Wolf & Raven
Wolf & Raven
Wolf & Raven
A Viking-inspired Supplement
It is time to set sail, drengr! Gather your companions, climb aboard your new
longship, and raid every stronghold you come across! This supplement will
add a new type of stronghold along with hirelings and functions, several new
general talents, rules for alcohol consumption, and much more! Dive into the
Forbidden Lands like never before — like a Viking!
Some artwork © 2020 Kabouter Games, used with permission. All rights reserved.
Special thanks to my wife Kaitlynn, and my friends Chris F., David L., Jackson G., and John M.
The wind is howling. The sound of the sea ebbing and flow- THE LONGSHIP
ing from the shore echoes in the distance. One by one, your
comrades join your side — axes and shields in hand, beating It is time to leave the relative familiarity of the Forbid-
them rhythmically together. You plant your spear into the den Lands behind and set sail on the open sea. To do that,
frosted ground to rub your hands together, warming them you will need a few things — first of which is a ship. Be-
up for the coming fight. A raven circles the sky above you. A
low are rules for a new kind of stronghold: the longship.
sign from the gods. You grip your spear and hold it to your
All the normal rules for strongholds found in the
shield before shouting “Shield wall!” A thunderous noise of
20 Vikings clamours together, raising their shields in unison Player’s Handbook still apply to the longship unless noted
with yours. You stand your ground as the frost giant takes its otherwise. You can find the rules for Sea Travel and sail-
first massive step toward you, lead by a bloodthirsty pack of ing on pages 156 and 157 of the Player’s Handbook. Addi-
wolves. tionally, while sailing your new longship, some unex-
pected events may occur. More information on that can
Welcome and thank you for buying Wolf &
be found on pages 10 and 11.
Raven. This supplement for the Forbidden Lands role-
playing game was a labour of love. If you are a fan of the
mythic north, of Vikings, and of the Nordic sagas, I
hope that you will find this document a joy to read. If
you’re new to these kinds of ideas and references, then I
hope it inspires you to dig further into the sources of A LONGSHIP
these rules and maybe even read through a few of the sa- As with a regular stronghold, it is possible to find a dere-
gas yourself! If you do find this document at all useful, lict or abandoned longship along the coast, or even
please do me a favour and leave a review wherever you floating amidst the waves. If you find a longship, it may
bought it. If it at all goes well, I hope to make more
also have a flaw. If so, you may roll randomly on the ta-
products like this in the future, as well as continue to
update them in an effort to make sure all the rules are ble below to discover what flaw it has.
concise, well-written, and well-tested. Again, thank you You may also choose to build your own long-
for purchasing this product, and I hope you have as ship according to your own dimensions and purposes. A
much fun reading it as I did writing it! Enjoy! typical longship costs about 3x as much as a Sailing Boat
in time, materials, and gold, and can hold 20 human-
sized characters as well as 400 items. See page 190 of the
Player’s Handbook for more.
6 A sea serpent has targeted this ship and will randomly attack it in open water! See page 116 of
the Gamemaster’s Guide.
1 A weakness in the hull suddenly gives way, splitting the ship in two! Also, roll D6 for each hireling on
the longship — a roll of 1 means that the hireling drowns in the confusion.
2 A random function breaks, collapses, catches fire, or is ruined in some other way. The function
needs to be rebuilt to be used again.
3 A hireling has a nasty fall, hits their head on the mast, or falls overboard. Make a roll on the critical
hit table for blunt trauma.
4 The oars begin to rot and snap apart. Reduce the speed of your ship by 1. Making new oars
requires 2D6 units of WOOD, a Quarter Day of work, and a successful CRAFTING roll.
5 Rats have made their way onto the ship, infesting the food stores, consuming 2D6 units of FOOD if
there is any onboard.
TIME: One day
EFFECT: While sailing, you will never lose your
way. If you must roll on the Sea Travel Mishaps ta-
Just like normal strongholds, your longship requires
ble (page 156 of the Player’s Handbook), a result of 1
regular maintenance and tending to. Oars get broken, is negated. You do not need to roll again on this table
hulls become damaged, sails get torn, and even more for that Quarter Day.
disastrous things can befall you in the open ocean. This
work follows the same rules that you will find in the FISHING TRAWL
Player’s Handbook page 165. In addition to the normal This large net drags behind your longship, helping you
keep your crew fed.
rules, you may hire out a MASTER BOAT BUILDER,
❖ REQUIREMENT: The FISHER talent, a ship
who acts as a ship’s HANDYMAN. More information
this hireling can be found on page 4. ❖ TOOLS: Knife, Needle and Thread
❖ TIME: One week
❖ EFFECT: The FISHING TRAWL can be har-
FUNCTIONS vested once per day be a PC or NPC with the
FISHER talent. If harvested during the Morning
To build or create a function for your stronghold requires or Evening, you can harvest up to 10 units of FISH.
all the same rules that you will find in the Player’s Hand- If harvested during the Day or Night, you can har-
vest D6 units of FISH. Harvesting FISH takes one
book — however, you will find here a new list of functions
Quarter Day of work. Weather, season, and other en-
for your new longship. Some of these are based off his- vironmental effects may alter these results. The GM
torical research, and some are not. You may find yourself has final say. Additionally, roll one Gear Die per
ill-suited for a life at sea and need to get creative to find week of use. If you roll a BANE, the net rips and
food or fresh water, though outfitting your must be repaired with a successful CRAFTING roll
longship with all the functions listed here would make by a PC or NPC with the FISHER talent before us-
ing again.
for an independent vessel!
INSTRUMENT NAVIGATION The ship has been re-built using overlapping boards,
You have learned to use a sun compass and sun stone to strengthening the ship’s resolve.
help you navigate the open waters of the sea. ❖ REQUIREMENT: The BUILDER talent, or a
CRYSTAL ❖ TOOLS: Saw, hammer
❖ TOOLS: - ❖ TIME: One week
❖ EFFECT: Gives +1 to the Defense Rating of the ❖ Salary: 6 copper
longship. ❖ Supply: Common
ship and is responsible for the longship itself, ensuring TER BOAT BUILDER has the BUILDER talent
the laws are obeyed and the destination is reached. This (Player’s Handbook page 74) and access to all the tools on
task can fall to a PC or and NPC, as the story dictates. page 192 of the Player’s Handbook. The MASTER BOAT
BATTLES AT THE The Defense Rating and Attack Rating tables
presented in this section assume that all forces involved
have access to ranged weapons to attack with and shields
STRONGHOLD (or other source of cover) to defend with, although Vi-
There may come a time when your longship comes un- kings rarely had naval battles in this way, instead opting
der attack by raiders, other Vikings, or even monsters! to lash their ships together with hooks and ropes to
When this happens, the battle plays out as it normally fight in melee combat. If this happens in your game,
would according to the rules on page 175 of the Player’s you may either continue using these tables for a cine-
Handbook. However, instead of using the Defense Rat- matic battle or play out the rest of the events using the
ing and the Attack Rating tables in the Player’s Hand- normal combat rules.
book, use the ones found in this section.
Every 5 crew members on the longship (round up) +1 (to a maximum +5)
JOMSVIKING takes part in the defense +1 per Jomsviking (to a maximum of +3)
Every 5 shields (round up) +1 (to a maximum of +5)
Every 5 crew attackers on the longship (round up) +1 (to a maximum of +5)
JOMSVIKING takes part in the attack +1 per Jomsviking (to a maximum of +3)
The attackers have a monster in their force +1 per monster
this bonus is active, your Melee rolls have a -2 Mod-
NEW GENERAL ification.
❖ RANK 2: As per rank 1, but you gain an additional
TALENTS +1 to your Armor Bonus for each ally within Arm’s
Reach, so long as those allies also have a large shield
You’re a real badass and one day everyone is gonna know
❖ RANK 3: As per rank 2 but using Path of the Shield
it! At the end of the day, you’re here to do two things:
Wall instead becomes a Fast Action.
seek glory and die fighting!
❖ RANK 1: By spending a point of Willpower in com-
bat, you may force an enemy within the same zone
You have spent your life raiding, and nothing gets your
as you to target you for its next attack. This does not
blood pumping faster! You can smell treasure from a mile
count as an action.
away and pinpoint the best locations for hiding all the
❖ RANK 2: As per rank 1, but you may force a number
best goods.
of enemies to target you equal to the amount of
❖ RANK 1: By spending a point of Willpower, you may
Willpower you spend.
reroll one result from the Raider’s Spoils table after
❖ RANK 3: As per rank 2, but for every point of Will-
a successful raid. The highest roll counts.
power you spend in this manner, you regain a point
❖ RANK 2: As per rank 1, but you may also reverse the
of Strength. Additionally, when you reach rank 3 in
D66 roll for the Raider’s Spoils — a roll of 15 be-
this talent, your reputation increases by one step.
comes 51, for example.
❖ RANK 3: When you successfully raid a stronghold,
Not a day goes by where you don’t have a drink. Celebrat- you may choose the first result from the Raider’s
ing, mourning, winning, or losing — there’s always a Spoils table freely instead of rolling randomly. You
reason to have a horn-full of mead! You can find the rules may not choose artifacts.
Raiders have the element of surprise +2 for the first round, and +1 for the following D3 rounds
A Jomsviking takes part in the raid +1 per Jomsviking (to a maximum of +3)
1 A hail of arrows is loosed upon the raiders. Roll for the attack with ten Base Dice (Weapon Damage
1, piercing) against all PCs.
2 A burning roof suddenly collapses, trapping a PC. They must succeed a Move roll -1. Failure means
they take 1 non-typical damage, ignoring armor. The PC must continue making Move rolls until they
either succeed or become Broken.
3 A PC is suddenly surrounded by D3+1 enemies. They must stand their ground for two rounds of
combat before help arrives.
4 A PC leads a small group of raiders around the chaos. Make a Stealth roll. Success means the
raiders ambush the enemy’s flanks, gaining a +2 Attack Rating during the next round.
5 Two PCs confront a powerful enemy together. It can be a monster or the commander of the
stronghold’s defenses. This should happen in a dramatic location at the stronghold.
6 A PC finds a secret stash! They immediately roll on the Raider’s Spoils table. This roll is not affected
by the Path of the Viking talent.
The Raiders can choose between these losses: SPOILS OF WAR
❖ Five raiders are Broken. Roll for critical injuries Should the PCs successfully raid a stronghold — either
as needed. by military victory or surrender, roll on the Raider’s
❖ A Jomsviking is Broken. Roll for critical inju- Spoils table below once for each point of the stronghold’s
ries as needed. initial Defense Rating. For example, a stronghold with a
❖ The raiders’ battering ram is destroyed. Defense Rating of 5 would yield 5 rolls on the Raider’s
❖ A monster is defeated. Spoils table. Using the results, explain how the PCs find
❖ A PC suffers a critical injury. the valuables of the stronghold, perhaps in a hidden
chest, a storehouse, or on the corpse of a fallen foe.
39 10D6 Units of Tallow (raw material) 6 copper per unit 1 per unit
40 10D6 units of Bread (raw material) 1 silver per unit 1 per unit
41 9D6 units of Herbs (raw material) 2 silver per unit 1 per unit
42 9D6 units of Grain (raw material) 3 copper per unit 1 per unit
43 9D6 units of Meat (raw material) 6 copper per unit 1 per unit
45 8D6 units of Fish (raw material) 5 copper per unit 1 per unit
46 8D6 units of Pelts (raw material) 8 copper per unit 1 per unit
47 5D6 units of Stone (raw material) 2 copper per unit 1 per unit
48 5D6 units of Wood (raw material) 3 copper per unit 1 per unit
49 7D6 units of Flour (raw material) 6 copper per unit 1 per unit
50 5D6 units of Wool (raw material) 4 copper per unit 1 per unit
51 5D6 units of Leather (raw material) 12 copper per unit 1 per unit
52 5D6 units of Cloth, Silk (raw 1 gold per unit 1 per unit
53 5D6 units of Cloth, Wool (raw 8 copper per unit 1 per unit
54 5D6 units of Glass (raw material) 8 silver per unit 2 per unit
55 6D6 units of Iron Ore (raw material) 4 copper per unit 2 per unit
56 5D6 units of Iron (raw material) 1 silver per unit 2 per unit
57 5D6 units of Silver (raw material) 1 gold per unit 2 per unit
EVENTS WHILE by the weather tables presented in the Bitter Reach or can
be used on their own.
SAILING Every Quarter Day you may roll on the Unex-
pected Events on Open Water table to check for random
The Forbidden Lands are a harsh and unforgiving land- events while sailing on a hex containing open water.
scape, and it is no different at sea. Rogue waves, sudden These events can happen at any time during that day and
windstorms, and even hurricanes can rip through the are a great way to break up an otherwise uneventful ride
ocean at any moment causing serious issues for you and across the ocean waves.
2 Roll a die. If that roll is a 1, a hurricane has formed in your path! See the rules for Hurricanes
below. If the roll is a 2 or more, that Quarter Day is uneventful.
3 A rogue wave appears, crashing into the longship! Roll an attack using ten Base Dice. A
success means the ship takes damage. Reduce the movement of the longship by 1.
Repairing the ship takes one Quarter Day of work and a successful CRAFTING roll.
4 A powerful gust of wind rips through the sea! The next time the longship would move into a
hex, randomly determine its movement instead.
5 A heavy rain begins to pour. Everyone on board must succeed an ENDURANCE roll every
Quarter Day or become COLD. If it is Fall or Winter, the ENDURANCE roll has a -2 Modifier.
6 The ship thuds against wreckage! If the PCs spend 1 Quarter Day searching the wreckage,
they may roll on the Raider’s Spoils table for treasure. This roll is not affected by the Path of
the Viking talent.
8 A school of fish can be spotted nearby! All fishing rolls for that Quarter Day gain a +1
9 The ship passes through a bed of seaweed! Foraging tests may be made this Quarter Day,
and also gain a +1 Modification.
10 A heavy fog looms in the area. All LEAD THE WAY and KEEP WATCH rolls suffer a -2
Modification. The fog lasts 1d6 Quarter Days.
11 It is a clear and beautiful day! All LEAD THE WAY and KEEP WATCH rolls gain a +1
12 A sea serpent attacks the ship! See page 116 of the Gamemaster’s Guide.
HURRICANES The waves begin to crash upon you! This round is
If you are unfortunate enough to have a hurricane form treated as if you had rolled a 3 on the Unexpected Events
in your path, the following rules will help you play out a on Open Water table.
cinematic and dangerous event which could result in
disaster for anyone on board. ROUND THREE
Hurricane encounters last for several rounds The hurricane is upon you! If there is a Skipper on
while the PCs roll tests to avoid being tossed overboard, board, they must succeed a MIGHT roll with a -2 Mod-
destroying the ship, or worse. Although initiative cards ification to control the ship. If there is no Skipper on
do not need to be drawn, it may be useful to do so if you board, one PC must take the helm and make the roll in
need to know exactly what order certain things are hap- their place. Failure means D3 functions on the ship are
pening. destroyed. All other players must succeed an ENDUR-
ANCE roll with a -2 Modification. For every failure,
ROUND ONE D6 hirelings are thrown overboard, sucked up into the
A mighty storm is upon the longship! This round is hurricane, or otherwise killed in the mayhem. If a hire-
treated as if you had rolled a 5 on the Unexpected Events ling would be killed in this manner but there are no
on Open Water table.
more hirelings left, that PC instead suffers a critical in- ❖ Elves and dwarfs also play well into the
jury from the Blunt Force table. themes of the sagas. There is a wealth of infor-
mation on the kinds of tropes and themes be-
hind these creatures specifically, and I encour-
age you to look amongst those resources and
There exists an enormous wolf who will one day devour the
ARTIFACTS world. Many tales have been told about the binding of the
The Vikings were no strangers to magical weapons. Great Wolf and how, eventually its chains will break, lead-
ing to the twilight of the gods. Through the ages, many of
Many of the best tales from Norse mythology revolve
links of this chain have fallen to the Forbidden Lands and
around these artifacts, their creation, and their use. Be-
are said to be unbreakable.
low are three examples of artifacts inspired by those ta-
The Chains of the Wolf are a 3-meter length of bright,
shimmering chrome with subtle spikes along their
THUNDER-CALLER smooth curves. Each link is perfectly crafted and harder
The legends speak of a great hammer that could call down than steel, impervious to any weapon known to the For-
thunder and lightning from the sky. It is said to belong to an bidden Lands.
ancient god and enemy of giants, granting whoever wields it
an immense amount of power.
The Chains of the Wolf grant a D10 Artifact Die to a
APPEARANCE MIGHT roll used to bind a creature or object with the
Thunder-Caller is a one-handed axe with intricate knot- chains. The chains themselves will never break, and any-
work carved into its stone head. The shaft is short in thing attempting to escape the chains must succeed a
length and looks to be cut from the wood of an ash tree. MIGHT roll with a -3 Modification.
Deep red leather winds about the shaft to make for a
strong and comfortable grip.
and skills become those of a hawk’s (see eagle on page ❖ Harsh storms of the sword
127 of the Gamemaster’s Guide).
DRAWBACKS ❖ Of the carrion-pool
The power to transform into a hawk is intoxicating to ❖ The sweat of injuries
the wearer. When the wearer is in the form of a hawk ❖ Sea of wounds
and wishes to turn back, they must roll a D6. If the re- ❖ Raven/Wolf-wine
sult of that roll is a 6, they cannot turn back into their ❖ The dew of a dead man
normal self and must remain as a hawk for the next D6
turns, when they can attempt to turn back into their
true self once again. If the wearer fails 3 consecutive ❖ Of the wolf’s mouthful
rolls, they remain as a hawk forever. Their gear is lost, ❖ Wolves’ barley
along with the cloak, and it’s time to make a new char- ❖ Food of the eagle
acter! ❖ The sword-cloven slaughter-food
❖ The mountain-jarl
❖ The lord of the cave
Food of the eagle
The very bold enemy of the earth
The Vikings were well known and celebrated for being
great wordsmiths. Odin and Thor had their famous bat- GOLD
tle across the river using only their wit and words, and ❖ The fire of the waves
of course the skalds or warrior poets are well-known to ❖ The field of serpents
any who have investigated the culture of the Vikings. ❖ Fafnir’s land
This section is designed to help you role-play as a Vi-
king, speak as one, and immerse yourself in a romanti-
❖ The horse of the sea
cized version of the world from by using kennings.
❖ The sea-wolf
Kennings are poetic synonyms, often calling ❖ The elk of the waves
back to a saga or legend involving the subject. For in- ❖ The steed of the prow
stance, when referring to a grave, we may instead call it
a “corpse fjord.” There are thousands of kennings found SWORD
within the sagas and poems of the Norse people (which ❖ The corpse-candle
❖ The thorn of scabbards
you can find online!) but presented here are some that
❖ The serpent of carrion-channels
are particularly useful for those who wish to get the
❖ The reed of the shield
most out of this supplement.
AXE ❖ User of wolf-wounds
❖ The Wolf of Wounds ❖ Wolf-sater
❖ The norn of the shield ❖ The battle-granter
❖ Monsters of shields ❖ The sword-reddener
BATTLE ❖ The path of the storm-blade
❖ The spear/sword assembly
❖ Spear-storms
❖ Showers of weapons
❖ Meetings of metal