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Lesson 3 (continued…)

Pillars of Traffic

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. explain the different pillars of traffic and
2. analyze the relationship or importance of these pillars in traffic management.

Handout in Traffic Management


It is considered as the “Light Bringer” in traffic operations, the prime mover in
instilling knowledge on all people involve in traffic safety management.

Safety Training
The three principles that have been emphasized as effective in the prevention
of traffic accidents are known as the three (3) E’s of traffic: Engineering, Education and
Three Levels of Traffic Safety Education
1. Imparting knowledge concerning traffic safety.
2. Training and practice in the actual application of traffic safety knowledge.
3. Developing traffic safety morality.

Driver’s Education
The basic purposes of these are:
a. To develop good traffic citizens who are equipped to live in a motorized
society and achieving traffic safety.
b. To develop citizens who are legally eligible to get a driver’s license.
In general, driver instruction aims primarily to teach the rudiments of driving.
Secondary aims are as follows:
a. To instill awareness of one’s legal and moral responsibilities in traffic.
b. To teach the abilities required for one to be eligible for a driver’s license.
Four Basic Types of Instruction Methods Used in Driver Education Program
1. Comprehensive
2. Traditional Instruction
3. Commentary Driving Method
4. Simulated Conditions and Off the Road Training
Two Methods of Simulation Presently Adopted are:
1. Partial Simulation
2. Global Simulation
Training is simulated in traffic situations and conditions with the use of simulations.
Simulators are most commonly used for the following types of training:
Training in basic car control skills
Perceptual training
Emergency training
Simulator - It is a static machine with all the important features of a car used in driving
method or driving training.

Biorhythm - The theory which asserts that man exhibits a constant variation of life
energy and mood states.
Public Information Programs - The public should be informed on all activities affecting
the citizens and the community relating to traffic (dissemination of information).
Safety Campaign - This is a mass publicity aimed to make road users to behave more
safely. This basically focuses on public information attitudes, and particular or specific
behaviors, or combinations of these.
A. Safety Campaign Classification
1. According to purpose – may be categorized as informational, attitudinal,
and behavioral.
2. Kind of appeal – used to reason by simply feeding the public with
authenticated factual data.
B. Safety Campaign Design
1. Initial Campaign Planning
2. Final Campaign Design
3. Campaign Evaluation
C. Private and Government Entities Responsible for Safety Campaign
1. Newspapers
2. Radio broadcasting networks
3. Television broadcasting networks
4. Public information agencies
5. Citizen Support Groups (NGOs)
a. Develop citizen’s responsibilities
b. Conduct organized educational campaign
c. Awareness of the traffic problems
d. Major traffic requirements and need


This field deals mostly on the implementation and enforcement of traffic law,
rules and regulations.
Agencies Responsible in Traffic Enforcement
A. Land Transportation Office
1. Vehicle registrations
2. Vehicle inspections
3. Driver’s licensing
4. Public to police on stolen or wanted vehicles
B. Legislation – passing of laws and ordinances and appropriations of budget
1. Congress
2. Council (city or municipal)
3. Provincial boards
C. Police – direct enforcement of traffic laws
1. Philippine National Police (PNP)
2. Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA)
3. Police Auxiliaries
What traffic laws are? All traffic enforcement is based on the traffic laws.
1. The first law concerning driving behavior, which was developed mostly from
experience over the years, resulted from customs and common usage.
2. Traffic laws, like all other laws, reflect the beliefs, behavior and standard
agreed on by the society.
Why people violate traffic laws?
1. Physical disabilities
2. Ignorance of traffic laws, rules and regulations
3. Mental disorders
4. Lack of training and experience
5. Wrong attitudes towards driving, risk taking, enforcement and traffic laws
6. Habitual traffic violators
7. Drivers of public utility vehicles for increase compensation and commission
Considerations that act as deterrent to motorists and pedestrians
1. Fear of fine or punishment
2. Loss of driving privileges
3. Possibility of being involved in accidents
4. Positive area of good citizenship – doing what is right and setting an example


Traffic law enforcement action is part of enforcement involving the arrest,
issuance of Temporary Operator’s Permit (TOP) or Inspection Report Summons, or
warning of any persons who is believed to have violated a law, ordinance or
regulations pertaining to the use of traffic roads.
Scope of Traffic Law Enforcement
1. The action taken by the police and the court to compel obedience to traffic
laws and ordinances regulating the movement and use of motor vehicles for
the purpose of creating a deterrent to unlawful behavior by all potential
2. Enforcement of traffic legislation is an area of activity aimed at controlling road
used behavior by preventive, persuasive and punitive methods in order to effect
a safe and efficient movement.
3. It applies to all statutes, ordinances and legally authorized regulations relating
to the use of street and highways and operation of motor vehicles.
Functions of Traffic Law Enforcement
1. Police Traffic Law Enforcement - The part of the traffic law enforcement
performed by the police and other agencies with police power including
deterrent to law violation created by the presence of uniformed police officers
and their special equipment, special assistance to courts and prosecutors and
incidental services to highway users.
2. Court Traffic Law Enforcement - The part of traffic law enforcement performed
by the court by adjudication and penalization
3. Police-Court Enforcement Process
a. Detection
b. Apprehension
c. Prosecution
d. Adjudication
e. Penalization
Three Important Goals of Enforcement Activities
1. To increase safety level.
2. To increase traffic efficiency.
3. To insure harmonious and comfortable environment.
Objectives of traffic law enforcement activities can be achieved through:
1. Preventive activities
2. Persuasive activities
3. Punitive activities
Major Elements of Traffic Enforcement System
1. Enforcement system
It consists of legislation, police, court, and penalties.
2. Road users system (traffic way users)
It includes pedestrians, drivers, passengers, and vehicles.
3. Road system (traffic system)
It consists of the entire road and vehicle complex.
Police Traffic Enforcement Action
The part of police traffic law enforcement involving arrest, citation or warning of
any person believed to have violated a law, ordinance or rules and regulations
pertaining to the use of traffic ways, when the person has knowledge of his action and
when it is to:
1. Prevent such violation from endangering persons or property or
inconveniencing other users of the traffic way.
2. Prevent continued violation.
3. Discourage future violation.
Basis for Decision of Enforcement Action
1. degree of violation
2. accuracy of observation
3. continuous or momentary action
4. traffic and weather condition
5. evidence gathered
6. a new law or not
Kinds of Enforcement Action
1. Traffic Arrest - It is an enforcement action which consists of taking a person into
custody for the purpose of holding or detaining him to answer a charge of law
violation before a court.
Arrest is made when:
a. Offense committed is serious.
b. Detention is necessary to avoid continued violation.
c. There is reasonable doubt that the violator will not appear in court
2. Traffic citation – is made of having violator appear in court without physical
3. Traffic warning – is an enforcement action which does not contemplate possible
assessment of penalty by the court or otherwise as a result of warning alone.
Types of Traffic Warning
1. Visual warning
2. Verbal warning
3. Written warning


The study with potentially disastrous population explosion changes in urban
environment due to scale and density of new urban concentration and new activities
carried out air pollution, water pollution and crowding, especially transport congestion
which result therein.
Kinds of Environmental Effects of Urban Transportation
1. Noise
2. Vibration
3. Dirt
4. Visual intrusion
5. Loss of privacy
6. Change in amount of light
7. Neighborhood severance both physical and sociological
8. Relocation
9. Distraction during planning and construction
10. Accident experience
11. Pedestrian journey
12. Congestion and other benefits to vehicles
External Factors that Influences the Existing and Future Behavior of Population
1. Rapidly increasing population growth
2. Rapidly increasing urbanization
3. Rapidly increasing motorization
4. Industrialization and technical modernization
5. Improvement of the transportation network that is the street network and the
public transportation facilities.
It deals with the benefits and adverse effects of traffic to our economy. Traffic
operation is designed to expedite the movement of traffic. However, with the
prevailing traffic congestion during rush hours in any given locality adversely affect the
economic status of the commuting public.
One aspect affecting our economy is the unending increase of oil prices in the
world market. Somehow, programs must be instituted in order to minimize the ill effect
of rising prices of basic commodities.
Delay resulting from traffic congestion affects not only the time of travel but the
productivity of an individual as well.

ACTIVITY: Visit your dashboard

Learning Check

Refer to your handout.

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