Bursal (JTSE-2008)
Bursal (JTSE-2008)
Bursal (JTSE-2008)
Journal of
Yıl 5, Sayı 1, Nisan 2008 Volume 5, Issue 1, April 2008
Murat BURSAL 1
Inst. Dr., Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Education, Dept. of Primary Education, Sivas, TURKEY
The original language of article is English (v5, n1, April 2008, pp.99-112)
This study examines the changes in Turkish pre-service elementary teachers’ personal science
teaching efficacy (PSTE) beliefs and science anxieties (SANX) during a science methods course.
Although a noticeable, but statistically insignificant, decrease in SANX scores was found, participants’
PSTE scores did not increase during the semester. Interestingly instead, a slight decline was observed in
PSTE scores. No significant gender effect on PSTE and SANX scores was detected. Unlike the relevant
data from other countries, Turkish female pre-service elementary teachers were found to have lower
SANX and higher PSTE scores than their male peers. Based on the data, while the methods course
helped participants slightly reduce their anxieties toward science, around one-third of them expressed
that they did not have adequate pedagogical knowledge to teach science effectively in elementary
schools. Possible improvements in Turkish elementary teacher education programs are discussed in light
of the related literature.
Keywords: Science Teaching Self-efficacy; Science Anxiety; Science Methods Course; Pre-service
Elementary Teacher.
Just three decades ago, Bandura (1977) introduced the term self-efficacy to educational
literature with his social cognitive theory. His main assertion was the interplay between the
behavior, personal factors, and environmental factors. Bandura used the concept of reciprocal
determinism to explain that each of the three factors influences and is also influenced by the
others. Therefore, the personal factors in the cognitive, affective, and biological forms should
not be ignored when investigating the human behavior. Self-efficacy represents the belief that
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an individual possesses and defined as “the beliefs in one’s capability to organize and execute
the courses of action required to produce given attainments” (Bandura, 1997, p.3).
Bandura’s new theory was welcomed in research in teaching and Ashton and Webb
(1986) defined two types of teaching efficacy [personal teaching efficacy and outcome
teaching efficacy] along with the definitions of Bandura. Personal teaching efficacy – or
teaching self-efficacy – beliefs indicates a teacher’s confidence in his/her own training or
experience to develop strategies for overcoming obstacles to student learning. Bandura (1977)
hypothesized that “Efficacy expectation is a major determinant of people’s choice of activities,
how much effort they will expend, and how long they will sustain effort in dealing with
stressful situations” (p. 194). Outcome teaching efficacy beliefs, on the other hand, indicates
the expected outcomes of teacher actions, and therefore they are beyond an individual
teacher’s view of his or her personal capabilities.
Since the efficacy beliefs are accepted to be context and subject matter dependent,
definitions have been extended to specific subject areas. In the area of science teaching, two
forms of efficacy beliefs are defined: personal science teaching efficacy (PSTE) and science
teaching outcome expectancy (STOE). PSTE – or science teaching self-efficacy – is a person’s
belief in his or her ability to teach science effectively and STOE is the belief that effective
teaching will have a positive effect on student science learning. As Ashton and Webb (1986)
described, PSTE and STOE operate independently, therefore it is possible to see teachers with
high PSTE but low STOE or vice versa (Cantrell, Young, & Moore, 2003; Moore & Watson,
Since the introduction of the concept of self-efficacy to the literature, there has been a
growing interest to discover the impact of self-efficacy beliefs in science education. The case
is in utmost importance in elementary education because elementary teachers are expected to
teach all subjects in their classrooms, but it is highly that they are equally well prepared to
teach all of those subjects. It has been repeatedly cited that elementary teachers’ negative
beliefs about science had resulted in a science anxiety, poor attitudes toward science, and in an
unwillingness or hesitancy to spend time for teaching science (Ramey-Gassert & Schroyer,
1992). Similarly, many teachers are reported to dislike, fear, and fail to understand science
(Feistritzer & Boyer, 1983). These findings lead to the conclusion that some elementary
teachers’ negative attitudes toward science negatively affect their science teaching self-
efficacy beliefs, which eventually leads to ineffective science instruction.
Low self-efficacious teachers are cited to rely on the overly use of teacher-directed
instruction such as lecturing or text-based instruction and characterized by authoritative
teacher-centered roles. Due to their low levels of confidence in their effectiveness, these
teachers may avoid science experiments and other inquiry experiences to prevent any
challenging outcomes. On the other hand, there is ample evidence stating that high self-
efficacious teachers use more inquiry and student-centered teaching strategies. These teachers
feel confident that they have adequate training or experience to implement teaching strategies
for overcoming the barriers to student learning. High-efficacious teachers found to be more
effective and more likely to spend the time needed to develop science concepts and also their
students had more positive attitudes toward science and achieved higher on achievement tests
(Cantrell et al., 2003; Ramey-Gassert & Schroyer, 1992; Riggs, 1991).
An interesting finding reported in relevant studies is the gender impact on teachers’ self-
efficacy beliefs. Riggs (1991) reported that male elementary teachers experience higher self-
efficacy for teaching science than female teachers in both inservice and preservice situations.
Also, Brownlow, Jacobi, and Rogers (2000) concluded that “Regardless of their actual science
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performance, women are much less self-confident in their capabilities with science and report
much more science anxiety than do men” (p. 120). Unlike the studies conducted in other
countries, Turkish researchers have found that female Turkish preservice elementary teachers
have slightly higher PSTE beliefs than their male peers, but the difference was reported to be
statistically insignificant (Cakiroglu, Cakiroglu, & Boone, 2005; Gencer & Cakiroglu, 2007).
Science anxiety has been defined as a fear of aversion toward science concepts,
scientists, and science related activities (Mallow, 1981). Compared to the growing body of
research on anxiety, it is interesting to note that there is few research on science anxiety. In
one of the pioneer studies, Westerback and Long (1990) stated that they could not locate any
published study in which science anxiety was considered a separate phenomenon and
measured. Likewise, prior to this study, no research study was found where Turkish preservice
elementary teachers’ science anxiety levels were investigated. Recently, more researchers
have become interested in investigating this phenomenon, and science anxiety is viewed as a
composition of different forms of anxieties, such as classroom anxiety, test anxiety,
performance anxiety, and anxieties toward other content areas, like reading anxiety and math
anxiety (Wynstra & Cummings, 1993).
Science methods courses in teacher preparation programs are likely the last opportunity
for future elementary teachers to develop teaching strategies, potentially gain positive attitudes
toward science and teaching, and also overcome their anxieties toward science before starting
their student teaching experiences. Nevertheless, limited student teaching experiences required
by Turkish teacher education programs enhances the burden and importance of science
methods courses. For these reasons, the main task of Turkish teacher educators should be
designing science methods courses that will be beneficial to pre-service teachers in these
The findings of the previous research about the impact of the science methods courses
on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy levels indicate that these courses are likely to increase
the teaching self-efficacy levels and decrease the anxieties of most of the prospective
elementary teachers (Morrell & Carroll, 2003; Palmer, 2001; Stevens & Wenner 1996). While
there is a growing interest in the effectiveness of teacher education programs in many
countries, there is a lack of data about the Turkish pre-service elementary teachers in regard to
impact of science methods courses on their beliefs about science teaching. Therefore, the
major contribution of this study to the present literature is to provide data about the changes in
pre-service Turkish teachers’ science teaching self-efficacy and science anxiety during a
methods course, and discuss possible changes in the format of these courses to improve the
success of teacher education programs.
methods courses, Turkish pre-service teachers start their student teaching in their final year.
Teaching practicum is a seminar course where students practice in schools and share their
experiences in their university classroom. For a minimum of 12 weeks, Turkish pre-service
teacher are required to attend elementary schools for one full day or two half days. Upon
successful completion of the undergraduate program within eight semesters, Turkish pre-
service teacher receive elementary school teaching licensure to teach at the 1-5 grades in all
public and private elementary schools (YÖK, 1998).
a) Sample
The purposive sample of this study consisted of 154 junior Turkish elementary teacher
candidates from three classrooms. The participants were enrolled in a science methods course
at a mid-sized Anatolian University. The course was taught by the same instructor in the same
building at different times of the week. The participants were in their third year of a four-year
teacher education program; 87 of them were male, and 67 were female. Their ages were
between 19 and 30 years, with a median age of 21. The data used in the paired-samples
analysis was collected from 115 students (66 males and 49 females) who appeared in both the
pretest and the posttest. Prior to the methods course, all participants had taken the previous
licensure courses required by the teacher education program. In addition to the science
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methods course, participants were also enrolled in elementary mathematics, social science, and
reading methods courses during the research study.
The statements describe everyday life and academic situations requiring scientific thought or
tasks, and are rated as to the degree of anxiety that the respondent perceived he/she would
experience in the given situations. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients of .91 were
calculated for both the pre- and post-test SANX data. The factor analysis data showed that all
items in the SANX survey contributed to the “science anxiety” factor. The cut-off point was
selected .3, as traditionally accepted, and all items in pre- and post-tests provided higher
contributions than .329 and .428 respectively. Therefore, this study also serves as the
validation of the SANX survey for the Turkish pre-service elementary teacher population. A
copy of the SANX survey and factor analysis results can be found in Appendixes B and C.
In addition to the surveys, a questionnaire was designed by the author, which consisted
of two likert-scale questions. The questions investigated students’ self-perceptions about their
enjoyment level of studying in science and pedagogical knowledge level to teach science at
elementary schools. The first question included a five-point rating scale of “very much dislike
(1)” to “very much enjoy (5)” with a neutral option, and the second question included a four-
point rating scale of “incompetent (1)” to “competent (4)”.
c) Observation
During the science methods course semester, the researcher attended 60 two-hour class
periods with the participants in three different classrooms. The researcher’s role was the
participant observer. Along with the notes from informal conversations, field notes were used
to record the types of classroom activities, student participation, and the interactions between
the instructor and the students. After every class period, field notes were reread and
summarized into a one page summary. The observation data was compared with the
quantitative findings to explain the pretest and posttest survey results.
The summary of the participants’ mean scores for the PSTE subset of the STEBI-B and
SANX surveys are given in Table 1. The paired-samples test results indicate that the mean
PSTE score of the participants slightly declined (∆PSTE=-0.16; p=.817) during the science
methods course. Also, a noticeable, but statistically insignificant (∆SANX=-2.36: p=.07),
decline in the mean SANX score was observed from pretest to posttest.
Mean S. D. Mean S. D.
Pretest 49.23 7.44 49.42 13.69
Posttest 49.07 6.45 47.06 13.28
To investigate the changes in students’ beliefs about each STEBI item, the percentages
of participants who agreed/strongly agreed with the STEBI items are reported in Table 2.
When reporting the percentages, the negative STEBI items are reworded as positive items and
their percentages for the disagree/strongly disagree options are reported. Table 2 indicates that
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at least 70% of the participants felt confident in ten of the STEBI statements, but at the same
time, 43% of them still did not agree that they knew necessary steps to teach science
effectively (Item 3), and one-third of them did not feel confident enough to be effective in
monitoring science experiments (Item 4) at the end of the course. Also, about half of them
expressed their unwillingness to be observed by a supervisor (Item 10). Since this course is the
final science methods course in the program, based on the data, a significant portion of these
pre-service teachers are likely to complete the methods courses without a desired level of self-
efficacy. It is also equally disturbing that, compared to 76% agreement in item 2 of the pretest;
a smaller percentage of the participants (70%) agreed that they will teach science as well as
other subjects in the posttest.
Table 2.Percentages of Participants Who Agreed With STEBI Items
Male Female
Mean S. D. Mean S. D.
48.31 8.22 50.53 6.02
48.36 7.41 50.09 4.67
49.95 15.28 48.72 11.40
48.07 13.64 45.72 12.81
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Table 3 summarizes the PSTE and SANX score comparisons of the participants by
gender. The mean scores from Table 3 indicate that Turkish female preservice elementary
teachers in this sample had higher PSTE and lower SANX scores than their male peers in both
the pretest and the posttest, but neither of the differences was statistically significantly at .05
alpha level.
To investigate the participants’ self-perceptions about their enjoyment in studying
science and pedagogical knowledge level to teach science, their responses to the questionnaire
are summarized in Table 4. As seen in Table 4, consistent with the STEBI percentages, one-
fourth of the sample indicated that they disliked studying science and one-third felt
incompetent about their pedagogical knowledge level. Also, consistent with the mean SANX
scores comparisons by gender; more males were found to dislike studying in science than the
females in this sample. Furthermore, consistent with the mean PSTE scores analysis by
gender, females tended to express more confidence in their pedagogical competence than the
males in the sample.
lower science anxieties than their male peers. These results indicate that further research is
needed to investigate the possible factors that positively impact Turkish pre-service female
elementary teachers compared to their male peers.
In light of the related literature, a major factor impacting pre-service teachers’ lack of
self-efficacy to teach science would be the format of the previous science content courses they
had taken and the science methods course investigated in this study. It is a common problem
reported in the literature that preservice teachers in all over the world develop anxieties toward
science in science content courses (Morrell & Carroll, 2003; Palmer, 2006; Stevens & Wenner
1996), which are usually taught by professors from natural science departments. Furthermore,
since changing beliefs requires time (Pajares, 1992), the limited student teaching experiences
of Turkish pre-service teachers do not provide enough opportunities to them for developing
strong science teaching self-efficacy beliefs. For these reasons, it is almost the case that
science methods courses are the only option left for Turkish teacher educators to help their
students overcome the negative attitudes toward science. A science methods course consisting
of science experiments, as in this study, is likely to help pre-service teachers reduce their
anxiety toward science, but this does not mean that pre-service teachers will improve their
self-efficacy beliefs through the same activities. From the classroom observations and
informal conversations, participants have considered the content of methods course easier than
the previous science courses, and therefore improved their attitudes toward science; however,
it can be concluded that a teacher-centered science methods course without actual student
teaching experiences is unlikely to enhance pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs to teach
To be able to prepare more self-efficacious elementary teachers, Turkish teacher
educators should consider the factors that are reported in the literature as enhancing pre-
service teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs. For example, the use of hands-on science inquiry
activities (Bleicher, 2006; Cox & Carpenter, 1989; Mullholland & Wallace, 1996) and student
teaching experiences at elementary schools (Cantrell et al. 2003; Huinker & Madison, 1997;
Palmer, 2006) are likely to improve students’ attitudes toward science and science teaching.
Science experiments are strongly recommended not to emphasize the science content
knowledge, be appropriate to the elementary school level, and relate to everyday life (Cox &
Carpenter, 1989). Foremost, students should be having fun during these activities (Palmer,
Due to the nonrandom sampling method used in this study, the results may not be
generalizable to the whole Turkish pre-service elementary teachers population, but since
student teaching in elementary schools is not a part of the science methods courses in all
Turkish universities, the suggestions for the improvement of the science methods course
investigated in this study would certainly apply to most teacher education programs around the
country. Based on the findings from this study and the previous research, Turkish teacher
educators should consider enhancing the effectiveness of science methods courses by:
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Validity Analysis for the Turkish Version of the STEBI-B PSTE Scale
Science Anxiety Survey
Some of the following activities may cause anxiety toward science and science learning.
Please select one of the boxes to indicate the level of anxiety you may or may not experience in each situation.
Note: The Turkish version of the SANX survey can be requested from the author.
([email protected])
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