Lecture - 5 HVDC Power Transmission
Lecture - 5 HVDC Power Transmission
Lecture - 5 HVDC Power Transmission
High Voltage Direct Current Transmission
1. Converter transformer
6. Control and protection system
2. Power converter
7. Electrode lead.
3. Smoothing reactor.
8. Electrode.
4. AC filter.
9. Telecontrol communication system
5. DC filter.
HVDC System Main Components
System Architecture of HVDC Systems
System Architecture of HVDC Systems
System Architecture of HVDC Systems
Conversion from AC to DC System
Types of HVDC Links
◼ Monopolar Link
◼ Monopolar link has only one conductor and return path is provided by
permanent earth or sea. The line usually operates with negative polarity
with respect to ground so as to reduce corona loss and radio interference
◼ Bipolar Link
◼ This is most widely used dc link for overhead long distance HVDC
transmission systems and also for back-to-back HVDC system. This link has
two conductors— one operating with positive polarity and the other with
negative polarity with respect to the earthed tower structure
◼ Homopolar Link
◼ A homopolar link has two or more conductors having the same polarity,
Cost of Long-Distance AC vs DC Transmission
Aljohani, T.M.; Alzahrani, A. The Operation of the GCCIA HVDC Project and Its Potential
Impacts on the Electric Power Systems of the Region.
The GCCIA HVDC Project
Aljohani, T.M.; Alzahrani, A. The Operation of the GCCIA HVDC Project and Its Potential
Impacts on the Electric Power Systems of the Region.
The GCCIA HVDC Project
• Allow us to connect to
Europe, Central Asia, and
Africa, in future.
• Allow us to sell energy as a
• Main points through Egypt,
Jordan and Yemen.
• Due to political conditions,
Tabuk-Egypt HVDC was
postponed in 2011
o Discussion returned in
o Project to receive bids