Dual Simplex Method
Dual Simplex Method
Dual Simplex Method
Paramjeet Sangwan
Assistant Professor
The Dual Problem: Minimization with problem
constraints of the form ≥
• Linear programming problems exist in pairs. That is in
linear programming problem, every maximization
problem is associated with a minimization problem.
Conversely, associated with every minimization problem
is a maximization problem. Once we have a problem
with its objective function as maximization, we can write
by using duality relationship of linear programming
problems, its minimization version. The original linear
programming problem is known as primal problem, and
the derived problem is known as dual problem.
To start the dual Simplex method, the
following three conditions are to be met:
1. The objective function must satisfy
the optimality conditions of the
regular Simplex method.
2. All the constraints must be of the
type .
3. All variables should be 0.
(Note: As in the simplex method, we must
have an identity matrix in the constraint
matrix; however, the RHS constants bi
need NOT be 0.)
In any iteration, we first decide the “leaving” variable and then decide which
variable should enter (the basis).
The leaving variable, xi, is the basic variable having the most negative value (i.e.
in the Simplex tableau, the corresponding constraint row has the most negative
RHS). Ties are broken arbitrarily. If all the basic variables are 0, the algorithm
ends and we have obtained the optimal solution.
The dual problem uses exactly the same parameters as the
primal problem, but in different locations. To highlight the
comparison, now look at these same two problems in
matrix notation.
Primal Problem Dual Problem
Minimize Z=cx Maximize W=yb
z 4 x1 2 x2
subject to x1 x2 1
3x1 x2 2
Note this !
x1 , x2 0
That is subject to
x1 x2 1
x1 x2 1
3x1 x2 2
x1 , x2 0
Adding slack variables, the problem becomes
Minimize z 4 x1 2 x2 0s1 0s2 0s3
subject to x1 x2 s1 1
x1 x2 s2 1
3x1 x2 s3 2
x1 , x2 , s1 , s2 , s3 0
Since all the objective coefficients are 0 and the
problem is minimization, optimality is met. We start
the solution by writing the Simplex tableau.
Primal Dual
(a) Maximize. Minimize
(b) Objective Function. Right hand side.
(c) Right hand side. Objective function.
(d) i th row of input-output i th column of input output
coefficients. coefficients.
(e) j th column of input-output j the row of input-output
coefficients. coefficients.
Solution of Minimization Problems