Karate Handbook1
Karate Handbook1
Karate Handbook1
Welcome to Massdojo: The benefits of karate are many and will empower and
enrich your or your child’s life in so many ways. Training in the martial arts takes a
great deal of dedication, perseverance, and character, but and also strengthens these
qualities over time. As you progress, you will find that the rewards go well beyond
attaining different colored belts. Congratulations on taking the first, and most
important, step of your journey.
New student handbook: This handbook will serve as a reference tool throughout
your training. It contains helpful information such as dojo rules and regulations,
terminology, kata, testing requirements, etc. All this information can be found on
massdojo.com as well. Please visit the site for updates.
Clothing & Equipment: Uniforms, accessories and equipment are available for
purchase at any time. Sparring equipment can be purchased at any time but is
required upon completing the first karate promotional examination. No equipment,
including uniforms purchased elsewhere, will be permitted for use in the dojo.
Testing: Karate is unique in that there are promotional examinations where students
are awarded belts for improving their skill and knowledge. Testing takes place every
two months. As students reach higher belt levels there are waiting periods in
Karate-do Student Handbook for: between tests. This is so more complicated katas can be learned and skills can be
improved. The tests are physically demanding but highly rewarding and one of the
outstanding characteristics of massdojo. All testing is done with consideration of the
student’s abilities, age and circumstances.
-Shotokan Tiger
Kata Forms Kata Tips
Kata Name Translation Tournament level - Practice previous katas as much as your current kata.
- Emphasize low, centered stances. Do not wiggle or adjust.
Taikyoku Shodan First Cause Beginner - Move with your hara, every technique involves your hips.
Taikyoku Nidan Second Cause N/A - Keep your foot in contact with the floor at all times. Use ball of foot mostly.
Taikyoku Sandan Third Cause N/A - Regular practice outside the dojo is essential. Practice in different settings.
Heian Shodan Peaceful Mind #1 Beginner - Understand the breathing points. This takes time to develop.
Heian Nidan Peaceful Mind #2 Beginner
Heian Sandan Peaceful Mind #3 Novice
- Don’t rush! Pause when it is required. Pacing is crucial for presentation.
Heian Yodan Peaceful Mind #4 Novice - Gaze in the appropriate direction and height. Start intently.
Heian Godan Peaceful Mind #5 Novice - Finish with the same intensity you start with.
Tekki Shodan Horse Riding #1 N/A - For tournaments pick an appropriate level kata that you know well.
Tekki Nidan Horse Riding #2 N/A - Have two katas ready for your test. Three are needed for brown belt and above
Tekki Sandan Horse Riding #3 N/A - Take private lessons to improve your kata knowledge.
Bassai Dai To Penetrate a fortress (greater) Intermediate
Bassai Sho To Penetrate a fortress (lesser) Intermediate
“Perform kata exactly; actual combat is another matter” – Funakoshi
Enpi Flying Swallow Intermediate / Advanced
Jion Buddhist Monk Int. / Adv. (mandatory)
Gankaku Crane on a rock Advanced
Kanku Dai To look at the sky (greater) Advanced (mandatory) Kumite Rules (USANKF)
Kanku Sho To look at the sky (lesser) Advanced
Hangetsu Half moon N/A
Chinte Rare Hands Advanced 1) Participants must keep their hair clean and pulled back or cut to a length so it does
Gojushiho Dai 54 Moves (greater) Advanced not obstruct vision.
Gojushiho Sho 54 Moves (lesser) Advanced 2) Participants must have short finger nails and toenails and must not wear jewelry or
Jitte Ten Hands N/A
any objects which may injure them or sparring partners.
Jiin Compassion N/A
Meikyo Look through a mirror N/A 3) Mouth guards, mitts, shin/instep protectors, women’s chest guards and head gear
Nijushiho Sho 24 Moves N/A are mandatory. Students may opt to wear face protection.
Sochin Strength and calm Advanced 4) Sparing gear is required after the first test.
Unsu Hands in the clouds Advanced 5) All equipment must be purchased through massdojo. There are no exceptions.
Wankan Kings Crown N/A 6) Anyone who enters a match without proper equipment may lose sparring
privileges for an extended period of time.
Please see massdojo.com for videos of all the katas.
All students and parents are highly recommended to review the current rules by
Video taping of yourself and/or your child for review is highly recommended.
going to www.usankf.org and downloading them.
Rossini Sensei’s 5 Golden rules of kata are:
1) Perfect Stances
2) Perfect Chambers A score is awarded when a technique is performed according to the following criteria
3) Focus to a scoring area:
4) Snap your technique Good form
5) Don’t make technical mistakes Sporting Attitude
Vigorous Application
Awareness (Zanshin)
Good timing
Correct Distance breaches of etiquette.
Scoring continued Kumite Tips
- Use movement effectively. No wasted movement. No standing still.
Scores are as follows:
- Use movement before attacking and defending.
- Use punches as first and last resort.
a) Sanbon – three points
- Try to set up all your kicking techniques with hand techniques first.
- Jodan (head) kicks
- Go forward when using a defensive technique to cut opponent off.
- Any scoring technique delivered on a thrown or fallen opponent
- Never drop your front hand below chest level.
- Keep your rear hand close to your body and aim it towards opponent’s center.
b) Nihon – two points
- Always use fakes to keep opponent on defense.
- Chudan (mid level) kicks
- Control center of the ring by applying pressure with effective movement.
- Never stand with feet too far apart or too close together.
c) Ippon – one point
- Sweep one leg when opponent has wide stance. Two legs when they have short
- Chudan or jodan-zuki (punch)
- Uchi (back fist)
- Point both hands at your opponent at all times.
- Remember monkey see monkey do to draw techniques from your opponent.
Attacks are limited to: Head, face, neck, abdomen, chest, back and side.
- Develop your left and right side equally.
- Have a superb reverse punch
Prohibited Behavior - Do not lean to side or far back while kicking
- Use pulling sweeps on close encounters
- Never show your best techniques on a lesser opponent unless you are practicing
Category 1 (referee will indicate by crossing hands at wrist forming a “X”)
- Try everything during practice. Don’t treat regular class like a competition.
1. Techniques that make excessive contact, having regard to the scoring
- Don’t be afraid to throw when in close.
area attacked.
- Study opponents in earlier matches
2. Techniques that make contact with the throat.
- Keep your eyes wide open
3. Attack to the arms, legs, groin, joints or instep.
- Never turn your head.
4. Attacks to the face with open hand techniques (teisho or nukite).
5. Dangerous or forbidden throwing techniques. Terminology
Category 2 (referee will indicate by pointing of finger) General Colors
1. Feigning or exaggerating injury. Budo The way of the warrior Aka Red
2. Repeated exits (Jogai) from the competition area Bunkai Practical application Ao Blue
3. Self-endangerment by indulging in behavior that exposes the contestant Dan Black belt grade level Kiiro Yellow
to injury by the opponent, or failing to take adequate measure for self- Dojo Place of practice Kuro Black
protection (mubobi) Gi Karate uniform Midori Green
4. Avoiding combat as a means of preventing the opponent having the Karate Empty hand Murasaki Purple
opportunity to score. Karate-ka Karate student Orenji Orange
5. Clinching, wrestling, pushing, seizing, or standing chest to chest without Karate-do The way of the empty hand
attempting a striking technique. Kata Forms
6. Techniques that by their nature cannot be controlled for the safety of the Keagi Snap Directions
opponent, and dangerous and uncontrolled attacks, whether they land or Kekomi Thrust Hidari Left
not. Ki Inner Energy Mae Front
7. Simulated attacks with the head, knee or elbows Kiai Concentrated shout Migi Right
8. Talking to or goading the opponent. Failing to obey the orders of the Kime Focus Naname Diagonally
referee, discourteous behavior towards the refereeing official, or other Kihon Basics Sayu Left & Right
Kyotsuke Attention Shomen Front 100 Hyaku
Terminology continued… Terminology continued…
Kumite Sparring Ushiro Back Stances – Tachi kata
Kyu Rank below black belt Fudo Dachi Diagnonal straddle stance
Makiwara Punching board Body Levels Heiko Dachi Parallel leg stance
Obi Belt Chudan Mid section Kiba Dachi Horse stance
Ryu School Gedan Lower body Kokutsu Dachi Back stance
Senpai Senior student Jodan Upper body Kosa Dachi Cross leg stance
Sensei Teacher Musubi Dachi Informal attention stance
Shidoin Instructor Social Nekko Ashi Dachi Cat stance
Sun Dome Halting an attack Arigato Thank you Shiko Dachi Square stance
before making contact Gozaimas Zen Kutsu Dachi Front stance
Tokui Kata Favorite kata Gommenasai I’m sorry
Tori Attacker Onegaiishimasu Please Blocks – Uke Waza
Waza Technique Jodan Age Uke Rising block
Gedan Barai Downward block
Classroom Counting Juji Uke X Block
Hai Yes 1 Ichi Morote Uke Augmented forearm block
Hajime Start 2 Ni Shuto Uke Sword hand block
Mawatte Turn around 3 San Soto Ude Uke Inward forearm block
Mokuso Meditate 4 Shi Uchi Ude Uke Outward forearm block
Mokuso Yame Stop Meditating 5 Go
Naore Return to start 6 Roku Striking Technique – Uchi Waza
Shomen ni rei Bow to the front 7 Sichi Empi Uchi Elbow strike
Sensei ni rei Bow to sensei 8 Hachi Gyaku Tsuki Reverse punch
Otagai ni rei Bow to each other 9 Kyu Haito Uchi Ridgehand strike
Seiza Kneeling position 10 Ju Oi Tsuki Lunge punch
Yame Stop 11 Ju Ichi Shuto Uchi Swordhand strike
Yasume Rest, at ease 12 Ju Ni Taisho Uchi Palm heel strike
Yoi Ready 13 Ju San Tettsui Hammer fist
14 Ju Shi Uraken Uchi Backfist strike
Sparring 15 Ju Go
Aiuchi Simultaneous score 16 Ju Roku Kicking Techniques – Geri Waza
Ateni Yoni Warning 17 Ju Sichi Mae Geri Front kick Tobi Geri Jumping kick
Go No Sen Taking initiative to counter 18 Ju Hachi Mawashi Geri Roundhouse kick Yoko Geri Side kick
Jogai Out of bounds 19 Ju Kyu Mikazuki Geri Crescent kick Ushiro Geri Back kick
Jiyu Kumite Free sparring 20 Ni Ju
Ma-ai Distance between opponents 30 San Ju
No Kachi Winner 40 Yon Ju
Sabaki Body shifting 50 Go Ju
Sen no sen Initiative in attack 60 Roku Ju
Shiai Competition 70 Sichi Ju
Torimasen Unacceptable scoring technique 80 Hachi Ju
Tszuukete Carry on 90 Kyu Ju
Testing Child Testing Requirements
Ages 4.5 – 7
Belt Color Kata Time in Training
Testing usually occurs at the end of each session. Sensei emails the test list 2 – 4 Orange / White 1st half of Taikyoku Shodan 2 months
weeks before the test to students ready to test for their next belt. Testing fees are due Orange Taikyoku Shodan with group 4 months
one week before the test. Students will be invited to the test.
Orange / Black Taikyoku Shodan solo 6 months
Yellow / White Heian Shodan 8 months
Testing schedules: All students who are testing for belts up to Blue Major, are Yellow Heian Nidan 10 months
eligible to test at the end of each 2 month session. Green and Purple belts will skip a Yellow / Black Improved Heian Nidan 12 months
test cycle to test every 4 months. Brown and black require a 6 month waiting period, Blue / White Heian Sandan 1 year 2 months
minimum. Blue Improved Heian Sandan 1 year 4 months
Blue / Black Heian Yodan 1 year 6 months
Minor belts are given to children under 13. Children under 16 do not break boards Green / White Improved Heian Yodan 1 year 10 months
Green Heian Godan 2 years 2 months
Tests are usually several hours long and are physically demanding. Plan to arrive Green / Black Improved Heian Godan 2 years 6 months
well rested and hydrated. Please eat a couple hours before the test. Tests may go over Purple / White Tekki Shodan 2 years 10 months
the scheduled end time significantly. Please be prepared for this. Purple Improved Tekki Shodan 3 years 2 months
Purple / Black Basai Dai 3 years 6 months
A test is not a graduation. Promotion to the next belt will occur for students who Brown Tekki Nidan 4 years
demonstrate good focus, proper attitude, improvement since the previous test and Brown Minor Jion 4 years 6 months
proficiency in techniques utilized in kata and kumite. Brown Major Enpi 5 years
Black (shodan) Gankaku and / or Kanku Dai TBD (6 months or more)
This handbook contains tables that serve as guides to what is expected for each rank
regarding kata, board breaks, tournaments and line drills.
Child Testing Requirements
This handbook contains a table for recording your test scores. Give your sensei Ages 8 – 12
your handbook with your payment for the test fee one week prior to the test. Scores Belt Color Kata Time in Training
will be recorded in the handbook and returned to you at the end of test. Orange / White Taikyoku Shodan with group 2 months
Orange Taikyoku Shodan solo 4 months
Scores will be from 0 – 10. 5 is considered the average. 3 below average. 7 above Orange / Black Heian Shodan 6 months
average. Yellow / White Heian Nidan 8 months
Yellow Improved Heian Nidan 10 months
The testing board will review the test scores at the end of the test and determined Yellow / Black Heian Sandan 12 months
who has passed. Blue / White Improved Heian Sandan 1 year 2 months
Blue Heian Yodan 1 year 4 months
Bumps are given at the sole discretion of the sensei, senpai and testing board. Blue / Black Improved Heian Yodan 1 year 6 months
NEVER ask about bumping as it is considered extremely rude and will hinder your Green / White Heian Godan 1 year 10 months
chances drastically of being bumped. Green Improved Heian Godan 2 years 2 months
Green / Black Tekki Shodan 2 years 6 months
When children reach the adult class age 12 or 13 they will follow the adult belt test Purple / White Improved Tekki Shodan 2 years 10 months
schedule. Purple Basai Dai 3 years 2 months
Purple / Black Tekki Nidan 3 years 6 months
Brown Jion 4 years
Brown Minor Enpi 4 years 6 months
Brown Major Gankaku 5 years
Black (shodan) Kanku Dai TBD (6 months or more)
Teen and Adult Testing Requirements
Ages 13 - Adult Testing Scores
Belt Color Kata Time in Training Belt Kihon Kata 1 Kata 2 Kata 3 Kumite Intials Date
Orange Taikyoku Shodan 2 months Orange / white
Orange / Black Heian Shodan 4 months
Yellow Heian Nidan 6 months
Yellow / Black Heian Sandan 8 months Orange / Black
Blue Heian Yodan 10 months
Yellow / White
Blue / Black Heian Godan 12 months
Green Tekki Shodan 1 year 4 months Yellow
Green / Black Basai Dai 1 year 10 months
Purple Tekki Nidan 2 years 2 months Yellow / Black
Purple / Black Jion 2 years 6 months Blue / White
Brown Enpi 3 years
Brown / Black Gankaku 3 years 6 months Blue
Black (shodan) Kanku Dai TBD (6 months or more) Blue / Black
Nidan Gojushiho sho AND Sochin 2 full years as shodan
Sandan Kanku sho, Jiin AND Unsu 3 full years as nidan Green / White
Seminar Participation
Massdojo hosts 2 – 3 outstanding seminars a year. These seminars are with nationally
recognized senseis and coaches. These events are sure to improve your karate knowledge
and take your karate to a new level. While these are not required for all students
attendance is required by the Massdojo National Team members. Attendance at these
events counts towards testing. Showing the willingness and effort to go above and
beyond is something that every martial artist should shoot for.