Psychological Service Schedule
Psychological Service Schedule
Psychological Service Schedule
1.1. The Term for the provision of Psychological Services is the period from the date of signing by
both parties (“Commencement Date”) until the close of 30 April 2024 (the “Date of Expiry”)
or such earlier date upon which the period is lawfully terminated or cancelled.
1.2. Prior to the End Date, the parties may agree in writing to extend the Term of this Service
Schedule for a maximum of two further periods of one year. Any decision to extend the Term
of the Service Schedule will be based on:
1.2.1 the parties reaching agreement on the extension in writing prior to the End Date, and
1.2.2 ACC being satisfied with the performance of the Services by the Supplier, and
1.2.3 all other provisions of this Contract either continuing to apply during such extended
Term or being re-negotiated to the satisfaction of both parties.
1.3. There is no obligation on the part of ACC to extend the Term of the Service Schedule, even if
the Supplier has satisfactorily performed all the Services.
Table 2 – Did Not Attend and Travel Codes – Service Items and Prices
Service Service Item Price Pricing
Service Item Definition
Item Code Description (excl. GST) Unit
PSYDNA Non-Attendance Fee Did Not Attend - payable for the Max 2 per
missed face to face assessment or claim
treatment if a Client does not attend (payable
a scheduled appointment without once per
giving 2 Business Days prior DNA)
notification, and the Supplier has
taken all reasonable steps to ensure $74.59 On site
they attend, including reminding the 40%
Client of the appointment 3-4 days
before the scheduled time. Not to be $111.89 Off-site
used in conjunction with any other 60%
non-travel code.
The Supplier must notify ACC.
PSYTD10 Travel Distance A contribution towards travel: $0.70 Per km
• for return travel via the most
direct, practicable route; and
• where the return travel exceeds
Note 1: where the Supplier has no
base or facility in the Service
provision area, return travel will be
calculated between the “start point”
and “end point” closest to the Client
(as agreed by ACC).
Note 2: ACC does not pay for the
first 20km of travel and this must be
deducted from the total distance
travelled. If travel includes more
than one client (ACC and/or non-
ACC) then invoicing is on a pro-rata
PSYTT5 Travel Time - less Paid for the first 60 minutes (or less) $93.24 Per hour or
than 1-hour return, or of total travel in a day where: part thereof
for first hour of travel • the travel is necessary; and
• the Service Provider travels via
the most direct, practicable route
between their base/facility and
where the services are provided;
• the distance the Service Provider
travels exceeds 20km return;
• the time the Service Provider
travels exceeds 30 minutes.
Note 1: where the Supplier has no
base or facility in the Service
provision area return travel will be
ACC will review the prices specified in this clause 4 when, at ACC’s sole discretion, it
considers that a review is necessary. The factors that ACC may take into account during a
review include, but are not limited to:
• general inflation
• changes in service component costs
• substantial changes in the market
If, following a pricing review, ACC determines that the factors it took into account have not
had a significant impact on price, the prices will remain unchanged.
If ACC proposes any price increase, the price increase will only take effect if the Supplier has
agreed to the increase in writing. If the Supplier agrees to the price increase, the price increase
will take effect from a date specified by ACC.
1. PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................................... 8
2. SERVICE OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................ 8
3. SERVICE COMMENCEMENT ..................................................................................................... 8
4. SERVICE LOCATION ................................................................................................................... 9
5. SERVICE REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 10
6. SERVICE SPECIFIC QUALITY REQUIREMENTS.................................................................. 13
7. SERVICE EXIT ............................................................................................................................ 18
8. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 19
9. CONTRACT MONITORING REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ............................................... 19
10. OPERATIONAL CONTACT ....................................................................................................... 19
11. RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 20
12. NOTICE PERIOD ......................................................................................................................... 20
13. PAYMENT AND INVOICING .................................................................................................... 20
14. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION ................................................................................. 20
The purpose of the Service is to enable Clients to achieve and maintain their maximum level of
health and independence in daily activities.
ACC will measure the success of this Service based on the following objectives:
2.1.1. Assessment of the Client’s current psychological status for the purposes of ACC’s
treatment planning to address rehabilitation needs;
2.1.2. Identification of current barriers that are preventing rehabilitation towards
2.1.3. Providing timely and appropriate, evidence-based psychological interventions to
address the identified barriers, to achieve Client independence;
2.1.4. Providing Client education for self-management;
2.1.5. Providing early education to the family/whānau of the Client about the effects of
psychological problems/mental injury to foster strong recovery/coping strategies and
Client managed recovery and rehabilitation; and
2.1.6. Achieving agreed outcome specifications.
The Supplier will provide the Psychological Services at the location(s) specified in Part A,
Clause 2.
If the Client’s circumstances are exceptional or if a physical condition precludes the Client from
attending the Supplier’s service location for an Assessment/Reassessment or treatment then the
Service may be provided in a location that meets the needs of the eligible Client.
All Psychological Services being assessments for Mental Injury caused by Physical Injury
(MICPI) cover, Work-Related Mental Injury (WRMI) cover or assessments without MICPI,
provided by the Service Provider for a Referred Client, will include an assessment consultation
and report which will be part of an Individual Rehabilitation Plan agreed to by ACC and the
5.1.1. The Supplier must ensure that all Client appointments under Psychological Services are
delivered: in-person; or via Telehealth in accordance with Part B, Clause 4 of this Service Schedule
and ACC’s Telehealth Guide.
5.1.2. The Supplier will provide all equipment and technology necessary to deliver services
by Telehealth and manage their own technical issues.
The Supplier must ensure that Psychological Services provided by the Service Provider for the
Client include:
5.2.1. Arranging any necessary appointments with the Client;
5.2.2. Providing an initial clinical evaluation to: Assess the Client’s current psychological status; Identify current barriers that are preventing rehabilitation towards
independence; Identify current appropriate treatment strategies designed to meet the
rehabilitation needs of the Client; Determine suitability of the referral; Confirm the number of sessions recommended in the Referral.
The Supplier must ensure that each Assessment Consultation and Assessment Report covers the
5.3.1. A detailed history of the Client;
5.3.2. An introduction to the Client of the purpose of the Services, confidentiality issues, and
any other concerns the Client may have at the outset;
5.3.3. The history of the presenting mental injury or psychological problem, and its causal
link to the original personal injury;
5.3.4. Functional enquiry regarding current mental status, mood and other compromising
psychological or psychiatric symptoms;
5.3.5. Personal, educational, social and occupational history;
5.3.6. Medical and psychiatric history;
5.3.7. Client’s goals and motivation;
5.3.8. A risk assessment;
5.3.9. Service Provider’s plan of action which details how functional objectives will be
achieved to meet the expected outcomes of the Referral; and
Psychology Interns
6.12.1. For the purposes of this clause, the following definitions apply:
6.12.2. “Psychology Intern” means a student engaged in a Psychology Board accredited post-
graduate diploma, master or doctoral course of studies, to achieve full registration in
the Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist, Neuropsychologist or Counselling
Psychologist scopes of practice, but who does not as yet have the necessary clinical
6.12.3. “Supervisor” means a supervisor of a Psychology Intern that meets all the following
requirements: Is registered with the New Zealand Psychologists Board as a Psychologist,
Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, or Counselling Psychologist
scope of practice. Holds a current Annual Practicing certificate with the NZ Psychologists
Board; and Is a current member of at least one of the following: New Zealand Psychological Society, or NZ College of Clinical Psychologists; or An international professional body acceptable to ACC; and
ACC may request the Supplier to supply further information or reports on Psychological
Services provided. Any request will be reasonable, and the Supplier shall provide the
information within 30 days of the request.
The purpose of such a report is to monitor the progress and quality of Service delivery under
this Service Schedule against expected performance in accordance with Part B, Clauses 5,6 and
The evaluation undertaken by ACC may include (but shall not be restricted to):
9.3.1. The processes outlined in this Service Schedule, including the timeliness,
appropriateness and cost effectiveness of the Services provided and the ongoing
management of this Service Schedule;
9.3.2. Satisfaction of the Referrer with the Service Provider and the quality of the Service
Provider’s Services;
9.3.3. Satisfaction of Clients with the Supplier, Service Provider and ACC; and
9.3.4. Any other matters reasonably considered to be relevant by ACC.
During the Term of this Service Schedule the Supplier will nominate a person (as specified in
Part A, Clause 5) to be the main contact for ACC who will:
Have primary responsibility for relationships and communication with ACC and the operation
of this Service on a day to day basis;
Be proactive in informing ACC of issues with provision of Services as outlined;
Raise issues and suggest solutions regarding this Service;
Ensure that the Service is operated in accordance with this Service Schedule;
Represent the Supplier in discussions on performance; and
Ensure that ACC is advised promptly when the person’s contact details change.
To ensure the continuing effective operation of the Service, formal working relationships are to
be maintained as defined in Part A, Table 3 - Relationship Management.
The period of notice required for cancellation of this Service Schedule as set out in the Standard
Terms and Conditions, Clause 20 is hereby reduced from three months to one month.
Services prices are defined for this Service in Table 1 – Psychological Service Items and Prices.
ACC agrees to pay the prices set out in Table 1 – Psychological Service Items and Prices.
The prices set out are the entire amount chargeable to ACC in relation to the Services and no
additional amount may be charged to ACC, the Client or other person for Services under this
“Face-to-Face” includes in-person and Telehealth, if both the Service Provider and Client are
in New Zealand, and the Client consents.
“In-person” means the provider and Client are physically present in the same room.
“MICPI” means Mental Injury Caused by Physical Injury.
“TIMI” (Treatment Injury Mental Injury) means Mental Injury caused by a non-covered
Treatment Injury.
“Telehealth” means the use of information or communication technologies to deliver services
when Clients and Providers are not in the same physical location. For this Service Schedule,
Telehealth relates to real-time videoconferencing interactions and telephone consultations.
Telehealth excludes electronic messaging e.g. texts and emails. A telehealth consultation is to
replace an in-person visit so it does not include a quick triage or check-in phone calls (unless
specified). Telehealth may be used to deliver applicable services (as per Part A, Clause 4) only
if both the Service Provider and Client are in New Zealand, and the Client consents. Delivery
via Telehealth channels must be clinically appropriate and be in line with Part B, Clause 4 of
this Service Schedule.
“WRMI” means Work-Related Mental Injury.
• ACC266: Psychological Services Action Plan.
• ACC267: Psychological Services Progress Report.
• ACC268: Psychological Services Completion Report.
• ACC4247: Mental Injury Assessment form which includes the Guidelines for
completing mental injury assessment reports.