INS CX-Innovation Insight 9-21 WEB
INS CX-Innovation Insight 9-21 WEB
INS CX-Innovation Insight 9-21 WEB
by Bridget Johnson
A STREAMLINED, PERSONALIZED APPROACH Large insurers and insurtech providers were early adopters
TO UNDERWRITING of this technology, but organizations in the middle market
are starting to realize the benefits of investing in this tool.
Insurance often gets a bad rap for its high- Companies are deploying this technology to meet business
touch and drawn-out underwriting practices. goals, such as improving service offerings, identifying cross-
In today’s market, insureds are gravitating selling opportunities and tracking the success of a new
toward carriers who can render instantaneous product launch based on customers’ emotions. Customer
and highly personalized underwriting decisions. In order sentiment analysis also provides useful sales and marketing
to keep pace, insurers must leverage forward-thinking data outside of the direct interactions insurance companies
technological solutions. have with their customers, which typically occur infrequently,
One such solution is automation. Underwriters have such as during a claims event. Analyzing customer
traditionally had to sift through large volumes of structured sentiment is another step forward in insurers’ broader digital
and unstructured data to extract relevant information, assign transformation efforts—a robust data governance framework
risk scores and quote policies. Automation can streamline the enables them to standardize the collection and management
process by quickly lifting, interpreting and synthesizing the of disparate data sources into a “single source of truth” for
data, providing underwriters with the information they need in better decision‑making.
a format that’s easy to ingest. The way that the insurance industry interacts with its
Many insurers are going a step further and reimagining customers has been remarkably unchanged for decades, but
the underwriting process entirely. Instead of taking a one- times are changing, and the practices that have made insurers
size-fits-all approach to pricing policies based on statistical successful up to now will not be what propels them forward.
averages from historical data, these carriers are employing It is clear that the digital-first, customer-centric model is now
artificial intelligence (AI) to make future-thinking underwriting the industry standard, and the insurtech propagators of this
decisions customized to the individual policyholder. The AI trend are only rising in prominence, with their funding at an
approach to underwriting weaves together data from disparate all-time high. Now is the time for incumbent insurers to take
sources—like self-reported data, third-party databases, a page out of their playbook and invest in CX.
geospatial data and even information from wearable or smart
home devices—to form personalized risk profiles and price
policies accordingly. The result is not only faster underwriting To elevate your CX strategy through digital transformation,
decisions due to less reliance on manual underwriting please contact Bridget Johnson, senior associate in BDO’s
processes, but also sophisticated pricing that is accurate and Data Analytics practice. She can be reached at
customer-specific. [email protected].
National Insurance Practice Leader
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National Insurance Practice Leader
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Senior Associate, Data Analytics
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