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Pre-service Teacher : Jan Joshua S. Acebedo Grade Level : Grade 7

Cooperating Teacher Mrs. Babylyn Lumabas Learning Area : Advanced
School : Cagayan State University Lal-lo Date: :
Quarter : Index of Mastery : 85%

A. Content Standard : The learner demonstrates understanding of : pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of
English and prosodic features of speech; and
correct Subject-Verb agreement.
B. Performance Standard : The learner transfer learning by; showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading
styles; participating in conversations using
appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the
prosodic features of speech effectively in various
situations; and observing correct Subject-Verb
C. Learning Competency : EN7G-I-a-11: Observe correct Subject-Verb
D. Learning Objectives

After undergoing varied activities within an hour of demonstration teaching, the Grade 7
students at Cagayan State University Lal-lo, with at least an 85 percent of mastery,
must be able to:
a. Determine the different rules in Subject-verb agreement,
b. Appreciate the importance of using the correct grammar rules in Subject-verb
agreement in daily conversation; and,
c. Create a sentence using the correct Subject-verb agreement rules.

A. Topic : Subject-Verb-Agreement
B. Method : Group-based learning, Inquiry-based learning,
Lecture-based learning.
C. Materials : Pocket chart, Worksheets and PowerPoint
D. Reference : Curriculum Guide
: Aubrey Bermundez. (2022, October 28). Subject-
Verb Agreement Basic rule. YouTube.
E. Values : Cooperation, Unity, and Collaboration


Methodology Teacher’s Activities Learners’ Activities

A. Daily Routine
A.1. Greetings Good morning, class!
Good morning, Sir!

A.2. Prayer Okay, everyone can we all stand for

a prayer. The students will stand for a prayer.

Father God, thank you for this

beautiful morning as we start our
class today, may you give us
knowledge to understand the lesson
and please forgive our sins. In Jesus'
name, Amen.
Okay, before you take your seats
please check if there are any pieces
of papers underneath your chair.
The students checks below their
A.3. Checking of You may now take your seats and I
Attendance will check your attendance. As I call
your name, please raise your right
The students will raise their right
hand as the teacher will call their
A.4. Priming Now, let me present our classroom
Activity rules which will be used as our
guide all during the discussion.
Kindly read, class.

1. A- Attentive Listening: Listen

actively when others are speaking.
2. C- Considerate Communication:
Speak kindly and respectfully to
classmates and teachers.
3. E- Engage Learning: Participate
actively and complete tasks to the
best of your ability.
4. S- Safe Environment: Keep the
classroom clean and seat erect.
Okay, can you still remember our
topic last meeting?
Yes, Sir! It is all about the different
reading styles.

That's right, and what are these

different reading styles Mr. Rowan?

Scanning, skimming, extensive

reading, critical reading, intensive.
Okay, what wet discussed last time
is all about the different reading
styles and how they are used.

Now, before we formally tackle our

new topic, let us first start with an

B. Motivation
Are you familiar with the game
No, Sir!

So basically it is a game wherein

someone is going to draw the word
in a board and the members try to
guess the word.

Are you ready?

Yes, Sir!

Draw me and guess me

1. The class will be divided into 3
2. Every group should pick an
illustrator among the members.
3. The members will guess the
correct word using the illustration
as a basis.

What words have you guessed?

Words to be guessed:
1. Subject
2. Verb
3. Agreement

That is right the word subject, verb,

and agreement.
Subject, verb, and agreement sir.
Do you have any idea what is our
topic today?
Subject-verb agreement sir!
Very good! Now, what is all about
the subject-verb agreement?
Subject-verb agreement is a set of
rules in grammar that mainly focuses
on the subject and the verb.

That’s right! Before we learn more

about Subject-verb agreement, let
us first read our learning objectives.
Kindly read, class.
After undergoing varied activities
within an hour of teaching, the Grade
7 students at CSU Lal-lo, with at
least an 85 percent of mastery, must
be able to:

A. Determine the different rules

in Subject-verb agreement,
B. Appreciate the importance of
using the correct grammar
rules in Subject-verb
agreement in daily
conversation; and,
C. Create a sentence using the
correct Subject-verb
agreement rules.

Are you ready for our next activity? Yes, Sir!

C. Activity
Activity: Sorting Sentences

Kindly read the mechanics.

Sorting Sentences

Using a randomizer software, the

student who will be chosen will
read the sentence and sort if it is a
correct or an incorrect grammar.

Sentences to be sorted:
1. The dog barks loudly every
2. My family enjoys going on hikes
3. The students is studying for the
4. The book on the table are mine.
5. She plays the piano beautifully.
6. The team is practicing hard for
the upcoming match.
7. The sun rises in the east.
8. Both of my sisters plays
9. The cat and the dog play
. together in the yard.
10. The news are reporting on the
latest developments.
11. Every student in the class has
completed their assignment.
12. The flowers in the garden
blooms in the spring.
13. He love to read books in his
free time.
14. The children is playing in the
15. The water in the lake looks
16. The company are planning to
expand its operations.

Okay, that’s all. We will check if you

sorted the correctly as we go on in
our discussion.

Some of the examples are mistakes

on Subject-verb agreement. They
can sometimes confuse you so you
should listen carefully and ask
questions if there are things that
you still can't understand.

I have a question in my mind.

1. Why is learning the correct use
of agreement between the
subject and verb important?
2. How important is this in writing
and conversation?
There's no need to answer these
questions immediately, think about
it while we are discussing and you
might find the answer.
D. Analysis
At this juncture, let us now delve
into our lesson today, which is the
rules in Subject-verb agreement.

Kindly read what is subject-verb

Subject-verb agreement is a
grammatical rule that states that the
verb in a sentence must agree in
number with the subject.

That’s right! In other words, singular

subjects take singular verbs, and
plural subjects take plural verbs.
This agreement helps ensure that
sentences are grammatically
correct and clear.

Can you please read what is

flashed on the screen.
1. The pronoun “You” always
takes a plural verb.

Example: You are a prime example

of a responsible student.

Do you have any examples class?

You are my sunshine, my only


You talk so fast that I can’t even

understand what you are saying.
That is right, always remember that
you use the word “you” always use
a plural verb.

Okay, let us move on to the next


2. If the sentence begins with

“Here” or “There,” the verb
agrees with the subject which
follows it.

Example: Here are my clothes that I

often wear.
There is a commotion in the

We can observe that this rule

pertains that if we use the words
“Here” or “There” at the beginning
of a sentence, we should first
observe the subject if it is in plural
or singular in form.

Can we have any other examples.

Here is your misplaced cellphone.

There are many ways to look for a


Very good, now let us read the next

3. If there are two subjects, one
is singular and one is plural
which are connected by
correlative conjunction
“Either/Or” or “Neither/Nor,”
the verb agrees with the
nearest subject.

Example: Neither me nor my friends

want to attend.
Either the players or the coach wants
to win the match.
As we can see, the subject “friends”
is the nearest subject to the verb
which is why we used the word
“want” instead of “wants” because
“friends” is already in plural form. In
contrast, the second example’s
nearest subject is the word “coach”
which is singular, that is why we
used the word “wants” instead of

Can we hear other examples of this

Either Sam or his brother
disapproves about the changes.

Neither the mayor nor the villagers

Okay very good, let us head out to
rule number four.

4. A singular subject followed by

intervening words or phrases
such as “With,” “As well as,”
“In addition to,” Accompanied
by,” Together with,” and “No
less than,” takes a singular
Example: Donato, as well as his
peers, is playing at the park.
Now let us clarify, the subject
“Donato” is singular which is why
the verb is also singular. But what
about the subject “Peers?” as we
discussed, the subject “peers” was
with an intervening phrase, which
makes “Donato” the main subject.

Can we hear other examples?

The boy, together with his parents, is
eating at the restaurant.

Randy, with his friends, celebrates

his birthday.
Okay, I hope everyone understood
the rule. Now, let us read rule
number 5.
5. Singular subjects joined by
“And” require a plural verb,
except when they mean one
Example: Angie and Lou are reading
My mentor and friend is arriving
As we can observe, the two
subjects “Angie” and “Lou” are
joined by the conjunction “And”
which makes the two singular
subjects into plural. But, if the
person or a thing means only one
thing even if they are linked by
“And,” the verb will be singular. Now
the second example pertains that
his mentor is also his friend which is
a single person, which is why the
verb will still be in a singular form.

Let me have other examples from

the class.

Sunny and Merry are boats used by

the sailors.

Peanut butter and jelly is my favorite

All right very good, now remember sandwich.
that if there is a conjunction “And” in
between two subjects, the verb will
be in plural form. Unless, they only
mean one thing. Now let’s head to
rule number 6, kindly read.

6. Two singular subjects joined

by “Either/Or” or “Neither/Nor”
take a singular verb.
Example: Either Mom or Dad is
coming with me to watch the new
Neither Jay nor Nicky is waiting for
Unlike rule number 3, this rule me.
pertains that if two singular subjects
with a correlative conjunction is still
in singular verb form.

Who wants to give other examples?

Either Charee or Jonah is waiting


Okay, you are getting the hang of it. Neither Jerry nor Nicko is straight.
Now, let us dive to rule number 7.

7. If a singular subject is followed

by a phrase containing a
plural noun, the verb is
Example: One player from of the
Now let us check, as we can see boys’ basketball team is sick.
here, we are talking just about a
singular subject which is obviously
the word “one” in a group the “boys’
basketball team,” this makes the
verb singular in form.

Who wants to give the rule number

seven a go?

One of the members of the student

council is against the new rule.

That’s right! Remember that if a One of the girls is yelling so loud.

singular subject is followed by a
phrase containing a plural noun,
always use a singular verb. Now let
us read rule number eight.

8. The indefinite pronouns

“Several,” “Few,” “Both,”
“Many,” “Others” are always
Examples: Both are playing
Okay let us observe, the indefinite Others are talking carelessly.
pronouns that are flashed on the
screen is already in plural form,
why? Because those words pertain
to two or more subjects which is
why the verb is also plural.

Let me hear other examples from

the class.

Few are willing to give their


Many are dismayed by the outcome

Okay, are we still on the same of the election.
page? I hope you understood the
rule. Now let us go to the next rule.

9. The indefinite pronouns

“Some,” “Most,” “All,” “None”
are singular or plural
according to the meaning of
the sentence.
Example: All of the rice was cooked.
Some of the players in the soccer
Now for you to be enlighten by this team are injured.
rule, we can use these indefinite
pronouns depending of the noun if it
Is countable or uncountable. Like
for the first example, we used the
noun “rice,” we cannot count the
rice one by one which is why it was
complied or group into a single
subject. And for the second
example, we used “some of the
players” which can be counted for
having eleven main players in a
team which is why we used the
plural verb form.

Understood? Now can some of you

give other examples for this rule?

All of the sand on the beach is black

in color.

Most students at Baybay integrated

Right on! Good to know that you school are slow learners.
understood this rule. Okay we can
now advance to the last rule that we
will learn this day. Everyone please
read rule number 10.

10. When any of the following

indefinite pronouns is the
subject, the verb is singular:
Everybody, Each, No one,
Another, Anybody, Nobody,
Every, Nothing, Everything,
Anyone, Either, Neither,
Everyone, Somebody, or
Example: Everybody is looking for
Everything is an opportunity if you
Every indefinite pronoun in the know how to do it right.
screen is considered as singular
and the verb should be also

Who can give other examples to

this rule?

Someone is looking for help.

Neither of the options is suitable.

Okay, just remember that the Either of the flavors is delicious.

following indefinite pronouns in the
screen is used as a subject, the
verb will always be singular.

Yes sir!
E. Abstraction
Now let us check if the sentences
during the first activity is correctly
sorted out. CORRECT
 The dog barks loudly every
1. The dog barks loudly every morning.
2. My family enjoys going on  My family enjoys going on hikes
hikes together. together.
3. The students is studying for
the exams.  She plays the piano beautifully.
4. The book on the table are
5. She plays the piano  The team is practicing hard for
beautifully. the upcoming match.
6. The team is practicing hard for
the upcoming match.  The sun rises in the east.
7. The sun rises in the east.
8. Both of my sisters plays
basketball.  The cat and dog play together
9. The cat and the dog play in the yard
together in the yard.
10. The news are reporting on the  Every student in the class has
latest developments. completed their assignment.
11. Every student in the class has
completed their assignment.  The water in the lake looks
12. The flowers in the garden cold.
blooms in the spring.
13. He love to read books in his
free time.
14. The children is playing in the
15. The water in the lake looks
 The students is studying for
16. The company are planning to the exams.
expand its operations.
 The book on the table are mine.

 Both of my sisters plays


 The news are reporting on the

latest development.
 The flowers in the garden
blooms in spring.

 He love to read books in his

free time.

 The children is playing in the


 The company is planning to

expand its operations.
Why is the sentence number 3
incorrect? The verb “is” should be in plural form
because it used a plural subject.

That is right! It should be “The

students are studying for their
Next is, why is number 4 incorrect?
The subject is singular and it uses a
plural verb.

Correct! The correct form should be

“the book on the table is mine.”
What about number 8? It has the indefinite pronoun “both”
which is plural so it should take the
plural verb also.

Right! The correct form for this

sentence should be “Both of my
sisters play basketball.”
Now let’s head to number 10, why is
it incorrect?
The subject “news” is singular which is
why it should be “is” instead of “are.”

Correct! The word “news” is just an

acronym and it is singular, the
sentence should be “The news is
reporting on the latest
Why is number 12 incorrect? The sentence is incorrect because the
subject “flowers” is used and the verb
should be “bloom” instead of
That is right! The correct sentence
should be “The flowers in the garden
bloom in the spring.”
Next up is sentence number 13.
Because the subject “he” is singular
and the verb is “love” which disagrees
with the subject.

Yes! The sentence should be written

as “He loves to read books in his free
Now let us go to sentence number 14
and why is it incorrect. The word “children” is plural and it
uses the singular verb form “is.”

Correct! The children is already in

plural form, which is why the
sentence should be “The children are
playing in the park.”
Now, why is sentence number 16
incorrect? Because the word “company” is a
group making it singular, so the verb
form should be in singular form.
Nicely done, the word “company” is
singular and it should be written as
“the company is planning to expand
its operation.”

Marvelous! You are now getting

closer on understanding our topic.
Now let us have another activity to
further enhance your understanding
on the first 10 rules on Subject-verb
agreement. But before that, let us
return to our motive question.
1. Why is learning the correct
use of agreement between the
subject and verb important?
2. How important is this in writing
and conversation?
Sir! It is because learning the correct
use of SVA avoid miscommunication
and this makes our thought be more
That is right! by learning the correct
grammar rules, we can avoid
miscommunication which can lead
into misunderstanding.
Okay, any other hands?
Learning how to use subject verb
agreement correctly is important
because, it helps make our writing and
conversation clearer and easier to

Yes! Just the previous answer, by

being aware of the grammar rules,
we can communicate more
Now, you are ready to take on the
next activity.

F. Application

Activity: Imagine yourselves

Please read the instruction class.

Imagine yourselves

Imagine yourselves given a chance

to attend the international summit,
and you want to give awareness to
an international problem. But you
forgot to make a speech the night
before the meeting. You are now in
the edge of your seat as you write a
5 sentences paragraph to give your
thoughts on any international
problem that you can think of while
making sure that your grammar is
correct to avoid misunderstanding
between you and the other
participants of the summit.


Rubrics Points
Content 5
Grammar 5
Cleanliness 5
Mechanics 5
Total 20

The timer starts now!

Time’s up! Pass your papers in

front. And I will randomly pick a
paper to be read in front.

Okay Mr. Son please read your

work in front. First and foremost, I am very grateful
to be given this opportunity to speak
in front of the whole world. I am very
concerned about the ongoing climate
crisis. The destructive impact of
climate change is evident anywhere,
from the extreme weather conditions
to rising sea levels terrifying coastal
communities. Immediate action is
needed to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and transition to
renewable energy sources to save
our planet’s future. We must come
together as a global community to
address this important issue before it
is too late. together, we can make a
difference and create a sustainable
world for generations to come.
Very good! Nicely done, climate is
really an important issue for us and
for the next generation if we are not
careful of what we are doing to our

Directions: Determine if the following sentences are in correct grammatical form, write YES if it is
correct and NO if it is incorrect. Write you answer in a ¼ sheet of paper. Answer only.
1. The boy and the girl plays in the park. (NO)
2. The team is playing well this season. (YES)
3. Neither of the girls were at school yesterday. (NO)
4. My dog and cat are best friends. (YES)
5. Each of the books has a different cover. (YES)
6. The group of students is studying for their exams. (YES)
7. The staff at the restaurant is very friendly. (NO)
8. The news about the accident are shocking. (NO)
9. The quality of these apples are excellent. (NO)
10. The committee are meeting tomorrow to discuss the budget. (NO)

Follow up: Watch the link provided and give one example of the SVA rules each.

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