U.S. Smoke & Fire Operational Performance & Reqd PM Manual
U.S. Smoke & Fire Operational Performance & Reqd PM Manual
U.S. Smoke & Fire Operational Performance & Reqd PM Manual
Tests is undertaken using our UL listed Group Control Panel (GCP) and Motor Control
Circuit (MCC). Consistent cycling of the low voltage motors during fire alarm system may
damage curtain systems. All SD series Fire Protective Curtain systems are not designed to
be consistently cycled per the manufacturers guidelines.
Architecture/Engineering Team
[email protected]
The U.S . CARE pre ve nta tive ma inte na nce s e rvice pe rforms the following 30 point e le ctrica l a
nd me cha nica l s e rvice on your U.S . S moke & Fire curta in product a nnua lly.
If the re are a ny pa rts that will re quire re pla ceme nt upon te s ting a t time of vis it, the te chnicia n(s )
will cha nge the component at the price s lis te d be low
for U.S. Care e le ctrica l compone nts pe r the preve nta tive ma inte na nce ra te s .
U.S. Care will arrange a separate Time & Materials appointment for any service that needs to be
performed outside the scope of this preventative maintenance agreement or any components that may be
replaced on site.
PLEASE NOTE: The manufacturer’s warranty is subject to obtaining the U.S. Smoke & Fire
annual preventative maintenance agreement conducted by factory-certified technicians per
NFPA 3 guidelines.
1 - System Overview
1.0 Description ...................................................................... 4
1.1 Operation ...................................................................... 4
1.2 Manufacture ...................................................................... 5
1.3 Fabric ...................................................................... 5
1.4 Certification ...................................................................... 6
1.5 Features ...................................................................... 5
1.6 Control & Indicators ...................................................................... 7
1.7 Electrical Requirements ...................................................................... 7
1.8 Components ...................................................................... 8
1.9 Optional Extras ...................................................................... 8
1.10 Components ...................................................................... 9
1.11 Head Box Sizing Chart ...................................................................... 9
2 - Installation
2.0 Head Box ……………………………………………… 10
2.1 Rollers
2.2 Motor Control Circuit
2.3 Motor Supply Loop
2.4 Group Control Panel
2.5 Linking Group Control Panels
2.6 Fire Alarm Contact
3 - Commissioning
3.0 Fitting The Bottom Bar ...................................................................... 15
3.1 Mains Supply
3.2 Group Control Panel
3.3 Remote Key switch
4 - Maintenance
4.0 Description ...................................................................... 16
4.2 Operation
4.2 Features
4.3 Control & Indicators
5 - Fault Finding
5.0 Common Fault Conditions ...................................................................... 18
5.1 Control Sequence .
7- Specifications ………………………………………………. 20
A test in which a curtain is powered down under normal test conditions are only proving that
they can deploy when powered. This does not confirm an ability to fail safe.
The SD60, SD60G and SD240G are gravity fail safe fire protective automatic smoke curtain
systems utilizing the latest in electronic technology. The system meets the requirements of
both BS 7346 : Part 3 ; 1990 and EN 12101-1 : 2002. All smoke curtain systems are
manufactured and installed in accordance with our BS EN ISO 9001 certification.
1.2 - Operation
Under normal conditions the curtain is retracted in the head box and is held in position by
the electronics contained within a remote enclosure mounted on the motor end of the box.
The bottom bar will be resting against the under side of the box or below the box if a
stopping bar is installed, the stopping bar will then rest against the box.
In the event of a fire condition or operation of the test key switch the group control panel
removes the power to the curtain motors. The curtain descends in a controlled manner
under the power of gravity and stops in the lower position when all the fabric is unwound
from the roller. When the signal is reset the group control panel re connects the power to the
motors which will retract the curtains to the up position.
Should the mains power fail to the group control panel the supply is automatically switched
to the integral standby battery. The curtain remains in the retracted position for 4 hour (fully
loaded system). The curtain will remain fully operational until the battery voltage reaches
83% of nominal (19.5v), the curtains will then descend under the power of gravity to the
operational position. Once the battery voltage reaches 80% of nominal voltage 19.2v the
System will automatically be disconnect the standby batteries to prevent deep discharge of
the standby batteries.
The SD Series systems have a number of built-in options which can be activated by simply
adjusting PCB mounted switches on the main circuit board. The standard features are:-
•Delay Reset, Delays the retraction of the curtains after a fire or a manual test sequence.
•Delay Drop, Delays the deployment of the curtains if the panel goes into a fire or
manual test sequence.
•Two Stage Decent, allows the panel to stop the decent of the curtains after a pre-
determined period to provide egress from a building. The curtains are held in 1 stage
position for a second pre-determined time adjusted by a second timer switch.
•Manual Override input, that allows the end user to manually override the deployment of
the curtains.
1.3 - Manufacture
All our manufacturing processes and Quality Control procedures meet the full requirements
of BS EN ISO 9001:1994 and all fire protective automatic smoke curtain products are
designed and manufactured in full compliance with the appropriate US, BS, UK, European
and UL/ULC regulations.
1.4 - Fabric
The fabric used in the manufacture of our SD60 and SD60G curtains is a micronised
aluminum polymer coated glass cloth with a nominal weight of 420 g/m², this fabric is tested
to withstand 1800 ºF after 1 hour. The fabric used in the manufacture of our SD240G curtain
is a micronised aluminum polymer coated glass cloth interwoven with steel thread with a
nominal weight of 550 g/m², this fabric is tested to withstand 1800 ºF after 3 hours. All
curtains are sewn together using stainless steel thread.
1.5 - Certification
BS 7346 : Part 3 : 1990 WFRC No. C82984 To test an automatic smoke curtain to the test
methods described in Clauses 3.2.3 and 4.3
"Reliability of automatic smoke curtain of BS
7346:Part 3: 1990 Components for smoke and
heat control systems, specification for smoke
BS 7346 : Part 3 : 1990 WFRC No. 121880 Fire/heat test generally in accordance with BS
7346: Part 3: 1990, clause 4.1, on a fabric smoke
BS 7346 : Part 3 : 1990 WFRC No. 103023 To test an automatic smoke curtain to the test
methods described in Clause 4.2 "Deflection" and
Clause 3.2.3 of BS 7346: Part 3: 1990
"Components for smoke and heat control
systems, specification for smoke curtains."
BS 7346 : Part 3 : 1990 WFRC No. 103547 Appraisal of the performance of various sizes of
automatic smoke curtains with respect to their
ability to comply with the requirements for "Rate
of Fall" Clause 3.2.3, and "Deflection", Clause
4.2, of BS 7346: Part 3: 1990.
BS 7346 : Part 3 : 1990 WFRC No. 100909 To test an automatic smoke curtain to the
methods described in Clause 4.2, "Deflection", of
BS 7346: Part 3: 1990 "Components for smoke
and heat control systems, specification for smoke
BS 476 : Part 6 : 1989 WFRC No. 72503 To determine the fire propagation index of
specimens of a product when they are tested in
accordance with BS 476: Part 6: 1989 "Fire tests
on building materials and structures, method of
test for fire propagation for products"
BS 476: Part 22 : 1987 WFRC No. 121878 Fire Resistance Test in Accordance with clause 8
of BS 476: Part 22: 1987 on an Asymmetrical
Uninsulated Drop Curtain.
Pr EN 12101-1 903 559 000/Re/Ei Testing of a smoke curtain according to prEN
12101-1 (Feb. 2002) for temperature/time
resistance, operational safety and smoke
UL 10 C R21493/03CA24721 In accordance with the 9th Edition of the Standard
for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies, UL 10B and the
6th Edition of the standard for Fire Dampers, UL
UL 864 May 2007
ULC-S527-99 June
1999 edition
LED Indication:
Mains Supply : 120v 60Hz Mains supply required at each panel position.
Fire Alarm Interface : Pair of clean contacts per smoke zone. GCP’s can be interlinked.
Should a zone of curtains require to be activated by more than 1
smoke zone the fire alarm contacts can be wired in series?
Motors: 24v AC/DC supply from GCP. A low voltage cable wired in a ring to reduce voltage
drop and fault conditions. The maximum voltage drop should not exceed 1.75v
1.9 - Components
Group Control Panel: The Group Control Panel can support up to 5 SD Series
Stock Code: SD3/GCP smoke curtain motors. In normal operation the GCP
DRG. No. 2313/020/A provides a constant 24v AC supply to the rollers under
it’s control. Should a fire condition arise or the test key is
DRG. No. 2313/802/A operated the GCP removes the 24v and the curtains
descend under the power of gravity.
Battery: 2 no. 12 v 7 Ah batteries are installed in each GCP. The
Stock Code: CE033 battery allows full operation of the system in the event of
DRG. No. 2313/802/A a mains failure.
Motor: The SD Series motor assembly is responsible for driving
Stock Code: SD3/Motor and then stopping the curtain in the normal operational
DRG. No. 2313/000/A position via a current limiting circuit and providing a
controlled speed of descent via back EMF generation.
Motor Control Circuit: The control circuitry for the motor is housed in a remote
Stock Code: SD3/Motor Relay enclosure. The enclosure should be mounted onto the
DRG. No. 2313/802/A motor end of the curtain head box.
Head Box: The head box is manufactured from 1.2 mm galvanised
DRG. NO. 2313/019 steel. Single roller systems will have a 150 x 150 mm
DRG. NO. 2313/021 section and multiple rollers will have a 250 x 150 mm
section. Curtains with longer drops shall have
dimensions as detailed in section 1.11.
Roller: Housed in the curtain head box the 70 mm 2, 1.2 mm
DRG. No. 2313/000/A thick octagonal roller supports the curtain fabric and
bottom bar.
Shaft Assembly:
Stock Code: SD3/Shaft The shaft assembly provides a support at the opposite
DRG. No. 2313/000A end of the roller as the motor.
Brackets: Fixed to the head box endplates/roller support plates the
Stock Code: DBRPEB brackets secure the rollers in place using a split pin
DRG. No. 2313/000A fixing.
Fabric: 180 min. rated at 1000° C. Glass cloth fabric with a
Stock Code: C4100WK micronized aluminum polymer coated to both sides,
tested to BS 476 Parts 6, 7, 20 & 22.
Bottom Bar: The lower edge of the curtains will incorporate a twin
Stock Code: DBRPEB inverted aluminium angle which acts as a weight bar to
enable the curtain to unwind upon receipt of a signal
from the fire alarm panel and also helps to stabilise the
curtains. A polycarbonate extrusion will be fitted to the
angle for aesthetic purposes and to provide a stop
against the underside of the head box.
Curtain Drop Single Rollers Side By Side Rollers Over & Under Rollers
Up to 3000 150 x 150 250 x 150 250 x 180
Up to 8000 180 x 180 350 x 180 350 x 230
Up To 12000 200 x 200 350 x 240 410 x 255
Up To 20000 300 x 300 490 x 300 510 x 300
Chapter 2 : Installation
2.1 - Head Box
The SD Series head box constructed from galvanised mild-steel head box which is normally
supported from a framework of Unistrut channel and M10 studding, supplied by others, an
example of this is shown on drawing nos. 1000/111 & 1000/110. The unistrut frame shall be
installed at 1.2 m centres.
It is imperative the head box be installed level, failure to do this may result in the curtain
“travelling” when being retracted.
The head box can be mounted directly onto the building structure through fixings on the top
or side of the box, the fixings shall be at 1.2 m centres.
The installer must ensure the fixings do not protrude into the head box and tear the curtain
2.2 - Roller
The roller, supplied with the fabric curtain attached will be supplied inside a protective
polythene wrapping. Remove the polythene and position the roller inside the corresponding
head box, the roller is supported by a bracket at each end. Once in position secure the roller
at both ends using the split pins provided. See drawing no. 2313/000.
When the roller is secured the cover plate can be fitted, for ease of commissioning it is
recommended that approximately 60 mm of fabric is pulled from the roller and left protruding
from the head box.
Ensure that the cores of the flexible motor cable are not in contact whilst the roller is being
turned . Electrical contact between the cable will cause resistance to rotation and could
result in mechanical damage if forced.
The GCP-2 power supply relies on natural convection through the case louvers to cool the
electronics. For correct operation the Group Control panel MUST be mounted vertically
allowing a free air clearance around the case of 50mm.
The GCP-2 should be mounted indoors in a dry environment free from water splashes or
Ensure all cabling is routed into the control panel via the 20mm knockouts provided.
N.B. - The printed circuit boards contained within the Group Control panel contain static
sensitive components. Suitable precautions should be taken when handling circuit boards.
Upon the connection of any components DO NOT USE any high voltage test equipment on
the circuit.
1. Mount the GCP as near as possible to the first curtain motor on the supply loop.
2. Remove the input fuse and then connect the 120v AC supply to the mains input terminals
adjacent the transformer.
3. Remove the 20A output fuse do not connect the 24v supply loop.
4. If the fire alarm contact is available leave disconnected in the panel. Link out the “Fire
Alarm” connection.
5. Connect the 2 no. batteries using the link provided. Ensure that you have correct polarity.
The battery connections are shown on drawing no. 2313/808.
2.6 - Linking Group Control Panels
The group control Panel can support 5 smoke curtain rollers, if a smoke zone has more than
5 rollers installed group control panels can be interlinked, this is carried out as follows:
The GCP-2 has a number of standard features that can be activated by simply adjusting
individual switches.
Detailed below is a drawing showing the Option feature switch assembly which is mounted
on the main PCB.
It is recommended that long drop curtains should be made up in this way or be fitted with
two motors and motor control circuits to prevent deployment at excessive speed in the event
of a motor or component failure. Do not allow the roller to deploy by gravity without the
motor control panel being connected. This could result in the motor rotating at excessive
speed and being damaged.
The key which can only be removed in the “Normal” position is mounted on an IP65 rated
enclosure and is suitable for external use.
4.1 - Annual Maintenance - Only to be carried out by factory-certified U. S. Smoke & Fire
The U.S. CARE preventative maintenance service performs the following 30 point electrical and
mechanical service on your U.S. Smoke & Fire curtain product annually.
If there are any parts that will require replacement upon testing at time of visit, the technician(s) will
change the component(s).
for U.S. Care electrical components per the preventative maintenance rates.
4.2 Full Optional Test Procedure
To test all the features of the panel follow the following procedures.
Fault: Automatic smoke curtains drop to the lower limit without warning and remain lowered.
Possible Cause:
Fault on the alarm input to any group control panel. Check fire alarm contact is not
open circuit.
Extended mains failure. Restore the mains to the system. This is a common fault
when other trades are working on the site.
Failure of battery back up. Check the condition of the battery and measure the
voltage. During installation the mains power can be disconnected for long periods of time,
excessive use of the battery back up may cause premature failure of the cells.
Fault on wiring from the control panel. Check wiring for continuity. Commonly caused
by other trades working in ceiling voids. A broken cable will cause the curtain to descend.
The test key has been operated
Fault: The curtain fails to drop to the lowered position on test or receipt of an alarm or test
Possible Cause:
Check the bottom bar or curtain fabric is not obstructed.
Extra weight may be required, this should be inserted into the polycarbonate
Possible Cause:
Check the curtain has not “snagged” on any obstructions.
Possible Cause:
Failure of the battery or charger unit within the group control panel. Replace the
battery as required. This fault is usually a symptom of excessive power failures.
Chapter 6 : Drawing Register
BLE reserve the right to change colour, price or specification without prior notice