Manual InnuPREP DNA RNA Mini Kit
Manual InnuPREP DNA RNA Mini Kit
Manual InnuPREP DNA RNA Mini Kit
AJ Innuscreen GmbH
Robert-Rössle-Straße 10
13125 Berlin
Made in Germany!
1. Introduction ............................................................................................. 2
1.1 Intended use .................................................................................. 2
1.2 Notes on the use of this manual ................................................... 3
2. Safety precautions................................................................................... 4
3. Storage conditions .................................................................................. 4
4. Function testing and technical assistance .............................................. 5
5. Product use and warranty ....................................................................... 5
6. Kit components ....................................................................................... 6
7. Product specifications ............................................................................. 8
8. GHS classification .................................................................................... 9
8.1 Hazard phrases ........................................................................... 10
8.2 Precaution phrases ..................................................................... 10
8.3 EU hazard statements ................................................................ 10
9. Recommended steps before starting .................................................. 11
10. General procedure for nucleic acid extraction .................................... 11
11. General notes and safety recommendations on handling RNA ......... 12
12. Protocol 1: DNA and RNA extraction from tissue samples
(up to 20 mg) ..................................................................................... 14
13. Protocol 2: DNA and RNA extraction from eucaryotic cells
(5 x 106 cells) ..................................................................................... 18
14. Protocol 3: DNA and RNA extraction from bacterial cells .................. 21
15. Troubleshooting ................................................................................... 25
1. Introduction
The innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit has been designed for the extraction of
DNA and RNA from eukaryotic cells, tissue samples and bacteria. The kit
uses an optimized chemistry resulting in a fast and reliable purification of
RNA with high quality and yield.
For easy reference and orientation, the manual uses the following warn-
ing and information symbols as well as the shown methodology:
Symbol Information
Catalogue number
N Contains sufficient reagents for <N> reactions
Storage conditions
Store at room temperature or shown conditions respectively
Lot number
The number of the kit charge
Manufactured by
Contact information of manufacturer
Note / Attention
Observe the notes marked in this way to ensure correct function of
the kit and to avoid operating errors for obtaining correct results.
2. Safety precautions
All due care and attention should be exercised in handling the materials
and reagents contained in the kit. Always wear gloves while handling
these reagents and avoid any skin contact! In case of contact, flush eyes
or skin with a large amount of water immediately.
If the buffer bottles are damaged or leaking, wear gloves and protective
goggles when discarding the bottles in order to avoid any injuries. This kit
could be used with potential infectious samples. Therefore, all liquid
waste must be considered as potentially infectious and must be handled
and discarded according to local safety regulation.
Please observe the federal, state and local safety and environmental
regulations. Follow the usual precautions for applications using extracted
nucleic acids. All materials and reagents used for DNA or RNA isolation
should be free of DNases or RNases.
3. Storage conditions
The innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit should be stored dry, at room tempera-
ture (15 °C to 30 °C). When stored at room temperature, the kit is stable
until the expiration date printed on the label on the kit box.
If there are any precipitates within the provided solutions solve these pre-
cipitates by careful warming. Before every use make sure that all compo-
nents have room temperature.
The Analytik Jena AG guarantees the correct function of the kit for appli-
cations as described in the manual. This product has been produced and
tested in an ISO 13485 certified facility.
The kit is not designed for the usage of other starting materials or oth-
er amounts of starting materials than those, referred to in the manual
( “Intended use“ p. 2), ( “Product specifications“ p. 8). Since the
performance characteristics of Analytik Jena AG kits have just been val-
idated for the application described above, the user is responsible for
the validation of the performance of Analytik Jena AG kits using other
protocols than those described below. Analytik Jena AG kits may be
used in clinical diagnostic laboratory systems after the laboratory has
validated the complete diagnostic system as required by CLIA’ 88 regu-
lations in the U.S. or equivalents in other countries.
For research use only!
6. Kit components
15 °C All kit components are stored at room temperature (15 °C to 30 °C).
10 50 250
Lysis Solution RL 6 ml 30 ml 125 ml
Washing Solution 6 ml 30 ml 2 x 70 ml
HS (conc.)
Washing Solution 3 ml 2 x 8 ml 2 x 40 ml
LS (conc.)
RNase-free 2 ml 6 ml 25 ml
Elution Buffer 2 ml 6 ml 30 ml
Spin Filter D 10 50 5 x 50
Spin Filter R 10 50 5 x 50
Receiver Tubes 40 4 x 50 20 x 50
Elution Tubes 20 2 x 50 10 x 50
Manual 1 1 1
10 50 250
Initial steps Washing Solution HS Washing Solution HS Washing Solution HS
Add 6 ml of Add 30 ml of 96- Add 70 ml of 96-
96-99.8 % ethanol to 99.8 % ethanol to 99.8 % ethanol to
the bottle Washing the bottle Washing each bottle Washing
Solution HS, mix Solution HS, mix Solution HS, mix
thoroughly and keep thoroughly and keep thoroughly and keep
the bottle always the bottle always the bottle always
firmly closed! firmly closed! firmly closed!
Lysozyme; optional
Reaction tubes
7. Product specifications
1. Starting material:
Eukaryotic cells (max. 5 x 106)
3. Typical yield:
Depending on the kind and initial amount of the starting mate-
4. Binding capacity:
Approximately: 100 μg RNA
> 50 μg DNA
8. GHS classification
DO NOT add bleach or acidic solutions directly to the sample-preparation
Binding of RNA to
Spin Filter R
RNA is far less stable than DNA. It is very sensitive to degradation by en-
dogenous RNases in the biological material and exogenous RNases which
are permanently present everywhere in the lab. To achieve satisfactory
qualitative and quantitative results in RNA preparations, contaminations
with exogenous RNases have to be reduced to a minimum in accordance
with the following recommendations:
Always wear latex or vinyl gloves while handling reagents and RNA
samples to prevent RNase contaminations from surface of the skin or
from dusty laboratory equipment.
Do not use equipment, glassware and plastic ware employed for oth-
er applications which might introduce RNase contaminations in the
RNA isolation.
Please note that up to 20 mg of tissue samples can be processed.
Avoid freezing and thawing of tissue samples!
To maximize the final yield of DNA and total RNA a complete homogeni-
zation of tissue sample is important!
If the solution has not completely passed through the Spin Filter, centri-
fuge again at higher speed or prolong the centrifugation time.
2. Place the Spin Filter D into a new Receiver Tube. The genomic DNA is
bound onto Spin Filter D. Processing of the Spin Filter D will be con-
tinued after binding of total RNA onto Spin Filter R.
1. Place a Spin Filter R into a new Receiver Tube. Add an equal volume
(appr. 400 μl) of 70 % ethanol to the filtrate from step II. Mix the
sample by pipetting up and down several times. Transfer the sample
onto the Spin Filter R. Centrifuge at 10,000 x g (~12,000 rpm) for
2 minutes.
If the solution has not completely passed through the Spin Filter, centri-
fuge again at higher speed or prolong the centrifugation time.
2. Place the Spin Filter R into a new Receiver Tube. The total RNA is
bound on Spin Filter R. Both Spin Filters (Spin Filter D and R) will be
processed in parallel now.
IV. Parallel processing of both - Spin Filter D for isolation of DNA and
Spin Filter R for isolation of RNA
4. Place the Spin Filters D and R each into an Elution Tube. Carefully
open the caps of the Spin Filters D and R, add 100 μl Elution Buffer
to Spin Filter D and 30–80 μl RNase-free Water to Spin Filter R. In-
cubate at room temperature for 1 minute. Centrifuge at 6,000 x g
(~8,000 rpm) for 1 minute.
Depending on the extracted yield or the needed concentration of ge-
nomic DNA or total RNA you can also elute with different volumes of Elu-
tion Buffer/RNase-free water. A lower volume of Elution Buffer/RNase-
free Water increases the concentration of DNA/RNA and a higher volume
of Elution Buffer/RNase-free Water leads to an increased yield but a
lower concentration of nucleic acids. Please note, that the minimum of
RNase-free water should be 20 μl.
Store nucleic acids at appropriate conditions (RNA at –80 °C and DNA at
–20 °C)!
Please note that up to 5 x 106 cells can be processed.
I. Lysis of cells
Add 400 μl Lysis Solution RL to the cell pellet. Incubate for 2 minutes at
room temperature. Re-suspend the cell pellet completely by pipetting up
and down. Incubate the sample for further 3 minutes at room tempera-
To maximize the final yield of DNA and total RNA a complete disruption
and lysis of the cell pellet is important! No cell clumps should be visible
after lysis step.
If the solution has not completely passed through the Spin Filter, centri-
fuge again at higher speed or prolong the centrifugation time.
2. Place the Spin Filter D into a new Receiver Tube. The genomic DNA is
bound onto Spin Filter D. Processing of the Spin Filter D will be con-
tinued after binding of total RNA onto Spin Filter R.
1. Place a Spin Filter R into a new Receiver Tube. Add an equal volume
(appr. 400 μl) of 70 % ethanol to the filtrate from step II. Mix the
sample by pipetting sometimes up and down. Transfer the sample
onto the Spin Filter R. Centrifuge at 10,000 x g (~12,000 rpm) for
2 minutes.
If the solution has not completely passed through the Spin Filter, centri-
fuge again at higher speed or prolong the centrifugation time.
2. Place the Spin Filter R into a new Receiver Tube. The total RNA is
bound on Spin Filter R. Both Spin Filters (Spin Filter D and R) will be
processed in parallel now.
IV. Parallel processing of both - Spin Filter D for isolation of DNA and
Spin Filter R for isolation of RNA
4. Place the Spin Filters D and R each into an Elution Tube. Carefully
open the caps of the Spin Filters D and R, add 100 μl Elution Buffer
to Spin Filter D and 30–80 μl RNase-free Water to Spin Filter R. In-
cubate at room temperature for 1 minute. Centrifuge at 6,000 x g
(~8,000 rpm) for 1 minute.
Depending on the extracted yield or the needed concentration of ge-
nomic DNA or total RNA you can also elute with different volumes of Elu-
tion Buffer/RNase-free Water. A lower volume of Elution Buffer/RNase-
free Water increases the concentration of DNA/RNA and a higher volume
of Elution Buffer/RNase-free Water leads to an increased yield but a
lower concentration of nucleic acids. Please note, that the minimum of
RNase-free water should be 20 μl.
Store nucleic acids at appropriate conditions (RNA at –80 °C and DNA at
–20 °C)!
Please note that up to 1 x 109 cells can be processed.
We recommend a pre-incubation of bacterial cells with Lysozyme or op-
tionally other bacterial lysis proteins.
The amount of Lysozyme and also the essential time for incubation may
need to be diversified depending on bacterial strains. Read also the
guideline of the Lysozyme supplier. A complete destruction of bacterial
cell walls is important.
To maximize the final yield of DNA and total RNA a complete disruption
and lysis of the cell pellet is important! No cell clumps should be visible
after lysis step.
If the solution has not completely passed through the Spin Filter, centri-
fuge again at higher speed or prolong the centrifugation time.
2. Place the Spin Filter D into a new Receiver Tube. The genomic DNA is
bound onto Spin Filter D. Processing of the Spin Filter D will be con-
tinued after binding of total RNA onto Spin Filter R.
1. Place a Spin Filter R into a new Receiver Tube. Add an equal volume
(appr. 600 μl) of 70 % ethanol to the filtrate from previous step II.
Mix the sample by pipetting sometimes up and down.
2. Transfer 650 μl of the sample onto the Spin Filter R. Centrifuge at
10,000 x g (~12,000 rpm) for 1 minute. Discard the filtrate and re-
use the Receiver Tube. Place the Spin Filter R back into the Receiver
Tube. Load the residual sample on the Spin Filter R and centrifuge
again at 10,000 x g (~12,000 rpm) for 1 minute.
If the solution has not completely passed through the Spin Filter, centri-
fuge again at higher speed or prolong the centrifugation time.
3. Discard the filtrate and re-use the Receiver Tube. The total RNA is
bound onto Spin Filter R. Both Spin Filters (Spin Filter D and R) will
be processed in parallel now.
VI. Parallel processing of both - Spin Filter D for the isolation of DNA
and Spin Filter R for isolation of RNA
4. Place the Spin Filter D and R each into an Elution Tube. Carefully
open the caps of the Spin Filters D and R, add 100 μl Elution Buffer
to Spin Filter D and 30–80 μl RNase-free Water to Spin Filter R. In-
cubate at room temperature for 1 minute. Centrifuge at 6,000 x g
(~8,000 rpm) for 1 minute.
Depending on the extracted yield or the needed concentration of ge-
nomic DNA or total RNA you can also elute with different volumes of Elu-
tion Buffer/RNase-free Water. A lower volume of Elution Buffer/RNase-
free Water increases the concentration of DNA/RNA and a higher volume
of Elution Buffer/RNase-free Water leads to an increased yield but a
lower concentration of nucleic acids. Please note, that the minimum of
RNase-free Water should be 20 μl.
Store nucleic acids at appropriate conditions (RNA at –80 °C and DNA at
–20 °C)!
15. Troubleshooting