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Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan & Konseling: Jurnal Kajian Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Konseling

Volume 9 Nomor 1 Juni 2023. Hal 15-21

p-ISSN: 2443-2202 e-ISSN: 2477-2518
Homepage: http://ojs.unm.ac.id/index.php/JPPK
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/jpkk.v9i1.39969

Social skills, group cohesiveness, and social adjustment among

Vike Nur Aziza
Psychology, Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Effy Wardati Maryam
Psychology, Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

(Received: 01-12-2022; revised: 16-01-2023; published: 01-06-2023)

Abstract:This study aims to examine the relationship between social skills, group cohesiveness,
and social adjustment among santri at Burhanul Hidayah. The study used a quantitative
correlational design. The data were collected using the social skill scale with the reliability
value of 0.824, the group cohesiveness scale with the reliability value of 0.900, and the social
adjustment scale with the reliability value of 0.850. Based on the results of the multiple
regression analysis conducted on 203 subjects, there is a relationship between social skills,
group cohesiveness, and social adjustment with the significance value of 0.000 < 0.05,
indicating that there is a relationship between social skills, group cohesiveness, and social
adjustment among santri.

Keywords: social skills; group cohesiveness; social adjustment; santri.

Abstrak: Penelitian yang dilakukan memiliki tujuan agar mengetahui hubungan antara
keterampilan sosial dan kohesivitas kelompok terhadap penyesuaian sosial pada santri pondok
pesantren Burhanul Hidayah. Tipe Penelitian ini adalah kuantatif korelasional, dengan
pengumpulan data menggunakan alat ukur berupa skala keterampilan sosial dengan reliabilitas
sebesar 0.824, skala kohesivitas kelompok yang mempunyai nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0.900 dan
skala penyesuaian sosial yang mempunyai nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0.850. Menurut hasil analisis
regresi berganda yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti terhadap 203 subjek diketahui hasil bahwa
adanya hubungan antara keterampilan sosial dan kohesivitas kelompok terhadap penyesuaian
sosial dengan nilai signifikan 0.000 < 0.05, yang menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis mengatakan
terdapat hubungan antara keterampilan sosial dan kohesivitas kelompok terhadap penyesuaian
sosial santri.

Kata Kunci: keterampilan sosial; kohesivitas kelompok; penyesuaian sosial; santri.

Copyright © 2023 Universitas Negeri Makassar. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Aziza, Maryam, Social Skills…|16

INTRODUCTION lessons for no apparent reason, coming late to

school, or not grasping the lessons. In contrast,
Pesantren or Islamic boarding school is adolescents who have good social adjustment
an Islam-based educational institution that has an will show positive behaviors, such as having
important role in the history of Islam in many friends and performing well at school.
Indonesia, especially in Java and Madura. In A study on social adjustment by Susanto
some regions, it is called by different names. For and Muzakki (2017) that investigated the
example, it is called rangkang or meunasah in influence of emotional intelligence on social
Aceh, while it is called surau in West Sumatra adjustment of he adolescents in pesantren found
(Kariyanto n.d.). According to the Directorate of that there is a good or significant influence of
Early Education and Islamic Boarding Schools of emotional intelligence on social adjustment by
the Ministry of Religious Affairs, there are 7.9%, indicating that the higher an individual’s
currently 30,494 boarding schools in Indonesia; emotional intelligence is, the easier it is for them
one of which is called Burhanul Hidayah to make social adjustment. On the other hand, the
Boarding School. Located in Sidoarjo of East lower the emotional intelligence, the harder the
Java, Burhanul Hidayah Boarding School was social adjustment.
established in early 1997. It combines salaf and A study (Chandra and Rozali n.d.)
modern elements (Nufus, 2017). In addition to conducted on social adjustment in relation to
Islamic knowledge, education in today’s adversity intelligence revealed that adversity
pesantren is also focused on leadership, intelligence has an influence on social adjustment
togetherness, independence, simplicity of life, among santri at Islamic Boarding Junior High
perseverance, equality, honesty, and other School Daar el-Qolam 1 in Tangerang. The study
virtuous characteristics (Sulistio et al. 2018). also showed that the adversity intelligence
Pesantren are inextricably linked to climbers are more likely to make good social
santri. Santri are adolescents who attend adjustment.
pesantren either voluntarily or forced by their Based on the preliminary interviews with
parents (Susanto and Muzakki, 2017). Santri are the santri, the social-adjustment problems they
categorized into two groups: santri mukim faced included an inability to interact well with
and santri kalong. Santri mukim are santri new people, an individualistic nature, and failure
who come from a remote area and live in to follow the rules in the pesantren.
pesantren for a certain period of time to seek Social adjustment is a skill that every
knowledge. Santri kalong, however, come from person needs to possess. This is supported by the
areas around pesantren and do not live in it; they study of Kau and Idris (2020), which revealed that
return home after following lessons in pesantren a person who is adaptable can make friends, build
(Huda, Nurul, Yani, 2015) healthy relationships with other people, play an
Among the various reasons for studying active role in a social activity, and respect the rules
at pesantren, the most common reason is the that exist in society. Thus, with good social
desire of parents for their children to pursue adjustment, santri are expected to be able to
education in pesantren. Many parents do not ask socialize well and comply with all the rules in
if their children wanted to study at pesantren and pesantren.
some force their children to attend one even According to Goleman, there are other
though their children do not yet have an overview factors that can influence a person’s social
of pesantren life. Thus, children expected to adjustment, such as self-control, motivation, self-
experience good education in pesantren will find awareness, and social skills, and empathy. This is
it difficult to adapt or adjust socially in the new aligned with the study by (Riowati, Muis, 2016)
environment (Mudiansyah et al. n.d.). on the implementation of peer-guided social skills
Panewaty, Fairuz, Indrawati (2018) training in order to improve students’ social
stated that social adjustment is an individual’s adjustment, which found that social skills training
ability to respond to social relationships, can boost students’ social adjustment. An
situations and circumstances so as to meet social individual acquires a new skill by performing a
demands acceptably and satisfactorily. new behavior that causes their behavior to change
According ro Hurlock (in (Panewaty, Fairuz, and be accepted by the society.
Indrawati, 2018), adolescents with difficulty According to Goleman (Katoro and
adjusting socially will usually exhibit negative Hertinjung, 2020), social skills are skills to
behaviors, such as making trouble, missing manage emotions when dealing with other people,
17 | Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan & Konseling Vol. 9 No. 1 June 2023

observe the situations and social networks (Pinem and Siswati, 2015) revealed that group
carefully, making interactions easily, and utilizing cohesiveness can foster students’ adaptation
these skills to guide, influence, advice, find process in their environment.
solutions in a conflict, and work in a team. In other Based on the above explanation, the
words, social skills are the abilities to researchers were interested in conducting a study
communicate and interact with other people. entitled “Social Skills, Group Cohesiveness, and
Social skills need to be practiced from an Social Adjustment among Santri”. The research
early age and honed continuously. A person who problems that the researchers aimed to answer are
fails to acquire social skills will find it difficult to if there is a relationship between social skills,
make social adjustment, resulting in the person group cohesiveness, and social adjustment among
being excluded from society, being withdrawn, santri; if there is a relationship between social
feeling inferior, and becoming unsociable. Santri skills and social adjustment among santri; and if
who can adjust socially and keep up with their there is a relationship between group cohesiveness
obligations can complete all assignments, follow and social adjustment among santri.
the rules, participate in various activities as well
as have good communication and collaborate METHOD
closely with other santri (Ghofiniyah and
Setiowati, 2017). The study was conducted using a
In addition to social skills, group quantitative correlational method. The total
cohesiveness can support the social adjustment population of santri at Islamic Junior High
process. The members of a cohesive group will Boarding School Burhanul Hidayah in Sidoarjo
give affirmative or positive responses to the other was 300. To obtain the subject of the study,
members. Theoretically, a cohesive group usually sampling was done using the random sampling
initiates to follow the rules of the group and technique, which is the technique of taking the
respond to the other members positively (Asroi sample randomly from a population without
and Jannah, 2019). regard to strata and similarities within the
Group cohesiveness is affected by the population (Creswell, 2012).
attraction in the group and among group members, As a result, a total of 203 santri with the
social interactions, and the extent to which the significance level of 1% became the subject of the
group can fulfill the members’ needs and study. There were 3 (three) data measurement
purposes. In general, a group with high scales used in this study, namely the social skills
cohesiveness is created by individuals who are scale consisting of 24 items with α = 0.824, the
motivated to build togetherness, perform effective group cohesiveness scale consisting of 28 items
group activities, bond with intimate and with α = 0.900, and the social adjustment scale
cooperative people, and respect each other to consisting of 23 items with α = 0.850.
achieve success (Purwaningtyastuti, Savitri, Data analysis method used to test the
2020). Group cohesiveness begins with an hypothesis was multiple regression analysis with
attachment between the group members, followed the SPSS software for Windows 22.0.
by social interactions and personal goals that lead
to dependency (Widyastuti, 2014). The study by

Table 1. Regression Test Results

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 3115.710 2 1557.855 26.819 .000b
Residual 11733.539 202 58.087
Total 14849.249 204
a. Dependent Variable: Social Adjustment
b. Predictors: (Constant), Group Cohesiveness, Social Skills
Aziza, Maryam, Social Skills…|18

Table 2. Linearity Test Results

Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.
Social Between (Combined) 5102.018 37 137.892 2.363 .000
Adjustment * Groups Linearity 2915.468 1 2915.468 49.951 .000
Social Skills
Deviation 2186.550 36 60.738 1.041 .417
Within Groups 9747.230 167 58.367
Total 14849.249 204
Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.
Social Between (Combined) 3285.330 39 84.239 1.202 .214
Adjustment * Groups Linearity 573.215 1 573.215 8.179 .005
Cohesiveness Deviation 2712.115 38 71.371 1.018 .450
Within Groups 11563.919 165 70.084
Total 14849.249 204

Table 3. R Square Results

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the
1 .458a .210 .202 7.621
a. Predictors: (Constant), Group Cohesiveness, Social Skills

Based on Table 1, the first hypothesis that cohesiveness and social skills” with the
stated “There is a relationship between social significance value >0.05 was accepted.
skills, group cohesiveness, and social adjustment Similar results were also found in the
among santri” with the significance value <0.05 study conducted by Damra (2021) that it is
was accepted. important for a person to have social skills because
Based on Table 2, the first hypothesis that good social skills can help them perform activities
stated “There is a relationship between social in social settings better. For example,
skills and social adjustment among santri” with communication skill is highly necessary in all
the significance value >0.05 was accepted, activities. Students with good communication
indicating that there is a linear relationship skill will find it easy to perform daily activities
between social skills and social adjustment. and make social adjustment.
In Table 2, the second hypothesis that The study by Taghinezhad et al. (2017)
stated “There is a relationship between group found that social skills training conducted
cohesiveness and social adjustment among santri” properly can help to improve social adjustment.
with the significance value >0.05 was accepted, Social skills, either directly or indirectly, can help
meaning that there is a linear relationship between individuals socially adapt to their environment in
group cohesiveness and social adjustment. accordance with applicable regulations and help
In Table 3, the third hypothesis that stated individuals survive in different conditions and
“There is a relationship between group situations.
19 | Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan & Konseling Vol. 9 No. 1 June 2023

The study by Ghofiniyah and Setiowati the suffering of others and the willingness to help,
(2017) found that an individual’s failure to master as well as the compliance to the values and norms
social skills can result in their difficulty adapting that exist in society. Santri with a high level of
to their social environment, which can cause the social adjustment have a sensitivity to their
individual to feel inferior or insecure, become surroundings so that they are always ready to help
alienated from society, avoid socialization, people in need and to participate in any activity
confine themselves, and even develop a normative that involves cooperation. Santri need social skills
behavior such as antisocial. and group cohesiveness to enhance their social
Riowati, Muis (2016) in their study adjustment.
suggested that social skills training through peer Thus, it can be assumed that social skills
guidance can help students improve their social and group cohesiveness can influence social
adjustment. A person with strong social skills can adjustment. Santri with strong social skills and
apply them in their social lives, perform all their good group cohesiveness will be able to make
tasks properly in their environment, and establish social adjustment easily in pesantren. Santri’s
relationships easily with other people in their ability to make social adjustment plays an
surrounding, such as school and home. Santri’s important role in reinforcing the process of
social skills serve the functions of both reinforcing building social interactions.
the ongoing interpersonal relationships and
rejecting uncomfortable situations (Broekhuizen, CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS
Mokrova, Margaret. Burchinal, 2016). This study aims to examine the
The study by (Purwaningtyastuti, Savitri relationship between social skills, group
2020) revealed that group cohesiveness is cohesiveness, and social adjustment among santri
correlated with the conformity of the group at Islamic Junior High Boarding School Burhanul
members to the group norms and the ability of the Hidayah.in Sidoarjo. Based on the results of the
group members to focus on the similarities among study, it can be concluded that social skills and
themselves in order to support other members in group cohesiveness simultaneously affect social
interacting and communicating within the group. adjustment.
Another study conducted by (Pinem and
To improve social skills, santri need to
Siswati, 2015) also showed that peer group engage in extracurricular activities in pesantren,
cohesiveness is closely associated with social such as Muhadloroh, Albanjari, or Writing.
adaptation. This suggests that santri who can Extracurricular activities provide many
adjust in a social group are more likely to have a opportunities for self-expression. Eventually,
positive social adjustment and be able to build a santri can communicate well with their peers,
social relationship in a larger environment. Santri
increase their courage to communicate, show any
with positive social adjustment are characterized feelings or problems they face, and at the same
by their satisfaction in building relationships with time find adaptive solutions. Santri can also
others (Guilaran, Terte, Kaniasty, 2020). improve group cohesiveness by being actively
Based on Table 3, social skills and group involved in organizations, such as student council.
cohesiveness simultaneously affect social Participating in a student organization can build
adjustment by 21%. The rest, however, is affected interactions with peers and familiarize santri with
by other factors. This could be due to the creating common goals in an organization.
dimensions of social skills and group cohesiveness Pesantren need to improve santri’s social
as well as other factors that affect social skills by organizing programmed events, such as
adjustment that were not examined in this study. Muhadloroh activities, outing class, and public
According to Sari and Fauziah (2019), factors that
speaking. Pesantren also need to contribute to the
affect social adjustment include the individual’s improvement of group cohesiveness by
experiences, habits, frustrations, study, conflicts, encouraging santri to be involved in an
self-determination, school environment, family organization, such as student council, that already
and home environment, culture, religion, heredity, exists in pesantren. Also, pesantren can also
physical constitution, nervous system, glands, and create more internal organizations to optimize
muscles, as well as social, moral, emotional, and santri’s group cohesiveness.
intellectual maturity. Future researchers should conduct
Azizah and Hidayati (2015) stated that research more deeply, especially on the aspects or
good social adjustment is marked by the ability to factors that can affect social adjustment. They
collaborate with other people, the compassion for
Aziza, Maryam, Social Skills…|20

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