English P1 TG

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Teacher’s Guide One


© 2023 Rwanda Basic Education Board

All rights reserved.

This book is a property of the Government of Rwanda. Credit

should be given to REB when the source of this book is quoted.
Dear teacher,
Rwanda Basic Education Board is honoured to present English language
teacher’s guide Book 1 which serves as a guide to competence-based teaching
and learning to ensure consistency and coherency in the learning of the English
language subject. The Rwandan educational philosophy is to ensure that pupils
achieve full potential at every level of education which will prepare them to be
well integrated in society and exploit employment opportunities.
In line with efforts to improve the quality of education, the government of
Rwanda emphasizes the importance of aligning teaching and learning materials
with the syllabus to facilitate their learning process. Many factors influence what
they learn, how well they learn and the competences they acquire. Those factors
include the relevance of the specific content, the quality of teachers’ pedagogical
approaches, the assessment strategies and the instructional materials available.
Special attention was paid to the activities that facilitate the learning process
in which pupils can develop ideas and make new discoveries during concrete
activities carried out individually or with peers. With the help of the teachers,
pupils will gain appropriate language skills and be able to apply what they have
learnt in real life situations, especially teaching practices. Hence, they will be
able to develop certain values and attitudes allowing them to make a difference
not only to their own life but also to the nation.
This is in contrast to traditional learning theories which view learning mainly as a
process of acquiring knowledge from the more knowledgeable who is mostly the
teacher. In competence-based curriculum, learning is considered as a process of
active building and developing of knowledge and understanding, skills and values
and attitude by the pupils’ where concepts are mainly introduced by an activity,
situation or scenario that helps the pupils’ to construct knowledge, develop
skills and acquire positive attitudes and values. In addition, such active learning
engages pupils in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing and
they are encouraged to bring their own real experiences and knowledge into the
learning processes. In view of this, your role is to: Plan your lessons and prepare
appropriate teaching materials.
• Organize group discussions for pupils considering the importance of social
constructivism suggesting that learning occurs more effectively when the
pupils work collaboratively with more knowledgeable and experienced
Engage pupils through active learning methods such as inquiry methods,
group discussions, research, investigative activities, group and individual work

Provide supervised opportunities for pupils to develop different competences by
giving tasks which enhance critical thinking, problem solving, research, creativity
and innovation, communication and cooperation.
• Support and facilitate the learning process by valuing pupils contributions
in the class activities.
• Guide pupils towards the harmonization of their findings.
• Encourage individual, peer and group evaluation of the work done in the
classroom and use appropriate competence-based assessment approaches
and methods.
Even though this teacher’s guide contains the answers for all activities given in
the pupils’ book, you are requested to work through each question and activity
before judging pupils’ findings. I wish to sincerely appreciate all people who
contributed towards the development of this teacher’s guide, particularly REB
staff who organized the whole process from its inception. Special appreciation
goes to the teachers who supported the exercise throughout. Any comment or
contribution would be welcome to the improvement of this text book for the
next versions.


Director General of REB

I wish to express my appreciation to all the people who played a major role in the
development of this English language Teacher’s Guide for P1. It would not have
been successful without active participation of different education stakeholders.
I owe gratitude to different schools in Rwanda that allowed their staff to work
with REB in the in-house Teachers’ Guide production project. I wish to extend
my sincere gratitude to, teachers and all other individuals whose efforts in one
way or the other contributed to the success in the writing of this textbook.
Finally, my word of gratitude goes to the Rwanda Basic Education Board staff
particularly those from the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
Resources (CTLR) who were involved in the whole process of writing.

Head of Department CTLR

Table of Contents
FOREWORD .......................................................................................................iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.................................................................................... v
Content Map......................................................................................................... 1
SAMPLE SCHEME OF WORK.......................................................................16
Sample lesson plan..........................................................................................18
UNT1: Welcome to the classroom........................................................................ 21
1.1. Greeting people........................................................................................... 22
1.2. Introducing myself....................................................................................... 22
1.3. Introducing others........................................................................................ 22
1.4. Instructions.................................................................................................... 23
1.5. What are they saying?................................................................................ 23
1.6. Sounds and spellings................................................................................. 24
1.7 End unit assessment.................................................................................... 24
UNT2: Classroom objects...................................................................................... 25
2.1. What is this? What is that? What are these? What are those?...... 26
2.2. Talking about possessions ....................................................................... 27
2.3. Introducing colours. .................................................................................. 27
2.4. Sounds and spellings................................................................................. 28
2.5. End unit assessment................................................................................... 28
UNT3: People at home and school....................................................................... 29
3.1. My family........................................................................................................ 30
3.2. My school...................................................................................................... 31
3.3. People at school.......................................................................................... 31
3.4. Sounds and spellings................................................................................. 32
3.5. End of unit assessment.............................................................................. 32
UNT4: Clothes and parts of my body................................................................... 33
4.1. Parts of my body.......................................................................................... 34
4.2. Clothes that we wear.................................................................................. 35
4.3. Sounds and spellings................................................................................. 36
4.4. End of unit assessment.............................................................................. 36

UNT5: Likes and dislikes......................................................................................... 37
5.1. The food we eat........................................................................................... 38
5.2. Sounds and spellings. ............................................................................... 40
5.3. End of unit assessment. ............................................................................ 40
UNT6: Classroom objects and personal belongings........................................ 41
6.1. Identifying places......................................................................................... 42
6.2. How many?................................................................................................... 42
6.3. Yes or No....................................................................................................... 43
6.4. Whose book is this?................................................................................... 43
6.5. Sounds and spellings................................................................................. 44
6.6. End of unit assessment.............................................................................. 44
UNT7: Home.............................................................................................................. 45
7.1. Different rooms in our house..................................................................... 46
7.2. Sounds and spellings................................................................................. 48
7.3. End unit assessment................................................................................... 48
UNT8: Domestic animals......................................................................................... 49
8.1. Animals at home. ........................................................................................ 50
8.2. Food that animals eat at home................................................................. 50
8.3. My favourite animal...................................................................................... 51
8.4. Animal sounds.............................................................................................. 51
8.5. Sounds and spellings. ............................................................................... 52
8.6. End of unit assessment.............................................................................. 52
UNT9: What we do every day................................................................................ 53
9.1. What do you do in the morning?............................................................. 54
9.2. What time is it?............................................................................................ 54
9.3. Activity 5: Read the poem......................................................................... 54
9.4 End unit assessment.................................................................................... 55
UNT10: Storytelling.................................................................................................. 56
10.1. Story time.................................................................................................... 56
10.2. Sounds and spelling................................................................................. 57
10.3. End of unit assessment............................................................................ 57

Unit 1: Welcome to the classroom
Number of periods 29
Introductory Activity. Naming people and objects from picture boxes.
Learning outcomes Use language learnt to greet people.
Use language learnt to introduce oneself and
Use language learnt to listen to and follow
Classroom organization Whole class, pair and group work and individual
Teaching/Learning material Pictures, model, wall charts, real materials, text
Learning activities practised Listen and repeat
Look and speak
Listen and respond to words, sentences, stories,
songs, nursery rhymes, poems and sounds
about greetings.
Greet people in the class and respond to
Role-play greetings.
Pupils to practise greeting each other.
Respond to instructions/commands: clap,
listen, look, and pupils imitate and say the
Match pictures with spoken words and phrases.
Listen to the sounds and words and repeat.
Competences practised Cooperation.
Interpersonal management and life skills.
Communication skills.
Language My, Your, His, Her, Their
This is / That is/ These are/ What is/ What are/
Who I am / He is / She is

Vocabulary acquisition Name, good, morning, afternoon, evening, is,
are, teacher, pupil, desk, pen, ball, boy, girl.
Numeracy -
Study skills Listen and respond.
Read and write.
Recognize and pronounce English words.
Assessment Ability to greet people, introduce self and
others. Tell own and other’s names.
Ability to identify some classroom objects.

Unit 2: Classroom objects

Number of periods 29
Introductory Activity Naming classroom objects.
Learning outcomes Use language learnt to name classroom objects.
Ability to recognize the use of plurals.
Ability to list words for colours and classroom
Use of colours to identify classroom objects.
Listen to items read out to them and show
understanding by drawing/colouring them.
Classroom organization Whole class, pair and group work and individual
Teaching/Learning Pictures, modals, wall charts, real materials, text
material books, coloured pencils.
Learning activities Role-play dialogue using classroom objects and
practised possessions.
Classify different object in the classroom based on
Listen to, repeat and respond to words, nursery rhymes
and sounds about classroom objects.
Play odd one out.
Match the colour with the names.
Draw the rainbow and say the colours.
Draw, colour, and label classroom objects.
Draw vertical and horizontal lines.
Draw and colour rectangle, square and circle shapes.

Competences practised Interpersonal management and life skills.
Role play.
Communication skills.
Language This, that, singular, plural and Article “A”
Vocabulary acquisition Different classroom objects and colours.
Study skills Recognizing and use high frequency words like
“This is” “It is” and “That is” in speaking and
Active listening and responding.
Reading and understanding.
Hearing, recognizing and memorizing the words.
Listen to items, read out to them and show
understanding by drawing/colouring them.
Describe possessions using colours.
Assessment Identifying, naming and describing classroom
Recognizing and use high frequency words like
“This is” “It is” and “That is” in speaking and
Identifying and naming different colours.
Using colours to describe different objects.
Unit 3: People at home and school
Number of periods 29
Introductory activity. Talking and naming people at home and school.
Counting and writing numbers in words.
Learning outcomes Use language learnt to name people at home and
Use language learnt to name the titles of people at

Classroom organization Whole class, pair and group work and individual
Teaching/Learning Charts, picture, family photographs, drawings,
materials drawing paper and papers, text books, pencils and
coloured pencils.

Activities Listen to a short, simple dialogue about people at
home and school.
Discuss pictures of family members.
Draw and write the names of family members.
Competences practised Interpersonal management and life skills.
Communication skills.
Language How old are you? Who is this?
This is……
This is my/our……..
Vocabulary acquisition The names of family members and the people at
Numeracy Count 1 – 10
Study skills Recognize and pronounce some high frequency
words like “How old” “Who is this?”
Point to and name a family relationship.
Listen and read the names of family relationship.
Listen and read the names of people at school.
Write names of family members and people at
Assessment Identifying, naming and describing people at home
and school.
Counting and writing numbers in words.
Recognizing and use high frequency words like
“How old” “Who is this?” in speaking and writing.

Unit 4: Clothes and body parts

Number of periods 29
Introductory activity Identify and name body parts and cloths.
Learning outcomes Use language learnt to name of body parts.
Use the language learnt to na.me of clothes
Classroom organization Whole class, group work and individual work.
Teaching/Learning Charts with body parts and clothes, pictures,
materials cloths, drawings, drawing papers.

Learning activities Name body parts and clothes.
Match pictures with body parts names or names
of clothes.
Draw body parts or clothes and name them.
Listen and respond to words and stories.
Sing songs about body parts.
Play games about body parts.
In pairs and groups, ask about and name body
parts and clothes.
Fill in simple, short gap-filling sentences.
Competences practised Cooperation
Interpersonal management and life skills.
Communication skills.
Language My name is / I am Who is this? This is…..
This is my…../ These are…..
He/She is wearing…..
Vocabulary acquisition The name of body parts.
The name of clothes and colours.
Study skills Describe and name the parts of the body.
Describe and name clothes and their colours
Read and write names of the body parts and
Assessment Identifying and naming body parts.
Identifying, naming and describing clothes using
Recognizing and use high frequency words like
“What colour is…..?” “What is this?” “He/She is
wearing……” in speaking and writing.
Unit 5: Likes and dislikes
Number of periods 29
Introductory activity Saying the names of different foods.

Learning outcomes Pupils will know the names of foods, colours that
they like and dislike.
Classroom organization Whole class, group work and individual work.
Teaching/Learning Charts, pictures, drawings, drawing paper, word
material Cards, and coloured
Learning activities Match pictures of foods with names.
Identify and name foods and say what they Carry
out a simple survey in numbers in bar graph form
Point at favourite colours.
Draw favourite food or colours.
Ensuring and asking questions in pairs.
Listen and respond to words related to foods
Read simple sentences about what people like.
Pupils put word cards in the right order to make
Competences practised Cooperation.
Communication skills.
Language This is / These are….
I like / They don’t like …..
Do you / Does she ……..
Vocabulary acquisition Names of what people like and dislike.
Numeracy 11-20
Study skills Name simple foods.
Express their likes and dislikes with relation to
foods and colours.
Listen to the names of foods and show
understanding visually.
Read simple sentences about likes and dislikes
with relation to foods.
Complete simple sentences about likes and

Assessment Identifying, naming food samples.
Expressing likes and dislikes with relation to food
Counting and writing numbers in words.
Recognizing and use high frequency words like
“How old” “Who is this?” in speaking and writing.
Unit 6: Classroom objects and personal belongings
Number of periods 29
Introductory activity. Listening and repeating classroom objects.
Listening and writing classroom objects.
Describing own and others’ classroom objects.
Learning outcomes Use the language learnt to recall and name
classroom objects orally and in writing.
Use possessives. ( an apostrophe)
Count and tell the number of objects.
Use of adverb of place. (where)
Describe personal belonging using possessives.
Classroom organization Whole class, group work and individual work.
Teaching/Learning materials Pictures, line drawings, flash cards, picture
books, real materials (realia).
Learning activities practised Draw and write the names of classroom
objects and personal belongings.
Listen to and role play a short, simple dialogue
about classroom objects and personal
In group, point at classroom objects and
personal belongings.
Competences practised Cooperation.
Communication skills.
Language Prepositions of place (in, on, under and in
Possessive form (Whose ….. is this?)
How many? / There are ……

Vocabulary acquisition The names of classroom objects and personal
Numeracy Re-call Counting different numbers 1-20
Study skills Recognize and produce sounds, recognize
letters and recognize key sound–letter
Describe the position of objects orally.
Say who something belongs to, orally.
Describe the number of things.
Read simple sentences describing the position
and number of things and show understanding
Listen to people talking about the position and
number of objects and show understanding
Draw objects, show their position and number
and complete simple descriptive sentences in
Assessment Identifying, naming and describing classroom
objects and personal belongings.
Counting and writing numbers in words.
Using prepositions of place and possessives.
Read words of English alphabets.
Unit 7: Home
Number of periods 29
Introductory activity. Identify and naming people at home and the
rooms that make up a home.
Learning outcomes Use the language learnt to name people at home
Use the language learnt to describe a home and
its rooms.
Use the language learnt to identify and name the
contents of a room.
Classroom organization Whole class, group work and individual work.
Teaching/Learning Charts, picture, drawings, drawing paper and
material papers.

Learning activities Identify and name objects in a room
Talk in groups about one’s home.
Label household objects on picture.
Match pictures of household objects with their
Complete simple sentences about a home or a
room using writing support.
Complete sentences about where one lives.

Competences practised Critical thinking and innovation.

Communication skills.
Language I live in / They don’t live in……
He lives in……. /She lives in……../You live
There are …… rooms
Prepositions of place
Vocabulary acquisition The name of where you live.
The names of contents of a room.
Household objects.
Study skills Describe where you live.
Describe a house and its rooms.
Describe the contents of rooms.
Assessment Telling where one lives.
Identifying and naming what makes a home.
Describing a home and its rooms.
Identifying, naming contents of the rooms.
Identifying and naming house hold materials.
Unit 8: Animals at home.
Number of periods 29
Introductory activity. Identifying and naming domestic animals from
picture boxes.

Learning outcomes Identify and name different animals at home.
Match animals with names.
Use language learnt tell the food that animals
at home eat.
Pronounce sounds made by animals at home.
Classroom organization Whole class, group work and individual work.
Teaching/Learning materials Pictures, text books, charts and drawings,
Learning activities practised Identify and name different animals at home.
Match animals’ pictures with words.
Draw animals and write simple supported
sentences about them.
Missing letter to form animals’ words C--w =
Match animals’ words with words about what
they eat.
Complete sample supported sentences about
what animals eat.
Play games making animals sounds.
Sing animal songs.
Listen to and repeat sounds and match sounds.
Competences practised Cooperation.
Critical thinking and innovation.
Communication skills.
Language What does ……...? /
We have a …….
Our ……… eats ……….
I like our ……………….
Vocabulary acquisition Vocabulary about animals at home.
The foods animals at home eat.
Sounds and spelling. Sounds made by animals at home.
Word spelling.

Study skills Recognize and produce sounds
Recognize letters and recognize key sound –
letter relationship.
Connect the names of animals learnt with the
animals they have at home.
Recognize sounds and words in songs.
Read a table showing animals and food they
Describe domestic animals in writing using
simple supported sentences.
Assessment Naming animals at home by filling in missing
letters to make words.
Matching animals at home with foods they eat.
Matching animals at home with their sounds.
Complete simple sentences about foods
animals at home eat.

Unit 9: What we do everyday

Number of periods 29
Introductory activity. Identify words for daily activities, things used in
our daily activities at home and time.
Learning outcomes Identify words for daily activities at home and
Use language learnt to tell what we do every
Use the language learnt to tell the time.
Classroom organization Whole class, pair and group work and individual
Teaching/Learning materials Text books, Wall charts, pictures, real objects.

Learning activities practised Listen to the teacher talking about daily routine
or time and respond.
Role play daily activities.
Pupils identify pictures of people doing daily
routines with words and sentences.
Use a model clock to tell and ask about the
Ask and tell the time in groups.
Pupils read phrases telling the time and
complete them with clock times.
Read a poem about daily routine.
Read a short text about daily routine or time
and fill simple gaps.
Competencies practised Cooperation.
Communication skills.
Language Present simple – I get up … / She cleans her
teeth. / He runs to school….
What time is it?
Vocabulary acquisition Different activities we do every day.
Vocabulary about time telling.
Numeracy Counting hours and minutes
Study skills Describe daily routine orally.
Listen to a text read aloud about daily routines
and show understanding visually or in writing.
Read a short text about daily routine and show
understanding visually or in writing.
Listen to a text, read aloud about daily routines
and show understanding visually or in writing.
Recognize and produce sounds
Recognize letters and recognize key sound –
letters relationship.
Tell the time orally.
Tell the time in writing.

Assessment Describing daily routine.
Telling time both orally and in writing.
Reading words with sounds of letters.
Reading and writing the words with letters of
English Alphabets (A-M)
Unit 10: Story telling
Number of periods 29
Introductory activity Learning about days of the week.
Sing a song about the days of the week.
Learning outcome Use the days of the week to talk about daily
Listen to a short story and understand it.
Re-tell a story with support.
Classroom organization Whole class, group work and individual work.
Teaching/Learning materials Pictures, text books, charts..
Learning activities practised Listen to a story and look at a picture.
Sequence pictures with support from the
Re-arrange the pictures with the sentences.
Listen to the story again.
Re-tell stories.
Competencies practised Cooperation.
Critical thinking and innovation.
Communication skills.
Language Present simple tense.
Vocabulary acquisition Days of the week.
Study skills Listen to simple stories and show understanding
Retell a story with support.
Recognize and produce sounds, recognize letters
and recognize key sound–letter relationship.
Assessment Ability to sing days of the week song.
Ability to interpret and re-arrange pictures to
make a story.
Reading and writing the words with letters of
English Alphabets (N-Z)

INTRODUCTION this will only take place if the teacher
walks around and ensures that there is
This teacher’s guide for grade one harmony and teamwork in the groups
puts emphasises on the correct use with all members participating.
of English language and puts the
learner at the centre of teaching and Pair work
learning. Further emphasis is put on Learners should work in pairs on tasks
the development of the four language that are not too complex. Pairs should
skills: listening, speaking, reading be made up of learners of differing
and writing. This guide assists the abilities. Just as group work, the
teacher to build a base, upon which teacher must supervise the pairs to
the learner can develop the language ensure harmony and participation of
competencies he/she needs to learn both members.
other subjects and integrate in the
international community. Individual work
This guide enables the teacher to This should ultimately be used to
plan learning and teaching activities evaluate learning. The teacher should
with the learner doing more as the guide the learner through some of
teacher acts as a guide. This is not to the suggested activities while leaving
say that the teacher then becomes the learner to attempt others on his
redundant. In fact, the role of the or her own. This will build confidence
teacher is enhanced further as he or in the learner.
she has to ensure that the learner
learns through discovery. This guide Research
suggests ways which the teacher can The teacher should encourage
help learners to can acquire language learners to find out more by learning
in set contexts represented by ten outside the school environment. The
units. learners should be encouraged to
Learners will be involved in group consult their parents and or guardians.
work, pair work, and individual work. For instance, the teacher can ask the
pupils to count the number of cows
Group work they have at home and then report to
the class or group the following day.
Pupils should be involved in tasks that The teacher can ask the learners to
involve more than three learners. find out what the
This will build their confidence which
will in turn cause them to express animals in their homes eat and then
themselves before others. While at it, report the same to the class. This
it will be prudent will broaden their thinking and make
the pupils realize that learning is a
for the teacher to form groups that continuous process.
comprise of learners who have
different abilities. This way, the pupils Cross-cutting issues, the learner must
will learn from each other. However, be exposed to crosscutting issues

such as environmental issues and time, the teacher should come up
peace studies. with ways of helping the learner spell
words correctly, however, spellings
Children with physical challenges. should start being in third term. For
All Rwandan children have a right to instance, he or she can organize
education, regardless of their learning spelling quizzes to help the learners
pace. A conducive environment must spell words correctly and as such
be provided to enable the learners build their vocabulary.
achieve this. Books with bigger fonts Alphabetical letters
should be provided for children who
have challenges of seeing the regular - Read the letter of the alphabet to
prescribed font. In cases where a students
child is blind, braille will greatly help
alleviate the challenge. The teacher - Ask them to repeat after you
must be innovative as he or she sets - Read each letter while showing the
out to meet curriculum objectives. example of an object with the name
Content map, schemes of work, lesson starting the letter.
plan Example: say a and show apple; say
A content map showing all the a and show axe(drawing), say a and
content that should be covered has show ant(drawing)
been provided. Further, sample You need to be saying: a for apple; a
schemes of work and lesson plan have for axe; a for ant
been provided. These samples are
only guides and the teacher should - Ask learners to repeat after you
develop and tailor his/her schemes
of work and lesson plan to suit his or - Continue repeating until you see
her class and yet keep to the confines that learners are able to tell letters by
of the syllabic requirements. The themselves
teacher must prepare lesson notes for - Draw a wall chart with the only
each period. learnt letters with image examples of
Sounds and spellings words and hang it in p1 classrooms

The teacher must bear in mind that - Repeat the same process for the
the learners are learning English. alphabetical letters section at the
He or she should encourage them beginning of every unit
to pronounce words correctly. At - For other units (except unit 1),
the same time, the teacher should begin by making a quick review of
guide the learners to learn sounds of the already learnt letters from the
different letters as they pronounce
previous units.
words by making them listen and
repeat, for several times, the letter - For unit 10, for all letters will have
sound being taught. At the same been taught, help learners revise all

letters by singing the ABC song.


ACADEMIC YEAR.................... TERM.................... SCHOOL....................
Subject: .................... Teacher’s name: .................... Class + Combination....................
Date & Units and Lessons Learning Teaching methods Resources & Observation
number key unit objectives & techniques references
+ + evaluation
of lessons competence evaluation procedures
(period in a
week )
From Unit1: Lesson1 Recognize words –– Demonstration –– − Pictures in
January to use for greetings. the Pupil’s
language Good –– Questions and Book
11 (Mon) to learnt in morning answer.
–– Flash cards
the context Good
January 15 of the morning Skills –– Teacher
(Friday) (name) –– Listen and –– Pupil’s
respond to demonstration
greetings in
words and –– Models
–– Success
Attitude and English For
–– Listen carefully. Rwanda, Pupil’s
–– Pay attention to Book 1
the teacher.

Lesson 2 Recognize –– Demonstration –– Picture in the

words for home Pupil’s Book
Good and classroom –– Explanation
afternoon/ greetings. –– Flash cards
–– Discussion
good –– Clock
afternoon Skills –– Question and
answer –– Models
–– Greet people
at school and –– Success
home. Primary
English For
–– Recognize
to respect Rwanda, Pupil’s
greetings words
and gestures. Book 1
Attitude and
–– Listen carefully.
–– Pay attention to
the teacher.
–– Enjoying
himself/ herself.
Lesson Recognize –– Explanation –– Flash cards
3 Good the word for
evening/ classroom and –– Discussion –– Illustration
good home greetings. in the Pupil’s
evening Skills
–– Models
(name) –– Greet people –– Demonstration
at school and

–– Recognize –– Questions and –– Success
to respond answers Primary
greetings in English For
words and
gestures. Rwanda, Pupil’s

Attitude and Book 1

–– Listen carefully.
–– Pay attention
to the teacher.
–– Enjoying
Lesson 4 Recognise –– Explanation –– Flash cards
the words for
How are classroom and –– Discussion –– Illustrations
you? home in question in the Pupil’s
–– Demonstration Book
–– Questions and –– Models
Skills answers
–– Success
–– Greet people Primary
at school and English For
Rwanda, Pupil’s
–– Respond to
greetings in
question form Book 1
in words and –– Pupil’s work

Attitude and
–– Listen carefully.
–– Pay attention
to the teacher.

Lesson 5 Recognize –– Explanation –– Picture

words from for Illustrations
Hello (Name) classroom and –– Question and
home greetings. answers –– Flash Cards
–– Discussion –– Teacher/Pupil
Read words and
sentences –– Demonstration Demonstration
Skills –– Songs

–– Greet people –– Clients

at School and

− Require to
respond to
greetings in words
and gestures.

Attitude and
–– Listen carefully.
–– Pay Attention
to the teacher.
–– Enjoying
himself/ herself.

Lesson 6 –– Identify –– Explanation –– llustration in
personal the book
My name is pronouns and –– Discussion
possessive –– Flash Cards
–– Role Planning
pronouns. –– Dramatization
–– Dramatization
Skills –– Models
–– Questions and
–– Ask someone answers
their name and
say their own. –– Demonstration
Attitude and
–– Enjoy himself/
–– Listen carefully.
–– Pay attention to
the teacher.
Lesson7 –– Identify –– Listen and –– Illustration &
Introducing respond to Pictures in the
others Personal and greeting.
Possessive –– Pupil’s Book
(Who is this?) Pronouns. –– Dramatize
greetings for –– Demonstration
Skills different times.

–– Ask someone –– Respond to

their name and greetings in
say their questions form.
–– Use appropriate
own vocabulary to
greet and make
Attitude and introductions.
–– Read and
–– Listen Carefully. identify words
used for
–– Pay attention to greetings.
the teacher.
–– Enjoy himself/


School Name: …………………………… Teacher’s name: …………………………………
Term Date Subject Class Unit Lesson Duration Class
No No size
…… /…/ 20…… ….. …. …. … of …. … ….

Type of Special Educational Needs and number

of learners
Topic area: Oral and written communication
Sub-topic area: Language structure
Unit title Welcome to the classroom
Key Unit To use language learnt in the context of the classroom

Title of the lesson Morning greeting in English
Instructional By using the picture, learners will be able to use the
objective morning greeting in English (good morning) correctly
Plan for this Class In the classroom
(location: in /
Learning Materials Picture
(for all learners)
References Success Primary English for Rwanda, Pupil’s Book 1
Timing Description of teaching and learning activity Competence
for and
each crosscutting
step Observing pictures of people saying and practicing issues to be
morning greeting in English. addressed

Teacher activities Learner activities

Introduction –
–Greets learners –
–Respond to –

–Says the greeting the greeting in thinking and
5 mins unison. communication
words and asks
pupils to repeat skills through
Repeat greetings thinking and
after him/her. after the teacher. sharing

–Shake hands –
–Respond to
with one or more –
greetings skills through
pupils while individually.
saying the words roleplaying.
for greetings. Role play greetings.
Asks some pairs to
role play greetings
in front of the
whole class.

Development Gets learners into –

–Look at the
of the lesson pairs, asks them to picture and talk
look at the pictures about it in pairs
30…min and reads after –
–Pairs role play
the teacher, the what they see on
sentences written the pictures.
next to the pictures
(picture in pupils’ –
–Practise the
book page 1.) greeting in pairs.


–Asks pairs to role
play what they see
in the pictures.

–Gives them more
opportunities to
practice morning
greeting in

Summary Writes the words Copy the

5... min learnt in greetings words from the
on the chalkboards chalkboard in their
and asks learners note books.
to read them
individually aloud.
Helps learners to Pronounce words
pronounce words while listening
properly where they to the teacher
went wrong. attentively for

Teacher self-


Welcome to the classroom

Key competence: use the language In the morning, afternoon, evening.
learnt in the context of the classroom. Then Hello, how are you?
Learning outcomes Classroom instructions
• Learners greet people,
Stand up, sit down, repeat, speak
• Introduce themselves and others, louder.
• Listen to and follow instructions.
• Count from one to 20.
• Instructions/Orders: stand up, sit
Skills down, repeat, listen, sing, Name,
• Listen and speak in the context good, morning, afternoon, evening,
of greeting in a school and home is, are, teacher, pupil, desk, pen,
setting. ball, boy, girl.
• Recognise greetings in pictures, Language structures
and read words of greetings.
• Write notes on greeting. My, Your, His, Her, Their
• Listen and speak in the context of This is / That is/ These are/ What is/
introducing self and others in a What are/ Who I am / He is / She is
school and home setting.
Sounds and spelling
• Listen and speak in the context
of receiving and responding to Recognise and pronounce some high
instructions. frequency words with /a/ sound.
• Recognise and produce some Teaching/Learning resources
English sounds.
Attitudes and values Pictures, model, wall charts, real
materials, text books.
• Listen carefully.
Teaching/ Learning activities
• Pay attention to the teacher and
classmates. Introductory activity
• Appreciate learning English. • Read the names of people in the
Content classroom from the picture box.
• Read the names of classroom
Language use objects from the picture box.
Greetings: • Spell the names of people and
objects from the picture boxes.

1.1. Greeting people Greetings (More practice)
1.1.1 Greetings in the morning Practice greeting through role play.
Greet the pupils and let them respond Hello. How are you?
in unison. The pupils will most
probably have stood up as you enter Greet the learners and let them
respond in unison. Ask them what
the classroom. Ask them to sit down as
you gesture at them to do so. other greetings they know. Go round
to listen to each one of the saying their
Go round shaking hands with each one greeting aloud. Organise the learners
of them saying good morning aloud. into pairs and Choose two learners to
Accept their responses and encourage read aloud the dialogue
the pupils who might be shy to speak
up. 1.2. Introducing myself
Get the pupils to listen and look at the My name is
pictures in the activity 2 book as you
read what the teacher is saying and Greet learners and let them respond
what the pupils are saying. in unison. Introduce yourself and
ask the learners to do the same. Go
Ask the learners to practise in pairs round and ask each one to introduce
greeting each other. Change pairs and him or herself. Organise the learners
encourage them to continue with the into pairs and ask them to look at the
greeting. picture in the Pupils book activity 7.
1.1.2 Greetings in the afternoon Read the first introduction and choose
a learner to read aloud the second
Greet the learners and let them introduction. Allow them to further
respond in unison. Organise the practise introducing themselves.
learners into pairs. Ask them to look at
the picture in the Pupil’s Book activity 1.3. Introducing others
4. Read the first part of the dialogue Who is this?
and ask learners to repeat after you.
Greet learners and let them respond
1.1.3 Greetings in the Good evening.
in unison. Ask them to look at the
Greet the learners and let them picture in the Pupil’s Book activity 9
respond in unison. Ask them the and talk about it. Read the first part of
greetings that they have learned so far the dialogue and choose a learner to
in class. In this lesson, they will learn a read aloud the second part. Organise
third greeting for the day. Ask the class the learners into groups of three and
to look at the picture in the Pupil’s ask them to practise introducing one
Book activity 5. You may choose two another.
learners to read aloud the dialogue.

Who is that? 1.4. Instructions
Greet learners and let them respond Greet learners and let them respond
in unison. Ask learners to look at the in unison. Ask them to look at the
picture in the Pupil’s book activity 10 picture in the Pupil’s Book and talk
and talk about it. Read the first part of about it. Ask three learners to stand
the dialogue and choose a learner to in front of the classroom and act out
read aloud the second part. Organise the picture on. Go round the class and
the learners into groups of three and choose pupils at random to say what
ask them to practice introducing one their friends are doing. Ask three
another. To illustrate the difference more pupils to stand in front of the
between Who is that? and Who is classroom and repeat the exercise.
this? one member of each group
should stand a small distance away 1.5. What are they saying?
from the others while asking the first This is my...
Who are they? Greet learners and let them respond
in unison. Ask them to look at the
Greet learners and let them respond picture in the Pupil’s book, activity 13
in unison. Ask the learners to look at and talk about it. Demonstrate how to
the picture in the Pupil’s Book activity use “This is my...” using a few items on
11 and talk about it. Read the first the teacher’s desk (books, pens, bags,
part of the dialogue and choose a etc.). Go round the class and choose
learner to read aloud the second part. learners at random to demonstrate
Organise the learners into pairs and the use of “This is my...” with some of
ask them to practise introducing a their own things (desk, shoes, bags,
group of people. etc.). Organise the learners into pairs
and ask them to practise with each
Who is your teacher? other.
Greet learners and let them respond This is your…
in unison. Ask learners to look at the
picture in the Pupil’s Book activity 11 Greet learners and let them respond
and say what they see in the picture. in unison. Ask them to look at the
Read the first part of the dialogue picture in the Pupil’s book, activity 13
and choose a learner to read aloud and talk about it. Organise the learners
the second part. You may ask them into pairs and choose any learner from
who their teachers are for Maths, the class and demonstrate the use of
or Science. Organise the learners “This is Your...” with his/her partner’s
into pairs and ask them to practise items, such as a book or bag.
introducing their teachers for different

This is his/her… Ask any learner to repeat this
demonstration with different items.
Greet learners and let them respond Organise the learners into pairs and
in unison. Ask them to look at the ask them to further practise with each
picture in the Pupil’s Book activity other.
13 and talk about it. Organise the
learners into pairs. Choose any 1.6. Sounds and spellings.
learner from the class to demonstrate
the use of “This is his/her...” using /a/ sound …….
their partner’s items, such as a book Greet pupils and let them respond
or bag. Ask the learners to continue in unison. Point to the letter sound
practising with each other. /a/ and tell the pupil that this makes
That is … the /a/ sound. Say it clearly and then
let pupils repeat. Ask pupils, “Does
Greet learners and let them respond APPLE have the/ a/ sound?” wait for
in unison. Ask them to look at the their response. In pairs let pupils read
picture in the Pupil’s Book activity a sound words in the pupil’s book
13 and talk about it. Demonstrate activity 14, and then do fill in exercise
the use of “That is...” by pointing to in the pupil’s book activity 15.
random items around the classroom
that are some distance away fromthe 1.7 End unit assessment
learners. Help learners to carry out activities in
the pupil’s book.


Classroom objects
Key competence: Use language Content
learnt in the context of objects in the
classroom. Vocabulary
Learning objectives Colours: blue, yellow, green, red, etc

Name classroom objects. Classroom objects: chair, desk,

• Recognize the use of plurals. pen, pencil, book, bag, line, square,
rectangle, etc.
• Identify words for colours and
classroom objects. Language structures
• Describe classroom objects using
Plurals Indefinite article
• Draw classroom objects and This is; these are; it is; what is?
colour them.
I have; Do you have?
My, your, etc.
• Listening to and speaking using
high frequency words in relation Sounds and spellings
to classroom objects.
Recognise and pronounce some high
• Read and write the names of frequency words with /e/ sound.
classroom objects.
• Identify the colour of classroom Hearing and saying rhyming words.
objects and objects in the Sing songs, repeat rhymes.
environment. Teaching/Learning resources
• Listen to items, read out to them
and show understanding by Pictures, photographs, wall charts,
drawing/colouring them.
Realia, flashcards, picture books,
• Describe classroom objects using pictures, photographs, wall charts,
possessives in writing and orally. coloured chalk/pens
Attitudes and values Teaching/Learning activities
• Demonstrate teamwork spirit in
Introductory activity.
working groups.
• Love for English language study. Read and pupils repeat after you the
• Communicate in English politely. names of classroom objects from the

picture box. Organise the learners into pairs and
ask them to continue practicing.
Spell the names of objects from the
picture boxes. Pupils copy the names What is that?
of classroom objects learnt.
Explain to the learners that we use
2.1. What is this? What is that? What is that? to identify a single
What are these? What are object that is far from where we are.
those? We can see it but we can’t touch it.
Ask the class to look at the pictures
What is this? in the Pupil’s Book activity 1-2. Read
for them the words and ask them to
The importance of this activity is to repeat after you. Show pupils a picture
teach learners to identify a single of an object on a wall chart and point
object which is near him/her. at it from far. Ask them “What is
Ask one learner to come to the front that?” Some pupils may answer “That
of the class and help demonstrate the is a ….” If they can’t tell, tell them the
use of What is this? Choose a single answer.
item on the teacher’s table for the Identify objects around the classroom
learner to identify. Show them how that the learners can use to practise
close is the object to the learner. The the use of “What is that?”
learner should be able to touch it.
What are those?
Ask the class to look at the Pupil’s
Book, activity 1 and talk about the Tell the learners that What are those?
pictures by naming the pointed to is used to identify many objects
objects. Organise the learners into that are far from us. You may ask
pairs and ask them to continue two learners to help demonstrate
practicing. this structure in front of the class.
One should ask, “What are those?”
What are these? while pointing to the classroom
We use “What are these?” to identify windows. The other will answer with
many objects that are near us. Things “Those are windows” Organise the
we can show while touching them. learners into pairs and ask them to
You may ask two learners to help continue practicing. Make sure you
demonstrate this structure in front of demonstrate first and say “What are
the class. One pupil asks “What are those and then pupils practice saying
these?” touching some books that the “What are those?” and “Those are …”
other is holding. Another pupil from Let learners continue roleplaying
the rest of the class can say “These using “What are those?” and “Those
are books”. are …” until they become familiar
with these phases. They should also

copy them in their note books. ask them to continue practising with
one another.
1. Introducing colours.
2.3. Introducing colours.
In this activity, pupils learn about
colours. To best illustrate this, you will This is a red pen.
need two or more similar objects that What colour is this?
have different colours; for example,
three pens: one which is red, another These are red pens.
which is blue and one more which
It is blue. Is it blue?
is black. Ask the class to look at the
pictures in the Pupil’s Book, activity That’s my pencil.
5. Read the dialogues and pupils read
after you until they can say it on their Is that your bag?
own. Then choose two learners to Use real objects to teach the colours
read the dialogue and ask the class to blue, green, yellow and green… Lift
identify the colours in each dialogue. an object and ask, what colour is this
Organise the learners into pairs and pen? The children should answer:
have them play the game. this is a blue pen. Lift two pencils and
2.2. Talking about possessions ask: What colour are these? Answer:
These are red pencils. Read many
I have a blue pen. times the sentences “What colour
are these?” and the answer “These
Do you have a pencil? are …” Let learners repeat after you
This is my... until they become familiar with these
expressions. Get the learners into
In this lesson, the learners learn groups and ask them to show items,
to identify something that belongs ask and answer questions about
to them. They also learn to ask if their colour. Ask pupils to look at the
something belongs to somebody else. pictures and then read for them the
Ask the class to look at the picture words and sentences accompanying
in the Pupil’s Book activity 6 and the pictures. Ask them to repeat after
read for them the dialogue and ask you until they can say them on their
them to repeat after you. Talk about own. Help them read the sentences
it. Demonstrate the use of “This is and even role-play what the children
my...” using items on the teacher’s in the pictures are saying. This gives
table (books, pieces of chalk, e t c). them an opportunity to describe
Choose learners at random to further objects using colours as well as
demonstrate by asking Is this your.…? possessive pronouns my and your…
They should respond with This is my... Game – What object is different?
Organise the learners into pairs and
Refer learners back to the Pupil’s
Book, activity 4. Do this activity with but start with words which begin with
the pupils. Help them to understand /e/ like egg, elephant or eggplant,
the activity. This is an opportunity to give chance to pupils to tell you more
practice using colours of objects to words. Once you see that they have
define them. mastered that, you can introduce
words with /e/ sound in the middle
What colour is it? like, pen, bed, hen. Let them read as
Read the names of colours, ask them many times as you can. Then try to
to repeat after you, then ask them to read for them sentences in activity 10
read them on their own, individually, as they repeat.
aloud. Let them do activity. Pupils
2.5. End unit assessment
draw colours and copy the names
of colours in their note books. They Drawing
can then match each colour with its
name. Show learners the picture of a
rainbow in the Pupil’s Book, activity 7.
2.4. Sounds and spellings. Let them name the colours they can
/e/ sound……….
Greet pupils and let them respond in
unison. In this activity, pupils learn this
sound with examples of pictures of
objects with names containing letter
sound /e/. for example, a picture of
a pen, a bed or a net. clearly such
that they hear and they repeat after.
Demonstrate how to use this sound


People at home and school

Key competence: Use language learnt This is my/her/his father.
in the context of people at home and
school. Who is this?

Learning objectives I have 2 sisters.

Her name is Mutesi Gasana.
Recognize the use of How old... and
This is my... Describing people in school
Say words for family members and This is a teacher.
people at school.
He is a teacher.
She is the head teacher.
Listen and pronounce some high
frequency words: this is, that is, I am Who is this?
he is, she is etc. Talking about people’s ages
Point to, name family members, and I am 10.
name family relationships. Name
people in school. She is 10.
Listen and read the names of family How old are you?
How old is he?
Copy the names of family members.
Attitudes and values
Family members: father, mother,
Speak when given permission to do brother, sister, etc
People at school: teacher, head
Appreciate family relationships. teacher, etc

Respect older people at home and Numbers: 1 − 20

school. Language structure
I am 10.
Language use
How old are you? How old is she?
Describing one’s family

Who is this? This is my/ her/ his family in the class for the learners to
Sounds and spellings continue practising.
The learner should be able to Use the flash cards that contain
recognise and pronounce letter drawings of the members of the
sound /i/ and use rhythm and stress nuclear family. Show the flash cards
correctly. to learners, one at a time, and let
them say who the person in the
Teaching/Learning resources picture is. The flash cards could also
Charts, flash cards, photographs, be having the words, father, mother,
family photographs, drawings, sister, brother, which the learners can
drawing paper and pens, text books, read. Alternatively, you can use family
note books. photographs to demonstrate this.
Ask each learner to draw his/her own
Teaching /Learning activities family tree.
Introductory activity As a fun activity, ask a few learners
1. Who is this? from the class to present their family
2. Listen and repeat
How old are you?
In this introductory activity on page
31, read words written against each In this activity, pupils learn how to
picture and ask learners to repeat ask someone how old they are and
after you as they observe the pictures. how to respond when asked the same
Then point on the picture and ask question.
them Who is it? Practice with them
Ask the class to look at the picture in
until they can answer the question
the Pupil’s Book activity 5 on page 33.
“Who is it?”
Read the first part of each dialogue
3.1. My family and choose any learner to read the
In this lesson, pupils learn about
the nuclear family: father, mother, Organise the learners into pairs and
brother and sister. Ask the class to choose a few pairs to demonstrate
look at the picture in the Pupil’s Book the use of How old are you? to the
activity 2 and talk about it. rest of the class.

Draw Nuclear family tree on the Be sure to note that in polite English,
blackboard with only the names of children must never ask a grown-up
her family members. Choose learners how old they are.
at random to help fill in the roles of How old is your brother?
father, mother, brother and sister.
You can hang the chart of the nuclear In the following two activities, the

learners learn how to ask how old Give learners enough time to practice
someone else is and how to respond reading the sentences about their
when asked the same question. teacher and head teacher. Guide them
to substitute the names with those of
Ask the class to look at the picture in their English (or class) teacher and
the Pupil’s Book, activity 5. Read the head teacher.
dialogue (How old is your brother?)
and ask pupils to read after you. How old are you?
Repeat the reading until pupils
become familiar with the words in the This lesson is an overview of Lesson 5:
dialogue. How old are you? with a few additions.

Organise learners into pairs and Ask the class to look at the picture in
choose a few pairs to demonstrate the Pupil’s Book activity 6.
the use of “How old is your brother?” Choose two learners (a boy and a
to the rest of the class. girl, if it is a mixed school) to read
aloud the roles of Simbi and Teta. Put
3.2. My school
the learners into pairs and let them
In this lesson, the pupils learn how to practice the lines spoken by Joseph
describe their school. and Kathy.

1 Ask the class to look at the pictures Refer the learners to the Pupil’s Book
in the Pupil’s Book point 3.3. activity and let them continue practicing in
8 page 35 Read the sentence “This is pairs the conversations, and then ask
my school” and what can you see?” them to replace Simbi and Teta by
let everyone read aloud the sentences their own names.
after you. Repeat the sentences and Remind the learners what they learnt
add in some other materials like books in the previous lesson.
and buildings like classrooms we can
find at school until the learners are Choose learners at random to
familiar with them. introduce themselves, state their age
and say whether they are boys or girls.
Choose various learners at random to
read aloud the sentences “This is my Let them continue practicing these
school” and “What can you see? conversations in pairs.

3.3. People at school Who is this? This is my mother

Ask the class to look at the pictures in Remind learners of the first lessons of
the Pupil’s Book activity 8-9. this topic. Guide them to practice the
patterns, “This is my brother. This is
Read aloud the sentences and let my sister. This is my father. This is my
learners repeat them after you. mother”.

Guide learners to practice the 3.4. Sounds and spellings.
patterns, “This is your brother. This is
your sister. This is your father. This is Sound/ i/.
your mother”. Point out the change;
Greet children and let them repeat
here we are using ‘‘your”
after you. Print the letter sound /i/ on a
Guide learners to practice the piece of paper. Spend several minutes
patterns, “This is his brother”. This is working on these steps (1) Show
her brother. This is his sister. This is pupils the sound and demonstrate
her sister. This is his father. This is her how to make the /i/ sound. (2) Ask
father. This is his mother. This is her pupils to repeat the /i/ sound several
mother. times. (3) Work on some words which
start with the sound e.g, ink, it, in,
Point out the change; here we are read for them as they repeat several
using ‘his’ and ‘her’. times. When you observe that they
Help learners to read and spell the have mastered those words introduce
names of people in school and at other words which have sound i in the
home, e.g., brother, sister, father, middle like pig, six, big, him. Guide
mother, teacher, head teacher. They them listen and let them repeat after
should do this first as a whole class, you.
then in their groups, pairs and finally 3.5. End of unit assessment.
individually. Go round giving guidance
and support is needed. Help learners go through the learnt
dialogues for several times.
Help learners to do activities under
end unit assessment in the pupil’s


Clothes and parts of my body

Key competence: Use language learnt His name is Felix.
in the context of clothes and body Is he a boy?
Describing parts of the body
Learning objectives
This is my head.
• Recognize the use of singular and
plural nouns and questions with These are my arms.
what is, what are. These are her legs.
• List words for the parts of the
body, colours and clothes. Describing clothes.
• Skills This is a shirt.
• Produce sounds and recognise It is a shirt.
some sound letter relationships. These are socks.
• Look and say the parts of the body. What is this?
• Repeat after the teacher and then
What are these?
read the names of clothes and
colours. The shirt is blue.
• Copy the names of clothes and What colour are the socks?
• Listen to the names of clothes and Saying what people are wearing
parts of the body and repeat them He is wearing a shirt.
after the teacher. She is wearing a blue skirt.
Attitudes and values Vocabulary
Take turns while doing group work. Parts of the body: head, eyes, ears,
Content nose, mouth, etc

Language use Colours: red, blue, pink, brown, etc.

Say who you are. Clothes: shirt, skirt, trousers,

My name is Mutesi. jumper, etc
I am a girl. Language structure
He is a boy. This, these

What is; what are... Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Present continuous tense: wearing... Knees and toes, knees and toes,
Possessive pronouns: my; her; his ..
Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Singular and plural nouns “This, Eyes, ears, nose and mouth.
Revise the previous lesson. You may
I am; she is a ... read the remaining together with the
Sounds and spellings class. Remember to ask learners to
touch their head, nose, mouth, eyes
The learner should be able to: and ears as they read along.
Recognise sound /o/. Ask learners if they remember the
song ‘Head and Shoulders, Knees
Recognise and pronounce some high and Toes’. You may use the first few
frequency words. minutes of the lesson to sing the song
Teaching/Learning resources again.

Wall charts, pictures, flash cards, Let everyone turn to the pictures in
photographs, drawing paper and the Pupil’s Book. Go through each
pens; coloured chalk/pens of the pictures together and discuss
Teaching/learning activities
Revise the previous lesson. Organise
Introductory activity the learners into pairs and give each
group a blank paper. Have them draw
Read words from the picture box in
and name a part of the body and post
the pupil’s book unity 4, ask learners
the drawings on the classroom wall/
to repeat after you, ensure that pupils
notice board. They should do the best
are able to look at the picture and
they can, since their drawings will
name it. Help them to pronounce
be used for everyone’s reference. At
properly words related to body parts
this stage, do not be too particular on
and clothing items. Help them spell
the details. What is important is to
them as well.
recognise the given part of the body.
4.1. Parts of my body Game
In this lesson, learners learn to identify As a fun game, ask a few learners to
the different parts of the human body. stand in front of the class. When you
A fun way to do this is to teach them mention any part of the body listed.
the song ‘Head and Shoulders, Knees Learners should place their hands
and Toes’. Make sure you place your on it. Try to be quick, to keep them
hands on the different parts of your excited and engaged.
body as you sing:

Vocabulary Ask what Mukama is wearing and
let everyone read the text aloud.
Write a list of all the new words that Talk about the difference between
were covered in this topic. Ask a Mukama’s and the boy’s clothes.
learner to stand, choose a word and
construct a simple sentence using Again, you may use the flashcards to
that word. He/she must then choose help the learners review the different
another learner to do the same. colours that Mukama is wearing.
Help learners as much as possible What am I wearing?
and encourage them to speak. Make
sure to read the word first and ask In this lesson, learners learn to talk
pupils to repeat after you. Show them about their own clothes.
pictures for them to recognise things
or people. In the Pupil’s Book, there are drawings
of different clothing items. Have the
4.2. Clothes that we wear. learners look at each item and identify
the name of the cloth.
In this lesson, learners learn to identify
and name different clothing items. Let them draw some clothing items
in their exercise books. Below each
Ask learners to look at the picture in item, let them copy its name from the
the Pupil’s Book activity 5, Talk about labelled clothing items in the book
the boy’s appearance and try to get as activity 8 and put the name under
many opinions as you can; is his shirt the clothing item.
black/white/yellow? Etc.
My name is...
Ask what the boy is wearing and let
everyone read the text aloud. I am wearing... This is a [colour]...

As an exercise, present some I am wearing... This is a [colour]...

flashcards, each a different colour. Game
Hold up a flashcard and ask the
learners to tell you which items of a Draw a picture of a box on the
similar colour. blackboard. Ask learners different
clothes they want you to put in
What is she wearing?
the box. Tell them that the box is a
Review the previous lesson. Ask the rectangle or a square. Show them the
class to look at the picture in the four lines which make a square or a
Pupil’s Book, activity 7. Talk about rectangle.
Mukama’s appearance, getting as Game
many opinions as you can; does she
wear a dress? What colour is her The name of this game is ‘I see’.
dress? Etc. Write on the blackboard: I see with

my eye, a shoe that is black. Show repeat. Point to sound /o/ and ask
them different objects/clothes ask pupils which sound does this make?
them to tell the name of the object Wait and see whether your pupils are
and its colour. able to say the sound. Let all children
turn to activity 10 and you read for
Choose a learner from the class to them words with o sound as they
begin the game. He/she must read repeat. As they try to read, let them
the line on the board and mention a also contribute in the lesson by giving
colour. The class must then find five some words which have o sound. Try
items in the classroom that are the also to draw for them some pictures
same colour. with the above sound like pot, boy,
4.3. Sounds and spellings. dog.

/O/ sound. First, make all your pupils 4.4. End of unit assessment
active in the lesson, Show the sound Tell learners to do exercise 1, then
/o/ on the black board and tell pupils answer question 2, in the pupil’s book,
that it makes the /o/ sound. Make in the section of end unit assessment.
pupils repeat oh sound several times. The answer for question number 2
Try to make for them some syllables is given, you will test whether they
as stated in activity 10. Work on the can read it by themselves and say
/o/ sound using words which begin the answer. If they can’t do it by
with sound /o/ like orange, of and on. themselves help them to find the
you can first read for them as they answer.


Likes and dislikes

Key competence: Use language learnt This is rice.
in the context of likes and dislikes.
These are beans.
Learning objectives
What is this?
Recognize the use of the present
What are these?
simple tense.
Are these beans?
List words for food items.
Talking about likes and dislikes
Identify numbers 11− 20.
Skills I like rice.

• Listen to the names of foods and She likes rice.

repeat them.
They do not like rice.
• Look at the pictures of food and
name them. He does not like rice.
• Copy the names of simple names What food do you like?
of foods in their notebooks.
• Say their likes and dislikes in What colours do you like?
relation to foods and colours. What is your favourite food?
• Read simple sentences about likes
and dislikes in relation to foods. Do they like bananas?

Attitudes and values Numbers: 20 − 50

• Listen carefully to words. Language structure
• Pronounce words with precision.
Present simple tense; interrogative:
• Appreciate the learning of a new Do you? Does she? What do you?
• Plurals: demonstratives this/these
• Decide who is going to do which
• Questions: What is this? What are
job when you working in pairs or
these? Are these ...?
Content Sounds and spellings
The learner should be able to
Language use recognise and pronounce sounds
Talking about different food: and use rhythm and stress correctly.

Teaching/Learning resources Ask the learners to draw, in their
exercise books, different food that
Wall charts, pictures, photographs, they like and those they dislike.
coloured chalk/pens, realia, charts
Teaching/learning activities
Draw a picture of a pan on the
Introductory activity blackboard. Imagine you are having
Read the names of different types of guests over for supper and you want
food from the introductory activity to cook a meal. Have your learners
picture box and ask the learners suggest foods that you can use to
to repeat after you, until they can make a great meal.
recognise them, pronounce them Spelling and vocabulary
properly and eventually write them
correctly. Hold a spelling test. Prepare a list
of the words learned in this topic.
5.1. The food we eat Choose a few learners to stand in
front of the class. Give each a word
In this lesson, pupils learn to identify
to spell. If they spell it correctly, they
different types of food.
may remain standing. If not, they
Ask the class to look at the pictures must return to their seats. The last
in the Pupil’s Book, activity 2. For one standing wins!
counting practice, ask everyone to What are these?
count together and tell you how many
types of food are drawn in activity 2. In this activity, learners identify
Ask everyone to repeat after you as different types of food. They can also
you point to each picture, naming ask “What is this? What is that?
different types of food.
First show children pictures of food,
In this activity, pupils learn to say what read the names of the food Organise
types of food they like and which ones the learners into groups and ask
they dislike. them to look at the pictures in the
Pupil’s Book activity3. Pupil’s book. Choose a few groups
to read aloud the text. One learner
Ask each learner to tell the class should read the question, and his/her
which food they like and which ones partners should read the answer.
they dislike:
You may use flashcards or the pictures
My name is... near activity 4 to ask the class What
is this? Make sure learners raise their
I like... [smiling] hands if they want to answer the
I do not like... [shaking your head] question. Also be sure to ask Is this...?

Activity 4. What do you like? familiar with them. Ask them to copy
the numbers in figures and words in
Listen and act. their notebooks. You can then give
them a number of numbers leaving
In this lesson, learners learn to ask
out some empty spaces and have the
somebody what foods they like. They
learners fill in the missing numbers.
also learn to say which food they like
themselves. Matching exercise
Ask the class to look at the pictures Guide the class through the matching
in the Pupil’s Book in activity 4. Read exercise.
aloud the questions and ask learners
to read the answers in unison. Draw the food you like. Allow learners
to draw the food they like in their
Ask a few learners if they like a certain exercise books as you supervise to see
food: what they are doing.
Do you like oranges? Activity 7. The graph. Let all learners
open in the pupil’s book activity 7,
Do you like mangoes?
give them enough time to observe
As an exercise, ask the learners to it before they start answering. The
draw, in their exercise books, the food graph is about food colours but they
they know. should answer questions following
the colour of the graph not the colour
Activity 5. Numbers from twenty- of the food. You can give them an
one to fifty
example that, the colour of milk is
In this lesson, learners learn the black following the colour of the
numbers 21 to 50. graph. Let them answer the rest of the
questions themselves as you monitor
Ask the class to count from 1 to 20. them.
Tell them that after 20, we have 21, Activity 9. Table
22, 23 ... all the way until 29. Do the
same with 30, 40 and 50. Ask the class to look at the table in
the Learner’s Book activity 9. There is
You may write on the chalkboard one a list of different food types and how
column each for the twenties, thirties many children like each of them.
and forties. Be sure to also write down
the spelling of each of these numbers: Read aloud the first question and
20, 30 and 40. answer:

Write on the chalkboard numbers How many children like bananas?

21 − 35, read them for the pupils to Forty children like bananas.
repeat after you until they become

Organise the learners into pairs. Ask the words and let them repeat. When
them to write down, in their exercise you see that they have mastered
books, the answers to the rest of the them there you can introduce the
questions. They may discuss in pairs sentences with u sound, read as they
to help each other. They must write repeat. Let them also construct their
down the numbers in both symbols own simple sentences. Appreciate
and words: them accordingly. The lesson should
be fun for you and pupils.
How many children like bananas?
5.3. End of unit assessment.
40 children like bananas.
Forty children like bananas. How many children like bananas?

Spelling and vocabulary Forty children like bananas. Organise

the learners in pairs. Ask them to
Hold a spelling test. Prepare a list of write down in their exercise books the
words learned in this topic. Choose answers to rest of the questions. Guide
a few learners to stand up in front of them to answer in full sentences.
the class. Give each a word to spell.
If they spell it correctly, they may Have learners write short paragraphs
remain standing. If not, they must about themselves, based on what
return to their seats. The last one they’ve learned. They should include
standing wins! the following:
My name is _____.
5.2. Sounds and spellings.
I am _____ years old.
In this lesson you must have some
learning aids if possible the real I live in _____.
materials like umbrella, cup, where
My favourite food is _____.
not possible you can draw others on
the flash cards and blackboard like the My favourite animal is _____.
sun, hut so that pupils can understand
better. To pronounce /^/sound your
tongue is set low and relaxed in the
mouth, while pronouncing this sound,
the sides of the tongue slightly touch
the bottom teeth and the lips are kept
relaxed. Try to make for them some
syllables and let them follow you using
pupils book activity 10 as you read
and they repeat. Introduce words
with sound u sound like cup, hut and
others. Lead them on how to read all

Classroom objects and

personal belongings
Key competence: Use language learnt Describing position
in the context of classroom objects
and personal belongings. The book is on the desk. Where’s the
blue pen?
Learning objectives
Describing numbers
• Recognise the use of prepositions
of place and possessives with How many chairs are there?
There are five chairs.
• Identify the names of classroom
objects. Talking about possessions
Skills Whose pen is this?
• Recognise and produce sounds of It’s Mutesi’s.
letters within words.
• Say the position of objects, orally. This is Felix’s pen
• Say whom something belongs to, Vocabulary
Classroom objects: textbook, exercise
• Say the number of things.
book, chair, desk, etc
• Read simple sentences describing
the position and number of things Language structures
and show understanding visually. 1. Prepositions of place: on, under,
• Listen to people talking about the next to, behind, etc
position and number of objects 2. Possessive form: Mutesi’s
and show understanding visually. Sounds and spellings
• Copy the prepositions of position
in their notebooks. Recognise and pronounce some high
frequency words.
Attitudes and values
Pronounce sounds within words.
• Show respect towards other
people’s belongings. Teaching/Learning resources
• Take care of one’s belongings.
Pictures, line drawings, flashcards,
Content picture books, realia

Language use Teaching/learning activities

Introductory activity Game
Read the words for classroom objects Write the prepositions from Lesson 1
and ask pupils to repeat after you. on some flashcards. Place the cards
Most of these words are familiar and a few objects on the teacher’s
since they learnt them in the first table. Ask a learner to pick a card and
and second units. Let them open in an object from the table. The learner
the pupil’s book, activity 2. Let them must then place the object on/under/
observe the pictures in the classroom. in/behind... something (depending
Use them to introduce possessives on what is written on the flashcard).
and whose. E.g. Whose book is this? He must then construct a sentence
This is my book. using that object and preposition.
6.1. Identifying places. Spelling and vocabulary.
In this lesson, pupils learn to describe Hold a spelling bee. Prepare a list
the position of an object (on, in, under of the words learned in this topic.
etc.) relative to another. Choose a few learners to stand at the
front of the class. Give each a word
Ask the class to look at the pictures to spell. If they spell it correctly, they
in the Pupil’s Book activity 4. Ask the may remain standing. If not, they
learners to read the text for the first must return to their seats. Declare
picture. the last one standing the winner.

–-Where is my book?

–-My book is on the table. 6.2. How many?

Write the answer on the blackboard In this lesson, pupils learn more about
and underline the word ‘on’. Repeat describing numbers.
this with the other pictures. Ask the class to look at the pictures in
Consider the different sentences in the Pupil’s Book, point 6.2.
the Pupil’s Book activity 4. Use objects You may read aloud the questions
around the classroom to further and have the class read the answers.
demonstrate the use of prepositions Before they read the answers, they
of place. can count the number of items in
Write all the prepositions found in each picture.
activity 4 on the chalk board. Ask the As an exercise, you may choose items
learners to choose a preposition and around the classroom and ask, how
use it to give the position of objects many they are. For example:
around the classroom.
How many learners are there in the

How many eyes do I have? Read aloud the first question and
its answer, then ask pupils to repeat
How many windows are there in the after you.
Is there a green ball on the table?
No, there is a blue cup on the table.
This game requires flashcards. Each
card should have a picture of a type Repeat this exercise with questions
of food. Some of the foods should 2 − 5.
be repeated (i.e., 5 flashcards with
oranges, 3 flashcards with apples, 6.4. Whose book is this?
In this activity, the pupils learn the use
Divide the class into 2 groups and line of possessive nouns (John’s, Mary’s,
them up, facing each other. Bosco’s, etc).

Place 10 cards on the table face up. Ask the class to look at the picture in
Give the class 1 minute to study the the Pupil’s Book activity 8. Let them
cards then turn them over. discuss it in groups. What can they
see in the picture?
Ask the class how many oranges/
apples there are on the table. Learners Explain to the class that there are
must raise their hands for you to pick times when we may want (or need)
them to answer. Each correct answer
to know who something belongs to.
earns the respective team one point.
In such a case, we ask Whose_____ is
Spelling and vocabulary this/that?

Hold a spelling bee. Prepare a list As an exercise, you may divide the
of the words learned in this topic. class into two groups; have one group
Choose a few learners to stand at the read aloud the questions, while the
front of the class. Give each a word other reads the answers.
to spell. If they spell it correctly, they
Ask 6 learners to stand in front of the
may remain standing. If not, they
class. 5 of the learners are holding a
must return to their seats. The last
personal item. The sixth learner ask
one standing wins!
the class whose item it is. Guide the
6.3. Yes or No class to answer – the learners should
take turns with each raising his or her
In this lesson, learners demonstrate hand before you pick them to answer.
their understanding of prepositions Activity 6: Where is it?
and numbers. (Prepositions)
Ask the class to look at the pictures in
Ask the class to turn to the Pupil’s
the Learner’s Book activity 7.

Book. Study the image and the text them to open in the pupil’s book,
below it. Ask the class to draw the activity 8. Read the words as they
pictures for statements 1. repeat, introduce the sentences, but
introduce those sentences after they
have mastered the words.
Write any of the words that the
6.6. End of unit assessment
class has learned thus far on the
blackboard. Then have the learners Naming objects
write as many words as they can think
of using only the letters of that word. This activity is a review on naming
objects. You may play a game or sing
For example, the word FATHER can be a song. Ask the class some questions
used to make the words AT, HAT, HER, and clarify any misunderstanding that
EAR... Each letter can only be used as they may have on this topic.
many times as it appears in the word.
Spelling and vocabulary
6.5. Sounds and spellings.
Hold a spelling test. Prepare a list of
The u sounded as yu. It also called the the words learned in this unit. Choose
long u. It is always good to first write a few learners to stand at the front of
the sound on blackboard. The long u the class. Give each a word to spell.
sound is a little different compared to If they spell it correctly, they may
the other four English vowels. while remain standing. If not, they must
reading with your pupils please make return to their seats. The last one
sure that you do not push them to standing wins!
read beyond their level, so you need
to first pronounce the sound as yu
allow them to repeat after you, tell


Key competence: Use language Content
language learnt in the context of
home. Language use
Learning objectives Saying where you live

Recognise the use of the present I live in Musanze. He lives in Huye.

simple tense and prepositions of They don’t live in Gisenyi. Gisenyi is a
place. town.

Identify words for localities, rooms Describing a house and its rooms
and household objects. There are 3 rooms. How many rooms
Skills are there? Is there a living room?

Recognise and produce sounds, Describing the contents of rooms

recognise letters and key sound – There’s a table in the kitchen.
letter relationships. There are knives and forks on the
Describe rooms and their contents table.
orally. There’s a lamp in the bedroom?
Read simple sentences describing a Where is the lamp?
home or a place. Vocabulary
Listen to a text read aloud about a Localities: town, village, city
home or a place and respond through
words or gesture. Rooms: bedroom, kitchen, living
room, etc
Draw a plan or picture of a home,
name the rooms and complete simple Household objects: table, chair, knife,
descriptive sentences in writing. lamp, etc
Attitudes and values Language structures
Use English in and out of school. Present simple tense: declarative,
Be keen about errors both in spoken
and written English. Prepositions of place: in, under,
behind, on, near etc There is/are; Is

Teaching/learning activities 7.1. Different rooms in our house
Introductory activity In this lesson, pupils learn to describe
the different rooms in a house.
Ask pupils to look at the picture of the
home. Then ask them “What do you Ask the learners to talk about the
see?” At this level they should be able picture in the Pupil’s Book 7.2, in
to say the names of people at home groups.
and some objects in the house. If they
don’t know, help them to do so before The learners should repeat after you
continuing with the lesson. as you read each sentence aloud.
After each sentence, have them study
Activity 3-4: Say where you live the picture on the page and locate the
room being talked about.
In this lesson, pupils learn to tell
others where they live. Review the previous lesson.
Ask the class to look at the pictures in Ask the learners to draw their homes,
the Pupil’s Book activity 3. Choose a to the best of their ability, showing all
learner to read aloud the text. the rooms in the house.
Tell the class where you live and ask a Activity 5: Spelling and vocabulary
few learners to stand and tell the class
where they live. Hold a spelling competition. Prepare
a list of the words learned in this
Write on the board: Where do you topic. Choose a few learners to stand
live? in front of the class. Give each a word
to spell. If they spell it correctly, they
I live in ... may remain standing. If not, they
Organise the learners into pairs and must return to their seats. The last
let them practise asking and telling one standing wins!
each other where they live. 1. The sitting room
As an exercise, choose few learners In this lesson, pupils learn to describe
from the class to introduce their the sitting room setting.
partners and tell the class where they
live. For example: Ask the class to look at the picture
in the Pupil’s Book activity 7. Read
This is Mary. aloud the heading and ask everyone
She lives in Rwanda to repeat after you.

Rwanda is a country. What do you see in the sitting room?

What do people do in the sitting

Read the sentences as you study the 3. The bedroom
picture together. Ask the learners to
show you where the different items In this lesson, pupils learn how to
mentioned are. Be sure to write all the describe the bedroom. They also have
items mentioned on the chalkboard. further practice with prepositions of
2 The dining room
Ask the class to look at the pictures in
In this lesson, pupils learn to describe the Pupil’s Book activity 9. Read aloud
the dining room setting. the heading and ask the learners to
Ask the class to look at the picture in repeat after you.
the Pupil’s Book activity 8. Read Go through each sentence, pointing
aloud the heading and ask everyone out the prepositions as you go along:
to repeat after you. Where do you sleep?
What do you see in the dining room? I sleep in the bedroom.
What do people do in a dining room? Study the picture again and write all
Read the sentences as you study the the new words on the chalkboard.
picture together. Ask the learners to Ask the learners to copy words learnt
show you where the different items in their exercise books.
mentioned are. Be sure to write all the Tell learners to draw a picture of a
items mentioned on the chalkboard. bedroom. In the drawings should be
The learners should copy words learnt some of the items mentioned in the
in their exercise books. above list.
Review the previous lesson.
Organise the learners into pairs and Write “THE BEDROOM” on the
have them discuss what else they can blackboard. Below it, write a
see in the sitting room. Be sure to get scrambled word (the word MUST be
as many answers as possible, at least a bedroom object). Have the pupils
one from each group. take turns guessing which object it is.

Activity :Game Activity 10: Spelling and vocabulary

Write “THE DINING ROOM” on Hold a spelling competition. Prepare

the chalkboard. Below it, write a a list of the words learned in this
scrambled word (the word MUST be unit. Choose a few learners to stand
a dining room object). Have the pupils in front of the class. Give each a word
take turns guessing which object it is. to spell. If they spell it correctly, they

may remain standing. If not, they after you reading the /ch/ sound
must return to their seats. The last words using pupils book activity 12.
one standing wins! Lead them on how to read all the
words and let them repeat. When you
see that they have mastered them
The name of the game is ‘Last Letter’. there you can introduce the sentences
You may ask the class to sit in a circle. with /ch/ sound, read as they repeat.
Choose a learner to begin the game. Let them also construct their own
simple sentences. Appreciate them
He/she must think of a word and say it accordingly. The lesson should be fun
aloud. The next person must think of for you and pupils.
a word beginning with the last letter
of the previous word. For example, 7.3. End unit assessment
if the first word is “house” the next
word might be “elephant”. Tell them Help learners to do the activities in
that a word cannot be used twice. the pupil’s book:
1. Match the pictures with the
7.2. Sounds and spellings words.

: /ch/ sound. In this lesson you must 2. Name the objects in the picture.
Write the missing letter.
have some learning aids if possible
the real materials like chalk, chair. To
pronounce /ch/. Ask pupils to repeat


Domestic animals
Key competence: Use language learnt mistakes: everybody does it.
in the context of domestic animals.
Learning objectives
Language use
Recognise the use of the present
simple tense. Talking about domestic animals

Identify words for animals and animal We have a dog. Do you have a cow?
food. We don’t have rabbits. Talking about
what animals eat
Our dog eats meat. What do goats
• Produce sounds, recognise letters eat?
and recognise key sound – letter
relationships. Does your dog eat meat? What do
• Describe orally the animals they rabbits eat?
have at home. Talking about favourite animals
• Say what animals eat. I like dogs.
• Construct and interpret a table
Do you like hens?
showing what animals eat.
• Read a short text describing What is your favourite animal?
domestic animals and show
understanding visually or in My favourite animal is goats.
writing. Vocabulary
• Listen to a text read aloud
describing domestic animals and Activity: Animals: dog, goat, cow,
show understanding visually or in rabbit, pig, etc
writing. Food animals can eat: grass, meat,
• Describe domestic animals in vegetables, maize, etc
writing using simple supported
sentences. Language structures

Attitudes and values Present simple tense.

Activity : Sounds and spellings.
Listen carefully when others speak.
Recognise and name letters a to m.
Risk taking: Don’t worry about making

Recognise and pronounce some high Activity 3: Spelling and vocabulary
frequency words.
Hold a spelling test. Prepare a list
Become aware of lower-case and of the words learned in this topic.
capital letters. Choose a few learners to stand at the
front of the class. Give each a word
Recognise and pronounce sounds and to spell. If they spell it correctly, they
use rhythm and stress correctly. Spell may remain standing. If not, they
correctly. must return to their seats. The last
Teaching/Learning resources one standing wins!

Charts, pictures of animals, 8.2. Food that animals eat at

photographs, flash cards, table on home
board, drawing paper and pens
textbooks and notebooks. In this activity, pupils learn what
different animals eat at home.
Activity : Teaching/learning
activities Ask the class to look at the pictures in
the Pupil’s Book activity 7. Talk about
Introductory activity the pictures, ask them what they see.
Read and ask learners to repeat after What are the animals doing?
the names of domestic animals from Read each sentence as you study the
picture boxes. As they repeat, ask picture below it and ask pupils to
them to look at the pictures to identify repeat after you.
different domestic animals. It is better
to call these animals “Animals at Ask the learners if they know what
home” to avoid domestic at this level. other animals eat.

8.1. Animals at home. Activity 8: What does a dog eat?

In this activity, learners name and Ask the class to turn to the Learner’s
identify domestic animals. Book activity 8. Go through the table
together. You may ask the learners to
Ask the class to look at the pictures copy the table in their exercise books.
in the Pupil’s Book activity 2, and
tell all domestic animals they can
see. Through the activity 6, continue Have every learner think of an animal.
helping them discover the animal They must have in mind the name of
names by showing the images the animal, the sound it makes and
of animals with their names and what it eats. Choose a few learners
encourage them to repeat and spell to stand in the front of the class and
the names correctly. each one of them to describe the
animal they have in mind – they can

describe how it looks and the sound which animal you hold up. Let the
it produces. Let the class guess which learners take turns to play and enjoy
animal the learner is talking about. this game.
Spelling and vocabulary Spelling and vocabulary
Hold a spelling test. Prepare a list of Hold a spelling competition. Prepare
words learned in this topic. Choose a a list of the words learned in this
few learners to stand in front of the topic. Choose a few learners to stand
class. Give each a word to spell. If they in front of the class. Give each a word
spell it correctly, they may remain to spell. If they spell it correctly, they
standing. If not, they must return may remain standing. If not, they
to their seats. The last one standing must return to their seats. The last
wins! one standing wins!

8.3. My favourite animal. 8.4. Animal sounds

Ask learners to tell about their In this lesson, learners identify
favourite animals and try to expand animals’ sounds. Study the picture
their thinking by asking why they like and ask the learners if they know
a given animal. what sound a hen makes.
Ask the learners to draw the animal Go through the table to learn the
they like, in their exercise books. different animal sounds.
Organise the learners into pairs and Write a list of domestic animals on
ask them to answer the following the chalk board. In a separate column,
questions: write the sound that each animal
What animals do you like?
Ask learners to construct sentences
Why do you like these animals? stating the sound that each animal in
Choose a few learners to stand and your list makes:
describe one animal they like. A dog barks.
A cat meows.
Prepare some flashcards with pictures A hen cluck ...
of different domestic animals on
them. Game
Choose one learner to stand in front Place 10 flashcards face up, on the
of the class. Hold up a flash card and floor. The cards should be in random
show it to the class. The class can give order. On five of the cards should be
three hints to help the learner guess the picture/name of an animal. On

the other five, should be the sound Show them where to place their
that each animal makes. Guide the tongue, encourage them to place
learners to study the cards for 1 their tongue tip on the roof of the
minute, then flip them over. mouth. You can as well introduce
the /th/ sound syllables, like tha, thi,
Divide the class into 2 teams. Have tho, thu. You can tell them that we
one learner choose an animal card. can make words from these syllables
He/she must then choose a member for example, tha=that, you point on
of the opposing team to try and find charts in class, give them a chance
the animal sound that matches. to make some words from other
This lesson is a review on the animals syllables, if they fail make for them,
found at home. You may play a game read as they repeat words in pupil’s
or sing a song like ‘Old McDonald had book activity 9.
a farm’. Ask the class some questions
8.6. End of unit assessment
and clarify any misunderstandings
that they may have on this topic. Ask pupils to fill in the words and
8.5. sounds and spellings. match the animal with the food and
the sound in the pupil’s book.
/th/ sound.
In this lesson pupils should
first listen to you, you need to
pronounce this sound as many
times as possible as pupils repeat.


What we do every day

Key competence: Use language learnt Content
in the context of daily routine.
Language use
Learning objectives
Describing daily activities
Recognise the use of the present
simple tense and clock time. I get up, clean my teeth. Does she
clean her teeth?
Identify words for daily activities at
home and clock time related terms. Do you do your homework?
Skills Telling the time
• Recognise and produce sounds, What time is it? It is six o’clock; half
recognise letters and key sound – past six, a quarter to/past six; five/
letter relationships. ten/twenty/twenty-five past/to six.
• Tell the time orally.
Describing every day activities
• Say what they do every day.
• Read a short text on activities of I go to school at 7.00 o’clock. She gets
every day show understanding up at 6.00 o’clock.
visually or in writing. Vocabulary
• Listen to a text read aloud about
activities they do every day and Activities pupils do every day at
show understanding visually or in home: do homework, clean teeth, get
writing. up, get dressed, etc.
• Tell the time in writing. Language structures
• Say activities they do every day
in writing using simple supported Present simple tense
sentences. Telling the time.
Attitudes and values Sounds and spellings
• Have a routine of reading in and
out of class. The learner recognises and
pronounces sounds. She/he uses
• Appreciate writing neatly and
rhythm and stress spells words
avoiding spelling errors.

Teaching/Learning resources a list of the words learned in this
topic. Choose a few learners to stand
Pictures, photographs, drawing in front of the class. Give each a word
papers, pens and pencils to spell. If they spell it correctly, they
Activity2 : Teaching/learning may remain standing. If not, they
activities must return to their seats. The last
one standing wins!
Introductory activity
9.2. What time is it?
Ask pupils to name the items they
can see on the picture. If they fail to In this lesson, learners familiarise
know the names, help them and ask themselves with the clock and learn
them to repeat after you. Make sure the basics of telling time.
they recognise the items and name
them. Check their pronunciation and Present to the class a paper clock. The
help pupils to spell them in their note face of the clock should be round with
books. the numbers 1 − 12 written around it.
You may attach a short (thick) hour
9.1. What do you do in the hand and a long (thin) minute hand to
morning? the centre of the paper clock.

In this activity, learners talk about Ask the learners if they’ve ever seen a
their daily morning routine. clock and what we use clocks for.

Ask the learners to look at the pictures Draw a clock and ask them to draw
in the Pupil’s Book activity 1. Read the their own clock in their exercise book.
heading and ask them to repeat after Read the heading aloud and have the
you. class repeat after you.
As an exercise, ask learners to write Study and discuss each picture as you
their morning activities in their read the activity and the clock time.
exercise books.
Ask learners what time they wake up
in morning. Do they wake up every
Write a list of the morning activities morning at the same time? What time
on the chalk board with no logical do they have breakfast? How many
order of activities. Ask the class, what hours does it take to complete their
they do when they wake up in the chores?
morning. They should try to put the 9.3. Activity 5: Read the poem.
list in the correct order.
Spelling and vocabulary In this activity, pupils learn about the
importance of a daily routine.
Hold a spelling competition. Prepare

Ask the class to look at the poem in Activity 8: Game
the Pupil’s Book activity 5. Read the
poem and ask pupils to repeat after Teach the class a song or a nursery
you. rhyme. You may repeat “The House
That Jack Built”, or teach something
Activity 6: word box. new.
This lesson is a review on daily 9.4 End unit assessment
routines. You may play a game or sing
a song. Ask the class some questions Ask learners to answers the questions
and clarify any misunderstandings in the pupil’s book.
that they may have on this topic.
Check on their work in order to help
Activity 7: What time is it? them where necessary.
This lesson is a review on time. You
may play a game or sing a song. Ask
the class some questions and clarify
any misunderstandings that they may
have in relation to this topic.


10 Storytelling
Key competence: Use language learnt Language structures
in the context of storytelling.
Present simple tense
Learning objectives
Connectors of time: once upon a time,
Recognise the use of connectors of then, after that, next, finally, etc.
Sounds and spelling
Identify key words for the story.
The learner recognises and
Skills pronounces sounds and uses rhythm
• Recognise and produce sounds, and stress correctly. She/he spells
recognise letters and recognise words correctly.
key sound – letter relationships. Teaching/Learning resources
• Listen to simple stories and show
understanding visually. Pictures, photographs, storybooks,
flash cards
• Read a story and show
understanding visually. Teaching/learning activities
• Retell a story with support from
Introductory activity
the teacher.
Attitudes and values Read the days of the week from the
table in the pupil’s book in activity
Be careful while listening to a story 1 and ask pupils to repeat after you.
and look at the pictures Be able to Repeat this activity until children
detect errors. become familiar with the names of
the days of the week.
Activity 2: ask pupils about their daily
Language use work routine. Read as they repeat
On Monday, he ate one apple but he after you some example sentences
was still hungry. from the pupil’s book.

On Friday, he ate five oranges but he 10.1. Story time

was still hungry.
In this activity, learners practice with
Vocabulary the days of the week. They also have a
quick review about domestic animals.
Vocabulary of the story

Ask the learners to look at the story Game
of Daniel in the pupil’s book activity 3.
The name of this game is ‘Broken
Read the first sentence in the story. Telephone’.
Then choose six learners to read the
sentences that follow; each learner Have the class sit in a circle. Think of
reads one sentence. an interesting sentence and write it
on a piece of paper. Give the paper
Check whether the learners are to a learner. No one else must see it.
identifying the days of the week from That learner must then whisper the
the story. Write them on the chalk sentence to the one beside him or
board. her, who must then whisper it to his
Read each day of the week, have the or her neighbour. The last learner in
class repeat after you, and write them the circle will then call out what he/
down in their exercise books. she heard. Is it what you wrote on the
Spelling and vocabulary
10.2. Sounds and spelling
Prepare a list of the words learned
in this far. You may hold a spelling Read words with highlighted letters
competition or ask the learners to of the English alphabet in the pupil’s
write the words in their exercise book. The words were chosen in a
books. way that the sounds of these letters
match those of Kinyarwanda sounds
Storytelling. for these letters. In this unit, make
Prepare 4 short stories to tell the class. sure pupils get familiarised with the
Make sure to use familiar words. You alphabet from Aa to Zz. Teach them
may read a storybook or retell them letter names with letter sounds. At this
from memory. level, teach them sound /th/. Read for
them /th/ sound words because they
Read the stories one after the other to will be familiar to them as they learnt
the pupils and invite pupils to repeat them in unit 7, activity 7.
words and sentences after you. Help
learners to recall the stories through 10.3. End of unit assessment
question and answer.
As an exercise, ask the class to
Listen and repeat. rearrange the pictures and retell the
Read a story as the learners listen and
then ask them to repeat it after you.
Ask them simple questions about it,
help them to answer where necessary.

Adrian Wallwork (2008) Discussions A-Z intermediate: A
Resource Book of Speaking Activities. Cambridge
University Press

Anderson, L.W. , Krathwohl, D.R. , Airasian, P.W., Cruikshank,

K.A., Mayer, R.E., Pintrich, P.R., Raths, J., Wittrock, M.C.
(2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing:
A revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.
New York: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon

Colin Campbell and Hanna Kryszewska (2011) Learner- based

Teaching. Oxford University Press.

Carol Booth Olson (2006) The Reading/ Writing Connections:

Strategies for teaching and learning in the Secondary
Classroom. Oxford University Press.

REB (2015). New Competence - based Curriculum. Kigali


REB (2016). English Primary 3 Pupil’s Daily Reader.

Mary N. Irungu (2010). Sound and Read, Book 2: Danmar


Fastline Educational Consultancy Firm (2019). Phonic Reading

with Stories Pupil’s Book 1, Kampala.


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