F041181319 - Skripsi - 06-02-2023 BAB 1-2
F041181319 - Skripsi - 06-02-2023 BAB 1-2
F041181319 - Skripsi - 06-02-2023 BAB 1-2
First of all, the researcher would like to say Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin and
praise to the one and only God, Allah SWT, for all His countless blessings, health,
Shalawat and Salam are always sent to the last prophet, the prophet Muhammad
This thesis was completed with a lot of effort and hard work through many ups
and downs. This thesis could not have been completed without the help and support
of many people. So, on this occasion the researcher would like to thank them from
Dra. Marleiny Radjuni, M. Ed. for their times, support, advice, suggestion
2. The write’s beloved parents, Sopyan H and Hartini for their countless
3. All lecturer of English Department and Faculty of Cultural Science for all
4. All Staff of English Department and Faculty of Cultural Science for all the
BANTAENG, and all of the students of XII IPA 1 who were very
6. The researcher precious friends, Dewa, Ikram, Alba, Mas Akram, Lisa,
Nurul, Amel, Naim, Hafsah, Fira, Iqra, Ina, Iyah, Ifah for all their physical
8. Last but not least, many thanks to the researcher himself for never giving up
through this process. thank you for staying strong for yourself and keep
trying to give your best effort through the limited time in the process of
The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from perfect. Therefore,
the researcher prays my all our efforts be blessed by Allah SWT Amin.
The Researcher,
LEGITIMATION .................................................................................................. ii
AGREEMENT...................................................................................................... iii
DECLARATION .................................................................................................. iv
STATEMENT ........................................................................................................ v
APPROVAL.......................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... ix
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xii
LIST OF CHARTS ............................................................................................ xiii
LIST OF APPENDICES.................................................................................... xiv
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xv
ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................... xvi
CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
A. Background ............................................................................................... 1
B. Identification of The Problem ................................................................... 5
C. Scope of The Problem............................................................................... 5
D. Research Question .................................................................................... 6
E. Objective of Research ............................................................................... 6
F. Significance of Research........................................................................... 6
1. For Teacher ............................................................................................... 6
2. For Student ................................................................................................ 7
CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................... 8
LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................... 8
A. Previous related research findings ............................................................ 8
B. Theoretical Background .......................................................................... 11
1. Speaking.................................................................................................. 11
2. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) ........................................... 16
3. Hybrid Learning ...................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER III...................................................................................................... 21
METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................. 21
A. Research Design...................................................................................... 21
B. Population and Sample ........................................................................... 22
1. Population ............................................................................................... 22
2. Sample..................................................................................................... 22
C. Instrument of the Research ..................................................................... 22
1. Test.......................................................................................................... 22
2. Questionnaire .......................................................................................... 23
D. Method of Collecting Data...................................................................... 23
1. Observation ............................................................................................. 23
2. Pre-test .................................................................................................... 23
3. Treatment ................................................................................................ 24
4. Post-test ................................................................................................... 26
5. Questionnaire .......................................................................................... 26
6. Documentation ........................................................................................ 26
E. Method of Analyzing Data...................................................................... 26
1. Quantitative analysis ............................................................................... 26
2. Qualitative analysis ................................................................................. 30
CHAPTER IV ...................................................................................................... 31
FINDING AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................... 31
A. The Findings ........................................................................................... 31
1. Observation ............................................................................................. 31
2. The Students’ Speaking Ability in Terms of Accuracy .......................... 32
3. The Students’ Speaking Ability in Terms of Fluency ............................ 36
4. The Improvement of Students’ Speaking Ability Using CLT ................ 40
B. Analysis of Students’ Questionnaire ....................................................... 42
C. Discussion ............................................................................................... 49
CHAPTER V ....................................................................................................... 54
CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION ............................................................ 54
A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 54
B. Limitation................................................................................................ 56
C. Suggestions ............................................................................................. 57
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 58
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 61
Chart 1. Rate Frequency of the accuracy in Pretest ............................................. 33
Chart 2. Rate Frequency of the accuracy in Post-test .......................................... 35
Chart 3. comparison chart between pre-test and post-test on students' speaking
ability in terms of accuracy ..................................................................... 36
Chart 4. Rate Frequency of the Fluency in Pre-test ............................................. 37
Chart 5.Rate Frequency of the Fluency in Post-test ............................................ 39
Chart 6.comparison chart between pre-test and post-test on students' speaking
ability in terms of fluency ....................................................................... 40
Chart 7.The Improvement of Students’ Speaking Ability Using CLT ................ 40
APPENDIX A. PRE-TEST AND POST-TEST ............................................................. 61
APPENDIX B STUDENTS' TRANSCRIPT ................................................................. 62
APPENDIX C. QUESTIONNAIRE .............................................................................. 67
APPENDIX D. TREATMENT ...................................................................................... 68
background, identification of the problem, the scope of the problem, the objective
of the problem, the significance of the research, and the sequence of writing.
A. Background
In learning English, there are four language skills that people must
know. They are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Reading and listening
are receptive skills, while speaking and writing are productive skills. These
four skills are always the target of the final learning objectives. In other words,
the four language skills result from a long learning process; they are applying
the knowledge of the language that the learners get during the process.
So, many language teachers are more concerned with helping their students
develop their ability to use a foreign language orally. For example, there are
students who do not have enough competent skills in a language, such as not
being able to develop conversation. In this case, the language teacher acts as a
have the intention to be recognized by the speaker, and the receiver processes
unlike teaching other skills such as writing, reading and listening. For example,
teachers must encourage students to practice their speaking skills; other than
that, they must also be able to motivate and stimulate the students to be
express their ideas orally. According to Brown and Yule (1999: 14), speaking
faces some trouble. The students cannot produce their ideas, arguments, or
years, some students who graduated from junior high school, high school, and
even English department college face this difficulty. Many students get nervous
before an exam they know will be difficult, and most get nervous when they
practice their speaking skills. That means that much practice is required
because that can help the students overcome the speaking problem faced by the
The researcher realized that speaking skills had become the most
challenging issue most people face when learning a new language. A student
who believes that nothing should be said in English until it is said correctly will
most likely avoid speaking most of the time. Some students, understandably,
prefer to keep silent during English lessons because they are hesitant to speak
English. They are afraid of saying the wrong thing or appearing stupid, so they
learning at SMA Negeri 3 Bantaeng has changed and will continue to change
school environment.
In this case, the researcher has made previous observations to find out
how the teaching and learning process is carried out in class XII at SMA Negeri
3 Bantaeng. Based on observations, twelfth-grade teachers teach English online
using WhatsApp, and the assignments are collected at school once every two
weeks while providing material for the next lesson. This causes a lack of
offline learning, along with the decline in the number of Covid-19 cases. In
digitalization, the teaching and learning process can not only be done in the
classroom. The teaching and learning process can occur anywhere and anytime,
not limited by space and time. This learning method can be done by combining
online and offline direct learning. From the description above, the researcher
B. Identification of The Problem
2. Students have bad fluency and accuracy when they speak English. As a
result, students are afraid to make mistakes when they speak English.
From the identification of the problems above, it can be seen that there
are several problems related to the teaching and learning process. Researchers
2. This research focus on how the student's perception about the approach in
D. Research Question
E. Objective of Research
2. To find out the perceptions of the students about the use of the
F. Significance of Research
1. For Teacher
b. The teacher can use this approach to teach speaking and help students
c. The teacher can use the combination of this approach and the teaching
2. For Student
There are several previous studies that are relevant to the topic being
1 Prambanan. This research was divided into two cycles. This research's sample
qualitative data and a pre-test and post-test in the quantitative data to obtain
student scores. This research's quantitative data findings revealed that students'
scores. The results of this research in qualitative data showed that students were
between pre-test and post-test, and students' speaking ability was improved.
This research was conducted at LIA Surakarta. The research sample is the
analyze the data. This research found that Strategy selection from the teacher
Efrizal (2012), in his research "Improving Students' Speaking through
achievement of the first-year students at Mts Ja-alhaq Sentot Ali Basa Islamic
boarding school.' This research used a pre-experimental design with one group,
and the sample was the VII A Class, which consisted of 25 students. In this
speaking skills, and the data was interpreted using percentage analysis. The
data showed that students' speaking achievement improved with each cycle of
LAO higher education department in Laos. The sample in this research is ten
The researcher found that this approach motivated passive students with low
can improve the students' speaking skills and classroom communication. This
students to communicate and interact with their friends and teachers in class.
Muslem (2014), in his research on 'the use of communication language
teaching in speaking' at SMAN 1 Peureulak in Banda Aceh. The sample for her
who taught XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, and XI IPA 5. She interviewed some teachers
who used CLT in their classrooms as part of her research. She gathered
using this approach. The material focused on meaningful tasks rather than
Based on the previous related research findings above, all the previous
research and this research are concerned about the speaking ability
difference between this research and previous research is how this approach
with the offline method, while what the researchers tried to do was apply the
B. Theoretical Background
This present research has two main topics that also become this research
1. Speaking
listener (or listeners) and involves the productive skill of speaking and the
In the speaking process, one tries to communicate with and send out
their message to the others. In this case, the communication needs at least
two people, a speaker who produces a message and a listener who receives
at least two people because we cannot do it individually. One becomes a
speaker who produces information, and the other becomes a listener who
situation where the focus is on what is said or done. The message and
understanding oneself clearly and accurately is the central focus, rather than
People do activities to get what they want and need in their daily
lives, and so does speaking. This aims relatively intended to get effortless
engage in the harmless chitchat that occupies much of our time with friends.
give an idea but also describe things to complain about people's behavior,
make a polite request, or entertain people with jokes and anecdotes. Besides,
a. Speaking Element
who are learning a foreign language that is not their first or mother
tongue will be hesitant to talk because they are concerned about their
understand them.
1) Fluency
number of posts and "ums" or "ers". These fillers indicate that the
speaker does not have to spend much time looking for the
One of the issues CLT focused on was its fluency. According
2) Accuracy
a) Pronunciation
b) Grammar
c) Vocabulary
words, their meanings, how they are spelled, and how they are
a. Principle of CLT
and the roles of teachers and students in the classroom (Richard, 2006).
solely on grammar and vocabulary. One guiding principle was to teach
The use of CLT emphasizes language used to get students to use the
morphosyntactic accuracy.
lessons are more student-centered, it does not mean that they are
implication, CLT entails providing students with vocabulary, structures,
and functions.
c. CLTs’ Activities
Many other activity types have been used in CLT to help students
have. This is referred to as an information gap. Students are more
2) Opinion-sharing Activities
like a ranking task. They list qualities in order of priority that they
3) Jigsaw Activites
the puzzle, the students must put the pieces together. They must use
4) Presentation and Discussion
the group and the audience. We can communicate with one another
"have nothing to say"; they complain, for example, that they "have
3. Hybrid Learning
method that combines both direct face-to-face learning and online learning.
In practice, there are times when students and educators meet face-to-face
in class and there are times when doing distance learning. (Bryan &
Volchenkova, 2016) stated that a hybrid learning system will enable a mix