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ClimateSmartTechnology FarmMechanization UseEfficiencyRajeshetal

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Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechanization for Enhanced Input

Use Efficiency

Chapter · November 2020


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9 authors, including:

Rajesh U Modi Manjunatha Krishnappa

Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research


Prem Veer Gautam G.R.K. Murthy

Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI) ICAR-NAARM


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Phosphorous and micronutrients View project

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Climate Change and Indian Agriculture:
Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Ch. Srinivasa Rao
Tavva Srinivas
R.V.S. Rao
N. Srinivasa Rao
S. Senthil Vinayagam
P. Krishnan

ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management

Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Climate Change and Indian Agriculture:
Challenges and Adaptation Strategies

Ch. Srinivasa Rao
Tavva Srinivas
R.V.S. Rao
N. Srinivasa Rao
S. Senthil Vinayagam
P. Krishnan

ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management

Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Preferred Citation of Book
Srinivasarao, Ch., Srinivas, T., Rao, R.V.S., Srinivasarao, N., Vinayagam, S.S., Krishnan, P. (2020).
Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies,
ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India. p-584.

Preferred Citation of Chapters

Kumar, K., Bhattacharjee, S., Vaikuntapu, PR., Sharma, CL., Jayaswal, D., Sharma, R.,
Sundaram, R.M. 2020. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Through Biotechnological
Interventions. In: Ch. Srinivasarao et al., (Eds). Climate Change and Indian Agriculture:
Challenges and Adaptation Strategies, ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research
Management, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. pp-1-22.

ISBN No. : 978-81-943090-7-9

Published by
Hyderabad - 500 030

July 2020

For Copies contact:

Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030
Telangana, India
Tel: 040-24581322/24581285
Fax: 040-24015912
Email: [email protected]

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies

S.No. Title Page No
1 Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation through 1
Biotechnological Interventions
2 Exploration of CRISPR/Cas Toolbox for Developing 23
Climate-Smart Plants
3 Accelerated Crop Breeding towards Development of 49
Climate Resilient Varieties
4 Offsetting Climate Change Impact through Genetic Enhancement 71
5 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation through Soil Management 105
6 Resource Conservation Technologies for Climate Change Adaptation 131
and Mitigation
7 Climate Smart Soil and Water Management Strategies for 157
Sustainable Agriculture
8 Can Planting Trees Avert Climate Emergency? 183
9 Physiological Responses and Strategies for Temperature and Water Stress 199
Tolerance in Plants
10 Impact of Climate Change on the Production of Secondary 215
Metabolites in Plants
11 Relevance of Plant Associated Microorganisms in Climate 245
Smart Agriculture
12 Impact of Climate Change on Host-Pathogen Interactions and 271
its Implications on Crop Disease Management
13 Impact of Climate Change on Pests and Their Management Options 295
with Emphasis on Identi cation of Adaptation Strategies
14 Quality Seed and Climate Resilience: Challenges and Opportunities 311
15 Climate Smart Technology Based Farm Mechanization for 325
Enhanced Input Use Ef ciency
16 Climate Smart Post-Harvest Agriculture and Food Systems 359
17 Approaches for Managing Post-Harvest Handling in Climate 385
Disaster Prone Areas
18 Climate-Smart Livestock Farming in India: Addressing Issues and Challenges 397
19 Climate Change Versus Livestock Health: Impact, Mitigation and Adaptation 431
20 Hazards in the Wake of Climate Change Induced Extreme Weather 449
Events and Their Impact on Indian Fisheries
21 Role of Arti cial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) in 465
Mitigating Climate Change
22 Recent Advancements in Arti cial Intelligence (AI) and 473
Internet of Things (IoT) for Ef cient Water Management in Agriculture
23 Climate Change and Agriculture: An Economic Perspective 485
24 Impact and Adaptation Strategies in Horticulture Sector in a Climate 501
Change Environment
25 Climate Change and Livestock Sector in India: Issues and Options 517
26 Role of Genomics in Agriculture in Age of Climate Change 539
27 Application of Bio-Informatics in Climate Smart Agriculture 561
28 Institutional Linkages and Community Partnerships for 569
Climate Resilient Agriculture
Authors Index
Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Rajesh U Modi ,
K. Manjunatha ,
Prem Veer Gautam1,
T. Nageshkumar1, R. Sanodiya1, Technology Based Farm
V. Chaudhary1, G.R.K. Murthy1
I. Srinivas and
Mechanization for
Ch. Srinivasa Rao
ICAR-National Academy of
Enhanced Input Use
Agricultural Research
Management, Hyderabad, Ef ciency
ICAR-Central Research
Institute for Dryland
Agriculture, Hyderabad,

Farm mechanization is a basic need in extensive agriculture production

system. It plays a key role in timeliness of farm operations, quality of work and
enhanced agricultural production. The agricultural production is observing erratic
yield variations and unpredicted negative impacts in the wake of climate changes
globally. In view of present challenges throughout the production system, the
future growth has to come from the acceleration in the rate of farm
mechanization. The farm mechanization level in India is 40 % with average 2.24
kW/ha farm power availability. On the other hand, Punjab has reached 4.4 kW/ha
whereas in the hills of Uttarakhand, it is 1.05 kW/ha. The present mechanization is
distinctly different throughout the country and still low to cope up with climatic
variations in the agricultural sector as well as to enhance input use ef ciency of
natural resources. In addition to this, the crop residue is largely responsible for the
degradation of climate during the peak season of wheat sowing due to the
burning of crop residue. This chapter encapsules overall mechanization practices
and the potential of some of the frontier farm machinery used in the various farm
operations right from seedbed preparation to threshing and processing through
enhanced input use ef ciency for attaining climate-smart agriculture. Also, it
discusses the possible strategies to increase climate-smart farm mechanization in
the area of agricultural production system in every possible way.

Keywords: Climate-Smart Agriculture, Climate Resilient Agriculture,

Farm Mechanization, Farm Machinery, Input Use Ef ciency

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 325
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

well as increased incomes through

I. Introduction higher agricultural productivity. Also,
I.1 An Overview of Mechanization there may be an increase in carbon
sequestration with conservation
for Sustainable Climate: Hand-
agriculture or climate-smart
in-Hand Approach agriculture, whichever is possible.
Agriculture is prone to natural Mechanization is not a new thing but
and climatic risks that can have adapting it for climate-smart
deleterious effects on the agricultural agriculture is new, and innovative to
production system. Variability in lead to more productive and
climate poses a hazard to the sustainable agriculture. This pathway
agriculture production system and would help to enhance the capability
livelihoods of farmers (Wood et al., of farm machinery to adapt and
2014). Agricultural production mitigate climate change. Climate-
systems are confronting competition smart agriculture is associated with
from other areas for limited natural actions in the eld, involves the
resources. The improper management assessment and application of smart
practices of these resources and their technologies and agronomical
quality is also being affected by practices. Also, incorporation of
change in climatic and weather supportive government policy,
conditions. In order to cope with this research framework and construction
situation, agriculture must be of investment strategies.
transformed through improved
I.2 Mechanization Status,
sustainable performance and
resilience to the impacts of climate Demands and Opportunities
change in such a way that it does not Farm mechanization is crucial to
compromise food security for all. boost input use ef ciency along with
These challenges have been increased production and
intricately related and expected to be productivity. While looking into the
addressed simultaneously through global scenario; United States of
climate-smart agriculture. Farm America, Western Europe, Russia,
mechanization can be an effective Brazil and China have attained the
answer to address these challenges mechanization level approximately
which have a bearing on climatic 95, 95, 80, 75 and 59.5 %, respectively
conditions. Moreover, climate-smart (Grant Thornton, 2017; Fang, 2017).
technology based farm On the other hand, India reached up
mechanization is a strategy for to only 40 % mechanization level
sustainable development of (Mehta et al., 2019). Mechanization
agricultural production systems and level for major crops in India is shown
food value chains to ensure food in Fig. 1. Within India; Punjab,
security under climate change Haryana and Uttar Pradesh are the
through judicious use of agricultural leading states in terms of farm power
machinery. Climate-smart technology availability whereas North-eastern
based mechanization in agriculture states are lacking behind (Fig. 2). The
would help in building an agricultural tractor penetration has been
system resilient to climate change as increasing whereas other farm
implements are lagging behind.

326 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

Source: Mehta et al., 2019

Fig. 1: Mechanization Level for Major Crops in India

Source: DACFW, 2018

Fig. 2: Farm Power Availability in India

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 327
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

Farm mechanization is facing the productivity with increased farm

constraint of fragmentation of farm pro tability through food security
size. In India, average farm size is less and environment protection while at
than 1.08 ha in which small and the same time preserving and
marginal farm land holdings (< 2.0 enhancing natural resources.
ha) contribute to 86.21 % of total Potential range of climate-smart
operational land holdings and cover agricultural techniques offered to
47.35 % (DACFW, 2019). In spite of farmers is large and as such the
smaller land holding agricultural number of technologies accepted is
systems are highly vulnerable to highly subject to the farmer
climate change. Also, it may be characteristics, farm situations and
subjected to lower farm other economic conditions,
mechanization in the farm operations affordability, government
to become food secure. The intervention, availability of market
confronting challenge is and information access. Farmers
fragmentation of land hat has would adopt several technologies
contributed to small farm holdings. concurrently in cases where
Decrease in availability of farm technologies are complementary. For
labourers which is expected to reduce example, water conservation can be
about 26 % by 2050 is another accomplished through different
problem. Custom hiring centers, co- technologies such as happy seeder,
operative societies and farmer including those that reduce soil
producers organisations are the erosion (minimum conservation/
opportunities to the perk up present tillage and mulching), while a farmer
Indian agriculture. Providing nancial undertaking livestock rearing may
support to the local manufacturers utilize the manure from that
through Make-in-India initiative to enterprise for soil health
develop farm machines or equipment improvement. Climate-smart based
as per local requirements which are mechanization is an agricultural
expected to be imported from the development paradigm extensively
developed countries. Small-scale promoted in developed countries to
mechanization and custom-hiring transform agriculture under a
centers are fast evolving as feasible changing climate environment. There
solutions for small landholding is ample scope for increasing farm
farmers. productivity in India through
technical, managerial and policy
The number of farm technologies
interventions to bridge the yield gap.
have been developed but its frontline
Various studies (Government of India,
demonstration and the reach to the
1996) revealed that the adoption of
end user is still lesser in states of India
suitable mechanizing technologies
which lies in between 2-3 kW/ha.
could lead to
Encouraging the use of available
climate-smart technologies through Ÿ Increased farm production and
climate-smart solutions could impact productivity by 10-15%
Indian agriculture in a focused
Ÿ Higher cropping intensity by 5-
manner. The management of
ecosystems can lead to sustainable

328 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

Ÿ Savings in seeds up to 15-20%

II. Climate-Smart
Ÿ Saving in fertilizer and chemicals
up to 15-20%, and Technology-Based Farm
Ÿ Reduction in time and labour up to Mechanization
Climate-smart mechanization
I.3 Government's Initiatives for incorporates extensive range of farm
machinery in various farm operations
Farm Mechanization
starting from seedbed preparation,
Climate-smart agriculture is a sowing/transplanting, intercultural
present need in the scenario of operations, irrigation, nutrient
enhanced agriculture inputs use as management, plant protection,
well as need for higher input use harvesting and threshing or even in
ef ciency. In order to promote the post-harvesting of crop i.e. straw
usage of farm mechanization, the management. The present climate-
Government of India has initiated a smart farm technologies in operation
scheme named as sub-mission on are discussed in this chapter
agricultural mechanization (SMAM)
by increasing the farm power II.1 Mechanization in Seedbed
availability up to 2.5 kW/ha. SMAM is Preparation
a Central Sector Schemes under
Seedbed arrangement is the
several components for conducting
primary stage for ideal crop
training, testing, promotion,
development which has a major
demonstration and strengthening of
impact on yield potential. Seedbed
agricultural mechanization and
preparation involves rst operation
management as well in which the
i.e. tillage. Tillage is the mechanical
Government of India contributes 100
manipulation of soil for weed control,
%. contributes In Centrally Sponsored
seedbed preparation and a good
Schemes from the Government of
porous root environment. It reduces
India and states is 60 and 40 % except
soil organic matter, incorporates air
Northeastern states and Himalayan
into soil, leads to an increase in
regions states where it is kept as 90
biological activity in case of
and 10 %, respectively. In the case of
mouldboard and chisel plough (Yiqi
Union Territories, it is 100% centre
and Zhou, 2010).
share (SMAM, 2020). Also, a major
issue of residue burning emerged and Conservation tillage (CT) system
gained attention to make climate- conserves natural resources such as
smart strategies through promoting soil, water and energy resources
agricultural mechanization for in-situ through reduction of intensity of
management of crop residue with an tillage and retention or mulching of
investment of Rs 591.62 crore crop residue (Uprety et al., 2012). CT
(DACFW, 2019). Government of India involves limited disturbance of soil for
has provided nancial assistance for planting, growing and harvesting of
establishing custom hiring centres for crops. It maintains at least 30 % of
in-situ crop residue management by the soil surface with crop residue
underwriting 80% of the project cost while planting (Dinnes, 2004).
(PIB, 2020).

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 329
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

Conservation tillage methods include carbon at top soil (Lenka and Lenka,
zero-till, strip-till, ridge-till and mulch- 2014). Excess tillage stimulates
till. One million litres of water per organic matter decomposition, which
hectare (100 mm) can be saved leads to emission of CO2 to the
compared with conventional practices atmosphere (Uprety et al., 2012).
due to the mulch on the soil surface
Rotary tiller aids in mixing manure or
which reduces evapotranspiration
fertilizer and removing and mixing
(Rehman, 2007). Application of
weeds with soil. It reduces time and
conservation tillage like no-tillage
cost by around 30-35 % and 20-25 %,
leads to sequestration of soil organic
respectively (ICAR, 2007). Combined
carbon (SOC) higher than the
tillage is de ned as simultaneously
conventional tillage (Lenka and
operating two or more different
Lenka, 2014). Singh et al., (2019)
tillage implements to manipulate the
reported that the use of zero tillage
soil, reduce the number and time of
in rice-wheat cropping system had
eld operations. It reduces the soil
reduced one million litres of irrigation
compaction, labour and fuel cost as it
water and diesel about 98 litres apart
reduces the number of trips.
from these, reducing 0.25 mg of
Combination tillage has a higher
carbon dioxide emission. CT always
performance index of tillage than the
does not increase SOC storage, an
conventional tillage. Furthermore, it
increased SOC at the top soil can be
reduces cost and time from 44 to 55
compensated by decrease at deeper
% and 50 to 55 %, respectively for
soil (VandenBygaart, 2011). No-tillage
seedbed preparation (Prem et al.,
has been an alternative to
2016). The laser levelling is a laser
conventional seedbed preparation
guided precision levelling technique
because it leads to an increase in

Table 1: Climate-Smart Technologies for Sowing/Transplanting

, 2020a

et al.,

, 2020a

, 2020b

330 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

, 2020a

et al.,

et al.,

, 2020a

et al., 2013

, 2020a

, 2020b

, 2017

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 331
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

used for achieving very ne levelling II.2 Mechanization in

with the desired grade on the Sowing/Transplanting
agricultural eld. It also enhances
environmental quality and crop yields The sowing or transplanting is
and reduces greenhouse emission. the critical phase in the agricultural
production system. It must be done in
Controlled wheeling system has a
the intended period to achieve the
wide range of bene ts including
desired crop yield. Number of crops
extra output and reduces the variable
have to be sown at a time in various
input costs. It reduces the compaction
elds. The sowing or transplanting of
yield by improving the structure of
a particular crop within the time
soil by around 15 %. Moreover, it
frame with the manual method is not
operates with35 % less fuel
possible due to the labour crisis and
requirement. The power requirement
human limitations. This can delay the
can be reduced by 30 % due to
operation if done manually and lead
improved structure leading to less
to climatic variation. The mechani-
draught requirement (McCrum et al.,
zation can bring in timely operation,
2009). So, minimizing the amount of
precision, cost-effectiveness, resources
tillage enhances the carbon
and input ef ciency, resource
sequestration in the soil. Reducing
conservation like soil and water. Some
the number of passes of equipment in
climate-smart technologies for
the eld reduces the cost of fossil fuel
sowing/ transplanting are presented
and associated carbon emission to the
in Table 1.
atmosphere which implies enhanced
use ef ciency of all inputs by
decreasing losses.

Source: Rao and Chauhan, 2015

Fig. 3: Potential Loss of Yield Due to Weeds in Various Major Crops in India

332 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

II.3 Mechanization in Weeding and mechanization in weeding operation

Intercultural Operations over the last decade. Intelligent
weeders are now being built that
Weeding is one of the critical provide more sophisticated ways of
management practices for the controlling weeds and to leave the
production of agricultural crops. crop plants unharmed. The inclusion
Weeds compete with crops for water, of innovative technologies like
nutrients and sunlight and, if sensing and robotic weed control
uncontrolled, can adversely effect on systems, machine vision and RTK GPS
crop yields and quality (Slaughter et guidance systems, in conjunction with
al., 2008). There are lot of factors new cropping systems, might lead to
in uencing the magnitude of yield a breakthrough in mechanical weed
and loss of quality, including the control in row crops (Van der Weide
productivity of the crops and weeds et al., 2008). This tends to signi cant
present, the density of the crops and reduction in drudgery and weeding
weed plants, time the weeds appear time.
relative to the crop, the span of the
In spite of many challenges in
weeds and the relative propinity of
implementing mechanical weed
crops to the weeds (Weiner, 1982;
management, there is tremendous
Pike et al., 1990). Several studies have
scope for developing robotic weed
noted the yield loss associated with
control system. More research is
weed competitiveness. In a survey,
needed on inter and intra row
weed scientists in India estimated
weeding for various eld crops. The
potential yield losses from 10 to 100
use of mechanical weeders for weed
% as shown in Fig. 3 (Rao and
management is a pro table deal
Chauhan, 2015).
corresponding to the high cost of
For centuries, different mechanical weed control and environmental
weeding tools viz., hand hoes, push- hazards associated with the overuse
pull type weeders, wetland weeders, of herbicides. More attention should
animal drawn weeding tools, power be given to employing mechanical
operated weeding tools and tractor weeding as an alternate weed
drawn row crop cultivators were used management strategy. Future weed
in the crop rows to reduce weeds. In management can bene t from
the present scenario, the availability greater use of mechanical and
of enough labour and equipment for autonomous weeding principles to
weeding operations does not change weed management practices,
synchronize with the ideal season. agricultural environment and global
Hence, majority of the farmers are climate.
not able to complete the weeding
Weed monitoring can be achieved
operations in time. Therefore,
either by mechanical or chemical use.
conventional weed control methods
Herbicides are intended to control
give low performance resulting in
weeds, but are also toxic to desirable
delayed weeding at high cost. To
plants and animals, including humans.
tackle the above problems, various
Herbicides are generally less toxic
researchers from the developed and
than insecticides, but some of them
developing countries have focused on
are potentially toxic to living

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 333
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

organisms and their transformed introduced which have good eld

products in the environment. The performance but higher operational
global environmental contamination cost (Namdev et al., 2017; Namdev et
problem caused by overuse of al., 2019)
herbicides and the rising cost of
Tractor operated weeder and
chemicals call for alternative crop
earthing up is an equipment used for
protection methods. The cost of some
weeding and earthing up in row
herbicides is also very high since the
crops. The equipment consists of
basic ingredients are imported from
three shanks made of spring steel
developed countries to manufacture
with a sweep on each shank. The row
herbicides. A possible way to reduce
to row spacing is adjustable according
chemicals is to employ precise
to the crop. Rotary power weeder is a
techniques for different types of
self-propelled engine operated power
agricultural operations so that
weeder for intercultural operation in
chemicals can be used where they
horticulture and wider row crops. The
have an optimum impact at a
weeding ef ciency of the machine
minimum quantity. It is even possible
varies from 80-94 % depending upon
to abandon the use of chemicals in
the type of crop with eld capacity of
some operations and implement
0.6 to 1.0 ha/day. The performance of
other methods i.e. mechanical weed
the machine for weeding is found
control (Astrand and Baerveldt, 2002).
satisfactory on cotton, sugarcane,
Thus, eliminating the need for
sun ower and gram. Tractor operated
chemical weed control will result in
rotary weeder is suitable for weeding
considerable savings in both
in wider row crops. There is
ecological and economic terms. But
approximately 74 % saving in labour
the situation has been changing
and 56 % saving on the cost of
rapidly during the previous decade
due to urbanization. Higher wages in
construction sector and industries led II.4 Mechanization in Irrigation
to the labour crisis in the agriculture
Water plays a vital role in
sector. Farming community started
agricultural development under
opting for technologies which require
rainfed condition. Persistent
less manpower. Herbicide use during
population increase and the expected
this time frame has increased and is
impacts of climate change, including
still on the rise.
precipitation changes and melting of
The intercultural operation in glaciers, make the water problem
horticultural crops seems dif cult due very serious. It is especially important
to its crop canopy and reach of for a large country like India, which is
regular implement. Weeding beneath in the tropical belt and is
the plant canopy and around the experiencing extreme climate and
plant girth becomes easy using an rainfall variations across the country.
offset rotavator. This allows us to do In India, about 65 % of agriculture is
intercultivation operations in an rain dependent (Singh and Kumar,
ef cient way which leads to saving in 2009). There are substantial
time as well as drudgery. In India, differences in rainfall, the
offset rotavators are being westernmost part receives less than

334 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

100 mm per year and the easternmost suf cient level for the plants to grow
part receives 100 times more. A healthily. The device will stop
signi cant amount of water is wasted automatically for such a speci c time
in irrigated agriculture as evaporation when the soil moisture level is
and/or leakage during storage and reached as we set the time in the
transportation of the water to the morning and evening. The brain for
elds where the crops are grown. this system is microcontroller. Also, it
has reliable parts and relatively low
Micro and mechanized farming
costs (Rasyid et al., 2015). Using micro
systems help to reduce water
irrigation system has shown results
wastage. Small farmers emphasize the
that crop WUE (water usage
implementation of these systems,
ef ciency) was observed to improve
intending to raise crop yields by using
compared to conventional irrigation.
minimum water. Besides, local
Real-time irrigation scheduling based
governments around the world
on soil moisture is a modern
encourage farmers to adopt such
technique (water savings of 15-20 %),
products, encouraging market growth
where the irrigation scheduling
and encouraging various market
method decides the feedback needed
participants to produce micro-
for the control algorithms. It has been
irrigation products that are effective
observed over decades that the
and low-cost. On the farm level,
ponding of water by surface
irrigation systems typically used can
irrigation for paddy crop leads to an
be generally categorized as sprinkler
anaerobic reaction which gives rise to
systems, surface systems and drip
an increase in release of methane
systems. In sprinkler systems (e.g.,
which is a dominant causative factor
solid sets, centre pivots and travelling
in adverse climate change. So moving
irrigators), water is delivered in form
towards the micro-irrigation leads to
of sprays using overhead sprinklers.
an increase in WUE and also helps in
Also, there is an indication towards
growing more crop per drop.
better water management practices
with subsurface drip irrigation. It has The unevenness in eld leads to non-
also been observed that the uniformity in seed germination, poor
application rate of micro irrigation is crop stand increases weed intensity,
much higher than the surface uneven crop maturity ultimately
methods with an ef ciency ranging affecting yield and grain quality as
from 85-90 %. well. Laser land leveller saves nearly
20-25 % of irrigation water that could
Soil moisture plays a crucial role when
have been lost due to unevenness of
it comes to irrigation. Moisture in the
the elds. With this technology,
soil is dif cult to measure, and cannot
effective land levelling is intended to
be easily controlled at its target
have optimum water and nutrient use
levels. That is why the best solution
ef ciency, better crop establishment
for this problem would be an
and reduction in time for applying
automated irrigation system. The soil
irrigation. Also, there is increase in
moisture sensor will refer to the soil
productivity and yield as well as
moisture level and the system
increase in cultivated area by about 3
automatically activates when the
%. Tensiometer gives the moisture or
moisture level is less than the

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 335
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

crop water demand which can predict agriculture. Thus, tractor driven
irrigation requirement in the crop former phule check basin is bene cial
production system. It was used in the for dryland farming in Maharashtra
paddy crop which helps in 20 % for in-situ rain water harvesting. It
irrigation water saving. An irrigation creates 6×2 m size check basins and
system can also be automated using facilitates 30 to 40 % timeliness and
real-time clock, moisture sensor, saving up to 50-60 %. This rain water
temperature sensor and humidity conservation enhances the production
sensor along with irrigation supply of Rabi crops in the region
system and system controller. Also, an (Turbatmath and Deshmukh, 2016).
automated drip irrigation system The farmers struggle to achieve
improves yield by applying right timeliness in various unit operations
amount of irrigation at right time for of groundnut to take advantage of
cucumber crop (Prakash et al., 2017). the favorable conditions in drylands
Use of water can be reduced by of Andhra Pradesh. Bollavathi et al.
sowing the crops such as rice, wheat, (2018) developed an aqua planter to
maize, groundnut, cotton sugarcane solve this problem. Aqua sowing is
etc. concurrent seed sowing and the
Dryland farming plays a signi cant supply of an equal quantity of water,
role in the growth of Indian quite enough for the seeds to

Fig. 4: Measurement and Management of N (i) LCC, (ii) Spad Meter and
N-Management Device (iii) Spectroradiometer and (iv) CCI Meter

336 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

germinate regardless of whether it with different levels of N applied

rains or not for the rst few days. This (Singh et al., 2015). Measurement and
is a modern technology designed for management of N is shown in Fig. 4.
the advantages of dryland farmers
The portable chlorophyll content
and speci cally for seed sowing
meter (CCM) was evaluated by
during late monsoon contingency
Rathore and Jasrai (2013) and found
season. Pusa aqua-ferti seed drill is
that CCM is an effective tool for
used for applying aqueous fertilizer
estimating relative chlorophyll
alongside the seed, which tends to
content in selected plant species.
improve germination and initial crop
Optical sensors provide a rapid and
production, particularly under rain-
non-destructive in-season diagnosis of
fed conditions. It increases
cotton N status and cotton biomass.
germination and wheat crop yield by
Green seeker on the go variable rate
53 and 35 %, respectively and has
urea application system operated by
eld capacity 0.25 ha/h (IARI, 2020).
mounting on the back of the
II.5 Mechanization in Nutrient operator can be used for top dressing.
It was capable of measuring the
nitrogen in the range of 8.5-30 kg/ha
In crop production management, N with the help of a uted roller
real time, non-destructive and high- when operated with 2.0 km/h speed.
throughput acquisition of crop A GPS based VRT fertilizer applicator
growth information is an important for granular fertilizer application
requirement. Conventional detection consisting of a microcontroller and
methods are subjected to the actuator with seed cum fertilizer drill
destructive sampling of plants. While can be used in a precision map based
in indoor physical and chemical system. This reduces the variability of
analysis are laborious, time granular fertilizer up to 15 % and
consuming and have poor timeliness, saves 13-15 % fertilizer as compared
the leaf colour chart (LCC) is a simple to the conventional method (CIAE,
technology to detect nitrogen (N) 2016). These technologies give input
de ciency in the crop. It is compatible in a precise manner through saving
with paddy, wheat and maize crops. input i.e. enhanced input use
The colour of each eld's youngest ef ciency.
fully expanded leaf (second from top)
N management through airborne and
of 10 randomly picked disease-free
satellite imagery is one of the
plants/hills is matched with the LCC
ef cient ways in fertilization.
colour strip (Kumar et al., 2018). With
Multispectral, hyperspectral, and
the tractor mounted N-sensor,
thermal aerial imaging acquired from
spectrometers are able to scan about
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ights
32 % of the total wheat area.
is a useful tool for detecting crop
Algorithms were developed for
requirements for N. There are
tillering and booting stages which are
different categories of remote
useful for the estimation of N-
sensing imaging systems, which are
application rate for wheat crop.
used in fertilization applications.
Algorithm and sensor value predicts
Among them, RGB/CIR cameras, which
N-application rate similar for plots
combine infrared (CIR), red, green,

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 337
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

and blue light imagery (visible or areas and can be used on a variety of
RGB) allow to estimate of green scales, from catchments and
biomass and N status from NDVI. landscapes to elds (Söderström et
Multispectral cameras, which is in the al., 2017). New low-cost or publicly
VIS NIR regions can obtain a limited accessible satellite systems such as
number of spectral bands at once, are Sentinel-2 with high temporal
commonly used for assessing green resolution and external wavebands
biomass, fertility status, pigment aimed at measuring crop resources
degradation and photosynthetic opening up exciting possibilities for
performance. Infrared cameras or better N production and quality of
thermal imaging cameras have nutrient use for more ef cient food
signi cant use to determine the chains. Another signi cant effect of
distress of nutrients in crops. remote sensing technologies and
ground sensing systems in handling
Nowadays, various companies provide
nitrogen is environmental protection.
farmers aerial remote sensing services
Excessive and long periods of
through multispectral and
fertilization with nitrogen accumulate
hyperspectral or thermal aerial
contaminants in the soil causes
imagery, which is used for the
damage to the environment. In the
diagnostics of crop nutrient de ciency
case of nutrient runoff,
in different crops (wheat, rice, cotton,
overfertilization can be a source of
horticulture and other crops). Various
unnecessary extra costs and an
models of nitrogen applications are
environmental hazard (Guérif et al.,
produced using images from the
2007). Water quality degradation is
aerial network, allowing for better
also one of the most serious global
control of farm N management.
environmental problems resulting
These, N algorithm models,
from the unnecessary fertilization of
developed through the information
crops with nitrogen. Groundwater or
gathered by N-sensor, can help
surface water is mostly polluted by
farmers to determine the correct dose
nitrates when overfertilization occurs
of N supply required by crops and
in crops. According to Riley et al.,
position, thus increasing crop
(2001), the movement of N from
production and reducing the
fertile elds to surface waters has
environmental contamination due to
been related to freshwater
excessive N fertilization.
eutrophication and estuaries.
Multispectral and hyperspectral Elevated fertilization rates result in N
satellite imagery also has a major role losses with negative consequences
to play in controlling crop growth. not only on concentrations of
Satellite imagery data (sometimes atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG)
with free access) are often used on a but also on the quality of the water.
broad spatial and temporal scale in The surplus nitrogen fertilizer may be
fertilization control and soil analysis. leached down into soil, combined
Compared with handheld or vehicle- with surface waters, or released into
mounted sensors, the bene t of using the atmosphere as gases, creating a
satellite data for N eld management high rate of emissions to the
is that the data collected covers large ecosystem. Furthermore, balancing N
formulation and crop criteria mitigate

338 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

the deleterious environmental effects sustainable farming. Besides, the

of improper fertilization, either fertilizer application incorporation of
through water nitrate contamination green manuring is an environment-
or gaseous emissions. friendly technique. Although, green
manuring is an effective and cost
All of these adverse environmental
effective technology which enhances
consequences, combined with
soil health and assists to reduce cost
inadequate nitrogen fertilizer,
of chemical fertilizers it also
therefore need new technological
safeguards productivity. A tractor
solutions to enhance resource
operated biomass incorporator
management. Using remote sensing
ultimately offers sustainability
data to monitor the dosage and
through the green manuring and
timing of nitrogen fertilizer will
reduced climate degradation with
protect the environment and allow
smart mechanization (Verma, 2019).
better crop management for more

Fig. 5: Drone Spraying for the Field Crop

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 339
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

II.6 Mechanization in Plant protection. Precision farming with

Protection target based applications promotes
more ef cient usage of
The complexity of interactions pesticides/decreased the needed
and variability in climate are the two amount of pesticide application
important deciding factors of risks in volume for effective control of pests,
agriculture. Due to the occurrence of when compared to the conventional
extreme weather events and practice of application of pesticides
uctuations of weather elements (Dworak et al., 2013).
there is a shift in pest's species
An auto rotate type gun sprayer is
diversity and their population. This in
used for effective and ef cient
turn leads to enhanced use of
spraying on crops (375-1000 l/ha spray
pesticides in the form of higher
material) especially for the control of
quantities, concentrations,
sucking pests like white y attack on
frequencies and different
the cotton crop. It has wider swath of
combinations or forms of applicable
about 30 m in a run and covers 3-4
products in crop growing season.
ha/h. Presently, spraying different
Technological interventions also have
crops becomes dif cult as the
immense in uence on pesticides
machine or person has to walk
application. Site speci c management
through the fully matured crop. There
of pests through sensor based
are some high clearance vehicles used
identi cation and monitoring of the
for spraying in different crops. PAU
infested locations in eld, level of
Multipurpose high clearance sprayer
infection on crops and GPS mounted
has boom and drop up type
eld sprayers shows the advancement
in agricultural technologies in plant

Fig. 6: Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions from Thresher and Combine Harvesters

340 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

Fuel consumption (l/ha)

Co2 emission (kg/ha)

Fig. 7: Emission Footprints during Combine Harvesting (for Kartar 4000)

Fig. 8: Burning of Paddy Crop Residue and Emission of GHGs

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 341
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

Fig. 9: Paddy Residue Management Techniques

mechanism along with auto rotating more than knapsack sprayer

gun mechanism used for effective respectively. Average drift loss of
spraying at all growth stages of the electrostatic sprayer is approximately
crop. The actual eld capacity of the 50% lesser as compared to knapsack
high clearance sprayer was found as sprayer. Overall bio-ef cacy in terms
1.78 ha/h. It saves cost, labour and of percentage of insects killed by
time by 66, 95 and 95%, respectively electrostatic sprayers i.e. 68% is
as compared to knapsack sprayer comparatively higher than hand
(Singh et al., 2018). operated knapsack sprayer i.e. 50%
(Singh et al., 2018). The development
Electrostatic spraying of pesticides or
of spraying attachments for drones
fertilizers improves not only the
and its application for the plant
ef cacy but also the spatial
protection in the for different crops is
distribution of deposited droplets
in progress (Kumar, 2018; Parmar,
over the plant canopy, particularly
2019). Automatic section control
beneath the leaf where pests usually
technology is precision agriculture
hide and reside. Electrostatic sprayer
technology called as auto-swath
mobile back pack type air assisted
technology. It reduces over-
electrostatic sprayer with an on-board
application of crop inputs by
compressor and spray gun was
automatically turning off boom
developed for charging the spray
sections as they pass over previously
particles in the nozzle. Air and liquid
treated areas, waterways or non crop
enter separately at the outmost of
nozzle. Spray deposition on the upper
side and underside of leaves by UAV or drones are small aerial
electrostatic sprayer is 80 and 85% platforms weighing less than 20 kg,

342 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

excluding boarding of the human the spray drift. Generally, Indian

body. This technology is gradually farms are situated near village
occupying the agriculture sector. In hamlets, if precautions are not taken,
PAU, an agricultural spraying system the drone application pesticide may
developed on drone for better spray be hazardous. Spray drift will carry
deposition on the targeted surface of the ne hazardous chemicals outside
the crop (Fig. 5). Spray deposition the eld of application for which drift
observations regarding bioef cacy control technology is needed.
was done in cotton, rice and moong
crop. Drone ying height 0.5 m and II.7 Mechanization in Harvesting
2.0 m/s forward speed above the and Threshing
plant canopy offers the best results In India, harvesting and threshing
corresponding to spray deposition operation is mechanized to the extent
(Parmar, 2019). This technology of 60-70% for rice and wheat and
allows farmers to ensure ef ciency of mechanization is less than 30 % for
crop inputs such as water or chemical other crops (Mehta et al., 2019).
fertilizers which can lead to enhanced Paddy and wheat are majorly grown
productivity with better product crops. So the carbon footprint
quality. On the other hand, drone- generated during harvesting of these
based pesticide application in Indian crops is relatively large among all
small landholding can affect nearby other agricultural crops which need
natural resources like farm pond, to be quanti ed. Combines are
open well and animal shelters due to

Fig.10: Happy Seeder with Press Wheel Operating in the Combine Harvested Field

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 343
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

tractor driven or self-propelled type. thresher has more emission than

Self-propelled combines are of wheel combine harvester.
type or track type. Track type self-
In average fuel consumption self-
propelled combines are used in
propelled combine harvester (Kartar,
southern India where harvesting is
4000) for different crops and emission
done in sticky and wet type soil.
factor (for diesel is 2.73 kg CO2/litre)
Total annual sale of combine were taken and emission was
harvesters and threshers are 5,000 calculated (UNDP, 2010; DAC, 2013). It
and 90,000-1,00,000, respectively (The is clear that maize crop has higher
Indian Express, 2016). Threshers are emission than other crops as shown in
used when the terrain is hilly or Fig. 7. Apart from petroleum fuel,
marginal farmers are unable to pay renewable fuel (biofuel) produced
for combine expenses. Wheat, paddy from agricultural waste can be
and multi-crop threshers are available utilized in agricultural engines
in the market for ef cient threshing without sacri cing useful agricultural
of crops with least grain damage. land with lower emission (Modi et al.,
Multi-crop thresher is used for 2017; Modi et al., 2018; Modi et al.,
threshing of wheat, sorghum, barley, 2019a). Renewable fuel has better
soybean, millets, oats, grams (chick- utilization ability than diesel which
peas) and pulses. Some of the recent can help in climate resilience (Modi et
design modi cations that occurred in al., 2019b).
harvesting and threshing machinery
to make them more ergonomic to III. Climate-Smart
human use and giving ner straw
output for quick mixing in the soil Technologies for Straw
have resulted in a slight increase in Management
the carbon emissions from the
harvesting and threshing machinery. The crop residue management is
Combine harvesting consumes less an emerging issue in Indian
diesel than manual/reaper harvesting agriculture especially in northern
of crops followed by threshing in India. It is not only degrading the
threshers. environment for human beings but
also reducing the soil health and
Thresher (Dasmesh MultiCrop 22×36)
destroying microorganisms as well.
is compared with the combine
This has become a huge problem in
harvester (Kartar, 4000) to estimate
the paddy-wheat cropping system.
the amount of fuel consumed for
India produces about 500 million
wheat and paddy (DAC, 2013;
tonnes of crop residue annually.
Dashmesh, 2020). Thresher capacity is
Majorly Northwestern states of India
0.4 ha/h with fuel consumption of
produce 4.5 million tonnes of paddy
12.5 l/ha. Combine capacity for wheat
straw. This straw is not preferred as
and paddy is 1.10 and 0.92 ha/h with
an animal fodder due to higher
fuel consumption of 9.09 and 9.56
percentage of silica in it. Burning of
l/ha, respectively. Based on this data
paddy crop residue and emission of
the carbon emission was calculated
GHGs is shown in Fig. 8.
and shown in Fig. 6. It is clear that
The management of crop residue in

344 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

the eld is known as in-situ whereas chopper cum spreader, PAU straw
taking out of the eld is ex-situ. cutter cum spreader, stubble shaver
Presently, farmers choose to burn the and rotavator are used for the mixing
crop residue such as paddy straw in the paddy crop residue. Subsequently,
the eld. This is due to a lesser wheat crop can be sown by no-till
window period during sowing of drill and strip till drill after 15-20 days
wheat and harvesting of paddy crop. (operation of rotavator in the ooded
Affordability and availability of condition) depending upon the soil
climate-smart farm machinery to type. These are environment friendly
handle the paddy residues in-situ is in technology as farmers do not need to
urgent need. An ex-situ residue burn the paddy straw left in the eld
management is economically not which also improves the soil health.
feasible due to the collection and
Mulching: Mulching of crop residue
transportation of huge volume of
conserves moisture, moderates
paddy residue. Paddy residue
thermal regimes, suppresses weeds
management techniques are shown in
and improves soil health. Mulching is
Fig. 9.
bene cial both in irrigated and
III.1 In situ rainfed environment (PAU, 2010).
There are some technologies to
Incorporation: Incorporation of perform direct sowing of wheat in a
the crop residue offers several combine harvested eld. The happy
bene ts to the environment in terms seeder with press wheel combines the
of soil health attributes such as stubble mulching and seed drilling
carbon, pH, organic, in ltration rate functions into the one machine. The
and water holding capacity and strip of stubble in front of the sowing
hydraulic conductivity (Gupta et al., tynes is cut, picked up and placed on
2004; Sahai et al., 2011). The the side of the drilled seed as mulch.
decomposition of paddy residue in The sowing tynes therefore engages
soil leads to an increase of 6-9 kg bare soil. Happy seeder sows wheat
N/ha during wheat crop. Wheat yield directly in paddy residue in combine
increased in the fourth year after harvested eld hence, prevents
subsequent incorporation of paddy residue burning thus reduces air
straw in the soil as compared to ex- pollution. Mulched crops residue
situ or burning of straw (Gupta et al., improves the soil hearth and added
2007). Also, there is an increase in soil organic matter to the soil. This
organic carbon when paddy straw is machine can also be used for sowing
incorporated (Mandal et al., 2004). subsequent moong crop in wheat
This means that the incorporation has residue. Happy seeder with press
bene ts inclined towards climate- wheel operating in the combine
smart agriculture extensively. There harvested eld is shown in Fig. 10.
are some climate-smart technologies Happy Seeder in a single operation
available for incorporating the crop cuts the straw in front of furrow
residue. Farm implements such as openers and throws it over the sown
stubble shaver, MB plough, disc crop which acts as a mulch to improve
harrow, cultivator and palnker are the soil health. However, an equal
generally used for crop residue
incorporation. The paddy straw

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 345
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

distribution of paddy straw is a the dust. Also, some grains are

prerequisite of working for happy collected along with straw. Ali (2020)
seeder. Thus, super straw managing developed an integral dust separation
system (SSMS) for combine harvester system for straw reapers which helps
comes into the picture. It chops paddy in enhancing the quality of wheat
straw coming from straw walkers and straw by reducing the dust
sieves of the combine harvester with concentration and eliminates the
even distribution of straw in eld. extra operation for dust separation.
Kumar (2019) has developed a tractor
operated paddy straw bale shredder IV. Future Mechanization
for mulching of paddy straw on the
vegetable crops. Average effective Pathways Through
eld capacity and average fuel Climate-Smart
consumption during machine
operation was 0.25 ha/h and 4.61 l/h, Technologies
respectively. This depicts reuse of the
Presently, technology plays the
paddy straw in the led to combat
role of a feeder to agriculture. New
the climatic variations in moisture
approaches in farm mechanization to
while conserving it.
maximize productivity are required
III.2 Ex situ for a paradigm shift in agriculture.
One approach is to utilize accessible
Straw baler is a machine which IT in the context of smarter
collects the paddy straw and equipment, to raise and achieve
compresses it in the shape of energy outputs more effectively than
rectangular or round bales. Before before. On the other hand, precision
the operation of baler, standing farming has been proven to be
stubbles are rst harvested with the effective, it's time to switch on to the
help of stubble shaver. It can form new generation
rectangular bales of varying length equipment/mechanization. Although
from 40-110 cm. These bales can be the existing human operations are
used for power generation, making effective across larger elds, still
card board, packing material, there is an immense potential for
composting, biogas production, growing the size of autonomous
mulching etc. Thus baler provides a system services which can contribute
solution for straw management to to improved ef ciencies. Therefore, it
make the climate-smart. The reaper is is time to follow realistic precision
the machine used to collect the straw approaches in farm machinery along
from the eld. This is mostly used in with other steps to improve
the wheat crop due to its economic agricultural productivity of restricted
value as used for animal feed as cultivated land under changing
compared to paddy straw. A wheat climate and depleting natural
straw combine is the most popular resources to feed the burgeoning
machine used to recover wheat straw population (NAAS, 2016). This will
after combining operation. Straw entail urgently required measures to
collected by straw combine is encourage agro-service providers
chopped into small size and collected
in the trolley having a net to remove

346 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

through farmers' cooperatives/custom and natural resources. Appropriate

hiring centers/machinery banks in farm machinery management offers
order to receive the bene ts of farm solution through 3C's approach
mechanization from small and namely cooperative, custom hiring
marginal farmers. In the sowing and contract farming.
machinery or conventional seed drills,
existing furrow openers need to be IV.1 Mechatronics
improved to reduce both the inter- Mechatronics refers to a
row and intra-row variability of seed synergistic combination of mechanics,
rate. Mechanical paddy transplanting electrical, electronics, computer and
should be boosted by developing a control. Mechatronics has many
mechanized method of sowing mat useful applications in farming system.
type nursery in eld itself. Also, the Its components, such as actuators as
transplanting of vegetable and well as sensors, play vital roles in
horticultural crop is expected in the sowing, cropping, fertilizer
near future. Besides this, a boom application along with monitoring of
oatation, design of the nozzle, vegetation. Present and future
sprayer electronics and computer mechatronics are being developed
control such as VRT can be improved based on the technological
according to the region and crop. developments required to enhance
Sugarcane requires more energy and make human life easier and
inputs among all other agricultural sustain the world. Use of
crops and expected to be mechanized mechatronics with IoT in the
in sowing, weeding and harvesting agricultural eld is going to push the
according to regional characteristics limits of engineering streams beyond
through precision farming. The the conventional con nes. Some of
introduction of autonomous AI the application of mechatronics can
architecture enhances the ability to be used in automatic seeding
create a whole new range of farm mechanisms, pesticiding and weeding
machinery based on smart machines operations. Mechatronics assist the
that can do the operations in precise metering mechanism in seed
manner. Adaptation of these drill/planter can address many of the
technologies should match the inef ciencies experienced in a
complexity of real situations and mechanically driven seed metering
environmental conditions and device and have the potential to
climate-smartness in farm production increase productivity and yield rates
scenario. Farm mechanization also dramatically on both no-tillage and
solves the challenge of shortage of rotary-tillage lands. The mechatronics
farm labour during peak cultivation based system observed good seeding
seasons such as sowing and harvest. uniformity among all seeding
Most of the farmers have been technologies with quality of feed
continuing with locally available low index, missing index, multiple index
quality and inef cient farm and precision index in range of 90-98,
machinery such as plough, cultivator, 0-11, 07 and 1-22 %, respectively
harrow, seed drill, sprayer, thresher under speed of 1.0 to 16.0 km/h
etc. These machinery leads to (Gautam et al., 2019).
avoidable wastage of scarce input

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 347
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

There are some other technologies to In recent years an application of

assist humans for ef cient work in robots in agriculture has grown
farm operations. One is a lightbar (LB) tremendously, overcoming some of
and another satellite navigator (SN) the challenges and complications of
both are GPS derived products placed this eld. Onwude et al. (2016)
in front of the tractor operator or the examined the use of agricultural
cabin. Also, Magar et al. (2014) mechanization and its emerging
observed that Indian agriculture has developments and drawbacks for
potential to use SN which can large-scale applications from the
enhance agricultural productivity. The point of view of service robotics.
risk of overlapping areas or missing Increasing level of agricultural
areas is reduced with this technology, technological advancement in eld
as it is a climate-smart approach to and crop mapping, soil sampling,
cope up with climatic calamities. mechanical seeders and harvesters in
farm robots. Also, Kester et al. (2013)
IV.2 Robotics revealed the future trends and likely

Fig. 11: Flow Chart of an Action Plan for Climate-Smart Mechanization

348 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

introduction of automatic agricultural to think like humans and imitate their

machinery. The results of this study behaviour. Also, it includes
demonstrate a growing interest in development of computer or mobile
autonomous and semi-autonomous based software capable of intelligent
workload reduction systems: tillage, behaviour which is compatible to the
seeding and harvesting. user. The agricultural operations
would be highly correlated with the
There are some restrictions on the
AI in future. It would lead to creating
performance of aerial robots, such as
self-learning algorithms and helps
cloud presence, lengthy data delivery
automation in agricultural practices.
times, need for unique approvals and
A number of farm operations will be
most relevant rewards of certain
performed via applications and
products subject to adoption. In
processes developed around AI.
contrast, the UAVs can be effectively
Presently, this technology is at a
deployed on the farm which can carry
nascent stage with time and capital
multiple sensor for various purpose.
investment, all above discussed farm
For it to become a cost-effective
operations will be automated,
alternative it does not require very
leading to enhanced input use
stringent permissions. Small, mobile,
ef ciency and reduction in cost of
integrated, compact robots one
production. In order to mitigate
bene t of modern robotics is their
agricultural production losses, there is
ability to build on low-cost,
a need to develop climate-smart
lightweight, and intelligent parts.
technologies in future, it is vital to
Due to their prevalence in consumer
keep the small and marginal farmer
electronics, such as mobile phones,
in mind. Also, private and custom
gaming consoles and mobile
hiring organizations can uphold
computing (laptops, tablets, etc), high
climate-smart agriculture
quality cameras and embedded
processors can be built into many
platforms at very low cost. The use of Tractor in the farm operation is the
collective and cooperative actions in a prime mover that requires a skilled
robotic eet offers the opportunity to person to operate it ef ciently. The
distribute activities across multiple farm operations are highly affected
platforms and thereby reduce the by the climate and the environment
damage done to the soil or existing during the working hours and non-
crops by heavy traditional agricultural working hours as well. At this
platforms. Multiple data sources can instance, the driverless tractor or
also be used by the robotic eet to unmanned farm tractor can work to
calibrate the mission, reduce waste cope up climate calamities. Tractors
and focus on areas of greater need, will be driven without an operator
potentially reducing fertilizer costs and specialised farm equipment able
and impact on the environment. to plough, sow, plant, spray and
weeding in the farm. Some of the
IV.3 Arti cial Intelligence leading tractor manufacturing
Arti cial Intelligence (AI) refers industries have developed unmanned
to human intelligence simulation with tractors based on arti cial
machines that are often programmed intelligence (Kumar et al., 2018; The

Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 349
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

Hindu, 2019). This intervention can be done on the raised bed for a
bring the tractor at an unprecedented higher degree of precision along with
level of intelligence in farming conserving the natural resources.
operation and also farm tractor Judicious use of chemicals should be
mechanization would reach to new done through introducing
and rede ne height in India. This electrostatic spraying technology in
state-of-the-art technology is various crops which will offer high
equipped with attractive features ef cacy and low drift. This reduced
such as; auto steer, auto-headland environmental degradation.
turn, auto-implement lift, skip Mechanical weeders should be
passing, and safety features like; geo- deployed with improvement instead
fence lock and remote engine start of weedicide application. The
stop. These modernizations in tractor fertilizer application should be based
through arti cial intelligence will on the requirement of soil
lead to higher food production, micronutrients for which soil should
productivity, more income and lesser be tested, micronutrients and
health hazard to the farmer which fertilizers should be given at right
can feed the rising needs of amount at various depths for
increasing population. enhanced input use ef ciency leading
to the productivity of crops. Liquid
IV.4 Strategies for Climate Change urea can be applied in the soil where
Single farming practice does not there is mulch condition such as
suit in all conditions for effective crop straw. Use of laser land leveller, micro-
management. Practices in crop irrigation methods such as drip and
management need to be tailored and sprinkler should be promoted for
location-speci c to increase precise use of valuable water. In
production, pro tability and reduce addition to improving precision in
adverse environmental effects. Such currently manufactured and used
activities would also focus on the farm equipment/machinery in India,
judicious and productive use of inputs attention must also be paid to the
to achieve higher ef ciency and principles and practices of precision
pro tability through climate-smart farming. In research and
technologies. Adoption of the development, efforts need to be
technology is likely to take place in made to increase precision in farm
planned steps. Most farmers and food equipment (NAAS, 2016). The decision
producers would need innovations support system for tractor selection
that can be slowly implemented and tractor implement combination
alongside and within their present should have appeared in the top
system of production. Promotion of while purchasing both. However, a
conservation agriculture would capacity-building programme is much
conserve the natural resources in a needed to impart the knowledge of
better way by avoiding excessive soil the selection of appropriate farm
movement through carbon machinery corresponding to farm size
sequestration. Direct seeding of rice, and crop type. Existing, improved and
as well as sowing of other crops can newly developed climate-smart

350 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency

machinery should be demonstrated leveller, combined tillage practice and

for popularization and priority in controlled traf c system for seedbed
providing nancial assistance to the preparation will decrease the GHC,
farmers. Also, keeping in the view of remove carbon from the atmosphere
farm size there is a need to establish and store it in the soil, reduce soil
farm machinery banks at clustered of disturbance and reduce use of all
2-4 villages and interconnection agricultural inputs. Mechanization in
within them (DACFW, 2018). There is sowing or transplanting is highly
a need to transform the green required. It brings timeliness in
revolution into an evergreen operation, precision, cost-
revolution. This will trigger through effectiveness, resources and inputs
farming systems approach that can use ef ciency and resource
enhance productivity from the conservation of soil and water. In
existing natural resources such as spite of many challenges in
land, water and human power implementing mechanical weed
resources. Presently, variability in soil- management, there is tremendous
related characteristics has been scope for exploring robotic weed
excluded from whole- eld control system. More research is
management approaches which seek needed on inter and intra row
to apply inputs for crop production weeding for various eld crops. Micro
uniformly. At present, development and mechanized farming systems help
of indigenous and affordable farm to reduce water wastage, as the
machinery is needed to avoid over- market is experiencing tremendous
application or under-application and demand from emerging nations.
also devices for precise application of Irrigation system can also be
inputs is a challenge. In case of crop automated using real-time clock,
residue management, there is a need moisture sensor, temperature sensor
for an all-round aggressive approach and humidity sensor along with
from the scienti c community as well irrigation supply system and system
as the government in terms of subsidy controller. The negative consequences
to cope up burning of residue. Also, on environment corresponding to
an increase in awareness and excessive N fertilizer, need new
responsibility for environmental technological interventions to
issues. Action plan for the climate- improve nutrient management. The
smart mechanization enhancement is use of remote sensing to control dose
given in Fig. 11. and timing of N fertilizer can protect
environment and permit best
V. Conclusion management of crops to enable
sustainable agriculture. The new state
Climate-smart based of art technologies allows farmers to
mechanization is an agricultural ensure the ef ciency of crop inputs
development paradigm extensively such as water or chemical fertilizers
promoted in developed countries to which can lead to enhanced
transform agriculture under a productivity with better product
changing climate. Adopting climate- quality. The harvesting and threshing
smart agricultural equipment i.e., operation is most important and
zero till drill, No-till drill, laser land

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