation in gene-by-diet interactions. (a) Schematic of study design
with indicated time points for HF/HS feeding, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), food
intake monitoring, and end of study. (b) Body fat percentage in male mice (108 strains) before
and after 8 weeks of HF/HS feeding. Error bars represent SEM.
(continued )
400 50%–100%
Body fat percentage growth
300 250%–300%
0 2 4 6 8
(c) Weeks on diet
5.0 5.0
4.5 4.5
Food intake (g/day)
Food intake (g/day)
4.0 4.0
3.5 3.5
3.0 3.0
2.5 r = 0.45 2.5 r = 0.52
p = 4.18e–33 2.0 p = 1.49e–45
20 30 40 50 60 15 20 25 30 35 40
(d) Body weight—4 weeks on diet (g) (e) Lean mass—4 weeks on diet (g)
5.0 5.0
4.5 4.5
Food intake (g/day)
4.0 4.0
3.5 3.5
3.0 3.0
2.5 2.5 r = 0.01
r = 0.18 p = 0.807
2.0 p = 4.33e–06 2.0
10 20 30 40 0 100 200 300 400
Body fat percentage— Body fat percentage
(f) 4 weeks on diet (g) growth—0–4 weeks
Other Bacteroidetes
PC1 (9.5%)
(a) (b)
Chow HF/HS
–6.0 –4.8 –3.6 –2.4 –1.2 0.0 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6.0
(c) LDA score (log 10)
FIGURE 6.2 Robust shifts in gut microbiota composition after HF/HS feeding. (a) Relative
abundances of the different phyla after chow diet and HF/HS feeding (average among 52
matched strains). (b) Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) plot of the unweighted UniFrac
distances. Each circle representing a different mice strain is colored according to the dietary
conditions. PC1, PC2, and PC3 values for each mouse sample are plotted; percent variation
explained by each PC is shown in parentheses. (c) Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) cou-
pled with effect size measurements identifies the most differentially abundant taxons between
chow and HF/HS diets. HF/HS-diet-enriched taxa are indicated with a positive LDA score
and taxa enriched in normal chow diet have a negative score. Only taxa meeting an LDA
significant threshold >2 are shown. (From Parks, B.W. et al., Cell Metab., 17, 141, 2013. With
Insulin secretion
Food intake
Energy Inflammation
expenditure Atherogenesis
FIGURE 8.3 Adipose signals influence systemic metabolism and appetite. Dysfunctional adipose tissue in obesity produces more proinflammatory
factors (e.g., FFA, SAA, IL-6) and less anti-inflammatory factors (e.g., adiponectin). These exacerbate inflammation and hence risk for metabolic dis-
eases by affecting liver, skeletal muscle, beta cells, as well as blood vessels. Insulin–glucose homeostasis becomes impaired as a result of increased
hepatic glucose output and muscle insulin resistance, and basal insulin secretion from pancreas is increased, most likely by FAs. Leptin normally regu-
lates food intake and energy expenditure through its effects on the central nervous system. Besides leptin levels are commonly elevated in the obese
state, most obese persons are resistant to the weight-reducing effects of leptin. (Reprinted from Mol Aspects Med, 34(1), Lee, M.J., Wu, Y., and Fried,
S.K., Adipose tissue heterogeneity: Implication of depot differences in adipose tissue for obesity complications, 1–11, Copyright 2013, with permission
from Elsevier.)
Fatty liver
Retroperitoneal Preperitoneal
Abdominal sc
sc deep
Gluteal sc
(femoral) sc
FIGURE 8.4 Major adipose depots in humans. Subcutaneous adipose tissues include
abdominal, femoral, and gluteal. Intraperitoneal (visceral) adipose tissues are associated
with digestive organs. Omental is attached to the stomach and mesenteric and epiploic are
associated with the intestine and colon, respectively. Retroperitoneal fat is located in the ret-
roperitoneal compartment. (Reprinted from Mol Aspects Med, 34(1), Lee, M.J., Wu, Y., and
Fried, S.K., Adipose tissue heterogeneity: Implication of depot differences in adipose tissue
for obesity complications, 1–11, Copyright 2013, with permission from Elsevier.)
Normal adiposity
energy balance
Unfavorable genotype
Maladaptive response
to stress
Muscle fat
Low muscle fat ( intracellular lipid)
FIGURE 8.5 The lipid overflow–ectopic fat model. Excess visceral fat accumulation might
be causally related to the features of insulin resistance, but might also be a marker of a dys-
functional adipose tissue being unable to appropriately store the energy excess. According
to this model, the body’s ability to cope with the surplus of calories (resulting from excess
caloric consumption, a sedentary lifestyle, or a combination of both factors) might, ultimately,
determine the individual’s susceptibility to developing metabolic syndrome. There is evi-
dence suggesting that if the extra energy is channeled into insulin-sensitive subcutaneous
adipose tissue, the individual, although in positive energy balance, will be protected against
the development of the metabolic syndrome. However, in cases in which adipose tissue is
absent, deficient, or insulin resistant with a limited ability to store the energy excess, the
triacylglycerol surplus will be deposited at undesirable sites such as the liver, the heart, the
skeletal muscle and in VAT—a phenomenon described as ectopic fat deposition. (Reprinted
by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Nature, Després, J.P. and Lemieux, I.,
Abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome, 444(14), 881–887, Copyright 2006.)
Genetically modified environmental factors
Decreased physical activity, inadequate nutrition, obesity, and infection
Signal (ROS, fatty acids, AGES, etc.)
endothelium, adipocytes
FIGURE 9.1 Innate immunity and T2DM. Cell components of the innate immune system,
such as macrophages, endothelial cells, and adipocytes detect, through pattern-recognition
receptors (PRRs), potential environmental threats to the host, which are represented by sig-
nals such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), fatty acids, and advanced glycation end products
(AGES). This process activates nuclear transcription factors, such as nuclear factor-kappa B
(NF-κB), which induce immune inflammatory genes, which in turn cause the release of cyto-
kines. These cytokines act in many cells in the body to produce the clinical and biochemical
features of type 2 diabetes and its chronic complications. APPs, acute-phase proteins; CRP,
C-reactive protein; IL, interleukin; TNF-α, tissue necrosis factor alpha; VCAM-1, vascular
cell adhesion molecule 1; ICAM-1, vascular endothelial growth factor expression of intercel-
lular adhesion molecule 1. (From Santos-Tunes, R. et al., J. Can. Dent. Assoc., 76, a35, 2010.
With permission.)
Periodontitis Diabetes mellitus/obesity
IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, PGE2, LPS Fatty acids, lipids, AGES
Nucleus NF-κB
Inflammatory markers
and mediators
Insulin resistance
FIGURE 9.2 Proposed mechanism by which periodontal inflammatory mediators may con-
tribute to the development of insulin resistance in individuals with both type 2 diabetes and
periodontitis. The inflammatory mediators originating from periodontal sources can inter-
act systemically with lipids, free fatty acids, and advanced glycation end products (AGES),
all of which are characteristic of diabetes. This interaction induces or perpetuates activa-
tion of the intracellular pathways, such as the I-kappa-B (IκB), I-kappa-B kinase-β (IKKβ),
nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κβ), and the protein c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) axes, all of
which are associated with insulin resistance. The activation of these inflammatory pathways
in immune cells (monocytes or macrophages), endothelium cells, adipocytes, hepatocytes,
and muscle cells promotes and contributes to an increase in the overall insulin resistance,
which makes it difficult to achieve metabolic control in patients with both type 2 diabetes and
periodontitis. IL, interleukin; IRS-1, insulin receptor substrate-1; LPS, lipopolysaccharide;
PGE2, prostaglandin E2; PKCs, protein kinases C; PRRs, pattern-recognition receptors;
pS302 (serine-302) and pS307 (serine-307), examples of serine sites; ROS, reactive oxygen
species; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor alpha. (From Santos-Tunes, R. et al., J. Can. Dent.
Assoc., 76, a35, 2010. With permission.)
Redox NP
Mito Endosome
PAHs Fenton ROS
Quinones reaction Mito
Cyt C
Nrf2 Cyt C Nrf2 Ca2+
HO-1, Phase II
FIGURE 14.2 Comparison of the mechanisms of ROS generation induced by UFP and NM
outside or inside of cells. Ambient UFP usually contains large amount of organic chemical
such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and quinines and transition metals such
as Fe and Cu, which can generate ROS through redox chemistry both outside and inside
of cells. UFPs have also been found to lodge in mitochondria, causing damage to mito-
chondrial function and structure, which can also produce more ROS. Cells under oxidative
stress will have tiered responses, including cell defense (tier 1), proinflammation (tier 2),
and mitochondria-mediated cell death (tier 3). Nanomaterial (NM) are uniform in size and
can also generate ROS via crystal structural defects or under UV conditions. NM are taken
up into cells via endocytosis, which includes phagocytosis, clathrin-dependent endocytosis,
caveolae-mediated endocytosis, or macropinocytosis depending on specific cell types. After
cells take up NM, endosomes are formed, and ROS can be produced via the formation of
NADPH oxidase. After a series of fusion and fission processes, endosomes will fuse with
lysosomes. NM can break loose from lysosomes and interact with other organelles such as
mitochondria, which can produce more ROS. The cells under oxidative stress will go through
tiered oxidative stress responses as described previously. (From Li, N. et al., Free Radic. Biol.
Med., 44(9), 1689, 2008.)
Proinflammatory Anti-inflammatory
FIGURE 15.1 During sepsis, there is a marked and rapid increase in circulating TNF-α,
which is followed by an increase in IL-6. In contrast, during exercise, the marked increase in
IL-6 is not preceded by elevated TNF-α. (From Pedersen, B.K. and Febbraio, M.A., Physiol.
Rev., 88, 1379, 2008. With permission from the American Physiological Society.)
P13-K p-STAT3
Increased hepatic
Contraction glucose production
during exercise
IL-6 IL-6
IL-6 IL-6
Adipose tissue
Increased lipolysis
FIGURE 15.2 Skeletal muscle expresses and releases myokines into the circulation. In
response to muscle contractions, both type I and type II muscle fibers express the myokine
IL-6, which subsequently exerts its effects both locally within the muscle (e.g., through
activation of AMPK) and—when released into the circulation—peripherally in several organs
in a hormone-like fashion. Specifically, in skeletal muscle, IL-6 acts in an autocrine or para-
crine manner to signal through a gp130Rβ/IL-6Rα homodimer, resulting in the activation
of AMP kinase and/or PI3 kinase to increase glucose uptake and fat oxidation. IL-6 is also
known to increase hepatic glucose production during exercise or lipolysis in adipose tissue.
(Modified from Pedersen, B.K. and Febbraio, M.A., Physiol. Rev., 88, 1379, 2008. With per-
mission from the American Physiological Society; Reprinted from Curr. Opin. Clin. Nutr.
Metab. Care., 10(3), Pedersen, B.K. and Fischer, C.P., Physiological roles of muscle-derived
interleukin-6 in response to exercise, 265–271, Copyright 2007, with permission from Elsevier.)
Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation
The interaction of immune function and nutrition underlies the low-grade
chronic inflammation involved in the etiology of many common obesity-
associated and age-related chronic disease conditions. This close interaction
is the genesis of the term immunonutrition, which represents a new
interdisciplinary field of nutritional and medical research. Immunonutrition:
Interactions of Diet, Genetics, and Inflammation introduces the breadth
of this field, which implicates nutrition in both immune function and in the
etiology, prevention, and treatment of common diseases influenced by
inflammation and immune imbalance, including obesity, diabetes, heart
disease, asthma, autoimmune diseases, and common forms of cancer .
The book begins by reviewing the basic mechanisms of immunity and cellular
mechanisms of cytokine activation. It discusses the effects of dietary fat
intake and changes in Western diet and lifestyle linked to inflammation. It
also describes the interaction of genetics and environment in the modulation
of immune function and inflammation and addresses exercise and skeletal
muscle as an endocrine and immune organ. The book reviews the entire
spectrum of inflammation and cancer from causation to its role in tumor
therapy. It examines abdominal obesity and metabolic diseases, interactions
between nutrition and autoimmunity in systemic lupus erythematosus and
rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammation associated with type 2 diabetes,
heart disease, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and asthma.