DCS Controller
DCS Controller
DCS Controller
DCS Controller
Simple process loop using a traditional single
loop controller
Several loops share the same digital controller
Architectures of Controllers
Individual cards for each “control loop”
Shared-function Controller Rack
Individual cards for each loop set
Multifunctiom Controller
Later designs began to combine these ideas taking
advantage of ever increasing processor power and
memory capacities.
Firmware is software that is burned into a PROM and
always stays the same, so that certain routines are
always done the same way
Frequency of execution
Each function requires 'Processing Units'
Complex controls take more processing time
Limit scan rate
Controller Redundancy
Controller Redundancy
Redundant Single Loop Control for “Single Loop Integrity”
Mainframe Computer Redundancy
Mainframe Computer Redundancy
Indication to an operator
Display of values
Operator input
Process plants