SOP - SODH Support 1

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Standard Operating Procedures for R&D activities@


Developed by Team R&D

SOP for SODH support

3.0. Introduction
UPES is committed to instilling research fervor in all the students. Under SODH support for
students UPES has started Research and Innovation for Science and Engineering (RISE),
Research and Innovation for Students of Computer Science (RISCS), Research and Innovation for
Students of Business (RISB) and Research and Innovation for Students of Law (RISL).
SODH support for student at UPES was started with the prime objective of inculcating a culture
of innovation driven entrepreneurship through student projects and encourage students to be
innovators and entrepreneurs. Student projects that respond positively to the emerging local
and global challenges and opportunities relating to need for developing sustainable
product/technology are encouraged. The SODH aims at adopting ‘students as innovators’
approach and has a particular focus on completion of the research cycle for students through
supporting research dissemination. This initiative provides the testing ground for student to
test their research, develop new technology or design products that would lead to technology
or product development, research papers, patents and/or startups that can be taken up by the
UPES Centre for Innovation and Incubation to help the student become an entrepreneur.

3.2 Objective
The main objective of SODH is to adopt ‘students as innovators’ approach and has a particular
focus on completion of the research cycle for students through supporting research

3.3. Eligibility of Applicant

All UPES students with innovative research ideas, that address the current environmental, energy and
technological needs of the society are welcome. Students can form a team of maximum two candidates.
In case final year student is applying for the project, then other team member(s) should be from junior
batches; and when the final year student graduates, no additional member will be allowed to be
allocated to the project.

3.4. Eligibility of Project

All original ideas that offer innovative solutions to current environmental, energy related
problems or lead to an innovative product or technology that would benefit society at large.

3.4. Funding Support
B. Tech. and M. Tech. students will be provided with financial support of up to INR 20,000/- and INR
30,000/-, respectively to execute their research ideas under various research initiatives @ schools. If
required, on the recommendations of screening committee, a support of up to INR 60,000 can be
provided to the deserving project proposal.

3.5. Format for submission of proposal

Duly filled and signed hardcopy of the project proposal (Annexure 3.1) must be submitted to
the faculty coordinators from respective departments. Only those proposals which are
submitted along with a plagiarism check certificate duly signed by the mentor will be send for
review. It is the sole responsibility of the mentor to ensure that all the concepts and ideas are

3.6. Flow Chart of processes

3.7. Procedure for screening, selection and evaluation

1. Only those proposals which are submitted along with a plagiarism check certificate duly signed by the
mentor will be send for review. It is the sole responsibility of the mentor to ensure that all the concepts
and ideas are original.

2. Proposals will be evaluated by members of the screening committee.

3. Screening committee may call the students for presenting their idea. The committee may suggest
changes or modification which will be included in the revised proposal.

4. The decision of selection or rejection of a proposal will only be based on the recommendation and
feedback received from the screening committee.

5. Students can take the allotted amount through imprest form duly signed by the mentor(s), through
proper channel.

6. The student will start the work under his/her mentor.

7. Research work of the students will be evaluated in three stages: a. In the form of Mid Review in April.
b. In the form of progress evaluation presentations in September. c. Around 10 days before the final
evaluation. d. Final competitive round in the presence of external academic/industrial experts. The
presence of mentor is mandatory during these presentations.

8.Quality projects will be invited to be submitted with extension of the existing work in the next cycle of

9. Accounts will be settled before closing the semester through imprest clearance form directly from
finance department.

10. Failing to succeed in completion of project, students will not be allowed further for any submission
of project to SODH.

11. Residuary power will lie with Office of R&D @Schools.

12. Any discrepancies in financial matter will be dealt with serious concern and lead to severe

13. Project can be discontinued any time, with unanimous decision by committee formed by chairperson
for anomalies.

14. Project outcome in any form like publications, patent, models and other intellectual properties will
be property of University of Petroleum & Energy Studies. However, students and mentors are allowed to
publish or present their findings with due affiliation to UPES & SODH and the RISE/RISCS/RISM/RISL

15. Students will conduct the experiments utilizing the facilities available with UPES only. In case, any
external support is required, it should be through due permission from the R&D office @schools only.

16. The students will also provide photographs of the experiment.

3.8. Utilization Process of Grant

Mentor will submit the requirement letter for grant utilization to R&D office @ Schools. Based
on the recommendations of Office of R&D @ Schools, Dean Office will approve the utilization of
grant for finance department.

3.9. Criteria for ‘Successful’ project

• Publications

• Patents

• Proposal submitted for external funding

• Project taken up by the Incubation cell @UPES for further support
Dean R&D will issue a letter of successful completion of proposal to the team members.

3.10. Grievance redressal

Applicants may register their grievances at the Office of Dean R&D at any stage of evaluation,
grant utilization, review report and all the related CONCERN. R&D office must ensure the full
confidentiality and form a committee consist of -

• Two Senior Professor of Schools

• Two Subject Matter Expert (external or internal )
• One member nominated by Dean R&D as per the nature of grievance (Financial,
Technical etc.)

Recommendations of findings will be submitted to R&D office for appropriate action under the umbrella
of organization norms and regulations.

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