Lesson 3. Continued... - 1
Lesson 3. Continued... - 1
Lesson 3. Continued... - 1
Pillars of Traffic
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. explain the different pillars of traffic and
2. analyze the relationship or importance of these pillars in traffic management.
Handout in Traffic Management
It is considered as the “Light Bringer” in traffic operations, the prime mover in
instilling knowledge on all people involve in traffic safety management.
Safety Training
The three principles that have been emphasized as effective in the prevention
of traffic accidents are known as the three (3) E’s of traffic: Engineering, Education and
Three Levels of Traffic Safety Education
1. Imparting knowledge concerning traffic safety.
2. Training and practice in the actual application of traffic safety knowledge.
3. Developing traffic safety morality.
Driver’s Education
The basic purposes of these are:
a. To develop good traffic citizens who are equipped to live in a motorized
society and achieving traffic safety.
b. To develop citizens who are legally eligible to get a driver’s license.
In general, driver instruction aims primarily to teach the rudiments of driving.
Secondary aims are as follows:
a. To instill awareness of one’s legal and moral responsibilities in traffic.
b. To teach the abilities required for one to be eligible for a driver’s license.
Four Basic Types of Instruction Methods Used in Driver Education Program
1. Comprehensive
2. Traditional Instruction
3. Commentary Driving Method
4. Simulated Conditions and Off the Road Training
Two Methods of Simulation Presently Adopted are:
1. Partial Simulation
2. Global Simulation
Training is simulated in traffic situations and conditions with the use of simulations.
Simulators are most commonly used for the following types of training:
Training in basic car control skills
Perceptual training
Emergency training
Simulator - It is a static machine with all the important features of a car used in driving
method or driving training.
Biorhythm - The theory which asserts that man exhibits a constant variation of life
energy and mood states.
Public Information Programs - The public should be informed on all activities affecting
the citizens and the community relating to traffic (dissemination of information).
Safety Campaign - This is a mass publicity aimed to make road users to behave more
safely. This basically focuses on public information attitudes, and particular or specific
behaviors, or combinations of these.
A. Safety Campaign Classification
1. According to purpose – may be categorized as informational, attitudinal,
and behavioral.
2. Kind of appeal – used to reason by simply feeding the public with
authenticated factual data.
B. Safety Campaign Design
1. Initial Campaign Planning
2. Final Campaign Design
3. Campaign Evaluation
C. Private and Government Entities Responsible for Safety Campaign
1. Newspapers
2. Radio broadcasting networks
3. Television broadcasting networks
4. Public information agencies
5. Citizen Support Groups (NGOs)
a. Develop citizen’s responsibilities
b. Conduct organized educational campaign
c. Awareness of the traffic problems
d. Major traffic requirements and need
Refer to your handout.