Soni WSSP Final Submission
Soni WSSP Final Submission
Soni WSSP Final Submission
Final Report
Ministry of Water and Environment
Alliance Consultants Limited
May 2023
ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
Following is the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Team that
undertook the ESIA for the proposed Soni Water Supply and Sanitation System located in
Kirewa Sub-County, Tororo District. The assessment was done in accordance with the
provisions of the National Environmental Act No. 5 of 2019 of the Laws of Uganda, the
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Regulations (2020) and the National
Environment (Conduct and Certification of Environmental Practitioners) Regulations
(2003). It was carried on behalf of Alliance Consultants Limited that was contracted by
the Ministry of Water and Environment. We the undersigned declare that we have no
business, financial, other interest in the Ministry of Water and Environment’s proposed
Soni Water Supply and Sanitation System.
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
This Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report for the Proposed Soni Water
Supply and Sanitation System was developed through a consultative process involving
different stakeholders. The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Team
acknowledges the efforts put in by the different stakeholders without whose help, this
report would not have been successfully developed. The team acknowledges the
assistance accorded to them by the Tororo District Local Government (TDLG) during the
field visit. The team is grateful to the Senior Assistant Secretaries, LC III Chairpersons,
Parish Chiefs, LC1 Chairpersons and the local community members for the support and
guidance given while in the field.
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
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System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
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System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
Figure 1: Proposed project area ............................................................................................................. 16
Figure 2: Google Earth Map of the proposed abstraction and reservoir sites...................... 17
Figure 3: Number of species recorded under various ecological categories ........................ 21
Figure 4:Number of species recorded in various sites along the water supply system ... 21
Figure 5: Total and served population in the project area over the design period ............ 30
Plate 1: Noise level meter used for noise assessment. Taken on 10th March 2023 by the
Environmentalist............................................................................................................................................ 8
Plate 2: Vegetation at Ngulimo abstraction point. A cassava garden (Left) and an
abandoned field dominated with shrubs (Right). Photos taken on 10th March 2023 by the
Botanist ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Plate 3: Vegetation at Chawolo abstraction point. Banana crops (Left) and a mix of banana
crops and trees (Right). Photos taken on 10th March 2023 by the Botanist ......................... 20
Plate 4: Vegetation at the proposed reservoir site.......................................................................... 20
Plate 5: Striated Heron Butorides striatus, this species is listed regionally and nationally
as a threatened species. Photo taken on 11th March 2023 by the Ornithologist ................. 22
Plate 6: Grey-Headed Kingfisher, one of the Afro-tropical migrant species recorded along
Soni Water System. Photo taken on 11th March 2023 by the Ornithologist.......................... 23
Plate 7: African Jacana Actophilornis Africana was recorded in the project area. Photo
taken on 11th March 2023 by the Ornithologist ............................................................................... 24
Plate 8: Long Crested Eagle, one of the forest generalist recorded at Ngulimo abstraction
point. Photo taken on 11th March 2023 by the Ornithologist ..................................................... 25
Plate 9: Existing water supply points. An existing well (Left) and a borehole (Right).
Photos taken by the Water Resources Specialist on 10th March 2023 .................................... 27
Plate 10: Transport network in the project area. A gravel road (Left) and a section of the
Malaba-Kampala Railway (Right). Photos taken on 11th March 2023 by the Sociologist 30
Plate 11: A hydroelectricity transmission line in Kirewa Sub-county. Photo taken by the
Sociologist on 11th March 2023 .............................................................................................................. 31
Plate 12: Drilled Boreholes in the project area: Left is DWD 90935 – Ngulimo BH and Right
is DWD 90936 – Chawolo BH. Photos taken by the Water Resources Specialist on 11th
March 2023 .................................................................................................................................................... 33
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
AfDB African Development Bank
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
APHA American Public Health Association
BMP Best Management Plan
BOQs Bills of Quantities
CDO Community Development Officer
CESMP Contractors Environmental and Social Management Plan
CGV Chief Government Valuer
DHI District Health Inspector
DN Norminal Diameter
DWD Directorate of Water Development
DWRM Directorate of Water Resources Management
EPB Environmental Project Brief
ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
ESMMP Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan
GO Grievance Officer
GoU Government of Uganda
GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism
HDPE High Density Polyethylene
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
ISO International Standard Organisation
ISS Integrated Safeguards System
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
LC Local Council
MEMD Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
MWE Ministry of Water and Environment
NDPIII Third National Development Plan
NEA National Environment Act
NEMA National Environment Management Authority
O$M Operation and Maintenance
OHS Occupational Health and Safety
OP Operational Policy
OS Operational Safeguard
PAP Project Affected Persons
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
RGC Rural Growth Center
SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
UNRA Uganda National Roads Authority
WASH Water Sanitation and Hygiene
WMP Waste Management Plan
TDLG Tororo District Local Government
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
The Government of Uganda (GoU), through the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) has
embarked on improving safe water supply and sanitation coverage in rural areas, small towns
and rural growth centers. Tororo District is one of the areas that currently have limited access to
safe water and sanitation services. As a result, the MWE together with Tororo District Local
Government (TDLG) are proposing establishment of the Soni Water Supply and Sanitation
System, in line with the third National Development Plan (NDP III), and the Uganda’s Vision 2040.
The overall aim of the project is to establish a mini piped water supply and sanitation system in
Soni Rural Growth Center (RGC), Kirewa Sub County, Tororo District. The proposed project is will
abstract 330 m3/day in the ultimate year (2042), and will have the following major components:
• intake; 2 boreholes of yield of 11 m3/hr and 6m3/hr
• 2 pumping stations
• transmission pipe system of 1.78 km
• reservoir with a capacity of 100 m3
• distribution network
The total cost of the project is estimated at Three Billion Three Hundred Forty-Four Million Nine
Hundred Eighty-one Nine Hundred Eighty-eight Uganda Shillings only (UGX 3,344,981,988),
inclusive of taxes.
The objective this study was to undertake an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for
the proposed project. The specific objectives were to:
I. Survey of all the identified sites including preparing a map/sketch of each site showing
important existing features in the surrounding areas in relation to the sites,
II. Assessment baseline environmental conditions for monitoring future project
III. Evaluation of the relevant policy and legal framework pertaining the proposed project.
IV. Consultation with the relevant stakeholders and incorporate their comments into impact
identification and mitigation,
V. Identification of all potential impacts and propose feasible mitigation impacts
VI. Preparation of an Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMP) for
the implementation of the proposed project. The ESMMP should outline: i) potential
environmental and social impacts resulting from project activities; ii) proposed
mitigation measures; iii) monitoring indicators; iv) responsibilities for implementation of
the mitigation measures; v) responsibilities for monitoring the implementation of the
mitigation measures
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
The proposed locations of the main project components are summarized as follows:
BH No. / Village Parish Sub-county Coordinates
Borehole DWD 90935 Ngulimo Mifumi Kirewa N0.745399 E033.935011
Borehole DWD 90936 Chawolo Mifumi Kirewa N0.751017 E033.940083
Proposed Reservoir Dago Zone Soni Kirewa N0.756301 E033.934097
Transmission Line 1 Chawolo Mifumi Kirewa N0.749753 E033.938055
Transmission Line 2 Dago Zone Soni Kirewa N0.755827 0.33.939293
The vegetation at and around the proposed locations of the project components is characteristic
of agricultural landscapes, dominated by grasses, shrubs, weeds, crops and a few trees. The
abstraction and reservoir sites are already converted into agricultural use, while the transmission
lines follow existing roads and will be restricted within the road reserves. Generally, all the
project affected sites are already modified and not representative of the natural conditions. There
are no sensitive ecosystems such as forests and wetlands which will be impacted by the project
The main source water in the project area is groundwater, obtained through hand pump
boreholes. Nevertheless, the boreholes are not enough, where communities reported spending
travelling long distances, or waiting for long times at boreholes to access water.
Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework
There is an established policy, legal and institutional framework for environmental management
in Uganda. The National Environmental Act (NEA Nr. 5) of 2019 provides for Environmental and
Social Impact Assessment for projects which have adverse impacts on the environment.
According to the NEA (2019), the proposed project is listed under Schedule 4 (Projects for which
Project Briefs are required) and under Category 4, “Utilisation of water resources and water
supply”, Part (b) “Abstraction or utilization of ground water of less than 1,000 m3 per day.”
Further, according the funder’s (African Development Bank; AfDB) Integrated Safeguards System
(ISS), the project is considered as category 2 (medium E&S risks) which requires the preparation
of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESIA. Some of the polices, laws and
institutions that will guide the project implementation:
a) Policy Framework
• The National Water Policy, 1999
• The National Gender Policy, 1997
• The National Land Policy (2013)
• The National Land-Use Policy (2007)
• The Environment and Social Safeguards Policy (2018)
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
c) Institutional Framework
• Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE)
• National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA)
• Ministry of Gender, Labour & Social Development (MGLSD)
• Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MoLHUD)
• Tororo District Local Administration Structures
However, the proposed project will also be associated with adverse impacts which must be
mitigated. The following adverse impacts have been identified:
IMPACT Overall Significance
Pre-construction and Construction Phase
Loss of land and property Moderate (6)
Traffic disruption Minor (4)
Loss of vegetation Moderate (6)
Introduction of plant invasive species Minor (4)
Disruption of social order Minor (4)
Noise from construction machinery Moderate (6)
Solid waste generation Moderate (9)
Occupational health and safety issues Minor (4)
Community health and safety issues Moderate (9)
Increased susceptibility to soil erosion Moderate (6)
Air pollution and climate change Moderate (9)
Theft of construction materials Major (12)
Operation and Maintenance Phase
Soil pollution Minor (4)
Occupational safety and health issues Minor (2)
Incapacity to operate and maintain the project components by local Moderate (9)
Unaffordability of water charges Moderate (6)
Air pollution Moderate (6)
Spread of sanitation and water borne diseases Moderate (9)
Vandalization / theft project equipment Moderate (9)
Decommissioning Phase
Disruption of water supply Moderate (9)
Traffic disruption Moderate (9)
Disruption of social order Minor (4)
Noise pollution Moderate (9)
Solid waste generation Moderate (9)
Occupational health and safety issues Moderate (6)
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
Stakeholder Consultations
Consultation meetings were held with the Tororo District Local Government staff, Kirewa Sub-
County staff and the local communities where the proposed project is to be located Stakeholder
engagement constituted an important part of the ESIA process, in light of the Project’s
commitment to adhering to national requirements, as well as a best practice approach to public
consultation, that is, an approach that encourages open and transparent dialogue, with as broad
a range of stakeholder groups as possible.
A total of 44 stakeholders were consulted; 29 males and 15 females in a total of 5 meetings. A
summary of the key findings from the stakeholder consultations is presented as follows:
Stakeholders Concerns/views Response
District • Noted
• The leadership of Tororo District welcomes the
leaders • The project seeks to
project and anticipates that this water project will
increase access to safe
benefit the target area and reduce on the water stress
water, and minimize water
experienced in the area since the existing reservoirs
shortage in the area
cannot supply adequate water to meet community
demand. • The Developer will employ
qualified staff to operate
• There are many distribution networks in the district
and maintain the water
e.g., in Paya, Kirewa, Nowir among others which have
supply system to avoid the
been non- function which has caused the issue of low
challenge of non-
water supply.
• Most water sources dry up in the dry season.
• Project construction
• The district leadership anticipates that the
activities will start as soon
implementation of this project will be done
as all the necessary
approvals and financial
• The project will reduce burden on women and
resources are granted.
children carrying water for longer distances hence
Otherwise, the MWE
creating more time for other constructive work such
recognizes the urgency of
agricultural production and attending school.
this project, in view of the
• Booster pumps should be installed along the water water supply situation in
distribution network to improve on water supply to the area
distant areas.
• The design of the project
• We shall work closely with the consultant to ensure includes reservoirs that
the success of the project. have been sited at
• The demand for water is high and the community is locations high enough to
willing to pay in order to access the utility. supply water by gravity in
• There is need for close collaboration between project the entire project area
partners and the district leaders during the course of • All the stakeholders,
the project implementation but most especially during including at the district
the design of the project. and lower levels will
• The technology used in the water supply system continuously be engaged
should be improved to increase water supply avoid during project
the present situation of water scarcity faced in Tororo implementation
• We used to share water supply with Malaba but NWSC
gave them their water and they are now enjoying
• Currently, water is only supplied at night and not
during the day time? I hope this project will address
this concern
• There is water rationing which is not based human
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System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
Further, a grievance redress mechanism (GRM) has been provided. The aim and purpose of this
system is to make the grievance handling procedures accessible, prompt and affordable to the
project affected persons (PAPs) given the generally low values of some of the properties to be
affected; and also provide an alternative to the costly and time-consuming formal courts
procedures for handling grievances and disputes. The GRM seeks to establish mechanisms for
raising complaints related to compensation for loss of land and other livelihood properties and
assets and having such complaints resolved as amicably as possible through acceptable and
binding corrective actions.
The total cost of implementing the ESMMP is estimated at Uganda Shillings Two Hundred Ninety-
Three Million Two Hundred Thousand only (UGX 293,200,000), as reflected in the ESMMP matrix
as follows:
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
Noise from ▪ Schedule noise-intensive work for the least noise- -Work schedule 0 Contractor DEO Weekly
construction sensitive time of the day (work between 8 am and 5 pm) -Complaints about
machinery noise;
▪ Provision of PPE to project workers -PPE in use Part of the Contractor DEO Weekly
▪ Regular noise assessments -Noise assessment 1 Million Contractor DEO Monthly
▪ Sprinkle water to dusty grounds during the dry seasons -Records of air water 10 Million Contractor DEO Weekly
▪ Cover earth materials with tarpaulin during -Presence of 1 Million Contractor DEO Weekly
transportation to minimise their falling off trucks; tarpaulins for
covering loose
Solid waste ▪ Prepare a waste management plan -A waste 5 million Contractor DEO Once, before
generation management plan in start of
place construction
▪ Use the excavated material for backfilling. -Heaps of waste & Part of the Contractor DEO Monthly
excavated material Contract
on site
-Areas backfilled
▪ Provide waste bins for proper storage. -Waste bins within 0.2 Million Contractor DEO Monthly
the project area.
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
▪ All lose material like sand, cement, murram, soil should -Trucks covered 1 Million Contractor DEO Weekly
be covered with a tarpaulin during transportation NEMA
▪ Excavated soil stored at the site should be covered with -Soils covered 0.5 Million Contractor DEO Weekly
a tarpaulin NEMA
▪ Water should be sprinkled on dusty ground where other -Records of water 2 Million Contractor DEO Weekly
measures cannot appropriately minimize dust emission sprinkling NEMA
▪ Repair and maintain construction equipment following -Records of vehicle 10 Million Contractor DEO Quarterly
the manufacturer’s specifications, including on fuelling repair and NEMA
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
Occupational ▪ Prepare an occupational health and safety plan -Same as in the Same as in Same as in the Same as in the Same as in the
Health and Safety construction phase the construction construction construction
construction phase phase phase
▪ Workers should be given appropriate PPE when -Workers using PPE Part of the Developer / DEO Quarterly
handling chemical Contract Operator CDO
▪ Regular trainings on the operations of the water system -Records of training 3 Million Developer / DWO Quarterly
on operation systems Operator
▪ Installation of firefighting equipment at the abstraction -Presence of 5 Million Developer / DEO Quarterly
point firefighting Operator DWO
▪ A well-equipped first aid kit should be availed to project -Presence of a first Part of the Developer / DEO Quarterly
workers. aid kit. Contract Operator CDO
-Records of injuries
Incapacity to ▪ Train local community members in the operation and -Number of trained 6 Million Developer/ DWO Quarterly
operate and maintenance of the water supply infrastructure community members Operator
maintain the in operation and
project maintenance of the
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
Air pollution ▪ Sensitize communities on the use of public toilets, and -Records of 1 Million Developer / DWO Once, after
the need for better sanitation community Operator CDO completion of
sensitization construction
▪ Provide sufficient ventilation on the public toilet -Building drawings Part of the Developer / DWO Once, prior to,
Contract Operator CDO and once after
Spread of ▪ Ensure regular supply of sufficient water for flushing -Presence of a Part of the Developer / DWO
sanitation and and washing hands by providing a reservoir tank at reservoir tank at the Contract Operator CDO
water borne the toilet toilet DEO
Vandalization / ▪ Sensitize community members about the importance of -Records of 2 Million Developer / DWO Once, prior to,
theft project the project community Operator CDO and once after
equipment sensitization DEO construction
▪ Hire a security guard to provide 24-hour security at -Presence of security To depend Developer / DWO Quarterly
sensitive components such as the abstraction/pumping guards on the local Operator CDO
station security DEO
labour cost
▪ Fence off major project components such as abstraction -Fenced project site Part of the Developer / DWO Twice a year
and reservoir sites construction Operator CDO
Contract DEO
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
Decommissioning Phase
Disruption of ▪ Inform the communities in the affected areas well in ▪ Records of 3 million for Operator DWO Quarterly,
water supply advance about the decommissioning activities sensitization sensitization Decommissioni CDO within the last
▪ Provide alternative source of water meeting about meetings ng Contractor DEO two years of
project decommissioni
decommissioning ng
▪ Presence
alternative water
Traffic disruption ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the Same as for Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
construction phase the construction construction construction
construction phase phase phase
Disruption of ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the Same as for Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
social order construction phase the construction construction construction
construction phase phase phase
Noise pollution ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the Same as for Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
construction phase the construction construction construction
construction phase phase phase
Solid waste ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the Same as for Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
generation construction phase the construction construction construction
construction phase phase phase
Occupational ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the Same as for Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
health and safety construction phase the construction construction construction
issues construction phase phase phase
Public health and ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the Same as for Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
safety issues construction phase the construction construction construction
construction phase phase phase
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
Further, the following other costs should be clear in the BoQs during the bidding process.
Item Indicative Costs
Grievance Redress Mechanism 22,000,000
Stakeholder Engagement 24,000,000
Environment and Social Audit 35,000,000
Capacity Building and Trainings 20,000,000
Sub-total 101,000,000
Grand Total, including ESMMP (UGX 293,200,000) 394,200,000
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
Overall, the negative impacts of this project are rated by this study as largely insignificant;
however, adequate mitigation measures have been proposed to address them. When mitigation
actions and environmental and social monitoring plans are implemented, the project would have
minimal residual environmental effects. Hence the project can be implemented in a sustainable
b) Recommendations
This study therefore makes the following recommendations:
▪ Many times, Project Contractors do not comply with the recommendations given in the
project environmental report. This could tantamount to violation of the law with possible
halting of the whole project by the relevant authorities, including NEMA. A copy of this
report would be availed to the Project Contractor, and advised to follow the identified
impacts, the ESMMP and develop the management plans identified there in.
▪ The project ought to be approved for implementation by the relevant authorities to enable
fulfilment of the project main objective of improving access to safe water in the area
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
According to the Water and Environment Sector Performance Report, 2019, 44.3% and
10.9% of the population depend on boreholes and piped water respectively to access
clean water in rural areas. In small towns and rural growth centers, only 55.9% of the
population had access to improved water sources by 2019.
The Government of Uganda (GoU) has embarked on improving safe water coverage and
supply across the entire country. The Water and Environment Sector Development Plan
of Uganda prioritizes the construction of piped water supply systems in Rural Growth
Centres to replace the currently overstretched hand-pumped borehole service
technology. Consequently, the GoU, through the Directorate of Water Development of
MWE and Tororo District Local Government, secured funding for development of water
and sanitation system in Soni RGC, Kirewa Sub County, Tororo District. The proposed
project shall ensure sustainable access to safe water and sanitation to a projected
population of 6,701 people by 2042 in Soni RGC; and reduce walking distances to access
water, thereby saving time for the education of the children in Soni RGC.
The proposed system will fully harmonize with Uganda's Joint Water and Environment
Sector Support Programme and all relevant national sector policies and development
plans. The specific outcome of the Water Supply Systems and Sanitation facilities will
ensure sustainable access to safe water and improve of Water Sanitation and Hygiene
(WASH) services, which are critical for health and socio-economic development in the
rural growth center of Soni and Tororo District in general. This will contribute to creating
a more stable socio-economic environment and hence boost commercial development of
the project area and surrounding areas; and greatly contribute to the overall objective of
the National Development plan and Vision 2040.
In recognition of the need for sustainable development, and in compliance with the
National Environment Act of 2019 and regulations there under, the MWE initiated an
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) process for the proposed project to
identify and assess potentially negative and positive environmental and social impacts
associated with the project and devise mitigation measures to avoid, minimize or mitigate
the negative environmental and social impacts while enhancing the positive
environmental and social impacts or benefits of the project.
From the initial environmental project screening that was undertaken, the proposed
project was identified as one among those that require a Project Brief as per Section 112
of the National Environment Act. The proposed project is listed under Schedule 4
(Projects for which Project Briefs are required) of the National Environment Act, 2019
under Category 4, “Utilisation of water resources and water supply”, Part (b) “Abstraction
or utilisation of ground water of less than 1,000 m3 per day.”
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
This report presents the findings of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment that
was conducted for the proposed project.
The main factor motivating the implementation of the proposed project is the increasing
demand for safe water supplies in the local communities in Tororo District and Uganda
at large. Hence, the project addresses the national priority of increasing access to safe
water by making efficient use of the available sources. This, in addition to the country’s
firm commitment to eradicate poverty, ensures that the project is firmly embedded
within the country’s national priorities. The NDP III highlights pollution as the major
problem with water resources caused by bacterial and chemical contamination of both
ground and surface water resource. This has led to inadequate sanitation facilities, unsafe
disposal of municipal and industrial waste in urban and rural areas. To this effect, the
GoU, through the MWE has set a target of increasing safe water supply from 70% to 85%
in rural areas and 74% to 100% in urban areas (NDP III). This is also in line with the
Vision 2040 target of having 100% of the population having safe water supply. The
proposed project will contribute towards the extension of clean water to a domestic
population of 6,701 people by 2042 in Soni RGC, Tororo District, Eastern Uganda.
1.2.1 Project Development Objectives
The overall objective of the project is to establish a mini solar-powered piped water
supply and sanitation system in Kirewa Sub-county in Tororo District.
1.2.2 Objectives of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
This report covers all the contents of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
report by way of a Project Brief as required under Schedule 2 of the National Environment
(Environmental and Social Assessment) Regulations, 2020.
a) Survey of all the identified sites including preparing a map/sketch of each site
showing important existing features in the surrounding areas in relation to the sites,
b) Assessment baseline environmental conditions for monitoring future project
c) Evaluation of the relevant policy and legal framework pertaining the proposed
d) Consultation with the relevant stakeholders and incorporate their comments into
impact identification and mitigation,
e) Identification of all potential impacts and propose feasible mitigation impacts
f) Preparation of an Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan
(ESMP) for the implementation of the proposed project. The ESMMP should outline:
i) potential environmental and social impacts resulting from project activities; ii)
proposed mitigation measures; iii) monitoring indicators; iv) responsibilities for
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
The purpose of this report is to provide NEMA and the Lead Agency with sufficient and
relevant information on the proposed project that can allow them establish whether or
not the project is likely to have significant impact on the environment, and thus determine
the basis for approval.
The project area has some of the existing water sources as either non-functional or
inadequate to meet the demand of rapidly growing population. The most common water
source in the project area is the hand pump, which is less efficient in the provision of
water to large populations spread over distant places.
The impact of inadequate safe water supply falls primarily on the poor. Every year,
thousands of Uganda’s poor citizens die from preventable diseases caused by inadequate
/ unsafe water supply services. Hundreds of thousands more suffer from regular bouts of
diarrhoea or parasitic worm infections as a result of unsafe water and/or poor sanitation
practices that ruin their lives; women and children are the main victims. Further, poor
sanitation (also associated with inadequate water supply) costs Uganda 389 billion
Ugandan Shillings each year, equivalent to US$177 million, according to a desk study
carried out by The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). This sum is the equivalent of
US$ 5.50 per person in Uganda per year or 1.1% of the National GDP. The costs of poor
sanitation are inequitably distributed with the highest economic burden falling
disproportionately on the poorest. For the poorest therefore, poverty is a double-edged
sword; not only are poor people more likely to have poor sanitation, but also, they have
to pay proportionately more for the negative effects it has.
Project Proposed Mini-Solar Powered Piped Water Supply and Sanitation System
Title: in Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
Developer: Ministry of Water and Environment / Tororo District Local Government
Address: Plot 21/28 Port Bell Road, Luzira, P.O. Box 20026 Kampala, Uganda
Contact Name: Eng. Olweny Lamu
Person: Designation: Assistant Commissioner Research and Development
Mobile: +256-772-453-395
Email: [email protected]
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System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District
(UGX 3,344,981,988), inclusive of taxes. The detailed cost for each of the proposed project
infrastructure are indicated in the table attached under Annex I.
i. The Engineering Design report for Soni Mini Solar Water Supply System;
ii. The Feasibility report for Soni Mini Solar Water Supply System;
iii. The relevant development and environmental legislation of Uganda;
iv. International, regional, provincial or communal environmental related guidelines;
v. International Finance Cooperation (IFC) Performance Standards;
vi. Third Uganda National Development Plan (NDPIII);
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The aim of this consultation was to enable affected parties and other stakeholders
present their views and concerns that would contribute to the formulation and
refinement of the project design.
The assessment team consulted the relevant project stakeholders. Mobilization of all
social groups including men, women, youth, water user committee members, local
leaders, and other community opinion leaders in the project area. Necessary consultation
tools and aides, such as area maps indicating the project design, location of project
components and project information briefs were displayed and shared during
community consultations and other stakeholder consultative meetings.
A two-level stakeholder consultative procedure was adopted. At the first level were
community members who live within the project affected villages. These consultations
took place at the village level through participatory community dialogues. The second
level was sub-county and district stakeholder consultations. These consultations were
carried out at Chawolo, Pakita ‘A’, and Kisera ‘A’ villages, Kirewa Sub-county
headquarters and at Tororo District headquarters.
The identification of stakeholders was based on the different activities involved in the
project, the sectors the project lies in and the administrative locations of project
components. The main considerations in the stakeholder group selection process were:
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project area).
The key stakeholders that were identified include project host community members and
area residents, the area local authorities like the village LC1 chairperson, the District
Water Officer, District Environment Officer and relevant government agencies among
other stakeholders.
To ensure in depth explorations and insights into the feelings and thoughts of the various
interest groups, a purely qualitative approach was employed during the consultation.
These were conducted through meetings with representatives from relevant local
authorities and the project host community members and area residents. In total, 44
stakeholders were consulted; 29 males and 15 females in a total of 5 meetings.
Stakeholder’s views and their concerns are given in Section Five (5) of this report. These
views and concerns were taken into consideration during impact identification and for
informing impact enhancement and mitigation measures.
1.5.5 Flora Assessment
It is important to understand the vegetation of the project area as this will play an
important role in re-vegetation of places that will be excavated/laid bare during the
project activities. It will be necessary that sites are restored to as much as practically
possible to conditions they were in before project activities. During the field visits,
observation and identification of flora species at the sites for water abstraction and
reservoir, and along the transmission lines were done. Flora species which could not be
identified in the field were picked, kept in properly labelled plant press and transported
to the Makerere University Herbarium for identification.
1.5.6 Fauna Assessment
Fauna assessment involved a survey of birds in the project area, using Timed Species
Counts (TSCs) (Freeman et al., 2003). This method generates estimates of relative
abundance by scoring 6 for species recorded in the first ten minutes, down to one for the
last ten minutes of a one-hour count. The argument is that the common species are
recorded in most counts, usually with a score of six, whilst rare species only score an
occasional one. In addition, for a series of counts, the commonest species are recorded
most times and usually with a high score.
Transect walks were made with the help of local guides, recording all species in order of
their being encountered, whether by site or sound. Birds were identified with the help of
a pair of binoculars and where there was doubt about identification, we referred to the
field guide (Stevenson and Fanshawe, 2002).
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The bird lists were classified globally based on the Red-listed (IUCN, 2019) and
nationally/ regionally based on Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS, 2016). These
categories are indicated as:
• CR Critical (Globally or Regionally or Nationally)
• EN Endangered (Globally or Regionally or Nationally)
• VU Vulnerable (Globally or Regionally or Nationally)
• NT Near-threatened (Globally or Regionally or Nationally)
• RR Regional Responsibility (Globally or Regionally or Nationally)
1.5.7 Water Quality Measurements and Analysis
The physico-chemical quality of water for the two abstraction boreholes was analysed
following procedures certified by the International Organization of Standardization – ISO
and standard methods according to APHA/AWWA/WEF (2020). The water quality
analysis was carried out at the National Water and Sewerage Corporation. The results of
water quality analysis are presented in section 3.4.1 and Annex IV.
1.5.8 Noise Measurements
Baseline noise measurements in the project area were carried at various locations using
a Benetech GM1356 digital sound level meter with a range of 30—130 dB (Plate 1). The
noise results were compared to permissible limits (Table 1), according to the National
Environment (Noise standards and Control) Regulations, 2003. The results of noise
measurement are presented in section 3.3.
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Plate 1: Noise level meter used for noise assessment. Taken on 10th March 2023 by the
1.6 Structure of the report
The structure of this report is in conformity with NEMA guidelines and the different
sections are outlined below: -
An executive summary providing a brief overview of the proposed project and its
anticipated positive and negative impacts among others.
Chapter 1: Background information on the project, project objectives, methodology
and report structure.
Chapter 2: A review of policies, laws, regulations and standards in relation to the
development of the proposed project.
Chapter 3: Site baseline bio-physical and sociological information, area infrastructure
and activities.
Chapter 4: Description of the proposed project components, preparation,
construction and operations phase activities.
Chapter 5: Public consultations and disclosure, mentioning stakeholder concerns and
measures to address them.
Chapter 6: An analysis of alternatives, including the Project alternative, No Project
option and comparison of the two options.
Chapter 7: Evaluation of the identified environmental and social impacts and
recommendation of appropriate mitigation measures for all significant
negative environmental impacts predicted.
Chapter 8: An Environmental, Social Management and Monitoring Plan for addressing
negative impacts and assessing effectiveness of mitigation measures,
scheduling monitoring frequency and assigning responsibility.
Chapter 9: Grievance Redress Mechanism
Chapter 10: Conclusions and recommendations arising from the ESIA.
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2.1 Introduction
The water and sanitation sector in Uganda has evolved over the past 10 - 15 years
through several reforms and national instruments all geared towards increasing
efficiency in implementation and effectiveness in delivery of services to the unserved.
This continuous change process has enabled appropriate adaptation of sector policies
and strategies to be incorporated into emerging national and international development
agenda including the country’s National Development Plan (NDP), Uganda Vision 2040
and also aligned towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). This section provides an overview of national and
international policies, laws and regulations/standards relevant to the proposed project
as well as the national institutions responsible for water and environmental protection
and conservation as well as health, safety and social safeguards.
Table 2: Policies relevant to Soni Mini Solar Piped Water Supply System
Policy Title Policy Goal Relevance to Soni Mini Solar Water
Supply and Sanitation System
The National The overall policy goal is to ensure Environment and Social Impact Assessment
Environment sustainable development which (ESIA) by way of a Project brief has been
Management Policy maintains and promotes conducted for the proposed Construction of
for Uganda (2014) environmental quality and resource Soni RGC Mini Solar Piped Water and
productivity for socio-economic Sanitation Supply System (this Report). If
transformation. The policy sets out the proposed impact mitigation measures
in one of its key objectives to are put in place, the project will promote
integrate, in a participatory manner, economic and social development in a
environmental concerns in all sustainable way. These have been developed
development policies, plans, in consultation with different stakeholders
activities and budgets at national, of the proposed project.
district and local levels.
The National Water To promote an integrated approach The proposed project seeks to increase on
Policy, 1999 to manage the water resources in the amount of safe water supply in Soni RGC
ways that are sustainable and most in Tororo District.
beneficial to the people of Uganda
The National Provides a framework and mandate The gender policy recommends that
Gender Policy, for all stakeholders to address the integration of gender issues in national
1997 gender imbalances within their policies and projects will improve national
respective sectors. welfare, contribute towards sustainable
development, and improve the work of
government ministries. The project will
consider gender aspects during the different
phases of its implementation.
The National Health To prevent transmission of diseases The proposed project will help to improve
Policy (1999) through Primary Health Care (PHC) the sanitation through improved provision
including Sanitation and Hygiene. and access to safe water to the communities.
The National Land The Policy was developed to ensure Some project infrastructure like
Policy (2013) efficient, equitable and optimal transmission lines, reservoirs and boreholes
utilisation and management of will be located on people’s land. Unless
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Table 3: Ugandan laws and regulations relevant to the Proposed Soni Mini Solar Water
Supply System
Legal Framework Provision(s) Proposed
The Constitution of The State shall promote sustainable development The developer observes the
the Republic of and public awareness of the need to manage land, Constitutional provisions.
Uganda; 1995; air and water resources in a balanced and This is why the developer
amended as at 15th sustainable manner for the present and future commissioned the ESIA
February 2006, generations. process prior to
Government of Chapter 15, Article 237, Clauses (1) (2) (a) & (b) implementation of the
Uganda. gives the Government the powers as guided by the project. The waterworks, as
Parliament to acquire land anywhere within the well as distribution to
country and place it to the best use to benefit the neighbouring areas will be
citizens of the country, where deemed necessary. done while following
mitigation measures. All
land acquisitions will adhere
to provisions of the 1995
National Constitution.
The National Section 112 (1), requires a developer of a project An EPB has been
Environment no. 5 to submit an acceptable EIA/EPB Report in conducted for proposed
2019 accordance with the guidelines in the Fourth Project so that it promotes
Schedule of this Act. economic and social
development in a
sustainable way.
The Water Act, Cap Under section 18 (2), a person wishing to construct The developer will ensure
152 and The Water any works or take and use water may apply to the that waste generated during
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This ministry promotes issues of social protection, gender equality, equity, human rights,
culture, decent work conditions and empowerment for different groups such as women,
children, the unemployed youth, internally displaced persons, the older persons and
persons with disabilities. The Ministry works with institutional structures at district
levels including probation offices, community development offices, and labour offices.
The Department of Occupational safety and health of this ministry administers and
enforces the Occupational Safety and Health Act, No.9, 2006, the Laws of Uganda and its
subsidiary Legislation. Mandated to Evaluate and Control the Physical, Chemical,
Physiological, Social and Technical factors that affect persons at Work and the Working
Environment. As such it is a requirement for the project to obtain a Workplace
registration certificate and certificates of examination of lifting equipment from this
department during the contractor mobilisation phase. Additionally, it is mandatory to
report fatal accidents and any lost time injuries of three days or more to this department.
2.4.4 Local Administration Structures
The proposed project falls within jurisdiction of Tororo District. Technical District
personnel directly involved on the project include the Chief Administrative Officer,
District Water Officer, and the Environment Officer.
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The proposed project boreholes and reservoir tanks that will be constructed to supply
water in the project area are located at GPS coordinates as presented in Table 5 and
Figure 2.
Table 5: Location of the proposed project components
BH No. / Village Parish Sub-county Coordinates
DWD 90935 Ngulimo Mifumi Kirewa N0.745399 E033.935011
DWD 90936 Chawolo Mifumi Kirewa N0.751017 E033.940083
Proposed Reservoir Dago Zone Soni Kirewa N0.756301 E033.934097
Transmission Line 1 Chawolo Mifumi Kirewa N0.749753 E033.938055
Transmission Line 2 Dago Zone Soni Kirewa N0.755827 0.33.939293
Figure 2: Google Earth Map of the proposed abstraction and reservoir sites
Tororo District is underlined by the eastern volcanic rocks of Cretaceous to Miocene age
(135 — 5.30 Ma) which comprise generally soda-rich agglomerates, lavas and tuffs
extruded by central volcanoes that are represented by Mountain Elgon, that is the
Mesozoic and Cainozoic rocks (DGSM, 2008). The area hosts carbonite resources related
to the Carbonatite ring complexes along the Kenya — Uganda border. This is underlain
by sediments of the Bugisu Series associated with Mt. Elgon. The tertiary pre-Elgon
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volcanic rocks, which include Tororo rock and Osukuru hills, are known to be very rich in
minerals, which have potential for the growth of industries (cement, fertilizers and
fungicide industries).
The soils of Tororo District are sandy clay- and loam-type, with low contents of carbon,
nitrogen and phosphorus.
3.2.2 Climate
This climate is favorable for agriculture. However, prolonged droughts and abnormally
heavy rains attributed to climate variability and change have in the past been reported in
the district. For example, in 2007, heavy rains that resulted into flooding and later,
followed by prolonged drought devastated agricultural activities in the district.
3.2.3 Drainage
There is presence of soil erosion due to steep hills and high-speed water especially in the
project area which is highly attributed to poor farming practices. There is presence of
large gullies formed as a result of surface run off water. In all the project area, there are
presence of rocks and swampy sections that make accessibility difficult coupled with
difficulty in reaching out some local communities with piped water. This presents a
potential threat to high cost of investment in piped water supply system since there is
need to construct bridges for pipes in some instances for easy access of water.
3.2.4 Topography
The land in the project area is generally hilly, with an elevation of 1,459.5 metres above
sea level. The topography of Tororo is not prone to soil erosion.
Tororo District is located at an elevation of over 1,200 metres above sea level. Its relief
consists of low hills and rolling plains, which are drained by seasonal streams. Most of the
land is generally gentle and suitable for agriculture without risking severe run off of the
top soils.
3.2.5 Flora and fauna Flora
Around the proposed project area, vegetation is characteristic of agricultural landscapes,
dominated by grasses, shrubs, weeds, crops and a few trees. The abstraction and
reservoir sites are already converted into agricultural use, while the transmission lines
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follow existing roads and will be restricted within the road reserves. Generally, all the
project affected sites are already modified and not representative of the natural
conditions. None of the vegetation species is of conservation concern as per the IUCN’S
Red List of endangered species. Nevertheless, measures have been suggested to minimize
disturbance on vegetation. The specific vegetation characteristics at and around the
various sites are as follows:
The abstraction site is within a modified area surrounded by gardens of cassava and an
access road (Plate 2). The site is characterized by regenerating species. Some of the
species identified at the project site include: Manhot esculenta, Artocarpus heteropphyllus,
Carica papaya, Gomphrena celosioides, Schkuhria pinnata, Commelina benghalensis,
Acalypha sp, Phyllanthus amarus, Mimosa pedica, Pancium maximum, Tridax procumbens,
Conyza sp, Achyranthes aspera, Cynodon dactylon, Cucumis sativas, Fluegea virosa,
Vernonia amygadlina. Albizia coriaria, and Solanum incanum.
The vegetation cover comprised of gardens of Musa sp, Manhot esculenta, Zea may with
Artocarpus heteropphyllus, Guajava psium, Coffea canephora and Carica papaya fruits.
Regenerating species included: Gomphrena celosioides, Schkuhria pinnata, Aristolochia sp,
Cissus verticillata, Commelina benghalensis, Acalypha sp, Phyllanthus amarus, Triumphetta
sp, Mimosa pedica Pancium maximum, Tridax procumbens, Conyza sp, Achyranthes aspera,
Cynodon dactylon, Cucumis sativas, Fluegea virosa, Vernonia amygadlina. Trees included:
Eucalyptus gunnii, Albizia coriaria, Albizia zygia, Kigelia africana (Medicinal tree)
Pseudocedrella odorata, Sperthoda nilotica (Medicinal tree), and Persea americana. Plate
3 shows the vegetation cover at and around this site.
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Plate 3: Vegetation at Chawolo abstraction point. Banana crops (Left) and a mix of
banana crops and trees (Right). Photos taken on 10th March 2023 by the Botanist
Transmission Lines
Species identified along the transmission lines include: Coffea canephora, Pancium
maximum, Amaranthus sp, Megathyrsus maximus, Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis,
Pennisetum purpureum, Phyllanthus amarus, Zea mays, Musa sp, and Pennisetum glaucum.
Reservoir Site
The vegetation at the proposed reservoir site was composed of regenerating Oxygonum
sinuatum, Gomphrena celosioides, Neotoni whitei, Phyllanthus amarus, Leonotis molisima,
Schkuhria pinnata, Aristolochia sp, Cissus verticillata, Commelina benghalensis, Acalypha
sp, Phyllanthus amarus, Triumphetta sp, Mimosa pedica Pancium maximum, Tridax
procumbens, Conyza sp, Achyranthes aspera, Cynodon dactylon, Cucumis sativas, Fluegea
virosa, Vernonia amygadlina. Trees of Albizia coriaria, Albizia zygia, pinus ficus sp, Kigelia
Africana, Pseudocedrella odorata, and Sperthoda nilotica. Invasive species such as Lantana
camara and Senna sp. were observed at the proposed reservoir site. Plate 4 shows the
vegetation cover at and around this site.
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ESIA-Project Brief for the Proposed Soni Mini Piped Water Supply and Sanitation
System Kirewa Sub-county, Tororo District Fauna
From the field surveys conducted, a total 88 bird species were recorded in the project
area. The most common species were Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus, Bronze
Mannikin Spermestes cucullata, these species were recorded within the first minutes in
each of the five sites. The bird community sampled supports species of various categories,
with forest edge species as the majority, followed by Grassland species (G). Forest
generalists (F) and Water specialists were also well represented (Figure 3).
Number of species
FF F f W w G Ae
Ecological category
Site accounts
There were differences in number of species recorded amongst sites assessed (Figure 2).
Species richness was highest near the Dago reservoir area (36 species), followed by
Chawolo abstraction site (29 species) whereas the lowest number of species was
recorded along the transmission lines at Chawolo and Dago (Figure 4). Variations in
number of species could be due to differences in anthropogenic factors, with mores
species being recorded in areas with minimum human disturbance. Secondly, the
proposed abstraction area was wet, therefore supporting a variety of species including
water birds and land birds.
40 36
Number of species
30 27 26 26
Dago Zone Chawolo Ngulimo Chawolo Dago
Reservoir Abstraction Abstraction Transmission Transmission
point point
Survey sites
Figure 4: Number of species recorded in various sites along the water supply system
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Plate 5: Striated Heron Butorides striatus, this species is listed regionally and nationally as a
threatened species. Photo taken on 11th March 2023 by the Ornithologist
Table 7 lists all the migratory species recorded. These included five (5) Palearctic
migrants and nine (9) Afro-tropical migrants. Palaerctic migrants breed in the Palaerctic
region and found in Uganda during the northern winter, typically between October and
March) whereas Afro-tropical migrants complete their journeys within Africa. The most
abundant migratory species was Black Kite Milvus migrans, followed by Abdim’s Stork
Ciconia abdimii and Grey-Headed Kingfisher Halcyon senegalensis (Plate 6). The highest
number of migratory species was recorded around Dago reservoir site (eight species).
There were very few migrants along Chawolo transmission route.
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Plate 6: Grey-Headed Kingfisher, one of the Afro-tropical migrant species recorded along Soni
Water System. Photo taken on 11th March 2023 by the Ornithologist
Water birds
The eleven water birds recorded are listed in Table 8. These included eight water
specialists (W) and three non-water specialists (w*). The only important site for water
birds was Chawolo abstraction area (all species were recorded here). The four other sites
had only land birds. Little Egret was the most abundant water specialist as Black-headed
heron for the non-specialists. Most of the water birds are not listed as threatened species
apart from one species (Striated Heron Butorides striatus) which is listed nationally and
regionally. Water bird are important for our wellbeing and to the environment in many
ways for example, Water birds can maintain the diversity of other organisms, control
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Plate 7: African Jacana Actophilornis Africana was recorded in the project area. Photo taken on
11th March 2023 by the Ornithologist
Forest species
During the assessment, we did not record any forest interior species (FF). FF species
occurs only in natural primary forests. All the seven forest generalists (F) recorded along
the proposed transmission line (Table 9; Plate 8). F species are less specialised, these also
occur in small forest patches as well as encroached forests. Among the forest generalist,
Fork-tailed Drongo and Long-crested Eagle were the most abundant. The highest number
of these species were recorded near Dago water reservoir area. On the other hand,
seventeen forest edge species (f) were recorded. These species do not depend on forests
but do need trees for insects, seeds, shade, etc.
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Table 9: List of forest generalist species (F) and their relative abundance levels
2016 No COMMON NAME Scientific Name Ecology Red-list Abundance
550 FORK-TAILED DRONGO Dicrurus adsimilis F LC 2.2
308 LONG-CRESTED EAGLE Lophaetus occipitalis F LC 1.2
319 LIZARD BUZZARD monogrammicus F LC 1
913 LEAF-LOVE scandens F U-NT 1
69 BLUE-SPOTTED WOOD DOVE Turtur afer F LC 0.6
132 ROSS'S TURACO Musophaga rossae F LC 0.4
594 OLIVE-BELLIED SUNBIRD Cinnyris chloropygius F LC 0.4
Plate 8: Long Crested Eagle, one of the forest generalist recorded at Ngulimo abstraction point.
Photo taken on 11th March 2023 by the Ornithologist
Critical sites
The most critical sites are the ones near wetlands (Chawolo and Ngulimo abstraction
areas points) (Table 10). Wetlands are important to birds in several ways for example,
the migratory species use the wetland as stopovers and resting areas. Secondly, wetlands
are a source of food for birds in form of plants, vertebrates and invertebrates. Regarding
breeding, many bird species (both water birds and land birds) use swamps as breeding
grounds. On the other hand, the three other surveyed sites (Dago transmission line,
Chawolo transmission line and Dago reservoir) are already modified as a result of human
settlement, cultivation and communication infrastructures.
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Table 10: Critical habitat matrix generated along the proposed transmission line
IFC Critical habitat Criteria Ngulimo Chawolo Dago Zone Chawolo Dago
Abstraction Abstraction reservoir Transmission Transmission
point point Line Line
Criterion 1: Critically 2 3 2 1 1
Endangered (CR) and/or
Endangered (EN) species
Criterion 2: Endemic or 1 1 1 1 1
restricted-range species
Criterion 3: Migratory or 2 3 4 2 2
congregatory species
Criterion 4: Highly 2 4 1 1 1
threatened and/or unique
Criterion 5: Key 2 2 1 1 1
evolutionary processes
Total Ranks 9 13 9 6 6
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Plate 9: Existing water supply points. An existing well (Left) and a borehole (Right).
Photos taken by the Water Resources Specialist on 10th March 2023
There are also two piped water systems within the Project Area; one is operated by NWSC
which supplies area towards the terminal end of the Tororo GFS pipeline in outlying area
of Tororo Municipality, the other supplies Lwakhakha town and its environs.
3.4.1 Water Quality
The water samples obtained from the boreholes sampled portray satisfactory physio-
chemical characteristics. With this water quality, minimal treatment would be necessary.
There are no water treatment works that require conventional treatment of water for
consumption. The results of water quality analysis are presented in Table 12 and the
details in Annex IV. The values of water quality are within the national standards for un-
treated portable water for the measured parameters.
Table 12: Water quality of the project area
Parameter Unit National
Standard for un- treated DWD 2742 DWD 2731
portable water
pH - 5.5-9.5 6.79 6.8
Electrical Conductivity (EC) µm 2500 364 479
Total dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/L 1200 260 255
Total suspended Solids (TSS) mg/L 0 0 0
Color: Apparent PtCo 50 23 27
Turbidity NTU 25 7 4
Alkalinity: Total as CaCO3 mg/L 500 165 130
Bio Carbonate: as CaCO3 mg/L 500 78 160
Hardness: Total mg/L 600 54 68
Magnesium as Mg2+ mg/L 100 28 34
Fluoride-F mg/L 1.5 0.18 0.05
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Nitrate: N mg/L 45 0 0
The Project area currently has no central piped sewerage facilities. The population is
mainly served by pit latrines. In the Sub- County, 76.4% of the households reported to
defecate in private latrines, while 23.6% share a latrine with the neighbour.
Tororo District is divided into (6) counties and one (1) municipality which are further
sub-divided into sub-counties, parishes and subsequent villages. The overall
administration of the district is handled by the local council 5 (LC 5) chairperson, while
the sub-county level administration is controlled by the local council 3 (LC 3) chairperson.
The village levels are headed by local council 1 (LC 1) chairperson.
3.6.2 Population
The district currently has an estimated total population of 517,082 (2014 Population and
Housing Census) with 102,627 households. The sex ratio is 93% implying that for every
100 females there are 93 males. The average household size is 5 members and the
average dependency ratio is 113.7 implying that majority of the population are
dependents. The population density of the district is 433 persons per square kilometres.
Determination of the baseline data for the domestic population was carried out using
available data from UBOS (2014) national housing and population census, and additional
data collected during the feasibility study. The collected data revealed that the growth
rate of Tororo District is 2.73%. Using the UBOS data, the domestic population of the
Project Area for the base year is 5,834. The domestic population projection for the project
area is summarized in Table 13.
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Kirewa Mifumi Pakitaka 280 2.73% 280 321 367 420 481
Kirewa Mifumi Kisera 285 2.73% 285 326 373 427 489
Kirewa Mifumi Nyamiyemba 176 2.73% 176 293 335 383 438
Kirewa Mifumi Mifumi- North 335 2.73% 335 383 438 501 573
Kirewa Mifumi Mifumi- South 176 2.73% 176 350 400 458 524
Kirewa Soni Oruwa 343 2.73% 343 392 449 514 588
Kirewa Soni Ataro 241 2.73% 241 276 318 362 414
Kirewa Soni Pore 273 2.73% 273 313 358 412 469
Kirewa Soni Sonikayinja 182 2.73% 182 208 238 272 311
Kirewa Soni Jiep 186 2.73% 186 213 244 2330 319
Kirewa Soni Bulalo 176 2.73% 176 201 217 263 171
Total 5,834 2.73% 5,834 6,676 7,639 8,742 6,701
The Water Supply Service Area is expected to cover most of the Project Area, with the
majority (98%) of the population expected to be served by the water supply system
as summarized in Figure 5.
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Figure 5: Total and served population in the project area over the design period
3.6.3 Access to Infrastructure
Transport network: The access roads in the project area are mainly gravel roads and are
generally well-maintained except, for certain stretches which become difficult to pass
during rainy season. In addition, the railway line from Malaba – Kampala also traverses
the project areas (Plate 10).
Plate 10: Transport network in the project area. A gravel road (Left) and a section of the
Malaba-Kampala Railway (Right). Photos taken on 11th March 2023 by the Sociologist
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and neighboring Mbale City which are accessible in the project area. TV networks of
several local and international channels are also accessible.
Access to electricity: Most parts of the project area connected to the national electricity
grid (Plate 11). However, many households and institutions utilize solar to power their
energy needs.
Plate 11: A hydroelectricity transmission line in Kirewa Sub-county. Photo taken by the
Sociologist on 11th March 2023
3.6.4 Education
Majority of the population in the Project area have attained formal primary level of
education (86.7%), followed by secondary (10.3%), no formal education (1.8%), while
only 1.2% attained University Education. It was therefore logical to expect that written
project promotional materials can widely be used as a means of communication in the
Project area since the majority of the people can read and write.
Like many other Ugandan districts, the economy of Tororo is dependent on agriculture,
which employs over 79.1% of the total population. Fertile soils and suitable climate
combine to support the cultivation of a number of crops in most parts of the district.
Agriculture is mainly subsistence (75%) and takes place on smallholdings of
approximately two acres using mainly simple farming tools (hoes, pangas etc). Only
0.35% of the population is engaged in commercial agriculture. Family members
constitute the single most important source of labour.
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The main commercial activities within the trading centres in the project area is retail
trade in general merchandise and agricultural produce, service industry (restaurants and
lodges), petty trade and service provision.
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The proposed water supply project has a design period of 20 years, from 2022-2042, and
will be composed of: water abstraction system, transmission mains, reservoir,
distribution mains and intensification lines, water supply points (house connections,
yard taps and public standpipes/kiosks).
4.1.1 Water Source and Intake
Currently, two boreholes are expected to supply the water intended to meet the demand
of the project area. The water resources assessment study indicated that the proposed
project shall rely on 2 production wells that is DWD 90935 located at N0.745399
E033.935011 in Ngulimo Village, Mifumi Parish, Kirewa Sub-county and DWD 90936
located at N0.751017 E033.940083 in Chawolo village, Mifumi Parish, Kirewa Sub-
county (Plate 12). These production wells have a yield capacity of 11 m3/hr and 6m3/hr,
respectively. The boreholes will be pumped for a duration of 18 hours whereby, the 6
hours of pumping shall be done using solar and the 12 hours shall use HEP/UMEME
power supply.
Plate 12: Drilled Boreholes in the project area: Left is DWD 90935 – Ngulimo BH and Right is
DWD 90936 – Chawolo BH. Photos taken by the Water Resources Specialist on 11th March 2023
The intake will have the pump house and shall be fenced. The water from the boreholes
shall be pumped to the reservoir located on a hill and elevated to a height of 12.5 m above
ground level.
The intake and the raw water mains system will be sized on the basis of the maximum
day water demand of 330 m3/day at the ultimate design period. The system will be
designed to a capacity of the Soni Solar Mini-Piped Water Supply System and in future,
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the system is recommended to be connected to the national electric grid. The intake was
designed to cater for the project area water demands as described in Table 15.
Table 15: Water supply system capacity for the proposed Soni Mini Solar piped water supply
Description Quantity (m3/d) Comment
Maximum Day Maximum Day Demand revised to
Demand 330m3/day due to low population
Transmission Main 330 Maximum Day Demand
Source: Project Estimates, 2022
The components of the system include intake, transmission, reservoir, distribution lines
and public stand pipes, as summarized in Table 16.
Table 16: Transmission and distribution details
No. Pipe Description Pipe Material Length (m)
1 Transmission line 1 OD 75 HDPE PN16 920
2 Transmission line 2 OD 63 HDPE PN16 840
The detailed design specifications of the transmission systems from the Ngulimo and
Chawolo boreholes are provided in Tables 17 and 18, respectively.
Table 17: Summary of transmission system of Ngulimo borehole to Dago Zone reservoir tank
Parameter Transmission main
Depth of pump (m) in BH 90935 92.55
Flow (m3/hr) 11.0
Flow (m3/s) 0.0031
Ground Level at intake (m.a.s.l) 1,088.00
Ground Level at reservoir (m.a.s.l) 1,143.24
Ground Elevation intake tank and reservoir (m) 1,155.50
Reservoir Inlet Above Bottom Reservoir Level (m) 3.66
Height of Reservoir Above Ground (m) 12.5
Static head (m) 1164
Friction Coefficient, Cwh 140
Pipe Diameter (m) 0.0610
Velocity (m/s) 1.05
Length of Pipe (m) 840
Friction Loss (m) 17.30
Fittings losses - 10% (m) 1.73
Total dynamic head (m) 19
Residual Head (m) 1145
Pipeline Specifications
Table 18: Summary of transmission system of Chawolo borehole to Dago Zone reservoir tank
Parameter Transmission main
Depth of pump (m) in BH 90936 88.6
Flow (m3/hr) 6.0
Flow (m3/s) 0.0017
Ground Level at intake (m.a.s.l) 1,095.00
Ground Level at reservoir (m.a.s.l) 1,088.00
Ground Elevation intake tank and reservoir (m) 1,143.00
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The required storage capacities are show in Table 19. The established reservoir capacity
is 100 m3 that is capable of satisfying the water demand during the ultimate design period
at 2042.
Table 19: Reservoir specifications
No Tank Demand Calculated Existing Proposed Tank
(m3/d) Tank Size Tank (m3) Tank (m3) Height (m)
1 Cold pressed steel 330 99 - 100 12.5
Source: Project Estimates, 2022
The reservoir will be made of square cold pressed steel panels of length 1.22 m. It shall
be provided with inlet, overflow, outlet, and drain pipe work. The following fittings shall
also be provided for the reservoir:
I. Internal ladder of galvanised steel,
II. Wall mounted level indicator,
III. Vents on the tank roof,
IV. Roof level access cover of galvanised steel.
The size of the tank is indicated in Table 20. The access covers shall be at least 1200
mm above the finished level of the roof and shall be lockable. The roof vents shall be
similarly set out and shall be fitted with vermin proofing and mosquito proofing fabric.
Table 20: Tank and Pipes sizes
Proposed Tank Dimensions (m) Pipe Sizes (DN, mm)
Tank (m3) Height (m) Length Width Depth Inlet Outlet Overflow Drain
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The outlet from the main reservoir shall be fitted with new bulk flow meters.
4.1.5 Distribution System
The downstream of the distribution systems reservoirs has been modelled using EPANET
as indicated in Table 21.
Table 21: Summary of Distribution pipeline
No. Pipe Description Pipe Material Length (m)
2 Distribution OD 63 HDPE PN 6 8,340.0
4 Service pipe OD 32 HDPE PN12 2,448.0
The service connections will include house connections, yard taps and standpipes. The
location of the service pipes will not be known until applications for connections are
received. At this stage, only an estimate of the sizes, quantities and costs can be given. On
the basis of the population to be served at the tariff of USh 53 per 20 litres, the total
number of connections required has been estimated. The criteria used to determine the
number of service connections for each served population category is shown in Table 22.
Table 22: Population per category criteria
Category Population Served Source of Criteria
House Connection 5 persons per household Socio-Economic Study Data
Yard Taps 5x2 Households per yard tap Project Estimates
Standpipes 170 persons Per Standpipe Maximum Number- DWD Water Manual
150 persons Per Standpipe Considered for this Project.
Urban Poor 170 persons per Standpipe Standpipe coverage
The required number of service connections is given below Table 23 for the ultimate year
Table 23: Summary of the project service connections
Served Population Number of Service Connections
House Yard Stand House Yard Stand
Total Total
Year Conn Tap Pipe Conn Tap Pipe
2022 58 58 3,792 3,908 3 6 25 34
2032 76 76 4965 5117 15 8 33 56
2042 100 100 6,501 6,501 20 10 43 73
Source: Project Estimates, 2022
In general, valves and fittings facilitate the operation of the water supply system. A
careful design of the routing of the pipeline was done to minimize their number and
related costs. The following valves and fittings shall be installed within the piped water
supply network;
i. Section Valves - Section valves will not be provided to facilitate maintenance of the
pipes by isolating one section from the others since the pipe network is limited in
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ii. Air Valves – 1 Air valve shall be installed to release air from the pipeline, during
normal operation (degasing due to changes in pressure) and during the pipe filling
process. The air valves shall be installed at peaks/crests within the pipe network.
iii. Wash outs – no washouts will be installed on pipelines to drain the pipe section
especially during cleaning out of sediments in the pipe. They are usually provided at
pronounced low points or valleys in the pipeline.
4.1.8 Summary of the water supply components
The criteria set out for public and institutional toilets are as follows:
For public toilets, the criteria for the number of toilet stances required is set at 1 stance
per every 40 users, while for institutions, the pupil to stance ratio shall be 1 per every 40
pupils. All public toilets shall have a urinal stance in the male’s section. Additionally, large
toilet blocks shall have 1 washroom each in male and female sections respectively. This
is as per Ministry of Education and sports standards.
4.2.2 Design of Public and Institutional Toilets
A total of 1 unit of 2 stance VIP latrine will be constructed in future within the project
area as seen in Table 25. The public toilet shall be constructed at a location to be proposed
by the local authorities.
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The designed toilet block which will measure 13 m X 7.0 m will have the following details:
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5.1 Introduction
This section presents details of the stakeholder consultations that were undertaken for
the project. It contains the consultation approach that was used, stakeholders that were
consulted and the key issues and concerns that were identified during the consultation.
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6.1 Introduction
Analysis of project alternatives as part of this environmental and social impact
assessment considers other practicable strategies that can be taken to minimize or
eliminate the negative impacts while enhancing the positive ones. This ensures that the
project is implemented with minimal damage to environmental and socio-economic
• A hydrological assessment showed that the water is of adequate yield and quality
• Sufficient land which the owner was willing to offer for the project
• Closeness to the supply area
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Each of these characteristics is addressed for each impact. Consideration of the above
gives a sense of the relative intensity of the impact. The sensitivity of the receiving
environment was determined by specialists based on the baseline data collected during
the study.
7.1.3 Impact Evaluation
Each impact is evaluated using the criteria listed in Table 27. To provide a relative
illustration of impact severity, a numerical or relative descriptor is assigned to the impact
intensity and receptor sensitivity for each potential impact. Each is assigned a numerical
descriptor of 1, 2, 3, or 4, equivalent to very low, low, medium or high. The severity of
impact was then indicated by the product of the two numerical descriptors, with severity
being described as negligible, minor, moderate or major, as illustrated in Table 28. This
is a qualitative method designed to provide a broad ranking of the different impacts of a
project. Illustrations of the types of impact that were assigned the different grades of
severity are given in Table 29.
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High - where natural and/or cultural or social functions and processes are 4
altered to the extent that they will temporarily or permanently cease, and
valued, important, sensitive or vulnerable systems or communities are
substantially affected. The changes to the natural and/or cultural / social-
economic processes and functions are drastic and commonly irreversible.
Probability (The Low – where the possibility of the Impact materializing is very low (<20%)
likelihood of the
impact occurring) Medium – where there is a good possibility (30%-60% chance) that the impact
will occur.
High– where it is most likely (60% -100% chance) that the impact will occur.
• Major: The impact exceeds the accepted limit or standard, or has a large
magnitude and occurs to highly valued/sensitive resource/receptors. These
denote that the impact is unacceptable and further adequate mitigation measures
must be implemented to reduce the significance. More details are provided in
Error! Reference source not found.30.
• Moderate: The impacts in this region are within accepted limits and standards
and are considered tolerable but efforts must be made to reduce the impact to
levels that are as low as reasonably practical. Adequate mitigation measures make
the impact minor or avoidable.
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Minor • Noticeable effects on the environment, but returning naturally to original state
in the medium term
• Slight local degradation of resources but not jeopardising further usage
• Disruption/disturbance to normal behaviour of a globally or regionally
endangered species returning to normal in the short term
• Small contribution to global air problem through unavoidable releases
• Elevation in ambient water/air pollutant levels greater than 50% of guidelines
• Infrequent localised nuisance
Negligible • No noticeable or limited local effect upon the environment, rapidly returning to
original state by natural action
• Unlikely to affect resources to noticeable degree
• No noticeable effects on globally or regionally endangered species
• No significant contribution to global air pollution problem
• Minor elevation in ambient water/air pollutant levels well below guidelines
• No reported nuisance effects
Cumulative impacts were also assessed, in view of the valued ecosystem components as
Step 1: The Assessment Team identified the incremental effects of the project on the
identified Valued Environmental Components (VECs) within the environs of the sites. The
VECs were selected based on information related to current or anticipated future
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degraded or stressed conditions, anticipated presence of other human activities that will
adversely affect the same VEC.
Step 2: Identified other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions within
the space and time boundaries that have been, are, or could contribute to cumulative
effects (stresses) on the VECs or their indicators as identified.
Step 3: For the selected VECs, the experts compiled appropriate information on their
indicators, described and assessed their historical to current conditions where possible.
Depending upon the availability of information, the identified trends in the conditions of
the VECs and their indicators shall be determined and analysed.
Step 4: The Team further linked the project to other actions like the upcoming projects
in the study area to the selected VECs and their indicators.
Step 5: Assessment of the significance of the cumulative effects on each VEC over the time
and the incremental effects (the direct and indirect effects) on specific VECs were also
Step 6: For VECs or their identified indicators were subjected to negative incremental
impacts from the project and for which, the cumulative effects were significant,
developed appropriate action-specific “mitigation measures” for such impacts. The
mitigation measures were mainly be based on those identified in the study.
7.1.5 Development of Enhancement and Mitigation Measures
Enhancement measures for each identified positive impact have been proposed.
Similarly, the mitigation measures for each of the negative impacts have been proposed.
The Contractor / Developer should ensure that the proposed impact enhancement and
mitigation measures are implemented
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Disruption of water ▪ Inform the communities in the affected areas well in advance about the
supply decommissioning activities
▪ Provide alternative source of water
Traffic disruption ▪ As for the construction phase
Disruption of social ▪ As for the construction phase
Noise pollution ▪ As for the construction phase
Solid waste generation ▪ As for the construction phase
Occupational health ▪ As for the construction phase
and safety issues
Public health and ▪ As for the construction phase
safety issues
Increased susceptibility ▪ As for the construction phase
to Soil erosion
Air pollution and ▪ As for the construction phase
climate change
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Flora and Opening up land due to -Disturbance or loss -The MWE should participate in
fauna urban development for of terrestrial species environmental conservation
construction of e.g., and their habitat projects in the catchment or where
residences, industries, due to increased they are non-existent, the MWE
access roads development should initiate them, including
activities restoring degraded ecosystems
-Increased erosion
and ensuing
ion of streams
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Therefore, this is a core tool that the Contractor will use to monitor project
implementation and develop a standalone Environmental and Social Implementation
Plan (ESIP) or Contractors Environmental and Social Management Plan (CESMP) to guide
project implementation. This ESMMP is intended to guide the contractor in the
preparation, implementation, monitoring and reporting on the CESMP. The CESMP will
need to be regularly reviewed and updated as the project progresses to reflect any
changes in project implementation and organization as well as regulatory requirements.
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grievance redress, gender awareness, site clean-up and landscaping, monthly ESMP
reporting among others. Laxity in the provision and use of personal protective equipment
is a risk to the safety of workers. The BoQs should provide a sum for PPE and supervision
be done to ensure that all workers undertake works while in full PPE.
8.2.3 Safeguards Clauses
As a best practice, the contracts for the civil works should include clauses on management
of environment and social aspects. Sometimes, the clauses are weak and cannot be used
to hold the contractors accountable. There is need to strengthen the clauses and to tailor
them to the specific project safeguards aspects and management needs.
8.2.4 Procurement of the Contractor
Implementation of mitigation measures during construction is key to managing short-
and long-term impacts and risks. As a best practice, the contracts for the civil works
should include clauses on management of environment and social aspects. Sometimes,
the clauses are weak and cannot be used to hold the contractors accountable. There is
need to strengthen the clauses and to tailor them to the specific project safeguards
aspects and management needs. The contractual agreement will also include clauses to
enforce the implementation of the relevant mitigations. The clauses should be included
in technical specifications in all contract documents related to the civil works. Safeguards
clauses should be prescriptive and specify: what needs to be done, where it needs to be
done, when and how the actions will take place, who is responsible, the monitoring and
reporting requirements, and what sanctions or legal recourse are available for work that
does not meet the required specifications.
8.2.5 Staffing
It is common for contractors to recruit unqualified safeguards staff or to assign
safeguards duties to site foremen or clerks with no prior safeguards experience. Staffing
requirements should be spelt out in the contracts. In addition, it may be useful to include
the minimum requirements in the contracts for the civil works. Therefore, the MWE,
through the supervising consultants must approve the contractor’s Environment Officer,
Health and Safety Officer and the Sociologist.
8.2.6 ESMP Monitoring and Reporting
Laxity in implementation and reporting on safeguards issues is common amongst
contractors largely because they do not take safeguards issues seriously. This can be
addressed by requiring contractors to prepare monthly environment and social
monitoring reports. These should either be pay items and clearly included in the BoQs or
a condition for certification and payment approvals. Contractor safeguards reports are
usually characterized by failure to include useful monitoring indicators such as safety
statistics (fatalities, minor injuries, near misses, etc.), number of trees cut, and number
replanted amongst others. The contractors will require training on safeguards
monitoring and reporting. The contractors need to undertake proper recordkeeping of
all safeguard activities. The contractors should liaise with District technical offices such
as the DEO and DCDO to ensure proper monitoring and timely implementation of project
8.2.7 Project Reporting Commitments
The Contractor will be required to prepare regular reports (monthly, quarterly, and
annual) on environmental, social, health and safety performance.
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On an annual basis, the Contractor will, under the guidance of the MWE and Tororo
District Local Government, engage services of an independent Environmental and Social
Compliance Auditor to conduct an Environmental and Social Audit to determine the level
of the Project’s environmental and social performance. The report will provide the
information and data required to determine compliance with national legal requirements
as well as OPs of the AfDB. The aspects to be reported on will include; grievance
management, labour management, traffic management, community health and safety and
security, air quality, erosion and water pollution, waste management, emergency
response, HIV/AIDS and gender management, Environmental and social restoration,
among others.
8.3 Contractor Management Plans and Method Statements
The Contractor will be required to prepare some standalone safeguards management
plans in addition to the Contractor’s Environment and Social Management Plan (CESMP).
Reference should always be made to the CESMP as the overarching document that
contains general Control Statements for various impacts such as air quality, solid waste,
and hazardous materials, water quality and ecosystem, noise and vibration control,
erosion control, waste excavation and disposal and safety and occupational health. In
addition to the Management Plans, the Contractor should prepare Method Statements for
specific activities such as excavation works and submit for the Supervision Engineer’s
review and comments before commencement of works. If the Engineer notifies the
Contractor that a specific method statement has failed to provide adequate mitigations,
such a statement should be revised and resubmitted until when approved.
8.3.1 Labour Force Management Plan
The Contractor is expected to have a clear plan for recruitment of workers to promote
project ownership by the communities. The Contractor should give preference to local
people by recruitment of unskilled and semi-skilled labour from project villages and this
should be done through local areas councils from where those seeking employment
should get letters of recommendations.
8.3.2 Quality Management Plan
A quality management plan defines the quality policies and procedures relevant to the
project for both project deliverables and project processes and who is charged with what
responsibility to ensure compliance to set stands. Given the nature of this project, the
contractor should have a quality management plan to guide the quality control and
assurance processes to achieve the intended outcomes in terms of social, design,
structural and investment outcomes in line with environmental and social safeguards
8.3.3 Erosion Control Plan
Soil erosion risks are expected to be mainly associated with vegetation clearance,
construction of access roads and storage of excavated materials. In some cases, the
project area may receive high amounts of rainfall that will be associated with soil erosion.
An erosion control plan should be overlaid on the project grading plan(s) or site plan if
there is not a grading plan. The erosion control plan needs to show what Best
Management Plans (BMPs) will be used and where, as well as the total disturbance area.
The plan must include measures to prevent erosion, contain sediment and control
drainage. The erosion control plan must also include installation details of the BMPs as
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well as notes. Construction sites often have areas where soil disturbing activities such as
clearing, grading, or cut/fill work has stopped for a period of time. Bare areas that are not
actively under construction need some type of temporary cover to prevent or minimize
erosion in the event of rainfall. Applicable areas include topsoil stockpiles, rough graded
areas, sediment basin dikes, ditches, temporary earthen structures, and graded areas
undergoing settlement. The following controls may be considered:
• Stabilization which includes a wide range of erosion prevention practices that
cover exposed soil such as the use of straw, mulch, erosion control blankets,
plastic sheeting or tarpaulins.
• Temporary seeding which is a soil stabilization practice involving the
establishment of temporary vegetative cover to reduce erosion on construction
sites that have disturbed areas that are temporarily idle.
8.3.4 Waste Management Plan
The Waste Management Plan (WMP) shall be prepared to address waste management
aspects associated with the construction of the markets in line with legal and regulatory
requirements. The Contractor, all subcontractors, and vendors involved in the project
shall have to adhere to this Plan. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that waste is
managed in accordance with this Plan by providing the necessary resources and by
issuing instructions and guidance during project execution. The Contractor will
implement waste management measures and practices throughout the construction
period to mitigate the associated risks. The WMP will contain the following information:
The Contractor will have to prepare a document that presents the framework for
occupational health and safety management and monitoring measures to undertake. The
OHS plan should typically cover safety programs that will be applied for promoting health
and safety, preventing harm, fatality and hazards to the employees, sub-contractors,
properties and the general public. The contractor should be aware of the presence of
hippos in the area which usually move out in the night to graze and crocodiles being a
river bank with riverine and floating vegetation. These can be dangerous if approached
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and disturbed.
8.3.6 Community Health and Safety Plan
This Plan applies to project construction activities and the associated risks and potential
impacts that these activities may have on community health and safety. The risks and
potential project impacts to community health and safety can emerge from both within
and outside the so-called project area of influence. Therefore, the scope of this plan
focuses on the management of aspects associated with the interaction of construction
activities, the workforce, and the community as well as mitigation of contagious diseases.
The Plan should include control measures designed to avoid, minimize or mitigate the
adverse effects of project activities on the health and safety of the community, while at
the same time, enhancing the beneficial effects and capitalize on opportunities that may
contribute to improving overall community well-being.
8.3.7 HIV/AIDS and Gender Management Plan
The Contractor in pursuit of his commitment to health and safety will organize trainings,
conduct awareness and education on the use of infection control measure in the
workplace. The Contractor is expected to provide appropriate PPE to protect workers
from the risk of exposure to HIV/AIDS and incorporate HIV/AIDS information in
occupational health and safety inductions, provide guideline in preventing the spread of
HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), publicize knowledge related
to HIV/AIDS and STIs to the work crews and the surrounding communities, provide
information on good HIV prevention interventions, including promotion of the correct
use of condoms and ensure sufficient resources are available for HIV programs.
All the relevant stakeholders should be kept informed and up to date on issues pertaining
to the project activities especially those, which affect them or where they have influence.
The Contractor should also provide a plan documenting how gender issues such as
gender-based violence, employment segregation based on gender, among others will be
addressed sexual violence
8.3.8 Traffic and road safety Management plan
The major purpose of this plan is to help protect road users and workers and keep traffic
delays to a minimum through proper and clear signage and controls. The Traffic
Management Plan will provide actions to ensure safety of road users and construction
staff during construction the bridge and access roads. It will outline traffic control and
traffic management procedures to prevent potential hazards associated with road use
during construction. Any road work resulting in obstruction of roads needs to be
managed so that safety is not compromised and disruptions and delays to road users are
kept to a minimum. The Plan shall include a road safety awareness program.
8.3.9 Cultural Heritage Management Plan
This plan will include measures to manage risks and impacts on cultural heritage during
construction. There could be other unknown physical cultural resources (PCRs) within
the construction areas. If any chance finds are made, measures must be taken to ensure
‘conservation’ in accordance with legislation and to contact the Department of
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II. Dedicated and select meetings with institutional stakeholders at the central
regional, district and sub-county levels at different project phases
III. Dedicated meetings with select social groups like livelihoods groupings and
vulnerable social groups including women, youth, PWDs and local leaders.
IV. Project Background Information Document (PBID) summaries will be prepared,
translated and shared alongside other strategies described herein
V. Non-Technical Summaries (NTS) of the ESIA will also be developed for public
disclosure through print media and info-shops for the regulators, funder and
project proponent.
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Receipt of Complaint/Grievance
A verbal or written complaint from a PAP or community member will be received by the
Grievance Officer (GO) (refer to Table 37 for the roles of the GO) or an assigned contact
officer in a given administrative jurisdiction/authority near to community level and
recorded in a grievance log which will be held in the Sub-county. The contact officer at
the sub-county will be the Sub-county Chief.
Table 37: Role of a Grievance Officer
Role of a Grievance Officer
A Grievance Officer (GO), who will be a member of the Project Implementation Team,
will lead the grievance mechanism. Principal responsibilities of the GO will include:
1. Recording the grievances, both written and oral, of the affected people,
categorizing and prioritizing them and providing solutions within a specified
time period.
2. Discussing grievances on a regular basis with the Working Group and coming up
with decision/actions for issues that can be resolved at that level.
3. Informing the Steering Committee of serious cases within an appropriate time
4. Reporting to the aggrieved parties about developments regarding their
grievances and decisions of the Steering Committee.
5. Providing inputs into the monitoring and evaluation process
The grievance team will hold meetings at sub-county headquarters where grievances are
received by a contact person who would then hand over received complaints to the GO,
for entering into the grievance log using the grievance form.
The grievance log will indicate grievances, date opened/lodged, actions taken to address
or reasons the grievance was not acted upon (e.g., the grievance was not related to the
resettlement process); information provided to complainant and date the grievance was
Grievances can be lodged at any time, either directly to the GO or the Sub-county
headquarters. The process for lodging a complaint is outlined below:
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If in their judgment, the grievance can be solved at this stage, the GO and a representative
of a local independent civil society/organization will determine a corrective action in
consultation with the aggrieved person. A description of the action; the time frame in
which the action is to take place; and the party responsible for implementing the action
will be recorded in the grievance data base.
Grievances will be resolved and status reported back to complainants within 30 days. If
more time is required, this will be communicated clearly and in advance to the aggrieved
person. For cases that are not resolved within the stipulated time, detailed investigations
will be undertaken and results discussed in the monthly meetings with affected persons.
In some instances, it may be appropriate to appoint independent third parties to
undertake the investigations.
The proposed corrective action and the timeframe in which the grievance is to be
implemented will be discussed with the complainant within 30 days of receipt of the
grievance. Written agreement to proceed with the corrective action will be sought from
the complainant (e.g., by use of an appropriate consent form). If no agreement is reached,
Step 2 will be re-visited.
Agreed corrective actions will be undertaken by the project developer or its contractors
within the agreed timeframe. The date of the completed action will be recorded in the
grievance database.
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To verify satisfaction, the aggrieved person will be approached by the GO to verify that
the corrective action has been implemented. A signature of the complainant will be
obtained and recorded in the log and/or on the consent form (see Step 3). If the
complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the corrective action additional steps
may be undertaken to reach agreement between the parties. If additional corrective
action is not possible alternative avenues maybe pursued.
If the GO and independent observer cannot solve the grievance, it will be referred to
relevant parties such as local leaders, District Officers, Construction Contractor, Valuer
and MWE, for consultation and relevant feedback provided.
This committee must have a quorum of at least three persons. Decisions will be reached
by simple majority. The Grievance Committee should be constituted for as long as
grievances are being lodged.
Once the Grievance Committee has determined its approach to the lodged grievance, this
will be communicated to the GO, who will communicate this to the complainant. If
satisfied, the complainant signs to acknowledge that the issue has been resolved
satisfactorily. If the complainant is not satisfied however, the complainant notes the
outstanding issues, which may be re-lodged with the Grievance Committee or the
complainant may proceed with judicial proceedings.
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Some grievances may be beyond the capacity of the GO or the Grievance Committee to
handle expeditiously without the technical support of other professionals like the CGV.
Some of the grievances may be specifically related to the valuation process, valuation
rates and awards. Therefore, the GO will determine whether a complaint can be resolved
by the Grievance Committee or, if not, should be referred to the CGV for technical and
administrative advice.
The CGV will make necessary consultations with offices he/she deems fit to consult in
his/her capacity as CGV. If satisfactory solution is not achieved or provided by the CGV,
the aggrieved person can resort to the judicial process.
8.4.3 Capacity Building for the Grievance Officer and Grievance Committee
It will be important for the appointed GO to be appointed based on his/her experience
and training in conflict resolution through mediation and reconciliation. It will also be
important for the GO to have sufficient skills in data management including data entry,
data analysis and storage. This notwithstanding, it will be important that steps are taken
to orient and build the capacity of the GO as part of the project implementation team in
conflict resolution procedures such as mediation and reconciliation and other
management areas such as record keeping and report writing and ICT equipment
The Grievance Committee members will also need to be oriented about the grievance
management system. The capacities of the grievance committee members will also need
to be built around issues of conflict identification, conflict information analysis and
resolution based on issues in the land legislation through reconciliation and mediation.
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• Introduce the participants to the safeguard requirements of the AfDB and of the
• Examine the specific safeguard requirements of the AfDB f u n d e d projects.
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A monitoring plan has been prepared considering the chronology of potential project
activities. The recommendations in this report would provide a basis for tracking
progress of the proposed project activities with regard to sound environmental practice
and mitigation measures.
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contained in the ESMP and subsequently during project operation, review contractor
performance through monitoring, audits and inspection to ensure that all proposed
mitigation measures are implemented as well as ensuring regulatory compliance.
The monitoring team will start its work during the site preparation and construction
process and continue throughout the operation phase and should ensure that the
proposed mitigation measures are implemented as suggested in this report. The
monitoring team will most particularly check for the following issues among others:
▪ Collaboration of the Project Proponents with NEMA and other relevant authorities
to ensure that operations of the water scheme meet regulatory requirements.
▪ Efficient and functional water and sanitation system at the premises.
▪ Proper storage, handling and final disposal of any solid waste produced at the
▪ General cleanliness and good housekeeping in and around the facilities.
▪ Emergency preparedness especially in cases of fire outbreak.
▪ Constant acquisition of appropriate permits and/or licenses from respective
institutions and compliance with the regulatory framework.
▪ Supervise implementation of all the proposed mitigation measures.
▪ Compile a monitoring report indicating all non-conformances to mitigation
The Supervising Engineer must strictly supervise implementation of the ESMP and where
there are breaches, the supervising engineer should issue written instructions, cautions
and warnings as applicable. Where the contractor fails to comply, contractual clauses
should be invoked, and penalties or fines effected. If necessary, the civil works can be
suspended if the contractor repeatedly fails to adhere to instructions. The MWE should
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8.11 Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) Matrix
The ESMMP matrix (Table 39) provides a detailed guidance for managing impacts,
monitoring indicators, indicative costs for impact mitigation, responsibility for
implementing the mitigation measures, the monitoring institution and the monitoring
frequency. The Contractor and Developer/Operator must ensure that the ESMMP is
implemented, and should allow the monitoring institution to carry out the monitoring
duties without any obstruction.
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Noise from ▪ Schedule noise-intensive work for the least noise- -Work schedule 0 Contractor DEO Weekly
construction sensitive time of the day (work between 8 am and 5 pm) -Complaints about
machinery noise;
▪ Provision of PPE to project workers -PPE in use Part of the Contractor DEO Weekly
▪ Regular noise assessments -Noise assessment 1 Million Contractor DEO Monthly
▪ Sprinkle water to dusty grounds during the dry seasons -Records of air water 10 Million Contractor DEO Weekly
▪ Cover earth materials with tarpaulin during -Presence of 1 Million Contractor DEO Weekly
transportation to minimise their falling off trucks; tarpaulins for
covering loose
Solid waste ▪ Prepare a waste management plan -A waste 5 million Contractor DEO Once, before
generation management plan in start of
place construction
▪ Use the excavated material for backfilling. -Heaps of waste & Part of the Contractor DEO Monthly
excavated material Contract
on site
-Areas backfilled
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▪ All lose material like sand, cement, murram, soil should -Trucks covered 1 Million Contractor DEO Weekly
be covered with a tarpaulin during transportation NEMA
▪ Excavated soil stored at the site should be covered with -Soils covered 0.5 Million Contractor DEO Weekly
a tarpaulin NEMA
▪ Water should be sprinkled on dusty ground where other -Records of water 2 Million Contractor DEO Weekly
measures cannot appropriately minimize dust emission sprinkling NEMA
▪ Repair and maintain construction equipment following -Records of vehicle 10 Million Contractor DEO Quarterly
the manufacturer’s specifications, including on fuelling repair and NEMA
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Occupational ▪ Prepare an occupational health and safety plan -Same as in the Same as in Same as in the Same as in the Same as in the
Health and Safety construction phase the construction construction construction
construction phase phase phase
▪ Workers should be given appropriate PPE when -Workers using PPE Part of the Developer / DEO Quarterly
handling chemical Contract Operator CDO
▪ Regular trainings on the operations of the water system -Records of training 3 Million Developer / DWO Quarterly
on operation systems Operator
▪ Installation of firefighting equipment at the abstraction -Presence of 5 Million Developer / DEO Quarterly
point firefighting Operator DWO
▪ A well-equipped first aid kit should be availed to project -Presence of a first Part of the Developer / DEO Quarterly
workers. aid kit. Contract Operator CDO
-Records of injuries
Incapacity to ▪ Train local community members in the operation and -Number of trained 6 Million Developer/ DWO Quarterly
operate and maintenance of the water supply infrastructure community members Operator
maintain the in operation and
project maintenance of the
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Air pollution ▪ Sensitize communities on the use of public toilets, and -Records of 1 Million Developer / DWO Once, after
the need for better sanitation community Operator CDO completion of
sensitization construction
▪ Provide sufficient ventilation on the public toilet -Building drawings Part of the Developer / DWO Once, prior to,
Contract Operator CDO and once after
Spread of ▪ Ensure regular supply of sufficient water for flushing -Presence of a Part of the Developer / DWO
sanitation and and washing hands by providing a reservoir tank at reservoir tank at the Contract Operator CDO
water borne the toilet toilet DEO
Vandalization / ▪ Sensitize community members about the importance of -Records of 2 Million Developer / DWO Once, prior to,
theft project the project community Operator CDO and once after
equipment sensitization DEO construction
▪ Hire a security guard to provide 24-hour security at -Presence of security To depend Developer / DWO Quarterly
sensitive components such as the abstraction/pumping guards on the local Operator CDO
station security DEO
labour cost
▪ Fence off major project components such as abstraction -Fenced project site Part of the Developer / DWO Twice a year
and reservoir sites construction Operator CDO
Contract DEO
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Decommissioning Phase
Disruption of ▪ Inform the communities in the affected areas well in ▪ Records of 3 million for Operator DWO Quarterly,
water supply advance about the decommissioning activities sensitization sensitization Decommissioni CDO within the last
▪ Provide alternative source of water meeting about meetings ng Contractor DEO two years of
project decommissioni
decommissioning ng
▪ Presence
alternative water
Traffic disruption ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the 1000000 Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
construction phase construction construction construction
phase phase phase
Disruption of ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the 2500000 Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
social order construction phase construction construction construction
phase phase phase
Noise pollution ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the 5000000 Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
construction phase construction construction construction
phase phase phase
Solid waste ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the 4200000 Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
generation construction phase construction construction construction
phase phase phase
Occupational ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the - Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
health and safety construction phase construction construction construction
issues phase phase phase
Public health and ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the 6000000 Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
safety issues construction phase construction construction construction
phase phase phase
Increased ▪ Same as for the construction phase ▪ Same as for the 10000000 Same as for the Same as for the Same as for the
susceptibility to construction phase construction construction construction
Soil erosion phase phase phase
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Further, the following other costs (Table 40) should be clear in the BoQs during the bidding process. Additional details on the main
activities are presented in Annex V.
Table 40: Other cost items to be included in the BoQs during the bidding process
Item Indicative Costs
Grievance Redress Mechanism 22,000,000
Stakeholder Engagement 24,000,000
Environment and Social Audit 35,000,000
Capacity Building and Trainings 20,000,000
Sub-total 101,000,000
Grand Total, including ESMMP (UGX 293,200,000) 394,200,000
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9.1 Conclusions
This environmental and social impact assessment for the Soni water supply and
sanitation system has examined the project need, its compatibility with the surroundings,
socio-economic benefits and the adverse social and environmental impacts.
Enhancement measures have been proposed for the positive impacts, while mitigation
measures to avoid, reduce and minimise the adverse impacts were also suggested, either
as part of the design, or as measures to be implemented. Good practice measures were
also identified in order to minimize the impact of the proposed development further. The
proponent has agreed to these mitigation measures and they are, therefore, expressed as
Overall, the negative impacts of this project are rated by this study as largely insignificant;
however, adequate mitigation measures have been proposed to address them. When
mitigation actions and environmental and social monitoring plans are implemented, the
project would have minimal residual environmental effects. Hence the project can be
implemented in a sustainable way.
9.2 Recommendations
This study therefore makes the following recommendations:
▪ Many times, Project Contractors do not comply with the recommendations given
in the project environmental report. This could tantamount to violation of the law
with possible halting of the whole project by the relevant authorities, including
NEMA. A copy of this report would be availed to the Project Contractor, and
advised to read this report with focus on impacts and their mitigation measures.
Further the Contractor should get acquainted with the ESNNP and thereafter
develop management outlined therein.
▪ The project ought to be approved for implementation by the relevant authorities
to enable fulfilment of the project main objective of improving access to safe water
in the area
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3 Engagement with Project affected persons Focus group discussions • Regulatory requirements/ permits and 3,000,000
Employer’s licenses;
workforce • mitigation and monitoring
• Grievance management
4 Local Community Project affected persons -Community gatherings • impacts and expectations 2,000,000
Engagements at -Focus group discussions • Local solutions
village levels • Links and ties with the local community
• Compensation of PAPs
5 Radio talk shows Project affected persons Discussions 2,000,000
6 Formation of Project affected persons Community meetings • impacts and expectations 3,000,000
GMCs • Local solutions
• Links and ties with the local community
7 Project safety Project affected persons Community meetings and schools • Project safety incidences, mitigation 4,000,000
campaigns measures
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8 NGOs in Groups; women, children Key informant interviews • Project impacts and expectations from 3,000,000
HIV/AIDS, GBV elderly Case studies, photographs the proposed project
and Child
protection &
awareness sector
Total 24,000,000
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The Environmental and Social Audit should include the following activities:
S/N Activity Indicative cost (UGX)
1. Review of the ESMMP 2000000
2. Interviewing the Contractor about the implementation of the ESMMP 2000000
3. Interviewing the workers about the implementation of the ESMMP 4000000
4. Interviewing community members about the implementation of the 15000000
6. Carrying out measurements and observations on the biophysical 4000000
6. Assessing the compliance of the Contractor to ESMMP 4000000
7. Identifying issues that require correction 2000000
Total 35,000,000
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