DCS Controller

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DCS Controller
Simple process loop using a traditional single
loop controller
Several loops share the same digital controller
Architectures of Controllers

Two very general controller architectures emerged since

1990 and both types influenced the approach used in the
newest of designs, namely:

 Shared-function.
 Individual cards for each “control loop”
Shared-function Controller Rack
Individual cards for each loop set
Multifunctiom Controller
 Later designs began to combine these ideas taking
advantage of ever increasing processor power and
memory capacities.

 Emerging from both of these earlier designs is a more

current design in which all the functions are embedded on
a single card, or module.

 Most architectures since the mid-1990s use what are

called multifunction controllers rather than loop
controllers, logic controllers, and separate application
controllers. This approach also provides the advantages
of the single hardware/software set.
Multifunctiom Controller

 Single Control Module with Multiple “Languages” (and

Capabilities) Within the Same Module
Multifunctiom Controller
 The advantages of having multiple loops residing within
the same card makes it even more possible to create
some very powerful multiloop control strategies.

 This capability defeats the purpose of “single loop

integrity,” which is near impossible to achieve with any
kind of interlocking control strategy.

 The only protection for today’s control strategies is

redundant controllers, which are now more practical and
reasonably priced than before.
Block Diagram of controller
Microprocessor based Controller
Controller Software Structures
Controller Software Structures

 Programming
 Firmware is software that is burned into a PROM and
always stays the same, so that certain routines are
always done the same way

 Software is the set of instructions in the computer that

tell it how to function.
Organizing execution time for control action

 chosen. Just as hardware designs have different

appearances, so do software designs even though the
function may be the same.

 The time the processor takes to go through all the lines

of code is called scan time.

 Most control vendors incorporate real-time execution of

loop functions within their design.
Organizing Execution Time for Control Action

Fixed Times for Flexibility vs. Variable Times for Capacity

Typical Control Program
Typical Ladder logic Program
Programming vs. Configuration

Growing From Programming to Configuration: Advances in Software

Function Blocks

 To overcome the difficulty of software languages for

users, vendors develop function blocks to arrange”
control strategies by connecting them in various ways
with “soft wiring.”

 Some vendors use large number of small and flexible

function blocks and others use much less number of a
larger and complete & powerful function blocks.
Function blocks grow to object oriented
IEC61804 standard defines function block
architecture for the process industry
 The Foundation Fieldbus profile is used by many
manufacturers of fieldbus devices

 Many control systems have adopted the Foundation

Fieldbus function block architecture and specific
function blocks
Function blocks
Basic FF function blocks
Advanced FF function blocks

 The object-oriented configuration allows you to build

layers of larger blocks out of smaller blocks.

 This means you can assemble the exact type of three-

mode controller you like, with whatever alarms and
status conditions you wish it to report. Then you save it
with the identity of a single unit (large block).

 You can then build very complex configurations of

control strategies without having to build all the details
each time.
Hardware to Firmware: function blocks can
be “instruments”
Combining function blocks for powerful control
Connecting Function Blocks Through “Soft
Position-Proportional Control

e.g. driving motorised valves

DCS configuration

 Type of control points/slots

 Frequency of execution
 Each function requires 'Processing Units'
 Complex controls take more processing time
 Limit scan rate
Controller Redundancy
Controller Redundancy
Redundant Single Loop Control for “Single Loop Integrity”
Mainframe Computer Redundancy
Mainframe Computer Redundancy

 Very difficult to make but it was at least possible.

 A second computer had to be programmed exactly like the first.

 When a failure occurred in the first , the switchover routine had to

compare each line of code before allowing the change which
would take sometimes hours. This would be very unacceptable in
most process control applications.
Shared Loop Redundancy Among
Microprocessor-based redundancy in “single
card” controller racks
One-to-one redundant racks, I/O, even power
Redundancy techniques
 Both types (shared and one-to-one) have redundant
cards on the same backplane, some use redundant
circuit pathways on that backplane.

 Some vendors use redundant bus paths on the

backplane to assure security.

 In those “single card” controller racks , only

“multifunction cards” can back up their identical twin.
Redundancy techniques

 Most, but not all, will automatically refresh with any

changes that occur in the primary controller. Some
vendors permit the backup to be loaded with a different
configuration and call that a benefit, namely, to allow
“live reconfiguration.”

 Some vendors have designed the redundant controller

as a “hot spare” to continually track the current values as
well as any online or off line changes in the configuration
in the primary controller.
Connections to the Controller
Connections to the Controller

 The two main sources of inputs and outputs to the

controller are the interface with the process, and the
interface with the operator.

 Interface with the process manage signals to and from

the process.

 The interface with the human operator involve how to

present information from the controller.
Connections to the Controller

 Inputs and outputs to a controller traditionally have been analog or

discrete switching. Some pulse inputs have been available over
the years for devices such as frequency measurements, and pulse
outputs have been available for certain motor drive units.

 Connected to most controller modules today are many versions of

input/output (I/O) modules.

 Rather than using the controllers, the I/O modules themselves

more and more contain microprocessors for conversion from
analog to digital (and back) and for linearization and signal
Input/output Subnetworks to Field Devices
Even Local I/O Comes In on a Bus Within the Controller
“Card Cage”
Digital Conversion of Inputs and Outputs
 Signals, which would come in either from discrete or analog
values, must now be converted to digital. Once the manipulation
of these digital signals within the controller is complete, they
must then be converted back to discrete and analog outputs.
One method to visualize analog to digital
Remote Input/output Connections

 Remote I/O considered to be the controller’s own digital

communication subnetwork, and quite often the connection is
parallel rather than serial.
Remote Input/output Connections
Remote I/O showing Peer-to-Peer Connections to Other
Power Interruptions
Power Interruptions
 While there are still controllers that must reload their
configuration after a power interruption, many are
equipped with built-in batteries to protect RAM memory,
where the configuration resides.

 The charge on these batteries is often monitored, and

significant warning time is provided through internal

 That warning, usually given weeks in advance, will

display at the controller itself with an LED or
alphanumeric code and will also be presented as part of
the diagnostic video display(s) for the operator and
Any control system needs …

 Inputs (analog and digital)

 Outputs (analog and digital)

 Based on status of inputs
 Various rules of behaviour

 Indication to an operator
 Display of values
 Alarms

 Operator input
Process plants

 Mostly analog inputs/outputs

 Mostly performing feedback control

 Needs complex arithmetic

 Changes take place slowly

 DCSs developed specially for this purpose

DCS – Typical I/O supported

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