English Year-6-Transit-Forms-1
English Year-6-Transit-Forms-1
English Year-6-Transit-Forms-1
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Can display minimal understanding of the main idea, specific information and details of longer
simple texts and narratives with a lot of support.
Can display minimal understanding of more complex questions and longer sequences of classroom
instructions with a lot of support.
Can guess meaning of a few unfamiliar words with a lot of support.
Can recognise and reproduce some target language phonemes with a lot of support.
Can display some understanding of the main idea, specific information and details of longer simple
texts and narratives with a lot of support.
Can display some understanding of more complex questions and longer sequences of classroom
instructions with a lot of support.
Can guess meaning of some unfamiliar words with a lot of support.
Can recognise and reproduce a wide range of target language phonemes independently.
Can display understanding of the main idea, specific information and details of longer simple texts
and narratives with little or no support.
Can display understanding of more complex and longer sequences of supported classroom
Can guess meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words and by context.
Can recognise and reproduce a wide range of target language phonemes independently.
Can understand the main idea, specific information and details of longer simple texts and narratives
Can understand more complex questions and longer sequences of classroom instructions with little
or no support by responding to given tasks at times.
Can guess meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words and by
Can recognise and reproduce independently a wide range of target language phonemes.
Can understand the main idea, specific information and details of longer simple texts and narratives
Can understand more complex questions and longer sequences of classroom instructions with little
or no support by responding to given tasks most of the time.
Can guess meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words and by context.
Can recognise and reproduce independently a wide range of target language phonemes.
Can display understanding of the main idea, specific information and details of longer simple texts
and narratives independently.
Can display understanding of more complex questions and longer sequences of classroom
instructions independently by responding to given tasks easily.
Can guess meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words and by context.
Can guide others in a given task.
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with
1.1 Recognise and reproduce Recognise and reproduce target
independently a wide
target language sounds language phonemes intelligibly
range of target language phonemes
1.2.1 Understand with little or no
Understand the main idea
support the main idea of
when listening to texts on
longer simple texts on a range of
familiar topics
familiar topics
1.2.2 Understand with little or no
Understand specific details support specific information
1.2 when listening to texts on and details of longer simple texts on a
Understand meaning in a familiar topics range of familiar
variety topics
of familiar contexts 1.2.3 Understand with little or no
Understand narratives on
support longer simple
familiar topics
narratives on a range of familiar topics
1.2.4 Understand longer sequences of
Understand classroom
supported classroom
Understand questions on 1.2.5 Understand more complex
familiar topics supported questions
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar
1.3 Use appropriate listening words from clues
Use appropriate strategies to
strategies in a variety of provided by other known words and by
understand meaning
contexts context on
familiar topics
Can communicate simple information about themselves using fixed phrases with a lot of support.
Can communicate rules, obligations and give reasons using fixed phrases with a lot of support.
Can manage interaction and extended classroom tasks by providing short and simple responses
with a lot of support.
Can describe personality and future plans or events using fixed phrases with a lot of support.
Can narrate short stories, events and experiences with difficulty even with a lot of support.
Can communicate simple information about themselves and others with a lot of support.
Can communicate rules, obligations and give reasons with a lot of support.
Can manage interaction and extended classroom tasks appropriately with a lot of support.
Can describe personality and future plans or events with a lot of support.
Can narrate short stories, events and experiences with a lot of support.
Can communicate simple information about themselves and others clearly.
Can communicate rules, obligations and give reasons adequately.
Can manage interaction and extended classroom tasks appropriately.
Can describe personality and future plans or events using suitable statements adequately.
Can narrate short stories, events and experiences adequately.
Can communicate simple information about themselves and others clearly by providing some
relevant details.
Can manage interaction and classroom task appropriately by sustaining communication at times.
Can describe people, places and things clearly using suitable statements with very few relevant
Can narrate short basic stories and events clearly at an appropriate pace.
Can communicate simple information about themselves and others clearly by providing a lot of
relevant details.
Can communicate rules, obligations and give reasons by providing a lot of relevant details.
Can manage interaction and extended classroom tasks appropriately by sustaining communication
most of the time.
Can describe personality and future plans or events clearly using suitable statements with some
relevant details.
Can narrate short stories, events and experiences with clear diction and articulation.
Can communicate simple information about themselves and others with a lot of relevant details
clearly and confidently.
Can communicate rules, obligations and give reasons by providing a lot of relevant details clearly
and confidently.
Can manage interaction and extended classroom tasks appropriately by sustaining communication
Can describe personality and future plans or events creatively using suitable statements.
Can narrate short stories, events and experiences creatively with clear diction and articulation.
Can display exemplary model of language use and guide others
Communicate simple information 2.1.1 Give detailed information about
about themselves clearly themselves and others
Find out simple information from 2.1.2 Ask about and express rules
2.1 others and obligations
Communicate simple
2.1.3 Explain and give reasons for
Communicate simple information simple advice
clearly 2.1.4 Ask about and describe future
plans or events
Describe people and things
2.1.5 Ask and describe personality
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short
exchanges by checking
2.2 Use appropriate Manage interaction appropriately
understanding of what a speaker is
2.2.2 Agree a set of basic steps
Manage classroom tasks
needed to complete extended
classroom tasks
2.3 Communicate
Communicate information, events 2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories,
appropriately to a small
and stories clearly to an audience events and experiences
or large group
simple longer texts with a lot of support.
Can guess meaning of very few unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known
words and by context as well as use a limited range of dictionary skills with a lot of
Can read A2 fiction or non-fiction print and digital texts of interest haltingly with a lot of
Can display some understanding of the main idea, specific information and details of
simple longer texts with a lot of support.
Can guess meaning of some unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words
and by context as well as use limited range of dictionary skills with a lot of support.
Can read A2 fiction or non-fiction print and digital texts of interest at a slower pace with a
lot of support.
Can understand the main idea, specific information and details of simple longer texts by
responding adequately to given tasks.
Can guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words
and by context as well as use dictionary skills adequately.
Can read and understand a range of A2 fiction or non-fiction print and digital texts of
interest by responding adequately to given tasks.
Can understand the main idea, specific information and details of simple longer texts by
responding clearly to given tasks most of the time.
Can guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words
and by context as well as use dictionary skills according to given tasks most of the time.
Can read and understand a range of A2 fiction or non-fiction print and digital texts of
interest by responding clearly to given tasks most of the time.
Can understand the main idea, specific information and details of simple longer texts by
responding clearly to given tasks with ease.
Can guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words
and by context as well as use dictionary skills according to given tasks with ease.
Can read and understand a range of A2 fiction or non-fiction print and digital texts of
interest by responding clearly to given tasks with ease.
Can understand the main idea, specific information and details of simple longer texts by
responding creatively to given tasks.
Can guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words
and by context as well as use dictionary skills effectively.
Can read fluently and understand a range of A2 fiction or non-fiction print and digital
texts of interest.
Can guide others in a given task.
Identify and distinguish the letters of
3.1.1 No learning standard
the alphabet*
This learning standard has
*Preliterate children will need more support
been covered in Year 1 and
to achieve this Learning Standard, literate
Year 2.
children more challenge and less support
Distinguish and articulate beginning,
3.1.2 No learning standard
3.1 medial and final sound words*
This learning standard has
Recognise words in linear *Preliterate children will need more support
been covered in Year 1 and
and non-linear texts by to achieve this Learning Standard, literate
Year 2.
using knowledge of sounds children more challenge and less support
of letters Blend phonemes to recognise words* 3.1.3 No learning standard
*Preliterate children will need more support This learning standard has
to achieve this Learning Standard, literate been covered in Year 1 and
children more challenge and less support Year 2.
Segment words into phonemes to spell* 3.1.4 No learning standard
*Preliterate children will need more support This learning standard has
to achieve this Learning Standard, literate been covered in Year 1 and
children more challenge and less support Year 2.
Understand the main idea in a variety of text types 3.2.1 Understand the main idea
on familiar topics of simple longer texts
3.2.2 Understand specific
3.2 Understand specific details in a variety of text
information and details of
Understand a variety of types on familiar topics
simple longer texts
linear and non
3.2.3 Guess the meaning of
linear print and digital texts
Use appropriate word attack skills to understand unfamiliar words from clues
by using
specific meaning provided by other known
appropriate reading
words and by context
3.2.4 Use with some support
familiar print and
Use appropriate basic dictionary skills
digital resources to check
3.3 Read independently for
3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2
information Read and understand a variety of
and enjoyment for fiction and non-fiction texts with
print and digital texts of
information and confidence and enjoyment
Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality
using fixed phrases with a lot of support.
Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using fixed phrases with a lot of
Can display minimal ability to spell words and use punctuations in independent writing as well as
connect sentences into two paragraphs with a lot of support.
Can display minimal ability to produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs in response to
Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality
using basic statements with a lot of support.
Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using basic statements with a lot of
Can spell words and use punctuations in independent writing as well as connect sentences into two
paragraphs with a lot of support.
Can produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs in response to feedback with a lot of
Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality
using suitable statements adequately.
Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using suitable statements adequately.
Can spell words accurately and use punctuations in independent writing as well as connect
sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more.
Can produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more in response to feedback.
Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality
using suitable statements with very few relevant details.
Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using suitable statements with very
few relevant details.
Can spell words accurately and use punctuations in independent writing as well as connect
sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more with very few relevant details.
Can produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more in response to feedback with
very few relevant details.
Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality
using suitable statements with some relevant details.
Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using suitable statements with some
relevant details.
Can spell words accurately and use punctuations in independent writing as well as connect
sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more with some relevant details.
Can produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more in response to feedback with
some relevant details.
Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality
with a variety of relevant details.
Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using suitable statements with a
variety of relevant details.
Can spell words accurately and use punctuations in independent writing as well as connect
sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more creatively.
Develop prewriting skills* 4.1.1 No learning standard
*Preliterate children only This learning standard has been covered in Year 1
4.1 Form letters and
words in neat legible
Develop early writing 4.1.2 No learning standard
print using cursive writing
skills* This learning standard has been covered in Year 1,
*all children Year 3 and Year 4
Communicate basic
4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves
personal information
and others
4.2 Communicate basic 4.2.2 Describe future plans or events
Communicate basic
information intelligibly 4.2.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and
information clearly
for a range of purposes in experiences
print and digital media Describe people and things
4.2.4 Describe personality
4.2.5 Connect sentences into two coherent
Organise basic information
paragraphs or more using basic coordinating
conjunctions and reference pronouns
4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, commas in
4.3 Punctuate texts
lists, question marks and speech marks
Communicate with appropriately
appropriately at discourse level
appropriate language form
Spell high frequency words 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately
and style for a range of
accurately in independent writing
purposes in print and
digital media Plan, draft and edit work 4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or
appropriately on familiar more for a familiar topic and modify this
topics appropriately in response to feedback
Can produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more in response to feedback with a
variety of relevant details.
Can display exemplary model of language use and guide others.