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Chapter 1



The SHS program was introduced in the Philippines in 2012 as part of the

K-12 program to improve the country's educational system. This educational level

provides students with various tracks that will prepare them for their future

careers, whether it is in academics or technical-vocational. Choosing the

appropriate SHS strand is an essential decision because it can have a significant

impact on their future academic and professional careers. Following their diverse

dreams and interests in life that can still change over time (Deil-Amen, 2011). In

relevance, knowing and exploring one’s field of interest will nurture and help one

land on the right career track since these factors play a crucial role in determining

a future career that suits them. In choosing a career a student’s interest to their

preferred track must be given importance. However, despite its importance, there

is a lack of understanding. Hence, we were prompted to find out the students’

preferred strand, the factors' level of influence on the senior high school strand

preferences, and if there is a significant relationship between the factors and

strands, to help the students decide on their future senior high strand in

accordance to the path that suits them most.

This study indicated that being adolescent can be extremely can be lonely.

It is not unusual to have a feeling that there is no one turn into when problems

come arise. This is the stage where major decisions and deep concerns affect

the courses of their lives. Most adolescents are pressured to perform and

succeed, which experience severe stress in meeting this expectation.

(, 2017). Senior High School Students needs a lot of professional

advice especially, in choosing their track career. Choosing the perfect career that

will fit is one of the most important and crucial decision that every student has to

make. This can be a measure were there an individual that will be successful in

the future or not. Students must be sure on the career that they choose as a

preparation for their future situations and worthwhile occupations. At the same

time, at this age, self-realization is very important, try-outs, and choosing the right

strand is the first step. As the researchers of this study, we aim is this to be a

guide in choosing their K-12 strand for entry in Senior High School and this study

to a be a help for their future career development.

There are several studies have been conducted on the factors that

influence students' track preference, and they have identified several

determinants of SHS track preference. For instance, Lorenz et al., (2020) found

that students' interest, career goals, and perceived benefits of the track were the

primary factors that influenced their track preference. (Moneva & Malbas, 2019;

Santric-Milicevic et al., 2014) in their study revealed that in career selection, the

students have to undergo an intricate process, where they should consider

factors that would affect their overall decision such as the respondents’ profile,

socio-economic status, educational attainment, personal interest, and many other

aspects to forcefully be open-minded of the things they will encounter in the not

too distant future. The stage when teenager needs guidance in the proper

selection of their desired career. Where, they will arrive at the right decision

considering their innate capacities, educational privilege offered to the students

and other resources that society makes available for them to be more efficient

and effective (DepEd, 2017).

The study entitled "Factors Affecting the Strand Preference of the Senior

High School Students of CKCM" aims to comprehensively investigate the

determinants of SHS strand preference among grade 10 students in the

Philippines. The study will use a mixed-methods approach, combining

quantitative and qualitative research methods to collect and analyze data. The

study's objective is to identify the factors that influence students' track preference

and provide insights into how policymakers, educators, and parents can support

students in making informed decisions about their SHS tracks. The basis why

this study is very important and very useful not just for the students themselves

and not just beneficial to the future researchers but also the researchers

themselves, they will benefit and will contribute to the researchers. As they can

find out what they want to know in response to their research.

This study covers the AY 2023-2024 to be completed and to find out the

Factors Affecting the Strand Preference of the Senior High School Students of

Christ the King College de Maranding. To properly investigate, gather precise

data, and address the research topic, a detailed and rigorous study plan must be


In order to further investigate the study and the problem itself, the

researchers had to consider a number of significant qualities, including the

confidence to conduct the study through the combination of their skills and

experiences, the capacity to understand the contemporary difficulties facing

society, and the presence of their unity within themselves that will really set them

apart from the other individuals. They can assert that they are trustworthy and

capable of managing this area of expertise.

Theoretical Framework

In this study, the researcher anchored the following theories that support

the ideas about the Strand Preference of the Senior High Students of CKCM:

The Theory of Circumscription and Compromise by Gottfredson (1981), The

Theory of Career Choice by Hollandof, RIASEC (1959) and the Socioeconomic


According to Gottfredson's Theory, occupational aspirations are a

reflection of oneself. People seek occupations that (a) arc congruent with their

self-image and (b) reflect their knowledge of different occupations. This theory

describes that students become attracted to certain specializations. Students

tends to choose jobs that connect to personality and their knowledge.

And According to John Holland’s Theory suggests that in choosing a

career, people prefer jobs where they can be around others who are like them.

They search for environments that will let them use their skills and abilities, and

express their attitude and values, while taking on enjoyable problems and roles.

Holland's Theory places on the accuracy of self knowledge and career

information necessary for career decision making.

Additionally, according to Socioeconomic Theory suggests that many

people follow the path that has less resistance in their career development by

simply falling into whatever work opportunities that happen to come their way.

This approach can also explain why certain students choose their preferred

strand as their specializations.

Conceptual Framework

The research entitled “Factors affecting the Strand Preference of Senior

High School Students of CKCM” will be conducted to identify the factors affecting

the strand preference of the Senior High School students. The study will use forty

(40) SHS students and select 10 students from each strand of Accountancy

Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS),

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Technical-

Vocational Livelihood (TVL) of CKCM’s SHS as the respondents. They will be

observed based on their attendance record, guidance record, behaviour

observed by the teacher as evidence.

The Figure A as a schematic paradigm shows the illustration of the

interplay of the dependent and independent variables, as well as the output of

the study. The independent variables show the profile of the respondents: age,

gender, etc. and addition factors that leads to the dependent variable, which are

the socio-economic status, parents, job opportunities and personal interest.

Thus, creating a program or a symposium for awareness dissemination in the


Independent Variables Dependent Variables Output

Factors Affecting

the Strand
1.Profile of the
1.1 Socio-
1.1 Age
Economic Status Career
1.2 Gender
1.2 Parents Development
1.3 Educational
1.3 Job
1.4 Occupation
1.4 Personal


Figure A. Schematic Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This Study aimed to determine the Factors Affecting the Strand

Preference of the Senior High School Students of CKCM. Specifically, it seeks to

answer the following:

1. How may the demographic profile of the students be described in terms


1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Parents’ Educational Attainment; and

1.4 Occupation?

2. What are the leading factors that affect the Senior High School Students

to take up for Senior High School?

2.1 Family Influence;

2.2 Personal Interest;

2.3 Peer Influence; and

2.4 Job Opportunities?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents to

the to the strand preference of the students?

4. What is the possible career development will be designed based on the

result of the study?


Hypotheses in null forms will be formulated and to be tested imperially at

level of significant.

Ho1. There is no significant relationship between the profile of the

respondents to the strand preference of the students.

Ho2. There is no significant relationship between the factors affecting the

SHS Students to the strand preference of the students.

Scope and Limitations

The focus of this research is to study the Factors Affecting the Strand

Preference on Senior High School Students. This study is only limited to those

senior high students who studied in Christ the King College de Maranding, the

researchers will survey 40 to 50 students and this study mainly focuses on the

factors such as the Profile of the Students, Family Influence, Personal Interest,

Peer Influence, and Opportunities. There maybe more factors however this will

not be included in this study.

Significance of the Study

This study will give the benefits to the following sectors of the society, in order for

them to know the results of this investigation could be highly significant and

beneficial specifically to the following:

Students. As the prospective Senior High School Learners in the future, the

result of this study will benefit and inspire them to formulate and act upon on their

chosen career plans in the future.

Community. The Community shall also benefit from this study in a sense

that they are vital to the development of the school. And as such, they would

eagerly give support in the future development of this school.

Teachers and Parents. They will also be more likely to provide wise

counsel to their children and students for the chosen strand.

Future Researchers. As the Role Model of the K-12 curriculum. This study

will benefit, greatly help and inspire them to be more innovative and carry out the

programs of Department of Education (DepEd) that will be beneficial to both the

learners and teachers.

The Researcher Themselves. This will be a benefit and will contribute to

the researchers. As they can find out what they want to know in response to their


Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined for better understanding of

the readers:

Interest. In this study, it refers to the qualities or things that attract one’s

attention and make a person want to learn more about something or to be

engaged on it.

Career. In this study, it refers to a student’s choice by interest or the path

of his/her chosen profession in the future.

Personality. In this study, it refers to the desired careers that a child

wants to be upon becoming adults.

Socio - Demographic Profile. In this study, it refers to the Gender, Age,

Socioeconomic status, Parents Occupation, and size of income.

Senior High School. In this study, it refers to the second part of

secondary education under the K-12 program, wherein the students would take

up the subjects under their chosen track or career pathway.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents a selection and studies that has a bearing on present

study. The researchers have gone through intensive readings of materials,

online. Most of the literature gathered talks about the factors that affect


Related Literature

1.1 Socio-Economic Status

Regarding the extent to which particular familial traits affect job

aspirations, there have been differing views and conclusions. example, data on

the impact of socioeconomic characteristics are inconclusive. Research has

shown that parent education and income have an impact on children's career

aspirations (Crockett and Binghham, 2000; Mau and Bikos, 2000; Teachman and

Paasch, 1998).

However, other research (Hossler and Stage, 1992; Sargiani, Wilson,

Peterson, and Vicary, 1990; Wilson and Wilson, 1992) suggests that only parent

education has an impact. The differences in the availability of facilities and the

level of investment in education of a household can eventually lead to

inequalities in students' academic achievements (Buchmann, 2002).

Family size seems to have an impact on teenage goals as well because

parents of larger families typically have less money to support and the older kids

in school, but younger kids might get greater financial help because older kids'

financial hardship lessens when they go home (Schulenberg, et al., 1984).

1.2 Parents

Parental perspectives hold significant sway over various aspects of

children's lives, encompassing their academic, vocational, and personal spheres

(Nawabi 2019). The Senior High School (SHS) program in the Philippines

offers various tracks for students to select, aiming to equip them with skills

relevant to their future endeavors. The decision-making process for choosing the

right SHS track is pivotal for grade 10 students. This segment presents an

overview of studies exploring the factors influencing grade 10 students'

preferences for SHS tracks in the Philippines (Kilag,2023)

The literature suggests that although parents may not actively seek to

dictate specific career choices for their children, they significantly impact various

aspects of their career development process. While factors like school

environments, peer interactions, and community influences contribute to a young

adult's self-identity and career decisions, parental expectations and perceptions

are identified as pivotal in shaping these choices (Nawabi 2019). Parents

hold significant influence over their children's lives, exerting a consistent and

strong impact on their personality development and career trajectory from early

childhood. The research revealed that children often seek career guidance and

approval primarily from their parents.. A prevailing notion among parents is that

education should primarily lead to earning respect and financial stability rather

than being viewed as a catalyst for societal change. While extensive international

research has explored parental influence on undergraduate and graduate

students, particularly in STEM fields and careers, limited studies have delved into

the perspectives of Asian parents regarding their children's career paths (Nawabi 2019).

Prior literatures have highlighted several factors contributing to the

choice of SHS tracks among students. Lorenz et al. (2020) discovered that

academic achievement, peer pressure, parental advice, and career ambitions

significantly influenced students' track preferences. The research revealed that

students excelling academically often opted for academic tracks, while those with

lower academic standings leaned towards TVL tracks. Additionally, the study

emphasized the pivotal roles of peer influence and parental guidance in shaping

track preferences. Students whose peers and parents supported their desired

track were more inclined to select it. Furthermore, students' career aspirations

played a crucial role, with those having clear career objectives being more

inclined to choose tracks aligning with their professional aspirations. Hence, the

latter suggests that parents are one of the factors. Parents significantly contribute

to their children's decision-making process regarding their choice of Senior High

School tracks. Their guidance, support, and influence play a crucial role in

shaping their children's preferences and ultimately impacting their educational

and career trajectories.

1.3 Job Opportunities

Here are many opportunities that wait for every career that one wants to

pursue. Some people may stumble upon better occupation opportunities, thanks

to the strategies and steps that they follow. Investigating for career opportunities

is well worth taking time as stated by the (Mind Tools, 2014). By doing this, one

can discover opportunities that are perfectly matched to his/her interests or skills,

find out about promotions and job openings before anyone else, and identify

ways of expanding the knowledge and skills needed for that career.

Opportunities exist for schools to take greater advantage of the fact that

their students are working by integrating employment and school experiences to

the benefit of adolescents’ vocational development. Guidance counselors can

play a key role in spearheading such efforts. Many youths do not see their jobs

as connected with their future work lives or as having any influence on their

occupational preferences. Through such programs, youth are exposed to the

possibilities of working in particular kinds of settings; they can learn about the

requirements to fill certain kinds of jobs and do particular types of tasks

mentioned by Hamilton (2000) with many extracurricular activities on her/his

resumé are sales, junior executive positions, and an educational career.

Work experience has been seen as the way a student demonstrates

responsibility and dependability. Those that are in the position to have the best

contacts are students with parents who hold supervisory or executive positions.

(Super 1957) stated that can be a hard fact to face, sometimes it is not what one

does know, but who does he know Schools and employment services have

played a huge role, therefore, in the social mobility of students entering the

workforce. Schools and employment agencies have matched the qualifications

the job level of the career seeker, using computers, and eliminating barriers of

distance quite easily.

1.4 Personal Interest

The research reviews, how a students strand preferences significantly

influence by personal Interest factors. According to the result of the research of

this researcher (Key C. Rio, Shaneley L. Quilario, Michelle D Torno, Lepjen B

Adlawan, Justin Bryle Pando, Jupith S Cabalan, John Michael Sasan) The study

of personal interest factors looks at both aptitude and interest, which allude to a

student's personality, and were discovered to be a crucial element in deciding on

a career path. When choosing a strand, they are based on their personalities and


Brown (2002) points out that in psychologically focused studies of career

choice, personality factors that inclined a person to pursue a certain sort of work

are highly highlighted. According to research, Students personal factors have a

significant impact on how they decide on a career.

According to Qing Dong Meng (2006) Personal Interest has the most

influence on student career choices. Family influence and personality also play a

role in career choice, but personal interest exerts a greater Force.

Related Studies

How does a student’s strand preference is significantly influenced by

socio-economic factors?

The study of socioeconomic conditions looks at how students do

academically as a way to identify socioeconomic and cultural elements (Bourdieu

1986; Coleman, 1988a, 1990b). Some empirical studies have found that students

with lower socio-economic status perform academically slower than students with

higher socio-economic status; consequently, a student's low socio-economic

status is associated with poor cognitive and academic development and

language problems (Morgan et al., 2009).

How does parents motivate students’ choice?

Parents serve as role models for their children and their parenting

patterns influence the emotional development of the child. The way parents

interact with their children, the balance between work and family, and the

environment in which the child grows up all play a role in shaping their

personality (Tan, 2020).

Prior study, on June 27, 2019, the Department of Psychology,

Universidad Autónoma de Chile conducted research about “Effect of Parental

Involvement on

Children’s Academic Achievement” were it shows that there are differences in

children’s academic achievement between the parental involvement profiles,

indicating children whose parents have a low involvement have lower academic

achievement. To support this, some articles also stated that “Parental influence

can be the basis of someone’s personality. Absorbing their characteristics is fairly

normal”. Parents’ educational attainment and occupation, motivates students’

career choices (Nazareno, 2021).

Job Opportunities.

Personal opportunities and the ability to work are important factors for

career development. Motivation at work influences the process of building a

career. Career development depends upon the ability to work and facilitate

overall success in the profession. The opportunities of an employee should not

be limited by psychological, physical and pedagogical factors, inclinations,

acquired experience and knowledge. They are subjected to life experience,

professional skills and overall knowledge about the world (Kuehn, 2008)

The literature on job opportunities encompasses various aspects related

to career transitions, employment determinants, and careers education. Studies

have explored factors influencing successful career transitions, In an article by

Law Insider, “job opportunities” refer to one or more recruitment occupations for

full-time employment with the applicant’s employer within the specific area where

the employer is looking for a worker or within the area of intended employment.

Personal Interest.

The students prioritize their personal interest and desire when choosing

their career paths, as individuals are more likely to excel in career that aligns with

their natural abilities and interest. Personal interests are learned from parents, in

school, from friends, and from your life long experiences. Personal Interest

emerged as the most crucial factor, it is a critical factor that drives individuals to

choose a career that aligns with their passion, abilities, and values.

Research Insights

Being adolescent can be extremely can be lonely, it is not unusual to

have a feeling that there is no one turn into when problems come arise. This is

the stage where major decisions and deep concerns affect the courses of their

lives. Most adolescents are pressured to perform and succeed, which experience

severe stress in meeting this expectation. Choosing the perfect career that will fit

a person’s abilities is one of the most important and crucial decision that every

student has to make. At the same time, at this age, self-realization is very

important, try-outs, and choosing the right strand is the first step. Students must

be sure on the career that they choose as a preparation for their future situations

and worthwhile occupations. Studies have shown that students base their

decisions on factors such as socioeconomic status, parents, personal interest,

and job opportunities that perceived benefits of the strand they choose and such

factors plays very significant roles. As the researchers of this study, we aimed

that this research will be a guide in choosing their K-12 strand for entry in Senior

High School and for this study to a be a help for their future career development.

Chapter 3


This Chapter presents the research methods used in the study. It also

tackles about the research design, research environment, respondents, data

gathering procedure, research instruments and their validity and the statistical

treatment of the data.

Research Design

The study takes the form of Descriptive Method in order to easily obtain

information. The Descriptive Method of research describes the Factors Affecting

Strand Preference of the Senior High School Students. AECT (2001) stated that

the three main purposes of descriptive research are to describe, explain, and

validate findings. This type of research is to clearly identify, examine and

expound the Factors affecting the Strand Preference of the Senior High School

Students. For the sampling procedure, the researchers will use the Non-

Probability Sampling for the respondents who will provide necessary data for the

study. The respondents will be chosen in Four Strands of Senior High School

students. We willl survey forty (40) students as our respondents, ten (10)

students from each strand of Accountancy and Business Management (ABM),

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Science Technology Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM) and Technical Educational and Livelihood (TVL). Once the

data are collected the researchers will determine the Factors Affecting the Strand

Preference of the Senior High School Students of Christ the King College de


Data Gathering Procedure

The data presented by the researchers were obtained through the use of

questionnaires. The questionnaires were divided into two parts. Part I was the

survey questions that evaluates the level of agreement given which consists of

ten (10) questions and part II was the open-ended questions with valid and

reliable instruments, The researcher will manage to reproduce the questionnaire

that accords with the number of the respondents. The researchers will obtain

permissions from the advisers to administer the research instrument and to

personally distribute the questionnaires for a hundred percent guarantee of

returning the answered questionnaires. The respondent's information will be

classified as confidential and the data that will be gathered will be useful.

Research Environment

The researchers will survey 40 students, (10 per strand). 10 students from

Accountancy and Business Management (ABM), Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS) Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

and Technical Educational and Livelihood (TVL). The study will be conducted at

Christ the King College de Maranding (CKCM) - High School Department, which

is located at Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte. It is consisting of ten students

from the four different strands. The researchers will conduct this study at CKCM-

SHS Building at Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte. This study can help the

respondents, the future researchers, students, teachers, parents, and the

researchers themselves, and those who would eagerly give support in the future

development of this school.

Figure 1. Location of Christ the King College de Maranding, Inc.

Local of the Study

This study will be conducted in Christ the King College de Maranding -

High school Department. Christ the King High School started its first year of

operation in Lanipao in 1950. It offered four levels of education in the Secondary

Department. It was transferred to Maranding in 1951 for expansion and

development. The late Eduardo Villanueva who was known by many

philanthropists donated two hectares of land as school site.

It is located at Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte, about 4.8 kilometers

away from the town proper and accessible to all land transportation. It is rural

agricultural land area. The school is currently in its level 1 in terms of School-

Based management as it continuously improves its partnership with the


Research Instruments and Their Validity

For this study, the Likert Scale was used to achieve the core objective of

the revision. A self-administered question was distributed to the selected Senior

High school students. The questionnaire given to the Senior High School

students aimed to assess their knowledge about the factors that affect in

choosing their track for Senior High School. The study used a questionnaire from

the study to gather the primary information and to attain the objectives of the

study and determined the Factors Affecting the Strand Preference of the Senior

High School Students of Christ the King College de Maranding (CKCM) was

given the opportunity to answer the survey.

Statistical Treatment

Responses to the questionnaire by the students will be statistically

analyzed with the data requirements of the study. The residents will be

statistically analyzed with the data instrument of the study. To have an accurate

interpretation of the gathered data, the following statistical tools are to be utilized.

Percentage. This was used to determine the preferred strand of the

respondents and compare the results to ensure that false impressions were not

created in the study.

Mean. This was used to determine the average of the student's responses

on the influence of socio-economic status, parents’ occupation, job opportunities,

and personal interest factors on their preferred senior high school strand.

Pearson Correlational Product. This will be used to determine the

significant relationships and will apply problems four and five.


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