Gat BT 2018
Gat BT 2018
Gat BT 2018
(1) 1, 2 and 3
(2) 1 and 2 only
(3) 1 and 3 only
(4) 2 and 3 only
(1) enantiomers
(2) diastereomers 11. Which of the following compounds are basic?
(3) geometrical isomers
(4) identical
15. Which of the following compound(s) has/have 21. Which of the following statements regarding
plane of symmetry? enzyme catalysis is wrong?
(1) They decrease the activation barrier of the
(2) They increase the forward reaction rate
(3) They increase the reverse reaction rate
(4) They decrease the free energy change (∆G)
(1) 1, 2 and 3 (2) 4 only
between the substrate and the product
(3) 2 and 3 (4) 1, 2, 3 and 4
22. Life in a different planet has evolved to use a
16. In electrophysiology, membranes are thought to
reaction 𝑨 + 𝑩 → 𝑪. This reaction releases a lot
be capacitors. The reason why they are
of energy that sustains life. A and B are both
considered to be so is because:
naturally abundant and are found in air. What is
(1) they harbour ion channels
the nature of this reaction 𝑨 + 𝑩 → 𝑪 in nature
(2) they harbour voltage-gated channels
for life to be sustainable?
(3) there is an electric potential gradient across
(1) The reaction should be thermodynamically
the membrane
favourable but kinetically hindered
(4) they are made up of lipids
(2) The reaction should be kinetically favourable
but thermodynamically hindered
17. Which of the following amino acids can act as
(3) The reaction should be thermodynamically
general acid-base catalyst at physiological pH?
and kinetically favourable
(1) Alanine
(4) The reaction should be thermodynamically
(2) Aspartic acid
and kinetically hindered
(3) Serine
(4) Histidine
23. Secondary structure content of proteins cannot
be determined by
18. Which of the following statements is correct
(1) CD spectroscopy
regarding the entropy change during protein
(2) NMR spectroscopy
(3) X-ray crystallography
(1) Entropy of the protein chain increases while
(4) Förster resonance energy transfer based
that of the solvent decreases
fluorescence spectroscopy
(2) Entropy of the protein chain decreases while
that of the solvent increase
24. Ionic interactions inside protein cores are not
(3) Both the entropies of the protein chain and
very common. The probable reason
the solvent increase
(1) they are weaker inside the core
(4) Both the entropies of the protein chain and
(2) they are between charged residues, which are
the solvent decrease
rarely found within protein core
(3) they are between hydrophobic amino acids
19. The recombination frequency between two
(4) water is required for ionic interaction
genes on a chromosome is:
(1) more when the distance between the genes is
(2) more when the distance between the genes is
(3) not influenced by the distance between them
(4) directly proportional to the level of
73. In animals, the inability to make the pigment 78. Which of the following flows through an
melanin results in albinism, a recessive ecosystem but not as a cycle?
condition. Two unaffected parents, who have (1) Water
decided to have three children, have a first child (2) Carbon
that has albinism (genotype aa). What is the (3) Nitrogen
probability that the second and third children (4) Energy
will also have albinism?
(1) 1/4 79. The study of evolutionary relationships between
(2) 1/2 organisms is known as
(3) 1/16 (1) Phylogenetics
(4) 9/16 (2) Genetics
(3) Genomics
74. Which of the following crosses would produce a (4) Proteomics
1:1 ratio of phenotypes in the next generation?
(1) AA x AA 80. The rate of migration of the DNA fragments
(2) AA x aa through an agarose gel is determined by the
(3) Aa x Aa (1) number of nucleotides in the fragment
(4) Aa x aa (2) ratio of adenine to cytosine in the fragment
(3) hydrogen bonds between base pairs
(4) volume of the sample
85. A researcher did the following steps in an 90. Which of the following antibiotics is an inhibitor
experiment : of RNA synthesis?
I. Isolated the genomic DNA from a micro- (1) Tetracycline
organism and purified it (2) Streptomycin
II. Digested the DNA sample with 𝐇𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐈𝐈𝐈 (3) Bacitracin
restriction enzyme for overnight (4) Rifamycin
III. Performed the agarose gel electrophoresis of
91. Which of the following cannot excrete
the digested sample
hypertonic urine but can considerably reduce
IV. After electrophoresis, transferred the
water loss in urine?
separated bands to a nitrocellulose
(1) Marsupial rat (2) Camel
(3) Birds (4) Horse
V. Prepared the gene-based radioactive-probe
and hybridized with nitrocellulose membrane 92. In the genetic code, a stop codon (or
VI. Checked his result with autoradiography termination codon) is a nucleotide triplet within
Which experiment he was conducting? messenger RNA that signals a termination of
(1) Southern hybridization translation into proteins. Identify the correct
(2) Northern hybridization pairs of termination codons from the following:
(3) Western hybridization (1) UAA, UGA, UAG
(4) Subtractive hybridization (2) UAG, UUU, UGU
96. According to Chargaff's rule, the concentration 102. The equipment French press is used for
of guanine always equalled to that of the (1) high-pressure filtration
concentration of cytosine. A segment of double- (2) high-pressure cell lysis
stranded DNA has 120 adenine and 120 cytosine (3) low-pressure filtration
bases. What will be the total number of (4) low-pressure cell lysis
nucleotides present in the segment?
(1) 60 103. Which of the following is not a type of impeller
(2) 480 for agitation in a bioreactor?
(3) 120 (1) Anchor (2) Paddle
(4) 240 (3) Helical screw (4) Basket
97. Which of the following cannot be used for 104. Which of the following antibiotics inhibits
determination of enzyme kinetics constants (K m peptidyl transferase in bacterial protein
and Vmax)? synthesis?
(1) Lineweaver-Burk plot (1) Streptomycin
(2) Eadie-Hofstee plot (2) Puromycin
(3) Dixon-Scatchard plot (3) Erythromycin
(4) Hanes-Woolf plot (4) Cycloheximide
98. Which of the following statements is untrue 105. 0.1 ml of a bacterial culture is diluted into 9.9
about enzymes? ml of buffer; 0.1 ml of this dilution is again
(1) These increase the rate of reaction diluted in 9.9 ml of fresh buffer. Plating 0.1 ml
(2) These affect reaction equilibrium to make from the second dilution tube yields an
more product average of 72 colonies on the plate. What is
(3) These are proteins the cell density of the culture?
(4) These sometime require cofactors for their (1) 7.2 x 106 cells per ml
functions (2) 7.2 x 105 cells per ml
(3) 7.2 x 108 cells per ml
(4) 7.2 x 107 cells per ml
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