LARGE-SIGNAL MODELLING AND ANALYSIS by R D Middlebrook and Robert Ericson
LARGE-SIGNAL MODELLING AND ANALYSIS by R D Middlebrook and Robert Ericson
LARGE-SIGNAL MODELLING AND ANALYSIS by R D Middlebrook and Robert Ericson
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California
A I~ge-~ignal ~witehing ~egutato~ model ~
de.JU..v ed, and P'Lomine.YLt ne.atuJlU On the btaYl~ient
nes pon6 e Me de.teJlmine.d. 1n paJt:tieu1.aJt, e.xpJLM~iOn6 Me 60und 6o~ the
e.quilibJtium po-int.6 06 the sus tes« which yield
in6ight into the .eaJtge-~ignai. ~e~pon6e, and wave.6oJrm6 Me.
~ an example., a boo~t ~egulato~ i~
invutigate.d, and ~ nound to be ~table 60Jt -6mall
~ignaL6 but u~ta.ble 60Jt lange oians cenxs .
plots, root locus, etc. The physical insight c.onve.Jtge a.6 des oied. Howe.veA, tJtaru,ient
gained then allows the engineer to intelligently -6 ofuti.o~ ou.tscde: thiA Jtange may be
design his feedback loop and to specify important un6ta.ble.
small-signal specifications such as audio
susceptibility and output impedance.
A regulator which exhibits 'the hypothetical
Unfortunately, because of the small-signal behavior illustrated in Fig. 1 obviously is
approximation, these methods do not ensure the unreliable and unacceptable. The investigation
complete large-signal stability of the quiescent of the effects of switching regulator nonlinearities
operating point. One might conceive of a regulator and the exposition of some techniques for the
which behaves as illustrated in Fig. 1. For small avoidance of large-signal instabilities are the
perturbations, less than some radius r from the subjects of this presentation.
quiescent operating point, the regulator behaves
as predicted by the small-signal model, and 1.1 The Large-Signal Stability Problem:
transients converge as expected. However, for An Example
large perturbations, the nonlinear terms become
significant, and some solutions do not converge Before embarking on a large-signal analysis,
to the desired quiescent point (i.e., some it is necessary before to determine whether the
solutions are unstable). Other large transients effect of the converter nonlinearity is significant.
do converge, but with a large, distorted waveform Is it possible to design a regulator whose response
which may be much larger than predicted by the to large perturbations deviates substantially from
small-signal model and hence unacceptable. ~he response predicted by the small-signal model?
This work was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC, under contract N00014-78-C-0757.
0275-9306/82/0000-0240$00.75 ~ 1982 IEEE
PWM f 2 = .5V
ro to
f3=300 integrator lb)
right-half-plane zero which appears in the duty-
ratio-to-output transfer function, the inductor e(s)d
current is fed back in addition to the output
voltage. The integral of the output voltage is (T) j(s)d
indeed well-behaved; the waveforms appear linear, 2
and a very small amount of overshoot occurs in the
control (d) waveform. The small-signal model is
an excellent approximation in this case.
..._..--.. .-
...................- ....................
B.B r" . -T-- • - _. . . . . . ._~_=~I=:::=_
t nductor current 1nduc to r cu r r.nt
B.B .......Iiiiii;;;*-.............
- . - -..........iiiiiiiti~~iliiiiiiiiiiiⅈ;;l;;;
-l.B /'
capac t tor va 1tag. -3.B capacttor voltag.
---- ----
.B888 -===+=::=:~:::::::::~=+=~~=~~~~~~
-.8881 -.882B
t nt.grator vo 1 tag. -.8848 tntegrator voltage
._ ~i=1~~_ ..................-...-.... ~ ........_.--.......
Tm1 n- 0.0 m••c Tmax- 2.0 m•• c Tmt n- 0.0 m•• c Tmax- 7.5 maec
inductor current is larger than the amount 6.B
predicted by the small-signal model, and the 4.8
control (J) waveform overshoots its nominal value
much more than expected. The small-signal 2.8
8.8 ~ I~_ _. . -_ _....._
approximation is unjustified in this case. - ......... az:::4z
1nductol" curl"ent
The response to a yet larger step change in
inductor current and capacitor voltage is shown B.8 ........ •
in Fig. 7. The system is unstable in this case! -5.B
The voltages and currents in the system become
large, and the control signal saturates at its
_========::==--.. . . -
maximum value. Obviously, this design is cap_c t tal" vo 1 t_g8
significance, causing larger overshoots than
expected and possibly even instabilities.
In Section 3, the implications of these models where D = duty ratio, D 1
= 1 - D.
are examined. First, the equilibrium points of
the system are calculated. The presence of real T g = time of one complete switching period.
equilibrium points in addition to the desired
quiescent operating point indicates the existence K is a matrix usually containing values of
of unstable transient solutions; therefore, these inductance and capacitance.
additional real equilibrium points must be
eliminated. Next, the trajectories or transient x is a state vector, usually comprised of
waveforms are calculated. Peak transient current inductor currents and capacitor voltages.
and voltage levels may then be determined, and the
existence or absence of unstable solutions u is a vector of independent sources.
These equations may be solved exactly;
The entire procedure is summarized in however, the subsequent analysis is greatly
Section 4. simplified if the "linear-ripple approximation"
[1,2,3,4,5] is made. Specifically, if the natural
frequencies co^ of the converter power stage are
2. LARGE-SIGNAL MODELLING all well below the switching frequency, then
Eqs. (1) and (2) above have approximately linear
In this section, the nonlinear state solutions. This is indeed the case in well-
equations which describe switching regulators designed converters, in which the switching
operating in the continuous conduction mode are ripple is small. In this case, only the terms to
derived, and the regions of their validity are order (u)^T ) need be considered; higher-order terms
Next, the saturation characteristics of the x(t) = (I + A (t-DT ) x(DT ) + B u (t-DT ) (4)
2 g g 2 g
greater than [0,l], and the effect of this Combination of Eqs. (3) and (4), and elimination
restriction on the stability of the regulator is so of the second-order terms which appear, yields the
profound that no large-signal analysis can ignore following expression for x(T ): g
—0 D n+1
^ = D n= D 0 (7)
dx(t) n
K — = A x(t) + B u
2 2 (2)
Insertion of Eq. (7) into Eq. (6) and solution for
dx(t) X
^ = - (D^+D^r 1
(D B D'B )u
0 1+ 2 (8)
4- d(t) (A -A )x(t)
x 2 (13)
WW4 (10)
D=D -f 0 x
f =50kHz
- ( L f =.5V 2
V 0
D = .6
D(t) DQ + d(t)
If D(t) is limited to the range [ D , ^max]
ax M I N
t h e n
and equal to D^ and to the right of this region, described by Eq. (16) and (17) are linear their
the duty ratio is fixed and equal to Dmin. The solutions are exponential in nature. Furthermore,
situation is illustrated in Fig. 9. they contain exactly one equilibrium point. This
point occurs at
The state equations in the saturated regions
are easily found. When -^ x is greater than T
i i
the saturated region.
x - - [i + T (D «_A_+D A )]x + T [D B-+D Bju
-n+1 s sat 1 sat 2 -n s sat 1 sat 2 — 0
3, LARGE-SIGNAL ANALYSIS A is the small-signal continuous-time closed-loop
system matrix, and B is a matrix which describes
The objective of this section is the the nonlinear term. Equation (20) describes the
construction of the system response and the positions of the equilibrium points in the un
identification of sources of potential instability. saturated region. In addition to the trivial
First, the equilibrium points of the system ar- solution x* = () (the desired quiescent operating
calculated. It is possible for more than one point), a number of extra solutions may exist.
equilibrium point to exist, and this can lead to One may easily find these other equilibrium points
instability under large transient conditions. by first solving Eq. (21)for d*, the value of the
Second, the trajectories of the states of the control (d) at x*.
regulator are determined, either by hand or by
computer. The salient features are identified, det [A + d*B] = 0 (21)
and it then becomes apparent how to modify the
system in order to obtain an acceptable response. Once the values of d* are known, the solution
The analysis is demonstrated on the boost of Eq. (20) for x* is straightforward. One can
regulator of Fig. 8. then see how to design the regulator such that
these additional equilibrium points lie
3.1 Equilibrium Points sufficiently far outside of the unsaturated region.
Their influence on the transient response of the
The equilibrium points of a system are the regulator can then be made small.
most prominent features of the state-plane
portrait of a nonlinear system. Calculation of
the equilibrium points is a useful tool for pin For the boost example of Fig. 8, the
pointing the source of instabilities and for quantities in Eq. (20) are
constructing trajectories.
i* -R x -n x
Insertion of Eq. (19b) into Eq. (13) yields This equation is quadratic and has two roots;
hence, two equilibrium points may exist for the
0 = [A + d*B]x* (20) unsaturated region in addition to the quiescent
operating point _x = 0. For the values specified
where A = + - (A^A^X^ 1
- (B^B^u f T
in Fig. 8, the two roots are
The root d* = 13.64 represents a virtual The next step is the investigation of the
equilibrium point. It lies outside the unsaturated equilibrium points of the saturated regions. Since
region where Eq. (23) is valid; in consequence, in these regions the response is linear, exactly
the system' is not actually in equilibrium at this one equilibrium point occurs for each region. If
point. Nonetheless, it is possible for a virtual either of these points is real, then unstable
equilibrium point to influence the response of a responses exist. Therefore, the equilibrium
nonlinear system. In this case, however, the points of both saturated regions must be virtual
distance it lies away from the unsaturated region in a globally-stable regulator.
is sufficiently large that its effect on the
trajectories is negligible. The equilibrium point for the D = Dmax
saturated region is given by Eq. (18); a similar
The positions in the state plane of the expression can be found for the D = Dmin
equilibrium points are now found by solution of saturated region. This equation is now solved to
Eq. (20). For this example, one obtains find the positions of the saturated region
equilibrium points. For the boost example, one
, • --_..
D l+RL/DsatR
v* f
£2 + R (d*-n 1)
1 sat
For the values specified in Fig. 8, these I
-,-- (28)
expressions yield D R
1~* 2.0A, v"'* -3.7V at d* .236 where
1~* 1.9A, ~* -24.2V at d* 13.64 V equilibrium output voltage for D D
sat sat
The unsaturated region equilibrium points saturated region
are summarized in Fig. 10. Two real equilibrium
points exist: in addition to the desired I equilibrium inductor current for
quiescent operating point at x
= 0, an unwanted
real equilibrium point occurs-as shown; hence, D = D saturated region.
sa t
unstable responses are expected to occur. A
virtual equilibrium point also occurs, but has One possible design strategy is to limit the
little effect on the response of the system. duty ratio to a range sufficiently smaller than
[O,lJ, thereby improving the response by moving the
saturated region equilibrium points well outside
of their respective regions. Hence, it is of
quiescent interest to determine the locus of Vs a t and I s a t in
operating the state plane for various values of Ds a t .
real ----\-~.. point Combination of Eqs. (27) and (28) yields
point 12
- I
+ V2
o (29)
1\ 0=1
State Plane Time Doeain
Tra1ectories Waveforms
D • Ds a t Region
Unsaturated Region
F~9. 11. The.
iOC.U6 ~a;twutted Jr..eglon equiubJtium
~+l D~A;z)] ~ ~+l [1+Ts(Dsat~ + D'satA2)](~ ~)
po~~ ~n the ~tate plane ~~ a po~,on • [I + Ts(DOA 1 + • +
o 6 an eli.ip~ e• The ~ aiunated Jr..egi on + Ts[ (AI-A2) ~ + 0'1 -82 )~] do + Ts[Ds a t Bl + D~at B2] ~ - ~
boundan-i.~ aJr..e ~upeJr..impo~ed. The + T d
s n(A I-A;z)
A number of ~ethods exist for the analytical The computer-drawn state plane trajectories
construction of trajectories [8,9], such as the for the two-state boost regulator example are
vector-field method or the method of isoclines. shown in Fig. 13. The peak values of inductor
For second-order systems, these methods work well. current and output voltage during any given
However, since the dimension of the state space transient are apparent_ The effect of the
is equal to the number of states of the system. unsaturated region real equilibrium point at
these analytical methods become impractical for i* = 2.0A, v* = -3.7V can also be seen: some
regulators with many states, and it becomes unstable solutions occur which bend away in the
necessary to resort to computer simulation. The vicinity of the equilibrium point and head towards
state equations describing the transient response a large negative value of This equilibrium v.
of the regulator, Eq. (10), are easily implemented point is a saddle point. As explained in the
This system may be made globally stable by
sufficient increase of the ratio of current feed-
back to voltage feedback. The system then has
four virtual equilibrium points in addition to the
real quiescent operating point. The trajectories
are plotted in Fig. 14 for the values f l = 0.8,
f2 = 0.08. It can be ~een th~t all solutions
converge to the point i = O. v = O. and a well
behaved, globally stable response is obtained.
stable boost regulator. It is found that this [7] D. B. Edwards and T. K. Caughey, "Global
regulator has four equilibrium points in addition Analysis of a Buck Regulator," IEEE Power
to the quiescent operating point. Only two of Electronics Specialists Conference, 1978
these points may have a serious detrimental effect Record, Syracuse, New York, June 1978,
on the response, however. With proper circuit pp. 12-16 (IEEE Publication 78CH1337-5 AES).
design, this example may be rendered globally
[8] M. Vidyasagar, Nonlinear System Analysis,
Prentice-Hall, 1978.
The actual state-plane trajectories or
time-domain transient response may be found. This [9] J. J. Stoker, Nonlinear Vibrations, John
is easily accomplished by the computer evaluation Wiley and Sons, 1950.
of the models of Section 2. In this way, the
existence of unstable solutions may be observed, [10] Robert W. Erickson and R. D. Middlebrook,
and peak values of transient response waveforms
"Origins of Harmonic Distortion in Switching
Amplifiers," Proc. International PCI/M0T0RC0N
'82 Conference, San Francisco, California,
A number of effects have been neglected March 29-31, 1982.
here. Additional modes of operation may exist,
such as transient discontinuous conduction mode [ll] Robert W. Erickson and R. D. Middlebrook,
or current limiting modes. Also, more analysis "Large-Signal Modelling and Analysis of
is possible, such as the prediction of limit Distortion in Switching Amplifiers," Power
cycles and the analytical estimation of stability Electronics Group, California Institute of
regions. Nonetheless, the most basic aspects of Technology, January 1982.
the nonlinear phenomena which occur have now been
described, and the informed large-signal design
of most switching regulators is now possible.