ClimateSmartTechnology FarmMechanization UseEfficiencyRajeshetal
ClimateSmartTechnology FarmMechanization UseEfficiencyRajeshetal
ClimateSmartTechnology FarmMechanization UseEfficiencyRajeshetal
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Ch. Srinivasa Rao
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R.V.S. Rao
N. Srinivasa Rao
S. Senthil Vinayagam
P. Krishnan
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Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 325
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
326 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
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Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
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Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
Conservation tillage methods include carbon at top soil (Lenka and Lenka,
zero-till, strip-till, ridge-till and mulch- 2014). Excess tillage stimulates
till. One million litres of water per organic matter decomposition, which
hectare (100 mm) can be saved leads to emission of CO2 to the
compared with conventional practices atmosphere (Uprety et al., 2012).
due to the mulch on the soil surface
Rotary tiller aids in mixing manure or
which reduces evapotranspiration
fertilizer and removing and mixing
(Rehman, 2007). Application of
weeds with soil. It reduces time and
conservation tillage like no-tillage
cost by around 30-35 % and 20-25 %,
leads to sequestration of soil organic
respectively (ICAR, 2007). Combined
carbon (SOC) higher than the
tillage is de ned as simultaneously
conventional tillage (Lenka and
operating two or more different
Lenka, 2014). Singh et al., (2019)
tillage implements to manipulate the
reported that the use of zero tillage
soil, reduce the number and time of
in rice-wheat cropping system had
eld operations. It reduces the soil
reduced one million litres of irrigation
compaction, labour and fuel cost as it
water and diesel about 98 litres apart
reduces the number of trips.
from these, reducing 0.25 mg of
Combination tillage has a higher
carbon dioxide emission. CT always
performance index of tillage than the
does not increase SOC storage, an
conventional tillage. Furthermore, it
increased SOC at the top soil can be
reduces cost and time from 44 to 55
compensated by decrease at deeper
% and 50 to 55 %, respectively for
soil (VandenBygaart, 2011). No-tillage
seedbed preparation (Prem et al.,
has been an alternative to
2016). The laser levelling is a laser
conventional seedbed preparation
guided precision levelling technique
because it leads to an increase in
, 2020a
et al.,
, 2020a
, 2020b
330 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
, 2020a
et al.,
et al.,
, 2020a
et al., 2013
, 2020a
, 2020b
, 2017
Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 331
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332 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
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334 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
100 mm per year and the easternmost suf cient level for the plants to grow
part receives 100 times more. A healthily. The device will stop
signi cant amount of water is wasted automatically for such a speci c time
in irrigated agriculture as evaporation when the soil moisture level is
and/or leakage during storage and reached as we set the time in the
transportation of the water to the morning and evening. The brain for
elds where the crops are grown. this system is microcontroller. Also, it
has reliable parts and relatively low
Micro and mechanized farming
costs (Rasyid et al., 2015). Using micro
systems help to reduce water
irrigation system has shown results
wastage. Small farmers emphasize the
that crop WUE (water usage
implementation of these systems,
ef ciency) was observed to improve
intending to raise crop yields by using
compared to conventional irrigation.
minimum water. Besides, local
Real-time irrigation scheduling based
governments around the world
on soil moisture is a modern
encourage farmers to adopt such
technique (water savings of 15-20 %),
products, encouraging market growth
where the irrigation scheduling
and encouraging various market
method decides the feedback needed
participants to produce micro-
for the control algorithms. It has been
irrigation products that are effective
observed over decades that the
and low-cost. On the farm level,
ponding of water by surface
irrigation systems typically used can
irrigation for paddy crop leads to an
be generally categorized as sprinkler
anaerobic reaction which gives rise to
systems, surface systems and drip
an increase in release of methane
systems. In sprinkler systems (e.g.,
which is a dominant causative factor
solid sets, centre pivots and travelling
in adverse climate change. So moving
irrigators), water is delivered in form
towards the micro-irrigation leads to
of sprays using overhead sprinklers.
an increase in WUE and also helps in
Also, there is an indication towards
growing more crop per drop.
better water management practices
with subsurface drip irrigation. It has The unevenness in eld leads to non-
also been observed that the uniformity in seed germination, poor
application rate of micro irrigation is crop stand increases weed intensity,
much higher than the surface uneven crop maturity ultimately
methods with an ef ciency ranging affecting yield and grain quality as
from 85-90 %. well. Laser land leveller saves nearly
20-25 % of irrigation water that could
Soil moisture plays a crucial role when
have been lost due to unevenness of
it comes to irrigation. Moisture in the
the elds. With this technology,
soil is dif cult to measure, and cannot
effective land levelling is intended to
be easily controlled at its target
have optimum water and nutrient use
levels. That is why the best solution
ef ciency, better crop establishment
for this problem would be an
and reduction in time for applying
automated irrigation system. The soil
irrigation. Also, there is increase in
moisture sensor will refer to the soil
productivity and yield as well as
moisture level and the system
increase in cultivated area by about 3
automatically activates when the
%. Tensiometer gives the moisture or
moisture level is less than the
Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 335
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
crop water demand which can predict agriculture. Thus, tractor driven
irrigation requirement in the crop former phule check basin is bene cial
production system. It was used in the for dryland farming in Maharashtra
paddy crop which helps in 20 % for in-situ rain water harvesting. It
irrigation water saving. An irrigation creates 6×2 m size check basins and
system can also be automated using facilitates 30 to 40 % timeliness and
real-time clock, moisture sensor, saving up to 50-60 %. This rain water
temperature sensor and humidity conservation enhances the production
sensor along with irrigation supply of Rabi crops in the region
system and system controller. Also, an (Turbatmath and Deshmukh, 2016).
automated drip irrigation system The farmers struggle to achieve
improves yield by applying right timeliness in various unit operations
amount of irrigation at right time for of groundnut to take advantage of
cucumber crop (Prakash et al., 2017). the favorable conditions in drylands
Use of water can be reduced by of Andhra Pradesh. Bollavathi et al.
sowing the crops such as rice, wheat, (2018) developed an aqua planter to
maize, groundnut, cotton sugarcane solve this problem. Aqua sowing is
etc. concurrent seed sowing and the
Dryland farming plays a signi cant supply of an equal quantity of water,
role in the growth of Indian quite enough for the seeds to
Fig. 4: Measurement and Management of N (i) LCC, (ii) Spad Meter and
N-Management Device (iii) Spectroradiometer and (iv) CCI Meter
336 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 337
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
and blue light imagery (visible or areas and can be used on a variety of
RGB) allow to estimate of green scales, from catchments and
biomass and N status from NDVI. landscapes to elds (Söderström et
Multispectral cameras, which is in the al., 2017). New low-cost or publicly
VIS NIR regions can obtain a limited accessible satellite systems such as
number of spectral bands at once, are Sentinel-2 with high temporal
commonly used for assessing green resolution and external wavebands
biomass, fertility status, pigment aimed at measuring crop resources
degradation and photosynthetic opening up exciting possibilities for
performance. Infrared cameras or better N production and quality of
thermal imaging cameras have nutrient use for more ef cient food
signi cant use to determine the chains. Another signi cant effect of
distress of nutrients in crops. remote sensing technologies and
ground sensing systems in handling
Nowadays, various companies provide
nitrogen is environmental protection.
farmers aerial remote sensing services
Excessive and long periods of
through multispectral and
fertilization with nitrogen accumulate
hyperspectral or thermal aerial
contaminants in the soil causes
imagery, which is used for the
damage to the environment. In the
diagnostics of crop nutrient de ciency
case of nutrient runoff,
in different crops (wheat, rice, cotton,
overfertilization can be a source of
horticulture and other crops). Various
unnecessary extra costs and an
models of nitrogen applications are
environmental hazard (Guérif et al.,
produced using images from the
2007). Water quality degradation is
aerial network, allowing for better
also one of the most serious global
control of farm N management.
environmental problems resulting
These, N algorithm models,
from the unnecessary fertilization of
developed through the information
crops with nitrogen. Groundwater or
gathered by N-sensor, can help
surface water is mostly polluted by
farmers to determine the correct dose
nitrates when overfertilization occurs
of N supply required by crops and
in crops. According to Riley et al.,
position, thus increasing crop
(2001), the movement of N from
production and reducing the
fertile elds to surface waters has
environmental contamination due to
been related to freshwater
excessive N fertilization.
eutrophication and estuaries.
Multispectral and hyperspectral Elevated fertilization rates result in N
satellite imagery also has a major role losses with negative consequences
to play in controlling crop growth. not only on concentrations of
Satellite imagery data (sometimes atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG)
with free access) are often used on a but also on the quality of the water.
broad spatial and temporal scale in The surplus nitrogen fertilizer may be
fertilization control and soil analysis. leached down into soil, combined
Compared with handheld or vehicle- with surface waters, or released into
mounted sensors, the bene t of using the atmosphere as gases, creating a
satellite data for N eld management high rate of emissions to the
is that the data collected covers large ecosystem. Furthermore, balancing N
formulation and crop criteria mitigate
338 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
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Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
Fig. 6: Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions from Thresher and Combine Harvesters
340 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
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342 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
Fig.10: Happy Seeder with Press Wheel Operating in the Combine Harvested Field
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344 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
the eld is known as in-situ whereas chopper cum spreader, PAU straw
taking out of the eld is ex-situ. cutter cum spreader, stubble shaver
Presently, farmers choose to burn the and rotavator are used for the mixing
crop residue such as paddy straw in the paddy crop residue. Subsequently,
the eld. This is due to a lesser wheat crop can be sown by no-till
window period during sowing of drill and strip till drill after 15-20 days
wheat and harvesting of paddy crop. (operation of rotavator in the ooded
Affordability and availability of condition) depending upon the soil
climate-smart farm machinery to type. These are environment friendly
handle the paddy residues in-situ is in technology as farmers do not need to
urgent need. An ex-situ residue burn the paddy straw left in the eld
management is economically not which also improves the soil health.
feasible due to the collection and
Mulching: Mulching of crop residue
transportation of huge volume of
conserves moisture, moderates
paddy residue. Paddy residue
thermal regimes, suppresses weeds
management techniques are shown in
and improves soil health. Mulching is
Fig. 9.
bene cial both in irrigated and
III.1 In situ rainfed environment (PAU, 2010).
There are some technologies to
Incorporation: Incorporation of perform direct sowing of wheat in a
the crop residue offers several combine harvested eld. The happy
bene ts to the environment in terms seeder with press wheel combines the
of soil health attributes such as stubble mulching and seed drilling
carbon, pH, organic, in ltration rate functions into the one machine. The
and water holding capacity and strip of stubble in front of the sowing
hydraulic conductivity (Gupta et al., tynes is cut, picked up and placed on
2004; Sahai et al., 2011). The the side of the drilled seed as mulch.
decomposition of paddy residue in The sowing tynes therefore engages
soil leads to an increase of 6-9 kg bare soil. Happy seeder sows wheat
N/ha during wheat crop. Wheat yield directly in paddy residue in combine
increased in the fourth year after harvested eld hence, prevents
subsequent incorporation of paddy residue burning thus reduces air
straw in the soil as compared to ex- pollution. Mulched crops residue
situ or burning of straw (Gupta et al., improves the soil hearth and added
2007). Also, there is an increase in soil organic matter to the soil. This
organic carbon when paddy straw is machine can also be used for sowing
incorporated (Mandal et al., 2004). subsequent moong crop in wheat
This means that the incorporation has residue. Happy seeder with press
bene ts inclined towards climate- wheel operating in the combine
smart agriculture extensively. There harvested eld is shown in Fig. 10.
are some climate-smart technologies Happy Seeder in a single operation
available for incorporating the crop cuts the straw in front of furrow
residue. Farm implements such as openers and throws it over the sown
stubble shaver, MB plough, disc crop which acts as a mulch to improve
harrow, cultivator and palnker are the soil health. However, an equal
generally used for crop residue
incorporation. The paddy straw
Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 345
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346 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
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348 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies 349
Climate-Smart Technology Based Farm Mechaniza on for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency
Hindu, 2019). This intervention can be done on the raised bed for a
bring the tractor at an unprecedented higher degree of precision along with
level of intelligence in farming conserving the natural resources.
operation and also farm tractor Judicious use of chemicals should be
mechanization would reach to new done through introducing
and rede ne height in India. This electrostatic spraying technology in
state-of-the-art technology is various crops which will offer high
equipped with attractive features ef cacy and low drift. This reduced
such as; auto steer, auto-headland environmental degradation.
turn, auto-implement lift, skip Mechanical weeders should be
passing, and safety features like; geo- deployed with improvement instead
fence lock and remote engine start of weedicide application. The
stop. These modernizations in tractor fertilizer application should be based
through arti cial intelligence will on the requirement of soil
lead to higher food production, micronutrients for which soil should
productivity, more income and lesser be tested, micronutrients and
health hazard to the farmer which fertilizers should be given at right
can feed the rising needs of amount at various depths for
increasing population. enhanced input use ef ciency leading
to the productivity of crops. Liquid
IV.4 Strategies for Climate Change urea can be applied in the soil where
Single farming practice does not there is mulch condition such as
suit in all conditions for effective crop straw. Use of laser land leveller, micro-
management. Practices in crop irrigation methods such as drip and
management need to be tailored and sprinkler should be promoted for
location-speci c to increase precise use of valuable water. In
production, pro tability and reduce addition to improving precision in
adverse environmental effects. Such currently manufactured and used
activities would also focus on the farm equipment/machinery in India,
judicious and productive use of inputs attention must also be paid to the
to achieve higher ef ciency and principles and practices of precision
pro tability through climate-smart farming. In research and
technologies. Adoption of the development, efforts need to be
technology is likely to take place in made to increase precision in farm
planned steps. Most farmers and food equipment (NAAS, 2016). The decision
producers would need innovations support system for tractor selection
that can be slowly implemented and tractor implement combination
alongside and within their present should have appeared in the top
system of production. Promotion of while purchasing both. However, a
conservation agriculture would capacity-building programme is much
conserve the natural resources in a needed to impart the knowledge of
better way by avoiding excessive soil the selection of appropriate farm
movement through carbon machinery corresponding to farm size
sequestration. Direct seeding of rice, and crop type. Existing, improved and
as well as sowing of other crops can newly developed climate-smart
350 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies
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