Descubrimiento FXR
Descubrimiento FXR
Descubrimiento FXR
4 I~eG~YPr~rHis5euG~nA~ThrAspG~uPheA~aL~uS~rG~uAsn5euPheG~yVa~uThrG~uH~sA~aA~aG~yPr~Leu
34G1yG1nAsnLeuAapLeuG1uSerTYrSerPr~TYrAs~AsnVa~G1nPhe~r~G1nVa1G1nPr~G~nI1eSer~erSerSerTyrTyr VP-RXR
184 • -- =5e~laGluCysLeuLeu~rGluIlsGln~sLysSerLysArgLe~rgLysAsnValLysCl~sAla VP-RXR
214AspG~n~rVa~AsnG~uAspSerG~uG~yAr~A~p~e~gG~Va~S~rThrThrLys~eu~sAr~G1ULysT~rG~u5eu~hr vP-PPAR
274G~PheSerA1aG~uG~uA~n~heLeuI~eL~uThrG~e~A~aThrSerHi~Va1G~nI~e~euVa~G~uPheThr~y~Ar~eu~r~ VP-VDR
304G~yPheG~n~rLeuAspHi~G~spG~n~eA~a~eu~uLy~G~y~erA~aVa~G1~et~heL~uArgSe~A~aG~uZ~ePhe VP-T3R
394~yr~Ly~AapArgG~A~a~u5y~euG~nG~Pr~LeuLeuAspVa~Le~G~LysLe~sL~I~e~rG1n~r~G~n 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
+ + + +
= q,,rmone
of FXR was fused to the yeast GAL4 DBD (GAL4-FXR). 12-
cific, as indicated by the inability of the FXR-RXR complex C 300 -
to recognize the mutated EcRE (EcREm). The hsp27- 250 - i NO Hormone
JH Ill I
EcRE consists of two imperfect core-binding sites ar- LG69
200 JH III + LG69
ranged as inverted repeats separated by 1 nt (IR-1). Ac-
cordingly, the binding of FXR-RXR was further examined 150
on an idealized IR-1 containing two consensus half-sites.
As seen in Figure 2B, the FXR-RXR complex bound coop-
eratively to the idealized IR-1, but not to a mutant IR-1 50'
containing substitutions within the half-sites (IR-lm).
Activation by Farnesoids
Figure3. HormonallyControlledActivity of FXR-RXR
We sought to determine whether FXR possessed tran-
(A)JH III activatesFXR-RXRheterodimers.CV-1cellsweretransiently
scriptional activity that could be hormonally controlled.
transfected with hsp27-EcREx 5 ,'~MTV-luciferase(1000 ng per 105
Based on the identification of an EcRE as a DNA target, cells)alone(minussign)or with expressionvectorsfor rat FXR,human
a reporter plasmid was constructed containing five copies RXRa, or both (50 ng per 10s cells). Reporteractivity was assayed
of the hsp27 response element linked to a truncated aftertreatingcellswith or without50 p.MJH Ill (cis- 10,11-epoxy-3,7,11-
mouse mammary tumor virus promoter (Yao et al., 1993). trimethyl-trans-trans-2,6-dodecadienoic acidmethylester).JH III failed
to activateFXR-RXR complexesusing the parental AMTV reporter
This reporter was cotransfected into CV-1 cells alone or construct that lackedthe EcREs (data not shown).
with expression vectors for FXR, RXR~, or both. Cotrans- (B) JH III fails to activateother nuclear receptors.The activityof the
fected cells were treated with a variety of potential ligands followingreceptor/luciferasereporterpairs was assayedin the pres-
and monitored for changes in luciferase activity. Candi- enceof 50 pM JH III or the indicatedreceptor-specificligand:Drosoph-
date ligands or activators (or both) included a variety of ila G-EcR-usp/hsp27-EcREx 5 ~MTV (1000ng per 105cells), human
RXR~dCRBPII-TK, human T3RI~/TREpx2-TK,and human RARe./
low molecular weight molecules that have been reported DR5x 2-TK. TK-reporterconstructs (300 ng per 105 cells) and CMV-
to have specific biological activity. Unexpectedly, juvenile driven receptorexpressionvectors (100 ng per 10s cells)were added
hormone III (JH III) (Moore, 1990) (50 I~M) elicited a strong as indicated.
induction (10-fold) of luciferase activity in cells expressing (C) FXR-RXR is synergisticallyactivatedby JH III and LG69. CV-1
cells weretransientlytransfectedas in (A), but treatedwithoutor with
both FXR and RXR (Figure 3A). Other potential ligands, 50 I~MJH III, 100 nM LG69, and JH III plus LG69. Datapointswere
including steroids, retroretinoids, eicosanoids, and bile normalizedfor differences in transfection efficiency and plotted as
acids, had no effect. JH III appears to be specific for the relative activity where the untreatedreporteris defined to have an
FXR-RXR~ complex, since it failed to activate EcR-usp, activity of 1 U.
RXR, T3R, or RAR (Figure 3B).
Although JH III activates FXR-RXR, it fails to activate
either FXR or RXR alone (Figures 3A and 3B). This is subsequent transcriptional activation require coexpres-
reminiscent of the Drosophila EcR, which requires RXR/ sion of EcR with RXR/usp. Thus, while the EcR-RXR/
usp for transcriptional activity (Yao et al., 1992, 1993; usp heterodimer is the physiologically active complex, the
Thomas et al., 1993). EcR itself binds ecdysteroids with ability to respond to ecdysone is determined by the EcR
low affinity (Yao et al., 1993); high affinity binding and component of the complex. Since the EcR-RXR hetero-
--28 s
KJ ~
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acid, thyroid hormone and vitamin D3 signalling. Nature 355, 446-
The authors would like to thank T. Cooke, H. Kobayashi, C. McFadden, 449.
and T. Mears for excellent technical assistance. We thank Dr. K. Umes- Koelle, M. R., Talbot, W. S., Segraves, W. A., Bender, M. T., Cherbas,
ono for providing expression vectors for VP16 fusion proteins. We P., and Hogness, D. S. (1991). The Drosophila EcR gene encodes an
thank Drs. M. Brown, M. Brownstein, D. Dixon, L. Gilbert, J. Goldstein, ecdysone receptor, a new member of the steroid receptor superfamily.
M. McKeown, H. Towle, and S. Young for valuable discussions. We Cell 67, 59-77.
also thank Dr. R. Chavez for providing farnesoic acid; Dr. T. Spencer Kulkarni, Y. S., Niwa, M., Ron, E., and Snider, B. B. (1987). Synthesis
for squalene oxide, squalene dioxide, and epoxycholesterol; Dr. R. of terpenes containing the bicyclo[3.1.1]heptane ring system by the
Heyman for LG69; Dr. L. Gilbert for reagents; M. Kricker for assistance intramolecular [2+2] cycloaddition reaction of vinylketenes with al-
with nucleotide sequence formatting; and M. Herkenharn for photo- kenes. J. Org. Chem. 52, 1568.
graphic advice. R. M. E is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medi-
cal Institute (HHMI) at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. This Kurokawa, R., Direnzo, J., Boehm, M., Sugarman, J., Gloss, B., Rosen-
work was supported by the HHMI, the National Institutes of Health feld, M. G., Heyrnan, R. A., and Glass, C. K. (1994). Regulation of
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