Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction
An organization is nothing without human resources. Employees are the most precious
asset of an organization. The performance of human being is influenced by psychological
and social factors such as family, sex, age, education, experience, job condition, welfare,
salaries etc. Job satisfaction bring benefits through improved motivation and productivity
from a work place that feels they are treated individuals and not as a commodity item.
"Job satisfaction is the set of favorable feelings with which employee view their work "It
is the positive attitude that individuals have extend towards their job. We can say that job
satisfaction is the result of employee's perception of how well they provide those things
which are viewed important Job satisfaction is very important because most of the people
spent a major portion of their life at their working place. Moreover job satisfaction has its
impact on the general life of the employees also, because a satisfied employee is a
contented and happy human being.
Job satisfaction is often determined by how outcome will meet the expectations. If the
employee working in the organization feels that they work much harder than others in the
department but are receiving lower rewards, they will be dissatisfied and have a negative
attitude towards the job, boss and the co-workers Job satisfaction is a specific subset of
attitude. Attitudes reflect to one's feelings towards individual's organization and objectives
But job satisfaction refers to one's attitude towards job. Now a days it is widely accepted
that a happy worker is a valuable asset to an organization contributing to prosperity. It is
true that man can never be fully satisfied in his life. As the employee spent much time in
their work they will be satisfied in life only if the job is satisfied.
Job satisfaction is positively related to the degree to which one's personal needs fulfilled in
the job situation Employee are most satisfied and highly
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A Study On Employment Satisfaction
productive when their job offers them security from economic strain, Recognition of their
effort, participation in decision making and managing the affairs clean definition of duties
and responsibilities, sound payment system, health and safety measures, social security,
compensation, good communication system and finally atmosphere of mutual trust and
respect. This study on job satisfaction had made me to understand that training and
development programs have a major role in job satisfaction of employee
After the working hours, many employees are so tired and mentally depressed. They are
not satisfied with their aspect of life even though it is their livelihood. Job satisfaction is
influenced by one's working environment, personal factors such as personality, age,
seniority. and organizational factor. This project was conducted among the employee of
Venture motors Mahindra to know their level of job satisfaction under condition provided.
The study is conducted to ascertain the satisfactory level of employee and also to know
the welfare facility provided to the workers. Despite the significance of employment
satisfaction, there is a lack o of comprehensive understanding regarding the factors that
contribute to employee satisfaction at Venture Motors Mahindra.The problem statement
for this study is to identify the key drivers of employment satisfaction, as well as any areas
of dissatisfaction, among employees at “ Venture Motors Mahindra”
In this connection a project entitled "A Study on Employee Satisfaction at Venture motors
Mahindra" is done to the level of satisfaction in the organization.
Job satisfaction is the extend of positive attitude that individuals have towards their jobs.
Every employee is working not only to serve the company but also for their benefits. So
the employee will be satisfied if they receive their expected benefits both in cash and kind.
If the employee
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are convinced that the organization carries about their they care about the organization's
interest in return.
Keeping Talent: Happy workers stay longer, saving hiring costs.
Better Work: Satisfied employees do their jobs well.
Healthier Workers: Job happiness means less stress and sick days.
Good Name: Happy employees attract new talent and make the company look good.
Bright Ideas: Happy workers are more likely to come up with new and creative
A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in
1.6.2 Populataion
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A Study On Employment Satisfaction
A population refers to the entire group of individuals, objects, events, or other elements
that have a characteristic or attribute of interest. The population is the target of the study,
and the goal of the research is to make inferences about the population based on a sample.
To pick employees for the study, we divide them into groups based on things like their job
or how long they've been with the company. Then, we'll randomly select people from each
group. This way, we'll get a good mix of different types of employees.
We'll aim for around 1-50 employees to participate. This number gives us enough data to
make good conclusions without taking too much time or resources
Primary sources : of data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus
happen to be original in character. Primary data has been collected using questionnaire.
Secondary sources : of data are those which has already been collected by someone and
which have already been passed through the statistical process. Secondary data has been
collected from internet, organizational record and other documents maintained in the
Data collected are converted into tables. The percentages were worked out and the analysis is
carried on simple percentage method. Analysis and the other various findings and suggestions
are made. The data is analyzed and interpreted with the help of different tools such as
percentages, tabulation and charts.
Due to time limit, the research could not be made more detailed.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
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1 Rain et al., (1991) stated that job satisfaction has a correlation with life satisfaction. People who are
satisfied with life will tend to be satisfied with the job and vice versa
2 Yankelovich Partners (1998) in their study surveyed 10,339 workers across 10 European countries,
Russia, Japan, and the United States. Researchers consistently identified the same top five key
attributes in a job: ability to balance work and personal life, work that is truly enjoyable, security for
the future, good pay or salary and enjoyable co-workers. Across the four major geographic regions
studied, importance of potential advancement and the opportunity to build skills as a way to maintain
employability and job security was emphasized by the workers.
3 Karl & Sutton (1998) found that from an employee point of view, job satisfaction is a desirable
outcome in itself. While from a managerial or organizational effectiveness point, job satisfaction is
important due to its impact on absenteeism (1) turnover, (2) and pro-social “citizenship” behaviors
such as helping coworkers, helping customers, and being more cooperative. Thus it becomes important
for the managers to understand what employees value in order to redesign jobs, reward systems, and
human resource management policies that will result in optimum job satisfaction and productivity.
4. Gohil(1999) studied on the motivation vis-à-vis job satisfaction and organizational perception of
bank employees in Saurashtra region and was confined to the officer and clerical staff of the public
sector commercial banks of the Saurashtra region. The study was conducted on 780 employees and a
significant difference was found in the average scores of job satisfaction of managerial cadre and
clerical. A significant difference was also observed between (a) academic qualification and means
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scores of job satisfaction, (b) family tension and means scores of job satisfaction, (c) family
environment and means scores of job satisfaction. The study also highlighted correlation in length of
service and mean scores of job satisfaction.
5. Ali and Akhtar (1999) studied and explored the effect which work culture has on employee
satisfaction and found that those who scored high on work culture also differed significantly on
satisfaction scale.
6. Wiggins & Bowman (2000) studied the relationship among career experience, life satisfaction, and
organizational factors for managers. The study was conducted in healthcare organizations. Nine
domains of important job skills, knowledge, and
abilities necessary for success as healthcare managers were identified in a two stage Delphi analysis of
American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) members. Cost/finance, leadership, professional
staff interactions, healthcare delivery concepts, accessibility, ethics, quality/risk management,
technology, and marketing were the nine domains.
7. Resheske (2001) examined job satisfaction among full time faculty of the College of Human
Development at Wisconsin University. Thirty-six full time faculty members were included in the
study. The results indicated that overall the faculty of the College of Human Development at UW-
Stout was satisfied with their current employment and that group cohesion does play a role in overall
job satisfaction.The study also determined that job autonomy, working with the students and fellow
colleagues and supervisors were the top three best reasons for working here. It was also concluded that
pay, having more time and assistance with meeting deadlines and having equal workloads between
colleagues were the three top priorities for improving the work environment. Harter (2002),selected
7,939 business units in 36 organizations for the sample of the study on job satisfaction sentiments and
employee engagement. The study examined aggregated employee job satisfaction sentiments and
employee engagement.
8. Schneider (2003) studied the relationships between several facets of employee satisfaction and
organizational financial (return on assets; ROA) and market performance (earnings per share; EPS).
The study included 35 organizations over a period of eight years. Significant positive relationships
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were found between attitudes concerning satisfaction with security, satisfaction with pay, and overall
job satisfaction with financial (ROA) and market performance (EPS).
10. Singh (2009) revealed a significant difference between high and low work culture groups which is
related to their satisfaction with management. The possible reason for it being the obligation towards
others produced a sense of responsibility within individuals which made them more satisfied in
comparison to low scorers on this dimension.
11. Vagh (2010) highlighted that most of the employees of Municipal Corporation of Saurashtra
Region were not satisfied. Employees of the Municipal Corporations have many questions and there is
a strong need to give the attention on solution of employees questions as and when it arises.
12. Adeniji (2011) in his study on Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff
in Some Selected Private Universities in Southwest Nigeria. The study was based on the responses
received from 293 respondents of five private Universities in the South-West Zone of Nigeria. The
results showed a positive relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction. Herzberg„s
Two-Factor theory was used as a framework for this study
13. Dev (2012) in his study on Public and Private Sector Banks found that clients of private sector
banks are more satisfied than those of public sector banks in most of the dimensions except Interest
rates and other Charges . Accessibility whereas the clients of public sector banks are more satisfied
than the clients of private sector. One area where both types of Banks are lacking the most is Customer
orientation. Performance norms have also suffered in all types of banks. It was also observed that
banks in India, especially the public sector banks need to equip themselves with the latest technology.
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14 Gurusamy&Mahendran (2013), in their study found that Salary occupy the First Rank for
determining job satisfaction compared with other major determinants. The study was conducted on 300
respondents and was limited to the automobile industries of India.
15. Rashid Saeed et al., (2014),in his study found promotion, pay, fairness and working condition to
be the key factors that contribute to employee job satisfaction. The study was conducted on 200
telecom sector employees of Pakistan. It was concluded that money and compensation play an
important role in the job satisfaction of the telecom employees of Pakistan.
Customer satisfaction plays a pivotal role in the realm of marketing, serving as a crucial metric
for gauging the degree to which a company's offerings either meet or exceed the anticipations
of its clientele. Defined succinctly, customer satisfaction represents the quantity or proportion
of customers whose experiences with a company—alongside its products or services—achieve
or surpass predetermined levels of satisfaction.
The Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) lends its support to the definitions,
objectives, and categorization of metrics presented in "Marketing Metrics," recognizing their
importance within the broader Common Language in Marketing Project. Insights drawn from a
survey targeting close to 200 marketing executives reveal that a significant majority,
approximately 71%, attest to the invaluable role that customer satisfaction metrics play in the
effective management and oversight of their operations.
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Organizations today place a heightened focus on not just attracting new customers but
also retaining their existing clientele. Measuring customer satisfaction serves as a crucial
indicator of an organization’s efficacy in delivering products and/or services to the
Furthermore, the degree of customer satisfaction can fluctuate based on the alternatives
available to the customer and the comparison of the
organization’s products with those of competitors. This underscores the relative and
subjective nature of customer satisfaction, highlighting the importance for organizations
to continuously adapt and innovate in response to evolving customer expectations and
market dynamics.
1. Encourage Face-to-Face Dealings This is the most daunting and downright scary part of
interacting with customer. If you're not used to this sort of thing it can be a pretty nerve-
wracking experience. Rest assured, though, it does get easier over time. It's important to meet
your customers face to face at least once or even twice during the course of a project.
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A Study On Employment Satisfaction
This goes without saying really. We all know how annoying it is to wait days for a response to
an email or phone call. It might not always be practical to deal with all customers' queries
within the space of a few hours, but at least email or call them back and let them know you've
received their message and you'll contact them about it as soon as possible. Even if you're not
able to solve a problem right away, let the customer know youre working on it.
the longrun. Ifa customer has a problem, what should they do? If the first option doesn't work
then what?
Should they contact different people for billing and technical enquiries? If they're not satisfied
with any aspect of your customer service, who should they tell? There's nothing more annoying
for a client than being passed from person to person, or not knowing who to turn to. So make
sure your customer service policy is present on your site and anywhere else it may be useful.
5. Attention to Detail
Have you ever received a Happy Birthday email or card from a company you were a client of?
Have you ever had a personalized sign-up confirmation email for a service that you could tell
was typed from scratch? These little niceties can be time consuming and aren't always cost
effective, but remember to do them. Even if it's as small as sending a Happy Holidays email to
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all your customers, it's something. It shows you care, it shows there are real people on the other
end of that screen or telephone; and most importantly, it makes the customer feel welcomed,
wanted and valued.
6. Anticipate Your Client's Needs & Go Out Of Your Way to Help Them Out
Sometimes this is easier said than done! However, achieving this supreme level of
understanding with your clients will do wonders for your working relationship.
7. Honor Your Promises
It's possible this is the most important point in this article. The simple message: when you
promise something, deliver. Clients don't like to be disappointed. Sometimes, something may
not get done, or you might miss deadline through no fault of your own. Projects can be late,
technology can fail and sub-contractors don't always deliver on time. In this case a quick
apology and assurance it'll be ready
ASAP wouldn't go a miss.
• It is the result of employees' perception of how well their job provided things that are
viewed as important for them.
• Job satisfaction represents several relation attitudes which are most important
characteristics of a job such as the work itself, pay, promotion opportunities, supervision
and coworkers.
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Job satisfaction is an important indicator of how employees feel about their job and a predictor
of work behavior organization, citizenship, absenteeism
Job satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship of personally variable and deviant work
behavior common research finding is that the job satisfaction is corrected with the life style this
correlation is reciprocal meaning the people who are satisfied with gives clear evidence that
dissatisfied employer in work swing satisfied workers lightly to work longer with the
The following are some of the major organizational factors influencing job satisfaction.
Salary: Pay offered by the organization is an important element determining the satisfaction
levels of the employees. Most of the studies on job satisfaction show that employees feel
satisfaction when they are paid adequate salary or wages
The following are some of the major job environment factor influencing job
Supervision: The type of supervision and supervision and the feeling of workers towards their
supervisors influence the degree of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction
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A Study On Employment Satisfaction
Co-workers: An employee is associated with the work group of ous workers is an important
factor in determining his job satisfaction. The workers derive satisfaction When the co-workers
are helpful, friendly and cooperation
Working condition: Working conditions include the organization of work and work activity,
training, health, safety and well-being. The state of these factors decide the satisfaction level of
employees in the organization.
Most of the experts consider job scope as an important factor of job satisfaction. Job scope
refers to number of task which constitute a job.
Allocation of job: Mismatch between job and employee may lead to dissatisfaction
The following are the some of the major personal factors influencing job satisfaction;
AGE: has also been found to have a major influence over the level of an employee. In some job
satisfaction studies, job satisfaction is higher with
Marital status: Marital status has an important role in deciding the job satisfaction. Most of
the studies have revealed that the married person founds dissatisfaction in his job than his
unmarried counterparts.
Health and Safety: Managing safe and healthy environment is one of the most
important environment challenge facing organizations. Good health and safety bring more
benefit that are healthy workers are more productive and can produce at a higher quality
Job nature: the main source of satisfaction is, of course, job characteristics and carried out in
correlation with working place protecting, testing that the very content of work and autonomy
by its implementation represent two most important motivation factor correlated with labor. As
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research indicated, other main components of job satisfaction are difficult job satisfaction.
Without time for landau and job giving a man one certain status. Dealing with a work load that
is far too heavy and dealing that are possible to reach can cause job satisfaction to erode for
even the most dedicated employee. Falling short of dealings in conflict between employee
supervisors and misses the stress level of the work place.
Job security: job security is the assurance that a particular employee will have their job in long
term due to low probability of losing potentially, Positive job security nature also offered has
the guaranteed security and reliable. Also, job security has a great influence in increasing job
satisfaction of its employees
where once the employee is confident about not losing the job, it will create no mental stress
where the employee has its own freedom fully concentrate better
than an employee who is in constant fear of losing a job. Although this fear can increase
motivation in certain situations, a lack of job security can be a source of distraction and result
in excess and low morale that hinders an employee's overall performance.
Payment: Monet reward are multi complex and multi satisfied job satisfaction factor. Money
not only gives people an opportunity to satisfy the primary needs, but also fosters satisfaction
of higher level needs. Those who make more money are little more satisfied than those who
make considerably less. Moreover, relatively well paid samples of individuals are only
travelling more satisfied than relatively probably paid samples (judge et, A12010) employees
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more often perceive their salary's level as are reflection of that how management estimates their
contribution to the company's activity. If employee have an opportunity to choose
independently indulgences from the whole package rendered by the
company, then they receive greater satisfaction from indulgences receivable the job in the
Working group: direct effect on job satisfaction make the very nature of work group services
for a single worker is a source of support, comfort, advice and enjoyment from the very job. A"
good "workers group fosters a giving of a greater joy and pleasure from job. On another hand,
when the opposite situation is observed, when it Is hard to get along with the people, the give
factor imposes negative impact on job satisfaction.
Welfare services: welfare include anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of
employee and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and
motivation of the employee for longer duration. Labor welfare includes various facilities,
services and amenities provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic
betterment and social status.
Use of skills and ability: everyone has skilled and ability. Some are unique aptitudes and
talents, which may include musical ability (singing, playing, an instrument, composing, and
music). Artistic skills (drawing, painting, sculpting), athletic skills (running, jumping,
throwing), or any other ability that easily and naturally, some skill and ability are used in daily
worker’s life. The company should identify which skills and ability are available in the
employee and should give opportunities for improve them.
Working condition: one more factor imposing moderate impact on job satisfaction is working
condition. If conditions are geed (e.g. Office are meat and cozy, clean and engaging), staff
could easier manage their job. If bad working condition were available ( is hot or noisy in
the office).it would be more difficult for employees to implement their work. otherwise,
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working conditions affect job satisfaction similar to working group's influence if all were
favorable around there would not be problems with job satisfaction
Management style and organization culture: it's the organization's pattern of believe,
expectations and value as in company and industry practices a major organization factor to
which new employee must be socialized is the culture of the group they are joining.
The potential benefit of improved job design are unlikely to be realized, if attention is focused
on the content of job alone equal, if not more important is the process by which design is
carried out this has led to recognition of the importance of management style and increasingly
of organization culture central to improve the quality of working life is participative open style
of management involving employer in declarations that affect them, including those related to
pay and benefit should attempt to develop a relationship of trust all members and sections of
the organization and a confident partnership approach to among trade union.
The ultimate result of job satisfaction is satisfied customer and good image for the m in the
industry and market. The following are some of the consequences
of job satisfaction. Improve productivity: There is a saying "a happy worker is a productive
workers" Job satisfaction leads to increased productivity. An employee who performance well
in his job gets both intrinsic and extrinsic reward which will improve his satisfaction. Reduced
employee turnover: High employee turnover is a disturbing and costly issue for the employers
because it disrupts normal operations, cause morale problems for the existing staff and
increases the cost involved in selection and training new staff So the employer in order to
minimize turnover should make the employees feel satisfied on their jobs
Reduced absenteeism: There is a correlation between satisfaction and absence. Workers who
are dissatisfied are more likely to take leaves. Absenteeism is high when satisfaction is low
employees who feel satisfaction would keep regular attendance. Reduced Accidents: Poor
safety practices are a negative consequence of low satisfaction level. When people are
discouraged about their jobs, they are more likely to lose their concentration on work which
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may cause accidents.. Reduced job stress: Job stress is the body's responses to any job related
factor that threatens to disturb the person's equilibrium. Prolonged stress can cause the
employee serious ailments such as hearts diseases, ulcer, blurred vision etc. job dissatisfaction
is a major source of job stress. But job satisfaction is a guards the organization and employees
from all these problems.
Job satisfaction theories have a strong overlap with explaining human motivation. The most
common and prominent theories are:
The theories are described and discussed below AMASLOW NEED HIERARCHY THEORY
Although commonly known in the human motivation literature, Maslow's needs hierarchy
theory was one of the first theories to examine the important contribution to job satisfaction.
The theory suggests that human needs from a five levels hierarchy consisting of physiological
acids, social needs, esteem need, and self-actualization needs,
Maslow's needs hierarchy was developed to explain human motivation in general However its
main tenants are applicable to the work settings and have been used to explain job satisfaction
with in an organization, financial compensation and health care are some of the benefit which
help an employee meet their basic physiological need, safety needs can manifest self through
employee's feelings. Physically safe in their work environment, as well as job security and for
have suitable company structure and policies when is satisfied.
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The employees can focus on feelings through they belong to the work place. This can come in
the form of positive relationship with colleagues and supervision in the work place, and
whether or not they feel they are a part of their firm organization. Once satisfied employee will
seek to feel as though they are valued and appreciation by their colleagues' and their
Herzberg's two factor theory or motivator hygiene theory attempts to explain satisfaction and
motivation in the workplace. This theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven
by motivation and hygiene factors.
Motivation Factor:
An enhancement of these factor will boost the satisfaction level of the workforce are:
• Achievement
• Recognition
• Work itself
• responsibility
• promotion
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Industry Profile
Mahindra & Mahindra was incorporated as Mahindra & Mohammed in 1945 by the brothers J.
C. Mahindra and K. C. Mahindra, and Malik Ghulam Muhammad in Ludhiana, Punjab to trade
steel. Following the Partition of India in 1947, Malik Ghulam Muhammad left the company
and emigrated to Pakistan, where he became the first finance minister of the new state (and
later the third Governor General in 1951). In 1948, K. C. Mahindra changed the company's
name to Mahindra & Mahindra
Building on their expertise in the steel industry, the Mahindra brothers began trading steel with
UK suppliers. They won a contract to manufacture Willys Jeeps in India and began producing
them in 1947. By 1956, the company was listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, and by 1969
the company became an exporter of utility vehicles and spare parts. Like many Indian
companies, Mahindra responded to the restrictions of the Licence Raj by expanding into other
industries. Mahindra & Mahindra created a tractor division in 1982 and a
tech division (now Tech Mahindra) in 1986. It has continued to diversify its operations through
both joint ventures and greenfield investments.
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By 1994, the group had become so diverse that it undertook a fundamental reorganization,
dividing into six Strategic Business Units: Automotive; Farm Equipment; Infrastructure; Trade
and Financial services; Information Technology; and Automotive Components (known
internally as Systech). The new managing director, Anand Mahindra, followed this
reorganization with a new logo in 2000 and the successful launch of the Mahindra Scorpio (a
wholly indigenously designed vehicle) in 2002. Along with an overhaul in production and
manufacturing methods, these changes helped make the company more competitive, and since
then the Group's reputation and revenues have risen noticeably. Currently, Mahindra &
Mahindra is one of the 20 largest companies in India. In 2009, Forbes ranked Mahindra among
the top 200 most reputable companies in the world.
In January 2011, the Mahindra Group launched a new corporate brand, Mahindra Rise, to unify
Mahindra's image across industries and geographies.
The brand positions Mahindra products and services as aspirational, supporting customers'
ambitions to 'Rise.'
In April 2012, the Mahindra Group expressed interest in purchasing the bankrupt automobile
company Saab, and placed several bids for Saab, though was outbid by Saab's new owner
National Electric Vehicle Sweden.
Community initiatives
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The Mahindra Group is extensively involved in philanthropy and volunteering. It is considered
an active participant in the Indian Corporate Social Responsibility field and received the
Pegasus Award for CSR in 2007. Mahindra engages in philanthropy primarily through the KC
Mahindra Trust, which serves as the CSR arm of the group (although many subsidiaries have
their own CSR initiatives, notably Tech Mahindra and Mahindra Satyam). Founded in 1953 by
K.C Mahindra, the trust focuses primarily on fostering literacy in India and promoting higher
learning through grants and scholarships. Mahindra operates several vocational schools as well
as the Mahindra United World College. The KC Mahindra Trust's primary project however is
Project Nanhi Kali, which targets the education of young Indian girls. [17] The foundation
currently supports the education of approximately 153,190 underprivileged girls. [18] Other
initiatives include Mahindra Hariyali (a 1 million tree planting campaign) as well as
sponsorship of the Lifeline Express, a mobile hospital train. Mahindra employees also plan and
lead their own service
projects through Mahindra's Employee Social Options Plans. In 2009, more than 35,000
employees participated.
The Mahindra Group was responsible for the creation of Mahindra United World College, a
UWC campus located in Pune.
Mahindra supports the Mahindra Excellence in Theatre Awards to recognize Indian theater
talent, the Mahindra Indo-American Film Festival, and the Mahindra Lucknow Festival. In
2011, it held the first annual Mahindra Blues Festival with guests including Buddy Guy,
Johnny Lang, and Shemekia Copeland at the Mehboob Studios in Mumbai. Mahindra partners
with the NBA and Celtic Football Club to bring grassroots basketball and football to India.
Mahindra & Mahindra Two Wheelers Division is a part of the USD 19 billion Mahindra
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Like all Mahindra companies, Mahindra & Mahindra Two Wheelers Division is guided by the
three tenets of Rise i.e., Accepting No Limits, Alternative Thinking, and Driving Positive
Change. With these three guiding principles, we have built a range of scooters and motorcycles
that offer distinctive styling, solid performance, great mileage, and superior ride quality on
tough Indian roads. Our products are also packed with many consumer-inspired, new-to-market
technological innovations such as Height Adjustable Seats,
Anti-Theft Alarms with Engine Immobilizer, Find Me Lamps, and Remote Flip Keys among
many others.
Our high-performance and innovative products are a manifestation of the strong technical
capabilities that have been developed at our highly advanced R&D Centre in Pune. It is
equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to develop world-class products. Home to several
talented engineers and designers, the Mahindra Two Wheelers R&D facility is headed by two-
wheeler experts who lead various futuristic technology and product development projects.
All our products are manufactured at our state-of-the-art manufacturing unit in Pithampur,
Madhya Pradesh.
Our products have received widespread recognition from both leading auto experts and
consumers. Our flagship motorcycle, the Mahindra Centuro has received over 11 industry and
consumer awards while our newly launched scooter, the Mahindra Gusto, has received 5
awards; in the ‘Scooter of the Year’ and ‘Innovation of the Year categories among others.
We are rapidly expanding our already significant distribution and customer service networks
across the country. We have more than 1500 touchpoints and are constantly widening our
reach. To serve our customers better, we are now operating over 200 mobile service points on
Mahindra & Mahindra Two Wheelers Division has recently acquired a 51% stake in Peugeot
Motorcycles (PMTC), part of the Euro 54 billion Peugeot S.A. (PSA) Group based in France.
PMTC, a key player in urban mobility in Europe
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for the last 116 years, is the oldest motorized two-wheeler manufacturer and offers one of the
most comprehensive ranges of scooters and mopeds, from 50cc to 400cc. Peugeot Scooters
offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of scooters and mopeds, from 50cc to 400cc,
including the successful three-wheeled scooter – Metropolis. Peugeot Scooters sells in more
than 40 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. This partnership with
Mahindra & Mahindra Two Wheelers Division will help speed up international expansion and
further build our global design and technological capabilities. Mahindra would offer access to
the Indian market, and mass market product technology while Peugeot brings a premium range,
a strong European footprint, and a globally recognized brand.
We are expanding our global footprint. And have a presence in 17 countries across South Asia,
Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. Mahindra & Mahindra Two Wheelers Division
products are as distinctive as they are thoughtful. Explore our range and discover the delight of
riding high on trust, reliability, and innovation.
The nature of business of Mahindra Motors revolves around the manufacturing, distribution,
and sale of automobiles and related products. This includes designing, producing, and
marketing a wide range of vehicles such as SUVs, trucks, electric vehicles, and two-wheelers.
Additionally, Mahindra Motors may
also provide after-sales services, spare parts, and accessories to support its customers and
maintain their vehicles.
Name Designation
R Velusamy President
Independent Director
T N Manoharan
Mahindra & Mahindra Limited acquired the business assets of Kinetic Motor Company
Limited. MTWL has partnered with Taiwan's SanyangIndustry Company (SYM) to help
develop its scooter portfolio, and with Italy-based Engines Engineering for research and
product design. Today Mahindra owns some of the renowned European two wheeler brands
like BSA and Peugeot as well.
The Mahindra Rodeo is one of the three scooters produced by Mahindra since 2009.
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Mahindra Rodeo Tachometer
Mahindra Rodeo is a 125 cc gearless power scooter and incorporates technological and design
input from Taiwan's SYM & Italy's Engines Engineering.Rodeo is supplied with telescopic
suspension. The manufacturer has also included a tachometer and a digital console
incorporating a trip meter, clock, and a USB mobile phone charger.
Mahindra Centuro is a 110cc Motorcycle manufactured in India by Mahindra Two Wheelers.
The Centuro gets a remote lock with a flip key, the remote lock uses a 96-bit secure access just
like four wheelers. The Centuro has already
created a buzz in the market with its design and features and is likely to give leaders Hero
MotoCorp, Bajaj, TVS and Honda some serious competition. The bike has been designed and
developed from the ground-up at their R&D facility
in Pune, in view of demands and much criticism received from thousands of customers in the
Mahindra has launched the BS6 Mojo in the Indian market. The Mahindra Mojo BS6 price
starts at Rs 1.99 lakh for the base variant, while the dual-tone variant retails at Rs 2.11 lakh
(both prices are ex-showroom, pan India). The new Mojo BS6 is available in four colour
options - Black Pearl, Garnet Black, Ruby Red and Red Agate.
There have been no changes made on the cosmetic front apart from the introduction of new
colours and the new motorcycle looks similar to its predecessor. The 2020 Mahindra Mojo will
be available only in the UT 300 variant, which means it will miss out on features like Pirelli
tyres, USD fork and features a single exhaust muffler.
The 295cc liquid-cooled motor on the UT 300 saw a major drop in power as it went for a
carburettor and the motor was rated at 23PS and 25.2Nm of torque. The new engine is fuel-
injected to meet the new BS6 emission norms. The Mojo BS6’s motor produces 25.7PS at
7300rpm and 25.9Nm at 6000rpm. It continues to feature a 6-speed gearbox and misses out on
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
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a slipper clutch. With respect to specifications, the Mahindra Mojo BS6 will take on the Bajaj
Dominar 250, Royal Enfield Classic 350, Jawa and the Suzuki Gixxer 250.
3.8 Competitors
The top four carmakers mainly Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai India, Mahindra & Mahindra, and Tata
Motors accounted for over 82 percent of the Indian passenger vehicle market. The main
competitors of Mahindra & Mahindra include Maruti Suzuki India, Force Motors Ltd.,
Hindustan Motors Ltd., Ashok Leyland and Tata Motors. Below are some of the parameters on
which the competitive analysis is carried out:
1.Market share:
Maruti Suzuki India is a market leader in this industry with 53% market share followed by
Mahindra and Mahindra which holds 7.3% market share. Tata Motors holds around 7% market
share in India.
2. Price to Earnings ratio:
M&M Ltd. has a PE ratio of 11.69 as compared to the industry average of 16.78 which
indicates that the company is a good option for investment. Market leader Maruti Suzuki has a
PE ratio of 37.12 which implies that it is an expensive option to invest.
3. Net profit Annual Growth YoY %:
In its peer group, Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. has shown highest net profit growth of 10.10%
as compared to its nearest competitor Maruti Suzuki which has shown growth of (2.86)%.
4. ROCE Annual %:
M&M has given ROCE of 16.86% as compared to its nearest competitor Maruti Suzuki which
has given ROCE of 21.6%.
3.9 Future prospects and growth
Mahindra Motors' future growth looks promising due to its focus on expanding its electric
vehicle lineup, increasing global market presence, innovating in technology and
sustainability,leveraging partnerships, although it must navigate challenges like fierce
competition and changing regulations.
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A Study On Employment Satisfaction
Table 4.1
Above data reveals that 32% employees 1-5 years of experience in the company 30% employees are
working in the company for 5-10 years 14% employees are working in the company for 10-15 years and
24% employees are working in the company for more than 15 years.
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
According to above data 64% respondents of employees in the organization are satisfied with the
working hours.
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According to the data majority of the employee get more opportunities to learn and grow. It is a good
sign as the majority of the employees are accepting all the opportunity that the company is provided for
their growth.
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Chart Title
The data reveals that 44% of the employee agree that the organization receives feedback. But source
says the employees never provides regular feedback about their performance.
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
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Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
Most of the employee say that the do not get updated information about the company development from
their supervisors.
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
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Here more number of the employees that the job is secured for them. According to the study the data
reveals the information that about 70% of the employee answered that they get job security.
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From the table it is clear that 70% of the workers are able to balance their work life and family life
From the table it is clear that the majority of respondents agree that, they get equal respect and quality
in says that the organization.
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TOTAL 50 100%
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
From the above table it is clear that; the majority of the are satisfied with their direct supervision in the
TABLE 4.10
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A Study On Employment Satisfaction
From this table 50% employees are partially satisfied with the working condition in the organization the
4% of employee in the organization a not satisfied.
TABLE 4.11
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A Study On Employment Satisfaction
Class room On the job Job rotation Audio and visual media
From the above table it is clear that,48% respondents agree that there is ON THE JOB training method
is adapted for training of employees.
TABLE 4.12
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
From the above table 46% of the employees agree that participation in the organization Decision
making Are good 38% employees are good participation in the decision making and 16% employees are
average participation in the decision making.
TABLE 4.13
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
the study shows that the company monitors the overall performance of the employees weekly or
TABLE 4.14
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Total 50 100%
Satisfied Highly satisfied Dissaisfied Highly disstisfied
The data shows that 64% of the employees are satisfied ,36% are highly satisfied with the internal
facilities provided by the organization.
TABLE 4.15
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Highly dissatisfied 15 30
Dissatisfied 6 12
Highly dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100%
Satisfied Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied
The data reveals that 58% of the employees are satisfied the old age pension scheme provided by the
organization and 30% employees are highly satisfied and 12% employees are dissatisfied the old age
pension scheme.
TABLE 4.16
Satisfied Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Highl satisfied
The daily reveals that 64% of the employees are highly satisfied with the medical facilities provided by
the organization and rest of the employees are satisfied.
TABLE 4.17
Most of the employee say that there is no communication gap between the superior and subordinates.
TABLE 4.18
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
Opinion No of respondents Percentage
Agree 5 10
Disagree 45 90
No comment 0 0
Total 50 100%
Majority of the employees have the opinion that their family problems do not affect their work.
TABLE 4.19
From the data is understand that large number of employees ,92% of the employees are highly satisfied
the safety measures provided by the organization. Any 8% of employees are satisfied with the safety
measures provided by the organization.
TABLE 4.20
Strongly agree Somewhat agree Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree
From this table 76% respondents agree that the responding strongly agree with the correct problem to
their satisfied in the organization. Customers is dissatisfied whether the employees are of the
1. The majority of employees at the company have relatively short to mid-range tenures,
with 32% having 1-5 years of experience and 30% with 5-10 years. However, a notable
portion of employees also have longer tenures, with 14% having 10-15 years and 24%
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
having over 15 years of experience. This suggests a diverse mix of both newer and more
seasoned employees contributing to the company's workforce.
2.A significant majority, 64% of respondents, are satisfied with their working hours,
suggesting that the company has effective work-time policies.
3.The majority of employees feel that the company offers ample opportunities for
learning and growth, indicating a positive environment for professional development.
4. While 44% of employees acknowledge the receipt of feedback, there is an indication
that regular feedback mechanisms may not be fully utilized or effective.
5.A notable number of employees feel they are not adequately informed about company
developments by their supervisors, pointing to a potential area for improvement in
internal communication.
6.A high level of job security is reported by about 70% of employees, indicating stable
employment conditions within the company.
7. A strong majority (70%) can balance work with personal life well, suggesting
favorable working conditions and policies.
8.The majority feel respected and treated equally, reflecting positively on the company’s
culture and ethical standards.
9. Indicates that most employees are satisfied with their direct supervisors, suggesting
effective leadership and management practices.
10.Half of the employees are only partially satisfied with their working conditions, with
a small percentage being dissatisfied, highlighting an area for improvement.
11. Nearly half of the respondents value the on-the-job training method, indicating it as a
beneficial tool for skill development.
12.A positive attitude towards participation in decision-making, with a majority feeling
their participation is good or average, enhancing employee engagement and sense
Indicates the company actively monitors employee performance, which can help in
identifying areas for growth and improvement.
13.The company conducts regular performance evaluations of its employees either
weekly or monthly, ensuring ongoing feedback and development.
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
14. A total of 100% of employees feel positive about the internal facilities, with 64%
satisfied and 36% highly satisfied.
15. Mixed feelings about the pension scheme, with a majority satisfied, but a noticeable
portion is dissatisfied, pointing to potential areas for review and enhancement.
16. .High satisfaction with medical facilities, indicating strong support for employee
health and well-being.
17.. The absence of a communication gap between different levels of staff, suggesting
effective communication channels within the organization.
18. Most employees believe that personal issues do not negatively impact their work,
indicating a good support system and/or work-life balance.
19. A high percentage of respondents agree that problems are correctly addressed,
impacting customer satisfaction positively. This suggests effective problem-solving
mechanisms that contribute to overall organizational performance.
20. 76% of employees are satisfied with how problems are resolved in their organization,
indicating strong internal problem-solving mechanisms.
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1.The organization should conduct more efficient training program for the employees
2. The management should be ready to give promotion for the employees
3.The supervisors or the superiors must give the constant feedback to the employees
4.Maintain good communication system within the company
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Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
Dear Sir/Madam
We are 6" Semester BCom marketing students of MES To Abdulla Memorial College
kunnukara Aluva, as part of our project work entitled with a study on STUDY ON EMPLOYEE JOB
SATISFACTION AT VENTURE MOTORS MAHINDRA. So we request you to give us your valuable
feedback on questionnaire. The information will be kept confidential and used for academic purpose only.
Thanking You
a) 1-5 year
b) 5-10 year
c) 10-15 year
d) Above 15 year
a) Satisfied
b) Strongly satisfied
c) Dissatisfied
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
d) Strongly dissatisfied
a) Yes
b) No
a) Always
b) Often
c) Sometime
5.Whether your supervisor gives your update information in regarding with the organization?
a) Yes
b) No
a) Agree
b) Strongly agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree
7. Whether you are able to maintain a good balance between your work life and your family life?
a) Agree
b) Strongly agree
c) Disagree
d) No comments
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
8. Whether you are treated equally with respect.?
a) Yes
b) No
a) Yes
b) No
a) Fully satisfied
b) Partially satisfied
c) Not satisfied
a) Class room
b) On-the-job
c) Job rotation
a) Fully satisfied
b) Partially satisfied
c) Not satisfied
13.On what frequency does the company monitors / review your overall performance.
a) Daily
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
b) Weekly
d) Yearly
14.Are you satisfied with the internal facilities provided by the organization?
a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Highly dissatisfied
d) Dissatisfied
15. Satisfied with the old age pension scheme provided by the organization.
a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c)Highly dissatisfied
d) dissatisfied
16. Are you satisfied with the medical facilities provided by the organization?
a) highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c)Highly dissatisfied
d) Dissatisfied
17. Do you experience communication gap between you and your supervisor
a) Yes
b) No
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara
A Study On Employment Satisfaction
18.Do you think that family problems affected your work?
a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) No comment
19. Are you satisfied with the safety measures provided by the organization?
a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c)Highly dissatisfied
d) Dissatisfied
20. When a customer is dissatisfied, I can usually correct the problem to their satisfaction?
a) Strongly
b) Somewhat strongly
e) Strongly disagree
d) Somewhat disagree
Mes To Abdulla Memorial College Kunnukara