Application Form Local Staff
Application Form Local Staff
Application Form Local Staff
Security clearance
From: To:
Description of tasks and responsibilities (management level, supervisory level, number of personnel supervised
From: To:
Description of tasks and responsibilities (management level, supervisory level, number of personnel supervised
Supervisor’s name: E-mail: Phone N°:
From: To:
Description of tasks and responsibilities (management level, supervisory level, number of personnel supervised
From: To:
Description of tasks and responsibilities (management level, supervisory level, number of personnel supervised):
From: To:
Description of tasks and responsibilities (management level, supervisory level, number of personnel supervised):
From: To:
Description of tasks and responsibilities (management level, supervisory level, number of personnel supervised):
Supervisor’s name: E-mail: Phone N°:
From: To:
Description of tasks and responsibilities (management level, supervisory level, number of personnel supervised):
From: To:
Computer skills
Please explain the reasons for your application, covering your profile and particular interest in this position. Add
any other information that might be relevant to your application, including any skills, knowledge and experience
for which there was no space above.
How quickly would you be available for deployment in case of a job offer?
Do you agree that the Mission to make enquires about your educational and [ ] Yes, [ ] No
professional background?
Are any close family members of yours, to the best of your knowledge, applying to [ ] Yes, [ ] No
this Call for Contributions or has already been working in the Mission?
How did you find out about this Call for Applications?
If you responded “Yes” to any of the previous questions, please provide details
By submitting this application form, I certify that the statements made by me in I agree:
answer to the foregoing questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I understand that any misrepresentation or material omission [ ] Yes, [ ] No
made on the Application Form will result in the application being void and will
result in termination or dismissal from the mission
If selected, you will be requested to supply documentary evidence which supports the statements you made above. Do
not, however, send any documentary evidence until you have been asked to do so.
Please note that recruitment of couples and family members in the Mission is possible, provided that they will act
independently in their area of work, i.e. they do not work in a direct hierarchical relationship; do not work in the same
unit; do not have close professional relationship/significant impact on each other’s area of work.
With reference to the Call for Applications, please be reminded that physical and mental health are general conditions
and considered as essential requirement of the selection to all positions of European Union Mission in Armenia.
Candidates must be physically fit and in good health without any physical or mental problems or substance dependency
which may impair operational performance in the Area of Operations of the Mission. If you are selected, before
receiving the final job offer, you will be required to certify being medically fit for the specific post. This entails
complying with medical procedure that includes health check and might include, for certain positions, a mandatory
psychological assessment and drug screening. Only selected candidate proven to be medically fit to work in the Mission
will receive a final job offer. Medical data will be handled with confidentiality and in line with EU Charter of
Fundamental Rights and the Standard Operating Procedure on the protection of personal data.
The Head of Mission reserves the right to reject the deployment of any selected candidates who proves to be medically
unfit to work in the Mission.