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SUEZ Essential2018 en

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the essential 2018

for the
our ambition:

leading the resource revolution
to ensure sustainable growth our solutions for cities:
P10 ensuring their sustainability
and attractiveness

our solutions for industry:
improving economic and

environmental performance
P24 innovation
at our core

a Group committed
to people and the planet
the CEO
In a fast growing world, our society is facing many challenges.
Climate change, galloping urbanization and changing lifestyles
are all contributing to the increased scarcity and deterioration of
the natural resources which are essential to life and to the future.

It has now become essential to develop new growth models which

consume fewer resources. This ambition is at the heart of SUEZ’s
strategy. Every day, we help our customers to use and recover
resources instead of consuming them. The circular economy is production lines, by developing access to local and renewable
indispensable and we are one of its leaders. energies through waste recovery, or by creating alternative water
resources in regions exposed to water stress.
Today, our Group is fully engaged in the resource revolution.
We are ready. Ready to innovate thanks to the multitude of For SUEZ, 2017 was a year of deep transformation, with the
Jean-Louis Chaussade possibilities created by the digital revolution, ready to propose acquisition of GE Water that will enable the Group to propose the
Chief Executive Officer of SUEZ radically new solutions to meet our customers’ needs by designing most complete industrial water offer on the market.
and operating smart and sustainable cities, by reducing the We are at the cutting edge of activities which are preparing the
consumption of resources and production costs, by producing future and we feel proud to contribute, together with our customers,
differently with the introduction of secondary raw materials into to building a more sustainable world.

“We are ready.
Ready to innovate
thanks to the multitude
of possibilities created
by the digital revolution,
ready to propose radically
new solutions to meet our
customers’ needs”.
SUEZ at a glance we help cities
and industries optimize
water management,
recycling and waste recovery
our fields of activity €15.9 billion
turnover in 2017


on 5
Engineering, Smart and sustainable Smart solutions Recycling and waste
to shape
€92 million
design and management of recovery to produce
construction the water cycle, tomorrow’s cities new materials
of treatment smart water solutions and energy invested in R&D
of women in management

4.3 million
tonnes of secondary raw 6.7 TWh
materials produced of renewable energy produced

1.3 billion
cubic meters of alternative water produced


300 million 32 million


cubic meters of drinking water people benefiting from

produced from sea water waste collection services

7.4 billion 3.4 million


cubic meters of drinking water produced tonnes of hazardous waste

Climate Environment

9.4 million 4.8 billion

tCO₂e avoided cubic meters of wastewater treated

the trade

160 years of
As soon as the SUEZ canal opens, it revolutionizes
world trade. This marks the beginning of the Group’s
industrial success and the birth of its name, a synonym

history serving
of audacity, ambition and innovation.

human progress 1858

the hygiene and the urban comfort the resource
public health revolution revolution revolution
The industrial revolution leads to rapid development After the Second World War, as big cities and At the dawn of the 21st century, a new chapter
of cities. To protect people’s hygiene and health, suburbs grow, inhabitants’ needs increase, begins at the Rio Earth Summit. World leaders
water and sanitation networks are built over great calling for a constant supply of clean water make the protection of the earth a priority.
distances, providing access to drinking water and to meet growing requirements, and collection In an exponentially growing world, cities and
wastewater treatment. A modern waste collection and treatment of increasing waste quantities. industries are seeking new solutions to face
system is also invented. resource scarcity and climate change.

1880 1945 1990 Today

our ambition:
leading the
resource revolution
to ensure
sustainable growth

Population growth and urbanization, climate change
and the increasing scarcity of resources have sparked
worldwide demand for a growth model that consumes
fewer resources.
To address these challenges, we reinvent resource
management and accompany our clients towards
the circular economy.

tackling a
challenge we all
face: increasing
resource scarcity

growing global population limited resources mineral resources
and rampant urbanization on the planet will be exhausted

60% World need for water will exceed 2026 2027 2042 2044 2054
of the 8.5 billion people on earth by 40% the available quantities by 2030 tin zinc iron copper nickel
will live in cities by 2030
The volume of urban waste will increase
41 by 70% by 2050
mega-cities with more than 10 million
inhabitants by 2030
Earth Overshoot Day1 earlier each year

1990 2000 2010 2017

December 7 November 1 August 21 August 2

1-The date when humanity has consumed all the resources the planet
is capable of regenerating in a year.

taking on the developing access to resources
for everyone

4 key challenges by supplying people with drinking water

that is essential for health

of the resource by optimizing the collection and sorting of waste

to maximize recycling and recovery


7.4 billion cubic meters
of drinking water produced

protecting resources optimizing the use producing
and the ecosystem of resources new resources
by helping cities and industries by improving resource management through by transforming sea water into drinking water and waste
to improve the quality of their discharge, digital solutions into energy or secondary raw materials
recover sludge as energy, reduce CO₂
by generating significant economic 19 million 4.3 million
9.4 million and environmental savings for our customers
tonnes of waste
recovered in Europe
tonnes of secondary
raw materials produced
tonnes of CO₂ equivalent of greenhouse gas emissions
avoided for our customers
3.9 million 22% of customers 6.7 TWh 1.6 million
3.4 million smart sensors sold equipped with remote reading meters
of renewable energy produced tonnes of recovered
tonnes of hazardous waste treated solid fuels sold

our solutions
for cities:
ensuring their
and attractiveness

SUEZ works side by side with cities to support
them in meeting their challenges of urban
development and sustainable growth.
We also invent solutions to boost their
attractiveness, particularly through digital
solutions and new models of governance.

contribute to the
development of
the city of tomorrow
shaping the resourceful city better managing resources addressing climate
for the populations for sustainable growth challenges
We support cities in implementing the vision of We help cities protect their environment and Fighting climate change is a top priority for SUEZ,
their own future. A city that is more and more adopt a circular economy of resources through which develops solutions to tackle three challenges:
circular, resilient and collaborative. waste recycling and recovery and water to mitigate the causes of climate change, to adapt
We help cities build customized, innovative and management. to its consequences and to build new alliances that
sustainable solutions to serve their public’s needs. We help them provide guaranteed and develop climate-responsible models.
Our aim in shaping resourceful cities is to provide sustainable access to high-quality drinking
higher value services for citizens, reduce water in quantities that can meet growing
environmental impact and make citizens the focus needs.
of every city.

the smart city
Dijon métropole, France

of tomorrow Dijon Métropole has awarded SUEZ an innovative

contract for the connected management
of public spaces, offering inhabitants new public
services and open urban governance based
on Open Data.

SUEZ will manage the unique urban control center,

where intervention decisions will be made. The center
will bring together all the data collected by the connected
objects in the urban community’s 24 municipalities as well
as citizen alerts.

connected control center

energy savings over the duration of the contract

vehicles geotagged + 130 equipped with radios

+ 34,000
100% LED lights renovated

increasing the organic recycling
Penrith, Liverpool and Perth, Australia

of waste and reusing wastewater SUEZ helps local authorities in their transition

to feed water tables

to the circular economy and to reduce the impact
of climate change.

To reduce the expense of landfill, the cities of Penrith and

Liverpool have invested in a mechanical and biological waste
treatment facility.
Designed and run by SUEZ, the treatment plant has reduced
costs for the local authority and increased recycling of organic
waste used to enrich soil.

134,000 tonnes 15,506 tonnes

of waste of organic matter
treated a year recovered

For over 10 years, the region of Perth has been seeing a drop
in rainfall that affects the level of its dams and water tables.
New solutions must be found. SUEZ was selected to build a
new wastewater recycling plant. The contract specifies the
construction of a plant to treat 14 million cubic meters a year.
It will use innovative technology to make a significant positive
impact on water table levels.

28 million cubic meters

of water a year – water table recharge capacity

delivering high-quality
Amman, Jordan

treated water for agriculture To meet the needs of the Amman region,

and renewal energy solutions

the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation
decided to commission a new wastewater
treatment plant.

As part of a 25-year public-private partnership,

SUEZ designed and built a high-capacity plant at As Samra,
which can produce its own energy using biogas from sludge
digestion and electricity from hydroelectric turbines.

farms in the region use water recycled
by the As Samra plant

300,000 tonnes
of CO₂ saved each year through the production
of renewable energies

13.7 MWh
of renewable energy from biogas and hydroelectric turbines
supply 80% of the plant’s energy needs every year through
the production of renewable energies

aiming for
The Isle of Man, United Kingdom

a zero-waste society In 2012, Isle of Man local authorities specified

their requirements by defining a strategy to
implement a zero-waste society to preserve the
island’s natural heritage.

To meet this goal, the Group built an incineration and energy

recovery plant in the south of the island. Storm water was
reused in the cooling process, thus reducing drinking water

48,000 tonnes
of household waste treated each year

of the electricity consumed by island inhabitants produced by
the facility

Our solutions
for industry:
improving economic
and environmental

We provide tailored resource management
solutions for all industrial sectors worldwide.
Our role: helping them increase
their economic and environmental performance
and improving their brand image.

support the sustainable
growth of industries

increasing meeting boosting brand equity developing circular

competitiveness regulations through corporate social solutions

SUEZ supports industries and businesses Changes in regulatory requirements and We can help industries meet their We help industries increase resource
in the optimization of their economic higher expectations from end users encourage environmental goals, a source of value for recovery, including energy, in order for
performance. We help them secure industries to seek the expertise and their brands and products, by optimizing and them to turn their own waste streams
production continuity and access to collaboration of private operators. protecting water resources, turning waste into into new and accessible resources.
resources, improve operational efficiency, Through our expertise, we help them meet new resources, improving energy efficiency
minimize risk and downstream impact regulatory standards. and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
and increase resource recovery and asset

sustainably SUEZ and L’Oréal signed a global memorandum
of understanding covering all the industrial,
administrative and research centers of the world
number one in beauty, in France and worldwide.
The agreement aims to:

• attain a neutral or positive “water footprint” for some

L’Oréal sites, particularly by optimizing water management
in its entirety, its treatment and reuse, thereby protecting
the water resource

• help improve the renewable energy mix, boost and increase

the number of “carbon neutral” L’Oréal sites by measuring,
monitoring and optimizing energy consumption and
operating water and waste treatment systems and units

• increase reuse and recycling of waste, by boosting material

recovery at all L’Oréal sites.

Airbus, Air France, Safran,
promoting the development Total and SUEZ

of a sustainable aviation Five major French industrial groups -

biofuel industry
Air France, Airbus, Safran, Total and SUEZ
– signed a “Green Deal” with the French
government. This commitment will make
it possible to study the economic and
operational feasibility of a sustainable
aviation biofuel industry in France.

SUEZ and its partners will assess waste reserves that

can be converted into aviation biofuels (used cooking oil,
animal fat and crop residue primarily, followed by plastics
and other solid recovered fuels).

2 to 3%
of the world’s human CO₂ emissions produced
by global air travel

Head&Shoulders, Procter&Gamble
creating the first
recyclable shampoo bottle By 2050, oceans could contain more plastic

made from plastic

than fish by weight. SUEZ, Terracycle and
P&G joined forces to create the first shampoo

collected on beaches
bottle made of beach plastics.
A unique supply chain involved the support of thousands
of volunteers and hundreds of NGOs collecting plastic waste
found on beaches.

In partnership with TerraCycle, SUEZ provided

Head&Shoulders with quality recycled polymers for
its limited edition (about 150,000 bottles) distributed
exclusively by Carrefour.

500 million
P&G bottles will be produced
from recycled plastic by 2050

170,000 tonnes
of high-quality recycled polymers
already produced by SUEZ

Shanghai Chemical Industry Park
reconciling economic (SCIP), China

growth and environmental In China, environmental issues are governed

by increasingly strict regulations.

The challenge for Shanghai Chemical Industry Park,

the fourth largest of its kind in the world, is to be
competitive, attractive and durable while respecting the
environment and local residents. A challenge taken up by
SUEZ, which is responsible for treating industrial water,
supplying drinking and industrial water, and treating
and recovering hazardous waste.

120,000 tonnes
of hazardous waste treated safely annually

50,000 cubic meters

of wastewater, from a wide variety of highly-polluted
effluents, treated every day

580,000 cubic meters

of freshwater saved annually through recycling

1 Zone Libellule®
largest such project for treating industrial water
and first ever in an industrial park in China.
Expansion and rehabilitation of the discharge constructed
wetland are underway

at the heart of
our business
Our innovative force must enable all our
customers to enter the age of the resource revolution
and to stay ahead of the game.
To reach this goal, we innovate every day
with our researchers and partners, for smart
and sustainable resource management.

€92 million 650 17 3,748

invested in R&D experts and researchers research centers national patents
in 2017 driving innovation worldwide

open innovation,
lever of
an international network
of partners
We maintain long-term privileged relationships with
SUEZ has adopted a structured numerous high-level scientific and technical players.

Open Innovation policy to benefit Academic partnerships: University of Bordeaux, University

of Barcelona, CNRS, University of Tsinghua, Harbin Institute
from its partners’ capacity for of Technology, Chinese Academy of Science etc.

innovation to offer constantly International network: the Global Water Research Coalition
(GWRC), Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform,
better solutions to our customers. Climate-KIC etc.

French innovation and skills networks:

competitiveness clusters Axelera Advancity, DREAM
and Aqua-Valley etc.

SUEZ Ventures: supporting technological tests:
the development of young speeding up the time-to-market
innovative companies of innovative solutions
Launched in 2010, SUEZ Ventures is the Group’s SUEZ adopts a partnership-based approach with
investment fund. It is one of the key players in corporate third-party companies through technological tests.
venture funding in water management, recycling and These tests ensure that innovative solutions, regardless
waste recovery sectors. We work alongside promising of whether they are provided by partners that are
young innovative companies as an investor and industry start-ups, large groups or small to medium-sized
partner. enterprises, are tested under industrial conditions.
This approach has the advantage of significantly
Hundreds of innovative start-ups have been detected accelerating time-to-market, meaning we can deliver new
since 2010 technological solutions that meet our customers’ needs.
300 opportunities annually reviewed
€4 million annually committed
8 investment operations achieved: 7 in start-ups These tests co-financed by the Group have already resulted in
and 1 in the seed fund Demeter 3 Amorçage
75 achievements.
Following successful testing of VALOPUR biogas
purification technology, SUEZ Ventures acquired Restoring water wells with liquid CO₂
a minority holding of 22% of Prodeval’s capital Aqua Freed©, developed by Subsurface Technologies Inc.
(STI), is based on the injection of liquefied carbon dioxide
to clean water wells while limiting the impact on the
environment and facilities.

digital technology
for resource protection

Digital technology offers new opportunities to

address environmental challenges our customers
face. SUEZ innovates to support them in this
approach and boost the performance of their
facilities. Here we focus on a few of our digital

digital for water management digital for waste
recycling and recovery
SUEZ works to develop solutions to control
networks in real time and constantly optimize In order to actively tackle climate change,
water quality. SUEZ develops innovative digital solutions to enable
our customers to boost recycling, reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, optimize energy consumption and adopt
InSight high-potential renewable energies.
InSight is a cloud-based platform that provides the means to capture
and translate data into valuable information. It combines advanced data
and analytics to help water treatment professionals make better business
decisions, eliminate unplanned downtime, and lower operating costs.
Using its proprietary technology-
enabled platform, Rubicon provides
comprehensive waste stream
solutions that enable companies and
local authorities to reduce operating
expenses and implement recycling programs.

VISIO Organix® is the 1st digital marketplace for organic waste.
Equipped with responsive, intelligent digital systems, VISIO enables public The platform connects producers of organic waste and methanization
officials to monitor their water and wastewater infrastructure and provides unit operators, who transform this new resource into energy.
them with a powerful decision-making system. This digital tool enables
greater data sharing with local communities so that they can provide
them with free-flowing information. SUEZ provides a similar tool for waste
management called VALOVISIO.

SUEZ, a group
to people and
the planet

Tackling climate change, inventing new models
that reconcile growth and resource protection,
taking action to promote equal opportunities,
and developing access to essential services…
We provide solutions to address these major
challenges that engage the future of men and
women and the planet.

taking action for the right

to water and sanitation

SUEZ fulfills its role in promoting and enforcing the right

to people
to clean water and sanitation services. Our expertise
enables us to offer a full range of solutions in response
to all issues faced by both developed and developing

In Algiers (Algeria), 150,000 people living in informal

settlements have been connected to drinking water
services within five years.

supporting vulnerable promoting equal opportunities supporting the economic
populations and diversity development of our regions

SUEZ is committed to supporting disadvantaged people An important indicator of corporate social responsibility, SUEZ adds to balanced and sustainable development
and boosting social integration of vulnerable people equal opportunity lies at the heart of the Group’s social of different regions by working with stakeholders crucial
through its work in France and around the world. performance. It is ensured through a structured, long-term to their development and vitality: SMEs, integration
plan supported by committed employees and a proactive organizations, disabled workers sector, social and solidarity
management team. economy players.
In Dunkerque (France), SUEZ has implemented
an eco-solidarity pricing with a separate rate with
3 consumption bands. To strengthen gender equality in the company, In France, SUEZ is committed to helping young people
SUEZ is committed to ensuring 50% of female candidates from poor neighborhoods access long-term employment
for all the recruitment of managers around the world. or making their business plans a reality.

committed to
the planet

protecting fighting preserving
the oceans climate change biodiversity

SUEZ develops concrete solutions on all continents In 2015, we set four key areas for action: reducing Pollution related to human activity and the
to protect the water resource and recycle and recover the Group’s carbon footprint, adapting to the effects ecosystem change contribute to the reduction
waste, therefore limiting upstream pollution of of climate change on water, promoting a circular of biodiversity. SUEZ acts to protect biodiversity
coastlines and the marine environment. We provide economy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and for its clients and within its organization.
NGOs (7ème Continent, Expédition MED, Goodplanet) protect resources, and developing new climate-
with these solutions and are a partner of UNESCO’s responsible economic models.
In 1997, SUEZ created a fund to support
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission.
the environmental and social initiatives of
SUEZ is part of the "2°C" trajectory and is
communities in the vicinity of the Group’s sites
With #suez4Ocean, SUEZ mobilizes its 90,000 committed to limiting the carbon footprint of its
in the United Kingdom. Since its creation, it has
employees around the world through plastic activities in all the countries where the Group
supported 3,750 environmental and community
waste collection campaigns on the coastlines and operates.
projects for a total of more than €140 million.

our Sustainable
Development Roadmap
for 2017-2021
Every five years, SUEZ commits itself to a new Sustainable
Development Roadmap. The new 2017-2021 roadmap was
designed following widespread internal and external consultation
with over 5,000 stakeholders.
Several types of tool were used to construct the roadmap, including
carrying out materiality analysis and advisory panels among
employees, individual shareholders and external stakeholders.
Be a collaborative, open and Be a leader in the circular
The 2017-2021 Sustainable Development Roadmap: responsible company and low-carbon economy
- is both a driver for change within the Group and a management
tool: made up of 17 measurable commitments with specific
deadlines, it comes with action plans to meet these goals by 2021;
- helps achieve the sustainable development goals defined by the
United Nations in 2015.

Support our customers’ Contribute
environmental transition with to the common good
concrete solutions
some of our
quantified objectives

100% of restricted access zones equipped with

suitable signage systems

95% of employees covered by social dialogue systems

(in their company or on a more global level)

responsible performance
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more
than 30% in the entire scope of activity by 2030
hailed by extra-financial rating agencies

Help our customers to avoid more than 60 million tonnes

of greenhouse gas emissions
1st 3rd
Increase the production of secondary raw materials by 20% in waste and water in utilities sector
utilities sector

Put forward 100% sustainable solutions

Increase the number of connected objects by 20%

Roll out biodiversity action plans at 50% of priority sites

managed by the Group.
2017 A List

The SUEZ Foundation supports concrete actions
to sustainably develop access to essential services
(water, sanitation and waste) for underprivileged
populations in developing countries.
The work of the SUEZ Foundation contributes
to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable
Development Goals.

6-year 55
commitment NGOs & partners

over 3 million
inhabitants directly concerned

€24 million 115

over six years projects selected

project applications received

Publication: SUEZ Communication Department
Design: bearideas
Photo credits: iStock - Unsplash - SUEZ - Cyril Abad/CAPA Pictures - Procter & Gamble - L’Oréal - William Daniels - Patrick Wack
www.suez.com / @suez
May 2018

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