In1995 scientists at the University of Guelph began research into the GM pig. A team of three researchers,
led by Dr. Cecil W. Forsberg, Professor Emeritus in Molecular and Cellular Biology, created the first phytase
pig they called “Wayne” in 1999. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a genetically
modified pig for human consumption and therapeutic use. The pig is engineered to be free of a certain sugar
molecule responsible for severe allergic reactions in some people.
UK scientists have created the world's first genetically modified chickens that do not spread bird flu. Writing
in Science journal, the team says their work demonstrates it possibilities.These chickens have a human gene
that enables them to lay eggs containing useful drugs Researchers have genetically modified chickens that
can lay eggs that contain drugs for arthritis and some cancers. The drugs are 100 times cheaper to produce
when laid than when manufactured in factories.le to create a variety of GM farm animals resistant to v iral
The concept of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in cattle was first introduced through the process of
recombinant DNA technology. Scientists began experimenting with this technology in the 1970s, and it was
further developed in the 1980s. One of the pioneers in this field was Dr. Richard L. Flavell, a molecular
biologist who conducted early research on genetically modified cattle. However, the first GMO cattle, known
as "Enviropig," was developed by a team of researchers led by Dr. K.W.A. Wiltshire at the University of
Guelph in Canada in 1998. The purpose of GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) cattle is to enhance their
productivity, health, and adaptability through scientific manipulation of their genetic makeup, ultimately
benefiting both the agricultural industry and produce less phosphorus in its manure, which
could help reduce environmental pollution.
AquaBounty Technologies, a biotech company, created the first GMO fish, known as the AquAdvantage
Salmon. It is a genetically modified Atlantic salmon that grows faster than its non-GMO counterparts.
The approval for its commercial production was granted in 2015 by the United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). However, the first GMO fish was created in the early 1980s. The purpose of GMO
fish, like the AquAdvantage Salmon, is to increase the efficiency of fish farming by accelerating growth
rates, potentially reducing environmental impacts, and addressing the growing global demand for
seafood, while maintaining or improving its nutritional value for consumers.
Genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes were discovered by a British biotechnology company called
Oxitec. The company was founded in 2002 and began working on GM mosquitoes to combat diseases
like dengue fever, Zika virus, and malaria, which are transmitted by mosquitoes. The first field trial of
GM mosquitoes took place in 2009 in the Cayman Islands. Oxitec's technology involves modifying the
mosquitoes' genes so that they either die before reaching adulthood or produce non-viable offspring,
thus reducing the mosquito population. The purpose of genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes is to help
control and reduce the mosquito population responsible for transmitting diseases such as dengue fever,
Zika virus, and malaria. By introducing these GM mosquitoes into the environment, they can help
decrease the overall number of disease-carrying mosquitoes, thereby protecting public health and
reducing the spread of these life-threatening diseases