JPSP 2022 266
JPSP 2022 266
JPSP 2022 266
2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2975 – 2979
Faculty of Commerce and Management, Kalinga University, Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India,
[email protected]
Faculty of Commerce and Management, Kalinga University, Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India,
[email protected]
Every organization’s realization about human resources being the most valuable asset has led to the
acceptance of policies like competence building, job rotation, performance-linked pay, etc. It is to
promote the overall development of human resources. A lot of attention is also being given to employee
welfare and social security. Post-retirement benefits are also offered along with health insurance,
provident fund, pension etc. A vital role is played by HR in acquisition, preparation and maintenance
of human resources for addressing various challenges. Changing market conditions also pose a major
challenge to organizations. Market inflations, and downfalls, each add up to the challenges. Candidates'
reaction to situation varies even under the most likely circumstances. These are blockers to human
resource management. It has to be pro-actively dealt with and necessary steps need to be taken for
affection human resource function.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the These challenges of the management are one of
process of recruiting, selecting, placement, the huge challenges of today’s era that is why
promoting, transferring, firing, training, and today globalization is welcoming various
development, motivating employees, business firms to expand globally which is vital
compensation & benefits and the selections of and adding value to the national and
right person for the right job. HRM (human international income.
resource management) is the combinations of
some functions as the following… Emerging Challenges:
One of the most important and critical activity
⮚ Planning
for HR manager is the planning of HR.
⮚ Organizing According to the 21st century the firms have to
change from behind the visible aspect to the
⮚ Directing critical seeming differentiators of business. The
firms or organizations should adopt the changes
⮚ Controlling of globalization like: the new technology,
selection & recruiting skills, knowledge and
⮚ Staffing suitable manpower. The manpower of
Human resource management is an management is hiring one of the exasperate task
interdisciplinary subject of the organization. The and for which it requires specialized skills and
main reason of HRM is expected for utilization knowledge. In the past few years, numerous
of existing knowledgeable and skills workforce. changes have taken place due to the rise in
In this 21st century nationally and several discharge of employees and personnel.
internationally the human resource management Number of people lost their job and it is a huge
(HRM) is trying to utilize the knowledge, skills pressure on the organization’s management that
and expertise of the employees and labors as which is putting the organization in a serious
much as possible. Efficiently and effectively to situation to follow the procedure and strategy of
meet the organizational target and goal, HRM discussing the following challenges faced by HR
(human resource management) is focusing of the which is identified through reviewing of
importance of workforce and employee’s literature.
compensation and benefits to concerns as Challenges of Technology Advancement:
employees are playing a vital role in the
organization targeting its objectives to be The world of business is going to change. The
successful. The organizations around the globe main source of these changes is the fast
are recently going through some challenges of advancement of the technology. The
the dynamic environment to which the organizations and firms should adopt these
companies are required to adopt new changes changes for their businesses otherwise the
and apply effort for the profit of the competition in the national & international
organization. Nowadays the firms are coming market will be difficult and for that purpose the
across various challenges and the HR trying to harshest challenges which is going to be faced in
overcome these challenges and these challenges the organization is HR because the change in
are…. technology and machinery itself means the
change in the nature of work process itself and
⮚ Globalization. numerous of employees and labors will be
displaced by the advanced technology. These
⮚ Technological advancement. positive changes are good and necessary for the
⮚ Everyday innovation. business firms to exist and remain competitive
in the market. But it can be a red light or a
⮚ Political as well as economic instability. serious error to ignore the employees. These
changes have an impact on the workforce the
⮚ Ethical and ecological challenges. advancement of the technology which reduces
various jobs which requires little knowledge and
⮚ Skills workforces. skills but it is increasing the number of jobs
which are requiring considerable high-profile
⮚ Environment challenges.
skills & knowledge. The work process moving
2977 Journal of Positive School Psychology
from hardware to software means from the touch according to Thomas it’s not limited to the
of labour to the required knowledge and skills of following...
the demanding work. The situation is tough but
the organization has to change the technology. ⮚ Age
The advance and new technology will be
⮚ Gender
increasing unemployment and there would be
shortage of knowledgeable and skilled ⮚ Ethnicity
employees. Technology besides of various
facilities, it also brings challenges and ⮚ Ancestry
difficulties in the organization.
⮚ Physical abilities
Modern Globalization Challenges in the HRM:
⮚ Race
First of all it is need to know about globalization
and its meaning. Globalization is the process of ⮚ Educational background
interconnection of various parts of the world
through your business. The main aim or ⮚ Sexual orientation
objective of globalization is to secure socio-
economic integration and development of all the ⮚ Income
people of the world through a free flow of goods,
services, information, knowledge and people ⮚ Marital statue
across all boundaries. As we know globalization ⮚ Geographic location
meaning is going beyond the national borders
for the same product market force which ⮚ Military experience
operates the economic activities for the
countries at all level and is showing the unity of ⮚ Religious believes
trade world and its financial market as well.
Growing of globalization and ⮚ Parental statue
internationalization has the major impact on the
⮚ Values
HRM in the following terms…….
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