Bhawna 2021
Bhawna 2021
Bhawna 2021
Keywords: Background: Food irradiation is a non-thermal, energy-efficient, non-chemical and physical method of food
Food irradiation preservation in which the food is exposed to various ionizing and non-ionizing radiations. It is used to extend the
Shelf-life shelf-life of a product by not adversely affecting its nutritive parameters.
Scope and approach: The present review deals with the current understanding of the effect of ionizing and non-
Food preservation
ionizing radiations on different properties of fruits and vegetables.
Conclusions: Studies have revealed the positive effects of irradiation on physical and nutritional properties of
different fruits and vegetables followed by significant reduction in microbial load during storage. Food irradi
ation can be seen as a promising, safe and well-established technology but still underutilized at large scale. The
buying behaviour of consumers poses a significant challenge with innovating food processing technologies like
food irradiation. Thus, on the basis of the current review, scientific proofs of irradiated food safety is still needed
and work needs to be accomplished to increase technological appeal for food safety. Data collected from existing
studies revealed that UV-C has the potential to be proved better than other preservation techniques at an
acceptable dose that can be helpful in maintaining the desirable quality, enhancing the nutritive value of product
during storage and has the efficacy of eliminating COVID-19.
* Corresponding author. Department of Life Sciences, Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun, 248002, India.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. Gururani), (V. Kumar).
Received 8 February 2021; Received in revised form 12 May 2021; Accepted 1 June 2021
Available online 8 June 2021
0924-2244/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Bisht et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114 (2021) 372–385
Fig. 1. Effect of Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiations on Microbial Destruction (Prakash & de Jesús Ornelas-Paz, 2019; Hinds et al., 2019; Delorme et al., 2020).
Pulse Electric Field (Delorme et al., 2020) irradiation etc. are being used. foods has been extensively proven and it is highly regulated. Being a
These are excellent alternatives because they mitigate harm to the volumetric treatment, it can be applied over an extensive variety of
product’s desirability (Amaral et al., 2017; Hernández-Hernández et al., foodstuffs from dried products such as seasonings and spices to high
2019). Consumers often expect food quality in accordance with food moisture foods like poultry and meat and hence non-uniform shapes of
safety for example in high pressure processing, the food is normally products is not a big problem. Due to minimal rise in temperature, it can
exposed to a pressure of 400–1000 MPa involving a definite amount of also be applied on frozen or refrigerated products without thawing them
moisture as a suitable means to convey pressure which make its appli as well as on foodstuffs at room temperature (Prakash, 2020). Outburst
cation limited to semi-moist and moist foods. Furthermore, vegetative of various food borne illnesses due to contamination by pathogens in
cells can be inactivated at a pressure of 400–600 MPa but for spore fresh produce makes irradiation a promising approach to decontaminate
inactivation combination with heat or pulsing of pressure is required fresh fruits and vegetables without undergoing heat treatments like
(Prakash, 2020). Similarly, in pulsed electric field pasteurization can be sterilization and pasteurization (Barkai-Golan & Follett, 2017).
done but inactivation of spores cannot be achieved. It is also limited to Food irradiation is one type of non-thermal technique in which food
liquid foods and small particles. However, in contrast with the other is subjected to specific dose of non-ionizing radiations such as UV,
non-thermal and thermal processes, irradiation technology to process visible light, infrared, radio waves or ionizing radiations like gamma-
B. Bisht et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114 (2021) 372–385
Table 1 they cannot breed which results in cell death. Thus, this radiation does
Types of UV radiations. not induce residues and toxins in the process and does not affect the
S. No. Type Wavelength Reference flavour, taste, pH, odour etc. of the product (McKeen, 2018, pp. 1–40).
Studies also revealed that the smallest cells are more resistant to UV-
1. UV-A 315–400 nm Koutchma (2019)
2. UV-B 280–315 nm C radiations because of the amount of light absorbed by each cell.
3. UV-C 200–280 nm Additionally, moulds and yeasts are more resistant as compared to other
4. UV-V (Vacuum-UV) 100–200 nm microbes as they have different cell membranes, thickness and a smaller
number of pyrimidine bases (Atilgan et al., 2020). Some of the UV
sources are pulse lights (PL), low and medium pressure mercury lamps
rays, X-rays and accelerated electron beams to destroy microbes like
(LPM and MPM) and light emitting diodes (LEDs). The inactivation of
virus, bacteria etc. in food or agricultural commodities. In addition,
microbes can be achieved either by direct process or indirect process.
irradiation helps in enhancing hygiene and safety and increases storage
Indirect photochemical effects like free radical formation also induce
and distribution in above mentioned commodities (Nair & Sharma,
ultra-structural changes (Delorme et al., 2020).
2016; Pathak et al., 2018). It minimally affects the flavour, colour, taste,
nutritive value and other characteristics of food (Kalaiselvan et al.,
b) Ionizing Radiations
2018). Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of essential nutrients that
are important to human health. Consequently, high consumption of
Ionizing radiation is an emerging technology with extremely short
fruits and vegetables decreases risk of chronic and deficiency diseases
wavelengths and high intensity i.e. high enough to change atoms by
like obesity, diabetes etc (Mozaffarian, 2016). Several research studies
removing an electron from them to form an ion, but not as high to split
have shown that ultraviolet lights boost the quality of various fruit and
atoms, making exposed sources radioactive. X-rays, gamma rays, elec
vegetables after harvest, such as mango (Ruan et al., 2015), pineapple
tron beams are some common examples of ionizing radiations (Khan
and grapes (Maurer et al., 2017; Sari et al., 2016), broccoli (For
et al., 2019). All three forms of ionizing radiation have common impacts
mica-Oliveira et al., 2017a), strawberry (Araque et al., 2018). It was also
on human pathogens and product quality at similar doses, as all three of
studied that gamma radiation was used as a successful alternative
them have two effects: direct effects and indirect effects. In the direct
treatment for microbial inactivation and extended shelf life of product
effect, cell components such as carbohydrates, DNA, and lipids are
(Maraei & Elsawy, 2017). In the food industry, the lethal germicidal
directly damaged by ionizing radiation whereas in indirect effect, free
effect of UV-C and UV-B is also considered as effective methods to
radicals and reactive species such as hydro-electrons, hydrogen atoms,
disinfect the surface of food products and also help in post-harvest
or hydroxyl radicals) from radiolysis of water react with cells or food
treatment to delay fungal growth (Sheng et al., 2018).
components. The main ingredient of fresh produce is water and thus the
The aim of this review is therefore to research the working mecha
indirect effect is the principal mechanism for ionizing irradiation tran
nism of different radiations and its effect on the physicochemical,
sition (Fan & Wang, 2020). Ionizing radiations are also well-known
nutritional and microbiological properties of different fruits and
useful for inactivating pathogens in various food products (Jeong
et al., 2015). Electromagnetic radiation has a range on the basis of
different wavelengths and different uses. But only gamma rays and
2. Mode of action of types of radiation
x-rays have enough energy to cause ionization. Gamma rays and X-rays
are the same with respect to their penetration power but they are clas
a) Non-ionizing radiation
sified on the basis of their origin. X-rays originated from extra nuclear
electrons while gamma rays originate from the nucleus of an atom (Cho
Non-ionizing radiation is a form of energy that is produced by a
& Ha, 2019). Fig. 1 depicts the effect of ionizing and non-ionizing ra
source like a machine or an instrument which can travel in space in the
diations on microbial destruction.
form of electromagnetic waves with a certain wavelength. These radi
ations have little energy enough to stimulate a molecule or atomic
● Gamma radiations
electron and are normally not dangerous so modifications are not usu
ally made (Pathak et al., 2018). Sources of non-ionizing radiations are
Gamma rays are those radiations that have high frequency and en
extremely low frequency (ELF), radio frequency, infrared, microwaves
ergy which helps them to travel great distances through air. Hence, they
and ultraviolet having lower energy electromagnetic waves. These ra
are very penetrating (Erramli & El Asri, 2019). Photons of gamma rays
diations have a long wavelength (>100 nm) and low photon energy
have greater recurrence and energy than UV and X-ray photons. It can
(<12.4 ev). They are the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum from
penetrate a target food to a variety of depths (Pathak et al., 2018).
1 Hz to 3 × 1015 Hz (Syaza et al., 2017). The effect of non-ionizing ra
Gamma irradiation is very commonly recognised as a sterilization or
diations on microbial destruction is shown in Fig. 1.
decontamination agent and has great impact in destroying the microbes
by breaking down covalent bonds of viruses and bacterial DNA (Pricaz &
● Working mechanism of UV radiation
Ută, 2015). These radiations are produced from the radio-isotopes Co-60
and Cs-137. For food irradiation purposes, Co-60 sources of gamma
A German physicist named Johann with Elm Ritter in 1801 discov
radiation are commonly used as it is insoluble in water and hence the
ered ultraviolet radiation (Ahmad, 2017). Ultraviolet radiations are the
risk of environmental contamination is low. On the other hand, Cs-137 is
part of electromagnetic radiations with wavelengths of 100–400 nm.
soluble in water and is thus at high risk of environmental contamination
This spectrum is categorized into 4 types as mentioned in Table 1.
(Ashraf, 2019). Gamma rays quickly penetrate materials and are
The ultraviolet radiation with “C” band is very well known to reduce
commonly used during processing of bulk food when electron beams are
microbial contamination in milk and dairy food products (Delorme
used for surface irradiation (Pathak et al., 2018). The permitted sources
et al., 2020). UV-C radiations are considered as germicides as they have
in food products from radiation machines for gamma radiation (Co-60
the most lethal effect on microbes like viruses, bacteria, fungi etc. (Kim
and Cs-137) using electricity to generate electron beams (up to 10 MeV)
et al., 2017). However, the treatment depends on a number of factors
are authorised.
such as exposure time, wavelength, dose and light source of UV radia
tion (Delorme et al., 2020). At 265 nm, UV-C has a high efficiency at
● X-rays
which microbes are killed by breaching their cell membranes and
destroying their genetically engineered material (DNA or RNA), so that
X-rays are produced by bombardment of dense target material using
B. Bisht et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114 (2021) 372–385
Table 2
Effect of different UV radiation on nutritional and physico-chemical properties of different fruits and vegetables.
S. Fruit/Vegetable Treatment Time and dose Observed Effects Reference
Grapes UV-C and UV-B 3.6 kJ/m2 ● pH, TA & TSS not adversely influenced during storage Sheng et al. (2018)
● Significant increment in anthocyanin (0.24 g kg− 1) and
flavanol content by 9.40% & 19.56% at 14 days of storage by
UV-C treatment compared to UV-B treated and controlled
‘Phulae’ Pineapple UV-C light 10 min & 13.2 kJ/m2 ● Vitamin-C content increase with storage up to 28 days at Sari et al. (2016)
10 ◦ C then gradually decreased (1.79 ± 0.04)
● TFC of peel enhanced (20.75 ± 0.07c) at 28 days of storage.
Broccoli florets UV-B light 1.5 kJ/m2 (hermetic) ● Yellowing of broccoli florets delayed by storage in dark at Duarte-Sierra et al.
4 ◦C (2020)
● During storage at 4 ◦ C for 14 days:
- Respiration rate increased
- AA increased by 7%
- Total glucobrassicin increased by 18%
- Glucoraphanin increased by 11%
African nightshade UV-C 1.7 kJ/m2 and 3.4 kJ/m2 ● During storage of vegetable amaranth, DF content increased Gogo et al. (2017)
leaves and Vegetable due to enhancement of cellulose and hemicellulose content
amaranth resulting in reduction in weight loss and improvement in NV
● During storage of African nightshade leaves at 5 ◦ C,
hemicellulose content decreased at higher doses (3.4 kJ/m2)
and lignin content increased during storage thus, negatively
affecting textural properties
Peaches UV-B, UV-C light & 0.36 kJ/m2, 0.72 kJ/m2 & ● UV-B & UV-C alone or in combination inhibited increase in Abdipour et al.
combination of both 10 min, 20mins TSS of the samples (2019)
● Compared to UV-B, TSS inhibition was more in UV-C irra
diated fruit UV-C treated peaches maintained high vitamin-C
content (8%) compared to UV-B treatment
● At the end of storage period, loss of more than 28% of
vitamin-C was observed in controlled samples compared to
the treated ones
● UV-C (10 min) reduces the TA by 9%
Fresh-cut spinach UV-B light 0.6 kJ/m2 & 4 min ● Storage period decreases TSS (6.4%) compared to controlled Kasım and Kasım
leaves samples (8.25%) (2017)
● b* values (21.66) and hue angle value also decreased
Button Mushrooms UV-C 1 kJ m− ● Highest GDHB, GHB and TPC was found in gill Wu et al. (2016)
● AA was highest in stipe
Hence, concluded that UV-C treatment induces defence mech
anisms by increasing the above-mentioned parameters during
storage. However, mushroom peel browning and injury was
observed due to reduction in phenolic content
Apple skin UV-B light 219 kJ/m2 & 36 h ● TFC & TPC was reduced but at the end of storage period, an Assumpção et al.
accumulation of TPC was observed as compared to (2018)
controlled samples
● AA, Anthocyanins, Hydroxycinnamic acids (38%) was
increased and maintained at the time of storage
● No significant effect was found on dihydrochalcone
● Flavonols reduced by (− 45%) & after 7 days (− 31%) but at
the end of storage period (21 days) flavonols were 64% high
as compared to the controlled samples
Fresh-cut carrots UV-B, UV-C light & a 1.5 kJ/m2 & 162 s; ● With UV-B pre-packaging treatment, an accumulation of TPC Formica-Oliveira
combination of both 4.0 kJ/m2 & 159 s was increased by 30% about (500%) et al. (2017b)
● In UV-C + UV-B treated samples, the accumulation was
about (440%) higher than controlled samples (380%) after
72 h at 15 ◦ C.
Fresh-cut spinach UV-B light 0.3 kJ/m2 & 2 min ● TSS was found to be lowest (6%) Kasım and Kasım
leaves ● L* value was highest (2017)
● Hue angle value was decreased
● b* values were highest (23.19)
Oyster Mushroom UV-C light 4 kJ/m2 ● Prevents browning, high metabolic rate was also prevented Wang, Gao, et al.
as UV-C treated samples retained more SSC (1.19%) on day 9 (2017)
compared to untreated sample (1.06%) on day 6
● Decline in soluble proteins during storage but treated
samples retained more content (1.9568 mg/g) on day 15 of
storage while it was (1.8007 mg/g) in untreated on day 9
● UV-C was also helpful in preventing lipid oxidation as
formation of MDA content was delayed in treated samples
(23.31 μmol/g FW) on the 15th day of storage compared to
untreated (27.80 μmol/g FW) on day 9.
Conventional & UV-C light 65.6 Jm-2 & 10 min ● AA (by FRAP) was increased in both the grapes, conventional Pinto et al. (2016)
Organic Grapes (49.88 ± 0.56c) & organic (84.65 ± 3.16a)
● TSS was high in organic grapes (no matter whether UV-C is
applied or not)
● No significant effect on pH & acidity of both the grapes
(continued on next page)
B. Bisht et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114 (2021) 372–385
Table 2 (continued )
S. Fruit/Vegetable Treatment Time and dose Observed Effects Reference
TA-Titratable acidity, TSS-Total soluble solids, TPC-Total phenolic content, TFC-Total flavonoid content, UV-Ultraviolet, AA-Antioxidant activity NV-Nutritive value,
DF-Dietary fibre, GDHB-ℽ-glutaminyl-3,4-dihydroxybenzene, GHB-ℽ-glutaminyl-4-hydroxybenzene, mins-minutes, h-hours, s-seconds, aq-Aqueous, conc-concentra
tion, L*-Lightness, b*-chroma, WSB-Water soluble pectin, SSB- Soluble solid content, FRAP- Free radical-scavenging and ferric reducing antioxidant power, BI-
Browning index, PPO- Polyphenol oxidase, MDA- Malondialdehyde content, TVC- Total viable bacterial counts, POD- Peroxidase, PAL- Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase,
SSC- Soluble Solid Content.
B. Bisht et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114 (2021) 372–385
high energy accelerated electrons, resulting in a continuous energy tomatoes. The positive effects of treatment on fresh produce quality
spectrum (Ashraf, 2019). These rays have a potential to pass through the were revealed as compared to control ones. As irradiated samples
thick material (30–40 cm approx) which makes it favourable for the maintained less PG and PME activity and high fruit firmness and total
treatment of already packed foods thus avoiding the chances of recon phenolic content. Rate of decay and ethylene production was also
tamination (Ricciardi et al., 2019). For the purpose of food irradiation, delayed. Ruiz et al. (2017) stated that when the lemons were treated
energy of striking electrons should be 5 Mev or below, that generate with UV-B radiation, the antifungal activity of flavedo extracts was
X-rays with a penetration power similar to that of Co-60 (Prakash & de increased against Penicillium digitatum which was due the increase in
Jesús, 2019). X-rays irradiation at a dosage of 10 kgy can be used safely phenolic compounds in the peel cells.
to reduce the load of pathogenic microorganisms (Cho & Ha, 2019; Assumpção et al. (2018) concluded that application of high doses of
Indiarto & Qonit, 2020). These rays can be used to treat bulk material UV-B (219 kJ/m− 2) radiation in apples, increased the total flavonoid
without involvement of any radioactive material (Ashraf, 2019). They and phenolic content in its peel that were lowered at initial 36 h and
can penetrate in thick material approximately 30–40 cm in order to be noticeably enhanced after 14th day.
used in packaged products (Ashraf et al., 2019). These kinds of radiation Xu et al. (2019) estimated that UV-C treatment or its combination
are chosen because: with lysozyme coating on Huangguan pears improved the SSC, firmness,
total phenolic content and POD and PAL activity. Also, a reduction in
(a) they produce the desired effects on food preservation browning rate, microbial population, MDA content, soluble quinone
(b) In foods and packaging products they do not cause radioactivity content and PPO activity was observed. Wen et al. (2019) also investi
(c) They are available in quantities and at costs which enable the gated the effect of UV–C on water bamboo shoots. The results revealed
irradiation method to be commercially used that firmness of treated samples was improved and at the end of storage
period it was high as compared to that in untreated samples. This might
3. Effect of non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation on the physico- be due to the inhibiting effect of UV-C on lignification. Correa et al.
chemical, nutritional and microbiological properties of different (2020) demonstrated that when apples were exposed to UV C-irradiation
fruits and vegetables for 5 and 10 min there was a remarkable reduction in E. coli population.
This decrement was about (3.2 ± 0.4) and (3.8 ± 0.2) log10 CFU/mL,
3.1. Non-ionizing radiations (UV) respectively.
Abdipour et al. (2020) also investigated that UV treatment in com
Among all the innovative technologies for food processing, the bination with chitosan coating retarded the ripening in sweet cherry
application of ultraviolet radiation has also appeared as one of the most fruit and its firmness and quality was also maintained. Furthermore, a
favourable techniques with high commercialization potential (de la delay in fresh weight loss, changes in ascorbic acid, anthocyanin, total
Peña, 2019; Jermann et al., 2015; Morales-). There are several studies phenolic content, titratable acidity and antioxidant activity was
that have revealed effective outcomes of using ultraviolet irradiation as observed with improvement in sensory quality. Additionally, Dyshlyuk
a non-thermal technique for food preservation. On the basis of wave et al. (2020) stated that application of UV-C-irradiation as a post-harvest
length UV light is divided into four types- UV-A, UV-B, UV-C and UV-V. treatment enhanced the total phenolic and vitamin C content by more
But as compared to all of the other UV treatments, UV-C radiation than 20% in tomatoes and rate of spoilage was also retarded. Similarly,
(200–280 nm) has shorter wave and peak absorption of genetic material, Dyshlyuk et al. (2020) studied that UV-A irradiation maintained many
hence it is considered as the most lethal and germicidal region of the physicochemical properties like pH, TA, colour, TSS in tomatoes. In
spectrum for different types of microbes including pathogenic viruses addition, a positive impact was observed on the lycopene content,
and bacteria. UV-C irradiation maintained the sensory quality, enhanced antioxidant activity and total phenolic content.
resveratrol content and reduced the fungal growth in red table grapes Baykuş et al. (2021) reported the effect of UV-LED irradiation on a
(Freitas et al., 2015). mixed beverage made from 44.3% carob, 31.6% carrot, 8.7% grape,
Additionally, Pinheiro et al. (2015) also stated that UV-C treatment 5.2% lemon juice and 10.2% ginger. It was observed that physical
was helpful in keeping the colour and hardness of tomatoes. Likewise, properties were minimally affected by the treatment. There was an in
George et al. (2015) stated that in case of fresh-cut Josephine pineapple crease in antioxidant activity and total phenolic content and the total
and Chokanan mango, treatment with UV-C radiation enhanced the carotene content of beverages was also maintained as compared to that
antioxidants and keeping quality and also bought a reduction in the in heat treatment. Furthermore, UV-LED using coupled 280/365 nm for
microbial load. Also, Choi et al. (2015) studied that there was an about 40 min bought highest reduction (>4 log) in E. coli K12 and the
increment in shelf-life of fresh-cut paprika on treating with UV-C. Xie total number of yeast and mould and mesophilic bacteria was reduced
et al. (2015) revealed that the strawberries harvested from the UV-C by 0.17 log CFU/mL and 2.59 log CFU/mL, respectively.
treated plants were having high ellagic acid and kaempferol-3- glucu The effect of different UV radiation on nutritional and physico-
ronide content and the antioxidant activity was not that much affected. chemical properties of different fruits and vegetables are mentioned in
Similarly, Xu et al. (2017) observed a reduction in decay in strawberry Table 2.
during storage after irradiating at doses between 0.2 and 4.2 kJm− 2.
Furthermore, Sari et al. (2016) demonstrated that there was a significant 4. Effect of ionizing gamma and X-ray radiation on the physico-
increase in antioxidant activity, total flavonoid and total phenolic con chemical, nutritional and microbiological properties of different
tent in pineapples. Jin et al. (2017) also reported positive results of UV-C fruits and vegetables
on strawberry fruit and its leaves. The study revealed that when the fruit
and its leaves were treated with UV-C radiations there was an increase in The application of ionizing radiations for the purpose of food pres
the proteins related to pathogenesis. These proteins are important for ervation came into existence after finding radioactivity in 1895 (Harder
plant defence like beta- 1,3- glucanase and chitinase in leaves affected et al., 2016). Recently, several studies have surveyed food irradiation,
by Colletotrichum acutatum and fruits affected by B. cinerea. by application of gamma radiations, as a technology to avoid spoilage of
UV-C irradiation technique has shown positive results in reducing food without affecting its safety, quality or nutritive value (Fernandes
and controlling post-harvest losses and diseases in pineapple (Sari et al., et al., 2017). Hence, in a variety of non-thermal methods for food
2016), leafy vegetables (Liao et al., 2016), grapes (Maurer et al., 2017), preservation, gamma irradiation seems to be a chemical free and useful
apricot (Taze & Unluturk, 2018), strawberry (Araque et al., 2018). method to reduce the viral load of fresh food products and water sources
Likewise, Mansourbahmani et al. (2017) in their study found that a (Cook et al., 2016; Pimenta et al., 2016). In addition, studies have also
combination of CaCl2 and UV-C irradiation can increase the shelf-life of revealed the application of gamma rays to constraint post-harvest losses
B. Bisht et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114 (2021) 372–385
Table 3
Effect of gamma radiation on nutritional and physico-chemical properties of different fruits and vegetables.
S. Fruit/Vegetable Treatment Dose rate Observed Effects Reference
1. Strawberry γ-rays 0, 300, 600 & 900 Gy ● Enhanced TPC & AA treated samples. Fruits treated with 600Gy (Maraei & Elsawy)
having the highest AA & TPC. AA at 300 600 & 900 Gy were 2017
82.43%, 84.03%, & 81.45% respectively, whereas in controlled
samples it was 80.08%;
● No significant changes in pH & TA of treated & controlled samples
at different doses. TA varied between 0.504 & 0.520%
● No significant reduction in vitamin-C of all doses treated samples
but maximum in 900 Gy
● Additionally, vitamin-C content was decreased with increase in
storage period (9 days) at 10 ◦ C in all the treatments
2. Ready-to-bake veggies ℽ-rays 0.5, 1, 2 & 5 kGy ● No changes observed in lipid, protein and carbohydrate content Bandyopadhyay
(white onion, green bell ● Flavour remained unaffected et al. (2020)
peppers, tomato) ● No significant changes in soluble fibre content up to a dose rate of
2 kGy
● Freshness was also retained in all 3 samples as moisture content
remained unaffected during cold storage at 4–6 ◦ C
● Dosage of 2 kGy considered as the most effective one
3. Garlic Packaging + PP, perforated PP, ● Maximum and minimum ascorbic acid in samples (1.5 kGy + PP) Sharma et al. (2021)
ℽ-rays vacuum packages; 0.5, and (2.5 kGy + vacuum packages) respectively on 12th week of
1.5, 2.5 kGy storage
● TSS, firmness & weight loss of samples were more influenced by
storage duration rather than irradiation
● An increase in dose rate resulted in an increase in allicin content
but decreased with storage period
● PP packages with 1.5 kGy was regarded as the best treatment
4. Date Fruits (Deiri, Piarom, γ-rays 1, 3 & 5 kG ● High TSS in ‘Piarom’ & ‘Deiri’ cultivars at the 1st month of storage Zarbakhsh and
Zahedi) but during 2nd month ‘Deiri’ was having highest TSS, whereas in Rastegar (2019)
‘Zahedi’ there was no significant changes in the TSS of controlled
& irradiated dates
● AA & TFC was highest in ‘Piarom’ cultivars (26.68 ± .48k-m to
23.28 ± .65op) & (26.82 mg CEQ/g FW), respectively
● TPC decreased with increase in storage period but less in treated
samples as compared to the controlled ones
5. Ponkan fruit ℽ-rays 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 kGy ● Browning of fruit peel occurred in all the treated samples Zhao et al. (2020)
excluding control ones & it increased with an increase in dose rate
after a storage of 15days
● Fruits treated with 1 kGy having mild browning while treatment
with 5 kGy caused complete browning. Hence, dose below 1 kGy
was regarded as suitable one for treatment.
● Highest weight loss was in 1 kGy and lowest in 0.25 & 0.5 kGy
treated samples
● Samples treated with 0.5 kGy retained highest TSS (10.5%) &
vitamin-C content (17.5 mg/100 g) and decrease in TA (0.68%)
was lowest as compared to all other treatment and control during
6 Bamboo shoots ℽ-rays 1, 3 & 5 kGy ● Total soluble protein and soluble sugar content decreased in all Wang et al. (2019)
samples (controlled and treated) but decrease was higher in non-
irradiated samples as compared to irradiated one during storage
● Samples treated with 3 kGy having the most constant soluble
● Treatment brought reduction in PPO, PAL & POD activity
compared to controlled samples.
● At dosage of 5 kGy, PAL activity showed rapid decline during
storage but at (1 & 3 kGy), it increased during the first five days &
then decreased
● Irradiating with 5 kGy completely inhibits PPO activity
● Increase in lignin and inhibition of cellulose content at 3 kGy
7. Okra γ-rays 100, 200, 300, 400 & ● Maximum protein content at 100 Gy dosage and in controlled Amir et al. (2018)
500 Gy samples (19.2%) & minimum at 200Gy (16.88%)
● Observed significant effects on germination days for controlled
samples (12 days) while (13 days) at 100 & 300 Gy & (8 days) at
400 Gy
● MC in controlled samples was (7.6%), highest (10.25%) at 100Gy
and lowest (9.78%) at 200 Gy
8. Ready-to-cook (RTC) γ-rays ● 1 kGy ● Increase of 10% was found in AA as compared to initial (125.56 ± Tripathi and Variyar
drumstick pods 8.6 mg kg− 1) (2018)
● During storage of 12 days, decreased in both treated and
untreated samples but decrement was less in irradiated (25% on
day 12) as compared to non-irradiated (67% on day 12).
● Reduction in ascorbic acid by 13% was found compared to initial
(145.50 ± 9.17 mg kg− 1)
● No significant changes observed during storage
(continued on next page)
B. Bisht et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114 (2021) 372–385
Table 3 (continued )
S. Fruit/Vegetable Treatment Dose rate Observed Effects Reference
TA-Titratable acidity, TPC-Total phenolic content, AA-Antioxidant activity, TFC-Total flavonoid content, kGy-kilogray, Gy- Gray, mg-milligram, g-gram, TSS- Total
soluble solids, PP-Polyphenol, PPO-Polyphenol oxidase, H2O2- hydrogen peroxide, POD- Peroxidase, PAL-Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase, MDA- Malondialdehyde
content, DPPH- 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, SOD-superoxide dismutase, CAT-catalase, O2- Oxygen, CEQ- Catechin equilvalent, FW- Fresh Weight Basis, Bx-Brix,
SSC-Soluble solid content.
in fresh fruits and vegetables induced by fungi (Ashtari et al., 2019; kGy can decrease the lignification. The lignin content was reduced by
Jeong et al., 2016). 12.5% after a storage period of 28 days at 2 ◦ C. In addition, the decay of
Sau et al. (2018) investigated the effect of low doses of gamma ra fresh bamboo shoots was also reduced by 71% at the end of storage.
diation on guava (off-season) under controlled storage conditions. The Several studies have been done to examine the efficacy of gamma
study concluded that the parameters like TSS, shelf-life, sugar content, irradiation in enhancing quality and shelf-life of various fruits and
weight loss etc. were enhanced. Zeng et al. (2015) also concluded that in vegetables like pineapple (Jenjob et al., 2017), mandarin (Jeong et al.,
bamboo shoots the application of gamma radiation at a dosage of 0.5 2016), sweet cherry (Wani et al., 2018), blueberry (Lires et al., 2018)
B. Bisht et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114 (2021) 372–385
Table 4
Effect of X-rays on microbial load and quality parameters of different fruits and vegetables.
S. Fruit/ Irradiation Irradiation Pathogens Quality Log reduction achieved Observed Effect on Quality Reference
No. Vegetable dose (kGy) source Parameter Parameters
1. Apple juice 1 X-rays Non-acid & acid Colour, pH, 8.02 & 5.48 log CFU/ml No significant effects were Lim and Ha
adapted E. coli 0157: TPC observed between pH, TPC & L*, (2021)
H7 a* & b* values of treated & un-
treated samples.
1 X-rays Non-acid & acid – 3.87 & 3.98 log CFU/ml –
S. Typhimurium
1 X-rays Injured cells count of – 0.00 & 0.25 log CFU/ml –
non-acid & acid
adapted E. coli 0157:
1 X-rays Injured cells count of – 0.34 & 0.38 log CFU/ml –
non-acid & acid
S. Typhimurium
2. Strawberry 1 X-rays TAB counts TPC Most effective dose in Highest TPC content (13.2 mg Yoon et al.
lowering TAB counts as GAE/g DW) was observed, but at (2020)
compared to all other doses above 0.4 kGy showed a
doses & control samples slight decrease in TPC after 6 & 9
during storage. d of storage
2.7 log CFU/g on day 0
4.2 log CFU/g on day 9
0.6 X-rays Yeast & Mould counts – 3.3 log CFU/g on day 0 –
3.6 log CFU/g on day 3
4.1 log CFU/g on day 6
4.6 log CFU/g on day 9
1 X-rays Yeast & Mould counts – 3.2 log CFU/g on day 0 –
3.9 log CFU/g on day 6
4.4 log CFU/g on day 9
0, 0.15, 0.4, 1 X-rays – TSS, pH, TA – No significant effects observed
between TSS, pH & TA of treated
& un-treated samples but samples
treated with 1 kGy showed a slight
increase in TA.
3. Lettuce 0.3 X-rays E. coli 0157:H7 – 2.57 log CFU cm− – Jeon and
S. Typhimurium 1.70 log CFU cm− Ha (2020a)
L. Monocytogenes 1.23 log CFU cm−
0.3 & [0.5% X-rays + E. coli 0157:H7 Colour, 5.41 log CFU cm− No significant changes were
of gallic acid] gallic acid S. Typhimurium texture & 2.57 log CFU cm− observed in texture & L*, a* & b*
L. Monocytogenes phenolic 1.36 log CFU cm− values by the treatment; a dose-
content dependent increase was observed
in TPC.
4. Spinach 0.3 X-rays E. coli 0157:H7 – 2.83 log CFU/ml – Jeon and
leaves L. Monocytogenes 1.32 log CFU/ml Ha (2020b)
0.3 & [1% of X-rays + E. coli 0157:H7 Colour & 4.23 log CFU/ml No significant changes observed
citric acid] citric acid L. Monocytogenes Texture 3.69 log CFU/ml in L*, a* & b* values of treated &
un-treated samples; slight
increase in hardness of samples
were observed after being
exposed to treatment.
TPC-Total phenolic content, TSS- Total soluble solids, TA-Titratable acidity, GAE-Gallic acid equivalent, CFU-colony forming unit, L*-Lightness, a*- Hue, b*- Chroma,
d-days, kGy-Kilogray, DW-Dry weight.
etc. handling. The pulp and peel colour, consumer preference, sugars,
In addition, Naresh, Varakumar, Variyar, Sharma, and Reddy organic acids and juice content remained unaffected by irradiation
(2015a, 2015b); Mridha et al. (2017) studied the positive effects of treatment and an increment in concentration of volatiles was also
gamma radiation on enhancing the total phenolic content in mango and observed in irradiated samples.
strawberry. Jenjob et al. (2017) also noticed that PPO activity was Additionally, Lires et al. (2018) concluded that exposure of blue
increased in pineapple fruits by the application of gamma radiation. berries to gamma irradiation does not cause adverse effect on
Likewise, Jeong et al. (2016) concluded that treatment with gamma post-harvest quality of fruit and a slight increment in shelf-life was also
irradiation at 1 kGy completely hindered the growth of Penicillium dig reported.
itatum along with inhibition of germ tube elongation and spore germi Cătunescu et al. (2019) revealed that application of gamma irradi
nation. However, a loss of integrity of plasma membrane was also ation up to a dosage of 1.4 kGy can significantly increase the shelf-life
observed that resulted in the discharge of intracellular compounds like (30 days at 4 ◦ C) of minimally processed parsley leaves. A compara
soluble proteins. Hence, the study stated that inhibition of fungal growth tive study was performed between drying, gamma irradiation and
can be achieved by such high doses, but a loss of fresh produce quality freezing on parsley leaves. The leaves treated with 0.7–1.4 kGy gamma
can take place. irradiation showed the highest consumer preference. The chlorophyll
Jain et al. (2017) also suggested gamma irradiation as an efficient content was adversely affected by drying. A decrease in TPC by 5 log
phytosanitary method for treating pummelos applying that the fresh CFU g− 1 at 2.7 kGy of the irradiated leaves was also observed. Similarly,
produce should not be exposed to high temperature and physical Ben-Fadhel et al., 2017 found that when broccoli florets were treated
B. Bisht et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114 (2021) 372–385
with gamma irradiation in combination with an active edible coating 2016). As per the studies, it has been applied to reduce the population of
there was a significant reduction in growth of pathogens thus increasing E. coli in baby spinach and Salmonella enterica, L. Monocytogenes and
shelf-life and assuring food safety. Shigella flexneri in tomato and mango (Zhang et al., 2021). Likewise, it
Ben-Fadhel et al. (2021) studied the effect of low doses of gamma has been investigated that X-rays have high efficiency of microbial
irradiation combined with a bioactive edible coating on carrot. The deactivation or reduction in various products like strawberries, sweet
study revealed that treatment with gamma irradiation at 32 kGy potatoes, tomatoes (Wang et al., 2015) including spinach leaves and
improved the water-vapour barrier and mechanical properties of cal lettuce (Jeon & Ha, 2020a, b). Tallentire and Miller (2015), reported on
cium caseinate coating. Secondly, it was observed that the colour, the microbial efficacy of x-ray irradiation against B. pumilis.
firmness and weight loss of bioactive edible film coated carrots followed Furthermore, it was stated that these radiations have the potential to
by treatment with gamma irradiation (0.5 kGy) were not adversely kill pathogenic microorganisms like E. coli, L. Monocytogenes, S. Typhi
affected during the entire storage period. A decrease in yeast and moulds murium on green leafy vegetables (Park et al., 2018).
count and total mesophilic flora count was also reported. Furthermore, Additionally, Yoon et al. (2020) regarded x-ray irradiation as an
Berrios-Rodriguez et al. (2020) analysed the effect of gamma irradiation efficacious phytosanitary method for treating strawberries that not only
on reducing microbial load in carrots and tomatoes during storage. The inhibited the rate of decay but also prevented the loss of its sensory and
study concluded that after treatment with gamma irradiation at 0.5 kGy, physicochemical characteristics. Thus, various studies have reported the
L. monocytogenes was significantly reduced by 1.6 and 3.2 log CFU/g in efficacy of x-ray irradiation in reducing microbial load in different food
tomato and carrot on day 0 of storage and this reduction was 1.8 and 2.9 products (Cho & Ha, 2019; Jung et al., 2015; Park & Ha, 2019; Song
log CFU/g, respectively on day 7 of storage. Similarly, Listeria popula et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2020). Effect of X-rays on microbial load of
tion was decreased by 2.6 log CFU/g (day 7) on both the fresh produce. different fruits and vegetables are mentioned in Table 4.
Effect of gamma radiation on nutritional and physico-chemical proper
ties of different fruits and vegetables are mentioned in Table 3. 5. Effect of ionizing and non-ionizing radiations on foodborne
X-ray irradiation also has been regarded as a promising alternative to viruses
gamma rays or electron beams radiation (Park & Ha, 2019b). In addi
tion, it excludes the presence of any deleterious radioactive substance In contrast to many microorganisms, foodborne viruses cannot be
and possesses high penetration power (Park & Ha, 2019a; Song et al., produced in food, but they can survive and contaminate food during pre-
B. Bisht et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114 (2021) 372–385
B. Bisht et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114 (2021) 372–385
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Mukhopadhyay, S., & Boyd, G. (2020). Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes on
post-harvest carrot and tomato by gamma radiation, sanitizer, biocontrol treatments
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contamination, irradiation is the best reported method. Viruses are more Bosch, A., Gkogka, E., Le Guyader, F. S., Loisy-Hamon, F., Lee, A., Van Lieshout, L., &
radio-resistant as compared to other microorganisms. UV-C is the most Phister, T. (2018). Foodborne viruses: Detection, risk assessment, and control
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