Chapter 19 Notes
Chapter 19 Notes
Chapter 19 Notes
Properties of Magnets:
1. Like poles repel, unlike poles attract-When you place two pieces of magnets together, they either attract or
repel each other.
2. Rest in North–South Direction - A freely suspended magnet comes to rest in the north-south direction. At
the equator, the north seeking side of the magnet will point towards Earth’s geographic North Pole, hence it is
called the north pole. Likewise, the south seeking end of the magnet is called the south pole. A good example
of this effect is the needle on a compass
3. Have Two Poles- The magnetic north and south poles of a magnet always occur in pairs. When a magnet is
broken or divided into two, it will result in two smaller pieces of magnets with both a north and a south pole
4. Attract Magnetic Materials - Besides magnetic attractions between magnets, attraction can also take place
between a magnet and an object that is made of an unmagnetized magnetic material. However, repulsion can
occur only between two magnets. We can only confirm that an object is a magnet if it repels another magnet.
What gives rise to magnetic properties?
Magnets are made up of atoms. At the subatomic level, electrons circulate around the atomic nuclei
and spin about their own axes. These movements give rise to an atomic magnet, which is a tiny magnet of
subatomic dimensions. The magnetic domain theory is used to explain why some materials are magnetized
and others are not. The theory states that there are regions called domains in which the atomic magnets are
When two bar magnets are joined together, the overall strength of the combined magnet:
-is stronger than that of one bar magnet; and
-is weaker than the sum of the strength of both magnets.
The edges of the magnets that are in contact with each other are now one magnet away from the other
edge of the magnet. Thus, the field strength is weaker than the sum of the field strength of both magnets.
Induced Magnetism
It is observed that a steel nail retains some magnetism when it is previously stuck to a magnet for a
long time. This process is known as proximity induced magnetism. Proximity induced magnetism can take place
when a magnetic material is in contact or proximity to a strong magnet. Only materials that can be attracted by
a magnet can be magnetized.
Induction, or induced magnetism, can take place when a magnetic material is placed close to a strong magnet
or within a current-carrying solenoid.
A magnetic field is a region in which the force of magnetism acts. By placing a magnetic material, such as an
iron rod, inside the current-carrying solenoid, the magnetic material becomes a magnet
It is possible to demagnetize a magnet. This process of demagnetization can be achieved by: placing
the magnet in the east-west direction; and hitting or heating the magnet. Placing the magnet in the east-
west direction minimizes the influence of the Earth's magnetic field during the demagnetization process.
Similarly, dropping a magnet multiple times on a hard surface also causes the magnet to lose its magnetism.
Temporary and Permanent Magnets
Temporary magnets are magnets that retain their magnetism in the presence of an electric current or a
permanent magnetic field.
Permanent magnets do not require the presence of an electric current or a permanent magnetic field to retain
their magnetism.
Magnets are temporary or permanent depending on the materials they are made of. There are two
types of ferromagnetic materials, soft and hard magnetic materials. The terms “soft” and “hard” refer to the
material’s ability to become magnetized and remain magnetized
Magnetic field
These magnetic field lines also connect the opposite sides of the poles and are present within the magnet.
Magnets create these spatial magnetic fields, and the magnetic field lines are a visual tool used to represent
magnetic fields. From the observations of the iron filings, some characteristics of magnetic field lines are as
+The magnetic field lines never cross one another.
+The magnetic field lines are continuous and they form closed loops. +The distance between the magnetic
field lines represents the strength of the magnetic field. The closer the lines, the stronger the magnetic field.