s.5 Div 2the Epistle or Letter of James 1 Revision Past Papers
s.5 Div 2the Epistle or Letter of James 1 Revision Past Papers
s.5 Div 2the Epistle or Letter of James 1 Revision Past Papers
The letter of James is one of the New Testament books referred to ass Catholic letters or
Universal letters.
It is a universal letter because it is not addressed to any specific audience but instead it is
addressed to all scattered Christians across the world.
It is a practical letter that calls upon Christians to put their faith into good action.
The letter is believed to have been a sermon but was later transformed into a letter.
This letter was addressed to the twelve tribes of Israel in Diaspora, that is, the New Israel
scattered all over the world.
The authorship of the letter of James is unclear, the writer only identifies himself as “James” yet
during the apostolic age; there were three different people known as James as discussed
There was James the disciple of Jesus Christ as well as the brother of John the disciple the sons
of Zebedee.
However, James the disciple and brother of John cannot be given authorship of the letter of
James because he was martyred by King Herod Agrippa around 44AD.
The letter of James is believed to have been written around 62AD after the death of James the
brother of John.
There was also James the disciple of Jesus Christ the son of Alphaeus.
However James the son of Alphaeus cannot be given the authorship of the letter of James
because he played a minor role during the apostolic age as he is mentioned a few times.
Yet the author of this letter appears to have played a great role during the early Church period.
There was also James the servant of God as well as the brother of Jesus Christ.
James the brother of Jesus is the one who wrote this letter because of the following reasons;
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The traditional church attributes the authorship to James the brother of Jesus because he had
great influence during the early church.
James the brother of Jesus Christ was a Bishop of the church of Jerusalem as recorded in Acts
James the brother of Jesus Christ was among the eye witnesses of the risen Jesus Christ leading
to his conversion to Christianity.
James the brother of Jesus Christ was the head of the Jerusalem council meeting that resolved
how Gentiles were to become Christians.
He was also among the people who waited for the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of
Pentecost as recorded in Acts 1:14.
Much as James the brother of Jesus Christ had not been a devoted follower during Jesus’ public
ministry, he was later converted to Christianity on the day of Pentecost.
Despite such disagreements on the authorship of James’ letter, James the servant of God as
well as the brother of Jesus Christ is the most suggested author of the letter of James.
To encourage Christians to control their tongue otherwise they would face the judgement of
To encourage Christians to endure trials, troubles and temptations instead of blaming God to
be the cause
To encourage them to put the word of God they had heard into practice
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To call upon his readers to treat all people equally instead of discriminating the poor basing on
their appearance
To teach them about the true wisdom that comes from God which is characterized by virtues
like love, humility, peacefulness, etc.
To encourage the rich Christians to give assistance to the widows and orphans instead of just
wishing them well.
To encourage the rich Christians to trust in spiritual wealth instead of earthly wealth which
wither like a flower of wild a plant.
To encourage Christians to pray to God with faith in times of trouble and happiness
To encourage the poor Christians to have hope for the return of Jesus Christ
To encourage them to continue being patient until the day Jesus would come back instead of
being impatient.
To encourage them to be friends of God instead of being friendly to the world which was even
the cause of wars, fights and quarrels in society
To encourage them to speak the truth by saying yes to mean yes and no to mean no
To caution the preachers to be careful when using the tongue because they will be judged with
greater strictness
To warn the Church leaders who used to show warm welcome to the rich yet telling to stand
He wanted to give moral instructions to Christians that had been scattered all over the world
To encourage Christians to help fellow Christians who backslide and bring them back to God.
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1. Discuss the purpose for which the letter of James was written.
2. Comment on the aims of writing the epistle of James.
3. Justify the need of writing the letter of James.
Why the epistle of James took long to be accepted into the New Testament Canon
The letter of James took long to be canonized because of unclear authorship i.e. the author only
identifies himself as James yet there were three personalities with the same name James in the
early church.
It appeared to contradict with the letter of Paul to the Galatians on the subject of faith yet
Galatians was in circulation before James’ letter. Paul had taught that a person is put right with
god by faith and faith alone but James’ letter stressed that a person is put right with god by his
faith and actions instead of faith alone.
The letter of James gives few specific references to jesus Christ as the central figure yet for the
book to be canonized it had to emphasize jesus Christ as the central figure.
It hardly gives any direct quotations from the teaching of Jesus Christ compared to the New
Testament books.
It gives few references to the Old Testament scriptures yet for the book to be canonized had to
refer to the Old Testament scriptures.
The letter hardly contains the message of the kerygma yet for a book to be canonized had to
contain the good news.
James the brother of Jesus Christ was not among the original disciples of Jesus Christ during his
public ministry.
The letter is more of a practical letter than a doctrinal letter i.e. it leaves out the most
important Christian doctrines like baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Account for the delayed canonization of the letter of James in the New Testament canon.
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James is concerned with a number of issues that were prevailing in the Christian community at
his time and he raises these issues in his letter namely;
Temptations and trials; James calls upon the Christians to endure during temptations and trials
as a test of faith.
Poverty; he advises the poor to be glad when God lifts them up and to keep their hope in the
return of Jesus.
Riches/wealth; He advises the rich to be glad when God brings them down for not taking care of
the poor. To him earthly wealth is temporal and Christians should struggle to accumulate their
wealth in heaven where rust never riches.
Boasting about tomorrow/pride; He advises the rich to always put God in their business plans.
Faith and Action; He encourages Christians to back up their faith and actions like Abraham who
backed his faith with action by living a righteous life. To him faith without action is dead.
Hearing and Doing; He advises them to be quick at listening but slow to act. In other words he
calls upon Christians to think before they act.
Peace and stability; He advises his readers to desist from giving in to bodly desires for the sake
of preserving peace. To James all wars, quarrels and fights result from people struggling to fulfil
the desires of the flesh.
Wisdom from above; He advises those who lacked wisdom to pray and ask for it from God. He
further explains the characteristics of wisdom like peacefulness, patience and goodness.
Prayer; He encourages Christians to pray with faith to God for each other both in times of
trouble and happiness.
Patience; He encourages Christians to keep waiting patiently until the day of the return of Jesus
Christ instead of being impatient.
Judging one another; He advises them to leave judgement of fellow Christians to God who is
the supreme judge.
The control of the tongue; He advises them to control the tongue instead of using it to praise
God and curse fellow mankind.
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Swearing falsely in the name of God; He advises them to speak the truth by saying yes to mean
yes and no to mean no instead of swearing falsely in God’ name.
Friendship with the world; He advises them to be friends of God by submitting to Him instead
of being friendly to the world which was the cause of wars, fights and killings in the society.
The Christians created class distinctions between the poor and the rich basing on outward
The rich Christians had failed to take care of the poor Christians and yet they lived in luxury.
The poor Christians were being dragged to courts of law by the rich Christians
The Christians failed to put the word of God they heard into action
The Christians had failed to resist the temptations and trials that they were facing in life.
The Christians were attributing the origin of trials and temptations from God yet they came
from evil desires within them.
There was trusting in worldly wisdom instead of trusting in the wisdom of God.
The Christians had become impatient about the second coming of Jesus Christ.
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Christians misused the tongue by using it to praise God and at the same time to curse people.
The Christians were speaking evil of the good name of God (blasphemy).
Christians were swearing falsely in the name of God instead of speaking the truth when making
Christians were friends to the world instead of being friendly to God by submitting to Him.
Christians prayed to God without faith yet they were expected to pray with faith.
How the church attempts to overcome such evils at James’ time when they surface in Uganda
Church encourages the Christians to put the word of God into practice instead of just listening.
Church encourages the Christians to be friends to God than befriending the world.
Church encourages the Christians to keep their hopes in the return of Jesus Christ.
Church encourages the Christians to use their tongue to glorify God and not to curse people.
Church encourages the Christians to trust in Godly wisdom other than human wisdom.
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Church encourages the Christians to acquire material wealth in the right way through hard work
instead of exploiting others.
Church encourages the Christians to humble themselves before others instead of being proud.
Church encourages unity among Christians instead of creating distinctions between the rich and
poor in the society.
The church calls upon Christians to work for peace, harmony and justice in society.
1a) What particular evils of his time did James teach against?
b) How does the church attempt to overcome such evils in Uganda today?
Christians should speak the truth by saying yes to mean yes and no to mean no instead of
swearing falsely.
Christians should seek spiritual wisdom since James says that earthly wisdom is useless before
Rich Christians should involve God in their future business plans instead of boasting about
The poor Christians should maintain their faith in God and be glad when God makes them rich.
Christians should balance between earthly wisdom and the Godly wisdom that comes from
Christians should remain patient until the day Jesus Christ comes back.
They should be patient just like a gardener who waits for his crops to yield fruits as put by
Christians should copy the example of Abraham who put his faith into actions and God
accepted his righteousness.
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Christians should pray in times of trouble for James says God answers the prayer of a faithful
Christians should obey all God’s commandments since to James breaking one commandment is
like breaking all of them.
The rich Christians should use their wealth to bring happiness to those who are poor.
Christians should pray for the sick and even anoint them with oil where necessary.
Christians should exercise equality irrespective of sex, race, status, religion, colour and so on.
Christians should work for peace and friendship through proper use of the tongue.
Christians should accompany their faith with actions for James says that faith without action is
James advises the rich to take care of the poor but this could encourage laziness among the
poor because they expect help.
James advises the rich to be glad when God brings them down but no human being can rejoice
when his wealth is taken away.
He advises the sick Christians to be taken to Church elders to be prayed for however people will
always first go to the hospital.
He also advises Christians to confess their sins to one another in public which irrelevant to
avoid arrests and shame.
James discourages discrimination among Christians however when very important people like
presidents attend some functions they have to be given their place of honor.
James advises Christians to remain patient until the return of Jesus Christ however one cannot
be patient without salary, shelter, food, clothe and so on.
James advises Christians to judgement of human beings to God but this would render Christian
judges in courts of law jobless.
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Suffering in form of difficulties and trials is part of Christian life because even Jesus Christ
suffered. Christians who suffer share the suffering of their master Jesus Christ.
He advised them to resist trials and temptations just as Jesus Christ did in order to triumph.
He advises Christians to consider themselves fortunate when faced with trials and temptations
because they develop endurance
To James, trials and temptations are meant to test the strength of the Christian faith in God.
He says that those who endure trials and temptations with patience become perfect and
complete in the eyes of God.
He advises Christians to pray to God to give them wisdom to endure when faced with trials and
As they pray, James encourages them to do it without doubt so as to receive wisdom from God
to overcome temptations.
Those who endure trials and temptations to the end would be rewarded with eternal life from
He called upon them to copy the example of Job who successfully endured the trials of his faith.
To James, trials and temptations do not come from God but from people’s evil desires. So
people should not blame God for God cannot be tempted by God.
He called upon his readers to avoid evil desires because they lead to temptations, temptations
leads to sin and sin leads to death.
He teaches that God only gives good things. So every perfect gift is from God.
He called upon them to maintain love for one another and God whenever in trouble.
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He advises them to remain happy and faithful during times of trials and temptations.
He also called upon Christians to have complete dependence on God at all times.
Relevancy/Lessons modern Christians learn from the teachings of James on temptations and
Christians should pray for wisdom from God when they are faced with trials and temptations.
Christians should expect trials and temptations in their lives since to James they are part of life.
Christians should avoid tempting situations that may lead them to sin.
Christians should thank/praise God for every perfect gift they have since to James everything
good comes from God.
Christians realize that trials and temptations are meant to strengthen their faith and make
them perfect.
Christians should try and overcome trials and temptations just like their master Jesus Christ did.
Christians are called upon to be patient during trials and temptations so as to overcome them
at the end.
Christians realize that temptations are not from God but they originate from man’ evil desires.
So they should not blame God as the cause of temptations.
Christians realize that those who endure and overcome trials and temptations will be rewarded
with the gift of eternal life at the end.
Christians are called upon to remain faithful to God through their trials and temptations.
Christians should maintain love for one another and God whenever in trouble.
Christians should be happy and full of joy when faced with trials and temptations.
Christians are called upon to have self-control over their bodly desires because giving in to
those bodly desires leads to sin and death.
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1. How relevant is James’ teaching about trials and temptations to Christians in Uganda
There was the problem of discrimination among Christians based on wealth during James’ time.
James advises Christians not to treat people according to their outward appearance.
He gives an example of the rich man who enters the Church well-dressed followed by a poor
man dressed in rags and the Church ushers/officers rush to find the best seat for the rich but
order the poor man to stand or sit on the floor.
James says that when Christians do that they are guilty of making judgement based on evil
He says such actions contradict Jesus’ life style for he associated with people of all kinds.
He says that God chose the poor Christians of the world to be rich in faith.
God also chose the poor Christians to inherit the kingdom of heaven and so they should thank
God for what they are.
He advises Christians to desist from dragging the poor to courts of law and thereby spoiling the
name of God.
He emphasizes that all people are equal before God, so there was no need to discriminate
against the poor.
James says those who made distinctions between the poor and the rich were supposed to leave
the work of judgement to God the only Judge.
To James riches cannot bring man closer to God and poverty cannot distance man from God.
Both poverty and riches are the same in the eyes of God.
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He advises that Christians should not favor the rich at the expense of the poor because if they
did so, the rich would mistreat the poor.
He advises them to judge others with mercy so that God also judges them with mercy.
He reminds them that the rich whom they gave respect were the very people who caused
trouble and oppressed the poor by dragging them to courts of law.
He also reminds them that the rich were the ones who spoke evil of the good name of God.
He reminds the rich people to speak and act as people who will also be judged by Jesus Christ.
He says that treating people according to their outward appearance is sin against God.
He says that the same God who says do not commit adultery was the same God who says do
not kill
Christians should treat both the rich and poor people equally.
Christians should associate with all kinds of people irrespective of their status.
Christians especially the poor should appreciate their status because they will inherit the
kingdom of God if they remain faithful to God.
The Rich Christians should treat the poor people fairly in the society
The Rich Christians ought to use their wealth to bring happiness to the poor.
The Rich Christians ought to glorify the name of God instead of speaking evil of it.
The Poor Christians should maintain their faith in God despite being poor.
Christians should put their trust in God instead of trusting in material wealth which is temporal.
Christians should accept the poor people in their homes and public places.
Christians ought to make judgement based on good motives and evidence instead of outward
appearance and evil motives.
Christians ought to settle their differences amicably instead of dragging each other especially
the poor to courts of law.
Christians should appreciate that God can chose to make some rich and others poor and hence
give support to each other.
Christians realize that sincere judgement belongs to God who is the supreme judge. They
should always give room for God’s final judgement since He can see the heart.
James calls for equal treatment of people which is not applicable in modern situations like
when a president attends a function. Special seats have to be reserved for him and his security.
James condemns the rich for dragging the poor to courts of law which is irrelevant because the
courts of law are there to ensure justice.
James calls upon the poor to be grateful to God because they are rich in faith and the kingdom
of God belongs to them however this is irrelevant because they must work hard to provide for
their basic needs.
There was class distinction between the poor and the rich Christians.
Christians were giving more respect to the rich and well-dressed than the poor dressed in rags.
Church ushers or officers gave special seats to the rich while the poor were ordered to stand or
sit on the floor.
He wanted to encourage the poor to maintain their faith in God despite being discriminated.
He wanted to encourage the poor who were being discriminated that the kingdom of God
belongs to them.
He wanted to remind Christians that the rich whom they gave respect were the very people
who oppressed the poor.
1. “My brothers, as believers in Lord Jesus Christ, the lord of glory, you must never treat
people in different ways according to their outward appearance” James 2:1 (GNB).
a)What led James to utter/make this statement?
b)Examine what Christians in Uganda can learn from this teaching.
He advises the poor to be glad when God lifts them up and the rich should also be glad when
God brings them down.
He advises the poor not to despair or give up but to be happy and thankful to God in their
poverty because they will inherit the kingdom of God.
He says that God chose the poor to be rich in faith and heirs to his kingdom.
He advises the poor to pray to God for what they do not have because he will provide for them.
Advises the poor Christians to pray to God with the right motives instead of bad motives
He says that the cries of the poor whom the rich oppress had reached God and that God would
answer by punishing the rich.
James warns the rich who were using their wealth to oppress the poor that they would face
misery in future.
He says that their wealth will be eaten up by moths and their gold and silver be destroyed by
He says the riches will be destroyed in the same way the sun burns a wild plant, its flower to fall
off and its beauty destroyed.
He says that the rust on their wealth would bear witness against them and at the end be
destroyed with their wealth.
He says that by the rich living a life of luxury and pleasure, they were like cattle fattening
themselves for the day of slaughter.
He told the rich to weep and wail for the misery that will come upon them.
He says that wealth is temporary as it fades away as flowers beauty due to the sun’s heat.
He calls upon the rich to use their wealth for the benefit of the whole society by helping the
widows and orphans.
He also calls upon the rich Christians to use their wealth to serve God so as to avoid judgement.
To James, everyone would have to give account of how he used his wealth on day judgement.
He warns Christians not to make wealth out of dubious ways especially by oppressing the poor.
He warned the rich against boasting about their riches and business because wealth is nothing
before God.
He advises the rich to involve God when making their business plans instead of boasting about
He also advises the rich to pay the wages of the poor who worked for them instead of
exploiting them.
He calls upon the rich to be thankful to God for giving them riches knowing that all good gifts
like wealth come from God.
He calls for equal treatment between the rich and the poor because all of them are equal
before God.
He condemns the rich people for blaspheming the name of God by speaking evil of the good
name of God.
He advises the rich to speak and act as people who will also be judged.
He says that the desire for riches as a source of pleasure was one of the causes of wars, fights
and quarrels in society.
He says riches made the rich befriend the world yet friends of the world are God’ enemies.
He says that the rich whom they gave respect were the very people who oppressed the poor by
dragging them to courts of law.
He advises Christians not to trust in earthly riches which can be destroyed by moths and rust
but to keep their wealth in heaven where there is no rust.
Christians should assist people who are in need like widows and orphans.
Christians should pay the salaries and wages of people who work for them
Christians should trust in spiritual gifts instead of material gifts as the former is permanent.
Christians should treat all people equally regardless of their economic status.
Christians should put their trust in God instead of trusting in earthly wealth which is temporary.
Christians should involve God in making their business plans instead of boasting about
The rich Christians should be glad even when God brings them down.
The rich Christians should thank God since wealth is one of the good gifts given by God.
Christians should promote peace and justice in society instead of dragging the poor to courts of
Christians should speak well of the good name of God instead of speaking evil about God.
Christians should use their wealth for the benefit of the society like helping the widows and
Christians should acquire their wealth through sincere means by working hard instead of
exploiting the poor and stealing.
The poor Christians should be glad with their situation and thank God for he has chosen them
to be rich in spirit to inherit the kingdom of heaven.
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Christians should use their wealth to serve God because riches come from God.
Rich Christians should live holy lives in order to avoid God’s judgement.
1. What is the relevance of James’ teaching on wealth to the rich Christians in Uganda
2. What should be the attitude of the rich Christians in Uganda according to the letter of
3. How can James’ teaching on wealth help the rich Christians in Uganda to live a proper
Christian life?
Reasons why James taught about Poverty and Riches in his letter
The rich Christians were being given more respect than the poor in the Church.
The rich Christians trusted more in their wealth than in God the provider.
The rich Christians were not using their wealth to show love to the poor Christians.
The rich Christians were oppressing the poor by dragging them to courts of law.
The rich Christians were exploiting the poor by not paying them the wage they had worked for.
The rich Christians had failed to share their wealth with the poor Christians.
Some rich people had acquired their riches using dubious ways like stealing.
The rich Christians were making business plans without involving the will of God and boasting
about tomorrow.
The rich thought that their wealth was permanent yet it was temporary.
The rich never showed mercy when judging the poor people.
The rich were living luxurious and extravagant life at the expense of the poor.
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He wanted to show his readers that both the rich and poor Christians were equal before God
He wanted to encourage the poor that they would inherit the kingdom of God.
James’ teaching about the dangers of wealth/warning against the snares of riches 5:1-16
Wealth would make the rich people to weep and wail upon the miseries that were coming upon
Wealth made Christians to create distinctions in the church between the poor and rich
Riches made the rich people to oppress the poor by dragging them to courts of law.
Riches led to the exploitation of the poor by the rich to make more riches through not paying
them their wage.
It made the rich to be friends of the world instead of being friends of God.
Wealth tempts Church leaders to give false respect to some church members.
It made the rich to live luxurious and extravagant life at the expense of the poor.
Riches made the rich people proud of themselves and boasting about tomorrow.
It made the rich to trust more in their material wealth than God.
It made the rich to speak evil about the good name of the Lord (blasphemy).
The desire for riches led to neglect of the poor in the society.
It can make one miss heavenly reward since one enjoys his life while still on earth.
How the Church in Uganda has tried to reduce the gap between the rich and poor
The church has established vocational institutions to train some of its members some skills.
The church has provided some social services like education and medical care to the needy.
The church has founded some youth and women associations which have given basic life skills
to some of its members.
The church has funded youth and women associations like mothers’ union and YMCA to
empower the youth and women.
The church preaches the gospel of love for all the people whether rich or poor.
The church also teaches that all people rich or poor are equal before God.
The church has established some projects like banks, hospitals and schools which provide jobs
to people, e.g. Centenary bank of the Roman Catholic Church.
In some cases the church organizes and demonstrates against mistreatment of the poor.
The church has established orphanages to support the orphans with basic needs.
1. What steps has the Christian church in Uganda taken to reduce the gap between the
rich and the poor?
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Church leaders have both positive and negative attitudes towards wealth or riches as discussed
Some church leaders have encouraged the poor people to work hard and get rich.
Some have set up economic projects out of their wealth to help the church and to spread the
Some church leaders have set up charitable organizations to help the poor like giving paying
tuition for the needy students.
Some have emphasized spiritual wealth more than the earthly wealth.
Negatively however, some church leaders have put more trust in worldly wealth than spiritual
wealth or God.
Some have commercialized church services to get more wealth for example some ask for
money from the sick people before praying for them.
Some church leaders discriminate the poor in the society and favor the rich.
Some church leaders have misused church funds for their personal benefits.
Some have misled the Christians to sell their material property and bring the proceeds to
1. Examine the attitude of the church leaders about riches today in Uganda.
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