Midterm Commercial
Midterm Commercial
Midterm Commercial
Garnishment DOSRI
General rule: The prohibition against examination of or
inquiry into a bank deposit under Republic Act 1405 General rule [Sec. 36]: No director or officer of
does not preclude its being garnished to insure any bank:
satisfaction of a judgment 1. Shall, directly or indirectly, for himself or as
the representative or agent of others,
In the garnishment of deposits to insure satisfaction of a borrow from such bank, nor
judgment, there is no real inquiry, and if the existence 2. Shall he become a guarantor, endorser or
of the deposit is disclosed, the disclosure is purely surety for loans from such bank to others,
incidental to the execution process. or in any manner be an obligor or incur any
contractual liability to the bank
Exception: Foreign Currency Deposits
The foreign currency deposits shall be exempt from Waiver of Bank Secrecy
attachment, garnishment, or any other order or process A DOSRI borrower is required to waive the
of any court, legislative body, government agency or any secrecy of his deposits of whatever nature in all
administrative body whatsoever banks in the Philippines. [Sec. 26, NCBA]
1. Forbid the institution from doing business in the Liquidation refers to the recovery and conversion of
Philippines; and assets into cash for distribution to all creditors in
2. Designate the PDIC as receiver of the banking accordance with the rules on concurrence and
institution. preference of credits.
Note: This is done summarily and without need for Supervision and Examination
prior hearing. [Sec\ The BSP shall have supervision over, and conduct
periodic or special examinations of:
Suspicious Transactions are transactions with On motion of the AMLC filed before the expiration of
covered institutions, regardless of the amount involved, the original period of the freeze order, the court may,
where any of the following circumstances exist: for good cause shown, extend its effectivity. Upon the
a. There is no underlying legal or trade obligation, timely filing of such motion and pending resolution by
purpose or economic justification; the Court of Appeals, the freeze order shall remain
b. The client is not properly identified; effective. [Rule 10(a)(3), Revised IRR]
c. The amount involved is not commensurate with the
business or financial capacity of the client; Duties of covered institutions
d. Taking into account all known circumstances, it may (1) Implement Freeze Order. - Upon receipt of the
be perceived that the client’s transaction is structured notice of the freeze order, the covered person and
to avoid being the subject of reporting requirements government agency concerned shall immediately
under this Act; freeze the monetary instrument or property subject
e. Any circumstance relating to the transaction which is thereof, and shall immediately desist from and not
observed to deviate from the profile of the client and/or allow any transaction, withdrawal, transfer,
the client’s past transactions with the covered removal, conversion, other movement or
institution; concealment thereof.
f. The transaction is in any way related to an unlawful
(2) Freeze Related Accounts. - Upon receipt of
activity or offense under this Act that is about to be, is
the freeze order and upon verification by the covered
being or has been committed. [Sec. 3(b-1)]
person that there are accounts related to the
monetary instrument or property subject of the freeze
Money laundering is a crime whereby the
order, the covered person shall immediately freeze
proceeds of an unlawful activity are transacted,
these related accounts wherever these may be found.
thereby making them appear to have originated
If the related accounts cannot be determined within 24
from legitimate sources. hours from receipt of the freeze order due to the
volume and/or complexity of the transactions, or any
Safe Harbor Provision other justifiable factors, the covered person shall
effect the freezing of the related accounts within a
The Safe Harbor Provision states that no reasonable period and shall submit a supplemental
administrative, criminal or civil proceedings shall return thereof to the Court of Appeals and the AMLC
lie against any person for having made a covered within 24 hours from the freezing of said related
transaction report in the regular performance of his accounts.
duties and in good faith, whether or not such reporting
results in any criminal prosecution under this (3) Furnish Copy of Freeze Order to Owner or
Holder. - The covered person and government agency
Act or any other Philippine law. [Sec. 9] Lawyers and concerned shall likewise immediately furnish a copy of
accountants acting as independent legal professionals the notice of the freeze order upon the owner or
are not subject to the reporting requirement if the holder of the monetary instrument or property or
relevant information was obtained in circumstances related accounts subject thereof.
subject to professional secrecy or legal professional
privilege. (4) Submit Detailed Return. - Within 24 hours from
receipt of the freeze order, the covered person and
Freeze Orders government agency concerned shall submit, by
personal delivery, to the Court of Appeals and to the
Application for Freeze Orders AMLC, a written detailed return on the
Who may apply freeze order.
Upon verified ex parte petition by the AMLC and after
determination that probable cause exists that any (5) The covered person shall also submit to the
monetary instrument or property is in any way related AMLC, through the internet, an electronic detailed
to an unlawful activity, the Court of Appeals may issue return in a format to be prescribed by
a freeze order, which shall be effective immediately,
directing the concerned covered persons and
government agency to desist from allowing any
transaction, withdrawal, transfer, removal, conversion,
concealment, or other disposition of the subject Authority to Inquire into Bank
monetary instrument or property. [Rule 10(a), Revised Deposits
General Rule: The AMLC may inquire into or examine any
particular deposit or investment, including related
accounts, with any banking institution or non-bank
financial institution upon order of any competent court in
cases of violation of this Act when it has been established
that there is probable cause that the deposits or
investments involved are related: