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MR ERNIE LAZAR October 31, 2007

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RE New Or leans letter to Bureau dated 9/28/66.
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June, 1966
Number 40

~~jor public disillusionment with the war in Vietnam is apparent in spite of the
fs.ct that !.eft-wing "peace" candidates have not dc,ne too well in the prirr..e.:ries.
It is felt that once the voters begin to oppose the war:, the feeling will grow
wit'h explosive force. Polls seem to bear this oui.. Johnsonvs support is dipping
from a high of 66% last September to less than 50~; now, and some 54% of Americans
woqld withdraw from Vietnam if troubles inside th[1t tragic land continue, accord-
ing to Harris and Ge:'_lup.
T'nis is, of course, due to a combination of objective factorsJ one of the main ones
beir!.:::; continuing loss in the Johnson Adm:inistratic,n 1 s "credibility," which is to
say that the home foll-cs er~ finally catching on to the fact that lies are part of
the stock in trade of this Administration, certainly no news to anti-communists.

Tne anti-government rebellions in Vietnam are a b:i.g factor. It is growing increa'S-

ingly obvious that the Ky government lacks any real basis of public support even
though it is clear enough that no other governmeni, could command any greater support
than does Ky. Kennedy's error (actually, 1t was ftn unspeakable crime of enormous
proportions) of fomenting and encouragins the ass,1ssination of Ngo Dinh Diem and
his brother--the only national government South V:-.etnam ever had--this murder has,
left South Vietnam without the slightest hope of unity now or in the future ur1less
it be under military dictatorships backed and fimmced by the United States. As
Chesly Manly, the veteran reporter for the Chicago Tribune put it (and Manly's
credentials as an Ame:.dcan nationalist are beyond question):

"We ~01-1.ld vj_:n thii:; war in four months but not in four years, for the simple reason
that after. four years of continued warfare there would be nothing left on which to
build a nation. The process of disintegration, political and economic, is beginning;
after four more years it would be a very dismal prospect in South Vietnam. These
people were under French domination for 80 years and have been at war for about 20
years. The French destroyed their initiative and sense of responsibility, corrupted __
them and debased their character. Anti-Ame:.:-icanism is beginning because of problem~,
caused by our spending too much money and competing with the Vietnamese for services,
goods and housing, and in material goods."

Thus, for ·!;he first time, Arnerican casualties are exceeding those of the Vietnamese,
as 'otl:!" troops take over the actual fighting. 'It is estimated that 7500 GPs will
die this year, though this figure is certainly optimistic- Out of a population of
15 million, the hopelessly war-weary and apathetic Vietnamese can supply only
6oq,ooo troops, and of these, only 100,000 are conbat soldiers. In spite of this, one-third :,f the Vietnamese army deserts every year.

Corruption, br~bery, theft, rake-off are pTevalent to a degree unimaginable to the

average .American. No one knows now much of our supplies end up on the black m3.rket,
or are funnelled through to North Vietnam, or are used to build luxurious villas
and apartments for Vietnamese officers and government officials, but it must be an
enormous ~roportion.

The tales oi' shortages in f.ield., with o~ b;:;ys getting killed l:li?~::i,.1_s~ Robert
Strange McNamara fails to supply them with proper weapons, is kno.m through person-
al information from sons and husbanas over there. The scandal of Haiphong, which
is left totally free and unscathed to do its murdEirous work of unloading ships with
cargoes destined to s-pit fire and death to our "bo:rs is impossible to justify.

Perhaps some P.mericans have begun to wonder what on earth we are going to do with
Vietnam even ir~ we were to win? How many more mouths to feed we have on our
hap.ds, then? A mere 15 million? Or 50 million? Or 100 million? Or China, too,
with 700 million? Perhaps the world? Is there no eri.d to the attempt to bring
peace, democracy and equality to unappreciative foreigners? But even if we were
to win the war (an inconceivable impossibility, or course, because "our" govern-
ment does not want to win), what then?
It must b~ interjected that there is not the slightest equivocation on that point.
"Our" government does no·~ want to win; and it is this fact that makes futile and
f ..,olish ell concept~· that any Conservatives nlig.'l.t have about the right way to ,!in
the va.r. The fact which cannot b~ dismissed is ·-:.hat the real enemy of the Am:ericau
people is in WasU"'Gon., n. C~ JI nowhere else •.'
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LD)lffirl'Y U)1.mmrn has in itG possession a re-p::>rt on the existence of a secret agree-
rn,:nt bctw(:<:n the ~To.zhinet,on rcelme nncl the Kremli-, which has never been ratified
by the Senn tc--and which, indeed, is not even kno•.m to the vast majority of off'i-
cj ols in \fashington, but which explains perfectly the reason why we cannot win.

P::!rt of this deal is that the United States shall not allow Chiang kai-Shek to
leave his island, and that is why the regime refu:;es to use his troops in Vietnam.
Anoth(??' part of .- , deal divides Vietnaro in half'; the northern part to remain under
Soviet influence ~ ihe southern, American, Th11 deal, in f'act, divides up the whole
world into spheres of influence and the Washington regime, since Roosevelt, has
faithfully followed it, if the Soviets have not. This report, scheduled for pub-
lication in a national magazine, cari.not at this time be quoted further. Note that
it bears out, however, the asserti.:n in LIBERTY LETI'.ER No. 62 (YJ.B:;.~ch, :-..966) ti:tat
such at egreement does, in fact, exist .


The h2rd truth is that, since we cannot possi1,ly win, we are going to be defeated.
But in the meantime, the war serves many purposes for the Democrats, as »rell as for
the Kremlin, Primarily, it serves to unify the N1::tion around a "war leader," just
at -~he time, strangely enough, when domestic problems, notably the race struggle,
ere having the opposite effect. It also takes enc,ugh men off the job market to do
away with unemployment, which is a major political asset. The war can be managed
to meintain spending at any amount believed desircble, and you can be sure that the
amount will, strangely enough, be precisely t~e n~cessary amount to guarantee fuJ.l
employment and a booming economy without, however, noticeable discomfort to the
voters, It is also interesting to note that our connnitment to Vietnam began in
earnest only when the stock market started to show signs of profound uncertainty,
and that Lyndon Johnson 9 s self-admitted model is, as he repeatedly Edmi~_s , Franklin ,
Roosevelt, who delioerately involved the U.S. ln a needless and destructive war in
order to maintain himself in office by huge war spending.

P. war, as Chesly Manly 1;:uggests, brings on a process of social disintegration and

cul-lmral crisis and tends to break up existing political balances and create an
entirely new status quo. This has the effe~t of stabilizing the e~ sting regime a nd
st:cengthening its t c te.lit.'.!Z'io.n t.:mc.encies. \ I ii othe..r words, during a war,
a fa ke one , f ought f or no valid reason (such as World Wars I and II) the voter s will
tend to accept the permanent militar~zing of s'ociety, even demand it; freedom and
individual rights vanish ~o a dim meKory and the powar of the central goveTnment
grows. War j_s the biggest single cause of socialism. In the present case, a grm-nng
war will totally eradicate the presently-hopeful prospects for a resurgent ~.merican
Conservatism and make any thought of saving America hopeless . Finally, a WElr serves
to add incident to the constant warnings we have heard from OUI" propaganda rniniste~s
about the "need" for world govermnent lest we are all blown to atomic dust.

Besides the Democrats, the Kremlin also gains py America's involvement in Vietnam.
\ The centra l fa ct of world his tory sine. e Roose~ lt 's election i n 1932 is that the
l 11 .American" government will, at all t imes a nd at all costs, s upport the foreign pol-
. icy of the Soviet Union . The war in Vietnam i s pa::-t of that patt e~n.

From the standpoint of the Kremlin, what could be more delightful than having the
United States bogged down in a war which it cannot truly win, and even i:f it did,
the result would be an outpouring of aid money into areas which, sooner or later,
vould fall under Communist influence?

The Kremlin also gains by the weakened American influence in Europe, as we
forced to pull out troops to send to Southeast Asia. 1he entire International Com-
munist conspiracy gains, :for the attention of Amerj_cans is turned from subversion
&.t home, and Communist Cuba, and the gai.1s of the Conununists in I.a.tin America, to
rice paddies and villages 8000 miles from America 1 ~- borders. Also, the var in Viet-
nan serves to alarm Red China, which fears that it is the prelude to a shooting war
with Pnerica. Thus, the Red Chinese are d.Ta"m to 1.he Soviet Union just when there
were many signs that the Kremlin was losing its hold, e.nd there were even reports of:
-corder skirmishes between Red China and Russia: these are probably a thing of the
pastj now. Also, the·war serves as a testing-ground for Soviet planes, anti-air-
creft, r.iissiles e.zi..d O'~her weapons, without the danger of actual war. Lastly, the Ws.l"
conv.:::niently fills out the "Imperialist-.A.merican" stereotyp~ which the Communists,
for years, !1.ave been drawing for their people, as well as for world consumption.

Within ell tbis conte:;...'t, the speech c-f Robert Strange McNamara in rfontreal, I-&y 18 9
l'!lakes eense. Strange McNama:ra no'\-r calls for 1.miversa.l conscription of s.ll Am~rican
youtn--male and female--into a vast ''Peace Co.rps," \-Yhic:h is to b~come ;1 in :feet 9 oUl"
army g Says Stren6e : "I, f or one I uould not cou.r:l; a global i'3'~e society out. 11 Saye
LIBERTY LCWD<Y,!l\i : Ccun:;; it out or ccu:i:;t Am-::rica out , you can I t. have bot~o

EXTaA COPIES: 8 1or $1, 50 for $5, 250 for $20, 500 for $35 9 1000 fo~ $6o
NAMc......._ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __
NAM"-- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
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NAM"'---- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -
ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ __
CITY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STAT.___ _ _ __ CJTY_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _;.,___STAT,..___ _ __ _
ZIP coo..___ ______________ ZIP COD,;____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

November 15, 1966

Dear Fellow American:

The recently concluded 89th Congress has to be ranked as among the most
reckless and irresponsible in our ent~re history. As a regular of
Liberty letter, you are undoubtedly a\tere of the constant stream of revolu-
tionary legislation; laws have been ~~saed which would have been unthinkable
just a few ~ ars ago!

~~ 1

\ ' L" .

n ,II
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And it wou.1\~have , beeq, had \not I;IBER~ LOB1f{ been on guard,\i~ - ·
~t'~~l!~~.i n the occupi(ed c,Jty Qf Wa.s bington! .i\ ~)1' ~ -·-


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Liberty Let-ter.5.w,iQ.~;istt,11:a: beJ ;(t,he. \beeit ( .ubUsW.• · bargain "in•';Ameri:c~!
fir, ~ I } ~J~ ~ 1u-1·.. ~ '" ~vri,•r•~H
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~~Ul~~ . W~P - .l• .. .,,,.,,_

Since the prl-cer.i~zr~~d~~---~¾rn~~effe'® :il,Wt't: ·1 January 1, 1967,
you may take full adian.taB1?·· ~.o ~~~· ' e old pr~ce until.then.
<'[V-i'I.'~ ~
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~~~ °'aS1
* You may renew your~~b~rtp
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* You may buy any number of Gift Subscriptions for your friends
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scription Certificates at 50¢ each and give them m1ay or sell
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G,J---/O(_s/l'{. I -~ 'l

them for as much as two dollars apiece after Janµary 1 to pro-

spective subscribers;
* You may purchase a Lifetime Subscription at the current price
of $25--which goes to $50 on January 1.
So if you act now, you will save at least 5C11,. Bu,' YOUR LETTER MUST BE

What could be more appropriate as Christmas Gifts than subscriptions to

Liberty Ietter? ·
By giving Liberty Letter t'or Christmas, you are helping in two ways. You
are supporting the work of LIBERTY LOBBY, And you are ·g1v1ng Conservative
friends and relatives the opportunity to make their infiuence felt where it
counts most--in Congress--in behalf of the American principles in which they
The need for LIBERTY LOBBY's strengthened presence in the Nation's Cap-
ital, as the spokesman for hundreds of thouQands of enf}ghtened patriots
across the Nation, has never been greater. r,
~ - - .. - .:.,_. .,,,_ ""- ..... ...~:;:.Jl·-,, -..·:-: •• ;.. ~ . -· -·~-. - .. '\. . ,· ; ,.
The90th Congress, which will convene'in Janu.ary,·will contain an·1n-
creased number of men who want to vote for America; and against Lyndon John-
son's socialist crusade. But unless Conservative Americans, acting through
their lobby in Washington, make THEIR feelings known, the minority pressure
blocs will continue·to prevail.
Your Influence Counts ••• USE IT! ·

:;~18. ~~'
W. B, Hicks, Jr.
Executive Secretary

IMPORTAN'l'--PLEASE NOTE! Orders at the current, low half-price rates will

be filled only through December. So please hurry,
. ,, •: .
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Your . letter· of November 28th has been. recelyed,
... ~...,, ~
. , . . '. .

.·· . In response to your inqu~,- this _Bureau ts strictly

~ investigative agency of the · Federal Government and, as such, . ·
ii~tther makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to the character
. or integrity of·any o~ganizatlon, publfcaUon·or individual •. Therefore, .
· .-: ~ am sure you will understand why I cannot ·comment as you desire
· · .•., -- ·. · ·. concerning the ~'Liberty Letter." ..
~ Sin~erely,
14 S!
I~. , ii• ~ •. ·J.. Edgar Hoovet .
; .. uw .S NOTE.: Bufiles. contain no derogatory information regarding correspondent •

Cl We have had two previous letters from her during 1966, last o~tgoing dated
8/30/66. in··answer to her inquiry regarding the Citizens Crusade.A~st
. D !<-)- -P0>VJemtyty. She was advised of the _confidenttar nature of our files. The
{~c:.C "Liberty Letter" is a publication of Liberty Lobby •. This organiz~ti_on is
_: self-described as a patriotic pressure group which stands for Constitutional
: .. --~~ ,~f':-me:,;!_~~, _3.I!<:Jualis~_ .~s o~P<?~~~J~.Ji!~E:~Pli:~9.1:1~ an<:J. _. _. . .,-.
collectivism. · We have.mad numerous inquiries regarding this group; however,
the Bureau
. "
. \ conducted
. .no· investigation of Liberty Lobl;>y. (62-106941)
I •
Tolson _ _ _ __
DeLoach - - - -
Mohr _ _ _ _ __

t • '
,;./' "'
,n/'J'.l.., · •
, Wick - - - - - -
Casper ~ - ~ - -
Callahan _ _ __

~ ' • . 'if • . . •
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i_)' I •
. ... . . .' ' "'i: .
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...... -
onlONAL ,01r,'•!~O. 10
MAY 1962 {Ollollli:._.
GSA~ GIN. 1io7 HO. 27


.. •-M emorandu~


1 - Mr. DeLoach
1 - Mr. Wick
.. b6
¥ '1i:e,__
Ca ll ahan -
1 - Mr; Sullivan
TO Mr. W. C. Sulliv~ DATE: 12/1/66
1 - Mr . Baumgardner Tele. Room - - -
FROM F, J, Baumgardn~ 1 - Mr. Kel.l y Ho l mes - -- --
Gandy _ _ _ __
/1};;,1 ~a~~~i» },..'t,Gb

, L, /1-1\17::i u,te ~ rJrJ ~
~c.t.JH~ 1w 1LL1 Sj--;:!"J/2.TO

i? /A M . ~
Willis A.' ~arto, Treasurer, Liberty Lo)>b,.,
Washington, D_• ..P. , . Jln, ultraright=wing .conservati ve organazation
wrote ct 'tie · n1rector...the attached letter dated 11/28/66
alleging one.________~urnished columnist rrew Plarson
documents belonging to Carto. He also alleged,__--=..-~turned
\ over copies of these documents to an FBI Agent. The Director
commented "What about this? - H."


l~ 6~,I
'\J ......,-,-_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ___. iberty to5 y. lie
~- ~ ·,1 r,elated that while cleaning out a store room <m •'tfie p-i :emises
/" ~
•· . \ _.;,, of·\ the Liberty Lobby, he found a box of letters '."!f~ tten by
Wi'il~s Carto, whom he described as the current ~Tr~asurer and
owner. of that organization. He alleged these ~is-closed what
he· felt was an indication of fraud by usage · of Liberty Lobby
_:· . h'U . by C~rto to advance Car to' s own theories, those of "National i
Af :
g §• ia :
~"\ !
Bureau f\les disc'losedl
]in Baltimore, Maryland, had previously
corresponded with the Bureau requesting information
concernin~ subversive organizations in 1963 and on 3/4/66. 13· I
8 ~ ~/ On 3/20/6El !was arrested in connection with demonstr&i-
~ ~9-., : tions at JoJ'I,= Book1 os 1To1ve:rity when· he opposed the
~ g~:~ appearance of.__1_________ a N'-gro civil rights leader '__
~ ~I\:~ who was active in the ommunist youtb J,e~vue nrijr to 1941.,
~ ~ ~ 'io\ Onj.._
1 _ _ _,,______,_ aged 19·,.'- "
~ ffi l~
g •~ aa~: ·~ in a more, a W e .
·me • .__ _ ____,was described as
theft'="T':C==:-=----::--::::r:!rr-:::-r::ll"lr.':=r-Na t ional States R~-~'rt--
ma~Y. b~t~-type O.J:gfp_!;atiop ,I") . -
·ff[C- 47 '1-,._- , Dt, 'T Y'{ . DEC 7 1t6
. h : l n g t o n Field' Office was instructed to , pe~sonally
. ~~ptac acknowledge receipt of bis t~i.t.or to -the~
ii" f D'fr~ctQ , , e
, ~· ' ,. -· r r-.
rn t~~: cpritespQ,n.d ,nce he had forwarded,by lette
, •
-' Enc{osui-~ /a-~-~6
9/ r)JTK:}av ·. r(~) Q)· CONTI~D - OVER ~\ / _.,,,, ,,
~»EC·191P . :·· ~·\• ~ ~I v "J
« ,,; j /ys,;;:~'i@ _[!J'Rli!J SEE"ADDENDUM ON PAGE THREE (3).
MAR 17~197Z~


·~- ~

.. \\

. '
. -
Memorandum F.J. Baumgardner to W.C~ Sullivan

in accordance with his request, .and determine if

had any additional information available concerning matters
of investigative interest to the Bureau. Brltimore was
aJso adv1sed at tbi s 1otarroat1an in v1eJ of . l
On with Bureru instructions,
Special Agent.__,__,----:o-1-------. contacted I
acknowledg~d recei p t L__Jr----~tter to the Direc t or,
returned the correspondence~..,...,...,,_~had furnished with his
lett.e r , and solicited any a dd i t i ona l specific information
from! jconcerning his allegations. ,
Jc~uld . fur~ish no additional specific .
information and stated . he had no definite information-; that
was a ,;National Socialist" as he had previously -alleged.
described _Carto as being anti-Negro and anti-Semitic
be generrii: described as the prevailing attitude at
Liberty Lobby • .,,..,.,.____pdmitted th~t there was considerable

conflict between e and Carto and that he expecte4 _to be

fired because of his activities at Liberty Lobby.
· As a result ~f the interview withl !who

I appeared totally unreliable, Washington Field Office was

instructed ~not to initiate further cont'acts with him, but
- to accept any information . that he volunteered.
The information furnished b~~=-- _,.,~as disseminated
to the mi'lit'ary intelligence agencies, Secret Service and
the Department.
OBSERVATIONS: We are rn•1sn117d
ground in this matter. The
documents f urnished by~-~~were returned to him. Special Agent
I !acted entirely properly and in accordance with Bureau
instructions in his contact -1th! l The r~sults of that
contact were properly reported and disseminated in accordance
with Bureau policy. This appears to be strictly a personal
battle betwe.~ n Carto and Drew Pearson and we should do nothing
to involve· outselves in the matter •. We should only advise
Carto of the confidential nature of Bureau files •.
ACTION: The attached letter be forwarded to Willis A. Carto
in response to his inquiry.

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ADDENOUM: .. . . '
.. ,,.


·'.... · .. @\ ·,'. ' . .. , ·. . ' ... . ::_:·., . , . ..

. I agree. th~t Jhe .attached lettel_', should be s ent, how~:v:er, Wish · _. ... ·
to ·add to this memor andum the fact that there yvas receiv~d· iri my o~ice on · ·'
11/29/66 the :1ttached .do.cunient :.coll:Jtning WH'.is A. ~arto. ·There i;;,as :,·. . . .
.attached to this document a note .fro ,....__ _ _--.-_ _ .......,..__,lorew Pearson's =··._·:
. office, . 'indicating that he ·was .sending this: do curiient for ' the FBI' s infor .m afion .. · ..

, . . . . The d~~u,;,ent. ~hi~fly coMerns ~~to -and lt~izatiofi, '. 0 hi~Of 0

,~ ·' ''Liberty ,Lobby.·" It would ther efore apperu··t~af' P,e arson 'and .__ ___,h~ve . :. ·:b6
received .information concer11in•g Carto and "Liberty Lobby." It i_s also . .. b7 c
·.recalledthat. the Dir:e.ctor recently had rile tell Chief J:u~ti~e W_ arren that · . .: .
• • Carta and his organization are attempting to have a book prepared. concerning
the Chief Justice, implj,ca~ing him in the mUfder of his father many .years ago. · ·.
It could be that 'the Chief Ustice hais advis<adl
matter and tha~._ _ _ _ .... a~d Pearson have ~ent ~he
land: Pear sori"of this. . . · ·.:
.i¢~rmation·~n q,u~stion
.... to the ·F~I. · ·. · , .. .· · · . .. · ·. · . , .·· · .
. . :,. . . , ·_ ·. . .: ·.); : - . . . . . . .:-: ': -· .· {. . ~.. . . . . . . . . '

attached letter: ·
' ';I'hes~ facts, _' however ~ -do =not neg~te the n~ed to. send the · · : '.
... . .
· · ·
:°", •
·•'• •
,_._ :
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' / I
MEMORANDUM: Willis .A'.; Carto;
A survey 'of his activi~ies. -.... •' ..

Of all Conservative leaders---none is more evasive or

enigmatic than Willis A. Carto_, the founder and current
treasuer of the Wa,shington, D. C. based Liberty Lobby,·
Liberty Lobby has grown incedibly in size and influence
since it was founded in San Francisco in 1955. -.- Therefore ..
it is encumbent that we examine the man responsible for
i its creation, its programs, and its policies: Willis Carto.
I '.
Willis Carte's ac~ivities in the Radical Right have
been many and varied. Besides founding Liberty Lobby:..-he
was tbe guiding 115ht behind the publicationRIGijT (edited
by Edward Vargas and himself under the psydonym E.L. Ander-
son, Ph.D.).· RIGHT was dee cribed by James . Sheldon in ·the ..
AMERICAN EXAMINER of Feb. 27, 1958 as "the house organ of: .
American right-1t1ing· extremeists. 11 It is interesting to
note tha.t in issue 1/60---aeJ;>_t_. 12,QQ.-""-1 ts last issue----
\ RIGHT edi tor1ally urged 1 ts rea.ders to support George· · j
I Lincoln Rock1t1ell' s Ameri•can Na.2,1 Party. ~IGHT was piib:-
! l1shed by Liberty & Property, Inc., a San Francisco corp- - !
oration • . The Executive Secretary of that organ1aation .!
l from 1955 to 1960 was Willis• A. Carte. .
/R . i .,.
I . , ..
II .
Northern League was an organ~zation created for the
J purpose of promo•ting "Pan-Nordic friendship.'' It cooper-
ated with the Britons Publishing Society (the publishers
of the Protocols of the Leanred ~lders of Zion). T~e
'\. .,
American branch was heeded by E. L. Anderson,. Ph.D: (the.
peydonyn for Willis A . Csrto.) using the ma.iling address
of P.O. Box 713, Simsalito, California. Carte recruited
I~ for Northern League under the names E.L. Anderson, Ph.D., ,ft ... ~
Ian Bruce Ma.c;:Leod, :ind Ian McNish. A Booklist dated
l·. -~. October 13, 1962 offered for sale the Protocols of the
Le e.nred .Eldere of Zion, back issues of RIGHT, and World In
Flames by Franci s p;:i.rker __Yockey (see more on Yockey). The

address 11sted was th~ Sausalito poet office.

• I
Cotto w~ote an article for RIGHT under the pen name;
E.L. Anderso~, Ph.D. entitled Cultural Dynamics. Thie -..:.

fo2.-10UJ 9¥1 -- '1~ '

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pedantical work was suppose· to appeal to Conservatives and

Liberals offered hope by preaching the . concept
of evolutionary ethics. In the introducation to the article
he rails against "imperialism"· and "the wicked economic
fina.ncial system which is- built on explioitation and injustice,"
The subscribers to Liberty Lobby would shudder at such term- • 'i
inolgy. Now in pamphlet form he offers it fpr sale 10 for a 'I
$1.00 in his new "Conservative" publishing ventures.
Another profound work of Willis Carte's is a Brief
History of America---a 4 page pahmphlet written under the
name Keith K. Kenyon. In this itterary masterpiece the
author cla.ims that the American government represents only
the non-Wnites and that its aims clearly to destroy the
White Ra.ce"so that in the resulting hell America may be ruled· \.
by the one race which is united and made stronger by universal
confusion--the u·niversal race--Jewry." · Carta boasts that he
1 wrote this study for f~iends in Rhodesia_ to explain the racial'
( situation in America, I/ The article. was later published by
George Lincoln Rockwell in. his ROCKWELL REPCRT.

In June of 1964 Willis P..• Carte founded the monthly

cultural ma_p:azine WESTERN DESTIN . The editorial-office was
given as P,6. Box 71 , Sau sa o, California, The editors !
were listed as E.L.- Anderson, Ph.D. and Edward Langford---
e.nother psydonym. The Mana.ging Edi tor, Frank Meyers, a res,l i
person is listed in the Rightist Directory (another Carte
publishing accomplishment) as sharing the same post office / I
box: 881, Milwaukee, Wis. as something c~lled the Aryan
Fellowship Lea.gue • . The Contributing Editors of WESTERN
DESTINY coneisted of many men of great - character and abxility;
men wholly unawa_re qf Willis A~ Ce,rto I s ba.ckground or even of
his connection w1_th the publ1C9.tion. However, among the Con-
tr1.buting Edi tors were listed Ian Brice MacLeaod---and articles
-~--~ were written 11 by 11 Ian McNish and Asgard Hall, and others of
dubvious origin~ Severa.l Europeans---as well as several AmeP-
1cans were listed without'~heir permiEsion. Consequently,
there was a rapid turnover in Contributing Editors. The only
ones that remained were th_e psydonyms. · WD~.folde_d _:1.lLA]2:1]. _J.,9___6,6,
--after Carte had sunk something like $38,000 into t he oper-
ation. Checks were drawn,from a Masefield, Ohio bank and made
payable to Noontide Pressr Inc. using the Los Angeles address
to which wp moved_in August of 1965.
WESTERN DESTINY was stronp;ly centered a.round one Francis
;t n,1,.,,. ,'1 1-,1-1 ~ M,a r ,-,l-i 1 l)r; r. :1
p,:; rlr (-! J' Yon lr~;v-, ,!::i P ""' r, 1 nl".i 11• ~•l Vmrn "':1/
)Hin,101.d'J'..,r.i ~,nd uLL on the f'r·ont oovoro, \'ookt!!,y 11u1.s L\,e 1:111tllor1
of IMPERIUM and WORLD IN F'LAMES. It is interesting to note
that Carte wrote 'the introduca.tion to IMPERIUM.


p·,r ~ ••~
.~ •.,;c,01

• -----
• I

Carte 1s regarded as the ~entral figure behind the

growth of the Yockey cult---a cul~ which · baffles his fellow
Rightist including George Lincoln Rockwell. Before briefly
revewing IMPERIUM and WORLD IN FLAiv!ES we should examine the
founder of Yockeyism: · Francis Parker Yockey.
Yockey (1917-1960) was an attorney who met an uncertain
fate in a Ban Francisco jail on June 16, 1960, Carta claims
that Yockey was driven to his death for writing IMPERIUM---
and claims that Yockey became a mertyr for his book. The
next to the last issue of RIGHT---#59 August 1960--eulogizes
Yockey, cilta,iming that . the /i. ~D.L. and the F.B.I. set out to
derntroy him. Amazingly much of the same material, even the
same termin?lY: appears _in Ca.rte' s introduc<'ltion to IMPERIUM.
Francis Parker Yockey was born in 1917. He attended the
University of Notre Dame, Georgetown University, University of
Michigan, Northwestern Uni~ersity, and the University of Arizona
(San Fra,ncisco Examiner, June 10, 1960, p.8) He enlisted in the
U.S. Army e.fter gra.dw=i.ting from· la.w school. In 1943 he was given
a medical discharge which read "dementia praecox, paranodl_type"
(S,F. Examiner, June 9, 1960, - p.l) In his introducation to
IMPERIUM Carto merely says Yockey was given an Honorable Dis-
charge for medical ree.sons.
He was amazingly eppointed, a prosecutor or Nurumberg,
late:i:- resift,ned and served as Assistant D.A. for Wayne County,
Michigan. La.ter he travelled around Europe settling in
Bri ttas Bay, Irele.nd where he wrote IMPERIUM. In 1960 he
left bis sui tcai;ie on a.n on which be was a. passenger
p;o1 ng from .S an Antonio·, Texas to San Francisco, Calif. .Air-
line officials opened the luggage and found numerous passports
---.-es,ch bearing Yockey' s picture, but w1 th different names.
The F.B.I. was notified.
Yockey w~s apprehended at the home of Ale'xander Scharff
of Oakland,~ teacker of Hebrew and a former principal of the
temple school Beth Abra.ham in Cakland. Yockey a.sse.ul ted a.n ·.
F.B.I. agent at Scharff's home. Scherff later claimed that
Yockey introduced himself to him by men'tion1ng "mutual Euro:peam
acquaintances." (S.F. Examiner, June 15, 1969, p.7.} Scharff
was later sought by a Federal . Grand Jury--wheather be was ever
' apprehended ii not known to the writer of this memorandum;
While in prison, Yockey boa.sted of being "the number one
Nazi in the world," he attempted to escape, and several times
exclaimed that he would commit suicide .. He was held on $50,000
bond---the normal be.11 for passport fraud is ~~5000; The d1s-
6repancy may b~· explained by the fact that according to the S.F.
Exe.miner, June 19, 1960; p.1.---the u.~,. State Depa.rtment had

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wanted him for 8 yerirs prio r to his arrest for matters con-
cerning espionage.
_ti.lso, w};)ile in pr·ison Yockey continually boasted of
being a Nazi (he even wora little black boots); he cell-
, , mate considered him lile: to be a :aihl1st. Hts sister, Mrs.
William Coyne of New York, according to the S.F. Examiner of
.rune 18, 1960 said: "He (tockey) was not anti-Communist. P.e · .
felt Ru.ssia had a great role to play in history. F.e told me
that Hitler made one mistake after another. 11
Stra~ge! Let us attempt to judge him his own writings. by
'IMPERIUM (Noon-Tide Press, P.O. Box 76062, L.A., Calif. ;~6.00)
may be descr,ibed as a?'lti-Amer;l.can, pro.;.Russian; it advocates a
neutralized and unified Germany which v/Ould •lead Europe, . It
is anti-racist (strange for Mr. Carte, eh?). Indeed, Carte
went to great lengths in his Introducation to clarify these
~misunderstandings." I
· I

Even more interesting is Yockeyls WORLD IN FLAMES (Poizon

Press). It is violently anti-Jewish and equates .Jewry with·
America. 'It gl&rifies the Soviet Union. Examples: "Russian
morale is tough, beceuse of the barbarian nature of the soldier , .-
mflterial; 11 a.nd "The .Jewish-American morale is poor, the soldier ,
ma,ter.ial ·is utterly 1,•orthless in its elf. 11 Yockey na~es Ti to, \-
Sukarno, a.nd Nkrumah es great leaders and writes: 11 These per- ·
sonalities embody an Idea, none ara out for money or publicity.
. They live simply, work for and live for their ideas." ·

Certainly Francis Parker Yockey is entitled to his own

philosophy of life--whatever it mn.y be. 3ut isn't Yocl!:ey a·
strange individual to take as one's 'intellectual and ph~los-
phical idol---especially for \he leader of a "Conservative"
organization? Yockey is not made of the stuff which genuine
.A.merican heroes are made, A which editorially ex-
claims: "But Yockey is ce.rtainly not the onlv great man upon
which WESTERN DESTINY will lean" is rather a reme.rkable one
when all the facts a:re considered. (WD, June 1964) · ·


Carte is the author of LOCKING FCRWARD---a memorandum

,~hich shows c cns-erva.t1 v -2 s how to over the Republican
Party. He a.dvocates using the race issue via the white back-
.- lash to build the Republica.n Party in the South and in the
West--po,rticularly California. He created his own 11 Repub-
lican"front group--United Rapublicans ·of . Americamc which
shnre their;ton office with Liberty Lobby. He ha.s
,:,-v,nn1 7;,. 11 ·1·, ,•,,,:i .n t. 1 n1111 ,,, ., 1,h 'Rl 1•nhi t."! Ht:! r,11bl 1.cR.n8
111r.d 11'1 ,, 1 nr..11
... (;1 :Lthuu 1d1 110 l., x•c.1,,., vi.\ Ll'1 !l(,l.; r.pL 1;1.,, ·1. c: li i.i1 .J.'..Ji·,1.; 1,,, ,11.,.,ci: ;,1,1..,,.l;-1;,.-J
the poait1on of Major Coordinator in Belmont, Maes.)

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I! ·
Among Republicans he knows and uses are California
State Senator { hn Schmitz, an avowed Bircher from Orange
County---and Cy: · teve nso n Jr. of Eerkelpy, former
President of the h~~h Cali fornia -.epublican Assembly.
I He formed' a pro-Rhodesian group ---also with head-
quarters in Washin3ton e.i. the same addres.s. He. persuaded
l Taylor Caldwell to head the R~~~d~~xx0~ Rhodesia Committee
i · Friends of
---and had both Schmitz atid Stevenson on the national board -
of advisors.

He latest venture has been the nurchase of AMERICAN

MERCU~Y. He has reorganized MERCURY. and merged WD with .it.
The list of psydonyms occupies the list of Contributing
Edit ors. It 1 s now published qua.rterly in Houston, Texas.
It feat1,1res 01otes from Yockey as fillers---a.nd also adver-
tises back~ss.,:s. of WD and R_IGHT.
I ·.

:·~bi '


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:-· ... ..

:,tl •

De~emH.- -2, 1~6&

/ · 1 - Mr. DeLoach
1 - Mr. Wick
i - Mr. Sullivan
1 - Mr. Baumgai;--..d-
· n_,e...r_ _ _ __,
i '' I
1 - Mr. Kelly
Mr. Wiilis A. Cp~9
Tl'easur~r · . : ,. ✓
0 Libe:r:ty LQbby: .
300 _lildependenee Avenues. E.
,. Washi11gton-, D. ·C •. 20003
;x: i"''j
DelU" Mr. : · rTl

0 r-,..,

_ . 'i- have i."ecet,ted your. le.t ter dated · November- 28, Tl ~:1 ·.•.
. -66·.•.
19 ( o:, :o-n ,...._~ .:--=-,
' , •
· o...,... ~
-Cl ..,..{
With resJ)eet to -your ·1nqu:t1ry,, in:foron tion ·-- ·l ~ \1~_.. -o
contained in the .files of :t;,ie Fed~rai Bureau of ~ t--..': 1!'\.1
Jnv~tigati.o n mQt be maintained as conti~e11tial i.D _. _ ~ ~ \.ft1
;a ccordance with .t -h e J"egulations of the Department of Justice. · ~. . \.·~
I trust you will un<Se:rstand the reason for-this ~l,ic7. ¼, _"r\ .
~ '©:""'
' ' . .

SiDCeJ!"~ly yours.,
Ii. Fdgal'. RooV8
~ -

John Bclgar Boovei 0

Director ~

r ~TK-:scj!}

(7) ,1
V ·- ..\
... · t

t -· '
NOTE: · ' / see memorand·um . Baumgarner
.d C
to Sulliv~n dated 12/1/66 a:
efr ..
ifeiared by JTK/jav, same caption.
~:S P

'Tolson - - - -
De Lo'iic~ ·~
Mohr _ _ _ __
Wtck _ _ _ __
Cos.per _ __
Callahan _ __
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DEC- 21~6
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;:~!'.·~~1)EC 131966
10 0
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Alt IN,fOIT~lll\T1DN CONT1'1NEQ 'b., ·- -~
HH1E!N lS UfiCLMSl~i~U ·:'-.. ',fak-..
Mr. J. Ed.gar Hoover ~~$/~
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Dep·artm ent Of Justi Ce
Washington, D. c. :-
/ Mr. T:-~,t~er ___
Tele. Room _ _
Miss Holmes_
(l)fii \ i --r__;,__.---- iss G llY~
I ., DeS!,r Mr. Hoovers _ ~ l ~-~-;;,:~;::.c;:::;;;;;;
Some old. document, ,at' m;ne.were stolen recently by .. an agen of
Drew>n, one_ He stol e them fn,m a ,,sealed.:~· !
bo,.x in a clo s!3t i ·n _the ibertY r; Building. -' Pears:,n· haf?:~':lieen ~is1ng
. illegall'y-pmcured. docum~nt.s in a;" snear c~pai_~:r,- -:··aga~.r.--st
.m~f ap.d my emplower,·; LIBERrY LO~BY. , I now have_; a .$Ult -_ ij'erainst°{l
Pea:r:s,.n::- to f'orce him to return[ the stolen.docuinen.t1s t ~;-¥f~ t - . 1

1!1,;•.:;e~~.tq.~the thier, h,\,, t©J a num.ber_/~li ~t~.~:~ ~s t t.hat

s·ta.t ~d.

I he al: a, __
·-.. £.~~~ :/~'.:._;,{..i1~·-·. ·
ed ov:ef

"~• '!.\u
of these do cum.~nt a_c,:to·: c>'ne:c-·_~.~ent
con1 e~
~~\ !t~n~~;it""'-h--n-ag- ~....J~. ~_:_e_s_a__,fong ~-~~~-~1~~~~?h1 s
~ ~!l:i"'-7~~

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largely Q' "
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al 1 "bl am ea:~·:·~.u-l j~r~ r ~'hi'· it_a_,c~m~l
i{~ i~ij~~rYof;~go u;r will try ~e;_)~e_
to make hi~~;'Y.:~~ -~a.~ -1:t,sEWf; ,;:;_w~:-.,.h a.y ~::'-..~ ~ -~.s:t+.~Qy.000 isubscribers
;;d~~::;:::;:~;::.: :ttt~11;!t-i'~:ttr1~•~1it"~:l;5 Vy -
~ guns. I know thatf ' yo,u1.:, w1,11.-·i,be great pres,sure to 11 redh.nt~• 'J~t
on this trea.s:,nous tre-at~!,·:t, 1 '

- · i,rm
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/ December 9, 1966

1/ Mr. J. Edgar Hoover

Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D. c. 20535 V

Dear Mr. Hoover: · o(/13~ ~~.6j _

Thank you for your letter of Dece~ber
., 2•
""1' ·\o

I regret that you canno); give me ,t h e informa~ion I seek •

.. ,- _ _ ....


Sines my ' last letter has testified unaer oath/ to the· truth
~f ·h.~·~ e.ccnsat1n~s ag n~
he F.B.I., ; and :again ~plicart §a one ,
I · \ , , , ,.· .'' ·.2~ · 0 , q-

V I wo·A~T~~-,if there -:1~ an "~.gen1 Iin .~our De~~.t:···. ~~fit : .i~d, if \, '~ ~

~ ~ rso, :. what. Ae. would

; ... •
.t ·.•··-\. t..
say unde~\. oath?; ~
''.~ •~·•···.. • , ~":" • .f!-•·\~'
l ,. ~
' Incid:~h~.ali y,-:;;, although;. there is no conn,ect·ion·· b~ft~ e~'~. \~:i1i :, news-
lette~1,:. •j! ~~~ ~Gr .oN OBSERVER, and this Institut} .-0~_•. J .. ~.~ •·:,~~r .s on- \ !~

~..; .,.
ally El~~of9;,~ted ~w4_th it. You :Y(~ll be intere~.t ~d ' .· ~P!:~ t~e ,·:enclosed'-.:
galletr,J>.f ~Pt~~1,~f.1,.~?:•~! rtic~!~,'. .;~~,~·c,~~. will be
issue• :''.':'·.-;;•.:;r J..1:..1'1".:~
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1/v ....- °'.·· \ u.:~ ·• DEC 211966


~. ·•' . == ,,
/ ✓ mfct'OSURE ·J·. ;.1?"1;~ •. .
56JAN3 1967 ~ r;--~
( Y ourl nfiuence ·c b~nts. .. . . · _. .USE IT f-, )
-, / " ·- •

- ·- ·---- --- - -
LOUSE Colu?1nist J?r_ew P e a r s ? ~ - - - - s ~
.,I __.. headmg a v1c1ous •f8eatl-'campa1gn \
BITES HOOVER to discredit J. Edgar Hoover in !.,
. behalf of Bobby Baker, Fred
,.:, Black, Jimmy Hoffa, Eddie Levinson, Carl Cohen, Moe
Dalitz and a host of others like repute. All of them have
been indicted and several convicted of felonies.
Pearson is also attacking Hoover for arresting Soviet
spies. So it appears taht Pearson is trying to discredit
Hoover in behalf of the Soviet Union.
Beginning Feb. 7, 1966, Pearson started a full-scale
f .smear campaign against Mr. Hoover. He blasted
Hoover for the FBI tapping of telephone wires in the,
organized crime drive ordered by Attorney General

Bobby Kennedy in early 1961. Pearson knew that
. Kennedy ordered electronic surveillance because he
printed Kennedy's confidential directive granting per-
mission to all Federal investigative agencies to use
listening devices to secure information in the national
crime drive . But now Pearson centers blame entirely
on ihe FBT Di rector despite the fact that Kennedy's
successor as Attorney General, Nick Katzenback ~as
admitted that he himself authorized wiretaps.
In his Feb. 7th column Pearson wrote: "One bug was
discovered in the bed of Carl Cohen of the Sands
,,., Hotel," and he reiterated this charge again in his
1f~f.!>45 \1.\l~olumn of Sept. 5, 1966. Pearson is deeply concerned
-co.~\~\,, -<" abo:ut the Constitutional rights of Mr. Cohen.
, ~flg-.5f'(;_ Q~ 'Yho is Carl Cohen? Let's take a look at this person
'f.k\~fO, N<'~\f\t~ ~ .,<(~I ,Pearson so valiently defends against "invasions of
(\\..\.. t..\ ~ \'1\1 ~ vacy" by Mr. Hoover.
\\t.~'t-~\~ Cohen comes from the tough Cleveland mob of
f\\ c/. (1 bootleggers, hijackers and gamblers headed by Moe
t)r, ~?;-,j,1! who started "muscling in" on Las Vegas in 1947.
:..\""" "I came to Vegas and all I had to my name," said
Cohen, was a thorough background in gambling. I don't
mind saying I was one of the best dice dealers in
America. " This smart, tough hoodlum is capable of
takihg care of his own civil rights without any help
frorri Pearson; if he can't, he can always turn to the
powerful ·mob headed by Joseph ''Doc" Stacher, New
Jers'~y gangster, who beat a criminal income tax rap by
payi°ttg a minimal $10,000 fine and promising to go ~ .. -•. -,., , 1
~":',-.•...,.·· - - •-'p
intotvoluntarily exile in Isn~el. .---·<>--'
-. --
t ;J - /a.t ,'9/ ,If

4't ..

-,,Doc" is a naiive of Russia, but he did not relish to 1

.- · •• I -- • -
return there. It is hard .for. an unorianted gambler to :--....~ r

make a fix there. Incidentally, "Doc" is the best under-
wciri'd fixer in the business. He has escaped more raps
thart'any other hood of this century. He is now running
the Sands and other clip joints from Israel; Carl Cohen
is "Doc's" top front man at the Sands. Another heavy
invi 'stor in the Sands is Isadore B lumenfeld, who was
known as Kid Can during the decades when he was
czar of the Minneapolis underworld; he has been
inditted for several murders but managed to get mis-
triais or hung juries; the FBI finally nailed Blumenfeld
on cha rge of b~ibery and perjury and was sentenced
to 'eight years' i,mprisonment; after imprisoned two
yea1:s he was ·relea\ed ·because of ill h ealth . Now "The
kid°" and his two broth~rs known as Harry Bloom and
Yiddy Bloom own some of the biggest plush resort
hotels in Miami.
Frank Sinatra owns a 9 % interest in the Sands.
Hank Greenspun has an interest in the Sands. Sinatra
and Greenspun are now bosom pals, but 13 yeats ago
they were on the verge of murdering each other. Frankie
made a threatening remark on . the phone and Hank
chaUenged him to meet him in true old West style, and
Hank invited Franke to bring his gunman-bodyguard
along with him. But Frankie got second thoughts when
he remembered that Hank came to Las Vegas in 1947
as· first lieutenant to the New· York mobster, Bugsy
Siegel, who boasted he killed nine men. The list of
investors in the Sands reads Hke the Who's Who of the )
underworld . But Drew Pearson castigates Mr. Hoover I

!f~r invading the second privacy of Carl Cohen gangland

: • • - ., • ...... - .......,ii:' •

.l ,,..
/ '
"-F-_o,·:... ....-• -~-_.,. I
... "
- .. .


. .



' -- - -·
·• (

-· , ._. >-~"~
. . . .. '
-· I
~1 '

GALLEY-2 ..... .....

Pearson is even more deeply concerned about pro-
tecting the Constitutional rights of Eddie Levinson, a
really big-time Las Vegas racketeer, who is a business
partner of Bobby Baker in several enterprises. Baker,
Levinson and Jack Anderson, Pearson's chief legman
and heir-apparent, are all stockholders in the District
of Columbia National Bank. They got in as ground-
floor stockholders when this bank was granted a charter
a few years ago.
Vice President Hubert Humphrey' legal adviser and
chief campaign fund collector, Max M. Kampelman
a nd Baket'wangle d a charter for the D. C. National
]3anl<through political pressure; Kempelman became a
,... ..-·director and general counselor for the new bank. And
Bobby Baker promptly obtain two unsecured loans from
the bank, one for $10,000 and another for $125,000.
Pearson's career as a battler for the constitutional
rights and right of privacy for gamblers, goods, pimps,
racketeers, communists and assorted criminal types
would seem to stand in contrast to his activities as an
avid publisher of letters stolen from the private, sealed
files of anti-communists. Apparently Pearson is too
busy as a procurer of stolen goods, an accomplice of
thieves, keyhole peepers and worse to see the contra-
Incidentally, Morris Bealle, a Washington journalist
who has followed Pearson's career for many years,
has now offered a reward of $ 1000 to anyone who can
describe a creature more repulsive than the Garbage
Man, as Person is commonly known. If interested in the
contest, send your entry to Bealle at 939 N. Kenmore
St. , Arlington, Va. 22201. You can also purchase a
copy of Bealle's biography of Pearson, bJ.LAmerka-
"bg_uise, at the same address for $2. Bealle does not
1M ·1
hesitate to brand Pearson as a "blackmailer" and "an
unregistered foreign agent" for communist Russia.
WASHING TON OBSERVER has also learned that a I
second Washington newsman has written a book on
Pearson, and it will be out very soon.
I The big question remains: why is it necessary to

--· ~-·-
waste time and printers' ink on Drew Pearson? What
• ., is the powerful saj>Yersive force which is able to keep
his filth in overf6JJ newspap_~rs?. _ .. -----·-·--··- - -
(_ ~--·- .
•., .
--.... 7
...i. . ~·
. ~
o,noNAL ,p... NO, 10 •' ' I ✓-;·
,~., MAY 1962 t OIUC "'"

~•~-;T~ (
~ r:~1-0011_
Oel.ooch _ _ _

1 - Mr. Wick

Memorandum 1 - Mr. Wick

1 - Mr. Sullivan
Callahan _ _ _
Pelt _

TO Mr. w. c. Sullivan DATE: 12/14/66 ,.,~

Sul! ,o _

1 - Mr. C.D. Brennan TroL r

Tele. Room _ _
FROM c. D. Brennan 1 Mr. Kelly b6 Holmes


(INTERNAL SECURITY) ftll 1tJfr.r.~.J\f\110M cm,rrA~~EO "'.. -~ ~ -. ~ :. . . er-
.. ·
l\>l l~J~;.,
.B'i _.s.JC~!if;" '
~ •
r.l "'TE .:id,._.,,._.,..,_"_ f!.',;! .•. . . ·,
~MI • .,..., l'ls' !, , .
PURPOSE: ~/.,,S,7 ( J ·' •

• .
•I I
• :~..,,•• .,,,..._ • .,,.,_
I -
t .--;. - ~.:.;~. ,-=:...,""
.• . To rec~end not replying to a letter from 1{.t!Jis _A._, ·
-----r.---. Carto, !.t:e_!§>Y~_~ _r~iberty LO,!:tl>,l, _.!~~~_!~~-~-~!1,. J> .... .C... , . an
.. 'tf~traright-wing conservat~ve ·organiza~~on; .
Director on 12/9/66 alleging that onel._

1fi"Ote the
~ - ·~-
1,(.8., :arto
'Da l l e g a ~ d e r oath-_ against the FBI · and" i . ·plfcated one -~· : Y1''
A t - Carto i n L J whether there is an Agent ~-
in he FBI and how
would testify und~.r oath.

·_ , Ca.~+o nre,d on~Jt1 wrote the Dire~ on 11/28/66 r!/. ·0.
alleging on~ _furnished columnist ~ a r s o n B t·;u·)
documents . be onging toarto. He also all~ged turned
over copies of these documents to an FBI Agent.
the subject of my memorandum dated 1 2 ~ c o p y of which -
s was ~ .·
f~ n1
,.... "
\ is attached. Carto•s statem~nt ahm\t testifying under
oath does not explain whethen._
or if a civil trial is "i"derwou
_____.J furn s e a deposition,
We have no knowledge of· anyI ij I
£0 trial involving Carto o~_ _ _.......... fi \ :
~~-q;'"··~ OBSERVATIONS:
;\;_ ~...~
'~!':_.~. .., . ~

~~~ We answ~red· Carto's letter of 11/28/66 and advised

him that with respect to his inquiry our files are confidential
,. : in accordance with Department of Justice regulations.
This appears to be strictly a personal battle between
Carto and Drew; Pe~rson. No purpose will be served by replying
I to Carto's letter. Any reply of the Bureau's may be used by
Carto to involve the Director i~ the controversy f~twe~n~Cartci-,
and Pearson, or used to · embarrass the Bureau~ _") __;,. ~c:1'' U..1 _..
REC- lB . C4J'I'< ✓-, ~-- ~
J;·r,1 --; , ·i ~ ·
f 7ro

~cL0£~:Rlil That n~ ac.kno~~:ecli~e~<~~,;~e to Wi i1'1i/t 0J~ili, J~SS

~ dated 12/9/~~- / .-.-~ ,v· ~ = ~~

i's C/f¥ (~
\ ./
yV{tf · 1
' §!Wt
f ·
' .
.• .• •. ~ 1· :_:;>:~-;:'_-::/:'::. ;•\.-l·
._ ..
-·- ·.-:. -


. , Mr.

.' • ~ - .- • I

• : .


. .


. ·.-_ .::_:\ ·.
•• ~ J

. ..

. ., . .
1 - Mr~ Sullivan .., 1

~-~- ::·.. 1
,· :✓-
. _-·: -, . -~ -{<·'. _'_' ::· .'_··\ ~
, •
-~'-:=: ·:.:·:
:; : ·,_:-:-: · ; ·. : ·

'••.~{: i
.;,· . W. C . Sullivan·. ·. · . l..c./1/66 ._... . · ... ·. , .... _
.,.': \ ·: : . • . ·- .•~ .. .......~-1•,•-.:~·;i;;·-:-~..!..,.,. , ·'. . ~~ -·--·
. .:1 - Mr. Baumgardner
· · F. J. Baumgardner . · · .l - Mr~ ·Kelly- . -~. i
' ···..
; . - --••"'" "~ - : . - ~ - - --:· ' • •• .• • ; !~ .

WILLIS A. CARTO .... ... ", . --·· . .· . ·~1\.,-\(\~!

_ cn•x .. \tiEO.
1ll~I . ,. ~ --
...._ . ·
JN1i'011J,!A'rI ON CONCER.."'iING t!t:Ot\'l'ii. . I '· ' • . ,.,.

. · · ~ , ···
... -


__ ___ . .., --
_·_. I\~~ :~rfi-,.1_9--?f.£:~\-t
JS ut~CLAS~l.f-l~Jt, ... :
•.~l. 'Jf_.:,.• . · .
.. . . ..- ":: ~AJ;~:s~'i~:-~ : ' ' ·_. . .
_Willis A. Carto, -Treasurer, Liberty Lobby,
Vlashington, D.
wrote the Dirct;r
an ultra.right-wing cc.,nservative. organizn.tion,
;ty1ched !ett_er dated 11/28/65
_ a·lleging one furnisned columnist ram P arson
· docluuenta be ong :ogoarto. Ile · also alleged lturned
ovel'° ·copies of these document~ to an FBI Agent. The Director
L ,,

c ~.funent~1d "What· -a.bout this? - H~•, · ·

BACKGROU11D: · By -letter dated 8/2;1/66, lforwn~ded a·

letter to the Director ~esc1--ibing hipsel:f a.s Corresponding
I .,
Secreta1•7 and CirculatiO!J Ma.miger of Liberty Lobby. He
related that ··"While cleaning out a store room on the premises
of · the Liberty Lobby, tie found .. a box of 1-e.tters 11ritten 'by
Willis Carto, 'FJhom he desc1.. ibed as the current 'l're~1.surer aucl
owmn· of tln1t organization. He alleged th.eae · discloned whn.t
he· felt was an indication of fraud by usage of Liberty '.Lobby
by · Curto to -a dvance Carto 's own theories, those of ''Naticnnl
Socialism." b6
t.· b7C
, .....?.....,:t les disclo.$.?,Q
_ _ _ _ _ ___._B...u....T·-o...·,...,.... ·I 1·
! lin Baltimore, Mar.yland, hn:i;t ·pravlnusl:r
corresponded with tne Bureau requesting info1~1ii.a t!on . ·
concerning m:.1bv~f•sive organiza'tions in 1903 and on 3/4/Gf>.
On 3/20/66! _was·arrcsted in connect~on with demonstra-
ti.ons at Johm aonkins University when_he'opposed the
appe.arance of! I :.,. Mggro ci vi 1 ts leatlf·)l"
,;::: :~: act.::
~ ii,.; ~n
, _,'--'-'l ;;:_ ;;o
;;a C07":f '!;_ ca • 0 £"1! ;;:~ t lliiJ
liias d dS crib e d a~
l -~ ~.,}011th
'·"·:"" _
D~~ r;g!~ i~~l ,•.
' ...........-........--------------------- ?fat i qna l Stat "JS R_igh ts Pr.rt y . I
tiaore, a white . ha:fe,'.-t;y-pe\.'. org.n.nizntio.n. (
' . L D T . :
!ITenhjl.ngton Field Office \'l~'i"s ()i nst.ructed to personr,lly I
contact· I
I a~knowle,Jge rct:: 1?,i~pt:. o~_! bi.s., ).c,:tter to tho ~
Dir€ictor, return
. tho correspond01:ice ht1! ··had forwarded _b~r lett<:::J.·
. ' ·.t
Enclosure . i'
J'I'X : j a V .( 6) ·,. CONTINID{O - oYgR .
·- ·· ,!,
:b:2~1olo/f/~1~ , ....
'·m Jl'.ClC~S~ . - - )
··- _...... . ... .. . - . -- - . _,. ... ..,. .. . . - - . . ·. . . ··. .. .
_._ ..:. • , ,r~
: ·"'. ·.\ _: :... ' ·:" '• ·,; :. . . -~
'f Jft:·~~-::·· . .;" t ;_ . ..-;
. . ...
.... .
_;_: .. ·.·. ~ ' . <~
- ., ·.,'·.:-::_ :· ~. ' . . .:, . . . ··:. . .., ," : ,•::, ..

, · Me~or_a ndum F.J.Aarungardner to: w.c ~ Sµlli:\,. .~. ., ....

, .. -.- .·' ·
RE: •
. • • 4
• •
- ·•..
· · .·
• •
. ,
: ·: J • ••• '
·. · · ·- ~~--- ,"

-~-. ·
in e.ccordanc_e with hi.s request,- d·~ t-~rmin~ -
had any additional information ava:t.lnble concerning ttatt r:i ra· ..
a~·d· ifl I •· .:
..... .
· of invest•ig~-tiva interest to t.:ne Bureau. : B , ~ w n s ..
nlso advised=of this in.format ion in vier of L___J ·
I -. . ..., .
On ,.u.....&..L...l,,,l,,l,Jr.-.......1...1.........,..u...t....:i..t.1,....,_:u.i.i.~with Burefu 1ost~1tctions,
Special AgentL---- - - ...r----,._,,-1contacted _____ _J . .· \ :
acknowledged receipt of L-----1r--'""""'Ttter to the Director, . , ... · · .. ..
ret·urned the · correspondence.......,....,...,........ bad fu.rnished with his
letter·. · anq solicited any a . onal speci:fic information
fronf !concerning bis ~llegatiottS.
could f -u rnish; no a.deli tional snecific j•

informat~,._o_n___a-u-a-· stated . he had · 110 · definite -.information that

was a · ''?fa.tional Soc:t.alist'' ns_ he had previously ·: alleged_. _
O described Carto as beir-'g anti-?k, an.d antl-Sem,it-ic .
he g o n e r ~ ·- cribod · as the, prevailing ~!titude at ·
1,ibsrty· J.,obby. admi tter., tl.'w.t there was consi<~erabla •··
~- :
conflict between e and Carto . and that he E!:tpected tq ue
fired because of his activities at Liberty_ Lobby • . ·
·. As a result of··. the inter~iew w i t h r - 7 ,7h~
appeared totally unreliable?• W~ishington Fie ~ c e was
instructed nbt to initiate further contacts with him, but
to accept any informat_ion that lle· volunteered.
·.= .·:
The information f~~nished b y r - 7 was· d'isseminated
to the military intelligence ngencle-s,~ Service and
the Department.
O.BSERVN.l'IONS: We are m1"SC>l:ir~l grouD.d in this Ltatter. The
- ··~ · . '·fd<rcuru~l:sturn:!sbod b:yf___....,.. wert;) re.turned to hia. Agent .
'acted entirely prope1• J 7;, an~ordnnco with Bureau ·
instructions in - his contact ·with · The results of that ·
contnct were ~roperly repor~e~ an isseminated in accordanci~
with Bureau policy. This appears to ha strictly n pe.rson.1.l
battle between Carto and Drew Pearson and wa should do nothing
to .involve o·u tselvea · iu the ir.atter.· We should only advise
Carto of the confide!ltial 112..ture of pureau files~
ACTION: The attached letter be fon.1arded to Willis h. Carta
· Tnresponse to bis inquiry~)- _. .

, ;,.·_ ·a .._,. .
.. . -
.. .. '·

·... '

.... ; ·-· .... - .. ·~

. · :• ,.
' ' .. -~·

;· .'

····-:\· /\, ~
-.:·.\ . ..-...
• • .• !•._ •r•. ••

· ;
··.· · • •0 I •. ;

I , ••• • \ •,, •: : .:., . ,


._. .. : ~ .......
. ~

a I•
,I •

• :'.-

J . '::·- .• :•·: ·
•.- ..

'· · v•
-• :
- '·: •~.

::r •

• • t
: : . . ·. _. . ··.
• "";

,.,_ ·· .. .
: -..· •
-: .-,

; ·~ .

Decem-ber. 2, 1966

. .. ~
--~ 1 -
1 - Mr. Sullivan
Mr. DoLoacb

Yr. 2..a.U...."'l!Jardne.r
. ,.

., 1 ... Mr • . Kelly ..
Mr. Viillis A. Cnrto
l,it-ol~ty - L:.!:>by
300 l1~depentlence Avenue S~ E~ ·• _,,,~~ tr!FOm;,;,.iOM ~or-lTi'\l;lE~: ~- ._· .. __·.:,:,,1
\t~s-?Ji:!.lgton, D• ' C •. 20003 · ·1-::J i;::n~ IS UNCU\SSJFIED· ·. ·
OATE·..P,:/_f;Jt_t.aYif~ ·::._ __~ .
Dear .M:e. C:.U"to·: .,,t5/t,S: T ~-.s. II
I wive i'ceeivcd yctt:r· l~t ter dat~ l-ktvem1w>.r 28., ..
lfJ66. ;•

With I'espect to your inquiry, ini'or~ t:lon

contained in t!:sti files the F-cdtn."'al f;, of ,,f
Investlgati.oi1 l' 1,0 mo.i.n.t;gJned £S ,~o-ilfid&::1tiitl in
accorda.~ce -~itl1 th9 1•egu1a tio ns of the ~r,S1rt:W.:!,."lt <).f Jui,.;:tit~e ..
l t ,? ~Jat you will ur:der-st~'"!d tii.\-:> rOn!~oa f<nt thit3 _policy.

John Edg~l"' Uoover.


· JTK:scr
. ('I)

l~'OTE: See mem-orand1.un Baufuga1 dner to Sulli·ttan dated 12/1/65 1

pFepared by JTK/j av,_, same capt ion. ·


·02-~(o-i -e;t.j-/ ----

<]~ ' .·
~tc1/~uR~ -: ·~·
• ..

.:. ' ,

• I ·(,
t" 1·

.. -~ . EX-108
. .. · ~ .:.,, .
December 22, 1966

f ~""t/~ : 4;·~-,o~C/'¥/-; j~ .·_

·u~f>:tV ;': f,_~' , ,
. ,.
. )
,,: b 7 C
\:,; \ :n t : .
' 9",.., ~ '·-:,) ~- . i::3
De <::>
~-.;. =
1 .._..,

Your letter dated December 15th has been received.
·, . . .
··3: .

. . _. · · .. ·I n ~ -sp~ns~-t~ you.r tnquh•y re~gar~Ung ~ibe rty 1!>bb~ ,2, ·. 1

n ' , ·
·""~~ the FBI is strictly an investigative agency of the Federal Govern-
ment and,- as such~ does ·not make evaluations nor draw conclusions
as to the character or integrity of any organization, .publication or
individual. lam sure you can under~and the reason f<!r S\t~h a . ..
policy and will not .infer from my inability to be of atq.e-tthe r,,,lhat
_. we do or do not dat_ a in our files. · ..: 2: :,:, ,
·,:,_.~ 0
... -
.Sincerely yours, ~

... ·. ,.:
( \ ' -·'
tF. tdgar Hoover . •..: • a;, ...,.....

I ·
••J. _,... ~ . c.:.::.
:, ·.'fl u '·
-· NOTE: ·correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles •.::: This oi=ganization
is.d~~~ribed as a patriotic pressure group which-stands for Constitu-
. ·tional law, Americanism, and individualism as opposed to internation-
alism and collectivism. ' We ha\!'e had numerous inquiries regarding
this group but. have c<;>nducted no investigation of theni. · "Liberty letter"
tt~·. ls a publication of this organizati~n~ (62-106941) ·. . : · ·.


Toi s o n _ _
De Loach ~ -
Moh, . _ _,__
V. .
.DEC 2.,,r. '1C,-v,
· •
• ·
.[. j
COMM•Fcll :-j
•• •
1 ,·,
•: , ~• ,


,.. .
·f. ,

. \.
' , •
,v ·
~ <-.
Coh rad _ _ • • ) ,, ' • • .• • ,.. · " • \.L(·• ;.· •

- :•· ~· , :~1 L ~ ·(i· r
· f. ~
.. Il --,: .' ;. .w
',v . {<1-v ,. ~.,;~ -~~/
T . ~ d J.-" . N5· · 1967
•. " .
. ,. ~&~\ ,r;·
• ,

Ho l mes _ _ _ _
Gandy _ _ _ __ MAIL ROO·M q. TELETYPE UNIT D
'I . . ~

• •
~ .:'-1

,- ~ -

December -15, 1966

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Washington, D.C.


I recently received an application to join with

an organization called the Liberty Lobby. I have read
over their literature and their stand on 37 different
congressional actions now pending and I find that I
am in complete agreement with 36 of-these and partial
agreement with the 37th. From the literature that they
have sent me, I feel that this organization c:o uid be
very helpful and beneficial to our country.
Since .r have a great desire to be active in the
political affairs of this country, to the extent . that
, I am qualified, I would like to participate with the
organization. I realize that many Communist-front
organizations solicit membership µnder false pretenses
and guises of patriotism.

Not wanting to be mislead and unknowingly fall

into that kind of trap, I would appreciate it very much
if you could send me a report on the organization,
Liberty Lobby. Address: 300 Independence Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D. c. 20003
I would appreciate hearing from you by r·eturn mail
as I want to become active with this organization as
soon as possible. EX·}Jl,R_~j
REC· 3

I ~ <l M ~ Ro
e;nnoroJ 12

DW:11 ,2

otC t1'11M
.. ____. ~
(Y'N"J., ~~,,, /@( \'"· ;,,1-~t
· ~L~ aJ;(L. . · -~ '::-/C11

1,..,,. . ~'!:\. ~~

•••• •
• ,, I

• 1.,

• J

... ·.
. ~~c- -is . . . . .- . . . . .. .· .
z.1.~'!S:)11;, Ip 1 - Il> ' 'It I ;-s/anua-r/_
9,. _1967 . . . . . ..
. . . " . .

G . : .{; ._,
' . '• •'
... ... ·
·:· b 7C · -0
. I :;:, . : .. ; .•,
-~~~I •;~f:J . ·2. ·..~~ ....
- ':·ll}ff
...._________....s[our _letter uary 2nd, with enclosure, has beenCZ
. --~ =
y -:y d your favc;,rable remarks are ap- g _·•o
preciated • .
, u..14\A
. ...,
- ..

. -.With respect to your inquiries, information contained •

in the files of the FBI must be maintained as confidential in accord•;.
ance with regulations of the Department of Justice. In addition, this ;-. ·
Bureau is strictly an investigative agency of. the Federal Government ·
and, as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to
the character or integrity of:any organization, publication or Individual.
I ~ t you will understand the reasons
.. .
for this pollcy. . . ~

tnclo~d .is literature whieh ·1 trust Will be of ~terest,

and your ·self~addressed, stamped envelope ls being return8!1. · _.· · ·
- .
:· - ~ ~:;:.-;;----:-· Sincerely yours,
(' ~~ ~
. . ~ Q ~· -, ,.- r . .
{ · • . .~:! \ · ff.. .E"'dgai:: R'M'1P-r · ., , .
~ AN ~- '196 -~-:- : .
~·-- .t:oMMiBL .; .
. ..· ..
. . S)
. ·-. · ' ~

Enclosures (3). . ._ _':; ·. : ;t-·

.Let's Fight Communism Sanely! · .. ·. . ··
Tol son - - One Nation's R,~sponse'.'to ::comµ;mnism . : :,,_ ·. . ,:
~~t~och - - ~"N"01"E:'J Gor~~s.pondent is 'nQt';ide~tifiable .Jn Bufile:s : Libe.r ty Lobby is ·
~~::e,- - . Ys~lf:..deilcrjhed as a patriotIC:.pressure~gr'otip which stands for constitutional
g:~ law f Americanism and-individualism in OP,p,~sition td· µite'r nationalism and.
1 0

Fell ===== .: ·.
,:~ " . - . - •

collectivism ~,:we .have not ·"investigated wi1o~gariiz'atr'on:•..t :-' ...

~:J~~.:n -- . . :. ' ;} ~ ·.' ~'1r- ·~· . _.' . : . . ' .. .
Gale_ • . . , . . •

''",'.',~ii71i~R~/l1~ ·. ->
~ ~ . IA# ,-rv 'nJNV\ ,.'. ·uAt: . aJ6 iJ
i Room

• '.
• \}~

:· . •


::.:__ -


. •.~ . \ .· •,
. 1•i _·

,._,,.~ o,riONAl rORM NO. 10
ti~~;:;; S~ATES GO.NMENT


M er.florcz;iditm Callahan - - -

TO :Mr. W. C. Suilivcfu. DATE: January 6, 1967

C< ~ ti}~
1 - Mr. DeLoach
FROM : Mr o W. A. B1~1.ilg1a n l - Mr. Sullivan
...... 1 - Mr. Branigan
1 - Liaison
1 - Mr. Whitson
~ ')I
fl'~. {) The attached "Liberty Letter" a publica Jci.on or

"Li...~.ffil_,;&Q,9..9.Y ~Q..9,J..t?;,g§,~$..lfJ!~!l<;,~,,,:~X~~,1!,~.-'- ...~ ,:.~~~l••J'!,!.~l,~t~l f$J '22.~1•.,P.!. . ~ :
d~cecl Januax y, 1967, was sent to the Dire·cto"r fr om an anonymous··
source in an envelop postmarked New Orleans, Louisiana, ~
December 29, 1966. -~
The first page of the 11 Liberty Letter" disctwses ~
the proposed Consular Convention along the lines of the . ,, ~

November 30, 1966, column by Robert So Allen and r.;a ul Scott, . ~
which was reviewed in memorandum &anigan to Sullivan 12-16-66./
It falsely attributes to the FBI a statement that ~
400 Soviet espionage and intelligence agents would be assigned I
to proposed consulates in New York, Chicago, Detroit and·Los Angeles

ACTI9N: . b6
For information_iWJ

0 .... -.;;/;;1..,~.
c7~ ;}/
.-,--- ·c: ... ,
'i!..J'tl rt ' . .l ..... ..
'j!T .•• b ·- i!ll, • •iJ;"/>
,_i:l, 1-S-.n
<6 ?~·.~rv,LlP.;_\~ '><·
~~-· LI''-..--· . ·:r- / , ·,'SJ.:~: •,;:!!,

.: ,.'J

. . ... , \ /I' )
:~~:-· (, ;]_, -/1 ~l .,,/. /
..--~ , -.{j\ih
.~ l'
Hl2 ,H,N ls . 961 ~~lf

\ ~"',:,VO
P:>~~ ' .. -====~ ,· . . ,. . .... - ~--- -----.-.-J-
~ ) /\ ;tf'.
; .. '
~ :~:! ~~:\
··j ·~L ·•' f:
~'7 '.



,1 ..... ··t

• ~ .

t --- ... • "l .- •r •- • • I ·•··•

I ;/
I ./
II 00-6 . :~•-T!?,_:,A_<µl -- + -
FEDER P...,.!...--eru'R'E AU OF INVESTIGATION ..--.-,-..........,_.~~ ,
--p.;. J~

December 30, 1966 MR. CALLAHAN----

MR. FE:LT - - - - - - -
: The attached publication "Liberty MR . GALE - -- - -- +
: . Letter," 300 Independence Avenue, MR. ROS EN ..,..., / '
S. E. , Washington, D..C. 20003,
dated January, 1967, was · sent to
MR. su L{;,y-,r·<l
~;R:;T A Vi)-
the Director from an anonymous MR. • T RQ"T TE: R - - - - -

source. The envelope is postmarked MR~JONES - - - - - -

TELE. ROOM----- (
New Orleans, La., December 29, . /

Numerous · references are made

I to· the Director and the FBI on
,-:.- ,-
i page 1.
II ..,. _. l
. />. .
I) ~~JY'· .
-- ·-.~ --
"I.,.,'" . /

I· ·,
- ,.., V ·•-'-'
~/'. ~~
.r .
'(lw ·• ,; i11, d,121} __.,,.
<I ;;11g:!,!:,i'-"I'
I ,,, · / Vi
hcv t -1- .. .,/,)~V' . -,. . ~ - ..
\ • , . !.
o -.--. .;: 'ti . .."' .·\ . o·--=;'i ;,: ·
.. ~ . -r-:::1.,
---; . . ... ·: . .'.
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Ip ~ _. It> 6 9 '-I/-·
~~,. ··--M.... "'"t1NITED STATES G
GSA GlN. IEG, NO, 27

' •

, 3010-106

.. RNMENT , C'~ > l ' I - - - -

Conrad - - - -
i: '. Felt _ _ _ __

TO Mr. Wick DATE: 1-11-67

·-------,. Gole _ _ _ __
Ro sen _ _ _ __
Sullivan - - - -
Trotter - - - - -
Tele. Room - - -
FROM : M ~ .~ Holmes _ _ __


i p.A
300 INDEJ!~Ni)jjrc)lA\Yt~1JJ;.,-~QVJ:H.EA$.T_ _
WASHINGTO~ ,-:Q._C.. _ _
- Carioned individual crlled at the Bureau on 1-10-67 and was
interviewed by SA________ He stated that he produces motion
pictures and film strips with his main office in Alhambra, California; however,
is presently employed b~~ ~~ocated at the above address. He stated
thatthis or~izatiao bas as ort I s rip which explains its history and purpose.
According t !this film is utilized in speaking engagements. He noted
that this film stri_p , which bears no title, contains a photograph of Mr. Hoover b 6
·which was· reproduced from an old newspaper article. I lstated the b 7 c
purpose of his visit was to inqufre whet.her it was possible to obtain a current
photograph of the Director for use in this film strip. ! Isaid that
the Director is held in high esteem by members of his organization, which he
described as r).}Plitica:J.:ly conservative lobbying group. He also said th3:t h~j
personally is a great admirer of the Director and would consider it ap..hopor
to sometime briefly meet and shake hands with him. . . -: C -

I lwas advised that his requests would be brought

to the Director's attention and we would be back in touch with him in the near
future. ~


Bufiles contain no record ofl I however, we have received

numerous inquiries regarding Liberty Lobby, which organization is self-described
. as a patriotic pressure group which stands for constitutional law, Americanism
and individualism as opposed to internationalism and collectivism. We have not
· t · t d th·IS. u0 r.,~
UlVeS 1ga f;
ft H tiii,, b Ut. \ ~w
· f-~r,m-;_~t·IOn Wh'ICh h~~ b f · h d t O th e
., ~.e n urn1~ e
1g~~ui~ 1.,'10~,
Bureau ·rep.ects It w.a~~qrgan1zed Inf~ ~~5rf or the purpos¢~of ~/ 'reversmg the
dangerous tr.end toward socialization i:nteTnally and to defeat the insidious effort
to weaken ouf:;n,e·slstance ,to intern~tional communism.",_ .., / ,~ 8
. .~ . )\;I V - - ; ;; ;,·(; } , ~ r tj ,rr ~il \REC- 63 6"411'\- Ov-v
1 - Mr. De Loach ~ ~ "=='
1 - M 7. Wick ~ £X~l08
- M~.s~[f°ctJjlJAN 17 , 67 .- ,- -- \ I

RLR:smg /{2,-n--!:§.. I
~ (6) V (
p.,.-, .....,.
•- • -~.
M .. A. Jones to Wick Memo f

Information has also been brought to our attention that· this b6

organization is reportedly anti-Negro and anti-Semitic. b7c


Thad lbe telepho~d! ~nd tactfully

I advised that in view of the many similar reques s Mr. Hoover has received
for hi~ photograph, he has found it necessary to decline, and his commitments
are such that it is not possible to arrange an appointment.

~ - ~Ji\

'{II~ / 3 ~, 'I. ?/Hf

. .
- 2 -


... _.,.-<},\. ,--

• •
, .,

-: •~ •- w _

.. ,,;

-ST-lffl' January 13, 1967

REC 5· "~·

r .....,..,.,___________ __________ 1 __ .:.!:;.:r.,;:"• • J


neaii I ·,1·

. I have received your letter of January 9th and cer~l!:;

appreciate the interest which prompted you to-write. · 1•-·! ·==

.· In response to your request, this Bureau no longer has- =-:

lists of the type you described available for dlstribuUon; therefore, ~ ~ ~1
I cannot be ·of service to you in this regard. You may wish to secure
a copy ·of "Gulde to Subversive Organizations and Publications, " pre-
pared and released by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
In it are listed groups and periodicals which have been cited by various
state and Federal agQnctes; and a copy of it can be purchased for seventy
cents from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C. 20402.
. . It is' not possible for me to comment as you desire con-
cerning the Lib.e rty Lobby or the John Birch Society since the FBI is _
strictly an tnvestigatlve agency of the Federal Government anctt1as such,
neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions·as to the character or
""'tegrity of any or.gantzaUon, publication or tndivtdual. This• Bui-eau has
~ f • •
t~ npt investigated the Liberty Lobby or the John Blrc~ Society. ,.,,;... ,

1 • •
a, CJ') - _,,
~ . .- fE
·~ -~ ~
Sincerely yours, ,--.,
.~ i-i
!~ .2: 8 U•. FC,gar Hoover "",.:
. ?
OTE: Bufiles contain no information identifiable with correspondent. The
'-'- - -..11.,1i iberty Lobby is self-drl1"ibed ~s a patriotic.pressure group which stands ·
Tolson - - for Constitutional JLat, ~r.itliiiism and individualism .as oppos~dj o
~:;,ooch -·- internationalism and ~oJ.ttectitism. \.. We have not investigate4 the l Jiberty Lobby.
, ==
~~c:p.-=· ·HRH :kph
~ t ,\} .,, ~' l>
g~~l,:~ •n -
lJ \i > / ,&,/~ . • ., .• . j,
F'elt===== . ...• , 't \'\ ur(V''
Tele. Room-
-=61-. ,~ 2-al),,Z, . ·, .
~ Y'f ~
'(/, r,V.'..; ~OJ ,t" . Gf l .
D ·
' ,., ·. , 'r[/' JV/ S -/.1 )y''
Gondy _ _ _ . MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT D • ~•~,
I . j


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..q ..q



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-~ ~ .
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~\00 {,;,. -
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Jan~. 27, 196'1

C) - ..4.

_1, lhert.j I ,obi.
I· .,,. :i,

,...;.a .
......, '

.__132 3rd Street, Southeast ~ .'--t :z

Washington, D. c. 20003
(Pv , l .. --~0

' . .
l have received your telegram of January 23rd.

With regard to the matter you mentioned, the over-

\ all ~ec~ of my testimony before· the House SUbcommitte~~on r:i:;·
Appropriations o~ March 4, 1965, was tbat an increase ln~the -::;_
number of Soviet-bloc personnel in the United States enlarges Iai
direct proportion the problem·of malntalning our tnternii}~ecuMty,
but t dld not mean to imply tbat the problem could not bi &andlia b7C
by the FBI. -~:. c~ ·
- -~

~ -•.
~ As Director of the FBI, ·I am not 1n a position io-;~-

~ I
8 1: comment or ~~ress any judgment to the relative value at. as
:; countervaWng advantages for the United states and Amer,~.' 1 ~
citizens under th . e Convention, nor can t comment on the~'tectlih
tb_e Con.J~~t._lon might afford to large number,s of Amert~~ whi,Q
vtslt the_$.ovtet Union. As a matter of policy, t do not #aJect-~ .
;i : : ,.
youY • •. jp ~ii
. · FB~ or my~ ln~.leglslative matters'. , .
'fk~ •_. · , . Sincerely

e:~:;ch ---i~1j}N9TE;· r"------.,'/Ji 'i-eported in September, 196~, as ~

~~c:p.,__ .: be1ng th !---...,....._.....,,..,,_ r; \ . __,,,,_..,,,,..,,.,.....,."Lib,~rty
-u .);.,\ ..;Letterl',y.,hi~b~
J ' 1 ,.,
ii "' .,.·" a publication • l

Collohc" - - . • : .• of .thet~ibe~ty Lobby;,~ '{he ~ib ·rty [;obby'is ·'d escribed as a patriotic
~1JJ!._essure!group wbi<ffi~stinds for Constitutional law, Americanismq-
R0s §f9:,·and1ini\i.l!tialism as opposed to internationalism- and collectivism.
. • : , 1i,\\ ,.

ull F: ·fe}ij'f3) Yi;

n _- , ,.
~ W I~}
\ Mr. Tola~
=~.t•,,, .

Mr. Oe1.J(acS::Z
.. ~ \'-it.:r
. r.,,/
..i ·N
"'). . -~

• FE.DER.Al S\ll\EAU Of \lNE$'t\G).1\I~

·1 ~m:c::
Mr. Callahan-
Mf. C{inrad. _ _
Mr. F elt- ~
Mr. Gale __
Mr. R osen. ~
JAN 2 3'. 1967 ~ Mr. Sulliv
Mr. Tave.___ _

WESTERN. VNION ¥r. Trotter_

Tele. Rooro-~--
Miss Holmes_
.Misa Gandy_

- . 142P·- EST- JAN
. 23
- . . $7
... - . ..
. . -.


• ,.-·) , . :. h EDGAR 'HOOVER · ·•. -. · -. ...··. . .
... .
.,.... ,, '
-~ ' ·t
(~ "'I ~

7 .
. i .- ~ ~ -:
# ,, • ••


r~- tl...
•• f ~ ,,. • ~ !. • .. • •

BEF OR! THE ii011s~. ~~~OPRIA ~I-o_: COtlMITiEET I:;:_~LD; ~P:J1EC~A'57~

• ., I > -
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..- j
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r_ y,J • •
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• - l
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IL ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

' ' .'.
-.•· !Jl
- f:'1,. J 3RD ~ - $£·
.... ··WA$iH?.t.t,G'SI
'- '
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DC . _- L ~7 - l- ~t• ~:(;·J .. . . - - 1'\" .,

~/-;;;wf;"-6 / , ' !:: . '!~~ 1,') I _,,-j rN..,
~r _< ~} ~ /frKib";';(.::: FOR .DIRECTOR {C ~Vf•
t ·'
. .,,.,.,ONJU.. FORM NO. 10

,:i ;;~~;oo;;~;:ES GOV.ENT


, ~

l/jJ~ ---· vf
. Tolson
. ..r~t•'• IJnach
~ ~1 ~ :: ~1,~,
i .
. . '-


·, . :,. : - ·:n,:,.per_______ _
Jlfr. Ca::;ihan _____ _


1\fr. Cn:i rnd.... ••·

M!·. Felt. ________ _
TO DIRECTOR., FBI DATE: 2/20/67 I l'-fr. Gnl<c! - - - ~ i-
!\Ir. t·:.u!,c-:i._ ~


r . Su11i,·a1L____
Mr. TavcL. ______
Jlfr. Trottf!r ....~·-·
Tele. Room _____ ______
. r Miss lfolm,:s .. ____ _
,1 Miss Gandy ________ _
SUBJECT: ~ IBERTY --li,0.RBY.,-.Il'I,.0 •· ~
WASHINGTON., D. c. --·---------
. .....


"f-. ,
I •
Attached for the information of the Bureau· is a
paid advertisement of approximately one-third page size
which appeared in the 2/14/67 issue of the "A'ncborage -~-: '~-- ··1
Daily Times". ·
On 2/15/67, I
that the advertisemen€ was placed by
Iadvised me
captioned organization

through a Los Angeles advertising agency. - 'i

' , I I
, ~ \
.:-· ~

L Ui•
-Jl~ ,, P:l

'1Lf>-" LB I
Bureau {En~~lJOOURE
1 - Anchorage
EX l140

nrc~2r· Cs·:?-10, <J#_ is
• .,

41 ,

'\ ..., -~

~ .- ,.. ..: a , ~
. ,... .. ' ~'b
....,, ~ ,.-, ':.'s' FEB~ 1967
-. ,, ,,./ II'
j rn .,· .P.
t~!l j ! I iJ] J}.[i AH
",t Jt'J
,. l ,,. . . ~~
:· . '

'&t~· (j~p - -
=· ·
~1! _
61 Ml.?. S · 196Z,
Buy U.S. S1111ings Bonds Regul11rly on the P11yroll S1111ings Pl11n
·" .

~ ,_ FD-350 (Rev, 7-16-63)
•--<,•• • •

_!___________________ (Mount ClipplngmSp oce Below) _ _ _ • ,>J_


., ' •ll J

~·- . , PtJBUC
M]Lll ~c

(Indicate page, name of

newspaper, c,lty and state.)


""·~ .
FfRO,V, !='EA~. ·eve:u MERE 11.J Aiv\l!R1c::;cr.;, 50Vl!."T .. ·•
\~VAR.T!As' oR C.ONSOLA'f&S ,.., OVr:t MAJOR. C.ITIE~...
- ·- - ·- - ·- - -·· · - - -- --·-·

= '•'If'=====;;;;,
'l'ME govJET..AG-E~f TRIED DES ..
PUATiLY TO DR.4G f./1:lt &ACIC
ltJSlr,e. &I.IT A. ~ltW YCIUC POL,IGE •
MAtJ V&ED F'ORC~ TO PREVE~T · Date: 2/14/67 Page 19
1/..,....----~~~ Author:

l ~~~~- . j
E duor:
T 111e,
Bernard .J. Kosin-
\ ski
\. tI
I Character:
! or
0 IS - R
AtJ ·oUT!tA(i,JD AME lllCAP&MA~OlO SYJUIJE,14'64- Ti,llt HOi:?ltO~ OF iK& l1 Classification:
Submitting Office:
' Tl4AT ~ov,i:r COtJ~IJI.AT!S ·~ ~tW l'ME~KIIJA eM~ IUD eeEtJ F01t,onitJ j
1; 0 Being Investigated
8,E CL05EO, UtJDER. PRE~lle
' ' "'l-'fllJG TI-IEY ~IGJJfl) WITH TUE ~El>S A SOVllif .
c:~ME P.e~s our! . TO OPEN NEW COU SUI.ATES IIJ Tl-IE U.f,4lr4
. .,

,~ ,· 1ocl 9if_. .'15

• •·· ','

Febrliary 27, 1967

__ _.'IEC-114
:r .
I,~,- JfJf:11'
. I
/l 81,. •

-Honorable Frank Church
United States Senate
WasbJngton, D. c. 20510
. , .

My dear Sena.tor: ·•. .

I have· received your communication of Feb~ 20th

together with ·lts enclosure.
In response to your inquiry• it is not possibl~ for me.
to furnish you. any information regarding the tefl~losure to your com-
munication. The FBI has not .investiga~ the7Abei:!f"" Lob!_Y...:_, .
. ' : ' . .

I am returning the enclosu·r e in accord.mice with your

' ,1 J•

'JVIAILEQ 9- Sincerely yours, ·.•

FEB 2 71967 · · . -~ Eagar Ffoover ~ ~

··- ~· . ...
..-~ ' <:'..,.1;.L. . .P.Q~_
•,. ...
.;./.. ..

·o . ,.._._ .,.,. .. .. .. ..· . . . ·v- ..

:·., / v.,£ . . ' · ·. · ·· ·:. · · ..
~--~\ . io.:fE!: Bufiles di~lose seve~ ln~~es from ~;_fu/church, last
in'.quiry aoswe~ed ·by outgoing 12-7-66. Senator ChQrch and members
? ·:;, of his staff • • • • kn~ to have had several con1:3-cts With Soviet
Embassy personnel. The adverti-sement by Liberty Lobby .rriay be a
Wlide-spread means o{.h~ving citizens urge theirj 3enators to vote .

___ 1./ Is·
~:'jah (4) agai~st:rafific.ation o~~~:~~;1~0.t ~u~ar Z-: :e~t~- :!~ ···:: ... :· -. ~;
. - ..JfY'·
. ,,
, ·\ ..
>--: . ; •
, ,• •
:t -• f. If:.,
.. .
. .
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Fell--- . • -.. \.• • 0, ·~ • ·
r, . . ,. . :. ill;)
. , - '; r ~-,. • .• '

• • .~.· •• _

\~io/7/ ..'):. . /', .,. .':

Gale ~ . . • t'. t {; 1 ;: •. \ ": l-- • •
,}~·~,•~ ' I.I• ·•., · ' ·
~.u111v£§!3 1 f.lflAR
Rosen .r1~ Y .

,;• f '

w of' ,__tJ .

vi,~ :.,.- .·
lovo .
Trotlo~,_....~ : · -. _ -~ J:11 .. ~ • · ,· ,• · ~ •
Tele. Room • _(Ii.·,., ,. . · !

• .
Holmes . • .
Gandy_-_-_-_-_ MAUOOMq ,CCS,V,E UN>T
~ 11/I\
• (; • Mr, ' Tolson~
Mr. DcLoao

";;/" Casper __•-
' Mr. Callahnn_·_
Mr. Conrad _ _
.·!. _·:...: ~--··' Mr. Felt,_ __
? .. Y;, M~·.. Gale·- ----::.


' . .1
~Cni£eb ,.$£~£e$ ,.$en~£e
=-· .. a ;:.:. _ ~ -

C '1J,
.i \
~~'-\' "' 1

Respectfully referred to
_Congressional Liaison
. ~rt:
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Department of Justice
-----------------------------Wa-sh:z.Tigt-on, ·· D-. -C. ---------------- ------------

for such consideration as the communication

herewit~ submitted may warrant, and for a report
thereon, in duplicate to accompany return of
·~ -~\"h,
I ." •
By direction of

Frank Church

~2,._ /(Jfoqi{/ ~!6

CPO lt-ffll7•t

REC- l14
2~7 -v-
[ff:i ~1967
1~"'1 .
i V-:_f Krt·.,i,A

·:,.,tt-:tCl~osU~ co~RESPO.~CE ~ .
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TWE AEPS ovr ! ~
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~-------.;,.£) '
' SEfl.lATOR, l'M FROM '~II/JED THA1' 11lE TREATY SE Sil.Cit.Mg TC,
~~_.U/E J./EED YOU~ vdn:01,J .FACTS BERlRE MAl<IIJG- ~EIR 0E_C l!;I0"1 •••
~ ·•\~ • THE.SOVIET C01'J5ULAR.

fNMA~Clj Oi"/%5,J,EOGAR 1-lOOVe:R,

,'. 1'~' WAS"A C~E~l,UEO G,OAL OF THE

____ , . . ~ ... ,-
r------------=~ ~---=--=====:.:-_:-:=;- ~-~··---- ·- _ . --~-.- ..:,- . .,. . ... -•-'-·•. -
•,:,,\1,(1,:,;· ~ S-A60TAG-E~, !71/JCE Tf.lE TREATY
l( •• ~hSo~'. . ; FORBIDS l!JSPErnoµ OF ANY
{;AGC,-Af,E OR E.QUl$)ffiEIJf

AIJY f-JEcUJ COIJ5ULAT!:$. SliT IYlR, HOOVER FL~TLY 5TAWJG- aiors by lcttl«g
~AVE TREATIE5 WITH 3:3 NAT/01-)$ theni know how
I~f,1 IJ~~
,1 -=::;::::=--;== the Soviet Con•
/ I THEY1RE A~O 5AYit..lG-THA.T- 1/J OTHER WORDS, nil7 IS sular Treaty!
~ SOMET~UJG- 5PECIAL WE'RE Th•re isn't much
lk!TE"LLIG-EIJCE. I~ Tlll>.T ,~UE"'?
_,,,,..__;_;__- ~-f. Jordan

~w~- "~ Senato Office Bldg

~~ti ,,
1((/4 0~1
)1 ., .. ,,~,,Senate
Washln9ton, D. (.
Hon. Fr•nk
~ Wa,hinglon, 0. ( ,

Pa id Polit ica l Advertisement, Liberty Lobby, Washing ton, D.C.

!' .
4 I t >

- •
February 27, 1!>67

(p ;2- /o(p91/--
t1 Honorable Homer TvI. Hankin
'The Daily Tifton Gazette /,;,7
Pest Ofilc0 Box r/08
Tifton, Ge-orgia 31794

Dear Mr. Rankin:

I have received your letter of February 21st.

In I'esponse to your inquiry, Uris Bureau is

strictly an investigative ag·ency of the Ii'ede:ral Government
and, r-i..s such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclu-
sions as to the character or integTity of any organization,
publication or individual. Therefore, I am sure you will
understand why I cannot con-;.ment as you desire. The li"BI
has not investig~ted the Liberty Lobby.

Sincerely yours,

Ttifgal" Hoover ~
r. ·1 '~ l
I,;)'. (:,:.
r---, ·1

rn I
;i . NOTE: ~~rrespondent is on the Special Correspondents' List. The
~ :
g ©Liberty Lobbl._ ~§.. self-described as a patriotic pressure group believing
in constitutional law. It has not been investigated by the Bureau~
BGH:rlf (4)
:~ FC. D h\ !Ck'
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P.O. Box 708 211 North Tift Avenue Telr~phone (912) 362-'1 321 Tift~, .. Gp9v1Ji<L
~ Mr. Trr,ttcr.
j Tr:lc. .Room__
{\ iM Gar:~
~ i\Tiss 1:lolmcs


February 21, 1967

Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, Director

Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Department of Justice
Washington, D. c.
Dear Mro Hoover:
One of our local citizens has brought to ua some
lit&rature from the LIBERTY LOBBY which publishes ·
the LIBERTY IETTER at JOO Independence Avenue, S.E.,
Washington, D. ·c. ·
The material, in bot~ written and cartoonist form,
is aimed at opposing the u.s.-u.s.s.R. Consular
Treaty. It asks readers to write their senators in
oppos1 tion. f"-_
Before carrying this material in our newspapers,
I thought it best to ask you it' this organization
is a sound one, and whether its motives have been •
tound to be in keeping with the best interests of
the United States of America.
I would appreciate hearing from . you. ~

. '
~ ~ ~ ' " -I
CordiagA yours, 11:foiliniw,it ' \
;'J.._/..::,J ~'/ (.. ~

: "
, Chai1ge oted /_. ::., 7
~ f2.,,'?'1L- , / \ ,.
· v· .


Publisher . ·Vf ~ \~
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(}.J_ v ~-'<' ~ 133 Mft.r 2 1957 . : \\961.l ~

Rewlu 'J/,fah.J l'la"'4Papet4 Ilia Reia""'4.i I V " m ~ ~ ~ lvfed.uuu " ~ :i
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. ·. April 24, 1967

--~1(/ ;;;.-101,,?y/;__g? · · ·. : .
. . .. . . . I' - .

. .
. .

Dea~ I. . .
I rece~ved your communicatlon on Aprll 20th:

· In response to your inquiry, this Bureau .ls

stri~t1y an ·1nvest1gat1ve agency of the Federal Government ..
and, as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclu- ..
slons as to the character or integrity of any organization,
publication or individual. Therefore,. I am sure you will
understand why I cannot comment as you desire. ·
Sincerely yours,
~g~, .... .__ :· :

-~ NOTE: Bufiles contain no record of correspondent~ . The .Liberty
Lobby is self-described as a patriotic pressure _group·believing
in constitutional law. It has. not b~en investigated by the Bureau.
[; l,'. IC>(
r·1 i - - ~

l3) ./.'z ... ,.,

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~~sl .VJov'
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.. .

Yes • No
Av. S. E -~· b6
c I - w.o.uld_lik
t ·fr
_O pun\lnis· ··~ · · e_t.o b
-ont - _e_ s.ur.e_i ·t - 1 s _n t
...~ - -- - O . ~g-~ni.z.a..t.1.on.. _·__ o. -_a .

·--J ;s~14- ,(j~fQ~~

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s APR 26 1967

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J, •

. J~ ✓-
4-572 (Rev. 7-18•63)
OPflOHAl fOIM MO , 10
MA'f l f U (OUION

S~A";~s G
• 1010 • 106


'\ - ~·~';';:;;

DATE : ?:,-i'-i"-~1
TO The Director

I, •
FROM N. P. Callahan ,

SUBJECT: The Congressional Record

/jln rese:rvaUon_ to1'.a,gea SSflll3•36~9. Olanator C'urtt,J, (ti) Nobraskui, prepared

_the Cuu$ul~r CenvonUon l~dl~~trr,g no ratlficClUon $ll0uld be
] enter~ 1nto unUl tile PreGider.t ,Unda a.11d ;ropo·t ts tu Coagroa• t:ha.t tlle Soviet
U:Uloa ~aa c~asc-d all s:ullltu1 in.\pf1q;l't ta.mi nsni&ta1\~~ to NO'ttli Vletuam. lt
.,,.. cn~ered to·te printe& aua to ltl) on tho tnh1e,

,l?tag~s ~3128•~~n:t~1. Henator }4cG"• 0}) lfyo,ntn.g, '3po~e
..t,mccrning Ute lari -e volum~ of w.r1al i re~eivod by S~rH!t.ors. ln OiJ}lo~ition to the
Consular Tro~ty. He tnch:~ded &."'l ;.tr U v,rltt~n b:y nob"'n "liValtttr& tmt1Ued
'•Collmular 'ilaet C:l.l!li>aif;n Inten.1~0.Uk.tberlj' Lo,libJ:.3 Hh~e,1-ntb Surpt'l.~1ai v v.rhieb
appe&red- 1n tbo Wa~Jaus.ton ~~'feniJ':(if~1!ta,, till. Mil.f•~h 10th. .&i1•. M~cGeo utated
,.vthis oppo.sitioa is born iQ fear an~ r; J~i.1• 0:st. ~?ot just. m14llruat o't ot.LC't"
ru;.Ut1n~, 1 woukl add, but 1:alstr.u~t of t:au ( ~O\t~rn.i.~ ut o·i the U~fted 6tate.s. ·toe ..
stu.r altd Mr. Walters ba1e dou8 -weH in exr;os!ug it, ... • •· - .. .,., Tb.o article. i.n
makhis retere.n ce to tho c~mprufa cf tba t:ibe1·0· .Lobby, mated ~}on Jan. 25,
'.r·. B •.Hicu:t1, the oruan1zatto.u 1 e ~;-t1~(:1;;iti\le db-e~tol9. ~t2de publlo • tette;r to

[ ~ .
.... .
i7Cn. J. WUlta'm Vu01't1Ght. 0-.1., rt. 1t ~ba1r:m:an Q! the i~n~te i1'ore1zn Helatlol\&
Co..:l.uufttce., v1iotou:U7 opposing the treaty. :rn.e~s imld ia.\ass·J,.Ued buUcU.ns.t ui ✓

l the l--'lil and Custom., Du..raao. dei~~n.ioo hal.f•·:kUof.o·n,,nuia Co.noUUoa

fa1:mi t!ons• -· w<:lear weapons ,cout.a .bll> concealud 'witblA the dipto- Uc
pouubea of diploJmlts.,.
.· , .,. ----- - --
' '-·

" '\,

UI l._-t tJ ,
: ~
+fI .:.. ~


·l'l():f 'R £€0ROED . i~
t 2:0 MAR 23 1967

- ~


In the original of a memorandum · captioned and dated a~ abov·e, the Congressional

Record for ~ - - 1 ¥- - t,, 7 .
was reviewed and pertinent items were
marked for the Director's attention. This form has been pre pa red in order that ·..
portions of a copy o f the origihal memorandum may be cl ipped, mounted, and placed
I (0

t~~irJr(Jl~ifau .case or sub ject matter files.

.r.- •·

.) ,
.•. :. ,. . '




t- ·- - 0 • 0 • • - • J. • I H ... • -•• • •

.r-ar;;e;j S-373:a...SfiG<I.- Tile ;;:;~n~to <.<mt iu.u~d -ce'1alitc.ra.t1on oi

tho Co.~ulat Conv~llUon b~tw~n th:~ 'GnHed il~~i:ta.G- ar..d tbo sovlot Union. They ·
w1H contiuue dll!'bate on thta. ;tiAtte.r ter~ay,. :$enieo-r Long, (JJ·) Lo-uiatn!la, \
.PQilltea out tba.t he. wculd U~o to voto for tt1~ t:t•e~.ty p,:ovided so~e 01 u,e c'1-li1t~bt ra
] l1e :uis ·eol.!ld bo ctcar.ed up., if not~ ho ~;t;\ted ~c ri,1.:z;nt be compelled to --.·oti:
a.iainm. .raUficatici.n. ·Iie mad-o-i--ele:r,;in~ to u~c teH.rvi~ion ~iai:raiu. '"'l"'tte ?'IIii ·•
and. :l.b.ted ''On every se.con<l or lhic,j t('!,4 };.rors:tatu ol that tho

ianeral theme tt1 that th.ere a1·0 Soviet $.£~~ta u.1. (.X.U· ei:.amitry tliat are ~nH~fl'.Q-!U
in ~ ·t1 capiori~ao vroiran. a·Lld 1mvo murdet~d: peil~:Ji'}ia·.h·ioo to C,11\ir17 o{it.
the!»- aevioua adie1~.c s. -W• a:-e told that ti~ pl",UtPtft!.r.~ lG bat-ved :t:;pon F4clua'l ·
Iacta ~nd th~t $·!.\Ch .Cact:1 bava a-.~t-ijaH:1 f.t~P.ih~H-~c.J h1 i ~t~ ~iuntry. - - .• •IZ ,'Jhat · " '
: w.o are told on televits1oa is oors·~tl 1lge FUJ a1:1,t~o:ri2~:~ J>~~g1• aRout t!H) ··.:
. ,ltE;~ .. • ... .• • Vlc>~ld tae S~Ul&tOl" nQt Ila~t it -~ .ra.thcar Mti:h p,:-1~ t~ •P'~Y for & .
3tttaH aru.o.unt of e:tpa.uded tou.rtst a,?u:·vi(:il· tt11 Hie .:r~t•V'iet Unioa, U1e !il'tlt time
thoy n~nrdc·r a ~11,rnUled and 01-.1tstru11Jit1;3 .Ai.'~:;CU·lCQ:il ~iH~en.,· W!tbO'().t ,•;n~11-. l'G'COUl"iSQ .
againt.>l lh.e mu.r-d~~o:r-'f 1 '1. Bo~o.1: Mos~, . (:n) lil~h, n!,::o!;e- lo $tal}"f!O-r ·t o.€ Uus
t.r~.-aty and £lltated ·•it.114 we b.El11\l in tt a: f'~d.eral i~u~~at,. et
luve3(4In:tlon tlu,a
·· 1
\ !ntez·aai seourity agency" hi the ·wu~tid. ~un1ty. a Wi:~CuJ. ot addiHonal 6:0vlet ·
ciUtcWJ would r-m strata too riµ:-etiUy • tile V-Mt ilttc.\ weU' or6smi.ze'4 i~eiUUoa ui
toe ,~m. .
; ·•· • ...,,.
~ 114
. : . . .. ..
. . '
' . .·. . .
·- - . ·--..-·.. ·.~-.- ·· - . . .-· · ! ~ ~ -. - .: :·;;-.-; : · .. - ~
' . ..
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... •.

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_·· . - . ·septembe·r ·12, ·19a1 · :· · ·.

:· .... . . . : _• ,•.: ::,._. -;., .-•,;: ,•. ,: .
\ '
... ..
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. ~

~~~r.~JYI~ -~-- -~·~ · _"'-
-. h ..
. .

. ,. .· .
..... '
. ,.

, ~ 21 ~-~~it...~9.&\}¾ay.,.,,.

<:.~ . , -
. . -,~ ··Oftemah, ·Oklahoma 74859 .. <;·, ' ·

. '
.,. D~ar Mr.
• 1"'1~ ;..u,,.,,... :a,;r,~f f N ' l l ' G " t U S : , W : - ~ ~·" ' ~ 1 1 1 ! : , ~ ~ ~
Sm.ith: .. ·~......
. • • ••••

. :· 1n response to ·you~ letter of_ Septem.ber 5th, ..

this_Bureau is strictly an invest1~tive agency of the Feder~

. .

Governm~nt and, as such, -neither makes evalu~tion~ _nor
• • •• • • • ', • r • , • • I.

·, draws conclusioris_
.. as to_
the characte~
. ~r·integrity of any.. •. ' . " '•'

org~izatio~;···~ublication· or .llidividual. The:ref~~~>:i ~ sure · ·

.you .will
understand why I cannot
. :comment
as. you
d~si~e . . ' ,'
' '. .Sincerely
, . .
your~ •
;1·· . ~AJL.m fi .
/ .SEP:~-2196i-'
) I O • ; • _. ' J' • "'
J._~dga~ Hoover · .,.·_.
••• • o • o • :: : o
• •• .. 0 I ;_,
~,:: . C?~~-FBI . ... . _..._.. '· '. . :·. _ . . ,
~. : , •• • •, ,• • : • • • '\ • • ~ / •; •• ' •' - I • ;' - • : • o' : •• • •

. '1) . (r)x_·.. \ NO!:~: -~w,~Ies ccmtai~.:~o· ·inf?~~f~t~.?~ ~dentifiable·with:~mith o·n the .: · -

lb. r~ ·. .
. . . : . .
ba$IS of ava1l~ble data. . . · ,, ..,.. :-:• .:·· ~ ..t(ll•
. ' . ; .. . . • ·: . ·, : 7."· ~,. . :, -. . _..., , .. . . • •

HRH:lmf ·. .-. I !·'-\ !_:.: ': . ·-! '· ' .. . ,,/2. . .

(3) ~ ,• ~ ·,!:'.;', f .'("
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:oison _ _ T
;:~rch -
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L'[ ~ p~·-· .•
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:ollohan _ _
.on rod _ _
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v. . .~ ;_', \
- ;-;- ----- -·- -·---- -- -· - ·- ---- --
\ ·~
,. mfljm 5 & lOc f;tore
213-15 W. Broadway • Okemah, Okla. ('I.
Phone 662 - 'l 1~
5 September 1967


Could yeu~pply me with infermati@n concerning the type of

organizatimn oµLIEERTY LOBBY".., 300 Independence Ave, Washingtc.m,
D.C. ?ls th.ere an ything subversive about them? .
Is there anything unamerican about the men wh0 head the or-
gainizatien, er w0uld it affect ones security to subscribe to .
their publications?


Mac Smith
213 W Bwdy
Okemah, Okla.


REC- 60 ' 6 2 ..--/6 t '?¥-I.- ?&7


~~ G

SEP 13 1967


- -✓/ ·, ., .


t..l".:,..;~ ..... -
.,,_. -.t ..


- . ~·

ti! ·'fl

· ·:.: .,._t

~ ·. '

December_4, 1967

REC 2a. ,l,j.. ..;,. Io b'///~ <J9

:i'-~ ·.· -~~~ .. '•


With respect·
. . .
to the inquiry contained .in your_letter
of November 29th,: this Bureau is strictly an·investigatlve agency
, . .
of the· Federal Government and, ·as such,· neither makes eval~3:- .
·t1ons nor dra~s conclusions as to the character or integrity of· any
organization, publication or individual. Therefore, x·am sure_rou
.. . '

wW understand
why .I cannot comme~t
as you desire. I hope you
. .

will not infer either·. that '

we do or do not have material in o~ flles

relating to the organization yoU: m entloned.

Mfilt,_tQ 1..~ 1. ~ar
. · .. Hoov~r

.f) :J,,t
'• '
l. t•
:,-. I\'
·I OE~ :4 _1967_ ' •
. ,.,.
. ti
• •"
t ,...Jo ... .COMM , Fcu •· · ·,.,,EC ,-. r:;. ~o~CH
tsr:!:. -- n ,·.·,.,.,
:•1 ,( I).
. -
0 ~{, ., ·
' -, .......
Tolson _ _ __ NOTE:-1 rs not identifiable-i~.Bty_iles. The Liberty Lob~y i~ 11 t1i,- €H
Deloach - - -·
Mohr _ _ _ __



· iltC ri d --~ ~.~ ,\,~
••,{; J r • , •1
Bi sh o p - - - -
Cosper _ _ __
,. as a patriotic p:res·sure:gro11p believing in constitutional. .
Collohari - - -
<;: on rod
F'elt -· - ,. law. It•· has nQt" . b. een,• iDVeSti
· .gate<1 by .the Burea
Ro s en _ _
Sullivan ~ · / \ o'
Tove! -=--=- 1 •· U.

;~E::,"51)-E·'C 1Bore.~
JOndv _ 1 l~
.: _ (3)
_ J. ~
,.,, ·/}_-~ _.
- - - - -- -- - --.....c_

---- - - l


.. ~ J ~


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-y ~

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. --~

·•• •••
,. 'i ,.

"'- • . - . ....
' '
' .

REc·!i _ 1967
·~~{'1fl;_; ·}IJb?/c/ /--~bDecember 7,

,t· ',
- • •


) .

.. I ,f' /

I have received your letter of Dec·ember 1st,

together with its enclosures, and appreciate the interest
which prompted you to contact me ...

With respect to your inquiry, this Bureau is

strictly an investigative agency of the Federal Government
and, as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws c·o nclu-
sions as to the character or integrity of any organization, b7C
publication or individual. Therefore, I am sure you will
understand why I cannot comment as you desire. I hope you
will not infer either that we do or do nQt have material in our·
, ~--~..- - - - files relating to the matter you mentioned.

)~i~~r~g7. I· SinCer.ily yours,

~A~t-A iJf!ff

::E; :::=ara~, :. --
·,;,;; J. Edgar Hoover

~ I c~ :otin no iti.formation identifiable with

He enclosed a portion of the 11-26-67

~% :~~on o= a Sunday supplement, which contained

_an article by Jack Anderson concerning the liberty lobby ..
Anderson is, of course, well6 ~9J'1"'~~~~n asso_c iate of ·Drew
To lson \ Pearson. Anderson's article 1S not favorable to the 4.tberty
~:~roach - - . /J:>bby and his comments concernirig itLare based generally on .
one Allen A. Zoll being ~\~ocr! at~ f.iif h•~i\fo• ,on, ace or.ding
j • '

~~: :; _ •. (
to Anderson, has a r~putation'-of b'~~l)~i\a. f~~c:i st·.
~:~ ,~~on - -
Fell ·f''·
· ·' •-r•
,, !. I ..., ,r, . & •1..,1'u
OJ~ ---=--=--== .
~RH:mlb (3) . ~ £]fC t
~ ·•~-
·"- 1~

tf' ·-
•• .,,,,,,,,.

'1" r:
llosen _ ii,
Su ll lvon ~ ~ ' ~I ,·: J'" ;·~ r - Jtd
' ( '. r
f/i ·":--
•• _ __ , . , ...
iove l
Tro ll.:r _ _ •
· ~ ~·J·..• •, •ill,• . -•
lAJ , : •. ·

,,~..: i:1it-M
. E 1 4 1'9 MAUOO ~ mn>eEUmTD
6f1N'. .
· ~• •
... ) ;·
. "' ··:. ,,,
.: •
.. .(,..-·.,.,.:
·- - ..


' 1---1 Dec. 1, 1967

~VFedera1 · Bureau of Investigation
f, Washington, D. C •

Dear .S:tr·:
I am a ·Board Member oi'Q.°Qerty Lobby which. I joined last .. year. I

7 .
am a·Conservative and aiif"agaiij'~-aJFy·i 'orm of organiza~ion·that
endeavors to foment ha_~i;-~ g,_., s _~ r.:l;.~~·-·and yi¢lel}_~e or. preaches dis-
criminatd.o,!l- a_gainst anyone , !b~q·ause .of race, cr~_ed, · or color~ J: b~,1:f,.~ve
emphaticalJ..y••in -the 1J.S. Con·s titutton: as it was ·created by our. ' '
forefath~rs. F·inal3ty., I beltieye; in__tpe 'f reedom q.f our· people to
voice t.h~ir ·id'ea·~ t11r.o~gh the reg~ar processes of law ahd order.
• !

lNheh I· joined .Liberty Lobby, it· was . w¼th the understand': thg that
they rep·rese:r:1:t--ed •my ·voice· 111 Co~gr,_ess either for or_ aga=!-nst·· legis-
lation proposed by the members . of Co:qgress·. Since I have., been
wi tll Li p~rt·y Lobby,- nqt onc. e hav~ __I _·b~~l'.!- 1:Inder presstiJte of any
kind to sanction._ hatr~d or discriminat·10:nand feel 'they a:re
fighting my b~ttl.e against the :forces - of ·evil that seem· to be dom-
_inating our country·~ The_ir·. fi ght has b-een a.b.ove_board and .. not· . '.
through s_ubver~-ive tactics.,_ which I ani sinc ~r..e ly. a· .
Now a.ppears th;e· .enclosed article· by ' Jack Ander.s.on .. tc;> me is
n a:t ionalat-tempt to smear L}'berty Lobby and its'._·_1#9rk~. However,
I did n9t feel at ease when I _read ·1n the ·articl!? of the.past
rec.o:rct,s of · the lhaIJag-ing •s taff. I ·do not. interi.d to be a ,.member, of
aq b6

any -0rganiza~:i,q.q_,,woose ma:q~g_el'.il~nt may 1oe an 1r1;fil tration of

subver:sive e~~nts·. be .they. Commun:j.sts, Neo-Na,.zi, , or ]facist or
tha~ will ideologies. ·My con-t iri~e.d . suppo:rt
of Liberty Lob9y will1, depe-nd on ·wheth~r. the . :Lnformation contained
in the article is 'fal se · or not. I have no way of finding thfi; out ,'

without. your .' assistance~ th~refore reason fore .this .. letter ..•.
,.. ··. -
. . . ._. .
~;' ; . . . : .. . . ,:' .• ' •. .
If you are not prohibited by law to gi:v:e out inform.a tio:µ, J would
like very __ much t!) be advised whether the .author of-t,he' a:r:,t,fcle '
or the .managerir~nt~ of Libertry. Lobby are · con:s·ic;lered ;"t6 · Be'. against t'he
best int:e'res.ts:~o.t . our country. - If your comments a re urifavo"rable
I shall "'rithdx;_aw .,_my sup'po rt of Liberty Lobby • . ·: ! . .
Tha_nk you for .any information you may be able ·:to give me.

JJ£c 5 b:;~.~. .lo, ~

, , .
w-. i:,1_•. I'

...- t.}~~-., /J f-~)I:!-?·
. ~

,' . ,· . ,._ .___

~ ·:r

~{ ·'~.
: . ,S-J.~t;J, .. .. .
lil!t, ~-. .
#1''-JOr, ::
.. nco · ,

.·1,'.. ·1.;.,
c-~ . .

'·,. .,' n
~ Y - - •· · io ii / °i.--7-::-( 7
i ,,

..i,. .

!Y ~J' . l-{~-1.- , lfflA,rf!,f;:} .
V / l ~fi
- -




Pee •. '1~ 19·67,·
:.... .. ' ~ .... :.:: . .
Liberty Lobby
Washl~g·ton,:·· Dfc;•

•. . . . . '. f . ' .. . < • • • ' .. _ . ~~. •

The e~~los.e·? --art·~~le,:-· by Jack ~ -~tei?~~~~· has. pPo~oke,d . ~~~p: ~:isc1~:ss·i o~

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01,t iu1tdn1 BY ·JACK ANDERSON

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... November 26, 1967

Walter Scott's ,

Pers<;>µality .....

Want the facts? Want to spike rumors? Wanita learn the truth about prominent personalities? Write Walter Scott, Parad~, 733 3rd Ave., I
New York, N.Y., 10017. Your full name will be used unless otherwise requested. Volume of mail received makes personal replies Impossible. j

Q, i underd(Jni that In a Q. Call you teU "" aol1telhing about a group of men
,li,play o/ iokenism crodry in Wathint:lon, D,C,, known as "The White House
Rolfywood 11,ulio is rigrt- •. · Gigoloa,n to which Lynda Bird Johmon', hUBband-
ing at le~t one Negro -.~_ to-be belo~i' What is the truthi' Aren't these young
frC#. Plc&e co11/inn o~
1 men calied upon lo aeroice bacheloretleaP · - 'D.
di,ny. - A:za Hutchimon, • Fredericks, Bethesda, Md. .
Philadelphia, Pa. A. T hue is a group of 25 social ajdcs atta~hed to the
A. Not true. The studios Whl1e House. These aides nrc l>achelor officers re-
are signing Negro ac- cruited from the· five military services. Enlis~ed per-
tresses as they need them. sonnel are ineligible for this position. These social
Latest to be signed is Moni- aides are on volunteer duty. They receive no extra pay.
ca Peterson of Leesburg, They, are chos~~ ·for their personality, good looks, EISENHOWER AND TRUMAN IN RECENT PHOTO
Va., now under contract to dancing·, conversational, and other social abilities by Q._1n 1947 did Preaidenl Tr11man say· to General
20th Century-Fox. Bess Abell; the White House social secretary, and the Elsonhower, "l can'I get elected In 1948, but you can.
office of the President's military aide;- Lynda Bird Why;don't you run for the presidency on the Demo•
Q. 1 waa shocked to ,eod that Luci Johnson Nugent. Johnson dated scYeral White HQuse social aides be- cratli: ticket and l will ru~ as you, Vice Presidenti"'-
paid $700 a week to gel in ahope for her ai81er's wed-•.:. fore she decided to marry Capt. Charles Robb. The LetDls. Gilb.e r!, Cambridge, Mass. • .
ding on Dec.- 9th at the Whiie Home. What kind; · aides reserit being referred to as "White House A. He said substantiallv that, but Eisenhower refused
of e:rample ia 1h18 fo, a healthy 19-year-old girl to '.•· Gigolos," since they are not. Some of the young ladies the offer. Truman, th~ref~re, was compelled to run,
rel for the nation'• youth, especially thoae who can't
afford $700 a weeki'_;_,.L, T. , San Anlonio, T,n.
they have been called upon to dance with and squire
!S sufficient 1,roof thnl theirs is • gallanlrY,: beyond the
call of duty o'r monC)", ·~
and won .

lm"t the Mia Farro10;Fmnk Sinatra marriage fin-
ished for all intents and purpasesP - L. E. T.,
Mam<1ronecl,, N.Y.
A. .F~JY people ~ pect 1hn1 it will be th;Jast morrlage
fon,ilhi:r uf 1hem, 11t thnl llity wlll star o family.
. ,, 0· \ 1, , • \ • •. '

Q; 'i\re there more boat• in T«r.r:a• //um hor,ui'

Lane'Eoa.n,, Dalla•, T=
A. True, 207,000 pleasure boats; 197,000 horses.

Q. Lieut. Gen. James
Caoir - r.oo.t he ener o
Q. Would you please e:rplain what Marshall ~c- •:1• Cat,wllci' - N. llfcManus,
L111,an meam when he says, "The medium · ia the ,; Bot.ion, Man.
menage."-Molly Flemitig, Aslieoille, N.C. · A. .(::avin was born a
A. McLuhan's basic concept is that the way people MICHAEL REAGAN PLAYS "THE DATING GAME" DH TY. Cat~olic, converted to the
communicate with each other is much more important Episcopal church in 1961
A. The draft •talus of Governor Reagan'• 22-year-<Jld
than what they say. 'McLuhan contends that the com- when he_ was President
son, llfichael, pleaae. Abo ia he a ployboyi' Also whol
munications technology compels people to ·adapt to ·. Kennedy"s U .S. Ambassa·
does he do for a livlngi'-11. T . Evans, Sacramento,
particular ways of behaving, thinking, and reacting. dor in France . .
' . Calif.
A. Governor Reagan's son, Michael, is 4-F, suffers
Q. Js. it true that in 1963 IM; late P,eaident Kennedy
Q. ls 11 t""' that Shelley Wi1111,ra who it hilling 50 hoa from a duodenal ulcer. He is known in Hollywood as
asked the publisher of the New York Times lo re-
a 24,yeaMJ ld looeri'-L. E .-P: , Hempstead, N.Y. a "swinger," !s at this writing searching for a job in
mol)e h;,, reporter, David Halberatam, from Vietnam
A. Miss Winters has been seeing a good deal of Don public relations.
on the ground that he wa•· harmful lo the national in-
Stroud, 24, an a<lmirer and actor.
Q, Paramount studios bu_ill lereatf>-L. W. Trask, Pri_ncelon, N.J.; '
up Carroll Baker'aa a great A. Yes, it was one of Kennedy's shabbiest maneuvers.
Q. l would /Ike ti> know' ,oho runs Met,o-Galdwyn, aexpot. Now she'• disnp• He imisted at the time ihat the South Vietnamese
Maye, atud/o, and who 18 reaponaible for the bomb, peared. Whot'a, happened with U.S. help were winning the war. Halberstam;
Far From the Madding Crowd?-M,s. C . H·. Dariit, to heri' - Elaine Green- Makolin Browne, then of the A.P., Saville Davis
Chicago, Ill. . . berg, Newark, N.J. of !h~·"Christian Scieuce 11-fonito, and other reporters
A. MGM is run by Robert O'Brien, its president, who A. Miss Baker is in Italy, m3inlained that the war \vas rapidly being lost. The
not only makes !he chief. financial decisions but also making films for foreign reporters, were right, and Kennedy, as in the Bay of
the_production ones. producers. Pigs fiasco, was wrong.

Pres/d,,111, Art!iur H. Motley Et/ii,,,-, Jess Gorkin Publi.,~er, Warren J. Reynolds Ex,•c11u,,c l'icc Pre,ide11t, Ted Stulz .
Parade a Ari Direcwr, ANTHONY I.A ROTONDA
• Editor At urrge; LLO¥.D SHEARER • M,maglug Editor, EDWIN KIESTER JR.
Assoclote E,lilors: NEAi. ,1.rnn,•. vtmi'l()N <JIJM HYMAN, IIEHUElll' Hllr fll RB,ERG, DAVID PALEY , 110 1111 G. 111/CEIIS
NEWSPAPER MAGAZINE Aui,1,2111Art Directer, GEOIICE J. "lYP.M R/\KIS , Atslstm,t u, tit<> Editor. MARION LONG '· Editorial AssiJtatti, SUSAN KLEIN
Women 's Editor, ROSALIND MASSO\V Hcime Ecut1~1nici , DEMETRIA TAYLOR' Fasl1ion , VIRGJNIA roP13 Cnrtoou Edit,ur;" LA\VRENCE LAlUAJ:

NOVEMBER 26, 1967 \V osl,;1)glo11 : 811rcnu Cl,icf, JACK ANDERSON ; FRED HLUM ENTHAI., OPAL GINN.

© &::~.~t~~ !'--"c~1!f:~!~n~~i:.1u~i!;~:~::{~·o~i:

.!::,k~;~1 ~~~~;.; ~~:~,.~~t•s;,:r:s~~n°i:';:,!i'i~~ ::!::~;aM~r~;r::;
~ :

Give your family something comfortable this year-
Hush Puppies"', casuals. Great new colors and
styles, steel s~ank support. Comfortable prices,_
too-from about $10 lo $ 17. Fritz; left,
men's oxford of Breathin' Brushed
Pigskin"'-a natural -for slacks.

Put the frestf new look of comfort on your -g ift .list.

Vegas, left, buckled boldly for Blarney, left, men's two-toried Countess, left, has fringe
fashion-conscious men. golf shoe in a rich mixture'· accent for her relaxing
In brushed or of Breathin' Brushed hours. Give in
smooth leather. Pigskin and supple, brushed o~ smooth

smooth leather, leather.


IlITnn~Thl : x;;:.t:\:(,i
I minI'Q)JJ~II,...,,, . _.
. ~ ~Qf- .

Fairway, left, a women's


golf classic, blends

brushed leather
~~s-·;-1;.f .,·

;-, .,,:.: ,
~. : .• . .... :r,

Towner, r.ight,
in ·brushed ,or ·
smooth leather.
Crepe soles sof-
ten her step.
Most styles available ~t these fine stores:
Downtown • Eastport DowntoW'n • Uoyd C9nter

Downtown • _Eastport • UOyd Cent• r J;>owntown • Gatew• Y

PORTLAND-a & C Dept. Store. 8422 N. Lombard • Cedar. HUI • Shoe• 9 Hewott"a.. 1310 N.E. 101at • Mlller"s For Men, 107 S.W. lrd • MIiier'• Hollywood,, 1904 N.E. 42nd • Reliabll! Shoe Store. 4th &
S.W. Wa • hlngtan • Vandanburg•

Albanv-,Longa Sho81 • T & C Shon Ashl~nd-Fortmlllera Astarla--Reed-Grimberg i11ker--8ohn.., Clothing Buverto~Walb'(1 Bend-Standlf119 • Moom Shoes Brando~olden Rule Stora Brooking.,_
B &. E Shon• Phl\llps·Clothlng ~Um......&eno1 Man'eStore • Moalsy'a Fam\ly Shoaa Canby--M.onah1ma Cooa Bay-Tha Hub CoquUl~The B~ary CorvaUl~cma·Shoea • Upman Wolfe Cottaa• Cbov ....Hooven
Dallaa-Crleden: Enterprfw-Wagann Eugan.:....eurch's Rne Fo~twear • Hoova111 • Nlcklu Sha•• The Bon March• Flarence-Alexandara. Foran Grav...-Forest Grove Shon • Millell Gold Beach-LasaJI Famlly
ShoBI Granta Pau-Oraw, Men'11 Wear• Golden Rule • He~• Bootery • Woodrurna Greaham--Stone'e Shon , Heppner~ontya Shoe Store Hermlat0n-Edwlna Shea Hlllebor~Valley Vogue ShON Hood River
-Welby'• Klamath Fall ..... Bog'ataya • Drawa Man'1Waar •-Ho111a of Shoes• Reeden Men•• Wear La Gr• ~de-Kelth O"Brien • Truttara Man's Lebanon-Bobs Shoea Uncoln Clty~lha Beach Toggery MoMlnnvlUe--
Mr. "D's" Sh08I • The Sh'oa Hom Medra......e,rcklone Medford-Burch"• • Drawe Man•, Wear • Millarl • Nobles Sho• • Norrla Shoa Mllton-Fraewater-Seager"'e Shon MIiwaukee-Nicki• Shoee Molall~
·Molalla Shoat Mount Ange~Beana Men'a Wear Myrtle Craat-Golden Rule NawburD-Tedl Shom Nawpon-Afexandere North Ben~eundbaum1 • Emporium Ny111....,Brackene' Oakridge-Johna Shoea
Ontarlo--Alaxande.111 • Idaho Dept. Stora • Keith O'Br1an Oregon Cl~Hawetta • Nick.lea O.wago-Smlth1 Shau Pendleton-Bon Mar.:h1 • M81Sh'1 Man'• We• Prlnavllle--Erlcklon'a R_• dmon~Hogana Men'•
R.eed~part-Dunn Outflttlng • Golden Rule Roaaburg-Glmr1'1 Shon• Howard'• Man'•• Shoe Tree Saint Halan~lck Federici • Tony'a Shoea Salem-Arbuckles Sh081 • Bishops Man.., • Upman &. Wolfe • Mefer &
Frank'• of Salem • Mlll•l'.I • Shv,ocka Sa• 1Jde-Whaatly-Dealet SIiverton-Weiby'• Sprlngtlald--Aluandan Suth• rlln-The Golden Rule Sweet Home---Garva Shoe Marl Th• Delie.,_M,rei & Krier• Kafth O'lrlen
Tigard-Vandenburg• TIiiamook-The Bootary IDAHO Bole~axandem • Bon Marchi• CUh Bazaar• Falks I.D, Stora• Klnga, Downtown. Vlsta • Men•• Wardrob• • Rllaya • Rop1r1 C1ldwall-Alaxand8111 • Idaho
DapL Stora Emmett-Idaho Dept. Stora Mounta~~ub Clolhler Nampa---Alanndera • Brookaveta • Idaho Otpl. SICN'II • H •_!"doon, Pa.rm.~1.tbo(• WA.BHINO'TON Shot SIGN
Goldendale-Ledbetter"'a Kannewlck-Bealn DepL Store• D8Ylct'1 Sh091 • Kan•e Clothlng Longvl.w-Backeburg Shoe•• OIH.n't ShOlll • Thi Don Marcha • Zlmmfflllln't P1,co-e..t'1 Mon' • Waar • C..rf'1 ShON Rlchland
-Bootery • David's Shon • Daw10n-RJch1rd • The Bon Marche Vancouver-Hadley"• • K1Aler"'1 • Pacidene • Self Service Sha• • Sherm Smith'• • Spellman'• Whfta Salmo~Wameka Woodland-Orth'• Apparel

~-=~. '!,~
A product or

~ 01967, WOUVE_!l1NE. WORLD WIDE, INC., ROCKFORD, MICH- 49341 --:: makers of Hush Puppies 111 casuals and WolVerinelll brand shoes and bools, ski products and o lovos..•

"' t:


The Manv loves· .. . --

' ~

,/.) J .•
. I I , I~

of aHale Peddler.
. .,,-"'

B .ar,Jr'. ~. ri q, ~
,: 1.;( .#'
. l( 1./1) ,,,-·, ------ - . ' - .I I)/:::::,
ill of the shadows of the 1930's,
him around Wash;,;;;,;;· finally found ~ }S•S;~r~-..·,l\t-:~~ .~. ...~ ~-~ ·.;,
.;..~~ • •' . -1.· j • : ·- : · ~ ; ; ~ . { -~"!
him in the apartment of his latest girl- . ·--:....
@ a veteran promoter of un,Ameri-
can causes is attempting a come-
,...,!i~~k on Capitol Hill. He is Allen
friend. He slamm·ed the door on the foot
of the photographer. "You just want to
smear me!" he shouted as he pushed
• -¥
~ . !. ' '

AJderso~. as charming a salesiiian . ·,his weight against the door, Whenhe was
•· - · of bigotiy1 a;' ever marketed unadulter- confronte.d with specific information and
ated bile. With a show of Sll)iling sin- . asked to answer questions; he told his
cerity, he alternately preaches hatred lady love: "Honey, don't listen to them."
to the rabble and whispers love to the What questions didn't he want her to
ladies (preferably rich old ladies). hear? Zoll's background, if unknown ·to ;r
,.\ Zoll first 01rracted nntiona l attention his female companions, is a matter of
-~ in the late I 930's when he ':)l&ilnizcd record. Before his American Patriots,
and comman.d oo t.mcrkan Patriots, Inc., Inc. was placed on the subversive list, it
a Fascist front list~ assubversive by the frequently beat Adolf Hitler's drums in
America. It also circulated an article in
Justice Department. He has now formed
"'! al!iance·wlli1· W Ulls.J::'lt~,: _,wn,_bas
decliued in prlnt h is des.Ire to rcb uiJd a
the 1930.'s ~ - a Japanese agw t, who
wrote: "Japan is ligh ting [China], not
. ,., , .• • y

neo-Nazi culture. Carto has written: only in her own self-defense, but also in
'We cannot rebuild until we have cap- the interest of civi1ization." ,_ ·1
ru red. Politlcal JJOWCJ Js c.he essential •..
crite rion, not wi~hes or windb3gs, and ·10 An eariy arrest ::: .- ..
the goal of polif:ical power all else must / In those days; Zoll ~nee mustered
be temporarily" sacrificed." Through a WO() Christian Front pkkeLS 10 parade ' , ·•

pressure group they call the Llberty around a New York radio smtion that. • , ·r•....
Lobby, Carlo and Zoll have demon- had banned ,\he rabble-rousing sermons
strated their ability to mobilize political of Father Charles Coughlin. Afterward, ~·
.,,, -
_power. Already, a half dozen congress- Zoll was arrested on an indictment
men have become their pawns.
At age 72, Zoll's ruggedly handsome
charging that he had tried to extort
$ 7 5 00 from the station in return for ,- .
face is creased, his gray hair is thinn,ing, calling off the pickets. Bail was put up
and his barrel chest has slipped to his by the same mystery man who had also
waist. Yet he still retains burly virility posted bail for the wife of a fugitive Nazi
;• ,,
and a soft-spoken courtliness that seems spy. The indictment_'eventually was dis-
to captivate women. His greatest roman- missed for lack of evidence.
tic triumph was over the late Genevieve Zoll continued his extremist agita-
Tillar, one of, the. nation's wealthiest tion with an appearance-before the Sen-
women, a widow who had held out ate Judiciary Committee to·denounce the
against all suitors for 33 years until Zoll nomination of Felix Frankfurter to the •/
Supreme Court. Reason: FI3Dkfurter
came calling in early 1953. He was then'
5 7, she in her 80's. He courted her with
tender talk and love notes on, rose-em-
was .a Jew. 'Today in America an anti- i_
Jewish se.n tiriient Is growin R by leaps ·
bellished stationefy. As the April buds -and bounds;-' Zoll gloated. 'To p lace a l
began to blossom, she eloped with him this time upoo 'the bighcsfcourt anotl1e:r
to a · Washington suburb for a quickie one of that 'race is not only a political
weddlng.' The groom, at least, was de, mistake hut a social one." ,.
liriously happy. For the first thing the_ By the 1940's, Zoll had become so
new Mrs. Allen Zoll did was to tum over notorious that his application to the Mili~ !: .
lier financial affairs,to him.
Never one to venture far out of the
' tary .Training Camps Association was re-
jected at the request of Army Intelli-
If:·. ·
shadows, Zoll is now more elusive than gence. Those we!e difficult days for Zoll. ..... \.
. . ....

Miles Standish at a love-in. He avoids

reporlers, i!tllores phone calls, keeps .un-
With:-Americaos united in the war effort,
it was difficult ti> sell hate, a,;d he packed
. :·· ·.~ ....~ -_ ~ ,. ...:, ,, .
certain hours. Even his closest associ-- off to Canada to enlist, i '~ . ., ~-'. ' . . . ~ -- ~ .. '•
, ~ - ~
ates never seem to know his whereabouts. - With a resilience that has character- Comeback of a hale peddler: Allen Af
ll:- leader of '30's Fascist front, in first ph~
PARADE spent three months pu~ing ized liis career, Zoll rebounded in I 948\- taken in 35 years. Still the lover boy a 72. jl!e's going strong again in the hate business/-
" - . / p . ~ ! .Potorhi • Nov. 21,, 1907

l - i
~' · . · -. ·:-· ·-· . ·!
-~~:~:,: ·~ 1.:.--~r··. _..,.~· ~ . ·-. ;ff
I /• ·
·,. • ,·.. . ·.J· ';:cc.· ·· ' . 1-1r; .
.,,,q ' ' ..
' ._•, · -4·.· . -.·.
/. . . .
.' ....,,/:°,. Lt ? joL-LJl/ I
I ' ; f-..·

· \ ·• · \ . I I • ; . :
as the founder and leader of the high-
sounding Nation'!-1 Council for American ·.,·.' . '. \ .\; You even took time and interest i,; my
property and pawned the stuff which

- .•·-
Education. Under the banner of "eradi- ·,•· ~' yon ... put up as collateral, and I knew
cating socialism and communism from
f; : ..
; '_i .. ' \ .
nothing in the world about· it for months

afterwards. It was a great shock to me."
schools and colleges," Zoll began a witch
hunt that left deep scars in the public . "It wasn't treacherous," pleaded Zoll.
school systems in many parts of the
. I. ' "Don't say things like that." -
country. His supporters harassed liberal
teachers and scoured school library
I .
I ·:

(.: ··-- A "It was heacherous," insiste<J. Gene-
shelves for "subversive" textbooks. One "No, it wasn't," he said. "I needed the
conservative critic,-though a foe of pro- Zoil's- wife and benefactor, the late Mrs. Benjamin Tillar, got honorary degree from Texas · money to do so many things with, that I
gressive education, warned that "Groups Wesleya[l in 1941. Widow of an oil man, she was in her S0's when Zoll married her. in 1953. needed. If I'd known, my dear, that this
like those sponsored by Mr. Allen A. was el'er going to happen and that we
Zoll can properly be characterized as wanted hei- to · do.'.' Sometimes, the fat pocketbooks.'' weren't going to be together forever, I
enemies of public education." . servant said, Zoll would awaken his wife After one of Zoll's New York parties; never would've invested a nickel in any-
In his own way, Zoll was something the detectives noted - in the stilted thing. I th ought we were going to be to- ,-
at night to have her sign papers.
of on the failures of education. Zoll thrived on this domestic_ setup. language of their trade--the unusual gether fo,cvcr ."
He attended public schools in Kansas He found business interests to keep him solicitude l,e showed one ·guest. They , He begged her to kiss and make up.
and Arkansas. He entered the University traveling, and he entertained his friends described a weJ!lthy society matron who "I want to see you; I want to go to dinllcr
of ~kansas, where be played football frequently in his· wife's residenc~s in was "about 40, and very good looking, with rou; I want to take you dancing,"
and ,vas·graduated in 1919 after he was Washington and New York. Sometimes and, while rather substantial iri propor- he urged. "I want to try. and make up to
given credit for 16 semester liours for he would announce his departure &om tion, had an excellent figure. Last night, you some of the things that I failed to
se~vice as a lieutenant in World War 1: Washington, then remain in town at the the host, Zoll, took this woman to the do before, and l'n, anxious and raring to
go. I loved you, loved you, loved to be
He also spent a year at Harvard Law home of another woman, according to comer, hailed a taxicab for her, assisted
School, then dropped ouC Still, when the Zolls' maid and chauffeur. They also. her into the cab, and as she climbed in with you, want to take care of you."
.- , Zoll decided to tell people how to mn
their schools, he added the initials 1
testified that he would be "sweet" to his
elderly wife, then call her "an old bat''
gav<; her an affectionate pat on the rear- .
most part of ·her anatomy, In our
"Not that ii means anything, not in
this world, never in this world," -replied
Ph.D. after his name. The doctorate was opinion, ·this act is signilicanf of some- Genevieve skeptically.
behind her back. 11
from a diploma mill run by a .convicted In time, she became suspicious both thing more than friendly relations ..." I know. you loVe me/' he persisted.
con man, who awarded ~h.D.',s to r;,;~·,·,q,;' • of his financial and romantic activities, M;s. Zoll won a legal end co the 1953 "Ypu'.rc, money '!.!~£1,.'.'.AieJ J!&i:c•ted. ·
one in sight when he was on a drinking ~na!_,4.,,:Jw-,·d pri\·ntc JcLCctlves lo c:hcck - marriage in January, i9%" A Reno, He blin,lfo1ll:r "pink la1v1·ci~"·"fo,- -
spre_e. ~•P on him. T hey uncovered his wlmle Nev., j udge stat~ : "The court con- breaking them up; He reminded hei- that
cluded thnl the plaintiff was ·entitled to he h_ad wa~ed against them. He recalled:
Campaign against Israel sordid bac kground, incl udin·g some tltil·
"I saiil those people, you'll meet them, :
lating details -about his romantic con- a decree of annulment to her marriage to
The rise of Israel offered Zoll even quests. In each new endeavor, appa~ent- the defendant upon the ground of the Jewish citizen~ will want to confin_e
more fertile gro~d for sowing seeds of fraud ... .'' \ you to old age and loneliness ...
1)', he was suaounded by women. "When
hate, md he began to cultivate the Zoll appeared in court in connection with To save his marriage and, presumably, "I wouldn't leave them cheat you,
Arabs. On Nov. 14, 1952, he presented his indictment for extortion," reported the millions that went with it, the dis- baby, honey," he added, "I wouldn't
a program for fighting "the Communist- the. dctcc_tives,. ''he was atu:ndcd by 50 mayed Zoll tried to appeal the decision. cheat you out of anything.''
Jewish world conspiracy" at a five-hour of his admirin g fe.:0ale supporters.'' He paid a final, urgent call upon his ex- "Yes you did," she said.
luncheon attended by Arab diplomats, They quoted one source as telling - wife and, in his best hearts-and-flowers "Let me know when you're co~ing
including several foreign ministers. He them: "Zoll had often stated ihat there manner, begged her to take him back. back lo me. You'll never regret it.''
suggested an Arab boycott of U.S. firms ' No," she said. -
\Vere many fools in the world, especially The detectives recorded their conversa-
doing business. in Israel, a demand for women; who would contribute money to tion. "I miss your biScuits, honey," he said.
the end of U.S. economic aid to Israel; "Oh, yes?" ·
and a campaign against German repara-
a 'good cause.'" The private eyes also dug Generous with her money ··,we used to have biscuits and jelly;
up a quote from John Roy Carlson, au-
tions to Israel. thor of Under,Caver: "Zoll was promot-· Zoll began by offering to return' cer- scrambled ew , bacon and things ... "
Z91l was negotiating with Arab spokes- ' ing 'patriotism' as a racket by appealing tain valuables, '').' ou're getting very g~n- then he declared fiercely: "When we
men to become their Washington lobby- to a certairi kind of woman. He paid par- erous," she said wryly, "with all the meet in court, you're going to be married
ist when he found what looked like an ticular attention to fat old ladies with money that I've loaned you." to me again." -.
·even more profitable ,,cn iure . He· began • "Betty, honey," he pleaded, calling The annulment stood; but it took the
his· courtship· ·of Gene vieve Tillar, a her by nickname, "you were very gener- lawyers 18 months to uns,:,arl the fina,:,-
petite diamond-in-the-rough and widow ous to me w!ille we were together, very· - cial web that Zoll had spun around his
of Texas oil millionaire Benjamin Tillar. generous. I never would've-left you in a ,,:-ife's finances. When things were final-
Zoll wa,-'the host at a party when he .thousand ye~. I would have stayed and ly settled, Zoll w'oun,f up with. a small
persuaded the 83-ycar-old widow to slip done my best to protect you and look fortun~ in sloe.ks aod property that re-
off with him for a more important cere- after you and care for you and keep all mained in his nam e . It was, apparently,
monr. They were married in Arlington, manner of harm away from you . . , I enough to keep him out of mischief for a
Va., on April 14, 1953. told you that we were goi)!g to have little while. '
Almost immediately, Zoll brought ex- a beautiful married life the rest of our When the money he salvaged from his
citement into· his ,yifc's life. He formed lives, grow old together, go down the sun- . marriage ives dlssip~1•d,~he ·raised some
a'company called the Alpha Corporation set lane hand in hand, having fun, but J:a pilal by sell in~ h is fil es t ~ Rev.
and had her sign over to it General Mo- things didn't work out that way. It was Billy Jam1is Hargis, another fa r-righ~ e x·
tors stock worth hundreds of thousands partly my fault, dear. I kndw that now, \ The fi les gave Hargis the ben efit
of dollars. There were_ other papers for but I was trying to look after your af- of Zoll's research into "communism" in
her to sign, too. "If Mrs. Tillar would be fairs ..." the schools and chur~hcs. Zoll did , ;,ot
slow about signing a check orif she asked "You said you wanted to make it easy surface publicly again until 1964 when
too many questions about it," one of the for me, but you made it anything •but he turned up briefly in the Citizens for
family servants later testified, ''he would Zoll in heyday was rugged, narrow-eyed easy," said his, ex-wif~. "One of the
scream and shout. until she did what he ex-athlete who.championed Hitler's cause. t\'ings [you did] was very treacherous. continued
\..· ,
' Ii

Hale PeddlQr

.; ,_ ..... Goldwater headquarters. He devoted his

energies-no doubt without Goldwater"s

..., . 'l .~.-
·. -~ - knowledge-to. searching for homosex-

.- .~•1..
·...: ,. ...... ...,,-.
' uals on the White House staff.
Earlier this year, Zoll was installed at
Liberty Lobby headquartecs by its found-
' ,, er, Carto. The latter is more the fanatic,
Zoll more the opportunist. Carlo, for ex-
ample, published the book, lmperium,
which can best be described as a modern
Meiu Kampf. It was written by a young
' man named Francis Yockey, who pre-
sented the philosophy of a new nazism.
Yockey committed suicide in the San

- Francisco County jail a day after Carlo

called on him. In a passionate introduc-
tion to Yockey's book, Carlo proclaimed,
in effect, that he• was picking up the
torch. 'He has also declared in letters,
made available to PARADE, that the de-
feat of Adolf Hitler was a tragedy for
civilization. Our opposition to Hitler
allowed an international Je,vish take-
over, Carlo wrote, adrung: "How could -
:w,e have been so blind?'"
Carto and Zoll have frequently pre-
tended to be legitimate consenratives,
thus have hurt worthwhile conservative
causes. They helped the campaign
against the Russian consular treaty this
year. Their latest lobbying effort is an
attempt to block Senate confirmation of
the Panama Canal treaty. These appear,
however, to be merely exercises in politi·
cal power, experiments in the manipula-
tion of political pressure. (Though the
Liberty Lobby professes to be anti-Com-
munist, it has followed the Communist-
Arab line on the Middle East crisis.)
Zoll operates out of an office on the
third · floor of tl1e Liberty, Lobby's old
brownstone building. When he is there,
he keeps the door of the fire escape open.
The exact nature of his duties is a close-
ly guarded secret, but he acts as an ex-
pediter. Carlo used Zoll recently, for
example·, as an emissary to Texas oil
billionaire H. L. Hunt.
The Llberty Lobby, whose policy ·
board reads like "Who's Who in the ,
Right Wing," has issued strident propa-
ganda attacking Republican leaders.
However, it has called upon extremists
not to desert the GOP but to figl,t for CO{!·
·trol. "A party-witl1in-a-party should be
built iri every state where control of the
GOP is not already in conservative
[meaning right-wing] hands," urges ~
Liberty Lobby memo.
Sometimes the paranoia reaches ·ab-
surdity with epithets like the Liberty
Lobby"s reference to· "Political ·Zionist
planners for absolute rule via one world -
· government." Beneath the surface is a
witches' bre,y of hatred against minori-
Parade • Novem~f 26, 1967
__. ·-


Congressmen endorsing Liberty Lobby include Reps. Otto Pass·man (D., La .), left; James
B. Utt (R., Calif). right. Both urged constituents to subscribe to group's newsletter.

ties and a belief in neo-nazism. Seldom La.), John Bell Williams (D., Miss.),
is it spoken; most of it is subliminal. and Utt. All accepted cheerfully.
Attacks arc directed at "wrong" thinkers If the Liberty Lobby needs a speaker,
rather than "wrong" races, but disclaim- p~h'on or pa lsy, Carto and Zoll u sually
ers of prejudice invariably reek of ~:m fins! . one it• !-lJ~ hail§ of Cr,ngress·.
malevolence. o
The (c:iiu'ml -spcakc~s tn Liberty Li>b-
Through the Liberty Lobby, Carto ~d by rally· earlie~ this ,-cnr were Reps. John
Zoll have lined up. members of Congress ll:-Jlnriclc'V0~U.7) ;1rn1l~W~'t'soif,"'_ ""'__' l"i'
to push their projects. Like the ultra- When PARADE finally located Zoll,
liberals of.the 1930's who-allowed their he ref.used at first to answer questions.
names· to be used by Communist front He was finally coaxed out from behind
groups, some ultra-conservatives are his lady _friend's door with the promise
now permitting their names to be used that his picture wouldn't be · taken .
to giv~ respectability to Carto, Zoll & (Later, as he warmed up, he agreed to
Co. Three congressmen_:Albert Wat- pose - the first time since the news-
10n (R., S.C.), James ([ct ( R, Calif..), pnpcr.s snapped him as a 3 5- ~car-old
and Olio P Msmnn (D., La,) - have r;,bl>(c rouser.) He claimed thnt his
mniltd (JUI lcncrs urging subscrlption 10 American Patriots, Inc. had been placed ~. l .,J'.l~
the Liberty Lobby's newsletter. Watson
wrote that subscriptions to "Liberty Let-.
on ti,, subversive list by a pro-Commu-
nist assistant attorney general. "I was Now a na~kin that. protects· like two,
ter ," was "~ good way to keep abreast of in-the Amcrican .A'rmv in World War I,
these perilous times on Capitol Hill." and ·1 joined the · C~nadian Army in ·· feels like one:
World War II," he said as evidence of
Letter-writing brig;sde

Jlleui :iCJW.l f/1«4

his patriotism. ''I ,vasn't drafted. I was
Utt's administrative assistant, Phil overage."
Brannan, actually drew part-time pay Although he :rdmitted that his mar-
from the I;,iberty Lobby at the same time riage to the-_millionaire.-Genevieve T-illar ;· . -, • .. • . {J. ,; -
he was on the congressional payroll . had beeltlftfi\"i.ill~clon-groun<ls"cif i'r,,ucl,-
Wrote Utt : "Liberty Lobby consistently
works in the halls of Congress to' oppose
the international socialist takeover: Its
he protested this was a "mistake." He
pleaded : "I didn't take advantage." As
for the other charges, he dism.issed them
S:: c:=l 2:-:rh:_e plus comes· ~om an absorbent

5'0,000 conservative activists form a Jet- aff as part of Inc campaign against him
·little extra ~apkin placed in the center
ter-writing brigade which has already because '-of his anti·communism. Asked of a Kotex napkin, where'· it can do the most good.
~ ' • ~
made its inHuence felt in votes." why he · had supported the communist
A more cautious letter was written by position in the Middle East, he claimed It proteds_ lik'e two nap~i:Qs-yet feels like one,
Passman, who declared: "T am -not a the Liberty Lobby's policies were dictated
member ~r supporter of the Libe;ty Lob- by Car!o, ·
because it is less bulky around the d'Pt.. JEZ
by, but I like some of- the things they Ove; the years, Carlo has made an edges. You fe~(more sechre, more
stand for. Tlii~ is the first time in my 18 effort fq keep the ,~ildest-eyed of his
years in. Conb>Tess that I have recom- supporters carefully hidden in the back- comfortable, more- relaxe1;L Try it-
'. p
mended that anybody subscribe to any- ground. He has not taken these precau-
, thing." Libert)' Lobby has also bestowed tions, however, with Zoll, who stays close New Kote;c Plµfo, the· extra protec-
its "Statesman of the Republic" awards
' on Reps. E. Y. Berry (R., S.D.), W. J.
to Libeity Lobby headquarters. At long·
la~I, it 5i,ems Zoll may have found ;
tion napkin. ·<:
• 1
• .
Bryan Dorn (D., S.C.), John Dowdy home----'h nd ·hc's bigger "than ever in the TME FINEST ~E M1NnJe. ,•PRO'fECT10N ~~ OM ES FRoM KIMBERLV -C: LAR°K ~
(D., Tex.), Joe Waggonner Jr. (D., bigotry b"usiness. "(OTEX PL.Utt, ttOTE,C•'W•'f,H,,S O r l ' • I MPRESSIONS• ~
• •
, . -~ • 4

~·•·· •• •
..... -... :
~ I • • ;.. '-

~,. __ . I o <o Cf "\ 1· q \ December 5, 1967

.f ittc·ql
nFr r,w;.ict
J . - - ' :- ~ ~ - - ·---~~:~ ...._:. .:;.....z::;~


Dea~ I·
Your letter of November 27th has been received.

·In response to your inquiry, this Bureau is strictly

an investigative agency of the Federal Government and, as such,
neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to the character -
or integrity of any organization, publication or Individual. Therefore,
I am sure you will understand why I cannot comment aft you desire.
The FBI has not investigated the Liberty Lobby.

, •:, · With regard t~_the other individuals y9u mentfone~,

I c~n assµre you this Bureau is aware of their activities. Voluminous
dat~ ·rega~rdlng them has been furnished to the Department of Justice
for i~s consideration and yoti may wish to contact the Attorney General
in this matter.

l COMM· FBI;..,. ... Edgar -· Hoover
i Sttic~re1l'_Y(iiir8,
NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. The Liberty Lobby
is self-described as a patriotic pressure group believing in constitutional
law. It has not been investigated by rthe Bureau. .The article"·r~ferred to
by correspondent is entitled 11 't~eM~l?-y:ti'soves of ~iHate written Peddler'i
Tolson _ _ __
by Jack Anderson which appeare~d t6fthl "Parade" section o(~'The ~ashington
Deloach - - - -
Mohr _ _ _ __
Bishop _ __
Post" on 11-26-67. This a~icl~ describes Allen A~Hefso~: 2ioniJas·;a, salesman
,, . ifc.C t.J , °'1;· '/II n\
i:: ,., f ,~ !~
-~. ..

, ' q • .,
Casper _ __
·.~;~ _': ~ ~:-.,;; .
Callahan _ __

~~~1rad - -
Gale _ _ _ _
(3) ··.· :'· .: Next Page -

·:,,.J!~ :·,:,./ ···:.

lT ; •• '


rt '
Trotter ~ - I E '·~
. .. , .
"'K'/it~~ ~l?tv'· . \rJv
Tele , 11 ly v;, I • ,t:)'f j
Holmes _ __
I•' J I ~;I• • :. •~
.l I
j "
- ... .
,,. •
~ · '-
..., .. ,. r


i; .,~- jl) 6,fLj/ ~ '/8' Denn-ehow g l osn '

i,;X 101[ · X. ~J~

Mr. Dou~las L .•

Box 400.5.
Dundalk, Maryland 21222
Dear Mr. Carrick:
With respect to the inquiry contatne
of December 4th, this Bureau is strictly an investigative agency
of the ,-Federal Government and, as such,. ne•ther makes evalua-

tions nor draws conclusions as to the character or integrity of any

organization; publication or individual. Therefore, I :am sure you
·. . . /

will understand why I cannot comment as you desire~ ,l,,~pe j6u

. . .:.· ~- ~
. ' - .. ~ --:0
will not. infer either .that we do or do not have material: in out.:-files
· :=.. r-;; ...
. . . . ,v,
-relating. to the organization you mentioned. i.,oo -
. ~ .. t,~ .. i (;.1:l
""'. : w -
Sincerely yours, ~ - Ji
MAll.,EQ 1~ I t:;:i:

DEC 8 -' 1967_ ~Edgar l:ioo~t:r

- -
,.,, ~

i ~·t'
• -, ~· ?'. ,. ;.-·r-Mr.
i - I

~\ '
,.. J Tolson _ __
l , Mr. DeLoach _
-- •-- -\ ,, ,.., ✓--1
~-:-•; ...
_ December 4, 1967 ~-:ii::r~
·fv.( 1 'r/'1':J/ __
M· . 'nsper._ _
Mr. Callahan ....--
{. Mr. Conrad -· ·--
Mr. Felt ......... __
1'1r. J. Edgar Hoover
Mr. Gale ········ - -
F •.B.,I •. Mr. Rosen _____ _
Washington, D.c-•.
1 Mr. Sullivan...-.
Mr. TaveL.:.. __
Mr. Trotter ..... __
Tele. Room_··· -
Miss Holmes ...__
Dear Sir, Miss Gandy __ _

Recently I came across an article in Parade

Magazine a sunday suppliment to the Hea~ Newspaper chain.
It was a rather long arti·ciedealing ·with Liberty Lobby·
who's address is: 300 Independence Ave. s •.E. Washington, D •.c •.
2000~. 'l'he article exposed what it said were fascist ties
that the organization had~ The story in question was published
around the 27th of November 1967.
My main interest is to find out from a relaible
sorce if this is truly a legitimate organization •. At one time
I subscribe to their publication Liberty Le:,tter. Natµrally·
_r· my political vie-r.vpoint is conservative and the. publication
seemedtto proport a good· pro-American vie·wpoint of
e-qual rights for all under our Consti tut.ion~. e
' . \
,.. ~· ...:i~ -.., "}1-

r-- . _.,_ -~ .. .. - - -- - -

~j~;. Y9.U_N_~.A~EI?l~A.~S

JOR nu:~OM
---· -
y --- -
'I t+J°+t .
Douglas L • .Ca rrick
,...,.-. BALJIN1~fiE A~~A-.C.fJAPT~R
~ .---.:- ~ \ ~.,- BO~ 4005 DUNDALK, MD; _212?2
.,.,·, { ~-.· --=•- b6
- ( .:,.
,.. .,
... -o
~ [ :~l:?!J~b

- ~-
.) '<-
f-.f' I I ~: 'b7C
-. ,It
S v•• \i.:~'.~:!;~~~;: DtC
- ,. ,
· ~,. JI I
.. . REC,: ,H to. ;J. ..~1f?;V'?1rt ~ I -u
. __ ..... : ,, ~ . -.--
29 DEC # ~9h7

-, ~J'-~~
,. r\'1/Aii' \\n
· ~

•-'-- :.

• •·
·'Y .
C\! T nr;
Jkl\- tl ~; l
January 19, 1968
t\J :)~~ . .
~- {p:).~,()) ~ 'l f/ ..- f/3
Mrs. WUbLtm ~Diley
1~5 Rivet itoJnufo£::
I Doll-DM,,M
- 7
e~ L 6"1
Btgnal Mountain, Tennessee 373'1'7
- -.- - ~~.~ .... ~ z z : : ~

Dear Mrs. Hatley:

I have received your letter of January 14th and

appreciate your kind remarks.
Concerning your question on the authenticity of
the news article you described, it is contrary to my long-standing
p0llcy to comment on material not prepared by personnel of this
Bureau. ·
With respect to your other inquiry, this Bureau ts
strictly an intrestiga.tive agency of tbe Federal Government and,
as tp the
s: -
<o as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions
~ Ol
iii character or integrity of any organization, publication or individual. ·
C) u.
:E Therefore, I am sure you will understand why I cannot comment as
i-·1 <t'
-f ~
0 you desire. I hope you will not infer either that we do or do not ·
-, have material in our files relating to the· organization you mentioned.
Sincerely yours,
J. ;Edgar -Hoover
fscrt NOTE: Bufiles show prior limited correspondence with Mrs. Hailey.
Last outgoing 11-17-66 in rQ~po~~.e2tQ;1a newspaper misquote attributed
to the Director regarding the c{o~ Birch Society. Liberty Lobby is
Tolson - - self-described as a patriotic pl'e$sure group which stands· for constifu-
e:~tach -- tional law' Americanism·,i•;~d ~~~vidµ?,lism in objection to internationalism
Casper _ _ __ and collectivism. We have not investigated this group<~~: ~il~s shq~ . j _
Callahan__ ' b •

~:!:n .
~~, ~
WMG:bff f3) .
t<t=·;.n--11~yin 1Hc i,,~&IJh tp,pl~
0f 'fll/,--.,.
. ( ~-NOTE.
e ' Contiliued Page Two)
· Ml'7 '
Su lll~
T ro u
A ' ¥.J~ Un IL~I;

. ' ' j, '
-· -
11/ LA/

Te le. Room _ • ·, ·
Gandy~=== ('.,1} •

· -.::. I.,. 1, ,i~~---"'•~




January 14th, 1968

Office of Director
Federal Buraau of Investigation
Washing~on, D.C.

~ dea.r Mr. Hoover:

The November 26th, 1967 issue of 11 PARADE 11 had a.n (article
"The Many Loves of ~ te Peddler" by Jack Ande~so~ It concerned a man .by the
name of Allen...,g._<!~.l?-:<l.~. olt an~ h~s connection witl+-ffLIBERTY LOBBY".
I have beerr'suoscr1b10.g a donating to L.L. for sevetdl years and had been
\f under the impression that it was quite a reliable and patriotic publication.
This article however it appear to the contrary and I would certainly
appreciate rearing from you as to the authenticity of the story and also_ to
the reliability of UBERTY LOBBY.
' The American people certainly owe you and your wonderful agency an untold debt
of gratitude for your untiring service and if everyone would just listen and
heed your warnings and advice, how very much cetter off our country would be

today. ·
Thanking you and may God Bless you always,

Most sincerezy,

Q)~ ~ t\-~ ~
:· - ~
~ l I .,

w t!(r',ffef"
~ t - I "'-(i B ~-102 (

,. '

REC 30,
b;;... _, {Oft, 9¥1. ,.-93

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\f JAN 19 !Sob
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January 19, 19~8

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~.£,C '3
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"~ -- -/IJ 69''/f -

~ b6


With respect to the inquiry contained in your letter

of january 15th, this· Bureau is strictly an investigative agency o~
the Federal Government and, as such, neither makes eva.luatio~s
nor draws conclusions as to the character or integrity of any organ-
tzati<>l'.l, publication or individual. Therefore, I am sure you will

understand why I ·cannot comment as you desire. .I hope you will

not infer either that we do or do not have material in our files
' . 00
. <D relating to the organtzaUon you mentioned.
('J) .-
~- . rn ·,
m la:
Sl .-;-I 2 Sincerely yours, .
j z 2

·8 h Edgar Hoover

NO'rE: C9~respondent ~~ 1~~,t J~~ffitifiable in ~~iles~ T~e Liberty Lobby

is ·self-described as a pat:n o~c ·P,ressure group ·-beUe~ng ~ ¢onstitutional

,-~:~,. ~;·1-74€.
To lson-- --
DeL ocich __·__ law. It has .not been investigdted, by the Burea~;, . , _ . : _ .
Moh r -•- - - - -
Bi shop - - - - • ·~I
Ca s pe r
Ca il oho n -- ••

(j,. ~

t1 ~ . ~
~~~: od !!C$.l!a-~ (3) .
Rosleen irl_~~ r " £~ I00, ; UO\J h /l,,1)1"v r -
::J ,._,

th~ 1f
Su i11 von T
;;.;,;:~ i,fi Af'2 • ' . fiB!ei:1
Toi"- ~ -
, ..,
1.Mr. Kelly



'l'o : SAC , Wl'O ( 108- .fiO 127)

pi, ;y~ . g~c- 41 L. J
l'rom: m.'Nl~or , TDJ (62-106941)- W'f'13 ,
IISC. • DNJUIATIOJI COICDIUJIG ~ o~\~rtt~•;,~~'<)"l'> (/\I.\
(DTIIIUl'AL SlilC11RITY) ~ 'IV' o,~

aeurlet 9/21/&8.

J/; ,', .
1-ediatelJ submit in a fer• auitable ffr
~!nation a ~u•mary of the eeataots aade with
L_I•n• all et tke information furnisked by bim.
Set forth! l
assoeiatioa with all extreme
right-wing and left-wing erganizatieaa.
Interm.atien re1arding the faet tbat Liberty Lobby
is in the pes• eaaien of firearu sh-uld ~• included in the
infer• ation suitable t • r diseeminatfen 1u·•~•er that Secret
Service 11ay b ~ s e d ef this. Ee net initiate further
ooataets witbL__Jbut aeeept any information tbat be
JTK:jav (4) 1•1.,·: b7C
NOTE• C}..v>,,..
( _ _ _....,
· -~I
employed as I
!Liberty Lobby
organizati on in headquarters at Washington, D. c.l I
t8 previously contacted Assistant Director Mohr who advised him
~ en - to furnirh information be related to Mohr in a letter to the
... - ~ Bureau. - - -~I in corresponding with the Bureau, questioned
~ o:;:tt ~ the activ i tie• of tbe
Liberty Lobby organization indicating
~ ~ 8 it appears tol____~jthat this organization is oriented toward
being an anti-Semetic, bate-trpe group rather than a conservative
. lobbying organiaation.l _also questioned the sincerity
of Willis Car~n tbe treasurer and "owner" of the Liberty Lobby
i -- organization.! !interviewed by WFO and furnished information
regarding two rifles located at t~e hea4quarters of Liberty
Lobby in a ~loset, WFO not using_L__~Jas potential informant
~ " as he plans to terminate his employment with Liberty Lobby.
- -

' _ ) 'l \ •?

1v; ~
~lf.ia OCT 141r::1
~e flqbm _

~ H ~
~C 9 ~ ;
.,, ·__)1-_-_ -_ -_ MAIL RO OM TELE TYPE UNIT D

M4f 1'62 EDITION

~;;;:;;ft) ;;~;ES G.RNMENT


FROM :~ · b6
·· C WFO b7C


(Bufile ,6-2 10694r u,:.u · /t. ~ ~;~~,1/ -
(WFOfile 100-40127)


(Bufile )/iJS- '-/1,:,:Z/-
(WFOfile 157-69) \

, I ....-.
D ReWFOlet 9/16/66 concerning interview withl
about captioned subject. ,. .. , ,,.JJ-rr"
,,f/ _µ•--· ~
tl ~

• (." By letter dated 9/9/66,! !advised that !4'2Jfound e ·"',,
two rifles in a coat closet at Liberty LQbby. He said he be- \;;
i3~; lieved that they are of Japanese make and are .25 caliber 0--
~"I !? \...
,, (possibly .30 caliber). Both rifles are bolt action rifles, ~

and bear an inscription, appearing to be Japanese, over the Ii
breach. One has the serial number 54432. He was unable to
determine the other serial number because the gun was stuck ·, ~ '-'"'

in the packing crate. i ~i"'(\ "

j 2:1
I ldid not allege that there was anything wrong
or suspicious
about the guns. He had no information that they

were other than personal possessions of someone at Liberty Lobby,
possibly ~ITLLIS CARTO. They are not concealed but kept in a ~t,
coat closet, in their packing crate. e
f.;,. - Bureau

2 - Baltimore
cl\mll.4 &3;,i;;,_!:;]11,;;;- I-
· '.'a. ; ~ : ,966 •
1) i
• ~ - -- -.A .
.. - \ ·l
l ,~ . .' '

Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan

!e--, i·:.. . I
I • b6

WFO 100-40127

On 9/17/66,lladvised that he had discovered

the incorporation pap~the Legion for Survival of Freedom/
which·-was incorporated in Washington, D.C. in 1952. The
Legion for Survival of Freedom publishes American Mercury
magazine according to r - 7 He said these papers reflect
that CARTO was Treasur'erorthe Legion for Survival of Free-
dom. CARTO is also the Treasurer of Liberty Lobby.

I !stated that on Friday, 9/16/66,I lwas

writing a letter at Liberty Lobby to an~rganization.
CARTO asked him what he was writing andL.__jsaid it was a
personal letter. CARTO picked it up and read it and was rot
happy about someythe things! lsaid in the letter. He told
I lthatj_____,.-Jcould come to work on 9/19/66 but CARTO would
consider over the week-end whether or not he would allow! I
to continue his employment. ;, /\.l'PROX 7fIJ
< . -·
!expected to be fired on 9/19/66 but was~~n; · {!_,~!vb
happ_/about this because he has been w o r k ~ ! 7
~roup Research and has been furnishing infer mation :]3 ,;_0
about Liberty Lobby. He advised that he and may collaborate
on some work on Liberty Lobby and some related groups.

I !was advised that he should not discuss with

r anyone e~se, the fact that he had furnished information
tote Bureau. He said he understood this and that he had not.

\ interviewing agent thatl ___

However, the manner in :which qe answe,ed indi 1ated to the
lhad told I I

Reference is made to the report of SA I

4/7/65, at Washington, D.C., titled" Cominfil of Group Research .
Inc. IS-C" which describes both Group Research Inc. and! I
Group Research is described as a conunercial firm established
in 1962 to fight harder and shout louder against right-wing
"extremists." I !is described as itsf I.He was
described as 48 ears old a former Washington newsman who was
also griculture Secretary CHARLES F,
B.."'°.....,~, !
m nistration. lwas a public relations
man for National Committee in the early 1950's.

- 2 -
• •
WFO 100-40127

He returned to his native Colorado in 1956 to direct public

writing in the October 24 (1964) is~ur

relations for the National Farmers Union. RALPH DE TOLEDANO,
af mao 7zeotr
said Group Research was "conceived byL----r-----,--..J an active
Socialist" with ties with organized labor.I denied that
! lhad anything to do with Group Research.

WFO files reflect thatl I

name appeared ~n the
active indices of the National Fede~ation for Constitutional
Liberties (NFCL) in 1941 and the Washington Bookshop Association
('WBA) in 1944. Both these organizations have been designated b6
by the Attorney General pursuant to EO 10450. b7C

UACB WFO is c~nducting no further investigation on

the information furnished by! I
including tp.e-i.Dfqrmation

1 about the rifles. Any informat· nished byl___Jwill

)be accepted but no contact with~wj.11 be initiated by WFO.

Information copi:s a;e Qeine furnished B,ltimore since

on 9/24/66! in Baltimore
and has indicated that heaseen in contact with the Baltimore
office in the past.

- 3 -
1 l
/D-36 (Rev, 5-21-64)


Date: 10/7 /66

Transmit the following in - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ------1
(Type tn plaintext or code)

Via AIRTEL (Pnon<y)_ ________ _ - - - L

l ---------
TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (62-106941)
FROM: SAC, WFO (100-40127) (C)

lll ReBuairrol dated 10/5/j6• instructing WFO to
r~arize info from ______-in an LHM.
I: v~
v' Enclosed for the Bureau are 11 copies of an LHM

f,containing the summary.

WFO conducting no further investigation,

/) b2

Information in LHM furnished to Secret Service


(])- Bureau {Enc.

l - WFO . ;;, " Is OGT J O 1~S6 .
~I /
~ <..J,
(4) AGSNCY: ACS!,_ ON'L, ;?JI:SEC, SER.; /CC ~.~-:'" 04v>t
-..,_cD, ftii!8- .-, ~ , ~ ~7
J 7~ -
"~'.J~-::: : ': : : : ~:. •·:
IC{~ b

- ~
\. ; . ~·

- 'IT""""""" .. . ... . .. -
:. . ..

- .
',OV 'IJ..$--"
- '
• ,,.

~,.-,.- ,...-•••-

- r•-
• '"""

______ M Per - ,- c- •
}\wi-' " "-'•-'"'.


In Reply, Please Refer to Washington, D. C.. 20535
File No. October 7, 1966


On Sontornber 2 J 966 I

I lvot unteered the f ol low-
i ng ·1nforma:tion:
is interested in investigating and said
that he has files on about 50 people although he is not
sure which people he has files on.'I 3 __ 3 '.5 ... ____ ___ _ ~., _ _ _ , __ j_...._ •

ents t·or
~up .')with over
,11 in tbe u;te<YStates. He

and Lee think that
said that he knew George · eyer~
( C ~ Baltimore_i Ma=land.
is on their side. However, he is
Meyer s
!of b6

also known to the ational States Rights Party, an "ultra-

right11 group and they think he is with them. He was arrested
on one occasion for picketing a civil rights speaker on
behalf of the National States Rights Party. He has visited
the House Committee on Un-American Activities and has offered
to testify concerning "hate" organizations. He subscribes t:o
"Hate literature" of about 50 ''hate organizations" through a
fictitious name.
In March, 1966,r-7answered an advertisement in
a conservative publicatio~s a result was hired as
I lby Liberty Lobby, 132 3rd Street,
s.E., Washington, D.C. Liberty Lobby owns.the building at
that address, which is on a corner and also has the address
of 300 Independence Avenue, S.E. Americans for National
Security is located at 300 Independence Avenue_ S.E. This
organization merged with Liberty Lobby in May, 1966 . Liberty
Lobby purports to be a "pressure group for patriotism - the
only lobby registered with Congress which is wholly dedicated
to the advancement of governmental policies based on our

tJ, - lot 91//-&

.; .... ·. -1• . • ·.""':. · · ·, ,
, . ,__.. V l- "- ~e
I :

constitution and Conservative principles." It was organized

in 1955 for1 the purpose of "reversing the dangerous trend
toward socialization internally and to defeat the insidious
effort to weaken our resistance to international communism."
It is against "so-called 'civil rights• laws" and is for
"States Rights."

After working there for a month or so,I I

began to question the kind of organization Liberty Lobby
was when he saw all the racist and "hate" material coming
into the offices of Liberty Lobby. He noticed that the
people at Liberty Lobby, particularly Willis A~rto, the
~d of Liberty Lobby, were anti-Negro and anfi~Semitic. .
I I"tnat-l'ie made anti-Negro and anti-Semitic l ;,_, --·
I statements to go along with the group at Liberty Lobby. /

In early August, 1966,I lwas cleaning out a

storeroom and came across a lot of material written by
Carto, which caused him to believe that Carto was a "National
Socialist." To! I "National Socialist" means a person
who supports the views of Adolf Hitler as expounded by
George Lincoln Rockwell's group. r---lbelieves Carto to be b6
a "National Socialist" because C a ~ a racist and because b7C
Carto is obsessed with·tlie-idanger from the "International

According to I I
Carto feels that the conser-
vative cause is failing~ that the remaining conservatives
will rally around Nazism. !is of the opinion that
Carto feels that the Nazis will take up the banner of the
conservatives and that he will be a leader, although right
,., now he is working behind the scenes.

I !advised that I I
a member of
the John Birch Society_. who was fired 'lSy Carto at Lfberty
Lobby, ·-saicC that Carto is a "National Socialist'' and that
he worshiped "jan Gods. 11 I ~tated that he did not
think t h a t J a d madt; the remark about Carto to spite
/'. ,y·
Carto for firing
- 2 -
I :

that Carto was
!stated that he had no definite information
a "National Socialist." He stated that he
believes C~rto to be a "National S1cialisj" based on his
racist and anti~Semitic statement. - -=---- when he became
suspicious of Cart~baited· Carto by making some very
inflammatory racial remarks in an attempt to get Carto to
admjt to some of! I
allegations about him. However,
! !stated ~hat he has been unable to get Carto to make
any self-i:incriminating statements concerning his "National

~ s t a t e d that Liberty Lobby has a burglar

alarm o ~ f f i c e doors. He also claimed that there
is a gun in a packing crate in one of the closets at
Liberty Lobby. He stated that he has seen the gun and that
the gun is ready to fire, c i t is not encased in a
storage compound. However, said he could not say b6
whether the gun is a rifle or mac ine gun or some other b 7c
type of gun. He stated that it looked like a .30 caliber

I ~as questioned as to specific information

he had in which there ;:;,,-'- : :. -~· ~ :; ,.
0 ear indication that Carto
advocated, condoned o • · . ·. violence for the purpose
of denying others the ~- -~,1--,., · ional rights. He stated
that he had no specific information but that in his
experience he found that those who shout "conspiracy" the
loudest are sometimes, in fac-t , the conspirators. He
stated that everyone is concerned with the fact that the
communists are involved in the civil unrest in the
country over civil rights. He feels that it is very
possible that the Nazis might also be involved in this unrest
for their own purposes. However, as stated above, he has
been unable to make Carto admit any such activities even
afterllhas baited him with some inflammatory racial

- 3 -
I •

By letter dated September 9, 1966,lladvised

that he had found two rifles in a coat close~berty
Lobby. He stated that they were not two rifles in addition
to the one he had previously reported about, but were two
rifles including that one. He said he believed that they
were Japanese rifles and were . 25 caliber (possibly .30
caliber). Both rifles "Br.e bolt action rifles, and bear
an inscription, appearing to be Japanese, over the breach.
One has the serial number 54432. He was unable to deter-
mine the other serial number because the other gun was
stuck in the packing crate.
r---ldid not allege that there was anything wrong
or suspicious'about the guns. He had no information that they
were other than personal possessions of someone at Liberty
Lobby, possibly Willis Carto. They are not concealed but are
kept in a clothes closet, in their packing crate. b6

On September 17, 1966,~ ~olunteered the

information that he e,cpected to =e fired by Liberty Lobby
on September 19, 1966, but he was not unhappy about this
because he was working ~1th an organization called Group
Research. He has been furnishing information concerning
Liberty Lobby to Group Rese,u-~h and may collaborate with
the President of Group Research on some work about Liberty
Lobby and related groups.
Group Research has been publicly described as a
commercial firm established in 1962 to "fight harder and
shout louder against Right Wing Extremists."

On September 20, 1966,! !advised that he has

not been fired as expected by Liberty Lobby but was continui
his employment there until'
Maryland. in Baltimore,

- 4 -


I ~dvised that although Carto spends sometime


II in Washington on his Liberty Lobby job, he resides at 217

Calle Miramar, Apartment Fo~r, Redondo Beach, California.
The National States Rights Party mentioned
above is described in the Appendix.

- 5 -

On November 26, 1957, a source advised that the

United White ~arty (UWP) was organized at a convention held
in.Knoxville, Tennesse~, on November 10, 1957. An article
in the November 26, 1957, issue of the "Greenville Piedmont,"
a newspaper of Greenville, South Carolina,....reported. "the
recent formation of a new political party, to be known as
the United ~ite Party." According to the article, the
party was formed at a recently held meeting in Knoxville,
Tennessee, at which many -klansmen were represented. The
UWP was reported as being opposed to all "race mixing
organizations and individuals."

The July 1958, issue of "The Thunderbolt.'' self-

described as the "official Racial Nationalist Organ of the
National States Rights Party" (NSRP), reported that rank
and file "States Righters" had merged with the -UWP under
"the banner of the National States Rights Party," with
national offices at Post Office Box 261, Jeffersonville,
Indiana. 1

In November, 1958, a source advised that the NSRP

is composed of past members of Klan-type organizations and
notorious anti-Semites.

Issue No. 19, dated June, 1960, of ''The Thunderbolt"

announced the address of the headquarters of the NSRP had been
changed from Jeffersonville, Indiana, to Post Office Box 783,
Birmingham, Alabama.
Issue No. 69, dated July, 1965, of "The Thunderbolt"
announced the address of the new headquarters of the NSRP
as Post Office Box 184, Augusta, Georgia.

- 6 - b6

National States Rights Party


Issue No. 72, dated November, 1965, of uThe Thunderbolt,"

reflects Dr. Edward R. Fields to be National Director of the
NSRP as well as Editor of "The Thunderbolt."

"The Thu.nde"t'bolt" continues to publish articles

attacking Negroes and persons of the Jewish faith.

This dOC'UIIIGnt contains ne1tner

r~mmendab.ons nor conduBIOD8 al
the rB!. It 111 u,e property of
the FBI (Illd ls loaned to your a9ency:
it and ilD con:enm aro not to be
distributed oulf.ido your a9?ncy.

- 1* -
o,noNAL ,o-,. NO 10

t;.;r'";;;.i ~;:~;ES G

DI Rt1CTOR, FBI DATE: 10/17/66
L§Ac, WFO c1s1-106s><c>


. ,,
. . ......
ReRHairtel and LHM to Bureau, 8/25/66, "THE
WHITE PARTY OF AMERICA - RM (ORG)" and WFO airtel .,,: ''i.

and LHM to Bureau, 10/7/66, captioneOiIBERTY LOBBY • 1


to Richmond. r.

I Inunct ir~:i~~e \
' ~

was employed by Li b:-e-r-t:-y~Lo:---:-b-:-_b-y----:::f:-r-o-m-;::::=======:.___--.
As set out in reRHairte'l ,j Imade +w1Y+~ ;J ~
WPA by letter. During an interview witbl Jhe adyi sed ~
' ~
that he subscr ibes to "Hate" Liberat~ur~ ....
He stated that he has written to about 50 "hate· (J
organizations" for literature like "Common Sense", &)
"Thunderbolt" and similar literature. 8
Enclosed for Richmond is one copy of ~

referenced WFO airtel 10/7/66, and one copy WFO §

airtel 9/16/66, re Liberty Lobby.

On 10/6/66,I office of the I

Superintendent Col)ections and Del i ye~ies, U.s ,~~P~v~w-•- - - - -

I \'}J
not further identified.
GJ- / 0-[;; /ill - (
· ~,·~-tJfl~C- 47 ~
~~ (1 - 157-1494)(WPA)
t£t37FW - - - - -

1: R~cgpiond ( 157-709)(WPA)(Enc. 3)(RM) 4 ·PCl.18 19&

2 7wif/J
(]/ : 157 - 347)(WPA)
•, . ~
- -=-
RCC:yel , ~ ~
e,t. , ~.' . ' .
;YI <' r Qc 1
'/ V .;"\
J? · v- TROL

CT 25 196§.uyU.S. Sav;ngs Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Pia r"

.. I
WFO 157-1065

A check of the files of the Credit Bureau,

Metropolitan Police Department and of ~~r U,s, Park
Police disclosed no record pertaining
I !These sources were checked as follows:
Credit Bureau 9/9/66
9/8/66 ICI
SE I b6
9/8/66 IC L______________. b7C

WFO is conducting no further investigation,

a~ !advised the latter parT of Sentember 1966 tbaT
be was l ayjng Li hertv Lqbby and! 1
Bio Office
has beeri'-furnished information regarding plans
in this respect.

- - - - ~;

. .
- -

, ,1 ,· ~
,~ V

October 19, 1966-

I ··/Ob,1:'/l -1) 1 \


,.,,:.c •.,::)

1 I
10 0
,. o
~ ,1 ~
4 I - - l"··
.•• ' 0

-~ ~ -- I.JI
Your letter of October 15th has been received. ~~· .,:::
-.- -_,
. ..,
While I would certainly like to be of assistance to
you, I must advise the files of this Bureau are maintained as
confidential pursuant to regulations of the Department of Justice.
Further, the FBI is strictly an investigative agency of the Federal b6
Government and, as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws b7c
conclusions as to the character or integrity of any organization,
publication or lndi vidual.
I am sure you will understand why I cannot com-
ment as you desire and, therefore, why I am unable to be of
-~~~-b• nAI' En 19 --,-
in this instance.

0CI 19 1966 Sincerely yours,

J,. Edgar Hoover

. - -· ')

( NOTE: Bufiles contain no record ident\.WWJ.eJmu:.w::i:esn1lD.Ca,ent or any

.... derogatory information identifiable wit - - ~ =-:rs!""""""'l'...,_,...~·..'fl)~•,iiberty
I ('
'-1 ' - . .. , · I
Lobby is self-described as a patriotic pr essu . sta:n~ ·•.f.or
i constitutional law, Americanism and inclividua · . : ':. 'ii$ernation-
! alism and collectivism. Curtis B. Dall is ide · . .in ~uUle·s::as:-a· self-

\'sue - -
I .o o•·h - -

,hen -
1d - -
employed independent gas producer from Texa's 'Wb6 is· Cnairmaifof'the
Constitution Party of the United States. .\ ~,

HRH:vab (3) ,_.,. ."".D

it, '· 'kf
w.,,,,. .I
' 1/ .f ,,, .. ·

.'- - r .., _~- ~ /... .·-

,,,, .' ,: ~/ /
·: · .✓ /1'

_ s1.9-6 . •


" ·1~
\ .

., .

1~. \

October IS, 1966

Mr. J. Edgar Hoover

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:

I am sure you have heard aboutqiberty

Lobby, an organization working out of Wasliington,"--
"'D. C. I am a member of this organization and as
a pledger, I am on the Board of Policy of this

For the first time, the Board of Policy

met in Cincinnati, Ohio to discuss new and better b6
means of getting action from the people of our b7C
country, letter writing to congressmen, etc. As
far as this aim is concerned, I am all for it.
However, I want to be sure I am worKing for the
right people. One cannot be too careful in this
respect in this day and ag~ when everywhere you
look you find Communists steering good people in
the wrong direction.

I would appreciate it very much iz you

would give me your opinion of the above mentioned
araanization and its ]faders, in particular
I and of course Curtis B. Dall
who i s ChaLrman o f the Board of Bolicy.

I will greatly appreciate any information

you can give me with respect to the patriotism, or
r/ ,.
lack of patriotism on the part of Lib riy · Lobby.
REC 59
ro J~ -- I() {, yYf - &';1
ptCI Respectfully yogrs,

,. -··
\ _.,..
;,.✓ A (Ll
(\._ --0:l
;..;; /.{ · f• ~c, I
.... _ •
b ;. "'.:
\., .. .c.,,
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5. OCT 201966.
✓,'~ {.,;
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"'-0-on~)~,--.::- ,, · ;.
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O'.'i'l';,,~~~(:)f'll;.,t N...-,. 10 . 501\l-10_7 -S ..,;. (;,,;..

M:i. t uillii::. r.,..:>rric.,,-.;
- , • ;~, CSA ,;EN, " '-" • .,0. ~

\ . !..lNi1ED S!'AT£S C.RNMENT. ~-- ----..,-,1-

,e,. _... .. ,.. 1'

- · .. ~
,_....,•z,,,,___l \
, r ..:::..---1 1:
per _ __
Mr. Callahan - -
Mr. Conrad - - -
Mr, Felt '7 /

SUBJEC'r: ____ ~ 1.9 L~b (/.. v:-•i ,_ ,_; b_b ;\- -- ',:.$Mr,a~~-
Mr. T~tcr - - -
ion Concerning Tele. Room - -
Miss Holmes - -
Miss Gandy _ _

. Re WFOlet 9/16/66. ... ., , · . .
Enclosed_ f~r Baltimope 1s a copy of DREW ~------,-~

~- y ~
. ,v . PEARSON s column or 10/18/66 contained in "~he Wash- I

'ingtoh Post". Since the ar~:1 cJe crpitains a .lot . of

. the lnforma~ion f\lrnished. bYI_.....-~~Jto· WFO., it w:52u.ld.-u
appear ·tha t_[_ _.....Jmight be furnishing informa.t.1!0n. to..
~ PEARSON either directly or through some one er~~. ~
. .
Above for· Bal timor~ 's i n f ' ~ n ~~d1 . -::::
' . ' ''' . -1
guidance in handling any conta~t. byL__Jw1 ~~:.::}he...:-:-:
~al tlmore . off ice. , . .. •~~•,.-; ,i;-
•• '· • . • ... . •. • (.b• ,. ·t.s. l~-
.. A copy of PEARSON'S article enclosed;5'fo~Bureau
:·: •:'. +'fr== . :· -~ ~ . ' 1i•J
-~ -.B4;ei~- (Eilcl~1f)':;LOS~E :~~ . , ·, ·: ·
g· - J~al timore (Encl-~ 1) (RM).
1 - WFO · .· . ' '·..
b 7D ·
_·. ill·:,
& K{ _-:
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~ . Jr.:-· l 01 . \'956 ·.: r ·;
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i~r - Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Ref{_dar~y on the Pa)'rol! Sa1 1ings Plan
-- ~-'- ·- :·


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THE WAiSHINGTON POST Tuesday, Oct. iB, 1966
B l~: ..
The Washington Merry-Go-Bound

I Right-.Wing. Leade,rs to Meet Here ,r

By Drew P~arson five-man delegation to call at Robert Cl~ne, the extremist relatio~ship with th~' ,Vnited
· the White House. now running: for Congress Republicans of America under
and Jack Anderson Dan, since divorced by -Ari- from· Los Angeles, and other Bruce Evans, whose goal is to.
I . ,.' f , na Roosevelt, _only dau~hter right-wing candida~es around have the · conserv-~tives take'_,
, An impo_rta~~ Con erence of of the late President, has been t_he U.S.A. . · over the Republican party,,
~onserv~tives is. to ~e held engaged in business in· Phila- W.e can ,also reveal that in The •Liberty Lobby and the.:
I mlWba•shmg~on is_w~nte~ tto delphia and has been a front the closet of the Liberty Lob- United Repu.blicans o{.'
I c~ e r:: t fd iromise . vba ~- for the Liberty Lobby. He has by •office of director Willis America frequently int e,r-
, rfies? Lona 1 · eawgan1110 ~- • also been active in 1Jl.le Con- Carto there-are two high-pow- change office equipment. ·
orma, ur een · a ace m 8 t't t' p ·t · · h' h g - ·
Al.a bam.a, Brig · G li i • i u i?n ar _Y, '?I ic ur e,, ered Jap.anese rifles secreted
en. · arr ~on American withdrawal fuom · · ·
Chief funds for the Liberty ,
· - · · ·
Thyng · in New Hampshire th u' 't d N 1. th 1 m a packing case. , Lobby are raised f .. om -md1vid• .
Claude Kirk in Florida and feF· ndi e . a ions, edrepteta On N~v 22 1963 lawyers ual subscribers and from· ,
other right - wing candidates • o. h e. t era1 mcome
t an s a e for this column· ' were ' taking per;a · d. ic
· ma1·1·.appea t a 1·is t •
· 1s '·O
whom the Liberty Lobby and m eri ance
. axes. ~he pre-trial . ..
depos1t10n of of. rig · ht -~mg
· . _sympa th'izers.
extremists groups are backing. Lost Libel Suit John w. Wood,. then attorney One _we~k s ma11n:1g m August ..
To arrange forAbe conven- ✓, · . for the Liberty Lobby, w,hen brought_ m apJ?roximat~ly $100,-
tion , Curtis JV,""Dall, former . In August,.. 1962,- Dall test~-. news of President Kennedy's 000; which caused cons1derable
son-in-law of Frank~in D. f ted ' before , ~he Senate Fi- assassination was received. lt ~lee o~ the part of Carto. He•
Roosevelt,· dropped into Lib- ~ance Committee that t~e was suggested that in view of immediately we~t out a!J.rl
, 1 erty Lobby headquarters th,e real ce~ter and ·hea~ ~ this the assassination, the deposi- b_o~ght ,$300 wortn of new o(·
other day to sign a letter to Jl1iternahonal cab!li!, .<to p_ro- tion should be suspended. fie~. furni t ure. .- \"\ '
members asking them to vote mote -th~ ?"rade E~pans1on .. • At times the lobby has been.. l :..-·
on who should call on. Presi- Act) shows its· hand; namely, t
You muS feel as ba~ as hard up for funds, and in 1964
1 ldent Johnson to present right- the political 'Zionist planners Madame Nhu when President had tq borrow money from
f wing 'views. . for absolute rule via one world Kennedy orde~ed her husband Verne P. Cobb.· 1,ts "Liberty
) · Though members of right, goyernmen~" , · gunned down, remarked ?ar- Letter" for'$_1 3: year_ circulates
wing groups don' to ·h~ve VW'?1,en t~1s column repo:1ed to. 1
• to n_ subscription llst· of a~-
their operations reported in Dall s testimony and described • • •· proximately 180,000.
the press, thls col,umn can re- it as ~n~-S'emitic, he sued for V:1cious Attack on LBJ Among -its mote generous
ve<1l that an argument took $2 m1ll~on but: lost. He ap- Carto, when asked by a sub- contributors have been Con•
pl~ae b tween Dall and WiUis pealed right up t~ the·Supreme ordinate· on hi:s staff what he rad •Chapman of Boston, J. H.-
A. Car o, founder of the Lib- Court, b~t lost m all courts. is doing with the rifles, ex- Pew of the Sun Oil 'Co. ,in
e-rty ,bY., as to whether Ken• Though the le_aders· of the plained that they were to 'be Philadelphia, Evelyn Beck :of
. !!,~_th _.• f)ff should be' on )Q.e ."Conference of Ooniservatives" shipped. back to California. Alamo, .Calif., and E. H. Mey ·
de egatlon to s,ee the Pres I- s.eemed confident .that Presi- The rifles however are still tler of Shafter, Calif.
l dent. · ' · , ' . 9ent Johnson would see them, there. . ' '. ' . Most important ~nd vicious
· Goff is a forrper!l!.~~-J_st j t m~y not _be as easy as they .Whether President' Johnson contribution which the Liberty
who later teamed up with p redict. This column has ·seen h · t th d t' Lobby has made to the politi-
11rabble · rousing, -anti - SemfUc' some of the file's of tJhe Liberty cf oqses o re e e1e~a ion cal pictu're-at least openly_:_
1 Gerald L. K. Smith and ls now Lobby and can reveal the far- _conserva ives or no! we was the six-page smear called,
, a member of ,the secret b'oard flung network of affiliated beh_eve th at th e, pub~c is "LBJ: A Political Biography," ,,
· that controls the Liberty Lob- conservative groups backing f:t:ue: t~ fnow .somei~mg of of which about 1 millio n copies l
by. Dall, who· is chairman of Reagan in Californi,a, Mrs. e r ac s age opera 100· · wer-e ' circulated throughout .
'. the L iberty Lobby's bQard of Wallace in Alabama, Lester The Liberty· Lob~y of.fice _is the United States du ring tJie
: policy, argued that Goff was Maddox in Georgia, Brig. Gen. located at 132 3rd st. se.,. m 1964 presidential eleclion . ,·. ' j
) .t?,O ~Qntr,oversial' to be on the Thyng in New Ha111psh~e, Washingt~~ and has a working © 1966, B•ll:Mcctur~ s 1 ridlca.te. 1ni. ·
LI.---- - -- - - -- -- --'-"--- - - -- - - -- - - -·- --·,~- ------...--

?;., I b '9Y/ _, 7 1)
----, ,-... :•

:, ,•

•:-° .;:::: . .. ~~-•

November 3; 1966

REC- 43: IP~.:.. 10J(p :9'fl - 1


Ir')(.•'" ....
LC.. s'
.. .., l·

• I

Dead.___ _ __JI · ·- --"'-=-·_,

I have· received your letter of October 30th

and certainly ·appreciate the kind thwghts you ~ressed ~
. In-response .t o your. r~qqeat, I i; advi$e
this Bureau is strictly an··tnvestigatlve agency of the Fed-.
eral G)vernment and, as such, neither:make~ -evaluations
nor draws conclusions as to ~e cha.J"ac.t er or lnte~rlty of
any organization,. pll\)li~ation or individual •. Therefe1re.
I am sure ·you will ~~d~rs~:wJly I c~ot comment as
you desire concerning the Liberty Lobby.
." Tl
i:- c::
. · You may be ~ul"e it has been.a pl~re to •.,..,
i ~,_, . .b6
ou in ~e pat:\t.,_:~ I am .enclosJng some .
f~rward data· to y_ - I ::0
;..,, __ b7C
material which I trust will be of:.tntetest te you. . X:.X:J ~ c::,
- · 1.J.J
z . · •.o .
Sincerely yO\lrs, .\--·: ~ . ·.r:41
M~iUlfl9 • ;::rj -: ~

0 "'
NOV3 1966 · 1L Edgar ·Hoo1H,r ·-'.
0 ,:.:,-,

· QQMM•FBI r-1 •-· -;

.IA I,, I/t
II , •
En,c·l osures (2) . .
Statement by 'Director Concerning the 18th National Convention; ·c p, . USA
. The Faith- of Free Men · ·

~ NOTE: Bufiles disclose prior outgoing· to correspop.pent.1 ~2•f:.55 in

6:t:;ch __ response t~ his birthday grE;eting~, to ~Pf;) Directot::~C..tlbetiY~~o!wJj.s
Cusp._., _ _ __
self-de~cribed as a patriotic,·, •group which s1a.nas .for_ ..
Constitutional law, AmerJ~~:µjsm, and in~lvidualism as opposed t
Collohon _ _ __
Conrod _ _ __ /j internati~na.lisn_i ·and· coUectivisD?i ~-, ~\" ~\,t.

l.JD:'ln1n81DU6 ~ ~ -.·.·
Gale _ _ _ __
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. ,r'. '

1 Mr."' :·~eily
:. _·. Mr. J. Waiter Yeagley

November 4, . 1966
Assistant Attorney General
. ·· FBi .. : .
.:~_-. Dir~ctor, ,. ~a- ·.-••.1 -~i/.--i'•if c.


Reference made ~o yo'ur. letter dated .. is

0c tober -28 ,· 1966, captioned .t'Li berty .Lobby, Inc~ , "
iii which you requested· .t-hat. tbi_s Bureau furnish you,
wi:tb. all information presently. available- concerning
the ·L iberty Lobby without institut~ng any separate ..\~
investigatiQn of the otganization.

. . . Th.ts. Bureau _bas .conducted ·u o f:nvestigati<>"n of ;,\'7" .
\; \ .
the Liberty Lobby. Pertinent inf.o r.mat ion concerning '' •'\

this organization contained in -the central files of this

Bure a~ was . furnished to:. you by .. :me~otandum dated
October 7, 196'6_,. capt~oned "Liberty Lobby.''
8iJ 4~62-106941
~ 7:).,
,. ~~ja~✓ . •,
• l• ,

-NOTE:· 1f ' ,
Liberty Lobby , -1,:s ~elftd_e scribed· as :~ . patri.o tic
pressure group .which stands ·for1constitutional law. Americanism,
and individu~lism and opposes·"bureaucratic dictatorship. _
giveawa~· internationalism~and· collectivism. t 'r

r .. ,:, ~;.. , . ; :·•t
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. Form DJ- 150
• (lld. 4-26--65) . ·, ~ -:,. 3 . . . . , *•·~·:~)~' . .
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~~( 2
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·. . Director. _.... .:·.:.- . -·; .
TO : ,Federal :.Bureau.
. of .i'rivestigation
. . .
·. . . . . . '
·a>1~ss\ ::· _..
J. Wa:).. ter Yeagley ,,•: .
. ·. Assi,stant Attorney General •, ·.

· ·rnte·r nal Security Diyi'sion ·. _. . . ,,

· • ;.it
-~ . / :·..- ,,..
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_ __ -RefE;?r.e'r).ce -is -' m~_de··. •.to :- y~n:ir ·_: blind ·memorand~., dated Octc;>~.e ~._- 7, _ ..._
·1~~6, . concert;i; ,·Libe:r:-t:;Y": ~.!;?-~ loy;-·. J:_nc. . .. r: _. •; : . ·-·.· ·' :·./,_- . .. >··_ >,_,_-~·-.:"·
· . .. .• .· .... _.:·~ ..;-_·;#"'·.~·-:,:•~. .·· ·. . - _:-··,l·· ·· . ·. ,.· ·:,, :· .. J. ·1 .:• .. :,."••; ., .
·· : _It ·:is r eques ted ·that _the .-Bureau furni-_s h thi-s . "Di'vi·sicm "?'i th ·
all information concerning thi s · ·organization presently ._avaiJabl e_·
without \ nstituti_hg._ any· s ~p~_r at.·~ inves·tigat~on ·~f -~~~- q~g"an:i,zc;i.-~i c;>n_.:,:.
:· - ,; . .
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TO DIRECTOR, FBf (-62~106§14+



WF0 (~00~40127) {C)

Miscellaneous~ Information
Concerning {Internal Security)
' '

Re WF0 letter 9/26/66.
Enclosed for the Bureau is a copy of the

9:Lt,.obe:t!,J9.§.~berty Letter, the .QY:b1i.c.&,t.1.9.n..,,,,of~, ='"'
c_~ ption~.d=.9.r.g~tl;l,._z~t;j.~. Also enclosed is one copy
of- the'
==m ==
1966 . ..i§..~U~. ~

These -documents were obtained on 1 1 ~ b6

from Liberty Lobby on a no-name pretext by SAL_J b7C
. These d.ocurnents. are being furnished for
the Bureau's information as examples of the liter-
ature being published by captioned organization.
WF0 conducting no further investigation
this matter UACB.
~""".)- Bureau
1 - WF0 ~ [~11J
.~ -to
:~3 ~~·-/()'2.91/°I- 73
.. · J. e.e ~. ~ _ w,. '\,.ll'l.-
.. '";: ~- ·r::
~ 0-
- ''/11~i(,
rroNov ~ -
-- < • I

8 J 1966
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·. ·
·..173.i, :i ;. ,,•·.· ...., ·, ·

ftN0V,28191, U.S. Str=iinp Bonds Regularly on th? Pcqrot! Saui;;gs P!a.'1

', .
(p·2_ - /CJ&:, C/41 7.3
300 INoEPENDE~CE Avn;uE, S.E:
l..jIBEl<~f-y LE'f""f°B}l \V,\SHINGTON, D. C. 20003

Number 70 Education without Action availeth Naught November :1966

PRES~DENT ·PL~NS \~AffnME PO~J[RS IO HJ\i~DCUff- .1'(1[\\f. coiJGRESS

A mer.icans Must El0ct Congressmen J.Vlw TJ7 ill Jf.esist Talwover
, Even though no nstion in the world has enough rnilitary and
~ - -,----------------.
' economic power to attack America, Lyndon Johnson is planning
to use the threat of war to clamp a total dictatorship over
the Nation!
The latest proof of the President's intentions came.on October
11, in the form of a new "Executive Order" (Number.I 1.310), in
which the next Attorney General of the United States (tci be
identified after the election?) is ordered to prepare the detailed
"legal" plan for a Presidential tal<eover of the Nation . with
________-res·re.·r.t t~ a!! comfitions of national emergency, including (but
. not ·limited to) an attack on the -United States."
The mech,anical details o(the Presidential power-·seizure have
already been perfect~d, u·nder tile terms bf previous Executive
Orders (see Page 4). Th·e head of each department and ·agency . ..
has a complet.e plan for controlling' his sector of the economy. r,---~-.-_
- c- -.---.·l....
- -=:;-_~.::,.H,.__
- _ __

For exampl e, recen't reference to the. existence of secret ly- WHAT YOU CAN DO:
printed ration coupons should come as ·no surprise to anyone
Contact your- candidates for Con•
aware ot' Executive Order ·10998; Section 3(c) of which orders · gress before elections.
the Secretary of Agriculture to "Develop priorities, allocations
and distribution control systems and -.related plans to insure o Tell them· thaf you and other
that available food resources are properl}1 apportioned ... " , voters are cor.cenied about the nst
The most recent Executive Order is designed· to pave the way· emergency powern of the President
for actually implementing the plans resul ting from the earlier . being used fn cases otl1er than ac-
orders. It instructs tile Attorney General (wti·oever he may be). tual emergency, .
to be ready to provide
. . . , ., . , e Tell them thcJt the powers de-
. . . as appropriate, l1n1 !ion w1<h and guidance a11d assi stan ce to the "b l • th "E. t· 0 d ,,
var.ious div 1,;ions .of State and local government, and maintain liaison scri ec m e ·xecu 1ve .r ers
with the Feder;,. ! judici al system and the Unite:! States Congrns~ as should never be use~ except in case
herninafter sat forth. · · cf 'ari acttra! ;.ittacl< on the· U.S.
l:1 e:;ddit1on, the, Attcrney .Ger.era!, as tk! Nation's !e2:dine ·
jail-l<eeper, is ordered under Section 3(b) .:-lf tl1e Order tc, o Asi< th8m if, - s'~luu!d t:1ey be
Develop emergeucy plan$ and procedures for the custod:, and pwtection eleci:ecl, they will support a dccl:ir:i•
of prisoners a11CI •. . the us2 of pri son hospilalr, and laborntory facilities, tion encfJng the l{orean 1//ar emcr-
for the continued availab ility of prison-intl 1rntry products, and for the
: developm ent of. , prisoner skills to approµriatr.:y _.augment tile tot ?.I gencr.
sup_ply of .manpow,er., ...
Other. a.ssignments of the Attorney Gen~ral · under the new c t,sk them if they will resist ;rny
'Executive Order bear such' exotic titles as: "Section 2{~;) Alien attempt by the Pr~slden! to in·,oke
contr~•l and control oJ entry <'ind departure," under which section emergency p,ow ers ex.ccp_t j.11 CJSCS
he is assigned "Increased surveill,rnce of the borders to pre• of <1ctual attack -en the U.S.
elude prohibited crossings tiy _persons" (in whieh direction?)- T II everyon·" yol.! •cirnw to le:irn
and _"Se cti o~ 3(c) ldent_ific at!on and location of persons"---'-to be ,;bo~t .the Er.ectitive Orclers, so thr.:y
:carried out rn cooperation with the Departmen~ of .Health, Edu- , can virite letters to Congress ;ind
cation and Welfare, keeper of the Social Sec·urity tax records: "Letters to the Editors." ·
The President C?-n put these Executive Orders into effect _ L

·only in a ~tate of. "en:,ergency." Little known to ·the pub_lic, 0 Urge them. to .read the ccir1Len!s
however is the fact' 'that· a so-ca lled "emergency" has been of the E!ec:ut1ve (;!·de rs.exc_erptetl in
declared, and is still . in effect, ·trorn the Korean War. It is "Blue~rrnt for Dictatorship," (see
_high time to_ encl ,that_ '.'~mergency,". and make it .clea: t~at Page .}. I . .
·only an attack on the s011 of the .United States would 1ustrfy o Remember: YOUR !NFLUU~CE I
swch dictatori.a_l pow~r.s for the.. President. COU NTS ... USE lT!
. . ,, •. '
. 'I . • Convention Detail's Announced
It has been said that "War is the loco- _:__The National Convention of Consel \·a-
otive of history." It might better be Scpt~rnbc:r 24, 1966
tives has been ·officially designated to
id -that "War is the locomotive of so- include the First National .Convention o[
3Jism." the LIBERTY LOB BY Board of Polle,·
Back in May_ of this year, we observed acco rding to W. B: Hicks, Jr.,. Exccullv~
at "We can't fight socialism by mili- Secretary. -
rizing the economy, putting everyone to
ork in factories, passing out ration cards Mr. Dall: · One of the primary purposes of the
1d putting in prir.e controls!" But, 0
Boar~l of Policy Co'nvcntion wiH be to
Y_our letter o( S~ptcmbc r 23, 1966 hns
be.:n rccch·cd. •
decide ·what · new issues, if any, will be
THAT IS WHERE WE STAND submitted for the coming year ..
,day. On the . vel'ge of an expanded
·omid uar in .As·ia! Just where Mac- ~rnmdy,/$ • The meeting, scheduled for January G
and 7 at the Sheraton Park Hotel in
rthur said we shouldn't be!
In fact, a recent issue of the Washing-
•n Ol>scrver notes ma,ny signs that the
dministration has been plotting \Var
ith Red China·: ·. .
1~.F tb t1,a Prc,ldv.l'lt
Washington will b_e open to all members
of the Boa rel of Policy,· and the reg is tl'a-
tion fee cif fifteen dollars wil'i include•
membership on the Board !or 1967.
Hicks stressed, however, ihat the meet-
The Leftist machine which controls our ing was defjnitely not limited to cun~ent
,reign policy will never permit a real Presiden_t Johnson. And they are all let• members of the Board, and· tha'c anyone
ctory over communism. Why should we ting us know about it. who wished to attend would automatically
cl them il"). imposing the wartime con- A lot of people want to know who's become members upon paying·_ the regls-
ols over the American people that "vill ahead in the balloting, so far. An inter- tration 'fer::--·- -- .-. . . - . --· -- ----·-'":· --
:rpetuate this power?
It all reminds us of what "Isolationist"
esting question. But we can't say because With approxirna tely 12,000: mem hers on
it wouldn't be fair to those who haven't the ·Board of Policy no w, plans are being
3.wrence Dennis once said: "When the yet voted. Providing· that Mr. Johnson
me comes for the United States to go made to accom1:16dat2 rine of the lar?eSI
accepts our challenge, we'll reveal the gatherings of Cons2rvativcs \Vashington
• war with th·e Communists, the Liberals names o( the five top Conservative lead-
ill be Generals, and the Conservatives has yet seen. LIBERTY LOBBY has prom-
ers who will meet with him on Decem- ised that the Convention· will be one of
ill be pulling K.P .. " ber 1. the most exciting yet held, and '.vill be I he
One thing stands out in the balloting. kickoif for unified Conservativi~ political
UTS AND LEADERSHIP _The prnple wa_nt leadership, and they action in the 90th Congress.
How .many votes are in . your pocket? know the men who are best qualified to
: you're ori. the ball, you should b~ able give that leadership .. You'd be surprised
, control the votes of a dozen people at the way that the best men arc the
ones way ahead. Looking over the ballots
Rhodesian T !iP
'i now. And they should all be out there
:i. November 8, lining up to vote for the has, if anything, strengthened our faith Sixteen. representative~ of American
::st ticket-selected, of course, hy your- in the wisdom of our kind of follcs. Just Friends of 'Rhodesia groups. visited Rho-
:1 L Because if Conservatives can't start ten . the people the truth and they will desia last mo.nth, on a trip' sponsored by
mtrolling votes, forget about it. decide wisely. the National Coordinating Committee of
The hard fact is that Conservatives are (Which reminds us of the way that the FRI.
Ding to have ·to build a political force "free press" in general has -treated our The group· (all but one, incideritally,
.i tside of the two parties, which will efforts. Seems as if the papers want to are Liberty Letter· subscribers), · spent
1ake the politicians respectful. keep the people from knowi11:g what \ve're three weeks in Rhodesia, where they met
This doesn't mean that we are promot- trying to do!) and consulted _with most of the new Na-
1g a "third" party, or even that we mean tion's leaders, including Prime Iviinistcr
SEND IN .YOUR 8ALL01' Ian D. Smith ..
> suggc,t that LIBERTY LOBBY itself
!H.V become ,1 .third party .. LIBERTY before N'oveml>et" 30, the cutoff da tc, if In nddition to organizing the trip to
OBBY, thoug·h a political o,,!oh,you ha•./eri"l donE.- sc, by no-;,:~·.. A-1id;,i-H.&.'/C nil' PJ1od0sia, J?R I hi.!.~ -coor<lin3 ted .U, ,~ c.:.c1: i1.·j •
not a politiral party and has no inten- of you1· friends and hdghbors do -the ties of the numq;--ow; p:·o-Rhodesin gro:.: p:~
1Jn of- becoming •one. same. H you want· extra ballots, reprint across the country, and coll"cspo11cls with ·
l-l'hat we mean is that it· i~ -important them · yourself (but· don't make any similar organizations in fo1·eign· land!>. ,\s .
wt yon are involved in this ·election, changes in them) or just _ask us for some. one of its main projects, FRI has SCCUl cd
nd the next one; a11d if yon al"e not, yon A contribution to hP.!p us with the ex• thousands of signatures. on_ petitions de-
'w11ld be. Whatever varty, ·if you -are . penses would be appreciated, but _is not manding American re~ognition of._ Rho-
ot uctive -in grass-roots work, yon are necessary. . desia. ·
ot cffecti·ve. The more votes we have by November LIBERTY LOBBY was i11stl'llmenlal in
The_ other day we received ·a letter 30, the greater autl)ority 01.1r delegation founding FR.I, in early l 9Gfi, and coopcra•
·om a man in a certain state. He said, will have when we go up to sec Mr. tio'n between the two groups has remained
[t was you who g:ot rne into this. Now Johnson. Hope that.-you'll be rcprcse1ited. close.
am about to take over my · iown.- I am
uilding rny otvn polftical machine. The STATE1',IENT OF OWNERSHIP, 1\1,\NAGEl\-!ENT 8. Known bondholders. mortl:agccs, nr.d other SC·
AND CIRCULATION. ' curity holders: None.
otcrs here arc sick and tired of the old I. Date or Filing: Scptcmbcr · 3o, 1966. 10. Circulation:
beral establishment. I am amazed at 2. Title of Publi<·ation: LIBERTY LETTER. Avg. no.
ow ea$y it is. All it takes is a little guts copies each
3. Frequency of Issue: ~1onthly During Sessions issue during Single is~l!t.'
ncl li~adcrship." of Congress: preceding nearest ln
How are you on· Ruts and leaclcrsliip"? 4. Location of known office or publication: 3rJ0 12 months filing d:1lL'
lndcpc111.Jcncc Al'cnuc •. S.E., Washingto1i, D. C. A. Total .No.
/hatevcr the res ults on November 9, you 2000), Copies Printed 192.000 250,0110 stilt to answer that question. 5. Location of the hcndquancrs: 300 lndcpcndcnce B. Paid Circulation:
Avenue, S.E .. Washin~ton, D. C. 20003. Mail Subscriptions 174,295 166.c!:5
6. Publisher: LlflERTY lOIJBY. Inc .. 300 !ndc- C. Tota! Paid ·~- -,----,-_
ETTER TO LYNDON pcndcncc Al'cnuc, S.E.. Washington, D. C. Circulation 174,295 166)~:,
20003. D. Free Distribution 14.68 I r.s.~os
Help' Ediwr: ',\'. n. Hicks. Jr., 30() lndl'pendcncc E. To1at Distribution 188,976 '1:t.i,05 /
\Ve'rp knec--dccp in ballots! Avenue. S.E .• Wa;hing1011. D. C. 2000).
/\lanai;i nr. Editor: L. Donal<! Phill ir s. JOO lade•- • · F. Undistributed · 3.0c4
The October issue of Liberty LcHer has i~.9[7~
pci:dC11ce /,venue. S.E., Washin ~ton . D. C. G. Total l'i2,1101l
ad the desi reel result. It seems us if 2UOOJ. I C<".nify that the st3temcrH:; ~1adl'.' by me :'\t,,,,·1:
1st about everyone has some very defi- 7. Owner: l.lf:ERTY LOBBY. 300 lncicpcndcnce
A·1rnuc. S.E .. Washing:oa, 0. C. 20003
an•. con cct and complctt::
L. DO/-ALD !'HILL.I I':;
ite iclek'.S as to who should mec-t with
New Taxes, ·Gold Drain Seen · MISSISSIPPI
t. 1'h'uma.\· G. Abenll..'lh)'
16. Fr:tnk T. ilnw
17. Jc.Ji m ~1. ,.\sh11r,1u k.
2. Jam it• I... Jl-'hit1e11 12. Fra1 u:,~ P. l\:)l U\O
ROLL CALL VOTE ON HOUSE P,\SSAGE ~- Jn/111 lid/ IVi/liamr. !J. \Vlli i~uu E. ~li n ~h :.11
5 Wii/iw,: At. Co/Iller 01,Lt,J;OMA
Demonstration Cities Bill MISSOURI I. l'a"c lkicl1ec
WASHING1"0N, October 2:3 (LLNSJ Votes :111d Pairs AGAIN~)" Passage
l, Thorn;lS B. Curti.-: 4. Tui11 Srn·t!
4. JVH!iam J. N.ondall 5. Joh,•1 h:r1:111rt
.-In an appearance before the State Ap· 6. H'. J<. /lull, Jr. 6. Jee/ l1JIU1.1u11. Jr,
Jl'Opriations Committee's. hearings on (S.3708 As Amended, Octobet' 1'1, 19GG l 7 nu,ward G. Hall OREGON
~'oreign Aicl, LI13ERTY LOBBY's repre• Dcmocrul,\' l,tlilid:ed s: /iit·/wnl II. ldw,tl
JO. Paul C. Jones
I. Wendall \\'y:iu
4. /~oht·n 11. JJ111:c:i:1t1
;entative told the committee that ap· ALt,ElAMA 15. Charlot1e T. l\eid MONTANA FENNSYL.Vi\NIA
8roval of· the 3\~ Billion Dollar aid bill I. J:,.;k EtlwarJs I 6. John Cl. An<.lerso" 1. James F. Il:lllin L!. J. Irving \\'h:illi.::,
3. Cieorge JV. Ancln:w.\· 17. Leslie C Arcn.J~ NEBRASl(A 16. folrn C. Ku11l:cl
,vould automatically acid an equivalent 5. Ar111i.\'tc"'I I. St.:ith-11;· Jr , !9. Gui,: Sd1ilh'r I Clair A. Calla11 l7. llcrman T. Sr,;illll.'.Cbd,
;um to LBJ's proposed tax increases for 6. John l-i . Buchan:.Jn, J1. ~:!. \Villiarn L. Sp1inl!CI' 2: Gl~,rn Cunnin1;ham SOUTH C,\ROLlr,A
J). Robert E. Jvlll'\' 2.1, G,:org1..' I:. Shiple) 3. D:1vid T. ~la1 un J. L. Afl!wit:'I N,ii ~•r.,
[967. ARIZONA INOIANI\ NEVADA 2. t\lbcrt W. Wat,un
I. John J. Rhodes 2. Charles A. Halleck AL JYa/ter S. Baring ). ~V. J. /Jr.nm /)dr:1
\i\'arning .that the ever-incr~asing de- ARK,\NSAS 4. E. Ross Adair NEW HAMPSHIRE 4. UoJ,crt T . .•t d1m11rc
:nands by .foreign nations on American I. E,, C. Ctrthi11~s 5. J. f;tlward /-lo11s/1 1. James. C. Ch:vcland 5. 1'/iomCl.r S. q,•:;y-l
2. JVil/Ju; D. ,\tills 6. Rich~rd L. f{ouUcbush N!::W JERSEY .. TENNESSEE
::old holdings posed a threat to the future CI\LIFORNIA 7. William G. Bray 1. William T. Cah1 I t. J:unc,: H. Q,:ilh:n
financial security of all Americans, the 2. l-lur1,,,t T. Jolm: 011 IOWA 6 Flcircrn.:e: P. Dwyer 2. Johi1 J. l)imL·:rn
4. Rt,h,·rt I .. L<•gJ,:,H t l. John R. St-·l11t1idlw1u,·r NEW MEXICO . 3.· \\.iili::m E. B,uck. Ill
,pokcsrna11 for LIBERTY L OBBY pointed Al Tlwuws G. Morn.\· 8. Robe..·rt .-1. E1ac:1t
6. \\'ll llom S. il, J,ililf:•rd KANSAS
)ut that the billions of dollars sent IO. Ch:trlc.s- S . (.; uMer t. Bob Dole
AL E. S. Joh1111y W<1.k,,, , C::XAS.
?broad in Foreign Aid were in part re- I~. J. A n hur · youn,~ fr . 1. Chester I., 1'1izc NEW YORK , , 4, Ra:,,
L. Burl l.. . 1 ~l<illl 4. Garner E. Shriver 2. J:imes ~L C11 ~0 11 ~r, l,r. 5. J:::: 11 /e _Lahdl
;ponsible for the "Gold Drain." 13. Chorlcs i\ l. TL•ai;uc. 5. Joe Skubiiz 4. fohn \\. \\ idler 6. Oii 11 f. T,·"-~""
23. Del Cla\vson 24. Paul A. Fino r. 7. John /)ok·th·
Citini,;: the results of research done by 2.1. Glcnard P. Lipsc,>mh KENJUCKY JO. Carlc~on J. K!11i.! 11. H,lr R. J'o(:~r.·
)2. Craig Hr.smei ~- rr!m,k A. 511'-!Jhit'/il.'/d J 1.. Robert C. /•f~F.1-1.;~n I:!.. JC1mcs C. ;Vri_1!irt, :/r
Congressn1an Otto Passman (D., La.) and 35. James H. Ult .... 1~1/lwm i-1. 1, w.clu.•r .\J. Howard \\. R<_1~1.~?11 15:,;iu (/1! /a <:i1!r."",1t
the Citizen's Foreign Aid Committee, 36. Bob Wilson 5. l un L~e ~:mer J7. B~rtcr B. Cun.1blc. Jr . 16 /~idw,:I c ~,-h:1~·
3S . 10h11 V. Tw,111:r 6. Johll C • H tHH 1N. Clrnrks E. Govdcl,1 11: Omar /11trl~·x.-"1
LIBERTY. LOBBY defended its statement LOUISIANA NORTH CAROi.iN.'\ I':-). Gen,,.;t• II. ,\fttlrt>!:
;;.~:"ains""c" ·sharp. q ue!:itioning by· committee FLORl9A .
J. Ro.,l!rf L: F. S1.kes
1. F. E,lw<1rd Hehe;t
4. Jne D. JVag,:owier, Jr.
I; ivu·,u, / UUl'-l",
2. L.. II. Fow,,:,w, ,
21. 0. C. Fi.d, ..~,
::!::!.. Ho/> Ct1.l'I!)'
members, then closed by reco mmcn,cling 2. Clwrlt ,r; ~-- B~nnl!r~ 5. Ottv £. Pus.flll{m '.1. Dm•/<I .V. 1/ e,i<,,:r:"" VIRGINIA
that unspent funds already appropriated 5. A. SJWI<! Ht1l011g. Jr. 8 .\"oe,•Jr o Long 4. Uarultl D. C,wl,J , Ti·o ,11 a ,V D,.-w,r£,:~
6. Paul G. Rogers t • •
in past years be re-allocated in lieu of a 6. Jlorace R. } ~t'l,.,. t'i,:tif ~- u:n,id ·E.· ~~'i1r1,•:;i~•:d. u•
new appropriation.
7. Jam,-s A. Hale;-
9. Dou 1··11que1
I. Ro~ers C. D. Monon 1. A_l t:,11 Lt1trrum. .
R. Ch11 rJc~~R. -Ion .,,~
4:s~V,uJ.:ir1., ,\(, .•lhbiff
iVilli,11n ,\!. 'J'4:~·k
9. Jnmcs 1 • Bn,)·hrll c, Riclnrd H l'otr
12. William . C. Cramer 6. William H. Bates
IO. f;,r ~II l .. ll'Ji/1<••1<•r 7 Joi,,,' o.
,lillr.<h. :r.
, !.n-~~i~-':.';ft;'°~ GEORGIA
I. G. Elliott ffagt111
4. Edward Hutchinson
11. RO/' A . T11i• /11 r 8 · How"rd W. Smi1J,
>'~',,.,_I'; .;i)..,,, f _, ?.... (": ·~ NORTH OAJ( OTA 10· foci T Brovhill
. ~-
····:.J,e.:¾~ /- 1 AF~$
' ... , ~- Jii
~EIPO~T$ 1. Ma.<1011 o•N,•a/
J. Hm1ard H. Callaway
9. Phil .\f. La11clru111
5. Gerald R. Ford
6. Charles E. Chambcrlai:1
8. James\.'CY
I. /'l l:111( AntlrC\\"$
I Thom:,s ~I l'dlr
AL Rnhcrt E ~ ,\we<"lll'y, 4: Ca£h..:rinc ~l.:1y
(··i,!Jf·:-1-,:-§· :"ll"l by Stanley ./If. Andrews
JO. Robert G". S1q,he11s . Jr.10. Elford A. Ce<.lerbcr~
ILLIN01S 18. William S. Broomliclcl
. 5. D~l~c:rl L. La_ll~ .
6. W11ltam H. H.irsha
5. 7·1wm1H S. J-'ofrr
6 F/rl)'d V. !lieks
i.t' . f::,.!. ' .......~
·.~l~\ -t! '' 1

4. Edward J Derwinski MINNESOTA R Jackson E. Beu:; ·

? :-- . .. ~--;;-.:. .., Seasoned ·washington
~,)-_,-.:· ::· · ;-;
{j) IO. Harold R Collier I. Albert H. Quie 10· Waller H. Mo,•/1,•r WISCONSIN , .
~- :· ..- .. -~·· . ·,:Uobservers of the John- 12. Robert McC!orv
IJ. Donald Rumsfe!d
2. Ancher Nc'scn
3. Clark MacGre;:or
11: J: William S:anton
1-1 William H. Ayres
3. Vernon W. '.~'.""'""'
7. ~lclrn1 R. Lu1d
;: ·,.... ; . '. ·. ·'./ son Administration's 1-1. John N. Erlenborn 7. Odin Langen 1s: Robert T. Secr<•st 8. John W. flyrn,s
k'.&.-, {. "".:....~\,·~~ frenzied gyrations in
foreign policy are now convinced by the host of ocher products. tivc, now on the White House staff, ii:
President's speech in New York recently working on plans which will cslaJ·,Ji;:h
AFNS has opposed such export relaxa•
lhat th·e rumored "secret alliance'.' with price and wage controls, provide for t!ll'
the Soviet is an accomplished fact. Red.
tion with the still bitter memory of how
we s hi pped s t E!el, scra p it·on, etc., to dra[ting of all American youth for r,itl1P:·
China, suspicious of the First Commu- military or social service duties, ancl a ls••
Japan (thm a probabl e enemy) and w e
nist State, openly accuses the Kremlin set up a rationing system for food. L'lc·
of active collaboration with the U.S. Now, got it bacl< in the shape o! guns and
LBJ holds out a hand of friendship to ammu nition kfll lng you ng Americans. \,Vhat better wav to obtain mass ,:n,>
the Soviet nation and announces, point Even under the "restrietions'' in force formity than the e~xecutive po1\·crs '.\•iii,··
by point, a program to bring peace be- L1ntil this new directive, tj1e Department the leaders of the Soviet n1:d th,: l'.:-·
I\veeu the U.S. J rid Russin. of Commerce had licensed for export !o woulcl e:1joy ur.cler a '•war emergcn,·:, ...
Soviet Russia $3,37::i,G00 o[ chemical wood AFNS leaclers stili finniv bcJ ic1·,~ l ',:,
As the article in the Fall American pulp used for rayon tire cord. One· won-
i\':ercury, "The Seventh Veil of Treason" the- Soviets are our greatest cla11;,:,:r. T:: 1·:
der3 if the new tires manufactured in have the nuclear wa1··potential nnd till'::·
points ou·t,t-here is plenty of evidence of Russia a re now being 11secl on the 50
this subrosa Soviet-American entente. The
leaders have sworn irrevocably to '.'.(':tl-:,··
Soviet MIGs now in service in Viet Nam·? and destroy America. Perhaps· they ·.•::1;:
President's proposals are just the "open
Lesf our readers think us alarmists, us to win a war against the Chipc's;• f· •
steps" that the public is permitted to see.
Republican opponents of L.B.J. are ask- t hey can step in (as they clicl in the fi:1.t:
Like the dangerous floating iceberg, six- · phas e of World W.:1 1· I!) anci wk ,• t!: ·
ing "Are the proposed live TV programs
sevenths of this alarming alliance is sub- material resources of the conqt1•.~rccl n.l
merged in secrecy. at the Manila conference going to be
used to sell a two•pronged Soviet-Ameri- tion to build its Kremlin Empire :1111!
·Yet, even the exposed top of this diplo- can war against the mainland of Red finally destroy it,; erstwhile ally. the C.:C:
matic iceberg reveals its dangers. China? Already, there are published re- as its economic strength lies 1\·c;-ike:1v•:
1\-lr. Joh!1son proposes that the Consular ports that Robert Kintner, ex.NBC execu- by the ravages of an Asiatic land w:1 :-.
Treaty be pushed through the Senate in ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · cut coupon here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the new session. iNe thought the testi-
mony of J. Edgar Hoover had exposed the ! DEAR LJBO:RTY LOOBY:
folly of this treaty. L.B.J. proposes more
trade with the Reel Bloc. He has already Please send me ..... •.......... copies of the Executive Orders (15 for $1, 100 for $5) onclose
.......... ...

had the Commerce Department relax ex• Please send me ....... ......... copies of All America Louse, the· biography of Orcw
port restrictions· on about 400 "non- Pearson ($2 each) enc:los~ $ ......... .. .
strategic" items such as textile products,
some metal manufactures and machinery, Please send me ... ............. copies of Pass \he Poverty Please (.75 cac:1, 3 fer $~,
10 for $5, 25 for $10) ~nclo,c ~ ... , .......
food stu,ffs, chemical materials and a
Please ·send me ... , ...... ...... copies of BondJr,e of The Free ($1 P.ach; 5 for $4, l~
for $10, 35 for $20, 60 for $30, 1,000 or more
LlBER1'Y l.OP.BY 11eed:; !untls to continu~ and 35c each) I Mf,lo5e $ ..... .
e xpand its w or k. Contri bu l iQn s r,ratefully ac•
c epte d in c:is h or sec u rllles. II i nt.?re~ tccl In
ln cluci ing th is Ins t itut ion In ;·o'Ur Wil l, in /o r- Please send m<? ............... copies of Victory Denied (.75 each, 3 for $2) I c11clos.i $ ...... ... .. .
m ij\l on will b ~ sent u p<1 n 1c 11 o cst .
r.,1v n~nfr,• :-ol'lrl ~rlrlr~,c.: ~nnP,r r:nru,r.tlv nn th.o n~•'JP.r~,:,, ~irlP n( thio::. r.tHILicn. TOTAL ~ .......... , ..
-. .----\. ,- . .
. -2 - ..;... -.- ·.- • ,. •
.1966 Rou11d111J
. 1
C?.f ,lIBl:i_[t.l Y I~Ol)B X ]_Jeg1s1at1ve itctior1
\Ve.u-y Members of Congress finally each issu\'! of Liberl•lf Letter for sub;;crih- kept it under wraps in the· Hcusc, ..!u,::
have dl!partcd from the hallowed li.llls of e:rs to coritact theil' l\'lemberi,' of Congress ciary C::ommittee, ·despite _exhau s tive b:,,,
the Capitol to mingle with the hotnc- on vital . is!':ues during the: 19GG session iJ1 g s t wo yca1·s ago. Cont:ress ls C<.!!'1 aii
folks-and, in the case of those up for re- of Congn,:Ss_ just adjouni.ed: to face this issue in 19G7 a1,d subscrtbu.
election, to beat the bushes to sa vc their should be ready to give it full and· lill
January--A six-poin~ legislative Plan for
political hides. bounded support as they did this y1..!;1 1
AppcasL'ment to I'(.;!duce. America to the
They left behind them production of a Score: 75% .
status of a Soviet satellite, in the form
goodly amount of legislation b11t not any- of three treaties and three resolutions, June and September- lfl66 Ci\'il lliglti:
thing approaching the massive record of namely: The Consular Treaty to allow the A<.:t, including the highly controve1·.,i:•.
the outlandish 1965 session. Kremlin t,) establlsh espionage centers provision for "Fair Housing" as we!i :t
LIBERTY LOBBY };ept a watchful eye in the U.S.; the Panama Canal Treaty to an outline of the Police State in fh
on the goil')gs-on and pl'esentrd ·oral testi- surrender om· right to defend and keep near future. This bill. was passed by th,
mony before Senate and House Commit- open this vital shipping link; •_he Ge!lo- House but was stymied in the Si:matc- .
. tees 13 times as well as filing 2 forrrial cidc Treaty to allow the World Court to ailother- tribute to the arduous effon!i Ct!
statements for the official records of try persons 01' communities for inflicting the ·part of Liberty Letter subscribers i1
Committe~s. so-called "physical or mental injury" to bombarding their Members o.f Congr-:!:;s l,
any minority group; Repeal of- the Con- kill this kind · of l(:g isla tion, wh ieh wa
Views were presented on: Atlantic an~- Resolution to allow the World Court done. Most assuredly, it will com e up 'i:
Union Trcnty before Senate and HoL1se to decide whether the UN has jurisdiction, 1967 and hence there must be znoli1L·
Committees in opposltion to enactment; rather than the U.S., over domestic e ffort' expended to kill' it again_ '"Sco1 L'
position upheld-no action taken. "threats to peace" such as · the Watts 100'%.- '
Elcnumt:ary nJ1cl Secondu1·y Eclncu.tfon riots; Phmning for Peace Resolution to' J.uly-Annual revie.w qf the l~or,~ign 1\ i,
·nml i{igher E1lucat.io11 Asslstuucc; ·urgeu e!:ilablish u11r.:onstituiionally "ciisarrna- Prognm1, as opposed to the Admi:Tistr:.,.
Senate and House Committees to avoid :nent" as the law of the land; 'l'radc With tion's plan ,for five-year authorization
exp,msion; partial victory·. Communist 'Natioris Resolution to set :up WITHOUT interm~iate reviev./S. TJ1,
a Presidential Advisory Council to expand House set the authoriw.tion; to 't wo yea!'
Foreign Aid Authori~ations before Sen-
such trnde. NONE of the six were acted but the Senate. clemand,~d cn0-yi::ar :.i1;
ate and House Committees; (see uelotv.i
upon in the 19GG session, due in large part thorizations, {IS urged by LIBERTY LOl·:
Also on Foreign Aid Appropriations. to the valiant 'efforts· of .I.,IBERTY LOBBY BY testiminiy and by its subscribers t,
Foreign Travel Restrictions before Sen- adhernnts, but they all 11 eed close watch- Li.be1·ty Letter. Score.: 100%.
ate Internal Security Subcommittee; urged ing during the 1967 session. Score: 100'/4.
•restrictions'; legislation died. August-LSci-called "\Var on Poverty" w:1.,
· February-Repeal of the Right-to-lVork cut clown financially and massive reslrii:-
Ch'il Rights Act of 1966 before Senate Section Hb of the Ta.ft-Hart.ley Act, The tlons were. placed on salaries and 011
and Hous'= Committees; urged rejection; Senate smothered this effort of the Labor widespread well-known scanda lous upe :·:r-
legislation killed in Senate .. Bosses to enslave every wage-earner, a tlons, as strongly urged by oui· subsc:ri.1>
Pnemployment Insurance Amendments distinct result of the influence created by ers . · But the. :Administration plans to r:••
of 1966 before Senate Committee; urged Liberty LeUer subscribers to thwart plans "allout" on this freakish program in 1!)r;-;-
Committee to uphold House stand against to give in to the Administration and its and all of us shouhl be prepared to fi1:.h:
any extension of Federal control; con- Labor cohort:.. Score: 100%. · it to• the hilt-uniess it is finally gcai·,,,;
ferees failed to agree, resulting ln death lVIarch-Fiream1s Restriction Legislation, to help the unfortunate poverty-stri<:k( •::
of legislation d~e to unyielding House. a highly propagandized step toward tyr• people ra t),er than the $.30,000-a-y:.':; :·
anny. This was bottled up in both Senate . "executives'.' who cannot even spell' th·
School Prnj·er Amcntln1c11t before Sen•
a.te Committee; urged adoption; failed of
and House, but most assuredly 'will 'come word poverty and ca,re Jess . .Score: ·,5, ·
up in 1967, so it bears watching_. Score :
passage. but due to be rcvlvect In 1967. 100%. . . . .· Over all, the year 196G ma1·J,;s •a r,·:
( See belov;.J turning-point in this history. of Lll3F.HT'
April-Dcmonsha.tion Cities RiH to give LOBBY's grass-roots effort to ii1flue1H
T:-1itli-in,Packaging before House Ccm- the Adminhtration power to control
!!!lt t("e; ag.-.insr. fun:'1,~r F'P.1_i r~r al contr,,,ls :. ~ £•t!'Ol)C-·litan a1 ·e c1 ;; .nf· tbe. N';atiD1, .t:iro•igh· the Congress. For the first:0 fi_me, th;• •
House called fo1· indus_try voluntary actii;'n oulri~ht bribery of local cimcfrtls, includ- }rn q ,_. l.~:!<'1' me,• ~tln\1'le. CQ !1 C1' t.1~_n,$1 1lt,; I
rather than Senate-approved mandatory ing integration, a3 demarided by mayors a 1umtliCI' of irnpo:tarit case~, n ot jl10:1
Federal control; Senate yielded to House of large cities to get th1:m.e:elve.<; "r,ff the one or two.
sta11d. . hook." Legislation passed by Con;;ress but
Food For Freedom before House Com- with restrictions umvanted by the Admin-
mittee; urged ban on sales to Red Bloc istration. Score: · At least·50% . P~rmissi~n granted to reprint all or part of lhi<
nations, which House adopted but Senate May--~5chool Prayer P~riiemlment to offset is~ue,. providing this statement is inclu~••
softened; compromise reached. "Copied with permission from LIBERTY Lf.lH;'

,-,.--.~-~-----~] ,-;_." :._., -· -•
the vicious ruling by ·the ·w arren Court.
lOO lnde'pcndr.nce Ave., S.E., Washington, 0. C
Here is the .scorecard on appeals made The Senate was amenable' to it, but time -:Subscribe for $1 per year."
by LIBE;RTY LOBBY on Page One of ran out. Congressman "Manny". Cellar

LIBERTY LETTER Publish~d cacli monlh sessions o! f. 1,::c:..:u.irv.(: Jf;t1r~1_ ·:

70 Congress by LIBERTY LOBBY. Sub-
scription· p;ice: s·1.oo per .. Second-
Class PL'Stage raid at ., vashins1on, D .


( ~ L ;•
!-1.· .,. .r-.· '-'.:~ .

t. !Ii11..:'~;;',fltg~•:'l#'ffj'
Executive Orders are laws
niade by ·one ·man -- the
•.- !. .:~ :
, _,:

! :.~-t"r:
I ·~ '


. ,. - •1
l .•· .. . '
.,,,-~ -·.,
'/ •.. 1!

Pres ident. LIBERTY LOB-
BY suggest;· that .. ,, II
/,m~ricans. '3cq~<1iht' t/1cm-
scl •1es v:ith tr,e Execuliv-,
Orders which "stablish
l he machin'ery lo ~u:ho r-
Jzc th~ P,es idcnt anc~ his .
ndviSt'rs to ~ake con tra1.01 ·/· 11 •· ,
factor of the priv~;ile ser:t~r <.~. t. ; 1 I • ' .
ORDER YOL'.'l5 t,- ,
ls for ~ !
100 for $5 (sJ~ ~c~r
,__,,._.,._~LU..,...-.,._,___-..----- ••-
. n•it"'UTIO~Ji. Pt'
[;(H~;Jtn " t"l !J[ . . ll!
~it.Si, itUJh. . ro Lr.gfrlative ·.J~oo koul · .. '-'1,,,, '-' • ' •'' ''-'* "-"U." . .... ...
.Adam ~ f nytcm P owel l's opp~.tit i~lf:: :•·,
, .U)\,t '-'• •t!IJ: f /l C'C \-hi, ! 1': H

' Fo::cign 'J.'rnvel Hestriction~: S: ~,243, to a te w a 1L mg fo1·. ~louse. , . · •

f uH· ;JANUARY: impose stricter travel r.:ontrols on Ameri-
cans tt:a \'eling abroad ; reported by S enate
n ~rl ! '.' ndc ~xpa:is ion : S 3::\G3, 1 in. I:_
Adm 1111s tra t1on plan C~lllng for ti·;1ctr, • ••.
Washir,gton, S ept ~mber · 23 <LLNSi - .Ju d ici,iry Sub r::amm ittee on .Internal S e- w!th l)1e Red B loc ; nu ltf111,:l11::s !::,;:
LIBERTY LOBBY announced toda y a curity to full Committee; LIBERT\" LOB- ul P.r.l; ~!.a le D<1 p<\rt1:i-H~t1t ~as iss ~11Jcl ;,:-, , ,
change o! location and dates for the Na- BY pressing fo r limiting such bans to ga nda p~mphlel a_ttacking lllw:·111• \,. •
countries "engaged tn, or suppo,•ting or co lt~ arra m st C?;n mun ist me n:h: 11 1<.11!,,_. :: . •
tional Convention of Conservatives pre-
th reatening arm ed hostility against the detn :nenta l to impro ved East-Wes t t r ;:1!
viously plann~d for November. The Con- re lations .
vention has been re-scheduled for Januarv GoveriimPnt-. oi tile United Slal~s."
6 and 7, the week that. the new 90th Co~- Equal Emplo:l!ment Opportuait:y Act of Four-i'car· llous e T erm: HJ Res S01' · ,: ·
gress convenes in Washington. J !'.l fi5: HR 100!.'iS. This could be the m ;ijor Res 126, prop osec,I. const itu tip'n111 :w·,;:r;;:.
Th e .purpose of the Convention, whi'C11
"sleeper'' of 196G. Passed by voice vote in m e n t " resting" In Sen a le anu· Hin1:;.:.:
the Ho 1Jse on Apr il 27, 1966 at the urging dicia l'y Corn_1nittees after ea rl y c n t h 1; si :l:< ,,- •
wjJJ' be opened to all Conservatives, will of Adam Clayton Powell , this Act awaits o! Congressmen has co1) led off ; Ll!3CllT';
bP. to assess the results of the 1966 elec- action by the Senate, which could come at LOBB Y ul'ged ·re ten t ion of pres ent lwr,
tions and plan the course of action fo r any time. It puts a ll businesses which year Congressional terms in lorm;il ,; c:i, ,·
the Conservative movemen t for the next employ eight or more under the ju·risdic- ment to the Senate Committee . (I.ihrrt·,
two yea r s. tion o.f H e rma n Edsclberg, boss of the Letter No. 68). · ·
Originally to be located in a smaller Equal Employment Opporturity Commis- l'rayer Amendme nt: SJ P.cs 148, p ropo;;, ,z'.
hotel, enthusiasm for the Conve ntion sion. (For 20 years, Edselberg was ADL constit u lional ;.im enrln• ent t o .. oven 1.1,<
pr 1wed to be so great that it had to be director in Washington.J Many are puz'. S_upreme Court's - outl,~v.dng c,f scho,:i:
relocated in the Sheraton-Park Hotel, zled at the deafening silence in the "free prayers; reported without recomm.~nd,,.
equiwect -to handle \Va shi ng ton's largest press" about this measure. · tion by Sem:.te JmUciary Subcommittci:: 011
conventions, .. thus bringi11g . about the Foreign Aid: HR 15750, Congress author- Co nstitutional Am endments to full Corn •
change in dates. ized $3.5 billion, rebuffed President by r:1il tee ; Sen. Dir.\~sen tR -i ll), eo-~po1 1M,
According . to LIBERTY LOBBY's Ex- limiting most programs to one year as with 48 other senators; 'is am:ious to g<, t
ecutive Secretary, W. B. Hicks, Jr., the urged by LIBERTY LOBBY; actual appro• it vote in the Senate but House action u:1-
new dates will allow more Conservative priations pending, LIBERTY LOBBY testi- Jikely due to !ad: of time; SJ Res H t
organizations to plan on attending or ~ying in favor of reductions in aid alloca- !;uppo1-ted by LIBERTY LOBBY in Sei',at ,.
sending delega tes, as well as providing tions before Senate Appropriations testimony (Liberty Letter No. 63).
the necessary e xt ra space for what prom- Committee.
Electoral College Change: SJ R.t;s :!2, 1,
ises to be the k ick-off . to a new e ra of Truth-in-Packaging: HR 15540, S 985, Ad- elect members of the Electoral Collc- s> ,
unifi ed Conservative oolitical action in ministration plarr to remove alleged de- by Congressional districts, as propo!;~<.:
the years ahead. • · ception in · packaging but says nothing by Sen. Mundt (R-SD) iT'. contrast. to
about impurities or dangerous chemicals Adlj\inistration plan to guarantee a Presi-.
in products; latter bill passed by S~nate; dential candidate all of a state's electon-,!

· [7.-"·•_.., .,. I
The American Mercury is b~ck,
bigger · and better than eve r,
fate in House uncertain due to crowded Note if he wins the popular·vote; no action
pre-adjournment calendar; House Com- contem1-1lated by Senate .Tudidary Sub-
merce Comm ittee told by LIBERTY LOB· committ ee on Constitutional Amendment;;,
BY Congress would b_e demeaned by turn- primarily in view of the close w a tch being
ing over vast controls to bureaucrats. made of the lawsuit by Delc>.w,:rr: and
.i with ma jor improvements every Atlantic Union Treaties: S Res 128, S Con · other states contending that existing s ta tc
re·)·f.•i, ·;'!'- ,
~~ · •:1::. issue.
And all Mercury subscribers , at
t . ; (":-=~ 1
no extra cost, are no1,v receiv~
Res 64, H Res 769, H Con Res 523, to ere• electors' Jaws violate the 14th (Due Proc-
ate a commission of private citizens to ess) Amendment to the U.'S . Constitution .
Ing t h e bl -m ont11ly Wa!:h lngton draw up · plans for yielding American
b:;!,V Observer1 a f ac t-fi ll ed insiders l\Iinlmum W~ge: HR 13712, raisin ~ th ,,
~ •- re;,'lr l ircm Wash ington . A sovereignty to a Federal Union o! Atlantic
$20.0C valu e-NOW YOU GET .THEM BOTH FOR F ederal hotirly rate to .S',:1,.60 · by 1% 8 on
nations; Committee action pendin.~; LIB-
Cl/verin g 8.1 mil.lion additional wo rk er~,
ONLY $10 ERTY LOBBY warned House. Foreign
Affairs Committee the proposed treaties Congressional action compl.-?ted, actual!.
s~nd correct name and address to:
would "strike s om e kin d of over first victory for organized labor in_ ti\
ntE AMERICAN· ME.HCUP.Y our Constitu tional rights a-nd Ub<' t·iy," Johnr.on Administration.
· F.V. aux- 7~1 '.i .,w~,.•iv1.i~ly tasliiy lng • b: opposit.:cm he:fo 1-ri City Demonstmtions: S 2812, HR U.3.1.'
HOUSTON 8 1 ')"r:XAS
Scr,ar1J F61·e ign Rela tio::,s Com1:nit tee (L ib• details set oµt in 'EmergenL,y LJl;a:rty J.'.•' #15; sent to all subs r.;·ibers ; Sr.:m•.;
- ert.y -:-:o. 64, l\fay 1!)66).
Situs Picketing: HR 10027, to pern1it com-
passed its bi1l; action . delayed in Hous•
Permission gral"led to reprint all or part of this mon site picketing by repealing the ·pro- W:'\r on Pcwm·ty: HR 15111. S 3164. per.;
issue, providing this statement Is ln,tuc!cd: Jng In House and ·senate. (Sec editori:1I.
"Copied with permission from LIBERTY LETTER,
. hibition aga inst secondary boycotts, thus
300 lndepe~dcnce Ave., S.i::., Washington, 0, C.
creating costly work stoppages by all Civil Rights: HR 147G5; S 3296, Senate r\
-Subscribe for $1 per year." labor on construction jobs; legislation fused to liri',it debate on House-apprc, e
stalled between House Labor Committee _bill. (See editorial.)

Publi.ihed e:ir.h month during sessions of

,- --~~ ~ ~···
l i\
Con~rcss by LIBERTY . LOBBY: Sub- ;;:r · •i: ~'i.~\

300 lNDH'.ENDENCE AVENUE, S:E. scription · price, S1.00.. per year. Second .. ~L~•~ :1 · bY
Phyllis So hla l ly and l\dm,
WASHINGTON, D. C. 20003 . Cl.ass post ; y:e r a id at W,shinglvn, D. C. 11~t \\ . \ • · Ch ester Ward
,~J.~'.-11·:: U
New , 1966 cam i>al;:n cdl,it :i
i:a:~•; ... ~ offers )'otJ 3· n ow ·.:a3turc s )·01,
ca nnot afford to; mlss.
1. A si ngle sol utio n to our wa r- a n"cl-p'.!ac c ;;r~ll
lems whic h Will end t h ~ wa r 1(1·:·\(le trrnm • •
2. Th e only c ampa ign tcol ava,lu b lc on •'"
i ssue or defense w hich ·be used to .,;< ;
candidates who are ior U.S. stren;: th : .
3 . Provi des the answers to ihe 3 5 q11es1,,,·
rnosl freql>ently ask..?d 011 def,;n s~.'
' . 'ONLY $1.0() · .
J ·for. ~~-2:i, 1 o far $G
Ofl O tR O!r. C:CT Ff!OI,! :
P.O. BOX 49:.i -
,. =-c:ua1" ? ~.~ ~ ~ . . ; c , . , ,- ~.,_...- • •
>ange1·ous Treaties UNIF Y· WITH LIBERTY LOBBY
By Taylor Caldwell
:ear Close Watchi11g . (1'/ie below ·is eJ;1Jerptecl /i'Om w1 art-icle written ill 1958 esvecial/.y for LIBERTY
Many readers of Liberty Letlel' are in- LOBBY by .4111el'ica·'s most 1io1111lc11· 1w;;13/ist.)
:iring about two little-mentioned items I once saw a clear Sister demonstrate tors pushed into supporting lcgislatici,1
negotiations involving the U.S. to her class the power oI unity. She took ruinous for America, because they have
One would renegotiate treaties with re- a piece of strong rope, and ask ecl the been impressed by the _singlc-sti:il<ing
ect to the existing Panama Canal and st rongest boys in hCI' class to try to migh t of the ''llbeJ'a l" en emy, and thl!y
possible new "sea- level " canal across break lt. £acl1 one tdecl--ancl Jai led. have become r·e]ucta ntly dm \•lnced tha't
mama. It is still untler study in the Then she unwound the rope into a.11 its this enemy speaks for the majority of
ate Department and ' has not reached weak filaments; and sh owed how each the American people, whereas it speak!i
,ngress. could be snapped easily by an infant: only for a vicious ancl treacherous mi-
The, other, identified as the UN Dec- "Wound together," she said, "the rope nority whose one aim is to Communize
i-ation on the Eliminatio'.1. of Racial Dis- cannot be broken. Alone, each strand our country. Not for the Liberal/Com-
imination, is a treaty likewise being can be torn without effort." munists hundreds of little, struggling
nsiclered in the State Department, about And that br:ngs me to a11 the patriotic groups! They, too, have their ideological
1ich tt;e Richmond (Va.J Neti.;s Leader Right orgnnizations in 'this country. I differences, with different emphases. But
,serves that it is obvious "that Ambassa- l:ielong Jo, ancl support, practically all of they unclcrstancl, with the wisdom of the
,r Goldberg is 0~1t· to destroy legal pro- them, for I am now cle!iperatcly worried serpent, that they must put aside their
~tions (such .as freedom of speech) that about my country's freedom ancl future. small regional pn~jucliecs ancl ideas and
,.-e been painfully developed by 2,0:10 Of necessity, the amount I send
loc~l ·aims, and get together on the main
nrs of vVestern civilization." small, for are so many of them. plan-the destruction of our Constitutim1
To be sure, LIBERTY LOBBY is_ keep- They cc,me and go, these fine and strug- and the death of our country. And--
": a watchful eye on U1ese dan gerous gling organizations, because they do not make no mistake about it, thev mean
oposals and will keep up with d evelop- have enough financial backing, or en- not only slavery for the peoille but
:n ts, if any. ough power alone. And that is exactly actual physical death for those individ:
• what the Liberal/Communist Establish- uals who oppose it. Somehow, the
. thought of a dde in a tumbrel towards
ment wants! ~Ne are playing into its
ard cf Policy Representatives hands. As Benjamin Franklin said so the scaffold doesn't appeal to me'. Yet,
nw \Vashington Representatives of the eloquently, "We must hang together, 01· that will be the fate o.f most of us, or
000 member LIBERTY LOBI3Y Board hang separately." exile into an Alaskan Siberia. Unless
Policy ai-e presen!!y beginning a we unify.
111ncr! prog1·am ,of tol11·s through.out the The situation in America is now so Together we stand; divided we fall.
':i.. .incl hope to be ahle to meet n1ost dire that it is no longer a ·question IF \Ve hang together, or hang separately.
the members by the encl o! the year. the Right groups should get together. It Together, we can save our country.
:.!embers who wish to contact their is the most pressing of all necessities.
:'lresemative to offer assistance in their Div ided, we shall lose it. Time is run:
ias may write directly to the Washing- We have all seen "conservative" Sena- n ing out. The· time is NOW! ·
1 oJlice.

LIBERTY LOBBY needs your vote to help determine the five nominees to meet with Presi-
dent .Johnson .. Yom· vote is also needed to select four issues to be discussed. Mark ·ballot bel°'Y
and mail to LIBERTY LOBBY. Be sure to cast your vote before November 30, 1966.
KO TE: This l:>allol may be -copic c.J by any Conservative pcriodic:ii or rcprin1cd for dislribution as a pamphlet providing thal no alterations or changes me made.
r, ~1 ra <Copies of this issue of /.llierty Letta are available al the rate of 10 copies fur $1; 25 for $2; 100 for $6, post paid. · .

Y~u may vote for any five ,;,en (or wom~n) in America. You may vote for le;s, but not for ~ore . The q'ua.l iflcati ons c:m \ha t yc ur
rni nees" must b.e knol'/n as dedicated cham µions of Ame riq,, and the y cannot hol d a politica l office or be actively consi i;leri ne runni ng for
e. 'Ne are r~st rict ing nom inations to uno!fiaiat personali ties only to keep pa rti san pol itics QIJ t. Your nominees may be Repu blicans, Demo•
,;ts, C,onst:tutiona lists or any thing else.

- - ---~ ·---------------- ---- - - - ------- · ------ I

Olff U.::UtU. BAL'l.O'r I
Vote for the five meri of your choosing to comprise the D W,ar on Poverty D Vietnam I
delegation to meet with Presi dent Johnsor,. I
0 Foreign llid D . Inflation
Check the four issues which you would like to see D Civil Rights D United Nations I
~ · di scussed with Presi dent Johnson. NOTE: Mark 4'
Only. O Taxes O Government Spending .:
D Investigation of D Trade with Communi,t I
State Dept. Nations 1
?.. I cerlily rhat this i< /,~., only ballot I have coil in thi: poll. I
3. I

NAME ......... .... ..

(Order of listing has no signiiicance,
NOTE: All ballots mu,t be received on or Noven,bcr 30, 1$56
Delegates will be chosen t.,y total vote only) I
• -·- - - - - - - - . - - .. . . _ _ - - -·- - - - - --- - - - - - - - , .,. ,.. . __ - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - .. - - . - - - -- - - _ _ _ ...,...,, _ _ _ _ _ ,... .. _ _ - •
t,:µi m ~ ~'f,f) ~ 1~ ~ (!!1(0 · ~ ~:1rr11 ~ «r,
r,11 ~ i: cyj) i1 ~)1 ~ v.~j ~
1!1,~ ~ ~ ~w~ tr1 ~ ,\:dJ ~ w~ 0 ~FJ L;@~ ~m~U ~t:~bJ~~
tl ~,
September 24, 1966 •

Is Lyndon Johnson the "Preside nt of all the people," as he claims, or is he the private property of the minority, special-interest. pressure:
ls? \Vith your assistance, LIBERTY LOBBY is going to cause him to prove th8t'he is one or the other!
Why is it, that President Johnson ~ee ms ~o be so powerfully_ i_11flu~nc1:d by th~ de~ires of 1Na.lter Reuther and Martin L. ~ing?_. It is so
15 r.President Joh nson 1s a man with a highly-developed poht 1cal inst inct He 1s famed for tl11s throughout the world. During his career
ls shown c1n astounding abil ity to sense the wind of public opinion. Shaping his .actions to thTs instinct, he· h<is• pushed.through to the
,f his profession. . ,.
As a Representative, then U.S. Senator .from Texas, he upheld Texas interests. He was a segregationist, a Conservative and · a defonder
,e Oil Depletion Allowance for the multi-millionaires.
Ar, President, he has reversed himself. He ha~ championed the Black Revolution, the Latior Bosses and out-and-out sor;ialism. And, as .
:Inds of Conservatism are now growi ng to gale strengt h, he decided to become an "anti-communist" crusader- this is why American boys
lying in Vietnam. His speeches about commu ni sm today sound as if they were wtitten by "Right wil'!g . extremists" fifteen· years ago!
The point is that if Mr. Johnson were to become convinced that public opinion in America had swung to the Right-that voters were
up" with hea vy taxes to pay for parc,1sitic welfare schen,es, and lh al they had enough of' civil riots, rorei~n aid and a very "foreign''
y- if tio were to become convinced of these tili ngs todc1y, then'Lomorrow the direction of Adminlstralfon policy would be changed. Lyn-·
l!!,1 d s by rollowing publ1~ opinion. And the greatest fact of public Oi?inion is that, in spit_e of our con~ro lled press and th e da ily diet of.
lj\i.! rJ New~ from TV, movies and government presSa releases, the Am:mcan people are turning to the Right.

L ICT£fHY L.O00Y has a Plan . This Plan is ot' major importance. It involves YOU. It is so bol·d that it could prevent the final plunge of
·,c:, into the pit of an international slave state. It is a Plan in which, you, as a responsible, tax-paying citizen, concerned about Ameri-
fur u,~. must play a part. · · ·
ln;, nutshell, the Plan consi sts of having five leading Ame dcan!i-representing the responsibl':: majority of Americans-to person.:illy confer
the Prl!sident of the United States to discuss with_ him, convincingly and sincerely, the great issues of the day. · ·
Our (]!!legation will represent ' no special-interest pressure group. The members of it will have no material o'r selfist, int'er!;st of any 5urt.
will sr,e?.k with their minds and hearts about the sad plight of our beloved America and Constitutional governmen t. Havir,g been se-
d b:r many thousands of voters, they YJill speak with the authority of more than twenty-seven million disfranchised Americans!
Such ;, conlerence is likely to have noticeable effect on Admin istration policy if it is carried through successfully. Of even more import-
it could establish a precedent to enable Conservalive_s i~ the ruture to have ~ "'pipeline" irito· the White House to compete with that
1 the Left has had. It could not help but balance Left1~I influence on the President. · ·
Thi,s conference is of vital urgency for our future because of the .alarming lack of' leadership in America. The bosses of the Republican
hnvc proven themselves over and over again to be incompetent as leaders and politicians, and it is wishful thinking for. responsible
ic~r,s. to· expect salvation frorn them. ..
Nor can they rely ,on any one of the many "third'' partit:s which s.truggle for recognition because none_ is strong or representative
~h to speal, for all Conservatives. But the dclerration of five palriots-which YOU will c_ho~se-will be ab)e to speak_for us all! .
A special messenge r has· just hand-delivered a retter to the White House for the Pre sident. This teller is copied on page one of this
a challenge to LBJ! It is a challenge which
I Letter. It. presenls the many rea sons why he -should consent to the conference. In effect, it is
,iy choose to ignore, or to decline, but one which neitlier he, nor the Washington · press corps, nor anyone who kno\·1s about it can
Jok. If Mr. John5on does not accept the challenge, then he WIii never again be ab\~ lo cl;iim ll1at he is President of "all the people.'i
Th'? reuson for this message to you, as a responsible and concerned citizen. is to ask you sincerely c.1nd fervently to help select the five
ns who v,111 rnal<e up the Conference Delegation. It is veiy important that you help in• this plan-and that you seek the aid of you r
,rv.i live friends and neighbors and as50ciotes, too. The more wh.o participate, the more authority the delegatlon, will have!
All you have to do is·· to return the ' ballot on tile ·revet·se side to LIBERTY LOBBY. Just mark it, cut it off, 2r\d mai I. You hava
No·,;::: 30 to ~':?rid in yol.l:' b:'l!f.:)t 2fl • ' as ·ma!:'.! •:is; yc•~1 i.:2n collect fr.-m your Con~er1tJti 11e friends. Permission is hert! by gr.~nted
)rint th e ballot in any Conservative publication or as a leaflet provided it · i'.l• reprinted in full · ;.vithot"1t alteratioris. l'ncidental ly; b'a l!o ts will
·.:iifau!e ,ror inspec tion by a·ny qualined person afterwards. · ·
fou m wy \'Ole for any l,ve men (or wom en} in America. You may vole for ·1ess, ou1 no\ f-0r more. The only qualifications are· that your
ne;:,-, must be known ,as dedicated champions ot Amari ca,. and they cannot hold a political office or be actively .considerin~ running for
\','.J .ir.:?. res_trictr_ng nominati~ns· to tmofticia l personalities on ly to keep partisan politics out. Your nominees may be Republlc:ari-s, Demo-
Constitul!onaltsts or anything else. · .
For exa~ pfe. YC1.ur nominees could . be an author, you· admire,· a speaker, a leader of a patriotic· group; a publi~her, a retired military man
,1rcd political. figure, etc. The person receiving the most votes will' be asked to head the delegat ion· and- the four next highest will be
J to be members. · ·. '·.
Thus, each person you nomin ate should be qualified. He ~hou ld be self-confident but' ~ooperative, knowledgeable, articulate, and ~bove
ourageous-we do not want nominees who are afraid to unaertake tl'le responsibility, or. who qre easily intimidated.
In a_dditi'on lo voting for fiv~ delegates, you are also asked to select \he four most imp~rtant issues which you would lik~ · see dis- t~
d. lh~ attach ed ballot lists many of the most important issue s at this time, as we ll as providing space for you .to list additional ones
u desire. But vote for four issL1es only-if you mark more than four, lhat portion of your ballot will not be counted. · · -
I believe! th~l this Plan for a conference with President Johnson of'fers a rare opportunity for positive acco1nplishment. Assuredly, your
·~d cooperation will greatiy aid in th e attainment of our objt!ctives. Please le t us hear from you at once. For the sake of our beloved
;,·y anti our luture, please <.1dd your weight to lhous;:inds of other responsible Americans in this effort to enlist a great number of voters
1lakc thC! confe rence with the President a resound ing success. I am cou nting on you.

. Cordially,
(.Cuntin11;ed from P~ge 2, Colwn·n. 3)
deprive them of their liberties.
Wilm this happens, the call of his
t,~' is clear to H. R. Gross. Orcliriarily
quiet- c\·en taciturn--man, . the mere
courts o.f public opinion. Tomorrow may
be too late!
Somewhere in , the Beyorid :Toscph
MeCarthy must have signed when the I
~~in • > I

· - - -,,. !-.----,
z;.,. 7'it!&µ
ent of legalized larceny in an Ac:t or
State Department admitted this month ' 1 ~~ M • :ui!r.J tdito•
that 30 employees w.ei·e·dismissed last yea!'
1 Amendment L, enough to transform for security risks. Of the 30 just 2 were for
r. Gross into an avenging angel, armed non.homosexual. reasons. Accorcting to I'm glad that . so many of our sub•
th swore! and .trumpet. House Appropriations Committee testi- scribers agreed witl1 my comments last
His sword is a- razor-sharp understand• mony one of the 28 homosexuals c1isrnissed month about The Bondcige: of the F'l'ce.
g of the issues facing America, and,- in was a U.S Foreign Service· employee. with I've received many letfers from readers
:>use debate, he uses that knowledge to 17 years and 8 months service with this sa.ying that this is without a. the
ftly cut away cant and hypocrisy. security-conscious agency! :wonder if best book they've seen on the subject oI
HIS TRUMPET SOUNDS some alert Conr,ressman would investi.g ate Civil Rights.
cc Gabriel 's. He speaks as the consclence the number of communists, fellow trav- It is also gr'atify(n·g· thctt so many o[
the House of Representatives . O! all eers and homcsexu:c>.ls in the vast Depart- ·them took advantage of the lower quan-
e 435, he has the ka~t guilt to bear; but. ment of Health, Welfare 'and Education? tity prices and ord ered extra copies to
them all, he alone takes, it up and Insi.ders believe HE\.V harbors more sc. dJslribute to . others. Thi:,;' is truly on~
·ars it. curity risks than any other federal ageacy. book which ~houlcl be read by eve1·v
The annals of nine United States Con• An impartial investigation should be made Ame'rican, whether he be Liberal or Co,i.
·esses arc marked with the wit, wisdom to discover the truth of these rumors. servative. So, if ypu still hav~n•t orde:·ed
1rl righteousness of H. R. Gross . We · PANAMA CANAL TREATY your copy, I urge you .fo do so toe!,;~:.
tould ask ouselves: What have we· done It is now appai'ent that the Poverty
deserve him? Let us not wait too long Panamanian President Marco A. Robles
is telling American fricr.ds he expects a Bill, the subject of povei"ty, and the waste,
ask. corruption, scandal and totnl . nonsense of
For we are told by others who should Canal Tr.eaty with the U.S. by next July.
Interpreted, this means, say Capitol Hill the programs no,v underway will become
10w, that H. R. Gross might not win one o! the major campaign issues in the
·•election for lack of funds. We have observers, that our State Depa;·tment is
willing to accept the fact that only agree- November elections.
>tasked him. We know what his answer For some unknown reason , it is difficult
ight be: ment on new joint controls of the present
Canal can be reached now. The State for some of our· citizens · to believe that ,
"IT'S NONE· OF YOUR BUSINESS . . . Department doesn't want to have a con- as much as $39,000 was spent to train
s the business of the Third District of •.· ~ -,. - . one .Job Corps enrollee
troversial treaty relative to a new canal
debated in Congress before the next presi- for one year and that
For that, too, is just the way he is. dential campaign: ,this money came out oi:
e has never even accepted a free copy ~~ their pockets: They. can,
· our publications. He pays his own way. Patriots mL:st let Congress know they .~;?i(ir"~
are opposed to any further extension of J~:.ic,W,~
not believe tli'a~ taxpay•
'ell, i.f that·s what you like in a United ~m;~ · ers footed •the bill for
Panamanian contt·ol over · the Canal..:....
ates•. Congres,sman, (ar1d we suspect ::.~ over.. 37 people at the
now or 'in '68.
is), why not let him know you feel that elegant 'Astor Hotel in
ay? Now, before it's too late? . · · :, N ·e w ·York for months,
From. th·e. Rep·ubllcan Congressional including ~aid service and $9 per day for
~mpaign· Com.mittcc, we obtained the CELEBRATE U.S. DAY meals. But they ~id .. And simply because
!dress to which your ai)preciation of ~ !:.::~ an official of the .Poverty Program was
~ ...,,.<: ..,: F - .. . . _ ~
. R. Gross may be sent: 509 4th St.,
.,-¥(3::;~\})~t~ :·- .. told that the 37 did)l't ha.v·e enough heat
t 1,. f~\1,;,_;c-~.,,.-;:-,., ~~.
ll'kersburg, .Io\\'a. , ~I;:
; \ \'-'' U,:· ,..!..!o •- ....,. ';.. in·: their apartments ·d1_1rlng e.x tremc .
~··$ ...:!. ' • •· • • r- •.J •• J l \ \1~:-,;.: ,f ½ •~..:'.;,-~~~
cold spell. ·i
For these sleepwalkers who· d<m't · be•
\~i \\k....-;..._:. ..c/',..~.-;-;;~ ".:
,;~ ,. /.·. ;~· AWN§ ~~~©~TS·: / ,".;\ k i,-,..~.,,~
~· A -·-
lieve, ·the best remedy. that ·.rve come
·.:·;.. · - -. ,_ ,. by Stanley M. Andrew~ I. .,I'•/ ,;_.,.,.~
.- .,~
,.~ _1.,...-;,-~/
, ,,. .,,..;,-
1r..-. ef. ··'"_,,
~,-••.._~ -
7' •
across lately is Pass the P.oi:erty PlenstJ,
I'\ book so well docume:1ted that the au-

. .;;\•·- ·: .t :J Another U.S.-Soviet nu-

.' .~ ,\,:~: j clea1: treaty is in the
makmg. Secret talks.are
.'·~~\\ y~-·--
/ I. :t•

.\ 1 •I hors were· invitr,d -lo. t'~s~ fy ..before !.l!<:

Co,ng rcss·ional Subcommit tee . on tfre \.Vt11"
on Pc,v~rty. . .. .
ready underway for a non-proliferation
~ ,r'- · Another book \vhich deserves much
;rceme:nt. Of course, the Russians will •x --·toCTOBER 23, 1966 praise is shown In the advertisement on
~ pleased if · we agree to keep nuclear
page 4. Std/cc Fro;n Space by PhyUi ;;
capons and information from our allied
~Let Qld Glory »'ave Schlafly • anc.l Chester Wat·d is n tim elr·
ATO fr(em)s and specifically, \Vest
book which has been updated into a
c-rmany. The non.npclear nations would 1966 campaign edition and .~vill . play a n
LIBERTY. LOBBY needs funds to conti~ue and lrr,porlant role ln the coming elections.
so hasten to sign, too. Tj1ey have nothing expand Its work. Contributions gr~tefully ~c-
cepted in cash or securitl~s. If int'l!rcstcd in Please order yo1t1" copy of this book di-
, lose. But Red China and Imperial including this l.nstltution In your 'r/ill, intor•
ranee, uncle1· that Supreme egotist De- matlon will be sent upon request. · om: Pel'e Marquette Press, P .O. B o.~·
495, Alton, Illinois 62002.
aulle, would continue their grim quest
•r nuclear power. Until these nations
·e ready to cease their search for nuclear ·, - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - · cut coupon here -----------------
tperiority against the \Vest such a pro• I. .UEAR uat:RTY LOBBY:
lscd treaty will be a meaningless farce,
; the tragic history of the so.called Nu. I Ple3SP. send me .. ... .... ....... copies of · Pas's th·e Povr.rty Please (.75 each, 3 for $2;
10 for $5, 25 for ito) · I enclose $ ......... ...... .
ear Test Ban Treaty has been. . I
\Ve need to watch the Johnson Admini- I Please send me .. ........... ... . co;i,ies of Bondage of The Free ($1 each, 5 for $4, 15
ration closely on this isSL\e. The Presi- I for $10, 35 for $20. 60 for $30, 1,000 or more•
35c each) · I enclose $ ......... .....
'nt is in dire need of some dramatic I
ove to appease the liberals. This may I P!ease send me .......... , .. ... copies or Victory' Denied (.75 each, 3 for $2) I enclose.$ .............. ..
; it! I
Already a large g,roup of left-w ing "in• I Picas,, send mc ............... . coples ot Lawle~s Tyranny ($1 each, 4 for $3,
E!"lclOSI! $ ........., .....
llect~1.:ils" have !orrried an impressive l 18 for $10, 100 for $50)

,rnm1ttee to put strong pressure on the I

I Pls,ase send rnc . .. :..... ..... ccr,ies or tl1is Newslettsr (10 for $1, 25 ror $2, 100
resident.. Conservatives should lnunch for S6J I ericiosc $ .......... . ..
1incdiately a counter•campaign in the I TCTJ\L $ ............... .
I M'i' 11amc? and add1 css aoor:ar correctlv on the !''=!verse side of thi!i col!oon.
Letter to ·the President (continued)

u. yo ll aon·c ·get a _,pe1·somil ackn owlccl1.;,i.
ment for your f:ontribu tion, you know--~oi•
1e· interests of only part of the people-and s hould · kn o w- h ow wo nderful w e lhi nl; -
,ey will be discussed from that broad stand· you arc. By your prompt net ion; you nia..,
oint. · liave made histoi·y ori Capilol Hill. Anti
I am firmly convinced that many hundr.eds as far as we are concerned, you've rnadQ
' thousands of voters-even twenty-seven history in our book in that chapte ~· titled
,ii/ion of them-are convinced that their '"Your Innucnce Co~wts . . . Use.It!" '
lices are not being heard amidst the ciarn-
. of the ·special-interest organized press1,1re
·oups. Our delegation wi 11 be prepared to
,eak for this disfranchised, neglected
f Just like peopl e never think to sav
good things abqut a man until he's passccl
inority. away, a!ld . beyond hearir:g; so it is that
I am confident that you will receive our after every election there is al,vays at
:legation because the record proves the least one good, o:1tstanding public servant
·eat solicitude and politeness which you who for some unknown teason ·has been
3ve always given to even the most contro- laid low at ·the polls, and suddenly .th e
:rsicll groups and leaders. For example, a5 editorial writers look up in surprise and
resident, on Decem ber 2, 1963, yoL1 gave an thin\< of all the reasons why that mall
1:ard to Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. And be- aid ncit deserve to be defeated,
ire U1en you telephoned and visited the lclte So it \Vas following the stunning d~ -
:.ibrcy Wi IIiams. Sti II another controversia I fcat of that grand old pillar of the
1dividual, David Dubinsky, has many times House of Represen tatives, "Jud ge" How -
ef:n a guest at the White House, and on ard Smith of Vi rginia. Sudoen ly, all· the
,::tober 15, 1964, you delivered an address papers who had been lambasting tln~
1 the liberal Party of. New York, an extremist
Judge for all these years as an "obstruc-
nd socialist g'roup which is largely controlled tionist," etc., began to tell the truth about
'I Mr. Duqinsky. him, and the great service he had per-
In the field of civil rights, you have been formed over the last thirty-six years.
V✓ hy is it t11at th e press nevtlr seems to
J.tremely receptive to groups and leaders
ho feel they do not receive enough special ·EDITORIALS get around Lo praising a man li k e fi:oward
ttcntlon and money from the taxpayers. Smilh untn it's time fo r t he ''polilic:'I \
mies Farmer, Martin L. King, A. Philip Ran- obituar)"'? · . .
DE.l\lONSTRATION CITIES BILL We don 't know about the "free" press,
olph, Roy Wi Ikins and Whitney Young, repre-
::ntatives of but a tiny minority of the On August 29 we rushed out a very b\,t -we don't in tend to wake up on No.
opulation, have personally conferred with important Emei·gency Liberty Letter to vember 9 with lhe feeling , that we "ought
JU on many occasions and have received all subscribers regarding the so-called to have said .som ething belore It was
,vards from you. "Demonstration Cities" · Bill. The mailing too late" about
· Another controversial group, the Anti-De- \".<mt out by first class mail and .was A TRULY GREAT CONGRESSMAN.
1mation League, hosted you as the main delivered everywhere in a few days. We're talking now about H. R. Gross,
peakc-r on February 3, 1965. \Vhat a response! Some congressional who represen ts Iowa's 3rd Dish·ict in a
A large amount of your time and attention offic:es w ere buried in wires, ma il and manner of which it should be very proud.
as been eiven lo indfvidua_ls who purport p~tllfons, Jt was t>i e greatest thing you've The fact is, the Gentleman from \Vater-
, ropresent special , classes of the popul-a- don e s ince you - ,the subscribers - killed loo is the only l\'Iember of Congress we
on, su ch a s Wa lter Reuther and George Jtte Consular Treaty, last yea1·. know of who consid e rs• the fl oor of the
leany. T!1e Democrat_ic National Committee · · Did• Congress get the message? Well House to be his place of work. Oth ers
as publ_1c1zed that, for a th_ousand dollar. the Demonstration Cities Bill, as of this look upon their offices ;is the eente·11 of
r~ntri,bu~'.on, _a ny ,weathy" bus1ness_ma_n can writing, s_till has not been called up for their activity, a nd som e never even go
>in_ tne_ Presidents Club, an~ be invited to House action! So far it is still languish- onto lhe n oor ,of th e. House until cal)ed,
JCial tunct1_ons .. where yo~. '-'t"
nd to receive moment~s ,rom you. Cliff
be prese~t ing where it was on August 29. This coii,ld
be a great victory 'for responsible aovern-
bu t nol I-I. R. Gross. Ii th e Co ngre ss is· in
session, doin g the people' s business, th e:1.
ar_t~r. !~r~1er Ex~cut1ve Director of lhe Derno- _·mcnt! .... "' Mr , Gross wants to be •.vhere the busin ess
hcts evet1 stated-··
ranc 1"at1onaf l.:oir:1.,, i ltee, & : .. , - is being done. .
1at members of the President's Club can · ·~s ~:ted ll1 th e}~m~rgn~i_cf Le~wi·, ue- Thei·e lie sits, reading and listei'1ing;
"1V'ae direct access to you, personally. fe~: o! ,he J?e~1on..,~_1 at10n L.ltte~ B111 co~l~ writing and listening; watching and lis-
On ,November 19, 1964, speaking to The alsu clo?b~t c1v1l 11ghts and tn<': Pove1 ~)' tening; until, as always happens, sorn~
ommittee for Economic Developmet1t you , app'.·op~·~at1011 . As ~o~ now, _the rights bill proposal is brought,up that will do_'harm
aid, "The doors of the White House will be: loo ks _hke a lcgfsl~t1ve C0IJ.~Se, thanks to to the people; ·or waste their substance:
pen to you ..." Mr. Pres ident, we, too, would. sen ators who have finally d1_s~ov~red tha_t
ke to go through that door. As Americans, voters have ha_cl e_nough of c1v1l _riots. And
· (Co1! ti.nued on f age S, Vc/1;1nn 1). ·
·c desire equality of representation. the ~overty 1:111 1_s presently !11ired down LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
From our standpoint, it would be most m sticky leg1slat1:,,e c1ay, wh1.~h appears Dear Sirs : ·
esirable for the conference to be held in to have been deliberately mo1stened by Ench 1irnc I receive :in " EMERC. ENCY I. ETTER,"
(3nd ( honcsll y di) l)ClidvC them to bo Sl~h) , ii NSI $
lashington in mid-December. However; we an embarrassed ~dministration. me SS ,Oil IQ hel p ddr:ry the rost of !'he cme ri:cn~ y
re ready, willing and able to tra'lel anywhere . In Washington, nothing is sure. The pl>Sl31:,C. ~fa, I nmkc a SIIU&C-5tio:, thnl should n,3t<
thi~ a,Jdlt ioMI, untJudu11tcd expense unnecessary in th e
ithin the continental limits of the United situation could change for the wo1'se i.f. lu1urc?
tates at any time at our expense to meet • responsible pressure on Congress is Jet up, The sugr,cstion is that the subscription fee be in-
crc3scd to S2 ,U(l per annum. anct place the extra uo ll:tr
ith you at -your convenience .. We do net or iC the President calls Congress . back in itn EMERG EN CY FUND, for any cmcrgcrtc)' t ll>,
iquire nor shall we request special trans- after elections to grab some otherwise un- might happen during any i~:ir.
ortation. The only request we have is that· obtainable dollars and benefits from the .. DONALD F, DARROW
Honolulu, Hawaii
·e be allowed to record the conference. · taxpayers. Gl)ntlc111c11 ;
This meeting will not compromise you, Now is not the time to cro\v about A.< n member or the Rc,n rd of Policy, I o/ln 1hc
Ir. President, nor ourselves. · [lut it should victory; now is the time to ro1111wiog suugcs1 ion wt;,·ich l toelicvc. H put in10_bt 1~~
,nn ~r•~IIY lncn-nsc the olle~1ivenes; of LIU roll I 1
ring a greater un_derstanding of motiv~ an_d THANK YOU AMERICANS' LOBB Y a nu ha51cn ftl\irn 10 Co11sti1u1innnl ~-•·:~ rn -
ct,on on the part of all concerned, which ,s ' · ruc.ut.
We shoultl ~~l up Lobt,y br anch<:, In c\'N:; t ~;,lu1I
esirable in these perilous times. we· await for your ,vonderful. work. And thanks, d1y of every ~t;11c of !ht Union. We shnu liJ -~·nrl< "'
l:l' I rl~ht lhlnkl;ii, men 111 lhe Sl~tc -lc~j,;ln1 u rc.~. "'· t h.1\
;:,ur reply. also, for the letters and contributions sent. (~wrc Cons<i1,11 ion11 I arnc11d 111c,11s mn¼i~n the rouml• ,,,
Respectfully yours, to us t~ cover the mailing expenses. lhc s1:11c~ woul(l s1u11d r, sood d 13ncc of hcinr. 1 ~: ,1l~J
. . , Th is sort o f 11oli1kal pincfl~.r behind tho Jin« ,,/
CURTIS B. DALL We're neck-deep in mai].....:a lot of which 1be W as h ini;ton roli1ieian~ wo11ld mn:tc 1h cm r:•u1 .-
Chairman, ""'arc of lhc force s (voters) back hoin -o.
won't get :.inswered as well as we'd like
Board ·of Polley JAMES I' DUCOS
to, or even ge,t m1s,vcrec\ at all. So even Metaitic, La.
0 :J.. - IO& '11'-/-- 7~
....L : 11 ,......., "{ ;
r: ,I})~) ·1. ...,\..11 .E-, ~r ~r E p\..
I_,. '
~~ ..
D. C. 20GOJ
- ---=-- -....J:'

Number 69 Ed11cario11 without Acifrm a\1ailctJ:. 1\/aught Octobr!r, 1966

a nfe 1l 11 L=·rr. vi ri'tf {t\ !UJ~i,. :,rn!!',.r '.! .

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(NOTE ·10 READERS: This m;:,nlh, for the f:rst lime in si·< r~o q,
· ·;1
~ · , . , .. " , · -. ; ' • ~ •

the ''af.t;on" firsr pose of Libr rty teller ii c:rnu•lled in c rdc·r. ,.rs•; I• • -~ < , ~_.\,.;: I' \ .° • ...-

•< • • .-1
. " ... • .. . . , .~ ; - ) ' '
lo reprinl thi, very important leller lo Prc ,idcnr J.:,bi,011 .)
f '> .... ~i .

, !
~ •• ~........ ' ,._-,A~;. . ~ .,
~I • • .. ! ....c,.t .. • ...,f..:;r•- • 'I o l,J
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I -J: ,' . •l ]
- ~~ -:-:=·-· //.j
-. ... ->;, .. ✓ ••
--~,;,\ '

;; ' '

Septemb~r 23, 1966 ! - :i

Dear Mr. President:
.' . You have often said that you are Pres ident 11 of all the people," and have -received deserved ac-
claim even . fror:n· your'p9i,itfcal enemies ·t9r your .great ab ility to inspire different points of vj ew to .
"reason togeth.e'r " .until ·a ·consensus of opihion·and : action •can ' be foµnd . During your ten~re, · the,·
White H.0L1se bas oeen a meeting ground to·r many types· of interest groups•and -prga.r,i izatio_.~$_;_ and.
, you have. cf ten_ tr~vele_d to other c_ities in order ,to meet with. or spe-ak ·to vari0u~. spec)~~l-i~.t~~~s_t~;·:
,· . However, then~ •is an interest which has not been represented in these mariy confer~nces. you·
have .had except as a· byp·rod0ct and that is th·e interest of the ·voters and citi~e.ns who suppJy the
money and sons to k_eep 'your ·Great Society alive. These Americans have no. special-interest axe
to grind. They do not desire any special favor from their government. "They do not dernand · any
handouts or government. contracts. Their only ·concerr:i is for tt1e ·natio'nal well-being, and for ,the
bro~d welfare of the citizenry iq this, 01jr Constitutio_ nal Rep·ublic. · .. · . -. . . . · .
. The purpose _qf tl}is letter is to,,respcc'tfully request that you grant interview with a delega- an
ti!lll of five persons 1'epresen'ting these people, and that you discuss with them some of the great
i~Sllf!S of the day. .. . . . . . ,.... ' · · · . . ,, . . · . .
-.. • • .,. • o • o • •"" • • • •. • • • • I •, •, ,

Neith:er 9elegatic;>fl nor _agei;ida ar.e to be· s~lected by hlyse.l f or by .LIBERTY LOBBY, for we are
now in tt,e proc~ss of polling o·ur ~ubscribers to let them: decide who' will : compose the delegation
vnd· what subjec_fs they will see'!~ t(? discuss with you .. ·• . , · · · .:, . . _ - · ·-.
LIBERTY LOBBY was conc(;ived in 1955 as an idea and, after a period of growth, began op~
erations in Washington in 1961. Our purpose is very ·s'irnple: to endeavor to influence· Congress· in
behalf .of .what our a!m0st-.?.OO,OOO subi,.ct ibers_and. S' ipporters beli eye to be in the na\ional i-nt2rest · 0

and in ·accordance with Constitu{iona! government. iri order to achieve this, we lobby ·;11 · Corigress
anc_l try to inspire the creative , pressure of our subscribers upon their. elected representatives.- Our ,
purpose is political, not educati'ortal.. · · : '. · · . · · .. · · " ·
. Our poi.nt of .view has· beeri determined on 35 issues by vote of our ~-member E3oard of
Pol icy.-_! enclose a .COP.Y of tha·t P.olicy. You will not,:=/ that our. position on issues is prosAmerican,
anti:communist. .and genera[ly Gonservative: ·r1iis Institution cannot take :any, stand r~garding any
· · legi_slation Li'nJ~ss I it .ca·h .l?e Ju.~tified by _our ·Pol icy, arid,·even before requesting tbis interview with.
y~u we _s~licite.d an express ion. of opinion regardirig wheth·er we· should go a_head ._with it or not. .You
will be interested to k'no_\v that ' the· ·call that-we proceed was overwhelming.· . .. .
. We are nov,1 rhail_in,g a letter to
all of bur subscribers:.ln it, we ask for a vote .to determine the
five men.o_ r women . i11,Am~rica ·whorn our s·ub'scribers would most pr~fer tq.see meeting with you .
_There a_re no restricti.ons on ~heir nominees; we are not .trying :to suggest ahy_ individuals ourse·lves.
v:ve will abid~ by th~ c!ecision' and 'shall send out letters of invitation to · the five p~rso_n~ rece.ivi·ng
, tn~ f!lO~t y_c;ites. o,n _De.ce_n:b.~r.) , _1966. The _p_erson· receiving the highest number: of .votes , w!II __be
asked to head the delegation. · , . , . .. . . . ··
. 0Lff.poll 'als~ req_~·e.~ts ·.~n exp:·ession, ·regarding those .-issues most de~ir,~d .-t~, be .tjjs,c.~.!:S~~cl.
Again, we ar_e not selGcting !ssues ourselves, and• I :·have· no idea at U1is· ·time which,.is~u~s~v-:•il l
be chosen .. ;However, we have :iisted se·v2r 91_possibilities on·our,poll ballot. E~ch of thein ,1hc:·11y ¢r/n-
cerns.- the 1r:iterests and th~ w~lfare of the· i:>ntlre United ·States and everv. citizen----none• concfrn
. ·~ t ~ . - • • .. , : • - • ' • • • ' t • • • ~ ,l ..

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_.. ·· ··-·,::,:· . ... ·B ox 1114 · · .. , -: ·_ -<··.·. . .:: . .. · . l ....

: ' '·: :.•· . ·.• ·.·.: . . V:e~~e, Florida 33595 . ~ . ~ · · . , .·. . ....,-_.. · i:.. -~ ·. ··:r ·· )

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. ,._ ... ~-. . . . ' . . . . ·, . . ,..·; .
::. : \, ~ '-.... ·. .... · . .. ·. · . . Y_our 'iett.e;r of Nov.ember 2l'st, with ~closures·; . has
-,been received. · ·-: .. _., :•· · · .. ·... ·
- . . '- 't~
.. . ·· In fesponse ·to your· inquiry, tbls, i,ureau is strictly -V-f.
·,,,:!· .
·~~· -:.• 'I,.
1 ._ .•
- an·lnvesijgative agency of the Federal Goveinunent an~, as, such,
neither .m akes evaluatloDS· nor draws conclusions as·.t o the character · : ,··
...·.. .·.·., •' \, • : . ,or i_nte~" ~ -any o~gant~atlori, publication: or tndiyld~ •... -· ,<•: _._· · : ·,
.. .
. : .. ..·

.. . . ~-- .
. .. ,.

...:, ,, '·_.,_ -~ ·, .
.... ~
~ . • l :·..
·,. f
Sincerely you~,
.... • ...
_:. .. ., .•:'.' ,-:::, ~
. 1·.

. ~ - --
, ; ·, . • --, ·· ~ ·- '
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l Edgar: Hoover . . ·· ·t.1:: ·
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NOTE: Corresp9ndent 1s ·not .~dentifiable in Bufile~. Lib@rty ,l {obby'
ci:> ls-self~de.etcribed as a patriotic press~e g~oup which stands ,fqr ·

~ ' .
· .. co
. oO
Constitutional law, Americanism and individualism in.- oppo~ifftm to
~ternatlonaitsm and.collectivism • .. lfle have not investigated this ., .
i ·> .8
N :l Organization. The enclosures forwarded are descriptiv~ 9f Liberty
· Lobby ·- · -. .. · ·· · · . .- ' · · \
. ,;o .: ~: .
. :2;.. ',
' ' ) . : : •·/ : , S > <>• • •: > • ; • • f : .. , C , '\ ~

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t "0 ;Uffi(I ,.iu~m :Ii ~~'°~
lllomr.l tou:ar. II
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TtVE•·l/SERTY LETTER PAID SUBSCRIPTION CERtiFICATES FOR ONLY 50c !-.:_:~: ~ ·_ ·. . ~ ~?"·•/" , · ':-· .:. '
EACH. YOU CAN GIVE THEM TO CONSERVATIVE FRIENDS OR YOU 4 _; ~ -:· -- ... .. , " ..' - - -· ~ --i :Jx . •.-·. 44M · .f
''ri i:!i.,t1/« _::
•:· , ~ ~ ·i -J 1.Jf.• : ~ - : ·~ : ' :-~.i ·':; 'h,
1i=11:1,---- -

JANUARY 1, 1967.
In Lots of 10 or More
CLOSE MY CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF $...... !..... !Minimum Order - $5l
NAME _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ __
AODRr:»- - - - - - - - - - - - --___:.- - · · - - · · -······--·-- - - CHASES MUST BE RECEIVED BY DECEMBER ~
31, 1966. ~
CITY_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ STATE _ __ _ _ _ ZIP_ _ __,___
• How many times during the months ahead will you meet a subscription department as full payment for one year's sub-
Conservative activist who should be reading Liberty Letter but scription to the Liberty Letter. Name, address, and zip code-
does not subscribe? . that's all it takes-to get a' new ·subscriber on the Liberty Letfer
list, v,,ith -no fuss, muss or bother. And what a profitable· way
. How many times will you describe the great value of Liberty to take advantage of• those golden opportunities that would
letter to your new Conservative acquaintances and urge them otherwise slip_ byl Reason?° SimP.le, . . .
t~ subscribe (without really knowing whether they will or won't)?
Liberty Letter paid subscription certificates cost only 50c each
How many times will ·someone tell you "Yes, I want to sub- until December 31 ($1 each thereafter) in quantities of 10 or
scribe to Liberty Leifer and I will ... just as soon as I get home?" more; A 100% profit for your club or favorite political activity.
How many times will you fumble for a piece of paper to ·sy taking advantage of this low price now (good this year
accept a new subscription to the Liberly Letter? only) these certificates will be ·worth $2 each next year; four
times their cost to you.
Liberly 'Letter paid subscription certificates are the answer to
your needs! Handy for ·pocket or p\lrse these postage-paid So why not order a supply now, and be prepared the next
subscription certifi_cates are ac~epted at full , face value by our time you meet someone who doesn't receive Liberty Letter?

Mail To: LIBERTY LOBBY, 300 Independence Ave., S.E., Washington, D. C. 20003
300 Independence A venue, S. E.
LIBERTY LETTER ' Washington, D. C. 20003
YES-I want to renew my subscription now.
I uriderstand that this renewal will be added
to the time remaining on my current sub-
scription, if any. RENEW NOW AND' SAVE!



.., Your subscription will expire (month & yeor)
,o C'
0 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 ... I
0 3 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION, $3.00 33595-BOSE -424365 EXP 12-66 ..,.....
0 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 BOX 1114 -..s
VENICE fl :33595 ~
If wrong, please cor~ect 3
.; '.
• t •
"": .
: ,., •.

. '.
. ..,



. _ .. ) . : ; .~

0 ·. . ·.·/°''OJI
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I.-. Q .. - · ··
May 6, ·_1968

· \\tc-11'. .~~ ~
,,, ~


.- ~~arl
. .
l·_ ·.
With respect to the inquiry contained ·in your letter of
May 1st, this Bureau ts strictly an lnvestigattve agency of the Federal

Goyernment and, as such, neither makes evaluations ,,n or draws con- '.
. .
-as to the
c~racter or integrity .of any organization, publica-
. ' . -. . , .

: tion or individual,
.· '
I cannot ·comment as ·you desire. ~

I hope you will not infer either that we do or do not have material in
.our fUes felating to the organization yo~--menttoned•...
. . . - .·.. .

, , . ·__,Sincerely y~urs,' _. .. _
MAILED '24 · ··,;,:" Edgar Hoover
MAY 6 1968
. NOTE: Bufile·~-contain.µ,9 record of co~re-s pondent. ·.
. .
'1).··. ... .

. --. WMG:gky (3) t-1 '1 • ~ ,•(

::- ••••• <• h •t;,• t ' ' I • • •

·:-- .· '· :\) Jrt-··D~R-r21-10·1-.. ·

' • • t I

Tolson • ·.
DeLoach - · - - ••
· . . : L fI, /
Mohr _ _ _
Bishop - - • • : - .. .:

•. • .

. •In '";
• •• •• J w
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Casper___ . · · I • •

g:~'r~~an ~ ·- . . ~ -
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i:1 It !.-~f"".'iJH . .
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Gandy:.&w·.MA, ~it· ·~·"'oi,l~;~11,i!;~;,
Holmes - · .• -
~ MAIL • yv1 ¥'~1-~ 1s- 17
.. J/Jf'L·

1 26 April 1968

The Federal Bureau of Investigation

District of Columbia


I recently received an unsolicted article about

the U~d States and the gold crisill, writte n
by the Liberty Lobby_._" 300 Indep end enc e
Av enue , S. E. Washington, D. C. 2000 3.

While the article was ,rn no manner subversive,

it was somewhat degrogatory, and I am inter-
ested in knowing if this organization is on the
"up-and-up . "

Thank you for any information you may give

~E~ 7J;- (o ,)__ 16 {, '-1-/-J/S

{! :"$)~·~,J~
t •
ffe:_... -..: _;7,' ., 7 lf
89, HV ijQ 6 E lVM us~~-

SijflOl 'II \!HOO· 010'3l.1

.CORn : t ~NC.E
f- .,,,. • •

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I ." •~ .....,'T'\•
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·• --

June 11, 1968
. · _.- .
,EX~lO~ . ·ft;;.:-/ tJ '°9¥/ - "7?""

I H4 I _zzt.{ I b7C

Dea.rl I
Your letter of June 6th, with enclosure, has been
received and I appreciate the interest which prompted you to con-
tact me. -
. · In response to your inquiry, this B~reau is strictly
an investigative agency of the federal Government and, as such,
neither makes evaluations· nor draws conclusions aa to the char-
acter or integrity of any organization, publication or individual.
Therefore, I cannot comment as you desire. I hope you will not
infer -either that we do or do not have material in O\lr files re lat;.
ing to the organization in your enclosure.
, .


-•:-··.,, · IMAILEll ~ Sincerely yours,

. '

JUN 111968 J:. Edgar Hoov~


NOTE: Bufiles .contain no record of correspondent . .Her enclosure

is a solicitation ·for meinbe.'rs°llip by Libe r ty Lobby; 300 Independence
Avenue, S. E., Washington, D. C; t=2 - 900~:~i'c ~The Liberty Lobby is . +
·. self-described .as a pa.t riotic pr_essu,re g'ro~p believi~g in .constitu~"'l ~
1'olson _ _ __ tio~l law. It has not been·,~_tig~te,d ~¥ the._}:}~reau.:·.. C~rrect ·) / ~ -
Delo ach _ _ _
Mohr _ _ _ __ zip code obtained per Nationa~ z·t~ lcode -~,ectory.- · . : i,, . · , \ .',, . ·
Bishop _ _ _ _
Gasper _ __ _
Callahan _ __
Conrud _ _ __
Fell _ __ __ •
Cale-=---=--== FMG:gky (3)
~l~~:an·- - -·- r/JJJ{.,, /1·: :k _.;.;1,; ~ ·
~ -
Te l e.- Room - .
0. tA.J .•
· ~-

~:~;R 2 J i R ti:8J nLETYPE UNIT D

. .
.,._ ,,/


YES. l want to become a full member of the Liberty Lobby Team in 1968. I pledge
$ ................ monthly to help sustain your important work. Send my 1968 Board of
• 1 Year In Advance Enclosed
Policy Membership Card and Official Ballot to the address below. I understand that I • Bill Me For 1 Year In Advance
will receive a life-time subscription to Liberty Letter, the monthly report, Liberty
Lowdown and a free copy of all Liberty Lobby publications as they are printed. I re- SEMI-ANNUALLY
serve the right to cancel this pledge at any time, simply by notifying you. • First 6 Months Payment Enclosed
• Bill Me For First 6 Months

PLEASE CORRECT • First Payment Enclosed
"Q- - - - - -
D Bill Me For First Payment

b7C Loyalty Oath }lust lie Signed •
Name to putonMcmtierimijn; ard
if other than above (Please Print) .. ...........
The statement and Loyalty Oath below must be

* *
I am an American citizen, 18 years or more of age,
and hereby sign the below Oath which, when accom-
panied by my .Pledge of monthly support will quali-
fy me to be a member of LIBERTY LOBBY's
Board of Policy.


l. I certify that I do not advocate nor do I belong

to any group which advocates the violent over-
throw of the government of the Unite_d States.
2. / believe in the Constitution.
3. I place my allegiance to the Republic of the
United States of America above that which 1
give to any other temporal power, party or

.. Signed: ................ ........... ... .... .... ., .... ........ ... .


Pledging Members of the Board of

Policy automatically receive these ana
other extra benefits.





300 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, S.E. P. 0. Box 36132

As you read this message • • •

• • • the Second Ses.sion of the 90th Congress is voting on important legis-

lation in Washington. Suddenly, it appears that this Congress may yet have a
rendezvous with destiny that will lift it out of the ordinary~~and into the
pages of History--for better or for worse.

For there ~re great historical trends moving. •- . forces set in motion
over the l~s.t haV-cen~ury t _hat_f!OW approach their ~xplosive (?1~. !inY one of
them· could e·rupt at any time, transfonnfng this ·1ackluste r 90th Congress into ·
the :most crucial decision-making body since the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
Tfi~~e history-ma-~ing trends are: ..
. ..~·~
' -
· '- ,..
rf',]jh·e "Permissive" Soci 'ety .• • • drownif!g us in unp:r::e9edented filth
.,,'! and,, violent crime;
· . ·.- 2_'); ;rbe ·Decline of American Nationhood • '• • the ri,s~ of international-
-. ;\i ~;r:i._-and·:.;:the colla-pse of patriotism; ,. -~ . ,
J) ~The.":Racia·l Conflict •• ·• threatening to eng~f',' th_e -~~t;Lre Nation
.· ·in:,civil war; and • :\,,,? . , · . \
·4:,r:~ the. E~osion .~f_;~,the Economy ~ .; .• the lootµ~ :.bp.n\ii,ip:f;cy. pf the most
~A~ -c:;·:·.~.con?rniO system ~t~t ; 9~.~~ted by -man. ~ \, · ·;- •' \• : . ?r~
~.-:. . ,~! ~1t '~. ~~
1• .-~ - ·,. -,:.::_l~.~f~•:••:· . .~
-, - - ~~!_i~. ',;_··•: ~ . • :f_:.: -~
• · . ·.;_}. . -"..., 1•

.Any "o_rle .~ o.( · -these,'forces could nave re:vqlutiol}ary impa:9t .on ,o_µ.r _Nation. The
rapid ¢eyelo'pment ot;•;<?ne--:such as a . serious-;..901la'p se. 9f.•. ec,!i>no~7-could speed ~lie
up the ·de,.;,,~t opm_ent 9'f· the ·oth~rs. Thj:.s qcr}il~::~ ~S1;llt,.:.< HJ ~a •:~ po;!..5:~Ai~l:, ~~.x plosion
unlike any '9ther in History. -~ '-t./ ;:-;'i: ... :1:,..•·0:·.,'·a,"'~•·•:;,,.:: •.. ~~;;- --
}t\i,~> ·.: ·: ~•..(.
~,~~m:.~:~:~;: ):.\~:~ \: >r·
•• /•: :. ~, · ,.- "'·· • - • • • • '.' · ·.: •• ( (.'' \ , , .,; ~~-, . t•

And' w~~ .,.~l~ de: ~. wit h t~s crisis' when, it. ~

The fo r.ces'::··of Jfi':S-tory wi-H not necessarily ,wai \ fpr 'the_~..,e il.ection of a new
Presicient arid a'c.WEf~_ ' -··congr·e:rs': ::;'The ··grea~-::<:l~.c~?l:~ ~-~n~f ,~.~-~. made will -be -- ) . . t.: t~ .
made by whoever happ~ns to lead our Nat:i:'on_;at the,_ J 1I11~~:.of1:;, ~m.sis:.·
.,, - . •. \ • ·, ~;4. ~ ~~~,r~ '}~1_t-· ·.. .L ,\ • ~;:

Those who · look t o the November elections·· t6 - resolire our future

as a Nation may be looking too far·! Ol!.IK F.UTORE..MA:Y,,,,BE JULY • • •
. J t;TIIIE ;
tJn . • • •
' -··· :- ,·
.,.. ..:-~ a,~
• .,,,, .. ·,/:-;.,- ·~
: \·· ~ · !t-J .
!: .:· ,1 , • • /_ .. -ir~:~~::jJ-:•' -- ~=t --~·~:,;--
The e vidence is ov,:erwlffhrni~~• .. The strength of the forces moving our Nation
is clear, when you consider· · actions already passed or pending as increased
Trade With the Enemy, removal " of ,all gold backing from the dollar, establishment
of a new international money-system under the direction of Robert Strange
McNamara, price controls, wage controls, etc ••

That is why the 90th Congress is so important. It may be a nervous, edgy

Congress, made up of worried men who can hear a vote drop a thousand miles away.
It may be composed of members who are unsure of just what the voters really want.
But, it is the only Congress we have • • • •

..,. .t :,,1,1·,·:;--
. ._- . !,1,.;<;'-• •"-11,'•· .
•• . ., • •. • .., :::\
C I •

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. ~• ' 1 , ·•••·

What if this is the year of Decision? What kind of decisions will this
Congress make?Will it succumb to crime. ~ • or fight it? Will it allow the
racial conflict to become civil war ••• or will it devise preventive barriers?
Will it allow our last precious bar of gold to be shipped abroad to foreign
speculators • • • or will it stem the flow of Qur economic lifeblood?

Frankly, there is but one institution established and dedicated to influ-

ence the Congress to make ~right decisions on such matters in a time of
crisis. That is LIBERTY LOBBY.
Because politicians live by public opinion, as embodied in the fonn of
organized pressure groups, they tend to weigh the value of a lobbyist--or a
committee witness--by the number of voters he represents, rather than by the
strength or content of his testimony.
Although your LIBERTY LOBBYist speaks for all subscribers to the Liberty
Letter, we have found that what the Congress is really interested in is our
Board of Policy ••• the d~cision-making members of LIBERTY LOBBY~ -

1.Q!!., as a Member of the ' Board of Policy. can make the difference between
victory and defeat in 1968; and in doing so, you can make History.

Make no mistake about it • • • History will be made, regardless. The

question is: Will you help make it, the way you and I want it?

I have enclosed a folder that describes the various benefits that accrue
to Members of the 1968 LIBERTY LOBBY Board of Policy. THESE ARE ALL N&I
BENEFITS • • • the rewards of our new program that limits the Board of Policy
to Pledging Members ( and "paid in advance 11 Pledgers) only.
But none of these benefits and rewards of membership, no matter how valu-
able, are worth as much as the knowledge that each and every Board of Policy

The cost of Membership on the Board of Policy is minimal. Under the new
Pledging Member system, a Pledge of only $1 per month is all that is called
for. ~ t may pe in advance • . if you wish, Of course, many Pledging
Members can a.fford five , ten or twenty dollars per month, and without such
Pledges, there would be no LIBERTY LOBBY; but everyone can dedicate at least
$1 each month (only 25¢ a week) to shaping the future of America.
The case for your participation as a 1968 Board of Policy.Member is over-
whelming~ Every LIBERTY LOBBY witness who goes before a Congressional Committee
this year to plead our cause will be more successful, because you, and tens of
thousands of other patriotic Americans are standing at his side, as Members of
the LIBERTY LOBBY Board of Policy.

u) <l,

W. B. Hicks, Jr.
- Executive Secretary \

P.S. Be sure to return the enclosed "Valuable Coupon" so that you will receive
your free copy of the Liberty Ledger, and the new book, ROBERT STRANGE McNAMARA.

• ~ .1• ~..;-~; ... '"' '10- ,·.·· ::=-:r--:• : \:,~~: ,r ~ ·?~•..:~' - oct•
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· newal notice's. As a \ tul·I be~' mailed to · yo'u ·by . first
member of .the LIBERTY mail .each month .
L:cf)~~y tea njlj~ Y.OUr Tt;n~re is. no;-· subscription
~ .. l• ,, •~ • .J..,,, . "stJb~~rm~-
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each year. =.. r-" • Pl.~dging Mern~ers.
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~~;::;;~,-:~3°"-?§ actual testimony. presented by
.' ., ' ~ '//t «:_ ~~e~.:;~:;.::::-
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' sional• ·c ommittee·s: A val'uab'l'e
service 'in its!i!lf; it will give
· •

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=.~~~,?_1'.;; you the benefit of LIBERTY
:;;;-:-::.,,,?"· ........... ~i.- LOBB·v, f 'I h .
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3·s ··•"V •~uapuacl•pur 001; J.~OdSS'1d
~nOA SI a~vo S11-i.L

When our lobbyist appears before a: con-

z.=: 1 - - Pledge of Monthly Support. By pledging
gressional committee, he is presenting
testimony in behalf of all ' subscribers. But,
his testimony in behalf o:f members of the
T,::::i!.--::.--'-= •

~!~--::J your monthly support to LIBERTY

LOBBY, you are qualified to become a
member. The only other requirement is to
Board of Policy Is even more effective. ./~_11 members _re- I ,;;.,..,;;__..~-.- ·,; ,C...,J~IIIL.a-l,.f'.... • · -

sign the statement and Loyalty Oath on

Why? Because senators and representa• · ce1ve an attrach".e LY_ a.:;_.b* T the enclosed application.
tlves easily accept the fact that LIBERTY w~llet-size member- ~ §1:~_-=c_ ,·
LOBBY can speak for the members of the ship card each year. ; ====- HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?
Bonrd of Policy because their votes on the This card entitles ~.Jlf;::-.,:~ The amount of yOUl' monthly :support _is
entirely up to you. ·current· members
lssuei; al'e on file. them to attend the many functions the
Board of Policy holds. At the current time, pledges range from $1 each month to $50,
LIBERTY LOBBY is, and always has plans are being made to hold regional but regardless of the amount yo_u select,
been, dedlcated to maintain the American Conventions in m ajor cities all across the you will receive full membership.
tr.idition nf government by the people. One country. Y_ou may send the full year in advance,
way to achieve this is to make LIBERTY or if you wish, the office ·wm send you a
LOBBY wholly dependent upon the people An official ballot will be sent to all mem- reminder and a stamped envelope each
for their control, dir~_tion and support. bers which will allow them to vote on the month.
- If you want full representation-if you
want · to be even more effectively repre- a stand on in 1968. APPLICATION TODAY! BECOME A
_se·nted in Washington-you must become The many other benefits members re- MEMBER OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE
a member ·o f the Board of Policy. Only in ceive throughout the year makes member- CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL ACTION
this way can LIBERTY LOBBY increase ship on the Board of Policy the highest GROUP IN AMERICA! YOUR INFLU-
its effectiveness in speaking for you before level of participation you can have in ENCE DOES COUNT . . . USE IT TO
1EJiZ'&,;•i;l)!llh•,' i?Ji 1S, 1!IOl!inllllt42~1110nliO••~§i-;>1JIU:fli' ~~


T• a M S .'f .,T&
-· . ~. , •. ,, •~· - -• . , • • ,-~ .. . .
.=-~¼--• fi .i K: • •
T his. coupon, when prese nted to LIB ERTY LOBBY and accompamed =e-~"-'c.' O, . . ......

I,ii r
by an applict1tio11 for membership in the .Board of- Policy, is redeemable for . ;it
the foll mving two publications.

Slrangebob. A 160-pa ge book exposing the incredibl e record of
the man ,.·ho has been chosen to rule over lhe economy of the ...

-~ 2.
F'ree World.
LIBERTY LEDGER. LIBERT\' LOBB\"s voling record of your i.
·: ;

. congressman and senators for 1967. Cot·ers IO key issues of the
House and Senate.
This offer is made as an introduction to LIBERTY LOBBY's Pledge
,-~~~:1 ??~~
App reciation Policy. As a member of the Board of Policy, a free copy of
=. are printed.
.~~r,r ,<
\i:=;;~, m~.::-i
!.~ ~':!£ ~~~..,.~-1$1 ..1


. -

·;~~-- -.;-



. _.......... ,
--,---.. ________
July 3, 1968 )

tPJ). - Io h qt/ I -- 9 7


l De, I
Although I would like to be of service In response to

your request of June 28th, the FBI does not have forms of the type
you described for distribution.
For your information, the House Committee on Un-
erican Activities has prepared and released a booltlet entitled
~ _ 'Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications," in which are
~ ~ ~ isted some of the groups and periodicals which have been cited by
~ ~, ~ arious state and Federal agencies. · If a copy is not in your public
~ -1 ibrary, one can be purchased for• seventy cents from the Super-
~ tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington,
, _ _ _,_. C. 20402. A check or money order should accompany -your.commu:.
nication since the Government Printing Office does not forward
material C. 0. D.

) With reference to your inquiry regarding'iberty ~J!c, _ -.

the FBI is strictly an investigative agency of the Federal Government
and, as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to
the character or integrity of any organization, piblication, · o~ individ-
ual.. I hope you wW not infer from my inability to be of help either
that we do.,or do not ~a~e information concerning ~the ~~j'ect of your ~ .
inquiry •
•' l: r.··, 1 .: , .> •!, ,•,
' • # , ,
· · .
I , ' '
~ ,1 • - . ' '

j( ',r;;;- ; ... ·.. ~!~cerely yours, ~~

Tolson - -
DeLoach _ _
. •·. ,, " ' ;r: Edgar .Hoovet.
NOTE: Correspondent .is not identifiable in Bufiles. Liberty Lobby is
~oh, - _-_-_-_

sell-described as a patriotic pressure group believing in constitutional
:ot been investigated .~ y the Bnr~eau.
S ul_
Tave] l!v

_.Tele. Room -
__ • .,;
,€,~~ ""'


~ - ~ ,; \
~/ - ·V
#' •

Ju l , ,3~ •
Holmes _ _

1 2 1868

, \

-, I

I :
: '\

~ I
"'' ,.,, .
~-.. .: .,rl.(,.

.• · ·'
·• ,,..f·
,.. . . .. -~·

. .

AA.- 0y10~ :

. . . '
July 16,· 1968

b~- /o6 't'tl

....._,_,.~ • ,
~ DeaJ
' ;
With respect .to the. inquiries contained
. . in your letter of '

July 9th, this Bureau is .strictly an investigative agency of the Federal

' '
Government and,· as such, neither makes evaluations · con-
clusions as to the character or integrity of any organization, publication,
or individual •. Therefore, I canno~ comment as· you desire. ·1 hope you
will not infer either that ~e ·do or do not have material in our files

J ·r~lating to the ?rganlzation you mentioned.

Sincerely yours,

.J IJ.I.,: .1 G1968
.· 3. -~ ~II~
II. ~---- ·
.. !/l'Y~lll@'
.... f

NOTE: Bufiie:s ._, c.ontain no re·cord of corresp~~c:lent.

" ·' J . ' •·. ,~ 11:' 1 ; - r':.. t , f •·

\ •
Tolson _ _ _ __
DeLoach - - - -
Mohr _ _ _ __
WMG:11~ .. (3) .
- . r
:i\i : • • i
C onrad_
Casper·_____ pf(
-~=:~==== . '
Callahan _ _ __
.. ,~ f A/
L#·.,,~./ _
z ._ ..
S u l l i v. a n - • \V · •· . .
. ,· , · -.
, ~-·.

Tave! _ _ • . • . .

~T r o t t e r _ .
· ·•

· .,
, ,, .
:• , .
: ..6 ,. _, .
· .. -· :..: · ..~
~:::~:• o m _ . ........
Coo • , ~'l"Y.

':5 6 JUL 2 l§'sfl '"L"Y" umT D . nS'

.• \~ '~· ·" ,
:• ,

.·.:.. •.
I' .~- .

-4_· '
••C • •ft / "

' -,~- -- - - - - -- - -
~ ':,,

July 9,1968.

Gentlemen: I am directing this inquiry to you as being

the most likely sourc~ info!Tllation.
What is thH.ibert:y Lobby ? Is it an organ-
ization of any responsibility whatever?
I am shown their literature now and the11\ It
i s full of charges of Corrnnuniam and disloyalty,apparently b6
cast on any government official who doesn't agree with b7C
them. Now they are opposing any gun control laws. 0:>es
this indicate they are working for,or against, the in-
terests of this country and the Ameri.can people? It all
gives rise to a question in my -mind as to just what their
re~l aim is. I would like to know something more about
f2 ..,
Some friends of mine receive this literature
and are believ.tng it all. If they are being taken in I
would like to have some evidence of that fact to show
to them.


!/ f,ij;J'fi'. ':°i'l~ :;''.-,.1~ ~

cy_'-':..,_..,~ ~ •-- • • ..,..o·'- ~_.....:J.-·. Wb>
IC,:,, ~ ..QH Bi

y/-;lf~ f
0,&7) ,, /II ,fl ' ltfl
()/)l}'1 {f .
• 1"-"- • ,'llf Mr. 1olson1x_;,
Mr. D<?Loa~
,. . . ( ~

I -~ t
Mr. Mohr- - , _
Mr. Bishop\ \
Mr. Casr,er _\ ··s,
Mr. Callah~ 1
l ~
Mr. Conrad.. ~ \
I 'e1&-es53 Mr. F elt __ ___\. '.
Mr. Gole __ _ j \'
Mr. Rosen _ __\
~, ~., .¼tUo.1 · Mr. Sullivan,- '
Mr. TaveJ.. ___ _
INTERIOR DESIGNERS Mr. Trotter ________ I\
Tele. Room.. ___
805 PIEDMONT AVE., N. E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30308 Miss Holmes ... _ _
Miss Gandy ___ _

' ---

n ,2 0 Jf£~
J I . ~ ~ L.9. <?.
~ hz-.i.J ~ -
c : / ~ ~~ ~ _ , / 4 , - r - ~~ J

-¼,~. ,.~,111
~ ~~ fo ~ %~'
>n.u ~ 4,-~N4!
. . , % / 4 ; ~ ~ /4

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c 9 ~ ~ ~-~ -
-- -7

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. '& "'
~vJV' ~~\1·,...___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,
l f'/. t?~~~~~tu
l' f t ~ ~ ~~,
'f .•.,,~

• '60-6 t~ MR, TOLSON - -- - - -

~ H

MR. CASPER - - - - - -
July 2_7, 1968 MR. CALLAHAN----
MR, CONRAD - - - - -
MR, FELT - - - -- - -

J. Edgar Hoover MR. GALE - - - - - - -

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D. C. MR, TAVEL
MR. T R O T T E R - - - - -
Dear Mr. Hoover- MR. JONES
TELE. ROOM--- - -
I have received the enclosed in M1ss HOLMES - - -
the mail. MRS. METCALF---
M1ss GANDY - - - -

It is incredible to me that
anyone would set forth a document of this type
unless accusations are factual.

Will you please tell me who the Liberty Lobby

I is, and who finances it? .

. .I have underlined in red the accusations of

rimportance. Are they truths? ·

I ani re~ly co~cerned.

"'='- . Sincerely

Ip· s. Please return the enclosed papers at your

earliest convenience.

~\c. ~-;i
w 1;~,f114V n_


-.-: -~

.,• .

.. ·.
-:. •. .
• • •
. •-·
•I •-
. ... '

• • .. ••
.. 4
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• ,,

:• :·..
" • I ~"'
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·, - ' •'

.i August 2, 1968
j ,, ....
, .
I •


;~).\); . 1 /J ~ /() b gi)'I--/AJ ,.


t, . itt/1.\ {P,,r-, . . '. . .. :11 ,, , 'J -·· -J

. ,.
I •• ' •""



... , •1 •'\


De~~I I. · '

·! Your.let:te~ of°. July 27tfr;. :_with en~losuie,, .has been

received. t; •


'·:,, ' . ' ' ln reJ>1y to'your. inq\llry, this Bu~~au la strictly .an:··
investigative agency of the Federal Governm~nt and, as such,
neither ~es evaluaUons nor draws conclusions as to tne cha,.r•
J act.e r or integriiy of any organization, pubUca.Uon: or individual.·.: .
l Therefore, I ~ann~ comment as yo" desire.- ,I hope you will. Qot . · -
in.fer eith,j\r that we -do or qo not have materiai in 9ur tiles relat~ ·_· ·
ing t<> the-Liberty
- .
Lobby.. ' . ~.
. : ..
· . . ' . . ·- . '

.. . I lUi1 returning the enclQsui-e as you

. :,;equested. ..·., · ·· ·
.. ~ . . . - .

AUG2 ~

_.. w~···-:1.
• ' •
·, ••,
' .' •
':·, :
Sincerely yo1.1r_s,
J. Edgar Hoove! ..
, .
. : '
.. .
..:;-':I : ;,

/4 . .
_- ~
.. ..
EnclhSUre . . ,;:/~~ · __. / · . le . . .· · ·L
i1 ~:~:;ch--, ·. NOTE:
~~!'i:op ==== The··e~cl~~µ:re ~~ntiqned_i.s a ~~aflet eniitl~~ergency·
Liberty Letter Nunil:>e ,...__....._____........,_·;. :1~68. "<F;Jufiles contain no · ·
·vf/ ·
~~:~,~~r~." __ information ~oncernin :c,~~Emergency Liberty Lett.e r. ~
· Number 21 •· · · ·, . ·
l Gale ___ .,_r • • ~ · ,' 1't~ ··. ' • • · ••• • • '·
I Rosen--
-,~~l~~~on.- · - ~~.: l)~3Y _:·· O~
j. _ , _

. ~...

-'. ''
· :·

UG8 ~· 1~6a
D •
·tJ,1Y 'f'-" · . . : ·.'
iGandy _ _ ~ J L ROOM • T£L~TYPE UNIT D
\ P7.JY . ··.
! 4-572 (Rev, ~-18-63)
pnlOHAl P011114 HO. 10
~ : SOl0-106
,.._., 1962 f.OITIOM


TO The Director DATE : 1-lf-t f

FROM N. P. Callahan
Sl.iBJECT: The Congressional Record ~
} . Pages S8746-S8749. Senator Morse (D) Oregon, urged p_rompt if' J ~
. Senate acti?n on the two nominees for the Supreme Court (Justice Fortas and ~ ; -I
~ Judge Thornberry). He included in the Record the text of a telegram signed .by·.. j '
,'. 480 deans and professors of the "fiD~st law schools -in the Nation, " recommending 1 \f)
. that}Jenate approve these two nomina:tion:s. He aiso included citJetter from . . : t"'--
• .:2 the ""Liberty Lobl?_y" oppos-ing -the -c·onffr:m,ation of Abe Fortas as Chief Justice. '· '
ii- /(J '?ii ~

I tJ lo 9/1-


176 JUL 24 1968
·-· -~ ---;:'::{io'~
=----· ,;= .~

~the orig i~liy [ a memornndum captioned and dated as above, the C?ngressional
~~dft.~f C ~ /.'7,r../~ · was reviewed and pertinent items were
marl<edfMYh · l)jrd,.::,,aR a ttenti on. Th is form has teen prepared in order lhat
portions of a copy of the original memorandum may be clipped, mounted, and p lo ced
in appropriate Bureau case or subject matter files.
/ ' ;_
• ,. •

.' . Si-2°KGSNCT LL3 SRTY LETTER Ntn,'.3:B 21. July 6, 1968
., . ... . .
•.: •• , •• :· .. •=..::,:
.. ·. \: {i:
:· ,-.·•h;' '··. ·. Abe · Fortas Hust .Not Be Confiri71Cd by the Senate! America cannot stand c..'1other
.. ·. •·.:·.: ··· Earl ·,,rarrc:m as Chief ·Justice •

i: :,; .}i<t·The' T:r\itn-{s-: 0

Abe ~-o~tas, President Johnson's selection' be War,ren' s· replace- ·t; .. ,

...... ·.-~:-\ ·:·~ _:-: ment·, has a. record of affiliation with known revolutionaries and revolutiqhary • ·
groups. You cannot deny--no one c,m--that the cold, hard FACTS are shocking
almost beyond belief!

Lot's go back to the ap;,ointment of Ear1 Warr e:1 in 1·9 53. No one has
done more to distort the Cons ti tut.ion-~ -. ; ·:weaken law and order . •
_destroy traditional mora1 standards th a.."1 Earl Warr~m. This has been
docUJ'lented beyo?1d . possible do ubL .. Ee s e rved his purpose well. Earl
Warren-.:.per.sontl friend of Nikita Khrus h chev--has done a fantastic job
· softening up
A.-:ierica for the planned takeover.

So now Abo Fortas has been nominated to replace T,,.rarn)n. Tho A.'71erican
people o\.."o it to themselves, their, childrc; e.:!'l_d·:· Nation to i?1vestigate
Fortas closer than they investigated Ea~l Warreh. They must under-
stand the background, philosophy and character :of the man who may soo!1
become .A.'!1crfoa 's third highest-:-standing official.

In the enclos ed Fact Sheet on Fortas, LI B~qTY LOBBY h as c ompil 8d some o f his.
public record : ¼Q.Qk.,.~~...,.t°Q.._?.,,:,>...,,£gD,1l:t:,.tlli~:18,!1.t You 1,:i ll then und e r s ta.nd t he logic
of his ap?Qintmc:1t. You will perceive ,,,hy For t as i s so wel l -qualif i 8d to guid~
this. onco-frec and independent' Nation do~,-:1 t he fi.> oathway t o th e Co:n:i:un5.s t .
tyranny that· awaits. IF YOU 0~ .A.1\'YON2 ELSE CAN RZFUT~ THE PLAIN FACTS, YO U _11~0.E
/ ,
• •
't ' I

·.• .. S!-GRC-EllCY LI3ERTY k""'TT2 R NU1·SSR 21. July 6, 1968


\:·,;,_ .
. ~·;: Abe· For-ta s Hust ,Not Be Confir i::Cd by t he Se :.ate! America cannot stand c.nothcr
., '/ ·'.: ·, Earl ·.-.ra.r:?·,x1 as Chief Justice.
, .. '

!, -,Y."", •,:,.:;-::1 ·To·e··T:rut: h is-; .A'::Je F_o2·tas, President Johnson's selection· to be's· replace-
·::-. ...h;.·~:;:,~·r ment, has a_ rec ord of affiliation with kno,;..rn revolutionaries and revolutiohary
groups. Yo u ca.."1not de:1y--no. one c.;z1--that the cold, hard FACTS ar-e shoc'.dng
almost beyond belief!

Lot's go to the appoinb1e:1t of Earl ~'i'arro:1 in 1·953. No one has

done more to distort the Cons ti tut.ion·.--; ·:""weaken law and order . •
_destroy moral standards tha.'1 Earl Warrs:m. This has been
doc1.!l'lented bcyo!1d . possib'i.e doubt~ Ee served his purpose well. Earl
Warrcn-..:.pers~:>nal friend of Niki ta Khrushchev--has don0 a fantastic job
softening up ~~ erica for the planned takeover.

So now -Abo Fortas has beon nominated to replace ~.•,'arr 8n. Tho A:;1erican ,,

people o"e it to th oms elves, their, childrc; .s.-:1.d': Nation to investigate

Fortas closer than they investigc.ted Earl Warreh . They must under-
stand the background, philosophy and c haracter :of the ~ an ~ho may soon
become .k'llorica 's third highest-:-standing officia1.

In the enclosed Fact Sheet on Fortas, LI B&.qTY LOBBY has co~pil~d s om e of his.
public rt::cord; ~ & <2.Y!'~..,,it_t s,,s;,:.f,}.17~~ :"::..:s-}£.fu You ,,:ill then m1 der s tand the logic
of his appointmo:1t . You will ?Crc eiv '= ;.:hy ? o rtas is so well- qualif i ed to guide
this oncci-free and independent" Nation do,-:-:1 the fi.>1al path,iay to the Co!T!l"!m1ist
tyranny that awaits. IF YOU OR. A.1\'YON~ EiSZ CAN REFUTE THE PLAill FACTS, YOU AP--E

.Aoo Fortas is not a juvenile dcli.>1que:nt who has dabbled in Com."T!unist causes for
·t hrills.. He is a 58-year-old, convinced r~ volution.s.ry, in deacly ear:-iest. I:t
it cannot be proven that he has sp erit t hi rty yec:rs of his life un der Co::,_:1u..ri ist
Party discipline, neither ca."1 it be sho"-"!1 where he has signific a;1 tly devi af e d·
from ·the Party Line. His u.'1d§l}iable r q_c,o.r.d of s e ~vice to the _C.P.. is so clea::-
h 1 .
an d ,ove:rw, ''
-:nat .
it sno • '-' sen d a c:u
. ulJ ' · 11_ ·of a!).
~.p rencr.sion
. ' · J
c.:o:-:n ·
tr:e 'Oil.C.<ovne
' '
of any A.'llGric.s.:1 who U.'1C::erstands the i!"';.r;iense ?OWer that will oe given to this
znan if confir!ned by the Se::1a t-e.

F:i.Vi! . ie~~s 2 7.0 . n.o ?.r E:,side:-:7.. '".•:ould hE"...-r; d.B.r ed to tS.D:, o:int such ~-n
~ ~~da.,·r"'J-.-.:_:.t..i '" ~
~;-;:---::.-::--:_:.~=----.:~~;-~..t::--.;.~--:rr~~-;;.--::7·~~-:-~--~-:~·:-1:'--~. :)
'· "' •' 'J 1..,:.,) , • •. ~
2. VO l-:e
~ca .. ·~,oe
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'.C: . • se . io u s CC.' .. S .!.._,e, csl.. - J , • • o.
: ~---..c
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_n .. ).n _t ... f, ~-..• .t--'- :r7.• ~ ,-,~ ~;~ ~f';~:"":-
cc, ..• 0 • . -v ... 0 .... . .. , . <. .• ,. 8a_C.::. -
~ ~~~~~rf~r-; ~ c.r: :~ ~ -
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"C, _ ., _., _5 _, _ n_. , _ .S . . C .~
~....:::-~---- . ::i.,.,- ~ - ~ - .;~ •. _...~.14,-.s,,--...,.-..:. -=-_. · c ~ . ~ J ~ r.,,,.,,,,.,, z:.,_.c:-.,._,.. .._ __,..,~-=----~..:.sf"'C' ,:."t..-..---:_ ~... .- ...- :--.
• • • t :i?.t the tj :;-;e of c r i s :'.s is , so near· t h at i~ is ::c.-cess 2. r .r .fo1· i"r{P. 0

~ "l ' 1 · ~-..t•~· ~~~; ~~-~~ ~~~r7~~;v=1•~ c~~+ ·:.~,1,7:::~ ---~-·-·r;z:;:.).!;.:.~. . ;:,,.:.,,,.•'.~:.~:'-=~:-:~·-~IC'f.:;-:z-;i.
ne. o _t<1.-:tn .. '-'· . Q <,,.e __ s .. o_ - ~ ,t,2 - ' ·"· _Jsc _ _ -·· or e. --. ,_ 0 i .. ~u-'" _"(.s
'·· , .. _,-""~~~~·~-~~~
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~ ..... ~ -:-o.n.~ c.-r.'lt~~- - o ~ -~ . r ~~ .__,W-e""~- ... ""&a&.-•;:,.."T~--...31,..r,

success. ·
, Undor Fortas 1 control, _the Supreme Co.urt will s:nash every effort by the people to
rt)store la'.-: 2.nd o?'cer and crac k down on cri.r::c, co:n.munism i:!:r.d cor r u'Jtion. Undc::-
Fort.:is' control, the' porno~raphic i::dustry •,.rill go on attac'.--::ing the :n,Jrals ·of
krneric.o.:-! youth, w':--,ilc the narcotics industr:l contin1.,es assauJ.tin1:; thd:- bodies
:end ininds. Under' control, it •,:ill oe '']Ju.sines~ as usu.:i.l" for the co::1-
mu.'1 ists and the underworl-::: cind the big contr a ctors ;:ho arc clc.:cnin g U? on cost-
pius at the ta:;:p.::.y(:rs' c;,:pc:1sc--cspecially those ;:ho ar-o '1-:iso E:nouch to be clie:::t.s
of Arnold and ?orter, his wife's pros p0:rous law fir::::. .

&;1-- i216 ?II-~~



.. This is an Er;,,ergency ri-,ore intense thaI1 at a.."'ly tirr,e in tho past whon
LIBERTY LOB3Y has been forced to spend the a.~ount of monoy necessary
to, send a.n alert to all subscribers. · .Jhis..,5s_.~~~~~~~'-j£):
M.::':~<!tJ':l_$ tr.':l 5';,.?"o,J.est ;,..~d 1".~t ~I0~':lt..,.e-=-:?.r.:t;j_o?'l fro~ C::l{J':."J''( oat!"iotic
r :; '
• -: .;.:-_-=--=-..,1:-<r r""t'--",ro-u~s-. .~~~-~ ~m- ;;-rr.·;::~: \,o·~:?r-i- = ;to-=u ..~s,, _.=;: r--:c:-,,1\1-,::~~-~, l-'c::.?
.t.:ne . .1.;--:rn,., ,.;; ........ "nm::>=~ ·i,-:;,,;,;1 -~:. ._ .;; ~;i:- ?£01, ·.:.....~-"-.;!;;.,:;=·~ ~-~,•./'',..~-.::'... .;· e ~~- . : ; ;

~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - W H A T YOU HUST DO . . . PLEASE!

t.:..::=··· - ~
(~) '.-.1P..ITE, ~-.'I.RE or TELE?EONE each of yoill" t..:o senators. Politely but
EJ:nphatically tell them of the shock you feel that Abe Fortas ,could even
be considered for the Chi,ef Justices hip in tho light of his background.
(2) SEND COPIES of your letters and wires to the members of the Senate
Judiciary Cor;-,:;iittee which will hear testi.";1.ony on Fortas on Jµly 11. (See
your Cor.;:'!'essional H~-'1<loo·o k for na..rnes.) _
(J) PE:lSU.~_!)S your frie,,c:s, n'eighbors aY,d relatives to also -..,rite, wire
or call. 7dRITE;yo'll1'· newspaper. CALL a :radio station. TELL your civic
group or woman's club. DISTRIBUTE copies of the enclosed Fa.ct Sheet
and this .Letter. You h~ve ne:r::1iss; on to re:i:rint either or both.
(4) - The Fortas ccse comes on the heels of the Gun
· Emergency. Last month,_ LIBERTI LOBB"[ spnt $18,llJ.85 on coast-to-
coast ads, fighting the anti-gu."1. bills. Now, Fortas. 'io;norrow, ·1-r:i.ll
f P._T + . . , 4 . .J..", ,.... ,. . ~ 'rl1 --n~ .J...,.,.
T"'"'r .... --,:- ..Lh :: th s~~i._~~~ 1
~ ~ ~ - ~ ~-~ ~~L;,_:.;~:Z,,=,.~...~:i~~~~~~~..~-~~ .- ~.-~Jt~ ~J:?,~.¥.Q_~~-=&-...£21:.::~~~q.~2
!$.J_~:2:,1;~? Anc! if he does, ~}l ~~~~~TY __~9B3Y ~-c ~~~-::2.::,':.,<:,? ~~~:~ ~
,Whatever happens, the f_ina.."lc:ial resources of LIBERTY LOBJY' are ex- -
h~usted. _ Noney is desperately r..eeded. Borro•r1ed ::ioney must be re-
paid. Postage a.lcnc for this r.-:ailin8 cost $12,000--twelve thousand
dollars that LIBS..~TY LOBBY c2..."1 not ~ Pri."lting bills of about
five thousand dollars will soon be in. YOU A.!I.E READING A LETTER
PRilnED or: CP2DIT and · there is no !lloney to pay for it:

:•lh:i,le your LIBSRTY LOBBY works· desperately to stern the ravages of an out-
going President and Senate, millions of A.~ericans are enjoying the~selves
at the seashore or the lake or elsewhere on v.acati::m. They don I t want to
get involv~d. But YOU are involved, and LIBERTI LOBBY is involved, and
· · l.."l\
~ 1S
-· · r 0-l VC d , 1~1:-.e
· '- l· t or no t , a:-i~
-4 HQ•r.v T r>'i'S o~ 1•0~, ,:-,v
••• ov::.1. • • • =~-=--~=~'"'·. '~.~ ~ .•

We've ·foucrht and ,;orked h2.rd this year; the record bears it out.
·,\'e 've testified 14 ti:rres before Congressional co!, published
n,.illions of worcs ·, called on cozens of conzress:ii.ei1, raised thousands
of dollars for tight congressional rzc0s. ·Fra._'1!.cly, ,:e 've been
wor~:ing too hard to try a."ld rai;,e !'!OYJ.ey for c:n·erg0ncies like this.

You know that LIBERTY LOBB'! will go on figh t ing until the
last- dollar-:-the last of our credi t--is used· UP. But • .
please don't. let tha t hap:ier:. ThiE, is· a t im i ~;f crisis.
Our need has never be<'.ln so despc~·ate .' ·•• a.nd you J...:1ow
that tho nee,d for LIBSTY L03BY h2.s never been so desperat& ! ......
P r i:- • si~ re~ u,,..,...d ,,; ... .,_, vot' "' -~-.,-;;c.u,., ~o.,,-'-.,.i\...·t+i on • today~
....--..~~..i-!~-._;.,.~ 1~~.. ~ ..:.:Z~\Y".:..-~
~,~ ~ ~--
l~~ ~~~~;;.-~r:.-~~--.·~;;z...-::-~;.


• T[STI!--!O,~Y OF All[ .FORTAS.

Hearings 1-;crc hcl<l on August 5th, 19G5, before the Co_r.1!nittee on the
Judici~ry, United States Senate, on th~ ~~~ination of Abe Fortas of Tennessee
to be an Associate Justice of the Sup:i:cmr r_·r,,_~:-r. of the United St.:itcs .
.. Fortas 1-13s questione<l by the Cor:unittee.
Tho CH,\IIDL\X. 1,\.h:i.t about the I11tcrn:1tional Judic,i:1! _\.,;so;;ia- "\
tiou 1 . .. .
Mr; FClrff.\~. :\f r. Ck1in11:1n, i11 the b,i,-t of 111_r kHowJ~tlge :m<l licl1ef
I 1rn,·cr .nuc11<lcd :i. m.:-C"1 i11!?; of s1wh (H\ o!·:,::·:1l!i,mtio!1, 11c1"H :,:id :\ll)'
co11nr-c!ion wilh it. wh:1l~o,tn.•r. Xow, tl1i ;; "i:; ~11 olcl ch.,!·_t;c-- ih:; t has
pbgucd me for 111,u1y ye::1r~, incl 11,~in.z m.~- p1·c.v'1ou;; _t\\"O M11:ir1_11 n-
t•ior1s. l.Jy tl,i;; Scn:\IC whc11 ! \\';l,:j ( \.lllcl' Sr1.'l'l'{;\ l'_\' or th:i Ink n n;,
nnd the liL·,it• I can · rccon;,tr\1 <·t, :111<1 I' w:t 11 f ro empl1:1 ,;1zc rl: :1t 1t
is r~constru,.;tion, ·fii th:tt .so1 nc ri11 tc ·m t\10 th ii-fo,,_ :rnci_proh;tt\.\ wh('n
I was on the Y:d('. l:1w fa..:11lt,·, b1:c:.i11;:c I w:i,; nn fhc) nlc bw t:1c 11l t.y
nnd ,;pr:nt s:w,111c-rs :rn.:l ,·ac:t.liou timl! ia \\'a.:;lt i11;!to 11 in those :y,-:u-;,,
somcon~ m:iy ·11:\Ye w·ritLcn r.1e :111 d s.1:t_;:..:!:;1c1l I \1:1t I join thi;;. Tl_1:1t
w;ts the cl:l\··-w!ie11 j o1J1 i:1!.! \\":1.s mi ~h,r e:,;;;:-·, :1nd we were :11l quu;-k
to do it, :rn;I I 111:~y h:ixc iati d, yc5. ;nd :11:tt- i;; ike. rot:ilily cf my co!1 -
n1:ction with it, if :ii\,'. , ; in i11\ th ;,sc yl'::rs ._!19hody h:1s eve,· s:~1d
tho.L l itttL"ndecl ;1. 1Hcc.:ing ot· c1·cr did t he sli,~·lif-e.,t thi n:; in conncct,on
wifh th:1~ 01·..-aJ'.i:r..1t ion . My mind i~ bbnk nliom•th:tr.
ThG Cn.,1-i )1.,x. Yoll ~,ever l\Ucnd ed :\ mccrin~ l
i\fr. FoP.TAS. ~o, str. -
Tho Cu.,n:~1.,:-..·. You were not adiYe :1t all 1
1[r. Fo1:T.\S. ~ o. sir.
The Cn.,n:,L\X. · Ditl you p.1y a ny dues-?
:\fr. Forn-\s: ;{ o, sir, nnt tot he lwst of my recollection.
Al though ~Ir. For_tas cannot· rccal 1 attendii,g a meeting of this group, or
paying dues, they thought so highly of him that they-listed him as a member of
their National Committee on their lett(;rhead. The International Jutidicial
' ' .
Association enjoys the follo•,.;ing dtations: 1. Cited as a Communist front and
an offshoot of 'the International Labor Defense. 2. Cited as an organi:ation
which actively defended ·communists an<l consistently folloh'ed the Comri1Unist Party
Line .
The CE,\11:)r.,x. ,,·1iat about the Xation:ll Lrn·ycr.;;·GuilcU · TVere
vou o, nieniucr (>f th.1t. sir ', ·,
- i\[1·. F0r:1·,\S. Ye,; . .,iir. I w:1;; ;1 m:, m l;e:·•· o!' t!1 :1 r. fot :1· tim e. I k-i\. ~t
the ti111c th:u. :-[r. :J u:::dec .fock.;on :u:cl :1 .~l'c:t t !l\;\!l)" other peo:ile
le ft. t-h:tt org:ini;,:atinn. J ~m snrc you know i,;; hi .~rory. ·Th crn c:rnlr:
:i ritnc "·lien it !<H•C;U-r:d r,uhcr cktdy t!1:11- :t kfrwing gH, up h:ul
mon?cl in ro t:1.kL' c-ontml 0f d tat org,mii:1Uo11 :111cl :t .;teat. m~'ln_y pcopl~
left- th ~n , iqclucling me.

Forta~ was not just a member of this group, found subversive by.Congress,
but also served on its Corr~ittee on Farm Problems

The CHAil:)L\ X. Yoti ,,ere not a constant associate of ..:\.]gel" Hi;,s :15,
has been charged? ·
Mr. FoRTAS. Oh, no, sir.

Notice the word constant. A.lg er Hiss ar.d Fortas \,·orked together in the
l930's and 1940's, including their work t-0gether in San Francisco and London,
forming the United Nations. A little later, ~Ir. lliss hacl some difficulties
arise from his career as a Sovi~i Agent, and went to jail. That ended many of
his CO~STANT associations.

The hearings made no mention of Fortas' association with the American Lth'
Students Association, part of the ~oerican Youth.Congress, which was cited as an
affiliate of the U.S. Peace Con~ittee, a Co~nunist controllecl peace front. Fortas
appeared on their letterhead, as a member of the Faculty Advisory Board. llis
membership in the l'.'ashington Committee for Democratic Action, cited by the
_Attorney General as subversive; was n0t disclosed in the testimony. Although his
"· association with Alger l~ss and legal defense of Owen La~timore were questioned
superficially, there 1,as no mention of his close associations 1,•ith lla:-ry Dc:<.tcr
lfoitc, Lauchlin Currie, Aubrey \•:illiams, David K. Niles, and others of similar

Fortas' memory of Cor:1munistic activity and associations may_ be short - but

the record speaks for it~elf. Tho Senate of the United Statcs"shoul<l not 6verlook
it .

Fortas h.:i.s stron2. interests in dissent and civil <lisobcJicncc:!. His nc:1dy
published book, "ConcernillB Di:-scnt and Civil Disobedience" is described ;:is
beint "In the tr:1e.liti.on of the Ameri..::.1.n Revolution::i,y press." In it he states:
"I hope! 1-:ould have had the cour.1.r.c to Jisobcy, .'.llthou~~h scrrcr:ation on!in:rnccs
..-ere prcsura:ibly l:lh' until they 1-:crc de:cl:1rcd unconstitL:tion.11." (Finphasis'.1.c!Jccl)
• . 1·cs-1 \ 1"'
I .. r .,\-ll"i.; ,J:'O"T
i.J.,''r' o,... :,. • ,··
, s .•

Hearings ..· helJ on August 5th, 19GS -, :'.:.fore the Co_r.1:ni ttee or1 the
, Judici•ary,' United St:ites Sen::ite, on. the ::~::-.i;::::tion o·f \be Forc~s of Tennessee·

. :'_,·:.
to be an Associate Ju?tice of the Sup:.. c·mr r_·'"'c:::-r. of the Uni tcJ St.1tcs.

Fortas h':lS questione<l by the Coi:unittce .
• -: '. :,:. " : T he C1L\ ll,~(:,x. \ \' li:-.t :1bu,it tl11.: Inlc-rn:1tio1ul J mh.: i:tl ·_(~soc:ia-
. ;_··. ·· tio11? · · · . · .
. : .-· :'., · 1fr. Forn.,:=:. :\fr.. Clt:iirnt:111 1 to tl1 c best of 1n y ·k?1owl0dgc ,rncl hcl1cf
,· -.. , . I l\D\·cr :i.t.tcnded :i. of s1l<' h an org::11\iz:uion, nc ,·c1· kid :tny
· ·· .. · ::.- .":·i' . connc-ct ion with il wki t.soc';,·cr. Xow, th is is an old c)v.rgC'. th:1 r lta:3
, , . '".:: , ....., .· ---·-- ,- --P.l!\_;11 ccl me_ fr:_,r 111:lllz ~'.C:\ 1'~ incltt(!tng 111/ pr~•: ioll:;~t \~·o-cn11fi1·~!l:1_-
1 .. ,
1/-:""'-'' ';:'.'•~':7 7 :·;, . . . t 1ons by tltts :::,cn:ttc \\"]ICl\ I \\':15 l ,ndet:, :::,c..: l'e, :ll'_:. o, di~- In,c110~,
./·: · ·t•}''•'· · and the lic;;t. I ca11 recon ;,tn1et, a nc1 I \1·:1n t ro c111pl1 :1;;1z0- rhat 1t
is.reconstrudion,· i;; tl1:1t so1ne t i1i1G in the thirii l';-; :w }1_ prnh:tb l:: \\'hen
I , ms on the Y:,k L1 w i:1ct1lt\' b cc:n1.,c I ·w,1., on th e 1 ale l:l \1· uculty
'· and spent ;;ullll\!i:1'5 an cl Y:l C:\lio n time i'n 1\':1 :o li in p:ro11_ in th,::;e Y(:;ll'S,

somC'or1e mny h:1Ye \\Titt<:n me an~1 ,mg;2:.::stcrl t!t :t t I Jprn cl11s. 1 l_i;it
wa\ tl1e d:1y·•whc-n joining _\\' :\:i mi;lny e:1 ~:,:,.11_11~~e :" ere _all q\11ck
to do it, :1rn1 I·lluy ha \-c s:u d , yes. n11cl tli:1t. 1s t he tot:il1t y or my co!l-
nect.ion with it if :i.1n- ~nd in ,1li thc;;e YC::r::i nohod y has c,-cr s:11cl
th:1.t l ::tttcndecl'a mccti;1g- Ot' CVC't' llid the slig"htc:;t thin;; in conr~cd ion
~-ith th :, t o:·,..,.,rn ization. ~fy mind i;; hbn k aliou::•that.
,· Tho CH ,\l~'.\L\X. You never attended :l, meeting?
Mr. For:T,,s. Xo, sir. ·
Tho C u.,nc,ux . You wr;rc not actiYe at all?
;\[r.I·'or:ns. Xo.-~ir.
The Cn.\II:~r.,x. · J)il1 yon p:1y :iny d t1cs? · · .
:\fr. For-:TM;. Xo, sir, not to t!te be;;t of my recollcct1,)l\.
Although ~Ir. Fortas cannot recall attending a meeting ·of this group, or ~

paying dues, they thought so higl1ly of him that they listed ' him · as -a mtmber of
their National Co~nittee on thei~ letterhead. The Internatiorial Juridic{al
_A ssociation c_n joys the follo h· ing citations: 1 . Cite d as a Communist front and
an offshoot of -the Internationil Labor Defe n se. 2. Cite~ as an organi:ation
which actively defended Communists an<l consistently follo1~ed the Coimnunist Party
The CirA1ur.,x. '\'fk1t :,bout the Xation:d Lrn·ycr;; Guild? -YVern
you :.i. member of that, sid · .
Mr. For:T.\S. Yes. 2ir. I \\'fl 5 a 1111.::!nhe of d1:tt fo:· :1 t: ::i::. I ]::-.-fl at

the same t imc d1:1t. :\Ir. :rn~t ice .J,:ck.:;on :U,d :\ gn:-:1.t 1n:1 ny odlt' r pco!~le
lefL t.h:1.t org,1 ni;,.;iti <>n. I :-t m snrc-. you kn ow its hi~1ory. T hurc c:-tme
a time \\'h en it !1 ppe:1 n:d r:,t her <:l c,n-J ~- th.,t. a lcflwing g-r<at p h;
mo,·~d in to t,,kr cen t ro l of , h at org.1ni,:,tti o11 ;111d .1. g rC':\r. rn.1n_y people
left then., i ncl uding me.

Fortas was.not just a me~ber of this group, fourd subversive by Con gress,
but also served on its Co~mittce on Farm P.roble;ns
The CIIAU::lf.\X. Y oti ,,ere not. !\ con5t8.nt flS50C?:1t~ of Alger Hiss as.
has been charged 1 ·
Mr. FoRTAS. Oh, no, sir.

Notice the ,,...ord constant. Alger fliss and Fortas 1,orked together _tn the
1930's and 1940's, including their· work t-0gether in Sari Francisco and London,
forming the United :\ations. A little later, ~!r. liiss ha<l sor:ie difficulties
aiisc fi6 m his career 2s a Sovi~t Agent, and went to jail. That ended many of
.l;li s CO:~STANT associations.

The hearings ·made no mention of Fortas' associ a tion 1vith the American Lat>·
, ,-·students A'ssociatior1, part 0°t' the ,\.me;rican Youth .Congress, 1-:hich 1vas cited as an
affiliate of the U.S. Peace Comrnitte_c, a Communist controllc_J peace front. Fqrtas
appeared on their letterhead, as a member of the Faculty Advisory Ro:ird. His
n:ernbership in _the l{ashington Committee for Democratic Action, cited by the
~Attorney General as subversive, was not disclosed 'in the testimony. Although his
association ,,...ith Alger lfiss and l~ga{ defense of Owen Lattimore were questioned
superficia.llv, there 1,·as no mention· of his close associations 1,ith !larry Dexter
- 4 • \

White, La ucl1lin Currie, Aubrey Williams, David K. Ni les, and others of similar

Fortas' memory of Co?:1munistic activity and cissociations r::::iy he short-but

the record sucaks for itseif. The Senate of the United States should not overlook

Forta s has stronr interests in dissent and civil disobedience. llis neivlv
published book, "Conc;rnjn.G Dis:;cnt and Civil Disol.Jcdicn c ~" is described as ,
being "In the tradition of the :'vncric.1n Revolutionary press ." In ir he states:
"I hope I 1-:oulJ have.had the courar.c to disobey, alt hO t!f!: sct: rc~ation ordin:inccs
1,;crc prcsu r.1.:1 bly J;1h' 1.rntil t h.ey 1-: c r c de:cl:trcd u n co n stitt1 t ioi1.1l." (Er:'1_pit .:1 s is :idJcd)

. .... I

- •

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. .. ,• ·_Sl~CO_.'\lD SESSJ9N
7 -::~~;.;.;:~t::. . ~-----·- . . OS,

H. Res. 282

TO 1:-,.vEs:·wATE (1) 1 THE EX'FE.\'T, CHARACTE}.;, .-\XD

( THE u·xrTI-~D ,' ST.~Tl::s, (~) THE DIFFUSJO~ \VITlil:--.' Trii':

• I ;.•



" PAGES 261- 10-lS

' WASHI:-.CTOX : 19H


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,CT!v1Tl.ES '-

lhc Johe Rc.:c Ch:b of Xe;,.·
J:1!ri~s. :u~ \\"Oik ing tO w::i :d~
the St ~tc 1-! usc um oi Bi ro-
tcrril Or-· ii now hc:11g h ui!;._
r:i lh!l.t i-e::il i::uons !l:c b i:i ::g ..\moil l hc m em bers of lh o N 11lionn1 Cit izen s Poli t ical a\ction Com-,
,lion in pace "'·iLu il$ r:lpi d a1it , v urcy :\1 c\ Yilii:rn1s, Georg<.! Soule, oncl U Bli ,·c;1 bccu
effi with th e Imcrn~tio11111 JuricEc,,l .-\..1\soci,tt.i,,,n. C:! rcy ~fo--
.r lisL;; of rcpu I c hn ,·o nl:.:::,!y Wi!li:!ms is n nfr:m b cr oi ch c nnt,ioni1\ com mitt ee of t he org:rniz ,,t: on ;
- tcs n·ilh r.·hicil to s: !!. ti. tl ,c
· !!r~i5t.,s o( a!.J cou::tr ic-s, n·ill e.nd Bruc e nt i,·cn nn d G corg'c Soul e joi ned in s po:iso,ing one of t h()
., showi oi; l!S it will ~he u ai- org:rni 1.11 ti on 's pu blic stu.t cmcnts. (See D~ily \\'orkcr, J uly 25, 193G,
. ·so t!J:i.t c uh u r,;, r~ u::iii', p. 2.) . '.
pro mi nc~e :;:!lllc rie:s in ·Ncvr
Probably the slrongcs t c,·iclcncc of the Communist clrnr:'.!crnr of the
i~ will be exh ibited tc;:e:, hc: Intcrni,tio1w.l Juridic al a\ s-sociru.i on is to be found in the rccor<ls oi the
Hposc. bciorc ~ L 1,·ilJ ii u::.Uy I p ersons who compose t,bc org1, ni;;n.t ion 's nnt ion:\l C'O l'!Hl! it.t-cc. ~\ mong
~!l-:0\1.. SKY
AET · Co~.v1rn:E -l th <'Sc p crsQns, we fi nd' o.. sub;; t:rn th1l nuckas of p uh licly-.wo ~•: ccl or
pr<;>v!l.b] c m emb ers of r,hc Commu nis t .P:1 rty . AL th e bc•gin ning of lhis
u :-r D.tvis
S.\ li.HH:a.vr
• Gr. <:>P!'F.P.
;;; C. Kin ,_
s~udy, therefore, we cit,) o. portion oi llw Co m nninist. records o f thcs ~
ncrsons. Sub,;;·cqucntlr , r:. ske tch oi th e org1mizin io n's rii;. tory :1 :1d
. ~olicics will udcl confirmini; ev ide nce of it.;; Co mm unist ch nrc,cter.
s Lozow1cx
OFFICIALS OF THE I N TER::--; .~TJ0 ::S: .',.L JURIDIC .',.L .'.SS0CI.\TI0~

.F)' \'/01.F.r• Tl1e following persons r,.re officers or national committcc~1011 of the
In terpn t-iorrnl J urid ic!,l ..-\.ssoci:1tic-,!1:
I Gco rgc- n. Ander~cn
I. Duke ,\ vnct
~P.than Grcnne
George G. Gro~t-
Louis F. :\!cCn:,c
CB-rey :'l!c'\Villinnis

I Harry Elmer D2-rncs

Ds.vid J . llcnt::dl
Alfred Bc t lm.rn
Aubrc1· Grossm an
Robert L. H.a!e
Pearl :\L Har,
Dadd K . ;',: ilc:s
\Y illi:-.m I.. :\'un11
Pg. trick II. O' Hr!cn
f Clara G : fl ins w:i.ngcr
J. H . Bollens
I s2-;J.c S. !! ell e r
Je.ron1c R. !{ellcr~t~in
j osc ph A. Padwu:,
S h:\d Policr ·
Ps.ul F. B:isscndcn R. W. Henderson Justine \\'i:;c Policr
... . 1- Joseph R., Brodsky
Svlven Bruner ·
Ed,1,urd Henn·
Charle, H . Ho uston
Lee Prc,,mfan
Samuel L. Rothbard
Et:gcn~ Co t ton Hen ry T . Hunt Relph Stwacd
Peul Coug hl in Ab:,:.ham J . h sc:man :'l!elcc;!i:n Sharp
J oh n P . D!!v i.:; Isadore Katz Antbony •;,;:?.ync Smith
'ft ich !!.rd A. Do~.-! iog P..obert '.\' . .Ke nnv Perry J. Ste~.rns
George C lifton ·Edw!!cn::, Ps.ul J. Kern · ~.Jeuri~e SL!g!:'ir
Thom.'.l.s I. E me r..o o Carol King A. Ovrum Tnppcr

_.,-, , f-r.
lS-2.s.c E. Ferguson
Arthur Fisher ---- ·
Joseph Kovner
Edward Lamb
Colston E. \Yun e
Herbert T. V.'cch;!cr

f 1
'-:::,_ -~be Fo rt.~-~ ____ .. •Yetca Land Ru'th ,~·eyand
"-1:-'° 1I ft ·s _. O;'o.ii>?iiJ' 'K:" Vi:J.cnkel '.\fork L~.u ter Cerlc Whitehead
(.I \ ' , ·f it Alexander H . Frey George B. Leonard Roy \\i)k ins ·-- -~----
_ ~.,.,....p-,:; · kc O:ill a,.her Arthur LeS.:uer A. L. \,mn ·.
~,...,,-- l Llovd K '6e rrisoo E!i:1.S Ucberui:in Ne.than Witt

ri }• Waiter Gcllhorn
Jrvio G,iodman
Herman A. Gray
:'\fa:,: Lon·enthtll
Thurgood '.\! ,:--
Jerome Michael · ,• ..___
Da\·id Ziskind


t~ i
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JOHK P. D.\. YlS l't.',nL Il

John P. Du\·is is also a member of the nation::-.1 committee of the !\·:d lfnrl is !I mC:Jnb~r of the n
Ir\ternntionnl Juridicnl _•\ssocir.t.ion. Dasis cknics that he is i'. mcrn- Juri ditd Associ:i Lion. In
;. !o : :,, :l:\I
·bcr of the Gomi~rnnist Party, but the committee h,1s be:1rd c·ompctent , .l':i olJ -t ime Comnwni:;L or~:"!ni:~,, t
testimony which disposes of bis de • i:11 as one of the r:rnny c~sc.s in : >,-f, ,,;:c- :11.10 Lhc }uncricnn Con1rni11
wbich pQrsons hold their p:frL:y membership ~ecret. Wl1,1tc~cr lhc }\.. r:1. Pc:"!rl 11:HL W !!S !! i:1H: l11U(:f or Ll
facts rnny be rcg:1rcling DrrYis' membership in the Communist P.irty, ,· .. :-: i ',·:ice ~ fobiEz,1 t.io1,. The iollo 1,·
there is no clouht wh:1tev·er tbout his extcnsiYe ncti,itics in the front c,"·r t!tc n:-1mc of Pc::1rl IfiHt:
org:rnizat,io11s of t-b.c :?J:irty . These :1ct.iYiti_.::s !'.ad conuc·cLio ns o.rc iii.: ; c·.- ~n if we don't :i.ppro,·c of E:igbnr
rn1lU.::rs o f public r ecord. D11,·is is 1.-hc nat,io;i:,. I cxecuti,·c srcretu!]' li ,::,•:":-: :;.!ld isn't it better to fil:li1. [l:trl_L:
of th e !\ ;Hion~l ?\ ~g:ro Congress, ~n org,rni1.:1lio n which tl,c comm itt (c : , : : ::So. .-\n Jish victory will result
found un.::in imou;;1y shoi;lJ he pl:.iccd in the ci?fr:gory of the C-0 m munis.t ::,,::::•.-cr!1tic pc:1-cc _~..s will n. ?\n::.i v ictory.
Partv's fronts. · Funhcrmore. D:n'is w,1s r:.ctiv•e in the .Amcricun Peac~ Tl1e issuance of the foregoing stf1
l\foh.iliz::tion as a mcmuc-r of tli:1.t Communi;:t front's nation:,\ com- ,:,.rnps them ns Comm1mist, or Co
mittee. His allier Communist front. connections i!'IC]\l<lc uilili:i.tion r.• :lli~ swtcmcnt v::1s cle:1rJy born
v,-·ith the follo,nng: T he .-\ rntric:rn Lt;1 gu.:: for P~gcc ~:id Dcmocr:,cy, i':,,·1 , <.h!ring which period the I'r·,
t..hc Amcric- ~n You th Co!'lgn,ss. lh e Citiz ens' Comn,itiC<! to Free E D.r!' r:: ,;:;:l'riug tool oi ,Yul\ St rcct ('.nd

Bt owc.J cr, the Jntcrnr.t..ion:>.! (,~bo r D cfc-nsc, the lntcrn:.1tion:1l Worke:rs t.y Communist s Lo be not on c
O r der, .and L'IC War;· .A llian cc . .
Cli.\RLr:s H
.-1.SSOCI.\ TION Cli:1rlc:s H. Houston is r.lso n m e
tL,~ Intcrn:itionm Juridic::d s\ssoei ·
Up to this point, we h~n named 7 members of. the nutiomJ ::,,.- s\!!!cric:ao. I>eace :.fobiliz:1.Lion ,
committee of the Intorn~t-ional Jul' }.. ssociation concerning l',u,cction oi For-eign Boin, the
whose membership in the Commun ist- P:1rt.y tb e:rc is definite prooi. l:,:,.r:1u.tionr..l '\Yorkers OrJcr, the
,E ven if there .,.·ere not yet. others wLo belong in t.he Ci'..tcgor y of Com- i':.-,,~:,:rs ,\lb.nee stump him dis:
munist ,symp 2.thi1.ers 9r (ellow tr:1\·t:l_crs, these 7 would c.oo"st itut.e n i,.'.1011· tmvcli::r.
very sizr.ble nucleus of Communist Purty members on a m.t.ionf.1 BEXRY
committe·e which numbers 61 members. It is r:1re in recent Com-
munist strntegy to find uuy Communist front orgi'..nizatio n with as He!1ry T. Hunt, who is a rnemb
mi'..ny !lS 10 percent prov:,ble Communist Party men1b1:rs on it.s htam,tional Juriclicd a\ssociutio r
highest gon•rning bo<l_\~. Th e n:.1. tion:11 committee of rhc · :\m~ric:in r,iu:,,d of the Federal Works ,\f:
· l\lobiJ iT.~Hipn, fo r c:-inmpl o, hed $3 m.-mb r. > rs. Only l of Lhc n,•c·:!use of his prominence u.s n
S3 was 9. publ icly ,l\-owcd member of Lhc C o mmun.isr, P~rly 11.nd 6 !.;,;,;orriate to give more <lctnils ci:,
ot.hcr-s could be clJ:1rged ; p:irLy mcn, p on iubst-,nti::d c,i- ti. :,:1 bf!.s been done in the c~sc.!:;
doncc. Yet th~re is probably no one tod,1y v:b o would Llc o.y thet .!,:~Jicul Association.
the Am t· riceu Pe:ict:. 11obifu:).t,ion ,1·i15 o. corup1etdy Cozmun ~ t I'I,·:\~y T .. Hunt opposed the
org:1niz,1tion. · A1r11:rii:nn Ci\·il Liberties Union .
Jo nfldili on to the n:hth·dy stn:iU nucleus of Communist. Pert-y i!.-::r_v T. IIunt and others ,,·:is
mcn1bcr:; :,nd lbc much lnrgcr groun of Couvnunist sn!lo:!t.hi:rer-5 or ::, the Dailv \\' orker of ).1Hrch
fcllo11· tr,n-c!crs, t.1,cro r.rc :1.lwuys, or IISU.'llly :9.[\,~_ys, £.;me· indi\"id{J,!2 j <·:nr·J hy rf unt specificu!ly obj cc:
fo u·nd in u Comminti.s t front 6rg,m.izr.iion - c,·cn ,o • it ~ h.ighcst go,·~::i - .\:::,·ric·an Civil Liberties Uoion I\'
ing bo,ud-,1·ho :l.r~ tllst-incLljr :1ot p1,rl.y mcm!:><'! rS o, fol !o~..- t,:J.n:k :-:; . "?1c;1proprirrte" for any pr1:;0 11,;
IL is u i.ypic,, I Co mmu nist d..: 1-icc t,o poini ou: Urcsc r.o!'.-Communi,;;.; ::-.:tt1:c., or the stnff of the Ci\·i! L
.e.nd nonsyrnp:, th izcn; :1s proo f t,h1.1t the o~:ini~~t lion is not. C'-0m- >.:,y politicfll organiz:1 lion which,
,~ !
r. mun ist- c-011 l roll,·tl. Thi;; i.,; the ~lrgu mert l u.s.:-J by t hvse 1d!O for 01~.: ~:::,- country, or" ho hy his publ i
rc,s::o n or r..noc!1a deny tli:1t lhc ·lr?ccrn:.l. tion:1 1 JuriJ icd As..--0i;i ,1Lion ,;:::,-,; his support of such :l pri~1ci.
is r. Comrriunbt orgJini1.utio n. · ' llcnr_v T. 1Iunt \\·;1,: u. spon,;or
r, Thc s,;Vt:t! Comm unist lc:!1: crs o f the·I n t ,:::-na t io • ::l Juridic!~! A,-_<.0- v.dcr the· :rnsp1ccs of tli t '.'.:... -
f ci t.tio n \•.'1w 11.:11·c be('!\ iliscu s.::c<l :,l rc,1:<ly do· not l.,y :in,:.· m ~,rns t· .x biu; l .t.,::011 The. \rnshinr.to11 C'6n: :
the }i;;t of tho:<~ in the or~:mi~:ni·on who he Yo i rnpr.::ssivc rcco,<ls r.f I.. •· n t.!< ,-i:;natC'Cl u·; n ;\lb\·(·r~i\·c
i. Co m m u:1.i;;t ,~ffi li,nions. O0.icr fo llow tr,we:krs (so ~.c of whom !11;1'.Y . · .- ,. !, c\ct:ordinr>- to its own nr,11•)
' be secret party mc·mbcrs) require our consi<le:rnt:on. i;
•L-tu,sC'J u t th con ferencc 11·ns ·'

- • • • ~ . • ,, •. , ,.. ,.., ,r · • -~ • -,.-,-. • - h---••- • • • •• • - ~ r-:-"';" ~ ·---.-

• '
;..:....... ~~i_:•,;·.•~---- ,:-:··-·•ft·,.":. .• - -~--- -:: '-'-• - -- --- -- . •' • ••• •• - • -L•• •
+ .. • -- - : ~ .... __ ,; - ·· • · - · '' · - · - · • • ,• • - •

l'.HOl'AG.•.~,D.\ :\CTl\'lTH:s

. · ,ttt,io,1:; ·.d l·:-\~l'ibcd d~c·l':lic-rc i 11 t hi~ stud,.

Slll'S of the lll!crn ~tional J uridical As,;o-
UK 0 .•.::-.u:mc.~::,;- l'ROI'AGS~lH ACTIVlTJES

rrc·:::;c:1t ArnLrica ofJ~::s the C.'\:tmple of :t country disc~:ding tr~lditio:1.:.; ·of l:b,.~rty
~.\~d frl.! c:1c,:t1 , !!pd s! it ut iu g lc.g1s\:-..;/l ve , !\d :'. \iu i:o-L :-~t ! c .!L a d juc!!t! i:~l ~yr:\ :\ny.
: . :... . - i hi.sto u~1Lry . o ne~ k ~1 :1':.•.'n lo t h~ ....·u~\t! .:.t~ t~1i:: ]t :".\"i:! ~ a i rc fu;;c u f o;> ;):-~~-~,:d p,:-.-,~i,:s
..... c:tl';I.' •,;, or d .:: po r b;, thfl.:i~ J~\.:-u t; lo ,·01cc ,n1popu !.1.r op:~u.o~:s; w fl ~ .:t cJn -
. ~ ~t~<Jnl\ i. Co11rn1iucc fa~ 1'o;j1i,:i. '1 I'r i,011~,, ;::i.a:[ iO:l sup;,o~~C ~o p rol~t L fr,"i:·U o !11 of c xp :-~Si ion, it LhJW pcr.,c.;ute . \. B. nd. nn-
• ~ic:\!\ C6::1. n1 lqc~ for th~ r:-oti:-c t f.~ n of t~()r~ l:..:.: ; p: :.,,m,; i(~ p ol:lic:il d f.,;., c:n,~~s. . , _
: J,'l"ycu G,ii trl. K1:*-l~::::1,:1r-C,:i:1 :1or D~f~:iN i':-.c Post .O;:i c~ r.::'<.: ., ~s :.he m:i.ils to prin l cd lll.3\t ~r ~.q>rcs~i •l~ U!'l!)Opuhr vie·.,·s.
.1_:,::i il(~c; C:<1l1ur D ekn~c Co::1 rr1\ uc~ . Cri:-!.1in:"1l syr:.dicti.1isrn ~nd crirninul !lnan.:hy -sl:1.tutc.'.i h:'.vc Ol~tl:i.wcd 1nc.;;lings o{

,·.here .,,' .-re num"rrous citntions from th.::

cE·~:.bc:-.i or
n.dnod ty orsan?1. ~tlou~. . . . • . ~ .
The An1cric:1:1 S,:ction of ,he I. J . .-\. dccl:ir0s it;; purpose, to be :i.:; ful\,w:s:
·rkcr, nn1\ Wc;;tl'rn Worker, 11!1 officicl. ''To co?nb::i.t . . . s.nd rcsi~t incre:~.::ing executive, judi~i:l!, lc_si:-:l:iti\·e U!Jd
,·1 1rly:·(.!ni l,, rt ·Stn tcs of' :\rncric:L !.d:~i!r.f~t~ntivc o;) p!",~~j:,i n . . .-.-~•a SU!)pc. rf. t ~c ciC ir! nsc o{ p~tl t ic:il r ~lt,):~Cr=i
r::·;.{"ti~!ly in the cnu : t-s . . . . To r:ll ly t o t h ~ su 11ip,>r t of wor·kc-i s r.. t~cl t heir c :-~:.~-
· ::rnt- ro 'cite Llr,~ ite:ms tlwt m!lkc up tlit l!i tio1ts . . . s.s-~i:ist t.hc fore~~ o-f the s:atc \ \'hl!.~,i: \·~ r 1tad wh \Jr~,·cr l bc l :itt ~r
!r.l:'l•tion,11 .h:rid icnl :\ssoci:1tioo :\·!011 ll1 h· ~1i;r:s it.5clf on the side of srr:-c!=il p-ri \·i~2gc. To hcl;:i e.:;t:ibli...:;h in tl,is country a-1d
the consistc11cy wit.h wliiclt this public,~- t~:ro11gho1:1t the ~·orl<l soci:-i.l ta.nt! l'c-;nl justice."
ubli5liini; i~ h:lVC' m:,int:iir,cd l,hcir cl1n r• From the foregoing oflicit1l decbr:ition of the Intcrnutionn.l Juridirnl
Assocint.ion, the fol10,1ring points urc clc!lr:
Oc,1th or To111 '.\!00111:y : IJclci;::i~i,:, n or )::it1or1:i! I. 'Thr,t the I. J .. .J. . is !)ttr't of"1~n intccn:i.t.ionr.1 ocg,1nirntion to whose principles
:i:Y C:c11cr!I\, '.\ Mio1:nl Xcgro Cunsr~s end :,;:,.. the I. J. A. subscri l;c; ; : - ~ \
~11.ib~r ti~ .-:ritt lo 1'rc.;ideot Hoo~cvclt: Forcig~ 2,_ 1:'hs.f_~h.a. -"'- ":cr l_c~ri Ch:n·en,; n11~nt i.:i looked upon e.s !1. sou rc e of .11 lcg,l.s hili"'c, ·, ~

E.-<ln11n1!>h~~i.,: s;i.d Jc <l 1c1 ::-i..l t )""t:'l r! Uj~. , \

tnlin-lfo1<:r" l>o.ct und during the period of 3. Thst" ,d ,c:1~v or d ,c I. J, ,\ , deems it n.:ccss~,r it 11~11 "r:1.lly the su p port of ) .
workers and their or~P.nizr1.tior.s . . : 2.g:.1in.3t the forces of the .st~t•.:."
im, the lntc-ni:1(io1dJuridiciil Ass,oci1.t1on
!U or
fovcSL!f;:ltion !"15 fl. "s.eCJ"Ct. po1i ticnl
4_· Th~t i,s :,ims P.r_~ riot tb:it l;)i an ordi m\ ry profc3Siotrn_Lor.;:,_r,l!z,~;.io:1 of l_r. ·.1·ye:r-,.
but .?.re in t~ndcd to n~lp csrnb! 1sh the I. J. A.'s conc.:ption 01 .''world soc1~.! and
! O!lQ oi 11 W .C.t' hystcri:1 ." (Dullcti111 April le;:1! justice."
H2, e.flcr the H idcr :!ll1,ck on Russi:1, \\"C:
in tl.ic Int enwtion11l Ju-rid ic;~] As-;:;o<!i,ilion
· ':,r ~s ·for irccclom."
. -

lntorn:ttionnl Jmirlicr.l s\s~ocialion should The Rolicrt )-Jar::;lrn.11 Fo,.md,i:tion is one of the principr.1 sources of
· its st:'!.n<l in HHO during lhc l) C.riocl of L1lil !uncls iot t.hc sup r.o:-t. of th~ l:lri:;c :ni-!".y of Conrn1u i\is t-front,org,;.n-
ing the J~ud,c-Wu<l5worlh dr.,ft bill, the iz.~tio:1s in tl,c T.:nit.:-d S,nte:s. In 10.12 , ,,-hen lhc. s,Jcci:1! Coi~H n tttcc
,cin tiou dcc!r.::-e<l: on Un-:\m,•ricnn Activ-i ~i ::s obt:1ii!cd Lhc li:1 ,: nci,1 r.:-conls of the
r iub f•!Ct ruiHi(.l~..,-c;•to St...-crct p o!iec n1cth(.,'6.
P.Qbcrt ~ri~rsr:·rtll }'oumhtion, iL W!lS k :\TT.h:d that the lrtV:rnr.timinl
b'"c.• of . c!cp~:1d c :i!>' is i!luso,y, thsi., m e n with Juridict,l Associ:,tion was one of t1:c rcg.u'.i;l" l.Jcncfici,wir:s of Liw.t iund.
up t-0 C!cti,·c sc:n·icc at the: whim of lo,I\I draft The co h:1..s i.:.i it.::; poss.c~sio:1 Rccord r. k copic,; of chacks Co,
~~ . - tbc iollowine umo unts l':hich "·ere pnid lo the fotcrun tion:il Jur iJ ic,11
1·c cl:lus0;; for ,,o,1-:crs ncccss9.rv to defc·nsc indus-
r~kc'•brca~ in; n,~ehincry. ..
Assocint-100 'by the Robi!'rt }.for~hn!l l<'ound~tion (d1,lcs oi ch.:-cks
i.;is for co:i.s cicntiou s objectors. _e ho given) : ·
cla1Hc of th,~ prHcnt. ui ll offers ''litt.le promise of J~n. 7, 1941. .. ___________ __ ___ $2001 pr. I, 1943 _ _______________ __ $250
c;ipted cmp!o)·cc." ' .!.pr. 17, 19{!___ __ _ ___________ 200 u!_v !,S, !!:i-.2. ------·------- - - 250
er c:,.ist.,; for a conscrip_t feeing fi nsncial oblii;~iions
OthcT p1·omincm·L Cornmuni::;t-f;-o,\t. org:1!1iz::.ti.;,n:; wl, ich li!!.\·c rc-
~ S()Ci'.'if:cn!lr f8.{e3u!"!. rd .:d by !lny o! the p,ovisi~H!5 ccin!<l rc&;·ul:ir fi:t ~nci,il sup r o11. fr.;im tho Ho bert ~hrsbidl Foun dr.tion
3'.c.::cc of r. strik e of dder;cd <•,orkcrJ., ln :i. " ~dude tl.!c follow ing: :\:nc1 ic::n Yo u th Congress, Fi-,rm Rc:;r;,,i ch:
lrllf t of:ic:.~h to cane~! the st r :1-:c;;;' d¢:crmen:., tl!c
., g cM.;cd to e;;:st . . . . " 1:edcnlted Press, Frontier Films,· Nutioniil Fcdcr::.r.ion for Coust1lu-
.. r.cmiits th,~ c.~c:c:i,c of. the s!'mc po"·crs ths.t liond Liberties, N nLion d ~ cg:ro Co1:gr e£s, Sou th.:irn· Cou fol'e,1c~ for
k or fi;;hC' princip le. Today's s.:10.logy ,,.f uld bo Hurrrnn Vi"oli!!.rc 1 end t.h6 Souihem ?<cgro Youth ConJ;resS.
From tho inc eption of the lntcrnn,io:td Juritl icc! Associ:it.ion,
ro1:1 the prenmblc to the constitution of the ~arol \rci~s King li:1s b..::en the org c11 iz.1aio:1's sccrct 11f)· erld i t:; most
sociation o.rc enlin-htenino-
0 0
as to the nature u-Jlucn:icl mr:;mbc!". The Communist C'.)!ltrol !!!Id policies oi t..hc
ni7.:,lion: !ntr.:n1i,tioni1l J uridic~! Asso6il.l:cn htn·~ ccn,tt!r~d in· tbu p.:-r::on of
<' Int.-rna.tio"ia-1 Juridical A~~ociution subscribes to ~in;. King.
,( the Iutcrnlltion.iI Juridic,i.l Associo.tio11.

~ - - • - • - .. - • • r . • . , . , - - . - - - ,•- • ~-- - . -~ ....


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-~ >- . . . October 17, 1968
~JJ-<v '1 £_ 11J,9¢1- \b"
'"( REC -~
. :

Mr. Clarence H. \Moss · .

_Advert~ln~ -~~i!~ ..·.-~ »-~
·t · .

16f~~~~~t~ :rh~a~.r~P••o-·Jn~.
627 ~af~stiq BuiJding_ _ '..
San Antonio, r_exas 78~05 · .:

Dear Mr. Moss:


. to
. With resp~ct the inquiry contained·1n your letter of
-O_c tober loth, thi~r Bureau is strictly an investigative agency of the Fed-
eral Government an~ as such, neither makes.evaluations nor d:raws
conclusions. as to the character or integrity of any organization, publica-
tion ·or individual. Therefore,· I cannot comment as you desire. I hope
1· you will not infer either that we do or do not have material in our files
,. rel~ting to the "Liberty. .Letter" and..the "Liberty Lobby."
' .

This Bure·au does not have a 11st of subversive organiza-

co tions for publicattori; however, you may wish to secure a copy ·of "Guide _
~ ~ 00 to .S ubversive'Organtzattons and PubUcattons," prepared _and released by
§ ;: ~ the House Co~mlttee on Un-American Activities. In it are listed some
. , ~'. ,-1 ~ of the groups and periodicals which have been cited by various state and .
:iEJ G u Federal agencies, and a copy of it can be purchased for ·seventy cents from
0 the superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington,
D~ :. C. 20402. Checks or money orders should be drawn payable to the
Superintendent of Documents. c.o. D. order~ will not be accepted.
. ' .

U; . ·
r ·.
:·:. t
•. ! · .· •.-~_,· ·t
~ . ~6~.t~ ,~,.r~,-~.:1i_.1: , .
"iSin:cerely yours I · ~
. : . ' ,
,rll· (
Edgar Hover

. .
~rt:LD~ 1t.J J.;f . n51c V_.t:i 1.' -~ ,,.E,,,, .
. ~O.,...
V\) 19,,~ M"I
A·,;,;; .•
~j~ . 1t/;
pj·-,:+J;-:;vJ··~,?l, .,.. ~ ., ·. . ·.. , ·. . ..
NOTE:~ BUfUes~~nta:in• tro.. r ·e·<rord·of'·corres ondent. His enclosure is a ·
6~~s:;ch _. _:_· .C<?PY of "Liberty _Letter" dated Jtily, f,966 •..:, 'Liberty ·Letter" is a publicatiQ_l}
~~~~0~ -:-Q!~I;ibe~y Lobby" which is described as
• rganizafioncumposed of an
·g:~l~~'an - - :,,,: p~tr~0t~t.p~~ssure group.~"·.~I,~ch: sta_nds f_or, co~stitutional la"(, . Americanis.m, .
~:~td .- . f./ ••.J~nd .1ndiv1du:jtUsm as opposeq,-to internat10nalism and cqpe·c tiins.m • . We have ·
~~~:·n- - : ha1..ffiq:tti~.~~s ~~g~rdi~ th~ group but h~ve "~onducJtt~S iffte~~t\iP.? n· ~
Sullivan__ I• , ,{>,. , , , , • '· ;Jl •
Tave! ~i'V
FMG:rk -J.~ ·
JJ~-: ~ :· · · ~ nc1 · ·e .I· " bh ~ . .
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Troller _ _
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.... . - 627 MAJESTIC BLDG. ·









Advertising Dept.
.Interstate Theatres, fnc.
621 Maiestic Building~ ,
·~ ll Al\l~FlU4)~ lecas 78205 ,.

o.\~ ,,..., REC 2~

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Io .rJ\i ta OCT 18 1968


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Number 89 Education without Action availeth Naught July 1968


Citizens Can Stop Promotion of Crime
Proposals to disarm decent citizens continue to come from
the anti-gun group in the House and Senate. Meanwhile, the
crime wave sweeping the Nation goes from bad to worse. Noth-
ing will stop force but more force, but .still there are voices
urging Congress to further weaken the forces of law and order
by · making it harder for law-abiding people to, get and keep
firearms. :
Meanwhile; the Mafia is busy laying plans fo . cash in on

---- the booming "hot gun" black market that is certain to keep the
criminals cif the Nation well-armed. Aside from the profit-making
angles .in "hot" .unregistered guns, there are advantages tb a
professional killer in using a stolen gun that is in fact registe_red
to an innocent citizen about to become a suspect in a murder
case. Crooked cops will be able to sell gun-registration lists to
the mobs at premium prices.
For the small-time crook, there is the pleasure of
knowing that his potential victims have been made less
able to cope with him as a result of stringent gun-control
laws. It all adds up to a big boost for crime in America WHAT YOU CAN DO:
all in the name of "fighting" crime. · • Write or wire your two senators
Economist Alan S. Krug of Pennsylvania State University and your congressman.
has published a statistical study of crime and gun laws that • Tell them what you think about
concludes with the finding that there "is no statistically sig- the advisability of making it more
nificant difference in crime rates between States that have fire- difficult for law-abiding people to get
arms licensing laws and those that do not." On the other hand, and keep guns at a time when no
one is safe from criminals. ·
there is obviously a restraining effect on crime in localities that
have promoted and encouraged the possession of guns by private • If you agree, tell them that the
government should encourage the
citizens. · arming of law-abiding citizens, rather
Following a series of rapes in Orlando, Florida, 6000 than take their guns away.
women were taught to shoot by the local police depart- • Make it clear that you have spent
ment. In two years, Orlando's crime rate fell off by some time thinking about this mat-
9.5%, at a time when the national rate increased 16% ter an d you expect the m to do the
and other large Florida cities were suffering a 20% same, rather than acting t oo hastily.
increase in crime. . • Each of your two senators may be
Detroit grocery holdups showed "a sharp reduction" after written at:
a grocers' organization began conducting gun clinics, and in Senator ......... .. .. ......... ..
Highland Park, Michigan, t he police chief credited "gun-toting United States Senate
merchants" for the fact that no store had been robbed over a Washington, D.C. 20510
three month period in that city. It is clear that criminals fear
the possession of guns by the people. Why, then, should politi- Write your congressman at:
cians exhibit the same reaction? Representative ....................... .
If the American people are as concerned as they should be House of Representatives
by the current breakdown in law and order, they had better get Washington, D.C . 20515
busy at letting their congressmen and senators know about it, • Address your senators as "Dear
before the nationwide hysteria about guns results in disaster: Senator ... ................. " and your con-
gressman as "Dear Mr........... .. ...... "
- S 3604 (Dodd), S 3634 (Tydings), S 3637 (Brooke)-registration of all guns; SHORT.
proof of registration to buy ammunition'.
- S 3633 (Dodd), S 3605 (Dodd), HR 17735 (Celler)-bans direct mail-order
sale of rifles and shotguns. · Remember, YOUR INFLUENCE
. -.• COUNTS ••• USE IT!

Of course, we can't really welcome
SICK, SICK, SI~K Max to the Senate yet, because he still
If we've heard it:once during the past has to beat the Democratic nominee, Alan
weeks, we've heard it a hundre~ times, Cranston. But we do congrat4late him for
From every liberal in the land, whether he the well-deserved licking he gave to ex-
be a politician, preacher, columnist, or Senator Thomas Kuchel in the California
just a g,arden variety type of liberal. In Primary.
perfect unison they chant: "Our society is As Republican Whip, second in com-
sick, sick, sick." mand to Everett Dirksen, Kuchel piled up
Why is "our" society sick? Because an one of the worst voting records of any
alien resident, admitted under a liberal Republican-even worse than "Dolly"
immigration law, shot a man he believed Dirksen's. Working together, Kuchel and
to be the enemy of his country. Dirksen did their best to help LBJ push
In the foreign, oriental culture from his legislative program through.
which this man comes, assassination is not MEANWHILE, BACK HOME
ao unusual way of changing administra- the voters would complain about Kuchel's
tions. ll is an unpatriotic lie to blame this support of the pro-Soviet Consular
act on America, as all of the liberals a re Treaty, or about his votes to send aid to
trying to do. · "PAROON ME STR, l:IIJ'f, IS YOUR GUN R[GISTERF.D'!'" -/.:th
the Reds, or the scheme to give our gold
Yes, indeed. Our society is sick. It is away, or his suppott of many other "dis·---,
sick. and tired_oLgov.ernment by hy,steria __ astrous measures.,,_ -··-~ ' · - ·'""- - · ·
It is sick and tired of these posturing blab- But Tommy never worried. He had the
bermouths called liberals. that dishonesty, starvatlon1 auto accidents,
toothache, landlords :ma liberals exist. Establishment on his side. He had plenty
WHO ELSE Once, the voters tried to outlaw alcohol of campaign money and the support of
but the liberals are responsible . for the and that didn't work. For centuries reli- Spencer-Roberts, Gov. Ronald Reagan's
assassination of Bobby Kennedy? They gions have tried to rid the world of sin own public relations firm. He could count
are the ones who have infected a once- and have had no apparent success. on backing from most of the daily press
healthy America with their disease germs. in California. Furthermore, he knew that
· Trying to stop political assassinations in the interest of "party unity" Reagan
They preach contempt [or our traditionaJ by outlawing guns is typical of the liberal
Christian Western vaJues. They ridicule mind , which floats in the air, free from would not support anyone who ran
law and order and praise lawlessness and any concern whatsoever with facts. against him. .
revolution. Using every means of propa- Max Rafferty, on the other hand, was
ganda and tax. free "education," they pro• South Africa's Prime Minister, Hen- the underdog .and was not given much of
mote the breakdown of our national, elh- drick Verwoerd, was assassinated with a a chance to win. He had no support from
nic, and constitutional standards. They' knife. But we don't recall hearing any the newspapers. With the big money dried
demand tolerance for crime, dope, por- suggestions from the Washington Post or up, he had to solicit funds from Conserva-
nography and deviation of every kind. Sen. T11omas Dodd (D-Conn) that knives tives by mail, and he relied on volunteers
There is only one thing that lhe liberals be outlawed. for help.
cannot tolerate: anti-communism. No less an authority than Los Angeles Thus, Rafferty campaigned as an open
All liberals always claim that they want Police Chief Thomas Reddin has declared and avowed Conservative-and this, of
peace, brotherhood and love. Yet in · their that gun legislation could not have pre- course, is why he won .
wake they leave a trail of wru,, hatred and vented this tragedy. And the fact of the . Rafferty's victory in California is a
anarchy . And now tbat the natural and matter is that Sirhan Sirhan was already smashing defeat for the liberals and her-
predicted results of their crimes against in violation of a gun law. Aliens in Cali- alds similar victories in· other states. More,
America are coming 10 pass, lhey are fornia are forbidden to own a handgun, with
)· desperately trying, to. hide tllei.r.. guill by. much less to carry one on their J,erson. . . ... _ .. ~~~H~L i:,10.W:_G_O~E___ .. . .. .... .
blaming something besides themselves. But that law ilidii' r 'stop him: Why ·woLild. from the Senate, and with "Dolly" Dirk-
any other? sen under fire from Republicans for his
THE FACT IS Judas role as hatchetman for Lyndon
of Robert F. Kennedy was a national trag- Johnson, thing~ are looking up.
edy. By helping to establish a tradition of there are at least 100 million guns in
violence and lawlessness in American America. Most law-abiding citizens we There are rumors here in Washington
politics it gives aid to the liberals and to know in Washington, including-we are that Dirksen is on the · way out of his
the eve n more sinister group who manipu- told-at least half of the congressmen, position of power. We hope so. Without
lates them. have at least one; they wouldn't think of Dirksen and Kuchel to contend with, and
being without a loaded gun, and they with a newly-elected contingent of good
We are speaking of those within the men installed next January, the United
ruling Liberal Establishment who will aren't going• to turn them in no matter
what the liberals want. Thanks to rulings States Senate may reassert its power and
stop at nothing to suppress all anti-com- regain its prestige in the eyes of the
munism in America and install an openly of the liberal Supreme Court, crime goes
rewarded or unpunished in this Crime Nation.
Leftist dictatorship.
Capital of the World. The most important thing now is how
Liberty Letter 87 referred to the strange much Conservatives are willing to sacrifice
fact that every civil rights bill has been Guns can be used to enslave men or
to free them . Like fire, guns may be use- for victory. A good start has been made,
passed with a bullet. And now, the mur- but November is still far off. It's up to us
der of Bobby Kennedy is being used as ful servants or tyrannical eriemies.
to back good candidates with all we have.
the pretext to try to disarm the law- Until lhe supremacy of law is once
abiding citizens of America. • again established in America-which will LIBERTY LOBBY needs funds to continue and
It is a shame that guns exist. It is a involve a thorough political and judicial expand lls work. Contributions gratefully ac-
cepted In cash or securities. If lntere.sted In
shame that alcohol exists. Cigarettes are flushing- it is obvious that honest citizens Including this lnsU!utlon In your wm, lnlor-
matlon will be sent upon requut.
bad, too. For that matter, it is a shame need more, not fewer, guns.
Arnold Wins Primary which proves the truth of its title. An out-
LIBERTY standing expose of the War on Poverty,.
Los ANGELES, June 5 (LLNS)-Re- LIBRARY it is the product not only of massive re-

turns from the 31st Senate District here search, but of on-t hc 0 spot investigation.
~p~ All of the nice sound- J
showed today that Gary R. Arnold has llln1tl1t1 Edllaf
won the Republican ing projects are reduced , ·. :i,
nomination, with more to th~ falseness of their !l\ {~;,.!;
·< •
,. /1
than 60% of the vote. Great Britain and the United States prorruses, and the re- . i;' ~ y· t. .
have become Socialist States in this cen- suiting chaos is re- ·· t. ·' · ·r , "1
Arnold, a former
Representative for the tury, yet the majority of their ci tizens have ported. It shows ho~ ~11_\l
Board of Policy of LIB- no idea of how tbis came about. the War on Poverty 1s 'DIEIIIO~'Il'
not only important, but 1S~1•...,.-
ERTY LOBBY, cam- Fabian Freeway tells the story. A vir-
paigned on a pro-Amer- dangerous - impor tant '---- - - -""'
tual "Who's Who" of t·he left wing, this because of the hopes and money involved,
ican platform. He is fast moving book tells the complete story, dangerous use tax-supported pover ty
ARNOLD now matched against fro m the foun <ling meeting of the Fabian
the Democratic incumbent, James Wed- warriors follow the Commu nist pattern oE
Society in October of 1883, to the Lyndon organizing cadres of the poor to form a
worth. Johnson Administration. It names people, potent political, and indeed revolutionary,
Reached at his home, Arnold gave places and dates, is carefully documented force.
credit for his victory to the help of vol- with footnotes throu~h- ==="" . This book bursts the balloon of propa-
unteer supporters. out, and is fully in- ---· .j ganda , lays bare the scandal, waste, sub-
He commented, "My victory is indica- dexed. It will remain ~~~~f!~~ · l version, and failure of the Poverty Pro-
tive of a conservative groundswell sweep- a treasured reference j gram. A timely and up-to-date report,
ing America; however, unless men and wock. cj this book is filled with shocking fac ls, a nd
women can be found who are willing to From this big 550- _. 15J/1l ;, should be in every home library.
run for office we cannot take full ad-
vantage of it. I urge all responsible Amer-
p~ge book emerges the
picture of today's revo--
[ ,(/r"J
= [;;;/ * * *
Election time is drawing near, and it is
icans to make it their business to seek lutionary. No beards or '... d~.:; time for all Conservatives to review how
out and find good candidates for office or, street agitation here-rather a grey flannel they have been re presented. Liberty
failing that, to' run themselves." suit, ivy-league degree, and c_uJtured ac- Ledger, LIBERTY. l,OBBY's voting rec-
cent, following the motto (recently aban- ords of your Congressman and Senators,
doned) "Make Haste Slowly." will tell at a glance how they voted on ten
UNION GLADIATOR SEEKS RIGHTS Exposure of how the Sot::i alisL Inter- major issues last year.
WASHINGTON, June 15 (LLNS)-The national worked to ·get Lenin and Trotsky Knowing what your representatives say
Washington · Observer Newsletter has into Russia, to overthrow Kerensky, and is not enough- it's how they VOTE that
brought to public attention the incredible how Harry Dexter White used bis posi tion counts. Liberty Ledger is still the . most
de!)ial of consti tutional rights to one Peter as Under Secretary of the Treasury to convenient, compact, and economical way
Batali as, a labor union member whose channel funds to E ngla nd lo underwrite to score your representatives on their
testimony against union corruption before Socialism during World War II are repre- work in Washington. It should be given
the Senate R ackets Committee unleashed sentative of facts with which this book wide distribution in civic groups, and to
a Pandora's box of persecution. brims over. every voter who is not aware of how his
The author, however, has written no representatives voted. .
Included in the attempts to silence Don't forget Liberty Ledger in your
Batalias in his ou tspoken, ten-year slrug- dry historica l recitation. Fabian Freeway
is fas t paced, and reads like a vast, dra- plans for the coming campaign. The prices
gle to expose corr upt union officials, con- are even lower in quantities.
tractors and politicians are : three attempts matic international spy story. At the same
on his life, commjtment for mental <ib- time everythi ng falls into p lace. including
servation, ( allegedly by order of the ]ate the mai,ter plan for converti ng. the United
States and Great Britain into Socialist
Sen. R. F . Kennedy, former Counsel for
countries under worldwide Socialist con- GUN EMERGENCY
the Rackets Committee) and imprison-
ment in the D.C. Jail where he has lan- trol by Communists. Page 1 of this issue has been
guished the . past five months under The facts presented are inescapable, inserted as a PAID AD to reach
$50,000 bond. and will convince even your most doubt- 10 million dally newspaper read-
Since he has lost his right to work (he ing friends . This book, which was a best- ers across the Nation. $20,000
is an Operating Engineer) and is unable seller in the hardcover editi on. has just must be raised immediately to
to get a congressional hearing of the been issued in paperback. pay fo"r ads. YOUR GENEROUS
facts, friends have set up THE PETER EMERGENCY CONTRIBUTION
* * *
Poverty ls Where the Money ls is the

20003. They welcome inquiries. title of a new 280-page hardcover book,


D C!lt Editor;
• cu l c oupon here - - - - -- --------'---

We would l!k1t lo e~prcss our creat re~'Jl•e1 to you

f or publlshlng 1hc L/b,rty Lt,,.,, w!rlch m its aon1en1s
spenlt!t ou1 or 1.he h1!.1r1 or orry cl•an A mcrirnn.
Here Is my special Contribution to help pay for the Gun Emergency. I enclose $ .,..•...... ... .. .
. We are lhc lnrgcsl German-America n Orcanlzal io n
in 1he. I.I .S.A. with members in 47 1tn1cs ~nd 11(lllia1ed Please send 1T1e ................ copies of Fabian Freeway ($1.95 each, 3 for $5) I enclose $ •••• .• , ..... .... ,
wit h Lhc Pedero1ion of Americans of Gcrrnan D0llcc11l. )
We wou ld llkc IO reprint some of your nr(icle.• a.rid
•cdltorinl~ because wha t ·you hove 10 soy shuutd l)e Please send me .............. copies of Poverty Is Where the Money Is ($5.95 each) I enclose $ ............... .
made kn<1wn 10 every American.
GUENTHER FRIES Please send me ............... copies of Liberty Ledger (50c each, 3 for $1 , 20 for $5) I enclose $............... .
Managing Editor
" Der .Dcut~ch•Amcrikaner" of the
German.American National Congress, Inc. My name and address appear correctly on the reverse side of this coupon. fOTAL $ ....... ........ .
4718 N. Lincoln Avenue r
Chica110, lllinois 60625
AMERICANS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY Internal Security Legislation-S 2988, a
highly important piece of anti-Commu-
nist legislation (see Liberty Letter #86
/eeporlj Legislative for details) is still before the Senate In-
ternal Security Subcommittee. If the bill
by Stanley M. Andrews Lookout is to be enacted before adjournment,
Out of the mystery quick action is necessary. Tell your sen-
surrounding the disap- ators that you think passage of S 2988
pearance of the nu- is essential to protect the United States
clear submari1:1e Scor- from the Communists and their agents.
pion comes an interest- Tariff Legislation-HR 17551, now be-
ing report whicJ1 has been suppressed by fore the House Ways and Means Com-
lhe Department of Defense and those con- mittee, would extend the President's au-
ducting a Naval court of i.nquiiy. Even the thority to lower American tariffs as much
national press has not published this As Congress moves toward adjourn-
menl, which is expected to come by the as fifty percent at his own discretion . His
report. use of t:his authority, in effect •since l 962,
.first week io August, there are a large
This inside report, related by navy men, number of jmportant bills remaining to be has. already disrupted mnny American
states that a member of the missing crew acted upon. indl1siries, and cost many 1hous.t1nds of
wrote a letter to his mother which was American jobs. Tell your congressman
mailed from the lost ship's last port of Tax Increase-The Administration's un~ .. that you want the power to set tariff rates
call by a crew member who left the sub- necessary 10 percent income tax sm:- returned to Congress, and that you will
marine at the port. charge is moving dangerously close to regard a vote for HR 17551 as a vote to
According -t:o-·this- · report,- the-· crew enactment, -I,£. this- bill-is~still beforecCon-- •export American jobs to foreign countries.
member wrote his mother that a Russian gress as you read this, write your repre- Panama Canal-S 3108, introduced by
destroyer had been following the nuclear sentative and senators immediately, tell- Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), provides
submarine for five days and the American ing them that you do not want to pay for improvement of the presenl Cana l to
sub had been unable to shake off the higher taxes, and that you will keep their meet 'the needs of modern com merce and
Communist· electronic charting of the votes on this issue in mind when .you vote national defense. Its enactment would
American'. :vessel's · journey. It is further in November. make it very difficult for the Administra•
reported that the Scorpion had been taken Civil R.ights..;:senate flpor action is ex- tion to secure ratification of the notorious
off its planned course to pursue a secret pected later Lhis month on S 3465, which Panama Canal Treaties. It is expec1ed
assignment. would grant the EquaJ Employment Op· that hea rings on this bill will be held by a
The Navy admits unofficially the possi- portunity Commission new authority lo Senate Armed Services subcommittee be-
bility that the Scorpion was playing a dan- harass businessmen and labor union's with fo re Congress adjourns.
gerous game with a Russian submarine at hearings and cease and desist orders. Al- Rent Subsidy-Demonstration Cities-The
about the time the Scorpion vanished. though no House action on this danger- House voted to cut Administration re-
Records of the court of inquiry indicate ous bill is expected this year, Conser~a- quests for appropriations for these pro-
the Scorpion was 27 miles off her normal tives should attempt to defeat it in the grams from over one billion dollars to
homebound route south of the Azores. Senate. Tell your senators that a vote for $525 million. HR 17023, the bill con-
Further credence is given to the theory even more civil rights legislation this year taining these appropriations, is presently
that the Scorpion was destroyed by a ' will not be appreciated. before the Senate Appropriations Com-
Communist weapon by the refusal of Rear Foreign Aid-Conservatives won a sig- mittee. Tell your senators to vote against
Admiral Arnold F. Schade, commander nificant victory when the Senate Foreign any appropriations for either program.
of the Atlantic Fleet submarines, to dis- Relations Committee deferred action on
cuss the possible presence of Soviet fleet bills wasting a total of $680 million on Bill To Boost
ships or Red subs in the area where the the International Development Associa- HJ Res J J 16, · introduced by Rep.
Navy lost contact with the Scorpion. tion and the Asian Development Bank. Albert Watson (R-S.C.) to prevent the
_ . _ _ • "r~e _4isappeai:~11ci:, of_. !_he _$<.._<m?)O!J. .T!'tl~-~~tL0.!1_~l.ll.. P. r9llAbly.~!1,a1:1:}h_e_ _~tt_c~~-' ..~e~ide_n_l .!~_O_f!I i~._~_!_u_!i ng wag~ a~d _price_._
takes on a more ominous color when we of k1lh ng these bills for the 90tli Congress. controls by executive decree (see Liberty
recall the mysterious loss in the past few The main foreign aid. authorization bills, Letter # 85 for details) . is being bottled
months of both a French and an Israeli S 3091 and HR 15263, are still in com- up by Administra(i0n leaders in Congress.
submarine. Strangely, each of these subs mittee, and .are expected to be reported to Write your re presentative and ask hirn to
disappeared in an ,area within less than the floor later this_ month. If enough pub- demand that the Committee on Banking
one day's striking distance of the Com- lie pressure. is put on Congress, this can and Currency hold hearings on this vitally
munist sub base at Alhucemas,. N. Africa. be the year foreign aid is finally defeated. important resolution.

Published each month during sessions of
Congress by LIBERTY LOBBY. Sub-
300 INDEPENDENCE AVE., S.E. scription price, $2.00 per year. Second- Page 1 of this issue has been
WASHINGTON, D. C. 20003 Class postage paid at Washington, D. C. inserted as a PAID AD to reach
1O million daily newspaper read-
ers across the Nation. $20,000
must be raised immediately to
.pay for ads. YOUR GENEROUS
131osa2·Mo5 ·9999. P BADLY NEEDED. Please send
·214 THORAlN BLV at once.
SAN ANTONIO TX 7821-2 (See coupon on page 3)

.... !

rsr.12i November 20, 1968

j REC.-J:!'6 ;)_.-- 1 IJ~ 'Ii//_. IO I

b 7C
__::.. ...·...·-.r""'"~ -~~-..

De~ I
I have received your letter of November t 6th.
With respect to your inquiries, this Bureau is strictly
an investtgattve agency of the, Federal Government and, as such, ·
neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to the character
or integrity of any organization, ·publtcatton or tndlvtclual. I hope you
will not infer· either that we do or do not have material in our files
relating to the "Liberty Lobby. '',

I reg~et I cannot be of assistance to you •.

Sincerely yours,
. ffi ··,,
~ ~ W' J. Edgar Hoover
~ ~ ~i:
0 ~ \•

~ >
~o Bl~
·z .·;
'----•·.·· ~ NOTE: Bufile~ .conta~ no identifiable information concerning correspondent.
"Liberty Lobby"'is described as an organization composed of patriotic
I) p)-~ pressure groups which stand for constitutional law, Americanism and .
individualism as opposed to internationalism and collectivism. We have had
K..,~V : inq~irtes ·reg~rding the: group rnn: have ~onducted no investigation.
. ~ . . . '

~::::;ch __·
/ rJ.,N, . ·}(~
FMG :e~~ · (3)
Mo hr _ _ _ _ _ .dtw
Bishop _ _ __
Co::;per _ _ __
Callahan - - - · · ·
Conrod _ _ _·

t; ... , ,c.o

rlosen _ _ _ _.
Sullivan _ _ __
Tovel __' _ __
Trotter _ _ __
Tele,. Room _ _

~:~~~" ~ 0 E'eAl~OOM!~ ~ELETYPE .UNIT •

~Jv; , \ ..•,. ,., (

• •
•i;., }'~

NOTemier 1,, 19,8

J •. ~d:g~.H99ter ,. J>1t:e~.;tH?~.t
,~-~~ ~•~-~ of! · Inye·etiption
Waebizigt;OD:, .D. c.

Dear 141:'~ -B00Ter1

. I ~•~~~ ~e_o~1~.~ :- . ~it~~~~~ 7• 4-.~m( an 0~~~~~011

ha;i :rio;nt~y. .
v~oh', ~a~:-;~~~-
.~~~)~"Liltert&Lo~~!., ~ .;v~~ee· iiu l •
}00\ ·Independence ATe., s. !. , Was : ~, D. o.
_,. 1 • ..: •~'; ~ • • oi l .., ~ ' ' ,. •• • •

• 1'1ea~~'.'~:v1-~ mj.1~t-· ,:o.\ q9 j!a;i,l~e·e~ ':con'!9ni'.&nQ.~ : regar~ ·- the ,. (,

f'uiic~~one~·~f\#i~:::,))_~ve·.~~a:·~or~~at~~n; r.e;, ·1t•e ·o r~~/~,.,.

v:tiether''i:t-,•:1,"e:, aeeoofatea. ··wfth - the' Joli.if Birch 8o6iet .·; ·wethe-r 1t
:le"§o~iici~~~~'. '·9111;~e~'.llii!~ ; ·-:e.t ·~~- ·:. !ri:r _'ahd ··a1:r-) pf?™i~on
proviae. "will '. b'e ·ptetul.iy·,apprectated; :that ·te,
- r~ ·',can_···'
':l:f' it fe ~rm:he-

able for 7ou to'· di. wlge Sllch infomtton.

. .
In ~ppreotation of your consider~tion, d . k:inde~t- regards.
'D .-=-:.-.,.,, - ·-

1~\1.'t li'.l;lc_~ ~ _ 1! -~ f/1. t I CJ I

N6'f REG@ie3r9 .
16 NOV 21 %8
~ ~ ~

• ft/8
~ /1.,;J.O

• •·
December 27, 1968

·v V.ff,-&\b,-- /Ob? y I - /Jo?.



Your letter of December 21st, with enclosures, has
been received. ·
In response to your inquiry, this Bureau is strictly an
investigative agency of the Fecieral Government and, as such, neither
makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to the character or integ-
rity of any organization, publication or individual. I hope you will not
infer either that we do or do not have data in our- tiles relating to the
organizations you mentioned. I am returning the material you forwarded
~ as it may be of value to you.

Sincerely yours,

..- -·
LL Enclosures ((2)

~ i
00 ~
OOi';E: Bufiles contain no record identifiable with correspondent. We have
0 had previous correspondence regarding the 'Liberty Lobby and the United
C States Anti-Communist Congress,Incorporated. ·We have not conducted any
investigation of either group. Herbert Philbrick; .National Chairman of the
latter organization, is on ~he Special Correspondents List. -'
Tolson ,,
DeLoach -

g~~:~~an --
EFT:cfj (3)

~ ~

(J '""{,, ,.\} ··
'1..,_ , ),
\ \(: .

r ij

. :,, ,.. ·.. .

·. . /'1) .
~:: .. I .JAN I) :~ ¾ '• ~
Rosen - -
Tove! . - -
,I \
) · '
- • fr::;.....
· /.,{_?
Troller .
Tele. Room - -


December 21F1968

Federal Bureau of Inve:stigatfon

Wixshington,Dis·t'rict of Columbia

Atte·ntion Dire·ctor b7 C

11 Sir :-11 ·
I'm write-ing · in re-gards·· of2~'0rgani zat ions 11 , they
wanting me t b j o ine·· them •.
You · y,ill find enclo·s·e d two letters one · from each, I
G want· t 10 know· i'f' they- are wha:·t· they. say "Anti-Comm-
unist 11·1 Or· they just s:ay this· to get me- jo::l'.n them .

'D7 /JI'-' "The·, . Gbve-r ment1• Kd ? cat·ion~'~ Jj'-61ljmdai:tio!'}1 hais- ~ dif-

ferent name·· an addre~rs·, it :ts··"-ffl:.IBERTY LOBBY't 300-
Indepe:naence·· Ave·. s·•.E·., Wa;s:nfn{rt"On ,D. e.
I don •t·· want· to get :In t"o· a; organiza·t ion that Pro-
Communist· this, is .. why I am inquiring· a1bout them.
And I shall a:ppre·cia·t'e· any consideration granted -
J[or,r ½wa,J xr
1 1
.. ro,,m,a

REC- 51

< . -!; •':,J " ·'\'

~ I [j, pl~

Telept'lone (2021 638-6010

I ' .. ' ,





... ~. DEC. 1 8 1968

Thank you very much for ·your in.quiry relative to the United
States Anti:..Communist Congress . .~i

. In response to your request. I enclose recent literature together

with an invitation for you to join or contribute to the United States Anti-
Communist Congress . We can truthfully say that we are the nation's fastest
growing anti-communist organization, and we hope that you will join our
ranks as one of thousands of RESPONSIBLE anti-communists, anxious to
contribute toward the preservation of freedom for all men .

Sincerely yours,

~ er t A. Pfalbri ck
··on.a l ~irecto~ ✓ .

Encl.. inf. 5 \ I .,.


) '· V))-- -II b '1 '(/ ./ ItJ),


·· . FOUNDATION : · . · .•.. ,.
' ,, . ~ ,
·P.O. Dox 1627 "
Washington, D. C ..

.Project.· Law & Order

Dear Fe,llow American:

Thank you for requesting infonnation about the operations

of Congress from the Government Educational Foundation.

We are happy to send you the enclosed copy of Your Influ-

ence Counts . : . Use It, which contains the full text of the
Constituti on of the Un i ted States, a detailed explanation of
Ho~ Our Laws are Made, a complete listing of . all senators and
congressmen, plus other valuable information, such as How to
Write Your Congressman, Washington's Farewell Address and·vot-
ing records of your representatives on some of the most impor-
tant issues of the day.
We trust that you will find the information herein to be
useful, and ask that you accept it\with our compliments in the
name of good government. With our Nation facing daily disasters,
both at home and abroad, it is _imperative that we all take a
sincere and knowledgeable interest in what happens in Washington,
and learn what we ~s individuals can do to keep our Nation great.

b7 C

.[)C.. .
• I

. '

r· tENmsu- 0 ~ ,,1 o&, 7Y/-1cJ J..

- • .• •·• · - • - - - • - ., _ - · • ~ • • i~ •• - ~- - •
. ....,.,., ·~ _ t;:,._I

1) ~'. •-
January 2, .1969

j.-\01 ~:,.. -/,!) i PY/.,;_/tJ.3

' ·tit~i1·.

Dear ,,l

With respect to the inquiry contained in your letter of

December 26th, this Bureau is strictly an investigative agency of the
Federal Government and, as such, neither makes. evaluations nor draws
conclu~ions as to the character or integrity of any organization, publi-
cation or individual • . Therefore, I cannot comment as you desire. I
hope ,you will not infer either that we do or do not have material in our
files relating to the ''Liberty Lobby."
) Sincerely yours,
J! Edgar. lloo~
.. ·••-:-- ..

m NOTE: Buflles contain no record of correspondent or the book;·111 ~bert

N -
a;IStrange ·McNamara.'! "Liberty Lobby" is an organization composed of
0 • ~ patriotic pressure groups which stands for Constitutional law, Americanism,
~ C\? ~ and individualism as opposed to internationalism and collectivism. We have
i. ~
-, _
u had inquiries concerning the group but have conducted no investigations.

_ __, FMG:tdh (3)


~~ ~ ~
Tolson - - - - -
DeLooch - - - -
. -✓
Mohr _ _ _ __
Cosper _ _ __
: .01',. _
v~~ ..'¢,¥~:·~·m,ovw.eaa✓
Callahan _ __
Conrad _ _ _·
F'eit ,,/
. . .· .. ~• ';. , l <! C
Gale__ ~tP-
Sullivan _ _ _ • •
.' .
- -;B~Af. ~Ri]~
;:;,i~i,-~~ ~
Tele . 1~ 'a~
m •
· ' -~ Y~ M'A rL o\968 TELETYPE UNIT D
ti •
December 26,. 1968

J. Edgar Hoover, Director

Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Department of Justice
Washington, D. c.

Recently a member of an organization ~,..m as "Liberty

Lobby" gave me a book to read entitl ed ' b e r t


Mclfamara" and also requested I join their organization.

Would you please advise me as to whether or not this

I Organization is Subversive or Communistic?

Their mailing address is 300 Independenc~ Ave., s. E.

Washington, D. c. 20003.

Thank you.

Yours truly,
\\_\J- ~~~:/I-/JJI
/Uk ~Pf!•/t7tA..
I~ .l. - IP9 ~2 JAN' a l96@
t-J ~'k\~~ -==- ~

, , •

t.t-101, 9f/~ 1a1· .ttc., February
14 - 1969)
' ) "-Zi <
V ...--p}/
. ;

.,, 'n:1,

~- ~~
l J

... , ,_),,f"-t.,

d)~ .

... .
.. . Th~ letter· dated February 10th fropi you· and your
husbalid. bas_.been: receiv¢d~

. With regard to Yt;>W: inquiry, ·t his Bureau--is· strictly ·

.~ inve~.tig~tive agency of'-the F~eral,G~vernment and, as· such,
neither ·mak~s ·evaluations .-or, liraws•conclusions aa ·to--the· cha·:rac-
• of
ter or integrity any· organiz~tion: :·p.ubijcation or indi.~idual.'
Therefare, l c~t comment as _you.-desire. · I hope you will'not
infer eit:11,er that we do ·or:· do _not-.have material in our files relating
to "Liberty Lobby.'.' . .

Sincerely .-yours,

iMalLEll 21!
J~ Edgar.. Roove
FEB 141969 i
COMM-FBt . d '( .
NOTE: Correspondents are not i_d entlfiable in Bufiles. "Libeirty
r [~e~-·a s a:n organiz~tion .composed of" patriotic~pr~ssure
Lobby'' is des_c=
,t glioups which stand· foi? constitutionaLlaw, Americanism ana i'lidivid-
~'--~,...... \
·ual:i,sm)1s qppo~ed to .inter~tionalism and ·c olleetivism. We liav~ not
investigated thi'a organization.
,- ,._ , .. ,;,
Tolson - - - - , -
DeLoach - - - -
Mohr _ _ _ __
DCL:sgc · (3)
cJ'1 -~· _,.J,..' '
y "',,!'/
Bishop _ _ _ __
Casper _ _ _ __ ~
Collohan _ _ __
Conrad _ _ _ __
,:, 1f ,. ,•:•, •: •1 • l

Pe lt _ _ _ __
• !, I '• • • •

Gale _ _ _ __
Rosen _ _ __ • ~ f ... I • • •• •

Sullivan i ) J _\ I~ I,

~~:,:~,-=-=~--==- (..../ .'jj .._, ~. /·.

~::~~~oom ~ }-) l -.
f "65.f f -8 z81M •


.· i. '. . ,
,' .
.- -

. f
,;~ -,. - -. :___:__ -- ,_ _ __ ,, .
-~ ..
. , .,
. - .· ·,

I .. ..
. _,

Feb. 10, 1969


Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Washing ton; n.··.c •

. Gentlemen: :

We ,have .he~n getting s?me ~etters and pamphlets r ·rom "L.i berty
Lobby", 300. Independence Ave.,. S. E., Washington, .. D. c. 2003. b6
·We .would like to know if this organization is subv,ersive in

any way.

From the reading matte·r -, it sounds ·1u~e it may be doing some

"good" f9r our Country. We hope so.

Tb,anking you in advance,


ty ;1L'-/~
'} _.; \
~, ..-~ .


2 FEB . Jl.~ 7969
. ....
l ,.
~ t:m ~

~ . U'

. - '!!'


•· a
March 26, 1969

REC M= (~ -/~6'1W-ltJ.5·
,/ ... Mr. Lester S.McElwain
Jf' --

~ ~
Callfomia 94612 · ~

Dear Mr. McElwaln:

With regard to the inquiry in your letter of March 20th,
this Bureau ts s_trlctly an lnvestigatlve agency of the Federal Govern-
ment and, as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions
as to the character or integrity of any organization, publication or

individual. 'J'herefore, I cannot comment as you desire. _I hope you

will not infer either that we do or do not have material in our files


2 6 1969_
relating to the Liberty Lobby.
Sincerely yQurs,
J. Edgar B.oove,

1 - San Francisco - Enclosure

~ ~ NOTE:: Correspondent ls not identifiable in Bufiles.

e :.. ...: :- .,J\~
Tolson _ _
Deloach • ~ • • -~ J~
' , .' /'

~~:;op· FMG:hak (~). ._ .. :· . ',. . / ~,

r IA\. .
Cosper _ _ A /,. ,1 • ·,, • , , ·• '
Callahan__ .,,1/.AJ.ft/1 , . .,·.• •. .'

~~~:n -
Fell--- . • ..... • .· , •' · .

Tove( _ _

;:~~t.•~oom -
Gondy6 nn n 81


,.J ' ~ .-
-, \,_• '.: "• ",

,1 . -~ . .

'/ Mr. Tolson_

• •
Mr. Det,oach._
r,J;'\/.. - Mr. Mt1hr;,'mii7'
\J'••i,,"' ' LAW OFFICES
Mr. Bisl-Ttf~
Mr. Casper._ _
LESTER S . MCELWAIN Mr. Callahan __
EIROAOWA'f BUILDING - t4f9 BROADWAY Mr. Conl'ad .. __


452 - 4 4 7 7
sr- .
Mr. Felt. _ _ __
Mr. Gale. _____
Mr, Rosen ___ _
March 20, 1969 Mr. Sullivan _ _
Mr. Tave! _ __
Mr. Trotter. ___ _
Tele. Room ___
Miss Holmes ___ .
I am a 33° Scottish Rite Mason and a member of the Oakland
Scottish Rite Bodies. During World War II, I also served as
an Officer in Naval Intelligence, being'kmorably discharged
in 1945 with the Rank of Commander.
I state the above in order that you will know· sorn~thing about
me before answering the following inquiry.
Recently I have been rece1v1ng free, without application or
subscription by me, copies of Liberty Lobby, a publication whose
address is 300 Independence Avenue,. S.E., Washington, D. C. 20003.
I have been somewhat impressed with some of the patriotic ideas
express eel by this publication and have now been requested to ,, ,.
subscribe on a permanent basis to tbis publication, and which
I am inclined to do.
owever, before taki
whether or not this publication is on the Federal Bureau of
Investigation's list of publications supporting the far right, ~
which may in the long r,.m be as dangerous to our Country as the
far left.
I am most anxious to support any good publication which engenders
patriotism and stands for good government similar to the stands ••:
taken by the Scottisl1 Rite, but do not desire to support the wrong
type of activity covered by a patriotic front.
While I well realize that you have many matters more important
than considering this inquiry, I hope that in due course I may have
your answer and suggestions in regard to the foregoing. --
Sincerely and r~ipectfully yours,
LESTER S. McELWA I N ~·a J/,/-
IF~ - /IJt,-,,-n -' 1
1/)j I

~19:., it
aEC .44 . ~ = i7 ~ J ~

(Envelope marked "Personal") 1sMAR
'1 lcJ- ~ J,/ 'Q)Qj J
.. ....-,
,; , -~

OPT101lAL l'llRM NO. ID
MAY Ulll l:Dn10N .
· .,- OSA l'P,MW{•1 CPR) !D1•11.e


_ ..... _
, _/
.. i
~- .{ .

Memorandum b2
DIRECTOR, FBI (62-106941) DATE: 4/16/ 69 b7C

....... __ -t;,.

SAC, WFO (100-40127) (C)

·O -

On 4/11/69,
_______Icurrently a F'
Lance P\ibr1-;=-=--~~~~~l.¥&AM.llliJ,(.,,,i...Jo~.... associated in some \
degree with
Africa Counci 1 ASAC} WDC, voluntarily appeared ~WO ..ana-
was interviewed by SA I I "'\
I Iadvi.ded .J
he was u~til recentlyl,_ _ _ _ _
!also that he had been fit:ed b;l.__ ___,,_~~r- ~

1 !for attempting to organize a union. He stated that he had

information which he thinks would be of ·interest to WFO. {

AccordilW: tol ~ILLIS CARTO c;nHan:J,. ~ba -~
_f Liberty Looby, 132 .:5ra st., S.E., \.TDC Andl j;.t
are at odds and the situation has reached a poin wne 1 tJ
is afraid of embarrassment because of LiberJ y Lobby's f

drift toward Nazism. Prior to this difference,lland

CARTO apparently had been compatible as Liberty~had
assisted the ASAC.
Q) - Bureau
1 - Baltimore (Info) (RM)
. .

HE TE !?1.=.f,:_82, ___
,ipTTON CONTA11'ffil? ...,-;••,;··~~\
Ef:?Ol-LJ;t:l! . . ,,"';,:~·
7 - WF~ DA - /r<>KI ,/hO
u I
(1-105-71618) (Al'1E.RICAN-SOUI'HERN AFRICA COUNCIL) /'~ /
_ (1-157-1) (AMERICAN NAZI PARTY). . /:,'2 /. fo</rf. /- IJ jc1>
" " (1-157-2278) (NATIONAL YOUTH ALLIANCE) - (:) -- ·
(1~157-69 WILLIS CARTO ~ '


L...---,,--,--- -----..,.., '

rv v' ·
17 APR l '7 1969

i)ij '.MAY l -1969.
Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll S11vings Plan
- .
&:: ~ ~·! .
• •••
WFO 100-40127

I Ito further illustrate Nazism within

Liberty Lobby stated a book known as "IMPERIUM" written by \
one FRANCIS PARKER YOCKEY which among other things states in
effect that the ' Uni~eft States and our -~l~es prosecuted the
wrong pe91>~e at the Nilrnberg; Germany way· Trials. _CARTO
wrote an·introduction •in this book which !described
as a modern version of ''Mein Kampftt by ,.1\DOLPH HITLER. The_
book endorsed and is being di~tributed by
Liberty Lobby.
1------lalso stated from his association with
CARTO he has learned that the h·~:..~Ji:~r~ Within Liberty Lobby
are to meet at the home of one L~YERS, a-Nazi; who lives
in the Wheaton, Ma~land' ,rea on 4/2Q/69, w· h
tribute to .ADOLPH HITLER. _______Jadvised
· ~ is in
I jin the ·John Birch Soc ety4- ·.
For information of the Bureau, extensi~e investiga• b7C
tion has been conducted by the FBI on WILLIS ALLiSW CARTO
of Liberty Lobby, which the Bureau was made aware of. LiKe-
wise, Liberty Lobby has been thoroughly checked into. On
·· Oe:tober 7, 1966, WFO prepared an extensive LHM on Liberty
Lobby and thr memorandum contains similar information as ·
I . :·
mentioned ·by_
There is no identifiable WFO reference t ! ) D

of the friction ,,between!
~as ;rompted to come to WFO to alert us
CARTC:> since· they are noonger friends; that he
information available to prevent embarrassment to
his friend, should Liberty Lobby be publicly expose as eing
InaSDIUch asl Jfurnished nothing significantly
, new concerning Liberty Lobby, ;O is taking no further action
in this matter.

- 2 -

• •
..,..,,. ~ ·- -~

WFO 100-40127

/A copy of this letter is furnished to Ba-l t; rnora b6

for its information because of the reference tol I
who is supposed to reside in.the Wheaton, Marylan~ ar~a.

- 3 -
~ \ .. -,


,,.. ii .• •,,
r- ... ...


; ,

April 23~ 1969

~i-1,Mfti- Iof
· Mrs. D. 6Mutlholand
~a S.p rjngqale Road~
Lake Worth, Florida 33460
• · - --:-t < , ,:::=-::::=,
,«J;,,,Jt'.k:,.._,.._,, . .... <;:;:... •• ~ ,.- L ..

Dear Mrs.. M'1llboland;

I have received _y our le~r of April 18th, with e~clo-

sures. With regard to your inquiry, this Bureau is strictly an

investigative .ag~ncy of the Federal Government and, as such, neither

) makes evaluations nor draws conclusions a_s to the character or integ ...

rity of any organization, publication or individual. Therefore, I

cannot com~ent as y0u desire. I hope you lf1U·· ~ot infer eiUier ~t -we
do or do not have material in our files relating to the Liberty Lobby.

Sincerely yours,
J. Edgar Hoover

m ·:· · 41-lvo.( .a,RY ·

~ O> ai
u.. , ,.,. ! ... - •
0 el) -:ii ...,..NOTE: Bufiles reveal prior correspondence with Mrs. Mullholand.
C\? ~
oc o ,. . . ©.u,t going, 5-23-63, enclosed a copy of the li~t of ;organizations cited by
<! . the .. Department of Justice under Executive.-0.rd~r 10450 and advised her
.- ·o f the confi~ential natqre of FBI files. The ~nclosures are a stamped,
·. self-addressed envelnpe~:which is being utilized, in this reply and a ·
Tol s,o n'. newspaper clipping concerning ,Liberty ;L~bl;>y, which is s~lf-described
De l oa ch
--=--== • , , .... _ ,r
as an organization composed of patriotic pressure grQlJP~J"Whicb~~tand:;--

~~~p : ,
for constitutionat..;;.:::-,,,law, Americanis·m and 1ndividualism as ·6>pl)·crs-edi2:{
g:~ ,:~
1 0
to n~tionalism and collectivism'.; a_,i1d ·Francis Parke~gXqckey[.2,wpo ,fiiS ·
" - -

•the subject of a Registration Act - lnternal Secbri~ Ac.t1 of ~950 :'i Piss-
11 1
~i1~~;00 __ CE~ :wm (3) . port and Visa Matter investigation which was instituted
;;:t~~' - - 10 · ~ J)AN'il ~°: 1952 on allegatio.ns that he was eng~
re1e. Roo m _
Gandy - r
~ -? ·< ft1!r' rv • 1ties on an international scale
11) !)oo~v .,,J ,i\Ltnl
B&f::iw- TELe~YPE UNI T • ~ . . · . .
·. ed in Fasci~t activ-
'Jtfi· , .
7L ~
- - --- - - , , •
~ · -- - - = - - - -

•. . .

~~ ~ ~4 . ~
~ ~
~ . t~ ~
n ~ 1 ~ ~· li
d '\!P ·· ii· p.
-~ 1· - . -~
~ " -~ ' ': : ;'.)1 i~ 1,
·;~ r ~. ~ ~ -\ ~ - $~ ~ ~ 4 ~<,-
J ; ~
\•./ :-»? 0t:;;\
~ -
. . . . _ _'
_ - - - - ·-"i---- \-~
--r ,,."'L

' ·. ..

~ ~
. '

...,. • ~ 7 --'')·- -- , _ _ _ _ ,..... _ _ , _ ~
; • .,, \.-i
. , _,.,D rew Pearson ~. I7 .
I ,.,. .

G_o vernme.n t Overthrow-~-··,.[

Neo-Nazi Group's Goal
wASHINGTON - This col- t.hat a massive attack, upon ize at the outset that only part
umn has now penetrated the Russia aero$ the plains of of it can be saved; that much
Mafia-like secrecy of ~,sinis- Eur;ope was the "only solu- must be sacrificed and that
ter, neo-Nazi movement that tion." the resulting structure will be
seeks to overthrow the ·u .S. "There is no other,'.' he different from the past ...
government. -Already it di- "And although our job is to
rects an $850,000-a-year lobby- tebuild, we must not lose sight
' ing campaign on Capitol Hill, of the reality, for we· cannot
publishes one of America's fa- rebuild until we have cap-
mous old magazines, operates tured. Political power is the
a publishing "house, controls a essential criterion, not wishes '
dozen front organizations and or windbags, and to the goal of
last year ltanded out $90,000 to political power all else must
candidates for Congress. be temporarily sacrificed:"
Members of this organiza- Carto's secret quest for po,
tion are not goose-stepping lilical power has bad astoo.ish-
Sto.rm Troopers like the late ing success. While he recruit-
·George Lincoln · Rockwell's ed true believers into the
motley misfits, wt doctors, \.Frap.cis Parker Yockey Move-
lawyers, writers and business- stressed. 1 ment, he exercised political
men from America's · upper This must be preoeded, how- power through a netwc;irk of
1 middle class. They belong to
ever; by , " the complete , front organizations .
; se~ret I cells where they are cleansing, of the West~m soul He took pains • always to
I known only by code names. " from every fbrm of material- keep behind the _scenes. A
They call their subterranean ism, from rationali.5m, ~uaJi- ' -·-~arkly handsome man in his
) society the Francis Parker
Yockey Movement, named for·
ty; •social ch"!)s, communism, . early 40s, he has never al-
liberalism, leftism. oJ ·every lowed himself to be photo-
a neo-Nazi philosopher who varlety• of money-worship, ' graphed. He manipulates his
committed- suicide in · a San ·demoqacy , finance-c·apital- front,groups with a bidden but
Francisco jail cell in 1960. But ism, the domination of trade, iron. 'hand by controlling the
· they take their credo, as nationalism, parlia men ta-_ purse strings.
Yockey did, from Adolf Hitler rlsm, feminism , race-sletiJlty,
whose birthday they. plan to weak ideals of 'happiness' and The most powerful fr(lnt is
celebrate with secret' rites on the like. '' the Liberty ~bby whfch, say
Sunday. Yockey concluded: "The i insiders, raised $850,000 last
They sing the old Nazi sou of Europe, rendered sa- year. Through the Llberty i
songs, hoard Nazi war re.lies cred by the .streams of blood Lobby, CarlQ furnished re- '
and display the swastika at which have made it: spiritually sear-ch and .wrote speeches for
their meetings. Their slogan : , fertile for a millennium, will a dozen members of Congress. ;
''Was mich micb~ umbrlngt; once again stream with blOod He had almost the entire
macbt micb starker." Trans- until the barbarians (R us- South' Carolina (lelegatim eat- ·
lated, this means, "What does si.ans) and distorters (Jews) ing our of his hand, including :
.not destroy me makes me have been driven out." . Sen. Strom Thurmond, Rep, ·
stronger." The Francis Paril:er Yockey Mendel Rivers, Rep. · Albert
They seek the overthrow of Movement was formed after Watson and Rep. W. J. Bryan
democracy in the United his suicide by the last man ·10 Dorn:
States, the unification of see hini alive, A. Cart<?, Several Louisiana Congress-
Western I Europe under a neo- founder of tbe Liberty Lobby , men werealso patsies !or the
Nazi dictatorship1and an· Ar- who has written that the neo-Nazis, including Rep, Otto
mageddon with Russia. Just Unit"ed States made a mistake ' Passman. who stgned a letter
as Hitler boldly set forth his in going to war against lJit, soliciting sul:6criplions to lhe
. aims in "Mein Kampf," Yock- ler. , ' Liberty Lobby's newsletter; ·
ey outlined his strategy for Car~o published lmperium , Rep. ,loe Waggoner, Jr., :,vho
_iresurrecting Naziism in a and, 1n a. forward, he pro- accepled a "Statesman of the ,
pseudo-philosophical book claimed his own strategy with Republic" award from Liber- 1
1called "Imperium." This has
.become the Mein Kampf of
:the new movement.
Yockey declared in his l>Qok
startling candor.
''Those who are to save the
Westt he wrote, "must real- rick, who
Liberty Lobbyspoke '""'"'J
ty LObby; and Rep. John Ra• ,

--- --------••,•. -. - - -- ---~ . -• ---J-

6A- /o~9~/- 1 ·01
@CL!!l1Jiffl ;

•· -
• ,'-" .

, . :,'?
RE~ ;~ ·. , . . . , April 23, 1'969 ,.fi{~f· i'1'·i-1:1.i-,
'1~f ~lt

J1'f t~ Jb_h!~ 1--;oi

I ~ i~ .~~-!.,• •
I • .l.;..o1 A~' . I

· .: \/?!-
,..~•' =:

r . -\-•i(~
~ l02.

Dearj I
; I want to thank you for your kind comments in your
letter of April 18th. . .. . .

With regard to your inquiry, thlS Bureau ·ts strictly

an investigative agency of the Federal Government and,. as such,
neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to the charac-
ter or integrity of any organization, publication or Individual.
Therefore, I cannot comment as you desire. I hope you will not
infer either that we do or do not have material In our files relating
to the Liberty Lobby. .
~ Sincerely yours,
J. Edgar Hoover·
NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable ili1Bufiles. The I:,iberty Lobby
m . I • •
<.O ls an organization composed of patriotic pressure groups which stand for
~ a, iii
..-- ....
0 constitutJonal law, Americanism and individualism as opposed to inter-
l&J rn. ::E
<C C\l ::E nationaft~m and ~ollectivism. We ~ve not investigated this. organization.
0 ., . :.;J ';.. .
== a..
~ LMG:kas•·(3) · . •' . <i'J.,#

'1tJ,IJ_). ,... ,


• ;

Tolson - - - ,
Deloach - - - - -
Mohr _ _ __
Bishop - - -
.\- ~ ··r .
<.>):/ ' ftc,,,
Casper - - -
Callahan - - - -
Conrad - - -
Rosen - - - - -
. . ~ i i O•io~c11
e . .' ,\
, ·.,,
, ~
. r .
Sullivan ----
c=;. "'1::;,J fih'& "., 1.
., •" •
ri,; (t,,
. ,,/
Trotter - - - -
Tele. R~om,.
; . ·
MA¥, ~<J,q ~t1
• ug.,"'""'"D V?f{.,v
fr~ vr_0. .,f'.l/
. ,f.;o,
J_ '
I~ • ,_ • • /
,.V~ •
, / •
' .

. ,
. . .,. .. ~.
...., h . --- ..,,
~ - ·~ .,., - ·
• ti


April 25, -1969

~ .

~ ~tc-G~t ~

~/{) I:, 'J f / - · trff . .:

( (>~ d · l',h-s •. H. __/'eaUiiy

·.· 132 Tulip~~e .
·.• Welister· Grov~~' :1\i!'isso~~'i_ _631!_9 _::, _
Dear Mrs. Wheatley: . ·
I have received the letter of April 19th, with
enclosure, from you and your husband. In response to your
1' '
.. ~
I cannot comment as you desire since information in
our files must be maintained as confidential in accordance with
regulations of the Department of Justice. I regret I cannot be
of assistance to you in this instance.
Sincerely yours,
1. Edgar Hoover

! had prior cor

~MM•TIIIMrsl Wheatley and we have no unfavorable· information cencerning her.
The article to which she referred was by Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson,
syndicated columnists, and appeared in "The Oklahoma Journal" dated
April 17, 1969 .. · We have had several other inquiries from. throughout the
f1V, country concerning· this article .. It mentions the Francis Parker Yockey
move~ent, who was the subject ·of Bur~3:ll:· ?-JlV~stigation involving his
alleged Fascist activities. Our San Francisco:Office arrested him on
'Tol son --
Deloach - - - - 6-7-60 on a Selective Service A_c t charge and he committed suicide on
Moh r - ' - - - - ~
Bishop. _ _ __ 6-17~ 60 while confined in t¥J)akland, Califo~nia, t:l~il,.: .-1'his article
Casper _ _ _ __
also makes reference to theL(iberty Lobby which is \velt'k:nowii to the

Conrod__ Bureau. , - · - '. . ( -U ... ··· i;. .,
6::~--- ·ALA:pmt (3) -~'1Ji')0 '. . v,~ ii! Lr ,: c; ;-.:;,: ...
I , ,. .,...

I:,' •

~~ I A~P'lf.Y' ~,,I:

•'f · ~ )

:~!~~-~on _ ,r.,.
T ove! _ __
Troller - -
Te le. Roo m _
\\7 :~-~
• .
• C,\JMv"
~~~~;a~ MAYAliR' !JTEL.? )fD w";M,J \/., i. i/
• --
--- --:- - ,..... -"


Jq;t//4& 7/lU,:
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AL--A;- c{.._,.,T ---.--

) __.1...: ... ~cLosut.1

• ·:i.a. An1 ~ng11; squall Une-swepl ·: damjlging six 1arms , u~•wr~ .
.• · e~st111aryJ .. , aeross norU!em , ltrt1ng skvwanl · ·. ·~: !',, ·NO easy I OSK
• -.~nd .,cenlral Oklahoma Wed- Domaoc ,: . I ._. •. I ',
~:1/~ n,esiliij 1n1g111, spouting niur- ., ·, "as pact~ a~ , Aclrsi, _T~n Baker and playwrightJ. Morbergcr S!uarl
:~· •!i'.~~(ous ··(om1do, funnl!ls, hea- • ftOO·OOO . ~-v the .,sheriff s~of." pul every,h! n!!•lhey\•e gol in!l)\il a, ,they ea,o Champogntt,
/·~'iY.<',~'.?aJld huge ' twr /,e in ~er_okee. bur I re- 11 1:700-poun~ b_aBy_,e!"Phoni; ihrough thi, .toge door of.'
,;·, :·•'- hlt~i dozais ()( torna- erQ no confirmed reports or , ·Jh~_...,orcury Thi,otor. tn downtown Monhal!on Wednesday •
~= . _,.-docs ,.11,,fu-i ,slg!ll<!d ·and a~-~ooo hun. • Cl,o'!'pogne, who,e lifelong ombilion ho, been· o,io e ca,:
- ) ~rty ·iha8e ·,wad hcav:'?" It was a lornado as n_enr • eer ,:will app!o' wi1h female /eacl Mi<> Saki,, ;~ rhe :,adu,;-
.j't., i:.isofalecl ~ts.• ~ul"·no dea~ ;~1 ::,cad:ip~
)~~cr,~cr :fr.~ ~f/,~·n~w:play~ "if, . ok~' Mo Di,appeor,". sla1~~ 10 op~n 1..)--...

• ~~d•·

' l'CJJOrted up loll h
":-'ip'.m.: Vf ·\/.. d
Th : , cs ay,. ....
, r~ • ~ i'\ opped .· .-.,9 ~;' ti~inM9y.,(Uf!Vf.•leph,;,tq .~
arn~ •;ind silo~. up~ooted . ," ,
trees and thl11 hall was niiw ·...
. e . ,owa.v patrol said• inclll•s around' " : · .\, .. ·, H ' , .·
· - •. •
,,. ·; _.., ""
· ·
, •.'- ,
· o
· ·· I
, ; : . ge reports lndl
:_fated . '. loss lo prc>pert_~ .
..atone '"1 hi soar above one- di
, ·· me l" s er
lion dollar.s Hail • ~ OUl of lhe cl~Js ju~t - '
., • ._ •
J~r ,co~,11,ty. •
. ..,
t ' : o,~s·p
·• :1
, .
- :ta
· ,,-T·. a· X'. . ~\J'-
. :, .,, , ',,:,-:- · • ' .. ;

. . -

* " ...., -

: ' ""-

::~•r::~:en(~r~;:~~~>Eu';.·s· s:_..:: rc; I·a' ·•r'

us Cw sscs we~ I lll

. tlam:3e o crops was <!x· .,.-. • - c ng , cut., • • •• • , ' · . . . . 'J

':=,: ; \
Sla~h.At, Stat~
. . ,~ . . ·',
I •
..!.~ c • ~ ,
, •
tir.rpltory:' b~I
do cul a devas1a1.-
buHdin::.dc Inside llll1 $Choo!. • •' , · ·
·e· _, ;;s·
- ; "i' \
•.~ ii) whic,h tor~ado funnel• were~ palled.W; d ~ud;;, · , 1 ,n~~ ~'-' , , ,through the Car• · " It k~oc.'ked : S<'Ve • ..;·
~.P.l _~ ·clr~~g~::1~• rep~l'letfhigh, buf i\o" fnjur~J,.~~~~ l;. ~~io:r e'",:r11aj~a 1; ~? tfO)"S· .• 0~\ '_'of'~·.,llit~~t:i . . ~- r. • ~y J.NEl.5()N T~YWR 0
·!~:: '... ~:·>" ~~_.!men R~. H~mf. a11d J~llfYllv :;:::;..,.:_sa!!.J°." Fiii~l~w. • m~11~C:~::~,~e;i,~ :.~c:~.;~;l.~~!.:'1' :.~ lhe .
1 0
,rs1,7,· slrickc;::;~;~· lne "' 1 , , '•

ilendar _tor th". year. funds, :•. , J :.;1!· ... .f

.~. ~~· ~~_fRO • (:'.age See ~ters; ·Page ,7, • • , see Vietnam, Page 2 . _ See F , P~o 7 ~ -
Baggett s. motion kept lhe · ·- · •

[ nroadS·o·n .c_ap1·,01H·11
~e'asure alrve for considera• _ _ • · ·r::r:-==, • ,~~,;- • - ,.•
on next year. II goes 1o the H.ItIer~···,·_es.M
.,.. q
l,;k..~:·;1 I
I • . f Id
onslitutional · ~evision and

Si rilsteft \ ·1:Neci~·N az ;.,·{··r R·iO t ·:/·Un· o s

egulat9ry .. S:ervices commit• -, .; ..,. -.r, .:· , .. ,,;.~ • · • -~; •.. •• ..
ee, of which Baggett Is . ·,,~, '- i,_t(- •.,..,_ . •· .. · • •

~~in;i~i"" seeking' to change

e name or Central State - ... ,, ...,,.., 1. -- .o - \•-"":~ti":~· -}'I:.:.', -~ ' ,', ... _ ""·· . , Jt· • ~ '· - -.. -
• ,, ;· ' ·: ~ "•f·= . <v• ;- -,
9 ,. • -

~!eared the house and sen- • ' ;, :: .

ite in 1967 !>ut was vetoed ···,By.J)REW PE~~ ~'ltqt,ANDERSON , Stepping , slonn tJ:O<> like the.)ate ·Geroge Thc:r sing, the old Nazl ,;(>ngs. hQartl X,m
by Gov. Oewe·y Bartieu: ICopyright.• 1969,, By •Bell•M,~uce_.Syndlcate I Llncoln Ro<;kw~ll's moUcy "!isfiCs: but docl~rs, war relics and d!sptay 1hc Swastika at lhei r
The Resolution staled the WASRINGTON- This•col,\l!') r,>ehe-. lawyers. writers and businessmen · (rom meetings . . '\11:ir _sl.ogan : .;: Wsis .mic;h mlcl1t
Edmond school should be trall/d · the Mafia-like -~~Y":,ot,-a. sinister, , , Arnenc,,1s uopcr mtddll' cla-'ss. Th.i;.): 1/J:to~•g, l.!' s'i. 0 umbrln~t. 1,i'ftacht,,mlcl1 .;uarkc_r.': TrnMla1t'll.
made a ·university becauS(! neo-Nazl movement lhf,l's;ef!~,!!).OJ,rthrow the • secret cellswher~they an, known-by C9(1e name:~.• •t ,lh1s_means.~·\yha1 ~• not dl'slr<l_l' mr ,makes
Ir "has enjoy~·. a rreinen- U. S. go~~~"'TI)?~I. ·A~~a~y •~ dl.r~t;s. an~-- ., .1 , They , e11.(I_, their .. ~bterranea!.1 SOC:!el;Y· the' "". rne· stron,1ter.:,' ,-_ ·:~ : , . , ·
dous growth In enrolrnen , 000.:,1-year !pb~}'lng, came1!~;£n ~pltol ttq1, ,., : f,'rf nd s, f'.ai11cr .yock!)'-mo.vemel)_I. _'!jlmed for • , They. see~ he ~v~rthrow o! d_emocracy In lh<'
and scope of academic acli pu?lished ·<?nCc;or A_me~l~;.-\l1!P-"'0Jlf-, ~ld mag- a _neo-N~zi:phito~lu!.r ~-ho ·commilll!d ~11icide .United States. Lhe u~rncatio~ or Wc_stetn Europe
vlly durlng the past \en yea !l~•~s. opem~s·_31 pu~~L~fliou¥ :•,con1.rols •.rn•; a :~n , Fr! nc,sco· Jail . ce_ll In! !?60• 8~l ,1, under a ~Na1.l u,1c1a1or.:;h1p and an a rmaged-
and ~ ~s OOCOJlle, lhe , ,lhlr , ·a ifozen··,{f·on! , .<ll'g!~'~).i.1!1.W(\:lln!J,:,,la_sl~)'e~~ -' ;. t!)~y take Ihm credo, as , '(ockey" d1d, rro~ · don wllh Ru~s\a.' Jusl as 'Jliller bold!~· set
largest in.stitJJlion' ~or . _Algh · , · ; handed ou~~.~~l~,C!l,P.~l.d~1~ t%-~l!~g:r:~ 5;;,. •• ~ d9lr H1Urr whose ~lrthday they p!Jln , I(! lorlh ht~. ~•riu: I~ " Mein Kamrir,:· Yockey
leamlng, in the. state of •O~ ,, , .; Me,n,bers.1ar th•?irga/!l~ll~ ~~W~~ g~ ~
Se~e Froi.eii' P . ·1··. f\ .. i ,. . . . ... . ,,. -"h•J~ z ,; ,.._-,i,.,~.. :.r'"J.:•"'"':f~r ~ ~ . .,~.. ·' ,,... • ce\~brale'
with secret ,ntes on Sunday..
See Hlllerlle!! ,Paie -2,.
• ,, . '

. , age . .·
,., i .••• ;, . .•• ' ' ' ',lo • Jif•;;!-,- ',, .... ~ ; = ' ' , ' .'

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try charge . .
. Po·se·· Threat To
· Conllnuc,fFro.m P,a~e 1-. ·:., .. .· ..•
' ·:~ ~ ,t;i,
Cario published lmperium and, in a forward;
u. s.. ...
01 his hand . inQludlng l¼n. S1nim Th11rmand.
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ient'outpost outhned his s1ra1egyfor re$\lrrectmg ·Nawsm , h~ procfatmed his own stratel(y with star(- Rep. McrnM R!•"rs. Re~ Albert Wa15:1r ~nd
1 rn a _pseu_do-ph1losopli1cal book. called " lm_per- :-_ ling candor. . Rep, W, J . 8r;van Dorn.. •
tesmen said mm. This has become the Mein Kampf ot the - ••'f'h<JS<!' who arc to sa•~ (M ,West; ' /,a wrote. $cv!.'ral L<Juis,a,w co,1grcssmen WN't' ulso
nfantry and new niovemcnt . ,, .. _ . "must realize at_ the outset \hat Q~ly part of 11a1:11cs ror 1he nco-Nnzls. fncludln~ R~p ..
, down 241 Yockey dcclJlrc-d In his book Iha! a .mnsslve it can be saved: that•much must be sacrificed Otto Pa,'$mM. ,who ~r,:ned a letter ..-tJhc,tm(l
t,,enamong ntlal'k upon Russia nc:ro~ the P,lalns of Europe orul that the res'~ltlng structure will be different ,;ub.scrlp1lon,; to th~. Liber!Y•' Lobby's. news-
~ their was the " onl.v soluqon." -~· . , • from the past . . . letter: R.ep. Joo Waggonner Jr.; w.ho accepll'd
~. WI miles • ; ·!here is no_1othl!r-:· llljsl~ess~"<l•• ·· .. -~, '•·11,~ ollh01Jgh · our job ; ls •to REBUILD, n "Sta1csmnn of the ftcpublle:v~nward, from (
jllcgov~rn- 1111s must be preceded., however. by the we must nol IOS<l- 5lght oi u,c reality, for we Libert)' Lobby; and Rep. Joltn. ll,mc~ •. wM ,,
too losing ~m,ilctc cll!anstng of the weslijrn soul from :cannot rebuild until we have captured. Politi- spo~c at several Llb~rty Lobb_,, mlll~s, ·1•·•"
lounded In every form of materialism, from rationalism. cal 1'1()wer is lh" esscnlial criterion, 001 Others who ac<.,;,pted awards :~ nti gave
\,t1 ricant" leftism . or ever.v variety of money'worshij). 1,,(sh~s or windbags, and lo lhe goal'or p1JJlt1e111 s(h.'<!Cm'S }i.r ,L•berty Lobby.. werc Heps. E. Y.
I and Red democracy. finance-capitali sm. the dominatio·n Jll)Wcr a ll else mu:<t be temporarily 'sacnti!lll<I.': lwrrY' or !iouth Oak01a . John Oowd,v•Qf{l'exas.
:Thursday of tratlc. nattona"~m. p;,rllnnfcnt.irmn. ft'm• · l;arto·s sccrc'\ quest 'for 'polltical po1ver has J11 rnts Uu or c... nrornta and John Dell \Ylll,
Nruig wa3 lni ~m. rnc-e-.stcrllit_v'.:-wo,1<; ideal~ or 'happh1ess· 113d 11sto11i~ing success. \\'l1ilc tic 1·ct ruit<!d lams. 111~0 qu/1 IQ become, ~o•ernor
\'ve~tai:ed and u,e like." ·,. -•(':•' ·· " • • tnie believers into Lhe Fra,.«:is Pari<er Yockey of Mississippi la s1 year. · .. ,_~.,.. '1'~ :f
~ ~helllng lnlsll, race-s~~rlllt)(.,,wM~ 11ea1s or 'happln~~ movenl<!nt, he..exercl5'.'d poh11cal PQl''cf lhrouglf Carlo also .~e.t lip. lhc United Cl.ingr~s:.,onal
22-23 and llnd the Ilk'!!. : .,-, ~ t•; • a network ol, front organl1.a1Jor,s. ,' • l\pJl('n l. which raised $90,000' for 'icohRr<>Ss--
~ Fifteen Yockey conclud_e<l : :•Th~ soil or 6:uroJI('. lie look paift!I alv;ays to keep ' behlnd the ,onal candi~les durlnf•the 1968 : <:a.mpaign.
\ six feel rcnd~red sncr1!d b_v:1~,• slreams or bloo:1 which sc~ncs. A qru1<1,v ' handsome man In ,hi!.- earl.\' As ireasurer.;_he personally sign<!d·I~ chc•cks.
slammed have mad~ It spiriWal\vJ.e,:!llc for a mlllennl-' 111·s. h~ -hos never allowl'<l hlm!iclr to. bl!'. , ·', lfa llll~ also purchased control or ~~he,.;(',mcrl:
ililary um. will OOCj/ again stteam wilh blood 1in11/ pholograph\'(l. He manipulates his lroot grwps •· • can Mercury., a magazine, whose >pame ·was • I
coasllll thellarbarlans cRu5S!,in5;1 andd1S1orter.,,1Jew;1 ·with a hidden bUI iron hand by conirollifll! the \. 1 1.once a· hbuseliold word in Amer,~;Jr~·.Noon: I
late have been driven ouq , j' ·•. ' ' ,: , • purse s1rlngs. ' , •.•,,t>;. ·, .. _?,1;-;_,-:>.•i:~tide•PrcsS..inSausaliLo.-.Ca_lil.,,pulilis)Jcd,pS<tudo- I,
~ymorn• ~ The Fra~cis' _!'a~~~-•V0<;~er. ,mov.emenL was. ,t. 'l'he "'°'"f powcrfu! front. is ' 1tie•{ill~rty,'_ , ~:¥,•();fln(dtet,t_~ii1. JleQ'~azi: ~kh ~\,,.i •·~.~s:; . ,·
lormcd·afler hls_-w,1~1il~by, ~ il!;'l n:an: io·sc~ raf~.l',•t·t,~ lMS'
•' i.?bb.~· which. ,say _~l~slders, •j,'.tTruij,';l"l hi!fj' word',..,Wtlli~;:.~ar.(o ~ap-
reslden= 1h1m - alfVt!•,,~)'{il!•s.~ Ap . rto~ founder·,0£1,•lhe ,.. £:_~- ~- .
J last , .venr. Through · tfiu . L!bcrfy · r.ohby.' Gartol 1ui-ed ffi0m1ous po)ll,eal· pow~r, · ll , the .C:om-
wn Da Llberiy Lobl>y. >i•ho ha '.'written tm,l ,the United - .. .. .., -furrus/.led, .r~ rch ilrj'd i ro1e·.51!eed1L>s ' for' ~,,.;,•: .' 1•-niunjsts had"ever ~n as' successful on Capl•
~ demo- Stales mad'S a ln!~~k& lo golngt10_W?.r.agafnsl ;I ,.: dozen ' 111eml>er(or''Coiigre$S;":He-0!1fd"al~'!sl'-- ~<1:~"'IOl":H_f11••1he,c':_i,.y!'!_l~!i~oullj., ~g~~ ~" •
ttaking llltler. · · ,.-••" a.•,w:l,~•w -'·· ~·· .c.r .:. the entire Souih Carphna delegatlbn caljog·~t, : ; ._ natmn. · ·: ,._,...- .. ,, __ , :·• ·_.:1- ... ,,:r ,.'-"", .. , -. IV/ '

·r~d;E?· T"H1me•.Runnii':1
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--· Out For··Peate •.. l' 'Jti,'
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•Utics at UNITED _N*J!'QNS,)(UPI)-'- ·, '7
b i 'ht King Hussein or Jordrui warned ·.1~~
~o~f~~ Wednesday that' •'.very little
~ly and Lime" remains for lmdfng 11
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1 - Detroit Enclosure '· .. :1,, : . • . ' 111

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NOTE: Bufiles disclose! a membe; of the "Young : · 1
.... .
Republicahs, " is a student at Wayne State University. · He has
w j11 - participated in:vax:-ious protest movements and debates since 1967.

,:__tp r,~ . Bufiles. contain"no'record id~ntifiable withh The ·

Liberty Lobby Is an organization,~· ,Pl'lrio C pressure groups which
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:·,•.~~.?•.:1tt/ -~ ·.. ·.\ stand for constitutional law, Amenca.i:i1sm and 1nd1v1dualism as , .,,._ ·~.,.\j,.~, 1::-::,~··

:;·(!;}f}i~.)f,::·< \{•· op_posed -to int~rn~tiona_lism ~nd co,llectivis~. We hav:e no_t inve~tigatt:~··•m:::~'i) '
:{~'~?~:.~t.~t4f"<· _this. organization. Buhl~s disclose the ~abonal Youth A_lha~ce 1s ,~ ..,=-~~-:•,~·i,:·•,
f~•\ . l·,if t ~·,,,.,::•,· · subJect ·of a current Racial Matter - Wlute Hate Groups mqu1ry opened .,: •i·~,,.,,-· ,· .
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(. : · 3/15/69 (Bufile 157-12589). This is a recently formed militant antf.::, ;~ii"'·,. - ··~•· :} ·.
h ;J·,k~C)~~~-sr·\. communist right-wing organization which allegedly intends to use .-...~jt~;~ . .; :·-"i
•:~.;·/.;i:fiR? ?\ : •·violence to combat the Students for a Democratic Society. ·We are ....J /4.~ ,;,,~t ·::.·-~
}!'-i':"·'~1"•'••'}J;i: f1::}/\t . conducting discreet inquiry to determine whe~her C:Jhe
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~.!.~l:.t\lf~H;}::,·-:·.apparently arose out of a recent syndicated .colu~n by Drew Pearson .~~ ...;~,. ~..; 1:;l~·.
P'.':.l/t~W1:\~{};!!(. a~d Jack An?erson regarding the_ activities · of the ,Libe.~ty Lobby_. :{ ··.(\;{{;·:?:: .'..
:\\ ~::i!~}i'.\G:::(i -' ,,~Tifer not a~dressed as. Na\1onal ~J1~1~.m~n Qf Nah?~.~l ..Y?~~}1flj~i¢~l, \ '. )\
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U. S. OEP~ Of JUSJICE , ~. . - ' Mr. Calbh.an_.
COMMIJIICATWNS SECTION . . , .. .JVfr •. Cm1rad_
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C, \
Dearl I
Your letter of April 17th and enclosures .have been
11 received, and the· interest which prompted your writing is ~ppre-
cia~ed. · ·

With regard to your inquiry, this Bureaii is strictly

an investigative agency of the F~deral Government and the results
of our _investigations are furnished the Department of Justice which
determines whether or not prosecQtion is warranted. The FBI
neitl,ler makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to the character
or ,integrity of any organization, publication or individual. I hope
you will not infer either that we do or do not have material in· our
f His relating to the Liberty Lobby. · · ·

Sincerely yours,
:r.- Edgar Hoover


- ~--
·NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles •. The Liberty
:IE a::: 0 Lobby is well known to the Bureau.


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• I

,'. . _,,
.~..,. ; ' -

_~ Liberty ~obby_ T~riving_ in ·_U_.s._;ii/
:~Neo-Naz, Soc,e,ty Leadmg
~ .
front . ·] ' " ' '
: :::::_ By DREW PEARSON / ace-ste-rility, · weaKcteals of en members of Congress. He
:-.!_and JACK .~ND~RSON : 'happin?ss' · · a~d the ~i ke,'' had'_ '.1-lmost . th_e_ entire_. South
?vashington-This column has _Yockey s bo.ok •,said. · . · aro.l~_a deleg9,~10n e~tmg out
n'oJ. penetratecl the Mafia-like Power Is Vitar _.. ,,,...,...-· of fii.s, band, including Sen.
· •t N • . , . ~ . Strom Thurmond, Rep . .Mendel
secrecy , ~f a sm1s er, neo- az1 i The Francis Parker . Yock~y Rivers; Rep. 'Aloert ~~ts~n •an_j
movement that seeks to over- Movement- wa·s formed after Rep. W. J. Bryan Dom.~
throw the U. S. Government. his. suicide by ' the last man to Several Louisiana ·congr~ss•
Already it directs an $850,- see. him alive· Willis A. c rt men .v,,:ere also patsies fO'r the
000-a-year lobbying campaign fQunder of Lh~ Lt erty Lobb¥,. nee-Nazis, includ!ng. Rep . . Otto
on Capitol Hill,· publishes one of who. h3:s· written -that· the- Unit- Pa~s_n~an, -who ~1g~ed a letter
America's famous old maga- ed .. States made a · mistake hi· s~ltc,1tmg. sub~cnp,tlons ·. t~ th.e
• · br h. going to
war against ·Hitler Liberty Lobby's. ·newsletter,;
zines, operates a pu is ing_ Carto . published Jmperium ~ep.,.Joe Waggon9~r, Jr. , wl)·o
hoµse,_ c~ntrols a dozen front arid, in a foreword; rproclaimed· accept~d a "~.tate_s'Jnan ~f ;.th~
orgamzat10ns and last .yea_r 'his', own strategy · wifh' startli~ Republic" ,awarct from · L1b~~.ty
handed out $90,000 to cand1-_ ~anpor. · , . · , ·Vv?' ~o~by; ,and .. :Rep. l.ohn.. R_an~k,
dates for. Congress. "Those ·who, are to save-:the Y.'~ 0 spoke_ ~t sev:eJJ,l• L!b.e1 ty
: .Members of this organization W~s't,:',,he wrote\, ''.must . rea.1: Lopby i;a.ll,1~s:i V,·· ·1" ' /
are npt . goose-stepping storm ize at: the ·outset' that ·only part who a:~ccmteqaward!.\
troopers like . the 111,te George of it can ·.be saved; that 'much and gave sp~eches for·the': L_i.b:
Lincoln Rockwell's mis Fits,. out must• be· _sacrificed and that the ~rty ~pbby·_were ~eps. ,.E. Y.
doctors, lawy_e rs, ,writers "and res.ulting structure will be- 'dif- Berry, or S!'.>Ut~ Dakota., John
businessmen from America's ferent from. the past. . . . ~ Do~dy •9f,.Texaf~ .J.ames 'Utt ~f
upper· middle class: They ~e- ' 'And althpug_h . our job · is ..~o <;ahforntc!,.. and _John .Bell , W,11-
long to secret cells where they rebuild, we _m ust npt lose •sigh,t hams, . }Vho qt!lt Con~r~ss. t~
are ·known only ~Y ~od~ names. of the I'eality, for we canncit be.come governo~ of .~·hss1s~1pp1
,The~ call their . society the rebµild until we have captured.: I_as~ yea~. • .
Francis Parker Yockey M9ve: Political power is the ·essential • '.There 1s no evidence that.any
ment, named for a neo-Naz1 criterion not wishes or winds of these congressmen -knew. of
p~ilos?pher who 'comm!tted ~u.i- bags, and to the · goal of politi- Carto's neo-Nazi ·background,
c1de. :1n, a San Francisco Ja,tl cal . power all'. else .. must ·be although we reported· as early
cell m 1960. But they t~ke thetr temporarily sacrificed." as Oct. _26, l9~6, that ~arto was,
credo, a~ Yockey did,. from Carto's secret quest for polif- an ,admirer . of Adolf J;I_1Uer.. o~r
Adolf , Hitler, whose b1~thday ical power ha·s had astonish- ch_arge w~s ~.a sed . upon h_1~
they ~Ian to q:lebrate with se- ing SU!:!Cess. WhJle he . .i-e~ruit- pn,yate ·<;or~e~po~de~ce.' . m
,;:ret ntes on Sunday. . . , , ed 'I.rue believers into the. Fran- ,which he . failed· ,H1~l~r s, -~~~eat
:!"hey seek ~~e overthro~ . Qf cis· ·Parker Yockey Movement ~ tra~edy. for. Western 1 ~.1v1hia-
d~!nos~acy . }n, ~he Umted· he exercised politica-1• · powe;· tiol). . . :·. · :· :, , . . · ';,. '
S~ates, the ..~n~f!c~t1on of West: through a- netw&k· of 'frorit ·or• . Cartp.; ~1$0,.§et up ,tbe ·Um~ed_
e!·n · Europe ·uni:ler a neo-Naz1 ahiz.ations. .. . •· .,. . · · . C~ngr~ss1Qnal .· Am~~al, : -~~1~h.
d1ctatol'sh1p and an armaged· .~ , . , . . .. , · . , ...- ratsed ,$90,000 .. for congressional
don with Russia. JUJt ~~ Hitler Libert.y .Lobby·. ._:.--/ c~-~~i~at~J' ~-u~in~· t_he '}9~~-~ca':1:
boldly set, forth h,1s aims · in ·· : · , . · . V.,i./ · pa1gn. As tr,e asurer, he pe,rsoo•
''M~in Kam_P.f," Yockey out- . The most pow«;!rfu\ · front .:is .ally ·si~ed th·e chec~s·. ' · ·.
lined his strategy '!or resu_r- the. Liberty ,Lobby. whicb, say . He ha_s · also purcpa~ed•tco1f
reeting: · Naf ism . in a p~eQQ9: in.siders, • raised . $850,090 . last 'trol o( the· ·Ameri,can Mer~u1%
philosopliJcal ; . book · J<C~.le~i y.¢ar.. Through the ·Liberty I.:ob~ a·!l'iinl\! wh9se narJJe . was
"·J,rnperiu~." T~'is, ~as: •b,~ql.©e.";l?,Y; ', Carto furnish~d·· /~s~arch ~nee . !l · hou~~~old ·, ::word : ·.i'1
th~ Mein Kampf
movement •
ort~~··:;ie:~ ', .hd w;o~e •. s1;1eeche$ for .a ·.doz: _America. ,(© 19~9) ... ·
. ·;jf:~) · 1,•. 0
- •. ,
J . : .!


Yockey ·de~la~ed in. hi's': 'b§9.~

th~t a ·.massive ·atta~k . 0 up6n
Russia across the plains of
Europe was 'the "only solu-
tion." ·
This must be preceded, ·how-
eyer, by "the complete clean·s-
jng. of 'the Western soul· from
every · fotm of. .. materialism,
from .rationalism, ~quality, ·SO·
cial. chaos,· communism, ljl'>er-
3.lism, left.ism,, of every .variety
)f mooey-worshp, demoeracy,
"inanc·e-capitalism, the dorhi-
:iation· of trade, nationalism;
barliamentarism, feminism·,
; Washington_ Merry-Go-Round .,l~
V.:A4 - ~oc'!k,ng

\VUhlnkt<IO, 110. a-lvhll•1 thl1 wrumn for bron6I•· lh \
lht: warld pr·cs.,, hu coun~cd l.e.1lhn O_r1y ol "" ctii.:trman, t u1
, thr. .a1um ovu the rln pt N.a:z:• iii P allj aa ._n0.Semltlc. \Y
Inn In \Vdt Germanyi the ex•I
wl'tn the .auh. 1ndudlo1 . a1J ft)
lr<mM Llt1<rLy• J.nhby• b , hokl•,llf-•l< up., t.9~•!!11 !~Js!u~t•~~•h
ing I wnvC111ro11 thl~ w·cl.R'EM u.- .!I"". ~:mp ?eiiiii't,vu,,r - ·
rlUhl 111 1h• capit"I ul the Uoll• 11 • dor.on <oog rwm011 .,.,
.;.i s,o,os. f~u•d· to be fronting for II
1·r-e h.'lilU.irtd lpt!~kot wHI btl
CCmn111ni~u • It would e1us.c
11\0P l'ill~rt Wooon· (fl-$(:), 1conrt11 th•t wuukl l hoko ti
w~o 1~,, rho org•11!tot1Qn we ••Public IO I~ lourttla1lan1. Y•
Ihls n,me ,o proin"le Ito ptoJ)A•: there are a. ~~n con~nmc

, g:u,d, , Also 1ts1ed on 1~• pro- whO op,.oly tronl for tHo,e ,u
sr•m 1, c., 0 ~,eum•n • ol«I ,.,,.,,., of ,_h• unr,-rli~L
John R,a,ick (O•lll), Most Amencans are so obse
Th• Ubert Lobby b •uppnrt· ~d with lho -o,~niu:e o.r au
,d •n c op11l1 11111 by • 00,.. ,nunlon,, whkh •••k• to \Urn
ber oi ~•her con1rcu1une11. lit- rri:e. iOC'.ttity _hlto t c.JM(!d t:t
cludlnc E, \', O•rt)' (R-SD),l•nny, lhioJ ll1•Y h••· b<COII
VI. 1, BtyAn Dorn (0-S,C))obU\'JOut lO lhc ~lltck o~ o
John' Dtiwdy (D-'Tei~, oun .J,tc'!,llma ~y .th11 ':'dlc:111!1 (}t 0
p .,, nun (D-LA), Jarnu • uu. r1gh_t \lffio, lrt l1'C 1tu-mD ot 11

(R-r..!ll), Joo Woggonn,r, Jr, •1r.Y, Wliih. !O !al\li awo:zy l~el

(l>-LA) •nd john Bell WU- etly or•the nt3JU rHy,
11.,n, (0--MfP ) . p , . p r ./
The contcim ovtr the re.!11.11g.' ~r,ot,c V
once of t,IIIJJ,m , In ~•nnony 1•\ Th"• r,.. aUCf pose u r
;uch lh 1l • ~ dtll lnf/Ulshtd tridt, diJ]lllJ,,. th,1111olve, I\J, , ioc.\utdn.gC! former hJnd ~frtln li with
Under Secrcu rlt.s ,o, o1late1 Ro- himcai prc,ch the :;log""n
bee! MurrhY Jti"d Chulo S'a.lti.• dcmCK'r•cyj ,nd t,roc.l:&1,n. ctv
ma n, have co·nd1,1c.ted Jin 1nvet- hatred of tl)nl.!J'IU~llm wilh
tigotlo~ or the Germa n sllua• ~rut ~nuhlng or ro•lh. 1'.~
don. ·hurl (ha word "'5ub\lt:t1ivc''
Bfll llllle publlo ooncorn hu oU,or,, 11lhough IL more 1
b,en ••pres.sod ovu 1ho "RY proprl•l•i)I lits 1Mnr. Rop. W
lh• same phllosophY. Is g1lnlnR ssn, who ,wlll d•ll~tt lho k•
oonvtrtJ in ih~ t'1llng clrcle.1 of note 41.ddieas 3.l lht! Uberty lJ
Amork.._ NO IJl111 IJ lnvostluot, by i;,orlvon~tlfl lhls wee,c1
Ing !ho l,l~Orty u,b~y whost pro•ilou•IY .r,.,d hls ...,. "
founder arid ,eader, WiUI~ Cu• JeHtir m1dltd out tl'J lCO,J
tn. ,,. Ofl ,iutsPQk~n 1dn1ftt1r nt presptctrve cU!j tomcrsi \Jrt
Moir 111\lot- them 10 ,11t1., crl1)• Ill
Caito not only hllA C-'lltd Hit• group's p·rapapnda :q "a gt
Jer's delea1 a hl! tod,;al 1nge, W.•Y 10 kttp •breut nr 111-
dy, bul h•• Inspired prop•i:••· ptrllous 1imc, on C--•Rl~U
do In lhls CoUr\llJI • gawL bolh Rep, UU, wb°"' tiirmJnl,t
Jews and Negroes. ~e h• f 11nnt tL'-'• an:lfllt•nt h.1.1 been on
so far as to start a ' c:1mpal1n Obert,- l.obbY'I payroll •t
to exile to /\Irle• all American .. me clmo b• wu .,,u,.,l•t
citiiens whose .s!an happe:ns \O nttrx from tJpdo Saru(. I
bo hlo.dt. In hit· k>ll•t>· 10 fol- •lso sl1,11od hlJ nama to a I
low •~lnmfsl5, at , Jcast th4ie ercy Lobby saLH pile~.
, een by thl, «tlu1ru:1, lle •h-un'l "Llhetty Lchl>y con.ilslt'1
i,iJd how •~t woold , olve ll!o wer'.. .ln lbo b•II• or Contm
Jewlsb proble.m,u wrot~ Utt, "to opponti the in
• ./ 1ufon1I soc:iallst takeover.
Carto's Associates V ~ funn a 1e1ter-writing brig
~ I \ !HJrmpndcd Y,1mt t~!~~eh~~L~l~~a~~v:~fe c~~1
••Ii·onUbcrtY LobhY'• polloy \'Ol~t ." .,.,....... ._...-
bOArd wlut ,ucb telltre n> l!lt ... t.lhory - ·Lobby ha, ~
ty~ a1-Ho w.. convlc«d ""' ri!NI tllot1om to R•l"· I
by • Drillsh cou ri ln 1940 lot ry, Dom. Dowdy, VII, Whi
dollv<ring secret lnfnrmollon lo n<r ond Wllliom,., prvoloi_n
rhe AJC1n:. Tht Uberty L.obt,y:de• thc-rn 11 slatc,mcn ot \he Rc1
.scribes Kent as "an .11url'le.ndc lie- "MO!lt of them have pl
American hero Who .wH lilt£• cl palcd In the organizatl•
11ly m1t to • llri1l, h Jill lo poirfol1c rallies." 1,,
trjlJng u, Ol'O'• (Pruidool Like the ultra-liberal, Iii
rranlc.tln P 1) Rooseveh's t.tlm- 19305 who allowed their na
inal war phm$-0 10 be u.std by Communist 1
~ JJS1-•• a hm•d=t• s;roops, !l,.,o right-lane le
,ir 00 Darlin radio·, he worked uavelo·rs- -u e. nnw AllQWlri,c t
for the Nazi PQ:t-e!lJ;11 OUice (lur,. nnmc.s to be tr.s,cd 10 ,ef\•e:
111~ ihe early porlod of IVotld 1•poCt>bUlly to lhe rl~hl-1
W~r II He q_u11, however • afteqc-,x1re.nfbl.1. (a 1967)
the United SUllfCS ente red tht!
war, and an tncl icunent fo r tre:ti•\
son was dh1missed ,
~K-•nn•lh..iill.U.- A former Com•"
m~ oubi•quqntly Joined
forces wilh the r>bld. anilJew
ish Gerald L. K. Smllh.
J!.f.X,._h!n~P. DM,>-11< 1,
IUtolh'e r t.uppotti!lr or SmUh,
whom he has called •1lhe g:reu•r]
c,L patriot ln th!J countcy t.o- 1
(lay, "
W...-H~•JY.Jilpcl'.lLl.ll'¢,- R~
hu h.. dNI sovor~I ils~~"'"R'
nr,,\,ps labeled by the ,uornor
gen,:,r-t.l Ar'!d HoUse ,O,rnmltlte
o.n \Jn-Arnort~fl ACUYUl~ Ill
"fascist." He also has been 11n
associa te a'nd admirer _
ot Smith,
Joborc~J{u<l~r-A <ontrlbot•
or to several til'Llren'l!.rt pubUCfl..
tlons, he I, now a t:On lributlns
eilllor. of 1he an1I-SCJ111Llt,, ..u.
Ne11io ·magn!ne, \l/os1em ~ ·
t!JIY, Whkh rof•r•-10,v;orld W•.r
U·.,a., 11 "frnirloldJd' 1 war. Kut•
tn~r hiu· written "in lh~ · mil&•·
zine that "t!VoluUonary ·ttthfl;s
delondi..the' duly ol r/,e ,fate to
coQtrPI '"" • biolo11.lcal CDmi'O'l•
tlorl ,of. lt•.Ju1oro pOvurotitlnr::'
Gapi10'{Hi/l Ties c.c:;,
'tl,ero •rr <>I""<+ on Iha
ecty l;lbby's , .heard who u•~
eqo1lly nsdlcal Yet 1h<y >r<
lh., klnd of Cl)fflpany Wllh Whom
ht righ!'lano ·10Uow tro.v,loro
, Clplto~ HIii' !Ind 'thtm..,lvu.
Noi.-l'b• Ubett, t.obbp nod

-~·•,····•·.. 'i.~--
•• ""'1'.... ~. •



.- ... :
.; , . ~ .


. . ·\).,)
\ . .
:A,·, • • April 29, 1969
. . ~ . .· : . . . . ... .
' 't<.,,CJ . ' . ·: . •.. ., ·..

y_;,/;)..- I JJ!o,rJI~ II/

\. b6
-: ) --·_: - 1 I -• b7 C

t.s \· :. ·.·::.. . ,•,


De\lrl I·
.1) ·, .- .::. :··.._
:_.· ·' . ·_.. I have r~·ceived your letter of April 23rd. with ... ·-',._
enclosure •._In_reply· ~ your inqui~es, this Bureau strictly ;:\11 is
.. . ·. -: .. . , .. . •

. : :, _investigative agency of the Federal ~vernment and, as such, •

• ~ • o I ,• ~ • •

· .neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to the char~

.·.: ..' . ·. acter or 1nteg~ty of any otg~izatlon, P¢>lic~tion.or individual.
··. Therefore,' ·I cannot comment as you desire •.· I hope -~ou will not
. .
·. .. :.. :·infer either:that·we do
; . . ; . . .
or. do not hav~
· . . ·. . . . .
. in our .f1les
.· . . . relat-
·. . , ·
. .. ing to the Llber~ _Lobby. .
\ .
MAILED 22 •,

· ~ Sincerely yours,
APR 2·~:1969_·

... ·
• •,,t._:· . •

• (". ..
r I
•• ,
' J. · Edgar· Hoover .
'\\·( ~·· I. . ;

· . i·... \)

• / '1 • . ""I •
I •• • • ·,
~OTE_:· Bufiil~~ contain p~evious outgoing to correspondent, 4~9-69,
··. ~ · ~ 4··_ _in reply t<:> his ?J),quiry CQ:Qcerning the American Nazi Party~ The .
~ Liberty L9bby is well known to the Bureau. Enclosur~ is a news _
. ietter of this ·organization settin:g ~prth its •views on the Middle East
o l, on _
DeLooch _ _
Mohr _ __
==== ' · ·

CEE :esd (~)

, . · ,_:.• . , •~ . .•,\ ••:~. .' . '. I :_•.',•, : :·
• • ,

· • •


(; \'
' ,' , ,



J . ' ·'

g ~~,~~'an_·.- . ' ~ : l; .~i'1~• . .·

,_;~c, -~ : . ~-·. ·.
1' ·f'Cl/f\ff

Conrod ' • •

fl/I(('- IJbJ;ry 2 .-fi,J_,,✓,.,,t., t'-'

Fel l - - - f • "' · .
Gal e f''J:. · · '
;:,~~:on_.• ' !/
~~· ~5f
~:~:~-A~ A;"M:4'r- . -.1sss

· ·.. .
C:: fff ~'CIJJ_,
!)r - · .
, w •

. . '. .
r~ .-v
Holme s ~ , •. •

.•. --·
'\<• •• # · ·~

-'~:.-'- --_- -~ --- _;_
1 l ''
~ ... -_---,

· •-,~

vi, '1 -,

April 23, 1969

The H.o norable J. Edgar Hoover,
Director of the Fede·r al Bureai!l:-.
of Investigation
Washingt0:n, n~c. 20535
Dear Sir,
r have reason to suspect that the
following group .is subversive.
Here is its name and address: b6
Ou Liberty L.obby "
300 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, D.C. 20003
I have the. foll owing questions:
Is this group pro-fascist?
Is it aided, financially or otherwise,
by fasci.s t or reactionary groups
or persons?
I enclose a sampl 'e of. their literature.

I l[pxn, A

""'; ., : l''tt/1- Ill

uiv, ~i a (tc Uti ~~~
-~~0- .
'\.(:)• ·

APR' 301969 ~

...,\rt'.:\.~ (')~
.,\ ~\ . IY, ,., I.,•,\'"'· -..,~'-/fi<1·r.-;...
..~~-,."., !,

;/ ~·~-~lt1J

r-<' \',..~
\,;",..,t' . i

_ ____ j


March 1969

The present exp;I.os'ive s.i tuation in the Middle East is rapidly moving toward .all - out
war, the Ur:i.ited States standing i)'.t grave danger of becoming militarily "'involved.
The reason for this threat to our peace and national security l'ies in the eonsistent-
ly pro-:Israel policy followed by every recent Administration, in response to intense
Zionist political and economic pressure. Invariably, domest'ic political considera-
tions have been put ahead of American national security!
Amer:icans deeply concerned about the course of events :in the Middle East were cau-
tiously ·hopeful the new Nixon Administration would work for at least the start
of a constructive ch@g~ in o~ policy toward that _part of the world. While on a
,Middle Eastern fact-:-fi.riding tour for President Nixon, former Pennsylvania governor
William Scranton prom:ised a 11more evenhanded" Middle Eastern policy. He; .
"The United States m1,1st take into co;nsideration the feelings of all persons and·
countries :in the Middle East and not necessarily one country over another." ,
. Only hours after this sensi.ble ·statement was made, N.ixon, as reported by liberal
columnist~ Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, 11was forced by domestic politics to give
e. l,eg up to Isre.el. 11 It was hastily announced that Scranton was speaking only for
himself, and Nixon, breaking a self-imposed ban on meeting with foreign leaders be-
fore his inauguration, set up a private meeting 1-f.i_th Israeli warlord Moshe Dayan~
Evans and Novak point out, "The reaction of the Jewis.q community and Republ:i can
politicians to Scranton's appeal had forced Nixon to take e.n action quite the oppo-
site of ' evenhanded ' •••• " .
The above ~ncident is only the latest demonstration ~hat American interests do not
govern American policy toward the-Middle East. (For .the background of the Zion'
movement, and its immense financial and-,political power, see Liberty Lowdown #54,
August 1967). The present Administration seems determined to continue basing its
___ pol:tcy on an ~agined resp_~>n~ib1:._]J.ty to guarantee not only Is~ael' s continued exis-
tence, but also its retention of the Arab territory conquered 1 111967. An<l this . -
policy is carrying the United States perilously close to full scale war.
If the Administration is really aware of the consequences of its policy, and is
determined to ·wage war to save Israel, :it can go about doing so in several· differ-
ent ways. All of them would be disastrous to the future national security, and
- --- - _I,_,_ .. •- I 'I .... "' • • - •

to American shipping, and the Union has the clear ability to keep the Suez
Canal closed. An air war over Europe and North Afr:ica would become a certainty.
The United States, at that point, would be faced with the choice of abject S'llr-
render, losing not only the Middle East but also our ability to funotion as a world
super power, or the launching of an all-out nuclear war with the Soviet Union.
This is a choice we must not be forced to make! .: ~
.. -~".
--~~r~·~"- ·::·· :t~t~•
-.:~; ANTI-COMMUNIS~'ISRAEL? ''·-/ ~,, :~,:•.
.-C-; ' . 'J":. .. ,•·"; ;: ~· ~![.J ::::-
•~- f In spife · of tlie close collaboration betwee.n and' Communism over 0•:the entire
history of the Z'ionist movement, Z:ionist propaganda is. ·selling Israel to the Ameri-
I can people as an anti-Communist bastion, which we have the duty to defend. 1 All too
often, they are abetted by well meaning, 'if uninformed, anti-Communists. ✓ In fact,
Israel was established by East European Communists and Socialists, with the Soviet
Union playing the largest part in securing United Nations recognition of i.ts inde-
pendence. Israel has the only legal Communist Party in the Middle East. The only
reason for Israel's present opposition to the Soviet Union is that the Communist s,
in order to inflict a major defeat on the United States, have temporarily found :it
to their advantage to turn _on Israel.
The.South African Jewish Times (Feb. 25, 1968) disclosed the outline of a secret
agreement between Soviet and· I sraeli Communists, ignored by the American press.
The Times reported: " •• ,To a certain extant this gesture was prompted by a des:ira
to show Nasser that Soviet leaders understand and appreciate the situation in Is-
rael, where the Communist Party :is off:ic:ially represented :in Parliament, has its
own press, and may criticise if not influence Government policy. Hence the Israeli
Communists were treated as real friends and people of :importance." The . Soviets,
in spite of this affinity with Israel, have taken advantage of the politically-
motivated American pol:icy .of gross favorit:ism toward Israel to achieve their long-
time goal of becom'ing a major Middle Eastern .and Mediterranean military and naval
The true nature of Soviet Middl~ Eastern strategy was best explained by Sir John
Glubb, a leading British expert cin the area, writing after the 1967 war: -
"I suggest that the Russian plan had two objectives: (1) To caus~ the United
States to coma out irretrievably on the side of Israel, the minute she w~s .threat-
ened •••• (2) To lure the Arabs into a catastrophic defeat, when the United States
and Britain were already· committed to ~IsraaL ·

"The achievement of these two objectives would convi.nca the Arab states of the
hopelessness of their struggl e against Israel and of the complete commitment of
Britain and America to the Israeli cause. It would then be obvious that the only
hope for the Arabs was to throw themselves unreservedly :into the arms of Russia~•••
"Everything went perfectly according to the Soviet plan. As soon as Nasser's atti-
tude became threatening, the United States fell.into the trap, closely f ollowed by
~..;+-,in 'l'h.o. A..,."'h .,_Tl"\_,~ •.\""' h..t:-ta,._ __ ----·- ...... +--~.L __ _, ~.1 _ .1-,, •• _...! _ 1 • ·,
• --!' .
;,. '

~ ~r;:S,-'o&.
Jf."~ "! {_ 1/ t1 &1 tf l-c- //c)
April 28, .1969 ,
. -,

. ;~:-
S'- L
I ' \


I received your letter on April 21st :µid appreciate your kind
sentiments and generous remarks. It is always encouraging to hear from
citizens who demonstrate an awareness of the problems facing our country
today and who exhibit a desire to do something positive to fight against the
forces challenging our national survival. ·

With regard to your inquiries, information in our files must

be maintained as confidential pursuant to regulations of the Department of
Justice. Also, this Bureau is strictly an investigative agency of the Federal
Government and, as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions
as to the character or i_ntegrity of any organization-, publication or individual.
.--. In view of your interest, I am enclosing some material on the
, subjects of communism and crime which I hope will be of assistance to you.
1, You might also wish to read my books, "Masters of Deceit,,., "A Study of _Com-
...1.•s ism" and "J. Edgar Hoover on Communism,." which were written to help
~ re ders gain an insight into communist strategy and tactics both in this country
~ ~ abroad. They may be available at your local library.

~~ } · ·we do not have a list for distribution such as you are seeking.
ll may wish to secure a copy of "Guide to. Subversive Organizations and Pub-
---~ Ii tions," prepired and released by the House Committee on Ui1-American
_ _.,..,_·vities, now known as the House Committee on Internal Security. In it are
listed some of the groups and periodicals which·have been cited. by various
'.) Q.:.._ state and Federal.' ag~ncie'$ and· a _.c9py of it ~an be purchased ·for seventy cents
-..0r )from the Superintendent of Docii'nients, Governi#~nt Printing Office, Washipgton,
D. C. 20402. Checks or money orders should be drawn im.yable to the Super-
:~•;;c"~ndent of Documents. C. 0. D.. orders will not be accepted. .
,shop - -
' •

Sincerely yours,
' • . :,,. ,\ , /
~' 4 ·
trJI /
{JI./ • .\
ir?on_ ~
a, pe, - - .

J /~, 1. Edgar Hoove, . 7 . ,·:'. ,-~ 1; -\~

l~:on-~~-= i(v,p;,.,.
vol _ _ _
1 - Detroit - Enclosure
[/ :
".(' Y,Y1_
~~D r4b:~ o~f pl
. . ....
&· i~ :,-., ...
c. Room EKloSliD'
'(-)-fm,8. (.,.,
y ~11tt
(5 __....-
uh L_ _
. ( )
LMG.llk 4
M •
""" Oo.JiU .tr,;1..1,,,J rJ,:J 1-.J~ n ¢
,., - --ft,.:;, -·
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• s~ -#.~
- -'J


~- _.,,,,,.

- .-,.

J. Edgar Hoover
Directer, . F.B. I.
• ,\

Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. ·H00ver ~ Mr. Rosen::_ _
M1·. Sullivan_
Mr. Tavel ____
I have a two-feld purpose f0r writing this ~etter. The firs ~tr. ·rrotter_ _
1s to offer my personal thanks for 311 the gGod you have done Tele. Room__
for. aur beloved land. All 0f us whQ hate crime and evil owe Miss Holmes __
you a debt of gratitude. If you d0n•t gt:> down in hist0ry
one of America's greatest citizens, it will be _the fault c,f
Miss Gandy_ _

our ~wn citizenry. It has affected me deeply to see the

vultures wh@ pose as lawmakers crit1size y0u for your patriotic
anti-communist stand. I h0pe you will forgive us 'silent•
Americans for n~t speaking out in y0ur defense. And I hope too
Mr. Hoover, that our Father in Heaven will forgive us for not
d~fending more vigorously, our truly inspiried Constitutien,
Ii and our preci0us freedom. ,
This leads me t~ the secc.:md p~rtion of my t..a.0ld purp0se
in writing. I read where Drew. Pearson said that LIBERTY LOBBY
is a 'front~ organization for a 'Neo-Nazi' 0rgarilzati0n, the
FRANCIS PARKER YOCKEY movement. I have been associated with
LIBERTY LOBBY for a year now and am getting quite involved
in grass roots movements t0 put curbs on Federal spending,
taxes, Viet-Nam and several other c0ntr0versial subjects. At
one time I was associated with the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY, whic.h
I gave up due ta the demands of a rather tough schedule. It b6
irritates me to see a person such as Drew Pearson, who comman~s b7C
such respect ameng a great many Americans, make statement8 ltke
the ones I just mentioned. It b0thers me because s0 many

believe blindly~
IIsubversive <l>r Ne(;)-Nazi 0rganizat1ons? know they're n0t, but
I:' --0
intend t0 use your reply t0 show my friends and enemies. I
would alsm like t0 know more about Drew Pearson, what greups
... .\J ~-

he belongs te and what his p0litical leanings are. What are
. . . y0ur PERSONAL rec0mmendations cencerning membership in the u$

II/ right wing acti0n groups sueh as the JOHN BIRCHERS AND THE
~ W\
'd"' When I joined the Navy I had t0, sign a statement containing ~ · ·1
'1, the names of many subversive groups, attesting that I had never {J; _
./A, .belonged t0 any @f them. Can yeu send me a copy 0f the latest k · .i
,/.:;' ·,'list for inf0rma.ti0n purposes? Could y0u a l sG> g ive me the 'I I ~

.Ji/;/<-~· F.B.I.'s impress1Hons Qf Marti n Luther K~n

Other than
- Was he a knQW~ ~
).." ).r\~· CC1>mmunist or did he ~st ,~ons0rt with ~np 1,.p0~
~ ~. \"t1\ Sl-100
keepi ng- my-self
m -~ists'l
inf0rmed a n
:L - d' i
'1 LI - . /1'"1
1nf0 ing m"I n/i hb0rs,
writing te Senat0rs and Congressmen, is their anything I can do
to help the F.B.I. in fighting the communists and criminal
, •...,

elements? I held a . Secret clearence while in the Navy, love my

.\I/ c0untrv s nd w1 J J 00one,;a :te inany way pc,ssible t0 he~h~aae~
j !J
1 APW 1969
e:rtpbmc; ~ EN CE
... , : .... -
·· ·"'

. ,.
·).•,. '

( ;;.



. Tha following material has been repro-
i~duced -for excisihg and review at FBIHQ and/or
-~delivery to the House Select Committee on
·(See Bufilc 62-117290; re HSCA request dated/-~~- ?j'}
.. ?
FILE NO. G, 2.- I()'' 'I 'II
SECTIO~ 3 --
SERIALS 7D through J 03
(except following serials
not in file on this date:) •


Number of copies made / By . ;::{'7A~

.f .



~ -'36 .<M,·. 5~22-64).

I ~j
A t6) r. ""I•
r. C~.l:ir ,1. _ _ ~
r. Conr~!L____
Mr. G:1l-e____ _ j!

Mr. Rosnn _ ··-- 1

Transmit the following in (Type {n p laintext or code) _,, .:1 _17,1.1,,Mr. SuHi :l!l-:-•-.-- ~ .

r. Tavcl ... ______ [1
":Ii· • 1•,- ........'·'·~·· l
Via · AIRTEL AIRMAIL J.\ 1., - ~ - ...............

Tele. Rooir. ... ____


(Pri ori ty) i

_ _ L Miss fI:>lm~a. _______ 1

----------- -- --~------ - - --~- -- ---------------- J>Uo, JJ,mdv_r _:

TO: DIRECTOR, FBI ~,--.' :-~::J
o·.L b_,.,,.i '7 Lbbj
l b6

~~- ~

Enclosed is a ·eop __ _-:- ___ . ~te-r"'"redEf.l:ve'Cl"- 4· ·

and enclosures thereto from . wherein

I she stated that she hears repea e y over ra io sta ion KTRG
that J. EDGAR HOOVER apparently supports some of th·e extreme
c:t~- ·'.:: .- KT1RG is a local Honolulu radio stati.on which ~-,.
has· progrc!ms soliciting telephone comments frpfu the listening
audience'~hich are broadcast. Honolulu files~·contain no
infor}Ilati_on identifiable with captioned individual.
->. j Iwas
by ASAC PAULL. MACK and SA.____________~~~- which time
pfrsonau v contactej "it 4/~4/69 _
receipt of her letter was acknowledged. She wa~ informed
in regard to her request for advice as to . whether or not she
should move to Israel• that the FBI was strictly .a fact-
finding agency and could make no recommendation as to·any
course of action she should take. She was advised that
such a matter would be a decision that was entirely up to
her. At that point she admitted that her.question was
facetious and that. she: 'd~d not r.w i.i 'expect the FBI to
\ afford her any advi9: on the _m a ~ ~j_, _ /()
?J f/ .. //j
2 - Bureau:, (_Eric,. _--3 ENCLOSURE. ✓ === "9i1;'t...-,9Wl1CH
1 . - . Hano.lulu · ~ . . .
. . . . . ,_: \c:f _r.. __·, .. ' , APij &8 •1869 s oa bh ae3
PLM:eJg , .,, ·· ~ '".)ij. l
.,. r .( 3 ), ; . . .
Jr..•~ - -=== ~ ====--
Ju . , •
re. c. -;-·l311sRcii! ~ L; C
7. V.fv1AYJt·~- ,ftrr4&?
lfM ~ ,·
, Ai:k)J,ov~d::,.
}J'it'1 ·., ,-:-.'"· 11ti•,fl-__;_...:.__
iiff, u _ _ _ __
Sent •
.•i,•,y\ ·
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• ,! \ . "\
\ ~_-;j(\:'} : : :..;· ..O:j : ,'' ' :_ ..\ ' .'~ti' ' .)/ : ,;_:·.< _;\/ : ·.': .

·--:.:.·.., .:. <-: .· · .'.I k·a? ~~-fe~re~ --to·:h~r ·:l ~t~e·r _~~d-:~as ·.,- _·· . ~.:. ·:··'. :: .· .. -·.
·. '.:-.f\ •askE:d·.· for. -~pe_ci-fic details . concernin_g _- her: s_tatem~mt .al;J,.eg_ing ; . . · : ·...·
. ·. :': · · :: · that·. she. had "11earq ·on KTRG that - the Dir~ctor ·appar;ently - ·' ·· ·. , · ·· .. : .. ·
. ·. supports r.ight':"'wingers • .. When ··pressed for - detail~ s~e ·s.t cite_d ·: :· ·. ·. - ·
... · ·. ··- ·11· that she was · perhaps· .f1'\elodramatic ih. ·her ·remark. and ·admitted ·
..::··:· ; · :. : ·~hat . she · do~s _:i:i.o t ' know .of . any i.nstance ·wher.ei_n·.suc_h s~aternefl_t ~ :
·· ·· . \ . were . made. She stated that he.r comment was· · base9 on. her . -: . · ...; . •,
· : belief·· that this r·adl_o ·.s.t _a-t i?n ·- suppor!.s .•right: wing ·. ·e;em~1;°!=s:.. :. .. .. :
.. · a}'ld ·. frequently the commentat0rs and 11.steneri:; P#lrtic:1: pat1ng ·
· :· . , · . if\ . _ t h~ prqgram_s quote, remarks .. made by _the D~rector,: . She ...... · . ,· b6
. . , ·· . -1·:':d.vis 7d t_hat. '.s~e. · ·_o bjects . :to :th_eir n~me-dr<?PI>i.:i:ig ~actics _.:~ .: _.; ,· , _b7c
. in: -using the . ·nireqtor' s nam~ when discussing :: t h ~ - .,- _.. ,. · :. . . ·
· · nersao ~ · political., · economic or socia.J,. belie'fs:. , :. . . ~. ,, .._. · ·: :·
( 1advised . t0at ·she · could : not :recafl any .·de·ta1· ·s ·w atso'e.y~r · -
· :concerning- the . references ·to . the ·Director arid -pointed · · · .
· ·out· _that ·she. qould · nqt . recall· th.e quot~s ·_o r 'subject ·rna:tter .: ;. _ ·: _:. ..
q uote:d, the ·'.identi:t-i es. pf: the _persq:ns ·maki!lg such remark~,: . . .
...' : o~ : spe·cifically when such remarks wer~:. made. _. · ·She·. stated .' . :
ca-t egorical:ly· th~t at., rio· time was the ' Dire-c tor quo:te'd or .. . .' ' . ·:.. ·..
·.: · ••·referr.
. . . e. d:
to. ·. as .·supporting
. .. .
any -right -wing
. . .. ~.
. '
or" indi.vidti~
.'•. . . . ' .
;J.. s ~.' ' .

__ . .:·· .-:.\ . · ·. :: .· :- In_~~--~ ilc~: ~s-1

!"-could __ f~~~i:~h --~~- ·f.~iorni~~j:-~·ri .-:· · '
: -: •.·· : • . · · _t<;>· back ·.u p · her 0I'1g,1n_a·l statement a11c;l. si.:nce·she .·. ~o.vised .. on ... ,· . . · ·
• '. · ,~ · .intervi.ew . that -the . stat-~ment .was ·: not- _a.c curate ;·"•no·.. further ··, · .. .'~-- _~ :· ···.:.

. . ·•_:__ . :-: _-·aptiO}'l is being . taken ~Y · t }_re ..Honolulu· Office with ' I'Efspect ·_. ..- .·· ;. ...-..-· ·.· .. '

, _: ··:.;,: :. . .:' :~- ,' ·_ :·_:,. ··, '. .·: ..

:',' . ·. '
.· .• :, ,\•·' .....
... .. . ... . ··... ...... .1
'I .. . .
, , ... ,• ·-·- '• ;.'' I
.,. I

;". ·- ~
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..·.. ·. '· ..
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:.. ~. . ··..•. : ·,.

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. .

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t'I.. ~,•~ ,' •,,~ ·•·!' , •'-, , "-.:_. _ .

;i .• • • ' • ,.... , • . .• C • • •, •. •

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II:···,.· ·: .· :.
-~$__ ·\' •• : • . ': ' ........,....,..,...--~,...........,,,...,,....,..,...------ . • :: .,. .••
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,'J-t • '

• • •• • • • • • 'A p:ti
·. 1 22 I
·19 ()' 9 ..
•.r-.·. · .,,,
,( >. '· ·:. ·~ -:,_ l)n~-t e:a ' states Go'v ern~ent . - ; . ~ ~ ..
i-'. F.eferal Bureau of. !nvestigat-io~ .
j !. ~ :· _\ Departme:n.t _ o f · Justi-ce
I;·-·. ·· · F'ede:i-~iBuilding ,·
1'.:- ·-: · :. • '' · Hc{nolul ti,. Ha waii · :
... ,,
'. : ·.... He: ·LIJJEH'.!1Y LOBBY
I' •
. · Gerit1enien :
i t • ·• :· '. :_: ,· .. .' . .• • •• • .• • . ••.

j.r!.: -~··,::... .,.-.·..:_

)Ji~ .::~i~ :enei ?si:tg . the . two ·_ Dr ew ··:ee.
1 ng with the
_·and :Jae~ Anaers~n
col,umns· to_-d ~te
Lobby . _ I · am you have
se en :·the~ and

!:,I;;. ·:::.·, :?: 1

_'_p.Je awa:re of the r existence ?,
f thi s ', group, but I cannot t~ke ~he .?ha.nee

rrra;s· c:nt~~n:a) I-
11 .~~., : :-:·... ··-. · : .. ~·that ;Y'OU •mi ght somehow ·h a ve miss·e d the local KTRG Jogri _Bnch · S?clety -,..
f: .. ,.'.... , ,
~ ' sunnort wbi cb J:, s~ronger and more v~cal, or .:t~at . · ·
.y · ;·.:_.. •.-··::. _I _ _ _r _ _ _ stated over t~e air. th~t the :)i
·J • , · · ... ·' "Liberty Amendmen " ' w :tc e -s rongly sunports is a . tie-in or
.l· . . · . · · ; ..., product of the Liberty ,Lobby. I may be somewhrJ.t (~is-t;or.ting -his axact
!-_ .' · . ,'. ·., • · • v1ords, but this · is qlose tbib what he sai d •.
: 1 · ·. ·. · ...,. .;c.: • :-• ••
t . '.· : :-:·_;;::: · - I heard!
·· . • • ~• • firs t

J'.:· - ~~/ -· .·:_;~--- ·. a;s substance for hi~ .criticism. He. neither confirmed· nor::·
·.. ·
openlY. a t:t ~ck the/~rticl e, .the ; 1 in:e only · ,
ed one d:~qi l
I:,J-::~ . :_/\,:~;~·r:~--F:r.~kly
,:-f- . ·- :.' :.'-' . word of- th,e balance or·.the_ ar_tic_le! ·. I am surP. tiiat )'.'OU lm(iw •!
I_t' •: ,_ •, . ·•. .,:·.; _o-penl,y · acknowledges his rnernb1frship i _n .and SU_QJlO_r-t. of t h e John Bir ch Society rl

~-h·i.':J reall,; ;:ighten; me : . J! bnGr~,l3~ · ; r:(;)1~-r.- :t·~peatf!dly

! ·'

·9~·.-~-i:·· :·· _._·. :. ove:r._ KTUG ~hat .J. Edga.r Hoover _apparently nupports some of _. thesEl
~:. ,.,·. '-~ .'. . '" .,. .-.-·. ~;ictreme·
~ . ri ght-wingers
who seem more subversi"e to me than the Communists
:·-,,; ,.. ·' .• ··.·. •. .: they are hunting under every bed! b6
,:·, ·.... - • . :_ .. : · •· . ·. · . ' ' · · · ' b 7C
.: ·\,\; : ··. •,;-:\ .· ·· F.o'~. ·s·ome reas on · 'they are· anxious to con.tinue the _Comrni t tee ~n Subversive
f;-' :.; ·,· .. :.·. ~·. · :Activity in Hawaii ·_. I guess they feel it supports their position · - but
·,~ ·:: ·:,· ;;. :: :, · - my:,i-rnpression is tha'-t the;y- are themselves subversive enough to_ wa:I'.rant. '1

:(t c.:· : -::,.-·

;:.·' -~:. _-: ·./'-._.::
-'some~ne 's investig·a tion. ' . ,.. .
1·· ',·.. . - : •• ••• .'.' • ~ • •• ,- . • •I • . . ~ .• · ...

·' If . -~li.· fifty· slates · ha..v e g·.roups as active a's this" one_ I 1c1.m ~eaily · afrai a

l!f<>--· •.,:..' :,_: ,.:··•...

::· _. • . ·:.. •....-:·~·.·-;fol:'. ou.r c-ountry. When I watched· -11 Seven Days in May 11 on Tv·:1as·t week I ·
!,e:·•:·: ·_' ;· .) :· · .< _: was>practiCally tra:nsfix~d by tte tremendous simi19,rity to --tJ::ie voices.- I
h~ar ~ . Incidentally, . I ?een ill and a~ home, which. is. }~ow _. ~ began :
:--· .i... ·• ·.··:-. listerp.n g , - ·and now am afrairl .not to. I 1 m Jewish, and .wonder whe"f.1 •I ·
t::~.-;·;.·ir··.·~:. ::::.,. .~.-: .' shoi11,d_ sta:d ~a.eking·. - Am~zingly, ·~he·? support Israel;_ wh~~h ! c~liriot ; ··r
f·:1 •,• • ' - ' . •• · ; . : · •• understand, s;1no.e Israel· .1s a ·SO'cf-al1st .country, a·n d a· k1.bbutz · 1s abo~_t ._
r~-:~~··:·· ·
i1 ··_as . ·commum1.l way to live as can ' .be _,q>unQ. other than at a Catholic ,·:··._ ·. . I

1;,,tit:·-·\,;~·: Copve11t ~- I 1~ s~re Sov~et. Rus~ia doesn't approach ?ommunism in ,its · · · '•·_· ..· . ~
;l._; /· :·. . ::.- ·. P~.e ~for':1-~s do _.these .two selfless gr_o ups,, ~e;i- sonaUy I . would b e _u:r;ia_b J.e . ·
~,.' ,·./::~·· :--.· >. t~- lJ.v. ~ 1.~ a Convent :or · on 3:· Kibb~:tz , bu:t .I did l ive. in I~ctfl .~or , ·· .· ·· .:
11-::i .: ·. · - .:_ .·. _.nx mo nths ·l~ s~t ·year . ·. Please - let .me k now if .r --should flee 1'Ib1vl:. 'l 'he · '. . r
; :t. /.· . : mem e ria1 '"t~"'n,e
Si':x: . Milli fib .· Jews . died"':G-erm•a'.ny' right : __: .. who: '.s ·
·> :.,·.'_.:·:·. ·
--.✓ .virig e:xtrei'rnists(who wer'? _abie . ·to ~onvince Ge,rman ,y· t hat · they wer~ ifs .; ·
i;·;, -~·- . :. :: ''\: saviqrs}indelibly impressed me' qf s~ch dangers. ·
i ·•• ,:_ .....,·./ · • ··• •• .• :the 1value. of, . cou .,, . ·· SEARCH~ IN.01:XE'
i;,_~':?> ·.. !
· bel"i~ve i ·nt Sex Educat_ioJ1/i n Hi~~schools, ,but almost regret ~~AUZ.EO·~ ...'. .... ::::mrn.'
,. ·.. , , 1 n'troducti9n . because I .b~liev ~ . that _· this . w,ill _be · the 1 ever th ~t . APR ·2 4 _
_ ,. . greatly spurs · the,3e ori:, • It certainl'{'· has a-tt racted · stron .o- · 19,f
!,:f -.:· .,.._..
• . .
su~porters for th? John ~irc_h . Society~
. . - v•
. · , . - ·

l:\J:L.·:·:-:;,.:~- ,::,_. -
\ , ' . !I : , .. -·'-- :'",:
r~. : . ..... , . ,;..,,.:-=: / ,..: :. . .. ---:- . ·.. . .
),,:J- - i-db !c½ · Ii_:_ n
.,_ / .. ·. :
1 ,:,.,·· ~'·/{"'"l\\':l''·p·. s-'.· If'.yciu ·ca.n rea·ssur·e · me·: that lfm',_1vro~9-,u ,
( . '. ' ..\ ; ·):~{:/.: ~.:-pl:e~se _wri te; ·or •ie~ ·e p~?_ne .(9:~3~0.5 76~N£~~RE ,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
.-:.· ··N.,.,.'.~' .·· .. - •~\,-· i!;:i;f~~;;r,,t;.··~ .~~x.'bi:-,:,:f;-,~
~;::·i,,; .-: . -.: '.' "T\ --.=~7Jrt.;:., .\~.;; :1•·1' 1

\ eo-1,·C!fZI wrfr . emen / i


/ ~.: ;f-1: N

/ By Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson

WASHINGTON :_ This · column has r~cting Naztism ,ip ~ ps~udo•,~hil~soph· resulting structl_ll'e will b!!.. <i:if;~~~nt
r now penetrated the Malia-like secrecy ical book called Impenum: This has from the past . - .
of 8 sinister neo-Nazi movement that become the Mein Kampf ot the new ''And although our job is to rebuild,
seeks to ov~rthrow the U.S. govern-- movement. 1 we must not lose sight of the reality,
·; ment.- Alre~dy it direct_s an $850,00~-a- ' YOCKEY DECLARED in his ·book for we . cannot rebuild until we have
year . lobbying campaign on Captt!)1 . . captured. Political power is the essen-
. Hill;. publishes one of America's fa• th at 8 mas si~e attack upon Rus st a tial criterion, not wishes or windbags,
mous . old magazines, .operates a pub• ~cross th e . pl3;1;ns 0 { Euro!,~ was ~~e and to the goal of political power all
· llshin~ house, controls a dozen front · only ~olution. · , ·• .. · . else must be temporarily sacrificed." ···
orgaruzations and last year handed out "There is no other;" he stressed. 1 • ,
' f.!0,9(10·~ ca~didates for c.ongress. ..,.,:. This .must be preceded, however, by ' CARTO'S SECRET q~es_t- for . politi- , .,•
j Members of this organization are not ~•the complete cleansing of the . West- cal .power has h:i,d astorushi~g success.
, goose-stepping Storm Ti-oopers like the ern soul from every form of material- While he. recrwted true believers .into
i late Geor ge Lincoln Rockwell's motley ism, from rationalism, equality, social the Fran~1s Park_e7 Yockey Movement, .,.,
.lllisfits, _but doctors, 1awyers?° wyiters chaos,· communism,·; liberalism, lef- he exercised political I_>Ow~r through a ...
1 and _ busmessmcn ft'om Amenca sup- tism, of every variety of money-wor- network of front orgaru:i;atlons.
'per middle class. They belong to~~- ship, democracy, finance-capitalism, He took pains always _to keep behind ·,_ ,
cret cells where they are known only the domination of trade, national.\Sm, the scenes. A darkly handsome man in
·by code names. ·· '· · ' parllamentarism, feminism, raceiste-· his early 40s, he has never allowed
; . ·. · · · , . . . \ rility, weak ide~ls of 'happiness' pnd himself to be photographe~. He ~anip•
j, THEY CALL th~1r subterranean so- _. the like.". · · ··. · .: . , ulates his front groups 'Yith a hidden . -
elet.y , the · Frai1c1s Parker_ Y~ckey_ , Yockey concluded: "The soil of Eu- bu~ iron hand by controlling the ~ur~e '. . ·
1Movement, named f~ 6 n~ Nqizi phl. ·. rope, rendered sacred by the streams strings. · '"
losopher w~o co,m_mitted . s1.11clde in a ,_ of blood which have n;iade it spiritually The most powerf,1.11 front Is the Libel'•
San . -F'rapcisc? Jail. ce.ll tn 1960 • ~ut ·. fertile for a millenniwn, will once ty Lobby which say insiders raised ;
1-they take th~ir credo, as _Yockey did , · again stream with blood until the bar- $850 ooo last yea;. Through the 1Liberty •
• from Adolf Hitler w~ose bll'thd~y th ey , barians (Russians) • and distorters Lobby Carto furnished resi,arch, and
; plan to_,celebrate with sec~e~ rites on :· (Jews) have been. Q.riven out." · · wrote' speeches for a dozen members ,I
, Sundar,..v • '" , , . . .. of Congress. He had almost the entire •.:!
, . They sing the old Nru:i songs, h~ard THE FRA~PTS Parker Yockey South Carolina delegation eating out of •· ·

: Nazi war relics ·and display 'the swasti- · Movement W'.\S formed after his sui- • his hand · including Sen. Slrom Thur- 1
I ka .a~, their meetings. Their slogan: ' ci~e. by the iast man to see him .aliv~, mond, Rep. Mendel Rivers, _Rep. AF ;.. 1
i "Wias.· I!)iCh mioht umbrigM, maC;ht , Willis A,· Carto, fo~nder of the L1b~rty bert Watson and Rep. W:. J: Bryan .\~
i~idi · !tarker.'·' · T r a n s l a t e d, this . Lobby, who has '"'.ntten 0at ~he Uruted Dorn. -;__-: ~-/,'.t : . , :
, . !means· "What does not destroy me States made a mistake m gomg to war . ;, ,,. ,,. ,. i ,
' • makes' me stronger." · 1 . against Hitler• • .. SEVERAL LOUISIANA congress-·. : .1
:. They· seek the overthrow of democ- Carto published IJl}perium iiD.d,tn ·a men were also patsies for the neo-Na- .!
racy. in· the .United States, the unif.ica- foreword, !he proclaimed his own st.rate- zis, including Rep·. Otto Passman; who- .,1
tion. of Western .·E urope under a ne1_1-/ gy with startling candor. ' . ,): l ' · · stgned ·a letter soliciting subscripti.Ona • 1

Nazi· dictatorship and an Armageddon . "Those who are to save the West," to the Liberty · Lobby's newsletter;· ··:' ,
wi;th. Russia. Just as Hitl~r boldly set he wrote, "must realize. at the outset Rep. Joe Waggonner Jr., . who_. •~~...,'. :
forth · ihia a,im-s •in "Mem Kampf," . that only part of it-can be saved; that e<i a "Stptesm_a n of the ._Republlc" •-';·,
Yockey ·outlined his strategy. fo1• resur- , much must be sacr.ificed and that the award from Liberty Lobby;-and Rep.', ,'.:
11~ • . the:··small so~iety :., .:·· ' .:· , by Brickman .·-·<>~~
!· i . ..,. ~.. . . . .. , .,., '"
. .. .
.- '""•
·• ,
I ,~·,
_;_r .
<GO. W~AT IF 71-11=

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L!l .··' lv,•·

! , . ;· .. . . OTf.lE=R: W~Y CAN'T ' •, ,..-
( i• t~·' •. ;:·· · 11-1.&Y GITT .ALONG ~: :. ', .... ~
.. \.'.~.
'-..:ii:' • v,.•, L!Ke J.IL.l~~AND .
. ·, ~
;•I ti-f• • ~

' . ANP WIE='E r '\
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'· .

i. , ; "I was voted 'most likely to succeed' in my hate group."

.:_ :~_,; ')

. John Rarick: who spoke at several Lib-

; er~¥ Lobby rallie~.
Others who accepted awards and .
1gav~ speeches for Liberty Lobby were
1 Reps. E. Y. Berry of South Dakota, .
: John Dowdy of 'l'exas, James Utt of ,
California and John Bell Williams, who
t quit Congress to become governof of
\Mississippi last year. · .
': Th~re . is ·.no evidence·' that a~y of
1these .. Congressmen knew of Carto's
·neo-Nazi background, alfhoug'h we re- ·
'.porte'd a~ early as Oct. 26, 1966, that ,
Carto was an admirer of Adolf Hitler . .
,Our charge was based upon his private
·oocrespondence, in which be called
:Hitler~s defeat tragedy for Western a
'civiUzation. ·· , " , ,. ..

f/ clRTQ ~L;O·;e~ ~; t~ ~~i;ed Con-

!gressional Appeal, which raised $90,000
for congressional candidates during
.the 1968 campaign. As treasurer, he
personally signed the checks. ·. .,
i · He· has also purchased control of the ! 'II,
J\merican Mercury, a mag:p;i,n e whose ., !;
hame wa,s once a hou-sehold word in
America. His Noontide Press in Sau- ·
·salito, Calif., publishes pseudo-intellec- 1'.•
,tuial, neo-Nllzi books. The la-test, "The , h
Myth Qf l.h<,i Six Million," secki; t.o ·, t'
prove I.hat Hltier's nH1.~sacrn of six .
:million .Jews was all a ,Tewish myth. f
t I'
r True to his word, Willis Carto has
·captured enormous political power. If
Communisls had ever suC:-
w,~(qi on Capllot Hill the sc;anda' ...

'F ,o
would biive rocked the nation. b6 /i
I ..
I ..._II e
. .•
... O>
. <:'
,~"" C. . . -r,u:
.-~ .
'4/?r,Li,'J '
b 7C

~~~- ' ·•11.,;,~'

~ ·~~Hi;
:~•~ i c,f~~\ •' , !J t~ ,"".j:. \: •' !:: ':":~•

f:t;~ittC>~:y.,;:ij~P.lR·~;Li b~r·ty··.- Lbb'8·y,:i· t:1

'.:"·.•. r• • _ • ~ • •• . . . • , • • ,· •- • • 1
,, • . , I, !., r f

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.. ., ._1!_:*~n ., .•• •
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. . . .t .
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. .

I .. . . _

/ ~ ~.:Jn'K-) ~ ,... • t L i i t, .. \ ~ '• • •' • • 'd • -k, d •

.. ,1 ., f/ t • • i!
" , i ·f :, , :.~. '·( : · • ' • •• -~ -• •• : · • ~y, Dr.e w Pearson qn Jae ·. An ers~>n · ·· ·· · •?-,,. · ·
th~; b~~~a
} : \; ';,". ,o • ._,j •• • t • • ' ,° • ') I • • ; t •

trvti~m~G~ON - ~obod~: i; ~·~~h~ ,:..;·to•pers~:~s Otep~:

~-:.hlgton woµId take .serio·usly the small
s takipi classified P~· .
Sen. Dodd, s~nce .Rosto~ , 1s
Y~ai:s ago when-he learne~.
'Jewish members. Fo)lowm.g :t.ll}s, •tne
.~ ,..- i~-neo:~a~i. move.ment headed.,b.Y. Willis .;· . Jew~h .. · . •· • 1 • • • • , '. • , Washington Post in 1965·and 1966,pub-·
.. ~CAA"to.. and his: front, .the Liherty Lob- · • There was' another· important'after- liSJed two articles revealing that.Jews
-:·· b.Y.: :were .it..not for thi:r long list of con- 1math}''Jl.ostow .becaine one of the lead- and_ Negroes were barred. . . .
. ~ ~~ssr:ne!'l.who are _In t~eir debt, th~nks , in~ .hawk~ of_!be Ke~ned~-Jo~l)son;Ad- , • A Post ·headlin~ oil Dec.: 12,', 196&,
[. toc, ca~pa1gn contnbutwns .;. . .· ,' , m1n1strations.-- Many of hls friends and · read:· "The Barristers Club: · -Power
~; The •situation might be compared to •.. associates . are convinced that this-was • and Prejudice. 245 Lawyers - All ,
:{1•'th~L ,dn Germany when nobody iook to ·p1·ove he was not pro-Communist, as , . · -White Gentiles.'.' ., . , _, : . 1 ,· • •
[: 1.Adol( Hitl~r ·and ~is Munic~ beer. hall . alleged' by· . ~tepl<a_ and lhe Liberly On . July 13_: 1005 . . the Post quoted _1
/I . Brown Shirts seriously ul')trl ·certain Lobby. · : , · - BarnsLer Club President Hugh 'R. H.,
i ,;Ruhr . indush'ialists de\cided to bac~ ·i At any_ r~te; It was Rostow who Went · Smith as saying that "There are Jew~
tY1e~. • • •• •. • • • .•• to Salgo_n in the late su1:1mer of 1961 . on lhe waiting list now ." Howeyei:, jt
h, ,' '.foday 1 in • Washington the I,,.1berty 1 · and rec9mmended to '.P\·es1dentKenoe- took three years to get th, one eingla
~ ,;~bby, thanks to its influence in Con- • dy that h~ heavily increase American . Jewish layer elected in 1968. .: ,·
r::gressi" has · been ,:tettlng some u'np11bH- '. military involvement. Ameritan troop., .. ... . _'
f';., cized · results. IJL_1u2st lmpol'lant In South - Vietnam . ~ose fro!)'l 1,090 to ' 1'1!,N ~ hAJlS hefore, U.S. Jud~e1
ii..,~ h Js the romolion of Otto Otep: . , 18,900 as a ·.result. " , •· . · Charl~s Joahy had ~e~lgned from the .
'h:·ka·. last remnant o , oe c ar y s ., Later Rostow gave similar hawklJ.h club tn pr_olest aga.mi;t its restrictive :
~. era: t_o.a 13~,ooo job on the Subversive ., 'a~vice .: fo ' President ··Johnson, . l\i~- membership. He has Jon.g sat ·on t~e
!t.:_ Aptiy1ties Cop o oard. Egua)iv \m- : . ft1endsi bellev.e, to ,counteract the un- · Court of Appe~is on_ wluch,Robb will
~} po~an~ was th.e noJ_1:unatlon of Otep- , fair accusations· ~-f the Liberty Lopby also serve - 1f confirmed by. the~~::~
- ~~ ... ~,gw:ous ng!ltwing attorney, Rog- , 1 and _other right. Y{mgers who k~pt up a ate. '· . ·•••. -·1
:;~ ~.~ A~bb, to the u .s._court of Appeals. ' .. st:e~dy ~ar~a:g~ :~g_ainst hi~ _bec~.u~~ of Robb , as an inner circie mem~er ~f;~I,
~:~:• IT \VAS THE persistent. cross-exam!_.· . .)lls J.ewlsh,•so~1a-hst ~ack'greun~. ·, ' .the . Barri?te~s Club,_ ~bviously ~as.-.
fuination by Ro~b of State Department ·.· 'ANOTHER TRIUMPH for the Liber- fam1lar with 1t~ descr1mma~on policy. ,:
f.1;, .officials, plus the campaign ,. ty Dobby ii; the appointment of Otep- He probably ~id not -~ow. abo~t the ;
tt,,. .pt the UJJei;tv Lo!J.b-;y, plus l}elp from . . • ka ~~ attorney, Roger Robb, to tlle ,D.C. .Nazt sympa.tbtes of WIiiis C~rto, foun- ..
r: r Sheolghn Birch Society, which led to Court of Appeals, second,highest court der ~f th e Liberty,, ._P n?r to_1966.. •:
~;.NOtepka,'s promotion from. the.. S14.000 - .. in ·the United, States. ,;·, :: .,,·,>:: ,1:_ But in {bat year th!s columr:i,•P.ublishe<J. ~
~~;,State:- Department job from which he · ·,,.· Robb .served as •attorney,:fol' the At• t:he detaH.s ~eg_a r~ng th e Liberty Lo~_·-.
!:'\"'was. ·dropped. to. the job ·on the Subver- .. '. omic ; EnergV' , Commission . when 'i t . , by and Cart~ s philosophy, and as ~ re- ·_
f~·, 1)ve :. Board at over twice his prevlo\1s :..~· purged Dr. 'Robert' Oppenheimer dur~ suit of a SUit brought before _the ~p.,rt,:(
~ sa'Jary . .-,,, •·~.-· /•·., • . · . : , .,, ing the · Joe McCarthy witch-hunting ol Appeals_- and won by ~~ts colun,n,
1 • ~;!!/~".' Iacf3 in
the case ar·~ ex.trerrieif.\.: ·i:lays. He has represented various oth- - lh~ deta1ls_ bec:ame Jam1har, to th~ ·"'
. · ;_: ,imP.orta_nt. ,: ·Otepka got ._ int~ · trouble.~- er 5pectacular rightwing or· conflict- pubhc.,. especia}!y to D. C: lay,yers.; -.-._: ~
'-; :, ~ith::· Secretary 'of State Dean Rusk · of-interest clients such as F'ulton Lew- IT'S DOUBTFUL that President Nfit~'.' ',
~ when,, he took classified. papers to Sen.· is, Sh~rman·Adams, Bernard Goldfine, ":',Jon knew m.uco about ~e Liberty µ,b-"'
~;,. ,'.l'.9,Jn_.. ,Dodd of Connecticut, . later _c.en- 1 ?1'd Air _Force Secretary Harold Talbot. ·by's background. The danger 1~ that he ,
t:•J .f~re<t)>Y. ~~~ _Sen~te when hrs ~wn files ' ... · Robb 1s an 9b_le, vlg~rous lawyer. ~ut deferred Lo such poten~ se~at?rs_ as
~.,s?,;ere ~9pJed ~Y his employes. wha.t makes his appointment to a high James Eastland, the big Miss1ss1ppi;;
1;1·: ~: i:Th«: · classlf~ed papers which Otep~a. . , c~urt significant at, a time w~en the cotton planter who Js chah:mpn of the
~ _g avri.Pod,d pertained ~o the security ,, L•~~rty Lobby and its neo-Na_zt le~der Senate Judiciary Committe,, a_nd Se~-.'·
' .W .\r~ea,Fance of ~~ver;:il offlclals, the most Wtllis Carto are throwing their weight •rom Dodd, a member of 't ht commit~•:1
'·%•,!~~o_rtapi b~mg _Walt :Whitman -Ro_s•-'r. : around, i~ th~ [act that Ro~b has,al_so tee. - . . ··,.- ;:(, ~: :i ..,~ ~
~~ 1,o~T_-the MIT professor. 'Yho became :$ been a 1p_o ~er in the ~clus1~e ~ams- . · ., i '. · ---· ·. 11"j
~' ~J'~~1gent Kenn~dy's national security .·· ters Club, : WashingloJ'.l 's only legal or- Other comi;mttee memb!rs ,wh? will ,.
J ~~v1ser .. Ro~tow s fathe~ ~was ~ Social- ganizati_oil_with !'- _Jong record ofJ>ar- ~ote on ~obb sand Otepk~ s conf1rma-,iJ
( !r. i~~- ,:'Yho dun~g World War I ha~ so ad~. . r!nt{,,{e:,ys ;~nd Negro~ ·.-••.~. -_./....,'
t'· .m!r~ _Soclaltst _:leader: Eugene Debs,./: ··;:t "'"''-' 'I,;, .... ..'• , ·" · ., 1, · •.
t1011s are. Phil Hart_. Mich., Edward;,
Kennedr, Mass,., Birch Bayh, ,1nd., ,
.2~\}tiat 1he n~m1;.d ~me son Eugene DeJ>s · J tOf~LY! ONE Jew1s,h ~tt~rn~>'.• All~n 9 u en t In Bu~d1ck , N.D., .fosep~ Tyd-
i "~Rastow, . the other Walt Whitman Ros.-., Kay, .h.~~•.~ee~- adm~tted in~! c\ub ~ __ mgs1 Md., Robert Byrd, W. Y~-• Sa.m 'i
,~j..:·t~w,~1 1n bo~or of the· great liberal ,. 4-0 y~ai s.· ,,, ; · · ·· Ervin, N.C .. ~II ?emocrats. with ,H1r:"
"':._i. ;~merican poet. ,·•.: ..,: .- • . · -: , .· Tht_s happened only after Art Buch- am Fong. . Hawau, Hugh- -Scotl1 -Pa.,,:.!
f~~f,t -; , ·., ·,,: .'' 1• • } • • ·,,i . .:~al~, ,..ttJe · cotumnist, withdrew from · Charles ·Mathias, Md,, and_. ~~~l~-~ ..
:N:ff.i;,{~~~"'~.E -.~E.~E. 1anti-Sem.1tir~~~r- f' ~dd~~e,s.!ling ,Je _Bar~·lsters 91~b four ·. ~o~k, _Ky., 1R~pu_bllcans.'· 1 ·: '~-~; \ _,. ·i\·~f
~.~!l!i-.~(I! .. ,'\"~ • -- - ~·(tJl•, ,.,
•• ' •!1 • .I. • ~ •• I
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. '
' April 30, 1969_
'· .....

. '," .
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', ., b7C

Dea1 r
. I' received your letter· on April 28th. With respect
to your inquiries, information in the .files of the FBI must be

main1ained as conflden'tial in accordance with regUlations of the

I •
Department of Justice. I regret I cann.c;>t
, q, ,, .,be of help to you in
I • - I ' •
' instance.
this - ._a

·. Sincerely. yours t
_J. Edgar Hoover .
' NOTE: The Liberty Lobby ·is. 'Yell ,known to the Bu:teau. Willis Allison
C~rto ~~ _.~e founder of ·the Lf~erty ·Lobby. .·.He ~w~s the subject of a ~cial
. O> Matters ilives~~gation in 1958-59; however, no~jbtormation was developed .
gj • • 0,
0 "'."",;
iii I •
. thaf he. or
.. r. the Liberty . . Lobby advocated:; condoned or m~t_e.~: . . ~

UJ 9 ~ violence, . for the purpQs. e of denying others thetr· constitutmnal rights. ·

::::! o:, :i: -.r. , ·•.,
a:: . (.) ~rancis Parker Yockey was the subject of a Registration .Net- Internal . ·
Q._ Security ·Act of 1~50 and Passport arid Visa Matter inves_ttgation·s instituted ·
- ,;:;!:> in 1952 ·on allegations that he was engaged in Fascist activities ·on an ·
international scale. He was arrested by our San·· Francisco Office on ·a
Tolson _ _ __
. Selective Service Act violation on 6-7-60 and 'whil~.:beifi~ held under a
DeLoach •_ _ __ . $50,000 bond committed sutclde on 6-17-60 in tne O'akland, California,
Blshop - ~ - -
jaU. Bu.files contain no.information identifiable wlth correspondent. ·
. ••ka·s (3)
CEE :,.· . ~ •·.,.~.- r) ~ C•,\-· , '· · ·.'i • fl· '; •. ·.· ' .
ij) '\'
Collohon _ _ _._
. .' .· /:{l c_ ' - ' :-. ; ' '· . . •. . ..
Conrad _ _ _ __
.. ' . ., . Jtf?. ~ {)) . '.
~~ "i~~~-.i~
l(~4 . :~.·~·~ -
Felt---.=---- , ./ II • J · '
Go0le ·_ _ _ __ .. • : ., . . . ' ,j 1\ . .- . .
Sull iv arl _.' ___·_
--i:.:_l •- ,'!'

• b6

April 24, 1969

~:l ~i-lo~'?~rJIS-
~ ~A .
. ":,.·
)' _ .. f p\~ -~

near I 1-

1n. reply to your letter of April 18th, with enclosure, this

Bureau is strictly an investigative agency of the Federal Government and,
as such, neither makes evaluations nor draw$ concluslo~ as to the char -
. '

acter or integrity of any organizatio~,_i:mbUc~tion or pi_glvlwal._ .Ther.efo~," · _·- - --

.. . ----- -- - - - . - -
~-:-.~-.:.:;~aimo~:C'Olnm~ttt·::e=you- destte:;and-ho~-=yo,fwtn~not·'mter:...elth1tr-that-we=-ao::1..:::.;:.::= --- -

or do not have material in our files relating to the Liberty Lobby .

' '.'·.'-"-.'··'Ma-11.:. '22·'·
;~/-r;!:?. 'E-B<,-, - 1 ·::~.· ,-•li.
: .. . -:::·· .,r, . ~
~la,~e~e.ly_ yours, ··v,·(i';,;dti-. :,~j h1:---:. ,:, ... ("
• ••
• , '
• I • • • ' '
APR.241969 J~ Edgar Hoover

~ NOTE: Bufiles indicate we wrote correspondent on 3-27-67 thanking him

for forwarding a newsfaper clipping . Th~ Liberty Lobby is an organization
composed of"patriotic pressure groups which stand for constitutional law,
.. Americanism,and individualism as·'opp~sed to:internatiorial~~µl 'and collectiv-
ism. We hu;ve not investigated this organization. Other than 'a prior citizen
inquiry in 1968, United Congressional Appeal i~.n~t identifiable in Bufiles.
L occh - - · ·· ~
·· )
; ~/
,op==== ALA:r~
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'-~ ·..
... '

li~:-J~ r,:~\V~:¥:p{a.1 . •~:•( ' f _~

per ~" ,) ,. --
ahan - - vt'. (~ \.I •'\ ~ •

1llc r - '\ , ' ,,l /} _ - · . .

le. Room - ~ , -~ •.

~y 7 MAti96_J~[:::::J·_ TELETYPE UNIT o . . ., /_ .

-~ ~AAIJ0AI 'r?-1;-../ ~
, '. _

~- :~
_...'. .•

~--: "'·

• Aori 18 1

Mr. J. Edgar Hoover
Director Federal Bureau of Investigation
W~shington, n.c. 20535

I_/ , l
Dear Mr. Hoover:
Mr. Tn• , ccr _ _
Am qu
. ite concerned about article written by Drew Pearson and Jack·

Tele. Jl.·,ntn _ _
And~on.ty~~~n ·ror concern is that I am on the Board of Policy Miss li 1e~--
for ' ber
- y and· a contributor to United Cong-~ssional Appeal.
During the years· that I h~ve been a subs~riber to Liberty Lobby pub-~ ~ ~- · -_y
Miss Gar~dy_ 1,

lications, nothing has app~ared that would lead me to believe.that //

they are Nao-Nazi or anything but good people who at this period in (.,,;l;/
history, find it necessary to actively promote the Americanist cause. /
It is not my desire to be a party to the overthrow of our government.
At the present time it is inconcievable to me that Liberty Lobby has} ~ 'jJ:.m11
that intention. But I do not have all of the information and thatiis . ,.
the reason for my appeal to you.
;g ,W'I

There are quite a number of people besides myself who are also inter-


ested. It is our understanding that the FBI does investigate organ-
izations which advocate and promote the overthrow of our government.
And it is also our understanding tha;t, it is our.right as citizens of
this great nation, to be permitted to ask questions and receive ans-
ffl ,in
U> rfi,~
wers to our questions from the FBI, at least in this case.

Our question is obvious. Do we subscribe to and support an organiz-

ation which intends to overthrow our government? If the answer is ye~,
an explanation would be greatly appreciated.
S.J eoaoeoJ :r Ynuno

jg ..:_-:.,
__ .:si

enc: -.,
;~ I RE,C,-12~:
.....__ i

.., OI .:.-,
11,· \
APR ~ 196!1
~ • .~

.. .

--- ----=--
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~~~~ ~nlll\ /

~-~,t-fJ.f i,~~~
//'-~/;\JI/· 1\- I

hJ) \
r1:w-i~hingJon·--M-;:ry-Go-Round .
, •r .;,_ \

Neo--NaziMlltement Said TlflivingHere }

By DREW PEARSON · ibis aims in "Mein Kampf," will 1be different .from the the Francis Parker Yockey · ~
And JACK ANDERSON ' Yockey outlined his strategy past . . . . Movement, he ex e-r c is e d '• ~
WASHINGTON This col for resurrecting Naziism in a "And although our job is to political powe_r through a ;
h - tr t d th· ,pseudo-philosophical •b o·o k rebuild, we ·must not lose network of front 01,ga-nl,zations1, -~
ulllll: ~s now pene a e e ca.lied "lmperium." This has sight of the reality, for we · · . ~ ''1
~8;f1.a-like . sec~ecy of a become the Mein "Kampf of cannot rebuild until we have HE TO~K PAJNS alwars to 1
smist:er, neo-NaZI. movement .the new· movement. captured. Political power is keep behind the ·seen~. ~ :
that seeks to overlbrow, the l!· :Yockey declared in his book the essential csiterion, not darkly handsome man in hJS ...,:
S;. government. Already . it that a massive at!-ack upw1 wishes or windbags, and to early 40s, . he has never•·.:i
du-ec1:3 a, n ~50,000-a-y~ar Russia across ~be ,plains of - the goal of·political power all allowed hunself t? b e. '. I
lobbying campaign on Capitol Europe was the "only solu- else must be temporarily p~otograph~d. He !11ampl!lales- ,.t
Hill, publishes one of tion." , sacrificed." hls ~·ont groups w1tb a htd~en -I
Ameri~a•s f !i mo u· s old "There is no other," he Carto's secret . quest for bu~ troll hao_d by controlling ,/
magazines, o p e r, a t E\ s a stressed. ,. political powej· . has h a d the purse str!ngs. , . ~i
publishing house, controls a . astonishing success. While he The most ,powerful £ is. •~
dozen front organizations and 'iho!!!!r M~~T "~h~- P::.;1!~
last ~ear handed out $90,000 to cleansing of the Western soul •
recruited true believers into
. _ - . _
·continued <l?i).A-S ·.,•.,----2.::J
candidates for. Congress. . from e v e r Y form of I -~., ·~ Continued Fl'om i\-4
t.- ·
- - ·-]
1 . Members of this organi~a • ~ a: t _er i al i-s ~,. from '_ra-
the Liberty Lobby which, say Lobby-'s newsle~ter ; Rep. Joe ,'
bon are not -.go_ose-steppmg . t10na.lisn,i, equal_1ty, so~ _1 a 1 insiders raisea $BSO,OOO last Wa,ggonner Jr., who accepted ,
Storm Tro~pers like the la~e ~ h a o_ s , c o .m m ,u, n 1 s m, I ear Tb.rough the Libert.y -a "Statesman of eie Repub-
George ~n!!oln · Rockwell s liberalism, leftism, of e~e!Y ' i.ollbY, Carto t u i- n is b e d lie" award from Ll"bel'ty L,obi-., ~-
motley nusf1ts,. hut doctors, var19ty - of rnoney-worslnp,
lawyers, . w r 1 t er s and . c r a c-;,y , fin ance. 1
! research and wroLe speeches by; iand Rep J oh n Ranck, {.,
· be · f c . ft . oke at several Liberty
businessmen from America's capitalism, the domination of· for a dozen ~e_m rs O on w O sp •
upper middle class. They t r a •d e , n ~ti O n a 1 i 5 m , I ~ess. He qad ~lmost the ~o- Lohb_Y rallies.
belong to secret cells, where rparliamentarism, . (eminism,, Lll'e. South Carolina ~elegahon OTHERS WHO accepted
I 'they are known only by code race.sterility,· weak ideals of 1
- names. ··'happiness' and the like."
~at indg' ouL of St
we1II il'lg
~f ~fi nd • awards and gave seeeches for
· 1 m . ur- Liberty I:.obby were Reps.
1 They call t b e i ~ sub• - ;t'?ckey concluded : - "Tbe 'if
moo d , Rep. Mentlel ~ 1 1'S.. E, Y. Berry of South •Dakota,
terrl!.nean .socie_~y the Francis so,1 of Europe, r _ender e d
: .Parker Yockey Movement, -~acre.4 l,y lhe streams of
Rep. Albert ;a°~
W. J . Bryan 0 ·•
tson an ep. John Dowd)'. of ·rexas, James
Utt of California and Joh.o
, n.amed for · a O e O • Nazi bl~O? ' which h11ve made 1t Several Lou 1 s 1 an a c~n- Be 1 l William.s, rwho q~t -
; .philosopher who committed sp_mtua~ly fertile for .a gressmen wr:re _also_ pats_1es congress. to become governor 1
st.ticide in a Sao Francisco jaif mi.Llenn•un:i, will once _agam for th~ neo,Naz1s, mcludmg of Mississippi last year.
cell in 196<1, But they take stream_ iw1U1 hlo~ until ~ e 1 ~ep. otto · Passm_an,_ .wb.o There is no evidence that
their credo, as Y!>cl.cey did, ·b ~rbar1ans (R1iss1ans) and . signed. a letter so_l L,c 1 ~ 1 n g · any of these· congressme~
, f~om Adolf' Hitler w l! o s e: d~torter1? t Jews) bave •b!len subscnpt!o~ to the Liberty : knew . of Carto's neo-Nazt
birthday . they plan to• - dnven out. · 1 background although we
celebrate ,with secret rites on '!'he Francis Parker Yockey ; reported a; early as Oct. 26,
sunda:Y, ~ove~~nL was formed after 1 • 1966 that Carto was an ad- -
his swc1de by the last man to • ' of Adolf Hitler Our
_THE.Y :SING THE old N~u see him alive, Willis A. Cartu, , ~er as based upo n hi.s
·songs, !board Na2i war relics founder of the Liberty Lobby, , c _arge w. d. •
and d~play the swastika at ·Who .has written that the pr1yate correspon ~nee, ,m
!~eir me~tings._ Their slo~an: pnite_d States made. a m~take .
· Was. m1cb m1cht · rnnbrmgt, m gomg to war ·agamst Hitler.
which he c~lled Ho 1
d~fe~t ~ tr~ged~ f r
.macht mich s tar k er . ' ' · , c1vlfu:ation.
Translated this means CARTO PUBLISHED·· Im· 1 CARTO ALSO set up the
"Wl)at do~s not destroy m~ perium and, in a forewol'.d, he '. United Congressional Appeal,
makes me stronger." proclaimed •his own strategy ' which raised $90,000 for con•
They seek the overthrow of with.startling candor. !
gressional capdidat~ during
democracy· in bhe Uriited "Those who are to save the :
States, the unification of West," he , wrote; ' ' mu st. 'j th~\ 1968 c ,a m •P a i g n. As
Wes~rn Europe under a neo• realize at the outset that only treasurer, J1e p e r s o n a 11 y
!Nazi dictatorship .and an part of it can be saved; that ', signed the checks.
Armageddon with R u s s i a . mijch must be sacrificed and 1 He has also purchased con•
.'Just as Hitler boldly set. forth that the resulting" structure : trol of the American Mercury,
-----~ - ~ - - - - - ---. ·- -- -- -
. I a ~agazine.· whose n,; was
once a nouse}Jold word in
America. His Noontide Press
in Sausalito, Calif., publishes
pseudo-intellectual, . · oeo-Nazi
books. The Ja'tes~ "The ~yth
o( the Sbc Million," seeks to
prove" that ·Hmer's massacre
I of six million Jews was all a
J ewish myth.
P) _. l 6/)1f/-J/J . Tl'ue to his word, Willis
Carto has captured enormous
/J ~ political power. If t Ji e Com•
munists bad ever been ai1
successful on Capitol Hill tbe
LENCLOSUJ.Ul scandal would have rocked
the '1i11tii>1i. -; · . ~•· • S#.
• •
- ~)
·- I,
,. . '/:

May 1, 1969

R£C_-l31 u~.-i ~' , f/ - Jlt

fl), · -114


Dea~ I
Your letter of April 28th, with enclosures, has,,
been received and in reply to your inquiry, this Bureau ts
strictly an investigative agency of the Federal Government and,
as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as
. to the character or integrity of any organization, publication
or individual. I hope you will not infer either that we do or do
. (!])
not have material ln our files relating to the Liberty Lobby.
Sincerely yours,
· · ··-··--· - --- - --···t ~~cigar Hoovet
John Edgar Hoover
MAY 1 • 1969
Director ~
NOTE: Bufiles contain no record· of correspondent. The Liberty ~obby
. is well known to the Bureau; 1: Correspondent's enclosures are a .
Deloach - - - ,
pamphlet describing the Liberty· Lobby and an application for
. membership~ .
Mohr _ _ _ __ ~-
Bi sh o p - - - -
Casper. _ _ __
Callahan - - - -
Conrad _ _ __
Pell _ _ __ _
Gale _ _ _ __
-~ r _. . .
,,:,1f6ff · (!;{,¥if'_$,'" 7(!:;r.f - ~q____
a /;/

• -~ i'

ABRIL 28, 19 69


WASH IN GO TN' - . 25, . D, C,


\ ~- ~
I• ;
'i~ L__,..------- --------,----
~ -

-~. ! hardly know ho,v .to begin explaning this letter, so. that why i, am sending.
this material to explain my self, i, repived .this -in the mail, l~ke so much b7c

more such as box holders , but aftei, i, would have to sign a . loyalty o a t h ~
jus,..; t to get some . boqks, than i, though that something might be funny about
these books, whare on the card on the side which say imporant - 2th and
third part which says what one would give to party or faotion, maybe it;
j'ust something nice to be in, yet i, wont to make sure that i, do not. join
th~ wrong· number, maybe i, read to much about these things and how the enemy
get started, i, am a corrsponding student of instute of ap:plied ec•ience
chic~go, ill, and i, have taken many other courses im. criminology, civil
defence-- and auxilary.· police,

t!Nr,t~_S~! ~1J- :.which i, am active

r_:.v 1.31.
& ~ -:/ O ~ 1 '// .-~(e
• 4. . .:..._ '
ms MAY
5 1969
l~1 . ' l . ~

i)i: . if #J,..,.,~cl'fv -
1t.1L\1CL-06.U ,
~~, •


YES. I want to become a [ull member of the LIBERTY LOBBY Team. I pledge O 1 Year In Advance Enclosed·
$ .. .................. monthly to help sustain your important work. Send my Board of Policy
Membership Card and Official Ballot to the add ress below. I understand that I will • Bill Me For 1 Year In Advance
receive a life-time subscription to Liberty Letter, the monthly report, Liberty Lowdown
and a free copy of all LIBERTY LOBBY publications as they are printed. I reserve SEMI-ANNUALLY
the right to cancel this pledge at any time, simply by notifying you. • First 6 Months Payment Enclosed
• Bill Me For First 6 Months
ADDRESS • D First Payment Enclosed
D Bill Me For First Payment
. . . . M, .. , .. . . . . . . . . . ....
Loyalty Oath Must Ile Signed •
Name to put on Membership Card
if other than ahove (Plea.~e Print).
The statement and Loyalty Oath below must be

* **
l am an American citizen, 18 years or more of age,
and hereby sign the below Oath which, when accom-
panied by my Pledge of monthly support will quali-
fy me to be a member of LIBERTY LOBBY's
Board of Policy.


1. 1 certify that I do not advocate nor do I belong

to any group which advocates the violent over-
throw of the government of the United States.
2. I believe in the Constitution.
I place · my allegiance to the Republic of the
United States of America above that which 1
give to any other temporal power, party or

.• ~~&~.~: ... •.. ·;·••· .. '.' . ·.:_~-_? •~..;,.• ''.':' -_·.:_: • • ·: .... . ·a ....... . . •


Pledging Members of the Board of

Policy automatically receive these and
01her extra benefits.







~ .
'ii'i!H '11"@1!.Bli!SIU.f WIXl~'ii' M~MIHl?J.~ @Ir 11:@INl@~~l\il\i
LIBERTY LOBBY ~&'11' &li@ll)J'ii' ll.DBl!!Rl'ii"\1' ll.@H'I?' ••
LIBERTY LOBBY's Policy is determined by
more than 12,000 members of its Board of Policy
"Let me thank you for the service you
WIXl~'ii' OS M' who vote regularly. Mcrnbcrship on !he Board is provide, and for lhe slimulalion which
open to any supporter who will sign a loyalty oath you give to the entire conservative
LIBERTY LOBBY is a pressure group for to the American form of government. Al present •, movement."
patriotism-the only lobby registered with Con- ihere are 4 9 points in LIBERTY LOBB Y's State- __ Senator John G. Tower
gress which is wholly dedicated to the advance- I' ment of Convictions. Below are six. Republican from Texas
ment of governmental policies based on our ,•.
Constitution and Conservative principles. I
Do you agree or disagree with LIBERTY
~ ,. LOBBr's po~ition _.9n th~se is~1_1es? "As a subscriber lo Liberty Lener you

WIXl'lf' w<!lls I~ 01rlia111ili:e«il?

Because in 1955 a group of Conservative
leaders realized that although there were pressure
groups existing for every minority group interest
An end to riots. Punish criminals and not
_their victims. Homeowners have a right to
: defend their property.
0 .;, 0
[J .

will receive factual legislative infofJ!la-
tion informing you how you can make
your influence felt most effectively for
responsible government."
Congressman Olio E. Passman
Democrat from Louisiana ·
imaginable, there was none set up for the purpose W_IN IN Vll1NAM_ AND ~fl OUl-lOR . , , . 0 D
.•, i
of revers/ng the dangerous trend toward socializa- · Punisli'· those · y,,ho trade with and aid tlie
I enemy. Suppo.r t our men and save lives. "A i:ood way to keep abreast of these
tion internally and to defeat the insidious effort

i-•:.' perilous times on Capitol Hilt is by
to weaken our resistance to international Corn- I subscribing to the regular legislative
munism. I report, Liberty Lerter."
} ,.
SPEN0INO-~O11 .. . .
Taxpaycrt sliould n9t_ be fo(c'cd 10·, suppoft'
0 . .• I
-+I Congressman Albert W. Warson
· those who will not work. Eliminale unfair Republican from South Carolina
tax loopholes for the privileged few . Cut
IXl@W ©loss !9 @IP'ell'<aJile? , foreign aid _spending. j
From initial introduction to final action, all
important tegislati ve measures in Congress are PRO-AMERICAN FOREIGN FOREIGN POLICY-IOR O 0 I "LIBERTY LOBBY does an outsland-
ing job in Washington. combatting so-
closely followed. Sub~cribers are kept fully in-
formed of current lcgislotion lltrough 1he monthly
:- Stand ,up for America. Save the Panama
Canal. Stop Castroism in Latin America.
Do not rcco11Dize Red China. More Con-
cialism and working for Constitutional
Co11gr~1smt/{~. J-Vir/ler S. Baring
newsletter, Liberty Leiter, and are given specific gressional control over foreign policy. I Demacrot from Nevada
suggestions as to how they can influence the
outcome by writing their congressmen. TRUE DEMOCRATIC REPRESENrATION IN I
In addition to coordinating grass-roots pressure
on a given issue, LIBERTY LOBBY prepares
and presents testimony in behalf of its subscribers
An end to Bossism. No more communist-
- instigated clasJ warf~~e.
0 ' 0
"LIBERTY LOBBY consistently works
in the halls of Congress to oppose the
international socialist takeover. This is
STOP UNFAIR FOREIGN COMPETITION-IOi>I O 0 a conservative organization which is
before the committee of Congress which is study- doing a tremendous job in alerting the
ing the bill. LIBERTY LOBBY tirelessly main- ;-:Elim(nnlo unfa ir f~rcign ccompc1ition i/1
· Amerii:nn 111ar1<c,1s. · Support a proleclive nation to the dangers we face.''
tains daily contact with Members of Congress
concerning the legislation, attempting to persuade iY· immigration law.
Co11gressman James B. VII
Republican from California
them to vote in the best interest of their con- If your answer was "Yes" to four or more of I
stituents. In addition, LIBERTY LOBBY carries
on a continuing campaign to get every voter to f. t.hc above positions? . tben LIBERTY LOBBY is
nlready 'working for you in the halls or Congress. I "The information distributed by LIB-
use his personal influence, both at the polls and I,. You should join with the thousands of Ameri- ERTY LOBBY is important for all con-
through contact with his congressional representa-
tives. Voting records are prepared regularly, re-
cans who are-already making their influence felt
in Washington by becoming a member of LIB-
! servatives who wish to be kept informed
of events in Washington."
Congressman John Dowdy
porting the votes of all members of Congress on
key issues.
I E;RTY LOBBY's B!)ard of Poli~y. I Democrat from Texas
i' ·1
i I
-~;, _ / o(, Cf'1I - ,,,,,. ...~.
~; ... ~~
~ ,~• 1
WIHl~'ii' @'ii'IHII!~ @a~'ii •INl@llDD~IHll!IQl
~~iO~&.b'!l~ ~&ir •••

"This Counlry needs LIBERTY LOBBY, an organization

that is not afraid to stand up for the right things even
in the teeth of strong 'opposition f1om special-interesl
pressure groups."

"Through LIBERTY LOBBY aroused citizens all over

the country can make their weight felt for good govern•
menl. LIBERTY LOBBY can become a formidable
power in behalf of America and our Constitution."
World Celebrated Novelist

·'A large number of alert, foformed Americans, by co-

ordinated action, can stop America's drift toward ruin.
LIBERTY LOBBY tells exactly how lhis can be done."
USAF (Rel.)

WIHl~'ii' @l!Dll:1 l!INll!/Afi\01!$ $1:."lf ••• FILL OUT AND MAIL THE ENCLOSED
"LIBERTY LOBBY, located a few blocks from the Capi- CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL ACTION
tol, i~ one 0~ lbe most effective pressure groups on the
far nght ... 1 GROUP IN AMERICA!
Director of Group Research
(Extremist reporting service)

"A few blocks :away from the Capilol operates an ener-

* * *
getic office called the LIBERTY LOBBY, which has
served as a Hnk between right-wing groups all over the GOVERNMENT!
nation," , ·

Your Influence Counts

* * *
"LIBERTY LOBBY has become 1he leading pressure
group of the ultra right in our nation's capital."
(Of]ii:ia/ Com1111111is1 Newspaper)

" . . . one of the most significant organizalions in te.-ms - THE

of new growth in influence and in rnnge or acLivity since
1964 has been a Washington, D.C. based political pres-
sure group called LIBERTY LOllBY."
-,, OF
·~ -
~ JOO IN_DfP~NDO!Cf A\1£1-!UE. S.E..
(Anti-Defamation Lea,iut Report)
; :; .r . t.
•: : 1 WASHl ~ GTON, ti.
~.,. d- ~OIIDJ i1-•
-i'. V-'7

• ~ .,--- . .,

._, • :,'. f >

• \.


May 7, 1969
~~~~ . . .

~a.- lo,'' I- 117

14r \ '---I_ _______,I b6

/;J · Dearl I
In reply to your letter of May 3rd; with enclosure,
this Bureau is strictly an investigative agency of the Federal Govern- ·
ment and, as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions
as to the character or integrity of any organization, publication or
individual. Therefore, I cannot comment as you desire and hope you
will not infer either that we do or do not have material in our files
relating to the Liberty Lobby.
Your kind comments regarding my books and articles
are indeed appreciated. I am enclosing some publications I trust
you will find of interest. -·
¥> ~
Sincerely yours,
t,1A1LE.D. 1.0. \ J. Edgar ·Hoover
tM~'< 7 • 1'36'.l \ ,,, . .
\ ~ ,, 0,~ .
Enclosures (2) . : · 1)
Violence in Am~rican ~ociety - A Problem of Critical Concern
Respect' for Law and :Order

Tolson - - NOTE: Bufiles C!)ntain no record identifiable with correspondent,

DeLoach - - The Liberty Lobby is well-known to the"Burea.U~··_,;Articles by Drew Pearson·
~i•hap ==== · - ·
and Jack Anderson regarding the Liberty.Lobby,and National Youth

Alliance have been previously brought to th,E: 13~ead,attendo~

j~f:~an _ _

fr -
4 t:1
EFT:wm· (3)·_· -
·. ·•, · ..
; : . . ...

MA& . r v.r,,J.,i
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t2?) ~ · .MJV
•,vr .
/- ~•

Sulli va n___
T~~--- . '/ • ~
. . .
I ;, .. c ,. ... .,.,.. ,.J

I •:~l

~- .a
Director of F.B.I.
--=----:-...--• - ...

May 3, 196·9.
. ~'(iC

Mir~ J. Edger' HoIDJTe•r ·.

United States Coast C3uar-d

Dear Si'r,.
We,; are:: s,er.vice- peaple, hoth father a nd son are
no:w s-,er.ving. My husbond will reitire in July after s:.e.r ving
twenty· ye:anS::. We! do no:t like what is, going on in our c·o u-
ntry today. Between the Ccnnm-unist; trying tQ) take) ove:r and
the LibeTaiJ.s3 he.-lping them hy lul'ling th1e Arne:rican pe:ople'
to s:il.e:ep-- l:]);y making our jre:opl!e:, c:o wandffi_and by trying tm
disarm our c·o untry. Wl'i:,en w:ei get d,ut we' anei to try
and do eve:rthing in our po;w.e-r· to \s ee that they don I it gert ;

away with it. One of the, thing&: we.~ going to do was:
join the Liberty Lobb:Y, then w.e! re:9:d this, arti c_9:l _b,y Drew;
Pe,ars.o n and Jac·k Anderson, Which i am s:ending you, We do 1

no:t like Pe1ars:on~• What; w,e,, Wou.ld l i ke toknow· is, if it is;

true? or n mt ? And i f iihA i b e-r ty ~ocrli>,y is~ ~ good or had
Organization. We· would b~ mos~, gnat'e1'ul ·if you co~ld anffi-
w.e-r· this, for.' us-;. We: w.ould like to S:ay ~ls:o that_ we.,_ hav1e,
read e:we::rthing you have, w.Ti tten b:ooks--, and articala,. It was,1
ni'c:~ to hear.· the- truth for a 1 change.


E!IIGL~, l\'f'!'I\CH21> '

-- -
~ hc..-/ ()' 'iV'l- JI 7

.....,._ ,
MAY 8 ·1969

, l\lt\.Qs\)J\f.,
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ty)./ ~Y;j, ~~,. - - ____,
/ r-,.,-'r - ~ r;j$!',t.S~Cf,,
t f, 1Iw1ru
:,f. · · - ~~ -- /✓~9¥/ --//,?ot
Washington Merry-Go-Round
·:.- Rightists Win Contr.01·
0f Youth for Wa/lace ·
·(ne rneeting began wilt\ the
JACK ANl,ERSON singing of the Nazi anthem fol-
Washington-George Wallace, lowed by a series ·of strident
former governor of Alabama speeches.
nnd ' candidate for . Presiden_t, Youths Upset
doesn't know about ,t, but Ins · ·-
former youth organ'ization has After this frenzied' evenirig,
been turned into a budding ~lit- the . Nat10nal Youth' Alliance
!er-type ,youth movement. , leaders tried to cul loose from
The founders of Youth !or Cnrto. He -. refused to be sev-
Wallace had every intention or ere<l. First, he demanded that
kel!ping the organization inlllcl they turn • over• to him ·aJ-J
under a new name, National the organization's assets. He'
Youth Alliance. However, they claimod Lhal NYA w,as a branch
made the mistake of ge tti ng ob- of Aclibn Assocl11te/i, one ij[
ligated financially to Will ls•Car- the mbn:1 front •gn,ups Ile· cori-
to, founder of lht: · Li b~rty trollell. ."
Lobby, 011 March S, \Vashlnglon p<;-
[rhc lllJc, ty \.Qbby desBrl b~s lhce recdYed a: report from
1l!«llf ns an orgnn,io.tloo or con- JQl\n Acord, the MYA chainpun,
servatives and antl-Commun!s1s 1h01 Curto Hllcgedly had btoken
interested in political action on in 10 NYA ~t:adquarlers nnd
various issues "which are pro• taken A Ille c~blnel, Jlcurd •did
individual liberty and ,p ro-patri- _nor, hOweYer, press charccs.
otle. ") 1 , Not Jong orcerw•rd , · the Post
i "he takeover of the Wallace Office received notification
youth movement was clinch-e\! from Carta that the National
at a regional NYA leadership Yuulh Alliance had changed 'its •
conrerence, Jn 11, .25, nt Con ley's mn!llng address, to his own
Mo1el 1lULSldc Monroeville, Pa . headquarters at Liberty Lobby,
. I · Acord hurried down to Uie Post
Th e Takeover Office with affidavits froni NYA
Tho evon ing session wns' 'u,k- officers declaring "th~t neither '
en over by the franc-is Pa rker W. A. Carto nor any o_ther of-
'fockcy Mw~men1, wl1h Cano f1cer ' or member of any orgiin•
hl~self ~s the 11uest of hoiior. Jzn1 inn has an authority or
·1he late \'ockey 1 whose book right, legal or otherwise, whicti
"lmperium" has b~come the would ·permit them to interfere
new\ "Mein Kampf," is the pA- with the activities of the Na~
tron saint of the neo-Nazi move- tional Youth Alliance, including,
ment in the United States. but not restricted to, the: ,iri~
I He ridicules democracy, calls terrup1ion or direclion or mail."
the Declaration of Independence This episode was followed·· by
••rationalistic nonsense,••~ Jepiets brief Jegal maneuvering. · The
the influx of Jews into the NY A leaders, however, couldn't
United States as an "alien In· raise the funds to continue, tfte·
vasion," denounces the idea ol /ighr. They resigned en.
"equality and tolerance" a.~ L E., / , "
"Communist propaganda," en d etter xp a,ns _ ,,
describe~ the American occupa- the (euer dldn r~ mention 1he
tion of postwor Cermany as "A neo,Nazl nature o/ the take•
war or Joollng, hunglng ; enq over. •
starvati_on • ~gains! de!ons~less • "This gro_up of older people,
Europe." who have been providing.-much
He calls "for . the 'oomplele of the !lnnncial contributions· to
clea nsing of the Wr.s1ern soul' ' the NYA," explained the letter,
of C<)Uality, demoerncy, pnrlln• "sudilen!y "declared NjXA to .bu
mentui anism, money worshlJI, a C:OJOmittee ,of Action Assoc!,
"weak ideals of 'happiness' and ales, Inc., a connection of which
tile like,'' Thfs great ~u rge we had never heard.
~houkl •be followed, he dechlrcs, , "When we refused to accept
by a bloody ; Armageddon Lhis control. our bank account
against Russia, ' was nnil our . m'a tl
"Only armies matter now," slOppM. _J.cgnlly and morJII)•,
lie eon elude.~. IVB we., e in an unassailable po·
The Clmloy's Motel meeli1lg sition . Prac;d cally, how.ever, WtJ
wag • allcnded ' b)' doctors, law- round .iu r.,e lve, u~ ,the p rove:/, nnd busines smen ,from the blal crec.Jc, rinanclally , . • . •
Pennsylvania-New York area, "lt should be .emphasized that
who were_ idcntjlied only by Chis w~s . noi a s p!jl within the
code names . Many' were dis- NYA. or ou r p · rcgiooal ,and
ciples of Yocl<ey. nnlfon~I ofricers, only .two
· Most of the National Youth hacked the Olde r group. We
Association leaders were patri• wonl~ prefer 10 sta'il\l,and, fi_g~t'.
otic conservatives. They .were However, we , 1,ellcvc our lead-
stunned when they found theit ership rcal itcs what" ! "group
meeting, room hung with Nazi or people wfr h a great· deal oJ
banners. The assembled •nca- money c~n do lo,, lie up an or- e ven 5howed of f thoir g• nizallon In terms QI legal ma·-
,;:Ollec1jon ot N~2i woo rc l;lcs: ncuvcring, •
On . the c<1ofid~nll11I progrn m. "We or lhe NntlOnfl oflico.
lhi~ ,~as rlcJcl'lhed In .cnu lio~s hnd 1h1trefore •dt;,!e,rmined that
w<lrds The proi;r• m read: our n11ly course is lo capllulate
"SpcuJrers. marching music, 1o ·superior lorce," '
dlsp!~ y of European IVH rc!lcs, The Jer tr r 1Yas ~igned by Na-
refreshments (hrlng y9u r own ,tiona l officers John Acord, D"en-
li botlle). Exclusivel_v f11 r march- nis McMahon ilnd Louis -!in,
, ing patriots, destiny lhinkcrs. drews. ·• ,
culture b,:arers.'' · , After their· walkout, the. l'fa• ,
At the bottom was• the, neo- tronal Yo111h Allill rice Jell uml'ei
Nazi sJogan in German; "what the compltll~ c11ntrol ol ,\he
does not destroy me makes me Yock~y M~,•emcnl and Wltll•
stronger." ~orto, (© 1969)
?~:-,. ,.
., ".·•:.'i_·.•,. ·..

• ••· ,.
~ ) .. May 12, 1969
~ ---.·· ... '° 'o I •~:. '°

• 1- , ••

- -.-.-:. . .. _

. .
With regard to your inquiry of May 5th, this Bureau

is strictly. an investigative agency of. the Federal ·Government and,

·as such,
neither .make~ evaluations
~ . nor draws conclusions as to the
:· ·. ,_ character or integrity of any -organization, publication or individual.
~ . I hope you will not infer either that we do or do not have material in
·Our _files relating to the Liberty Lebby and the individual you named. .
Sincerely yours,
• u -;~/ ':..: MAllED QJ
At _;:,. . · - J. Edgar Hoover
; :MAY 12 1969 ,,
:: .
:·.., ~OMJ.1.FS.1
' ·~ ,• ~

: NOTE_: Correspondent~is not identifiable in Bufiles. The Liberty Lobby

. is well known·to Bureau. .. the .-.._
:. ,.'\.-:..)·· ...: ,,
MHB:sgc -·(3)
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1ohr _ _ _ __
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lishop - - - -
:asper -~_ _ __
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:onrad _ __

==.4 ~2 liAgNV g.
d\ , .((glfg
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lo lmc,•
;nndy _-_-_-_ ~- -_ - ,
"!.J. .•
•···• · .. . .

Ma.y 5thll9.69 .,

Dear Mr.Hooyer,
. . .. Recer:it:
. .
l y Drew" Pearson · in. hi 8 sy ndi
. ca'ted
. column
r. • -

·· ~t tacke·d· a M;. Will~·s Corte ·. as .. an N~o-Nazi, ~vho h~ ~lai~; controls

(3 Liberty .Lobby: ):::_s a · front ·fo:i: his.. Mazi op.era tions, al though
·. .Lipe·rty
Lobby appears to be . a right wi.n g or·ganization
•.:.: '

·Imformation .avatlable to · the average, citizen, is

very sparse and hard.
to prov~ one way or th~ other·, but: . it .
' / . . .

would. seem that you w.o.uld, th.y<iugh you,r orga.i1ization,have the true
picture of ·many ribups so~ would like YOU.:, to
tell me
the st·ory .of I~rr. Willi~Oort6, hi~ connection, with Liberty Lo,b by
- · tJt, L f.'O · . .
and if he is' 'the Neo·-Nazi · that: t;Fre""""a-.r·t-r1ire ·previousily
men.t~on_ed ·c laims ~m to _be;and fina~ly ·:ts 1f~>er't;y Lobby the
right wing group .it . appears . to- be.
,•• ·. . -!

\ -~
• •
rruating. to reoei've a .reply

- ~~
~~.l .
~ -I/) ?,, 5t 1//
.. t -r , i_ -

5 . MAY 13 1969
~ = a=s===a

d. ?~~ t• ,1• ''

l)Y :- tr ~\ pif . -..e l


• •
• ,.1f
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•/ =-~ .. \ ~ :,

: May ~6, 1969

iv- . ~\i~
~I ~,_Jzr~;tJll ~,-.
'· .
,_ 1 '1 'I 'fI ~\\,
· b7C

Dea.ii r· -= ·

I have received letter of May 11th, ·with .e nci.o sure, · your

and appreciate your kind _c omments concerning the work of the FBI.
' ~ .
With regard to you.r inquiry, this Bureau _is -s~ictly an .
investigative agency of _the Federal Government and,- as such, neither
makes ·evaluations nor·draws conclusioni:ras _to the characte.- or .integ- ·
rity of any organization, publication or·individual. · I hqpe you ·win not
infer either ·that we do·or·do not have material in__ our files relating _to
the Liberty Lobby.~ ·. .· · . ·.. . .. · . . . · ' • · . . ·

.0 . Sincerely yours., ··· ··-

, .. · J. Edgar Hoover -··. ·.
_MAILED. lQ - .. . .. .. ·· · ,,. :•• ''
MAY.:i' 61969-
. . .
' -.-•:: -J~···:.· . :·.•• .,-

:· __J . ' ....

co~M-F.B1· . ' '
. ~;! t. ... ·, -
' ( '
-, l ,, • ..

NOTE: · ·Base'ct·.uponi:available \iriform~tio~;·· correspondent-
, • '• ;t " 'f
co.uld not .be
l . .. • .. •• • -" • • ' • ' a • ~ I ' ,: •

1,,. • • •

identified in Bufiles'.:'. Liberty Lobby ·is~w_e ll.-kh9:wn"· the Bureau•::. · . .

;1·,. •• · . . . . ~: • '• . ,- •. .: •·• • . -•\l~I.~~;;:- ',. :

~:;;ach --
Tolson _ _

g:~lr:~on · ~. ~ ·--
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- -
May ll, 1969

...... _• • •!~... , _•• I\

Federial Bureau of Invistigation

Washington, D.C.


For some time I have been re·ceiving the Liberty Lobby

printed in Washington. '" · ·· ·

It seans to be alright but I have read in Drew Pearson

and J ac~derson I s colom 11 Wasru;_ngton Merry-GoaRound-"

that the Liberty Lobby is a Nazi-controlled org:i.nization.

.I have been going to write you for some time to see if

you would give me a run dovm on this orginization 11 Liberty

ILobby" and what it consists of and if it is influenced by

any anti-American v;Lews. ,

I think that your orginization, the FBI, is doing a

\ wonderful. job for America.

I would appreciate an answer conserning the Liberty Lobby

people and the ones that they have working for than.

Thanking you in advance, I remain,

Respecit1111 1x xours, 1 ,
~,., ,,-..

~-0~~ t .t,r-aJy
t :;_ ----
!a~('ll - /11
"MAY )11969
- -

\ r;.:Ci,®S@~lf- o/~""~~- ...., ~cfc>.

- --· ·-- ..... --,~ ~ .. . .• --··
.. . .
What To_Expact
~....; __,_.__, -
Bible Classes 9:00 a.m. • • •
Worshtp 10:00 a.m.
Bible Classes 5:15 p.m.
Worship 6:00 p.m.

Ladies' Class 10:00 a .m;
Bible Classes 7:30 p.m.


Call CE 6-4817


2900 South Harvey
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

When You Visit

, a Cl1urch of Christ
·-- ~ . --· •-.·, ···-- •i --- -
E x"P ECT to find
Y 9 U ··.c A. N a gfoup of ly: BELlEVE in ChrisT ~(John 8:24), RE-
Christians assembled to worship Go2 PE.NT (Luke 13:3) CONFESS Christ
through jesus Christ His Son. This wor,- (Matthew 10:32), and be BAPTIZED into
ship consists of studying the Holy Scrip- Christ (Mark 16:16;_Acts 2:38) in order
tures, praying, singing, observing the to become a Christian, a member of the
Lord's Supper, and contributing of our Lord's church. After becoming a Christ-
means. These Christians worship as ian these disciples are then urged to con-
. Christ directed the first century disciples tinue faithfully in worshipping and serv-
· (John 4: 2 4'; 2 Timothy 2: 15; I Timothy 2: 8; ing the Lord as the New Testament di- :·\•;·•
·Eph_esians 5:19; Acts 20:7;1 Corinthians rects. ..
16 :1 ... ~) :. You may expect to hear gospel . preach- .:}:
. You can expect these churches to have ers pleading for all who would •follo·w :;::
a· whole some respect for the inspired word Christ to return to the original pattern of ,.{.
' .·.,. :1•,•'
of : God, the SOLE and COMPLETE AU- Christianity as revealed in the ·New Test..:. .. ;.~•-··
THORITY i n religion today. "If any man ament. It is their conviction tJ?at since
speak let him speak ·as the oracles of the Word of God is the seed of the King-
God (I Peter 4: 11): '' Let
us all walk by dom (Luke 8: 11), if it ALONE is plant-
the s_ame rule'! (Phil1pp~ans 3: 16). Since ed in the hearts of men it will produce
churc!fes of Christ accept the Word of the same fruit today as it did in the first
God as an ?ll-sufficient rule of faith -and century! This product will be New Test-
practic;:e you can expect them to reject all ament Christianity. .
-human creeds (Galatians 1 :8-9; Reve- Churches of Christ wish to commend to
l~tion 22:18-19). all people everywhere this basic approach
Since Jesus declared, "Upon this rock to serving God. It is the conviction of
I will build my church (Matthew 16: 18),
these Christians that this is the only real
churc'hes of Christ are identified as be- answer to Christian UNITY and FELLOW-
long-ing to Him (Romans 16: 16) . . In these SHIP in CHRIST! (Ephesians 4:5; I Co-
churches you will hear everyone entreat- rinthians 1: 10) .
ed to obey the Lord's con:imands, name-
•- ...
' ... . ... ,..
/ .__ ~ .. ~

• ...,
. '••


I~_: Q ' '?'II ,- I ,d-lJ May 19, 1969 . /
<a I
u/7) ·.,.P,¥¼
, , , -91"~-'. ),. . . ~ ' r.. f7cA1
(V· ' .
Your letter of May 10th bas been received and I
~, want to thank you ~or the newspaper articles you forwarded.

. You ma.y be assured that if there is an indication of

a Federal violation that comes within the investigative jurisdiction b7C
.. of the FBI, we will discharge .our responsibilities with the highest
~ degree of thoroughness and dispatch. · · ,~"- ...
L-:: Sincerely yours,
... ~ '

.. j .£<liar ·Hoover i~
- ' ------ . . ,..;...
Y,,i w:ote td 3-28-69 in re~ly to her lettI·:
is on the Secur~ty Index and a
fwiio I
I )a_e v1u1onary umon. Her enclosure is a_xerox of two rec...,...t_ _ ___.
arti~_le$. by Drew Pearson and Jae~ Anderson "~eo-Nazism in
the U. S." whic~ have be~reviously brought t~ th~ Bureau's. attention.
These articles discuss the-:Ciberty Lobby which is well known to the
Bureau. -- ~===;~
. .MAILED 5J ·

MAY I ~r1969
f' ·.,
LMG:eaf (3) :-· ' . COMM:FBI
Tolson _ _ __
DeLoach _ _ .__
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Mohr _ _ __ _
Bishop _ _ __
Casper _ _ __
Callahan _ _ _ . ~ :: ~:. :) .. ·. . ~

. ,,~~ / ~
: J•'. . . ..
,, ... . ·, . '

~:'~~~Q"____ ~
T ele.Rm
Holmes ·~
Co"dy • -
~( ·~·-

Q ll-iR1


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, <
hay .IO, 1969
.:·...:, ·..

.. . Mr.· J. Edgar -· Hoover , • , #" •

· · · Dir·ector, -- Federal Bureau . pf Inve·stigatibn · . ' ::- ~

·· United States Departmen~ of Justice
. . . . _D• . ·c. .• · 20535
·... Wa~lp.ngton, , I
. . . ·•···

'· . . .
.. : . . . -~ . .. ~ -~
Dea.p YJ.r . Hoov~r: . , . .
~ •, ,f , I,: j/•~• - . :: _-i;;,,•••• •••, , 4
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O O r / ~• • 0 •• , ~ • · ••'• ~- •. •·~ o •, •• •- 0 ,' , ,j •:• • 0 ,,r , ..• O " ' : •· • - •

A month or . so ago I sent you a. news i tern- from t_he San Franoisco
Chronicle conce~ning _the a.~tivities of radical leftwingers in . ... b6
. the Pepinsula .and Bay ·Area.'· · Siric·e ·_then T have . been: d~ eply · ... : • . · '. b7C
: concerr.ied over Drew· Pearson's articles of last montµ .a.bout · the . · ·
.' .. .. .:.·of
._ ac-t,ivities .
}. 'neo-Nazi
. ·, .·. ·" . groups
·in· the Unitecl States-'
. . .· . , ..
Inasmuch as· the·se persons ·are reportedly working ·for·.-:the::viol_ent -
overthr·ow of our government, I would certainly hope ·· that· your ··. ,

office ·would be as zealous in its investigation of _these :persons ·.
-. .as it lias been _i:ri its pur~uit •. of left'i·sts in· this c ountry ... . · . _ . .
• • •

I a.m enclosing Xerox copies·. of the aforementioned:: pr-~t;r ·Pear.son · .

' ,• • • I • •
articles. I ·do _ s1m~erely hqpe your ·depar·tment is -· keeping a : ·-.
close .watcp·· o'n these subversives.
VerN sin cerely :vou rs. ,
,,. .......f-. :

I , ·/
... . ·';,:·.· ' ,.... . ... . ....,,._ .. ,
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. ... . .'

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' .,.At;,,.!I
Tncl,1y's Cuhm1u 1s by Drew Pca;-son a,111 J;;.ck ,\11der5on - - - - -fIDCT'J®~~i' ~~@0]G"~<f.G~}-~
,.T, HIS e:ol umn has now pene(rated the 'l'o,lay's cnh,11111 fa by D1·ow Pcn!·so11 ;'\Jlcl Jacl; ,\ 1u!orst1:1
J. rr..afia-W~e sccr~cy of a s)11isbr, :..eo- ma~sive attack npon Rltssia across the
EORGE W1\LLACE, the gx-Gove.n:or :mtl, b1rninessn1En fr-1111 tl:o P~nn~ylvani.:11 ,, .
N~tzi 1novt'.1ncm, lha~ ~eeks to overthro\v plain:; uf Em·ope was the ';onJy solution..: •.•:
!he lir?it~d St:1tes g\lve~nnicnt. Already it
d irc~ts an $350,00!J-a-year k,hbying cam-
The b·"rancis Parker Yockey Movement,
G of /l tn ll:u11a :-:11tl ~x•C;\n(lidat,o fot• , New Yo.:·k 3rea, who i~c11tifled onl;< --
?rc~idc1ii, doesn't know abo11t it, hilt I\L~ by code n~mes hu~ were a1sc1r,ros oi Yo~k-
was foL"med aiter his :;uicide by tile last '
pc1,~n on Capitol Hill, p,ib;ishes one cf .-. ma'ri to sr.e him alive. lViliis .A. Carto, , • former youth ()l'taul2.1ti01t h~s llirncd into ey.
:\n1e1ic•i's f::..nwus old mJg£?.zU1e~. oi,e1 - fo·u1;der of the Liberty Lobby, who has '1 a budding "1tlcr youth movement." · ' Mo~t (If tho Nr. llonal Yo1rn1 .~ llli:incc-. 1
ates C! jJUbl:shing j~onse 1 CCiJ1{J ols a C:rJzrn
ii onl Jtg.:mi%:1lio11s antl l;,1:;t yem· hancicrl
1v, itlen t,hat tile (jnitcd States made a '
n dsl a!..:c in goi i~,i;;: to war against HH:lcr.
I U happened almost with.;ut anyone lc;1(le1·s ,\;ere pa trio tie cor.set'l'l!tiv.?r.: ·
' knowlnc about it, in toe w;,ys lhinll6 !1:111- 'They we,·.: ~tunned 1vJ1en :.hey f?und thcil·
1)11t .~t.!O VOG to 1.~,111ci.idates fc,r Congr~;:;s. I pen whe1·e Nnzis a!'ll conccmcd.
-A· meeting r~ m hami: with N;11., b.111!,l!r,:'" ·
~. Ten: bErs of t.!Jis arganizaiiu:1 ate not
~oO.)c-st:epnh1g storm trcm.Jcj•s iike ti1e late
C r•rAP..'h~s
* for r,oUtieaJ 11QW• ·
l 'O"S sctrl'I qu~st
The fo11nclors of. ''Youlh For W;illac~•• 'l'he ll~~.-mb!od llco ,:ven ihcwe,i c,ff
had cvery fntenllon of l\ccph1g tllc organi- - 11,111r collection of Nazi w,11' re!Jcs.
Cr~, gc ½!1:1c.;oln Rocl-:wr.JrS motley ri1?Sfii.s, hu(I astoni~hfng succes-s. Wl1i!1> ·
i.litt doc-tors , lawyers, 'Hitm-s and b11si- 11c mcl'ult.?.d trne hclicl'llrl into the }'1:an- ·.' zation inlaot umler a ne\\l name, Natlo11;1\ 'i'h., meeting bc1,:11n wtlh t!1e si11ging M.,
n~ssn1€!11 frvm Ant('rica s unoe.r rr:idd!e
c:is Pal':~r Ynt:kt!y i\Iovcinent, 1M e:r:er• ." 'l/011th Alli;mce. ]-[owevet, they m~cto ' tho :no N~zi :inli1em. Hor.,C WllS'-ill Liecl, Iili-
mlstake of gcl tlng ohllg:iteil financlillly to _lcl\V<1d '!Jy ~ st!i'lcs o( slr:dent s11ccche~. " 1 _'
tl~~t.s. Th~y beiong f.o SCCi·ct ~ C~li3 where
th('y a~·<;· t:riown only by code ilalncs
cise(I polflical power through a natwork of ·
from 01,gaciistions. Willis Carlo, fmmc1c1· or U1c Liberty Lobh)'.. * * * , "'
* * * • 1'!tcr most powerfaJ front. is tile Lih.:?1-ty
1-.. HEY .~~,n thei1· Slibterranean society which~ say insiders, re1faed $EW',OOO
m1tl moslermln<.l o( the new neo-Nn;,1
movomc11( In t11e Onitccl :ilatos.
, .. . •
ER lh1s 1ro,w~d evening, •ba na- .
.;, :,
Uon.11 YO\1111 lQntlcrs U"Jv.ll le Cllt l•)OSO '
...L t.l1c F'r,11~r:2s Parker Yockey !v.fovc- fast y0,u- Through the Liberty Lobby, 1f ¥ ¥ from r;arln. He rduso1I tn l;c scve1•.?();",.
n:;c1~t. nfJliCd for a nco-Nazi philosopher ; C;,r(o f ·u l' n i ., ll e d resoa:-~h a,1d ,vr.;tc '"rllR tnl,covcr of U1c Wallace yoalh l•' irst, l\e 1!«111a11rir.1/ l.ha1. lhcy turn ovei' to :·
wli-J ~omrni.Ucd suic:iclc in a s~1n Francisco !:.,:peedie.s for a dozen i~1eml) of Con- - 111ovemc:1t w,1s clinched at :, regf()nnl him t1ll lhe 01·;:.:,1111.a L:on 's ~ ~~~s . He
.i:-t1t ceii in 1:JGU, Bnt they t.:tke t!ld1.· credo gress , Nolionnl Youth i\lli,rncc l <1 a<lcr$ltip c11,:111cd lb:it N,1tionol Youth A!ll:11\~C Via~
;1_:.1.rocirny did, fro1n A<folf Hitle1· •,t--hcsc Carlo has also purchased control of the confilrencc., .T~nl,ary 25, ttL <::ontoy's ~•fot ~I a uranch or ,;c11,1n AR~ocl::tcij. o:1c lli' the
bini1ciuy they plan tu celebrate with se- .-\meric_;·m lWr.rc1.:.ry, :J mc1gaz!n~ \"! I1oso 1 ouL~!dc M.01,rocviilo, Pa . Carlo siml Cm·Lls ., mnny !r<m11,1rn•11n: he ao111.roltcl1.
cr<~t rile;;::: ,,n Sunday. name was c11ce c1 household ·word in r~. 1):,ll, fi(lUl'ohca,d prc.,:ri1}nt of Li\Jcrly Thi& wa~ followori b~ hricr llw:11 m/ ,.{
T'hey se~k ti1e u·verth:uw of democr::c)r Americc1. His f\'Iccnticle Press in Sausalito, Lubl)y. a il~-~-i'{ar.1 fro11t. ,o acWl'c.~s Um r.c11vcrl ng. The Nnhonal Ynulh Allinnc~·
!11 the United Stales. the nuific~tion of Calif.: publishes, r.0.0- inornh1i; ses-w,n. IQ11den•. however, couldn't 1·,me ,he fund ~
weste; n Europe under a nco-Nazi dictator. Na:d bcc,ks. The iatesf-, '''rhe J\ivth of tha The r,v;)!Jing session l'I.L~ lakon ove.· by to co~tin11e tho fi ght. 'fhoy 1•c:ti"g11cd en
ship nnd an /-..rn1ftgeti<l:Jn witn Russi.a . Six Million," seek$ fo .prove that Hitlor',, the Frahcis P.,rl,cr Yockey movement, m3sse eftc1· sendi:1~ a letter ,•l local aJlJ.
.il:~t ;;1 s Hitler bc,fci}~, sot forth his ~ims in 1nas;rn.cre of a mHlicn Jews was all a Je-r,.. wllh Carlo hilllGelf «s tho g11GSt of honor, mir.c lenders, t.i~teu March 21, explai11h1g'·
Yotkl'y oi;tU11~d }Jis strat• : ishmytJ1.
" Iviein Ka1npf 1 'J,'r.e la,c Yockey, whose l;Jook " fmpnrhnn " their acllon . ,, ,:
egy 101 r cs u r rec tin ,g Naziism 1n a. 1.'ru., lo bis word, WiLils Caito has P.;;:p,
hus becor,10 tho new "Mein K:impf;" Is After their w;itkout, tt,o !l.'at!on,il You(tl •
;,seudo-philo,sothical book called ''1mpar- turcd enormous political po1'ler. If !ho .
tile r;.Lron salnt of \Ile ueo-N.ail m~Vll• Alliance, feil under ihc complolo eonH·o'l c,i
ium. '' This b1:; be l: o 1n ~ the "l)riofn C01nm11nists bad ever been as !3UCas~sfut
X.ampf" of the ne.w movcrnent. .. •. . on Capitol mu Ille sc.:mdal would h:i,., lllM · the n c O•Nazi Ft·anclt Parker Yoc!<et:
roc:k;,d thr1 n11:fo1,. Tho Conley's Motel n1cct!ng on Janu- rnovcmcnl and IVIUJs C31'to, ''
Vockey declared in his book )fre.t a ary 25 was oLtcndod 'by d~cl<>1·~. lawy~rs ' """"'"' ,.,~0
r..... . ,. ... t.-.-'11

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1:·:~·:c.1J:tJ.AL YOtT'TI-I l.!.LLL.1... NCE

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E=:JIJ~E.XNG I\.lA.TTEl-18 G:

and ad,rii:-1ed that a nuuibe1· of .
Dl'ew Pe~.rson, contacted a
v,ere voutln:'ul

~ '

:fo:r·:i1101· n.1.or.o.'be:rs of the '}{outh for 1NaH2Lce 1r1<TvGr.o.ent v;rho had. becon"!.e f 0 (jJ
.::;if.:illusionei! wit11 the :Nt1zi :i.nvoh1G!"..:ent in this :m.ovGn1.e:nt and begEn to ~··-1··...
q:,;3ak out agai:.nst t:i.'!G (tcttvities of th13 "Youth for ·;,vanaee group. These p.
. : f~l!.e&;ed yoru.1r, , •,iv~- ,.. also belong to the National Youth .AUiance.
j ., (.According to.,___...,..,..--.--... bec~use these in.diviclu~Js have left the ranks
?:3 ~} of .the so-caLec. Nazi gToup, they have been tln·eatened by othe1· mernbe1·s •
'-1.• c,z
fil v:~
I~ ";-
Ii. ts ~_ _ _ _ _...__ _ __ (.1ew!-H·ie -1 J.c't1.:-.
• . ,,.,_.,__ '(.~ L.-:; 1,-~~re:--'ltene.rJ o -follo-~•a•
.. ~! ...., '-'- : ac::•
--·- -~-- .c:,_- -· _,, - - V,;::,,

___:n.. 1~tii::J ~ jlfb.o,so 'i:elliro.hQ11e r1i1mbe1" ii:1 Ne-w Xm·k Citv is

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~ ..;1•:.Lo.., ___ ,L,..:. .• ,t;,
---~ v.,_,:..1, C ...,..:,.

Cc:!l --NQ'PE
ahcn _ _ _1 . ..:.. ;
See 'F-"age
. 2
Cos:cd _ _ __
~c J. _ _ _ _ __
,·-p i-1 p, J_-..,yfr-';
'" (J,t\ i
t"\n 1.1 ,,q
. ~ ~:'I'"• if f 1-Ullt) ·:y:Jt\// )} •'1,,
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tJ vl·h1 /
J-./0 ;
'.~ •!\

- •
' ,;·

Airtel to r:fevl Yol'l\'. and V✓-2,shington Field
Re: Youth Alliance

For tnfor:n1ation conce:;."ning the l\T2.tioi1ai Youth Alliance,

refer to Bureau ietter, l\.!Iay 5, 1969 1 to ·w ashingto11 li'ield, with copy to
Nev, York Office, ci~ptioned rr:National Youth Alliance (NY.A), H2.cial
M Rtters - t i"!hite Hate Groups. "

The New York and VJash:ington Field Offices should B,ri--ange

nD.~i~ecn:,u.e 111t erv1ews
• '" · · .. t"'·ne aoove
L • ., . , . . - 1s t·o de1-errnm.e
-nar.1.eo.' 111tnv1ctua ... . . .,. t'!1ey
have any information concerning possible ex.-tortion matters or any facts
;•~o-•:1r~'~·11P· r-t11-,,,.,·,,,-:.
. .... \;'.t:>C,t,.! .. V,.tc,,:..;JMV\,.,,
- i?:atio
-o'•\.--;J 11~ "{~·hr..lre· -~·11 1·,1v 0 r-:t.;o-•1t1·011 ~Pot1lc1 he. ,,.•;ti..·111
-·-~-:,.'1--v l.- -'J\..,_-',.t;)L,;,; \!t/
\'/_ .t .!--

our jm.:-:L::;dfotion. Results of interviews should be subn.1itted by letterhead

.,. __ ._, __ 1
_ ,,_ __ ._, . . ~nr:l
a,_ , no 1····,,:i/·•,:-;•~-Ho11
_,. l- 1;:; .l!:::,c.,,,~J. _,. o"-11cr
I, -v ·t1,,~11
-Cl. the
1 1·•11·~c1··.,1
• .,.,, ·in·'·e;•v1e
__ t. _ ~· ,.,
v·, , pf10-nlca
:...;. v._ l
be conducted without specific instruction. from the Bureau .

NOTE: This is based on memorandum Mr. DeLoach to Mr. Tolson, dated

5-1-69. Data concerning the National Youth Alliance is contained in
157-12589. This organization, headquartered in Washington, D. C.,
allegedly has as its aims and purposes "the opposing of the use of .drugs
on college campuses; the neutralization of Black Power;· the preserving
of Western civilization; and the expulsion of communists from college
campuses." Bureau letter dated March 5, 1969, instructed activities of
the Nation~l Youth Alliance be followed tr.irough established sources only.

_ The Liberty Lobby, mentioned in referenced memorandum, has

never been investigated by the FBI, and it is self-described as "a pressure
group for patriotism - -the only lobby registered y.,ith Congress which is
wholly dedicated to ·the advancement of g·overnmental policies based on our
Constitution and conservative principles._" ( tJ2 -~ /t> & q1..1/-tl:J) ~

~ .,·
.......... ~

r--• .
,o,~ . \ JOI0-106

OP 11 0NAl NO . 10
M,'-Y 1901 f"r'l!IIOM • Toh,on _ _ __
-·,., ;.,-. G~A GfH. UC.. NO. J7
D'?!..ooch _ _ _.
\ _, UN~T~n·
- ..:i·
.,. '
!/:.:>'nr _ _ _ __
1-Mr~ De Loach
. 1-Mr. Rosen
Co spor _ _ __
Collohon - - -

; onrod-·
1-Mr. Bishop ~~:: z:-
-" -z-/
TO MR. TOLSON / IJATC::: '5/1/69 ~ull l•1<1 n ~
Tu·,ol - - - - -

·~ -'1"/
Troller _ _ __
Tele. Room - -
Holmer, _ _ __
Goody _ _ _ __
s Li BJ ECT , I I ~


Ileaned at 3 :01 p. m. this afternr· on H'f made

reference to the neo-Nazi and Liberty Lobby articles that ____ l?earson
have been writing for the past several davs These ?rticJes r::oostJn \
one Willis Carto. as well. as th~ --,,---~-1J ~
.___0"""£...,C_o_n_g_r_e_s_s_m_e_n___ ____________________. and a number ~

I ltold me that there ~ere a number of youthful former ~

members of the Youth for Wallace movement who became disillusioned with u..
the Nazi involvement in this movement and began to speak out against the ;;t
activities of the movement. These alleged young members also belong to an ;
organization known as the National Youth Alliance. According td IcE 0
because these members have left the ranks of the so-called Nazi group, they
I have been threatened by members of this alleged group.

1 ~telephone numbeit""'_ _ _ _ _ __ __,llad no

I address); a n d l t1 e l e p h o r i e number (in .Washington, D. C.) •
' had no address).
2 _ / d 6:, 6 1'1 / --
I askedj the so-called thr,eatening phone caJls were
made by long-distance telephone between states. He replied that he knew
none of the detail_s . I asked him if the calls representfil) th r ~ ~ · ily
harm. He replied in the affirmative and stated-that tw110i ·~ made to
thes~ young men were bomb threats. ·1 flainlU, :ta~'<k~ . · ~urther

details. . ~\. . ___ .··: . . .,
' . -=-- ·~ --
J ltold me that he would be wi~ling to ~ers_q nally advise the
FBI of any facts he had concerning the alleged Nazi organization he had b_~ en
\ writing about. I told him that we :Vould consider the matter-. =- -- .,.:.;.··-::...:;/Li
../ n-+ ' "-I' - ' -\
v-.i',f ,_) .. •,,·~., : ·._.--: · ~- ·.:. -: - .-.,,-
, .) .....

t \Y
r,#· '• ~ \~ \'

CDD:amr✓ d.J'v 1,1TO'\ ,: .. CONTINUED.••••• : : . OVER

(4) . c ....s--f:..Pt [Ff..i '.
, ;, ' L..:\,.f ''( ,;:_;
. '

- f- - • •-• --• - - • - - • • -. - • - , .. - -• r
~ -·
i .. ~
~1 .~

DeLoach to Mr. Tolson

Re: Jack Anderson
. ,.,
• •·
I doubt very seriously thatj ~as any information of
substance. It is also doubtful that the above-mentioned calls represent
matters within FBI jurisdiction. Neve:r:theless. I recall quite vividly the b6
calls that I Imade to us in the recent! b7C
}ase wherein we
immediately ref erred the matter to the Department of Justice and the
Department took no action for a long time. Anderson and Pearson wrote a
number of . articles indicating that they had ref erred thel...._ _~ase to us
and the FBI was deliberately dragging its feet. In the present cir.cumstances
it appears quite obvious that Anderson and Pearson want to be in a position
of stating that the FBI is investigating the alleged Nazi organization they
have been writing about. .

,; Considering the facts, .I recommend that we have the young men

' · in question interviewed for record purposes. During these interviews they
should be questioned as to whether or not they have any information con-
cerning possible extortion matters and any facts regarding possible subversive
organizations wherein investigation would come within FBI j,urisdiction.
We then can go on record with a letter to ·the Department following the
l interviews. .


!· It i~ suggested this memorandum be forwarded_to the General

·\ Investigative Division for appropriate action. ·

//v ·
·~ · : ~-✓


•' .·

- 2 _,
• •.

May 28, 1969 -~

,Y J /,).- ;o, 1'-fl ~ JcdJ

~ Honorable Robeft C. Byrd
United States Senate
\'Vashtngton, D.. c. 20510

My dear Senator:
I have received ygur leitei- of May·13rd enclosing
a communlcatton,and a COPJ" of a received from Mr.. A. A...
In response to his inquiry, tbls Bureau ts strictly
an lnvesttgatlve agency ot the Federal Gc>venament and, as sucbi
neither inakes evaluations nor dra•a conclusions as to the char-
acter QI' Integrity of any organl•Uon, publlcatlon. or lndlvtdwll. b6
Therefore, I cannot comment ae be desires and hope he will nat b 7C
Infer either that we do or do not have material In our files relat-
ing to the Ltberty Lobby.
In accordance wttb your request, I am returning
your enclosures.


MAY 2 81969
Sincerely yours, ._
J. Edgar Hoover
r/ )-/l,--
Enclosures (2) A
NOTE: Senator Byrd is on the ,Speclal Correspondents List. During June, 1968,
..____O 0-v Senator Byrd referred a letter he haq received from Mr. Smalara to the Bureau.
~! , Mr. Smalara had inquired concerning·the' f~µowship of R~concilialion .and in our
1,r.' ·_ letter of 'l/1/68 to Senator -Byrd we eag>~:ned the confidential nature of our files
6 :~:;ch __ ·and said that we could not c_o:qime~t ~s Mr. Smalara ~esired. Bufiles contain0th no /
Bishop _ _
Cosper - -
iniormation identifiable with Mr: · Smalar;1.:·
LMG:kas (5)
• t er

~~;1~ c _ _ v_ 'l ,
i::•· :oom - d[l\
. . /j ' :. '
(/l/ \l
' (\✓
"'of1--d-9Ni 3 79o9l'OOM • TELETYPE UNIT •
Mr. Tolson .._
.. - " ntCiiAAD B. RUSSELL-., GA. , CHA IRMAN
JOHN I,. . M,CCLE1-L..A.t,,1 , ARt(.
WlltilRll:N G. M ... GNUSQN, WASH.


~Cni!ec, ..$£ate.$ 3>ena£e

Mr. Conrad .. __
Mr. Felt_ _
Mr. Gale .- ~
May 23, 1969
V Mr. Roscn~II
Mr. Sulliv
Mr. Trotter_
Tele. Room_
Mii;;s Holmes._
Miss Gandy........_

~I ,

·~l Hon. J. Edgar Hoover 61\IJ_


f Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Department of Justice
Washington, D. C. 20530
c:,_.1 ·

Dear Mr. Hoover:

The enclosed communication is respectfully referred
for such consideration as it may warrant, and for a
report thereon, in duplicate.

Thankiog you in advance for your report, and the

return of the enclosure~ I am

Sincerely yours,

RCB :hsv

Letter dated May 22, 1969 from Mr-. A. A.


l :?-I
-~-.: ~~
~:z::.: 0
a·-!5!! ;· ~~-
.a ._: · 1969
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8s 17 JUN 3 1969
. ~;)..,, dlJli::: -

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' I

i Dehue, West Virginia 25618

,I r!ay 22, 1%·9 ..., I
I,: I
,. i J)r, ~ ,-l) -
.· I I

• 1 /1Uw i_:,\ I C. BY.9D, U.S.s.

t JJ})f?.an l/.fiT@
. 1
Ii '
i: ~' Senator Robert c. Byrd
J1 i Urlited States Senate WAY28 1969
wJshington, D. C. 20510
Djar Senator Byrd:
~Ts-1£rrrr-rs, I,

. ,.i '
I. ·I'
I ;j·
I ' r Belated . ~~~~J.jgns,
. .. o.!h.the excel lent speech
you made before the Logan County Chamber of Commerce.
I . I!;
I !I
I was pleased to hear you make your statements
l ,·:
pub I icly. More pub I ic leaders I ike yourself should stand I
I 1•1 I
!I ·: •' u
up and be counted in this time of great need of good leader- I I
I ·, ··, ship by our Country, ~ ;I
I , '
tj ' I ·1'
tJ' Enclosed is a copy of an advertisement put out
by Lib;!:.~i'. lobgy, , ..,
:i··i l1 !
I ,:· !'I
P~s e
,a~~ ,i.~-~t;~4,..J.';1,,;..,,,L?X.~;Y,,:,,2[~ ,~·q.~.=Q:t9~.Q.J<ka -
' .
i ·:;
1,j, ; tion. Do you advise membership 1n this organ1zat1on7 I
11 ! i

i Ill
: ~. ~ • · nt • -~ ~ ~~ .~~~ll~~.;~~~,~~fr.!~..':!~7~~~~~,t4~~}"l~~t::f•$ 'J1~~~.t;:.t•{
i ::: .. Ve,-ry tru I y yours,

iii I

i 11·
I I' !i.,
I If

li! ...
! 'I
-~ .; I J
'i .·11:
•·.I II
I';ii! ·!I !I ;
JI / ~
,;:L . ;4,, • I • 1' ·
· ·;

/ol~ 9'-/1-
t j_ :_

VI~ . :.
! !
II ·

i '.
I l'

i I I
I ,
l '
·1 I I

i' -,' l -~
' .


:) i'

I ,,
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c, !
. I
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. ,, 1I
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~ .. 1 r . r1 I:,·
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;: •••.,
,,:_~ ·
-.,.• •• •~· , ~r:'WV"" --~~""".!. :J·

~• I
---......:-===-- . • 11
tI t
t While Communist nations gird themselves rain atomic destruction across the United
• I

::: : with nuclear arms for the 1 'inevitable final States the minute we lose the capacity or ·•t
~ ! -conflict" with the. Free World, their agents the
will to
defend ourselves.
. • I
I I 1!

5!: i'n America sow ·doubt, divis_ion and defeat- Meanwhile, their·cit_i_e s in Russia are pro- '
: !I" i,s m among their intended victims. tected by rings of anti-ballistic missile sys-
~ i ·t Thro~gh
the skillful' use of propaganda,
tems-the same systems they oppose our
>. • and a network of fronts, the Communist having to defend ourselvesl
·' :Party of the United States is mobilizing mas- The situation is serious ••• your survival
sive opposition to the President's plan for is at stake, along with that of your nation.
. dofonliu of our' Nation.
,, thn Al.-eady, Cong.-cssmcn report mail running
: So effective is their program. that· they ·· as high· as 15 to 1 against the "Safeguard" I.

,1- ':lave been able to._delude well meaning· per- anti-missile defense system.
;! sons-perso~s
. . • •who do not .realize that . they Only prompt act·ion b ou, an d ot h er I1 I,
!,·, A
are 1eopard1zang
· b h not
f honly the
• survival of concerned c·it"izens , ca Y y
n · conserve t h.1s ~ e• :',r I
i\, meraca, • ut ,t at o t =e ,._.,,=
enhre IFree Worid. fense of our 1·aves, our ch"ld I ren, our h omes. . ··
1 •.-
L _, oC .-s-~,..'?
,;-.• .., , ,,ihi:- .· -r
f.'~ ~~ •n
=--•.-r~~~ od .
il!-<~·~ • ...-
' ("'.._..,. ···., •.f •-"'
,, ~-.~ l','") ''"'~""
,..,.....,i':'I' ~ -,,.~· .-;- : - ··· I __ _ ,, - •. . • ., l
: ;: - · ~j
. :
f , . •' '••" . . ,: . • . ' ·,
~f.Ts~-k;·- i;;,io~ and it$ satlini~- are.'·,:. - Wnte4m you~ tongrenm~n"ima· s,,n,nor., . __ ,t_,_) I
•, ··ar-n,~t! ,amps. Th+y maintain large standing : .today. Tell them you want to be neither R~d i il
l ar'!'ies. w;th full cores devo.t.e.d_toJ.ocketc.y,____:...nor- Dead .... Tell-them-·you-·want···aU··the _ __J1
:'fhe most mo~~rri fleet of missile-equip~ed pl'.'otection _o ur technologY,, can devise. Our I 11
' naval ,.h"1psI ,an' d i an advanced -·ir. forco oil. '°'o ... 1-a-L
,._,._...i;; •• !!'l, __ ,,,. llhe.-+u _,.,. .... · C"'" u ••.,. .. ...l p ---4 ... 0 0

.~ ... .It 'l;,<I •- • -••1 '-•m-•I -;,,,,,;,'W,o' j ' ••- W• • .., ;,, _ _ -- -••- "9
-• • l • ,.

gigan!ic proportio".'s•. They stand ready to the action we take now. [

I Ii

' Write to your Congressman: And to your Senators: .

:1 I . ·. .· \
:: Hon . ..................,. ... .......................... Hon . ................................................ Hon ............................................... ..

Hous~ Oli1e.i!··oulldlno
Washington, D.C. 20515
5<:?11,1ICJ Offi..-:r:l Builcli110
Washington, D.C. 20510
Sonato Oflico Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
o)k1, ·\
LIBERTY LOBBY, 300 Independence Ave., S.E., Washington, D.C. 29.0 03 • , . • . .
,• 1 .
' '
I I ·1 1
IJ -~

·• "'

~' <;. , <-- j : ..,,) ,i


. l

June 6, 1969
./;!. \\1 ' .). _ ;~,
I/fl- ,»J
-- 1./

~-~~ - -----· ..-T~- b7C 1

In reply to your letter of May 31st, this Bureau is
strictly an investigative agency ef:the Federal .Government and,
as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to
the character or integrity of any Qrganization, publication or
individual. Therefore, I c~ot comment as you desire and hope
you will not infer either ·that we. do or do not have material in our
files relating to the Liberty Lobby.
Enclosed is' some literature which contains sugges-
tions as to how all of us can be of help to our communities and
country. ··

Sincerely yours, -
. -~L£Q ij
J•. Edgar Hoover
JUN6 · ·:~~9

Enclosures. ( 4)" ~;'.;. ·

6/69 LEB IIitrod· ~ .
Citizenship .Qpportunities and Responsibilities · ·n,,/2_ .
America: , A Land of Fear · '
. . . ·.•.·v,'
• •
\V ' •.

Tolson - -
The Role of the Citizen In •Law Enforcement _
: " ..:~. . ..
• ', ,

i!:i 0
:, . f .NOTE: Bufiles cont~i· r~cord identifiable with
The Liberty Lobby is well 4 known to the Bureau.
:. ¥
tf ·
Callahan - - 'v
~~~;';d__ ___-
Go!e __ _- •
- - -,,.,.,.._
,~ ,<..:,,Q-:• : •
• •

Rom EFJ:<atm..... (3) .: •: ·. .

+:1~~. =a4~~plQ-
r. ' ~
Sulllva11 - - . . . , ,

Tele . Room N~
~ . ~ -• · · · (W
Gandy~~== ~111.4 R?irnl ~kicef'{j>E UNIT •
· I : · · · •

• R. I . 86J<-- Y .1 .:Z..·
Mo;Y J l 17,r

Fedeiro( 8ur,,ou 6 f r,-, //tNl1:1of,~;, b6

111 Y• J ~ Ecl9. o,, If.o" v -e ~ D 1 ~ e c f" r b7c

IAl0Jh1~.7l"n;1 D. e.
JJ eoY · /lf y. ;H 01:> v e,,,. ,:

[ 7
O Y c. C~n c e Y n ...e-el c , J 1 ,-. .
-e h s , di c- h a ., ~, - r J-
y e ',!. '1I 7-e I
e "1 -/ ,._ ·:y ea~
'11?d J I ' .
] O;t,i In I'" 0 S Orw ~ - <!11 l'M • 1,,t. ..j O r 7
-I- e.o

vA' er • I . Q
J~ O
s et L,I e,
d I"'
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<. rt O V r
+ti -e.q I.II'} .J "~c
esJ .f't.r 1 tj ft, J-oJ"' +A-_.._ .P. _/J- X. o yd LI ~d ! f J .S - ~',
Qua, Co,,,ceyl,{ /"11/611/~.J' (JI.II' ~e:ce,v1A1 -ti.'- /.,,b ... -17 ··/_ ol,h'I
pu~/t_r:.o-ild', .f-.,",._ on"-c,_,,J-,,, 4 w"' -f'y,_e"'-d, 1, .·. , ...
. I./ o-pp <!O-JIS -f/,QJ -j/, iJ ? u J ftc.4 .Ju~ has ~o >-:-<- ·9 aue,/ Id-ea~
Ye./- r,,'\,O ,..y c, l.s, 0 /)p eov -I,, . J,c. -f_or_ ..fy4 >: .,;J.. ._ fl OY Y'A' • . . . • I
We WYdf~ 01.111 Ye:J>Y9,8,e~+~..J,v-c/ R, e,,,hov~ R t,udehu.rl..., O'SkJ~ h·
l".f -f~i.s f ui,(1ca -I-id;,, sk,,,,, I~ b~ · y~--4' Ji,, /:};-,, "1Yt<--"o"-- hor,o.~J '? f/<- :J" v,, ~
"S &. · +1,,,,...,1 Q ,v-~
11 o ,. __ _ , .. . .
/?-ec.e~l-fr w~ /,,t;v-c.. . f''<G~ o~l-,~l-er w.,,1../-~- '17 .Dv~w f.eor.rr6"1.. .. '
()'t-\.,( J, ~ 0 /I J1-e-t1Tr.s lo .J'OY -#a-I- L~ I,_,., fz L I t b7 /J l:!V/ - ~ I-- evt ~~
W WI IA-: I~ V e 7 · /'Y' c.e ·c--1, q /;p v_ e- , .co- f.:; I, ea .,-i.;,_,? .f'"" ,-; Y...d ~
c_ y

Ye.-1'3'/l:,,-c, I,, J.,1,.,,,.z LtJb67 · q.-..~ -rA,,-, or5~11.-2,4J/t1~,, ':-rfJ~c.,,/l7

if f'/, _~7 a,~ .f7;h-7 -I- d~ ~.i-e,;, : b·-.e.J·+ - /A a~ A~. 1 ?e;·..._ t,,ve;7- -h> 6

f Y4 /--t1 -f.;,. .O LI r W47 a/:- //F-c e,:/.c . ,

h ~ {. ._ ' L /~ W {6--rf ·t v47 S {,AJ ~
J'V e... 4/ O ~ .{a, q ~" U/7/J Y e,.q, o -f ._ I"- .,,_.>WI -7 .
C "'--'{ "f' J, # /; SJ. y ~ .- ,- /l,~ 4 t.,r C, 4' u H- .J r7 1 •

J /~ e e ·r-~ /7>
.'-r~ .. lo- C\
. ~~
9'}/~ C. j-/4-,--)}u •
I,~~ . .
.Ac ~lt... ~ tp9
eoR R ~ ~CE
lo~-- p- ---,~~
A~- ·1 _..; r I .,
••'-- ... ..,_
._.. ~- ; • ,. -;~- -"'!~:;-•• 1

y June 5, 1969

·v ·~-

✓5.J· .
·~ j

~ ...Jr".

Dear _______ ___,

J. . ·. 't'have.reeelved your letter of.May 30th, with enclosure, .
. .
{jif .· \~ apprecta~e the Interest which prompted you _to ~~- . . . -~ :..
II 5
r . .
With regard to (yoorliiqutrtes,l informaUon in our files
must be maintained as confidential pursuant to 1regulaUons of the Depart- b6
ment of JusUce. I hope you wUI not infer either that we do or do not .
have materlal 1n our files relating to the Liberty Lobby.
Sincerely yours,
.. J. Edgar Hoover
. . - - -- - .
. . .. ,
NOTE: We have had prior correspomence withl li~outgoing
5/22/69 _thanking him for his favorable comments cqncer~ the Director's
administration of the Bureau. His enclosure ts an article by Drew Pearson
and Jack Anderson which appeared in the 5/29/69 issue of'th~ "Los Angeles
Times" relating to _O tto otepka, his appointment to the Subversive Activities
Control Board and ·Otepka' s defense of the ~iberty Lobby. Otepka and the
n .
Liberty Lobby are well-known
correspmdent's last name to bel....
th: t9 BureauJ
Telephone directory shows ~-.
_______..,,_ He signs his name this way 1~ ·'. .
V !bi· LMG:kas (3) his letter and we ave use .this name in writing to .him in
~ti . -t{~ the past.
"I ... ·,;
,Loach - -
•hr _ -__-_-_

:::~ --
• '/ •. -
. --
·.·. f
. --,
. ~- ~ t'l·.6i.J,'.LJN.,5' •:i'.:1959 . 1: :: · .., ~.: J .
~ f/6
/lohon _ _ ~

. ,!J
✓ ~ LJl
IL - - -

t:~5,fj ~ ~
j N \ -- J '1

17 jQllQ
l4 , ,~· ~, B
,f.•~ :utvo1~P., ~~

t 3 Qi ~h ;f~
r-- #
,, )'}?/) ·r, !son

.. eLoac

--. ✓
~-) ~ 1'. M_~h~:in»",.,,__
• Mr.
Casper _____
Callahan .. :__
May 30, 1969 Mr. Conrad. __ __ _
Mr. Felt. _ __
M-r. Gale._~_.
Mr. Rosen, _ _
Mr. Sulli n It
' Mr. '£ave! _ _ _
Mr. Trotter. _______ _
Tele. Room ... __
: Miss H.,Imcs _____ _
Miss Gandy____ _
Mr J. Edgar Hoover
The Federal Bureau of Investigation . ~~~
Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:

I am enclosing a copy of an article that appeared in The Los Angeles·

Times Editorial Section on May 29 1969. It is written by Mr Drew Pearson and
Mr Jack Anderson. Reference· is made to the F. B. I • .in the article, specifically
that: "The Liberty Lobby has been under 1investigation since 1966 when its
discovered its Nazi leanings."

Is this statement true;" Mr Hoover? Does The Liberty Lobby in fact

have Nazi leanings? Does it in_ fact disseminate Nazl propaganda on its pages?
What have been the findings of the F. B. I. relative to The Liberty Lobby, and if
any, is this information available to the public ? Is Liberty Lobby, in fact, a
r• slibversiv,o/, organization as inf in Mr Pearsons Colui~? And what about
t I _Mr J¥..ilU3/'f-arto, who runs Liberty Lobby does he have a record of subversive
.._,,..,,._....lactivity? I, as an interested citizen, would like to know the answ.iers to tm.ese
questions Mr Hoover, if it is at all possible. The Los Angeles Times is read by
many, many, people. I believe they should be given factual information even by
the columnist on their Editorial page. If the statements made by Mr Pearson ane b6
/not true, I want to write a letter to the Editor and tell him so. I respect a mans b7C
pinion on a subject even if I may not agree with him but certainly I have nothing
but contempt for one who deliberately distorts· facts with half-truths and lies.
It is curious, indeed, that Mr Pearson always seems to find a danger from
so called Nazis but never seems to find any danger from those who sympathize
with Communism and Communists.
: Sincerely yours,

COPY:hcv ~m&\~L
• ~-. . \ ~!. .,t .. ~ ,.
i v- .. ·•

~t~pkcl f1PpOintrA1i ·Ru~d.·-·.1·~·

- - . ,\ •

White· House aides have ackrto\vl•
edged to liberal nepublican sena-
tors tliat Pre;;iclent Nixon · now
realizes his appointn~ent of:

defende!.' of "the fine traditions of
Amotlcan life. n
World Wide's Washingtoi1 bu.rea11
chief. Joe Trento, questioned Otcpka

Otepka to the. Subvers:ve Acltv1t1e13 about:ou1· expose ol Liberty- Lobby
Control Board was a mtStake, .. · •. as a Na~.i front . . ·· · .
_He ·can't w)thdraw H, howevet•; ' "Libe1·ty Lobby ·is a
,~1thou~ at·ou<i1!1g lhe wrath of the organization .!._ pafriotic, n • replir.d
l'1sht w~ng, wb1.c h can be, bot.h vocal - Otepka. "Willis C,u·to is no Nazi. He
and vicious. He <tlso cant afford to believes ·in the fine tradition.; of
offclld O_t.11)1-a's two staunr.hest sup- · Amcric.1n life."
porters m the Senate, GOP leader .,,., . . . . .
Ev.erett Dirk5€1l and SLrom Thur- . S,,,ntftcantlf, Liller ~y J.,obby h<1s
mond both power.; in the Rcpubli-. led the_campa1gn to_rc_msl.. t_e Olopl~a

can p~Ly. • . . -~· . • . · ever s ine~. he, was_ fir~cl _fr~m ~I_\e
Rath ct· than .face the abuse of the ~tale Dep,u tment for sltppm., cla.,.,1-
rig!,t wing, c'ven such Jibe1:a1 Den10- h_ctl doctu~1cnts .~o Sen . . Ton~ Dodd .
crats as Sens: Birch:· Eayh of !ndiana~ . R 'T'h: ,L•b~r.t ~ ~ ~oll\lY 1)35 1
:ind, Quentin E11rdick of . Nol'lh Ulltlet ~BI. 1,l_l!_C;",~.'~~t 1.~.P srnce 7 91;iG .. .
Da~(! deserted Sen. 'l'e·d Kenu.edy · w.h.~n.~l'lTTv,Tel:1~·orl'cl'm~s~:::·et::.r~-: .. .
during the fight agarnst Otcpka ~eterny Ho~:' d1~co~ctecl its Nazt
1nside tl1e Sen al~ Judici~ry . _!.e~~1:1!1g. . .• * . • ,. ...··•,_ ::
tee. The John Bitch Sociely, Liberty · · · • ·· , , .
Lobby and ot-O,er ,extremist ,_g1:ollJ?S. In a !!])Ort to tJU_.,9hief.LEdggb.,
have. · enough ·· of .,-aa1 foJlowmg 111 ' Hoovei·-d· at'?d-xu"'. 24 196G ·Hor11e
l11chana and North :.n. rnta to. mount ,vr6re•;':'.':ft:ppro~1inately tl'iree weeh'-5
· ~ -- ~~~..!:;t::.c..--'..:lil,.

a nasty smear can:ipa1gn. . a~I-was cleaning out a back

Aides have · explained that. the storernoi11 and came across a box of .
Pt·esident wa:i h:ally: looking for . a letters written by a :Mr. Willis Carta,

safe place to put ·, Otepka out to Clll'l'ent treasuret· and·.lowner' of this
pastui'e, He felt that the Subversive organization. To various othe1· inc!i-
Activities Control Boar~ •. wh?se victuals, he had conveyed a series of
name ,yould impress the r1ght .wing thottghts propounding many theo-,
but ,y-!10se powet·. h~s been .severely·. rics siinilar to those expostulated ;:in
restricted by the· Supreme · Court, ~lcin Kanip( , ..
was ideally s~tited for Otepka. ·"ln all, them are appro<',-i.m'ately
·' ·
. * ... ·
·.150 of tllese letters, soine
- 1Yatio1~ali.,t groups, as well as · to
black to
'!'he rabhle-ro1.1sers uf the right, -'Vitrioli1:: ha'te organizatio11;:;. Along-
however; • have•:othct; plans for the ' with . these the1·t; are numerom
SACB. They have now launched a clipping,:, pamphlets and. tHlw::pa- •
rlri'\.·e' to put all security invcstiga- pei·s all cenlerini around the 'racial
tiqns .under the• S-ACB and ·to ma\,:c ·question .' Priv<!_tely, · tbc box·- ii/
Otepka the ·government's anti-sub: . marked, 'ci\'il 11 ight, personal.' • ·
v'crsivc c·zar. · · "F't·o111 the enc_!osed, you see what 1
"Th'e 1 proposed Inler·na l, Se'curiLY think to be -ari ·indication .of fraud,
Act of' 19G9, now pending in Uie Lu.: the usag~ of Libe.:.-ty Lc,i.>by 1Jy
S<?natc., · would set up a cenlr~l this .man to ... a,d'v ance . his own
security. agency,, for all agendcs of tha,ories, those of National Socialism
'government, undc.1· the' contt·ol of (Na~iism)." . .· ' .
SACS," · Thurmond · has explained.: Sub3equently, we got hold of these
"If ·this legislation pas.;es , Mr. Otep:·:. 'letters and ; published , e:q:.erpts in
ka will once again' clc:il 'ivith secu1·ity Oc.:toµer, 1068. In a trpical letter,
evaluation, not only for the .State Carto expressed his, admiration fot·
De.partmc11t, · but for the whole . of . Adolr Hiller and' described ' HiUer!s
government:'' ·: - · · ~le.Heat in ·1,Vor lcl Wat· II as "lbe
· Yet the m:in who would guatrl Lhc> •uefeat o( ~urope ancl .\merica."
naLion against suhversive.; has inrH·- "How could we have been · ~n.
cated that he doesn't know the hllnd?" wrote Carto. "The blame; it
difforence between a patriot and a seems. must bE: laid at the door or

N'azi. ·rn an · interview \\'ith · \Vorld the inlernlitional Je111s," · ·
W'ide' F'eatures, ·Otcpka callod "the · Yet thls is the m:an whom Otep~a
Liberty Lobby ''patriotic" and the ha3 prai.;ed as a de fonder. of .Amcrl-
man who· l'UllJ it, Willil Cat·to, a can traditfor..;, ·
.Tl-I IJ R 5 /j•,lrt' ;).Ci 1~ G</ L, ·4 •. 'T;1ttb-5
- ' • t:. l
Thurs May 29 1969 L. A. Times !

,NClOS.URE&~~; b "iJ JI-/.::-

... ,-_; ., '

/1~ J/.I
.. : ~ - ~....;:....

• \___ • • • •l

June 10, 1968

~~ ....

·~ -

. .·· . ,~ . .

{o~ ;_f(Jb~fl


- ply toy, etter of June 4th~ this Bureau
. ' '

has not investigated the Liberty Lobby. Therefore, I cannot
-comment as you desire.
Sincerely yours;
i . .Edgal' '.Hoovet


· . •·. . JUN.l·O 1969

, "

- • I

.;. lt,.,)-• I ,) ·1
• I • ,.,:A~
. Yf w

'4 P,Y-- ·
NOTE: On the basis pf avaihlble data, correspondent is not. identifiable
in Bufi_I~s.- The Liberty Lobby is well _known to the ~ureau .. ._. W:~ have ·
.'-;rfc,•() 4,\" n_gt
tr investigated
...._,, this
_,,_ organi.'-'·"""=
zatic;in. ·
~:~::ch-~-11:Jf-- '··t,c:~J,_ ~ &/
·~~:,~op __.,_ti,
•· •
y~Ki~- ·
'.. ~- ·• - •• ' ':'i ' / .; ..·_\_: '. ·.
j: ~
. •.; -
- L -·

'.:~~~1~~ an -
Conrad ~ -
o,' ht:~ -,~'r
-· . . • ,
'; · (.. ,
J· . . . .
r-e11 _ _ _ • I. A
. /~-i,'•1Plil~,:~• · . - . -·
llf. . ~
Roseu - - rte ·u· I ' ;·. .
- .
__ ,
.rr •'

~~~~;o_n-=-== 14 6 · 4., / ~ · A
,o,./\~ N2~~~&~J . . . .0 , . . _-._-:·•.·' / /·
\ W 1'1:M '1--11 T _l,;/,S-

. ~ -- . . - .

- '·

. .

~,-'"' --,i,:.




June 12, 196.9 ·

Bi~ -{p '-"'' . .t>'JV•I.-'

· : -I . ·:·. /0 ~
<·,~, . . ,, •'

,//,. ....
tiearj I
. In reply -~o your· letter ~bich was r~ceived on
June 9th, data in FBI files ts conf-ldential
.. . pursuant. to regula- ~ .

tions of the Department of J:ustice. I am sorry I cannot be of

assistance to you. '., .

, . Sincerely yours,

·.J. _Edgar Hoover

. -~ -NOTE: Correspondent' is not identifiable in B\lfiles. The Liberty

Lobby is well known to the ·Bureau. We have not investigated this
ALA:cae (3)
. '
·-. ..·.·✓
• I • •
·. .. .
. ✓ }
Tol s on _ __
... ~~
Mohr _ __
Bishop _ __
Casper _ __
Callahan_·_ _ , ·
, .. -- .
... . .
.MAILEQ 6.. ~
l: J LJN 12 1969
GoJe _ _ __

r:1~~:an_ __ _ ~
~ I . \'..,\
;:~~l-e~~ivD uN2 419~·
Tuvo l
. COMM-FBI _ . ~w'i; ·~
Ho lm es
W ;jj~-4?/I' .. (
-- -- ~ - - - -- ---- - - · - --· - ---- - - ---- -· - · ~ --- --- ---

~ /\ f'_, t -~) .
~ ~

' ~' ~o ·

' ~.. ~ ~~ ·11~ ~ ~ ~ sJ ~ i

i ' ~
. .
~ /~
~"". {
l J\ ~
t i) '
~ ;\ .

' i ~ I/ ~ ; ~ r~

· ~ · 1 i · ~~t
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- ~~
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, .. - - - --- -- - - -- - -- - ----·-- - - - -~ - --


.~ .· ' .

June, 13, 1969

lf£C;Jll 6 ) ·- ·t t rfI - ;~tp ·•: .



_Your letter to the Central Intelligence Agency was

referred to FBI Headquarters and. received on June 10th.
With regard to your inquiry, information in our files
must be maintained as confidential ln accordance with regulations b6
of the Department of Justice •. I regret I cannot be of assistance to·
' '
you •.

· J. Edgar Hoover

O') 1 - Albany - Enclosure

John Edgar Hoover
· Director 1 '·: Ju}<s ~""'
IP I· ,_ c::::=,,,z::::; mc=:::,b



NOT~_:. <;qrrespondent is no\.-,£,11~.&1.1.1-.u.u:::.....u.~u..a..s.ile~ • . T h ~
is well known to the Bureau. whose 1'me.mame is
~ :::, 0
that she is connected with th~ .~.i~erty Lobby•
. Bufiles do-not' indicate
. - ·-·
lf · • , '

:~•:;ch -
LEE:cfj (3)
_ /
' . '

ti ,;. .
: C.i:1 • 5Et"fl 1MC LH! I! t-'i ·

,tt~IM i j 3 rtrt bh ·aeo \~-6 .. !"/ :-
::~-lrn Ju L,loo.m~ELEnPE "'" D w, u ,u~
.1 : ::

,,b,; '
. : .:
• -.


·-~-. . . ... - ·--- - -------------- -'!,• . ---....__

.:"\~.) .·... ~\.· cE~TRAL INTELLIGENCE

'. t'.;: ., ~:.~~t t ~IR~CTOR : . • : '-t-··. •

.. •:'. ;;i: · ::.:.' .: / 1::\0: .'. ':{:;,~ :.·•. ·.
: '. ~·.. ·, ··: .: · ., : Investigation
Burea!J ~ ..
....... ,, •:.,:.. - . .

SUBJECT: _Referral · of Correspond.ence •·

. The enclosed correSl)ona.ence is for-
·warded for consideration, appropriate
action; or di--rect reply to the writer who
has not been notified of this referral. ·
In:formation copy of your reply is not
· requested. ·· ·
. · ··. -: . ,: \
·; ;, :/?/1t:::.n:~;/~
.; rr~ctoi
;::· -· .--~ ·( ·.: :•:=·Jfoseph c. Goodwin

... ~ . . ..... :· . _:
, ...
...·: - ,:
.... ~

·. _ ;.

~ 6)- 106fft'/-1::i--&
--b .. r:m lllc:m::::::a, ~

= e JUN 16 1969 I

\0 r--
..Q ..Q

. I

• ••

"• •I l 1
. .. . .
; ~
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'~ )
1 . ~:"1 .
.' ,: • t I o

. ..

:J\lly 2, 1969

~"<;, .,. , , .t ~- /o, 1q I ;.1 '{"-
b 7C

Dearl I
I readily understand the reasons for your letter
~f June _25th and would like to _be of help; however, . this Bureau

is strictly an investigative
and does not make evaluations
regarding the character or reputation of any organization, pub-
lica~on or individual. For this reason I cannot ~mmerit as you
desire concerning Liberty Lobby. · I can tell you that it is not on
the Attorney General's Ust of.organizations cited as subversive .>
under the provisions of Executive Order 10450.
Sincerely yours,
J. ~~ar. liooy_e_r
./ /
., .MAILEQ l_Q ,

'._· -~- _ JUL 2 ~ 1~69

~ .·· :·
· _.

• ~ • I
. • .COMM-F.a, ·

. . . .
•- - NOTE: On the basis of information available., correspondent cannot be
,ch - -
· · · · identified in Buf iles. The Libe·rty Lobby is well known to the Bureau.
;~" -_·-

•-. . ~x:
,. ·;;,~~~ '
· . · A~A:cam (3)
' ,f\A fiV .·
; ·.·· 1ti'lfl·. . - ~-✓ ·~
. ;::, . . ·, ,, .

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. . ! ' .
- - . V
iJl!>l •
_ (:l l·,t ~,J e1
t f ~ JI /
M" A
17 •
" ~~
. .---
-, ~\,r-
• 'June 25, 1969

Mr. E. Hoover
Chief, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:

On June 24, 1969 there appeared on the television

ev~'t/ing ne"lS' item, a report that the organization known
aJ-1.ibetty Jobby of Washington, D. C. is a Neo-Nazi
group, influencing some congressmen's and Senators'
action on legislation.

I joined this group and gave memberships to othe_r

friends, with the understanding,- regardless of being
Republican, Democrat, or an Independent, that we citizens
should take more interest in bills before the House or ·
Senate and should let our Congressman or Senator know
our wishes.

In my position I have signed statements with the

U. s. Government stating that I belong to no subversive ;J
group or alliliated subsidiary groups. Therefore, I am
asking you, is the organization, Liberty Lobby of--300
Ind ep.end.enc e_Av.e.•. .-S,.-E._Washing,to.n_D~_Q. __ 2Q0.03 , a
subversive group to these United· States of America or
are any of the members Ne~Nazies?

On behalf of myself and those people whom 1 have

innocently involved as members, we thank you and await
your early reply.

~µ, 7 /,jb q b6

P(UY/~J /~ ~ 1e.1 /-J~ 11


I ~


... ,
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., . •" ' ' " ' • I • •'"" :..,.•• " '
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. •,,' : • 1,.

..;, .
..... ·...·. ..

• : •i

.-,: . . -.
,. 6/17 /69 ..

1 :_ Mro C• . D. DeL:>ach
•- i _- -Mr .. w. c. S·ullivan
1 - :Mr.,. T. -E. Bishop ::::::,-.
· f;_z-tatflll 1 - i1r., G. C • Moore - -.... ·

.~ i ,: ' ~
To: S~rF-~E-lc5-7-.Z-2~13-)

F·rc,rn: Director, FBI (!57-12589)

·.:: . 'V)
RAcr.,.e-i, r,1.4.·.1."l'BRS - WHITE HATE GROUPS
". . :.: ·. . b 7C

, n ,
.1::.,n.c.i:..ose d tor
- ,:rr.,o
11,.1.: • one
1.s · ·copy eac h o_f a se l'"r-exp:1·onatory...~ · ,.
ccnl.!!.l.t.i nicc,tion received by the Departme..11.t of Justice from the '-'J
Honorable Richard. D., McCarthy and a letter addressed to ~
Conr~rcssr;1,u1. I--icCa:rthy dated 6/i2/69 fror:1 the Departmento ·
-:- • I

WFO should promptly contact Congress0ru1, ~1cCn1:thy to Cl

obtainany L'ttormar:an
he n,p,r DMS:SS courrning the .r,ational
Yo·, .Allla.nce and....,________- ______ Buffalo, New Yorko

Advise t:he Bureau o the xesu !ts o~ your contact tvith l"IcCnr:thy z ,
. rorr.1
:u1 ,. su1.· caD
... " 1 e ror
,.. di ssen1_nat:t.Ono
; · . ~- ·. . C,
• • • •• '
·. · ,• ,r Q::.
:E'.i:·:.c l os,3.res 2 ... ' ·: ·. , f."t::.:. • 0
'. : 'I,. • ,• , -.,,. I •

'.. . . ..
'\': :.- ,- t .:,., .

Jf..J-1:ra/rmm (9) ..
: J/;VvV\'\'\.,
.·. -:,. ~···
. .
J::f OTE :·;.. _..

.e14. 1.q·...•-" ....·...:_:.·.. ...'. ·.

0;' /
See memorandum G. C. Moore to W·. C. Sullivan ·:··:·:.·._
captioned as above, . ~ted· 6/16/69, prepar~d '.by JA11:ra_·o , ·, ·::,_ :

. : ... . ~

.,.,>· :' . . . ·. ·. .·· ·. ' :-·, .··· <_:· .·.· i.
J-~ •

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·1 h m-v
-~ ,. . .
t. if
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l~~S~•Op ,


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U:: ", :

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. •• '
i . I i) f! .! .:

'I· .,. . . . . . . . . ... . :. \;.· .

Cullahan _ _,_, • 7,I • {. , " •\.: , ·~ • \' !• • . ·•. : . . , 1 .. •
Cor. ,cd I!/ MAILED . .:;_, , ,_ .. i . . . . . ._. •• -: , •• • • •
r,,1, \\ . . , . •
. : . · ~·. ' ·.... . · . ' ..- · .·, .· , ~ - . . • . . :_. ·1·•·•· :, ." .. •
,! , • •

C~l o -
J ;91\
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ILJ~l l '7~ 1969 ' ' ' •• •• • • I, • •• * 1 · , • . :.t .. • ,
Ro::,,n ~- ~;¥. , ...._ • • . • ' · • • , .. • • • • • • ·, • •• · •.,
"•11 ._,.•,;;-:-:Jlv-7
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•.. COMM-FBI .. ..
• .- ··
.. •
.• •· t!.
· -/. ·;.\.:;_
. ·: ·.· •.· · . . . .:-

>~--: :- ~, :-.- . . . : ' ..

· ·.· .\5nJUL11.N!>1~ •
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• 'Iii

.• . ··,
, ·.
I •


• ,.
..... .

-, •, ... •

./ .

• • •

, ,

Memorandum - • J \
" . ..:
•: • :.
. !.
" I
!. •
I •• •

. ·-
•••,•• 'l

TO :' ·oirector., . ( DATE: ··· ~u·~~.~·r ·ie~ i~69 ·

_.- Federal Bureau of Investigation · ·:· ..;:•·~ ·/, ::;: :. : ,,
.. ',)"t ,._.
,,: •
' . . "\ . •
....•' •
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RICH'ARD D .' McCA.RTHY : 2:JB C)...N~ ... :... H .:.u:~:-: OFFICC au:~INC. •
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:r.11 ~:'.",,.n !c:r. New YcRiC F·:-tour.i.) .::. ~~2GS

COMMl-:-T£L: 015T-"1CT Of-'r'ICE:: .

<!t:ongress of tbe 1Alniteb ~tates .. .,,..,.
110 U. S. C~un,. H0<.1 00:
. . ! ;/~60 Co~~T S~f1CC't ',.. '•
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R ~ --::n :; ,t....-.:::> HAn.;oA.5
J!)ou~e of l\epre£>entatibe.s ,
B UVVM.O , N.Y. •' "
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!;1•.:r::Al. 5l;~C~.O.tlTTCr. CH
,.-::n:.:r1AL.,,/... 1'-' HiGHWAY PnCNn.AM
S1•r.C:AL Sv:iCOMMf'i'~C~ ON
~a~bington. l).Qt. 20515
· ·\: ?\:~f::itt;r\::'.
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I • !
June 2, . 1969
• I
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..: .,···
#()rr\CS. OF- ~
.RECEIVED 3,.· ,.,. . . '. . : :

' . A~torney General John N. Mitchel

~ - JUN 9 . 19~9 ;;/rJ)

-· ·:; ... · Department. of Justice . -~._;~-. -:: . .

. ..
·1 ••
,. Washingto~, D.C. 20530 ~R_ty_~Y_§ ~:J .. ··; .
1· "

: i:':: :.
!:··Dear _ Sir: . , ,. , _ ... . . .· .: , ,:
,-·-. :; ·.--~r··: En C'. c/s e d · a're· th r_ee -~ff i da Vi.ts } _; gn~ d by f O~m er :,·::, .\i:f..\':: (·;::,\:: ;,·. '
\Iit::;: .
·· · · officers of the - Na.t1onal ·Youth Al11ance.-wh1c h _• . ;:_·>:·0: •• · ', .: .: - - ••
··contain information about American Nazi l- ·· ·::\:.:_'.'i>f:,\ _ •::'-·t
tration of that organization. . ,.-;,-,(:;:;.f(;:.: :·,'-_·-:. :·
,· . · : ·:t~- . .. . . . . . :· :· /)t:J'..? }::::::--'; ,:'
.. .. .:. I am very. much disturbed by th.1~ evidence of_: ·. .:;([!.t 'V:-;;::,' :•:..._•·:.-·.·. · ~
-: ... •-;.: ·'• ·.· .··· · Nazi activity in the United States. · 1:;<t•>,;;.;:) ,.· ::
·;J<; :. ..... ·_·: _i:: I 1· . .. . ·:t,}J-) Y i' ; ._;:, ·..•·, ·· :
' .: .. . i one d i n . <b 6 · Bu ff a 1 o i s · me n t
( ·:: )~:_·..
···i .. ,.
--{(: one of the affidavits .as a participant i _n a . • \:·:
:..~·. Francis Parker Yockey Movement' meeting. · I hav.e:...:.-/,:-,; ·,, :..- .. :...
··: :·'. b;.c·· :>.)> ~:.:
c·· : :-. ' ~ :. : • • ••

-· .•. -'.· · .'.·. _, , ·}~::/-' .additional informa~ion about~ !which ·.<•~::-:;_~· '.,< :_.::_ .·· ..·,,::
= -:. ,~--: I .would be pl eased to give o a I ly to your· • · ; ::_.-; '::::,·;;~· ::·:~ i: .: •: -' .._.
-~· :-.· .'. :·. ...1. :·. .~~~es
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.- - .~· . .,.. '-' ' ,';::-: :) -:-look . :forward · to ·your ·early reply. :_ ··' :· :. '. ·· .·;.·>•:· ;.;· .'.-..,. \:_:·-:· ''
,•, r, • ·: . I : :, :, >-•' ::,' ,; _..', I,
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,_Ri~hard ~cCarthy,
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·., : ., ·.· ..\ IN'IERNA.L SECURl'rY. D.J.V.
:.~- ·r.!,•tt t.--:-:l:,:n _.,..,..-
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')?il q ~-1/:k .

' / \t\/._
My name i~j ~ I am a n_ative of California. where I resided -
I •

t.:ntil coming to Washington, D. C. to attend law school at George'Washington
' ---- ..
Unive::.-sity. I have been active in conse~va.tive political movements for s01:ne .....·

years .:i.:.d served in a nuznber of capacities within the Young Republicans u1

. ,

Ca Lifo-::nia. Since coming to Washington, I' have been involved in a nwnbet·o{ ;.

pu::.-suits, prim.arily the founding of the American-Southern Africa. Council".· · L--.

May o.f ,1969 l a_ccepte~ th~ ~ationaL Youth for Walla.~~~-: . . _··.~.

. . .. Corru.nitte e • Late~ r· se~ved as thej_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _fati~na ~ You~ A,~°Li~~c~ ·.: ·._·· .j -

, ,,, . . _ _ . . .. ... _.

;: -~. ·: __ fro:m N·ovember o.f 1968 to Marc~ _of 196.9 • .". :. .· . 1.. . . ·1· . · . .: 1 •• ·->1...>···<· -.
· . \·v
{ / ,.. 1 ,__
·, A c.... 1-: J( - ~
. · · ,_.,,
·.. .. · . .:
,. . · · For a .number of years I have been -closely associated wi1:h Liberty : ·. :· ..
·.... !.
·i(( \··.

Lobby ~~d it~ Execut~v.e Secre;a,ry, the L~te W.B •.Hicks, Jr. During this period

/ . ··
: C:.- 1·.·
of tiine. I 1::;.ad some contact with Willis
. . ·
AY '
Carto, who represented him.se_lf a~
. . ·. . . '
. b6
:· .. b7C

.P..::<~ ·l that time to be merely the Treasurer and one of of the founders of Liberty Lobby, :\ ..:-_· .
. . . /-~/ · • . . I . . • ,..,._._,,_..... ----:--:---·~-r~:-~--~•-:-- ' ."-'.·.:):.: ,
:_:) _.:: and _cu~tis 1tl(:>aLl! Ch~irman: of Li),erty LobbY._~~d of Po lie¥· . _I w;i.~::·~~, '. ~~ ".',
• . . , ·.. .'_. _: p;_ess~d with. th~ · organization, wholehearted'ty approved of ·i ts pub Lie. posi~io~s ·. :. ~- .,. ;· :· .
. \ .. ·:·'· ' . . . .
I . >·... :. :.:-~n-~o;~ matters·,
•,• ~ I • • •,• , 'o l • '

a~d feel that the _organization was doing a · great deal to :p-rc-· ·. ·.· .. .
H,; '.~•: I '# ' a•• 1 -

1: : , .serve
. . the
. . .
of our great nation and ·carrying on an effective •'

-~ :t-·'• • •• ·r ' . .. '

· ·fight against" internal subversion at' home and communist treachery abrca~ •

./· _:
....... · .. '
a vigorous..youth/ · . .....
I have felt for a number o:£ years that- the formation of
. . . ,,· - . ; . \_:: ,J. ::

'.:•:/.~.- ,·'•·: >. student organization for the purpose of combating SDS militancy. violenc l,. :de:-r·. :~t\:.~ ~
:- ·.: . . .. . · .. ~~'. ;~/;l:::•~:-~::\•.~:·
': ?>{ ,.structiveness is necessary. I felt that the Wa:Llac·e Campaign would b"ring :· :;; :, <'_,' :-'.:-: :: ·.
· .. ··:·:·· ~ ... ·.~ .... . ' . .. . . . -·: =... , .. ~-· ).:·· .-.:. : ·
~.}( }f ·'tog~ th~r·ma.ny.young patriots who felt as I do that neither the Leftis~- ~.{th~:.;·-;:_:\<;-, . '.-:· ·.':·: ·
._:.·.T . /:_i. . . . . . . ·.. ·.. . :!•; . ... ·;_· <.,• ·=·;.·,· :"::\:.·. · ..
. ·/ :.· .' :.- ·_. DeJ?o':rat ic Part_y nor the rhetoric of the "Republican Party wa.s ._ the answ_er to · :_ :: -· · ,
• o I,..• • • • ~ I: • ' O • , i • :• O •, • • -..! • :; O ~ I, " ...

:~·:. ;:. >h:~:~f.r.~•-~Z:-~~;~~~ _f~c~~ ·~ :~ ?n~t~_d~~~~-~~-\;i:~~-·sapp;fnt_e,

4 O

,•·. ~ 1·: .
• ' • •,•• :• -. :~.'•.,:• ,;••• . ' .; : • \ ;•• .:: · . . •,'.~ •• .,:• ' I • ,_: •. •/::::.;,'./':\>~ .;, • ..,______;""';1--~; ~,r,..-7""'. :.--.~,...,'. ~-
·. •,•
' .. . .,.
. ."•
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---------·-·-·- ... ... . ·:--;--•· . . • •• ~ . . .. . ., .

, ..
I •• • •

.. !"• \

.. .. . ,:

" ·.·P:-:i.~6 2.

ot tne Youth for Wallace in May of 1968. It _was the i..-itention of the o r ganizers

t :..'-.. ~'--= :-csa:-c._L~ss cf the outcome of the election that the Youth ior 'Wa.L!.ace wouLd

i io:-::1. ~tse!i a permanent organization at the conclusion 0£ -::he Ca~pa~gn.

~ \..
·... /

0\ the c ~unpaign we rcc1·uited nearly 17,000 members of the Youth ·£or
.f . Youth for Wallace was run from· my offic-es at. 800 Fourth St., S~ W . .•
I .
' .

:i:;_!H.J: . . · : ' '.:' :·_. ~-;·


~- with littl~ or no direction from the ·watLace Campaign in Montgomery,
. . .
Alabama. ." ·

··:: Financing and many organizational deta.~1s were provided by WiUis A. Carte in
. • .

\~ - :, ·./~ ',.• ·~--~~:· . :;•• . . ~ .

/ · :· · ~--;::-.-.:- .:~· •'.- his capacity·as Treasurer of Liberty Lobby and Action Asso _c iates. During _the
~f :. ;· '.>·· ~-~ ~ ·-:~ , . . . '
;! _· :. -~;,'_.- :,':'. : . ::.. course of the Campaigri _at: Least $40-50, 000 was contributed to· Y ?uth for ·vva Li.ace
:! ·.:., ; ~-. .'• '.:· . ·.·.···· :
::·•. •.'. . ;.,-_,.:: r:::. ·-. by Liberty Lobby, Action Associates and 9the1· groups with which Cai·to is
11 . ::-; ..(:\( (··. : :· ,·. : . . . . ' .. . . ···. ' ; . ; . . '
(:/. . _.\.. /·\ ..- ;· associated, comprising at Least 75% of th_e budget • .Also, fond raising ~lists owne
;l .,• ::· •:.. ~ :.•,•,. . . ,.: '. ~ - •
.-r · :/ y_:; _· ;·_...;f .by Liberty Lobby were used in an attempt t9 raise additional fund,~. tor the effort.
('··=/ •::V\J: ·:_.- --~r . . 0 · . . ; ; __· , .

;I"·' ·..:· ::F')·,· ~---- >,:;-·,No statement of expenses or contributions were provided t~· tpe .Y<l_u th: fo ~ \fat~a c 1

-·/·:;·~·-·1?'·.·r :. •J } ;~~paign by Carto·. who operated a.s Treasurer. of the Co~i~t~~: x ·~ av·e ~late r '.
:i. ·/ ,'. . i \: .:;.' :--~ : :·· } -- i . • ., . • .. . ' := ., ': ·..
·::. i:. :'. "•:~,-:~ ~- _; :·.' ./ · determined that Carte did not comply with federal Law and no report oi_expenses ·
/; ~">"•, ..:i··::;' ~ ..: -1--'. ' . :·: ' •. . .·.
r· ··· ::,.,.' .: ·, ·: :-7 ·.and
\ ·, i. :· .
i::ontributions was filed with the Clerk of the House.
• . •
I previously asked hi..-'n:
•: : • • •• • : ..
! . .. t· • t-•. ' . . . .; . . .
' .t,_ --~ ·.
•,., t • ~ • •, ••
• j \~ •
_whether this had been 'done a.nd he assured me that the information.had be~n ·.. :.

·;. ::_·•: (. :· f ;pro~erly -filed. ·
• ;'°;. '·: • ., • ~. ; (. • •
During . the campaign, I had numerous conversations w'ith •:

. )~. .- ·=
·-:, i.-~· .-j:
·: /
and observ-~d nothing unpatriotic or subv.ersive about his behavior ~:.- It was at: · :,: ·

'. .:·.. ·., ·<.

. :, :<·. ·~t.: . . . .. ·. . . ' : .
this ~_irn.e, however, that I wa.s presented by Carto with a · c.o py ota book publishe
' . ·.· : ~<. .: -: . ,~1 ,; . ;' . . . . t ·. -.: . ..
.... . ·.:i·• by Noontide Pres.s carted 11 Imperium. II This was my first contact witl-;. ' this book
.i': ' ... •.}.~ . . ·.. . . .-. . ::,.:. .'-~· :: . ·.
"i,1 1.
:.;·' .
..:.: .:: ..' . ·- :\: by F rancis Parker .Ypcket, · The.- pres·s _of the campaign and ·m y:.:~w~. ?~sine ~s .
::. :,
···.:::-.~- ·;·.;::_,·-J.;: :· ·.t·· ;·_. .. . '. . _. ·.. :· .· . ', .. ~,! • ' ... '"<\'.:.. ·.~ . ..•::'..
~~ .' •:r:~prevented me 'from. rea.ding the book untiL November-December when ·I took •it ' ··
:.>-., /\'.\/{(--::~: -;~.:<: ;· · · :. . .- ?Slf i%~. -~/)<:_((.'•:
··: / . i · ..
.. ·;:1
:·. . ..~- ..- ·-t-·r.-- <{/. _;_
: :_-.; 1·-_·:' --=:-. ::_i~\-.;:'.:_::i\:._/:.:..-'<=:·.-.
-- - ,·-···
; i
:.·,-· .-..
'•I • ·......._, _ __.
. •, •
Page 3.
" :-··
;,_long on a, business trip to Rhodesia and Mozambique. I did not fin i sh the rather.
. .
lengthy t ~me until aft~r I returned in January 1969. I was quite disturbed by its !

·content, though q~ite.unpres:Sed with the quaiity of the wr~ting and quality 0£


·0 n November 15_, 1968 a s .emi-secret meeting was held at the Army Navy ·

Club in -Washington, D. C., at which the National Youth Alliance wa~ founded and ..
,;. ti

;:-.· ,_ :: _ :its initia;l philosophy set forth.

It was at this time that it beca.Ine apparent that Ca.rte bten'ded to use the
. ,. :• '
movement that began with the Youth for Wallace . as a. means of creating a youthful
' .. .. ' '

. _Brown shirt or ganiz<l:tion. He explained to :me that his essential des.ire was to

;, ::,·~
I .•

build a youth . organization skilled in the arts of agitating. military a.nd martial ~
. ·' . . .:~ ~ .-: . ..

arts, seµ defense and arm.ed with the teachings of Francis Parker Yockey-to., . ' ' • I •
- _' .':,' : ._: i
0 o

' I l • . •. . :1
:-""< ::•

.- a:ctive Ly ·confront the ·Leftists, especia Lly the SDS and PLP, and BSU radica:ts ~:.:'__··, : ·

I ·. At ensuing orgariiza.tional meetings of the NYA a nun:iber o ~ positions · •1

. \ ,. ·> . :/:·:·\
• •
.: ·

I :_. were adopted: opposition t9 ·drug abuse, the right of students to atti:md school ·

wi.:hout fear .of int:ilnidation by Leftists and black power radicals, a 1_?rogr~-n-of.
' . ' .
patriotism, etc. - In no way did ~e students ever 'agree to enter into an -
· zation that professed any form of Nazi ideology. · Carto • . however, had soni~ :·different.- : :
'·· . . .·. : ::/-: \ . . ... ·:
, ;
~_lans, '?v'hich became apparent in Pittsburgh.

.< A few days before the_l?ittsburgh meeting I received an inv.itatio~

. ' \.·:,';.·; '. ,,·'.. :3.\' ..: };::~
• • • • • " :: : :, • ' I -.: .:. : : ' : • : • . ; •· • : • :•,

/ -- ;--:; ·.:.:: at.:end ~ party honoring W~llis ~arto and given by a. group calling itself th'? •f ·-.i_:' · ; \ :" /'
._/:· ),·;_;.__ : . .. . . .·.. <>·:·:.y .- ., . :
- · ': =.~- ··- Francis Parker Yockey Movement. : · The meeting would by hosted by ·Louis.-T
~. .· --. . . _: . . ., . . '. . ~ ;- . :· .· : ..:;':··~~: ~
.· . /·. . . _a John Birch .So_ciety coordinator for the Pittsburg~ to Buffalo' areas, .. and·would : . .
·:-.. : •1· · ' .. •;,. ,... ..... .' . ~~: ·· ·..~ ·· ·.,; ·. :
1ttii:..l: ~ .,. :.- ·, .. .,. ·[-_P/
1--·:. C.-. -L :--.·:.·_ ... _1if'/·1:ti ,'- :. ,,}t--~-..~! i '1.= :
~: ·.. ):_
,· · r ·'-: : t /::· :;.:: >:>:::/ttt;: ;_: ·:;: ·
_. _,.,~._. ·- : ·:.. •: ,-. l<
··· .. . .·· t>::·\:
·i: ,. - ' . ' . ;_ ;, . • : ..• \~•. " J · : ~- · : _ . : • 0 . , ·. , . , • -· .~ .4 . ..:
:. : • l ~• :'••.') ~I ) :• ••\

. . ;,
• •' ..
Page 4.<

take2; !_)lac!.'.:: ar Co::.~(;·y :·s :Motor .Hotel, Mon.roevilLe,

Pa..,. a.ft~:i.-- the conclus.ion
of I•

th.::; NY_;l_ conforc:i.(:e on Jantiary ~5. The foLLcw:m"g is my _tr~e account of this · ·•
. .:· •
m.e.::t i..':.·g. . · '.: •,• .
. ' . . . . . : ·b·6 .
A co<:=ktaiL _party_ was held at t~e heme of a man nameac=J.~: Fra~·ci~···: ··- ~~c
• I • I • • •

Parkey Yockey Mov1::me:1t :::.r.emb'er in Pittsburgh. Carte was the gue,st _<?f°h'onor:
·.'. ·
z, :::e !..:.b.:::-:;y I.,c,bb·y Cot .. Curtis B. Datt wasi.-1 attendance. ~~I was

c •;-,• : •• • ~.c ~"'e

oc 1•.,,,'"'c " -. - -~.1cv~J•"'
•• - - ' ·- v._
, : ;-•••
" "~,_~z-.
7" : e ...,., b L._ms
- ••• ., on ,.___
'-- .,..:i:
., : · perso .. · 1 1l l· :. .i
•• ,,- w.h i.e .; · equ - .' t· : .- ..• .
· ·.:... pn'len
: :,,

. . ' . . : :'";.'./ · :;_·_ .. · , .·, .

blasted fo:::fh wi:h Nazi war songs. L'1.·attendance were doctors, , lawyersi;:· business- ·,·
: ' ' . .·, .' ... ,·: ·: .>i, '.;.·:; :, ::.·.:;:: t: .,
. men ... · One was· id'entified as comptroller ·of a c hain of newspapers. , _.T hey.:'?-'e·_re _riot i--'.'-: : ...
.~ :. '
.. . . . I I •• : • ~• • •••~~ • ::•••:~••••~
.' ~
'• , ' • , , : · •-• :

,:.. · oi th((George Lincob Rocj<well,s_tripe and all very serious about bl:'.~'lging abo~t a '.:i'"'. :
( .
'· :'. , _.: ·,. .. . . _;)':)\t
.:/ \ . : ~- Nation:at Socialist 'Revo Lution· in the United States. ·.
: :. 'i'i··J~ ~ .r, ·~·
•• !
.At.the: concLusion 0£ the cocktail party, we went to ConLeyr
s Motor
~ .··• : ·.·,_-
H~tel •.: ·,
.. . where a buifo~ :SU,Pp~r was served at $2. 00 . each. After supper the meetfug (?f. the:·.;.)/'::/
• . • . .•. ·"'· '. !, •
..•· ,_. . .. ' . . ' _:.- . •' . '. ,· ' .-.· ..- ~;: ' .·1.
· ·,•: . ·' .· Trane is Parker Yocket Meeting _began:.· It was announced ·by .the _host, L.-:T~ .: Byers, ._:.'' .. 1
:;:. . . .: i. :' :•: •:, • ,• 0 ••• '. • • ' 0 C • • ' :, .: ::f:.- ::: ' ._ :;;=
·. ''.-'..: . . ,-that ~bis was not the first meeting and he welcomed the son1.e· 40-50 members in '{:,{ :, '::;'.' !'.'.
. . . . :, . :::~;:. : ~: ~/;:/{.:··.::·. ·. !. ~:
L··< ·. ·,, att.:;::1dance. · He .told foe group that word had Leaked out about the Las~ -~~~~in? in··.:..'~·_>_·.:>
I,. 3~:'i:::::~o ar-..d t..'1-i.a.t sp.;;cia l p:::eca\.:.tions had been ta.ken tonight. he warried tha't . : ....

I ,· . ' "squealers·,, v10U:ld be promptly dea_tt ,with.1 -hhe meetfug op.ened with the' ~ajori~y • :,
I I • • -. • • • • - ~, :· . . ... f

i . ~· . ~-:-: of the :men stan<;ling i.-.._ a ·group with uplifted arms singi.'1.g the "Horst: We·s sel.'Lied_r.i, t.'-l_e ·_
•.-. :

an~he:n of Nazi Ger:nany. A nu..-vnbe:::-: oi speakers were introduced who. t~ lked fo~· ,,..,·.:::;:\. : .
. \, . .""~ .

Lengc~ on such topics as. ''Plato the Fascist~ " . "N~griiied ar.d Judeaized_Americ~·., 11 ·\·
:•. . .. . '-'

)-' :/: ·:· .~.; and ·a\ :.·e·view ~£ recent books,·pul"po;ted to rehabilitate Hitter. Specia.L ~~·p_hasis /~} '. ··.

-' .. was -; ;:·soon-io~be-·pub~i~h,ed b~ok;f. 1~y~ of the Six Million, 11 :b{:c ~;~ors . ·-'/' .
• !- .. , .... • '
··.,:• ,' ~

Noontide Press>· Byers said tha,t the book was badly needed by thos~ se~l<mg to . :·· ... --:· .
.: . . . .. . . . .• .
' ~. :~ - .. .
. . ... . .~ . . . ,. ' . . . : ..
··· · ·: · ·. · r ..;;vive the Na."zi' mcv·ement>· but wa.s Like Ly tc disappoint,lliie FPYM. membership·

\__ ' :; :L: '. L~-\< ,·, . '. -- .:.' -,~:,::.~.·:=,~,-~,:~. ;.. <~ '..f' .' L~·. ·._-
-: r· : ,), : ::_,,.,._. -: ;- :. ,
~ -·· ...- -··
·'• •

·P:.~~~i3 . 5 .·.

~:; it-:p,.-0•1 ~d ':.,C:yoncr Z:.ny clo;.:.'::.t tl1a-:: the SS :!::i.acl clone away with consider2..bly Less "
:::,"-"'' si::•= ::niLLic!1 .:'cw:::; that in act:.iaL iact the book docu:.nented that only a ·- few

}:;;::,<l::"'d thousc.nd oi the ·:•s:-.:eenics 11 had been liquidated. Byers expressed ti-ie ·

:::.·.::L~d ;.::1<l.i: ~c:::t .ri:."-e: t}:e fm::::.L _a;otutic1. to the Jewish pi·obtem wHL be mo~,;:

.::i:iici.:::-.t~y r:::-:(;Ct:ted.. I shudd-3:::-d c.s l tist;::;r.e:ci to the laught<?r th::i.t filled the

:.-cc,:::-;'"· ·· The ccr:cLt.:di.--ig oi th.::: eveni.."lg was ty the gl:.est of 1:onoi·, '.

vr O ; H ··
,, ____ ..'.
$ _.-. C·d. .... .;.~o •••
;.:r ..,
-. : • k; e; v-
J~)0. - .; ";
•• -S ,. •" ·
~.._e~J.l1:gS , : h v.. oc I·"
\'V.,.... ... .._y ar.q,1 l·.ow· . tl_'lv,. ~ ~ " t

~V.'.l:s : growi.'1.g' throL,ghout the 11.ation.

He expressed his belief that politi<;al power, .·.
. ' .

'like that he was buiLdi.'1g in Liberty Lobby, would soon bri."'lg_the

. . of
. •..

: ' . which _<:- LL Y ockyite s cl:::eam.

\, It wa?, fo/1.t{'½.at the bi·eakdown in Law and order> the degeneration of . · .. ....-
.;, d <·:ratic and Libe::::-at institutions, the .·e of pub Lie and .private inora,ls
. ,.
w9uLc(socn bring about the chao:S, ·rioting,· collapse that' 'NOuLd create the: ·

:• 1 ••
·"inevitabtc." . d~alecticaL reaction. and bring about the 1·esurgence
•• :, • • • . • .r •
cf autho'rity
• .

:·~ . _;_. 'a ria In; p e :?.· i _.:. .,. n: In t h e m e a nt i.:.1.1.e, i t was nec ~ ssa ry for Yockey ~tes t o coXLec't -as nit.!ch·. ··
I ~, ,'

pcLi'~i~'~'t powe::.· as possible ·within. a 'L[. existing poLiticaL instit.uicns and to ~a{nure ....
. . . ...... ;. ·. .: .
tl1~ lea.·ci1;:-rShip oi as many conservative eLimcnts as possibte z.s the ~ation( ~\~i.~ ~s .. : ·:..
. :·' ~ , .J' '

LO t!1c ;,fgh.t_ . L.1."·this manner, :s'a id : Carto,' the FPYM ,mcmbers ·wilt captur~' ~h.e . .- •.:.\
' ,, ' I ." • • • • • •' •••• • . •

. -~. ~ .,

. naticn : ' ' ,· ~-·-:,.:

~·• . . •·/ : •
• I -
. ••
• •

.. ,
. ~-'· N(;:xt -c·o Jev1s, the mcst despised of all a,re the. Leaders of the lcgi~~arn
. . <."\··~ ..
' ~
.:. ..:;.. ·:·.·.·:-<, ;...,. bb76 C .
,.i ,;.-ht , ,ike, --~ch'-, sl _d

· - .• ::,;.•.* . .. ~ '

/. .·: . • '""· ... . ~

i.-:. fi;1 ::tu:n1 . : They, said Ca.rto, are the l·eal ene111ies of the Yockeyites. :.:.:;1_
i ey a i·e ..'. :· ..
.. . . ,: / .: ·.·.·. :. . ~ :t·/>
,:. .· '. ' . .· \. . ,:=.: ·.. ' ~-. : - • • ,} :_:.\ :. ••

· the pri..."'lcipal obstacle to be overcome. · _Dµ:::i.,g the cou::.-se of t.¾e .mccting Cai·to ' ·: :. ,, : ~
. ·\. . .. :_' .. ··. . . .·.< ·.. . . .-. ·>,_:_. <<<.·(:--:~:. :,·..:
w~ts ··la i.!_dc<l by S..;;v_e :rat in attenda~1ce for dev.e loping an o:i.· ga.'n ization lil<e: L~b·e;rty · ·: i. ~. ·: •.
. :_. ;: '·. ,i·-· . . . . ·.'. .:.. ·· . ·-~:-: . ~~ ; . ·.... ·,.:'• !~~.:•:~,:·. -..~-/~: · ~·· :· .. :·.
but 'controlled by- th·t fF'./~=t 1

..·. ·J ·.L ~bby

.:i·.:·c: 2. : :, ;,x~-\~~u.{~~(> ~~~t~- .. . . .... . ' ..
~-; :is_ting·· or- Legiti.inate· ccnse:rvativ~\ funds :: -::--::·"·; .;·
.. -~ )
. ,.: ·, ·. . . -'.-~:, :· -.:···:·it~}r/::> ....
... • ', I •' · •• ~• ~.. '• .·, .' -~... ...,

..:.: . : . . . . . '• ,; . ··:: ....
·::..:--:-) ·-·-·'·•:,~. . .. . , ....-----.. ,:·. . .
- ...... .....:...,.!!,1._._ --4 (.- -,... ' . ,,-:, 1 ·'
. ... ...• .- - ... ... ... •. - - - - .. - ~ .. ..... _ ...) J..
..·r.. .·~
~ ,: .,, .... .·- .. ·- ··~·;
:::.. ·-· ... ·=·. ,< ·"
• · •·
•1; 1 , ,
·,_'i , ,.e; ' .
-. -· Pa fre 6· ~; ·> .;-~·. '•
1, o•

·: :"t .·•·::::}(;
I t

.' Naturally, the two oth:ier NYA leaders in attendance and l ~e·i~ :~ho cked · •
·.• J.
,. -,

• I'
-. at th.asc oat,rageous actions. :-.Ve r~soh(ed to push Carto and 'his ~azis ·out' of.
. - ~. . ··• ·:
., .

. •'
NYA. We· found that thi~ would be an impossibLe task. ,::'"

/ /
., ,
:· ,:
I .... :-' . ,:
\! ··..
In. January-Febr'uary, 1969./while in California on business I -was informed !·
/ ~
' that the N-YA had issued its first N~wsletter- and that it advocated vicil~~c~· and I •
·.·, . •'

;: ·:·•
pro~otcd "Iniperium.. JI Upon my return I met with s~vera~ of my ass_o_cia~es and
,..- determineq. that a severance of relations would be necessai·y. I told Carton on ·
~ : . •.·· .. . ~ ' :

i1:, .·.,' ,.· .March 2, 1%9 that we· would no Longer have his influenci."lg the future course of
.Ii :· i'.~ the NYA: He reacted_bY: breaking into my offices at 200 Third St.·; s ·. E., \.Vashing:tor
;: D. c·. , and st~aling a filing cabinet with au .our records. He then fabricated a fiction
y-·· the. NYA-was a committee of a front that he controlled, called 11Action Associates 11.,. ·
fr:· . •' •

:: . .
I, .,
w hich is incorp<?rated in the District 0£ qoLum.bia.. He then placed ·a c'h~nge :of .'::
. : '·..
·i::/: .:~ ••,
1· 0 : . •
•• ~ : •I
. ·,· ·· address in the mails and ordered the Post Office to direct the NYA mail to .
·' ~ .. I

. .
• ':.1
L.,. _Liberty Lobby. He objected and argued with the Post Office that L .ib~rty Lob1?y. ,· .·. ·\
·.',,: : •.. ··, ''•, ', '

· had no . right to our mail. Carta. by threats and inti.'nidation, coupled wii:Il the

., .. -· realitY, of not h~ving the ~\lnds to ~ight _him,. forced me an4 k
,' ; .'
. .·-' ·andl Ito resign in late March, a · few days pri~r to a ·sc~~-duled <'.: ,~-~
t.,. . . . . _:'.;:;/ r,, '. . ·;_. _·;~:.c
:i : · meeting of national NYA Leaders in Pittsburgh on March 29th • . .At thi:'
... . . _-s~,-1meeting,
,.. ·. . ' ,. '· ...: ...: ·

. ·; ,: ·

. .
jof Mic~igan was ele~te~
. .
laton.g -~ith~·-~ :~:~;}<~~ ~~ti~.·,,:<: .-·.(
- . :.· .•·. - .· t ..· 1 ! _; . . ,: . ··:;

.-• .....
•' ·
:·.: N~zi members. · Their affidavits are being submit~ed together with' tn_is,.'~ nd t _e ~; a::/;·
.·l ' .~: .'{ . :'. .. - .: : ~ . . .~ . . . •, ,- ·. · . ·:·-;·•;::,;:,)j/(t -;. ·. ··..::--.: ;\; .
\ :· ,. ; I • ' .·• • b ette :( story than I am capabl~ of, teUing here. . . .: ; ... : ..' . ; :",f... (: :· .. : .::/.. -} _:,,;,.,r;~.
. :. ~' ..:-::· . ·.'. . .- ... . . ' ::- . ···'. ..·(t:>·i...:· > \··\/:
.,:: ' · · . ~ .There_is no doubt ~ .my mind that most of the -empl9yees ai:i'.4. d~·1 ·cictors ··o~ ·:::
··. ·
: •:·
·:: . __ ~ : . ... ·.· . ' ; . · .·. .. · · -.:· ",...:..: . ·:;·_.;--:_:?,_,::,··; •' ··::-.·,-.,;:~/=i'.
.... , ';'.: ~ ·.: L_iberty' Lobb~, k:1ow of Cartots activities and whole~arte·d1y f~~m::•:'. ·; ·: L!;,:°)· _appro~~~·or
; : . :::t: : :: :,::~r:'littt'-f!;fi(l:
. ; ' ... . ; > ·. \·' ;;

. . ..
. .......
. !; . -. · . ·- .,· .· . . . ._.... .......~·- '. I ,

,...l "\' - :•r -~-•--...;-::.· •••••• ,._..A._ ...... __ ;,.___ ...___ )

... :" ,.1

' . '-
Page 7·/ · ·!
I ;,

l •'." .
Thos ~ .,~ho do not approve fired by Carte or forced to Leave.
I ••
Ca rto is· a

I . '\ .
' blacklnailer who swears that he will "get and destroy'' anyone -who

- ·: . : crosses· hiln or attempts to expose him • .

,I .,
... Colonel Curtis B. Da.LL is earto•s· chief front man and is fuLLy -awa.r_e
, ... ..
of Ca:+t<?~s activities and approves of them without reservation: .:.-.
,.·: ··''/ i . ,... .. ,.- . :· :, ...·,.'' :
,; On the fac~ - of it,· Liberty Lobby is a worthy organization, but the·.-. ! · - ·· ·
,' ,1

., ... ' • .;; . -

. . . .
i :_ .:_ ' •. danger to
America lurks beneath its surface for it has 'become the· founta'inhead ·:· . 'i ·~ _;: . ,·,..

I· ,. . ..• . 1 ' : • ••• ';• ,·

- .. ..
• I •

/'..· :'.·· fro~ which Arnericars Nazis hope to spring forth 'f rom when the tilnc is ripe~ ..
. . ..
, Y • , ;: ; : -•• ; :- - •!.
••• • • ' -J • •

;-. :::!
-~ . .

· '
1• I •

fa the h,ands of responsible people, Liberty Lobl:>y could b,e a great fo rce
£~'/ ·. .,··:·..\....,:.. ·.::•·: :
, . · -
I:·. • .,
,: '• ')'

·; :· )··: good, but today it is a dangerous concentration of Na.xi power_ ~ the world .and'•· _
J-;';- : f . :i . . _.:•: . ..•'
., :h.: ·; >_it is
I. . , , .- . .' .
gr_o wing; not on the strength of its philosophy but on the 'strength of good.. ,:
. . . -: ,
·· ~ · ·. ,.:
. . ; .,

·f,::;·::f.~onsei·~atives who are hoodwinked into thinking they are suppoi·ting .a wo;thy ,;>. i •. ·.:./; . _,-:.-_.:
~:·-: ·;:~-~ / ;~... ·. . . :·.: . . :: ~. ~ . ..:: ~· -~- ·.,_ : ....
,. _;-

:. f ;;,·'.: .(.-cause which is fighting to preserve the nati~n and ·the Constitution they Lo~·e:\: : ·:< ~-- '/:
. ?j•\ .; ~. . -~-- . . . . . ·.. ... :: :;: . -. ~ :·. ~ .. ·. .
~ f:\;: )(l:.ittle d~. they know that Yockey despised America, called the / a (~·: ; _·::;. ~-y: :·.: .:·
. t)f ,,j .. · _... ' . . . ·•:( ,; .: -:· ·.- J . <-:: .' :''
;1 / 1/- ~-:· worfal.ess scrap of paper and called for the ·scrapping of evei·y republi~an··. ·: •:, :_ ._.. .-.~·· ,: .
_.J:./( .:::- . . . . ·•-. '.·. . ;'.'·: .(;·. ::
·:-.t···.-.: ,":, instituti.on ':Ne enjoyed yesterday and _today. '.· Liberty Lebby is as much :a th,l.'!~at .. . .
,:.': .,-_ , .

·:f!;:-.._h· :·;:. to _the i'reedom

,;• ' .. · :-,
~£°Americans as ~ny lefti~t'. ~rga nization in existence. :_'. I~ ·:¥ usf (\}·t· \ (
·. . ., ' . . . . .. . . . : -~~;( >. ·, l- • •• • -~. - . · · : .·:· ~..: • ••

:.· .::-.- ::; :, · be exposed for .what it is: a gigantic fraud being controlled by a n-ian who th.inks >' ·=--: ·•· •
•I \' • 2 •~ • • ••. '• .,•• ~I,:• • •• • • • •• • • \•,"•' •:_ ~:j. •: • ••
. -·._: .. /: that'· thc;i°, time might come :when .Americans . wilt hail him as their undisputed ;i . . . _;

'.V/ (~-i~·~i:f:i '. <.·- ,__

--,<,.:-,:-_ ··: -- -:'./ )~t;::;::1 :\iff):
: ~--f . . :\._· ·. · .'- ·,~·~,:~ I betieve that this declaration is made .. in periL. of my life and ·phy:s(caL !; :_ i: ./.::._:. i
.:. :>·: . ·.:.~·. . .. ..' ' . : -· ": .' .;. ·: ·.. . '. . . .. :··::.·-.·:'(;-,7}! -r-_.•·:•: -~ .::~~.~.\_' .
_; saiety.':-_ .'Lewis Byers, now employed by Carto after be:i,ng kicked ~ut of t~1·e· ' :. · : ~ .:"'.- ·.,.
. ::··.,·.-·:·_ ' .::: .. : . . ... ..· ..... ·.· .. ·. , i' :- · ~✓-- . . -.··. "=-;\;::.- :.: ·;··.-· -:·.; :;_:-:
· ; 11 _ •• .· •• . John B~rch: Society, · ·has implied to a numbe~. 9£ _person_S } incLuding "Le.w i~:.'. A,ndr~w s, . ~._.:

ifJH~ 1<:tif),::?1}}iiV)-/f'-?;;;f\'.\ !::fa,;:, :.\i )~:::)ii:lXJrl'. ;: '.::t•: ,, ·

• -:. · ·•·- :: ::; -1:.'

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, ,. ....,~:•: . ·:
)··:: \·__:..., :.,. ,:. •,

•' "'·- - - ~• ... ...:.-H ••~-
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~t·· ... Pa {!e 8 .·:·.
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, .,· :~;,.','
··.-;><·'. ·:L. ·;'.
v, .:.....
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:•· ;.
· tl:ai: I \\•odd be liquidated. He has persona.Hy threatened me. ! ha.~e receiyed .::

v.::.::bal death th:::eats by t~~ephone a~~ F•s~tecrait\'.-~ ~~:/ :'

. ..
.to~4r---------.. .,that the Minuteme~ ·h~ve a. contra.ct out on me. fu a.n/,cai~ :
(. .'
c_~erci<;in, · intilnidation are not beLow .·this crowd. .I seriously believe_th~tj n,urder.

., ...
··,• Would b_e a ·method:~~t ~: . .ci~~o -~ou1d ~ot Look ,up_on: ,with .'_d isf~~~ri \i ~e<-; . ,
. ..;:·...· .._ . ·. -~>--·. ~-> -~-.... \ .·: .'j; _·• .:.,.// _.; 7···:.. ,: :.· . .. · ·-~ · ·· '. ·.·: .:Jr.:!:; >~-~----<.:.- =..· ·
.felt itn·e cessary · · ·· , . ;. ' · · · :· · · ·· ;. ·, ·· · ·=· ... ••' " • ::: ;.:..-- ., - •· .····
.;· . .: . ·.:
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f;j :1- ;, ; • ~: :::J I _. . .. . .of: orocedine n:.onth _. ;: , :: :;.:~.(/
;:... ·\ ,'•f ,::... --~~-~,,~.. :..tur.i;:1g t.::ie .:.·:::-c nll!'-t tho .1. Zlttondod a ··:1,· • -~
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i .. _. L:... , . 'i 'F :·· .· ::"'' .. v~--\-~·- . • • ... ......_v .... .,. •.. ··- - - "'" • - . .. i.>_• w ... •: ~ ..: .. • ' ••
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i· l1cJ.c~ ~r:..t·u..!.·•ci.~~r 11Ir~;; o~ Cft..'i~O ,-:o~1rcn.d oi-. tho ton-'~li floo~ of· tl-:.o -. - - :. ~: ;:: :~.:~.
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·- ,?ick r~oo~ovclt; !Iotel, ul1el1'0· one grou.!) id.or,l'cii"'yi:1g t;·:.m,.;"1Col,i0::;:,c.s
::.,.,G,.. _ _.,-;,,.,-o ]-~-~,,.1:.,-,. ... oi: t 1"0 '·-:VA" .1-;...,o~ ... 0 ~-..__
... -... r'l·i,;'1ci"' ""EU""'"
c1,~ci•·'l··.-''r1~·, .,..,,, ... i-, + :'r._::i,.;;. ;_.
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::;c~g::: W':1. th (.:.cnig:"; l1l.. ic:.i, eu.'nno1.. tod .A:m.oricc.n '.t:;tJ..~.l. cu.£'£1:J,.n:,:3 ~ ·, ·'.···..., ·
,... ,··. u.n(~~ :l.n ::;o::10rr:J.. showed t!'l:;S.r i.nto:'ltio11s to b,::., :::oncw~at loss! .t!'l~l the' ·::::;;,_ ; :
:1· : ·. 02.--irri1"n.l. four-i)Oij;'},t ntu":)Qt;C o:r tho lf".lA• o.lld •. 1.-:· ••,::·/
1/~:::::. _. ..:. ..~-",
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i· . 1 . o·i; l r·cco ~n zo .'l.morioo.n
____________ o::o ·•.;-··:·;·
·(· --). )< . .t------,-_........._-.,who id·~ntifi0:::: h:Lr.:!loli' ::rn I·:·.
!!'--- . ::.\ ,·_ _____ o ou ·h -£or W~llaco of' . ·. :.: -, , -: ..
!I" ,..• >, · \·nl!.~1E!LS, I havo··ta.ko:,.·a aolor,m "lio up!1old rirJ· count1"'Y;· tho D':.iitod ·
·,· ·· :1to:tcs ot -~ori_ea·.,
-- e.11 ,momics, .t'oroign and do:i.-:iostio; .x~d
~"--'I,..,...., f.\

' .:frD.:a:,;:As., I co:1!Jido::.:- tl10 !)hilosophy or nationtll £U1d .1.;:::c

~ 1
w ""-.:;,... •"-'

u·1;tn::~.ho d to S:l.'l:l.G, co1t't.',1 only oullod naziism1> compJ.otely .i'o1.. aig.."l· to tl1'7J
!-·. g:."ca.t l)1.ll"!)0303 thio 9ountry t•ras f'ow1dcd; D.l'ld ·,!: ... .
..~l " ·:
,, . - 'i
j:: .:{/(:.. · 1·JHE}1SAS; I a.-:t :l. duly elcotcd·. ot"f"iceI' in tho lfo:tiontl Youth Allio..::1co
uhicll :"cco~izcs t:1.0 original tour..;po:I.nt program · tl."l~ th.o_ploclgo of' :"
· i· ' : -"
j, tho o::•iginnl HYA; ':/
! . ~
1~ 7.·,ro
·"-'" 1••1 ..c..,., nW'"'i'O
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,: ·. :'·•. •~... d01·1ou:,--ico the ~li0!.1. philo~op.:ly of '11·;.:r.iir:1n i.n, ,·.my i'01'ln ,;-;h:-~ t!;OCVO::."., i.;,,:)
;: . ·, .=· it ot;o~1ly nvowod or· !~ot; .(2) th~tt; .. I h-::i).•oby uonomico the, P~l'.!.'';.;icir,=~to~~·.._j
:' ·i" ~-.:---" -~bo.. ,,,_.,,,,,,, . . . ~-101•1c,,,, ,,...,...,t • th ,~~- I ~O'"'C-;,..,'J '~C'"'C"'~C"' -1:·.1·"'' i.rv.~ . :/

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i: .; oi" lccc•s
of tr.a ~ ii : • ~"t · .;;.:· . · 7

j;- · · •:.~··:\·· ......,._............,.............., voto uWil 11, : : ~ 01 _I.',: ::.-

:: · :·: · · .. . · e l:.d du1,r el.0ctedl .'.:I c. .z 1 .... ~."~ . .~;,...i·
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S,,·i'T~ ·o F iJ ~1..;.,,; ye /QJ<. 1 .

C(.1 u :-.; .-~1 C F ·j< I rJ C:,-~
J •
I MAY Iq, 1969 .
£::..F''F·IDAVIT • J

iJ htt.ended a cockt:.a11 pt=i.rty,buf:fet suppe:1',and
!:iC=E::ti:-~g held by t;ne 'Francis Parker ?-io<vement on Saturday, January
.. .
•' , ., .. , . .
. , 25,1969 e..t Conleyvs Motel 1n Honroev1lle,Pa. The first oart o"f · .,. '. • ···· '
... .,._,,. c.v ·.- .,,.,".,~ act v1ties to wa:s invited by the! !
i·:as a conztail party at
,__t_h_e__h_o_m_e_o_1""'""_o_n_e_o_,f,,......,t""'n.-.e--=F,,.....,Y,.,.I•'""l_m_e_•1:1-T""-er_s_.__,,T,,...,he guest honor was Wl. lli s .
-, C,?.rto. ·r ,.,,.D.s shocked to see people wearln,g Naz.i jewelry, cutT 1.1.nJc:S,
· i,i;J/,J,j_'/ lupel p!bns,and the like. (The nie;ht before at the norn.e of .· ; ; .. ,:, .
'-.' :I lI' saw e. case in which I was told we.s " ~~J OO worth of ·,- ·; : .. >{.: ·.; ., ,.
. . ; a rr:1amni~lon 11 ,a World War I shotgun allegedly banned by ·t:;he. C,e:nev~ , ..,. t: ·_..:,..'.i~ ; :;. :.
Conve:n.;iOJl,and numerous other p1eces of weaponry ,.including Ger~an !~:\:~: :::". :·•
·: · .lugers) :A number of people were singing along w1th a record o·f · ;' •(,·/•;_-:·; ,'
,. Nazi 1•~ar sonos ~Thich was blasting from the house 0 e H1-F1 system. · ·'
_.o.fter the perty ;we went to Conley 0 s Mo-t;;el to the Eswaiian Roo:1 (the •··· .;
·s~c: r~om Hhere we conducted the NYA conference earlier in the day).
~,:,, .. :, A buffet supper was flrst held for which we pa~d $2.00 each • .After . .:'~,_=c, !·
...... .- · th~ . supper a meeting of the l"ranc1s Parker Yoclcey Hovement _was held. ·... ~:'.,"'.'"
-: The I!!eeting was bezun w 1th the s of' 11 The 'Horsdt He.ssel Liad'1 .. ,;_',., .•
, . '. The meetiY1.g was ~=~~::i:::::==--=~~==~who sa1d that the FPY movement ·" . · ..
. ,.;., ,, had previously he· a ee- ay · ter a . .···. ·• -~·6 ·. ::
·.·•.. :'.' bj:i.::i" introduction by ( -===~~~~--'IJl"'l':~-i:::'1'-.~~read a ._; · ..-b 1 c· ·
selection from 11 Imoerfum"o , e :ng the · ~·:.;~.. •. i•
,. ·.;·conffd.Gnce of an Fl1Y member, through my false im_pressi'?n . .<.;··, ,· .;·
~ :: ! of b'-" · erent to National Soc1al1sm, I lee.rned that ", '·, .i:
.·; ' .: this...._________________ spent time in a federal prison in Co+orado. : };•. •:;:,·_.~ ~
. .. 'It1e s-i:; ory goes t; na

·· · ·· · for t:.rying ~a
. ·· that .. .A.t'te±I.
_ _ _
. 11 n1.z;:::-if'icd, uda ze
e was a German national who was in the U • S • at , · ~ .. ~·; ·; :
. ,. •· . t!l.e t:i.,me of the outbrealc of the SBcond World War and that he was j'a1le~ -..;·•:::.:'•;
c bomb secrets for Ger.many or something.. like . ·· ~ ·:-~ · -,
J gave a brief address in wiJJ,:a he :poke of
erica .• ·• 0 and then 1ntroduct'eaf:
I•:- ."......

· · •.· or... Buffalo who gave- a lo!'l.3 (aibout r:1.n hour and one-ha f) ad7ress
:·,: ;.·.:.en . titled 0 P+.a to the Fa.c is·I;"
i: .~ . :and I thinl\': Mein Kampft After_ _
:eJected references to Plato,Iclperium.,
!(I am not sure of the order of
· ..' ::· the nGxt two speakers) ,an FPY mem er gave a brief t ~ ,,·.,..,_•:ff-t/. >-Q'.3f . .,

!. , . New York
~'Survival", Thi:
tall was followed. by an address byi..,,...,,,..,.___,,......,,,...,..,.....,_ _..,. 1 of
:western Electric,who addressed _ o • s Nat1~nal
. •: Socialis comra es and gave a talk about new books aoout the ' 1l.~ovement_'',
1· ·
! ·, .- consideration. Among the booli:s he
-: /· · ~ · - .Adolf ru. in Tyrann.y 11;10tc.
· reco!? certain .boolcs on Hi tle.r which he felt gave an object1 ve
"Eva . Bra •-
· ·•"' Histress•_i.,

!~r:,; :· the most intelligent m$!1 he lmows on the s ect of WHII an 1'iaz1ism. ,
: 'I'his was followed by an address by the guest of honor-Will1S· carto 1-rho~o
· ' 9ersoinlity dominat?d the meeting. Carto 9 the founder of the movement,
·: . -spol'.:e about "Imperium." and his meetings w1 th Francis Parlcer Yocl~ey
, in Sa..'1 .Francisco. He m.?nt into Yocke;tr; s background and how he cawe to
I ·· meet him,etc. Carte was thenasked a number of questions by the audii:;:nce
/· ::· . a~~ h~s tal~c and question period was rather lengthy. It waa ·clea~ that
!).-·,:: • car~o i'laS !:lan ~ owing Cariyo 9 ~--t,a lk a. phone oonversatio:a .
· i:•,~s arranged · ~~---~---__,1n Illinois. i 1he crowd huddled
· -·. tne phone and,___ _ ____,vo ce was coming over a telephone ampl1fer. ,
P: '· •: ,
·. was asked a. nu.m quest1Gl'.'?.P ~J1d ·one · was what ' he cons1d~rec1.· to e ·
I I • '

, ' ..'
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! .. :;·;• th,:; ::final solution to the Je11ish questio:r;i." After the meeting
,., ' ·o.Jo·ole i:·:G:~1t in small · groups to a room i·rhere Nazi flags were h11.."lg
I ·
' ;nd. - u...Y>..if::)::::-ms ,r ·cord e· other lll'azi reJ ics war~ being
! ;! ,_,.,.,.~.~-.-,,, ,, -•'o"' ~- ·
v~-~-~~ _ _ _ _ _J'o:f Buffalo •I ~ - - - - - -lone ofI ra0
• 7;'•~ Y w"-•i)0l1·s-...,....._.......,__ sa_b ne
and Shi~ld Curio Shop in Buffalo.
, .
_purb.hasedI a black SS man's unform :ror ·•: -----
~ . t.h;;: 1')eople i·rho attended the .FPY meeting visited o-o
·,,: In order to maintain my cover,I purchased a few items.
'' ' ·· offe:ced both real and reproductions of Nazi war relics'-.--..,....._-__......-_......-.--__ ..J

,,,• ' ;' ban.:'lers were dra:oed all about the room • .--------------'-.
A.'1ot!1er attendant at tl:le conference was! k" ·
! I
se::!iOr . at Carna ' gie-Nel.lon Un1~ersj :y; She lppointed,at; .s •
behest, as Western Pennsylvani4.____....,______....,__r;:_~_ .NYAo She? prou<:l.J.y , .
f'. ·; di.~:-olays ~ s't'ratstilra neclace aro1L"1 er necA:. er roo::ia.ta woro· a
,·· sml ver locket wi t.11, a photo of Adol-f Hitler in 1 t . to the FPY meet1:ng • .
'J:;1is is bas1calJ.y what . occurred at the ?i ttsburgh coni'eranc0 ;· 'I ha'?'e; :. .. . :..
·· no d.oubt in my mind that t.he people .mentioned. are firm adherents · . i ·,, :· ;
· to the Nazi philosophy. I understand 'that a party -was held .1:;ly ·ppy:_· >;:•i ··•·., ·:
:1~; . . . ~
and NYA "associate me·. ci.bers", at the Pick-Roosevelt Hotel in ',-_ •. - ·. ;;;:-;: ,b 6
. ' Pittsburgh on 11~ch a9th at wh1o~ Nazi _songs were cinng,~t-~ \ :songs
w~re sung,etc. . .. . ···.':i-. -} :.-~ · ·' :•... -·
The tone - o,r. the ,FP:r. meeting was • clearly that • of Na.z11sm. • · =.\ . --~.' ~: : .:
' - . . . -. . . : . . .
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# "i' • •' ;.
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: June ~~4 o . 19. ~fr. ·i.:i·,;~·f
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,.-' The Honorable JO Vlillis.m Pu.lbright . . b7C ··~ '. :.7r·. • / ~:r-.,,..~'1,!t.:.
.-. V . ~.-i1c,.~
Choirman 0 Foreigri Relationo CommittGe . ·" . I /.rr
•h~!/)Jt.~~--. ll
United States Senate · • :;.,r ·
! . . .. · . ·; •'jiH .$11 Ii-I
Washington 0 Do Co · .• ,/'(/ • ) Mr. T:1v(il.
/ ~ - Mr. '1 1 1·~,i,l;c'.
, , Hu,nn
,, Dear Senator . Ful.b1· igh t : : 1
Miss Hc,im
Miss Gand
11hc Chicago '.l'ribune of Friday 0, June 6 0 1969 had a· splendid e .~-e-~
inl entitled; "LOOK wno 11 s ·cnynrn- UH-AMERICAN" regarding your .crii¼.~up;,, ..
of ::Pl"ssident Hixon and his talk about ".ih.£ ~ isola.tioni8tso n .P rankly 0
you are tho biggest two-faced hypocrite in the wh~le C0n.~es3. You are
worse than Huber i Hum1)hrey who talks out of both sides of his m0uth at
the same time.
'.',- i'
You had the ga:fl to say that the Eresident's speech atteT!lpted to
.... : stifle discussien.. Y0u arc t31~n~ vrho dares to stii'le discussion in!!s-
. · much as you refused to allow-='Li,£._e_tlY. L©bby to testify before your . com-··
.- .. mi ttee <:>PP<P81ng tha appointment of Jacob .Be~1m 83 ambassHdor to the
So-viet Union. American citizens are ~et ting fed up with your. leftist t.
A poliOYo 1 , \

/ I You with your Fulbright memorandum to President Kennedy which be• (

· came the basis 0f a gag on generals and other officers of·. the armed
/ ~, A/forces was an eutrageo Yeu are the stifler of disoussions 0 peri0do The £_; i

,VJ.--people of Arkansas had better wake up and vote you out of office for ~t'
. 4 " your actions are a disgrace to this great .nation. · · .. - · . i.
• I • I •

. :· :· ·· ._ Fu.rthermore I recommend that you ~nd Seno.t0l's Kennedy, ·McCa.rthy 0 ~

.. :·: · arid M,c Govern pack yeur three (3) socks and move out of· Washington ro1· . f
· .... all you people do is rabolo•rouse the public with your leftist propa- ~~
:··, 1
· .',·
· t~ands.
to Am.eri ao
we are sick and tired ofo All you oharaoters. a disgrao~~
· _ • t'H
' 'i
· · We :need leaders i:m Washington like :former General George· s. ?at tCi>~
:- end .(k1:ior al Deu·g;!.as MacArthur who believed in _Ged, Family and ; Countryo~
We· ,are sicle~and7tired of a.11 these leftist we have ted~y who · ,
a d,isgruc.~ ~ i\
·, ·) · In· ·olesiiag we citizens ne lo:me;er will pull any punchosa We el"e .~
•• • s~·ck and· tired ef E>ver-educated guys like y0u who _
a re lousing up our ~
, n
· · gi;eat country with your leftist balomeyo . , · . ·.

1 We say~ Ged~ Family~ a.:nd· Cei>W1try ia OJll' motto, and, ~ t;-;;u~

'.:· ;;: ·-·. lef'tisJ kooks ill Washingteno_,..; t, ·• :.' ::-:· ~- .~ . -~~ -?~ ·\ dv __ •. U3 JUN~
-✓ ·!,:, -: · /_,_,_;IJ;1c,··.r ·i+t:;;;+"•:.;·.- :=·· .~ tv" ti :. c..di, -~·-· ~

, .• .
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·< ~)_- -/_ .cc to::"°?,Ir. j• Edgar Hoover~- FBrl,-·.-·.: :,(·i\t
• . •::. ·i· :,! . ,:.· {America 11 s G:reatest-Patrie>t) ... , .· ·.
:: •_.~-- -·<t '. ·· f (May - ~
,' .'... ):>· : (·_;: .' .:·r ·
;:· // ~- -~ {\ '• :. . .BLESS 'Mr·;. ·ao~ver f. ·::::..
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y. _) itt--\ \~
July 9, 1969
~ .,!

1v ft,¢-- JOJ~ q,t./t-- j;J(


Your letter was received on July 7th.
With regard to your inquiry, information in our
files must be maintained as confidential 1n accordance with the
regulations of the Department of Justice. I regret I cannot be
of assistance to you in this instance.

Sincerely YC?Urs~
1. Edgar Hoover .

NOTE: Bufiles ~tain no information identifiable·.with
correspondent. Liberty Lobby is well known to the Bureau.

ALA:sls (.3)
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1ruc11 IF Ytlll ujtJtlL/J 5 l:=-#/) /lfE soME · .Z:-A/FO/</t1//7ltJ/l/

lt(}tJtl T T//'E 'T;f'tl£ fJc(/41,,R(JSE ) (JF Trlc r<_" Ll/3&tflr-
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!Ill-VE 1/,,4/J C//l/fJE£ _/::11/t/F- 5'TIG-/J-TIOIV,
JJLE/ISE -~J/FoRM 11E. As·· ro wt1Er/lE/e_
J::r IS (4) ~Al {l/c C-lf/l/l2A-·TIOIV TO /J/f{)/11~ re
Coll/ s r1 rv r1tJ/v /fl A,cT/tJ /t/S_ { A-s ·1r Cl.// l//1S) .1 ate
JS _I T £/JTIIE£ {B) A ;VA 21 -0£/£/f/TEl) _ P/eOtVT
FCJX!- lf'IC-/IT- W/J/G EXT~E/VIJS/1//<·,;1-s SoM£
WrR.IT&le'S /l;t/.f) ;00t,,/T~Cl#4/S CLfflM)- .
YO(,(/c.: woe/J . IJ/41/J" 71/E 8t/leEl1t/5 WI~~ BE
/1-CCE/JTEIJ llt' /lfE /IS ;;-,1cr_ . . ,
/#,1,41' /( YtJt//e
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GU. G,fM. lfG NO 27


M emorandum
• SOI0-106

. .A",;on
P ~"~ooch-----,,-C -
Moh r

Coll oh on
Conrad ___-_--


_;:u Mr. DeLoach DATE: 8/13/69 ,1

;""V' -
Roso, 1
¼l! tvo 11
Tele. Room
FROM T. E. Bishop Ho lmes ~-


.~ • lspringfield, Virginia, who

advised that he was in the business of developing computerized
management information systems, stopped by my offic e and left off
tbe att:cbed Jetter. This letter states tha~ land a
have been r tai ned hy Liberty Lobby to develop
compu er systems fot themf lstated this is strictly a ,business
deal on his part and that he had become rather suspicious of the
nature of some of the activities carried on by Liberty Lobby and
wanted to go on record with the FBI that :he had accepted a contrac~
with this organization.

kdvised that he would be willing to furnish,
on a confidential basis, any information coming to his attention re-
garding the activities of Liberty Lobby which he felt were inimical
to the best interests of the United states. He noted that he _would
have, of course, complete access to Liberty Lobby's mailing list,
donors, etc. He further requested that any necessary contacts with

him should be handled on a most discr~et basis by the Bureau.


It is recommended that this memorandum and letter

be forwarded to the Domestic Intelligence Division for their informa-

za ~ ~ - I()..ilii:-L~q

1 - Mr. DeLoach
1 - Mr. Sullivan
/ 1rtt •m/ 1$-l/G 20~

1 - Mr. Bishop

HPL:jmb (5).'.
\) ''""' 0

'J \ ,,,.
lj·-1-- . . ·~
5·3sEP3 1~.
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6' ... .,c
• 111 · ·

- -- -,---------- ....----
Routing -<Slip----i,
F D-<i'1R e v, 4·28-67) I Date 7/16/69 . -' ·, 'i '

' To: t-7

Q Director FILE PG 157-1208
D SAC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Title

osupv. _ _ _ _______;q_,,h~u Lo !J.b?I

0 rc _________
.._ - ,I /
O cc--------- RE ·' - - - - - - -
• Steno _ _ _ _ _ _ __

D Clerk - - - -- - - - O Rotor #: - - - - - -- ---

0 Acknowledge D Open Case
D Auign - - Reassign _ _ D Prepare lead cards
0 Bring file D Prepare tickler
D Call me D Return assignment card
D Correct D Return file
D Deadline _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D Search and return
D Deadline passed D See me
E] Delinquent O Serial /I _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
D Discontinue D Past D Recharge D Return ,/, 9,/J/
D Expedite D Send to , l t/lJ>-'
D File D Submit new charge out ;," G7
0 For inforaotion D Submit report b y ) ; ~
D Handle D Type ". 1
D lnitiol&return ,-y ~
D Leads need attention V /.
D Retum with explanation or notation as to action token. S ,
Attached received by Pittsburgh
Furni:iled for information.

~,- ·-
._ See reverH si de
. ;.•.•
IP .?- ,.. / (}'(p 9Y/ -
~ ~ . : - - ~·
N.0'1r ~~c oR'Di:lP
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:;rq ~ -
55AUG4 \9J -.;
1 === ---


300 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, S.E. P. 0. Box 36132
WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20003

Dear Subscriber:

Now it's official ... DESTROY LIBERTY LOBBY!·

That's the command from Moscow. We've been attacked by Pravda.

Of course, the word had already gone out from the Communist Daily World in New York.
It had been obediently picked up by certai~ professional smear journalists.

We are thankful for these unprecedented attacks. They are simple proof that we are
doing our job • • • and the En~my is . hurting. They are recogni,zin,g t he power of our
2·30, IJOO T~;ubscri bers and 20,000 members. They know that as LIBERT"i LOBB\r grows, ·
their pl~ns to enslave America will be delayed • • • or DESTROYED!
' t•
Small wonder
, that we are hated b y- the Communists and the. liberal pr.e ss.
..--. .... .......
Cori~·i ·gJf'\ 1~w much greater our power will be wh'e n we h~ve half · a million
subsct'i-bers >;.•_ •• a million subscribers! More men can be sent to · capitol
HiiJ -':fo, ca-r-rsy :.the message of freedom and patriotism to our l:awm1;1,kers.
More 3iJ:1tb-= et s w-i·H flood their offices on every vital fssue . • _ • ~ your
voic·J\.1wt_i;'.1~:~fie· ~a-ghi:fied by the thou sands of others wh0 ,t ake a'ction a•t
the J~~f:h -~~i you,:·-~o·!,·h The po_ssibi1.ities defy the_,imaginat.i.~n.-,.. :
. lr~t fi•:.i1:f:.:=~7;~~-.\~·- 1t • ~:• :••• • •• - "
~ ,_ ' ,r • ;,, ' - '

Now is the, _tfrti•e}5to\~help bui1 a~- UBERTY LOBB'Y by sendin.g·· Gj_ft Subs,c d'pti.ons to your
Conservativeil."-,f::ti.enc:t:s·:.,and a·s.sociates. Open the, door fo~ • th~m< . •·,; : :·int_ro"4uce them
to the wo't1,ct~,qJ''<px,]:it,i:cao1· act-~oh by sendi;ng theJ!i,- Libet:~y--- Leher• f~r, a year.
'•:i~Ji~~f~;g~'::',::rt~"f : -:. . :· . · :. ,: __,,. • - : ._ ..-. ~-; ~½.-:, .,.. -;. · ·
Probably yoi:rl is:ncrw.i'.it·i:',~:fozen people•: who, SUP.Portep' 'Taft i~ J.9-22:>~
••• · · ~••· .,.. ;I.. ·'
:•.. ~,. :'(oted
JI• ,, " •~ ~. ..
for Gold- • . .

water in 196ft-:-:>/.:!-'~i'ii-'~~\6r:.. favored Wallace in J.968\ .. ~.- -~, •. -peop1e·:. who:,:11'fay never have
heard of q~,ti(-:r,Y[ ci9.~·~Y ,. .·p'ij, t· ;tjo . ~fo~_ld be t:hr-~:f~ecf ·~9 _knpw· tl~at· t:he:i;-~ is an eff ec-
ti ve movement in::·Wa.$.l'i:h'ngt"oh1· aeii'tcated · toVsupport ·of::t ,n ei t · 'Qdief;s: and · ideals.
~:;;tr)i}~t~·:\Zt!i~~.~i~~.. .:· .. - .r :I . ;: .r •

- - • ••.l •
Tell theiil thatt/c'iftti'~n ~n;:·'e r kction day is important,. but it can be f atal
to act oniy 'o'ii':i1e'i.~"qi!Io'n· ,<ia.'Y:f:.-'"h t is orrly-rt hf o'tigh~ conc.ert'e°d""'a c·tion, . aTi-
year long, t ha:~:ip~t-~-fo,t'_~::-~an \ nn .~back th~i~ ·-g~~errtrileiit;. .
::•=•· .'. I~~•-~ •~- ~· '\ • • .~ •'; •

Please don't set thi:1:1 a~~i:de~ Frease help LIBER'I'Y LOBBY: and your patriotic friends
by sending the nam~5-·i-'o:f/ at . ]:ea~ t-- five Conser.vati:ves, t<;> - r .eceive Liberty Letter for

a year. .,.- ~.--; • ~ I

..L•- ._

Curtis B. Dall, Chairman
P.$ • . I would like to send you a free copy of The How, our new staff -
tical action for Conservatives. The regular price is $2, but SJMfH~m.:-¾'1-a~DEXEO _ _
it with my compliments if you send in five subscriptions. ~~IZED _ _.flLEO _ __
JUL 151969
r.7ou; I~ftuence
Cb~n~>:. .: 1:_,; ·.~
. ..,~ljS~·- IT°i 0
• )

LIBERTY LOBBY 300 Independence Ave., S.E. Washington, D. C. 20003

To Make MY Influence Count

J:>lease send Gift Subscriptions to the friends listed below
Send Gift Cards to D me (or) to D recipients. O Do not send Gift Cards .

NAME _ _ _ __ NAME
.ADDRESS _ _ __ _ _ __ ADDRESS
' CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ STATE _ _ __ _ CITY _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ STATE _ _ _ __

ZIP CODE _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ZIP CODE

NAME _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ NAME
ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ADDRESS
CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ STATE _ _ _ __ CITY _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ STATE _ _ _ __

ZIP CODE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ -:

ADDRESS _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ ADDRESS
CITY _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ STATE _ _ _ __ CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ STATE _ __ _ _
ZIP CODE _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ZIP CODE

NAME _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ NAME
ADDRESS _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ ADDRESS
CITY _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ STATE _ _ _ __ CITY _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ STATE _ _ _ _ __
ZIP CODE _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ ZIP CODE

MY NAME . . .... .. .... . . ........ . . , . . : . . ......... . . .... . .... . . . . Enclosed is my check for $ ...... . , ... . , . . . to cover cost of
... . , . : . one-year subscriptions @ $2 each, and/or ....... .
ADDRESS . . ... ,., ... -.. ..... . .. ... .... . . .... . .... . .. . . ....... . . .
three-year subscriptions @ $3 each.
CITY ...... ... . ......... . ...... . STATE .. .. .. . .. . .. ZIP . ... . . . . (Use reverse side for additional names)
-c. \.

• -· /",
· Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, Director

,,t'r. Federai bureau of Investigation

Washington, D. C.
r. ·
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l::3'- \ -
\"-:1~:,_ •....1"·f
Dear Sir: . .;'.l
t ~
My associa_
ed hy
t e,
The'iilberty Lobby·
to deve·1o·p.::.·i=t··management informa_tion
I an,_d ~-- haye . p~en approach-
. . __..-- ~
" '

system, . and to automate and computeTise var,.i ous internal

L\. I
functions . fo~ · their org~nization.
We hav~ made a s~arch of various public source materials,

and fi~d their activities and philosophy to be of a some-


() -

L? ._ \tu
1,,/ \ fl
what 16ontroversial ~ature. · · Therefore, we wish to state ~hat
any contact by us or our emploiees will be of a nature or ·
contract work nnly.
\ (\
We would appreciat~ ihis letter being mad~ a mait~~ of

record • . '/ '

/ {._. , '7/
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September 17 ~ 1969

REC-69 '1 ~ - -1'.G '1 9 ¥'/--13~: ,.

-I ~~;~1 ·-r :'·
I b6

Although I would like to b~-of assis~ce in connection

with your letter of September 12th, the FBI ls strictly an investlga- .

tive agency of the Federal Government and, as sue~, neither makes ·

evaluations nor draws .conclusions as to the charac.ter or integrity of

· any organization, publication or indiytdual. Fo~ this re~son I cannot
comment as you desire concerning Liberty Lobby. I can tell you that
. .
it is not on the Attorney General's list ·of organizations cited as sub ...
versive. under the provisions of Executive Order 10450;/

MAI~ ill I Sincerely yours,

SEP.171969 J. Edgar Hoover
. PoMM-FBt
.· -· John Edgar Hoover
Director flP
NOTE: .Correspondent-is· µot iaentifiabie in Bufj.les. Liberty Lobby is
;~·:;ch - -. we 11 known to th~ Burea.1.i. . :.. . {}
LEE:sls (3) ~
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,vel _ _
~le. Room_,
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;~, S.E P.2 3~6~ o TELETYPE UNIT • ../ lj
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-.! ,•

·. .

·' ..

·~· .. ,
.. ...

I ~eptember 12, 1969.

• I

Mr.. J. .l!:ctgar Hoover .

Chief, Federal ];3ureau -of · rnvestigation ·..• •
. Washington, D.C.

pear Mr • . Hoover:

1 would . l il<e yoi,1r. _honei'st opinion on the organization,

. ·, . ..,
0 Liberty Lqb'by, :300 Independence ·Avenue, ~. ~., -Washington,
b6 .
. b7C
75".:C.. .. . . '
•• t• • •

Their literature ·1s some_thirig we should ·ti.ave· more of

yet from several sources we heard they are not
for America.,

Would_ you please ·.enlighten us.

, !,!; .,...,,, ___ , ... 'P.
,:. ....

:. .r..
· .$ '
' . •' •, ,:- . ··. i: ·· ·.. ,

~\\~1 . &; .2 --/ tJ ·€/.4· .vI-:/~ d-/ ..

_itc-~~ wsal.AJl~:;i
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SE/ i~ ;969 .. . . .
' JU

lo~\ " (~ \(}~ ~:

t,..\ °✓. ,,c?
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. ·1) ( .
11 rn / ) Lr<=--o
o,flONAI ;-OJIM U() . 10 . - so,o-,o• b6 •
..;:.:;~!:!~!:~":'o: b7 C Tolson _ _ _ __

•·, 21 ·
DeLoach • - - - -
Walters _ _ _ __
.. Mohr _ _ _ _ __
8j shop _ __

i; Memorandum 1 -s.Jh'..-C:;.::B».:=f).~ Caape, _ _ _

Collahon _ _ ,

s;rnv; v1>
1 - Mr. W. C. Sullivan Co orod
fell _ -_-_-_
Gale _ _ __
TO Mr. W. C. DATE : 10/20/ 69 Rosen _ _ _ __

Sulllvan _ _ __
1 Mr. r.· E. Bishop
Tave! _ _ _ __

Troller _ _ _ __
Tele. Ro om _ __
1 I - ,. . ,x· 1z ,, rll u 1 re~

This memorandum is s1.1bmitted to repo~i--,.-.::,1.::~.,...,..-"'"""".-------.

a telephone call received on 10/20/.69 regard:lng captioned
group which is an ultraright-wing .conservative organization
It has received considerable press publicity in the past an,
it -was criticized in a 1/13/67 newspaper colwnn, by the late
Drew Pearson for its lobby activities on Capitol Hill. We
are not inv.estigatin~l i bortv I ohbu ,/1 -
~~~ w
I ~-
unI +V
.v .......
Ite l~phone numbt::

cffi~ _ _ ... and spoke . to S,·
the Racial Intellig,,mce Section ~l
,:erv s:r: Istated that
L '

' I I r I r 111 II II I I I a I I X I
she read a,-:i. article pertaining to Li erty o by ·which. appears
in the November issue ' of "True" magazine. She stated the article),·
is entitle~ "How Na2i Nut Power Has Invaded C~p~. tol Hill.'.' She .
indicated that she agrees with the article 100 percent and that
I v-·
Liberty Lobby· is anti--Semitic and a.I1ti black. -Because of this, [
she wanted her former empJ.,oyiirent •W ith Liberty Lob0y tq he made '
·a •matter of record, particularly, because her, husba.":ld
' ' U. s. Air Force, has a Top s=-- · e-c-_r_e_t
_ _ _ __.
I~ cleara.rice a.nd she 'did I no·t~"'waht her emp];·o yrn~nt ,·wj_ th Li_b erty Lobby
to jeopardize her husba,'71.d's position in the Air Force. She
ind:lcated that her husband has ,~lready advlsed his superiors of
'his wife's former employment. ✓She stat ed that she was employed by
Libet:"ty Lobby, 300 -Indepanda.i"':1.ce Avenue, Southeast Washington, D. C.,
in a research capacity ~ ks during· 9 a.i--:id 10/69. She
indicated her da1.1ghter,,__=--~..,...,~- had been employed as a key
'p!1nch operator with Li .erty oo y and _she also left her employment
in 10/69 ·after having worked with Liberty Lobby for _ei_ght, months.
·'" I,___ _ _ _ _ _ _Iconcern
REC~ 38 ~ A. - /oG f'// ,,,... /-.3...:3
appeared to center on her concern
over her husband's career in the Air Force if her employment with
Libe.r ty Lobby became publicly kr1own. A.s indica~afi15"':re~ 't:!s·1ie?
62-106941 s OCT 84! 1S69
fJ. ~· ·,-?-~
-=== ~ ~
@J:.l ocr J · i96~
.... 1 -
• -•I.
.. . ..


M~mor~,duml Ito Mr. W. C. Sullivan


stated her
1-iusband had already advis:~d hi•s superiors ·about ·this
liberty Lobby employment ';)n.the part of his wife .

., Iwas advised her call would be ·a made a

_m atter·. oJ rerard Bn,i _les contain no identifiable references
rega;r,:-d.J. n ~

. . .,__ ______ _,

For i:qformati.on.


.. . ·


2' -

..-... :$ .,. ~

. ..
• •
.... ,,' ~
' I

,, ':.

October 2~, 1969-

.REC- ·81 ., ~. - lo;' t!/ft' I-\~(\


-. De~~ I
l. b6

In reply to y_our letter of October 17th, information

in FBI files is confidential pursuant to regulations of the Department

of Justice. I am sorry I cannot be of assistance to you.

Sincerely yours,
J. Edgar Hoover
,M~ILED. 2.2;

OCT 221969

·· NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. · The Liberty Lobby

is well known·to the Bureau. We have not investigated this
. organization
. . .. .

LMG:elh (3)
... <.'\k,
.\ 1))3\(

. ,. ·~\-
Tolson - - - - ~ • I
Deloach _ _ _ _•
Walters _ _ _ __
Mohr _ _ _ _ __
Bishop _ _ _ __

Casper _ _ _ __
Callahan _ _ __
Conrad _ _ _ __
Fe[! _ _ _ __

~ :.:: .. ~ (J
Gale _ _ _ _ __

Rosen -
Su l llvo~
\/P',; }' , ·.
Tro tle
Ho lmes
:rele. Roo
m ·---- \i'3.. 196i• '·
• .
. • . i •, .
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,, - ..

• 1


.. - . ., ,.
'd •

. 1.

·alt··~ . ,,,
• J
. . October 28, 1969 .
If'/)_---/~£,?.~/- l3~ .
. '

; ..

.Mr~;..samuer~elson- ~
315 Riverside Drive
-.-New 'York, 'New 'f.<irlf '~0025 ~.
_, -.s,.-.Q> • -,.~ ·~ - ~ ~-- .
• . .-·- . -- :-:..- ,. r _,:_,._... ~ "':.

-J,, "'1
Dear Mrs. Adelson: ,

Your letter of October 23rd, with enclosures, has . .; '

been received. The concern which prompted you to furnish this


material to me is appreciated.
/ ·
Sincerely yours,
1. Edgar Hoovet'
~ (0
ff John Edgar Hoover
00 ~ Director
~ ::£
i c.:,. C\l 0
NOTE: By letter receiveq on 10-16-69, · correspondent requested
information on the Pallottine Missions.· By ·outgoing dated 1():..26-69,

, ,. . she was advised that the Bureau does not make evaluations of organi-
zations. Her current letter and ·enclosures. concern the aerty Lobby,
which is well known to the Bureau. --- -

J :,\\
·., f
LEE:jls (3)


Tolson _ _ _ __
DeLoach - - - -
Wolters _ _ _ __
Mohr _ _ _ __

Bishop _ _ _ __

Cosper _ __
Callahan _ _
, Conrod _ __

r olt _
_ __

Sull1von-_- _-_- _- _-
Tavol _ __
Troller _ _ _
J• · ' ,",&;!
~~~ .,
T ele. Roo m ~ · ~ /fl ,
~nd~'j' - MAl~AOM Cl TELETYPE UN rr D
(8) ·u ~~UV 4 19o~

~@O~~O ~~~ 3Al303H 01 noA S31111N3

rfr1ry 000 oN A
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NVO noA MOH NHV31 01
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UI p,11111113 •1 puu AauOJ JQ p,unu • •11 JO llu1 puuw I""'' UJ , ~qwmu n "I

' J.YHJ. XdIJ.ll:il:J X83:ll:III I

r.m;; J!r"a7u'"Ut ':,!rd /o f""ofl iH3MOd 1'1:Jl1110d 01

(:0Q0cl ':) 'CT 'UOj5Uf~S\l,M ·:,·s •·a.-y Jauapuaclapn1 oor, .L~OdSS'1d
.xaao1 A.L~BHI1

LIBERTY L OBBY is, and aJways has

been, ded.l cated to the American tradition
of government by the people. This is why AND Pledge of Monthly Support. By pledging
LIBERTY LOBBY is governed by a Board your monthly support to LIBERTY
of Policy . . . 15,000' Americans . . . who OFFICIAL BALLOT - i.--wn .. - •• _ LOBBY, you are qualified to become a
.determine the positions which their Insti- - ~l,",L....r..1 .J~,., member. The only other requirement is to
tution takes before Congress. All members re- 1 I :¥L"&iir~,4'1:' :h-1 sign the Loyalty Oath on the enclosed ap•
T he many benefits of membership far ceive an attractive plication.
outweigh lhe small cost-as low as 3¢ per ;wallet-size member. ! l"' 711· - .£..,~
day-$1 per month, although many mem- ship card each year. ~-.- HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?
bers who have lea1·ned the great value of
membership, can all'ord trve, ten or twenty Your card identi- .· ":-.::T-... ~-==--: .1. The amount of your monthly support is
dollars per month. fies you as part of the great LIBERTY entirely up to you. Current members
A dozen or more Umes every year, an :LOBBY team and entitles you to the full pledges range from $1 each month to $50,
official spokesman foi· LIBERTY LOBBY benefits of membership. but regardless of the amount you select,
appears before committees of Congress You will receive your Official Ballot. As you will receive full membership.
and p1·esents carefully researched testi• a member you participate in shaping the You may send the full year in advance,
mony regarding vital current issues, Dut or if you wish, the office Will send you a
congressmen are realists. They are im- positions that LIBERTY LOBBY takes nn reminder and a stamped envelope each
pressed by numbers and always want to all of the issues of the day. month.
know how many voters are represented ' You may also suggest issues to be voted
by LIBERTY L OBBY. ·on by the entire Boa,rd. When you write FILL OUT AND MAIL THE ENCLOSED
. This is why you should be a participat- to Washington your letter will receive APPLICATION TODAY! BECOME A
ing member. For a sma ll investment you priority attention. At official functions, MEMBER OF AMERICA'S ONLY CON•
will receive dividends of ·material benefits. your card is your right of admissi'on. SERVATIVE POLITICAL ACTION
And the greatest benefit of all will be GROUP! YOUR INFLUENCE DOES
better government in Washington, and the Membership on thEl Board of Policy is
knowledge that your Individual efforts are the highest level of participation in LIB- COUNT , .. USE IT TO THE FULLEST
helping to do the job which must be done. ERTY LOBBY. . ADVANTAGE!
,, I

,\"~ ·~ @
.:,: . :· AUTOMATIC . , . ·.~
1.'., ,-Y-;>; ·.~ .. - -\,.... ff .· ;_~

2 ' (;~~~~t::HL; C.~N:ID.;N~:IAL

·\~ • ::~-- ,,, ~'?'; '
' '~, .:i:IBERTY LOWDOWN~ ,·.:, -~·· ,.l ::

'-\,: ·'SUBSC"RIPTION TO-.'• ·~- :1

\' I :,
..... .,
.,. -_:} - . :\p B.•ERT,Y· ~ETJER, ·;'- -?
,. .·,t· .
' ~~ ~ .....

"- --======71
.... ~.:-, -~-
-=:.:-:__~_-· .....
.,:. ,
'LIBE.FHY ~'LOB,BY's'.° confi- ,,,
;. .
\I nuU, Ltutt! u-no
unu ,n111W., L~nun1111
... =-;1- .::.
- -
No need to ever again
, bothe'r with trout:i·lesome re~ "':::::"£{:::==.---:::...i-:
•\ __ ;-:_:::..-:..:::-:=- ·==;:.--:- i ~-. • u·
dent,al_., ms,pers,., repprt ~.111
• " ·

;. nevta I QOtic.~s. J;,s .,~ f!;) I
member . of the LIBERTY
~-' LOBBY ·tearri' you'f' sCJo'scrip- -~
---:-,~..... •- ~i,;:::-;-.::""....:('..E;:":':".......:;.,::..E:,..
s ;;:,:,.::.s~·--=0=--:::::'_":_
. .=. ~1r:--=---:----:1::-~=--=

,_•· ·~·

~•:,; There
be mailed to you by first

class ' man · each ·month. ''•!


.... ~ .

,"· -'· .~

.. '
subscription .,,
•_ , • . ~

·------· -!•=
· - ~ : i : . . . . , .. -;::...... . .., ~ , · -. .. -;v . ...
•I ·-;::._..:;-~.-:=,:.~- :::::::.~:.~:--=-=:-.:.:::-...-=··-.. price to this valuable report,
/ tree ~p.d if aut9ma~i_-

~I ~~~.~~ I
" I .cally renewed at the end of O• ",I ~ ~ ~::.-.=a •. ::'-·~-;. ·\· an~d it~is avai1~'&1e 'only'.: to :..,~
-:~7=:-t;---:::::.:;:;:#-::::,,,_-;:'.;.:.::: • . .
each year. .:,.• ~~"• .:r. ~~~ ,._, . ·\ ::;,.··; ;;;; ;;,;.J.-..=-t:r-=.=Jii:.::.::-- :,\ Pl.edging M~mb~,rs. .;., ~ -.\ "" ,,,
, .. , .. , •
• ..
.. :.i:-::...--.:..:.::::'.~~Jf:a.::.t,.
•-jl:I :::.;;-,-:::=-~:.::i,:,_ v..• .'!l "~ • ""· c• . .,. . . _ •t

1\ ;;~~f-=.;l~~~ .
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-~... ;
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"' f
J, ,

,. ©
~ \ - ~

:@ (\
. - . :'

·._:. ,1] 7
No need to worry at>out uearrY You receive a copy · of the
, I

~1:.: . missing ' sorilething ·impor- TESTlMONY 'actual testimony presented, by ,·

1,:.''. tant. Ev.ery ,publicatio. n, r.e- ·r\ r asst:Jff'I D , • ,oa1 cor;<:1f.9
your lobbyist before congres-
--{ " siona I cornmltteef A 'va luable '.
=;1 port, pamphlet, book, etc.,
.•·. ' that LI BERTY LOBBY pu~-
,....,.., 1-•"'11..... ,1 service Jn it~elf,,.) t W,ill ~ive
you the benefit . of LI BERTY ,
.,· } lishes is, sent to .you free as

soo·n as they are printed.
,\• ;1 ~• :r ~ 0

,::;- ,:,
~--~ . ......
ol\lol_.. . . . . . . .,~,
,LOBBY's'-~ car!,!fuk research; in I
presenting the Conservative
l:~~~ ·.•·argu:ments on· vita:I issues. <· I
? s-. r•' ..
"7.' ":, ~- .? -=.. ' • 1~" ";, 11 !) •.~ '., .- .....,. .,, ...

mm .~ ffiill@IlITtxmIT~ f f l 0 0 , ) ~ ~ ' i 7 ~ ~-
~ ~ @l? 'ii'C{H ~ ffii'l®'@S.
.LIBERTY LOBBY 300 Independence Ave., S.E. Washington, D. C. 20003

Dear Colonel Dall:

I want to help LIBERTY LOBBY at this time to the best of my ability. I enclose:
$_ _ (at least $10) for my membership on the Board of Policy for the balance
of the first session of the 91st Congress. I understand that this will
entitle me to a 1969 membership
E24664 ADE 0270 ~24
card, a free subscription to Lib-
MRS SAHUEL C ADELSON erty Letter , receipt of Li ber~
315 RIVERSIDE DR Lowdown by first class mail month-
NEW YORK NY 10025 ly, a free copy of The How, Liber-
ty Ledger , and the Congressiori"af""
Handbook . I am an American citi -
zen , 18 years or more of age, and
hereby sign the Loyalty Oath with
no reservations:
~ If wrong, please correct. 1. •I certify that I do not advocate nor do I belong to any group
which advocates the violent overthrow of the government of the
United States.
2. I believe in the Constitution .
(Piease make checks 3. I place my allegiance to the Republic of the United States of
payable to America above that which I give to any other temporal power.
LIBERTY LOBBY.) party or faction .
Signed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __

$_ _ I do not wish to join the Board now, NOTE: If your contribution is

but enclos~ this contribution. $100 or more and you would like a
rare bound volume of the first 100
issues of Liberty Letter, please
check this box. •
- - scription
$ I do not wish to join the Board at this time, but please extend my sub-
for three years, for which I enclose $4.
"' .~"' . \ ...

• • 'i.· '(./'
o )J·
., . . I

~ / ~;
r '

November 19, 1969

'rite. Gt · . . . .- /_ 11.
·. t;2.-1cl.q'{J-J3'-F

16 b7C


Your letter of November 14th has been received, and

I would like to thank you for your kind comments and sentiments
concerning my administration of the Fm.
With regard to your inquiry, this Bureau ls strictly
an investigative agency of the Federal Government and, as such,
neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to the charac-
ter or integrity of any organization, publication or individual.
Therefore, I cannot comment as you desire.

Sincerely yours,

N0Vl91969 J. Edgar Hoover


NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. The Liberty

Lobby and "True". magazine are well known to tb.e Bureau. We have

~~ not investigated either of the foregoing.

Tolson _ _ _ __
DeLoach _ _ __
Walters _ _ _ __
• • ·. , 'T" } , •'
1: t: t ~.
,rt~ If"
Mohr _ _ _ _ __ ,... ·1
•. I
,., · , - ·~
... -:.,•
Bi shop _ _ _ __
Casper _ _ __ ·' '·
Callahan _ __
Cale _----,,,,___ _
~~·1{, · '
' t1- ·/
..., (' r
win Id
____ /
r-·~ ·l
' ~- ....
. .

. .•
"-- . r,. ·• . · ~
nOV • ll~ •~•,... 69.

J. Edgar Ho.o ver

F.B.I. ~eadquarters
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. Hoover,
·I recieve materi~ from and help support
an organization called"""'tiberty Lobbx •.
Perhaps ,you have knowlegge of this place at
300 Independence Ave. S.E. Wash. D.C • .
I·have sent gift su~scriptions to friends
and helped as I' could in their c&ntribuation
.drives. · ·
. Last week a friend brought_. me a copy of
the Nov. iss~e 6f·Tr~e magazine. In it a long
article by Joseph Trento and Joseph Spear;;
It has left me at odds-~who. is telling it like
it is? Tru~ -magazine of Liberty? . .
. I do not wish to support. any Nazi type
_ 9.fi_gani~a~iR~ put I a_l_~o __ d<? n9_~ be _ ; ie!e ~.very- .
.·tni iig·hI~e-ar •·or'reaa'"'-;-·-··:-11ie-,:nJei"al~-i""'e"f" t-~,. -: -.
l~ft is v~ry clever ~t putting !ables 06
. people and organizations hampertithe spread
of thir anti American npink cancer" germs
You above all peopl~ could set me
straight •. I would apprecia~e any advice you
could give ~e in this matter, · so I .could
support . whats good for this country--not b6
What seems good and may be bad·. b7C
. I think you've always done a great
job. May · you be blessed with good health
and more sincere p_eople_ to help you in
your tough job •
V ,...,__. ::._ .._~--•-----•--- "I-·• .. J J
(:\ ,..
• ~· , •

• •

Y?4 -\

4109 ·
December 8, 19 69

REc. . • -~ J..- lo 1:, 9ttl~ 1~1 .

.ne·a r

I have received your letter of December 1st, with

enclosed article from "True'' m'agazine, and appreciate your sending

.this to me. Your generous remarks regarding my direction of .t his (

Bureau are indeed gratifying, and it is hoped our endeavors will con- b6
. '· ' ,,.,
r MAILED ~~RUe 'P merit your approval.
DEC 8-- 1969 Sincerely yours,
~ Edgar Hoover

NOTE: Bufiles contain no record of correspondent. The enclosed article

appeared in the November issue of "True" magazine and concerns the
Liberty Lobby, which is well known to the Bureau. We have not investi-
n gated that organization. Our files contain numerous references to Willis A.
r_!c(I Catto and he was t_he subject of a Racial Matter investigation by the FBI in
1958-59. ;Buftie·s ·contain no identifiable information.:con~eniimg Joseph
Spek ;.e ol u-ie jthor s of article. Our fi..flaS ·diSclOiili' ip November. 196~,

t:~;;~h - - wo:~w>e
one who identified himself as Washington
Feature~•. Inc.,";; telephoned ~ arid-'.ciet;~r.E!d some iiiliormat!on
~~:;0 p ___ regarding Aristotle Onassis . . When told our f~iles
were confidential he became
g:~ insistent and we had to terminat~rall. ~- I
1~~'0 "


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I MR. TOLSON------
I D0-6 '

Dec I, l969
MR, CONRA • - - - - -
MR. FELT -------
: Dear ·Mr. Hoover, MR. GALE -------
1 MR. ROSEN----
'r This article was in the Novembe:t.R. SULLIVAN - -
; issue of True Magazine. MR. TAVEL - - -
MR. SOYARS _____
) I feel, that you are our most MR. JONES------
TELE. ROOM----- b6
dedicated American, and will do MISS HOLMES----- b7C
, jsomething about this person. MRS. METCALF - - -
Have followed your career
most of my life, and just your name, stands
high in our country in respect, and admiration.


~A I~ -6 G
COPY:hcv ~ ~S: ,g-. 1
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Mr. '!1_,Va W, __ _
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M1;f)Zc~ ~-
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I Mr. Callahan ,_:{,

Mr. Conrad __ _
Mr. F elt~
Mr. Gnle__~
Mr. Rosen ..!-:.._
Mr. Sull ivo. ,_,i
Mr. TaveL_
frt ~~./~
Mr. S,1.v11rs _._
Tele. n o('rn_ ,
Miss Ifolmes __·;·

~ - ~'~ - ~ -~ /~~ Mins Gandy ___ _

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·ll ib DEC .,..8" 1969

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coa{a/i;t°mre. ·
-~r---:•. .
--ri -RUE

George Lincoln .Rock we I I had

,. only ahandful 'of crackpots
in his neo-Nazi party.· But a far
more powerful group of
Hitler disciples, _masking itself as
a respectable conservative
movement, has won over a number
of U.S. congressmen with
propaganda and campaign funds.
On th~ following pag·es TRUE
. expose~ the Nazi or_ientation of _.

How ·
those behind this w_ell fi17anced
force called the Liberty Lobby.

• • I\
lll'r l'tft\'lilt

... .
• .•:


•. . ..,
J '. I · ' • r."'
llnndretls of tho11 .rnnds of marching of misfits and mental defeciives se'r-,'
/eel clomp behind waving bgnners dom · numbered more• than 20. Th'e
down Washingion's Pennsylvania
. . . '
total membership of• C_arto's .. various

Avenue. As each detachment passes organizations has been estim.a ted as

the White House, heads jerk toward high as 250,000,.and includes prosper-
the reviewing stand and arms raise in ous. business and professional men:
a stiff .~alute. "Heil C(J,rto!" tire voices Most of them believe they're sup-
shout. A thin smile crosses the dark, porting,- conservative or right-wing
h~n<lsome face of Willis A. Ca.rto,' causes. But the real insiders in Carto's
and he, too, mises his right arm. "Seig apparatus belong to an explicitly Nazi
Ii eil," he bark~ back. group- called the Francis Park er
Carlo's smile is one of .sa/.isfaction. Yockey Mo\'einent. Named· after an
This is /,he moment for which he ·has American· follower .of Hitlcfr-whq com-
' ~~11ed; plotted and bla~kmailed. On mitted suicide in 1960, the Movement
the staff near him flutters a red flag, amounts to an underground which
, awl emblazoned on r.he white circle controls the other fronts and whose
in its center is the black ,5wastika of members flaunt swastikas, sing Nazi
Hitler's Germany. The marchers are songs and quote Nazi slogans. Carto's -
America's neo-Nazis, and Carlo is the private records, filched from his files
· neo-f iihrer. · by a research~1', list eight senators and·
representatives as members of this _
his visio1-1 of ·11 fascist luture nm y neo-Nazi cult. .

"Hitler's defeat
T seem idle, but Willis Curto, now--in
his mid 40's, is workin g every day
to make it come true. Ancl more fi}ght-
Carfo's power, to a: great . degree;
·s·tems from his generosity to th~ inen
on Capitol Hill. Last · year he clis-
e·ning than the remote possibility . tributed $90,000 to congressional_can-
was .the defeat ·of Cai·to will reali~e his dream is the cur- didates. He also furnished research
rent power of the apparatus he has an_cl speeches for a dozen members of
Europe, and America," buil~·J!>' l_fring -himself aml his ideas Congress, in_cludin~ al~o·st• _all of the)
wrote Wi ll_i s- Ca. rto, ·· ii{t~ po;;,~r. · South· Carolrna_ delegat1o_n.. _ I}/
His political machinery is c~ntered Rep. James Utt (R-Cahf.) serves ,,011 '/
founder and head aro_und Liberty Lobby, the big-spend- the executive' board of Ca1to's·Li~d1ty
ing, right-wing political action organi-. Lobby and admiringly describes Gal'to
of Lib_erty Lobby zation he founded . He recently gain•ed as "one of die movers of Amedp a."

control of the former Youth for Wal- Carlo's plot to seize power is ._ex-
lace organization, which campaigned quisitely detailed: H~ has set up his
in 1968 for. George Wall~ce and sur- machinery -in a· classic manner, ,vith
vfres toda)' as the National Youth his organs of propaganda; a nation- ,
Alliance. American Mercury maga- wide political . s_tructure, fat qats• to
·zi1ie, -~o fountle<l by· the late H. L:· -· feed the treasury and political insiders
Mencken, is now a Carlo propaganda to serve his interests.· His quest comes
organ. Through the Noontide Press in complete · with· easily identi~ecl en-
Sa_usalito, California, Carto publishes emies. The problems of- our civiliza -
books which ·mock th"e Jews and extol tion, he tells his intimates, are the
Aryan culture, He vuts out two widely fault of Je ws ~nd Negroes,
circulated 11ewslelters, the Washing ion Carto is· counting upon corn1erva-
0/1server and Liberty lowdown. And tives, in their frustration wilh current
he has set up more than a qozen fron_ts, national problems, t~ turn to his ex--
ii1duding the First Bible Baptist treme solution_s. He is impatient with
Church of Rockville, Maryland, in the the "dainty combatants" who 'shy
Wa.shington suburbs. His political and a1vay from the extremist label. "Those
propag~nda operations; which he con- who are to save the-West," Carlo has
trols through their purse strings, spend written, "must reali~e at the outset that
over a million dollars a year. only part of it can be saved; that much
The late George Lincoln Rockwell, must be sacrificed and that the. result-
foull(]er of the American Nazi Party, •
ing structure will be different from the I

was 11 mere charlat:rn whose c?llection past. , : . And although our_job is to ;


-ri!l/uilil, 1~'1:l ~ust not lose sight o! ·the
. ..,.\ -
Yocke,y·found a cause. He-was always ............

~-e,ility; for we ~annot rebuild w1til we: finding, however, · that· the : world
hl\Ve caplitred. Political power is the couldn't keep in step ·with him. •''}le
e~seriti~l criterion, n~t-wishes ~i- wind- always ·had difficulty adjusting, most
bags, and to· the goal of political power of all to advers~ conditions." his wife
all else must be .temporarily sacri- recalled. "He h~<l ·a tel}den~y to make
ficed." things seem much- worse thari they

_.c · really ,were. It woulg make him feel

arto· has taken his philosop~y !s as if he h_ad .to run a,\'.ay·from t~ings."
· well as the· oame .of his under- At the wal"s encl, he-l;mded an ap-
. _ground from Francis Parker p9intment as a minor assistant for the
Yockey, a small; · hrillian·t but bitter legal teams preparing the prosecution
man who, in death, has becom~ the for the war crimes t.rials at Nurem, ·
· pi;itron• sain:t of Am~rica's neo-1,'la~is berg. fie spent 11 months· putting to-
arid'wh?:se book i~perium is to them gether legal briefs an_d background ,
, what Mein K~unpf was·i:o Ger_mnny's reports for the.Judge Advocate Gen-
·Na~is. Sjnce Ci.;rto was strongly influ- eral's .office,. hut ,his .papers. i·e.Jle~t~d·
. ~need by;.. Yoike)•~he.
' .
even wrote an his pro-Nazi
. . . ,.. .. - -· sympathies.
. ' \' Following
• I

"int1·9duciion to lmperium-Y.ockey.'s •_an·· aiigry ·confrontation '\vith his ·s!J: .

sti·.ao·ge·.ca.r eer .is· worth examinin'g. : · . :periors, Yockey' qujt.
· /Born in Chicago on September 18, · H~ began <lrifti~g . aimlessly. He
1917, Yockey's intel\ectual.11bility was seethed over what he· call~d the '.'hu-·
reco~nfaed . when he was · in high milities" an~ "inj'usttces"' bJiµg cast.
~cho9l, and he had no difficulty' in be- upon the survivors ·of the Germ a Ii
irfg accepted .in a _gr~at many colleges~ w·a r machine: He fo!-Jnd few listen~rs The problems
' .
.He began at· the University of Mi chi - back . jn . America, so he returned to
gan, .moved to Georgetown U~iv'ersi- Europe to associate with va~io~s radi- of. our ~ivilization,
ty's Schoo.I of Foreign Service for his cal political groups. In late ·. 1947
undergraq_µate degree, the11 on to the Yockey retreated to Brittas Bay, Ire- Carto tells ,~is
Univer~ity -of Arizona and the law land, where in six· ~onths' time under
schools o~ North,vestern, De Paul and the gray winter skies, he turned out
intirn_ate~, are·
.,~ot1:t;._Dame, 1vhere he graduated cum his treatise· lmperiiim using th_e pen the fa'_J_lt of Jews:
l1iude ip-1941. :. name Ulick Varange. After IDl.!Ch
• · T'he Army ;~as waiting for him difficulty, Yockey got lmperium pub- cmd Negroes
.. when he picked up his diploma. Less lished in, two volumes in Londop.
than two years l?ter- ;t a time when Presented· as a "dynamic philo~~-
. o.t.her men his age were p;epadng :for phy of Cu~tural Vitalism," lmperiwn
th_e assa_ult on Hitler's Europe-'-he r1:- outlined Ypckey's ptan for ,the re~ur-
ceh·ed' 'an honorable discharge on rec'tion -of Nazism. He dedicated it to
medicargrounds. It carried .the nota- "the' hero of the Seconcl"World War" .
tion :· -';'Dementia praec~x,, paranoid -refening, as b~comes obvio·us ,wher.1
." typ~.':. · · · ·· · -- the b~ok is reati,' to Adolf Hitler.' Like
, After being freed · from the Anny, his "hero/; Yockey believed in Aryan
}.'ockey met and wed Alice McFarland. siipr~macy, autocratic · government,
He fatlie~·ed t1vo da.~g"hters before tlic fordble suppiession of.qpposition and .
marriage ended in divorce. His wife severe· regi1nentation. The·· w01·ld's
latei· recalied the first years of their woes, he felt, were ·due .to the ''.interna-
. life together. "Dtirfog _·World ~ ar II," tional communist conspirac/' which
.she said, "he was opposed . to the wa_s foster~d and led by .the '·'cultural .
United ·states· fighting Germany: He pistorters;" his euphemism·· for Jews .
felt that communism ,iras · the- big . As Yockey saw it, tJ1e :· demise bf
danger .and that the war should have d~moci-acy, · the uni~c~lion of Europe
b~eri · witl1··n.ussia," ·- '· ' • · ·and the · desti'uction of.ih:e •:bai·ba·ri-
Some,~her~ in his travels, Yockey ans" .. _(Rii°ssiaris) ·could.'be acco1n- ·
tad 're·ad the ~,;?rks of Oswald Spen- plished only by "the complet~· ~lea11s_-
gl,er,.~lte_. G~~!11an philosopher who hacl ing _of the..Western soul hbm every ·
inspi1·e~! . 'A°8olf · Hitler. Like · Hitler, form .of rnatei-iali~m, from rational-

. ....
•' f
· "- . .,,.

IVEMBER 1969 37
ism, equality, social ~h:os, cofu~u.n, \ FBI agents arrested Y ~-~k~y a~1d
ism, liberalism, leftism, of every requested bail of $50,000, which is 10
variety of money worship, democracy, times the amount for · a normal pass,
finance-capitalism , the domin'ation of port fraud. Commented one· investiga-
trade, nationalism, parliamentarism, tor: "Yockey is as important figure a
feminism, race sterility, weak ideals of ill world fascism .as we now know."
'happiness' and the like." Yockey's own attorney, Carl Hoppe,
"The soil of Europe, " Yockey con- questioned his client's sanity, "I have
eluded in the language of Armaged- talked with Mr. Yockey," he said al
don, "rendered sacred by the streams the arraignment, "and .he.doesn't he-
of blood which have made it spiritu- have in a normal fashion. I don 't he-
ally fertile for a millennium, will once , lieve he has all his senses."
again streani with blood until the "It's . a dirty trick!" Yockey
barbarians and distorters have been screamed, and he spat on the floor.
driven out." · Composing himself, he added: "I must
Yockey's movements from 1949 object to .this. It com'es as a complete
until 1960 are difficult to trace. Having· surprise to me. I will have to dismiss
been denied a renewal of his pa~sport · my attorney."
by the State Department 'and knowing
he was under FBI scrutiny, he went eanwhile, Alexander Scharf
underground. For the next 11 years,
he traveled throughout Europe and, . M in whose apartment y Oykey
-ivas arrested, niysteriousl)'
armed with fake passports, made .fre- disappeared and then was located~ H
Robert Wekh quent trips hack to 1the United States . said that Yockey had told him: "You'll
of the John Birch He worked incessantly with fascist be taken care ·of . and, ·will meet tl1e
figures, ; uch as Frederick Charles F. right people. I'm the top fascist in this
Society fired C~rto Weiss of the National Renaissance world. The~e is nobody bigger than
Party; H. Keith Thompson , a radical me. "
when he found
out about
. who flitted from left to right; th~ no- For the, next 10 d~ys, Y ockey's size
torious Gerald L. K. Smith of the dimini~hed appreciilgly. He dismissed
Christian Nationalist Party-all based reporters, calling them "filthy swine."
.his anti-Semitic in the U.S.-plus . German rightist A jailbreak scheme ·w~ thwar~ed. lif
Rudolph Aschenauer of Frankfurt'. tried and faile.d to ge~ a myst_e rio (1s
activities Yockey had no steady income a11d message to Cuba. Twice he threatened
depended on irregular checks from . to ·commit ~uicide. Finally he ·carried
fascist leaders. His correspondence in out his threat.
this dark pe~iod, particularly to Weiss, On Thursday night, June 16, 1960,
was laced with req~ests for. money. Yockey yawned elaborately , then told
Although supposedly a philosopher on his cellmate, "I'll sleep_ through till
a high intellectual plane, he had few morning." He climbed into bed wear-
scruples whe_n it came to -subsistence. - ing underwear and black ss·-type
For several years; according to in- boots. · .-
vestigators ' reports, he lived off the Morning never came for Francis
earnings of a prostitute, Virginia P~rker Yockey. · He was found dead,
Allen, whom he called _his "wife." his hands . folded neatly across his
Yockey made his last frip to the chest, his blanket pulled up to his chin.
United States in June, 1960. When he His ID!)µth bore the telltale signs of
arriyed in Oakla~d, California, he . cyanide poisoning; his lips were
f~und some of his baggage was miss- burned° and lightly frothed . . Even in
ing. He' notified the airline, which death, h~ had emulated his Nazi
located Yockey's suitcase in Fort heroes, Hermann Goering ;ind Hein-
Worth, .Texas. An aidjne employee rich Him,nler, who had both cheated
opened it to· identify the owner and the gallows by swallowing cyanide.
discovered three passports-all ~ith Yockey le_ft behin,d a puzzling note:
different names, all bearing Yockey's "I shall write no message, which I
photograph. know will never be rlelive;·ed- only


. ... ._:,,rt' _.

~ ~ ~t

:,.~ this. which will be: You will never

'discover who helped me, for 'he is to
be fo~nd i11 }'Our own multitudinous
wing lobbying organization in the
United State~ .
Carto's Liberty Lobby has served

•"· 1t!J
-~ti -: ....j f
: --rA~
ranks, at least outwardly." as a clearinghouse and rallying
Willis A. Carto, at that time an point for conservatives since it was '
obscure right-wing fanatic, was the organized in 1957. It has attracted
last per'so~ except for attorneys to visit big names-such as novelist. Taylor
Yockey in his cell. Carlo w~s to be- Caldwell who w·as a member of the
come the next link in the neo-Nazi board of policy in 1965_:and hun-
chain of hate. dreds of thousands of dollars each
Carlo· was then executive director year. The vast majority undoubtedly
of "Liberty ' and Property," an ex- believe their dollars are supporting
. tre~ist organization which billed it- legitimate conservative causes. But
self as favoring "Constitution," "Free- Liberty Lobby is, in actuality, a front
dom" and "Nationalism." Liberty and for Willis Carto's neo-Nazi activities.
Property publiJhed a monthly· news- It provides him with the po!itical
letter called Right. Two months after power he seeks to undermine the
Y ocky's death, Carto used this publi- .American system. . -

cation to eulogize t~e dead Nazi: Willis Carlo planned it that . way.
"Frustrated and driven to despair, Had it not been for a conscientious
houn~ed and persecuted like a wild conseTVative named Jeremy Horne,
beast, deserted and ignored by the . Carto mi:;hl s till be regarded aj just
easy-living cowards for whom he had another right-wing extremist. ~Horne
fought . so. hard----:--a great creative joined Liberty Lobby as a r ~ arch
Carto has been
genius committ~d suicide in the San director in April, 1966. vW ithin trying "to take over
Francisco County Jail. on Thursday months, he worked his way up to
night, June 16." . corresponding secretary and circula- the conservative
The · article went on to discuss tion manager ,for its numerous pub-
Yockey's contribution to society: "lm- lications. He heard r11mors around
element of Congress
perium is a bo-ok which will live a Liberty Lobby headquarters that via blackmail,"
thousand years. It is a deeply spiritual Carto \~asn't the legitimate conserva-
\ study of the organic culture, vie wed tive he tried to appear. according to a
l from the s taiiclpoint of the necessit)'
of Western s'i.1i·vival. ... His death has former editor at Liberty Lobby, former worker·
made Yockey a martyr to the ideas for
which he sacrificed his entire life, ...
They will live on, rooted and nour-
A Ken Lynn, told Horne that .
Carto had proven to be too far
right of right, that he had been an ac-
ished now in an ever-increasing num- tive worker for the John Birch Society
ber of minds until the outcome of the until director Robert Welch "found
finai battle of the Western·world either o;t about Carte's anti-Semiti~ activi-
assures ·them ~f everlasting triumph ties and personally fired him." Still
or ~bliteration .... Let this noble iife Horne stayed on, doubting but not
'be an example to inspire our nobility certain of his doubts.
and -his . tragic death be a rebuke to Then one day he was clea ning out
our own cowardice and guilt. And let a storeroom and found a box of letters
his watching spirit witness our per- and other papers. "It was marked
petual and .increased hostility towards 'Civil Rights--Personal,? so I opened
the 'inner enemy'. which, by killing the box and began to look at the let-
Yockey, gives birth to ~ brighter fire
of self-sacrifice
. for ourselves."
The man who was' driven to sµch
ters," Horne later said. It was the
introduction to a nightmare. ''I saw a
letter addressed to Norris Holt. I
despair over the death of an interna• glanced it over and saw the reference
tionally known Nazi, who . promised to Hitler's defeat as being the ·defeat
that Yockey's dreams would be of Europe and America, as well _as a
realized, is today the tl'easurer and crude reference to Jews. All of this
"owner" of the mo~t powerful right- seemed to · [Cor,tinued on. page 121]

l ....


NO>V··••lit1rZr NUT POWER •·
Sqitfi111ir,1/ ,f,.om P11lJ11 391 . · · ;-_ •
:ijf ·.
,fit in l() plncc wiLli- whavJ hacl already
lt11ow11 ilncl J read the other leuers:•
··~,Ho1•11e had chanced upon Carto's sc-
,rcL file of correspondcucc with other
Tallicals of the same racist pcrs1iasion. Dis·-
l l'~• ughl by his disco\'ery, Horne's i'mme-
i liau.: lhought wa~ to in[onn the Liberty
,ohl1 y sutff. llu t he was not st1 re they
.ivo uld he S}11npathelic. H e considcre1l
11otif yi 11g 'v\lilli;un Buckley or some othrr
rcs j)o11si11Je conservatil'c. finally ilcciding
'llic m:,ttcr was 1.00 ~e rious t o pefmil tic- ·1
)ay . li e wrote a long lc~t er , da.tcd Aug ust
2,1. I %G, ro .Ftn D,reClOI' f. Edgar I
Jl oo,•cr .. He l11tcr he ld a d1n:e-hour co n-
krcncc wi t h .fBl. u~cut C. E. Clas~.
: .' ';\ftc1· this," Horne .:.aid . "·I' cho11gh1.
some more about the possibility of the
su bscl'ibor~ be ing clerrnu<led. I knew that
ihe rc was one colmnnis L in iowa who
i,•0 11lcl 11ot 1r1in(,l exposl11g this 011tfit.'' He • _
,gQ.t.i11 ronch \\)ith thi; late. Dre\-'' P~ar~n!l·. 'I· .3 . .,.,,·
·. ·'
anll, h is par_tncr J:i ck Anderson : ,he ,Ill· ',:.~_:.
1h()I'$- o ( du s- article work!!tl w1Lh ti 1ese
c:ql11m11ists on their subseque nt expose
of, Carto. Pearson and Anderson pub-
lisliecl excerpts from Carto's le tters, show-
i,;~ his pro-Nazi sympathies.
{f.t,crc \\';,~. for example,>: ,a mimeo-
·gi:a ph ctl sutremcm .by Willis Cano: "T)se (1
is1r:111gcs1 of all strange thibgs .rnct the
.i mo'i.1 1111frtir of all unfair rhlngs brcrnghr.
' 011•hy, J ewish control of American poli-
•'1ics concerns the alleged recipient of
lrnckets and buckets of hypocritical
,.1 c,,·isli concern. - :incl sympathy- die
/\•mcric:111 Negro! '
"Jewi sh control over so•ca llecl ' N egro'
•t>r~mil':nriom like Lhc NAACP a ncl d1c
:1J/hJ11 ·Le ag!,e is' so complete :wd has
·hco u id e ntified so. closely yec £ra11dulemly African Universal Church in New Jersey, so n-A nclel'son ex pose., the ,1eo,Na1.i. credo
!,i, 1ht pi1hlic mind widi the lcg itim/\t.e a leader in the Black. Muslim movement_.
and Norris Holt, an extreme right wing 0
ll nd 11ctiviLies t.hat Cano hacl ·kepl so c;1re-
£ully hitltlen were- blown wid e opt; n. His
alm~ ;111cl nsp ira'tions o_f the 1\mcrica n
l NC~l'O rl,at onl)' ·a few whi te. t\mcric:111s leader in Sausalito, California. mysleriowi habit~ and strange bc h nv ior,
no Liced by l.'.ibe ny Lobby em ployees iJ,
,rca li1,e t he truth abom the fantastic
1rickc:ry whi_ch hrouglu chis libo11r. 1 H a letter to Holt. C:arto wrote: Ll1e past, now suddenly made sense. The
. " Only a few Neg1·o es are gen11i11ely in , ·· Please don't do anything to publicize pieces fell toget her and the pidure [)c-
"i,ccorrl with the 1rouhlcm:1king policies he JCR [Joint Cound l for Repatriation came abundantly clear: 'io\'illis Cano -was
or these two race-mixing organizations. lt ( NcgroC'> 13aek LO i\frica] yet. l·.wanL to a dedicated Naii. His strategy from the
is :, s11d , yet s-igtlilicapt ra ce tlmt hoth of ec p il as .quiet as possi~le umil: \.~e gel l' ,bc:g}1!ning had been to l>~d_lthtp a _s.trong
tftcsc fr;111du le nt ou tfits pt(?spcr by usi ng -·!
goQcl, stro 11g. gro4p• be.htnd .us .• Lo .come _ pofo,ca l hnse by exploll)t]g.J!!gtt1c111atc
the brain~ of Jcw.s, t l\e 1n\,r1ey of Jc,,•s ;111<1 out -prematul'ely might meau i. mtnediate • co nservatives, .and to remain behind the
ch11wd ,,.11'11i(e Clirisd:ins· a nd "the 'front '
of raceless muhltto figureheads. nu t
•hanlly a Negro in the·lot!"
ismears a nd (lq_tmdio11 by the (.'s. H there • scenes until he. had the opportunity to •
are ~ome 'sLrong men hehincl us, t11ey- seize power.
won' t bc· ahlc ·to clo that. . . . ' . •
· .
... It all s,ounded a little .n:i.a~l and just
, "There are 600 million_ Chine~e and a little impossible-perha ps e}ven · to
.\ l,;11<c11s~<i at being liiscoverecl, Cnrto . about 200 million Russia11s. Ail'imitecl in '"'illis Carta. But Adolf .:.Hitler had
.\.hrought two snits agi1inst Pearson a11d /) a determination to destroy the ,vest. And Started i11 a Munich beer· hit ll :•He. W/ IS a
I\ m le rsosi One, was on behalf of C:ino's· we have been S!) misle<l that we live in a nohocly lrom nowhere 1,mtil · certain

Roosevelt, Curtis B . Dall whom the CO ·

lumnists called "anti-Semitic." The other
front man , nn ex-son-in-law of Franklin ( i:lream .:world-far away from reality. ' powe rful Ruh r indusufal' magnates
Hitler's defeat was the defeat of Europe .
And America. - · .
thre w their millions behind . him . Why
not Willis Cano?
lawsuit ch a rged that Pearson and Ander- "How could we have been so blind? ·
son hacl 1_1secl Carlo's personal papers. In - 11 The blame, ·it seems, must be laid at the In purs_uit of his grnnd design, back
hoth cases, the reporti11g team won, first ' door of the international Jews. It was whe n he was just a srruggli11g stamp
j n the U .S.' Ofatrict Coun, later in the Lheir propaganda, lies an<! demands licker with a scheme, Carro we11t .about
!~.s. Cl')lll' t of Appea ls. Th<: Supre me wliich blinded the 'i-Vest as lo what Ger- establishing a reputation · as· au· ultra-
C?1 irt, rd11secl ,to·hea~ l:he cnses, accepting many was doing. I[ Sarni\ himse lf. ,;,ith conservative with nothing more, secliticius
the lowe t· court's dec1s1on . :'I ll the •s11pedmma n genius and d1aboli • in mind than turning back the ~lock to
The Canu fil e conu1i11cd his cor- c:i l ·,ingcnu ity nt b is command. hail tried the lWcKinley -Coolidge era." His . rigl1t-
respondence with such figures as Robert to , create a 'p emrnnen'i. e lemeni'. ·o r dis- wi11g publication Right was :,1~sorbed by "
ll: Patterson, secretary of'the White Citi- . i_ntegration and force for · destruction of another venture, Westei-11 D11s~in-y. Then
zens Council of Mississippi, Judge Tom tile nalions, he could h :ll'e done no hetter he took,.over the American Mercury. He
Brady of. the Supre me Court of Missis~ than t.o invent the J eivs."· .. became a regional vice-president and
sippi, Archbishop C. C. Addison of the W'ith Horne's discovery and· the Pea r- board member of "vVe, the -~eople!" a
NOVEMBER 1969 121
. ~


-\ lu in1cd rh,n1C:i~o 1,:~s

----.... far l'ighL o rg:1 11 iz1JLio 11 founded i11 l!J.:.ii'l .
. Oul'iug the l 056 Republii;an Coe1vcl'llio11 he w;is u,sing Lihtrty Luuby Io1•.)·ltl"'\~I
~ , H o w Much Does in S:111 fra11dsco, he set up ~•·co11~~11:l, ,naki11g ,1_c:uncencd effon to Lak.c,ovllr't
Lil'e Republ ican l·kaclquartc.n;." His pur- co11serv:\llve e.Jcmem or_.. Congl'esii w,
- w
· Muddy Skin
··•·~ - fJ
'l~' ~;,;;;._ .,,
pc,se was to pl'C\'Cfll, he .said, " Lile goo(] .
ios.,;illility LlmL Ike pl:i1111cd to-whhdi·aw
from t.lle rnc;e at d1c las1 momc1\L, throw'.
bluckmail." . .., .: , .
Like Jct·emy Honie, Mrs. Jobe 1,•a':i< :1

1-cspo11s1ble CQllSen•,l(j,,c, c:011cerncd I hri1

,~ ,· Hold You Back? ing his support to· a trotskyite like Earl Libeny Lobby. s11bscrihers W!U'C bc.iog
,varren." defrn11ded. She a,uted ot[ G11r10·,; files,
For: several months dill'ing l 959, Carto . which ha,•e been made available to TRUE.
Successful men don't need to be pretty-but
if your skin is muddy, dirty-looking, or worked for.the John Birch Society ·until 111 11dd itio11. ',to·· the eight sem1101·s and
pocked with blackheads and coarse pores it his personal dismissal by ,velch. As an refilrcsc 11tatives who arc idcncHicd as se-
can hold you back from success. Others will cret member~ o f the Fn111cis Parker Yoc-
be promoted over you. And you'll never . outlet for ·extremist literaLUre, Carco
know why: . es"taLlished the Noontide Press. A typical key Mol'Ct11e111,.. more than '1{) :uc listed as \
Take a good look at your skin. If it needs p11blicaLio11 i~ The M)•//1 of Six Millip11, Oll'eumc members of the Ku· J<l11x Klan
,corrective action, get Esoterica Rex. Made or White Ci1Jzens ·council. Since TRUE 1
for a man's skin, its active medication works ,,~hich co11tcnds LIH1t very few Jews were
to change a' dull, dark skin to one that's killell by HiLler. !\fast or t!1cm, the bt>uk was unable· to verify these allege<hnem-.
clean-looking .and clear. . · berships, however, the names wi_ll be:
Use greaseless, penetrating Esoterica Rex :isseru, came to the U1 1ited-States, b1·i11g-
and coarse pores are reduced. Those out- ing America to the verge of being con- omitted.
wardly-caused blackheads and surface pim- trolled by the Kremlin. But there has been no lack of imp_or-
ples go. Weathered brown spots on the skin's
• surface steadily fade away. You'll look bet-
rarll nnmes 011 the le t le.l'l'[t::1tls Cf11'to 's
·, ter-and this makes the difference. fro11L groups. Rep. Alben , ,va1so11 1 (R.'
I Send no moue,·-1 <111.y lrlal fcs l , Sru,d-Mme,
Cart~'s Nazi tendencies began to sur- S.C.) h.1~ plugged tlte Llhcny Lohhy. I 11
1.::iddress 11nd zip code. Pay only ~J.00 on ar• face in 1962. His Noonticle Press pub- a leuer m.iilctl 011t t•p l00,000 f,ro.~fHicu,
1 Yivnl plus c .o.o. Postage. Or send sa.oo and •lished ;:in t\mci'ican td iti o11 of Vod.ey's
,"/ }we pay postage. Snliufnction 1rnaranleed or he urged Ll~e1;11 10 siih~cr!be _to the l .ihert~
-. ~ money back with unused portion. The Mitch- imptffimn, · :tll(I Car-co' wroce in his in• Lohhts 11'c wsleuct as "a good w,ty to
um Company, Dept. ER-n, Paris, Tenn. 38242. \1"o_d,uctio11: "Hf'~- ma11y 1\mericam 01·. kc:cp ahrcast of,. l!IC$e perilous Lirncs 011 •
··- - :, -- ---· - Brno11s :ir~ acc1u:rn1tctl with the slllpl:11· C:11pitol Hill.'' Rep. Oll0 r11ssma11 (D-
dous!y elcme n rnl fan that they arc-ir,i lite
_ 1~ DON'T ~-
~ ~ . J1islorical seu sc-Ccrma11s: th:it they :ire
L.1 .) µ,11•1; 11:ime IO a .s imilar .appc11l
.,j~~~ GEJE}~!Tl N' ,.. .· like it or not, a part of _that great
for subscriptions.
The Liberty Lobby . has presented
~ AIRWAY Teutonic-Celtic family which-millen- "Statesman of .the Republic" awards .to
niums before the dawn of Rome or eveit
••• •,w.i 'arr-ioto'lth111,o
-- Reps. [ . .V. Berry \R-S.D.) 1 W . J. llryn,n
~ • Greece-was one tribe, with one. lan-
)'ntl'io oOIBQ -..,ill'loi.ll rw1orto \wm.s-d1'1y and fruisua- ~ D~rn · (D-~.C.). Jo,111 Dowdy (tFrcx.) ,
iao!L. 19 '"'ao11r_,. ;t,.,11K1hhp -at l ! lt;l.lflaQ 1tt,1n, cci•.,.,.• guage? How many uthe.rwise eo'lightenet\ ,l,1111~5 Ull (l3--Cal1f.), Joe \/\l;1ggo11111.!r,
AIRWAY 'COMPASS, Mexico, lndlana 46958 aud ";ell,meani'n g people who h1n•e here• · J 1·, (.D•La.). ;iud Joh1) HeU Willi:1ms (D=
I lofore ,iuclgecl thcfr pim·,otism according ll.'fos.) . who is now _gO\'C-1'f10l' oC M i~sis-

Wrllt coao, (~t i Fil&&
_ CJ.B-:::;=:::s

ol llhn1u1,~ Jow ~oot,
TH£ LAW-TRAINED MAN.'' which lhow1 110,l to urn
to the degree of 'hatre<l they Juwe had lor sippi. Mo~t Qf lhe~e ·•1-tntesJI1c1( . h:1ve
their co1ttinern11I brothers k1101\I ili:u 1·1\e s poke11 nt Liheny Lohhy. rallies. ·01.licrs
;incescors o f the great ·-;reuconi<!-Ce!cic wlto have heal Libcny Lob by's -drum in•
rnm·ily wei·e the s;1n1e Ary.ins ·who SLlb· dnclc Sen . Strom Thunnond (R·S.C.) .
lho ororoulon•I Ue<l1010, or 1.,.., ILL.U. t ~,.,., lhrou1h jei:ted lmlia and. ch• ilized it, spe.1king the
~•in• 110d, ~r \h• li1111 ou1 ·Bl.,t1lono Coum: 11001,1,,.,,
• nd leuun.t proTldeO~ &lodcmHo co,,: ci,uy luau, '\"qrUo uow.
• Rep, f ohl) llnrick <0:1,a,), :i(1<r .1:3,~p. L_.
Satisk,rit l'n11gi.1age :md' c1·ca1i11g the rnste Mendel Rivers (D-S,C ,) . · c .nho's 111b!lt
Blackstone School of law,.307 ~. Mlchii;an Awe. sys1em " 'hich, i ncidenu,lly, . was 11othing depeml:ible, .~pokesmau in Congress hns
f'o1mded 111ao · Dept. 188, Chicago, lllino1& 60601 . originally b11l n syscem of rac:ial ~eg,·e~- been - Uc1, whose· forme1· i1.o;.sisrnnt, l'hil
rion cndo,~ccl ·wiLh n. religious sig111fl• Hre,111:111. drew tt. sala1:y from .Liberty
• --:-,-I°"'-- Outdootsmen; - ' •
cance in order to maintain it?" ebby i\t the snmc .h e was .on Utt's
C.1 r;q w.flS already 1~11rruirig- hi s gofl l of coni;:-ress.ional p.i)•rolt.., .· , • - . · ·
Ride whero,you hall to walk be•
lore , Revolb!/onary two-w_heel p<;Jli1.ic1.1 I power wiih l'mrntic!l zeal. He Carto has ' di~co1•erccl Lhal there ·js 110
dr1ve v~hlcle ellmbs moun• had become · in volved iu moice d1a11 30 · substitllle for campaign c~ntribuLiqns to
talns fo1ds.streams, hauls
man,,1zed roads; Runs all day right-wjng groups. He had founded many win the devotion of politi'cians, To· this
en a tank of gat, of them as [rants for his Nazi activities. end, he has org:111iz,e d r!.te U 11itcd c;on-
WrlteRolran, Inc., Dept. T The more extreme front members were gression:i, I 1\ppct.\l t.hrough wl1ich he col-.
. . 160 Emerald St, Keene, N.H.03431
introduced to Nazism and inducted into lects money from comervn tives. Last

tit ~ · LEARN the Francis· Parker Yockey l'vfovemen,r'., year, he distributed $90,000 to congres-
The ' TOOSl . t>[u\ front of all , sional candidates. .
ME~U:UJUN.G Liberty Lobl)Y-: was' ronceived hy Cano The largest co~tributions-$4,500 each
J~!:o ?:].C:J,d~b, :!,,u1r~0 ~il.b~!~~rl~~ n.s a single ollke ' 'to u cili1,e rhe coopera- -went to Arcl1ie ., 9ub.brud, who. ran

Lk-•, '
'~~ l:!~n. ~i,-~~~~•iitl
In 'l"lu,t nl.~.n lnuhHt-11•. B~ p~, fUll•
fl~: J_;~~.l:fu~f $Ji~0 ~1m':.01 p •,;~~~~
T""&Attf $a~d nlQw ror blf! n:w Llh.uura L"t.l
1tes. OUR "Ol~
tive. eJfon of :lit nur hig-patriotic g1•oups" against Sen·. George McGovern (:Q_-S.D.),
ancl to "coi:nplcment and ~upplcmcnt the and Geo_rge Hansen, who ,tried to unseat
grass-ro{)fs work. n[ 1he ,,arious new pnny Sen: Frank C hurch (D-Jda.). Smaller
mEE ~:i~1~~t ;i•m;'of"o~cJa.;~~"S'M'~wo
Uupt , l'J'.:,lQ, Tpl~I~, QhhJ .a:noo,1
groups :rntl action groups." ln S2,500 contrib111ions were distributed to
19fil L.iheny set up i1s Washi11g- ?.fax Rafferty, 1vho ran against.Sen. 'Alan
1on henclqw1ncr.~. T()[foy · rhe anti.Sc• Grn nst.on (J.?•Calif.). and· Jim fohnso n,
~UODE n1i1ic, n111i-Ncgro. neo-Nazi Willis C:an.o who opposed Sen. J. William full)right,
..• THE LAgT 1111lls ~ome powerful .~u·[11gs· 011 Capitol ·(O-Atk.) £or the Democratic nomina-
Hi·II. . t ion. ·
, WORD To achieve this, Carco devised a system
1'01~ <:on trolling congressm en, Mrs. Sarah Bu; didn't back oiily losers. Sen.
Sh ields- Jobe, 77, once a prominem Ed Gurney . (R-Fla.), who accepted a
rouLhern attorney, de~cribes the syste m, $2;500 check from Carto, defeated ex•
which she unwittingly helped construct: Co.v. LeRoy Co llins in Flo~idl'I. ,\~ked
·"Carto aske'd me to do some- research on abont. t.he Ca rt() money, Gurney ~lemo11-
(L number of congressmen. He asked me s1ra1cd wl'.Y, he w_:i~ sud; a_ .~•aluab(e i,r,•·
to find ·out what secret organizations they 1•estni en1. Cano 1s no Nazi , he ;;i re!. I
belonged to. He asked me to fine! 1Ht t if have seen no e\•idence to the effect that
they.were members o( the ·Ku Klux. Klan ·he is. He has given' my office valuable
or the White Citizens C()11nci J. Me' cri lled help as well· as those_ of other senators
the file 'Kosher Konservatiye Kongress• and congressmen.'' .
.... t J ,:,,,. ·. ~.•.~e· ~ ..
,YOUlt POaTMfflil
,1 ::men'-qr the KKK file.) guess he.had 52 · " Cano -nisei m:ide.- donations ,of;- S~,000
people·, iil . there .. As. time w'ent:·on l •: to ~e~s.__R·oss Adai r (R-1nd. )·.: .J,imes:.
<.. • .. ,. - • • ,,.. ..,--:--:,

·"" ,QuilJt"1' ~-(tt~c11n.), ~,and •Rarick. •CQ11•

.t 1rib~1tio11.~ or $'2,000 went to R eps. 'W :dter
..:_Bar!ng:. (D-Nc,i.), John Dowdy (D -Tcx.),
':~111d Ed Foren1,111 (R-N. M.). Chocks r<>r You've tried to stop, but maybe-
. .~ l ,000 were delil•ered to Reps. .Ben
·mackburi1 .. ( ll-Ga.), · Bill .Hrock (R-
Tenn.), Herb Hurke (R-:Fla.), John
DunG1n (R-Tenn.); Louis frey (R·
Fla.), James Haley (D,FJa.)_, John Ham-
111er~chm iilt (R-Ark ,) , Albert J ohnson
'( R-Pa.), Dan· Kttyke11dall (R-Tcnn .),
Why .
Earl Landgrebe (lt-l 11d.), Hob ilricc
(R-Tcx.); John Saylor (R-Pa.), Henry
.'ic;ltadcbcrg (R-V.ris.); Bill ScoLt (R·
V;t.) , H. Allen Smith (R-Calif.), Ge ne
Snyder (R-Ky.), S~m Steiger (R-J\riz.),
You're Still
(R,S.C.) , .J. Irvin/I'
Alber t ·Watson
Whalley •(R'.-Pa.), Roge r Zion (R- l nd.),
and Sen. He,iry Bell111(111 (R-Okla.) :- Smol<ing
Sen . .J ames b. Eastla11cl (D· il'l iss.), who

~· heads , he Senate I m 'ernal Security Sub-

committee, has long been a Cano dev-
otee. He declared earlier this year:
··carto is a great patri_ot who has· worth•
This. country is full of people who
have stopped smoking - frequentJy.
sant to take as an aspirin.
· . The second was more difficult.

Every year some six or seven million After months of research it was dis.:.
_wh ile ideas, and. Liberty Lobby is doing
•· a great scn,ic~ fb ' ;rll Amcricaus."· ' l'hc try to .kick the hab~t for good. Only cqyered that buffering the_ Lobeline
xcna !0l' 11:ce ur ly pro~•ed his value· whe11 one in fcmr makes it. Many who want Sulphate.with two antacid ingredients
his subcommilLCe processed the a ppoitll• to quit seek the'help of one or another
ment of Otto Otepka to the Subversive
. eliminated any likelihood of stomach
Activities Control Board . of-the smoking deterrents that can be upset, ·Also it . greatly reduced the
Ott;pka ,vas a security officer for the found in any drug store. Do those amount of Lobeline necessary to do
State · De 11artme11t d u ring the Kennedy who fail just buy the wrong one? a_n effective job. This was the first,
.-\dminist ratio n. Secreta l'Y of State Dean
• R11sk•.tlcmo1ccl him 10 a n insig ni fican, C_linical evidence shows that one and has turned out to be .the only, .
posi ti9 11 · aCtc.r he " ';1s c.'111g ht leaking of the most effective smoking deter-= great breakthrough · in the smoking
secm i cy · i nfohnation to lfas1la nd's suh- rents ever discovered is a drug called deterrerit field since Lobeline Sul- .·
comm i tLec. Cnrt9 raHied to the 0 tcpka
cause, even making a 30-minute movie Lobeline Sulphate. Lobeline Sul- phate was firstdisco~er~d; It was pat-
called The Otepka Case, And-the former phate works by substituting for the ented. Bantron is the only smoking
security officer · became a martyr who nicotine in your system, thus remov- deterrent that has such a patent. It is :
•'fough~ 'the Keirnedy commtniisf · 1ak.c·-
o\1er." :. 1
; • • .- -. ing the craving, ·no.t by·makin·g smok- impossible to get the advailtag<: of
With powcr£ul Everett Dirksen.behind ing unpleasant. It is the principal landmark discovery-in any other
it, Otcpka's nomination slipped through ingredient in Bantron, the smoking smoking deterrent soiq in di:-ug stores'.·
•· 1he Scnace . Sen. Edward Keni1edy (D·
Mass.) stood _.almost alone in his ·op• deterrent used and recommended by However, befor_e Bantron was put
position to <;>tcpka du.ring the subcom- many doctors.
mittee hea,ings, whilc·such as ' . on the market, a lot of resear~h was
Birch .Bayh (D-fod.) am.I Quc1ai11 However, altp.ough Lobeline Sul- undertaken. It was tested on hundreds
·1.hlJ·dick (D-N.D.), l>ackcd the appoint• phate is effective in helping you stop and hundreds of people who wanted
111ent. When la ter :1sked why they had smoking it has two drawbacks. to stop smoking. _In these clinical tests
sub_mitt~cl to right-wing ,pressure, Bayh
and llurclick had "no comment." For his 1. It has a somewhat unpleasant 83%, more than 4 out of 5, did.. so
·errorts, Kennedy· was tagged a "com- -taste. - · easily and pleasantly with t he help of
11'1111.!ist sympath izer'' by Otepk:a. . . Ba.ntron: A nd it took them only 5 to
2. In sufficient·quantities·- to be ef-
Otcpka w11 s lacer asked about the sup•
port _ of . Wil. .·•Cart(f,, and the Liberty fective it can result in stomach
·1 days:- - -~----·--~- ·
·Lobby. .from J1 is home in the exclusive up'se~: . Today it ~s wiclely recognized that
:~ pr:ing VaHcy section or Was hington; he
Ba{!tron came about through the smoking ls destructive·to' life and ,_ ..;_
'!'e p liC$1:· ..Libeny •I :obhy is a 1·e~p ectab1c
- orgi11 1i! a 1ion- patrio1ic. Wi ll is C,11·10 is efforts of scientists at a grellt Ameri- health·.- A lot of people don't,waht·to
~-no N:1d. He 'believes in the fine Lradi- can University to eliminat~ these two smoke but think they can't help fr. .
1io11s of .-\ meric.w l ife.' :t-nd LO me tha Mostly these are people who have
is importnm." · · disadvantages.
As a me mbe r of the Subversive Acth;i. never tried Bantron. Many of them
Overcoming the first problem was
ries Control Board, would Otepka in- have sucked piles of lozenges or
vestigate all- _subversive activi·ty, includ- easy. Don't let . the patient taste the
c_h ewed stacks of gum, and have de-
--iug 1he and du: far righr? 1:-l i!i re pl y; Lobeline Sulphate at ·an: Give it. t6

'"Be .realist ic. T he re a re ll() N;11,i~. T hat cided that the cure was worse than
him in the form of a little pill that he ..
. is j11s~ d1e pink, comm u nist method for can easily swallow. Don't try to mask th e disease .
sla ndcl'ing good Americans. Besides, as
,1 member of 1hc lloa rcl it is not my leg:d the taste with some
other flavor '· or To all these people who want to
right••·to go after anything· but com- put it in the form of a lozenge or stop smoking we say try Bantrori. In
munists as th~y are the real clanger in chewing gum. It stil~ won't _taste good. five to seven days, if you are like 4
this country." ' ·
That is the. type of public servant And he would have a lot of lozenges out of 5 people who have gone the
Willis Carta likes. · to suck, a lot of gum to chew, to get Bantron way, you will find that you
Ca no a lso _h:t.~ a sym parh izer on Scnn- ,, anything like an effective dose. _·So • hav: kicked the habit.
---for , Eastlarul 's · ·~ub com ·:. staff.
-- .., Co ui1scl -J .G. Sot1rw1_1ie._· 't ho yirtually Bantron_was_llla~t,\as easy and plea~'-'-' ....·.< Isn) it worth it? . "-: ;,

. NOVEMBER 196" - 123
·~ , ..
, .~ I - ... - - • .. t ! ' ..;;!I

ru,is L11e subcommittee, has admitted that we re idemificd ou ly by thcir co<lc 11;'1111c., foll<iwi 11g the ,;,;~c~l'fhgrt ~'.k~l(J.:td ut ~., •
he o rtc11 "passes infom1ario11 to Libert )' - the mccLiug began wid1 the ~iuging of 1 ricd to CUl the org:rni1.:nion l_oosc' (i;3\i_1 •
J .obliy onici:ils in the never-ending, the Na1i :u1them, "Hont Wcssel~ied,"~ / Cnno. He refused LO be se vere d ., Clainl
SLl'UA!;'IC, lO dc:1n up LhC c0mrr11111ist elc- surprising numbe1: knew chc wmds . John i11g NYA was no\,' n b'i'anch orJ1\1:"1 io~~
me1m in this country." .It was also Sour- Acord, , a conscrvntivc leader ;mtl t hen Associates, 01ic: of Lhe miwy (ro11t g1·0111'>;
wine. according to, who intro• chairman of NYA, described the proceed- he comro'h, Carlo ckmnnc!ed dta1 1l-\1l
clucecl Otepka and Carto. The fact that ings that fo_llowecl: organiiation's assets be turned over to
Sourwine) blatant cooperat!on with · · "Carto tried to emulate the persona! him. . . .
·.Cano is, in itself, a security violation habits that Hitler had .become famous According to a report filed by Acord
seems w bother no one in particular. Nor , for. ;He was a pooi· -~pcaker. ht~! he iricd with ,,vashington police, Cano br~kc
does his ::igreement with Ot~pka's bl:111kct to fake d1ar-isma . H e -~poke a hour Im.- int9 NYA headquarters on J\·farch .? and
-e11clorsement of Carto': "I would :1grec perimn , and mai1y o[ the older listeners- stole a file cabinet. Shortlv therearcer,
with ·chose comments about Mr. Carco. asked him q11 es1:io11~. T o his a u c11tivc Carto notified the Post Offi~e that NYA
He has certainly taken an 'interest in the listeners. he was ·HiLlcr rei11carnatecl. To hacl cl1anj,(t:d its mailing address to his
internal security of the country." those of us of the NY A, it was a revela- _ 01'!n ·heaclq11arters at the Liberty Lobby
Willi hi.~ po litical pow e1• on the tion. Here we were, conservatives so ·B11ilding.
a,ccmlenc:y, Curio :,twckcd another prob- wonic<l auotlt comm11ni.~ts 1111clc 1· c,•ci·y
lem. He ha d to rincl some way or attl'IICL· bccl we ig11orcd I he I005t o bvio11, Completely frustrated i•~ their losing
i11r; youth imo his organization. He sat clanger. Then 11111 mcei i11p; wa ~ l1ookcd battle with Cano, NYA leaders rcsig-11cd
i11 his ronified bunker in the basement up ro a phn11e co1ll'C1·.~111i(l11 i\'id1 Rcviln eil 1rtasse. They sent a Icuer Lo local
01 · the Liberty ·nuilcling-''.off limits" to P. Olive r . ,the illlli •Scmitic :11111 anti. lc:ide l's. da 1ccl i\-l;irch 2;,1. ci,: pl11i11ing their
:dl IJ111 himself-and stared at his hoard
.or gu11s :ind n1111111.111itio11. Then it came
•o him. [·Tc would rak e over a youth or-
Negro 1:irofessor froin the University· o(
Jlli11ois at Urbana. Oliver conversed
alio u1 1he 'final sol11tio11 to the fe wi~I•
nctions. ld <: n1ifyi11g di e opp11~itio11 0 111)'
as " ol<lcr p1:oplc," NY :\ leaders Awrd ,
· M c M,i!'1011 1111d Louis 1\nllrc ws 0111.li11c d
g-a11ization already .in cxis1:cncc. · prolllem' and spoke about the 'v:11'>9 r - , id1a1, h:icl occurrci:l, dtt:11 s ra ~cd :
iz a don .' as. he put it, of all the lc w~ • .. ,Vhen ··,i•c .re[ u_se<l to accept this co 11-
He_ [oun_c\ the group. he wan_tecl in
·' Youth for \.\lallace," which was renamed
in_ America.. ,. ·
" After Lhe mecLing: we vis-itecl th e roo111
1rol, our b:i11k:-accou1fr was frozc11 and
our 1i1ail ·sto1jpcd . Legally and n1or;1lly .
die National Youth Alliance after· ,~1al- or Boh joh11so11, owner of a N111.i war- we were i11. a11 unassailabk posiLion.
lacc's ddcaL. C.1rto first get mcnic 111.o ~tore i11 l~uffalo. New Yr>rk , It Pr;ict_ic;illy, however, we fou11d our,dves
NY A obligated to, him rinancially. He wa s J,cre ~hnt :Tolmso11 oltcrecl 1;11~toinc1·~ up the proverbial creek .. ·..
tlte11 made his move on the evening ·of a wide variety of SS h:11~d-rne-rlowns." "It sho11ld he emphasized Lhat this ,vas
J;111v a ry 2,i , HHi!I, at a regional NYA .- ' not a split with the NY,\ . OE our ·17 re-
lca1lcrship conference helcl in iWonroe- Dennis Mc~:[ahon, theil vice-chairman . gional . and· national o!laccrs. only two
Yilk. ' J>ennsyh;,"1ia. . of Youth for ,-vallace, clescribecl his feel- backed the older group: W(; 1yo11lcl pre-
Arriving at Conley's Motel, outside ings: "It ·was sickening, but the meeting rcr to stand and figbt. ,Hqi,·cver, we · be-
Mo11roevillc, NYA leaders ·were stunned went on and on. It was obvious to us then lieve om leadership re·alizes wh:it a p;rot!P
·w fi·11d thei'i· rneeting room lii1ecl with that because of his eco110111ic power, of peciple with a great deal or mo11cy c:rn
Nazi trappings. Attende~l by cl~ctors, Carto would take over the National do'to tie ·11p an organization in term,' or
lin,fyers ;ind lwsincssme11 from the l'enn- Youth Alliance am! put his man in legal maneuvering.
S)' lv,1 i'1ia-Ncw Yo 1•_k arca-memht:rsor
the \ charge-another Nazi. Shortly thereafter "',Ve of Lhe national olfice · bad there-
Fra11cis . Parkc1•, Yo ckey movcmem i'l'ho he did just that." . · fore determined tl1at omi only,course is to
capi ttilate to .stiperior 'force." ,
The National Youth Alliance is now
THUP. under_the complete control of C:\rto and ·.
the neo ,N:1ii Francis Parker .Yocke,;·
l'vfovement. ,. , '
- ~ . ' ~ ~ -

~ ~ -. ~~~
\:Vil!is Carro h,1s c:ome ;:} long ,vay to• .
,..----. wa rd 'the completion of his grand design.
~ ~' -·· -- He has, in Libej'ty Lobby,. the nucleus

~ -· ~
for the American·Rcich. W'hether or not
he achieves it, he rloes at this time have
many political leaders eating out of his
hand, ancl a million dollars· a year to play -
Cano has now begun lo d.-op his -pre-
tense of being :1 _co1!s~n:~vc . As hi.s t:!_- •
ccuti,;e editor ;1 t 1:.jl,1crt},· Lol~hy, 001.1;.:
Cke, puts it : "We no loug-cr :liavc 1oh i{lc
1hc wrong~ 1.hat J e ws a11cl Ncg roc.~ h:H'l!-
commiuccl . We th,i11 k tl1e pi,:o f>le of thiN
country are feel up am! ready for Willi;;~
kind of leadership."

Perhaps it is;1't as farfetched as it may

seem·. l\fany ·honest Americans are dis-
rnrhetl by the comirrued 11me~L in the
nation. The nt!o-Nazis hope that a
major recr:ssion co(1lcl move 1..hese citizens
to hack a sirong man who promised
Carto sees himself as this man. He is
r_e ady to make the move. To· him, the
words of 11-[ein Knmpf and Imperi11m
seem 11uite sane-just as sane .ts enlisti11g
political leacJers i11 llis cause, or taki11g
over a righL-wi11g youth mo"ement, or
~ stiff-armed salutes on Pennsylvania
Avenue. ·
"Get back in that holding pattern!" · -Joseph Trento and Joseph Spear- -


- -
-: ...
··-.. f.._
~, ·•

REC-.89 I
January 14, 1970

lo 7i-[l)69t/l - , .., I ef


""'~,.:--. --:::. -r·.-. ---=--...--:;.....
!."':""""-=-=~--; -c-:- - ~-:t""~.



The letter froJ.__ __,,_,........,,,....---.....~ou was

received on January 12th and your kind. comments are
indeed appreciated.

With regard to your inquiry, information

in our files must be maintained as confidential in accord-
ance with regulations of the Department of Justice. I ·
regret that I cannot be of assistance to you.
~- ::n ,..- ,
Sincerely yours;
""4 •
~ ~
i zc::(
1; Ed$,ar. l{oover

NOTE: Neither correspondent nor his wife is identifiable in

Bufiles. The Libero/ Lobby is well known to the Bureau.

, ..
•. r/
i, J

Tolson _ _ __
DeLoach _ _ __
1 LEE:cfj (3)

') , {-:·:·
. ·•'• .:..-. r.·
: .;·.
~(2/tu ,, . ~.,
. / l•}'
Wallers _ _ __
- . 0,1
Mohr _ _ _ __
~ ... . ·
Bishop _ _ __ .1,1 I ....
Cosper _ _ __
Callahan _ _ __
Conrad _ _ __ ~

oJ'. :,

I/.,;/,.; ~~
Gale _ _ _ __

Sullivan --- ~ , ..

H~m- .~M
MAfL g mrnesos~,= ' .
VfV'iY""' l) . -~
-i ·) ,.
• -~•~
j\ \.1 • ,,
i • I -
,, .. ·-'4"~

Jan. 3, 1970
,,..,.( -..'!.,,.


Honorable _J, ., ~tif\c;p.r Hoov;f?~~;,,._- 'I' ·

Director' Tn\H~~~llf~l}:'al Bmf~~~J-· ·ll:t! \Investigation
Washington, D. b. " · .·
Dear Mr. Hoover:
I have been
members of Liberty L obby for the past year.
Recently we _ read a rather damaging article in
True Magazine about this organization.
We are intere<mrl.::Ln doing whatever we can in
our small way to keep our Country free, but
certainly do not wish to be associated wi·th
any _ group who have other ideas.
We ~ave always admired you as a great American
ar{d.'.:va-lue your judgement in all matters
pertaining to the pre ser,v a tion of the United -'
·S tate?: ?,S it was meant to be by our Founders.-
Can y~-~ and will you advise us ab'out.S?ibe;ty b6

Lobby? b7C

Your 1);:_ank opinion will be greatly ap~1reciated

an ~ w~ _will not hesitate to be guided by it
now... aji-_d in the future • ·
·. Th~nk.~~ou.
-. .


t _- / J J J\ iA Cl >.> J _ 7 . ,I/
\,, . .. ' .~~ c::::c:z;ss::;,
,\)_. . \ ~ t(lflfJ&
C.O- CO!!tf ., .,,

~ . ~ .°l •
l1 f
·--.·.. Jo 1.1.-0 .
10 JAN 14 1970


('\ f'V\A~~ i1ef~~i

-------= --- - -

,,__ -,,-~·

• ,•~
• ...
•.~ . r?
.: ... ••.t ..

January 16, 1970

'IJ _ -'it/,, 2 -./ob 'f..'l
p,~ \ !(\


~ I
In reply to the inquiries in your letter of January 9th, ·

information in our files must be maintained as confidential in ac.cord-

ance· with regulations of the Department of Justice. I regret I cannot

be of assi_
stanee to you.

Sincerely yours.,

0 · 1. Edgar Hoover
(\( r--.. ,, :-
t'i ~ ff!
0 ~ i John Edgar Hoover
~ i-1 - ~ _Director
I ~ -,H-
J INOTE: Bu,files show _n~ record of correspondent. We have had prior
' . correspondence with his wife regarding communism. The Liberty
Lobby and its leader, Wiilis A. Carto, are well known to the Bureau.
We have not investigated this organization. ·
Tolson - - - - -
OeLoach _ _ __
Walters - - - - -
Bi shop - - - - -
Casper _ _ _ __
Callahan _ _ __
Conrod _ _ _ __
11~~@ .W
FeJt _ _ _ _ __

I' ✓
Gale _ _ _ _ __
Rosen _ _ _ __
Sullivan ___. __
1970 .i
· ., •I

Tavel _ _ _ __
Soyars _ _ _ __
Tele. Room _ __ . ' : . .
Holm es -''"'-''..:•c.
· _:_
; '·
• I MArL•aooMD
.'C) I•. "
LETYPE UNIT • ..A. • .::=.J'µ,/J . .i;
J •
.· . -. ~ - · ... - ~-----


I !1 ~

I -r.-

. ! ~ .f · . · f ~- ·. I
j ~.\ ,~) '~\ i1 .t--- i 'i ·, !\
~ ·1 J ~ "- .

q T~ ~- ~ -~r 1 J i J- 0

- ! ~\
.:. _;z✓ .'. • 1
J ~
{ ~)
J :f ·1 t-~,i
- - - -·
l.- - · •~
· - - -

I ,

".! -~
,.\ ··..•

,•:\• ,,._• ,,)r,~"-r
j;::, ..

February 11, 1970

~"5"-~~ f.o?.. -I ci' f ii ,;. No

'\ Your letter· and enclosure were received on

February 9th. In reply to your inquiry, information in FBI

files must be maintained as conf ldential ln accordance with

regulations of the _Department of Justice. I regret I cannot b6 .


~ be of assistance to you.

Sincerely yours,
J; Edgar Hoover

John Edgar Hoover


~ -g~ i~
NOTE: Bufiles contain no derogatory information regarding
ij :=:
!ii co 8 to her
correspondent. Last outgoing to her was dated 9-8- 58 in reply
concerning fluoridatio~ of water supplies.
-•-~ -tt!--_-:;· j ~ l s o wrote.-the Bureau 1n 1940 (65-$8891-674;

.,) , .. :,, · .GS-0-188 • ~e _Liqercyi·.Lobby is well known to the Bureau.

The self-address¢cl'~ • stamped envelope sent by correspondent
To lson _ _ __
Del oach _ _ __
Wailers _ _ __
Mohr _ __ __
Bishop _ _ __
is being utilized in reply. ·

. .. ,..
·: '- -
-:-: '\>.' .· ,_.
. : : ;':·
.. .
. ✓J -!·
Ca sper _ _ __
Ca llahan _ _ __
Co nrad _ _ __
(3) ~)J
=: :·: ·:· \/ .,~ rr ~-- _.,
Fell _ _ _ __
Gale _ _ __ _

Sulli va n _ _ _
~ : ,-_ '
r' ,
~ Ir·
- ~i, (' /

, .,,~J
.;._;. , ·.
Gandy '
Fi:: 8·".'i °O 11170 ' .
/ ~~1,1,EJ _TELETY PE UNIT c::::J
fT ll -l


.- .,....._ - - - -
f.. ..

.1 ~

~~ ,)-
c---..... ~ .

- ~ s ~1 :('D
~~ .

' ;..

~~ 1 8~

• J-

= -
]) V
~j ~ I

. ......
=- ~ <f
t ~
~ .,
,,.1 ~ ~

. C)~
~. -,,--p
·r, ~
i J
\ ,"<::>
I ')'{__ .
~--, \_ 0

~ -

-. I

.. _.-,: ...;, .-.
- \.

• ., b6
. .,,
. ,;-:..


tl·\03. '' ,/ __

March 18, 1970

REC ~4 -: ~~~-/ o~q,' (/- / l/ / .

I have received your card of March 10th and
certainly appreciate your very kind co~ments concerning my work. ·
I hope that our future efforts will continue to merit your support. ··
With regard to your inquiry• information in our files
must be maintained as confidential in accordance with regulations
of the Department of Justice. I regret I cannot be of assistance to
you in this instance.
Sincerely yours,

1. Edgar Hoove~
C) ,6'.1)0,ilJ',... , -• ••.• 1.~:"".::i

'It; r-,..
0) -
• ,-. LL.
00 -~
~ ~
I a::
NOTE: Bufiles contain no information identifiable· with correspondent.
:a:: The Liberty Lobby is well known to the Bureau.

. CEE:pks .

(3) (,::Y"',<>, ·)~ 'Is
, ,;>
t .

, .:....
Walters •·.
To l son


• ,,--

Canted - - -
Fl -
. ·' :', .

'<.r ,: • .

1:/ ✓~
;, ,-·

. :
-.:- ;'_;.,, , •

j' '
r - •.
• .

'.. /4b~r·~·~~
; ·•

. ...

· ·
f\ ·. .

. .. . •
-4 ,
. :·. •

:,i~· :··,

" -

; )•
· ·
t ·.~·' ..,

., .
A ,..,.,,,.
· ;
, ' . . .. .


,J ·•
'~t~,vi; 1 . . . .. . (j;}/
V~l'Y' . ~ ,

I .. _ JI V
# ,.
.\:_,;-..,, .M
r.:.,? oLsoN




\. :: :.c:::_.-
.I Mar. 10, 1970 rb~ MR. CONRAD----
MR. FELT _ _ _ _ __ _

Dear Sir; MR. ROSEN
May I congratulate you on
MR . TAVEL-~O____
MR . SOYARS _ _ _ __
'y our many, many years of loyal, MR. JONES _ _ _ _ __
faithful, and honest service to the TELE. ROOM-----
American people and to our MISS H O L M E S - - - - -

government. MRS. METCALF----

MISS G A N D Y - - - - -

My father (now deceased) was a great

admirer and supporter of yours since the early
1930's. · I inherited and enjoy the same respect b6
for ;you. b7C

I have a question which I feel you and your

department will have little hesitancy in answering,
c); "Liberty_) Lobb_y," #300 Independence Ave.,
S. E. (Wasfnngt:on listed, in any way as a subversive:
or anti-democratic organization? May I thank you,

for your reply.

\c . rrb --~
C'-4- t< . \F
'1... \ ~
J {.;~

i ,JJ
REc-44 ·~ ~~I tf) t;?fJ-./·l/
ti:it .,..__ ...,..~
rs. MAR 2~ 1970
. '-. \ ··.

~.. )~ ~ ~ . '.1 ~ ~~
\ ~ ~ ' ~' ~ J ~

~ .~ ~\ ~~
"1'--6 ~-~
12 { \"
~ ~'-'~~-,~ ~ 'J ~
-~~ J ~-,
~ ~ ~

~' ·.
· ~
1--_ -- N· , ,
~ \ Y ) ~.... . ~ ~ ' '


. ·'
·':' ·
'I . . • 0"Tl0NAL l.:"IAM NO, 10
,-.,._y lt61 (OltlON

~·~~NTiits;ATEs t VERNMENT
... -~)

Tolson _ _ __
D1;Louch _ _ __
Welle;~ _ _ __
Mohr _ _ _ __

]VIemorandum Bishop - - -
Cosper - - - - •
Callahan - - - -
~ Coa,cd - - - - J
11/11<, ,r- March 9, 1970
Fell /

fi TO
Mr. ~,ot I ✓ ,,,. ' Gale /

'3 ,. DA TE:.
' ,,-~ 1
- ·,·o
Tave\ - --

~ /52<:J.
, ~. Soyars - - -

I fJ

M. 7 P.'j3r,

--j •

... /r:C) •~
Tele. Room - -

MARCH, 1970 b7C

The captioned issue of "Playboy" magaz

reviewed for matters of i'nterest to the Bureau.
The only reference to the FBI is contained in an l
article by George Fox entitled ncounte r-Revolution." The Bureau \"')
is mentioned in passing with respect to the acj,jpns of a co!lservative ·\r) '
youth group which is allegedly allied with th P1...iberty LobhY-." ,. · .~ ;
One of the supposed leaders of the National Youth Alliance is quoted .~;
as saying he requested the Bureau and the House Committee on ~;
Internal Security to investigate the actions of "Liberty Lobby" in : ·~· \ !
attempting to run its affairs. Bufiles contain no information
identifiable with this action which, of course, would not have be-en· ~
~ iI
within Bureau jurisdiction. In another reference to the Bureau
a volunteer underground worker who allegedly has penetrated 25 I
student youth movements claimed he turned the information he §l
obtained over to the FBI. No identifying information is provided ~ l
in the article concerning this activity. ...:I
z l
c3 i
For information. A copy of the magazine is attached.

/ Enclosure
•h•' ·,. -,.?

/ ~. fJ
/ 1 - Mr. DeLoach fj . 1 - Mr. Sullivan
! 1 - Mr. Bishop
l. / ';PBJµ . 1 - M. A. ·Jones _
\ L, ~ . ii~ \ u· ~ t:;:1t :1J

fy• "~ • Jd~

l ·~~._1_:t- JWO'B:kjs (7) ~~) /1'

~ 'J:-fo GCf>_f!~

r.!r·· 1
,· -0 JV ~ .,)IIA - . - I
~ f (} . --~-----....· ,. / ,/" ' ·,
~ I
.•. _ NOT RECORDED -~ . .. . , ~-~--,,0 •

191 Mt-lR 13 i310 ~:vP .

.,.,,..."(,:', i,:)- 1· N.;, ,..ii ,· -i'

. ~~ivv .. If - / r,.::-'~ • I
.,.._._,_.,..-.;......_ - ,,..,';\ ,>' -. ;','I IJ.:1
\}' •/ ~'
...._..,_, • - - - ..-1.~.-~ ~~
-·, . _ ,;;,.~ , (I I ,,•
., ~
. D,J)
(",.,'\', •• I
·.A ,-. l' ~ , _,,
1i \' ti~

;_7.MAR 18 1910' -
• ~ , • -• •- ~ .;,, .. • • .,. •I• 'io'-• - •I • H•h • - - ~•- - -• ••- - - -
.... ·--- ~·
-... _,
.~ 4; ~J·
~ (\
-·f .•

March 24, 1970


IEC-15 ~z.---101',1 'It- I t-4 ~

I ' '

I •

Mr. Tom~es
Route 2, Box 181
Philpor,Kentucky-=423 ~
- ··~ -=---='- ·
Dear Mr. Hawes:

Your letter was received on March 19th.

This Bureau does not have for distribution the
type of list you requested.
In reply to your inquiry concerning the Liberty
Lobby, information in our files must be maintained as confi-
dential ln accordance with regulations of the Department of
Justice. I regret I cannot be ot assistance to you.
Sincerely yours,

J. Edgar Boovet ,
O') iii
v-- IJ.
~ ~ ~
~ ~

~ 0::
(.) NOTE: Bufiles· contain no information identifiable with corres-
~ pondent. The, Liberty Lobby is well known to the Bureau.

CEE:cae (3)

Tolson _____ ' ;9.

DeLooch ____ :•
WaJ ters _ _ _ _ _
Mohr _ _ _ _ __
'"' ,:
. ·
·-1-·,'.·_ ·~-,
t .- ,. ,·.; '

,. H

"'''If .,.,


Bishop _ _ __ ~: -- - ;·.:••
• ,. ·C ,>,
"' ., n. , • ' •·· . ' .

Casper _ _ _ _ ,1,
Felt _ _ _ __
• _ ~· -
., - ' ... .,.,. A •• . \,. (

Gale _ _ _ __

Rosen-_-_-_-_-_-_- f,.
Su ll !vn~ fl:J
Tov~I _ __ _ •_J

!:E'.c~oom =5
6~fif 7 1970
Gt< (j) '
.• .

; ~

e ·. I

~J '

· (,

\ i

. ,

• ., •1

• ·, ., . .

~ March 26, 1970

~~ '
~,~-- b&/~/.., /l/J
~ b6
..,. -... --

Dear I I
Your letter, with _enclosures, was received
on March 24th.

. With regard to your 1nqu1f.y, information in our

files must be maintained as confidential in accordance with
regulations of the Department of Justice. I regret I cannot be
of assistance to you.

Sincerely yours,
J'. Jl1--1...::.-"
~ iii
o· "-
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
0 t2
:::!=. fr: (.)
q NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. The ...Liberty Lobby
is well known to· the Bureau. The enclosures are a newsleffer·-p&i>iisfieci- -
by the Liberty Lobby which contains no mention of the Bureau or the
. Director, and an ~rj i~le which appeared in "True" magazine concerning
the Liberty Lobby~~nfw!>Jfh it is stated Francis Parker Yockey was appre-
Qr . bended by FBI Agents "for 1 "Passport Fraud.'' This is partly true. Yo·ckey
was the s~f>i,e~.t of. a -~~gistration Act-Internal Security Act of 1950; Passport
Tolson - - and Visa Matter investigati9n which was instituted in 1952 on allegations that
DeL~ach - -
Walters _ _
he was engaged in Fascist activities on an international scale. He was
arr.ested by our San Francisco Off ice on a Selective Servi~~ 1}1ct. riolation
~~:: ====
Moh, _ __

on 6-7 -60 and while being held und~r a $50, 000 bond at thifOakland, California,
!iff_da-n==== jail, he committed suicide on 6-17-60 . ,_;r,_~ itrt_v
;:,~~;an-=== CEE:~~ ~ ~ 1./"(~i · ( Ct,< .• -··

HE!•Aiom -~. :~.. . J.. '/', -~

; )~\ ·: -{ J · · ~
' ~,OJ../
Gandy @~ Nf' A~11 01'
Holme s~ ~
T ELETYPE UNIT0:1b ':., ;,
1P .
• • ~>

'1 .. ,~ -
.. ~- •" I it, .
tJ ../
Dear Mr. J. Edg ai' Hoover,
We are at a lost as to what we read and see
on t.v. is the truth. ~nclosed is an story
about the Liberty Lobby, which we thought was
fighting corruption and communism.
Is Willis A. Carto aNazis, if so why haven't
we heard about it before\ this?

Thank You for the

I b6
b7 C

Clef,( rruif. - I ' ~ c l.8 ~i -:.L1.~/-
. . ·r l,.!/3
(Y . : ~ 3 6)(,,1 'JO ·~r~~ :· . . nn, R o"' 19-ro ,
. , l:} cvu\ .,u

~ENC1ttu"RB ~ ~..,,. ~:,-T•~v-

....,~\"\\ 1l , r
-~ •
= ~· •'•'=::~~~~~
,.• .1/:::)

'•' -~"" . ..



Number 107 Education without Action availeth Naught January 1970


Dated Pullout Must Be Rejected
It is now well over a year since President Nixon was elected .
-on the basis of his campaign promise that he could resolve
the Vietnam war by his secret plan without pullout, sellout or
victory. Thus unilateral pullout must carry its new name-
"Vietnamization." ·
- Strange indeed is an · Administration that would remove
50,000· troops f rom the field of battle while admitti ng to in-
creased enemy activity and · no' progress in tal k5-!-j ust weeks
after the Vice President nationally criticized a former Ambassa- .
dor for unjustified concessions to the s·ame enemy!
Ho Chi Minh won .control o.ver North Vietnam
Dien Bien Phu, but in Paris. He. repeatedly stated that
he wo1.1ld conquer South Vietnam in Washington. How
he would have rejoiced to see his prediction fulfilled,
and .the hated Yankees leaving the field of battle!
Further joy would have accrued to Ho had he seen S. 3000,
a Senate bill introduced by Senator Charles Goodell, (R-NY)
calling for removal of all U.S. troops from Vietnam by December
1970. How clearly could an enemy be told that they have
n,J>, ,!* »k~ G
+'~ K"' n Mr All» A@,
~ · II.» i1B"
achieved victory, and have but to wait for the logistics of with- WHAT YOU CAN DO:
drawal to see its consummation?
Unilateral withdrawal cannot be compared with anything but • Write today to President Nixon,
surrender. If we are to surrender now-for what have we thrown both your senators, and your con-
away 40,000 of America~s best young lives? gressman.
American unilateral pullout can mean but one thing. • Tell them that unilateral pullout
It can mean only that North Vietnam's patience-and from Vietnam is surrender, and will
communist agitation here-are being rewarded with not result in an honorable peace.
victory. It means that our Saigon allies will have to fend • Be sure to ask about the "secret
for themselves-and the millions of refugees brought plan" Mr. Nixon told of when cam-
out of Ho's clutches at the time of the Geneva Agree- paigning. Ask what it consists of,
and why it cannot be implemented.
ment will have to run again.
Even if America does not have the will to win a victory in • Suggest your support for the re-
placement of U.S. troops by an All-
-Asia-there are many Asians who do. A million could easily Asian Anti-Communist Foreign Le-
be recruitet;f who would fight fiercely for the liberation of North gion.
• Let them know that this is an
The plan for the deployment of an All -Asian Anti-Commu- Asian war-and should be fought and
nist Foreign Legion, to replace American troops in South Viet- won by Asians-and America can do
nam, was originally published in Liberty Letter 3 years ago, and her part by cutting off all trade w,ith
has been presented to President Nixon. However, the Adminis- _the Communist enemy.
tration and the "free press" have not chosen to even let the • Obtain support for this program
public know that such a solution has been presented for con- through your service club, civic
sideration. group, and any other group you be-
In addition to saving American lives the deploym~nt of an All long to.
Asian Anti-Communist Foreign Legion would take the race issue • Use letters to the editor, call-in
out of the Vietnam War, a major propaganda defeat for the Reds. shows, and all other means to in-
President Nixon and the Congress must be called upon to form the public. REMEMBER-
reject any action conceding victory to North Vietnam. S. 3000
must be defeated, and an All Asian Anti-Communist Foreign YOUR INFLUENCE COUNTS •.•
Legion must be formed to replace departing American troops. USE IT!
. .,,..~. .""
EDITORIALS trade concessions in the material of war
have been granted to the communist en-
CORRUPTION emy. Brai nwashed and enemy-oriented
The other day we received a letter from college students and .assorted other misfits
a businessman with a gripe. He com- parade in the streets uuder the flag of the
plained that LIBERTY LOBBY should enemy. Forces from within but hostile to
not ask for contributions. He said, "You America are allowed to set up coffee-
must be running your business ineffi- house subverslon centers near mil itary
ciently. You should be showing a profit, bases-while the Commandant of the
not always asking for money." Marine Corps further breaks down re-
Apparently, this man thinks that poli- sistance to the enemy by authorizing the
tics is a business, like a grocery store, use by Blacks of the communist clenched
and that the measure for political success fist salute on American military installa-
is making money. tions!
What he doesn't realize is that making No wonder the Army i.'l breaking down!
a profit in politics is not just good old For,
free enterprise . . . SUBVERSION IS TOTAL,
CORRUPTION both from the Establishment and other
is the right word! hostile forces within our own Nation!
There is no getting around it. Any The les.'lon of history is clear. Forces
honest representative of a group of peo- from within conquered the Russian army
ple ( either an elected politician or a 'WELL-UNILATERAL MEANS WE QUIT BUT THEY DON'T' during World War I. Agitators within the
politi~al organization, such as LIBERTY ranks destroyed its loyalty, discipline
LOBBY) must be supported financially broke down,· mutinies· erupted. Finally,
by the same people who are represented! STABS IN THE BACK the demoralized military could not sup-
The only way to make a profit out of A fine looking, clean cut young Amer- press revolution at home or rebellion in
politics is to sell favors. And you can't ican, an officer in the United States Army, the field. The Russians lost their N ation-
stay honest by selling favors. In fact, this awaits court martial at Ft. Benning, Ga., and were compelled to withdraw from the
is so dishonest that there are laws against already convicted in the news media of field of battle.
it. It's called bribery, graft or extortion the rna.ssacre of 527 civili ans, the popu- WE'RE PAYING
and politicians who engage in it some- lace of Mylai, Vietnam. "T he news media a terrible price. Desertions and AWOL
times go to jail, where they belong. did not research this story-they bought rates are skyrocketing-and costing tax-
In politics you get what you pay for- it. payers billions. Disturbing reports are
there's nothing free. If there's no price They bought it from Seymour Hersch, coming from Vietnam of Red Berets,
tag on it, you'd better watch out because who was enabled to go around from edi- Black deserters to the Vietcong, fighting
you're being had. tor to editor (instead of working for a for the other side, and of militant organ-
living) by a grant from the Stern Family ized Blacks taking over the brig at Camp
Fund. Pendleton.
is found often in politics because of the The price of the tolerance of treason
temptation to sell favors to minority, spe- This fund, so in lerested in patriotically
is national destruction.
cial-interest pressure groups. Since the publicizing the alleged sins of our mili-
very reason ror_ the existence ~ -LCB- tary, was founded by Edith Rosenwald A PRIVATE MATIER
ERTY LOBBY 1s. to pu t the p·b. •mer- Stern and her late husband Edgar Stern- Is your mailbox filled to the brim every
est 1.1hcad of lbe special intereslS,' '\. "-~.1 the brother of Alfred Stern, who, with day? Besides the usual bills, are there ap-
be supported by the public. · '. .,~ his wife, Martha Dodd Stern, fled behind peals for you to buy cheese, magazines, or
Fortunately, LIBERTY LOBBY·- is the Iron Curtain some years ago to escape pornography-or for you to contribute to
not financed by the government, the tax- prosecution as Soviet espionage agents! some worthy-sounding cause you may
free foundations, Leftist churches, bank- The Stern Family Fund is administered never have heard of before?
ers, labor bosses, fat cats or organized by its Executive Director, James Boyd, The mailing list business seems to have
racial groups-all of which have plenty of who jttSl happens to be the man who been entered recently. by a lot of new mer-
money to throw around. photocopied some 4,000 documents from chants and promoters-and some of them,
LIBERTY LOBBY is supported by the fil~s of his former employer, Senator we are sure, could not stand close inspec-
individual Americans who recognize the Thomas Dodd, and sold them to the late tion.
desperate need for an honest and watch- smear-monger Drew Pearson. We just want you ~o know that if you
ful representation of their views to the The "free press" must have felt cheated are a. mom ber of lhe 80<1 rd, or a paid ~up,
men who make the laws. when it couldn't convict the Green Berets active subscrlbi:;r, your na111e is safe with
And if you think that we are doing a of murder, for killing the enemy on the us. It. is a pri vate matter. We won't rent
public service that badly needs to be battlefield, because the sacrosanct Leftist or sell your na me ·to an oufsider.r
done, then it's up to you to put up the IA intelligence-activist network was in- ~ . if you get appeals lhat you don't
money for it. . . . Don't try to pass the volved. want, rest assured that we didn't give them
buck to someone else. The charges against our military men your name. If you have any doubts, let us
"No taxation without representation" would seem to pro ve one I hing:--lh(ll know.
was the battle cry of patriots who sparked af1er a t:011ple of years of Eugene Mc- LIBERTY LOBBY needs funds to conUnue and
the American Revolution. They refused carthyism and George McGovernism, in- eJtpand i b work, Cantrlbullons sraterully l!IC•
to pay for nothing. stead of being stabbed in the back on the cepted In cash or se curities. rt Inte rested In
lncludln1 this rnslltutlon lfl yo ur WIii , Into, ,
The same thing is true in reverse. You streets of America by Vietniks, our sol- ma11on wlll b, sent upon request.
can't get representation without paying diers can now be tried for murder on the
for it. battlefield-for killing the enemy!
If you're not a regular contributor to Never before have such shameful ac- HELP WANTED
LIBERTY LOBBY, why not? Now-the tivities been carried on in the name of Experienced computer operalor required by Wash~
beginning of a new session of Congress- the American people. Since more than ington Conservative Organization. Send resume in~
eluding salary requirement to Govl. Educ. Founda-
is the time to sign up. Please write for 40,000 American lives have been thrown tion, Box 1627, Washington, DC. 20013.
information. into the Vietnam meatgrinder, spectacular
~ ..
Larson To Speak LIBERTY
whose currencies are essential to world
trade. Sink those oations deep in deb t,
PHOENIX, Dec. 31 (LLNS)-Dr•. Mar- LIBRARY so the politicians llave to jump when you
tin A. Larson, the Nation's foremost snap Lhe whip, or the false prosperity
authority on tax inequities and tax avoid-
ance, announced that he will deliver a
..... eta
.. t)_,, you create with your f_urrny money will
be terminated . Manipulate the politicians
major address in Los Angeles on April 4. into a wac here and there, so they have to
The occasion will be LIBERTY borrow more. Buy up all the industry,
LOBBY's Tax Rebellion Rally, to be held and as much laud as possible. Pretly soon
in conjunction w i t h Many people think that banking is a you 'll be able to set the p,ices of !and ,
the Washington Institu- good deal if only you can take deposits labor and commodities-a ll in your favor,
tion's Second National at 3 or 4% and lend out the money at of course.
Board of Policy Con- 10 or 12%, pocketing the markup of 7 That's why Meyer Amschel Rothschild
vention. or 8% of interest on millions of dollars. stated that if he could issue a nation's
However, the parasites who control our currency, he didn't care who made its
Dr. Larson, author
money through the Federal Reserve Sys- laws. And that's why if patriots want to
of many books on tax
tem are not satisfied with this-they also regain control of their couniry, they must
avoidance, including
create credit by book entry, which they regain control over their money. A good
The Great Tax Fraud,
Dr. Larson w h i c h explains LIB- lend out and draw interest on. The result start is by reading The Federal Reserve
ERTY LOBBY's Tax Equity Program in is simply this-millions of Americans Bank.
work second jobs and overtime to pay in-
detail, indicated his great dirnppointment
terest on money which does not exist! * * *
that the Nixon Administration and the Last month Liberty Library carried
Congress had conspired with the vested This is just one· of the crimes which Robert Strange McNamara, a LIBERTY
interests to sabotage meaningful tax re- is completely legal under the Federal Re·- LOBBY staff study, wh ich uot on ly tel16
form and cheat the long-sufferi ng tax- serve Act, an act which was designed to of this former Defense Secretary's
payer. take their wealth from the American peo- in disarming the United Stales, bu r also
"Our research establishes beyond a ple and place it in the hands of the priv- covers his important position as head of
doubt that the individua l exemption ileged few who own the central bank. the World Bank.
could-and should-be raised from $600 So long as lhat privileged few can con- Probably one of the cleverest political
per year to $8000-and with no loss of tinue to loot the American people of their deceptions of recent years was the staging
revenue to the government- providing work and earnings, they of his change of jobs to
that the tax-free special interests and the will continue to get a p p e a. r that he was
super-rich were forced to pay their fair richer and richer and canned as Defense Sec-
share," said Larson. He also stated that more powerful-for retary, and just ap-
LIBERTY LOBBY will not rest until money is power-at the pointed to the World
Congress is forced to relieve the "extor- expense of those who Bank to give him a job.
tionate" tax levies on the American w or k and produce.
people. As the book will
These parasites will use show, this simply isn't
Larson expects the April 4 rally to their gr e a t accumula- so. Mr. McNamara is in ,_ .,
kick off a new naiionwide campaign for tions of money to buy up businesses, in- a vital position of control of the currency
meaningful tax reform . dustries, and property,. and with their of the world-and the analysis of his be-
wealth will control the politicians, until liefs will show how dangerous a man he
the real people are their slaves. is to have in such a position.
Rhodesia Tours Planned This monetary sleight of hand is ex- Robert Strange McNamara also does
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 (LLNS)-At posed in The Federal Reserve Bank, by cover effectively the vital story of Ameri-
least two tours to Rhodesia are planned H. S. Kenan, a book which outlines the can disarmament during this man's tenure
for 1970 by the National Coordinating unbelievable conspiracy through which in control of our defenses-a. chilling
Committee, Friends of Rhodesian Inde- this monetary slave system was imposed story that cannot fail to shock even the
pendence, a spokesman announced here upon the American people. It clearly and most complacent.
today. understandably explains the issue of "debt At this time, after being tied down for
money"-and shows that we do NOT over four years in a no-win war in Viet-
Recently returned from Rhodesia was "owe it to ourselves."
the Committee's first Rhodesian Inde- nam, and with involvement in a Mideast
pendence Tour, which Anyone who wants to control the world war shaping up, Americans should be
celebrated Rhodesian will find that the easiest way to do so is concerned about the state of our .de-
Independence in Salis- to control all of the money in the world. fenses-and should be well familiar with
bury on Nov. 11, and This, in turn, is achieved through setting the information in Robert Strange Mc-
later also visited South up the central banks for all of the nations Namara.
Africa. That tour com-
r----------------• CIJ I coupon h e r e - - - - - - ~·~
prised 67 persons, and
was the largest such I DEAR LIBERTY LOBBY:
contingent ever to visit I Please send me ................ copies of The Federal Reserve Bank ($1 each, 5 tor
R h o d e s i a from the Miss Caldwell I $4, 10 for $7, 50 for $30) I enclose $ ............... .
United States. I Please send me ................ copies of Robert Slrange McNamara ($1 each, 4 for
The forthcoming tours will be tenta- I $3, 10 for $61 I enclose $ ............ ,.. .
tively scheduled for the spring and autumn I
of 1970, and it is hoped that they will I Please send me ................ copies of It's Time For Reason-Not Treason (10 for
$1, 100 for $5) I enclose $ .............. ..
be of adequate size to charter their own
Please send me ................ copies of Introductory Packets (list accompanies) I enclose $ .............. ..
aircraft for the trip.
The President of the Committee is the
My name and address appear correctly on the reverse side of this coupon. TOTAL $ .............. ..
noted author, Miss Taylor Caldwell.
···- , -,.-' ,. .
AMERICANS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY tration bill at least. ~ .
Objectivity in News Media-In t))e wakis
,r,· ~•porf,i Legislative of the_ recent Agnew speeches. on biased
reporting there l)as been no legislati on in-
(: ~) Lookout troduced in this area. Many statements

by Stanley M. Andrews
sharing tJ1e Vice President's c_o ncern have
been made and Rep. Albert Wa tson
A H o u s e Armed ( R-SC) bas called on Lhe FCC to in-
Services subcommittee vestig'ate the news industry. Write your
reporting on a racial Member and urge him to recommend re-
disturbance at Camp media l measures to cleanse the airways
Lejeune, N .C., July 20, declared the riot and newspapers from the steady diet of
had no specific provocation but " was the Liberal slant.
generated by a few militant blacks who Thousands of bills are dropped in the
fanned the flam es of racism, misconcep- legislative hopper each year. The over-
tions, suspicions and frustrations." whelming majority of these measures Bills To Boost
The riots resulted in injuries to 30 never receive committee attention much Abolish S.D.S.-For several months the
White and 50 Negro marines. One marine less come to a vote before the entire House Internal Security Committee has
died as a result of this senseless fighting. House or Senate. Only an interested and bee.n conducting hearings on the disrup-
The alarming fact behind the Lejeune active constituency ·can force the law- tive Stude nts for a Democratic Society.
riots is that this is not an isolated incident makers to take action on crucial matters. However , to date no specific legislation
but rat her parl of a pallern of subversion For this reason, LIBERTY LOBBY seeks has been introduced to curb or com-
aoo mutiny Within our u1ilit;uy for1,;es. to -al~rt the, peop!r, fo what is -occurring pletely· aboiish LIYi't ·cc.yolulio11a1y ,gs·vup.
in the halls of Congress and, then, to Thousands of pagesl'of, comm ittee testi-
A recent survey reveals that the Army encourage them to correspond with their
is the particular target of the subverters . mony have already been amassed ten9-
elected officials in Washington. ing lo show l11e cancerous effects o ( tliis
Cases of mutiny, racial -strifo,.. failure to
obey lawful commands along with the Back to Africa Bill-H.R. 8965. This movement to every campus in the N atido.
hi ghest rate of desertions and AWOL sol- measure was introduced by Rep. Robert Demand that this committee recommend
.diers are a U wea kening ou r military struc- Nix ( D'-Pa) and _provides for the repatri a- remedial action forthwith.
ture. tion of Black Americans to Africa. The ..., . .
federal government would underwrite the Abolish the Black Panthers-The Senate
The. ·communist Black Panther Party Operations Committee has held extensive
has so infiltrated the Marine Corps that transportation costs for. those Blacks de-
siring a new life in that vast land of op- hearings on this revolutionary group also,
. the black power clenched fist salute, which but as - with the S.D .S., no bill deaJing ~
• has been the Communist salute of revo- portunity on a non-compulsory basis.
This bill is strongly supported by Black specifically with curbing their tacti cs is
lution everywhere, is now permitted in the forthcoming. Must the country stand idly ~
'Marii1e Corps! Nationalist groups, who have asked that
patriots be informed about it. by while it is destroyed from within? The \
A major crisis is faced by the Depart- Panthers open about their destructive ~
ment of Defense as this rising tide of re- Voting Rights--The House has already goals; ma ke il im perative that your lcgls- ~
bellion within the ranks threatens to de- passed the Administration's version of the lators do something 110111 to rein in these ~
stroy our Armed Forces. With thousands extension of the Voting Rights Act of m~~~ . ~
of American youth fighting and dying in 1965. While LIBERTY LOBBY is not
Vietnam it is intolerable that their sac- in full accord with this plan, it is much Senate Ethics- S- 1993 introduced by Sen , ~
rifices be nullified by Communist-inspired more acceptable than what the Liberals Clifford Case ( R-N J ) requires (ult public ,J "'
traitors here at home. are clamoring for . The House voted to disclosure of fi nancial interests a nd ac- ~
With the tremendous campaign of Ful- repeal literacy tests in all states, not just tiv ities by members of Congress a nd thei r ~
bright, McGovern and McCarthy to de- the South as was provided for under the staffs at che $ I 8,000 and above level. The\.....u
stroy the power of the milit ary being sup- original Act. The hypocritical Senate bill also applies to com para ble offi cials.
. ported · by the mai;s :nedi:1,- o.ur- Nation- Liber"2ls.. want..Jiter-acy -tests ,to ,,remain •on . in-the-,• -. ""
faces the probability of being rendered the books in the N orth but continue to The Senate morals are presently guided
helpless to fight the enemy within and trea t the South as the whipping boy for all only by a loosely-drafted set of rules en-
without our land . Let the Silent Majority bigotry. The Senate will probably not act forceable only by the "club" itself. This
tell the Congress it supports all efforts on this measure until the spring but pa- measure would make an outside body
that will maintain the stability and power triots should write their Senators now and (Justice Dept.) responsible for keeping
of our armed forces. Root out the traitors! demand the safe passage of the Adminls- the lawm akers honest.

Published each month by LIBERTY

LIBERTY LETTER 107 LOBBY. Subscription price, $2.00 per Introductory Packets
300 INDEPENDENCE AVE .. S.E. ye a r. Second -Class postage paid at
W ashington , D . C
WASHINGTON. D. C. 20003 Many r~oders have friends who ar e o r sho uld
be patriot ically interested , bu t who do net
know abou t liberty [ei,er.
LIBE RTY LOBBY wil l be pleased to make sam-
-; pl e ma il ings lo lh ese fri en ds Simply list the ir
nam es on a se pa ra te sheet o f paper, with 10c
p e r name to co ver the cost of handlin g .
Should yo u choose to send them additionally
a cop y of the 32 pag e tablo id Yo ur Influ ence b6
Counls Use It!, please encl ose 25c pe r b7C
na me.

(See Coupon, Page 3)

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• Dear ~r~ ~y; II~"' •"-_" , ·
. - . '

In reply to your comµnmication of September 28th, ..

data in· FBI files mu~t be maintainedJ1.s confidential.~rsu~t

. .
to. · '

regulations of the ·Department of Justice·. I am .sorry -I cannot be . I • • • •

of assis~ce to you.
. . \, - ~
. · ~.. Sincerely
. .
J. · Edgar Hoover

iles contafn nothing unfavorable regarding corr~spo~dent . .. ·
obb is well known to the Bureau.
· .

i::M.G~) I

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. .,--;.•,..,
SPECIAL BULLETIN o As this goes to the post office P it appears as if a "deal" has
been made and a temporary truce may be in effecto THIS DOES NOT IN IBE SLIGHTEST
AFFECT THE BASIC IN~TABILITY !JF THE SITUAnON. Apparently the Nixon-Kissinger Ad-
ministration has made secret commitments for the American -taxpayers to supply newp
highly secret weapons to Israelp and American troops are to "guarantee 00 the throne
of the highly unpopular King Husseino And was a c::ideal" made with the Soviet Union ·
to get Soviet backi ng for the truce? If so 2 what was c:,sold out'°? Vietnamp p~r.haps?
The increasing complexities of Mideast intrigue will result in a debacle for America·o
P~ase return to LIBERT Y LOBBY, 300 Independence Avenue, S.E., Washington, D. C. 20003
., .•

I AGREE! We already have enough problems in THE 'ESTABLISHMENT' IS HELL-

America without another war! I will do all I BENT ON WAR. BILLIONS ARE
mount an all-out campaign to circumvent the con- PUBLIC. THE CONTROLLED, LEFTIST
trolled press and mobilize support fo~ neutrality PRESS AND THE CAPTIVE POLITICIANS
9 7 8 2 64 MOS [J 5 7 11 W



Make _check p_a y_a b_l_e___to_; LIBERTY _LQBB..Y._ _v. .. ... __ _


< '
RESOLVED, that LIBERTY LOBBY should favor a policy for America of strict
n~utiality in political quarrels in the Mideast.


- ·r·
· E; ERG~NCY LIBERTY LETTER NO. 27. (LIBERTY LOBBY, Washington, D.C. 20003) Sept. 23, 1970. ~
(This is the most important Emergency Letter ever sent out . Via First Class Mail.) · ~



· .1LIBERTY LOBBY' s Board of Policy has voted FOR a Pro-American Foreign Policy and

''AGAINST Land War in Asia. In 1965 LIBERTY LOBBY fought against ·sending troops to
Vietnam. The America-Last Internationalists who now demand retreat and defeat in

Vietnam and who scream for intervention in Jordan are the same schemers who dragged
America into the disastrous, no-win, treasonous war in Indo-Chin,a !

The strategic insanity of entering ANOTHER overseas war is matched by

;the criminal irresponsibility .of those who promote it. "Amer i cans " who want
American blood and treasure sp i lled on the hot s ands of the Mideast are tools
of an alien ideology and a foreign power. These urtarnerican war criminals, using
the ''free press·" as a propaganda tool, sell otit America for personal gain.
• • I


The press, radio, TV have stepped up their "hate~Arab" brainwashing. Militant pro~war
agitators (some of them actually are "dual citizens" with Israel and the U.S.!) are
holding rallies throughout America demanding a blank check on YOUR EARNINGS. Hundreds
of thousands of letters flood Congress from special-interest groups of hyphenated Ainer-
icans demanding that YO UR SONS be sent to die for Israel. Most dangerous of all are
the thousands of undercover Zionist "fixers," lobbyists and Leftists--including Golda
Meir, socialist premier of Israel--who prowl the corridors of Congress and co~verge
on the White House .

Meanwhile, Congress does NOTHING. From dozens of personal interviews with con-
gressmen and senators, LIBERTY LOBBY can report that all but a tiny minority are
terrified at the thought of speaking out for America and Peace--knowing that if
they do, like Charles Lindbergh thei will be crucified by the pro-Zionist press
in their district.

Americans who put America ahead of any other country or ideology must get to work
NOW. They must reach the President, Congress and the voters with this message:
HANDS OFF THE MI DEAST!* The people desperately need leade r shi p f or sanity
·hourly, the alien, pro -war forces gain momentum. HERE IS WHAT TO DO:

1) WRITE TO PRESIDENT NIXON. Make carbon copies for your congressman, senators
I and local pro-Israel paper. Tell Nixon frankly that Americans will NOT tol-
:·,i I , erate being dragged into another war overseas. Tell him that the men he, LBJ
and JFK sent to Vietnam are entitled to all the support we can muster at this
time . . . there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for sending troops anywhere else.
Remind Nixon that his sending t roops to the Mideast would be ill ega l and un-
constitutional and woul d constitute HIGH CRIME as defi ned in the Const i tutio
- - grounds for hi s IMPEACHMENT .
2) Send a personal note with the copy of your letter to Nixon to your congressman . '"' •
and senators. Tell them if they do not have the patriotic guts to stand up for
American Neutrality that you will do everything possible to DEFEAT them this
November. DEMAND a clear-cut answer whether or not they will write a letter to
the President urging him NOT to send troops or give aid to the Mideast. (And
remember that many politicians are extremely clever at weasel-wording.)

3) Make co ies of this Emer enc Letter -- distribute them to every voter you can
reach. T e American public absolutely does riot-want to be dragged into another
war and people will thank you for putting them in contact with LIBERTY LOBBY--

the only bul'wark in America for Peace!

4) Le~BERTY LOBBY know immediately:


j I AMERICANS ARE CONFUSED, NEED LEADERSHIP. They' re getting only orie side,., Many .
1 , .
~~ think that we have ·some kind of_ !'obligat'ion 11 to fight _for political Zionism.
Truth is. there is no treaty __qr _val:i:d int~1:!l~t.i_9n~l agreement! And the Consti~:-
ution says (Art. 1, Sec. 8) that ·only Congress can declare war--the President has
, HO POWER to commit America to undeclared war! Americans have been told t hat 1~e

~I~ I
l oe have a 11 V~ tal int~rest ' 1 in ~he Mideast. . This is ridiculou~- -1:11iess .. ~OU t ~irik
tha sending Americans ~o die for Rockefeller ' s Standard Oil 1s a "v-ital in --
SOMEONE has to tell the people the Truth. LIBERTY LOBBY has already taken
the lead in trying to prevent another war--but much, much more needs to be
done. Remember that war mobilization will mean price controls . more socialism,
probable economic collapse and dictatorship--not to mention the danger of
atomic war and loss of uncounted lives. But LIBERTY LOB RY cannot ma ye
fo rward to protect your _i nterests becaus e 0£ lad of fon ds '
Because of LIBERTY LOBBY's uncompromising, courageous stand for America, the
subversives have stopped at nothing to try and silence this Institution. First
overt ~ct was SABOTAGE of expensive compute! software. Next, treacherous persons
stole LIBERTY LOBBY's carefully-built listing of names and addresses of members
and supporters--now these thieves are actually RENTING this list to various pro-
fessional "junk m:;iil" promoters, bleeding patriots and undermining support for
LIBERTY LOBBY. And recently subversive agents masquerading as·"conservatives"
have spread hundreds of rumors and lies to-· try and confuse patriots. All these
underhanded attacks have brought a very tight budget--there is NO SURPLUS left
f or any extra pro j ect~-no matter how worthy or urgent!

It will cost tens of thousands of dollars to tell America that there~ an alter- :
native to disastrous -intervention. that last July the subversives had
the Genocide Treaty Hoax ready for Senate ratification~-even endorsed by Nixon.
Then, LIBERTY LOBBY rushed out Emergency Lib erty Letter 26 and placed ads coast
to coast. Hundreds of thous a nds res ponded--the Genocide Treaty was DEFEATED!


·1 i \

*NOTE: If troops have been illegally sent to Jordan by the time you get this,
demand that they be WITHDRAWN AT ONCE!
.... . ... " . •


-- - · - .l'· -

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- - -.
- • '•

•,__ .. Date. t __

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D Acknowl,dg,
OAuign __ Reassign_·_

D Open Case .
D Prepare l~ad cards /l,,.. JO' f ~ if
D Bring file
D Call me
D Correct
D Deadline _ _ _ _ _ __
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Prepare tickler

Retum file
D Search and retur
OSeeme /.;~
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D Delinquent D Serial # _ __ _ ti.::___--'~'~ -- -

D Discontinue 0 Post D Recharge
D Expedite O Send to
D ~ D Submit new charge out
~ o r infon1u1ti1n D Submit report Ii_ b7C
OHandle • Type
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D Leads need attention
D Retum with expl11t iition or notation as to actio
-. ,

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e;=== -=="~
15._j1AY 20 1970'
--=·· _:___·n;I.

elMA"f i~~
POUTICAL PERSECUTION - c/o Col°. Curtis B. Dall
UBERTY LOBBY, Liberty Building
300 independence Ave., s.E., Washington, D.c. 20003

I WILL support victims of persecution! Here is my con-

tribution of $_ _ _ __ __ __ to aid Cong. John Dowdy
and others.

E'l':3587 IN 0270 R'IO

EL PASO TX 79901
Rep. John Dowdy
Please make checks payable to "EMERGENCY COMNITTEE"
• I +_ 'l• ~ .._




(An ad hoc committee of LIBERTY LOBBY)

May 8, 1970
Committee Members Dear Friends
(List incomplete)
For one frightening moment, put yourself'in the place of Cong.
Col. Curtis B. Dall John Dowdy. What would YOU do?
_ .For .18 years you have honestly and faithfully represented your _
Hon. Bruce ·Alger rural, East Texas district.< Election after election, the "powers
Tom Anderson that be" in Washington have spent thousands and thousands of dol-
Gen. Pedro Del Valle lars trying to defeat you, but you have managed t? survive every
Mrs. Carol M. Dunn battle so.mehow because your lifetime of integrity has led your
Harry W. Newman constituents to know you and to trust you.
Hon. Byron N_. Scott
Gen. Clyde J. Watts In your 18 years in Congress, you have establ"ished yourself as
a conscientious and courageous public servant~ and have earned
the fri_endship and respect of your colleagues. :t-;o ,hint of scandal has ever ma:rred
' you~ record. Some Con 5ressmen are known to be subject to the influence of money,
but .~o one has ever sugf!,ested your name.

~ut,your 18 years of statesmanlike service have also earned you the spiteful
hat'red of the far-left Washington Post and the entire Liberal Establishment. As
fourth-ranking member of the District of Columbia Committee, you have had the op-
portunity to learn at first hand what people when they say that Washington
is the most corrupt city in the world.

Your career in Congress has been studded with forthrighfness and courage. Even
the Washington Star points out that "some of the most controversial District
legislation--home rule, urban renewal, the ill-fated public parking authority,
med-i-ca-i-d,--and- teachers'- salaries"--has come before -your committee, and- cites you
as "an outspoken critic of the ~ay other officials, most notably in the District,
did their jobs," as well as "a staunch D.C. crime foe." Walter Reuther's COPE
has admitted that it has spent thousands of dollars in a "pilot project'' in your
district to try to purge you. You have exposed the powerful homosexual clique and
traced its influence throu 6 hout t-he. government. Because you will not go along .
with supporting liberal legislation, the President removed a radar instaliation -·
from your district •

All this brings you the enemies now bent on your destruction. On March 31, 1970,
you find yourself I~DICTED FOR BRIBERY!
* '"
As it stands now John Dowd is bein RAILROADED to prison. Unless YOU move
immediately, it may be too late. Too late to save a ga ant public~vant
f rom a possible rigged trial and the setting of a precedent of legal lynching
of patriots who have the couraee to stand up to the Liberal EstablLs~
-~r - ··--·- N-- -- ----- --- ----- .... - - carefuUy • . This is ·of
~I~L IMPORTifCE to you , your family and your futu~e . · Because what
t s. fiappemfig t o John Dowdy can--and probaoly w1lt--happ en to YOU and
others soon unless you and I stop it Here and Now! =
§=,-- T?
Often I am ashamed of Conservatives •. Their brave. words seldom·match their acts.
l~ow often lt 1.s that we leave our wounded on the field of battlel WE CANNOT CON-
fi=our fr-find, Joirrr'tfuttdy, is AAILR&ADED to ptt"s'aiFtififu eveo honest Co11se1va=-=
tive with powerful enemies is fn i.Irmfifem jeopardy of the same persecution!

Upon the advice of John's counsel, I shall not discuss the facts of this
case. Suffice to say, we have made a preliminary investigation and are
completely satisfied that he is innocent and is being "framed.''

The prosecutor, Stephen H. Sachs, is pressing for immediate trial. As .it

now stands, John will have far less time to prepare his case than the
average rapist or mugger. WE HAVE ONLY A FEW WEEKS AT THE MO~T AND EVERY

I have therefore taken matters-in hand and have personally assured my friend
John Dowdy that we will not desert him •. I ~m confident this is what you want
me to do. John needs IMi.'iEDIATE and SUBSTANTIAL financial and other help. We
have already begun what will be' a t h M ' o ~ tigation into all aspects of
the-case. This must be done to establish the evidence that we need for his de-
fense. We will have to seek out witnesses, fly them here, take expensive depo-
sition•-~and pay all expenses. Already, John has had to lay out $20,000 of his
own money. We hope to repay him this needless sacrifice.

Your contribution is needed AT ONCE. If we stand together, we cannot·

fail to win! We canriot--a-nd we w1 n'. not--allow the Enemy to attempt to
punish ~ true patriot!, -

great and ,couraBeous man suif er desertion by tii.e7feoWe he has fought
for. John Dowdy has stood up for us when the &oing was rough. Now it
is up to us. PLEASE let me hear from you today. I'm enclosing a post-
age-paid envel ~ your convenience.

In haste,


P.S. absolutely can't afford to give anything, please write a letter
to the editor of your local paper about this scandalous frame-up, and pass
my letter on to someone who may be able to contribute. Thank you.

. (COL. DALL: ·please excuse errors!
44 -· MERC-30-.2 · These
uncorrected proofs just came
ih from the typesetter. - l~IERyURY)
The , grand _iu_ry q~estioning of Rep,
The Crucifi>,;ion of John Dowdy Dowdy s admm1stratlve assistant Don
Joh~_son, . was entirely political. Clark's
By WILLIAM FORD testimony ,_on which the charge was
ba~~d, was inadequate to the grand jury
A· Courageous Congressman Confronts the Liberal Establishment in until Sache took him outside and
. coached ~im! Because of the nature of
the Nation's Capital_ as Chairman of th~ Congressional Select Com- ~he case, extensive private ·investigation
is necessary. Rep. Dowdy has already
mittee on Crime .. . Results: They'll 'Elimin·ate' Him.
,~ had t~ pay over $20,QOO to his attorney.
* * * • "' for -this advance ·wor_k, • out of his per-
It has been said Conservatives "leave sonal funds. Dowdy is not a rich man
their dead and dying bleeding and alone
Dali is a · member of the United Con~ but is co~fortably fixed. The fasL fe~
on the battlefield of politics." Texas
gressional Appeal, a committee award- t~rms of his 18 years in Congress ·\\ere
Democrat Congressman John Dowdy,
outspoken Constitutionalist and aggrcs~
ing ~ampaign fund s 10 congressmen, in- tight, ~nancinlly, since ?e had _to pay
eluding Rep. Dowdy. Dall said the.Texas cnmprugo debts from· his much lower·
sive investigator of liberal porkbarrel
public programs, is bleeding profusely legis_l~tor wns th_e only one ( of many salary ~he~. .
rccervmg campaign money) 1:eturning . Sacnficial lamb? Or marked man? In
from the barrage of character assassina- th
cash to the commillee. Dowdy sald he e) er case, ~ohn Dowdy ts being cru-
tion big guns of the libertine establish-
was_ not able to use all of the money cifie~. by ~1: IJberal-radical e~ta~lishment
ment. If Conservatives have be·en guilty
dunng the campaign. The incongruity of for his opimoos. ~hat a paradox_! Every-
in the past, they don't intend to allow
that rnrt of thing.with the charge brought one knows the liberals protest, scream
Rep, Dowdy's wounds to be without at-
against John Dowdy, Dnil said, "are not a:1d bleat about" any limitation of their
tention or response this time. A powerful
rcconcila.ble, MY judgment is the radi~ nght ?f free speech! Inconsistent? Not.
"silent majoritf' orga nization in Wash-
ington has sent its medical units onto the cals are framing him to shut him up." to radicals! .
Lame d\lck U.S. Alt0mey Stephen H. Dowdy has given the dissenters and
battlefield and has wheeled its ar\lllery
Sachs, a Democrat, k.nows he is to ·oe d~tractors reason to want to "liquidate"
battalions into pla~e:
,replaced soon by a Nixon appoiotec, "So. him. U~opp_osed_for re-election in No-
For hi~ I 8 years in Congress John
he's in a hurr~ to fry the congressman v~mber. 1~, his Texas district, he has said
Dowdy has been the chan~pion of good
for conspiracy, eerjury and ''use o(·lnte-r- recently, W~ hav~ heard the argument
government, saying loudly the best gov-
state facilities to promote bribery.!' The ~hat pov_e rty is_ a b.asic· c~usc for crime.
ernment is the least government. But,
five-year-old alleged event is based iolely ~ut we find crime increasing in p1opor-
alas! H;e rode his white horse and shining
on testimony of two convicted criminals, tton as the federal government llas spent
armor rampant through the lush rackets
Nathan H. Cohen and .Myrvin C. Clark. more money for welfare programs on the
and payoffs of the crime-invested Dis-
ln a deal witli the prosecutor, Cohen was lbeory that suc_h spending- will eliminate
trict of Columbia. Galloping· t_o his res-
not indicted and: CIMk pleaded guilty p~verty and crime. In 30 years, crime is ·
cue is a Capitol Hill based, 11on-profit,
bu't i~ .exefnpt from pris'on in return for u~ l ,231 per ce.n t; welfare cost is up
non-partisan organi2ation, registered in
his testimony ' (announced by Sachs 'i.n l ,2l5 p,er cent and population is up only
Congress as representative oE the people.
That organization, LIBERTY LOBBY. the press) . Significant is· ,rhe fact that . 50 per cent!"
Dowdy's committee i1westigated Cohen The _persecute~ legislator's· early life
is mobilizing its quarter-million taxpay- -
a!)d Clark, t.riggering their convictiQn on reads ~ike Horall0 Alge_r. Alt)1ough he
ers in a nationwide fund raising cam-·
a Securities and Exchange Commission never attended law school, he studied
paign lO finance a ~trong, unrelenting
stock fraud. Al~o enii ghtening is another la~v ~n h_is 0wn lnitiative, took the bar
legal defense _to Lhc false, charges con-
fact : Dowdy is now investigating a suni- exammatlon at 28 ( 1940) with the bigh-
coclcd by the Districrs crimioal-libera!
lar scheme involving others but per.h.aps e~t ~ade of all ~andidates. He became
SMEAR IS TRADITIONAL ddra~ding the blac~ co_mm~•iLY ot the d,sinct ntto,ncy !" ·')952. He prnniis_cd
. D1slncr, as Cohen did ,yith his Monarch the voters to ehm~nate gamblrng and did;
"The traditional tactic liberals and ConstrUction Co. remodelino firm. Some- He simply told them to get out or he·
communi~ts ahvays use,1' accordincr to where in the rnjdd'el of all U~s is a Negro nd prosecute:'I'hey knew be meant it
Col. Curtis' B'. Dall, chairman of
ERTY LOBBY, "in attempting to de-
LIB- miruster, ' recently resigned from his
church for vague reasons, _s.'ha: nin
a got ~ul. . .
"Ji (46l'he blitz against Dowdy is apparently
stroy th~ OPP.9_sitioh, i's smear." The Phillips. Ph\Uip~, J.l'iOL\gng~! ·• •fmeanl to be :a fait ~ccoi.np_li before his
Colonel 1s a battle-scarred veteran of vith ~ ~et{l, , · st~ defenses can be ralhed . Most Americans
attacks _by ·the radicals of politics and a m h,iJ,g~,et,i~ , n h0 (, •
still boliev~ in. th~ old-fashicined idea
press, with an impressive list of _viototi~. · i ~r~utmy of Doifv y'/)_ r / ) ~ ,that a criminal indictment is non-politi-
the_OHo Ote~k~ success heading the~ f,Oll_l_~ttec i.nAh~~i, . r k ~_-- -A- and tend to wan~ to st~y a_way_ from
6 /~~~

~('/Jl' - q ;.J,- ~~:an once he has been ptlloned m the

/;J;, µ-el~ ~ ~ ~
Ob1ect of a similar smear, LIBERT~
j · i_es~ as Rep. Dow~y has. It s~ems a~ if
LOBBY intercede_d ~an event confirmfcr ' .
' ,f} rw---·
A So>IS. th~ biggest thmg Dowdy s enemies

n-h:'",lkA ~ .-
by the late, very ltberal columnist, Drew
ally, and the •American pr~ss gener- ~ O),Ydyg~m~
Ye for come
s friends them;tow~etller or will
his defense not
~ ~~I)/
. IJ;li' ..... -
1 ·Ntt/ p~obably determine whether or not ·he .
will emerge a,freeJllan.
I,. l
·•. I;' _,..,. ..t ,
o rn OH.\1.
~:! ;;::\14°11~~~ 101 •~ 1,6
rc:.-:1111i-.o10: 10··
SJ:ATElvERNMENT · ·.• ··: ,: : : _, · ,
.-:~:. r •..-:..· ..

."<· ~· ~-.\ ~· ,••. •, -

•• =-:
i ..., ~
. '""111111

Memor ndum .... '
.. , , I I

.:-. ' ' ,,.. ., :'' .· · -• . ,:•• .·--:- --:- · ·

. .. .
• '1 ,
. .
• I••

,j' ' TO • :. DIRECTOR
., .
FBf :(58-1121)-'_- ·· :_: ·: ·: · DATE: 5/15/70
,~ , •.
. 11
. . . ' . . ... .. .. ..

FROM. >,~:~;~tCLt DA~s ·. (~8_".9~o~j' ·auc:-_· · .· ·. . . . .·.

/ -A/1,.t{,?ta
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_______ .
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.: ·~ ·
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.... ,. . .
· CONGRESSMAN JOHN DOWDY; . '°' .. .. .,i'"'
1 0, j

, · •... ·• e: ·•
· ET AL \l ' •

. BRIBERY, ETC.; •,.·.... • -: - ·

·· ,,
.... . ~ . .;•~ ~
.. .
00: BA •. ' . (

~- . ~ .
, .In-the mail of 5/15/70, the following was·. received,·..
1 .. . .
·' '. _ , · .. being addre~sed to .SAC, FBI Office, 1114 Commerce S-t ~eet 11 Dallas - .
•. ·... • · Te-as• •'71. • · · · ' · ' • · • .,
• • • · • •• . ,b6 ·
' . . . .'_ . -~ .' . . ,:b7: .
(1) . . Letter· dated 5/8/70, on let-terh·e ad of Liber~x L£>.\l.Y.f p'·· ~ :: · :,
publisher of . Liberty Letter O addressed to. '!Dea1· .Friend" and · :~ ~~
signed "CURTIS B·c:· D.~LL 11 • Cbairmano ~• This letter sets out infor.- ·:. J '
. A
()li · .J' roa t io~ regar~iing DOWDY, states as it . ·stl\nds now . DOWDY is ,being; : :' . ~
(J\}j'()1V ra~lrqaded. to: prison and soli<;_i ts a ·.. contributiOIJ: . to help saye; -/ ''.
JOHN DOWDY · . · ·, .- . :.._. · . · . · . ,· · .


e; OF..N

. · 9n~

coa,m;;DiCB,iO~ capti~ned
DOWD1[ 1t :b y ,____ _ _....,...._ __,
·. .
• t


' • . , - •

• '

~BE-CRUCii'IXio11 -~~ ·.;

• •;•

. : . . . .. · .

• ••

. ·

.· ~


(3) . ·' _. : A '.3 x8 card addressed· to Emergency C~~itt'ee · To. Support .··
Yictim.s Of ~olit.ical Persecution. - c/o C~l • .CURTIS. a •. DALL; ·"7"._.;,..:"fi;_~.
by which a ~on~ribution can be made to aid• DOWD.Y., , . . · · · "~
(4) . · . E~~~l~~- addressed. t .o_; Libe;ty ..~bby, 300 !n~~~-~ nde~ca. ;r~1_
!:e;::~r!;::/.:; -~a~~.~ ~~ton, . D_~ .c • . 200.0 ~,... by·,.~~~~.~ -~~~-m ? .- ,~.bove .c ~n -~ -
• - 1 •, : • ~ • • -. • • • ~· .' • • •• •

are· enclosed :tor· ·the'. Bureau with

·· Th·e: 'above items
! Zeroxes of · sam~ · beilllJ -furniishe~·,_:~1.tim~re • . ·.:- i,:. :
; . .. ' .. . '.• . ... ~- -.·. . .. . ·. ... .. . 0
The- ·encl~sed ..items ·:~~:t :being-:'.fur~u:shed for :information~- ~

. . . - ·1 - :..
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·O,r10NAL FORM NO. 10

'· 'Tolsrm
Sull lvru;~

(!) Memorandum flCasper

• • -

'-- '\ !<'ell

TO DATE: November 6 1970 Gale

' Rosen
FROM Tele. Room .
Holmes - -·-
Gandy _ _ _ _


, The purpose of this memorandum is to recommend that

no acknowledgment be niade of a co'mmunication received from captioned
individual on November 3rd·.

Correspondent enclosed a copy of an apparent commentary

he delivered over an unidentified radio station on October 30th. He expresse·s ··-
his high regard for the Director and hopes Mr. Hoover will find his remarks J
"very much to the point. " His commentary, delivered in the name of the \
Liberty Lobby and purporting to support law and order, is a vicious attack on f'-
\ President Nixon's policies and urges legislation which would permit the ~
I public flogging and hanging of criminals in order to effect a return to law ( ·~
and order. In his letter he alleges his father-in-law is former President ~
\ Franklin Roosevelt and that the D i r e ~ e d Jtim.:..a nistol permit in 19~. /\-~
z: " •~~MY ~~ ti-
Information in Bufiles appears to confirm his relationship
to former President Roosevelt, however, there is no record of a gun perm·
of any sort having been issued to him. He is the Chairman of the Liberty
Lobby,' which is well known to the Bureau, and National Chairman of the,·;: . ·· ~
Constitutional Party of the -µs, which is the subject of a current Racial .__.,.
Matters investigatioi::i and was the subject of an Internal Security- -X investi-
gation in the 1960's. He is also~ member of the National Coordinatit).g ~
Committee, Friends of Rhodes·ian Independence, which was the subject of
Internal Secur_ity,--Rhodesian and Registration Act invest.igations in li16966. ~

I He has also associated with persons of questionable character who ha;v

been investigated by the Bureau. ./;:; l,. -10.
RtC-16 .
~ I -- Cl

Enclosure ·10 NOV 10 1970 (5
El-113 C)

\ \
1 - Mr. Sullivan -· .... tV!t ~

-~ - Mr. Bishop - Enclosures (2)

1 , :. 0
1 I ()
JBT:mls (4) ·"r"ffl! ::;:,

6 7 No.v1 6
3 10

- ~~'
...... V')


Memorandum, to Mr. Bishop \"

Re: Curtis B. Dall

Dall's comments suggest a,. return to medieval methods of ,

punishment and his cl}.arges of laxity on the part of the administration
accuse the President· of political. maneuvering to the detriment of the
Nation. To respond to this•diatribe least tacit approval
of his remarks 'by the Director. - In view of his background and the
nature of his comments, 'it is riot felt a reply is· warranted.
• I

That his c;ommunication be _fil~d without acknowledgment .


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P.O. Box 36132
o_36_ _ _ _ __

November 2, l 970

(0 11
V Hon, J, Edgar Hoover, . Direc t,,,,-
Federal Bureau of Investigation
o r--- --- -· Mr. Casper___
Mr. Com·ad .. __ _
Mr. F elt ____
Pennsylvania Avenue at 9th N.W. Ml'. Gale ___ __
Washington, D. C. Mr. Rosen ____
Mr. Tavel. _ __
Mr. Walters _ _
Mr. Soyars__ _
Dear Mr. Hoover.: ' Tele. Room.._
Mies Holmes_ _
M iss Gandy_ _
. ....-, erhaps you will recall me, bac~
i n J une of 1933, " when l wa s sta ying in t he White House with my
·f~:!=.her-in-law, Franklin RooseveltJ · you were kind enough to issue
-a p-i's t ol_ permi t to meas I ·was about to start my Sunm1er va 9ation in
.. -.. Encl osed, is a copy· of' my l a. s -t:
.. .... .. • . t . ~, .
Fr } d·a y,! s ~ broacka st on the, subj e ct o f Law . a nd Or der , whi ,c n ~ . hope ~
yo~:;:~P·:~ c-fii ~cr very much to the P?-·int. ,. ,, A ';

_,.,~-..,.-.';_~;:.:.:,:'.• -~ -~ , ·: •.
.:~. ; '\,; \..~
;,•· ,t__._· . •
",· :Shou-1.d· you desire· .th~ ·• name ·o f the
:·\-/ . ;,' ·:s··. / - __ .-. ,-
tr/e6.ii:tY;-~~-o~.P..i~ ml ,,.;1\ w?'u'1d be i,1ag.\t~,---s~.~Ill~ t . i, ~"'- fD·. .........

~ ~,
who c~-li ed on
on: '·.. :{Jtf;~;r•-,~~s,o:~.ia~,!,s \: ;• . ' ,· ·:.· :.: /~. : ,: :,· ,._ ~::,_.c~):·/)·/~~:~~\?. .· · ~
,·... ;,... ' ' May ! •. c lo s e •tfl.j s ·s, b:i:-1.e f . no.te ·~o
0 - ' - 0 : • . . •• ,•, • • ."'• •. 0 •,. . . . -;-: .,. :.· 0 T - • :; '• -

you ef high esteem.•,r,.. :· _:;.,,.. . ..•·:, .,. •.

_____ _ ,, .~ : ·,1..,:-:···. . ~~\j·~,·~·-: ;: /,~ ;.\\.~.
rl~ ce:c:.e l.Y . Y?Urs, :···
~• L >' •• . "

. "· - - ;l\
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CBD: l , ;- ,, .• 'I'\• ..-.I
NOV 10 . 197fl


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LIBERTY LINE I October 30, 197Q'

.' ..
• :• • 1 . . .....
-: ::~~ ,..
1:,. •,;•,: ' C• " .~; ' . 1 \, .-.

·.:(·:.:. ···· - ·- Hello / tom Washington; This is 11perty Line, a legislative service of
_;: Liberty Lobby to help ·make _your influence c0unt. I am Curtis · Dall,,. chairman of
, ;~ Liberty Lob!ly's board · of policy. . , .
. --~.. ' . . - '
·. :·it"_;;. ·:i. .• -: ·.
President Nl~on, you will not c~re· for thls broadcast, . but, lt ts high -· -..:.:....~-- :~: ,.-~: "
~ .':.:•,<-~<. 1.·-\, ,

,~: \~·~· tt m~ ~he .1 nte·rests .o.f the• ½.me~ican Peopie \ ~r~ placed•,above extensive political . _.
_.. lo, • •• - • - • . .. #' - • ... t ., ' • ol' • i • ... • ~

· :·~ sltckerlng, 1~ t::hat _~l.l offenders againh Law · and Order must be promptly' and ... · _:,_ .- ; •,·~ .. 'i -
•_ . . . . . . ._· . ·. _• .:. ;_;- .\ . ,1:.,v·~ :··
:, .. .- severely punish~ t : Punished so that there will be no repeat o~fense. Emergency ,-\• -;~'.·~.~ ·:;\•· ..,
"•. ' .. , • ~ • ~17 ..l .,--;· ·:·,.,• •.•

:~ j_
legislation ls a must! - \
. .. , • I
••• t
, , , -~ -_· ·. ··.,,.·._:-·,
·, • "- • t, " \"

. :>,<··,,,,-,! ~,·..Publl ~-. f]:o·ggings a-11 .'~<~~.,c::


~tiou1d ·,be restored. fo~. fesse~._ offenses; an~ galiow~ --~F._)'· :-

.,·.,. ••:~ j • n r ,e /,. :~•r, , f• ) , . , ,•' f • \ •,~"' \ /•~~ ; , 1;,',:_ • _\·.,,, •

_i-:. 1.~Jerepteq , in important · cities tor the benefit''of all ma:jor offend!,;;-~, ,,so thElY can ·_. •-. • ••· ••
,;.·,· •ti . .- . . ... . . . 0
~.,. _. . . . ~- _·
A· "· :~;

;/--}.}>e promptly tried, and, if fourid guilty ·-h3:x:iged _in public!

• !,( , :- ; • ~
. '·f,:
I • • ' j • ' _> : • - •. •. •"" ...• •
'?t:· ,.
\.,'~~ •

~:-; >t Law and ·Order can be, and must be, promptly restored in this Country, le-st ·•·: .,:••;; ·:. _,· :: ,.
....._!~ •- ~:; ·•• - ,;. . • • ., • • . ' . , • • • • • • ,, . I : -., • ., ~ :•! .;~~- .-"'. •
·'•:, ' advanctng anarcny continue to ·grow: and challenge our very survival . as a _f ree · ·; :-:;;•-:'. ···1 ·;:,f~·,.- ;,:
'}" ,.~.~op.l e( :·• ::-.•~ . . -'t. •: •" .• - -~ ' , .,_ ·-: • . . . · .,.~,.;_:: ... ;: ·•,•~ ·•'; '.°.:-· ·'~.·/t\,t:~~·-•t:~}r
>i2~;;{/i/r.!• "~· yesterday, a friendly,, aged couple; Mr. arid"Mrs • . "W", who res~de In
1.- ' } • ' •• •
:.;:;•;.-·.:c.; ·_:·,,"·.
:••'-:·· ",·
.i ~- .. ..,. . ...

' .i
:..wa-~hlngton ,' -s '. South -Ea-s.t Sectloi:i, · caUed, on .' us.

They ar.~ .now I°l't~raily 'afrai-d 'i:o ..
. , ... .,
_:.-?~.1, _,·r}t.:..'{
. 1-,~. .

,,; ; · walk to and from their nearest grocery · stpre .: ln'\order to buy - ~helr food. ' - Mr. _"W",:.;/ -:<,;:c('. ,.;-;::j
•.;:; • I • - I ; • .- - • I •• • I .-4 ~ ;_, ~•~~I•• •~'J'·t•• •~,}
:.!' · lost the sight of one eye; t:he other has _much reduced vision; · His wife weighs <·•·i '!"':. " ,~,.~,,-,;,
:-.1 j • ' • • . - -:t : .' . .·'•i.:.. •:
u,. , 19·1 pounds, and stie has been knocke~:. down · three• tl-m_~ s .• . Since, 1965, ~h~y haye been .·-·! -·:·· t~'·~.L~;:--
1 t =~ ,.~';- :,"-.,1:~~--•-,:
~;,·:k~t:~-~- :,; 1
-..... I • • •: •

~~•;- mugged ' 1 and robb@d· elght different times here. '.- - ·Eight ~ -.! , Each , time,._the , ;-• ~-':-_··:·;7
-. • • • • • • • ,; t \' • . . . , . •, ',-·1 ! .:' !.--'fri=-:t! ;.~,.: 1 ::·}f;
?•;.;, police · ha~~· ~een- notif~ed by !phone. : No perceptible a<?t!~n ~-~ s- r~sulted.°<·:7': _,. I'~; ~;(,~?:)~
._· .I: Pr"81 dent
Ntxon, \ t _h 1 s · plain anarchy, and l[OU " " "· ~barge _of ls '.° i:;,:.?!
~nfo rci,ng ',La:,,,:c.:,:;,;;.:V ,_
~•,, and Order in this Te~ritory of Washington, .o.c. •---:·!2!:! inust enforce i ,!:I · · ,,,.;• .•;-: ~--..,.:;~·.: ·;;•:·_'ff,i_-"~ .... 1 1

• ,( , '.. - • . ' . , 'I ., • • • -~•'\• ' ;.. ~:~ ,_ ' /

rf•>~."::-~?}· ..,.. If you do not _possess -just what- it tal<es to _firmly enforce the· law.-·so· as .:· .I•--~-.- ;\:-:'~\_.¼,':,:[
r. , . ~ .,, ... - I. , .... 1 -... •
1)..:_to ~lntain ' ord~r~ and protect cl.tizen~·; 'then/ .. shoul-~ move , out · of-- the \ihlte :. ·.:,. ·=·:,;: :.- :.:· ·<'·{
. . ,_ _ . .. . ... .. . ;.
·..1 ·' ~ ~ ' \.

·1s· ·Mri ·,f,~::;:-,~: •:'/t('~J

''.?/ House. ·.·. The ' erm·~--
'1"(ilr. _• •
~:~ ..,...
.., _, '. ..-.""
Now· - ~ ,·
._ .._.,. . . ...
,, ·•··
P'r e:sldent ! .... Americans' demand, adequate ,...
.i' . . ~ . ~
·•· -~
. . ..._.,._-. ,.
. :~~
. .. . . .
;: \.~
-., . ::• , -
, "·~· ··.,·... i.·-. -<.'.,·:~,-.
,,_, \
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g.~~,~.:~,::-+ /~·~;.,:·:_;:.-:,~,,\·:·\ ~ l • ',· ' • • ,, .~ · ; •• : · " ·:} ~ ;- : \ : • - " : • • ' . • • •/ / · · · ~ ... - - -: • .:
.;;.:;i~.'1::j.,~~J..(;" This" ·ts. Liberty Lobby, 300 Independ. ence Avenue S.E., , Washington, o.c;?:_\ •./,;,t: f ).~' ./Jv··
. · " ' •• ..... - • • ' ·1 ~
','. - , • • ,-, .; ... , , ' , \, ~ ... 1 , "\ • ••

\.~ ·n,ank y·ou for calling, -- _.:' (For, an uP-'J't6' the· mlnu~e leghl~ttve ro~·o rt;."call
"'!~. ·: , t . . ... . • a. : •
· · '~ ·
\ ;/ (. :r·- J
•i ·•·. ..: \ ._t:.r•j~# . - J ~ ~
' ' L iberty Li ne -
_··} AC 202 ·.- LI 3-1 77)
· 6' ' ·.: . ~: : •.. · : ;• •,. ...--,X=:"
,, .. .:,;'"~·,.:.· •.~~
•· , I~
1 . :., . , •. ,· ,.: . · _

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1 .~/1 cc .- _Pre.~l~ent .~~c~~r~ _Nix_~~~ _Washing:~n, ~.c. __ ~.- ·:._, _., . . :,-.::.,_ . _, ..~'.·~ ,'..,.~_ }"_.·_·,.·:··.,:r_.._.),..i(.?,'·,.;
s11.•·f , .. , Director J. Edgar Hoover, F.B.I., Washington, o.c •. •.' ., ,...,., , .. I. ,,.,.,"'~··-· ,'"{••·· ··· . .,• _;, ; ,:-_•·;
. ~ · ·.. , · . . • .,.I • -. ., . . _,.-.:·r•~~ i. ··•.; \··~·l'- l.
.;,•, ·,. .
·,:.~*. . ,: ;
·•" i'.{ ,;·:• .., J ...
- . _·
.,. ..., , -.., Chief ,of Po! lee, . Jer:ry, Wilson, Washlngto,n, D. c.~ ,~· · •·•-~u.-·=.,\~;.:; t ~"/f.,...~,t.....;:.·':> ..( , v,.,.
I• ;:: .. .• - ,,
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•. '11 : ·~oV,':J-eJ 1970 . '· . ,. .,;·.,•.':'.·, .. ;.... •;;,,,.,,. I
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~3; I INoV. J, 191

Mr. Gale _ _ __
Mr. J. F.dgar Hooyer, Di.rec tor . -~ Mr. Rosen _ __,,...,....,.
Federal Bureau of Invee tiga tions, · . _, Mr. Tavel _ _ __
- \•,
.Washington, D. C. .
e:x -, ·. , - Mr. Walters _ __
Mr. Soyars _ __
·near Sirs LI b er!:t_ µ~ tJ :f.. Tele. Room _ __
- ---~•J ..
- Do you not think that it is high time more pro tee tion, w·as gi vi
~ Miss Holmes _ _
Miss Gandy--.-
About a-:year ago I saw a telecast of a riot, ·and heard a talk by o\ll

the question period I asked if there was any protection furnished the~po:i::me..-.-_- - ~
His answer was "None that I know of . 11 . • I asked if the windows of their cars we·re
bullet-proof. He said 11 No 11 • This is· an outragal· · Many of our policemen have
been wounded and killed. I have heard olr no cita.tions of merit, nor medals ·ror
action beyond the call of duty. ··

In my opinion the Police Department shou+d be one of the most highly regarded
in public service. ·. Only men of incorruptible character · should be: accepted. ~
They should be thoroughly trained in work and self-protection, arid instructed if
attacked in any way, by rocks.rp. Molotov cocktails, ~lube or .bullets to,dhoot to kill.
If •ineulted verbally or by having filth of any kind thrown ori them ' the offender b6
should be arrested, tried promptly and the sentence severe. . '!he brave police b7c
patrol our streets day and night guarding the lives and property of others, and

llihould be well paid. Their lives are. just as dear t0 th~ and their families
as the lives of other men. They should be .fully a~ed.
Further officers and men should be fitted with light vests
long enough to protect all vital organs but not tight enough to impede action.
Gorget should be attached. Headgear should also be bullet proof and not easily
lmocked off'. ~tt~fc
,I -Despite the
fact that you have
that crime, terrorism
repeatedly .warned
by _extremists and violence of e;rery nature was increasing especially among
youth of our country, President Nixon led in lowering the voting age.
. thhe
=f: ~
f. / .-
1r·!·fo 0
pisorders are entirely the 11or~ of ntili t.ants, and those t.aking part in th . 11 _

I should be i.n:unedia tely expelled add made to pay for the . damage done. t ha 1. · ~
these half-baked,misnamed studenui t'o do with the gdlvernment of the Uni d States ~ f 2

Please use your wst influence to put a stop·,sot only to ~rganized crime, t'~~,: .
I but "CRIME", penod. .. - .. ,,
.,,·, ,Xb
.. ,
'"' { "

'' ,:~ •/ ,. . . ' •[

Copies toi,• J,tte Joh~ F-. Conr.oy
. .
REC·5· 7
•. . t ~
. - I c, I'd 9/7/'/-'
A /
I 11 /~~
,.,_,.-..-~., L---J
{-·\9 .
llhief of Poli · Thunnond - . . 1970
. Sena tor J. StranGail.lard, Jr' 111 · 122 NO I .

1,1~r J. l?:"'~l?erty r..,om, EX~-

· . = ==

Pylicy Boar •
·. ' ·-· ~~........"4·
. -.,,
o-1/ . .= -~~
'\ \. -~.yf::.
r,,,c,'.Cl ,ti-" 3-~- /Cf$V'\S .
J .
Alf';,.,vl" : .- ,/.P.u'~---'·-: -~ -=""" '
•- -.....
~ }~ENc;·,L!BERTY LETTB1:" ~ 27. · (LIBERTY LOB~Y, Wa::ihingt. D~C~ ~OOO?) Sri?t,!::':?;J, 1970.
· C'1:his is the _most 1mpo... •ta11t Emm-gancy Laher ev_er ' sent ou~. Via First . Class Mail.)



LIBERTY LOBBY 1s H;:,ard of Policy has voted FOR a Pro-American Foreign Policy 'and ,
.AGAINST . Land War in ·Asiao In 1965 LIBERTY:l'..OBBY fpught against sending . troops to
Vietnam. The Arnericc'•·-Lest Int,ernationciJ.,ists 1-1!-lo rlemand retreat and defeat in now
Vietnam and who scream for intm:-vei1tion in
Jordan are the same schemers .. who· dragged
America into the disa st'.l'.'ou.s,, treasonous war in J .

. The stra.t,egic insanity of America ontering ANOTHER o~:rseas war io matched by

the criminal ir;.~esoonsi bili ty of those ·who promote i ta 11 1\mericans 11 who· want
American blood and treasure spilled .on the hot sands of the Mide~st are tnf'-ls
of an alien ideology and a foreign power. These unamerican war crimirial·s,- using
the Hf'ree press" . a1:1 a propaganda·.· tool,. · .sell out America for personal-
' .

. '
Tho pro:::s, radio, TV h1;1ve steppod up their 11 ha.te-Arab 11 brainwashing .. . Mili"t:3nt ·.p ro-war
agitator-s (some of them actually are 11 dual citizens:r with I srael anJ. the u.S~~) are
holding rallies throughout. America demanding a blank check on YOUR EARNINGS. Hundrr-,ds-·
of thousands -or· letters flood. Co11gress from special-i nterest groupsoi' hyp.h,3nated Amer-.
ica!ls darnanding that YOUR SONS be sent ··to die for Israel. Most dangerous nf all° are
the tho·u s~nds' r.,f underco~,)er Zionist" "fixers", lobbyists and Leftists-,.;.{rtciuding:Golda
Meir,. socialist premier of Israel-~who prowl t.he corridors of Corigress· and cciriverge
on the White Hou.Se. -.. . . ".

Meanwhile,. Congress does NOTHING. From .dozens of personal int.0rvicws with con- •
gressniod and senators, LIBERTY LOBBY ·cari report·that. all but a-tiiny•m.inority are
terrified at the thought of speaking out for _America and , Peace:..-1<now1:ng_ that _.if •
they do, like Charles· Lindbergh they w_i ll be ;crudii'ied by. the pro-Z_iol:\ist press
in their district. ·


Americans who put.America ahead of any other country or ideology must,· work
NOW.· · They mus·t reach the President, Congress and the voters with this message: ·
HANDS OFF THE. MIDEAST! •~ The pe ople desperateJ:y· n_eed leadership for san.ity . . . .
hourly, the alien; pro .. •1-1ar forces ·gain mornerit1Jlll., HERE ·-rs WHAT TO ' 00:

l) WRlTE TO PRESI.DENT NIXON.·. Make carbon copies for your congressman., senate~
and local p:r:o-Itl:rael paper~ .· Tell Ni~on frankly that Americans will NOT :tol-
erate being dragged into another war ·overseas. ·Tell him that the men he, LBJ
and JFK se;:it to Vietnam ~re- E?trcitled to _all the suppoTt we can· muster· at this
time • • • · is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for sending ·troop • anywhere else.
Re_m ind Nixqn 'i:.ha·::, his c,~nding troops to the Mideast ·would be illegal _and un- ·
cohstitutic1ial .::::J ~,:cJu.ld i ·~crc, 9 KWH CRIMP. as defined in the COJisti tution
--grounds for his IMPEACHMENT. ~,;J...--/c)~'J#-JJ./2

The Jews in Palestine (Israel) are not Hebrew descendants of udah. They are Zionists
a nd have no connection whatsoever with ~tfstr[tE , 1
. T.'11\J
·11 ... __ _ :-...... ... -•.... J-r. -. .1 1.,J \;: x··. ... I -~
.c•• :
,_('.:',.. ,:/ ~,2) . S~nd a· pe!'.soni?l not. th the capy of your letter t o&on to your congres snu;.~ . -~ ~
. . ·:..and senat0rs. Tell _ .~e!ll ii' they do rp.crt h?ve- the pa·t r'l!r't ic gu,ts to . s,t a nd up for '
.., American Neutrality that, you Hill do everything pos s i ble to DEFEAT theni t ni s
......·; ,:... No,renihe·r. ·.DEMAED a clear•-_r..11t ;!ns~!c:r.' ·ivh:ither or not. 'they •will ,w rite a letter t o'
..,,. \_

tq.e Pr~siderit urging fom. NO'l' ·bo:-'-tietid' "'i;r•·oops or give' aid to the Micieast. ('tmd
. · ·b er•'"'
remem +ht ·
a., nan;y- po1·-•-;- ;..,, .....,, ~--''
1-:--C~c,, ~,--. ,.,~--··-
••.•.. ~,r.--•
__ ,e1•,
.> .c7.... ""
a t ...1.~ase
_.,., 1- ·· k"1ng. )
_ wqr

~.·; -~,.-~,3) Ma~· copies al this · Eme rgency Let.ter.-:--distribute them to eyer:, vot er you can
·;_:• •!-~~· .... r .e ~ch . · The Amer-roan public ci~s9lutely does not want to be dragged i nto another.
_,.,.·,. :: · W{lr and people will :t,h~nl~ ~ro~ for putti ng them in contact with LIBERTY LOBBf---
the only bul~1ai•k in Anie:dca f'or Peace! · · . ·. ·
. --- •·, ,•
. ..

~ 4) ,l,ei;. LIBERTY LOBBY l:now immedintely: - .
1, ·
"t:i .
,.,.. - .. ,,. _AO,AIN:ST AMERICAN !NTERIJENION• f IN TI:IB MI.~AST?? • ~ •

~ -J. ·if1,ERIC.ANS ARE· CO~FUSED, NEED LEADERSH:i:~ • . T{1ey:re getting only -one.. side. Many
I \Lei, t-hink that we have some kind of 1!obligation 11 to _fight for · politicaf. , Zionism.
IIIJ ~ :·~ ~t h .:i~ , there is. no :t>:EJ._ {l,~Y or: va))A . t.n~er.1:v;3t~p,~~±- a~g~~~'ll!~I?,t·~- _!!!,d · _tl')_~ . Co.~.~t,i t-
·:.. f~~/Jt,1tib n aays ( lirt . 1 , Seco8) that only ca n., declare ·t1a_r--the ,P resident ha,s
, ~.!..-.., ,NO ·pow.ER t o comrni t Ilme;,:,ioa to U.'1eecla:::-ed ·1·?-f!r .I Amer icans hf.l"T'e b_ e en told t hat we
:-f" . I[ _ have .·a "~ ta_l ~nt~res.t" in ~he Mideast., . Thi:s. is· r i diculou~-- unle s~ you thi nk
-1 ee,,n I that s ending .Arner1.cans to die fo:L· Rockefel~er ' s Standar d Oil is a J[vit al in- .
,. ~ ": BELONO IN JJU_L , NOT ~1.AK_nm P.OLICY FOR A SUPPO.S_EDL~ ~~ ...N~;-!oN J
· _, SO~NE h~s to -~ell the people ·~h-~ T!i-1.tho -· LIBER!Y L OBBY has a:J_re.a.q~; ta ken
r _. f ;-· ... _t .11~ l e ad 1.n t ry-i:ng to pr.even}. ~ppther 'W~r--but muc~, IT\UCh more J1~13ds _t o be


·~r-; • d9pe. · Re men:rber""t hat .:war mobil,1 tn.11 mean pr ice . contt'ols , .more socialism
pr obabl~ .-econeimi·c col;J..apse .a·iid , dictat'orship--no,t to, mention the _. 4'anger of
atomic war a nd loss 0f uncounted lives·. - But LIBER~Y LOBBY cannot ·.move
.. . . ~o r ward t ~ p rotect your interest-s because of lack of' funds l . ·
.. .. _, . Beca~se of LIBERTY
LOBBY 1S uncomp:c·oir.:;.sing_, courageous stand- for .America, the
_J s ubversives ha ve· ·stopped at nothing to try and. silence this. Tnsti t ut i on.. First
" ·over.t ac t was SABOTAGE, o:( expens·iv e _comput,er so:i:''iiware. Ne~, t rea c he rous. persons
stole- LIBElRTY LOBBY' s car efully- built listing of . na mes anc;J- addresses of members-
~nd s upporters--now these thieves are actually 'RENTING thi,s __ to var ious p r o-
. ,: .i'essional 11 j unk mail " pr omoters , bleeding patriots aod undermi ning support f or
-1- · LIBERT'! LOBBY. And r e cently subversive age nts 'ma squer ading as .11 ~onservat i ves11
. , :-i 'ha:v:e1~spr ead..:aui:1dr.-eas- of,.~umoFs ,and . .Jries ".'i;o- •:t-ry·,and -eon-.f1:1se-,-p:atri:ot}s:.;~• -fLtl- t he'se..;
underhan'ded atta c k s have· brought a v zry tight budget --there is NO SURPLUS left
.• '.f or anv extra pl;,o _j ec·!::~-no m~,-;:,ter ho~wor1E!l:for u:rgent i ·,~ .
• t t. ~ ' • '.

It will ··cost tens -of ·thousands of dollars to tell America that IS an alter-
native to disast,:::ous :in-~erv-2nticn, Remember that last7.J:u].y the supversives. had
th~ Genocide Treaty Hoax, ready for' S811c1te ratificati.on---even. endor!:led by Nixon •
Then, LIBERTY ·16BBY rushed out Emergen<:_7. fi ber ty: Letter.-·. 26 an~ placed ads coast:
to co·ast. Hundreds of·, thousands r~ sponded--the Ge1,1oc ide· ·T-reaty W'as· DEFEATED) !

.. 1 '. .... ' -



~. }' I,'< --~·.


*NOTE: ·rf trdops h_ay.e bee_p illegally sent to Jordan by the time you get this,
demand that they be· WI~_•fi~·t~A.1'iN f,T ONUE~
,. , .•:r ..
.. i" . .• ... 1 .-1.

.... ~. -~....-.. J.~ :.:------.-Ii! .n. ~•--..1·
~-- r ''" ~
I :·.. ·~ ~-~~ :

· )J-·
-• . ✓-,
: ..
•• •...
. .
. .-

~ -
REC~49 · ,~ ~/o '9_1/".'.~ ,. .,,,./ .. . .
H~ovi;mber 19, .1s7o
. . . .
. .: . . - . .~

D:· £1-W · . .
b6 ·
., .b7C

: .. :· . . ~ , 1=: . r-

ln. reply to your letter of Noveni_b.~~ ··14th, ·

. .
· information-tn· our files must be maintained as confidential
.. .·· .
.in accordance wlth regulations of_ the· Dep~t~~nt of Justic_e~. .
.. .: . . .

.. .

: . •

.. o • •·

· I regret I c·ann~t
b.e of assistance .to y~. ·.~ : ..
\,. ,:/ . .'.· : •'
-:.. .
~ - S~cerely yours,' .
. '•
: ,·-. · : 1~ ·~dga.i ~oover
--. ... · John Edgar Hoover
·:... :· .... ·. -
· · · .Director · ·
MAILED 24: .' : _.
. ..

: ~~
NOV l:819ita
.. =·.
.COMM-FBI· \ ~~ -.
J.. ,•' ' ..
·. .
··NOTE: CorrespC?ndent °t;s/nqt id~ntif~able in 'Bufiles. The· Liberty ·
'l'ols(irl _
_ _ · · Lobby· is well known to· the Bureau.- ..' .·., ..
Sullivan _
>-1 ,,:,, --
,____ - ,- .
8ish1,11 - LEE:a
l3rCl!llrlil11 , C.D.'_- .
r\nnn _ _·•
Gal I nhnn Ill"':
C:1 s pc1· ~ · _ _

~~~:nd ' .. • , (F·,- V,~~

(-"'f 1 ... J ;, ; .::,_"J.:1• .. ,
Cale __ -_-:::_-=._-=.-= •. · • • · .. 1
,· (f · ~- ' . ·

g~~~ oi?o~10.
rc\c. 1\~ --
~ ·~J'!; "·::':;;' .
. , :. .· ~
g~:,'~~s~~~== MAIL,R~O~[:=:J TELETYPE UNITQ; ' . _. · . ·· , . ,. .
I . ....,·
~.,..--, ~
') •

November 14~ 1970

Bureau of the F.B.I.

Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir,

1 have received information telling of this organization
. 0
anti wanting me to join their membership. Name - Liberty Lobb3r

Please let me know what your opinion is?

Thank -you.


;I )

Ut-B-;~9 (r;Q - I ::,iW ;;;;JIY 1

· 32 NO\J 2 4 \ 9lQ
~ ~~

/ .,.
/l- 1<1-?o ' ·, ... '
vC __;_,,l:t---•~ . f ' • ~
·- · -··
. I



,:..:-·. ~-r.~,

• ;- l ,

~ -· December 24, 19'10

'J --·
b 7C


Your letter and enclosures were received on Decem-

ber 21st. With regard -to your inquiry, information in our files

must be mainU:l,ined as confidential in accordance with regulations

of the Department of Justice. I regret I cannot be of assistance to

you. I am returning the material you forwarded.

Sincerely yours,

I Edgar Hoovet
John Edgar Hoover
~ -
Enclosures (5)
Correspondent's enclosures
NOTE: . Bufiles contain no 1ttord identifiable .wi~ correspondent. She
enclosed literature fr0.11]. th dber9LLobby which is well known to the Bureau.
Tul ~o u _ _ _ __ The enclosed lit~rature is leaflets d,t sseminated by .Liberty Lobby in which it
Sulliva11 _ _ __
Mol,r _ _ _ __ _
is alleged that the Federal Government tth11ough the internal Revenue Service
· Bishop _ _ _ __ is trying to put the Liberty Lobby out,of ,'.,:business by demanding an "Income
11rc1111n11 . C.D. _ _
Tax Deficiency. 11

Ca!luhan _ _ __
{;11-."'I IU tl _ _ _ _ _
Gou,,ml _ _ _ _ '\.
vc-11 _ _ _ __ _ rp(3)
~ ll l lurF _
')0\' M S _
_ ,

.,~le , lt t1C1m _ _
\Imes _
'l ;w d - --iQ)) If\~I!,))\\;,
,:,y .


_)~, •
-;r, . 1
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l -1i~ i
• ~

1 l
1 {4 i~~l
, ~ .· ~~ l .
" > ', '
~ ~ ~
~ O,•J '~ '



For just rwo DOLLA.RS

you get the facts each month on how your
O $2 ''.Ef EREN'' 1 Yrn
influence can be made more effective - and what is more important than that? ~ D $4 ............................ 3 Years
1 •
D $10 ........................ 10 Years
Your lllf/11e11ce Counts . . . USE IT! $25 ........................... Lifetime
t D $................ Gift Subscriptions
t (Put names on reYerse}

~7 6 HA P Ub 70 0 •• i ~p;~f~f5ion~iiii~·ii~~ .. t~·i~·,/~o~

• fight the attack by the I.R.S.
Mako chcch payable lo :b6

I '
·· .. (fl . If wrong, please correct.
I __,,,,,,_,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,.
Please Return This Portion With
Your Remittance

"'"' · t ~ • ' •••

LIBERTY LO.EBY 300 Independence Ave., S.E. Washington, D. C. 20003

Government persecution has driven LIBERTY LOBBY to a perilous crisis. If . °t~#-H#H##H#H--#(.

the ·enemies of LIBERTY LOBBY are successful in their destructive plot,

since're and concerned Americans will have NO organized, non-partis·an spokes-
! · BONUS i
man in Washington.·

Now is the opportunity to help LIBERTY LOBBY and help yourself at the same
time. By renewing. your expired .subscription, you will assure yourself of re-
IIf you renew your sutJscription for
3 years or longer, LIBERTY LOBBY
will send you a complimentary copy
1> of the tJook, Looking Forward (Con:
, servative Victory Plan) and the dra-
? matic Victory List For Americans.
ceiving each month important facts and information you need. · ,
This proves the effectiveness of co-
ordinated citizen action and details


· the outstanding victories America
. So let your dollars do double·duty. Renewing now will help LIBERTY LOBBY · has won since LIBERTY LOBBY be-
gan to fight the special-interest
. surmount this crisis of survival. And at the same time it will assure you of . pressure groups. t
· continued ben.efits. , _. ·' :-;)···( ·· · ,_,,.,_,__,,~######H#####:t,

. ·· :: .

,, . ; ·,. .~·.: . :
., .
,. · ....
•1 ..· .· .:.

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. -~
)1').."1 / U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Washington, D.C. 20535

March 14, 2008


t-<--~t: ~~ u~
PALM SPRINGS, CA 92264 7884

e~ tf t32-
# (-S"D -
/ J--AX ·l.'61->'-t
iz;D, ! s ubject: FILE NUMBER 62-H~ -1 06941
FOIPA No.: 1106611- 000
l"8.l 8'
Dear Requester:

The enclosed documents were reviewed under the Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts (FOIPA), Title 5,
United States Code, Section 552/552a. Deletions have been made to protect information which is exempt from disclosure,
with the appropriate exemptions noted on the page next to the excision. In addition, a deleted page information sheet was
inserted in the file to indicate where pages were withheld entirely. The exemptions used to withhold information are marked
below and explained on the enclosed Form OPCA-16a:

Section 552 Section 552a

D(b)(1) D(b)(7)(A) D(d)(5)

18l{b)(2) D(b)(7)(8) D(j)(2)

D(b)(3)_ __ _ _ _ _ __ 18l{b)(7)(C) D(k)(1)

18l{b)(7)(D) D(k)(2)

D(b)(7)(E) D(k)(3)

D(b)(7)(F) D(k)(4)

D(b)(4) D(b)(8) D(k)(5)

D(b)(5) D(b)(9) D(k)(6)

18l(b)(6) D(k)(7)
277 page(s) were reviewed

• Document(s) were located which originated with, or contained information concerning other
Government agency(ies) [OGA]. This information has been:

• referred to the OGA for review and direct response to you .

• referred to the OGA for consultation. The FBI will correspond with you regarding this
information when the consultation is finished .

l8l You have the right to appeal any denials in this release. Appeals should be directed in
writing to the Director, Office of Information and Privacy, U.S. Department of Justice,1425
New York Ave., NW, Suite 11050, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001 within sixty days from the
date of this letter. The envelope and the letter should be clearly marked "Freedom of Information
Appeal" or "Information Appeal." Please cite the FOIPA number assigned to your request so that it
may be easily identified.
• The enclosed material is from the main investigative file(s) in which the subject(s) of your request was
the focus of the investigation. Our search located additional references, in files relating to other
individuals, or matters, which may or may not be about your subject(s). Our experience has shown,
when ident, references usually contain information similar to the information processed in the main file(s).
Because of our significant backlog, we have given priority to processing only the main investigative file(s).
If you want the references, you must submit a separate request for them in writing , and they will be
reviewed at a later date, as time and resources permit.

t8I See additional information which follows.

Sincerely yours,

David M. Hardy
Section Chief
Dissemination Section
Records Management Division


The enclosed documents are responsive to your specific request for serials 150 through the end of the
file .

Some of the responsive documents and information contained therein have been withheld "OTHER"
because the information is not under the purview of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and is therefore not
accessible under the FOIA.

Pursuant to Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 16.11 and/or 16.49, there is a fee of ten
cents per page for duplication. No fees are assessed for the first 100 pages. You were advised by letter dated March 3,
2008, that you have already received your 100 free pages associated with the subject of this request. Upon receipt of
these documents please make a check or money order payable to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the amount of
$27.20 for 272 released pages. To insure proper identification of your request, please returh this letter or include the
FOIPA request number(s) with your payment. Failure to pay for this interim release will close your current request as
well as any pending FBI FOIA requests from you. Nonpayment will also cause an automatic denial of any future FOIA

r, _ .'4..'\"i ~ =I ; ~-

Marion, N. C. 28752

F. B. I.
Washington, D. C.
Cmerning an organization which calls itself non-profit by the name b7C
o iber;ty_Lobby)_ address 300 Independence Ave. S. E. Washington,
D. C. 20003.

I would like .information - I keep getting mail asking .for

money or to subscribe to· the magazine which will give information on:
"How To Make Your Influence Count. "

'{. There is a question concerning this organization which

asks. "W;,i,U Government Succeed in Wiping Out the Voice of the ·
Silent Mafc>rity, in Washington"? Please Respond-

I.- ~

• / _":1
;o.,J , ..
A·0 ~I 4,; .2:_;., /
c; G 9~. _.,✓a
~;::z;.L.;.·...=c=, e=:..:.-=.= ~'t'Y'lo~~

~- DEC 29 1970 ·
.1 n, ,-~ c~
t./. /, • ._' I

.-;., -,.t ~
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~• I
• ~ '
f"- f/
,,~•· rJ•
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J;e. • ?_ I'l .:.~
1.:/ ···/ Jr ~ ,(
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, :j·:.,,~1
I i ; ,_,
I ' s.,,
,:.--:1 ;'~
t'l "I
' • ,•

January 20, 1971

ntc-~ /p'J-.,;o6¥'1I- (51.-

: U:ll] I I b6
W~t_£h_est,~,J!linols= 60153

Dearl I
/~/ '-·-...
- With regard to your inquiry ~eceived on Janu-
ary 18th, information in our files must be maintai~ed as
confidential in accordance with ·regulations of the ~epartment
of Justice. I regret I cannot be of assistanc~ to yqu.

Since drug abuse is within the_ jurisdic~io'n of \

another governmental agency, I have forward~d a copy o"f
your letter to the
Director, Bureau of Narcotics
and Dangerous
Drugs, for any help he may·be able to offer/ Enclosed are - .
copies of articles which have appeared in ohr FBI Law Enforce-
ment Bulletin on this topi~. I,___,/

· Sincerely yours,

M~ l?.l .!1. ·Edgar Hoovei'

JHh.20 1971 ,. John Edgar Hoover .,

COMM,FS& \ . . Director -
Enclosures (4)
·f~ ' _£~:d1
. ..t. . .
Beware of the Marihuana Menace
Dru~~ Abuse Control
D1 :ig Abuse Com,cils
Your Friend Bill
\ ..
lfa ~
-. - • J"I OTE: Cc,r respondent is not -identifiable in BufiLJ,. ~- T.he•'.L'iberty Lobby

; :=
I •

i );.·/· · .: ·
:. '
iE 1.r:~ to the · Bur~au. A copy of incoming is being referred to
'! :U,1·eck :·, ;__1urt.:c10 vf Nar c•Jti,' 5i ,:.1•.I D;11~gerous. D rµ g-s, by tq rm. referral •
.\ -== . 'L ~.:;.,.,~~ :·
-_ -
san1f' (;rLe.-. '
.-}~-<:·~ ~ .
MH~=,.~ ·:(3')\ ;.~) ..

- I1 .•
/_/; "d ·~ '
:.t' ~.·-:
-,?.~\ . .
· ./

l~ t Mi a -· -..UNITLJ
• ·:,1 <~:••11 · / .
-~ F\Jilff. '10 . (1 .

. ·, . -l
tt •
Westchester, Il.
January i2, 1971

Dear Mr. Hoover:

(0 -
Recently I have been reading the Li berty Lobby ~-
let.ters. In recent years, with the communistic
approach by decepti·on, namely patriotic names and
tittles etc., I would like to know if the above
organization is in any way or form affiliated with
·communism. Also, kindly send information on drug a)>Use b 6
and how to overcome it. ' ~-~

Thank you for your efforts, I remain

Yours truly,

rL~ces t
I I »

.:,- 601_53_ --j ~ EX-11r

~z -10~911- ; 61

JAN 21 19-::1,
/l C~ /1~ /},/' -t_../ --=- ..,_ y. ~d~
I ...~- '1 I C"O·oR·1 ·'. ,T·. /"'
.I:" J~::,.i: ·"'.......,,,.,-~,.
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Irv\ : • -~'IQ}:?
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~A \I\' v
.• ..

I •

.-~: ~~-n·n~ ·. . ·.'. .•::··: Marc~·19, ·1911_

~~'\,'t~~~lh~~v, -=, , stJJ

.t . I .- - I
. N;.tshville, "'Temfessee 37220
- _;;-:-:--;-

-~1 I
Your note was re~eived on March· 15th and l
· am grateful fOr_yoll~ ~o~ardhlg the ~cle fron,611M,:r1y ~
b6 .
,.. ~
______ .
It was,_tboughtful
. .. . ... you to se~ it and I am. appre-.
of '
I •

cia;tive of your kind cQmment'.

S~cerely yours, _-
t Edgif lloovtt .


lis on t.he Special' Correspo~den~s ·List~ .-:· . ,;~iberty
Letter'.' 1s a ·pubhcahon ollLibed,y;,,;cLobt?,y" which is described as an
. organization compo$.ed of patriotic pressure· groups_which stand for _
· constitutional _law ,. Amer~canism and individualism as opposed to inter-
. nationalism:·and collectivism. We have not investigated this organization.
Inasmuch as this organization is a patriotic gressure group, no acknowledgment
of the article is being made to "Liberty Letter. "
• I

!,fti_•, / 1. '"'I .., ••, 'I'; ,., • "

· JCW:t~s · (3) 1
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T e le . Room 1·, •,•· ~ 1
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Holm es . : •• • . ". • . '. ( • : • . ,•


· ·:
I: , I (....

• '
-{t . I
Mr.. Dalbe:-'---
Mr. l<~elt ______
Mr. G:de ____
Mr. Rosen. ____ _
Mr. T:ivel _____ _
Mr. Walfors_•_
.~... l\ilr. S:1ynt~9 ______ _

~ ~ "..:.. :,. :
- Tele. Room

Nashville, Tenn. 37220

March 10, 1971 ._,111...J...J,
Just want to add this word of personal b7C
appreciation,to that expressed in the
attached article, for Mr. J. Edgar Hoover,
a great American.

~"------ - - - - ---- -r-

• t\ \ ... ~ • ., -C')

Mr. J. J/;dgar llbove,r

Federal ._Bureau of rnvesti.gat~on
', I \
I 1

\Jlfas-Iungt:on ~ D. C, 20 53 5 ,
-~ ~ 1
I . -· •.• ,,--·' LO

.t,:;. ~ 1t1 ~~ ~l ~ ~,
.~---- ~l -~REC-2Z. =-=-
r ·-
1 5 MARr1971

1:· " '"' ""·
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-~ ~~ ~
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/ /jNC~LO·-UR~
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1,1 71 . 0/
( C)cW·•~ CORRESP0~4rif.6i
•· ' -;:·2:;..,

,, . ... t .

L!;r~E~TY_ L~!!§~
' - ..
-- __. --- -- _,--;. ---~--- ~---.• --,'t~
D. C. 20003

----~ "

I 11 .i -;:.- -,if . ~
·.• I• }

- .. , .. l
Increasingly, leftwing wolves are .
howling for the hide of J. Edgar Hoover,
the venerable FBl director. An amusing 1
sidelight is that one of those calling for i
Hoover's scalp because of his age (76, /
and in good health) is an 89-year-old j
retired federal judge, who just stepped !
down from the bench a few months ago. ,
Jack Anderson, sue- 1
cessor to Drew Pear-
son, continues to delve
into such tidbits as
Hoover's "grapefruit-
and - cottage - cheese"
luncheons, trying des-
perately to discover
some scandal, perhaps 1
Mr. Hoover under the lettuce !
leaves. Failing, he concludes that Hoover .
"should have been retired, with the
I Nation's gratitude, 11 years ago."
Anderson has at least one thing right-
Hoover indeed deserves the Nation's I
' firatitudc . He tra nsformed the Bedglmg, I
umblrng FBI into a model of elficiency ;
envied the world around. He has made ;
an incalculable contribution to raising '.
the standards of law enforcement . in the i
U.S. ·. ·. /
Of course he has made a multitude of ;
enemies, including his former boss, crimi- ·
na l-coddling Ramsey C lark. The commu-
nists and their cohorts a ll desperate ly
want him out.
Eventually, of course, he ·will have to
be replaced. At that time, the President
must be urged to aproint an equally ;
p:-itriotic, dedicated, an r.i communist war- !
rior. The FBI admittedly has great •
power, and_ if an enemy infiltrated, it /
would be disastrous. ,
Meanwhile, we sa lute J. Edgar Hoover /
for more than half a century of distin- I
guishcd public servici;:. He hasJ~o/.. peers. )
.... . -.,:_ ~~ r-
--~------~------ .-- ··- .

ENCi'()SUREl, . . ~if

· IP~ ·-/l)ttJqv,/-1 ~5~~

Serial Description - COVER SHEET

Total Deleted Page(s) - 4

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Information not under purview of FOIA
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C· . Jsland Park, New York 1155.~
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• • •* •

You.I" letter ot' May 11th, with 'enclosures,' has been

received a.nd· the information you furnished will be made a -m atter
of record in fBI file~. · I am unable to furnish the advice you , ..
requested . since this Bureau is strictly an investigative agency: of
the Feder~ Government and,'· as such, neither makes· evaluations .
nor ·draws -c onclusions as to ~e character or integrity. of ariy ·. · · .
organization, publicati~n -or jndi"i:tjual. I .amc,:etur~~g the mem- -'. _·; · _ .1 .
.~rshl:p c3:rd ar;id fo_lder of ma~ria~ __regardi~!;,.,it1.~x,cy,.i.~bby you-' ·.- b7C
. for~rded. . .. •. · . : .. . . . . . . . ·· ...

·J . · ,· ' .· :
I am
indeed grateful ·for the support" of your wife and' ,..
a;nd. hope my future e_n deavors continu~ ·to merit your co~idence .:
. . )M~!I.EQ -~ .·:. . · 1 yours; ·· · .
.... · · t .•M.4\' 1·f, ·1971 - . Sincere Y- .. , ·. • , . ·
- ~ --

- · . ;, ,-~.( :rtP'~.. *•·· . . ...
--• .. ,
. :i:-'lidoa.f ·. .,..., .
. ·:
. ·,/ '. . . , .·

-: ~
Enclosures (18)-. •.. .
Correspondent's enclosur~·s which· consist of a membership card iri Liberty
Lobby ~nd various ·commuriica.tions and publications t~up1d -from Liberty Lobb:
• • • I :-- • • " I • • • • • • • t. ~. -. - :. • .. . · - - ' ·., ::. : ••• • • •• • • • ,: ·l . • . - •

.NOTE: Bufiles $h~~'~ ~~-i-~~-~lett~; tol !dated ~-i 14/70 in ~hich ·

Tolson · _ _ __ js · she was .thanked fo·,r. ~e cqmm ~J'.lt4 and kind sentiments e~ressed:in the .· .
. ra ___ • letter from ,h'~:e and her husband. (62-12188-9225) Liberty Lobby has not
c. ·t-11 .
1 been i nvestiga.ted by the Bureau. This group :_ s. self-desc_ribed as a pa.trioti ~
,, - pr e ssure group which .stands for constitutional law; _:Americanism and
·;- :::,

en .

Tele. Room _ _

?I\\ ~v' ~ ~AE{F;!':j;k~

~ .· ~

fj\ - ..)

· . •

*-• •·
u,,i.,.": ·- - · L1divid 1 nlism and opposes "bureaucratic ·dictaf:;)L:.; hip, giv;,,:a_;,:,ray i ,np .:riali ,,u
'a nd collectivi11 m .'' (62 -1969~1) · · . ·


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May 11th 197\l•

.. Tuesday Eveniing

Dear Mr. Hoover,

With great rega.r d for the Standards set· forth in

scriptures and a love for our beloved country I come to a cross
road of which I am some what .b affled: honestly I must admit
somethings are hard to understand! -· · · ·

In ignorance I have been a member .of Liberty Lobby.

The opposed enclosed four page sheet seems to reveal Liberty Lobby
a front for infiltrating and deceitfully mis-representing•those of us
who really desire to know truth. ·

I have a strong c~nviction (s~ does my wiftj I

concerning any group. If they are against, literally says so, Bible
Truths and against Go~' s heriteges -qf ~srael, there is something

I am sending you this enclosed material . in hopes

somehow you could begin or at least let us know what to do. If you
desire to keep the enclos'ed material for p.uutposes of . investigation·

. • -
please do so! What ever you suggest we do, we '11 do to the best of b6
our abilities. , ~,,
b I'-

,. Mr. Hoover, .my wife and I again akknowledge

your faithfulness under God for your evo 10n for Justice. We love
you ·-respectfully_
~ - ·- ... - ---
. ··-
in o_ur. ~Lord Jesus -Christ.
.. ·

:mer::= 9f. _ =
, <=a} ..~.. I t55~
~- iX-104 UQ
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Mt.\Y i:&i, 1971 DV
.... = . 1J ./ n/ ··
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£-19~71 .
t: ff.j~~ - . ·,
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·•···. . .• /;;.,- _,.,,;~: •·

. . .
'"-:Ct-l \5°. . ',··. ·.· . .. ' May 1~, 1971

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~ar, -· ---;--·- ... :, rc.c~ .': ·•. ./.''

. , . . . . : . / .. ·-:.

: . . :.
:. :. ·,/:: .·In reply to your letter of-May 12th, '°infor1nation in . ·\
~ ~
' ' ,. C I ' • • ' •, t • > • • • '• ~• •

. . . ·rues must be maintained-as confidential.ln
-:our ~ . . .. accordance
. with ' ~

. ' . of _the Department. of J~isµce.

;egui.ations: . .. '
I regret l cannot" be ·of.
' . '~,,.,.,
•·i assis~ance-to you. w

M~ILED. ~ .
Sincerely yours, .. -~ •~
'--.... ~...

MAY l H19-71·_ .,. . .Wo..a.:...::. .

!..~- - .Roov~ .
. .. ~
J . ,_ ,,.
i s,·
' •'

John E<iga1". Hoover

. . . ...

... ·.:- ._
. ,._. e
. C)
Director ··· '·
The Liberty t ,~hh~ ·IS well known -to t~e Bureau._I
NOTE; I ;...,,.-
I I Bufiles disclose ·
. the National Youth Alliance is the subject of a Racial Matter-White Hate
·aro11:ps inquiry opened 3,..15-69 .(157-12.589). It is a militant, ant8communist,
· right:.wing organ~zation which allegedly· intends to- use violence to combat
roups such as the S~udents fo r DemocratiG Society. Bufiles contain no record
of.. cor respondent:
. . . . · ·
· - ..
· ·· '•

T•• l ~on - - - - , . ___,.·.• 1

' S11 l llvn11 _ __ _
•1,hr _ _ _ __
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Unll, Y

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T ole. R~~ ~- '( ·. Ii\, \1 P i '1] ~:~ . . . . .
Ho lmes .,..,, CJ ;,J!, l!i.,_M'.lrl.}-ROOM T ELETYPE IJNI'J;CJ . -· .:
. Cand~. -
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12 May 1971 ;\
F BI q'
Washington, DC bo "
Gentlemen: \,
Can you give me any informat i on wi t h re gua rd t o Liberty ....""
~ -

Lobby;(')OO Inde p e n dence Ave SE, in6t on DC), National .I':'-'\

"Youth Ai l ia~e :1656 J3rd Street , NW, Wasfi ingt'on DC) and til
: I ~~
l-vho runs the two organizations, who owns them, what are ~
ther.e REAL objectives, etc. 8
Does ~ ha ve any cone ct ion with either organization; C
i f s ~ . Any other organizati ons he is affiliated C.
with , , et c . ~
· Your h~~,_P will be appreciated. Many thanks ,-
. ('

Very truly yours,

Q ck\ n M \ EX-1
5 - tq -7 \
LLt.\j1) ~--lo3
~EC- 68

Af,J., lNFO~ t:~'fIOP'_• CON'1'/LgH~ll'J.ll ·.

&J z -1t1b 6Jlf/-

~ MAY 24 1971'
mff.l~ 1.J12'1fGf..tiStH"'!E~
r----,-~ -
Jl')A't~ -w2fl.f'..-.....1-f!/[
- .

~ -~ I •.
- --{- :xmrw~ 1

1261911 ,~nf$\'O~~l

. •,•.

-i ;..,, ;,
I- ~: t~~
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_.;, \ -~ -~- " ; .

. .. ••- · ; ~ • -1 •

•. ·•

. .. .• t,

. .

~ · ·' i~.106
.Rf.Uri .
- ~\\:~1---=-....:.,___~_ ____.___ I . -. -
'~ b'C

Your·Ietter, with enclosuree, was· received· ~

on May 13th and·- 1 thank you for your p.-ayera concerning
~his Bureau and me. · ·
-......... . .. With regard your inquiry~ information to
in our files must be malptalned as confidential in accord-·
· ance with regulations of the Department of Justice. I regret .
I eannot·be of assistance to yau.
. ·..-. . . .

Sincerely yours,

MAY -1' 8 'i971.. -

J. ·lilqat

. . . .
'NOTE: Based on-available .information, correspondenfis not ..
identifiable in Bufiles . .He enclos~d material relating_to the _
Liberty Lobby which _is well known to tQe Bureau. ·

.~ ... , .. .. -.· I
JCW:jmh (3)

··Yj,:;..,c· ; ·
,, • :~ ;--:i .• • -
1J i .

Tolson----"- · r:lfi~ ,:,~Jl1;}{/2 -

Sullivan ____
Gisl10P _ _ __
' \P;.. ·) •·,) Lll., ~Jt -.· '
1,rcnnan . C . D. _ _ ·
Callt1ha11 _ _ __ ..·-:·.
Casper _ _ _ __
Conrnd _ _ _ __
Dalbey _ _ _ __
' ·· . .Jv\j;
. · _, ,. -tF' . . '~(l -
["ell _ _ _ _ __
., \ 0 r ' -i~
·'·"" ,.J .-
Culc _· _ _ _ __
~::~:,· . ij~ :·.' ',' i( ( .· '
1. ·-
Wailers _ _ _ _ :-6 ~ '
C . . -~
• I •
Soyars•_ _ _ _ '.
~~:~·e:oom -,--- . . . (J fg '=p-. .. ,
! -•
, '
~ ✓~-·

-~ •


Goldendale, Wash.
' Mr. C asper _ _ __
Mr. Conr ad _ __
Mr. Dal bey _ __
May 8- 1971 Mr. F el t _ _ __
Mr . Gale _ _ __
Mr. Rosen _ _ __
Mr. Tavel _ _ __
Mr. Walters _ __
J. Edgar Hoover 1\1r. Soyars _ _ __
Federal Bureau of Investigation Tele. Room _ __
Washington, D. C. Miss Holmes _ __
Miss Gandy _ __
Dear Sir.

For several years I have subscribed to Liberty

Letter, published by Liberty Lobby and have had _no rea-
son to doubt them. But have been inclined to agree with
them almost wholeheartedly also have been an ardent ad-
mirer t of Curtis B. Doll. However since reading the
enclosed articles I have doubts as to whom to believe. ·
Would ' you kindly check and advise me as to-the authenti-
city of this information? I am reluctant to knowingly
help finance any person::<,or organization of doubtful pur-
pose or affiliation.

It is pretty evident at this time that there is a

faction in this country today, whose sole purpose and aims
are to make you and your organization look bad in the eyes
of the American people. My prayers are that they dont
succeed in this diabolical scheme~ When and if the F. B. I.
and you as its Oirector are torn asunder by subversives
and phoney politicians, Then I say the F.B.I. will be re-
le·g ated to a second rate~ inneffective politicians play-
ground. I wish to thank you in advance for· any help you
can be to me in regard to this matter.

Fraternally yours.
J\~ ' J~ -b6
/'~I' ?J~ -~
Goldendale, Wn 98620

; copy:jfw

300 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, S.E. P. 0. Box 36132

April 23, 1971

Goldendale , Wash. 98620 b7<::

Dear I l
I have


trust to we
After you and I are1,-go.1e, our, t,IB_ERTY.. iL0BBY w,i ll remain--f ighting our battle for all
that we revere and iove, I ur_ge you to eons!i..der the above matters thoroughly and re-
flect your conclusions in your ,~, Will. ......
~ Your bequest today t o continue the struggle will
help assure tomorrow's ult ima't.e victoi,y and the gratitude of unborn generations. No-
t.iling you can p0ssibly leav•e your loved ones w-ill be half as valuable as liberty •

Faithfully yours, n

1 d -
- - ...,. ..
• ._ ,,
Io ~ 9e// _ F;,'UJ,1.,, .J.~
.E~CJ,O.S'U.R~ ~
_ .

. _ ...,. ,r:..-,,~- ,
•_.\. •
~-...,.C;R;;S-B. DALL

1 ,..·, .~ ~
• .. _,.
'---73.~c:dV 0 (C
. YQ1!.,~,Infl11~'!tf,.Corints •?i1~:1•\~,- vs11;) ,T(t, ,,I j ,.--,

~ \\\'. + •-, , ~-, · ,It\ l 1;.. \t.·

+\-\,\,•~l'ot~' ·\", ,I •
~ ,.. ~
:.9 ., ,... ),J

NIM/ from the

A Few Facts about Willis A. Carto


For the past several months the National Youth Alliance has been subjected to a series of vicious,
lying attacks. In December 1970 copy of a scabrous smear-tabloid called. ''Statecraft" containing libel.;..
ous material about NYA and about Louis Byers, president of NYA 1s advisory council, was mailed to NYA 's
members and supporter5. Mr. Byers was called an alcoholic and a swindler who had "defrauded contribu-.,
tors to NYA. It was further impli.ed that he was both an atheist and a worshipper of Satan. ·
This was followed by an accusation mailed to Liberty Lobby's supporters in January 1971 that NYA is '
"a cynical group of profiteers posing as patriots." It was implie_d ·that NYA hc;id stolen Liberty Lobby's
mailing list. .
After that, three m~re attacks against NYA were mailed out: one to Liberty l ~bby supporters and'
two to NYA members and supporters. The last of these was in the April I., 1971, issue of WASHINGTON
O~SERVER NEWS LETTER and was probably the most vicious of all. It slyly implied that NYA is working
for Mui-ray Chotirier, one ·of Ric.hard Nixon's more unsavory advisors, for ihe purpose of "victimizing and · _..,,..._.
frustrating effective CQnServative 0rganizatiOl'lS • II ·:,: i
•. ; I

All these attacks have been p,:srt of a deliberate and malicious campaign to damage NYA, ·the one ··
American youth organization which is effectively opposing the tide of drugs, treason, and nihilism swe.ep-
ing over so many of our young people today. The man behind that campaign is Willis A. Cart9 -- the man
who, as you will see below, "owns" Liberty Lobby and several other right-wing "front" operations.
After the "Statecraft" mailing was made, a libel suit was filed against Carto and three of his accom-
plices. It is civil action number 475-71 in the U .S ~ District Court for the District of Columbia, and the
particulars of the suit are a matter of public record, available to any interested citizen. ·
The investigation which was. made in conjunction with the libel suit against Carto turned up some
truly shocking facts. Until now NYA has made no effort to pubJicize these facts . NYA is not, after all,
in the business of exposing swindlers; All our efforts are directed toward one goal: organizing young·
people into an effective forc;e for building a better America. Willis Carto app::irently interpreted this for-
bearance on NYA 1s part as either weakness or ignorance, for he has continued the wholesale circulation of
his libels against NYA. He has used the "big lie" propaganda technique, 1n which the guilty party r.ushes
to accuse those who have knowledge of his gui It of the very crimes he himself has committed, hoping thus
to discredit anyone who might subsequently expose him.
Carte's attacks have been v.e ry costly to NYA. By confusing many of NY.A: 1s s~pporters with his ____..
false accusations, Carta has caused NYA 's income to drop sharply, seriously hampering its work. NYA
has finl]lly decided, therefore, to set the record straight with a complete public exposure of Carte. It
should be kept in mind that in exposing Carto NYA has no desire to damage Liberty Lobby, despite the
fraudulent way that institution is being used to enrich one man at the expense of thousands of patriotic
Americans. To try to protect Liberty Lobby now, however, by sweeping Willis Carta 's deceptions and
frauds under the rug can only work a greater evil in the long run. In fact, one can already see the de-
structive effect of Willis Carte's influence in the misguided testimony Liberty Lobby has recently been
giving before Congress (see Exhibit A of the accompanying documents).
What follows must necessarily be brief. The accompanying photographic documents will be able to
speak largely for themselves, however . Three principal facts should be calle~ to your attention, namely:
I . Willis Carta has fraudulently solicited contributions for Liberty lobby which, in fact, have gone
into his own ;,ocket. Specifically, in March 1969 he caused to be mailed to Liberty lobby's members and
subscribers an emergency appeal, over Curtis Dall's signature, for money to pay off the mortgage on the
Liberty Building, at 300 Independence Avenue in Washington, D .C., where Liberty Lobby has its offices.
The solicitation stated, "If we are unable to come up with $55,000 by midnight of March 26, we will be
evicted • " The letter went on to tel I of the disadvantages of having to rent office space for Liberty Lobby:
"If we have to rent office space, operations will suffer. . •. Rental costs ares~ lygb/that our overhead
. . .. · E:NCLOSURI ~ .) _ / ,.1 ~ 9 $l: I _, /6 0 .
' ·t •.. . 't

wo_ul~ be doubled .•. : If~ on trye-her hand, we can raise the $55,00-~.we will own the Lil:>e~ty · :·
Budd mg and the land rt s,ts on." . ·
. Liberty Lobby 1s members and subscribers responded generously. The April 1969 issue of UBER lY .
LETTER carried d picture of Curtis Dall presenting a check for $55,235.27 to the bank holding the Liberty
Building mortgage. LIBERTY LETTER reported that Dall had "a tear in his eye" during the presentation.
The sad truth is that Liberty Lobby still does not own. the Liberty Building and has no prospect of ever
owning it. Instead, Liberty Lobby pays rent, at the astronomical rate of $6,000 each month, to the Liberty
Building's actual owner: Willis Albert Carto. Carto owns the ~uilding through one of his many "fronts,"
Government Educational Foundat'ion, Inc. He is chairman of the board and treasurer and his wife is another
director of the three-man board, making GEF, Inc., Carta 's personal corporation, whose assets he can dis-
pose of as he wishes (see Exhibit B, of the deed to the Liberty Building and of the deed of trust signed by
Carta on January 22, 1965). The complete documents are available from the Recorder of Deeds, District
of Columbia, for $5 each.
2. Willis Carta has often made the claim that Liberty Lobby never rents or sells its mailing lists.
The January 1970 issue of LIBERTY LETTER, for example, stated: " ••• your name is safe with us. It is a
private matter. We won 1t rent or sel I your name to an outsider."
j -· As a matter of fact, Willis Carta has for years been a mailing-list wheeler-dealer, buying, selling,
and renting the mailing lists of numerous organizations,. including Liberty Lobby. He brazenly operates
his mailing-list rental "front, 11 Capitol Hill Data Processing Co., from the side door of the Liberty Build-
ing itself (see Exhibit C, the advertising brochure for Capitol Hill Data Processing Co.).
Note that in addition to the lists on his advertising brochure, Carta also has rented and sold his list
of current Liberty Lobby Board of Policy members. One such rental was made recently to Mr. Richard Cot-
ten, the publisher of CONSERVATIVE VIEWPOINT, following a letter from Carta to Mr. Cotten on Octo-
ber 9, 1970, offering the list and setting the price. (Exhibit D is a photocopy of Mr. Cotten 's cancelled
check for the list.) You may write directly to Mr. Cotten, a patriot of unquestioned integrity, for the
details of th is particular transaction • His address appears on his check •
3. Carta has associated himself with a group of anti-social misfits collectively calling themselves
"Statecraft, 11 provided them with a copy of NYA 's mailing list (which he had copied during the time NYA
was sharing computer facilities with him), and urged them to represent themselves as the National Youth
Alliance to NYA's members and supporters (see Exhibit F for Carto ·s etter of endorsement printed in \ .
11Statecraft Report"). . v-

11Statecraft11 is such a disreputable publication (see Exhibit G fort Rical excerpts) that most Liberty
Lobby supporters will be shocked to learn that a portion of the money they lt~ve been sending to Liberty
-~ Lobby was diverted to 11Statecraft. 11 What makes the matter even more shocki~ is the underhanded way in
. .s_which Carta has used 11Statecraft 11 OS a 11safe 11 medium to libel persons or group.s~~ainst whom he is nursing
a grudge or considers 11competitors. 11 On three occasions Carto has used "State~-~ ft" to libel former em-
ployees after they left his employ. At the time Carta first associated himself with \ 'Statecraft, 11 it was be-
ing published by an avowed Zionist, Daniel Paulson (Exhibit G), who also wrote for the tabloid under the
significant alias Jules MacCabee ! ' (
' '.._
* * * * *
Carto will stop at no lie in his attempt to maintain the flow of funds he is currently milking from
Liberty Lobby. Certainly he will deny the facts set forth here and will claim, as he has before when
threatened with exposure, that it is all a plot by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith to cripple
Liberty Lobby. Therefore, if you have the least doubt as to the authenticity of the documents presented
here, check them for yourself. They are all a matter of public record.
Furthermore, a number of persons of unimpeachable integrity who are thoroughly familiar with the
fac ,' s cited here can substo~tiote the charges against Carta. One such person is the distinguished scholar
and patriot, Professor Revilo P. Oliver, who has provided NYA with a four-page statement which is a-
vai !able upon request •
Meanwhile, NYA will continue its effort to so thoroughly expose Carto that he will never again
be able to bilk the American public through any of his pseudo-patriotic 11 fronts 11 (see Exhibit H for a
Iist of "fronts II and aliases Carto uses or has used in the past).
.A,., . .
it;;_• . ' • •••

.. . . • •
.-:, t

,,. ..- ...,.

-- ' NATIONAL DOCUMENT.ON INSl'ITk.lT&,olNC. • • 270
1346 CONNECT IC U T , NUE, SUITE -icfz4 • • • • • • _,
WASHIN13TON, D, C. 20036 • • • • •• ee,722

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NA~Ot-iAL Bf.H:C r;: l'C-THAH
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," · ., . QF 1(.tiliilS't,S CITY 0

. • 4 •• to ~•--: :.t d8-1
-· .c. ••

Photographic reproduction of National Docum'entation Institute check to Liberty Lobby for the
rental of Liberty Lobby's "pledge list" at $40.00 per thousand names as arranged for by Willis
Carta on behalf of Liberty Lobby, in his letter to Richard Cotten dated October 9, 1970. Carta
then sabotaged Mr. Cotten's use of the list by publicly charging that the list was 11stolen. 11

Carto's charge that NYA "stole" his mailing list is as false as his claim that he never rents
or sells his mailing lists. NYA formerly shared computer facilities with Liberty Lobby, not know-
ing at that time, of course, what it now knows about Carta. In return for NYA promotion of two
NYA was given the use of Carto's mailing lists in soliciting members and support for NYA.
After NYA learned a little of the nature of Carto's method of operation and severed its
relation with him at the end of 1970, Carta angrily submitted bills to NYA for the use of his lists.
NYA reminded him that these lists had been promised to NYA and refused to pay the exorbitant
bills. Carto subsequently made his charge that the lists were 11stolen 11 (see Exhibit E for mailing
list sales invoices to NYA).

· .• j,-• ..
• • ,,


132 Third Street, S.E.
Washington, D. C. '20003
(202) 546-5614


Thia ii the list of 250,000 consumers, voters, and taxpayers who have contributed
to• Con1ervative cau1e, reaponded to a Con1ervative appeal, signed a Conserva-
tive petition, ordered or received a gift 1ubscription to a Conservative periodical,

People who are Conservative in their polltlca are a good market for your product,
They are civic-minded, lndependent-thinking, bill-paying, hard-working, public-
ap1r1ted family types who r espond to a good sales meaaage,
--Up to date, 98% delivery guarantee. We'll give you 109 for each one re-
turned over 2% of the number fou mall,
*Family people, More than 95 White and Chri • tian, You're reaching about
half men aad half women,
*Above average in income, but straddling all clasaes and oce11patlona.
", zip code or alpha aequence,

Included in the SOUD AMERICAN UST are1

*20,000 expired subscribers to The American Hercury magazine
*65,000 expired aelf•pald aubacribera to Liberty Letter (published by
IJ.berty Lo~by)
*50,000 expired gift subscribers to Liberty Letter
*15,000 persona who have written requeating a p1111phl1t againat the uae
of dangerous drugs and narcotics
*15,000 persons who requested information supporting lav and order
*58,000.contrib1.ltors to the 1964 Goldwater campaign, to the 1968 Wallace
campaign, or t_o yarious Consetvatlve .Republican Congressional candidates
in 1968 ·
*12,000 peraons requesting Con•ervetive literature offered on a radio
*15,000 members of Youth for Wallace (under. 30) in 1968

You may order any category or combination of categories, or. the whole mix with
all categories :together. Also, any zip code selection is available.

TERMS, Only $27,50 per thousand, Te&t minimum, 3,000, 5% discount for cash
with order, and we'll pay the registered air ahlpping, On approved credit, ve'll
bill on 30-day account, Not necessary to eend a sample malling for approval,
Uae of list prohibited only to pornographers, Use the list as you wlah•-but only
once, Decoy names have been inserted to prevent unauthorized use,

If you have any questions, call me collect at (202) 546-5614, We can usually
take care of rush orders in a couple days,
r--- ... - ·: ...... ·.-:·

To prevent ·o verworking, Hat is not rented more than twice each month. Better
let me hear from you right avay,

r"",; ... " ' ........'""' - -, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,-. - ------- . ...-.

. ---- - J.'!8-4907 C •oitel
.. ~'-l,;r:w'·..,:Jw
Shop l ,17Na,lorCtNw --%2-8887
2~2-5600 C~.>illl i f-1(11 3ofli:shoo ~25CnnstitutnA\INe -547-1121
C,,pitcl H,11 C;,rry Out no NC AvSe -----543-82%
r•,e.L,,H,.,, ;.,1 ~25-75~5 Ulll'ITOL ll!L~ ~;• tMICAL SUPPLY .CO IHC
From Wa!:.t:. '---
(No C, \
, Andrews, Hanager
,r:,,t:.., :;ii::.pfl JU ~)-3lil)0 705 BlhSe 544-2241 C·p·il"I Re•··, ch A \
r.AP!TCL IHll CLUB 15 C Se --····--546·6166 '' u _c,' 18
-- fc;rce
Sol 20'/0
,nui,;c Al•:x 751-2000
f,';~::~: w:: gi; \~ri~~rs~ij: ;~a1ii:,~~•-mJtl:
1 9
530':iK~nlw rt hAv R:·Jra!e L7 /-8P.h2 C·ipitol Salv.-
,: t•th~Jr. LI 6-6876 CAPITOL HILL ESSO J39P:iAvSe --· -547-4054 C;pilol 5,a,

Washington telephone directory listing

Advertising brochure for Carta 's mailing-list sales operation. The address given, 132 Third Street,
is the side door of the Liberty Building, which is situated on the corner of Independence Avenue
and Third Street. Stanley L. Andrews was Carto 's business manager until last month.

,..,. . ' .. -· ..., '
. .. !. 1.!

... , t•
"'D ...fO 8 6 • BOOK .
12357 369
f'Ar,F. FEB 3 .5 3 72
W~is leth. Made ,hu ,2.;1µ✓. d4T:,
~ /4//t:/lro/ in th,, year o"e thou,and

mm ni11,h1mdredanrl s ixty-five ,t,,.ruulbelween DOROTHEA R, CRIS'l'OF'OLI,

widow and not remarried,

part Y ?I tM. {ir.i part, and

GOVERNMENT EDUC,~nu,;,,r j,'OUNDA'rION,. I~IC.' .'l ::on;or·otion Or'[;)ll ll L.ed and

existing und,,~• . .,._e UHi,.: fl'. ':.he DL;t1'lc',; of' C;)lw:ilJLc1,,a,1 -~ o/ ·sei:ondl'art:

'IJi1ttl'!Hlt1h, 71,,,111,,0,"idaaliono/ -Te'n ·i)r,d !·,o/,00 (:j, ,0 .00) })r,llur.,,

the µart y '.> i tht fir.~: JJW I do :J :1 f.ronl wito the p<ffl y oj rh.r. sr o:1rl purl, i11 jee .,imple

, all pi('(t: or paru:l aJ

land, together ,,:it/, 1J1t, imp11JUt' 1rLr:.,rt,. rightJ • privilege~ awl l.q,pnrtenan(:t•.~ to the ,amt' l>f~l,me,1nl!, \i1.1wfr; in

the D:1.str.\ c, •J:' Cc,::x·,iJi.a,

( described CM fo/fr111: ~, lu £l'i0:
... .• - ,=-a-= - •tt "-:' .. . .

Lot :1urn'::ered FiJ'ty-fivc ('JS) in i,dolp\-: r'ejdvo~;,,; c1' :J \-/:~. ,J,

Vonderhe.J cle, 'l'ru:;teeri' combination of.' ]oL:; l!'l Squnre ~nir..ber·(:'.;
Seven Pun (::',~':' i-;l•~hty-e1r;ht (78e), as per plat r·e::or·cJed 1r, tr1=
Office of' '..he Surveyor for the Di~trj .:; t of Columbia ln U.iler ,-;;:: ,
at foJio 8'.:,•.

· 1'.nb
the said pu r t y of the f1rst part d!le:! s hereby... covenant
will wn1 T a11t ~p•:cielly 1he lond ond premises 1,ereby conveyed, and that it will
eJ<ecule such further 11 , s1,n111,Ts or ! aid l&ml a, mar. Le requisire or necet!Sary; and that it will
u:.i :,; 1.i ,1.; j c..Jt,•'h ,, • . , ,:, ,:: :: ,,,,;,•eby secured.
, \ ,.,.,!· l'JJtlUUHll] tliff hcr taf f)ll Ill.~ da r, ;111d Yl'llr fir11t li'i,feinbefore w
·,_''i'fi,'t i'i!1 t~J'9.ffr)''~~!fr(,_••';<Y''!B1:Tf.9NeAMh;• b~: c.i~sea
rillfl)l 1he ~id
greaen E ttiae
ebsigned tia~
ttO l.l , ·.~1;,f•i, -~~. ~ f~ 1.1 , .. ' V'!r• q1·(),la:fth.)(f)<lt,l~ .. 1~h~6~BBr~ter &~~\~5a~@IJ ~~ t eat:~Rca~~·
·r:"J,; c '" l'.' ~ctf~- ~1-~o'.ir~-~

I ' (. ' : ' , , ;~ }in,, •1<'$1!<.i , r8f ~l'ie Bur- 8/jes !lei-~1. es~eli.

Signed, Acllled and rl elive red ~;.;~\.~~AL)

in the pr61lence of
....<Ui>~;:'![f< &;,.'./'~:;P'l,t~SEAL)
- ------------- -~- ......____,, . ----------~--
A ~~~


✓....._ ~ ""

UPPER, a portion of the deed to the Liberty Building, which is described as Lot 55, Square 788,
in DC land records.

LOWER, a portion of the deed of trL .c for $45,000 signed by Carta at the time of his purchase
of the Liberty Building. Since paying off his mortgage with contributions fraudulently solicited
from Liberty Lobby supporters in 1969, Carto has been renting the Liberty Building to liberty
Lobby at a rate reported by his attorney to be $42,000 per year but more recently reported by ,'

his business manager to be $6,000 per month.

AN _

from the WASHINGTON POST, March 5, 1971

'1 ' ')'~ ,,·,, 1. .:on,... - , ""'H,... . .v"·«/4~~ ijff. ~-v·e

~- t1 ~

This astounding testimony

,,,,,,..} ;,!a.•~, ..?t If'
,;,, !~-,... , t ./.• l JJ.
"b-,.._J ,-·
l_., • ' •' lv. . .I LiJ1erty Loill,~y·
was given by Liberty Lobby ..... ,.,
a few weeks ago. Liberty 1
~'·:Jr,1'.1-· ,,a-;,;.~ n,.-,
~. j' ~,·lJ il' ,_~ . . ·t"
. ',\ ~ )..,.tj~
}l .,;t.J _1 -
:~ ' ,?~~ 9-
·E•1°J11~:.1' H}"~:
Jl. Jt <.1.JJ ~l- ·>-
i.. Ill. "J \l,_,,].il,d1.Jis1<i
Lobby c Iaims to speak for
the members of its Board of
~~":,.:,:;,,i;_i;•.~~,2; ::1,t:i~:,,': 1
i\~~/';,~~:~r;,:~~~;:"! h,n·,, :·j)u hld .~~-i~?ili•.:r:'.i;~:;;;ii:~•,.: , ~/~;~,'~·,;:,;~~:
Policy when it offers testi- '1' the l!St0n1shrner;t o[ _~.;:.·\-1 \Var rcn S, R.ich:\l'dS(,n, g~n-:\\'itl t~n cnr.i lo 1!;(.; rinr.'°~:

m~ny before Congress • _For ;;l tn{~rr:tii:·t~ of U1t.• n,-1~t•,c ,. <~r<;l c·uun~e. l rep J'JC·J:
.., ''l ., '
:( n(l lO ,; ,~,1r.

whom VfaS Liberty Lobby l,n::H:d scrvicC:'s Co;runif ~'\'\'c hn,•t u~kc1 1 lhat po3i : • l!?Y· c;,~1tll S S. Gc .1 :::~,· C

f.b(: ;.!li,[~;::c1-t'i£--:rrvau~. . i.~,·t-~ ~ion .:;inc~ 1.he ht;;;Inu i·l~ uf ~b~ -!--:'l_f1L) ~l\ 1n ue.~lc•d _tq .knri•.1,i,
speakh1g ·when· it chatac-· .. .. ::, 1n11·cr",~ota)n thcr(: ---•;-totng . •\ \'h;H acOllt trH:-: pour :;; qi.;-~fr•:
1 .u):f:,~: ~---q1 1·e~=~t'l~ rt-: 1~ncrtur{,10 ' .. ,,,.) u1.,, JI.JVlh~~•• :: , • .....--~ 1 vvhn ;:,h:"'i to \ ' it1in,u·n ~·1d ;_:,:u..·
terized the Vietnam war as
rut • nr,<i~~itfrn·1 Co r!11:·· \1.:ar ln :r
1 \Ve ur~~ oppo~r'.d to \rlo~co ...v ,, 11·; \~n t he a. hlot 'H~ yt;i,H' 111 1

"American aggression 11 ? 5if',1.•h!n:J :,r~ .~ U·r ,i;::y,·. Ic•)rn1n oJ.iisrn and not V.ic1nc1rn- 1n10-. '·l cons(~i-~-'nec'(~
~:~ ;;i'.\r{::ya,;:::\::.ii:': ~;: ;: :~:- ~:~~ -·i: :~~r:~ft:!l~t::~r::;::;e l:1·:~\7; ~
' ~\il.t !Ol!:,.:.,: \/~•, , v UJc :, LU~
i :::· tit:~:i:-i!-s{:~~.~,f:~;:~:,~:
''.'~Jr) "rhn·k1.:.\le\r, ~;:hut :-:iDJ'k;
;1:L.\\'_1u.:n:djnn .".!.1id, th~~ L1bf' 1'tY/ should tllin 1t rn:· ,v•oqld b!·:
i Lo'.3h·,.. fa1.rors H1<:: dr~1ft.. 'f'ht! a binl · on .rour ~non.ti ;_-:)n.- 1

: ?'.u1\',<::~,~ \]~~li~:;,~~~'(;_;::t'tJ •~:~,, c:~;'.\:,~;;;:;!1 ,c,::irnon:, ;;;

; t1:'n1·: 1\10 ~iotho~·ity of I.he rrsj•] rn.~.rc:hnnl ni ~-;h,nrdown anri.
denr. lO Jnd111.; I. Th~•~ i:tUL101·i1y llh~hi!~'d'-'-01) 1)} J,i'~1 r·rtv 1.,(.;!1-h\

Note particularly Liberty Lobby 1s statement that, "W~

I expi1·e:;. .;~o ~lli~. ·.·i<o.ri.Hl~ rJjff_:urt:-d on the_ rl;:;}i! n.11<;_- t..h<~i~·.
d,~batl) L'i :,hapr.n.i:
111 I ,)':<:rc>s, ,.,•.oc·i,,il pl;i]osn::ihi,,.,. Wi•l'(~ ::i:
,\bo11t ) 1)0 1n1.'·n':ln?~·;: iJf tl1e .~lnH'P :/}.t!'i;:JH(''~. huth tci1d .ht)
Hr.1 t::;1: 11:-.1 1, t:,'-:.-•,1 _:, ,;;md ' ,:(,tr,initice 1_11c wc11 · ln vi,, i:/
are opp4sed to M-oscow communism and not Vietnamese 1 ~i~~~\·t~t ;i;:\~,~~()1,_/ ~-~'.:·; /;~:;:i~~:;/:/;!~tir
11 5
zsrc;, ior1.'lu,:-il•
communism." This is exactly the line taken by the ',rai'.,, hLtl. ., SLIIJ:,t::ni!iai i' ,,r,~ ri.~lninr; w;,,·,; (,t' ;,;.: ! ' ~\
powerful Zionist pressure bloc in this country, which ! 1;'-1·,: ,1
~~,i. ~;;tc:;;~::::;·,~r-,;:~:·;;i'.\c~: ~:·r:. 1
has always been 11dovish II on Vietnam and 11 hawkish II :3lnmg' O!J,l(:<i'ion :_(I r:ie i:l,,a in 1erest , . , tlic, ;m purt:J11 :.j
• . . h h. . o:r. Ml ;i.J,-,,c,Junt~er ,1rny ,,,,., U-,rng i.o bt l<:arn ed i:; t-.f1a: i
on the Mrddle East, Zronrsts ave been sympat etrc t,,,~'n (:x!·,rc-.•.<(,cl b; 1.:il,iirm;1n:_,- 0:mg men ,:;i1sed in th·
toward the Viet Cong and hostile toward Moscow, be- • :i~. b(•,<~ffri \J'.'!)~r'. (?:,Lt.)_ od,\mer(can _hei-if;ig-e have_ 1.10
1 • • • • I tnt~ 1-tn1L--<~ : ·,rlf.t,:d (;,i ~r,-i cc:-:-; 1,e~,~ J.(Jr f1.~tHtn.15 v.:a:- oi. Il.S· 1)

cause of Moscow s current Mrddle East positron against . .t:011,n::,::n.. 1,!r,':.-;.,- ion 011 ro,·1.,ign sn;l." ·
- - - -1-srael. ___ . . _ ·- ---~ __.. -··- _____ ____ -- ···· --+- -jJ 'v.~.:-.~i1.n_'.·'\~,-!·~•;_:_r! ~>JV. rr_1:, •·1:1e •pfo••p~'- h~ :.n·;.~L1c.~--
:.,: ::1~l· 1,ri.1 ~'l;_· :--,hrnvdr:,-:.~.:H. ;: c1·cd.t ''veil 11ntary cntistuH~tlt~ ,v.tH
!'L~;i,;tp:·,.-- s:r'iiU!ji r•ju::. t:d ire not he ~reat enr1u:{h to .feed
;,:r,,1r-:; a,., (:ntl uu:mJ+'l'~; <Ji 1he 1.he military m11cn,11t· . . . l h c ,
! 1 hP. n ·.11:~•Jy ;,,id-i n >lttnttt=·r :~l' IH)" Cf.iDCt>Pt is lU'l·
'U""rt: r•·lt ' :.~ t.•·ih•n
;; 1il~ed that. h,~ l~:: ? ·•no 3 ;!10,"''.'': \\'Ofk:dJl,~." .
:,o Jftdt!ctt:L~ ·1\ :i(_., n¥•(tFied to 'J.'}-Jf-! draft i.~•;11p is c~nectr;ci
;.~:l(il<ir.- hJr i11<!uc.~iiit1. lo rendt t.he iinoi: for c·i0:lrn1c
"I~:: rai~tli;" iud,, 1 :tion -r1> Jn both IJ{Jw,~s aft•it· 1.hf.'
1 '1:--.1'.:> :-,:i iu}d1 ~is to rt1'1J.;.c the , r<~•:tss !fl :\priJ.

You don't have to take the WASHINGTON POST's word for it. The complete text of Liberty
Lobby's statement will soon be available frorn the House Armed Services Committee.

<o 2 _/cJt;9l//
/6 6
.. 1:.,, :.~,".">

-~..,.,.J:;:-'7';",~ ,r pe<iple died · the s·ovlet Ualon, !rom the !owe: ~.June, 1970 STATECRAFT
as a· result . _.'~ arl>Mism; official on up. These e esslon. .....;_ _;...·_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ -::;_
&etzure ot the DT•a,
t ~ ~ •-- tor several minutes.
voice trom the dar•
'Don't let tum fiop
bunk'. Gradually the
A Journcl of Poliliccl Education subsided to lls form
DYKE LESBIANS coughs 1 grunts, and sn

I was up walk.Ing
ARE SICK OF THE own mind had ju mpi
the next Ume t saw t
WAY YOU QUEERS lie wu Lhe one W'ho
after they ~o.t the ,
ARE '1\,JNNING THE Jumping around likE
waving his gun carele:
fo, COJNTRY. WE'RE d1rectJon 1 he kept yell
your name, what's l
the Defense of Wally and I were bot
our hands against op
Properfy and fre•dom ot thP. truck. Our ey~
i• publish ed monthly in Alexan drlo, Virg inia, ho me of G~rgo moment or mutuaJ 1
He was belng frisked
Wo~hington and Robert E. Lee, t en mi nutes lrom riot lorn, a~e :ippe:1rlng agent
Hberol occ upie d Wo ohington, 0 . C. ~..,: :· :-: _.,~. :ie loo wa:
not i-eally shook up. J
SUBSCRIPTION RATE IS $5.00 A YEAR rear stood a younge
All mo ro,io l in this paper is copyright od by STATECRAFT, redlsh hr.Ir and con
kept hJs gun lowere,
INC. Rep roductions of any kind are forbidden without wriltHI ward the gro11nd ye
permiss ion. tast action. Later we
he was Tom Jordar
Address all correspondence lo: ln charge ot the AH"ll
flee- the only one
STATECRAFT arrest that maintaine
or composure.
3515 Mt. Vernon Ave., Suite 201 The fat :.Ron, unbuc
·· At,.-x ondrlo,~•v,~-2 2,!0 ~ _ .:~-. •~~-•~,m1
my 111•_li
- - r ol epfi on e '={,70·3r~48-7251 a sor:.o/
Publish~, .
my t,,,i
lng m 1'
Doniel Poul son care.;
Editor I ff' iS 80
C. B.. Baker boU' w.._ _ ,J tt.Jl hl
Contributing Editors 1 0
:~, ofw~ftr'~ ~~d t~
K. R. Valhal • Statist Advocate were ,i §tiul ftve pol
Victor A. Stuort
Johri Acord .January, February, 1970 STJ!>TECRA FT
W. B. Thomos Jules MocCabee

, "Statecraft" masthead. In addition to the

Zionist Paulson (alias Jules MacCabee)
and Baker, John Acord is another former
Carto associate • ,,
·. 1 i ·

.J•,.• I

Whenever BL.t>CK PEOPLt
c0ngregate, all you'll hear them
say is - "MOTHER FOLKER.. •
bct.1 in Nort.h Vietnam, they make
Rational Rob e rt people t:,l,;o ~•lhs,
Clowlo C rud

Dear Rational Robert: talk as well or smell so good S, D s. Commissar ot Scum Unt-
I recently read that desptte the and aren't so bright, verslty
lon-lblo crime rate ln Washington After au Rational Robert, lf 1t Dear Claud:
o.c.. crtrne has dropped orr weren't tor my Negro friends North Vletn:im and your group
dro.sUco.l ly IJ1 the vlclnlt y or the where would I buy my drugs? deserve each other.
Stale Department. How come? And after all, Negro girls are 11
Puzzled lot more sophlstlcated and cheaper
than white girls, even if J have Vigilantes Needed
Dear Pu1;zled : gotten V. D. a few tlmes.
' It all started wlth the coming Harvey Cood!ellow UI Vlgi)antes are needed now as

II 11 11
A few "cartoons from issues of S tatecraft. The cartoonist, Foster Morrison (alias Alex
Devereaux), is also a libel defendant with Carto.

. . . ... _,,..,

• ••
Carto is a short, swarthy man· of medium bu i Id • He shuns,
publicity and is camera-shy. The photograph .on the left
was taken several years ago. He has used the following
-...... 1



Keith K . Kenyon
Asgard Hall
E. L. Anderson, Ph.D.
Ian Bruce McLeod
Bruce West

In addition, he often uses the names of various real per-

sons on his payroll. The names Curtis Dall, Carol Dunn,
,. and John M-. R'ens'1aw·~ for 'example; apP.~ar <;>n Carto _..J _ _ _ _

WILLIS ALBERT CARTO mailings, particularly when he wishes to describe himself

Patriot for Profit 11 as a "selfless, dedicated patriot. 11

He has raised money by mail through the following "fronts 11 :

Liberty Lobby
Government Educational Foundation
. As soc1ates
Action /.
Capitol Hill Data Processing Co.
United Congressional Appeal
American Colonization Society (all these have Washington, DC, addresses)
Save Our Schools
Americans for National Security
National Taxaction
Friends of Rhodesian Independence
C .E .A .s .E,

American Mercury-Washington Observtr

Council on Dangerous Drugs (all these have Los Angeles-area addresses)
Legion for the Survival of Freedom

Of these "fronts II the only one with su'1 iftjn c~j~::.American Mercury-Wash ingto1:, Opserv er.
Carta did not create American Mercury, o'fLci b"Ji?'se. He simply managed to gain• control of it.


. .' ,., . " ~ -


P. o. Box 1 622
TO :l-\f¼'J.1 I0\11AL -:rnU·lH ALLI lt'dCE
Gl;3 ':Jupont Gircle Bldg. WASHINGTON 13, D. C.
Wo.shinr;ton, D. C'; 20036

DATE J.Je c e.."ll ber 30 , 19 70

4bO,OOOI lsale for more than one-time use)
10~ ( fair assessed valuation) 11(40 ' 00() • 00


P. o. Box 1 622
TO National Youth Alliance, Inc,
1656 Wisconsin Ave., N,W. WASHINGTON 13, D. C.
Washington, D,C. 20007

DATE Dec. 31, 1970

40 Hours computer time (printing out 230,000 names

from file about June, 1970)*_@ $25,00 $1,000100

7 Hours computer time (copying 400,000 records)

@ $25,00 175100

1 magnetic tape 17 IOO


>~Includes 4 boxes 3-part paper and

3 boxes 2-part paper


Invoices submitted by Carto to NYA for use of his mailing lists.

these lists, which earlier had been promised to NYA free, Carto r-
that NYA 11stole 11 his lists. There's a big difference between
3 75 ppfa ir bi II for that thing!
-jENCtOStJRE tcJ -
1.t c.-:: -
' . 7 .,,
,, NYA shield and i/;uality. ~y~bol we,:.

( -"-
.I(, ulently used on · _tecraft Report" (belpw,-to -
confuse NYA memoers and scipporters. ..
JannarJ 16; 1971
' • !, '"'I;<; • 'oo'USTCP
l.Jear Pat:
' t I r •1 - P~F. Y II.Vt,

' ,:,• I t::LE s Cti Yuo·u h l:§1
Congratulations for the progress that the national
Youth Alliance has made in the short time since you
reorganized it, It appears to IHe that you have
al.ready do1:e r..ore in the past two months than Mis
accomplished in the last two years.
~lAlf~~Afl ~fr~~l

1'11l,/i.,l1t'1I In 1/11 , N111io11al }' ,-H/jq,ace
I, You have a big job on your ;1ands but I continue to
oelieve that if ;JYi. 1 s Fou::-- l'oints are Given a decent
~ chance we can organj~e Al!lerican youth to effectively ,,,.
' cor..bat the raupant cul'.,ure_ distortion surrounding us,

NYA is desperately needed for the sLnple reason that · N .Y A LEADS

,.there is no other youth organization even remotely
~le to face up to tLa real problems, and this of
is the essential first criterion in doing any 5 TUD /EN T R !.C~ffl~P~,!
HIGH SCHOOL IOIR~R • • H Y A~crs Rightists Stir School Unrest

;!~~!~~[~1~~l!i~;~~;;,;~: ii W& !i
that your progress in the future continues,
doll~ ;,:e~~dat.e
it will-·if you get the- ·support \,bu· . -,,.

tr.,/YJY "47
,e rve, :enclosed is Ten

"""'"'' '°' 1971. tl:c ~!;,cl6 continued thelr,...,11!,;1e act~, ::;;:•_-:,ff;. i_!.:.;--.:tE-:-3
:/illis A. Carto 1~l ~r :~~~~!:::~~~:r~!~~~:. ::a~~c!~!e~ht~ ~;_:;:-.: .. -
and \!'.pler>ented Hundred • o:r r.CHS 1\i.llf.Jllte v<11c~d the I

I.cs Aneeles ~e:~~~;~~a~~d h!ipt!=f~,~o~h;h~~:: :-!a~:;:~ ~o,lc• l..l!li!RAL::i flUCT TC HYA ACTlOtl.

,-;4v•,. ~--•,r~
4/A,f;. .. ~
J,umar,16,lm N Y A RUNS HOFFMft~
~ •.ri'd-t OFF CAIIIPIIS
~ r• l•ihtlon1 for lha fffCAt·t Uu.::: lh.- .':.• L:lan•J. .'ftA and ::i.t•t•cra rt-led etud•n"<
f...,U ~ -1 Unee hu 11--1<1a I~ V-1 •i:ft. H::i• 1Joco )'QU app-01itlon at th1 HorV,C,,,rallr,p
~ , t -Und H. ;L 4f.?eUJ f" -,.. O!Ai~ 7eu
~j:"~ ~•~.,!nl~;~ r..:\~~:--U.• ~, .,.e
• ~tab Oniwenilty \NCSU) CaRpUB
force<lAbble 'haa;,,e,i-,'loeeo:l' Hotf-,-.nc1l hl::i •.-r 11r0nc1at 1
r"d!cal rsll.y ph 11Mrtl tarNCSU cm
/o'.J h.l•,e, bLc ~ol>onyour 1...,::1 but L "f'-"\1..- "°'" J:'.lnu:iryth, 11th, T• ,au ,:hoL1tth1
oah.,,a ~hH :Ir .,YR•:, fo,:r N!n~• ._re ..n ~~ • '"' "'"-
c~..,,c~ "" -=-n oril'-~l.• ""-•l"i::.a:, yol!Ltl :0 .rf ..nluil,-
"'1ci>oL '.!1• r<1.~t «:..1.LUr•dh1.<>rl1or. -.---,1•• n...
:;{~rt~:. t~t~b!! 1: '::;p~d wt~h"
lh~ iloMannce or co,-..aunlllt rl•t
Stirring Racial Hate
ooat"r" 1111 11roun<l th" ""11 and

l."';!;, h ~ UJ l.1 H t.: , r.vodot r..,
u., -.1:;,,, • n • - i.t &J ch.e" ;,r,oa.11.
U-er~ h 1 •, tU<U- ,t::iu'--'1 . , ,.~~IM', l1t1. .... .., -....~•b·

: :~;: ,~1:-~. --~-~:

. ·:i';~:---! =:1.:~.~-:..:' Kno•ln,. or hie "rr>e • "'nce
1n advl\nce. a N'i'A te11.1J or,i;an!ud
::ituclent 3ppo11ltlon, t.:n the "'°m-
ing of thn LL th, a forge banner

:;.,i': ~~ ~Jrt;·;:~ ':.t~"'~~:~;-:. ,, ~Dp~ar-ed •hire llLg U,oak h<>frn!!ln

•u ~o i, ppear----Abbln Go /lc111I ~

f t • •,-. , , -.J.11 ~
•-:i.~ l1tr H"l'I,
•. . 'Zir1 •.ll.n,/J~
t{/' . •7
/!'R' ii.• , ah
•,ob!le aquadn
raa....,d the ha
down ti,e rl • t
oCNYil.-hd 1tudnnte
Un aJ NCSU tearlng
p-0eure and r"plac-
!ng th,., •lth AOL11rican flaig decal

.!.llU'-ie.,_,.,,,. ii•ceJvJr,g,.o.-d of lhh, Chlclt•n

1-,',l<!j'IJ .. il.bble n h • ed to "ppeo.-, 11r,1,
Ch.,irr:,an Patrick '.:'IJer npplludnd
111~• °"'*ll n l) h••• • ;~~<l~~~~,:~u~.~~~i~; ~! !~~c~csu

•t-••1 n,, \H,• r ~'Hn t•H
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1.,ic • -11;. ii, .,,,, ·U III N A ,.•, , 'fl"' •J
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!•'ti:~!;~1~J:=:t11 H'9f1,.,• i;. .-E-H,.,..
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\IH I,..,., -.• nlc,g •,, .. . r ,1,•, l.<!r,otHJI,,
!lo ,
,_!"• {:1;i:::
~f1h t !;1ATlCP.IIP? Sl'Jl!Ht.9 Lllll::IIAL PR£SS C8/fSORSlflP 7t'~ -~~!, STRJl'iGS IIEHHW BU.CK SAT,>,Q,;;iiy

k -(.,0.:1d
, lhada,.ec,b~rshlpinthe/authrarolalloc,
• cted b1 the Pour- Point P<"Of!.-.."'• ARE YOUR
Wmlf ornrns lAlK
l .,_,.. &ttr

\ A f<"lond o~ ialne, alao • ro,-..,r IIYA. ,,...,.~~r, IMPERIUM

tola r•• that thl• le no• the new 1 adrn 1 0/ the
1971 DUES
re-v1t11Luea U?,1,,
.,. ljll • .1 11 ,.., ... ,,,_ , .KZ» lllf".IP'nll\lilB ~l't I
"I: •«_. I •c~n .-e ;c ln
r- IA s i,1111,;g. l • t
PAID? ittlitlQ\-.1!1 • -- n •n ...,.Cl M.1., 1 -'t.1.11.C NYA ACTS
Hl,o. .. , sec P~GE 4- ~~:r:~~~:!'t~
,,.. ,•,lli
~ ... .....,....,..,.
•,ou•~ ,._, , t .P,M,("IO!fal ·• '-1.t.•
oua A.DlLlT'f j';:; PlGH'.' PCJI A).i,;RICA lS Ult!.Y w~:JTED Br OUR !iCEil.CER

;;.-:,.":'! ;~;,r.;;.-,:;"",.. ..wr- •"""~ r'IttMIClAL 11.:.~U/lCI;~. IIE!!D YCil/R !U.7.H:u,; COIITRlBUTl0/1 NlcW POR

. ----"1 ~-' .-· ·.':...:~.-,- =~~,; ~~:.:~"=4.:e~~

.-•• lli <;'a t .,.....,«l"~Uli'..-.."'1,......., •
1.-~ .. ~
&ADL.r NEEDl!D 0,El"JCI! 0:QV1!'1(1!HTAIIDTflAY:iiLEXF!!:/fSES llf ORDER fO

CII.GAlfJZE :UTIONil.L LMrll UP 711£ NYA, WO!-l'f' iCU Pi.SASE Kn,p?

l •l 111( '""~CA-HA,HC~ or liA,C:L m LIYIU,'All{IN
I• -.,.,,.." .1,-.,
IFl tUGI NIL~ /\~LI 01\Ct , , , ,

•ll lll'~'l~~l~~l~~~l•=•U~'lllflLAIH
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1,: ! !~11-:ir.:! ll(SHIV~ 111\NK " I, I ,_, 1,., I 11 00
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lil -ri. ,o 0411 -\I • 'l'!II I Nllit ...... --· II . u in
P,u1011<l'locktc" :;.~ ~ : , : f ..... ~ d wll P!LASle'. .IUKll Cl-i::C:KS PA:t"A5!.£ TO Tlil:;1 :U.'1:lCl(At YGU'ni ALLlA~CB
P/JOo.S3J l•~<-1 11•111 1<.(>l) P,C, 801202
--"'l,IH 'h ~n,1, ,;i:wn:11. Lil'l,e!, Ill "~01 5

d to NYA members and supporters as a wrecking effort, with Willis

The "Dear Pat" is Patrick A. Ti fer, a long-time Carte associate,
··h Carte • ~--:-::::-"~ ~ .
- 1.-.n -~

EXHIBIT p~ .,,_.-.. •-:.!

. ~. <\ .

. ~arch 25, 1971 b6
-~ ~\\~ b7C


~ ~;)._ ·- / tJ to 1t/l ~7£'?.: "<·

-~ ' 1~· _,.,;. ·\ •


~~ . ·:

.·u · San

Dear-I I
w o1

l have received your letter of March iBth, 'o/ith

. '

enclosures, and appreciate the interest which prcn:~pted you to

furnish your views. Your generous comments about .my admin-

istration o~. (:Jle FBI are most encouraging to me . .

Sincerely yours,
~J • .r· --
'. . -' ~Ed~ )Hoov~
r:~ ' ·J
. )

.·. >.,-1 ~ ·:.: .

i ~Jj
~ ~ ,· 11 . .
·..., .
•.._ !.

r · i\R 0r.., 0 ~971 1

! 1\L41 r.· I • "'

::.:f:r=-= ·rmr;~-t~:

~.::.:::: •-...--:r:rr:,;

NOTE: . Our files contain nothing identifiable r ~ ding correspondent/

A The enclosed "Liberty .Letter" is published by Liberty Lobby, an
organization well known to the: Bureau . . ·: · ~
' '. • .... •.• i ~ J ...

i_ [:/1:~:n - -
Mohr _ _ _
FMG:jls (3.)
• f'} .
. ~ /· ·. : ·, ,:; :
>. ,' •·
.~:•''"''»J J~ _/
Brennan, C.D. _
Casp e r __ _
t,fW .
.~ •

lf 0
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1,.,,-11 ~ i . ~
_,,.,,.,,., ..,- Z.!i
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Ir f:, J \ erK ~ ,)
8 ·r
Dalk _ _ ·
F"e ll • ' l_ ,.... '11\.(A. • fl!,!,;y1r ~ -

- ' · C , ·~~
~:fl~S-- . ·) m, D·KEvo:"~ 1mo l \.\<"" U.
~-:~ 1 1U,'(/ fii :,tYHJ ~ 13 WI-I 1,V I . R)I ,
Gandy . · MAIL ROOMc::=J TEL ETYP~1JNI1'c] I l/,f
.. I~, -

t='~ ,....:::,
:~ ·-

• ~
• • • I)"

-~ - ! . L ~

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!FilJ•r;t, imi T@st,i[fJ,g '{;t]YlJ!Jf],YftMJlUJaUtT}D §err /Va([!®/. .
.Publisher ·
:NNA.CK JR. . ~· . . WILLIAM~Li!I/Y
Mana.r;ing -Edi fo1·
.' .

1* l ..

.-. l ~~ . • ;
, .. .' 4' I •
· TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1971
••• I •• • • •• ~ •• • - •• • • • •• • ••

·. ·
)i f.
' i ... \
·{ ' I
.-1 i·

,"'),",h:i .
"ff.f · El~- .
~ fift
d 7fl. W. J,ii:/
~tire, Jv]ljj_ t!JJ.,ltttW(llfX
~ Y\b
•, !)' .;)
.. '

..•. - ~ .• ·• 1·. - • .,._ . ......

-l . _ Mayor Zamora
The Mayor of Cotulla, Mr. Alfredo Zamora,
has been accusing all of the Arigfo .anifAn-gll~ ·. I
cized Mexican-Americans of n i t •Pi ck i n g ! --···
against the Chichano Power movement. This ·
man, has the ner-ve to talk Hbout anyone after'
.'} his degrading actions at the local P.T.A. Meet•··
i ing held March 8,' in the school cafeteria. I·
.' " While the Pledge of Allegiance to the Amer-..
ic."n Flc1g w,,s being said, Mr. Zamora was ,"

! seatecl in his chair, wilh his arms folded across
I 111s chest, clearly refusing to salute the flag of
the peopie of this country. · . . .
I • •
•• I
B. G.
- .. ... , ·;,• · 1 , ••· _.,.. ... . .;. ......


---- -- _ -~ -- --~---, . - ; 1 -~;o,-9J1; - 1:t1- _j - hr/

ENCLOSURE · • . ~/

....• .• ,
• •
., , .
' .
._,. '·
\ ..·

(5 VJ

San Antmnio, Tex.

March 18th, 1971

Mr. J. Edgar Hoover,

F'edera:l ]hJ.reau of Inve s tigation,
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr. Hoover:

\/P /., The loyal American citizens are

f/1'~\ being increasingly dismayed by the racial troubles

started by the Warren court in the· sad days _of 1954.

. When a duly elected('?) mayor now
' \ re.fuses t.o _reaffirm his allegiance to his country,
openly ;!:Jrnd with conteml')t, it is time that something
be d one about Sl!lch situations. · ·· · .

Writing letters to Congressmen

and Representatives seems to be of no avail. · I trust
you can use this, and thousands more you no· doubt
receive, to take some actj_on not only on this but
., ~ on thousands more such unpatriotic actions: rampent ~

cc ~ in our country now. This disloyal situation cannot
~<3 ·~; continue.. But such situations will continue until
~\ you; and the law enforcement a~encie~, are again
.·:. permitted to do something about it!
~ .
·u1 ~.::i
rn My interest is merely that of a
*-, cY)

!concerned loyal .l\.merican tax.payer who wishes to
f~~ thank you for your efforts in behalf of this great
country of ours, and wishes to get it back on the
law-abiding course provided for in the Constitutiono

:~ r a n Antonio, Tex.
,.· ,7·
./6 .
,1 e!L/1
'. 11l (fj ""''~I
J t'H
. t //41 .
R~ ~ - I~ h t:)· V ;-~~.

:~~J~ 1971

J;~,1 ~ s

i:. i~GUJSijR1' .
\ ,,
._ .... w • ,;
' - < t=--= ~~~

-·-·-·-·---- . ··-• y -
_ ,__You vrnll dfrnerve this tribute, end·more
:1 -· ' c::-----·

rl l
( .. i. 1i~re.,r.;ingly, le tlwing wol,

howlin!:!; for the hide of J. Ed~ar Hoover,

the vc1;crablc FBI director. An amusing
sidelight is that one oE those calling for
Hoover's scalp because of his age (76,
arc ..-;,,:Tr:·;
I ,;, /ft.;:; ({
! ;•1 ;/ i : ,-:
, 1• 1 /, 1 ~ r
!j.1!/ ir11. il /{v
L.) I; 1.J:,L~A
Nation Spends M
En joys H less
(LLNS)-President Nixon's r
and in good health) is an 89-ycar-old cision to submit a budget to the
•.l retired federal judge, who just stepped Ma11y readers arc inquiring about the with a built-in $11.6 billion
down from the bench a few months ago. Congressional Handbook covering the "completely fantastic," acco
. Jack Anderson, sue- new 92nd Congress. It will be available Robert M. Bartell, LIBERTY
~! •:.:•.y~~,:\~w1·~
r-. . ,'..j,J' '\ , ·, ·"
Cessor to Drew Pcar-
. d I
the latter part of March, and will be tax program coordinator.
:J:\ ~on, contmue~ t~ e vc mailed at that time to all persons who Bartell noted that the Pres
f, . ,, W" ~:?, ·.·(. 111to such t1db1ts as have ordered it. accepted the Keynesian theory
~:. • \ 1 .-2, :, :· .' ~ Hoover's "grapefruit- The convenient, out of economic trouble is
l:IJNlill t:lil,lfl:V;\l
!, ,• - -: t. : and - cottage - cheese" 111\lillllllUY.
pocket-sized handbook ,., -- ,-,,~ _ _ _ more of what
' ti"'\-:-:,'~1~
., · luncheons, trying des- is eagerly awaited and y,.:, -,_,(;:'"'~ 7 have .. This '
~J - · ( f :''-''•·:.... ._ _\• 1-, i'i mockery of
'.l:!ml CONC.ltl:SS
~ ,. l perately to discover distributed wid~ly to 1
· .i/4 .. · .,.. i,. some scandal, perhaps s,..,..,.,,0.1,,~•>S""'' '
newsmen, Congression- •r t'f}f_r:tJ )...:, -~ dent's camp
Mr. Hoover under the lettuce ...........\,....,.,,,~· .....
. ,,
" al offices, and con- t.'
. t•
,\- ~
· ,.. \ . j] tacks against
.lh ne_dr an~ Joh
,-.J,,ht..1.c.Jl"'"i IF ' , ,i •

leaves. Failing, he' concludes that Hoover cerned citizens through- =." ' -,~.- !.)~

"should have been retired, with the LrnEt~TY Lom1Y j out the Nation. It lists r·. "l," .::..~-- _). .~ mm1strat1ons,
Nation's gratitude, 11 years ago."
I ,.,1 l,ono•IK~e&A~• SI:..
alphabetically all Con- .:,-_i-' ~ ;.: accused them

... - - - .. < . ~

Andei·son has at least one thing right- gressmen with state, ~ ,,.. •' ,, , •_.. ning the flam
Hoover indeed deserves the Nation's party, and committee membership; Sen~ Mr. Bartell flation with e
gratitude. He transformed the fledgling, ate and House committees; and Congress- of red ink spending.' "
:1 fumbling FBI into a model of efficiency men by district for each state. Much other Bartell also stated, "Folio·
.1 envied the world around. He has made
an incalculable contribution to raisinE>:
valuable information is included for the
patriotic letter writer. Order copies for
latest example of the 'new com
we are contacting every local am
the standards of law enforcement in the yourself and others, using coupon below. protest group in the U.S., to c
' U.S. * * * programs and help make availa
·11' ·
', Of course he has made a multitude of 'McNamara, the for- ture and information. Our new '1
enemies, including his former boss, crimi- mer secretary of de- Handbook, just off the press, is
~ Ramsey Clark. The commu- fense, continues to cast means to motivate an irate taxi
j cause it tells him what to do
nis ts and their cohorts all desperately his ominous shadow

k want him out. over world events. He fight for fiscal sanity."
Eventually, of course, he will have to directed the disarma- !fJ//,lf'l-~>1-'i-lf.JJ.:q.,f,;.~J//,J/-lflf'S .. 'l-l/-lf~
' be replaced. At that time, the President
must be urged to appoint an equally
ment which has created
America's tragically in- )}
patriotic, dedicated, anticommunist war- adequate defense pos- *,.,.*~- cfettere.ffe:j ..
rior. The FBI admittedly has great ture, and now, as World
power, and if an enemy infiltrated, it Bank head, is in a vital position to work
1 would be disastrous. economic disaster for the U.S.
~ Col. Curtis B. Dall will be toi;
~ Meanwhile, we salute J. Edgar Hoover Robert Strange McNamara, a 160-
,.... ,
for more than half a century of distin- page LIBERTY LOBBY staff study, fornia and the west coast startir
A few additional engagements
guished public service. He has few peers . traces the curious career of Dr. Strange- be made, but hurry:.___his itiner
bob through the Ford Motor Co., to the most full. Write to Carol M. Di.:
Pentagon, and finally to No. l interna- tary of the Board, if you are int
tional banker. This book provides in- getting Colonel Dall to your me
DISLOYAL ( Continued from page 2) valuable insights not available elsewhere; LIBERTY LOBBY sends a b
....;- bers of B'nai B'rith get around to use the coupon below to order. an outstanding man in govE
signing a House District Committee chair1
LOYALTY OATH EDITOR: llooray for you aml Na1io11al TaxAction. L. McMillan. He is under bitt
t A , · , .. d I , I . . f My two fovo, ile organizations teamed ur to re.s1<>rc from Leftists, but we're glad t<
:1;, 0 lllCrJCa-,IS O t )C lllelll JCfS O sa11ily ~nJ i111ci;, ily to the fcdcr,11 government; I'm with he has weathered the latest sto1
LI BERTY LOBBY __:then we would feel YD 11 all 1110 w.iy.
HERMAN L. MOOR serves our support.
:I::. called upon to respond to such charges. Chicago, JI/. Thanks to all who send in mai
r. Many responsible patriots believe that EDITOR, CongralLI]ations on th_c _merger with Na• receive from the promoters l
..] , . , • . • . . uon:11 TaxAct1on. What we need 1s: mote umty m the
B na1 B nth VIOiates the law Jl1 that 1t Conservative movement and we all support your move stolen mailing lists. Often thes

''); · ,
1s an unreg1stcre
d f
agent or a ore1gn
government. One such patriot, for ex-
ample, is Saul E. Joftes, former General
f • in this direction.

Dunedin, Fla .
cut coupon
especially address labels-help
paring evidence against the guil1
here - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Director of B'nai B'rith's Office of Inter- \ • EAR LIBERTY Los~'i·:
'1 national Affairs. Joftcs became diswsted I Please send me ................ copies of Congressional Handbook tor the 92nd Con-
.h h J I · •• . 0 B' • , g;ress (60i each; 2 copies, $1; 15, $5; 40
wit t e pro- srae act1v1t1es ot · na1 I ~cop,es for s101 I enclosE
B'rith and was_fired. He's now suin cr them/; I Please send me ................ c~g ·c - · f Robert Slran~e McNamnra ($1 each; 4
.-:. • I / J.... / CJ , • copies, S3 ; 10 for S:6; 50, $25; 100 copies,
for bac k· pay and d amagcs,.a nd plenty 1s
coming ·Ol.'l t about the un-American ac-
tivitics of tl~is outfit.
J-I Please send .f/ ... .
- v b
,,, .,, ,,,.. $40: 1,000 for SJOO)
c pies o f "Taxpayers' Action Hantlbook" ($1 each:
. 3 copies, $2; 6 c?pies or mo~e 501· each}
1 enclose

I enclose
.. ., . . I Please send
me ....... ..... .. .. cop,es of F.0.R., My Exploited F~ther-111-Law, by Col.
So we aren't gu1ng lo lake_ lesson:-; 111 I Cu,r1,1~_,0. 0~11 (P, "".:h;_? _copies,_l•I; 10
,, I'" P,. GO 1-JU, HIU j,r;c,I 1,000
. , ... , '·, .. ' ' - .. . '. - ' .. '· ' . . ·, . . - '
(~'.1~11.l_\~1_:··~'~ ,1,1u~~-1!_l!lll ~'._1'.1!11, Ill ~p,it_c; ul
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On~l .. , h ,h;n,,nn
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'i CsJ~lLt•L.!JI.;> (\1 V . \'YCU IJ\,,,\:., L..J lu"" , ~.._ , ..,.. , ,.\, - ..... ~o-
the jurisdictional authority to OVER- ··trip ::i bsoluti
TURN DECISIONS OF LOWER J/H/.\'/be .-1:?rqyght into line with income.
COURTS in cases involving pornograpl1y. !•amtma Cannl....:..Urge your Congress- FRI tour co
tic;:ins to Lib
'• She noted t ha- rom 19G7 tJ1rough 1969, man aml Sen- · s to intrmluce or co- a Special [
the Court re ~cl 38 lowe1· cour t de- sponsor rcsol 1s opposing any su r-
,_ ' cl~ions, openi L • wl,d c the iloodgates lo render of the ·, ·1nal Zone Lo Pa na ma. gold ) will· t
the present Jlow of filth. you, if thi s
Ru ssia would lo . .: to control this passag_e- and the dra,
This modem Joan of Arc points out

way as she will the Suez when it reopens.
that in 1957 the Supreme Court did de- For furth
clare that "obscenity is not within ihe Military Draft-The i:Jrnft must be ex.- of Rhodesi;
area of constitutionally protected speech tended . While .:i n all-vol unteer ar med ERTY LO!
or press." Now, 38 obscenity cases later, se r vice souf"!ds good in theory, in prac-
·). ,:
the Court has given full protection to tice it simply would not provide an adc- LETTER TO
the filth purveyors. qu,1 tc defen se for the U.S. , especia lly in E01TOR: Ir~
·-·-~ Alone, Mrs. Lasker has secured more Laday'$ troubled times. LIB ERTY LOB~ YIOU \d h~vc t~,
than 8,000 signatures in the past five !11c Cornrnun !s(s
I BY testified on thi s subject on Feb. ·10. :am ~cntli n~ 001
-.) months, and sent them to Sen. James ·o. Emc.rgc.ncy P11blic Interest Protection check up :1nd s,
Eastland, chairman of the Senate COnl ;lC.t rr icn<.Js I

} Judiciary Committee, Act-This. measure wotild bri·ng rai l- to t.lo :.ome th 1n

you will a( lea.<
Think what impact 100,000 concerned roads i-l nd airlin es undc:r the Taft-Hanley hav~ goo<! inl(
·~: Act. The President needs this au thority s mall, bul if c,
parents could exert if they had Mrs. :m il works on
···' L.;.ialrn(~ fighting t1f)irit, WHAT SHE HAS in onl~r to ha•KII~ n;ition~l l~bor ci l:spvtes 1?ltJ1IY or m onc:
ACCOMPLISHED, YOU CAN ALSO DO! in transportation. ·
"lr DO YOU CARE ENOUGH TO JOIN IN Supcrsolilic Transport-The, controver-:_ .- - - ~ - -
~ THIS BATTLE FOR DECENCY? sia l SST is too costly, impraccka!, and industry anr
of doubtful defense value. Let the air- New E nola, 0
] LIBERTY LOBBY needs tunds to continue and lines pay for it if lhey want il, instead LOBBY fn
expand its work. Contributions gratefully ac-
of Uncle Sam. unfair fore
; cepted in cash or securities. If interested in
•,, including this Institution in your Will, infor- Foreign Trade-Rigid quotas on shoes foreign aid
mation will be sent upon request.
and textiles are necessary to protect U.S. to support ,

Published each monlh by LIBERTY
LOBBY. Subscription price, $2.00 per
year. Second-Class postage paid at
Washinl!ton, D. C. Newstand price ,

WASHINGTON, D. C. 20003 25¢ per copy. .

Please ~
Expedite! 0
FORM 3579 TD 2 t.J98 I OU P77J M R b6
Rli:QUIESU[) b7C
TX 78201
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t......,...,,..,== - - ----- -,._,,..= =,..,,,,.,....,.,.......,..,.,,-,---r------i-- ____J telephonlcally . ,:.- ~ . '1

contacted Bureau stated he is employed . · · ; ·~
as....___~--.-----<,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---.---..-.---,,----,---= and is .the " - ~t~ t\ \
· · b~~t_h er o _SA -.--- , . . _ _assig:,e_. to Au~sta, •Geo:,gi~, _ •XV ' .}l' ·:
Resident Ag_e ncy_. i1 ·i ,~•,i) ·.;,.;}~ti- . · ' . ..-.=< --~ ---·:"""" \ / \ ,~;-
. ." . ·. ; . " ~''- l!·'/P ' ~':t '• . . fl ' , 1.
. · , ·'-:----::-:---........----'f&~~i1ed th~~ he.had received i~ the mail ,( \) . :2·' .'
addre·~ sed to him ·· ~\jJqp1):Y..~l~t~r." ~rom·._!9_0 ;IA~l~~ ~Y.~~Y:~,...S.Jt. ,, --:' _
r.,~ (} . -
Washingt;~>n, D. : .(?0003 ,,r=•· Heoriefly summarized the contents of •.
-------- --·~~ ·· · ·- ··~ ==- •·"'!' . .- ,..1 .I, .;,..-. ;.I • ;;i
· , --
tliete'ftt!r''1f.B oemg very pro-Communist and 'pro-Arab. He was very :-

1'-f u.
much ..concerned that the organization that printed these letters had .
his ·name on a mailing ~1st a:nc(r~q1:1es_ted-that he be ·i ntervieweq by a .
Special Agent .on hts··return-10/10/71 from· a vacation at Augusta, Georgia.
,.;, --
r •;,.. ~ ~ , - ••• • • • • ~ • • • •

Philadelphia intervi'E?w. lwhen h~ ·~~turn~ :to : . . . · _;. I

Pennsylvania an~ furnish resu_lts· of interview to .the.. Bureau and
r--....z intfJrested _offices under appropriat~ c~ption, . ·
,• • •I •• ' • o • I , • , ,.- ,. • ::5, • • I

_NOTE: Mov,~~en.t ad~i'secl SA·I lis assigned to the

Augusta RA, Savannah Division . .
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OTHER Information not under purview of FOI
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S11l~1 .~
1 - Mr. W. C. Sullivan ~~~lK&t, _
. ,\ Memora:ndum· 1 - Mr. J. P. Mohr
1 - Mi' • T • E • Bishop
I n(c'f; n;,n ,
_~l lahan - - -
C.D. _

' -x
. 1 - Mr. C. D. 4 Brennan
(.asper _ __
Conrad - - -
Dalhcy _ __
Mr. C. D. Brenn£//f· --·
D~T E, June , l 71 I ~~:~
1 Ro~cn _ _ __
1 -

Tave] _ _ __

l -

FROM Wnllcrt~ _ __
1 w Tele. Room _ _
==,--------- - ----'· llolmc• _ __

(J·-f1;t.~:" 121
rfT'.,, ' I

;/1< PURPOSE: To report review ofl l


BACKGROUND: Memorandum T. E. Bishop tq___M~.____Mohr 5LiQL71 enclosed JI-

II"Caofj deatial. I should ~ '~
be tr eated
· ·'


Senator James Eastland (Democrat--Mississippi) (_ has

introduced six bills designed to "restore efficacy and enforce-·
ability" to the Internal Security Ac;:t of 1950. When passed, ~
this Act set up the Subversive Activities Control Board (SACB) )..J

to hold hearings to determine organizations which were communist ~~

action organizations under the domination and control of the ~
foreign power which· controls the world communist movement. If ~
the Board found the organizations to be communist action organiza- ~
tions, they had to register with the Attorney General and the Act
set forth fines for noncompliance. If the organizations refused ::(
to register, the law required individual members to register or
be fined or jailed. Other provisions prohibited members of such
organizations from working in defense plants or using U.S.
passports. Court decision invalidated these provisions on
Constitutional grounds. All the SACB can do now is to hold
hearings to determine if an organization is a communist front.
If so found, the SACB places organization's name in a public
register. There are no criminal sanctions.


- -- , - - • - _- -- __ ~ ' l " - ~ r z ; -I

,~~i':.11[' [t, 11;,,1C ri)irhl• ,w•1-;

· · · · ···..,·' ·~ ... .-..,, CON
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1 1
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. 6
OTHER Information not under
I ••

, • . ..;,_ b6
.:J ... "b7 C

Memolandum to Mr. c. D. ' Brennan


The Washington Area Committee Against Repressive

Legislation is the successor to the Washington Committee to
Abolish ·t he House Committee on Un-American Actlvi ties and is
the subject of an investigation because of Communist Party, USA,
infiltration. /~

We have not investigated the Liberty Lobby, but informa-

tion which has been furnished to the Bureau indicates it was
organized in 1955 for the purpose of "reversing the dangerous
trend toward socialism internally and to defeat the insidious
effort to weaken our resistance to international communism."
Information has also been brought to our attention that this
organization 'is reportedly anti-Negro and anti-Semitic and that
it is against "so-called 'civil rights' laws" and is for "States


ACTION : For informat ion .
- 2
..... ..


,1()\l l:-:nrn:...-111 SCE AVl;Sl: E, S.E.
\\',);111~r.n,:-:. n.
~>~);'.!t: 1_.!Ji.t·~;y
c. 20:)03
~-5t:d l
P. 0. Box 36132
Los ANGF.LEs. CALIFORNIA• .21ip,.;
, J
{.r '/J' Ij Mr.
.sf;.7"' ...--..,,.,..~
Mr. Tol:~_on . ✓
V •r Su ll ivan .._
i w!'.:);:;i:. ____L
· ~);·! 1'\r,
April 18, 1971 P.
• l\'!:r. :rs,.. ' a n CD _
·.f iVTr. a lla han _ _
~ Mr. Casp er _____
~ Mr. Conran ____ _
! '.' fr . Daibc:y _ 1
Mr, J. Edgar Hoover, Director
I Federal Bureau of Investigation
I ·: r l. F ~ l • ~
• • ~

I ~•.f r . Grcl:!
~ l I,. ;

Pennsylvania Avenue at 9th Street N. W.

~i;: ~~~-~~~-:
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Hoover:

l\Ir, Wal ters
Il'Ir. S'.lyars _._
: T ele. Room ~ -
1 M!ss Ho.Imes • ·
t :.. Miss Gandy ,~
'a."'1 - .
Enclosed• is a copy of a broadcast which l nave
·~ recently made, · with comments directed t~ward oµr 'f.oreign-own_ed,
le f t-Wing ·Press ,tl)a~ . are. seeking to d·ist-urb, .y our· ·tenure of: 1 '
office. Perl").a ps you· wilf be interested'', also-;, 'in. the enclosed

• ..;:
.. '·
. . ..
clipping from:-~•LIBERTY- LEJ;W.~ March, .: L?71_~-· wh~ch .;is' written
about you ·. ·
. .·

•...,' ·,:~·,~ :·,,."::'. ; ·.,: ·· · -l •·

.... ;.I"-<, •.;,_-:: __ ,_.,_ .. ••••• !;•:_.t~.,.~~.-❖-·.t~ ;..o~' '"

Perhaps you. may _, recall ine, ba_c~- ·i_n: ,.June of

1933, when you" authod:zed :'ipe to have a pi~~o.l ' permit I was as
about to go on a vaca£ion: to ·· t~e Wi$CO_nsin. w:09ds with my tt-10
small children, Sisty. ~nd ,= Buzz/, ~hen- ·.l ivfng : at < the ':fuite House.
;' • .•; . •,.~ • •" • ' ,'' . ' \ ,,; f ,I·.;,,,~ .. ;G_


~ 1
We, the ' American p_eople, need. y_o u, · Mr. Hoover,
• ,:J.Jl ,_ - ' .r-·,~ .- -~ "· ~- ·?~~
n 10
c,J :....,
and appreciate your o.~tsfahding~ ser.vice•.'"~ '·;· B·l '\issured of our high b:-.1::._ ~
esteem, and my own good , wishE:s·.". ·· ~ ·;·· '~>·. . . , ,. "_;;,. ··/ .. ),{ CL.
~ C,
:,,,_·.~:-.,-1'•::~ ·:\:d
•• ,,!. ~ : "' .
~. .::1{·ii::,;~\,~;;::;.~~;:jT:7,.;.;
,. ;r-.. ~·"· ,-.J- ¥ • ·~:· • ...
I l I ~-, II.:
~ c.:~. -:; ,, -!,· :.,. • . -. .... ~ \ -_M

.-.·r.1.:.·.:..~:'_" 'J __ .. c:,

A ,:- • .: . . . ·:t.:.:.,~ ..
..., , ,...
!l .., .

• ' I .
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/ /, ;
'I.....\ . f~..._,-~
. ,itt,; •-
~ i::,t,
L '7C
Curt i S B. Dall-
.,-::..... 1::- , Chairman ...,,-
·., • " 1")'..;._//l'V
.. . ~· hl'f -· , /
.,,J,-· . • •,I;:)''
'_;I..;'I' . . . .,,/ I
. .... ~( - i)J.. (,' , (l;.l
CBD: 1

Enclosures j ~

176JUN 3 1971 ·
1!1,~ J U N ~
n ~ I .... - •

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.;C) U~Jl~J:Jrtfr\y. lL!.\(~llit ( .-C-j
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~ ~ c. ~ - :.....u ~ __._ ~.-~- ..} ~ -..-..:1'-'I_•~~•.... • "' ~..!·-:- ,1_,,

LIBERTY LINE , April 16, 1971

Hello from Washington. This is Liberty Line, of Liberty Lobby» to rielp

m~ke your influence countb I am Curtis D3ll, its chairman.
Every so often the internationalist-owned press in this country decides
to launch a drive t~ unseat J. Edgar Hoover, a great and dedicated American,
who has rendered outstanding s2rvice to the people. The objective, of course,
is for Mr. Hoover to be succeeded by a dependable friend of internationalism.
This must not occur! I use the word "succeeded" because Mr. Hoover cannot be
As part of the current plan of the leftists to oust Mr. Hoover9 it is
both seriou~ and amusing to see that House Majority Lead~r Hale Boggs, of
Louisiana 9 has been loud-mouthing for the FBI leader's retirement on the
grounds that he had ordered wiretaps on members.of Congress. Boggs is re-
ported to have said that he himself had been under the agency's surveillance.

He submitted, however~ no supporting evidence. One wonders why Repo Boggs
appears so jumpy. Has ~ea lot to hide? Liberty Lobby salutes Mr. Jo Edgar
It has been stat~d that a sizable percentage of the House and Senate
members are vulnerable to blackmail. Public opinion is rising for an in-
vestigation into the area of '°blackmail government"--particularly about down-
grading legislationp such as the sinister Genocide Treaty looming ahead!
I have seen a newspaper picture of Hale Boggs, when at Tulane University
in 1936~ giving what appears to be a replica of the communist salute to a
gathering therea Perhaps Mro Hoover should be sent a copy of itp and some of
Hale Bocg~ts associates might also find it interesting!
This is Liberty Lo.bbyp JlJO Indflpcnderu.:<'! Ave •• s.F:., !.Jashi ngton 9 D.C.
Th2.:,1ks for c.:21 li11i; ..

For ~n up to the mir~ite legislative report, call Liberty Line--
AC 202 - LI 3-1776
t~ _ /{J (b 9 JY"' I --

·•· 'h.T.ti:i..£ici!_I ·r.n1~~1ll _ EJiCLOS\JU

jfr- ~

' -, . . . . ,. ~;,• ,::.• ' . ..:·~....

·• •··
.. _•.. ~-~.a;. .. " . ........ -.
• ~. A> . ....
·----- .. -· ....... . ..

..... ,--·-~
. -· 1 ,,
, .
PUBLIC FRIEND NO. 1 1·· :··.
Increasingly, left wing wolves are 1 ··· ·.' ···, ·· . . ·
howling for the hide of J. Edgar Hoover, i · · · ·
., ..
tl_1c ~cncr_ablc FBL director. An -a!11using 1· .. ,,:
s1dcl1ght 1s that one of those calling for : .
Hoov_cr's scalp b.::caus~ of his age (76, . .... , _ ..
and m good health) 1s an 89-year-old 1. . · - . ,.
retired federal judge, who just stepped . ~ ' • .
down from the bench a few months ago. I .
. Jack Anderson, sue- (. : . .
f '.·. r ·;:._ ;. ,,.,-~~-~ [_-' cessor to_ Drew Pear,. f.-,-_ .. ·.:.. :·-_:·-.. . ,:'

i.·;"\,,...,~----: :. ·
t , .. -! .• son, continues to delve L-. . . ·.
q /,\., r.. ·: into such tidbits as ; : _ · . · .•, ·- : · ·.. · .;_. _.•·. .
: · - • ·,. ,..- :/ 1'·.; Hoover's
, -..:., . ·• ... ,.
"grapefruit- i •, . ·: ,•· ....
·1 and - cottage -. cheese' 11 • ; ... : · _:
. ··.:· · ·. :··.:. /: ·...

LJlt. f _;, _
:· ·•.•:: • •
-.... ... ,/ /, · luncheons , trym"0 des- ! . . .... . · ' . ••.·. .. .. ... : .;• ·. ·. .
. ·.. "\:
perately to discover 1·_::~--· .·._.:·_:,.,.
·:,.=-:_·.•'). ·...,. ; \:
· . . L l ~ some scandal, perhaps : · :•:-.• : ._,: ,.· ~-- ..:,:,,. ': •.·
Mr. Hoover under the lettuce f· ··· _;' · · ·.-:·-; :. ·. ·. · -·· : ~
... · leaves.Failing, he concludes that Hoover 1 :·:. -:-•• _. ·· .-• • ·.•.·.:

., .i "should have been retired, with the . ··: .

'• ·, . . ..
j Nation's gratitude, 11 years ago." .. ., ,,
. , Anderson has at least one thing ri ght-
Hoover indeed deserves the Nlltion's
•~~ r

_gratitude. He transformed the fledgling,

... . -- .i fumbling FBI into a model of efficiency , .. .
· ·1
envied the world ar.ound. He has made l"
~ · .:;;."•
• 1 •. .,
an incalculable contribution to raising ·
the standards of law enforcement in the ._-;
,. . i·
• j
," i U.S.
···! Of course he has made a multitude of
,•..· •:· . ·t~:'·. •,.
·.,.~ - ·:
•.. ; .:
.• . ,· i enemies, including his former boss, crimi- .. ~.· ~: ·. ~
.. -~ ·-~-··
.. ... ,,
-! · .i nal-coddling Ramsey Clark. The comnrn~ ;.: 1o

j. nists and their cohorts all desperately

want him out. i·.:· ',.

Eventually, of course, he will have to
.... ., be replaced. At that time, the President '· •·
must be urged to appoint an equally
patriotic, dedicated , anticommunist war- .. . _. __ .
.j rior. The FBI admittedly has great f.: .·• -•1 ·:.:...·(. . :":-! .."•:-::/:-:~~: ..., ··· ·
power, and_ if an ene~y infiltrated, it t· ..' •:_::: -. .. .:~: ··:.,
{1 . : _; ·,
.would be disastrous.. v 1 ,: •. , : ::_:·.: ' ·~ ;· .'. •. • , ·.:
Meanwhile, we salute J. Edgar Hoover { ; :· ... i.-:; . · .· :. - .... ·.
foi: more tll:_m hal~ a century _of distin- i.. ' :• ~ '· .) '_:--_.~ \ ··
:1 gu1shcd public service. He has kw peers. l _;.".· . . :: .. '. ·
_______::::: ,~__ _,. ~;::½tcG=-t- :'.: ·/:'/)-,:_:-> ·.--
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Cnsr,cr _ __
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TO Mr. Bishof'\ ()7 DATE: 4-22-71 Felt _ _ _ __



r b6


WASHINGTON, D. c. . I\ . ~

The purpose of this memorandum is to recommend that no acknowl- ~

edgment be made to correspondent's letter of 4-18-r.71, with enclosures. ,-........

Correspondent's letter is complimentary of the Director and he

enclose~l..p. copy of Liberty Line, 4-16-71, and an article f rom the March, 1971,. ~
issue of _
'.\i12-£I~.¥.:...b~Jt~X.:~' Both enclosures are publications of Liberty Lobby and I
are c~m1plimentary of the Director. Correspondent's letter refers to an incident

Iin June, 1933, when the Director allegedly authorized him to have a pistol permit ~
when he was planning a vacation with his two small children. ~

Bufiles reveal that correspondent was a son-in-law of Franklin D. ,i,

Roosevelt. In a similar letter correspondent previously referred to the Director ~
\ authorizing a gun permit for him and the Director noted "This is untrue. H. " This S
letter was not acknowledged per memorandum dated 11-6-70. There is no record -~
in Bufiles of a pistol permit for correspondent. Dall is Chairman of Liberty Lobby ='
which has not been investigated by the Bureau. He is also National Chairman of z
the Constitution Party of the United States which has been the subject of Racial '3
Matters and Internal Security---X investigations. He was also a member of the ~
National Coordinating Committe e of Friends of Rpodesian Independence which was · ·
the subject of an Internal Security investigation.-~ Dall has also been associated
with questionable individuals who have been investigated by the Bureau.

Although his correspondence is complimentary, it is felt it wouldj

be inappropriate to acknowledge his correspondence in view of the informati.on
regarding him in Buf iles. /p :/,- //J b ,if/- . / ,: · '1 1 1
176 JUN 3 1971 t~fl
That no acknowledgme.~~ -be-ma:t~~Jof.. ~orre~pond~nt's1tter 1fl4-18-7~..
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crAij . : ·J .f.i ,:, : ' ,//.\) •· ~•, l $?. ~0.-,-j v--
. ·.·· ¥' •..: .:·- ~
II, .
1 - Mr: Bisho:- Enclos_u res (3) ' ,·::
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·- th.,. "- .... ....1



C,,ti V n Taken from the Novemb~e.r.J.9~'Zl, issue of the
. -~efe_n ~!,_}_n_~t ! ~!u_~!.:_~~~_:".,~~~na which is pri nl:ecf~'in Mexi~~ -
A secret Meeting in Woodstock
A Shift in the World Role of the USA and its
by Manuel F. Benitez Rod ti

(Pages 22 - 27) J,,_

In May of 1967, we published an article called
"God Save You, Uncle Sam." We described step by step the
U.S. political situation from the time of Franklin D.
Roosevelt until the days of Lyndon B. Johnson. In it, we
discussed the sabotage acts and civil rights disturbances
which were started by professional communist agitators,
according to Mr. Hoover, the Director of the F.B.I.
A Secret Meeting in Vermont \
A world known or anizati:n ~:;_l:d the ~lderber ers'\
infiltrated by the ~i bertx ~b!?L " The 'B
W..El.'$! er ergJe-rs II a· l ~
are bankers who propo e, w!'th th~'iielp 'of many United states v;'
and international multimillionaires from the left, to create /
one world government. A meeting took place on April 23 to
25 of this year in Woodstock, Vermont.
~iberty Lobby" sent a person to the small town
of Woodstocx -wh±crr7las·'l. 600 people. This person encountered
O local ~nd state police and · besides that, encountered a
oup of F. B. I. agents. No one' :could enter the Inn of 0

odstock except for the members of this organization, the


A.ctl£P" •
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~ecem er 2, 9 71

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,(t_Ano ~II Mexico. D.F.. Noviembre d~ 1971 II No. 110 *

. ....,,u11dllllllllllllllllllll1111,1,.,,....

.. ~" ''""'fflfflllll lfflfflllrffflll''"'.' ..

E. Pizzi de Porras.
- "RESPUESTA ... " (Un libro del General Batista) III.
- ;. LO DESCONOCE LA ONU?-Francisco Gonzalez Diez.

- LA PAGINA ROTA ••.-Manuel Atorresagasti Garcia.

- SUMARJO CUBANO (Versos).-Gumersindo Antunez.


- CUBANOS EN PUERTO RICO.~Miguel Humberto de la Torriente.

- REUNION SECRETA EN WOODSTOCK.-Manuel F. Benitez Rodriguez.


- EL ALBUM GUADALUPANO.-Padre Lauro Lopez Beltran.


- HACE DOCE ANOS ...-Tauro.

Editada por Defensa Institucional Cubana, Apartado M-2768, Mexico 1, D. F.
Apro bada por la Comisicin Calificadora de PubEcadones y Revistas llustrad~s, Se-
cretaria de Educaci6n P ublica, el 23 de Novie:nb!·e de 1962, oficio N 9 949. Titulo
:tegistrado en la misma Dependencia con fecha 4 de Febrero de 1966, oficio N 9 131.
Registrada como correspond·encia de 2' clase en la Administraci6n de Correos numero
uno de Mexico, D. F.-, el 15 de diciembre de 1.962. Oficio N 9 2151. lmpresa en los ta-
Heres de OFFSET MULTICOLOR, S. A., Calzada de la Viga N 9 1332, Mexico 8, D. F.
Et correo

no, se · responsabiliza · por- sus.
- !
envfr,~ ~de valor. . declarado .. U~ilice
: . • \.

los servicios de giros, .valores o seguros postales 'que si :estan gararitizados.




Mexico 1, D. F. (Fallecido)


104-24, 116th. Street,
Richmond Hill - Queens,



'Representante ,en ~iami, Fla.:
745 N. W., 22 Ave., ·
Miami, Fla., 33125, U. S. A.
(Telefono. 642-1607)

Si 1~ interesan nuestras ·publicaciones,

sus cambios_ de doinicilio
y pr.oporcionenos nQmbres y direcciones de sus amigos. SE ENVIAN GRATIS;
. Editbrial • • •


· .· . ··DE· ·LOS ·EST-VDIAJ,tTE·s
I • • •

.S -e·c~mple e.~te 27 de · noviem~re de 1971, el. ~>·r.imer ('entenar.iiJ

de ·aquella · pagina .·rojinegra, ( como · un . minimo anticipo de· lo que ha-·
bfon de signif icar lvs colores de{ monstruoso· "26 de .Julio"), que ente11e-
breceria como ningun otro hecho el historial de la lu'"ha · de l~ rnetnJpoli
contra Los designios de Los cubanos por alcanzar la libertad;' ·
Muchas paginas luduosas se produten en toda.:; las guerias. }1/ue-
ren los patriotas,1 )' riegan, SUS tumba ~Lagrimas. de dolor;.• Caen· "Los ('.OIL·
dillos, y Los suplen . desde: -las filas otros adaLides. El plomw respeta · a
los- valientes, hasta un instante que se · produce aciago. A la guerra se
marcha- a veneer o · a morir. · El" idealista que, se Lanza a· la· defensa de
los anhelos patrios, pon:dra fe en La. victoria · y el r.egreso, pero tamhi~n
tendra (.:onciencia .de que su · proµia vida sera· puente',. o no, para la
vuelta del /riun/o glorioso. ·
... · Los hechos ,· horripilantes . de la lucha cubana. por la·. conquista
de la libertad y la: · independent·ia, fueron dos ..·· Mace'o . cay6 como lt,n.
hravo, con el cucrpo conde('orado por una treintena de cil'atrit·es.: Agra;_
mont~, muri6 como un.· paladin· legendario. fue asi; ·que el .e nemigo,
coma si le temiera de muerto, -l9 entreg6 - a las llamas r
en el aire SUS ceniza~; . ceriizas que en ' los amorosos . brazos de . la /Jrisa
ungieron con su radiante coraie la• riwnigua. · La muerte en la guerra,
es •casi mas ,w.tural que salvar la vida. Se rinden lwnores a Los caidos,
pero no se les llora. -Porque ellos llevaron • a la· <·ausa su meior )" mayor
ofrend~; y al predo de la .vida conquist(lrori la libertad de los pueblos,
Y la inmortalidad.
f Las dos paginas smiestras fueron el Fusilamiento de los Estudiantes,
y la Com;entraci{m de Weyler deterniinando qu" ·_ todos Los cqmpesinos pe-
netrasen en los pueblos y ciudades, so pena de ser tratados <"<>mo be-
1igerantes. Y al desalojarse Los campos, los cuadros de lwrnbre y miseria.
de los reconcentrados; f ueron pat/>ticos e inenarrables:
El Fusz'.larnie.n to de Los Estudiantes /ue. bocl-wrnoso f ruto det /ana-
tisrtw desafurado y · salvaje de la chusma "voluntaria", y de la mas re-
pu.lsiva cobardia de Los mandantes. Se acus6 a Los estudiantes de ha.her
rayado en el cementerio el (ristal del ni<·ho, del periodista Castanon. El
{{obernador Lopez Robert en persona detuvo en las aulas universitarias
a cuarenta )' tres estudiantes, acusandolos de la "profanacion". Eso fue

·, •.
4 • -·

el 25 de noviembre. El general Crespo sustituia al .capitcin general V al,:na-

seda que andaba en operaciopes por Tunas. El Consejo Sumarisimo dicta
un fallo q~e no satisf izo ~ la morralla de Los "Voluntarios". La turba amo-
tinada pedia sangre, pedia paredon. Otro Consejo,' y ocho estudiames
fueron sentenciados a muerte y treinta y cuatro a prision. El rata Crespo
•Jirm6 la sentencia el 27 de noviembre. Fidel Castro, hijo de uno de aque-
lla mis ma clase vil de Los "voluntarios", tam:bien hizo repetir el juicio
que· absolvi6 a Los aviadores, los hizo condenar y asesin6 al presidente
del tribunai que absolvi6. ·
El mismo dia 27 Los estudiantes entraron en capilla y fueron fusi-
lados. Desde entonces, en Cuba colonial, como en Cuba republicana, _el
panteon ·que guarda sus restos en el Cemenierio de Colon, coma el tem-
plete construido en resguardo del trozo de muralla en que f ueron f usilados
junta a lr.z carcel entonces y frente al Castillo de la Punta, eran· sitios
sagrados de peregrinacion patriotica. No se portaban rencores, sino ofrendas
f lorales; y des files escolares para que aprendieran los niiio Los sacri-
f icios y · dolor es que cues ta una Patria. · .
Este. 27 de noviembre se cumplen cien anus del espantoso crimen. Fue-
ron mµ,ertos Alfonso Alvarez de la Campa, Anacleto Berm(tdez, Jose de
Marcos Medina, Angel Laborde, Pascual Rodriguez, Aug~sto de la To-
rre, Carlos Verdugo y E ladio Gonzalez. Nada podrfo justificar la ace ion
nefanda. !Vi siquiera el hecho de que Los cubanos peleaban por la libertad.
Fue el ensan.amiento de la "potente impotencia'' contra aquellos a quienes
queria dociles y se le habian sublevado. Espafioles, contra hijos de espa-
iioles que querian ser fibres. Pero nada borr6 la magnitud del hecho,
aunque no se pusiera rencor en la recordacion.
Fueron ocho victimas. El monstruo Fidel Castro tiene bajo tortura,
terror, esclavitud y hambre a ocho millones de cubanos. Un mill6n de
victimas del castro-comunismo por cad a uno de los ocho estudiantes f u-
-~ilado's. Ocha, f usilados · de Valmaseda. Y . (reinta, cincuenta, ochenta mil
· asesinados por Castro ante Los paredvnes y-las carceles y los campos de con-
centracion. Concentraci6n de Weyler, para que los campesinos se reple-
garan a los pueblos y ciudades; y este weyleriano degenerada provoca
el P-xodo de todo un pueblo. .
Venerabamos los nombres de ocho estudiantes ill.!icuamente fusilados.
JEn que listas pueden caber Los nombres de los asesinados por Castro?
H abria que hacer un templete que cubriese la Isla entera, para resguardar
lvs paredones, las play,as, los_ troncos de ceibas y_ los camp'?s de trabaios
forzados en que el traidor Fidel Castro ha cometido sus cnmenes.
Cuarto· a Espadas •- • ,



Arrancar de los pechos jovenes el odio que les han sembrado; extirpar
de estcis nuevas g~neraciones los prejuicios, los errores, las ideas absurdas
que les han clavado como enconadas espinas en el espiritu y. en la medula,
es toda una obra gigantesca a realizar. ·
Sustituirles por amor ese odio: llevar luz a su· inteligencia para que
reciban los resplandores de la verdad, limarles los enconos, arrancarles los
rencores y devolverles toda la sana y constructiva alegria a que la juventud
tiene, mas que amplio derecho, derecho de naturaleza, derecho divino. es
labor que hay que llevar a cabo con urgencia.
Labor dificiL paciente, dura. de tenacidad y sacrllicio. Como la .de per-:
forar una roca con las uiias y los dientes. .
Pero hay que emprenderla. Y entregarse a ella, y seguir y seguir hasta
que los dientes salten de las bocas deshechas, y los dedos y las manos sean
crispantes mu.nones· ensangrentados. .
Esta no es obra que hay que dejar solamente a la Escuela. Ni obra
que hay que cargar solamente al Gobierno. Si se necesita del Gobierno y
de la Escuela: pero la montaiia que urge escalar reclama .el esfuerzo y la
decision de todos los hombres dignos.
Es una labor trasc:endental, historica y humanitaria. .
Porque va en busca del rescate de los bienes legitimos de la juventud,
para embalsamar con ellos a la . juventud.
Porque hay que. realizarla mirando con devocion, desde lo mas puro
que se guarde en el alma, hacia el futuro de la sociedad y de la nacion.
· Porque hay que hacerla, venciendo a mordidas los obstaculos, para
libertar de las amarguras injustas a los jovenes. 1
Que no son los a.nos juveniles para que la maldad de los logreros y los.
envenenados adelanten la- copa de adbar a los labios de los adolescentes..
Que no es humano, ni cristiano, ni delito perdonable, estar al acecho
criminal de los que desembocan .·en la pubertad para encadenarlos a la
tortura y la ponzoiia, y tomarlos de pedestal o de trinchera para las torpes
ambiciones o .las elucubraciones sadicas. ·
No hay que ser padre ni .maestro. ni de esta bandera politica ni de
este otro estanda:rte partidarista. Hay que ser hombre. Hombre de buena
voluntad. Hombre digno del pan que se come· y del cielo que se tiene de
cobija Y. de promesa.
No hay que ser nada mas que sujeto consciente. Hombre o mujer,
sujeto consciente. Obrero o profesional, rico o pobre, influyente o desvalido.
joven o viejo, sujeto consciente. Sujeto consciente de que si la Nacion es
patrimonio de todos, es tambien deber de todos.
·• •

Y que. no tenemos derecho a dejar que nuestros descendientes 'nazcan

para encontrci:rse trocada en estercolero .moral '. y campo maldito . de lucbas
fraticidas, la nacion. la sociedad, la familia que nos legaron nuestros mayores
- Lo que bay que· emprender .en rigor e~ una vigorosa cruzQda,' desde
lei calle y la Escuela, el hogar, las instituciones, los campos y los cuatro
puntos cardinales. para que la niiiez disfrute de la vida justa y propia que
tiene que vivir. Una energica cruzada desde todas las tribunas y todos los
ambitos; para que. la ju,ventud tenga la venturosa vida propia y justa que
tiene que vivir. , · . .
Como se fumigan fos naranjales para ' limpiarlos de alimaiias, insectos.
J:Jarasitos y plagas que los arruinarian secandolos s~ pennitirles el blanco
y perfumado parto de sus azahares y abortandoles el jugoso regalo de sus
frutas de oro, asi _hay que ir con \a palabra y la. accion en cruzad,a de coraje
contra los abyectos . descarriadores de la juventud. · · .
A la fuerza · de la maldad hay que oponer el _indestructible balU:arte de
la fuerza moraL A · la intriga perversa. hay que en.frentarle el civismo en
plan de indomable adversario. A espaldas dobladas y musculos contraidos,
unos sobre los hombros de los otros, tenemos que formar la pircrinide hu-
mana que sobrepase, trasponga y venza la muralla ·que las malas pasiones'
levantaron para aislar a la juventud de su vida natural y de su paso natural.
Nada importa que las gargantas restallen conio \~gos ~n la .admonicion.
ni que estallen y se quemen con el fuego de la predica como rompen la tierra
los fuegos de los volcanes. Cuando no queden gargcµitas. ni vo,ces ni pala-
bras. quedara:n los ojos hasta saltarse de las orbitas en la expresion, y que,-
daran las memos para hablar por seiias.
1Detenganse los malvados ... !, diran leis manos abiertas en . gesto · de
rechazo. tDetenganse los asesinos de la iuventud empuiada .a la degra-
daci6n y al vicioJ, diran las manos crispadas en garras que quisieran
ceiiirse y aferrarse como anillos de horca al cuello de los pemiciosos hasta
dejarlos ahogados. Porque no otro castigo, merecen los torcedores del destino
de nuestras generaciones iovenes.
Predica , y repulsa, perseverancia y denuedo, sentido de responsabl-
lidad, de la inesqul vable responsabilidad .que tenemos con los futuros
'c iudo:danos d'e l mundo. Porque bay• que ser implacables.- contra lo que los ,
esta · daiiando, y hay que ser · incansabl~s en desbrozarles. abrirles y se-
fialarle~' su. verdadero derrotero.
Nada ha de importar que nos respondan zafios airados. torpemente
crecidos• . Ahi sera dond'e tengamos que ofrecer la segunda mejilla; para
que nuestra humildad con ellos, en parangon con el coraje que despla-
cemos contra sus fascinadores enemigos, les enseiie la · razon · de nuestra
obra. No importa que se nos enfrenten torvos; porque nos bastara recordar
que ·les mataron la moral. la educa~n. la fe y la alegria: y ese caudal
es precisamente el que tenemos que rehacerles y restituirles. Nadq:· debera
parecernos machacar en hierro frio. .
Porque el hierro acabara por hacerse moldeable al roio vivo, al rojo
blanco, si ponemo·s el ,am.or de humanldad en el brazo yen el pensamiento,
el espiritu en el martill9, y 'el corazon en el yunque.

Repasa a fa. Historia
•· /

~- Uri libro del Ge'ne,ral-. Batista

. De manera exclu.~i1;1a "Defensa l~stitun'.onal Cubaria'! reµrod~ce

-una /J(frte cada mes-·-- un comperidio del libro "Respuesta", escrito 1wr
el General Fulgencio Batista en 1960. Ello obedece a nuestro deseo de
complacer la solicitud de un gran numero de ,·ubanos que no han tenido
la oportunidad de leerlo por haber llegado al exilio con posterioridad a
cuando P.ste vio la luz. Es, obviamente, la, inas importante y valiosa obra
editada en el exili~ puesto que la figura de su: autor, por tratarse de quien
es, constituye su mejor aval. En ella se des<:riben todos Los _pormenores
del proceso de la Cuba nueva, aquel que se ini<-io con la Revoluci,,n del
4 de Septiembre de 1933, lidereada . victoriosamente por el propio Batista,
hasta el 31 de diciembre de 1958 en 'que, por las causas que SU au.tor re-
ve~a, lo far:zaron a rentinl'iar a la Presiden~·ia de liJ Republica.
Al iniciar· la reprodw·cion de tan rele,J,,ante obra~ henfos creido 01ior-
tuno hacerlo ·de.s de ·que el General Batista gesta la empresa septembrista
tras la caida del ·gobierno de Gerardo Machado; /wrque si importante es
' '
destacar la etapa. de sangre, terror y miseria a· que el castro-('om.unismu
ha llevado al pais; lo ·es tanto Los l<;g,os que para su supertu·i,,r:,, (hay qu_e
insistir que Cuba man·haba a la <·abeza <lel prog,·eso entre todaii las nacio-
. · · nes,ricanas h.asta ] 958) se· derivaron de la Revo/uci/m · de Sep- ·I
tiembre SU SUl'esora, la del 10 de Marzo, que lQ reseat/, nue·vamente del.
('GOS a que la habia llevado el gobiern<) de ,Carlos Prio Socarras;

- Como queda· dicho, "Respu:esta;~ fue ·editado en l 960. Pre"isamente

en la fecha en que, cuando muchos calificabari de patriotas· a Los delin-
cuentes .de la Sierra .Maestra .y se ('Ollvertian en lamebotas del recz'.,fo es-
. .

trenado r,~gimen, . Batista los identif i(·aba ,·omo cornunistas } como eso,
como dehncuentes.
_Despues -como se ha vi'sto--, los acontecimie~.tos no ·solamente le
han dado la raz6n al ex Mandatario, sino . que han reafirniado Sll ('Onrli-
ci6n de hombre que gi>herno por y para. la democrana, que luclu;· ~asta el
ultimo minuto, no Cfmtra Castro -que se hizo poderoso cuando se ,·on-
v irti6 en gobernante-, sino <·ontra la conjura del' comunismo internacional
y la sucursal que hte, al parecer, tenia en el Departamento d<, E~tado

• •

norteamericano :r cuJ as a<'ciones, ll.11:nque o('ultas, f ueron mas letales que


las propias armas; tan le tales 'que provo<"aron la renuncia de quien venia
esfvrzandose por mantener in('olume la soberania de la patria, las ideales
democraticos del p1u-d>lo r la paz :r armonia entre. todos lo:, ,·ubanos.
"Respuesta no es un libro mas; ni tanipoco para
' que. figure junto
al monton de ellns que se han .editado en el exilio; :' mucho menos u17:a
nbra hecha a capri('ho )' ,·on uri texto plagado de inexactitudes, tomo otras
que se han ('onfecl'ionado sobre, el caso de Cuba. "Respuesta" tiene su
propia f ziente: la f idedigna, la ·veraz, la que protagonizo su autor y que,
por lo mismo, debe hacer sentirse aun mas hijo de la Cuba que se perdio
a todo el' compatriota digno y honesto que lo lea. Sin pretenderlo; le
· recuerda su cobardia a los cobardes y exalta la ,dignidad de- Los que fu~ron
leales. Es, en fin, "Respuesta", un libro hecho con la tnisma altura y since-
ridad de prop6sitos con que, quien. lo ha. esa£to, dirigi6 los destinos de
nuestra patria.-D.

Al tenninar mi periodo presidencial, el l O de octubre de 1944, sali del
pais para hacer un recorrido por las republicas sudamericanas, aquellas_ de
cuyos gobiemos habia recibido invitaci6n para visitarlas. ·
Durante los cuatro meses· que estuve viajando fui objeto de calidas re-
cepciones por parte de los mqndatarios, de elemientos oficiales, de organi-
zaciones obreras y de distintos representativos de clases populares y econb-
micas. Al regreso y despues de una corta estadia en Mexico, estableci hogar
en los Estados Unidos de America. Vivi en New York y Jinalm.ente en Day-
tona Beach, en la Florida.
Residiendo en los • Estados Unidos, el gobiemo del presidente Grau me
, impicli6 regresat a Cuba, pese al reconocimiento dentro y fuera del pais de
que Grau -feroz adversario de mi politica- solo pudo ser jefe de Estado
por Ia• imparcialidad y equidistancia ·que mi regimen adopt6, pues la sen-
sacion provocada por esa acttud inclin6 a muchos neutrales a votar por la
candidatura oposicionista. Yo me acogi a un exilio voluntario, llamandole
asi para evitarle al gobierno de mi patria la vergilenza de haberse mancillado
con el ostracismo de quien ofreci6 al pueblo completas libertades y absolu- ·
tas garantias al canclidato que escogio para presidirlo.
Todo el termino presidencial de Grau transcurri6 entre luchas de grupos
amparados en la autoridad oficial y en escandalos administrativos que solo
tendrian igual en los producidos 'posterionnente durante la administraci6n
del doctor Carlos Prio Socarras. Los crimenes impunes y los muerlos oca-
sionados por los .,gangs" rivales se repetirian mas tarde con mayor desen-
fod o bajo la presidencia del disdpulo que lo sustituiria.

• 9

Al final de 1948 el proceso. politico de Cuba habia provocado varios

incidentes violentos. Uno , de los voceros del doctor Grau y aspirante a la
presidencia de la Republica lonno otra faccion, convirtiendola en un partido
demagogico, que lleg6 a alcanzar fuerte apoyo popular al . hacer desc:a~:.
sar su campaiia en la revelaci6n de las inmoralidades administrativas y la
impunidad de los crimenes que constat6, como testigo excepdonal, en el
go_b iemo del cual acababa de separarse. El discipulo defraudado era Eduar-
do Chibas, que tQ,mo la decision de encabezar ese niovimiento politico al
conocer que ya no era el favorite de Grau, pues el Presidente y jefe "au-
tentico" habia optado por apoyar a _otro de sus disdpulos. muy vulnerable
i:or sus antecedentes que lo hacian inferior en calidad politica a Eduardo
Chibas. . . .
· El doctor Pio Elizalde, en su libro "La Traqedia de Cuba". asevera que
la eleccion de Prio "estuvo basada en la accion del llamado BAGA, sigla
que pervive en la historia politico · de Cuba para indicar uil instrumento
o!icial de corrupcion, amenaza y chantaje al servicio de un objetivo electoral".
Esas letras significaban una comhinacion politica de los parientes de
Grau y el ministro de Educaci6n Jose Manuel Aleman, al que facult6 el
Presidente, abusando ,de su autoridad, para· extraer de las cajas del Tesoro
todo el dinero que hiciera · falta, sin otra justificaci6n que la orden · verbal
al ministro de H~cienda. Tramaba Grau su reelecci6n y autoriz6 que la
sigla se- utilizara para la campaiia electoral. Concretando, el autor de esta
cita sig~e diciendo: "El Bloque Aleman-Grau Alsina. surgido en las postri-
merias del gobierno grausista, fue la culrninaci6n del latrocinio, la coaccion
y el despilfarro que caracterizaron a ·dicho equipo. Al fracasar Grau en su

ambicion reeleccionista, pues no prosper6 su tentativa de modific,a r la Cons-

tih.icion, impuso al antiguo presidente del Directorio Estudiantil Universitario
(doctor Prio) en .contra 'de las aspiraciones sucesivas de Eduardo R. Chibas
y : Miguel Suarez Fernandez" ... lo que provoci, la desafecci6n de ambos
en oportunidades distintas." Y ni aun con los escandalosos fraudes logro que
las asamhleas postularan, por lo menos con una escasa mayoria, ..a su ca;n-

Gobierno y oposicion
La asamblea nacional del Partido Revolucionario Cuhanp, que asi se
llamaba el "autenticismo", no arrojo mayoria a favor de Carlos ,Prio Soca-
nas, que era. el ca.n didato- recomendado por _el presidente . Grcn1.. Se . busc6
una forma insolita para imponer a Prio de "todas mcn1eras'' y se recurrio
a uno de -los mas burdos truces para que resultara el .candidato oficial.
Quorum es el nombre que se da al de la mayoria de miembros que
se requiere para tomar acuerdos en una asam.blea o comite. Como en el
caso de Prio . no hubo mayoria conforme _con la Ley establedda, Grau or-
den6 y obtuvo una medida por la cual la Ley seria modificada para esta-
. blecer el "quorum funcional". De esta manera no habria necesidad de que
el re$ultado' de la votaci6n fuera mayoritario en relaci6n con la. totalidad
·• •

de la asamblea, sino que bcistaria que de los miembros re~dos -cual-

quiera que 1uese su numero-- la mayor parle se produjera a favor del can-
didato, que por medios tan excepcionales lo seria del Partido· "autentico".
La opinion publica estaba abiertamente contra el gobiemo y SUS lide.-
res, dividiendo sus simpatias entre el lider disidente, Eduardo Chiba:s, presi-
dente a la· sazon del Partido del Pueblo Cubano, cuyos atiliados se llama-
ban a si mismos "ortodoxos" por estimar que. ellos representaban el verda-
dero "autenticismo", y el doctor Ricardo Nunez Portuondo, al que apoyaban .
el Partido Liberal y . el Democrata, ambos con arraigo tambien en las ma-
scis y miembros de la coalicion que me ·eligiera Presidente de la Republica
en el verano de 1940; La oposicion concurriria dividida por baberse opuesto
el jefe "onodoxo" a formar unidad con los otros partidos que se oponian al
candidate impuesto por el d~ctor Grau.

Ejecuforia y retiro de la politica·

Yo habia , decidido retiranne de la politica. Para tomar esa detennina-
ci6n ·1uve en cuenta la intensa tarea que lleve a cabo desde el 4 de sep-
tiembre de 1933, sin contar ias actividades clandestinas previas, b~ta el 10
d~ octubre _de 19.44. Er~ una, actitud fimi,e que qnheiaba mantener a todo
trance. ·
·cont~ui en · epocas criticas a realizar una jomada extraordinaria. En
la parte patriotica, para que Cuba marchara 'sin el apendice qu~ mediati-·
zciba su soberania: en el orden de la · dignidad personal, a al
solcf:ado-cosa en soldado-hombre; en lo social. a que .el trabajador lograra
dHerentes medios de vida y consideraciones justas y humanas; en lo edu- ·
cacional, a que el campesino tuviera escuelas y el anaUabetismo se re.-
dujera; en lo cultural, a crear · instituciones, museos; bibliotecas, ~chivos y ·
academias; en lo economico, a que el pais se fuera transformando con el ·
auge del comercio intemacional, la industrializacion y la produc'don diver-
sificada, estimulando la agricultura, la mineria y la riqueza pecuaria; en el
aprovechamiento de la tierra, haciendo de los colqnos dependientes de los
ingenios miles de propietarios por el derecho de permanencia y; en lo po-
liticq, mediante todos los esfuerzos, para que el pueblo c'lihano tuviera una
Constitucion que respondiera a sus sentimientos democraticos. Adema:s, pude
salir airoso, mediante atenci6n y desvelos constantes, de las pruebas a que
fue sometida Cuba por la Segunda Guerra Mundial y propiciar que mi pue-
blo pudiera vivir en paz con el . ejemplo que babia dado de unas elecciones
en las que prim.6 el amor a las dignidades y los derechos ciudadanos so-
bre el interes politico o personaL
· Con ese expediente, admirado por unos y combatido por otros, consi•
deral?a que lo mejor era dejar a la Historia que juzgara mi couducta. Mu-
ches otros cubanos con capacidad y amor a la Republica podian servir a
la nacion sin que mi nombre pesara en las decisiones que hombres y par-
Uc.ios tomaran. :

• 1t

Condli dat~ ·sin deseos ·de serfo

Al agitarse el ambiente electoral seria objeto de ·m uchas llam.adas te-
lefonicas y de •visitas personales en mi· hogar de Daytona Beach, instcm-
doseme para que participara e~ esos comicios. Rechace en varias ocasio-
nes ofertas y propuestas; pero se lnsistio en que mi nombre debia tigurar
en Ia boleta para que mis. seguidores se unieran frente al gobiemo, apo-
yando al candidato· de los partidos Liberal y Democrata. El propio ~der
coalicionista, prestigioso profesor y cirujano, doctor. Ricardo Nunez Portuon-
do; el doctor Carlos Saladrigas Zayas, Francisco Batista, los hermanos Pe-
dro y. Antonio Martinez Fraga, entre . otros jefes democratas;. el profesor Au-
relio Fernandez ~oncheso, el senador Eduardo Su_ a rez Rivas y otros jefes li-
berales, asi como -Hderes de ·10s trabajadores y de los neg·o cios, insistieron
en tal fonJ?,a abrumadora que no tuve otro ·c_amino que, e.scoger, y acepte
que se me postulara para el cargo de senador por la provincia· de L'ds Vi-
llas. Amenazado como estaba por ·los grupos gangsteriles· que formabah.
las hordas grausistas, . el · candidato presidendal y los lideres .. coalicionistas
persistieron en que mi nombre erc;r mas util que mi presencia ' en el 'terri-
torio nacional ·A ·mi respuestci de que no · aceptaria la ; nominacion • si ·no
me pennitian fomar parte en la campafia personalmente, respondieron qu~
un atentado contra mi persona presentaria una formidable excusa al gobier-
na para suspender las elecciones. ·

E/ecto en ausencia
. '

Las elecciones se celebraron '.e l prime~o de junio. de 1948. Por la opo•
sicion concurrieron dos candidatos _presidenciales y, por el gobierno, el ahi-
jado del doctor Grau, apoyado · por los "aut~nticos" y el Partido Republi-
cano, este de los llamados de maquinaria o de bolsillo. La campana hie
violenta, a tc;tl extremo que los candidatos antigubemanientales fueron ata-
cados fisicamente • por los grupos · gangsteriles. A pesar de la division opo-.
sicior::ista, Nuiiez Portuondo lucia vencedor; pero la·s urnas arrojaron un
conteo favorable al candidato impuesto por Grau, aunque con una votacion
inferior al cU:arenta y cinco por ciento del elec\orado.
Entre los seis senadores que -_c6rrespondian en· la provincia central a
la oposicion, resulte electo en ausenda con el nuniero uno~ Esa eleccioh
hecha por el pueblo, sin campana personal de mi parte, me obligo · al re-
greso~ El 18 de -noviembre de ese aiio fui recibido en hombros de la mul-
titud en el · aeropuerto "Jose : Marti" y acompaiiado en autoinovil y .a pie
por .mas de dos horas hasta "Kuquine'.' , .m i hogar cerca de la capital de
la Republica.

Acfividades politicas
Desde la llegada, ya no tendrici reposo. Uderes y activistas de los ' dis-
tintos parHdos ·politicos me visitaban a todas horas. Ernpezaban las gestio-
nes para que me incorporara a la lucha activa de la politica. Los partidos
• •

Liberal y Democrata se e~contraban desorientados ante el inesperado re-

sultado de los comicios generales. Por formar parte. de la-,Coalicion Socia-
lista Democratica, de la que fui jefe en la campaiia de 1940 y electo Pre'-
Eidente de la Republica: por mi eleccion a senador en la boleta ·de ambos
partidos y haber nacido a la vida politica· apoyado en los mismos, se es-
pecul6 con mi ingreso en uno de ellos, No transcunirian muchas semanas des•
de el momento de mi arribo sin que el gobiemo de Prio tratara de ganarse el
respaldo de esas organizaciones. lntentaba de esa manera aislarme de
las partidos que me, eran afines y comenzaria un plan de asedio Y, persecu-
ci6n que no repararia en medics. para aterrorizar a mis seguidores,

Amenazas para evitar mi confacfo con el pueblo

Los electores y · representativos de las distintas ·clases . reclamaban mi .
presencia en Las Villas. Como· senador electo, sin ·haber visitcido ninguno
de sus terminos municipales, me urgia politica y moralmente saludar al pue-
blo que me hizo objeto de distinci6n tan extraordinaria. C:uando se anuncic>
' . I
mi viaje a la capital de aquella provincia llegaron confidencias y consejos.
recados y amenazas para que me abstuviera .de presentarme en publico,
y para no deiar duda de que atentarian contra mi persona fueron golpea-
dos miembros de la juventud que 'organizaban los actos. -rlfo-_. procederia
ahora de distinta forma, pues en toda mi vida publica nunca deje de asis-
tir a una cita · con la mult_itud.
Prio heredo las pandillas de Grau y en ellas hizo descansar la segu-
ridad de su campana electoral. Sus cabecillas sedan utilizados i;>ara los
que ya no eran misteriosos hechos sangrientos. J6vene_s, casi niiios, por-
. taban· pavorosas pistolas dirigidos por veteranos escopeteros. Campeaban
impunemente y eran· los autores de los asesinatos perpetrados en plena via
public:a y en individuos -rivales o antagonistas- cuyos cadaveres apare-
cian con frecuencia en· lps suburbias de la capital. . .
La r~sidencia e~ que vivia con mi esposa ·y ~is hijos fue rodeada por
agentes secretos y por miembros del Ejercito dias despues· de mi regreso
de .Laa Villas. I\ unos metros de la portada de la finca eran detenidos los
amigos que iban a visi_tanne para asuntos politicos o por simples cuestio~
nes sociales. Se les interrogaba y sus ropas eran registradas. La mayoria
de los propios amigos seria portadora de las amenazas que · eran proferi-
das para· obligarme a reducir mis comparecencias publicas.
Segun lranscurrian los meses los propositos de agresi6n eran mas os-
tensibles, llegandose a planear la colocaci6n de morteros en un lugar no
muy' distante de la residencia, con los cuales dispararian para hacer blan-
co en mi hogar.

(En el pr6ximo numero: "AGITACION, ESCANDALOS,

Paradojas • •
-- Contribuye el dinero de Estados Unidos a la·
subversion en la America a traves de Cuba


·•~c uba comunista recibira en el presente oiio un aporte econ6mico, proce-

dente de las Naciones Unidas; por vario!i mill9nes de d61ares, bajo el pretexto de
que esa gran suma de dinero ser6 empleada en atenci6n medica a los niiios y en
el mejoramiento del sistema metereol6gico, especialmente el servicio de avisos de po-
sibles huracanes". Esto es lo que oficialmente se ha informado por el citado e ino-
perante organismo internacional, cuando la realidad es que el regimen comunista de
La Habana destinar6 esos millones de d61ares, procedentes en su mayor parte de
los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica, pore r sus planes de subversi6n en
los poises latinoamericanos, incluyendo a los propios Estados Unidos.


Efectivamente, por medio de un cable de la UPI se informa que las Naciones

Unidas facilitar6n a Cuba comunista este aiio un total de $5.536,500 d61ares come
ayuda multilateral y bilateral, a troves de la Oficina Central de New York, de
acuerdo con el programa · para el desarrollo. (FUND) que administra Poul G. Hoffman.
En esta cifra no est6n inclufdas las asign<lciones destinodas a misiones pequeiias de
asistencia tecnica a los empeiios individuales del Fonda de Naciones Unidas, cuyo
monto no se menciona pero que consideramos sea de varies millones mas. Tambien
el propio organismo prepare un proyecto para alimentar a no menos de 50,000 ni-
nos cubanos en los llamados Circulos lnfontiles, ubicados en la Provincia de La Ha-
bana, en los cuales -como es publico y notorio- la labor · que se realize no es
otra que la de envenenarles las mentes a los ninos con el adoctrinamiento comunista.
Dice igualmente la informaci6n, cablegrafica de la UPI que la UNESCO y la
FAQ, organismos colateroles de Naciones Unidos, comenzaran este aiio en Cuba
comunista otro tipo de ayudo, la multilateral, financioda por la SIDA (Swedish In-
ternational Development Agency). Cinco de estos proyectos -agre-ga el coble- fue-
ron negociodos por el director general de la SIDA, Enst Michanek, y representantes
de! Gobierno de Cuba. La asignaci6n sueca sera de cinco a seis millones de d61ares
mas. Porte de esas cantidades se destinar6n a la producci6n de 1alimentos rices en
proteinas para los niiios cubanos.


Cuando afirmamos que el dinero de Estad~s Unidos de Norteamerica contribuye
a la subversion en America a troves .d e Cubci, no estamos emitiendo un juicio co.,
prichoso, sino que por el contrario nos fundamentamos en hechos que no dejan la
menor duda al respecto.
• •


De todos es bieri sabido que . el presupuesto g_eneral po~a ese "flamonte" or'g anismo
que se llaO)a 'Noci~nes Uniclas se nut~e en cerca de un se·tenta por ciento del aporte
econ6mico de Estados Unidos, ya que ni Rusia ni otros poises contribuyen desde hace
vorio~ oiios a l!J~'. fondos pCJr~ su . montenimiento. Si ello ~s asi, .16gicamer:ite deb~mos
de" pe~sar que · parte de los doi~res del "Tio Sam" destinodos' ci Naciones Unidas
·son entregodos a Cuba'-'. comunisfo bajo determinados 'pretextos :o· proyectos, cuondo
es una realidod que el regimen de la Hab~na lo menos que hace es emplear esas
ca,ntidodes a los fines anunciad6s, siendo indiscutible qL"e invierte esos d61ares a 1me-
ricanos para fomenter Ip subversion comunista ·contra el sistema dem<;>cr6tico de
America·, y tambien en. l~s propios Estados Unidos.
Todo porece indicc:ir ·que Naciones · Unidas desconoce que en· ·la Cuba deinocr6-
tica existian, debidamente equipcidos con, los aparatos mas modernos. en la. materia,
. varios observatories;' tales como el Nacional al este de la capital, el del Colegio
de Belen y el del" Cuerj:>o ·d·e Aviaci6n· del Ejercito, dirigidos por · -los eminentes cu•
banes lrigeni'ero Jose Carlos Mill6s,• ~:~verendo Palre Goberna y Tenierite Flores,
respectivamente. A troves· de· estos 'cent/osi'cientificos· se tenia debidamente informodo
al pueblo de Cuba de la proximidad ide huracaries, ciclones y otros elementos devas-
tadores de la Naturolezo. ·· ·


' , '. . '

En lo que respecto, a. los niiios cubarios, - SU alimentocion/ su educac:i6n y SU asis-

ter:ici'o 'medico-hospitalorio,. po.dem'os recordor a 'Nocio·n·es LJnidas,. ·por si' ~n SUS m·o-
l9s 'circhi~_os . no tiene ·estos datos, que desde 1936 el entonces Jefe ael Ejercito, Co-
t~nel F~lge~cio . Batista y Zoldfvcir (mas torde dos veces Presidente de· ·Cuba), cre6
lci. ·corporaci6n . No~ionol de Asistencio Publico, orgonismo que regenteabo ·l l O ins~
·1itucior,e~ · heneficos, unas con asistencio· econ6mica directa :y otras co·n la oyudci de
la Dir~ccion General de lo Rento de Loteria.
En · ·1958 lo Corporoci6n, Nocionol de Asistencio Publico amporabd cerca de
4;000 niiios cubonos y unos 1,000 · ancionos carentes de recursos. -Esto. ayuda lo pres-
tobo el . G~bierno presidido por el propio General Batista, sin coopero.ci6n econ6mico
extr~njero ni emprestito de close olguna·, yo que lo honestidod adniini'stra tivci con que
fu,ncio~a ba. ~quel Gobiern~ - le permitia ,revertir en el puebl'o las -ingresos· del erario
pu~lico.. · · ·

Diremos tombien a Naciones - Unidas que antes de lo llegado .del comunismo

a · Cuba se encontraban. funcionondo a plenitud 35 creches para niiios; 13 hogores
infantiles; ·4 hogcfres para on~ianos; 30 osilos para niiios; 14 colegios · para . interna-
dos; 5 colonies infontiles y otros 9 organizaciones similores, todos estos centres di-
rigidos por lo Corpo,:oci~n Nacion~I de Asistencia Publico.
, Tcimbien parece ignorer la yo· ton desacreditado organizoci6n mundiol que en 1952
por el Gobierno :·del General Fulgencio Batista, o iniciotivas de su esposa, la senora Mar-
lh,.:.. Fernandez Miranda, se crearon numerosos centros asistenciales para ninos o todo

lo largo de ,la _Isla, _agrupados bajo la Organizaci6n Nacional de Dispensarlos In ~

fantiles (ONDI), ·con una Hos'pital Ge~eral ~n -La Habana, tres hospitales provinciales
y 28 dispe·nsarios en el interior. del pois con 1,500 camas y cunas; habiendose pres•
tado en seis oiios de funcionamiento un total. de 4.750;000 servicios, incluyendo
21,785 niiios ingresodos~
Posteriormente se establecieron, tombien a iniciativos de la senora Martha Fer•
n6ndez de Batista, lo _Orgonizacion No~ional de Rehobilitoci6n de lnvalidos (ONRI),
que contaba con un moderno hospital ortope~ico -en la cercana dudad de Maria-
nao- con 170 comas, el Hospital Nacionol de lnvalidos; el Hagar para lmpedidos
Fisico y Mentales "Cristo de lin,pi_as", con c0.pacidod para 250 comas, c:1onde se aten~
dian a los enfermos congenitos o por accidente, lnvalidos de por vida, al cuidado de
las Hermanos de la Caridad; la Organizoci6n Nacional de Comedores Escolares y
Populores (ONCEP), comedores escolares y p~pul,qres creados po_r el _Presidente Ba-
tista en 1954, en los que se servia grahJ1itamente almuerzo a los necesitados hasta
el 31- de· Diciembre de 1958; · los llamados albergues nocturnes par.a adultos, donde
recibian desoyuno, comida· y alojamiento aquellos ciudadanos carentes de recurses
econ6micos. · · ·
Como pod-·ro comprobdr Nociones ,Unid~s, la Cuba· d~ . 1958, antes de la ;llegoda
del nefasto comu.nismo. y especialmente quronte la rec!!;>rfa def Presi_dei:ite Fulgencio
Batista y Zaldivar, era un po{s que podia parcihgonarse con . el mas avanzaao en
asistencia medico, hospitalaria y educacional, no solo para la ninez sino t~mbieo
para los_ demos ciudadanos; hacieridose r,e saltor que tonto en-..e.1 asp~cto senalado,
como en· un orden general, el auge _econo'mico olcanzado por _el ·pois se obtuvo sin _
necesidad ~repetimos-:- de recurrir a emprestito~ extrani_eros, como sucede b'ajo el
regimen comunista. Por otra po rte, es de .d~stacarse, p·e ro con . mayusculas, ique .. en
1958 c~ba ocupc:ibci' el tercer luger en Am-erica Latina ·en cuonto a calorfas por ho-
bitante con 2,682, precedida por Argentina y Urug'-!ay.

Si todo esto existia y ,ahora pretende darse oyuda a .Cuba para la . atenci6n
los · niiios, es evidente que el costro-comunismo solo repres~ntp _destr.ucciqn de lo
creado, y hombre y desolaci6n para un pois que como: e_l nuestro se er:,contraba en
estado floreciente al arriilar el Quinto Jinete del Apocalipsis. Deben los pais~s de
America verse en este espejo y evitar por todos los medios q~e a sus pueblos lie~
gue el comunismo destructor y dsesino. E~ innegable que entonces habr6 . menos ri~
cos, · pe~o en _cambio, oumentaran los pobres y desvalidos. Pregunten a. los cubonos,
que por algo desesperan por _abandonar .la tierra en _que nacieron sin · importarle~
riesgos ni penuries.

"DEFENSA INSTITUCIONAL · CUBANA" -hace· cons tar ·que
por tratarse de Wla publicaci6n que no utiliza. anW1cios,
ni cuenta con agentes para recabar ningun tipo de ayuda
econ6mica, desautoriza a cualquier persona qu~ invocan-
do su nombre pretenda hacerlo.
- ....V/21~1'1
• I


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~UIJIIIIUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIUlUlllllllllllllll,1111.llllllllllllll llllllill Por . Florencio GUERRA Jlill.111.lliWE:§

La Plgina Rot•• ••
Despedimos hoy otra brillante seccion de nuestra querida re•
vista. Desaparece CONTRASENTIDOS. Es otra pagina rota. . . Ha
muerto su autor, el doctor Florencio Guerra, nuestro amigo, con-
seiero y colaborador destacado.
Va siendo Septiembre mes de tristes recordaciones para nos-
otros. Un 27, hace siete anos, parti6 nuestro primer director y
querido amigo, el doctor Leopoldo Pio Elizalde y Dihigo, cuyo alii-
versario apenas acaba de transcurrir. El 22 de ·septiembre de 1967
dimos adi6s a Don Antonio D. Torra y ·Obar, que redactaba aquella
simpatico y amena seccion que. titulo "Rafagas"~ Y ahora, el 26 del
mismo mes,. nos abandonan el doctor Florencio Guerra y su "Contra-
sentidos". S~n paginas desprendidas para siempre de "Defensa lns-
titucional Cubana".
CONTRAS1ENTIDOS era escrita con toda la pasion .y el fuego
que ponia el autor en sus expresiones. Muchos podran 'tildarlo de
apasionado y polemico. Y 10· fue. Pe'ro su pasion eran la verdad, la
sinceridad y la lealtad a sus convicciones· y al elevado concepto que
· tenia del deber y de la amistad. Esos sentimientos lo llevaban a la
polemica con los que abiuraban de principios tan sagrados para el,
y tambien con los que discrepaban o combatian lo que defendia,
con intransigencia si · se quiere. Toda su vida fue de com bate y dura
pelea. A muchos ayudo y a no pocos combatio. Algunos le agrade-
cieron, otros lo denostaron.
. Abogado, diplomatico, internacionalista, escritor, traductor, pe-
riodista y obrero manual en sus Liltimos aiios -en este prolongado
e injusto exilio, el Segundo para el-, siempre desempeiio a caba-
lidad y con plena honradez su cometido. Excelente padre de familia
y c.o mpanero inmeiorable en el hogar, lo dio todo. por sus seres
queridos, entre los que su ausencia sera siempre sentida. Llegue
hasta ellos nuestro mensaje de condolencia a troves de estas lineas.
iDescanse en Pa'z 'Profunda nuestro amigo Florencio- Guerra!
, ' .


Por Gumersindo ANTUNEZ

i Vein titres mil fusilados !

Vein titres mil que gritaron:
i Viva mi Cuba libre !
,I Pero el plomo de las balas
a· sus gargantas callaron;• •

Siete mil1ones con hambre,

sigue diciendo el sumario,
Sentado bajo de un arbol, siete millones que sufren
perdidos mis pensamientos, como
Cristo en el Calvario.
llega a mis manos un panfleto,
arrastrado por ~• viento.
Con rabia tir.e ·el sumario, ·
p'o rque era laverdad
Aquel panfleto decia: que olvide a mis hermanos
"Yo soy el triste sumario en las garras de un villano
del pobre pueblo cubano, Beno de odio y maldad.
que se muere de agonia
corito un Cristo en el Calvario".

Y el viento volvi6 a empujar

el panfleto hasta mis manos,
"Ya suman sesenta mil y senti que m~ quemaban
encerrados en las prisiones, las frases de aquel sumario.
sin atenti6n, sin comida, . • Siete millones que sufren
abandonados · a su suerte, como un . Cristo en el Calvari() !
solo esperando la muerte
que ponga fin a sus vidas".
Llorando junto al sumario,
alee los . ojos . al cielo
Sig·ue• . diciendo el sumario, y · guise rezar un rosario;
que ochocientos mil se fueron~ pero las nubes se abrieron
a buscar en el exilio · con poder extraordinario,
lo que en Cuba todo perdieron. y en ellas aparecieron
veintitres mil fusilados
gri.tando con fuerte voz:
"Ya• no reces mas rosarios,
i Vein titres mil fusilados ! y vuelve .a Cuba, cubano.
iY todos cubanos son! i Vuelve jun to a tus hermanos
i V dntitres mil que dejaron que siete millones sufren
su sangre en el pared6n ! como Cristo en el Calvario !"
* • • ~

Por Francisco C. BEDRINANA

H e aqui, una vez mas, al comentarista ante una obra y sn autor ... La obra,
un poema : "Antorcha y Reto" ; el hombre: Enr ique Pizzi d-e Porras . Un hombre poe-
ta, un hombre periodista. Confiesa el que al igual que nos sucedia a nosotros, ya
en los dias de la infancia hacia periodiqu itos a rnano, balbuceos de una vocacion
irreversible, indices de una futura entrega al sacerdocio de! periodismo, Cierto que
hay periodistas y periodistas. -Los hay de ,oficio muy · dignos y valiosos pot· via de
la eficacia en plurales ocasiones.
Pero los hay por inexcrutables designios: los que son periodistas porque si no
lo fueran no p,odrian vivir ante la carencia- de un factor imprescindible, por ese
algo consustancial con el propio temperamento.
E l periodista de raia, el genuino, tiene que serlo aunque no quiera. Al pan que
lo alimenta y a la yacija en que descansa, babra de unirse ese- factor vital e nraizado
en s us venas el olor em briagante de la tinta de i1mprenta, sortilegio en que el pre-
destinado caer a preso de por vida en esa ca reel ' ilusoria -c.arcel del trabajo · gus-
toso-'.- que tendra por rejas la diaria auscultacion de cuanto ocurra en el universo.
A veces, ese hombre nacido periodista, ha nacido tambien p,oeta. Y por sobre
am bas cosas, romantico, en prosa y verso. Este es el caso de Enrique Pizzi de . Po-
rras, y log icamente, como historiador del mundo que le ha t,ocado vivir, escribe de
todo. E l tema arido no puede fallar. Pero entre la prosa henchida de gravedad, no
dejara ·de aletear el romanticismo del ideal que mueve su pluma, Y de 'tanto en
tanto, la fuga hacia la cronica sat urada- de Jiris mo. Com o aquella,- antologica, sobre
la bailarina gitana Carmen Amaya, publicada en fecha no · lejana ...
Con la perdida de la patria, bajo · el dolor de la dias pora, Pizzi de Porras habra.
de machacar sohre el tema,· ,si bien politico, mas aun de honda sustan~ia humana.
De ahi su batallar en torno a la circunstancia aciaga de nuestra amada Cuba y de
sus h'ijos de trunco des ti no. Pero siem pre, aun cuando aborde predios sobre los que
pueda surgir la discrepaucia con sus· opiniones ha.y que reconocerle a Pizzi que jamas
su profundo amor· patrio deja de estar por sobre toda posible banderia e incluso, so.
bre· el rnismo, sobre su propia ,vida. Y la ejecutoria de su largo medio si glo d-e mos-
quetero del periodismo se encar,ga de demostrado. ·
La profesion es ardua, exigente · y deja poco resquicio para el verso. Pero el
verso ha de hacerse si se es poeta, porque de no ser creado y lanzado al viento, Ji.
berando de su peso al poeta, sobrevendria esa a inod,o de embolia espiritual incapaz
de ser · resistida por el romantico genuino, que tiene que aligerarse de su carga de
sensibilidad exacerbada. Que no en vano dijo ~I gran Antonio Machado que "el ele-
mento poetico es una honda pa)pitacion del espiritu" ...
Es asi que un dia el cumuJo de nostalgias, sinsabol'es y amarguras, toda esa gama
de sensaciones que ha de inundar al alma del proscripto, obliga a .Pizzi a dar rienda
s uelta a su angustia de poeta en.tregado al sacrosanto amor patriotico. Y surge "An-
torcha y Ret-o'', con el tono vibrante d el panfletario y el. elegiaco del nostalgico de
su ti err a nata l; todo ello fundido · en el mensaje lirico de un gran poet a. Es por
elto que ''A ntorcha y Reto" es a modo de una sinfonia de estruendo wagneriano en.
,·ue lta sutil mente en la dulzura em,otiva de una pagina de Schubert. A la imprecacion
viril movida por la indignacion, sucedera el diapason ecuanime de una esperanza.

• 19

Se encara el. poeta con Ia Estatua de la Libertad en rimas eandentes: ''Teni;to

sangre en los.' ojos de escribir es~as cosas'\ nos dira, y al acusar la ausencia de la
sustancia' de sti simbolo por abstencion o inepcia dti los ·hombres obligados_ a mantener-
enhiesta la antorcha de la sublime dignidad del hombre, . tan rara :_t Jose Maria He.
redia, grita, reclama, exjge, -aconseja y .alumbra conceptos esclarece.dores. Hara his-
toria· de las glorias de la nacion forjada por Washington y Lincoln y 'del declinar
presente •de su refulgencia. Y profiere el grito de alerta: "Oesprendete de esa.._tea que
ya no tiene llamas para degollar )ai;: soml;>ras". Exalta la necesidad imperiosa de la
vuelta al cam ino del honor echando a un lado el desden suicida que la an<1uilosa,
volviendo los ojos, airados,· ~ontfa los apQstatas que q4i f:'rl' 1t s umlr en . el ludihrio al
pais forjado por proceres gigantes, cuyq~ esplritus 1·edaman ~e manlengan en aHo
s us predicas ejeJ"!lplares . y, despues,:, con· la serenidad del justo, con el · amor dt!J
hombre al. herm~no ,ciego al horde' del precipido, dulcifica ):; U ,·oz, y just ifica !-U acre
fustiga:mient-0, .e·x clamando: · ·• ._ ·
"Mas que versos de latigo y muela.s qu e. rech.inan, yo habria ,prefl'rido . robijarte
en la sombra de un dulce arco alzado con mis canas de azucar, quemarle JH>r in-
cienso en pebeteros de concha las aromas de oro del tabaco en mis vegas, y ofrecerte
el concierto de la ma gin sinfonica de un millon de sinsontes · entrebordando arpegios
con _Ia hechkeria d_e sus flautas mel6dicas sobre los atriles de mil palmas reales".
. una tierra generosa que ayud6 a destruir u:na Pa•
Pregunta quien fue el hijo . .de
tria, la nuestra, la cubana, tan hermosa que "era como una perla engarzada para
joya de America en un anillo .de novia'-'. Y como para el poeta , "la verdad es la vir-
tud desnuda, la virtud ,es la verdad sin ro1>as", pide que se nos libere de los grilletes,
dejandonos el mar libr-e, a los que querem-os caer liberando a la isla aherrojada. Que
no en vario el es "un cubano herido que se desangra en versos, por lo: que nos hizo
y hace 1a c~njura traidora .•." ' ..
. Se ·lee el poema con, la exaltaci6n que nos hace ,'.ihr~r en cada verso. Y se vueh·e
a , leer, una y otra vez, porque sentimos. que nuef.;tro espiritu se bana de luz, que
ccntemplamos tm panorama ·soberbio en que si la palabra crea el paisaje arido, rese-
co, y un · poco dnntesco, .la .mano generosa deja caer en . el cam po .mustio la rosa y
la .rama. verde que serviran para atenuar . el dolor
. amargo - de la hora desesperada.
No hemos de titubear en la afirmacion de que "Antorcha y Reto" es una mues-
tra vigorosa de poesia ·civil, una continuidad en el tieinpo y el espacio ,de la obra
poetica de aquellos grandes de la lirica cubana del siglo XIX que crearon el ra-
millete patriotico, elevado a las ~imas de Jos suefios de la ]iberacion cubana, que
constituyera "El Laud del Desterrado", de· aquellos h,ombres que, al certero decir
de Juan J. Remos, "despertaron con el nervio de sus dicterios y el peso de sus ra7.o·
nes, las conciencias dormidas impulsando a los timorat,os y manteniendo a los des-
con(iados'.', Y en este caso .de, "Antorcha y Reto'' alertando tambien a los que l'll
~sta America' de la Es~atua 'de la Libertad y a los de la otra America, la nuestra, la
de Bolivar, pueden tener -0jos y no ver el peligro que a todos acecha ante el avanre
de las fuerzas nef astas.
Por }() demas todas nuestras palabras huelg·an si recordamos las palabras de
Marti, tan manoseado, pero tan poco interpretado cuando decia que "la poesia es un
dolor _que d~sgarra el pensamiento, como desgarra el. hijo las, entrafias -de la madr·e.
La poesia unge y da el poder de ungir. El poeta es aposento de un ser divino, Ju-
minoso, alado, que rom·pe el pecho del que canta, cada vez que abre su ·ca.reel· a las
alas de la fe. El poeta es devorado por el fuego que irradia, y no hay verso que
no sea una mordida de la llama, pues el resplandor mas vivo viene de! dolor mas
b:irbaro". · ' ' ·
. He ahi, a 'traves de esas palabras martianas, el encuadre de) creador de ''Antor-
cha y Reto"; he ahi a nuestro hombre y su circunstancia: a Pizzi de Porras, poeta · del
patriotismo, y su poema viril, testimonio de un acontecer en un momento excepcional
de la vida de los hombres y de los pu~bJ,os. Poema destinado a la perdurabilidad en
la m-emoria de las . nuevas generaciones llamadas a forjar una nueva y Juminosa
Cub~; creada, como la Independencia, por sus combatientes y sus, poetas.


Mis Meditaciones •
Por Miguel Humberto DE LA TORRIENTE

A I · comenzar a colaborar en la p;estigiosa Revista ''Defensa ,nstitucional Cubana",

cumpleme saludar, en primer termino; a mi patria opr,imida, Cuba, y, en segundo, a todos los '
cubanos tie buena voluntad que sufren ·el dolor de Cuba, dondequiera que· se encuentren.
Seguidamente, mi saludo emocionado a los prestlgiosos colabi:>radores de esta revista y a
todos sus lectores y pueblos de Latinoamerica. Y perm(taseme consignar mi gratitud impere•
cedera a una de las glorias ilustres de las letras y el periodismo de mi patria, el senor En-
rique Pizzi de Porras, quien me ha tendido sus generosos brazos y abierto las puertas de esta
revista que con indiscutible acierto dirige, para hacer posible mi f ucha en pro de la libertad
de Cuba. '
- Y com o el movimiento se demuestra andando, permitaseme dar. comlenzo a mis labores
implorando a Dios Todopoderoso me ilumine para que mi pobre intelec1o logre, sin vanidades
personales, co.ntribuir un tanto a la libertad de mi patria y al bienestar de mis compatrio•
tas, comenzando con este articulo denominado: "Cubanos en Puerto Rico".
Escuchamos hablar frecuentemente del creciente descontento, en diversos sectores del pue-
blo puertorriqueiio, con respecto al constante aumento y avance· de los cu,banos 'en el control,
o, por mejor decirlo, en el establecimiento de nuevas industrias, comercios y negocios en ge•
neral, en el hermano pueblo boricua.
e,Hay alguna justificaci6n rational o 16gica, si es verdad que existe, para ese descontento
y preocupaci6n? En buena 16gica, y decisiva mente j no I
lQuiere decir ese innegable y notable crecimiento del esfuerzo cubano alla, que los
mismos estan desplazando o despojando de sus derechos y posiciones a los hermanos puer•
torriqueiios? Evidentemente i no! .,_ ·
Los cubanos, lejos de desplazar al hombre de negocios o al fr;jbajador boricua, o des-
pojarlo de sus derechos, estan alla creando riquezas, abriendo nuevas fuentes de trabajo y
contribuyendo con su esfuerzo y con el pago de sus contribuciones al Fisco, al engrande-
cimiento y desarrollo de la economia def querido pueblo puertorriqueiio.
Cada nuevo negocio o industria que los c~banos establecen alli, estimula y contribuye
al crecimiento y desarrollo de l~s otros diversos negocios o industrias propias del . patio,
extranjeras o no, por ese complicado alambicamiento natural en el conglomerado econ6mico-
social de un pais. .
Es innegable que Cuba, en sentido general, .se distingui6 siempre en este Continente, con
perfiles bien pronunciados, por su enorme poder de asimilaci6n a las corrientes modernas
del progreso y la civilizaci6n. Es sabido que Cuba, antes del comunismo, naturalmente, mar-
chaba inmediatamente detras del pueblo norteamericano, en el uso y disfrute de t~os los
adelantos que la Ciencia y la Tecnologia ofredan y ofrecen al mundo actual.
lnnegable, · tambien, como se disti'ngui6 Cuba, con perfiles bien definidos, en el mundo
de las ciencias; de las artes, de la cultura, de los negocios, y de la civilizacion· en general.
Nadie puede negar tampoco la potencialidad econ6mica y riqueza del pueblo cubano, al
extremo de que su moneda se mantuvo siempre a la par del d61ar.
Cuba, indudablemente, fue una de las naciones latinoamericanas que logr6 mas pronto
la asimilaci6n de las corrientes modernas de la Civilizaci6n.
Estas consideraciones no significan, necesariamente, que desmeritemos a nadie, jno! So-
lamente hemos querido exponer hechos.
. Y . e,cual es el motivo por el que el cubano emigra hoy a oitros paises, cuando puede
lograrlo?: El Comunismo, con su tetric a· procesi6n de temores, ansiedades, terror, opresion,
perdida del estim!Jlo humano, hambre y miseria.
-El cubano ha sido siempre, y es, amante de la libertad, del libre ejercicio . de sus de-
rechos humanos, del adelanto y el progreso. Al no disfrutar hoy esas cosas en su patria,
es por lo que emigra, llevando consigo al pais que vaya, el rico tesoro de sus conocimientos

• I

y experiencias, y lo cual, -si es cierto que lo pone de inmedi~to al servicio de sf mismo y

cle sus seres queridos, es igualmente cierto que lo. pone tambien al se·rvicio y beneficio del
pais que le abre las puertas y le tiende sus gnerosos brazos.
El cub3no·, pues, no desptaza a nadie ni lo despoja de sus derechos. Por el ·contrario,
ademas de ejercer el legitimo derecho humano de trabajar para librar el sustento suyo y el
de sus seres queridos, contribuye, y no · en pequeiia medida,, al incremento de la economia,
adelanto v riqueza de la naci6n en que vive.
Ahl tenemos, como· evidencia de ello, que· hace pocos aiios la Florida estaba en el onceno
lugar en la escala de · los estados industriales de Estados Unidos,• y, segun reconocim'iento
publico de una de las maxi mas autoridades de este pai s, hoy aparece en segundo lugar, de-
tras de New York, gracias, segun dicho funcionario, a la labor y esfueno de los cubanos que
alla residen.
El cubano puede sentirse orgulloso · hoy de que dondequiera que se diga: jcubano\ se
esta diciendo: trabajador, y emprendedor, y progresista, inteligente y profundamente amante
de la libertad y respetuoso de las leyes.
Es \lerdad que hay cubanos, -muy pocos afortunadamente, regados por el mundo, que
denigran su condici6n de tales; lo cual no justifica la regla, sino las excepciones.
Si los cubanos no hubieran tenido la desgracia de qu·e la conjura roja internacional s~
hubiera adueiiado de Cuba, no vivirian hoy e:i la miseria, en -la pobreza y el ati:aso en que
la tiene sumida el regimen comunista, ni ellos tendrian que emigrar, y Cuba seguiria dis-
tinguiendose, · como antes y como · siempre, en el mundo de las ciencias, las artes, los ne-
gocios, la cultura y la civilizacion.
,Perdi6 Cuba, acaso, con la formidabl~ inmigracion de espanoles?
,Perdio Cuba con la incontable cantidad de americanos que alli vivian?'
t,Perdio Cuba con los tantos extranjeros, nacionales de tan diversos paises, que alli crea-
ron sus hogares y sus negocios?
lndudablemente que no. Los extranjeros llegaban a Cuba, se dedicaban a la industria,
al comercio, a la artesania, a las profesiones y a las artes; ejercian sus catedras o montaban
talleres o negocios de todo tipo y trabajaban en cuanJo hubiera que trabajar; y, en incon-
tables casos, se casaban con cubanas, tenian hijos cubanos, y con-, pocas excepciones, no re-
gresaban a sus pafses de origen, sino que se. quedaban en Cuba, que hoy atesor~ con ternura-
y orgullo los venerados restos mortales de aquellos oxtranjeros que alH vivieron y lucharon,
y cooperaron, en no pequeiia medida, a la conquista de sus libertades, como, i,or ejemplo,
para citar un caso, el Generalisimo Maximo Gomez, nativo de Santo Domingo, y de -todos aque-
llos que cooperaron tambien al desarrollo y progreso de Cuba, a al cual quisieron como los
propios cubanos. .
Y lquien no sabe que la nacion mas rica de la Tierra, y la mas poderosa en todos los
ordenes, en la historia de la humanidad: Estados Unido·s, fue fundada y esta formada por un
verdadero mosaico de casi todas las nacionalidades, y es eso: la nacion mas rica y poderosa,
salvaguarda de la Libertad y la Democracia? ·
Y l,cuantos son los puertorriquenos, por ejemplo, que vjven en Estados Unidos? l Vienen
a despojar o desplazar de sus derechos y posiciones a los hermanos norteamericanos? Seguro
que no. Vienen a vivir y prosperar, si, pero, al propio tiempo, cooperan c~n sus esfuerzos
al fortalecimiento y mayor progreso de esta poderosa nacion, que, como hemos dicho, y no
nos cansaremos de repetirlo, es la salvaguarda de la Libertad y la Democracia.
Asi como los espaiioles, ·americanos, franceses, ingleses, chinos, latinoamericanos, y de
tantas otras nacionalidades, ayudaron al engrandecimiento y progreso de Cuba, los cubanos
hoy cooperan decididamente al desarrollo y progreso de Puerto Rico. Acaso estan asi pagando
una deuda; sagrada, contraida con la Historia, y i solo Dios sabe cuantos de ellos ,deja ran sus
huesos alla, con el cariiio y la admiraci6n de propios y ext ranos, y el imperecedero · ~ecuerdo
y gratitud del pueblo puertorriqueno!
Los cubanos, pues, digamos finalmente, no van a Puerto Rico, como no van . a pa rte
algun.:1, para entorpecer o perjudicar, ni a desplazar ni a despojar, sino ja vivir! Y yo diria:
ja volver a vivir!, y dar lo mejor de sus vidas,' sus amores y desvelos-, conocimientos y ex-
periencias,. al precioso paraiso bendecido por la Naturaleza que es Puerto Rico.
New York 1971.
Los 11
• I .,e,.
'(~· .

Bilderbergeris" ·
i .

. ·'

"· ___ . :,.

-Cambio mundial del rol de USA y sus consecu~ncias-

ror :.\[anuel F. BENITEZ RODRIGUEZ

En mayo de 1967, en las paginas de esta ·revista, publicamos un interesante

trabajo que titulamos i D1OS TE SAL VE TIO SAM . .- .! i 01OS TE SALVE ... ! Eri
_esa oportunidad describimos paso a paso la polftlca que habia . ·desenvuelto la
naci6n del "Tio Sam", desde la epoca de Franklin D. Roosevelt a los dfas del
Presidente Lyndon B. Johnson. Entre ·o+ras cosas, de extraordinario interes, expresamos:
"Cuando analizamos detenidamente . estos hechos, asf como otros muchos no rela-
ta·dos aho'ra, y contemplamos las agi ~aciones prod ucidas den+ro del territorio ame-
ricano , a·sr' comq los frecuenfes . actos· de sabotaje a· las . que se llama "accide ntes ''.:
cuando observamos las continuas alteraciones de. la paz ~ +raves de_ las fricciones
en+re negros Y. blancos, a·lentadas por agitad6res profesionales del comunismo, segun
declaraciones del Jefe de F. B. I., mister Hoover: cuando vemos la indiferencia
con que se fratan ·10s ados de subversion que. estan minando. a +~dos los pafses
del Hemisferio, · pr.op _t:,gnados y costeados desde La Habana -donde esta estable-
cida la base moscovita del Caribe y la ·que por su posici6n estrategica fue esco-
' gida a ·-e ~+os fines desde hace largos anos por los que alientan la '!Gran · Cons-
~ piraci6n Internacional"-·, estamos presi-nti e ndo que la poder9sa nac i6n de l "Tfo
Sam'' y la otra, la del "Oso Moscovita " , e stan c:ctu an do de acuerdo, y desde
hace tiempo, para determinar en su d ,a los destines de la China Roja· de Mao ,
los de Cuba y los de otros importan+Eis pa ,ses del orbe. incluyendo Franc; a e
lngl a+e r·r,a". . · .. ' · .
Despues de este a·, trculo, se han producido los hechos reladon.a dos con los
pafses Arabes, Libia y otros. La Union Sovietica, con la anuencia o conodmiento
de los . Estados Unidos, finc6 sus garras en esas naciones . y, a la vez, aument6 su
p~der,o militar en la pafria que nos, viera na~er: CUBA. ,All,, con toda imp~nidad,
el ''Oso Moscovita" estableci6 bases para submarinos . con equipos nucleares. Esas
naves pasean por todo el C<:1ribe y- en ocasiories se detienen , frente a las costas
norteamericanas. La prensa d_ e la titul~da . riaci6n lid'e r del Mundo Libre: le dice a
sus compatriotas: "E~tamos observando los movimie·ntos 'de las naves rusas ... "
"El dra (tal o mas .cual) las naves sovieticas' con proyectiles i:,ucleares .salieron de
regreso", etc., etc. Pero la verdad se esconde tras· informes oficiales, supuestamente
estudiados o preparados, para no alarmar al pueblo· norteamericano. Lo cierto y
positivo es que el poderfo militar ~ovietico aumenta cad a dfa en· la patria · de Martf,
Maceo, Cespedes, Agramonte, Crombet y otros ilustres patricios.
Los agentes del castro-comunismo se' internan · en Estados Unidos por todas
partes, principalmente a tr aves de, las fronteras con Mexico y Canada, los dos

pa{ses que han manteni~o SUS rela.ciones con Castro a, ; pesar de los acuerdos en

contrario de la Organizaci6n de Estados Americanos _(O~A). :·

Po·r otro lado, los proyectos de coexistencia con Cu8a R_oja siguen teniendo sus
voceros en distintas organizaciones del destierro,• en las 'qtie trabajan activamente
personeros pa9ados e instruidos por los millonarios que residen en Norteamerica
y que forman parte de la Coniura Internacional. Sin olvidar a los Sena~ores _y ·
Representantes · norteamericanos que propugnan la reanudaci6n de relaciones con
Castro. . ·

* *
Cuando Richard M. Nixon fue electo Presidente de Estados Unid,os, un fugaz
rayo de esperanza ilumin6 los corazones· de algunos, o de muchos, ilusos cubanos.
Nosotros he mos dicho -antes y ahora-. que nada pod,a hacer • con . relaci6n a la
recuperaci6n. de la soberanfa de Cuba. Ahf estan nuestros trabajos y copias de
las cart as enviadas . a cientos de compatriot as y amigos. Muchos interpretaron que
Nixon, segun sus palabras, estaba dispuest~ a cambiar la polrtica entreguista se~
guida por los gobiern·os de Kennedy y Johnson. Nosotros mantuvimos que con•
tinuaria la misma de sus predecesores; y . para ello nos basamos en sus actos iniciales
y en la posici6n publica o ideol6gica de los hombres designados como sus colabo-
radores inmediatos. . . • · .
En polftica exterior --con rTlucha .mas autoridad que el Se.cretario de· Estado-
nombro al doctor Henry Kissinger, y !obre este senor podemos senala~ lo sigu1~ente:
Naci6 e·n 1923, en la ciudad ·de Fuerth, en Alemania, y se hizo ciudadano de
Estados Unidos en 1943, mientras . su· pafs nativo estaba en guerra con los aliados:
Realiz6 e~tudios (;c6mo no habfa de ser!) en la Universidad de Harvard, de la que
mas tarde fue profesor. En 1955 y 1956 fu~ director de estudios sobre armas
nucleares y polftlca exterior del Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores · (organismo ere ado
por figuras de la e_xtrema izquierda norteamericana). Posteriormente fue· c~nsejero
de Nelson .Rockefeller, enem,i go declarado de los cubanos libres y ~ctual Gobernador
del Estado de New York, integrante de una familia que simpatiza con el comunismo
internacional. El doctor Kissinger ha trabajado tambien para el Departamento de
Defensa, la C. I. A. (Agencia Central de lnteligencia), el Cons.ejo Nacional d e
Seguridad y la Agencia para el Desarme y el Control de Armamentos. Actu6
como consultor. de los gobiernos
. de Truman, Eisenhower y ·Kennedy.
, ,

, Como se puede apreciar, el · doctor Kissinger pertenece a esa clase de "ex-

pertos" que con tftulos universitarios rimbombantes ha plagado 'la polftica norte~
americana en los Ciltimos treinta anos. La abundancia de este tipo de "expertos"
en los medios oficiales de Estados Unidos coincide cronol6gicamente con el aumen-
to del poderfo comunista en todo el mundo.

Ahora se produce el acercamiento ·con la China Roja de Mao, confirmando

lo que anunciamos en nuestro . trabajo de mayo de 1967. La medida puede resultar
inquietante para algunos "tontos" del mundo libre. P~ro pa'ra nosotros significa
un paso mas hacia los fines que se persiguen. Hay algo cierto y
debe dedrse a
24 • • I

toda voz: No se · puede ser anticomunista y promover la· amistad e intercambios

•comerciales, culturales, o de otra ·rndole, con los comunistas.- La experiencia nos
ha demost.r ado que una cosa es incompatible con la otra. Algunos . de esos "tontos"
diran que otros paises comunistas como Yugoslavia, Hungria , ~tc., no son considera-
dos hostiles a Estados Unidos. Pero las circunstancias con relaci6n a China Roja
son_ muy diferentes. La exportaci6n mund_ial d~ drogas y la subversion salen de all,,
no de Europa.
Segun vislumbramos la situaci6n, el siguiente paso sera promover esa propia
amistad con el regimen de la Habana, con Fidel Castro o sin Fidel Castro, pero
con un reconocimiento del "status" actual, como si en Cuba no hubiera sucedido
nada. El tiempo. y los hechos diran si nuestras apreciaciones estan o no ajustadas
a la actitud y polrtica que siguen 'los de la "rara aleaci6n".

* *

Siempre hemos sostenido la vigencia de un acuerdo entre las dos super-potencias

del mundo: Estados .Unidos y la Uni6n Sovie+ica. Tambien afirmamos que los inte-
grantes de la "Gran Conspiraci6n Internacional" aspiran a la creaci6n del Gobierno
Mundial, que significa la abolici6n de la soberanfa de cada pafs.
Como apoyo a lo que decimos, reproduciremos a continuaci6n a.Igo que se _
ha publicado recientemente en este _paf s (Est ados Unidos de Norteamer~_ca), que
tiene estrecha relaci6n con· los ultimos pronunciamientos internacionales del Pre-
sidente Nixon.


_ El n1anto de misterio que e~vuelve a la poderosa organizaci6n mundial cono:.

cida como los "Bilderbergers" ha sido penetrado ·por "Liberty Lobby", infiltrando
la reunion secreta que ac~ba de efectuarse en la Villa de Woodstock, Estado de
Vermont, durante los dras 23 al 25 · de Abril del ano en curso. Los "Bilderbergers"
son banqueros que propugnan, en complicidad con multimillonarios de, Estado,s
Unidos e inter_nacionales de militancia izquierdista, la creaci6n de un solo gobierno
mundial. Fueron ellos, cuarenta a nos atras, los creadores del ya . c~lebre Consejo
de Relaciones Exteriores. '
Lo impodante no es ·solamente la •reuni6n secreta, sino el hecho de que la
misma no fue mencionada siquiera por la llamada "prensa libre de Estados Unidos,
que de ese modo ha conspirado, una vez mas, contra el noble y generoso pueblo
norteamericano. Pero el Representante John Rarick, Dem6crata por el Sexto Dis-trito
de Louisiana -buen amig~ de la Dem9cracia y sobre todo de .la Causa Grande
de Cuba-, la revel6 el dfa 5 de Mayo ultimo en el ''Congressional Record"
(Gaceta Oficial del Congreso), con informes que obtuvo el d, a 3 de "Liberty
Lobby" en Washington, D. C. 0espues, ,el 15 de Mayo, la revista "Washington
Observer" public6 un arHculo extremadamente revelador sobre· tal reuni6n secreta.
El presidente inamovible de. los "Bilderbergers" es el Prrncipe Bernardo de
Holanda, consorte de la Reina Juliana. b la (mica persona con car-go permanente,



' '
•· 2,)

ya que todos los demas son· nom_brados con caracter honor·ario o temporal. Pero
detras de la estructura estan las sombr,3s de los Rothschilds, los Warburgs, los
Wallen bergs, los Rockefellers y otras dinastias internacionales de banqueros. Todes
eluden preguntas referentes ·a la organizaci6n y SU!i actividades.
"Liberfy Lobby" envi6 una persona al pequeno · villorio de Woodstock, con
una poblaci6n total de 1,600 habitantes. El ~nviado encontr6 I 50 polrdas locales
y estatales, ademas de un'a fuerza· de agentes del FBI. La reunion estaba convocada
para la Hosterfa de Woodstock, propiedad de Laurence Rockefeller. No se permiti.6
a nadie entrar a la hosteria, salvo a los miembros de la ya mencionada organizaci6n
Cuando el Pri'ncipe Bernardo arrib6 a Bosto n, a bdrdo de su jet particular,
entreg6 una breve not~ de prensa a unos 30 periodistas que lo esperaban, No se
dio mas ninguna informaci6n sobre la reunion ni concedieron entrevistas los dis•
tinguidos asistentes a la misma. Segun iban llegando los invitados a Ne,w York y a
Boston se les asignaban asientos en tres aviones particulares de los Rockefeller 9ue
los condudan a West Lebanon, New Hampshire, y de alli eran trasladados en auto-
m6vil, tambien de los citados Rockefeller, a la Hoster.a de Woodstock.
Asistieron varies Ministros de. Relacione~ Exteriores -miembros de gabinete-,
pero no h11bfa ningun foncionario del gobierno de Nixon, exceptuando Cmica-
mente al doctor Henry A. Kissinger, Auxiliar del senor ,Presidente de Estado~
Uni dos para Asuntos de · Segurid~d lnterna .. Kissinger a,rrib6 en un avi6n especial
de la Casa Blanca, acompanado de cuatro guard?espaldas del Servicio Secreto.
Junto a el estaba. el Teniente General John W. Vogt. Director de la 9rganizaci6n
de Jefes del Estado Mayor Conjunto.
Entre los invitados y asistentes a la reunion. secreta de Woodstock se encon-
traban: David Rockefeller, Presidente del : "Chase Manhattan Bank"; · George W.
Ball, Director Gerente de "Leheman Brothers, Inc."; Arthur H. Dean, socio de la
firma "Sullivan & Cromwell"; Gabriel Hauge, Presidente · de .· "Manufactures Trust
Company"; Henry J~ Heinz, Presidente de "H. J. Heinz & Co."; Thomas L. Hughes,
Preside,n te de "Carnegie Endowment for International Peace"·; Howard Stein, Pre-
sidente de "Dreyfus Corporation ; Emilio G. Collado. Vice Presidente Ejecutivo
de la "Standard Oil Company of New Jersey"; Robert 0. Anderson, Presidente de
"Atlantic Richfield Co." y Pre_siderite del lnstitu~o Aspen de Estudios Humanistas, 1
e Ian K. McGregor, Presidente de "American Metal Climax".
S61o habfa un Senador: Adlai ·Stevens~n 111, y cuatro Represenfantes a la Ca-
mara: Donald Frasser, Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen. Henry S. -Reuss y Donald Riegle.
Allf estaba tambien el celebre Alger Hiss, que ha de'jado ~u alto cargo en el
Departamento de Estado para participar en el manejo de. Legado Carnegie para
la Paz Internacional. Para aquellos que no recuerden a Hiss, diremos que es un
comunista confeso y convicto de espionaje · a favor de la Union Sovietica; autor
de los Tratados de· Yalta y Theran, mediante los cuales entregaron la mitad de
Europa a los rusos, y es el hombre que redact6 la Carta de las Naciones Unidas,
presidiendo una delegaci6n de 45 personas, 43 de las cuales pertenedan al Partido
Comunista Americano. .,
2(1 •· \

I )i,:H'\SA I \STJT(_!(:(O\'AT.

Los temas principale~ en la ·agenda de la reunion fueron: La. contribuci6n de


las empresas a encarar problemas de inestabilidad social y la posibilidad de un

cambio en el rol estadou·nidense mundial y sus consecuencias.
El primer tema, para el primer d,a, fue soslayado por el ~octor Kissinger,
que aparentemente no le concedi~ gran importancia. Al :d,a siguiente present6
su Hoja de Trabajo, cuya discusl6n dur6 todo el dfa y se estima "lo mas import~ nte
de la reunion, secreta, porque de hecho fue · un _avance qe los est udi os e intenciones
estadounidenses sobre e! cambio de su ro! globa-1''.
Tarribien present6 su Hoja de Tra bajo mister Gabriel Hauge, q ue cuando
estaba en la Casa Blanca fue calificado por el p eriodico "Wall Street Journ ~I"
como "el hombre que le deda al Gene ra l Eise nhower lo que de bfa pensa r y .
hacer". Como a nt e cesor de Bundy, de Ros+ow y ahora d e Kissinger., tuvo e.l "status"
de arbitro e n polHica exterior. Hoy retiene una posici6n estrategica e n el ele nco
de p9der como .Presid e nt e del Banco 11 Manufac+ures Hanover Trust", banco muy
vinculado a los banqueros sionistas de la firma "Dillon, Read & Co."
Las personas que conocen a todo el grupo siniestro que se reuni6 en Woodstock,
los dras 23, 24 y 25 de Abril ultimo, no cleben .tene12 dificultad en identificar a los
responsables . de los males que aquejan al pais.
En esa reunion se acord6, entre otras cosas de interes, "EL CAMBIO EN EL
SECUENCIAS" .. Posteriormente el doctor . Henry ,Kissinger viaj6 a distintos paises
de Europa, asi como .a la China Roja de Mao, para proponer "negociaciones".
~ntes de esta actividad se produjeron actos publicos -por parte del Gc>bierno
de Nixon- fratando de abrir las puertas al mundo comunista chino. · Enfre las
medidas =dictadas se encuentran la liberaci6n del comercio con ese pais y la auto-
rizaci6n a los norteamericanos para visitarlo.
La primera reunion de los "Bilderbergers;' se efe~tu6 en el Hotel "Bilderger"
de Osterbeek,. Holanda, con dineros de las fundacioneli Ford y Rockefeller, y tambien
subrepticiamente, de la CIA. Ademas, desde 1955, el Legado Carnegie para la
Paz Internacional viene .administrando los fondos de. los · "Bilderbergers" que pro-
vienen de la Fundaci6n Ford y otras fuentes d.e ·ingreso~ -
Los "Bilderbergers" han efectuado, hast a . ahora, 17 ·reuniones y la que
acaban de celebrar en Woodstock es la tercera en territorio. americano. La primera
foe· en la l~la de San .Simon, Georgia, en el ano 1957; la segunda en Williamsburg,
Virginia, ano 1964, y ahora la de Woodstock. Todas en_propiedades de los Rockefeller.


* *
En relaci6n con los planes pa ra la· creaci6n del "Gobierno Mundial" y por la-
posible conexi6n que puedan tener con la reunion secreta de Wood stock, es de
import~ncia ' destacar ~u~ all~ por ~I a iio 1937 el Prfncip! Bern~rd,o de .Holan?a
-Pres1dente de los Bilderbergers - era un empobrec1do amtocrata . aleman,
empleado de la firma "t G. Farben", de Parfs. Despues de la guerra fue promotor



de relaciones publicas

de la_ OTAN . y del Mercado Comun Europeo:. Entonces se

• 27

le acerc6 el escritor izquierdista polaco Retinger para presentarle el plan de

unificar a Europa con ·vista a un gobierno mundial en el futuro. El Prf ricipe crey6
que Retinger ten fa una gran idea, pe·ro los ministros ~e. Holanda . presentaron reparos.
Posteriormente el Prfn·cipe Bernardo se fue a Washing.ton, logrando apoyo para
el- plan de R:eti!,ger por parte del General Walter Bedell Smith, entonces Director r'

General de la Agel"!cia. Central. de lnteligenci~, que hab1a s1do embajador de

Estados Unidos en Moscu. Pero en · 1953. el Presidente Eisenhower ·nombr6 al
Gene.ral Bedell Smith Sub Secretario de ·estado. ·

Coincidiendo. co~ la fecha de la reunion de Woodstock, la· NBC de New York

(Canal ·7 de Miami, Florida) present6 a' un subdito ingles que se dispo~fa · a via.jar
a Cuba. El viajero exhibio un pasaporte de ''Ciudadano Internacional", supue.sta-
mente expedido por· las Naciones ·unidas,· dedarando que "cada hombre y cad~
mujer seran en el future ciudadan~s internacionales con · derecho a . ser admitidos
en todos los patses del ,mundo que deseen visitar como turistas o residentes
. .
t es " . . . .
' Tai declaraci6n no significa otra cosa -que la _a bolici6n de la soberanfa de cada
pars y de la c iud a danfa . indivi du al, bajo un solo gobierno regido por las · Nacion'es .
. Unidas, organismo 'que, a su vez, responde al indice del Kremlin.
Quizas si. la informaci6n . pasada por el Canal 7 de TV, en Miami, haya sido
un .hecho _independiente de la · reunion secreta de Woodstock, pero la coincidencia
ha sido notable y la finalidad es identica.

New York, Agosto de 1971.

+ +
I , , • ,

• Cas.t ro ha fusilado. a m~s de 22,841 cubanos.

. ,.
e Tiene mas de 55,347 en prision . .
• · Mas' de 628,0Q0 han .sido arrestados o detenidos.
• ~as de 800,000 han abandonado Cuba.
• . Alrededor de 7,000~000 sufren hambre, miseria, opre- ,
sion y terror.
' .

Todo esto _p uede pasar en s~ pais baio el comunismo.

I ' - a . -

Ayudese ayudt.ndo a los cubanos a liberar a Cuba.

'l ,.

, •.. . .
• •
La· Re.sistencia

No es un~ obsesl6n maniatica lei de vivir pensando constantemente en

Cuba. Es tin deber. Un deber como los que impo'ne la Religion; porque es
el deber para con la Patria. Aunque aqui se nos proporc~onara una .vida
confortable y regalada, y se nos dieran palacios y riquezas, los cubanos
leales nos sentiriamos desgraciados. Hemos perdido la riqueza de la,
' la .de la tie~a en que nacimos: Nos la han secuestrado miserablemente.
· Y como nos sentimos con valor -para recobrarla, no _estamos en disposici6n -
de dar gracias a Dios por el ·pan nuestro de coda did, y dejarla perdid;:x.
Por eso nuestro Mensaje de hoy.
Un crimen tras otro crimen, Los que estan fuera _rechazan .
no es posible sufrir mas, vivir en ningun destierro:
por· eso, mi C~a. estas no es el exilio un entierro, ·
clamando por los que gimen. - ni las voces se amordazan.

No hace falta que te animen Pero los afios se enlazan

hombres para }lacer la guerra: esperando nuestra ayuda.
que para suerte, en mi tierra, y es que el ahna corajuda
cada cubano es un bravo de esos valientes cubanos
que no acepta ser. esclavo solo cuenta con las manos . ..
del vampiro de la Sierra. y esa es la verdad desnuda.

Los monstruos castristas, los patibularios, los facinerosos, to dos ios que
se han marcado en la frente el estigma de comunistas, est6n armados
con .ferocidad. Tienen miedo ha:sta de sus sombras; saben que se les odia,
y no pueden resistir elmiedo. Por eso hcin arruinado a la naci6n, d6ndolo.
todo a cambio de armas.
No se les puede combatir con las monos. Hay que vencerlos con las
armas. Cada cubano decente, limpio, patriota y cristiano, ·vale para batir
a un _millar de comunistas ateos y cobardes. Pero es· necesario que coda
uno de los nuestros tenga el .a rma que necesita. Como las soluciones p<>
derosas contra los malos gerinenes, al uno por mil es suficiente. Pero tiene
que armarse a ese uno por mil.
"No hay mal que cien anos d'ure El patriota en el exilio ·
ni cu~rpo que lo resista": nunca olvido a los hermanos
nuestra accion ya esta a la vista, que en Cuba, con los villanos,
y no hace falta que jure. jamas tuvieron concilio.


Que el fidelista se apure.


Por faltar el utensilio

a galopar los tacones; necesario en la batalla.

porque van a ser leones . el 6.delismo se engalla:
l~s que a Cuba ban de llegar, pero en viendolos armados . ..
a la Patria libertar volaran despetroncados
de asesinos y de hampones. como corre Ja morralla.
No hay cobardia mas miserable y risible que la de los rnatones de
profesi6n, cu_ando se les enfrenta· un hombre. Fidel Castro invent6 · los ma-
riguaneros con mando, los piojos con jerarquia, y los degenerados con me-
tralleta. Clamn.m:!das por inc':1pacidad las industrias, hoy no hay chimeneas
apuntando, a lo alto. Hoy todo son bocas .de caiion~s bostezando miedo. De
nada va a valer todo ese armamentismo. Que no es lo mismo atropellar a
las multitudes desarmadas, que ~nfrentarse a los patriotas que van a redi• .
mir a SU Patria. Los que estan alH, y los que. iran de aqui. no estaran desar-
mados. Se~a al mil por uno el enemigo de Cuba. Pero nos bastara para li~
quidarlo, ser el vennifugo, al uno por mil.

Los que h~y en la resistencia Hermanos. pronto tendran

tienen cond ucta gloriosa. las armas que necesitan.
han de sentirse la honrosa la~ armas que les pennitan
aprobaci6n de conciencia. ealir del hoyo en que e~tan.

La terrible consecuencia. Junto a ustedes pelearan

ha sido persecuci6n. los hombres que se las lleven.
campos de concentracion, Ellos sin cesar se mueven
ca:rcel, torturas, maltratos, para lcnµarse a la guerra.
y la c~usma y los chivatos y pondran rodilla en tierra
aplaudiendo el paJ"edon. cum,pliendo con lo que deben.
Y el deber es inconfundible; porque es el deber de rescatar a Cuba.
Los fidelistas aprendieron con el Varn,piro de la Sierra el estribillo de
"Patria o Muerte". Si pensaron y piensan que ese es un lema, 16 van a ver
bien cumplido. Perque por asesinos, por traidores, por sanguinarios. y ca-
nallas, recibiran la niuerte, para libertar a la Patria.
El nefando "Patria o Muerte", ya pueden irlo cambiando desde ahora.
Y aprender a decir, por el poco tiempo que les queda: "Patria no; Muerte si'\
Perque si para librar de las cadenas rojas .a nuestra amadq Cuba, hay
que exte.rminar a los c:omunistas, sera penoso para los que no somos san-
guinarios el tenerlos que matar. Los castigara Dios. Pero por su traici6n a
la Patria, hay que matarlos.
• •
:!.I 11111111 Iti I111111111111111 ll 1111 It 11 I111 I111 III Itt III IIIIIIIIIll It II IIII1111111 I1111111 I1111111111 Ill II III III IlII II II ll lII II III lIII lIlIll IIll III II ll III Ill III IIll lll ll II Ill III!:


--~ --c
- \
Preparado y dirigido por e'I Padre ..auro Lopez Beltran
.Consta de mil paginas-prec{osamente ~lustradas·



Primera Parte: EL MILAGRO DEL TEPEY AC - Segunda

. . DE

La edicion· constara d.e 1,000 ei~mplares numerados.

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: Solicitudes y valores ~eben dirigirse al Padre Lauro

Lopez Beltran, a GALEANA .No. 47. o al Apartado No. 63
c·uERNAVACA, t,AORELOS, MEXICO. Telefono 2-12-84. =

• •
Biblioteca Cen tral, Universidad d e El Salvadoi·, San Salvador; Rev. Pa<lre 1',ra11-
cisco E. Etdey, Mexico, D. F.; Jose Porto Ameijeiras, Bogota, Colombia; Pedro F.
Escobar, Kansas City, Mo.; Esteban Murtinez, Mexico, D. F.; Margaret Rosales, Los
An geles, Cal ifornia; Marcelino Perez, New York , N . Y .; Roberto Ortega Chomat,
Miami, Fla.; Armando A. Machado, F1ol'ence, S. ·c.; Oscar Le.on Alvarez, San .lose,
Costa Rica; Fausto E. Brito, At1hambra, Ca lifornia; H.eberto Jose Cuauro Cu mare, Co-
1·0, Falcon, Venezuela: Manuel Fernandez, Unicn City, N. J.; Orlando Perez. Weeha w -
ken, N. J.; Miguel L~pez, Union City, N . J.; Moises Suarez, Miami, Fla. ; Juan Curi,
E.l,i zabeth, N. J.; David Achon, Los Angeles, California; Rodolfo Hernand,ez, Los An-
geles, Ca.Ji!ornia; Celei:.tino Uivera, Monterrey Park, Califo.rnia; Salvador Valle, Los
Angeles, California; Jose Daniel Castro, Madrid, Espana; Natividad Hernand£-z, Los
Angeles, California; Enrique Cobas Heyes, Miami, Fla.

Nuestro agradecimiento por el interes que demuestra por

"Pefensa Institucional Cubana". domenzando con este n6mero la
recibira mensualmente en la direci6n que nos suministra.
* * *
lnlernati~nal Textil,e, Garmenl and Leather Workers' Feder.ation, Londres, In-
glatetra; Biblioteca General, Ministeri,o de Justicia, Caracas, Venezuela; Armando
ijuintela, La Coruna, Espana; Matias M. Sanchez, Hartford, Conn.; Rigoberto Rami-
rez, Woodsi ae, N. Y.; nev. Manuel H. Salabarria, Miami, Fla,; Jose M. Bermudez, Mia.
mi, Fla.; Rafael Qu•e ral Gonzalez; Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; lsra_el Ortega, El Paso, Te-
xas; Edwin Salas, Director de "El Pacifico", Golfito, Costa Rka; Luis Garcia, North
Hollywood, California; Emilio Morales, Los Angeles, California; Ernestina }{ernan.
dez, -Hai·tford, Conn.; Dr. Juan B. Sed, Miami, Fla.; Jose Almirall $ague, West New
York, N . J .; Fernando Riveron, Miami, Fl~.; J\fargai:-ita Xiques, Vda. de Gonzalez~
Oceanside, N. Y.; Columhia University, Library, New York, N. Y. .

Gracias por comunicarnos el cambio de domicilio. Con este

11umero comenzara a recibir "Defensa Institucional Cubana" en
:m nueva direcci6n.
* * *
Jose A. Ponjoan Pinelo, Madrid, Espana; Jose d·~ J. Ulabarro, Houston, Texas;
Ramon L. Gonzalez, New Yol"k, N. Y.; Evidio Chavez. Marni, Fla.; Ramos,
· Emeryville, California; Obdulio Fernandez Veliz, Portland, O·r e.; Fausto Bl'ito, Alham-
bra, California; Oscar Lo5n Alvaa·ez, San Jose, Costa Rica; Armando A. Machado,
Florence, S. C:; Gabriel A. Alvarez, North Hollywood, ·california; Edwin Salas, Di-
1·ector de "El Pad.fico", Golfito, Costa Rica; Ricardo Cano, Miami, Fla.; Jose M.
Ruiz, 1 Chattanooga, Tenn.; Jose M. Cruz Tolosa, F1·eeport, N. Y.i Fernando Riveron, .
Miami, Fla.; Leopoldo Frade, Astoria, N . Y.; Dr . .Antoni~ Fleites, Montebello, Cali-
fornia; Enrique Cobas Reyes, Miami, Fla.; Luis Gonzale2. Gonzalez, Point Lookout,
Mo.; Mario Estevez, Oak Park, lll.; Adalberto Moenck .Sotolongo, Jamaica, N. Y.i
Patricio Gard a, Elizabeth, N. · J.: Carl us Bello, Macfrid, Espana; Oscar Ccmi, A1len-
wood1 Pa.

Mucho agradecemos el envio de las direcciones de personas

interesadas en nuestra revista. A partir de este numero todas
~on complacidas.

Hace ,Doce Anos ... • Por TAURO

Que co·n la desaparicion del regimen constitucional y de-

mocratico del General Batista, ademas de su soberania e in-
dependencia, Cuba perdio, entre .otras cosas, las siguientes
creaciones del propio Presidente:


Edificaciones Publicas
1 Palacio de Justicia en Holguin. Edificio pa1·a la jefatura y talleres
I Palacio Municipal en Santiago del distrito sur de Obras Pi'tblicas.
de Cuba (ferminacion). Distrito Naval del Sur (conjunto de
2 casas consistoriales en Bayamo y edificios).
Alto Songo. (Terminacion de la 5 puestos na vales.
primera y ampliacion de la se- 6 cuarteles y estaciones de policia.
g·unda). 1 prision en Holguin,
12 unidades judiciales. 1 Aduana 'en Antilla.
8 unidades fiscales. 1 - l Aduana de Santiago de Cuba.
l Sucurs:d del llanco N acional de

- 9 acueductos: en Antilla, Banes y Victoria de las Tunas (construidos); amplia-
don y mejoras en la famosa presa de Charco Mono, c-onstruida por el primer
g·obierno revolucionado <lei General Batista (1933), la que mediante una c-om-
pleta red de distribucion, doto d-e -agua a la ciudad de Santiago; al de Bayamo,
una planta de purificacion y nue~o equipo de bombeo; ampliadon de la red d e
distribuci6n en el de El Cobre; al de Gu antanamo, nueva C<rnductora que s urti a '
tambien a Caimanera y a la Base Naval de l,os Estados Unidos. T erminacion
del de Holguin, y nuevo equipo · de bombeo al de Manzanillo.
- 4 aeropuertos: ampliaci6n y terminac _ i on del "Antonio Maceo"; inicio de la cons-
truccion del pe Baracoa en Mayajara; mejoras en el de Mayari y construccion
de uno ~n Los Canos, Guantanamo.

1 reparto urbanizado: el Alturas ·de 2 campos deportivos. .

Vista Alegre, en Santiago de 11 parques construidos o embellecidos.
Cuba. 346,800 · m2 de calles urbanas pavimen-
2 malecones: en Santiago de Cuba tadas.
y Baracoa. -
1 almacen frigorifico para vegeta- 1 unidaci agricola en el Valle de Cau-
les en Holguin. jeri.
1 granero en Victoria de las Tunas. 3 naves para descascarar caf~ en
1 planta de cementa Portland en Santiago de Cuba, financiada por el DA.NDES.

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.: \ ·::;:, you for .maki~g· :you:r :·;;·ieis -~,va~;i~J5;t;·.~ .-to .;d~\ , You can be assurea .·:·,

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Number 134 Education without Action availeth Naught Ju,ne 1972


LIBERTY LOBBY Urges Revision of lnter.:,,,at Revenue Code
Noth'ing on th e po litica l hor'izon looms as large in the mind of the American voter today as
Tl:\XE-5: ·P..olitical analysts· rate taxes even higher than co ncern over theVietnam war, forced busing,
or crime. And with reason. The bu rgeoning tax re be ll ion, predicted years ago by LIBERTY LOBBY,

----------------- · is now a looming reality.

1n testimony before the House Ways and- Means
Committee (see article on page 2), Dr. Martin Larson,
Tax Policy Consultant for LIBERTY LOBBY, told the
Committee that fed-up taxpayers all over America are
banding together in order to force some fiscal sanity
back into government operations. Dr. Larsbn told the
committee to "put your ear to t~ e ground, for to ignore
these protests is to do so at-yo'u r own peril." -
Dr. Larson's testimony concerned H.R. 13720, a
measure designed to establish more effective and un-
derstandable guidelines involving political activities
on the part of "charitable" and "educational" insti-
Dr. Larson told the committee, "It is our hope that
this Committee will see fit to rewrite Sec. 50l(c)(3)
"What are you complaining ctbout? of the Internal Revenue Code so that every exempt
Don't you know I'm edpcational?" organization will know precisely where it stands with-
out difficulty or question and so that nothing may be
left to the subjective Ju dgment of an irrespon si ble
bureaucrat. I consider it outrageous that some official, beyond the reach of the voters or the courts,
should have the power to arrive at a decision without a hearing, without a trial, and without re-
He pointed out to the Committee that, "the burden of federal taxation has now become so
onerous and its administration and imposition so discriminatory and pernicious that the people of
this Nation are on the verge of general tax rebellion. You may recall in the Kentucky Resolutions,
Thomas Jefferson wrote that excessive taxation will ultimately lead to bloodshed and revolution."
The basic inequities in Sec. 501 of the Internal Revenue Code must be corrected. It is a logi-
cal first step in the battle for Tax Equity.
l ~·~· •· l II ••

·W HAT · .Y OU CAN · DO:

-.J,. ,# .... ~ j ,- ): j

•'·,Alert ,your Congressman lto the testimony of LIBERTY l: OBBYi1Co1,1cern jng J-1.R. 13720,·callin1r: t9r, ,,
a revision of Sec. 501 .- , · · . , ·
, j ,I , 'tt ,r r• ~ ~ '

r -Urge you r Senators toi h~,d ·the' growing tax revolt in thi~._.r~'atio.r . am;! point out that faiJ'u're;tQ _do.
· . so will lead to disast ef. ·· : ' ·
, I
' • · '· ' •l
' .-.. · '
• · Learn about the tax st~ike yourself and inform your; fdends°>Write letters to yourJoc_a/, newsp~-
pers, call radio talk snows.
' !· ;. ' '
Rer_nember-VOU R INFLU EN CE co1..r~i1~,.!' • . . USE IT_!
It seems to us that one of the conclu- sion of one of the most important sections
sions you have to draw from President of the Internal Revenue Code was urged
Nixon's blockade of Haiphong is _that- today when Dr . Martin A. Larson, tax
again-the "rightwing extremists" who policy consnl!aat for LIBERTY l,OB~¥,
have urged this step for many years hav~ . and Robert M. Bartell, LIBERT,Y LOB-
been right all of the time: this IS the way BY's tax program coordinator, appeared
to win that war! · before the Ways and Means Committee .
By finafly doing il, Mr. Nixon is con- Dr. Larson, author of The Great Tax
firming tlrnt the Kennedy, Johnson and Fraud and foremost authority on tax
his own policy has been 100% wrorig in avoidance; called on the Committee to re-
the. p:m, and that the b\OfJ<l of 50,000 vise Sec. 501 of the Internal Revenue
Americans is on their hnnJs. Code, particularly, empltqsrzing, the am-
As yo u know, LIBERTY LOBBY hqs biguous wording of Sec: ~0 1 ( c )( 3), ~eal-
been ag:ii nst the Vietnam war s ince the ing with exemptions of various groups.
beginning. We were o ne of the very fe w He called ·1he Code "perliaps. the i-nost
..... ~-~~
or,g1111izr-Hions to oppose intervention esoteric conglomcralioo of inequity ever
when it first started. O11ce in, however,
'You Dunt Looking Like R;'i~J;/C'~l)i'.i;t~''"' conceived . . . Charged originally with
On Moscow Run'
the only honorable thing is to win. We've being a communist instrument for the
said it before and we'll say it again: win destruction __ of. property and free enter."
or get out! prise, it has been supplied with so many
Now, two years and one conv1ctron loopholes, exemptions, allowances, and
later, we find the jackals of politics howl- deductions that a man who makes $100
J. EDGAR HOOVER, R.I.P. ing arou nd the downed statesman , Not million a year may be required to pay no
, He was an instilution, and his enemies content with Dowdy's convictio n and tax whatever; yet it has so many snares
! were usually the enemies of America. He
withdrawal from Congress at the end of and traps that it is almost impossible for
I is now a legend. Lhis session, they want him ex,pelled. the small and independent businessman
Their weak excuse is that Adam Clayton to survive at all."
Hoover presided over an organization Powell received worse treatment by the
which will now- we may be sure- under- Foundations should lose their exemp-
House, and failure to oust Dowdy will tions, Dr. Larson pointed out, if they fi-
go uras ric change. We fear that not all mean a dual standard exists, based on
of these changes may necessarily be for nance the registration of voters, support
racism. other groups which engage in any type of
the best. Well, as we have said from time to poli tical activity, or make grants for "re-
Every totalitarian state-as Hoover time, there is no accounting for Congress- sea rch" which· are nothing more than po 0

well knew-has to have a ruthless sec ret men. Apparently logic and the partisan litical favors.
police. Although he wa.s hi1Uself highly political stance cannot exist simultane-
political and was perhaps fo rced at limes ously. How ca n a nyo ne compare one
' Fif4rii
to do or say things which he did not wish , Congressman caught with his hand in the
he was definitely a patriot, and was de- till (misuse of governm ent funds, among
termined that the F.B.I. would not be- other charues) with another victimized in
come the tool of tyranny. an obvious frameup which has not yet
Now that he is gone-and especially been finally adjudicated?
considering the somewhat mysterious con- Perhaps new light on the Dowct'y c;ise
ditions .o f his death-Americans must ca me recently . Rep. Cornelius Gallagher ' f ' .
''_, it\~~
watch the F.B.f. and the C.T.A. with ex- ( 0 -N. J.) was indicted for alleged in- • !~ . ,-...,
treme closeness,- ·· · - ··-"~ •· - .. • · ··•· ~-- • · come tax evasion. In a rousing speech on ' ·t,:~ ~ r.,,
The fact that both organizations have the floor of the House, Gallagher hotly
been directed by Henry Kissinger since denied the charge and related a whodun- ~
- !, 'I
it involving the F.B.I., gangsters, dead Robert M, Bartell, LIBERTY LOBBY tax program
Mr. Nixon's order of November 5, 1971, coordinator, aml Dr. Marlin A. Luson, LIBERTY
is not an encouraging one. bo? ics - all !'he suspense ingredients. LOBBY tax pollcy consuttant leave the Uberty
Blllfdlng to testify on tax equ(1y bcfo-re lhe House
Poi nledly he ubse rved th at Dowdy and ways an(I Means committ~e.
Hoover's untimely death removes any others who have had (rouble all belo nged
obst'acles to the plans Mr. Kissinger might Dr. Larson also noted that IRS has for
to eith e r the House or Senate Judiciarv years concJuc.ted a. vendetla agajnst UB-
huve lo pill all intelligence under the su- Committee, which oversee the F.B.I. ,
pervision ol' the s ubvers ive forces he rep- ERTY LOBBY and its officials: "IRS
resents, which could resul I in inrc.:rven- It won't help to remind our readers has levied assessments agaJ°rist LI BERTY
tion in the Mideast, a probability LIB- that ever since Dowdy's indictment, we LOBBY which l feel certain cannot be
ERTY LOBBY has often warned against. have been saying that he was on ly the sustained even under its own· laws and
pening wedge in. the ath:mpt r.o tliscretlit regulations. This, gentlt:rne n, constiluces
Congress . Bul iL may do some goo<./ I simple persecution and can have no ,pur-
warn again that there will be more. pose except to silence an org-anintion
Liberty Letter readers will recall that that spc11ks for sa nity and economy in
LIBERTY LOBBY came to the defense LETTER TO THE EDITOR government."
of Rep. John Dowdy (D-Tex.) at the EIJ ITOR : What is the gesture that Boh Lyo ,1. Terry Although not all members were pres-
,.,utset of his troubles more than two years Oaks and Ron Long give in the piclllre on pllgc. J of ent, the Committee listened attentive ly.
1he May issue?
ago, when he v. ;is indi ctu l on lrn mped up 'f/my t1r(r "fr"':t 1hr " Tux Strike Pun<'h," 11 luJ~i,r \, Rep. Joel Broyhi!J (R-Ya . ) lacer asked
bribery charges, which had the effect of ;:Nwre tl,:nll, 1 Jn~i: c/Nium:r oj the / t1tltu uJ J.:0''¢rum~111 . several questions and commended LIB-
M11~11 a fi.<1 wu/1 e ither rhr right or INt 111111d ,wd. /111/II
granting imn'llmity from prosecution to a it rrt chest le, e/--Ed. ERTY LOBBY for its efforts in behalf of
gang of real swindlers. Jacksonville, Fla. tax equity.
To date we have merged with five or~
ganizations after the leaders decided that
their efforts would be most effective RICHMOND, VA., Apr. 26 {LLNS)-
when tied into our program. Save Our Schools of Virginia, one of the
LIBRARY Here is your key to greatest effective- most a·ctive local groups affiliated with
ness! Help us build LIBERTY LOBBY ACTION NOW, held an enthusiastic
into the greatest force in Washington. The meeting tonight preceding the Washington
HY IS IT that so many folks 1rnve anti-busing rally.
W the notion that merely read ing
books, passi ng pamphlets, listening to a
best way to do this is to increase the cir-
culation of Speakers included David Borella,
Mulga, Ala.; Mary Ann Christofano,
speech or attending an anti-communist LIBERTY LETTER Denver, Colo.; Clay Smothers, Dallas,
meeting has some effect ag,1i n~t the Tex.; Col. John Warnock, Camden, Ark.;
to one million subscribers.
growth of. communism? T his is the mis- and James Wong, San Francisco, Calif.
taken idea that hqs brought nothing but As readers know, the purpose of Lib- They stressed the big job ahead for op-
dcf\'.!;1t aft:ec . defeat ·in the ball le to pre- erty Letter is not only to inform you of ponents of compulsory busing, and the
se rve our•qiberties:·: · vital and interesting facts. The purpose of absolute necessity of cooperation if the
The tr uth. is, "we ~n:" soon goi ng to be Liberty Lei/er is to get the reader acti- movement is to succeed.

1·· ·J::~~:::::·:~. l
the best-educated slaves in the world un- vated. Each month, page 1 concentrates
less we start winning more battles than on one bill before Congress, urging read-
we have. ers to take a carefully-thought out course
The truth is, only organized political of action.
action can do the job. All the talk in the Meanwhile, our legislative staff works
world will not stop the enemy. That is here in Washington on that same legisla-
why, tion, personally contacting congressmen •••**A,..,......,.-,.• A• AUc• il I, AIi"***.....,..
and senators. This way, they feel the NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: If
17 YEARS AGO you are not a Member of the Board of
"heat" both from their constituents who
LIBERTY LOBBY was started. From write them and from our lobbyists. Policy, you probably have not read the
the beginning, it was lo be different from So you see, Liberty Letter is FAR May issue of Liberty Lowdown, sent with-
all other patriotic groups then existing- out charge to all Members of the Board of
MORE than a mere newsletter. And its Policy. Here is proof that the publisher of
and it has not changed a bit from its value is worth far more than a mere $5 a supposedly "conservative" magazine in
Original Plan. per year. New York-National Review-is actually
While the other groups were educa- Subscribers also receive other benefits, a member of a pro-Red China/front group,
tional or religious in nature, LIBERTY too, such as the EMERGENCY Libertv the National Committee on United States-
LOBBY was going to take up where they tellers. Let's make June , China Relations, along with more than
left off-to use that education in a prac- 200 one-worlders, reds and CFR leaders.
tical way-to take political action, in THE BIG MONTH To receive the Lowdown every month,
other words, right where it countso on the join the Board of Policy.
for Liberty Letter. If you sell three or Sorry for the delay in shipping orders
lawmaking body of the United States- for None Dare Call It Conspiracy. It was
the Congress. more subscriptions to your friends, neigh-
bors or club members, there is a 50% caused by the failure of the publisher to
IT HAS WORKED deliver.
commission! Many clubs have found this CORRECTION. For the first time in
as you can tell by looking over our Vic- a good way to make some extra money memory, we goofed! Last issue of Liberty
tory List pamphlet. for their treasury as well as to assure that Letter reported that "Rep." John Schmitz
Yes, we have reason to be pleased their members are kept well-informed spoke at the Tax Strike Meeting in L.A.
about the past. And, what about now? and consistently activated in the direction It was actually Mr. John N. Schmitz, a
Well, never before have we been so active of good government. San Gabriel economist who spoke, not
and effective. Through our Save Our Any way you look at it, your personal Rep. John G. Schmitz, of Tustin. Califor'
efforts to increase the circulation of Lib- nia boasts two outstanding Schmitzes.
Schools Program we established Action The one who spoke has developed a way
Now, a confederation of almost l 00,.J.ocaL erty Letter are re_v.:_aff(ing ,both for Y.9!,!T to get your employer to stop' withholding'
anti-forced busing, pro-freedom of choice Country and for yo urself. Some folks find part of your earnings.
groups. Through friends in Congress we that they can easily make ten or twenty The April issue listed Rep. Ray Roberts
are kept u,p-to-the minute on how many dollars a day selling Liberty Letter door- (D-Tex.) as not having signed the Free-
congessmcn have signed the discharge pe- to-door. Can you think of a better way to dom of Choice Amendment discharge pe-
tition for the Freedom of Choice Amend- circumvent the CFR-controlled "free tition and did not list Rep. Chet Holifield
ment, and we are working hard to get press" with the truth? (D-Calif.l, indicating that he had signed.
Particu larly this e lection year, people The reverse is correct: Roberts had
reluctant congressmen to use this route to signed; Holifield had not.
bypass the Judiciary Committee. are interested in politics. With your rec-
If you've received a solicitation recently
Our NatiQna l ,TaxAction Program has ommendation, they'll snap up Liberty from New York using the name, "Tax-
blazed the lrnil for 'Tax Equity. Today, l.erter at the low subsc ription price. Note action," it's not from LIBERTY LOBBY.
everyone is talking about taxing the tax- th e coupon at the bottom of this page for Just another group using our stolen mail-
exempt foundations and the super-billion- full details. ing list.
aires who pay no taxes and passing the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,; _ _ _ _ _ .. C,11 C,~t}t1pn,1 ll i'r~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...
savings on to the working man. That is
our idea; i_t gained popularity through our j Dear LIBERTY LOBBY:
The Great Tax Fraud, by Dr. Martin A. I I want to help get a million subscribers to LIBERTY LETTER. I understand that the subscription
Larson, and through affiliation with many I price is $5 for one year, $10 for 3 years, $15 for 5 years, $25 for 10 years and $50 for Lifetime.
hundreds of local tax protest groups. I I also understand that my commission is 50%, but to qualify I must send in at least 3 new sub-
I am happy to enclose the names and addresses of ....... .............. new subscribers, with all
I Information clearly printed or typed, including the number of years for which they have subscribed.
has a solid record of continuing accom- / I also enclose check or checks for $ ..................., which is 50% of the amount I have collected,
plishment and success over the years that I the other 50% being my commission, which I retain for myself or our group.
cannot be matched. ! My own name and address appear correctly on the reverse of this Coupon.
t,e;i - Ju t.e , <-t \ - l b-J..
Anti-Busing Forces Rally
WASRlNGT0N . Apr. 27 (LLNS) - Rep.
Norman Lent (R-N.Y.), sponsor of the
ons1itutional Amendment to sto,p forced
busi ng, told several ~
By Rev. Stanley M. Andrews
hundred forced busing ··
By the time our readers get to this col- opponents that 66 more
umn some of us will have attended a signatures were needed
parent-sponsored conference here in on the discharge peti-
Washington dealing with the new Chil<;I tion to get the amend-
Care bills which have been introduced in One Senator says "Congress has almost ment to the floor for a !IPJ~\ ii:A!'II• _
Congress. reached the point of immobility," Pres- vote. - _1~ ~ ,-1r; L
A new organization to many, the Na- sure from YOU and other aroused pa- _ Thi! rall y cl imax eµ · a O • - '~

tional Coalition on the Crisis in Educa- triots can -help get the Legislative Branch "March on Washi_n.g-\ . ~":7t.,pt1stofano _
tion, has been organized to oppose the off dead center. .- Mahiis~' 'frl!lrt1 ° lhe South
lOll." " Walking
massive government child development met those hiking from lhe North just 0(11-
programs, sensitivity training in the, Taxes~The · American taxpayer was s/de the District and walked togetlier to
schools, in-school sex education, and the soaked further when the Senate author- the Capitol. Following the rally, Mrs.
abolition of the neighborhood ~chool. . ized $1.6 billion to -the international Mary Ann Cristofano, president of Unit-
The National Coalition first met in bankers (via International Monetary e:d Schools Against Forced Busing, Den-
Chicago three years ago -to discuss sex Fund, et al.). Coupled with $-320 milli0n 'fF, Colo., re1n.rine<.1 in Wnshington s_ev-
edm:ation and I was honored to speak for to the International Development Asso- cnll days to complete. a survey. She con-
the -Maryland delegates. This time, of ciation earlier, thi~ may indicate another tacted every Representative personally or
course, we represent more than 75 local U.S. dollar devaluation soon. Since the by letter to learn his stand on the issue of
groups throughout the Nation opposed to money is for poor nations, why can't the forced busing.
forced busing. U.S., with the biggest debt in the world, In a later development, Warren S.
ACTION NOW and LIBERTY LOB- qualify? Richardson, LIBERTY LOBBY general
BY's own Save Our Schools state coun- counsel, appeared on a TV panel on this
cils are proud to join in this larger battle Child Development-S. 3010 and S. subject. On May 5, Channel 5, Washing-
lo save our children from dictatorial con- 3228, the new version of child control, ton, presented an hour and a half discus-
trol by professional educalors. appear to be moving out of committee sion program "Has Busing Reached the
This -'new ''Dev il's mess'' is a nightmare and to the Senate floor. The plan is to End of the Line?" Richardson and sev-
packet of legislation which includes move legislation such as expansion of eral others ably presented the case
money for the head start program, as well Headstart, then tie on Legal Services and against forced busing.
a5 ·for a network of-preschool educational Child Development as · amendments: By " ChanneJ, 5 announced the results of its
services for most children including the the time these bills get to the voting stage, own forced busing survey: 88% against,
controversial "development day care pro~ they'll contain the same radical measures 12% for. .
grams for parents who are workingY that the President vetoed last year. Let
This, of course, is a mask to force thou- your Senators know your views. LIBERTY LOBBY needs funds to continue and
e)lpand Its work , Contributions cratefully ac,
sands of housewives into the labor mar- Presidential War Powers-The Senate
cepled In cash ar securities . If l11tc rested In
In cl uding this lns!ltullon In your WIii, lnlo r-
ket. No wonder the big corporations fa- m~llon will be sent upo n reque~t.
took a step toward restricting U.S. in-
vor these proposals. None of them pay volvement in foreign wars with passage
women workers the rates received by
of the War Powers Act. It allows the of the UN, should get priority treatment
President to commit American service- now that some Congressmen are attack-
If these proposals are adopted we will
men to battle on foreign soil for only 30 ing the purchase of chrome from Rho-
be started on the path already trod by the
days wit hout_ ~ougressiona l consent, and desia, and insisting that . we buy from
children of the So•,1iet and Israeli--fa.mily
voids any ' furth er -American troop com- Russia, on the grounds that U.N. sanc-
communes! The government will secure
mitments in prior treaties. This appears tions supercede Congressional action. Pa-
entire authority over your children. It is
to be a big step toward keeping U.S. triots must insist on getting the U.S. out
necessary that you write, wire, or call
armed forces out of the Mideast or other of the U.N. before it is too late. Urge
this week your Members of Congress ex-
hot spots. Let your Representative know your Representative to sign Discharge
pressing your opposition, since the bills
how you feel on this subject. Petition No. 10 if he has not already done
are due to come up for a vote soon. Wire
today! U.N.-H.R 2632, to get the U-5. out so, so the House can vote· on this issue.

Published each month by LIBERTY

LIBERTY LETTER 134 LOBBY. Subscription price, $5.00 per Sell
300 INDEPENDENCE AVE., S.E. year. Second-Class postage paid at
6/72 Washington, D C. Newsstand price
WASHINGTON, D. C, 20003 50¢ per copy.
to Liberty Letter-and
Please F76718 SY~ 0273 N
-. niake $1 $ $ o(J
GENERAL DE LIV rn"Y See article and coupon on page 3
FORM 3579 FL 33858

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September . 27, 1972.

.h· ')_- /(J~ ?flI~
. ·" b7 C
Long Beacn,-California 90807
"'\ ·
Dear I ~
'\ .
In reply to your letter of September 20th~ infor-
mation in .our files must be maintained as confidential in ~
accordance with regulations o.,f the Depa.rtrnent of Justice
and I am, therefore, unable to\comply with.yo?r request for _ :.
data regarding the John 1?irch Society and the Liberty Lobby • . · • -~., .'
::. .
.' I regret that r cannot be of assistance in ' this instance.
: :

·,. :, ,.:::·
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Sincerely yours r ', ,; ~-
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1..~... . · -·. FEU
• _., •. .
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n g Director ·

NOTE: The Liberty Lobby and the Jo~n :~iici~,Society are well
known to the Bureau. Correspondent ,>isf'='ho'f.· _i dentifiable in
l'clt _ _ __ Buf iles. · ···· ··· ··'~ · ·
l!ukcr _ _ _ _

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20, 1970 ..

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Dear Sirs: ·. . . . '•

. .
() :
It - is very important to me to have the Federal Bureau
of Investigation's opinion about the Birch sciciety and the
Liberty Lobby.

To my way of lliinkirig there has long been ~uch contra-

-~ -
versy abo~t the Ei~ch-~ociety and recently a small newspaper ·. -~
titled,. Choice : :1 972 'from the Liberty ·Lob'cy~ 30.0 Independence ·
. . .
A\·e~ · s.E., · Washine;ton D.c .• became known to us.
. ... ,., . ..... .. .
.. :,...
It would · be so appreceated if somGone in your df;partment · ·~
·couJ.d set my' mind ·::straigh_t on rather th_ese organiz,ati::ms are . ~
to ':.:,e · trusted· or.. :just a front: ·ror. Communism ·they are supp::;f;ed ·
... .
•• '
tc be fiGhting • . _,-.-:; _. ..... .,J· "--~-
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Very sincerely,• · ·e,
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(EI) · 62-106941 . ~

,: '
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.1:~ · 1.:-1
, . .
' .. .·
Date:: February 1 1 . 1973 '

,, ,
To :: ·Honorable Dean Burch
Chairman .
Federal .Communications Commission b6
R«:,~ 814·
:. .. -1,9.;~9 M Street,. Northwest .
we;_~}:llngton, J)., C.,· 20554 .
. il~· ..
~ ~
, ;;;• :. '
! ' ,• ~ I • ._ ' • • •

From:· : l..\';1;Patri ck G'?'.BY , III , Acting Director . )

. I

I •

\i(. .:...._
Subject:. ~~ERty WID3Y . . __,.,.,.,...


o~Lanuar), 26, 1973,1

Ir------I F~~~:r-al Co~ication x ···· ' · • · • • · s .
sentatlves ,~f this Bureau with a copy of a -letter dated
January 3, :~_ ~7.3, · .addressed to you from Senator Barry Goldwater '!,
The let~er ·~~ported a contact of ·an amateur radio operator
by a representative of the Liberty lobby,for the purpose of
. . · ;itermining i>~thethe:.-:· · thfs radio operator would act as an ·
_I ....··· emergency radio station i,n the event of a national. emergency.

~) ✓
:; t:a~~~rt~ ;;::;.atirul ~onfi~; ;;~;e,o;
inquired as to whether this Bureau possessed I
. The Liberty Lobby' has ~ot:©\E;en invesdgat:ed by . .
this _Bureau~,· Inforn:iation which has been prov~ded to us.:
, .. indicates ·it was org ·1 ~1 , · .for .the purpos·e of ·
~~: ~~~r • "reversing ·t;.he dange o,us trend t rd social~z~tl~n internally
to weaken "obf:-r e ~aer-,·

? ., ·. · '
Mr: ~allahan _ · • and to defi.e.h_t the in f:rtirl" efJft:9:
Mr. Clevelnnd _ i\ , . . ,~ ...
Mr. Conra<l _
!Ir. Gebhardt -
• ~ J'ltN'l'ltifDII f
'!',!!~~~v.u!._l!iJ • .
• • ~j,
J... ~ ,..; •. :,. ' FBI ->
~ •
' '
• (Z· ' ff 8 5 1973 •~
1 , • .I
\Ir. ,Jenkins _
\1r. Marshall -
ERS: b . ·, • ' '• ·~ ',• II !'-r--.
\1r. Mdler, E.S. _ · • • .t I t .._..
1 15
\Ir. '. "~ -
\Ir.Soyars _
\Ir. 'l/,1lters ____
Tele floom_•

. ~·,


-tiv ... ,

7~ . .
: · ,•r
,• . • ~
.: C,'
.' .,',:',,• , C,z· 1
. ,. : ·::· 'SEE
Mr. Kinley_•
Mr. Armsl".'n~ -
Mr. Bowers _ _
•• , . .

Mr.Henngt:on_ r r r \



• ;'

~ -8· E.B1·.21snltJJ1 .
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~£v&A- '. --r;·-. .,.';Al\•' ·:.

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Ms~ Herwlg _ · ~.:. P { ••.• ~ ..

• ' , • • J.,._;. ,'. ' ' , \. • • •• '- · · . ,. •· ' ,. · ·
Mr. Mintz__ , ·, J


:~ ,..
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·- ,
·. •

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.. ,., .. .. .

., ...

.. .
·: '

Honorable :Qean Burch

Chairman ~ ·
' Federal
. Conmrunications .Commission
. -.

to international co~i~~~• · It is · self"."descr:l.bed 'a·s. a ~ " . ·

patriotic· pressure group which stands fo~ ·constitutio~l .
law, Americanism and· individualism and.opposes "bureaucratic .
dicta~orship, giveawat inter~a~io~lism. and· collectivism.'! · ·
· The· files of . this Bureau· contain' no additional ..
iri~ormation indicating that·the Lil,erty·Lobby is interested
· in or is · engaged in· estab~ishing an emerg~cy communications:.
system ...
,'" 1 I

J; • •

,, ·· . ·- The Bureau .- representatives referred o n who
met• \-{~th I
were Inspector I
Supetv(sorsl and_..____ _ _ _ _ ___. The •inf or- I
. mat-i_o n . b~ing provide~ the Federal ommu_n cation~· -Comm.~_ssion
.. regarding the "Llberty Lobby was extracted from pub~ic_-·source
- materi~l. ·

... ",1

~ . p ' ~

. '


., ..
- 2 -
·-. -~
l.:lAf"~RY GOLDWATER \ CO_M l-41TI"l';;fC'5_r
• AAl7<.>N,_
- ~.c N1~Ln'lcAL AND SPAC:E: ' 5<:,i.C.:NCL=i
~,."'-... .... ~· !1
P·;;c,.-.r-i_-;:o~c~':a,!~ATIN;-:, .<-;";!>Jl~~l,f,~~:n r:.i:
- ,,-sc..~l--.
-J ->it
,..._.....,..~. 1,, n'I> " l 0- .,~~.·
. ... • TA.:..ilCAL AIR POWER SUt-CC-MMil·iE!

• . . -~.h.,;.CO
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~.1.,-.. . a .. c,.;., "..'qi:,.",,.t.- .
ir ~- ·,
N,•,:t1GNAL. s-r~/'1.PIU; 11r,::- MAVA.L Pci-_q•;,u~!J-~
R'°6-i: ..."{E~ SUOC.CMM~,..-.-:S.'l
WASHING"fC•N, 0,C, 2-0510

January 3, 1973
-~ ... ~ Wi
;f,~~i- r~
c;J -~:::c r-
• ;;- ;.,-;1 .-::. ..o
...... -- ~
....... -~;::
The Honorable Dean Burch> Chair~1:aI1
Federal Co!nmunicaticns Commission
Hashington, D.C.

Dear Dean: night I had a call that was the damndest thing I've heard of
in a l_ong > long .time and I thlnk you should know a.bout it.

I we.s called by t.he wife o:f an amateur radj_o o:oera tor that I know,
1.,·-wo very sensible, sane peor;le. 'I'hey had been visited by the
Liberty Lobby to see if they would act as an emergency :radio stati:,n
in the event of' trouble and would he be willing to provide his
station with an auxiliary generator so that he could wo:rk during
times of national emergency, even thOl:g:i al';la.teur radio might be
closed down. I thoug:1t you might like to 1--,.now abou.t this because
if Lioerty Lohjy is d:)ing this, I _tr1inlt ,-1e 01_1_ght to speak to t":-,em
about it bE:cause e.rr.a or anyone .o:,::ierati.,:c,5 during the tj_me of
national closecio\,·n would be in violation.
[{ .
Wit.~1/ wi.shes, , ._( . fJ}



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_V:'/vt/i/;.<.,:-. .L
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Barry 007wa 1.1er

~½ /'CJ/1 //f ST~ tcr,. . , l

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t -~ -- Io t:, .9 ¥ I - I cr3
~~ gcm.JVKl1. .... _ __ _
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I ~

MAY 11111 EDIT10N -·
asA"PPMR (., d'R) 101•11.I .

Memorandum .t


CC TO : r lc.u:.L.____,__
REQ. REC'D. J l:::5..~7_3_
CONCERNING SY:_ E.l)____ )<
(00: WFO) t b2
b 7D
Enclosed for each the Bureau, Alexandria and
Baltimore is one copy of a characterization of Liberty
Lobby. _...

On 3/13/73J Jadvised that Liberty

Lobby, a private organi zation wi h headquarters at 300
Independence Avenue, S.E., Washington, D.C., which is
engaged in publicizing and promoting conservative political
objectives, had begun disseminating a recorded telephone
message called "Liberty Line" to the public ·at ·Washington,
D.C. telephone number 543-1776.
\ ~
The current "Liberty Line" message announces =-i
inauguration of a five-minute radio broadcast entitled ~
"This 1s Liberty Lobby" over Radio Station WDON (Wheaton, Clll!';.~
Maryland) at 10:45 a.m., Monday through Friday. This
program reportedly be~an 3/12/73. The message is given
~~.... ;;r""\
'""'"'"' ~
~-. .;!\\..a.:~. ~ '

~ '.', ~ t:._ Y)
by CURTIS B. DALL, chal['man of Liberty Lobby, who indicates ~ c:· ;-..I-..__
that Liberty Lobby will air important issues omitted by ~i-~e=
o:-,,,--a ~ ---.a
('~") ..,__
the news media, such as the leftist leanings of Secretary .._:. ~ ·• ·i
~ .,.., . ~
-:~LLIOT RICHARDSON, United States Department of Defense.
·•••- ~ u.,:>-'';;',j·~
Inasmuch as Liberty Lobby's radio program and ~-~ ;::, \.~
recorded telephone message will be av/a ilable to citizens ~ ~ ~ ~
in suburban Maryland and Virginia, as well as in Washington~~~ ~
D.C., and will undoubtedly result in numero~s inquiries of = -~~~~
the Bureau by the public, WFO is enclosing for the Bureau, ..,,_J ~~ i«:
Alexandria and Baltimore a characterization of Liberty c=:a:: ~ ~ ,

Lobb y prepare d by WFO . "c..
~ Bureau
( Enc l ) ~C.'-? Rt.C-?.i ~~~ /1 61
Al e xandr i a ( Enc
~ u~e.

1- Baltimore (Enc 1) (Info)

( I nfo)
· ·
. J <~
rIr/ e:,.
I ~
b 7C

1- WFO EX-1..ll
i',1,v.:..- ~ . a MAR 23 1973
.' ,, J;"'' ·, fl'~-
EKP:tsm .: -~ .'l
( 5)
.~APR 4 \973 /JJ,,y j, ""''°' i· c· r . ..
Buy U.S. Sa1Jings Bonds Regutarly on the Payroll Savings Plan
. r -:
r• •·
1., :., -..
-.• . , ,- LI13EPll Y. LGIJBY

,. ..
Liberty Lobby ·wns founded in the L:-~~tcr rart of 1957 by
Willis ,Hlison Carto. It was cr~ated for thE: purpose of ir.i!)ress-
' ing upo:;:-i no.tional legislators in ;/ashingto:1, D. C. the conserva-
tive poJ.itical viewpoint of the constituency it purports to
represent. This objective -rerortQdly is a,.~'.-t5_eved by rersonal
visits to the offices of indivi&Jal con3r2ssmen by Liberty Lobby
representat.i ves ,,nd by urging its quarter-;;1i llion subscribers to
pressure legislators on a specific issue jy a flood of corres-

Colonel Curtis B. Dall, former srr~-in-law of President

Franklin D. Roosevelt, has the title of C'::2i"!"Ii',an of Liberty
Lobby, but Carto, who holds the ?Osition 0£ Tr2asurer, reputedly
itf the ''real guiding force" in the qrganL:2.tion.
i. Described as a constitutionalist, centrist organization,
l . Liberty Lobby is said by its spokessen to b2 ,.,orking ;.fithin the
. {
. t-.O system for constitutional government and .:,; .?.inst c0ntralized
~,pm1er and alien ideology of both the left a~d the right. Its
. ~ critics, howe·1er, see Liberty Lobby as th ,2 r:1-1r.~1eyor of tl.. inly
~ ~ ~
. ()Ji LSguiseC1 ,•;I:1tl?. .r- • • ,.'. - .~ -·- r .... -.: ..... ~
rac.1-SL ~lnt.1-- ..)•:=L:.J..L..i..C , ·- ____ ...
- . :
;:;,,:.: , , L.~ ... ,•.:: '1~ cH,-...
_ ,! __ __ _ __ .., --~ ...........
.. ~ _Y"'\ . . .
·,-,0:...c ..
..... 1
•• -=- I~\ · o\Ter
· b ase o f .1 ._ "h ard rl.·0h•·
l.-nou 0.,.::1 t t o
.... c L. 11 ....
.,.,n1s • su bt~"'... _....r::iri .,. _, 1.s
,.. ____...~r., ·
r "'
r--:f} "-! , 0

eri Ve f. r o m Carto I S .:1eV0tl.0D

• h
I) l
. ·1 0:3 or-ny e :-:ri::-2s sea' 1.n
•1 • '
to tne .
~ .:~~ ~~{Q .. ' rancis Parker Yod--ey ' s book, Ir::perium \ ,~~· "t:-eatise tho.t
11 1

bJ ~;~':)
(·- ~-,, d'
raises ~le stern :~wrope a n culture c1nd desc::~i ;: 2.s Je~1s, Uegroes,
d ot h er ninori
. . ties
~ c -: 1 ~~~ 1ans an as I cu ,.... ture (1ist.ort-2rs
.. Ill

I:. - .... '""'1=!1
p'l. - ,
~ t .. I r, --••-"l '
c;_";~ ~• •~ , "\.
- ~--v In }_.,1 0V"',.,.,ber 1q70 T1."b 0 rty · Lo'ob·,7 ~-
_ • . _ 1 1•. ~r~
.ci •~
C , : .
. , ,..,tenu. to h..,,ri.:i
- ) .n-.1
-n, ... ,~ - ] 0. .__...... , C. .·. V - <...'1.

:,. j ~ ..::J'\: nnunI · inco r.1e of rrom $300,000 to .;;i8J0,0u.i) -7,r,d rorr. 1·•two
~j r. ·,1~ . mployees t hen .s t affed the Liberty Lo bt.7 £-,_,ilding at 300 Inde'Jend-
: /,;;: ;.:.c-·~l\:, 7nce Av e nue, S. :::: ., '.-la shing. ton, D. C. " .. r. ,~ firs"t issue of Liberty
~ ~ ~ ~obby's -p~ bl ication, 11 Libe rty L? tter", a:::,!~2J. r~d in J,.nuary, 1961,
...,.,..~ ~~
.,.' ' ., ~ nd by :fo v en'b e r, 19 70, th e or 0~2.nization ·, :-: re .0orted to have 0
' • .'..:;

•~ t . . . ! ! . J J ~--
50,000 ::5U b sc _1.bers on 1c~.- c vmpu.t_r1....,e -~ .. .__.,_ _i.1 :~ J.._st. -ln .J_.n-~.rY,
--,•.:::ti • , . , ~ . . . , :~ . ; ~ • T ( ' t j ;
,.... • • • - "":";:_11:::,

1966, a second :)Ublication; 'Liberty Lo·.:c '.J 0 -.n , ,,hich was descri'o2d
1 11

as a "Conf id-2ntia.l Report on :lcl.shi n;ton <', :-.-:i ,·ror1_d E,Vents", was
offered to supporters ~rilli~g to pledge at least a dollar a month
to T~i• b erty .~o·
, b'oy. ..,.... , '
lnese r~ecgers .
a1so .
c • ~~~1s2 •LlCPrty
.. ..,LOt0y
, l Is
Board cf Policy 2.nd uere estir:1c1ted in th::: :a.tt2r '.Hrt of J.971 to,,
number'73,COO or 25,000.

'I11 rou 6 h a c o:7tpl2x of ass o cL:·, tio ::-:~· •·.\,!~-). r-...~ ~_;_ ,... ~1 •- ..c:-:.: -..-_ i.. O ri-•l -··-Lu
,· , <""

directora tes, Liberty Lobby has h~Lped t < ·:·,,lse c ;· :-:1?c1i~n . - fun<ls )

for conse~vative ~o:itical candidates~ s~

. ?~~ /() '70-
~,.,t-, -b1usino-
~/-~--er-- -
, ' \ ~ ';- ,:) ,-!


·-r,_.._ . . .. .

.. ,,. -··,, ,.· ·-..

•. ,
·:··- · · ·· ·•.· . ·ENCLOSUHc.;· ,.· , ..;-
. •·. ,. .. '.::_ :=..---_:.-'• . _ , • I' , ~·
:·:·,,·.•.r:: ?~7_:·_r '·'''":''
. -~r
·, /"
~ . ".',~
:. -

advocates and the -white-controlled governmeri-c of Rhodesia,

~ ..
· ---
... . ,.
. -
and backed a nur.1ber of "ultra-conservative" pµblications.
Among these groups and publ·icatioris are: Uni°ted Congress-
ional Appeal; Action Now; the former Friends of Rhodesian
Independence; 111\.merican llercury"; and '"Wnshing_ton Observer

Youth for Wallace was set up by Carto to promote

the candidacy of Governor George C. Wallace in the 1968
presidential election. TI1is group, supported by Liberty
Lob~y and ::•ersonne1 ., .subsequently be.came the nuc-
leus of the national Youth Alliance, uhich has been
cribed in the.past as "hard-core right" and, more recently,
· under new leaclershi p inderenclent · o·f Car to' s influence, ''neo-
Nazi". ~eportedly, i·s soT::e ev:id~nc.e of -clLrect support
lfy Carto for "Statecraft", a "supe·r-o·bnoxiously racist and
anti-semitic" tabloid published by.C. E. Baker which often
features 11 srnear 11 attacks upon Cctrto's _political enemies.


.. . Sources: 1) "Power· Base f,o~ Hard Right", .a-rtic~le appearing

in "T'ne ',f ashington Post and Tim~s i1erald", a
daily newspaper published at Washington, D~ c.,
issue of 5/16/71, pp A-1 & A-8. ·

?.) · "Liberty Lobby Does All Right By Itself", article

appe~ring in "Tne ',f ashington ?ost and Times Her:1.ld 11 ,
issue of 11/15/70, pp D-1 & D-16.

3) "The Strange Story of ~lillis Carto", article

appearing in,.-~ the "!·T2. ti onaJ. Review", issue of
9/10/71, Vol •- :-::111, !!o. 35, p 978.


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advised that LibeYty Lobby wsG an organiz~tion with headquarters

a.:t ~~()0 I11cJ.e1)e11d.er1ce J\ver11-1c, S~ E., 1JasL11r1g.t~c•r1, Dd C.> . ,,:t1j-ci1 1

-:•. s~.mght to promDte conse:r-vati'le ph.ilosophy and. pol:l.cies throt1gb

" .,~,.~ the circuJ.atio:1 of p.Y'inted :na.t eria1 t..:; its membership and
s Li.p po:rters e.nd by its J.obby:Lng activities on Gani tol Hill.
~~ J',.H1c!rt.y Lobby was founded b:y- WILLIS .ALLISiJW Ci,R'I'O > and Colonel
CURTIS B. D.L:.LL Wets currently j_ts cha.irman.

~.; I 1ta
( 1· 1
C<r,t 1
... ---C.J-J
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0f:f".ic~~ have cop1e s 0 11 • t· J_s_ bo0klet, X,.:::rox copi2s are enclo.:::ed. b6
The bool;.let contai:· :, .·-= .J ilts of' ~n. intervi;:rn with Colonel
CURTIS D!-1LL, the s ...,n-in-law of,t F.RANKLE;

It.I' Jo- /{p-

R00SEVii:L'.l', DALL s·:: ~ted tirnt hE; weJ.comf:d tht::1 oppor·tuni ty to
113 11_
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bring the true sto:cy of' the events that led to the attack
at Pearl Harbor on 12/7/41. DALL s~id that this attack was
not only provoked but we1Cbni'~ lj by the Irrternc.ttional Banking
Cartelists and their ag:?-nts working v1ithj_n the higher echelon
of gov(-~rnment with the Unj_ted States. He wrote - .that it was
fully known, well in advance with enough notice to have
a·vc.rted the c a tastrophe which :::'eJl upon the peace-·loving people
of both our great nations. DALL said that the cartelists
deliberately broughtr on world war and these same international
war conspirators and their agents surrendered eastern Europe
to internationa.l cormnunism. DALL said tha.t _they d.eliberate1y
extended the war t:) allow the 11 Red· Russian b:itchers" to take
over Horth Korea. DALL said f' that he would show that
tl1e dest:r-uc· of I-Jir:::) and N~asaki were ocde :ced a.fte.:r
the Japanese Government had made official overtures for peace.


'N-:> further a:c:tion being take!! by i.i'OS Angele·s Office

regarding Liberty Lobby. Los Angeles indices contain no record
of Educato1~ ;·' ublicati.ons or The l'Jo.t i.onal :::ducatoro

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(secrets of Pearl Harbor)
·~ An Interview With Col. Curtis Dall


Anthony J. Hilder

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-..-1:c Special printing by ~t.~~. . ..


JOO INDl!Pl!f'IO!r<CII.AVJI ,Se., 0 C 20003
Lober.berg received his masters degree in graphic design from Publi shed by :
?. the University of California at Los Angeics Mr. Lobenbcrg's EDUCATOR l'UllLICATIONS
di) explosive cover reflects l1is unique talent in working with the Box 333 'r,i(f
Fullerton , Calif. 92632
~ author to grnphically depict the essence or global deceit and



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" Over rhe past two-and--0ne-ha!f decades, tile American people
:1. '

• • ""

have heard a number of stories concerning rhe event known

j to history as Pearl Harbor, which launched American involve-
ment in World War Two ~~-

TlLis book is (1cc!icated to the irrnocenr men, womer: and ~-:
cluld ,·cn wllo were 1r1ass-rnmci~rcJ in the rnos1 -.dou.s For one thi::g, ~ttemprs have been made in the past to t)
:11t'oc 1!le!iin 11 ~ l lis lOry ur Man ki11d - the d ro pping or Ifie portray President Franklin Delano Roosevdt as a man who If~
u10, 111 c. ~omu~ on ll•t Ofhlino sn cl N.1g11,;.1ki; lo lh~ nion of deliberately invited the Japanese attack, so as to allow him to bf~
['1:Jrl Harbor w!,o~t "hvc5 wur.:, sarnll,:ed" to se t !he i tn~c for get the Unite/ States into war on a solid footing.
\Voclrl Wac 11; tnd lo the "brave men" who gallantly fought iI!..~. ·;·
l and t_ti~d on ''both" sides of the conflict believing thal their Others have\aid other things.

blood was shed in the pursuit' ot f1cedom.

Some hi-)tortans have attempted to gloss over the whole
By presenting this document to the Freedom Loving People affair, portraying Roosevelt's ro:e in the great tragedy as
of Japan, exposi.ig t!1e events which led to World War IJ, it is merely that of a wen meaning m~rn who acciclently found

011r prnyer that we can prevent Worid War JI!.

Whatever the cost, we will destr:iy the "conspirators", whose

himself in a very bad position StiJI othe,s have alleged that
he not only knew full well exactly what the Japanese were
doing, but that Ile, in fact, conspired with them to bring on tt
crimes :.iJe ngainst humanHy ... for freedom to Jive they the Pearl Harbor catastrophe.
must die. Never in the annals of human history have so few i.
done so mucl1, so often, to hurt so many as tile International
Bankers and their W~r Lords of Washington.
A third group insists that Roosevelt rnd his many pro- .
Communist advisors wanted to involve America in the war
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The War Lords of Wa,·hington
'!· The War Lords of Washington

. ·l ~ ',I', ' '

.J;(~>!i--s~-:f'\;>' 0~r- .- ~~! • <"' · 1• '"'1 .....,.J . , .,
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against Germany-so that Russia could grab all of Eastern ~- ~. .::'.' •{ •'<.. rtr. . - .., ~r
:~i ij"l,- ···~-=
Europe- but that the J~.p~uese did not know, when they -~-·,,e. ,1, ·•::rl""'~"'n'i'l!q~.;.:~~ . -
i.J launched their attacl<; on liawaii, that they were being used as . ,,,.,,< ..·,•,; .
'•'! ~-:,.:,. ; . ;' , ,....,.,_,',,
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the catalyst. •m;.,,. , •J;' ...
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I, This book is an attempt to sci the reconl strnighl, o,1ce and
for all ,

~h)J2' ~ .,. : .·.~J•::-~1~ .i-f.,

Col. Curtis Dall. interviewed here by National Educator re-
pon~r Anthony ~lilder, is the former son-in-law oi' tile late
Prc~sic...ient, who was privy to mc1ny of the secret maneuvers
-t ·.
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that ,vent 011 in lhe White House :ind in the St;1tc Department
at that time. Betttr than any other living American, Dall is COLONEL IJALL'S INTIWDUCT!ON ~~i-
i able to put the er.tire affair into proper perspective-laying
the blame whe, (; it properly belongs I welcome this opportunity to bring you t~.c true story of the
events which led to t!1e attack at Pearl Ha, bor or. December
1 Some will disagree with his conc:usions-for reasons best 7, J 941. This 3tfack was n1)l onJy provokccl bnc welr.omed by

ltnown to themseives-but none can deny his facrs. the International B~mking Carte!ists and t], agents working

within the higher echelon of government within the United
THE PUBLISHER StJtes It was fully known-well in advance with ?nough
notice to have av0rted tl1e catastrorhe which fell upon the
~i -1
peace-loving people of bot}, our great nations These same
International Banking Cartelists cons~ire. for a world

dictalorship rhrough a one-world ll N. typo government, with
an international police force :.rnc.J a one-world currency . .
not for the emanciparion cf man but the enslavcmen t of
mankind. They seek to downgrade and destroy the great
culture and heritage of Japan and Americs. Under the guise
of promoting world peace, they delibe1atcly brought on
world war. TI·,ese same international w2r conspirators and
their agents deliberately delayed the end of World War I! so
they could set up the fall of China to Mw Tse-Tung. While
building your enemy on the Chines,, mainland, they

surrendered eastern Europe io international communism.

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The War lords of Washington The War Lords of Washington

: ·"' ff ~· ffe!ii:t !1:r.if''l/-;~'"I,·-,-~...,..- ,,.,. ,-.
~ - •-= . ''\.
They deliberately extended the war to a11ow the Red Russian ~. r-'r ·• •• ·ii;'i ,?J~;;,r;,l':1~1~:•,1-l,,
:~--,·1,"·~ ·, .·::.:.. f.::::~tL~~t~
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t ' tt>~ •~. . . .,.;,,~-- Hfi ;~'H.J{l~.~- I- ,~.. " '
butchers to take over North Korea-they then sold Japan's ~. 'th,~ ••\,-;at~
-A .. \.. j • ,~.~~~•~i
i '('. ·~ I ¥_' ,. """";, :i:U!;i ~ \
Sakhalin Island and your Kurile Islands to the North into
slavery, so as to give them a slrnlegic strangld1old at your .:, ~ ,: • /~,',~:f:\:':r1~~ .J yi~ ,_

throat. It was these international war conspi1ators, closely
associated with the Council ,,n Foreign Relations in Ilic
Un ired St:1tcs, th~it ord~rcd the d1opping or the ::itomic homh (.
i·,i<c: ,,,
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at Hiroshima and Nagasaki which mass-murdered innocent _(ct;,, ' ; ,,,.,......;
1-,.1 ' .,
•'I ~ • .. .
men, women and childrefi and burned babies aiivc in Lheir ,
. ~ _.., . ~.:§."\
-· 1 • •:,._- .;.
- '
, ; ; - .; - . ,

cribs. T!iis w,1111011
,1trol.!ity wns ,.;tu-p~:,;s<,:J only l)y lhe ~ --~:; s'' ,: ;. .~~..;· . ... .. ,' . :;: '
rnass;ic,c of Dresden l will show tlrnt th(; destruction of . s-. •, ,f· "' . _.• -~,
•.14~~~~!:_!l::;-..- ·:i.- - ,U'.UJ;~~,~~ ~~~;,~·•'~ 4

Hircshima nnd Nng~1.-.,1ki were ordered .iftcr-( rcpe,1t, i..lfter ~.~~ ----~ ~ -- -. .,;..; ...__. .,.. ~ .__,;J

. the Japanese government had made offic:al overtures for ADVANCE COMMENTARY
po;;nce. MR. HllDER: It· was Mondoy, Deccmbc-1 8, 1941, Japan ·r.1

time, and Sunday, December 7, 1941. American time-7:SS f-
Colonel Curtis B Da/1 in the morning At this moment, Pearl Harbor. the U.S Naval
Chairman of the Board Station on the HzwJiian !stands, was Stiddenly
Liberty Lobby, Washington DC. with the roar of 54 Jap:mc.:se dive lwmb.ers~ -15 fig.htc1 pbncs,
"J 40 torpedo bGmbers, and 50 low-level bomhers. At 8:00 a.m.

the U.S. Military 6and started playing the STAR SPANGLED
BANNER, :is simultaneousiy, the first eir torpc-do hit. At
8:10 a.m, the battleship ARIZONA bl~w. up. It seems :he

bomb landed alongside the second turre':. crushed through
the forecastle ... a ltuge ball of fire a!ld sn·oke mushroomed

500 feet :nto the air. By 8:50 a.m., a second wave of 35
figh lers. and 135 low-level dive bombers cn1werged on Pearl m)-_

The attack took the Commanding Officers, Admiral Husband


·1 ,J,1
E. Kimmel and Generai Walter C. Short, end men and
ships, by complete surprise.
On Monday, December 8, at 12:29, President Roosevelt was
in the Nation's Capitol lluilding where ali Representatives,

•6· .7.

------· ----- ~-yr;~~.~--~.~,-•·¥ ·•n,1 >~~..v~~Io;_,P.t~.r;-: i,i , · " 1 i " ~ ~-1.~~,!~'ti~e;:7..~ ~ ~ & . ~ ~ ~-·~ ~*f'"fhl3/il;-if~'
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-1 f
-·-~'. ~:~
The War lords of Washington The War Lords of Washcngron f :;,
_,, Senators, Cabinet Members, and Supreme Court Justices of
the U.S. had been invited-Roosevelt grasped the podium
COL. DALL: Yes, on February 13, 1967, 1 was fortunate to
have had a long talk with retired Admiral Husband A
beginning with this sentence: "Yesterday, December 7,
Kimmel, the Commanding Officer at Pea1 I Harbor on that
1941-a date which will live in i11famy-lhe United Slates of fatal day, December 7, I 941, who invited me to his home in
America was suddenly a11d de/iberntely attacked by Naval Groton, Connecticut, for this purpose. This o~casion was
and Air Forces of the Empire of Japan . ... I ask that the about twenty-six years lacer.

Congress declare that since the 1111provoked and dastardly
attack by Japan 011 Sunday, December 7, a slate of war has

existed betwee11 the U11ited Slates nnd the Japanese Empire," MR. HILDER: From your talk with Admiral Kimmel, and
from your own research, Colonel, what 1,roblcms must be ·.
:.j Colonel Dnll, why do you feel it in,pcrstive that the people explored with regard to Pearl Harbor? f,,
()f J2p:m hear this messnge?
'1 COL. DALL: Because it was the !:'earl Harbor attack that
COL DALL: An American must look at that event from two
angles Most Americans will feel that, no matter how '1

brought America into rhe Second Worlc.1 War via a devious explained, or attempted to be explained, it remains, on the \-
backdoor route, J8 H were, and f1om the \Var, America <:1n<l part of Japan, a surprise military attack on the United SLLl(es, ..;.:;
fopan received nothing but casualties, debt, and loss While in violation of International Law. an atlLlci that left 3303 of
our forc6s dead, Jnd 1272 wounded T.h~""._:;c men were 1101
1i - ~

Sovic.:t Russia and their intern~tlonal Socialistic Dictatorship

alerted, and were comrlelcly unprepared to defend

won half of Europe and Asia, we jn America got nothing
from it except 292,000 dead, 672,000 wounded, and a bill themselves! The second angle is a study 10 evaluate just what
for about 350 billion doiiars or obuut 126 trillion yen. As for forces in America connived lo provoke the a lt:.1ck, and
Japan tile near destruction of the Japanese Empire planned it so as tc, force the United Stetcs to declare war

i .,
concluded with tho :.1trocitics at Hiroshima :rnJ Nngasaki
which \Vere unparalle!ed In the history of the c°'rth Ins:ead of
against fapan. Such a decluration would huve to include
Germany and Italy, by the terms of the I g40 Tripartite '
\Vorid Peace, we got \Vor1d Wai with various bru:.-;h-fire Treaty Thci t foct was well understood by our State

wars-like Korea in 1950 Llnd Vietnam since 1961 And now, Department as well as the international bankers.
more souped-up rumblings and powcr-p!ays in the Near East
,. For these reasons, I have: conc.;rned myself with Pearl
MR. HILGER: Then, you believe it is a criir,e of astronomical
Harbor, and have studied its background and the make-up of
proportions that this attack was allowed io take place. But
Jhe forces that planned it
can we rig)ltly assume that the Japanese Gnvernment did not
wish the death of these men and only the destruction of the
MR. HILDER: Aside from the information you obtained United States fleet?
within the inner circle of America's high govermr.enl
officials, did your "concern" cause you to investigate beyond
COL. DALL: We Americans recognize rhat the surprise
Washington in the search for the true story of Pearl Harbor? attack on Pearl Harbor was not primarily directed at people,

- ~
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'l>~ l~:"'FI~ ~,

. . '' ;;·
The War lo rds of Was.1fftgton ; --:-~·
The War /,urds of Washi111;to11 .••

COL. DALL: Yes. indeed! F-:>r example, in the best laid
.. . . ~ l
or at civilian centers, but ror ou1 men in u11iform it surely
was a complete and fa!:il surprise. When they fin;illy realized
plans, someone is quite likely to ·'spill th" beans ." That is
ex.Jelly wlwt the then Secre/ary of War. Henry L. Stimson,
I ,,..
that the crashing bombs were from Japanese aircraft, did in his ui:lry entry for Novcrnber 25, 19•1 I. SECRETARY ~
~ccording to Walter Lo,d: "A seamun ·u11 rhe destroyer ST!MSON staled: "Th<" question was /Jo"' ,ve should
· :i MONAG!lAN wld Bua/swain's :'Hate: Tlwmas Donahue, ma11e1H'<'r rhem (lite Japanese) i11to firi11g the firs/ slior,
'Hell, I didn '1 even know they were sori! al 11st' ,. without allowing tuu much danw~e ro oHrsell·es. Jr \\las a r:
di/Jicult prupositiun."

MR. HILDER: Every patiiotic Ame,ican living felt the if
crushi!lg impact _of our ;sreol losses, but to b~liew thnt there t: .
MR. HlLD"ER: Ttrnt's a stunning confession coming from a
were those in our own government that pi·ovoked such an net
member of what has been c31Jed Amcric~ ·:_; invisH.1Je govern-
st.ig~ers: the imagination. Wiil ycu expand upon the second
mcl:t-the Ccuncil on Foreign Rrlntions. Colonel, why would
.1 angle?
th~y w:int to entice or rnaneuver Japan in~o firing the first
. ~ COL DALL: As hricDy indicated, that second eingle presents
th,; 1·c8~;on:iblc question of just hn1v a surprise of such
COL. DALL: LL~I me s<1y- lk1t upon rcviL'\.\.ri •1g the description
tn:1gnitude WJS po~'-iiblc An AincricJn rcc:i.lls Tcnny~on's !ine !'); ,
·.:.....j: in his "Charge o l' the Light Brigade"--surely ··someone had
blunJcred " llt:l, what is more, it was far more than what
of lh..i t CllL.fu I con ren.·nc~ or t\OVL'lllb..:r 2 5, I lJ4 I. IH.:ld ~1 l (he

White House, I find it l1c~1rt-brc~1ki11g, lo p~rccivc: {hat the t-.

. :,\ might h..:: termed a b!:._1r,der-tlrnt, instead, it had heen duly
planned that way.
:-.tralcgy el my former rather-in-law, Pr('sic.!c111 Rooscv;..•lf, ;_rnd
his close ~,ssoci:tks. was cllidly L'011ccn1cU ,,.,ith
MK. H!LilER: ,hen you mean, Coio11el Dal!, that some
n11.H.:hinalio11s-Not to main,ai11 ,rnd /Jl"l'S!!r: e the 1wor.·e-but
to set uµ or ~1catc ··an incident:· tlH. :t ,.!bY involving the

Unit~d Stales !n :1 war wirh fop~rn~ fllis wuuld cn;ihlc him to
: ~ powtrt'ul Americaus--.::md some fo recs in America-had
secretly worked to bri11g ubout the Pearl llari:Jor attack?

COL. IJALL: I certainly do! Thal is just what famous

cn1-2r tile war in Eu rope via lhe "'b;!ck-door' ! The r\.·~iliz1.1tion.
011 his [)ail. th:1[ th(' American pL'ople did 110I w~int w:ir \\•ilil
Jap::rn, a11d lhcr('for~, he ,ind his lJ<.u.·k..-rs must hai-·c it
inflicted upon them ar anv cosr, is J\losl shccl.;i11g 1 Hence, the

i historians like Dr. Harry Elmer Harnes and Professor Charles

Callan Tansil-and military men lik·: Admir<1I Kobert A.
foclor of dC'r.cif entcrrd the picture, tht>. nct:1?::sriry ad of
<.TL'<1l111g ":_.Jn irH.:i1..knt" to arouse gre:ll • indignalion, anti :Jn

Theobald and Admired HusbCJrnJ E. Kimmel have also e111otio111.1l outburst by llic Amc-ric.:rn people.
concluded. neccss.,ry I This dubious mCJntle had lo he placed adroitly
uron the sl10uldcrs of Jaran . Tl,111 was what Mr. Stimson
MR. HILDER: Would you please give us some specific rel'~rred to when he termed it 1 'J c..litricult proposition ."
evidence which these experts cite?

I .J Q.

!..._.- .~·f'..-'I,...... ..... -· ----~~ .~t~ ~W-'\1~"'~.., ~ .
{" ,
- • ~· ,: 1:,t.. t,~·;.,,,g.;:i~;: c~~-~~'i:t,·~.1-·h&h'" :,.!:,. 1·;~~:h~:{.:.<.!lJ+~~ ~$sK~f?i~J1i,.Ytl~n.-; \.~i{&t-'-Sili':?:. p,1 ·.,x,5f ...• ..;-..!-yif1• EVN>- :2-;:,;.~,;"'"J{", )"w .

' ~-
• I/
The War L o rds of Wa shington Th e War /, orils of Wa shingto n

The "proposition" had been made all the more difflwlt
because the leader of the German people did not want a war
with America, and refused to fall into the "trap" prepared by
PresiLknt Roosevelt and his ideological and political handlers.
For the most part, they constituted some top one-world
bankers, and their top pro-Zionist friends, who wanted to see
COL. DALL: Most certainly

MR . HILDER : What w as the nature of these Japanese tem1s ? !~



•.l Communist forces firmly controllieg Germany, politically

and financially, regrettably, for millions and millions of
people-; however, the "trap" was neatly baited, and Japan fell
illlO it_/

MR. HILDER:_ That answers the question why they wonted

to maneuver J:ipan into the Wlr. But, \•,hy did Secretary
COL. DALL: On October 7, Foreign Minister Toyoda had
told Arnbass;idor Grew: (lvfinister Toyoda) "The Japanese
G'o,•ernment is 11•il/i11g and prepared to re tum to the ,i1u11/ion
pra1 (Ji/i11e four ;,,rors alJ{} l;11r it i:,· t.rsenlial tliat the Go l'ern-

mei;t of the Unired States of America should understand that

10 undo virtually at a moment's nnlice the work of the past
four years ;s an undertaking of trt:,nendous ::•.t1pe ''
Stimson s.1y it w:is h:1 difficult proposi(ion° to do so?
I In effect, Jap:m rc.:.~ratccJ rhe terms Minister Mjtsuoka and
Pr,nce Konoye h"d offered Washington in November 1940
COL. DALL: It was difficult because Japan and its Foreign
thro11gh Bishop James E \Vais!;, who was rek:;:;(•cl from a Red
Mjnis1cr, Toyoda, in \V~1shington-ancl Ambassador Nomura,

Chinese prison in July 1970. Professor Tamil/ states:
,as well as a Svecial Emissary Saburo Kurusu, were sincerely
"M!lt.rnoka a,·ked Bishop James£. Walsh, Superior General of
"u~~,1 voring tc,~work 0\~I a formul3 lor pc-~1ct~ with the United
;1~1.:, and B,ftain. !E1•cn O\J, own Amha.t,tador, Joseph C. the Catholic For<!ig11 /'.Jissio11 Snr.icty of Maryknu/1, New
Grew, in Taiyo, when he forwarded Minister Toyoda's Yu1 k to i- •1dertake a special mission r.-> Washington in
order to im;' _ss upon the Pt-esident tlii..' fncr that the

1 proposals to s"i-.cretary Hull, ple'1ckd "(I urge) with all force

at (my) command, for the sake of avoiding the obviously Japanese Government 'wi\·hed lo negutiale a pence

agreemenr· An agreement Iv nullify !heir µwticipation in the
1 growing possihility of an utterly futile war between Japan
"nd the United St,acs, that this Japanese proposal not be Axis Pact' a guarantee 10 recall all military forces from
Clti:1a and to re.1·/or? to Chiua irs ,;eogtaphicai and political
turned aside w1lhou1 very prayerful consideratior. ... The
;n,cg!ily. "
opportunity is here presented . . for an act of highest
statesmanship with the possible overcoming thereby of
Apparently, !'resident Roosevclc and Sccrct:;;y llull chose to
apparently insurmountable obstacles for peace hereafter in
completely ignore these conciliatory "renunciations of
the Pac:ific."
Japan's objectives in China" in November, 1940, and rejected
those of October, 1941, with what amounted to a ten-point
MR . HILDER: Was Secretary Hull a member of the Council ultimatum! Four years later. on November 15, 1945,
on Foreign Relations as we ll ? Secretary Stimson, when testifying befon, a Congressional

- 12· •I J.

I r
l ________,..
~J~:.'- <!:) -~•r: :~~~ ~"': 't,7f?W-?J,)j~~~ iw...~
.J} .t , .. ,\~ ~ ~ ~ ! : !-M..,HF::v:,..;-,_;tp.!! ttJ=''i~~.?i9:")l~ ~ ; ! t f i:~~~)~?'u:,';-o

.....-.....~ . , i - , . •,r,••-~•".I· .......... r:;-~•fu'-b)j(u=,. 11;',Z,i!', l,, :r;,• lt:•N~l:.lliiA"t-f("1r:;;·,m ·,-cr •., •) I' " ='£>'<?., ..... $ . .. - •• , , ry II' ·e 'tl?r:
...1 ,.
~ The War lords of Wasilingron I The War lorcls of 1Vashi1111ron

lnvcslig.iting Committee, describes th;11 rop-sccret meeting of ....~,

·., President Roosevelt 011 November 25, 1941, at the White December 6, the J3pancse secretly sent their reply ro i· '
Hous~, with Secretaries Stimson, HulL Knox, Cencrni Ambassador Nomura. BecJusc our lntcllig~n~e had broken
.··,1· - Marshall. and Admiral Stark: (SECRETARY STJMSON) the so-c31lcd "Purple Code," it intercepted and decoded it.
, "The President said rhar rhc Japanese were nurorior1s for When l'resident Roosevelt had read the first thirteen or its '• , .
• !
,.naking an attack \~ 1 ifhou.! ,,ia..-ning , . In spite o[ the risk I ~~Ur.teen points, ~~ correctly interpreted them jn the words: 5-1·•~
111vo/1,ed, ho,ve,•er. m lertrng the Jupa11ese fire Ifie first .,_hot, I This means war! l!f

. J
. :J
we realized that ill order 10 hose 1he full Sllpporl of the
America11 people, ir wt1~ de.;imble to 111ake sure rhar rhe
Japunese he 1/ze one.< to do .•h's .

l'ollcr,v,n~ that secrei top level meeiing, Secretary Hull, the

next c!:iy-Novamber 26, 1941, rejected Japan's conciliatory
oi'tc'r with a lcn-pvinf bdl!co$e bac~ery of demands, ofwh:·ch

Of_course, it did! Because, along with others, he had planned
it tnat way.

MR. HILDER: Would you repeat that, Colonel?

COL. DALL: Yes. J said he pianned it /~al w~y.

r:;; ·
~ -

~~; ·

:I Pmfessor Tansil/ writes: Both he a11d the President ki;e,v this

prowam wo,i/d he rejected hy Ja1wn. There was no thought 1 HR. HILDER: Was President Roosel'elt :, member of ri1e ~~
~~ ,

of compromise or conci/iarion. In effect (it ordered; ) 'The Council on Foreign Relntions too'?
Goi ernment of Japu11 will 1virhdraw all military, naval, air
and po/fee force, from China and from lndocilina
vbi•fuw; 1/Jar the next .:ireµ 111as war."
It was COL. DALL: Yas. At 9:00 a.111. on lliat Sunday morning,
December 7) sumc four hours bef"orc lh~ surprise Jttack,
Admi,a! Stork got the fourteenth point of r:.e Japanese reply

j l will shvw, lriter, that rl,ese uhim.ite points had been

outlincu for Secretary Huil by Se~rc.tnry Henry Morgenthau's
Assistant. Harry Dexrcr W!1!L•.~ ~ member of the Council on
in his office, he exclaimed to General M;;rshall, who was
there with him: (Admiral Stark) "My God! Thi., n1e1111s war I
musr gel (C Kimmel at one~.''
foreign Re!:Jtior:.s. who WGS bter p:-0·,1,cd to be an agent of the i. ,·.
Communist Party.
MR. HILDER: if he had gotten tr.e word to Admiral
Kimmel, by phone, couldn't the surprise ;:ttack have ueen
~ . MR. HILDER: Was Morgcnthau a member of the Council on
averted? :,i.•'
i Foreign Relations? i:i:
COL. Dft.LL: Yes, I bdieve so! Adrnil'al Rnbcrl A. Theobald
calkd the fact that it was 1101 dune-"th:: F inu! Secret of ~
COL. DALL: ~fost der,nitcly! As foreseen by tl,e Preside_nl
Pearl Harbor." Som!! strong power , or [Jressure, not rully
1,1d hi~ CJbir1et. Emi:;sary Kurusu, on seeing this harsh note,
re•,cakd to the American public, prevented Admiral Stark
compicined to Secretary Hi,ll that this "co,dd he i111erpreted
"J from properly and imme.di,1tely alerting /\drniral Kimmel!
as tantamount to meaning the end." As a consequence, on
Kimmel, himself, told me: ·'Stark 1hen said to Malsha/1: 'We
•l 5.

~{Ph:'P,\•~~-~ ~ ~ ~:~. .J,.{-r-.,.;:~~µ#i~-ie ~ ~-.:,,_~,y,K"'4~t,P.;'4lfP->;-':fj,l.~~r£~~ ., ;, '!,i~;i;;:~c,f.'~tG"~._,}i ..,S·~~r!,.'"i... ...
·/~.'I .~...._.,,,.,,., o·~,-...,,, ., ,m;,-tl( ~ .....<, •• ,,.,,,:, ·,;a• ,crw;....·,::-,••· ............-~,.-m•••Ye• ,,.-,.,,,. tlrf'1 ' ' "' $I» I~ ct:r c t t • · t I •,:_

·:,.- The War Lords of Washington

The War Lords of Washington

must radio Kimmel. a11tl alert him. • Mars/Jal/ overruled him
decision might well have b~en 10 cancel the a/lack. And the
sole reason for not se11di11g word to Hawaii 011 that St11lda)'
and replied: Let's 11011 /1 might be detected by the Japanese
morni11g . . . Washing/011 refw:ed to send ol/e short message to
,ind complicate things /'II wire him later. And he fi11ally did
":·\ Just !hat, by means of regular commercial telegram , . . no
Hawaii in time lo e11shio11 the effects of /he Japanese attack I
.. . There is only one conceivable reason for it-nothing 11111st
-1· urgency, no priorily. Two hours, approximately, after all the
be done lo prejlldice /he C:1ances of /1,e altal.'k. even ifac the

"'1 _. bombs had fallen, l did receive ,Warshall's wire."
last momenr Japan was aboul to bring war to the United

Slates, and President Roosevelt did no/ inrend that any
MR. HILDER: WJs Marshall a member of the Council on American action sholl/d cause lh~m to change their plans at
Foreign Relations too? the last mi1mle."
-~~ COL. DALL: Mos, certainly·-yes Pre.l'idcnt Roosa,•ell h~d rep@aleciiy a,ss<1rc,I t!te J\mcri,•ilfl
people that he would 1101 send their boys into a WHr on

·~1 MR. HJLDER: "This act would seem to negate ail reason.
foreign soi! ''except in the case of attack." But, it appe:ns he
had also p,ornisl'd Prime Minist~r Churc-hi•! to ger our
General Marshall actually vetoed the alert for the.reason that country in, .wmehow! He had cold the Prime Minister:"/ may '\i

"it might be '.detected
things?" This so,unds very
by rhe Japanese and complicate
strange .
never ded:.trt! war. J may make war."

MR. HiLDER: Would you rep~at that, Coionci'! l


COL. LJALL: \!cry strange. ir.d ecd! As prcvfously stated, his COL. DALL: Yes. President Roosevelt said: "l may never
½1 j
re11;on reveals :tile c:ilcul,:teu ,incl ruthle,,s tactics by which de dare W(!r. I m.iy make war."
Prc::.;id~nt Roos~v\.·lt 211cl his top Cotincil on Foreign Relations

•'.'. 1
advisors ,ind a,:ociates 111:uicuvcTcd to gel us into World War
JI 1 <1gc:1insl the -strong wishes ;.rn :I desires of the Ame1 ic.Jn
people . ·
Thlis. the Pe:•; Harbor att~ck, tcchr.ically. look President
Roosevelt off a delicate political hook, in 12m1s of war. A
"{fli month after this disaster, Chunl,i/1 told P"rliament: " . .


Aumiral Kimmel 1ur1her explains: "Co/r;nel Dall, 1his may
further surprise you, but I fo1111d 0111 1,,uer that the Japanese
Task Force approaching Pearl f1ar,Jor had speci[tc orders chat
if the American forces al Pearl Harbor became alerted b~fore
!ht< a/lack ,vas launched, 1heir Tark Force was lo return ai
once to Japanese waters, h 1ithout attacking/" 1l1is re.:idily
exp!ains just what Marshall meant by k"ring that a timely
The prohability sine<' the A t/a11cic Conference (A uglis! 14,
1941) ai n•hich I discussed rhe~e malfers with President
Roos~wlt, that /he United Srares. e1•c!l if 1101 herself
attacked, would come i1!tO !he war in the rilJ' East and 1h11s
make final 1•ictory assut ed."

Referring to this amazing Churchillian revelation, Sena/or

A riln,r H. Vandenberg of Michigan, reacted witll the
··:1 ale• 1 to Kimmel would co11111lica1e things. Admiral Tlrnoba!d
following shocked comment: ''/11 other worcls, Churchill said
comments further: " Wilh all chance of sllrprise gone 1he
: ·1 -16-
I . -- - -~ ~-•: •J. ..
,.,... •:-t:-ot>v+~~~ -'F~ff.f.S~:r r~~J"::vet iu.;;,'J/lP._.,~~ ¥,~t;::.>"~~t-:t~~s~~ffe-'4t?~r~; .
_...........:..:-..... ......:....... .......... .._ & '· ,.j ,-.;;,,,,,...~, g.t'!.C''• -~- ... , ,.... ';,d,!Jl.igJ'-..,°""C::d': iJ•{;q~...'l i ~ • : , 01,-,~....-·... w-:,~ .. -- . - , · . (' I oc ' ·- I:
,=-e· e ~'


~-~. ·
The War Lords of Washington
Tl:e War Lords of Washington ~•

thal when he ;net Roosevelt the first lime-and wrote 'The
Allanlic Charier'- he got some sort of a.mirance, carriers so that the battleships, like sitting ducks, would
evidenlly satisfactory to him, that the'.Uniteil States would go tempt Japan to strike them. No doubt, tl,at is why F.D .R.

to war with Japan, regardless of whelher Japan a/lacked us or refused lo allow GeneIJl Marshall to !er Admiral Stark ~lcrt

1101. In still olher words, we were s/ate_d for this war by the the Pearl Harbor Comma11ders to the oncoming ~ttack,
President, before Pearl Harbor." Captain Grenfell of the Royal Navy wrote: No r~asonably ~
informed person can now believe thai Japan made a

Quite obviously, Presid~nt Rooscvell and his circle of villainous, unexpected attack on the UJ,ited S!ates An
exploiters, strongly de$ired the Pear! Harber :tllack so as to attack was 1101 only fully expected, uut 1vas actually desired
satisfy Winston Ch11r4.hill, and other ,dcological forces, It is beyond doubt that President Roosevelt wanted to gel his t·
w1tl~ou! tcchni<:a!ly violilti:?g !1is ow1: solemn pledge made to co11/llry into the war, but for poli!ica/ reasons was most ~
1hc American p~o plt, nut to get U,c Country Imo lilt- war 1,,mA'lo.-1.t lo !l,.~·:r::: :/1(.;{ 1h-! J7r:it n.:5; of li'!~ti/i(y ~w;t,ti frt'4t!1 t/1(! I; - •

J "en-opt in the c·wu uJ :lltiick." Hence, after the knd-lcase other side; for which reason he caused inc, easing pressure to
uctio1l, ihe cl1t\'/Oylnij of British ihips, rlw gl(I of fifty be put on the Japanese, to u point thal no selfre,pecting
d!!:ilt ay ers to ~he British, !!Ver. the depth-bornhini:;. or G~rman nation could endure lvlthout ,~sort to :1r1ns Japan was
sub rnurint:s-all ~-xtreme, un-neutral provocut1u11 s-ali of meant, by the Ame1ican President to atiack the United t~-
which had foikd to provok~ Hitler to retaliate, President States" r::':
Roosovelt 's frn stration- -and lha1 or his prompters-became ~~
rather desperate. His advi.sor, Harry Hopkins, another
member of the Council on Foreign Relations. confessed:
Furthermore, the British Minister or Prcd 1.1 t; tion, Atr. Oliv(1r
Lyttleton, m 1944, aptly summed it 11p: "Jcpan was provoke,!
Bo!h Slimsvn a11d Manha/I felt that we couldn't win without into atlacking _1merica at Pear! Hurbor It is a trai 1es1y of

;,1et1111i: 111m 1hc w11r, l11tf th CJ' l1•1tl Ill) 111,,a how :lw, i.rso:11i:
w lid unvmpli.rllcd , l!e fNo l).ievell/ hf1d .·f1ld l!t•ery111i11g
'sll or1 vJ wor' t/ia , to11 /d be s,m/ lie /wtl 110 111ot1: /r,rks ll'ft.
history to say that America was forced into rlle ,var'.'

Perhaps the most irrefutabic proor that P:,.:,,ident Roosevelt

7'h.? '11111 ' from w,liiclt he /iod pulled >IJ ma11y 'roblms ' was worke.d to set the stage fvr the Pearl Harbor ., ttac~ and kr:cw

J e111ply . . about it when it was coming, appears in H Montgomery .. -~

The limll t,·ick Id: was lo provoke and lo delibc,:ite!y insult

Hyde's uook - ''ROOM 3/i03: THE STORY OF TllE
BRlffSf-1 INTELLIGENCE" This <icsc1ibc.s, in d~tail, !iow ~·
J,1p:ll1. , ltlmm1l 'J'/m1b11/1l cl) 1li ments: "'/1,c Tr/ptirrlte Trruty William Stephenson, the Chief of the Scctel Intelligence

ol St:J)ll!111hu, /9,10. . su1111tled Presida11t Roose1•1!l t with Service, operating from Room 3603 , 011 the 1hiry-six1h iloor
,,·1i1 the omwa U111kr tlm: trc·uty, war .,,it/i Jupm1 meuut wnr of a skystrnper in Rockefeller c,,ntcr, conspired with

with Germany and Italy." President Roosevelt a:id other top U.S . .,lficials, lo gel the
United St3les into war with Japan, therehy drawing it into
Accortli1111IY, President Rooscvc!l orucrcd the Paciric Fleet to the war with the Axis-both of which lh<': vasl metjority of
I stay ~ncilorecl in Pearl l-13rbor , b11t removed all the aircraft Americans strongly opposed , Montgomery Hyde e laborated: i't;.
"Srephenson hnd some success in pcnetra ting rhe K uru su t

·I 8-
.J 9-

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--- ~Jrr:~"r"i~~;.t1?-;
--- ,~!5hi-"i'ft{.i;~- •'

{ The War lords of Washington
The War lords of Washington

the State of lsrnel and, in place of reasonable r~paralions to

He was a well placed ''front" for the forces that resorted to the victors, ~normous West Germ.:n reparations were allotted
every possible means to force President Roosevelt to get -then siphoned lo Israel. By I 964. this added up lo billions

America into war. But, it w,1s his clever and devious assistant, of dollars. Hence, Communi~m and Zionism have gre,11/y
Harry Dexter While, later exposed 2s a high-level Communist profited! Huge indemnities and reparations from World War
agent, who drafted ancl presented to Secretary of State ~lull II have been arranged for the European favorites of politi-
the outline for the ultimative ten-point note to Japan, dated eaily powerful International banking houses. But in spite of
November 26, I 941. Dr. Barnes writes: "Roosevelt was this Japan and Germany have risen 10 the top in world
surrounded wilh Communist sympathizers and some economic output ,
undoubted Communists, one, a memher of his official family

j al the While House, exerted a powerful ii,f]uence on

Roose,,e/t and Sectetary Hull. Hull's ultimatum of November
76, 1 ?4 ! , which bro light the Japanese a/lack at Pearl Harbor,
MR. HILDER: The benefit to Zionist objectives seems
obvious, but how did the bankers finance Interns tional

j was br,~ed in large p..irt directly upoH a memorandum handed

tu him by Harry Dexter White, surely a Cumrnw:ist agent, if
nut a card-l'arrying Convnunfst himself "
COL. DALL: The able writer, Gory Allen, refers to "the five
Arr.eriL':.m satellit~s of rhe European Rc,lhschild R.inking

l fn short, Henry Morgenthau, Jr . scion of an international

banking family, and Harry Dexter White, a top-level
Communist agent, a!so accively wml,ed, planned, and hoped
inrerest.s." He ,;;tares: "1\1os1 importanr in rlw group is Kuhn,
Loeb u11d Con1par1y, whuse }1crul (Jacob S';:h:~fl) i•n•ested S20
million in finwtcmg !he Russian ReF1JiuLion in JY 17
According to a report . . 10 the Stal'! Depmln.ent on 1i1arcl1
for the ultimate assault on Pearl Harbor. Both, likewise,
rcpr,::sen Led the iong range ,1ims of the major financial
cornpltx~s. \vi1i..:.:h hencl':tc:d extensively from World ,var !I.
!ncident:dly, Henry's military record was most d!stinguished
3, 1932, Kllhll, Loeb and Compatty also laid out and
J)nanced the Soviet'.,· first Five Year Pian ,

Significantly, on~ member of riiis inti.:r:1~1tio:1JI txrnking


'j by its virtual nonexistence. complex. P:.iul Warburg. bcc:Jme the lle~1<l o f tile F~dl-r;-il &~.

Reserve Bar,k's Board of Governors when II wns c.ri;:..iteti in
MR. HILDER: Colonel, would yon, please, explain this more 1913 . The Federal Reserve b:rnk syst~m i.c; priv:Jtely owned
in detail? and controlled.

COL. DALL: Certainly! That ~ntern.1tional Cornmunism- MR. HILDER: Colunel Doll. I just read "" article enli1led
meanjng Sovfrt Russia- benefjled. is most obvious. America ''SECRET ISSUE" printed on March 26th ul this year (1971J K·
inn1rrcd death, debt and dtstruction and Rritain lost her by the Los Angeles Herald Exa111i11er where John t~;

Empire, while the Bolsheviki of Soviet Russia got haif of
{i! .
Chamberlain, in his column, confirmed lh,t another member
Germany, ;rnd control over half of Europe :::md Asia . Further- of the CouncH on Forei~n Relations-the late Tom q
more, what also came out of the war was the appearance of
...., ___ ,~ - .. - .
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; ~ fl

TIie War Lords of Washington The War Lords of Washington !I[;:'•

; •;;'
mission with one of his agents who was a British subject and President of the U.S.A.' Two days later, November 29, ii,:
·i had spent fifty years in Japan . . . This :;gent made contact CORDELL HULL saw Ambassador Halifax and gave him the ~--
with the envoy's (Special Envoy Sabuto Kurusu) Secretary, rrews. officially." CORDELL HULL slated, and f quote: ~{. -
whose name was Yuki and had a series of meetings with him
in a Washington apartment which had previously been wired
"The diplomatic part in our relations with Japan is virtually
over. The ma11er wi/1 now go to the officials of the Anny and

for recording convcrs,;tions. Navy. Japan may now move suddenly a~d v..:irh every element

of surprise."
"77re information obtained from the recording,· was
rranscribed tMd copies were sent by Stephenson each day to How that surprise came, just over a week after this frank
Pn1s/don1 Rooxevelt ... It supplemented th~ Japanese dip- intr.rvicw, is a matter of history .
lomatic telegrams betw{!cn Tokyo and Wa!.:hington, which
had been known lo the American 01J1horities for some MR. HJLDER: How did Pr~ci<!cnt Roosevelt and his Cabinet

time. react to the news <)f the actual attack on December 7th"?

"Un November 27, ( JY41 ), the ])resident sent his sun, Jurnes COL. DALL: J\gJin, it is Secretary or W:ir Stin1son who
Roo,\"~eelt, :o Stephrn.,on \\'ii// a special message, !he purport destroyed the hypocritical image of shock and grief that
of ,·.1/1ic:h was noi yet known either to the British Forelgn President Roosevelt convey~d in his "DA 'I OF INFAMY" ~....
;1 Office or to the British E:nbcssy in Wn~hingron. ?71e same spt".cch! Se~relary Stimson ad mHted: "W/:en the news first ,;
1 day, Strphenson re!egraphed it 10 London. His telegram read:
came thaf Japan had a/lacked us. my jirst feeli,1g ova.,· of
relief ."hat :he indeci,\•ion was over and that the crisis had
ACTION WITHJN TH'O WEEKS.' I repeat · the telegram come in a way which wo11!d unite all ::iur people. 17ri.,·
1 read: "JAf'ANJ::Sl:: NECOTJATJONS OFF SER VICES continued to be my dominant feeling in spire. of the news of
1 EXPl:.'CT ACTION WITHIN TWO Wt,EKS' " carastrophies which quickly developed.·•
j "As ~an be imagined, this re/egram caused a great srir in To a group of Senators and Cong.ressml!n on Pe~rl Iforbor

London. Confirmation was immediarely so:ight by cable D~y, President Roosevelt apparently had uppermost in his
from Lord Halifax in Washingron. Lord Halifax happened to ~~
be out hunting in Virginia when the cable arrived _ . . and he
mind his pledge not lo get the country into war "except in
case of attack," exclaimed: (PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT) ~·
was now obiigcd to get off his horse ~nd hurry back to the "Well, we ivere attacked . 77iere is no quesriril! a/;0111 that." 1/.t
i Emba,·sy to cable his reply that he knew nothing of such a
reporr. Another urgent cable was sent from London, this Churchill in his "GRAND ALLIANCE," relates that
time 10 Stephenson, informing him tho; 1he Prime Minister Ambassador Winant and Averell Harriman and the members
and the Cabinet would be most interested to know the source of the notorious Council on Foreign Relations were with him
of his information. Stephenson answered briefly: 'The that evening. Referring to Roosevelt's words, Winant at first
· ·:~
·21.J· ·21-

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. . . .,
:·.i The War Lords of Washing/OIi
The War Lords of Wasl:ingtort
.n t l· .
cu11rageo11s enough lo set 1hem fonh 1:,,e path /0 war is
exclaimed: "Good.I Good!" Churchill comments: ''.ify /ivo also straight, save for 1he switch which began 1vi1h the
A111erica11 friends cook the shock with admirable econumic s/rangulalian of Japan in July, }941, when ii had
fortirudc. . . . in fact, 011e might almost ha11c thoughl 1hey become very likely /hat Hitler could 110E be wo,•oked inlo an
act of war in 1he Atlanlic, 7'hro11gho111. 1he architect and
had been delivered from a long pain, "
maestro of 1he bellicose desig.'I was Franklin Delano
f~,,... .

Th:it ckscribed rcaccjon would be about '•par for the course," Roosece/1. " t.j';",
for Averell Harrima~ . As !'or ciiurchill, himself, he con!'esscs: "'

"(]) went lo bed that night lo sleep the sleep of 1/ie sal'ed and
rhankJi1/." No American will think ii 1vrong of me if I
µrocluin: thfll to iWJ.'t' ;/w U;1i1al St:1f..;,.., al <.Ho· sidq was to me
He was the "Gun" and the others readily supplied the
.. Ammunition." This came extensively frora the ' stockpile"
cf l?.crr.arci Raruch and Felix frrrn"kfurter both of w!1orn were

I! the grc11e.,·1 ju .v. · /1 ii" w!wr I dreamed of; aimed 111, and
J.·uped fo r and now it has '-'Ome to iUJ,\-.\', "
rnc1nbers of Lhc: Council on Foreign Ke!~tions. ~r111~ \s, <l~ J
have referred to before, the invisible gnvernment of the
United States, ancl ir is they who wa:ned the war, not the
J\ppc1rrntly, President Roostvelt :ind h;~ linancial b~ckcrs,
American people.
~long with Churchill nnd bis b:111ker backers, \\'ere the ones

j who, from thC' very st:irt. l1ad wcmtcci war between Am1.:rica
ant.1 J:ip,111, between tlic A!lics :rnd Germany: and had duly
., .......
.j p!;inih:d :rnd pushed for it Ccrma11y 11:id not wa11teJ war.
Japan h'1d nor w,rntcd wc,r, ,rnd, above all . the American
MR. HILDER: Co/o!ld, I'd like
average Americon felt when it
you to ~~;picin how the
happe11ed-Roos~velt and f
j Prime Minister Churchill, who had maneuvered for the
pL·opk had no\ W.i11ted war! Bui Pi-.:-sidcnt Roosevelt ,rncl t\ie
one-wo1!d inkrnatinnalist money po\;✓ want1?d warl In
surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, didn't siw.ak for English- t.h
fact, some histori;ins find it wa;, f~.rJoseve!t, prompkd by speaking people, dirl THEY? t·

those:: un~-worlci frnancrnl i11tercsts, lhar induced both the [,\;·

B1 ili:•;h anU the Poles to rc·j~ct Hitler's rc:asonab!e proposril in COL DALL: N~!turally. a w:Jve of incii;;nc.ti0n aild patriotic tf.
August of l 939, fo;- n:crirying tile Danzig a1id Corridor ange:-. at wll::it they told \Vas an unprovoked :ind
were. [ i~
problems. thu~ providing liitlcr, fi11;dly, just a:,; Ro·osevell
p:-ovokcd J;1p,111: lnkr o,~. to u~c- force ~I Pc:1rl lbrbor. I
d;:1~tarclly :.nta,.:k. initi~i!ly swcpl ovi.•r the ,\inc, ic~!!1 people. cn::iblcd Rooscvc!i to gl!t our illisintormed :.inU
quote Uw rcno\\<Jh!d lli::;torbn, Dr. 1-!any Elmer Barnes, on
this mntler: "In reality. the responsibility }Or the Pearl
/lar/Jur surprise a/!ack, Ji-0111 ihe Chicago Bridge .l'peecil uf
emolional Congress to dccl;;rc war. ·1 he reop!a were :ippalled
;.lt the lm,s of eight c:..ipiU1\ ships-sunk or :l'.: lously damaged,
! 80 planes destroyed, ""d were Jislraugill with grief for the t!. '

~ t·
l<ooscl'eit nn Ouobcr 5. 1937, ro 1/,e appearance of rhe lo" or 3303 officers and mm killed. :111d 1·.1 72 wound'cd, ~nd
.!a11<ml'.\'l' bomhcr.,· 01-·cr Pcari /Jarhor ahouf 7.55 on for thei1' fami11es! Soon, llowcvcr, nume;ous people were
December 7, 1941. is crystal clear and wm11/a1ivi to all 1hos.e 1sking how it was possible that the Co111mnnders at Pear!
who know !he /ac/s whether or nor they are i,-.,•il/ing and

"'. "
~..-.=.::,~ 'F""-~ '2.%'...;;,~'e~iP.f.¥;~ ~ ~, J ~ ~ • ¾ ' f ''of,i ~~w/4~~)]{ft¾~---'·T'
~ ')' .,..,.....~~">l'@W'Mfm,\i','llffi,~ ~ · - = - · · = ' " " Y " ' ' ' = " ·=•-~<'¥>

r ~· >
~- ,

The War lords of Washington The War Lord.< of Washington t:_,:

Harbor-Admiral Kimmel and General Short-were so
completely caught by surprise. To muffle and Lo side-step
Congressional Committee. as Lincoln had been in 1he Ci,,i/
War. " l·
that pertinent, but very dangerous question, President'
Roosevelt was forced to divert the sea rch for the proper I can understand Frankfurter's fear of a vindictive search
answer from himself, ancJ l1is Administration, and create being made for "scapegoats"- and that the President's .
som c. sea pcgoa t ! aulhority might well be compromised by a "meddling .

.:.~ Congress"! Justice Robert.I lost no time in locatiP.g the two
Admiral Kimmel subsequently exp lained the diversionary scapegoats. Then the Whitewash began to splash!

plan to me, os follows: "After a few days, Jmtice Owen
Roberts arrived at Pearl Harbor ,vitil a to111missio11 from
Concerning the Roberts' so-called "Inquiry," one can readily .'
. jJ Washi11gro11, appointed by President Roosevelt., lo i11ves/igate
recall what Senotor Robert Taft said, on October 7, 1944, .
J Jhe sirnation . In effect, however, tn come up \Vilh much
nef:ded 'scapegoats~ - meani;1g, of course, General Short und
concerning the Nuremberg Trials, when eleven German
leaders were sentenced to death: (I quo le Senator Taft) "The w.>,·
my:;e/f---so that the eyes of 1hc outraged Atnencan people
cle'.len who have been commilted to the f.:~l:'aw·; /rave been
co11ld he d11/y directed away fro111 Wa:;/1i11gton, and focused
( upon iridividua/J~(the Cummanders in 1/awaii) in arrempted
gui/fy of maki11g agg;•essive war. They are guUty because they ;~.

'i:l uxµ/u,wt.'011 of that grcut ,rug,u/y, Ten days after the a/tack. I lost. Under 1hat 1heory, President Rooseve/1 could have been
execu/ed had the il <is won. . . The hanging of these ele,,en
!1:n.r relieved of !itY Com11wnd. anrl. in thirty dDys, re1/n1d . "
will be a blot rm 1he An:t-:rican record whf,::,'i we :;hall long

N"turally, I w,ts;shockcd by the stati;mcnts of the Admiral.
Dur I not su'rrnsc-d to lc:1rn th;1t F~!ix Frankfurtl'r of the
regret. "

•'ii Council on For~ign Relations pl:iyed an important role in

Many inform1ed Americans now .:igree th;1t the Roberts
Report wos al_; a "blot.·• It was, however. at the time a
~:~ ;11ranging for President Roosevelt to ::ippoint Owen Roberts
•q blatant attemf at "whitewash"' lt "whitewc,hed" President
to make a person"! reµort tu him c,n Pearl Harbor. Roberts
Roosevelt, his Administrntion, and his lcadin(; accomplices. It

J 3ssumcd t!lc role :>f "h;.1lcl1et man" J11d dutifuliy turned in a

•·us:ible" report,

which h"d the

approval 01· Felix
shamelessly put the blame o·n the deliberately uninformed .,

- ~11
Frn11kfurter. According lo Max Freedrn:1n, Frnnkfurter was
always quite impenitent about his µart in arranging fur Mr.
Jus1ice Roberts tu make a personal reporl lo the /'resident 011
Commanders, slationecJ at Pearl Harbor'

Admiral Kimmel stated to me: "'The Rober.s Report was a

( .,
~--J 1he immediaie e1,e11ts that led 10 Pearl Hflrbor, and 1Vhal
happened af!er 1he attack hegan. He was afraid of a vindictive
slrnmbles, full of g!arir:g inaccuracies to serPe ,:,n r purpose-to
make me the 'Goal,' alo11g with General Shor/, to attempt lo t ~.
search for scapegoats, dive!'ling /he nation·.,· a1tentio11 from
more imporla111 /asks. .. • He was fearful /hat Roosevelt's
alllhority might be compmmised by a meddlesome
avoid the impacl of /Juli's No1·ember 16, 1941 'ultimatum' 10
/he Japanese and the sludied enticements extended io !hem
10 at/Uck us, at Pearl Harbor . . r- ·
-24· -25-
i..:~ ..,

., ______ . ~; -r.:1.;~ ~"~* •;s;.f:<1!'~:-->¢.,~s~-~;.1-.u:~i.i.·'l~\:f!J'kt'"-<t!~'$..'1-¥~..~1.~~:?.M~~~
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. ·.-~ ' : . -..; /"'

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Th e War Lo rds of Wa shing ru n

The War L ords of Wa shing/o n

• jl MR . HILDER: Were there any o ther fo rmal in ves tigations?

Did any one of Lliem fin ally clear Admiral Kimmel and Germany and finally maneuvered Japan into firing the first :r:
Ill •
... ~ , General Short? shot at Pearl Harbor.

COL. DALL: There were eight formal Pearl Harbor

MR. HILDER: Colonel, daring to teU us the truth must have
required a sense of deep obligation, as well as courage, on
Investigations, all witness to a sad proof that, during war,

your part, inasmuch as the chief architect of the Pearl Harbor
even in our own Republic, prejudice, self-interest, political
interest, and special pleading, can block the truth and
cl!minate rairness. For example, the J1oint Congressional
tragedy-for your country and for ours-was your former
Father-in-bw. Why do you consider ii important to release ~-

. i/
Committee, in ilti 573 p:ig::.':, tortured f:tcis ind !ogic in order
to exoner2te the l\dmjnistr11tion , and find the necessary
these secrets of Pearl Harbor and make them widely known
thirty years after that event? \{I•

scapegoJts ir. the per.i ons of ;l.dmiral Kimmel and General COL. DALL: Mr. Hild e.,, l appreciate the delicacy of that

Shvrt. Cniy it!; minorit;, Repvrt dared to criticize President pa!"ti cular quest!on. l do so only because of 3 strong
Roosevelt, the Command t r-Jn~hief o f :}le Armed Forces, for conviction thit th e tcr.t intcres!s of Ooti1 !!-.~ J~r,ancse. Jnd
faili!lS to take, '"quick r.nl1 instant executive actionn on American people must- I repeat: MIJST- be placed above the
December o and 7. It also criticized Stimson, Kr.ox, interest or any individual or minority group! The truth as to
Marshall, and' Stark "for failure to meet their how President Roosevelt-the "rigent'' for ,.re Internntjonal
responsibilities'" ''Disappoi111ingly," according to Admiral
Monetary Powers, nrnni:::u vcrcd Ame:rica:ns iric,.:, Worid Vh,. r 11,
Theobald, "evc,i /he Minorily Report fa/1.s Jar shorr of a full
,1 reulizat1on of Pfe~ident Ru osc'vdt's connection with !he Pearl
llatbor di.mst<!r~''
is of the utmost imr,ortance . It is mo;-;t i~.~pvrt:rnt thcit rhe
av,:!rJge person in both nntio ns uncierstand the terrible l~ssons .
'( of that war and_ its cause. 17,is knowledge wili greatly help to
guide us all / lay! Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes wrote: "77,e ~

\1R. HlLDER: : In other words, Admiral 11,eobald puts the great, great c ,me of 011, age wa, rile !iii:,,.': p/otling and
rt.-~;pon~ibiHty for the Pearl Harb-or disaster on President launching of 1he ,var, and the Americ,m ,111,:::,c·r, of an entry
Rocsevclt and his Administration, ar.d mentions that Admiral into :Ital ·war. "
Ki111mcl and Genera! Short were set ur to be the victims of a

frame-up? The shortsighted "Unconditicna! Surre~der" concept. the
planned sdl-out 10 Stalin , at Yalta, the total disarmament of
COL. DALL: That is right! So do several responsible Germany and Japan, the bet,·ayal of Poland, :he Baltic and
historians. Their verdict i:i that Presidtnt Roosevelt, under Balkan stales, have not only succeeded in dciivering 0111.~-third
pressure from certain high level International Financiers and of the world into Communist tyranny, dictated by their
Churchill, brou(lht America into the war, at any cost,-to save backers, but have also exposed the remnant of the free world l~

Britain and Soviet Russia from certain defeat at the hands of to a permanent Cold War with the Soviets, a!ld the
blackmailing threat of widespread . nuclear destruction in a J'~
·2 6- 7~ .


I• '

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TIie War lords of Washington
,..,.l,:;w,.~~'J;~~J;gqm:tl '!]IDl'i~;i_

~,Pffe!!foW,j;l:'/,)~,\ ' l j ' / f f l ~'ll"ll!!:iY,.~J,i\'"'•~

. l

The War lords of Washington i·:,

~- }-
third world war. As a result, without the hulwilrks of fellow flit/er He isn '1 going to gel away with ii." When
Germany in Europe, and Japan in Asia, the American Bernard Baruch speaks or "We," just w/Jo docs he mean-the
taxpayer has had to spend more on armaments, annually, powerful European tycoons or International Finance, the
than any nation in the history of the world. This country has Rothschild Complex, or Kuhn, Loeb & Co , the Rockefellers,
been, and is still being, pushed into fighting one disastrous the Lehman Brothers, Lazard Freres & Co . and Goldman,
bloody war after another-in Korea, in Vietnam-and forced Sachs & Co., elt., in Arne1 ica? True, [krn,1rd Baruch, :is an
to station troops and maintain military bases all over the
j individual, cut a mighty figure in Intet national-Political

world, including Germany and Japan. The leaders of the finance It is said that before World Wat I, he was worth a
international Banking Cartel are now ;trying to "create" million dollars, and when it was over, he was worth two
another war in the Mid-East at the expense of humanity. hund1 cd million dollars ln World War 11, he certainly
conspired with Churchill and Roosevelt to bring America info
MR. HILDER: In view of those tragic results, what induced it Later, he aggressively pressured political IV~shington to
!'resident Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill to want to implement Henry Morgenthau, Jr.'s plan for total

piunge the world into war .1gai11st Germany and to refuse to disarmament and the dism~ntling of Christi.:111 Germany.
negotiate peace until both Germany and Japan were toL1lly
destroyed and 1l isarmed?
MR. HILDER: Was that Plan ever put into effect?

I COL. DALL The rejection of those early negotiations for

peace was a m'orsl crime and a low political blow to satisfy
COL. DALL: Secretary Morgcn1hau, himscff, i>oasrs in his
ghost-written book, "GERMANY IS OUR PROBLEM," in :
1 Lhe greed of H1ternat10md finance. Some or these could be 1945, that "i,: the Potsdam Decla.r:1tio1! . the three
the desccndenfs of the lllumi11ati. The rejection uf peace
~i...;,ggest5 that ~he Alli•:!d :nolivcs were not by any means a
pti11 cipal A llies were seeking to t:affy out the objeclives of
111111 policy. / (p. xii) William tlcnr y Cltamherlin in his

noble crusade ilg;iinst National Socialism in Germany, but, in a11thoritativ<' "AMERICA'S SECOND CRUSADE," wrote
re:tlity~ :J. c1afty, selfish) power play, in order to destroy an that ''the extremely liarsh Joinr Cl1icfs o/ Staff document

,J unwelcome commercial rival. As early as November, 1936,

Churchill said to General Robert E. Wood of Chicago, later
Chairman of the America First Committee: (Churchill)
number I 06 7," of the American Military Government of
Germany, was "taken almost literally from tl,e original text
of rhe Mo rgen //,au Plan "

"Germany is getling too strong, and we must smash her."
·J l again quote Dr Harry Elmer Barnes as follows: '"J71is MR. IHLDER: Was Secretary Henry Morge:1thau also inter-
accorded with the senriments of Clwrchi//'s great, good ested in President Roosevelt's Japanese pcUcy?
friend, and his chief unofficial conwct in the United Stares,

Bernard Baruch " The latter observed to General George C. COL DALL: Yes, he was In fact, it was Morgenthau w.ho
Marshall ,n 1938: Bernard Baruch-"We are going to lick that first ;,roposed the policy ot' strangling Japan, economically.

-28, -29-

·- ·, 1rf7 ~-~
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-/ t~ ;~·:
ll~;. .
The War Lords of Washington

The !Var Lords of 1Vashi11gro11 ~ -"'
4-~i •·
. /'

Dewey-ex-Governor of New York--who ran for President on
the RepubUcan ticket-also knew the real Pearl Harbor story.
COL DALL: That aprenrs to be the case . Ar the end -of ,-·•,
World War 1. America ,upported Woodrow Wilson's idealistic
In this article, the writer, Chamberlain, states lhai he had a
Fourteen Points. but, after the guns be(ame silent. l~oncluded

personal interview with Governor Dewey. He stated: "hi
it wilh the ominous Versailles Treaty wh;ch, "demanded
1944 Dewey had known that we cracked the most secret
rcp:ir.rlions in the form of money which Germany could

Japanese code sometime prior to Pearl Harbor, w,d that the
White Ho11se knew more than fifteen hours before the
Japanese artack that hostilities would open somewhere next
day in the Pacific• ... Trne enough the precise point could
not be pi11pointed but our forces e1•erywhere in the Pacific
never pay." Only by exacting enormous r~parntions from che
vanquished can those few men who financed both sides. the
International J3cmkers. be cel'U1in to recover titeir original
slakes. and then g:iin considerably more!
could hlil'e been alerted." ~~1 ~
MR . HILDER: In World War 11, wcrc11'1 the lnlern:11ional .,~

Dankel'S in favor of the Mo,.genthau Pion :ind huge
reparations from Gcrnrnny and Japan in :-iddiiion to the ·~

if Dewey actually shielded the Roosevelt Adminisiration's

act from the American public, is it further proof of your
charge that polit'ical party affilfation means little when you're
massive territo,;aJ theft, spccifirnlly cli,ecled to Soviet
under !he contr.ol of the International Banking Cartel, since
bc,th were members of the Council on Foreign Relations?
COL. DALL: indeed rhey were! As p l'cvio,,sl;·_ stared: Harry
Dcxtc1 Whit•~' . :1 co-111munisr <.1gcnr, dralted llie :-;o-c:il\e<l I-
Morgen th:w Pla1 L

CO L. DALL: "That's right. The party affiliation of the
lntcr1wtiona! W.3r conspir:.itors means nothing-the results are
Friends ,,nd ;1ssociatc-s, both hcrl! <.ind abroad. comprising
what might _i:' c~!Je:d the R.othschiJd compkx. prcssc-d for a
the same--disaster for the. wcrld -if they are allowed to vindicliv~ pll. .:e which kfl a vacuum 1'01 .':ivvi~t Russi41 lo
remain in positions of great influence. The [ntcrnational self-scrving!y fili. w!1ere once a suong (;~;-:n;JL:,• l~.1d been . /'Vly
:I Bankers are in a unique position to profit from war frii:ncJ \Valte1· T1'ohan. for many ye~11·s u top Washington ~.-
,1 irrespective of which side wins. correspondent for the CHICAGO TfUBUNI:, in an ar licie ~'•

May 28, 1950. wrole: "A person ,vilh highest Stale
Department conneclio,H, identijled these three Ji"gures as 1he
MR. HILDER: Then daes that explain why America and secret goi,en1111ent o/ ;he United States (Supreme Court l~f;
Britain, at !he start of World War 11 proclaimed ihe idealistic Justice) Frankfurter . , 11ie 111ost powe,ji,I man in tlie
peace of the Atlantic Charter, but ended that war with the government, reaching into !he White Uouse with his pruteges,
Unconditional Surrender conditions at Yalta and Potsdam
aimed at the heart of Germany and Japan?
(Governor of New York) Her!Jen Lehman . .. u powerful
Wall Stree/ Force Henry Morgmtlwu, Jr

"~~ t;r-4W.'.Jv;.c;_.n?. y;;;cy~o1r~,g.?,,ij};i.( 4.ffi\¾1Sl+ t'~~·..\.t•=<EPJ.1 h :~"~''
- = ! ,• - ~i,G"::/!1\' jP,1?!1{ffi~l6t~:'.•-?'lv-...~?r.,1.\\~'ii!tf~'V,,"'!\•"·#'"'f;"J1".'#' .ffe,r,"'
· "'~"'-"'$"'fl""v"':f'!"f1'"'!\ti""''$1
•\ • • • "f •~ • , • ,' •• • • "'i •,....., ...... , . ;. ~;._ j'I ~-,._,. "' • • • •• r ' • , ' • 'lu J • ,:· • • ~~• \ ~•Ji• ".I
,.,_._...:i....,=!:."-"•;1-<?N;S•'l j\-:.-..-,wa-.m~".'"&;l,g,g;ni1f/";."'"r,'lll!ll:~,~==""="'".,~ - - -'&l-~·m1
j . t,l ·

·1l The !Var l,ords of IVashi11glon
The War lurds of Wash;ngton
~ -'..
.:-:! All tll!'cc of these men were closely associated with the
complex of International Financiers, :di three pressured
r,~sidcnt Roos,:vd1 10 gcr rhc United States into the war
RACEY JORDAN'S DJARY," desc,ibe~ in one ch;ipkr,
"How Russians Got U.S. Treasury Plates." ' He states: '"Tire
US Trearnry • , was shipping eugraP111g p/u/rs all(/ ut/rer
j wilh J:ip~111. all three dr111~111dcd a vindi<.·tivc peace ~1gainst
malerials to Russia. so r/ca/ they couid pri!II rhe same occupa-
tion money"' fur Germans as the U11iled S1utes 1wu µr;11ring. {i
'1 Germ,rny ~ind whid1 l:irgdy benefited Cn1nmunism . . The sum of money ,vlrich we /osr in redeeming rite marks -~-:~·
.ind Zionism '1l1d their ban!<~r:,;, of coursc . JL t:ri::ited the St:Jle which rice R11ssia11s rolled off their presse.i. with 110 accow11a- .
J of Israel and enabled Soviet Russia to master half of Europe bi/ily whatever. appears ro ha,,e bee11 $250.000.0001"
and ol Asia.

MR. HILOER: Aside from !he Morgz-111iiau Plan, was rlwrc

,1ny p:1rticu1ar aclion :?irlcd by tbc:,;e men which dnmn,ged
Tl,c AMER!CAN MERCURY. June , J'.J57. in Jn :inicle
entil!ed: '·Spook f\1oni.:y H:.iunh U.S ~ Tn:.1:-:11ry.'' 1...:·,,,:ah!d:

An1eric.:a :rnd ~icJe<l :he- Snviet Soci:?lists? "Henry r. .1org,~nlhau , Jr . . Secn!lury of the Trc:isury. with
Harry Dexte.r White. Uncler-Sccn:1:1ry 1 :ind \·brold Glass~r all i,"
COL. DALL . Yes. we must never forget that the cruel
A11glo-A111crican ho111biJ1g or' Dn..::,lil'n . an or11:·n Lily. w,1s ,rn
L::1µ:1r;1llcicd ;-icr of gC'nocide 1neri:ly to impress Joe Stalin . A
in charge of the: US. Tre.~1:.:ury, g~\c tlv.! Rw;si;;n Cove.minent
money-plates. complt~.1e witll plane loads vl speci~Ji ink .and
four plane !o~Js of special paper for printing our occupation ~
money in Germ~rny, to pay two-year5 r-;1hiry to Ru~sian I''
~~ -

top U.S military atn!lority told me personally thai :185.000
rnc1,. wom•~n. and childre n were 1uthlcssly slaught~rcd at
01·e:-: c.k11 Plus :dlowing the Soviet Cornmunisl;, 10 ;:,lunc.Jer.
r;1pc and lay Sil:(;¢ to ikrlin Th en Lhc incredible
"Ol'~:Ri\ rlON'· :e,mccl ··K[i:LHAUL., delivered co Slalin".1
soldiers .

MR, }JJLDER: If rhat's so, then the wm wa.s immensely

profit;:ible tor the Cor1lmtmists, ~heir 8:rnkcr b:..:ckers :.ind

!Julc!h·r-. over a million Russ1~111 rrc·cciom fighter~ for m,1ss their Leftist friends. Are there estimnfc·s of the amount of
so.:called ··refugee money"** that has be~n hro11.ght into the

:{ l:,...;1 i: 1111inalion in Soviet sl~ivl.'. c:1111r,:::, They had t'ought wid1

Gcrm.i:,y .1:;:1insl 1h<' t) r;1111s wlio had dominated their United Sl:1'es"? t~

1 country :rnd sui r1.• nd~rcd to th~· Anglo-Amnlc:ans

thinking 1hcy would be .-:~vi..·tl from th·.: d e.1th c:.Jmps , lr •.vas COL DALL: Ye.s The AMF.RICAN MERCURY '11so write.,
Ci..·111.·r:il Dwlghl D l;is1.·nllowl:!r who orcle.rtd lhcir rorceful in that conriection: " .• it is esti,nated the k11oh111 ·~t .
~ repatriation rvr cerliiin di.:-ath . -~R .
~ -;
·i .A.n0Lhe1 oni: 01 lln: oulr;1gi.::ous b1::1ray~1I.-. ul· A111·~·1il.'.an
• Occupation moncy- 0. 1 ~-i;rip1 wa~ is$ucci \IJ .s('n·i..:..:1ncn in lio.:u ul U. S Dull:lr~ :;h
initr( WJs s~crd.iry Mo1g1.;;1li\i.1u'.s pl:111 of g!vin~ ro S(lvid The Rus~ians wcr..: nol r.i... cu pl:JH~), or paper 10 prin t US D,,i!:1r~ •
Ru:-.!\ i:i four airplane load s of om ,r:orn.•y pbt\!.s. ind1nli11g all
a c<:~s~ories. ~lh.:h JS pape r and our spt·ci:1i ink. wilh no strings
attached . Major Racey Jorda11. in his book "FROM MAJOR
•• lh.:fu~cc m~•W)' is Jiffc:..:at fru111 ucc up,1tiu11 111, ,n,:;-. R,:fuµcc money w;,as
c.:urrnncy :ind val~blcs: di~placcd p~rsoos (rcfo ~c~•s) m.11\~~~.xf :o i>rin).!. Lo the U.S. i"-
I -34 -
Il__ lvr.f:
:i"· ' ~f..; F :~ . _! _»~t~\t.S-jt -iW:C~~*'E'ik•~~{4'5ff,!A~ ~ ~ T ~ ):'
,... ~'-~'i'~'Wb'.$:§#l}.P\.W~r'1m$.i-#Jv-ts.:Mf!;§;,,li,@$iffll:'i™ti",t.1.¼IFF~u1S'l'rl!=
...r;'.~-:· "~
i /'

Th e IVar L o rds of Wa shi11g tn 11

movement of sr, ch money in to tlte U. S. a11101111ls to abou/

S 19 billi on (SJ 9,000,000,000) of whi ch more than $3 billion
T h e Wa r L ords o f Washi ng ton

COL DALL: Yes. I am reliably informed that lhe occupation

authorities issued special licenses, without which no media
could be operated. a;id these, almost without exception. were
cam e fro m Ca nada. an d $1, 800, 000 ,000 t/rro11gh Swiss {;--:'

gr:intcd to Sucialists. Leftists. cryp10-Comn1t1nists. or
banks I" non-ethnic Germans; ne11er to con servative or a1.:tively l ..
anti-communistic German s. The saturation or " spook
It is snid that some of this money went into acquiring slakes mon ey" from the Morgenthau plates. given lo the Soviet
in numerous hotels, publishing. rnclio, and television com• Russi,ms. mo,a probably pbyed a significant role in the
panies. This will explain, in part. why most of our U.S. :..icquisition and e~1rly operations of th~ G..:rm:in
communications media tends to be sla~ted Left. and are commu111t:ations mcd11.1. In the Sovii;:t Zone . Ulhrirht's scc.:\or. <~.
often overly sympathetic 10 the aims or Fabian Socialism and tile Con11nunisl~ cont rol all rhr media: in West Gt:nn;in~1 • rill' ,.
lnternalional Bolshevism. For example, in the current "un· liber;,il. socialistt~. i!lld one-world dcmcnts ~,re ~t·,
J declared'' Vietnam war, there is much harping on alleged dominant. while :rn independent. conscrv::iUve press is only yi"

South Vietnam\!se a;,d Americ.:~,n ::trocitics The ··man:.1ged"
news media r:1reiy mentions lhc mJssacre of r.eilrly l 00,000
slowly establishing itself. Radio and tclcv: :-ion ptograrns are
still more rcpre~enlalive of ''foreign. • rali1cr th;.in German ~
inr,oc:cnt rr:cn. ·womt.n and chil<lr::n by the Soviet Cong and 11Heres1s .
the North Viet~ame sc.
MR. HILDER: Would that explain why s,llrd· financial and t
,/ As to World War II , thq• rarely reported the Soviet-Russian pvlitical circles in America were anxious tn bring America
;1 :itr0citiC'~ like ihe mass ml:rcler or 1-2 thousand Polish officers into ll'orid W:ir II. even if it had to be by the devious

in [!le K.1cy11 =-'For,:,; sr Ma ssacre where rhe Leflists durnp~d ''bJckcioor" route"! If:'
.. p
I th~~c men m S)1u.· huge f...'Ornmon grave. Yet. vur "rnanag.ed"
,: '
·1 m..:d1a never nres of ,l!luding to . .ind C\'Cll cnlnrging upon , COL DALL~ ,h~~t i~ the biltcr aiHJ 1errib!~ lruth Whi.Jl we ·?
Amc11c:ms goc oul of 1he ,a1aslroplh~ 'N<.1:-. ..1 !n1ge war dehl. a

alieg'"!d Japan;se ~Hld Germari :1trocities, Oul' government
worked ;Hound the dock to develop "race haLred" ;'l_gJinst qu,1rl('r n,jJliOn (asu;;ltics . ~111<l {he ;1wcsomi:! r(•:1'i z;1tio11 of a
pos~ihlc JtomiL· w:Jr TIH~ same ideolog1c:.i l scr oi pbnncr.~
the Jap,incsc.
who g~1vc th~ money-platt·s lo Soviet R11ssi.1 also hetray~c.l the
eJ MR . HILDER : According to y our qu o tation from Major
s?.t:rds of the ;,1tom bomb lo Moscow . 1\n1011g lh('in was
H.~nry Morgenthau's assist;,nt. \-1;,rry DcxlL'!" While.
R acey Jorda n's DIARY. estima tin g that possibly mentioned be/'ort> . who. wllen cxpo.,~d , suddenly
250,000 .000 dollars wo rth of this Morgenthau "spo ok disappeared . '11iegcdly having di~d . Two ac·c·omplke,. Julius
money" was immediately circulated in Ge rmany. is it not anu Erhel Rosenberg, on June 19. i 953 , wc1e executed as
pn~i ble then that so me of this, too . went to Socialists, or Communist spies-but oniy after great d;i;r.ange had been
Red agents, to bu y control of the German commun icatio ns done! \•

.3 7.
-36 - •;i

.r,,~·-• .

~ ._,.r!!3.. ,tW•*"A:Sf?~~~~~~/f.>~1w~ "i?-'~f'~•1, ··
' ·· .~.c;l__"::·~~~J~·u,a ~ ~-· ,,,,r;,: ·-! tfi,'t'_:J.'11.2 ~ ~tr.c.-.- ,
,r"' ~~ ~ ; ; w , . ,,...,.__e,:::ir-,::11tl~l~-a...~,~b' f:t'&i-1:!t'1:"'~4~!F"'i'C!tr:wr;,;::n:: ,.-:::ro-c- ·em" :1.-:,..,~aCAl!dm,.:.. •· 'f!'.,/'r::J 7.'~':'t.:'


The ,War lords ()f Washing/on

~ ~- ·
·':~ ..
Tl:e k'ar {.Nels of Wasl!i11g1on

MR. HILOER: ls there reasonable hope thal, in spile of all

hoping to get in on the loot by a la s! minwc declaration of
this, the U.S. and tile Free World. ind11di11g Jopan. can save
wa1· on Japan, kept stalling fopane se emissaries off. But now
themselves from a Communist take-over, ,1nd will also be
also more :ind more evidence is coming to light tlwl Japan
able, eventually, lo liberate Cuba, Central and Eastern
did noi rely only on Moscow bu! also sought contact with
Et1rope, Africa and Asia, from a one-world Communist
the U.S. on its own .
.'11R. HILDER: What is some of this evidence''
COL. DALL: Yes-bt1t only with ihe most dedicated efforts
to expose this lnlcrnalionol lianking conspiracy on a
COL DALL: H~lmut Suendermann, the respected German
:1uthor :rnd edito r of Das M orge11f/111u Tageln,c!, (The 5':
1 .,,,AW'--Q ~~"",._... -..~,f ~ ~•Vt ~)~ Morgen 1l1au Jounwls) (Druffel Vt'rh1g. 19 70), summariz-2s
(f~,fF!ffffj}j'<~~)'\ t·
~(J!j..,.. ,.,._ <;.j I..i.'i _J~--::4-"':t~
~tf:'r'•-:_,f,i' such evidence in 1.1n <11 tide e::ntilled, ''Die Amerikanisch-
so'wjctische Japan-Yers,howoerung" (The J\rnt.'ric:rn-Soviet '
~·.'ti '/ ' . J

-:;.-:.fGt ' .../ Conspiracy aga,ns( Japan Der,r:;che Wochr,,ct'!ilmg. August
, .,\ ,
\$ . ~:"-~, • '"/ 14. 1970), In !his he writes !hat Allan W. Dulles, also a
........_ ~--
"/ , ..~ ,, -
_,,.,r,: member or the Council on Fo reign Reh!tions, had as early as

I .
........ ~ ·· , .:,\\--:0 ' _, _
"l",•, ·~~ i\fay, 1945. t:1ke11 11µ con ra ,:t with Jap311cs!.:! int1"::rmediaries in
., . f {- Switzerland . On .\1ay 30. : !l45. IJa;1y 1-10p:•i"ms, l'r~sid,,nt "!
•~\., 111-4,
. ,.'

•1 I ,y-P Ti-urn an 's special cm issn ry , telcgr:1p heJ l'; e,;;idcn t Truman ~
I ... '14t",.!:•f.\ t"'i,,.,.
.~ h.

' th;it J,1pan h~1s losl u11d kn0\\'S ii . 011 ~by 2k, 1945. ror111~r

'. . ' . . i: • .,...... .. - Presidenl Hoover p;'l:scntcd Truman 21 M;:-n101'andum urging

·l •..}~ '.,.,r.,,.
• • ,. ,,•·~ , ....-
...... ,._. ~ .... µ, ~·...!1.--.. ~,-.. _ L•.,·
j ncgoti;_iting pC'ace with Jc1r,;i11 , MofE' po;nt;:dly, Joseph C .
Grtw. who U.S~ Amba ssador ro J:.1.pan. t-e:-orl! tile Pc..!rl
Ii , ...

,l .... :· Harl.Joi ott:..ick. :1s ~arJy ii S :nid-:\1.:iy b1.~.g;1n 1o ~:r~,~ Prl'sidenl '
Trum~111 if he :,ss urc: d l/1e J :1µ,,:1 11'.::~;~ ti1;1c Unl..'.undi(ion~I
·! MR. HILOER: ls there any erid·~nce that President Truman
knew J~: pnn w:1~ ready tu suncnder h"•rure he had the first
Surrender would not imperil th eir Empc18r. they would
m;ikc peac~. Admiral Wi !l iaill D. Lc~1 1l. y L:rg..::il the sume idea :.
alum bomb dropped on Hiroshima 011 August 6'11 , 1945.
upon President Trunian Pres ident ·rn11n~1n :mswered with
(Soviet Russia on August 8th broke its five year neu1ralily
pact with Japan by decbring w~r. )
pretexts for delay. First he wan Li:d Lo aw:iir !he foll of
Okin:iwa. then in '.vliu-Junc, he tolJ Grew n;, s would have
' COL. DALL: It h~s iong been known that ;.1s e~irly ;.1s June
to WJi1 unlil th!! Potsdam conference.
29, 1945, hµan approud1ed Moscow lo ask iis good oiliccs
towards ncgoliating pe~1r.;c. wilh \~/;.1shington. But Stalin,

MR. HILDER: What wos the situation at the s(act of tl1e
Potsdam Conference on July IT/


! ~
... _
_____ _. - . - -~ -@! ! ·&>t~"";";~...~ ' l i ' i ~ ~ ...,:,Zi ~ t-'~•~iH'i4it-1"1f1/~Jl-:i?.:(-~)~~:;::;i..t~f'?gt_:-,1t~-t--~J-:.,'~-1 t~...0.;<}.62h,·iil,)..S25~~~..
•_, N .. • ~, "".J . •~ •• ~- - •\., :• "' -. • • ;, , ~• -- . ' L,-••,• !. "l - • 't ~•J l .•"f" ,if / , ••T•
~------------~'"'--'"'-'''\._..""'""_,__. ______
The War lords of Washington The War lords of Washington ;,
COL. DALL. This w~s three weeks IJeforc Pn-sidcnl Tru111~n on Augu~t 2nd , ! 969, entitled "SOILED CHAPTER OF ,,
' ,, HISTORY," this California newspaper states: " . after the
·{1 dropp~d lhe firs1 Ulom bo111b 0 11 thr 1nnccc111 cmlla n r):
po plllfillOll 011d Sovi,·1 Rt1ma gol 11110 thu wa r Wllh J ~1,un for German st1rrcnder in Jhe spring of 1945, Japanese diplomnts

1hc ~po, ls We mus t not forge! Lllo t ·rn1man w:1~ nlso a
nrnrnl.,c-r or the C:01111dl on Forc1!sn Rcli1t1ons as was my
and intelligence agents, in Sweden, in Switzerland, in
Portugal and in other neutral co111,1ries, were frantically

i:'l th c.r-in-lu w , Fr.,n khn RoM~vc ll . liis1ol'i1111 frying to establish peace contacts h•ith the U.S Government,
-; ~
Su~ndcrmJnll r~ports: ''/11 Potsdam tm111a11 ,;011/d and that in Mid-July, 1945-before the Potsdam 11ltimat11m I:'.~
1111metll111cl)I St'I.' f/QIV riglt/ (II/ 1/IOSC \Vllll who 1,rg~d of/1!.ring
Jtt/1{1/I f)l!ll~e Ntre. {/t<.' A llltfi<VJTI S~Cf/!/ -~·t rYh'C C/; hf1111)ed
to Japan-Per Jacobsson, of Sweden, reported tu the late
Allen D11/les, who later became CIA chief. that he was
Tok yo '.t rttq11e~-ir 10 Moscc,w /11 /)('ha// o( 11111 /S,,111~1'(11' 10 "personally convinced," after talks with Japm1e.1·e diplomats
1u1t•nwlc f or p,!llte 11111/t li'M l1111gtfJn Not the lea$ / dtmb1 that "these approa~h~s (for peace) arc serio1,,,," Allen Quiles
rf lll/1111,' d tltut the Jn11a,,,:re IVi!rl!: reotlj1 ro .wm111tJ,,, oull wus also a member of ouc "invisible governm~nt"=!h~

Jt'Clf/lt nuy luml c,m1l11/m1;• 0 ,1c: word DJ J//t• Presid11111 woul, secretive Council on Foreign Relations.
ha11,: ~11/Jic<•d t() r 111/ the ,1. 1011 w11r e11r11 li~Joru· 1/,~ firs/
!'.-,;,1·d11111 ~u:Js1"1/11 /;t{:<111 8111 rhl., wurd th /: l'ntsllle111 did 1101 · MR. HILDER: Are there any other public:i1ions stating this?

1 ln~l~:td . h,: u,d,·r~d the fi rs t 11tom 110 1111) in hi>lo ry ta hr

COL DALL: Yes On July 5th, 1969, the Rocky Mountain
News carried an article by R H. Sh.;;d.{:? rd entitled.

J li rof,pCd 1'1 11 lfo·o•ihlma OH A L1g11st 61h One duy buforc ! he "PAPERS INDiCA1E JAPAN SOUGHT PEACE BEFORE

tlSSR ,,11 :,ek,·,l hu ,in:lur.:rl l ite ,;cto11u dm1lpe1! on Nug~saki, US. DROPPED A roM ROMBS" The papers he referred to
S toll11 .11 1;1 ~kr'1 h1l:ln m 1111, , ~.:., . On~ ( On scqt1~11cc of 1h1s are released l 945 Diplomatic Documents of the U.S. State
wus th~ ! th.c (;om11111111s1s go r i\01cl, Kmu,, ,md 1\1 nr~ 1aa p~,J Department 01 (he Far Eas t.

i <k .,rly, Ill the Kc,tc-~ 11 \Vur nw Yl'-l r~ lpt<•r, IQ f) l'C>C,1! ,11,.,_
~,•;i; from ~c tling ,,!! nr Klllr:i ,,,Id possibly J~pu11 F o r MR. HILDER: Are these items still .. '

many y eJ rf. 111D11y C1f M 1hu11gh , 111~1 l'rcsi,koll Tr11onon wa,
f11St ~ s1111 11le wdl-,ncanJni;, i.uilcl3 md"•itluol who was too COL. DALL: Yes , like most of the data on th ese ~trocitics ,
w~ak 10 hl'lld Ins own 111 co11fc1uT1cts with the Svsoe t
:o mmunist bo eket$. llut 1inl'ort1111a1ely , mor.: .,nd niore
the high ranking Council on Foreign Relations officials
influencing American education have "managed" an


1>vidcnce in\liea t,• ~ 1h01 he dollberntcly w ,1111c d ' 10 build Sovie l historical blackout cf the.1e crimes against hu;1,anity . "~
Russia, jus t as President Roosevelt did k
Shackford states in his article: "Long before the bombs were
MR . HILDER: Is there more evidence? dropped on Japan, Japanese diploma/s al/ over the world i,
were trying to establish contacls to talk about veace-Pope
COL DALL: Plenty. In an article in the Santa Ana R egister , Pius XII being the first to tum down a Japanese overture that ;·
40· 41 - ,;

I ,..[
L.___ If;
- ~
~ ;;-~?W'J,! !~ffp~~
~ ..-tf,f.-,{! 0 .JzPW': ~ ~~ ~ , t , ;~ ' W~ ~G-~,' 1:r1~W..7:~ ..~"?1-~ r~,iffl@·ffl:~?.,-E·:-;,~;,t~r"i*.1i'=:}!
•. '/j

The War lords of Jlloshi11g1011 The IVor Lords of Washington

-;~' /:e 111ddw1e.-h11I 1//01. due to a US go ,,,mm11111I '/ru11g-11p ' o,, MR. HILDER: President Truman staled: "The 11eed for such
'1mt'Om!im111al su,re11dar' 11/1 ~orly fc .:/~rx ily 1/i (! Ja11Imctu a fu te[11/ dedsion (lhe atomic bombing) nj co11r;e. Wl/llld

,. '
c11111t! ,c, 1111:,gh r. " lie i:uc~ on lu ~1:1tc: ·'A$ ilt!eas /945, four 11/• I1ar luwe aris1•11 had we noc been shot i11 the back by Jo pan .•·
!11011I/ts aflcr Jap,m's .w,rrmder, ac /lng Sttrt!lruy 1Jf S11uc, at Pearl Har/Jor i11 December 1941," TI1is was hisjustifica,ion
Dcrw Ael1i.w11 ( whn wu.<-a nwm/g r r,f 1111' CQu1Ic/l r,11 Forai'gn for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. ... How do you judge President ftr ·''
Relut/011 ,) 1:a1rgom•11/11 1 d1111il!d /11 n published lelt~r 10 a Truman's attitude'!

-:iJ11i;ra.,s111n11 1h111 f/;e U.S. had , ..cctr•od m1 ), "'ofjir1ul"

J,1pa,w.«• puai:e. 11/fars et1r/;~r in 1/r e year ·• COL. DALL: Much the same as Hiroshima' s City Council.
The y put it vc.1y well , nnd I q uo te: " find .11u11rdcr,/r!()i1 hel!II
hu.,ed o,, tit ~ /111pitri11/ lap.111 csq Nal'JI 's s11rprl.ic a/lock 011
~-!'R.. HIL DER: Then you mean U,c Jaµmiesc govcrnnicnt was
,v1111r cmmtr:,,·.r ,·um 1,1111)111,· r111d ,n/1,'/nl')I / i1::il/1i11.,• C,tt [1<i,1rl l;J}~.'
1 even willl ng to accept uncond.ilional surrender before
Harbo r) "why cnuld you 1101 choosu n military bu,<P Jo,. 1h11

Hiroshima ;md Nagas:.1ki?
//Jtget ? Yo11 t<:>1mn111e,I t/,,, 011t,·aga uf 111:1,;~11t·r/11g W0,000
./ 11011 comb111n111.1 lis r,J11a,Ige, 011<1 ym1 nre. s till 1r 11111g 1<1 f11st ify :!:·
ii ..
1 U L DAL L: E~u,!l.y, Th~ Amcrica,t lhstori:ln D,. Narr,v
Elm,·, 011r11us s;1ys ih:i l by Ja1111111'y 1945 rhc Jup:m c.~e wore
rr•·-_;.. 6_ .
r.q,w1 ""'"J llrn l they lm,1 lo,: !ht wnr ,tncl h,1tl M.:111 pc:11:c
ovcriur.:-l lO r.~ncral Mat An h111 w!11d 1 wei~ ~ln10s1 tdc111:c:1I
10 1h c l'l:l,il 1~1!1t mt11 1 M:,c /\r:hur 11 rtcd Roosevelt 10 start
t11 111u.rJt:ni,:. n.;1;_Uln~1(.)o). hu • tv '-·.,dw.h: th~ lt1b,.·,d:1n_,-:, "!'he
!'t l!.\I U<)t•l f CJ<: ~tc.J Mac•\ rth11r"s l11111lRII C ni\ U 1,otrio llc
fil '~J:?•-·~f-,,,f!,,
•-?' ;_ :.. '
~ -: :: ~
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:_:t_ ~~'~ : ~
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·\ ·;~
MR. HILDER : Wasn't President Nixon al.«• " ;;;-on:ber of the
8nr11 ~, s•>I Ille: ~t()ry fr,,n1 1'11)' fncnct t!tc ,\m ~ri,·a n Council on Foreign Rebtions .is well Genera! EisLc.nhower,
i\ c w~m:111 , IVn/(Cf 'f'mlt,111 . Who l!/t{IOS,.;<J the. who le fou l
·t 11a .. whc1y on lh,· Sunda y ~fier V•J D,1y .i.11g,1~1 19. I <J45.
who orde,·ed Gener"! Patton to hold bee;. so the Soviet

troops could plunder Berli11'?
•rrohlln !\• t th~ ~10,y :,nil Ht~ racl~ d1rcc 1ly from Admlrul
Leahy, o,•cr who~c 1lt>.~k pissed the conrnuini~ntions t.,e1wecr, COL. DALL: That is a most important r,oi111 considering
my runne r f:111t~r -111-bw :i11d Ccoc,J I M~<"A111wr. The story Nixon's flirtation with Red China. !tis said that Nixon has
,] was rcrson 11 lly cont ,nncd l)y c~-l'r~•1dcn1 l-!crbc1 1 Ho over in over seventy members of th e Council on F~r..•ign Rcdations in
1951 , who nskcd M:icArthur if 11 was 1,uo. MacArlhur his administrntion. Nixon ignores Lhe ract tl1:H Red Chin~ has
coll limwd ii Ill cv~ry- de t~ll. R~cently, !111:, s10ry w.1 ~ ngaln exlerminated 66,400,000 of i.s own people in mass genocide.

I revc~led fn
Amt1riron M ert•ury mauuzin~. : ts Fall , 1970,

-42 ·
This is the largest massacre of human beings in the history of
the world and is documented liy the Free Chinese


t •~ .~~ . . .... , ... w¥--·~~~~~~ 1f:--':Y.Z?.~,.~ ,~'~f~•.49,~-1.tflW?;;*;,.;;ti}:f.*~*~wj~:\;!.ffl~;j'~:t;.~.~ ,
. ...- ;1: l'", :"l9 ~*~ ~t4r-:-r- . •-· ' ' •• ., •I'
~ .. . - . , . , : ~ - -- - -- 4-~'l...!:,il....,..
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The War Lord.< of Washington

The War Lords of Washington

Government in Taiwan. Nixon ignores the fact that the 1~, ......~~ ~·~---4 !.-· · dll

··,-., .,,.,. .~~

Communists .;till have our prisoners of war from Korea if?-//~- ; .:.~:~(L _; :~f+~t:.-!}M
.fiWA .....: "·t%\,J ., ..·.. /,•:t;;,J
;J\ 4 ' .-, ~ .. ~ • ~ , .,

enslaved. Nixon further ign01es the fact that all of Eastern
J ____, ~ ,,
-;4 ·:

Europe is sti!l endavc:.d and !he Soviets have murd.cred in
death camps and starv~d upwards of 45 million additional }l '1 .. /1 -~
people since the '"one world" Bankers brought them to tdI ~~~ ,,.,a i~~:;.:;;-,'!J ""111 ~~~
power in I 91 7. ~h~'
. . •, . • ).~~ b;' -II f:""
Jl ~f-,p:1l' ,_,..\~~_j . { i!: ·· 1, ·..'.;_~

•~ , MR. HILDER: Why did these ln!ernational Cartelists wish to

mw;s murder innocent men. women and IJ11bies aftcl· the wnr
f;,t¾. ~,

r ,..._
.--..., r
~ -·· ;, -;i) ~
_,, ~
~•, · •._1-~~
ii'~ ·.,. ,: •• .,;~
,-..,~ ·"
~i :At ~
t•,( ~.,; ~
·· ,,,,~
was virtually over?
~ •;..:.,__j, ~... ;u:" lL -\:i.:.?.~

COL. DALL: For severe! reasorcs: Fir,t, the International ,1•
:.. r
Fin.inciul Powers that caused the wa: were determined to
comp lernly crush Japu11 :md Gerrr.11ny ~o Lhcy could hike over The birth of world peare will be hera!Jecl oaly by the
the ::1n,111lic indu~ll'I!!..~ of thew two ~re:11 rlatrons. That
evidunct 1.i very cle.11 The Japanese ,,eaplc should toke a very
close look today at the foreign o-.vncrship of some of its
la1gcst componie;; in international tr:1de and shipping I
death of wcrld governm~nt. The lnte,riational Banking
Cartelists and their agents, operating through the Council on
Foreign Rt!l..1ti1Jns in the United States anCTth~ Royai
Institute of lntermnior~al Affairs in E11gla)·id c1nd other st:~h
rcp~al--i.1 vcrJ' dose look. Seccnd!y, I bc1kve it was to pamc organizatjons throughout the world profit from poverty and
the nations of the world into Jccepting a one-world
>1IJNr.,;o vernmcn1 . alle~11dly 10 end ,111 w~I~. TI,e "On~
the slaughter of much of the earth's pc:rce-lovmg populaticn.
Fo, freedom to rise, they must fall. The ·,1 ar was brought !f~.

,\'orl<l'" moniov 1iow¢rs, orcr:11m&;Jiroui:h :he Unil ~d N~t ,ons about by their design-not by the peop!cs of !:lpan cmd tl1e

'" m~Jor promoIIan M tli~ (;,ll:nc;I on FMc1cn Relation~) United States, but bi• a small group of wealt/:J men who
,1 hll~lcd the Idea tJrnt the l.iomb cou lJ kill i,ve r)'l•11e (lik~ in controlled the governments of our nation~ \Ve can g::-dn .1.nd m:
Hiroshim:i ancl Nagasai:i) if they didn't bow to their att2in peace onJy when we arc men tally, physi1.-:JHy and
sclf scrving demc1nds. spiritualiy armed against the power of the international


J MR. HILDER: And one last question- How do you feel

bankers and their agents who pro ti r by creating war. We must
prepare to win or prepare to die,

l Hbout !he U.N.?

·1 COi.. DA LL: I believe the U .N. is most dangerous to the

r,.,,~dom of the world and to individual liberty. ln fact it is
more dangerous than atomic bombs and must be scrapped.
Only by disclosing the secrets behind the last wnr, with your
help and dedic~ted efforts, can we preveM a future ~ar. I ask
now th;;t we .1orn hands for the prescrvatmn of mankmd.

l ~ - - •- · • .-T

Id tj_J,l(.1t~..,f.:!Jfo~5:N_J.,
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. ~r : SAC, PHOENIX (157-N~) (P)
~r~ wtf@ ~ V \ 0
~ ~BJ•E CT:
300 Independence Avenue, S.E.,
1 n.c.
r.., 1

cx;:::/1, There are enclosed to the Bureau six (6) copies

of a letterhead memorandum, which is selfexplanatory.
l -'' l I

I !source of the information in this LHM, b2

is I I b7D


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Kansas City (Info) (Encl.-1)
New Orleans (Info) (Encl.-1)
~1: JtJ'1'to/f-/61;
, _Jr.,A 9
SEP 10 1973

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·, I , •• ' 1,

. · :· !n Reply, ·Please·R ej er_ to _. .. · ~e,ptemb~:X:

~- . ~, '. 1973
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, . ,· :.:.. . Title · .LI_BERTY Lc;>BB~_.-. ·:

. .:·. 300 · In.dependence A~ en1:1e, . S~

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V6Ec.r . . . . .. . June 18, 1974

,~- /tJ' f 1//- /6 7

~. .
~)t Honorable Lester·L. Wolff

v House of Representatives
Washington, D. c. 20515- ) b6 ~
Dear Congressman Wolff:
of a -lett7r from
Your cr1micatian of oinne 10th enclosing a c j py
I' Bayside, Ne,w York, hd,s ~
been received. ·
With respect to the infonnation she furnished,·, I
this Bureau is strictly an investigative agency of the fy
Federal Government and, .as such, neither makes evaluations· ~
nor draws conclusions as to the character or integrity of
any-organization, publication or individual. Since the meet- ~
ing to which she referred took pl.ace outside this co.untry_, &1·
I am referring copies of your correspondence to the Secretary
of State for any action he deems appropriate. · ,. , .·
Your enclosure is being returned in accordance with f5u
· your request.
[· - _ iVJAILED 3. Sincerely yours, §
·.J U1'l 181974 _: •·, u
) I' ~
~Ma Kelle~
~, ,. • .. ,' · ~·FBI · --~, C9, ~
\) ~ - - -- - - Clarence M. Kelley
. .


1 - New York - Enclosures (2)

1 - · Paris - Enclosures ( 2) .--------. ~ -~
Attention SAC and LEGAT: is not identifiable I I
~:: :~ :~~--=
Assoc. Dir. -

Asst. Dir.",
in Bufiles. She apparently has reference to the Bilderberg
Group :which was created a number of years ago by Prince

-~::p~f!:;:~ =
Admin. - - Bernhard of The Netherlands. It is composed of top leaders
in and outside of government who meet to explore the points /Jii)
Files & Com. - of {r,iption . . ~xist_ing in this area. Offic~~l~l: of tI;e Unite~ -~ .
Gen, Inv. - - •• r:._u) States Department. of State have· attended past meetings .. of' ' .
:~::·e,lon - ';' this organization. ' It has. not been i_nvestigated ·by the FBI.
Intel\, _ _ l

~~::: :
- Liaison Section - Enclosures (2 )~ . . -
,. _
. '• ,•-,
1 -: Congressional· Ser:7ices Of ~ice. :-- 1):_~c:,..osu:1'.'.e,~.: . t2 ~
,. \
· ·· ·
spoc . tnv _ _ NOTE: We have had prior .c.~rd1al 1 cprres~nd · ·W· .- Congr_e ssrnan\1
Tro in lng _ _ wolff (D-NY). pv . ' ;,, . ,,, . . . :;.:\ _J ,!I
Le gol Cou n, - mhb : bjv · ( 8) . tl .l..~ . , 0 ~ \Cl1~ -.. f-y
'T_e lo pheno Rm, -;: 1 ,'>< N ;t",I' ~ '(r" ~ fJ ,f/.J
Dlro<to, Soc'y -"it) ~ f ? M ~ 19 74L~j_,E UNIT o
~ •1

\ . ,{.

~,,-.... • .-
--- ~·~ .....,
Gen. Inv. _____ _
Ide·,, t.
lm;pe!'~tion ____ _
Intdl. _ _ _ _
L::1btJr at•.)l" .., __ __ _
Pian. \~ ·Ev3.L - -·
€ongnss of tbt ianiteb ~tates Spec. lnv. - ····--
Trai.ning ~ - -
Leg,,l Coun. ____ _
, Jt,oust of l\tpresentatibcs
Telcphm1e Rm. _
Director S-:?c'y ___ _
lllasbinglon, m.«:.
June 10 74
19 o~I
Congressional liason bE.
Federal Bureau of Investigation b7 C


--+- The attached communication

is sent for your consideration. ~
~ ' \.
Please investigate the statements I

contained therein and forward me

the necessary information for re- #il ~
ply, returning the enclosed corre-

spondence with ,,your answer.

c:, j'.:);
Yours truly, .er,, 8
4P<G,' ~.
Lester L. Wolff q
M. C.
Please return: EtllO_ :/ . .
Attn: HD
} t,t
J.l ~JJ./
l ·,
i h.(~ \~.qJ~'...~:\\L·' .S::_c._i_ _ _ __ _ _~ _ f ~1')7
t , ~o ·
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. }

__,;.. . .J
yr- ..
tf-1? .,.,,,., ,., ..-:;.. •.$.

~ ')_- x~,~~~l\titlllli.
, §ii:; c1,osui~
"?t(?.}, ·191?

I ..
• ·•.0: ....

~ay~ipe, N .Y. 11360
May 31, 1974

Rep. Lester L. Wolff

House Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20515

. ~ ~·,;
Dear Representative Wolff,
Would you please initiate an inquiry in t-e ~House {~
to uncover the truth about a· ~ r~t_society the ilderb~rg~~s .
I ask this because ·-snme of our· highly placed gov nment 1
officials · attended their most recent meeting Apri- 19-21, -1.974
in Megeve, France.
Please support the Liberty Lobby's efforts to uncover
the purpose of this- organizatitm. ';

Sincerely Yours,

~6A x
I 112- t. o
copy:djf 5,' Dc--
1 x-
/Y' . :Z - l(-04Z-,.Z:.::,


? c? --;C7&, 9 ,y/ _ Il? ~L j£('~""-

m1cL0SUi:~ ~izs 1974
•' " ···-- . . 1. /
-;·,:-· : '1'.' . •..
"~ ·• • "1' • I
...i·-.• .-... r
1,. • -;· .,.

....... ____ ,__

'. ' ''\

April 23, 1974

• • l . ..~

~ ~-- I(}~ 9'1/J__ r , • ~ .. • "


"I I • ·I • •• ~•·· . 'I. I ••• • •• l,1 - . ,. •, .:_.,. .,


OJ1'4ha, Nebraska 68105

O' Oearl I
Your recent communication, enclosing a March, 1974,
report by the Liberty Lobby on the trial of former Cgngressman
John Dowdy, was received on April 15th. ;:·;~} ~~~
-~~·- ·- n 'I•

v With regard to your request that I read the· last


C'J u,.
our paragraphs of the ,enclosure and refute any untrue state-
ai ents therein, it is certainly not true that by "wirE;!tapping
nd trailing" Defense Attorney John w. Key, Jr., the FBI


~ a::
earned the identity of sixty individuals who had volunteered
o testify for Mr. Dowdy and intimidated all but five of them.
t is;;equally-untrue that "Squads of FBI agents were dis- s
' patched to investigate these five, and try to induce friends,
neighbors and business associates to say something derogatory
in order tp impeach their testimony." ,_·_: _::,_:;
\) · -rt is also incorrect to describe the tria,1 jury i

in this case· as "hand·-oickcd" and "FBI-screened." ·rn select-
\ ing the j1,1ry, both the" prosecution and defense may--'·examine ,
J prospective jurors and may challenge them for cause for--·· ,
reasons such as bias, prejudice, personal relatioi:iship~ .. with
u individuals involved in the trial, conviction of an infamous ~-1,
crime, or legal disqualification. In addition, both tlje f:i
prosecution and defense arc allowed a prescribed number of ~!
. peremptory challenges which do not require that a reason be ~ I
given by the side Making the challenge. In a case involving
Joe. Dir. _ _
op. AD Adm._
ep. AD Inv._
sl. Dir.:
dmin. _ _ __
omp, Sy,,. __
an offense punishable by imprisonment for more than one year,
the defense is entitled to ten peremptory challenges and the
prosecution is nntitled to six. Trial does not go forward
until attorneys for both sides have agreed ur,on the jury
selected as a result of the a.bovG-described process. To impl y_
£,. \-.,//
(1_ /
xt; AHain __
iles & COm. _ that such a jury could be cc.::::rced by the Government ;i.nto, :. 1 'jc·>
,en. Inv, _ __
dent. _ _ _ _
rendering an irr:proper verdict: is to chal lf~qe t11e system of v
nspdc:t1on _ _

under which our society has funct l
ioned I
for I:leny I ,.
r-:~ell. _ _ __
_ aborotory _ _
. ,_
s. -~
,. C( s ,,,,,...1. r·,., p ... •, ~'---1-·•v',~-- •·
~ ......, fr~·• I/ ·...,,,,, ~ •.-.J:~
•·1J·'b•i .- ·.
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::alan. & Eval. _
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,J ] )
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~;:::I Coun. _ _
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61 i\A-
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\ ~)
11l115,hcne ::?m. _ I · ' •~ -
~~ )·Y/5
iTecto, Sec•y _ MAIL ROOM •_/ • l ETYPE UNIT LJ , V,. , .
' . .
··- - ,1.
~- ···••,' ·.·• . ,.• ... ~.--
:... ~·
,...·. -~.=: -·> ..,. .....:.-t.' ,;; _,;·t·, •,•
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'"':'• - .-
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On March 12, 1973, the United·States Court of ··:
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, reversed the judgment of )
the United States District Court, Baltimore, Maryland, as
to counts one through five and affirmed the judgment as
to counts six through eight iryvolving charges of perjury
before a Federal Grand Jury. /Mr. Dowdy's sentence of eighteen
months in prison and~ fine of $25,000 was reduced to six
months in prison and a $3,000 fine. On May 15, 1973, the
prosecution asked the United States Supreme Court to rein-
state Mr. Dowdy's conviction on the counts reversed by the
Court of Appeals, but the Supreme Court refused to hear
this appeal, and likewise refused to hear an appeal by the
defendant. •.

With respect to a remark supposedly made by Special

.. . ..-- . Prosecutor Stephen H. Sachs that the FBI had "performed .
·· brilliantly under pressure during the trial," I cannot vouch, .. ~·"
. for, nor c::om.rne1_1t up?n, a statement 1ade by an individua~ ·• . .. ..
. involved in this. trial. · · · · ·. - · .. .~. • ¾

.· ~~ . ·t~· . ·• '.:· Sincerely yours, ·,.,: . .-. . '..: \4' • ,· u ,.

. .
,·. . • • • ·1,:
. ·-
"( : _;... ~M.. _lielJet .. _: . _ .•
~ ..
Clarence M. Kelley

NOTE: Bufiles disclose no record of correspondent. A former

J lobbyist for the Liberty Lobby (LL), a conservatively oriented
organization, has informed the Bureau that this or9anization
was actively involved in the defense of former Congressman
Dowdy and raised approximately $60,000 for his defense,
although only approximately $20,000 was given to Dowdy. This
individual also indicated that the LL intended to use the Dowdy
Case as a vehicle to attack the American judicial ·system in
the event Dowdy was convicted./ He further indicated that it
was his belief that officials of the LL might have been involved
in procuring perjured testimony on belalf of Dowdy at the trial.
Above response coordinated with the Accounting and Fraud Sec-
tion, GID.


2 - . . ,-.-::._:::,-: \,,,··,:,. \,:::· .. •·•~:. ·,·,.~ . ·,

• --

--··--•·- 1 ,~--..__. . __, . ._.,:-___________-- -·-·-------•-'-•·-.!I..!..
,,,....., .., •, II•• •
---- April 11, 1974
\ u\ ),,.:
-J •.✓.\. t:'!if,
Federal Bureau of Investigation \ . J-

Washington DC.
.6 L ,~4:..~';l Lol38 Y.
Dear Mr Kelly:

I hope you can find time to read the last 4 paragraphs of the enclosed article.
A If these statements are not true, I know you will want ~.:.u . refute them.. I hope
z;: b7C

Zr V , the FBI will not turn out to be like some of our other law enforcement agencies.

await your reply at your convenience.

ours , ___ -~-• ---~ ~

,\m-h- Kt-h
A>nh5 0 ~ 1. ~-
iJJ<.. ./ ,
. 'I ~ ,ff~'

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I Murfree~boro, Tennessee
- . ..-~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - = ; - : - , - : - . ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ " ' l ~ ~ ~ ' ¥ - f 1 ,- .•
I 37130 .
. D~a~ I I .
. -
Your letter; with -enclosure, . was received on Sep- -
tember 19th. · ·

With respect to your inquiry, this Bureau is strictly .

an investigative ·agency of the Federal Government and, as ·
such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as ·to
·the character ·or integrity of any· organiz:a tion, publication
or individual. I hope you will not infer either that ·
we do or ·_ do not . have _information in -our files _relating to
the subject of your . inquiry. ·
' !~ ,::_
. .since'reiy yours ,
_MAIL_ED 20 . · ]

.. EP 2 il 1974
' .. .· a1.1..1Ma__Kelle~
Clarence M. Kelley
·. ·FBI Director
~- NOTE: · Bufiles . contain no q.erogatory information regarding
correspondent.• The Bilderbergers is a group ·w hich was created
a · nuIQbe:i:; of years- ago._. -by Prince . Bernhard of The Netherlands.
It is composed of_ top leaders in and outside of gove_rnment
-· Assoc .· Dir. -_-. who meet -. to ·explore the points .of . friction existing in this
, Dep.ADAdm._
DepC AD In v. _
As st · Dir.:
area. 0 f ficials
, , ,
- of .the United States Department o f State
. have attended past meetings of _ this . organization- an~ it :.
... - .. CJ£?
<-,. _. "_,.._•'
~~:~·sr••· _ has not been investiga-ted by the FBI. · · -·. .·.. r .~:- ··: . :_- - .

: Ext. Affa irs _ . ' , : t i\ · • • • · • , 1 ,I '--!:
• Files & Com . -
Gen , In v . _
ldo n1.
mhb: vb
( 3)

~ -.. .
Gfijf'. .p• ,.\·

./ '
• ·,• •

\ : .. .'•: .. .. '!

lnspoc l l on _. _
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Lobo,o ro,y _ .

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, .. · D epartment of. -Just J:ce ·· · , · : · '··
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Dea.r . J\1r . Director: ,, :··. ·. . \ ::, .. -.: .. ., . . . . ..- · b6
:· ·. , , . ,• -~- ·: ·-:·.:;_·: ··._ .... <;•,::.·.~ .· . ,; ~ ·:. ·· ·.>,·~·•,·.;·· ' ::7: .; , ,;'• ·: ·b7C
·.v • .• The re :are· T1_1aDy ··p~ople .;thr-oU:gllou t\ the Un i te_d S~ate's··.who · at:e· :,""' ••t
..... beco!Tl ing very ·. 6-oncerh.e d: a:'pou·t · ·the ..;si ld'erb~ rgefs: '·-..~Y.,ha{::J s,.yg:i,ir : . .. ·.,
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J!ilderhe1·gers Meet. h , Ooosteheek To Plot Our Enslavement.

\VASHINL'J'UN -Charles Mee Math•
ias. lhe semor sen:ilor from M:iryland, is
calchinga louchof-lheold high lire Lhes'e
l l by associDlinn~Many of his best friends.
he snys, are Bilderbcrgers. And so
runs the branch in New York. The Bil-
dcrbcrgcrs ti ave tile European (ranchise.
!Actually the North American Conspira-
looper? The late senator Crom Iowa? Say ••
it ain't so.
GF.RALD FORD has been a Ililder-
~; ~ rri~rh~~b~e~-~~o~~id~~~~J:~~l
~Ionce -~~~~ By These Bildcrberg meetings h~ve been cy is ln charge of &ht: Co,lncil or Foreign
Relations. which secretly ffianipulales
hergcr. So ha\'~ Cqnirr!SSrncn Hich:ud
Bolling, John Bradcm•1. Choi Holllitld.
but several ltm('s. and to be a • ., going on since IIJS1 , when a group of
Ililderbcrger is lo ben "Secret Con_;pira- j Qffl85 J. . / global thinkers s:atbcred nt the Hotel de co\·e-rnment.c; ~hrour,J1 a t-mAII clique of Peter FrelingllU)'SCn, Dante F"n.sct:11, F.
Bildcrbcrg in Ouostchcck, Holland Ordi- PO">¥Cr•mad b1lliona1re b:inkcrs whose Bradford Mori.:c. Henry K~u.s.,: and
lo~ ·~m,ple or weeks ago, L,i>erly Lohby Kilpatrick . narily about 100 p.'.lrlic1pants arc invited go:il 1s world domination through a new Drooks 11:"1)'$, Not s1rrims111gly. Cotum•
pnhp-.!icd an ;,cl in ·1hc Washinnum They include pol ii icians. b:1.nkars. indus- socialist order ) Everyone knows this , nl, tJoo Kroft Ito llllderber~cr . noplol'lo
~~I~~~. ~
.~tl~t~ l!\~ sg::~10:e;~~~p~e ;~~ lrialisls. journali!-:ts and :,c,,dCmics Crom prolllotc ,sJa,•cry _1.s hcyonu Mr Krnfl
Europe. Canada and lhe United Slates. In Bein~ a Secret Conspirator used lo be tlarry ll••~hom ol tha Loufs•llle
t.Jbc.n )• f,obby, 111 a 101\C ol voice sug- lhc jaundiced view or my fr.icncls of the an cxcli.Jsivc kmd orlhing To judge rrom Co11ricr-,. ,ourn,1I also Is a Secret Conspir-
l!it"!ILing litll~ rblJ)l"<:l 11 dun, "we find il ball, "do you reel your senatorial oalh of F"ar-Olll-n:i~ht. their flUl'('QSC is lo pro- n rollccJII or recent f3ilderberg meetings, ator. Arni St."01ly Reslrmof lhc New York
s1ru11J!4.' 1111,t )'OU rcfo~ 10 disclose ,in.v office is superseded by your oath lo the motclhcSctTct Consc11r;icythalsoon will ,lhe Conspiri.lcy is getting a little down c.1t Times And Bill Moyers . How do you like •
informalmn concermng your ti ip lo the Bildcrb\•r.:en;.?" , cn-;lave us all Sen .\lathias says lheir the heels. Among the participants over lh:il?. Moy~rs! ·
Ilildcrhc-rg meeting in Megeve, Fra11cc, The .sL1nlor scn::ilor from Maryland, purpose is lo discuss problems confronl- the years, one rinds such United States Well. all l can say is that Lhe Ililder-
April l'J-21, 1974" now up ror re-elct.:t1on, dflutJ4l<.•!>f. tA:n take ini-: l11c Atlanl 1c community l.u:111 spnn~ senators as Edwclrd Brooke, Clifford bergcrs never have asked me to their
care or him!'-elf. He is a hlJ:h tontl'd gent, (h('y talked about inflation. cn,rgy .and Cn!-e. F'rank Church, nalph F'landcrs, .1Mu:il C'o11vc.n1 1011 f am just ns.rttidy to
URF.RTY I.OURY went on to ask what civil11cd am1 sofl,spokcn, with a voting n.1turnl resources \Villiam F'ulbri,;:ht, F'rcrl Harris. Uourke
Hickcnloopcr. Henry M Jackson. Jacob pl~t. tm1i;-pirc. 111:,11ipulalc, 1lmn111alc .
wns discusscrl :it I he secret meeting. and record that runs rrom merlium to mcdi - control :31Kf en"hn-c lhe worlrl ns !icotty,
lo remmd M;1lhi:ls lhat his loyallv lies um-r.'.1re His response to L1bcrly Lobby The Secret Conspiracy, .ts is well Jav1ls, Gale McGee, Mike Monroney,
with hi.,;; ~1arvl:ind consllluenl'i, nol w1lh 1s Lo r;iise a defense of 1n11ocenrc by j;, known opc•ralcs from sever;1I loc.ilrnns llu,::h Scoll ;mrl .lohn Sparkman Mosl of ncslon or B.1rry Bingham. ff Liberty
Lobby would just give me a liltle en-
intcrnahon:il hankc1s .. Or," a~kNI as~OCIJlion. or mJyhc fll7.7.Y · WUZZ)'lll"SS Hcnr.v K1!-sinccr 1s m,u1.1ger rn ch:11 gc or ll1csc arc s1111sle1 lvpes. or which :iny-
crtv Lohbv. rnu11nl! a fil!I" r"" ' -., 11, .. I l1C' \V:i '-'h1n(!ln11 nrfi•:e 0:i \ irl R:o<'kcf cllrr lhim.t coulrt !Jc hcl1C'vctl h111 Hir.kC'n- dorscmc11t. MU)11,o J could caddy for
M:ilhi:ic; n,-,,-1 ~•r.,.,

?..., .~ ,Je.,,,1 "l-14-7'f'.

,rJ ~:~-?
••: I

.Lt.BE~TY LofnowN XL 1ae~1, LowCcWN


Ma-rch 1974

Five oil company executives who have confessed propitiating the President of the U,S. by illegally
contributing corporate funds to his election kitty have been let off with fi~es of $1,000;-which
they can either put on their expense accounts or pay with petty cash from their mahogany desks,
They are at large and so is the beneficiary of their largesse, Richard M, Nixon.

Former Rep. John Dowdy (D-Tex.), who investigated the $20 billion-a-year public housing racket,
thus treading on the toes of other important contributors to President Nixon's political war chest,
·/ recently entered a federal penitentiary, a broken and ailing man, Dowdy is behind bars in the
f 1 Fedeial Prisoner Medic~l Center, Springfield, Mo., a maximum security institution. He is incar-
t c~rated with hundreds _of criminally i nsane murderers, rapists, . arsonist~, muggers _and ~sso ted 7
· thugs. The conservative former Congressman's personal safety is precarious. Doring his first
four days at this prison hospital, the 62-year-old Dowdy was not even furnished a pair of shoes.
finally, he got a pair of ill-fitting work shoes, He has been the victim of medical neglect at
this dilapidated facility. Federal Judge Roszel C, Thomsen sent him there because he is suffering
from duodenal ulcer, urinary tract obstruction· due to an enlarged prostate gland, and high blood
pressure. If he should need an operation, he would have to be transferred to another hospital,
because of the lack of proper operating. room facilities. -

& --
' \
The T1~as lawmaker consistently took a forthright conservative position on legislative issues be- ...,,
fore the Congress, He introduced an amendment to a foreign aid bill that would have prevented any
aid appropriation directly or indirectly contributing to the national debt, He urged passage of
another bill to keep the U.S. Supreme Court from "pre-empting areas of legislative action .for the
federal government without specific Congressional action." He also heartily opposed civil rights
legislation. "I don't think we need a bil 1 at al,1," he said of a 1959 measure, which he asserted
\muld adversely affect the Bi ,. l of Rights and •individual liberties." ,,
Dowdy was a skilled parliamentarian, and by raising points of order on the House floor he someti • es
could send undesirable bills back to the originating commit.t ee; by asking for quorum calls and roll
call votes, he forced colleagues to vote on the record on highly controversial issues. He was a
strong champion of states' rights and favored immigration safeguards barring the influx of foreign
elements unsympathetic to American ideals and standards. He vi@:'orously opposed aid to ·communist
countries •• • supported tax reduction and economy in government • • • advocated a firm stand on
Cuba and the Panama Canal Zone • • • championed a strong national defense not dependent on Soviet
good will • •• and vigorously opposed m~ny needless operations of our far-flung extravagant foreign
aid program. Instead, he proposed spending any extra money available on conserving and developing
America's resources.
0~ native of Texas, John Dowdy was born Feb • . 11, 1912, After early schooling in Rusk and Henderson ,
he-~'it~ended a Waco business college. Later he~ worked part-time and studied at t he Colleg~ of .,.
H.~ rshall ·( now East Texas Baptist College). In· 1932 he began work as a secretary i n a law office',
lat er becoming an official court reporter. In 1940, after passing t'he bar eicami na tion \lit h the ~'.
highest average grade of those taking it at th~t time, he was licensed to practice law. Four year~
later· he was elected District Attorney, 3rd J1;1dicfii~ District of Texas. In 1952 he was elected
to an unexpired term in the House of Representatives, where he served for 20 years, Frequently he
was unopposed for re-election; any opposition was toke·n. He had difficulty keeping in. personal
contact with his constituents, so he frequently sent 'questionnaires on crucial issues.

In 1965 as chairman of. a. Hpuse investigating .s~bcommi.ttee, Dowdy extensive1y · investiga1ced the mal·
administration of the multi-mill1on dollar federal housing programs. For more than two decades
· J!lany efforts have been made t ·o investigate the notorious housing swindles. ~Y Con~!!~~n de·-
plored the graft connected with federally-financed housing, but John Dowdy was 'the' only- on e who
( f orced the housing agencies and the Department of Justice to open their files on the matt .e :r, r.e- _ .•
r' \'.·::::i.ling this ugly picture: . _,/ .
• More than $40 billion tax money committed t~ -~~bsidizeam)'41-<!0 -6'Ch.:id f.:.-r.-,t,-,;:-:-.,s=::,.mc• - - - ~ - -
• In 1971 alone, 570,000 units, about 25% of the total housing product .i on, wer~ built .
or rehabilitated with government assistance

,. Qin most cases between one-fifth arid one-half of the total federal subsidy did not
· reach t he purported , beneficiaries . · · ·
undreds of thousands of complaints from defrauded home buyers were ignored; thousands

l of others, when a Congressman had intervened ·on behalf ,of a constituent, saw the
Housing Agency go through the motions of an i nves tigation and come up with a whitewash
report, while the complaints that reached !l.#~ '. ~~; y ~~e pigeonho1 ed. ,
. Congressman Dowdy began his massive housing fraud probe in 1965; not until 1972 did the Department
. ,.of Justice reluctantly start grand jury action on any of them. The bureaucrat i c code term is
"proceed with extreme cauti1 n," which in practice means dil~·-dally with surveys and evaluat~~ .s.
A few indictments by grand juries have now faken place, but the bonanza . of graft has kept snow-
.,,- balling every year. .. ·
,,. '
As much as half the federal subsidy is pa~_s ed to middlemen and never reaches the n.eedy fa~ilieJ
( for whom the funds are intended, according to a · joint survey by Harvard University and the Masta-
( ch_u setts Institute of Technology , Now ;he. biggest banks _, inc.ludii:ig Chase Manhattan ancl National
. ' . . .: '• -
. ·_,-,.,
. •.: • :c .
· ·t:utions) are going into the home me_
cny'-.Bank (both Rock. efeller i n ,_ age business in a big way.
It is a~ unholy alliance betwe ighly respectable bankers and the ing racketeers. Jewish ·
promote~~ are predominant in this field, according to a recent surve) y the Washington Observer.

,'~ong the cases Dowdy's committee investigated was that of the Monarch Con~truction Co., whose
._president was N.,..,,.., .. ,,. H. Coi..~n, a disbarred Maryland attorney associated with ·.' brother-in-law
Julius B. Lev1tc.. ~he ,, .. ;_.;~ .~c1nager of the firm was Myrvin C. Clark. '·


The new Attorney General, John N. Mitchell, as a law partner of Richard Nixon had made a fortune
specializing in tax-exempt state and municipal bonds, largely for housing with federal subsidies.
(He was described by the Washington Pos t as the leading housing lobbyist in the country.)
Mitchell ·became annoyed with Dowdy's~s tant prodding for prosecutive action on the housing fraud
cases his committee had referred to Justice. Mitchell's subordinate, Henry E. Petersen, Assistant
Attorney General in charge of the Criminal Division, had also been annoyed with Dowdy's prodding
on the housing cases for several years. Petersen, a holdover Democrat, had been a protege of
the late Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. Nixon has privately promised Petersen a federal
judgeship before his Presidential term expires.

'The Mitchell-Petersen axis decidEd to eliminate Dowdy. Mitchell personally approved the illegal
.wi~etapping, bugging and burglarizing of Dowdy's residences in Washington and Texas. Stephen H.
~Sachs, Democratic holdover as U.S. Attorney in Baltimore, handled t he pros e c ~ .
-------=~- .
The Justice Department, in its i~vestigation of the Nathan Cohen coterie, had developed 13 fe~ony
charges against Cohen, seven against Clark and three against . Levitt, corresponding to a total of
more than $2 million in confessed housing swindles. Frosecutor Sachs offered them a plea bargains
help make a case against Dowdy and we'll let you off with fines and suspended sentences. They
testified that the Congressman had conspired to accept and had accepted a $25,000 bribe in the
Atlanta Airport on Sept. 22, 1965. The prosecution alleged that Cohen gave a briefcase containin_,::,
$25,000 'cash to Levitt, who in turn gave it to Clark, who handed it to the Congressman in the ·
public ~aiting room.


Wtie·n Levitt testified before the grand jury, he told contradictory stories. The prosecutors took
Levitt out of the grand jury room and reprimanded him for these obvious conflicts, gave him im-
munity from perjury and admonished him to give a consistent, believable story. But again he mixed
up his testimony, had to be taken out and coached again. Five times this went orr.

In the trial, under cross-examin8tion by defense attorney John W. Key, Jr., Levitt garbled his
lines a~ain. For example, he co1 ld not remember whether he flew '·o Atlanta from Baltimore or
_Washington, or whether he or Cla1k carried the briefcase to Atlan,a. Dowdy had t hree witn~ses
:_& pr ove ~hat he i::_~s_m~~-S!!r:k ? r ~ ~ :V~in the Atlant~ . public !iai. tiQg r oom, where he nev_!! r even· __ - - ·
went', bee n escorted f ro ri{"fti'e ;ir plane ramp to t he-vIP hospitality lounge bya Delta· A ·~ e
emp~oye e, Dwa~ne Koch. Ko7h and two businessmen testified that they never left the Congressman
during the br1ef stopover 1n Atlanta and that he did not meet anybody else then. The truth' is
Levitt was never in Atlanta on the alleged occasion, nor was Clark. A former business associa~e
of Nathan Cohen, Grayson Foster, testified that Cohen admitted privately that he framed Dowdy to
get himself out of trouble, saying, "I'm a smart little Jew boy. I think I got off. the hook. I
eave Sachs ~ Congressman." Another ·defense witness, Mrs. Verna Collin, Clark's former secretar}
at ronarch ln 1965, testified that Clark told her he did not meet Dow~y at the Atlanta Airport • .
-. ;· - .. -- - .. J _ ______--,---- --=---- ... -,y , , ...--'l:_;·.----.--
7' ussING MONEY · - · -.-- · -· ~ --· · ,1. '"",(('
// .I '· ·~
~j r could Internal Revenue agents find any trate of the alleged $25,000 in the bank accounts of
the Dowdy family or his attorneys. Even a search of the office of Key, a close friend of the
Congressman, was fruitless. ·Moreover, when Dowdy's Congressional office was burglarized, two
vital pieces of evidence were stolens his daily diary which he needed to verify exact dates, and
{ a tape recording of an interview with Cohen in the Congressional office which would have shown the
discrepancies in Cohen's testimony.
/ During the trial some 300 people offered to testify for Mr. Dowdy. Uefei:ise attorney Key inter-
/ viewed 70 of them, · 60 of whom volunteered to present pertinent evidence in court. But the FBI,
\ by wiret apping and trailing Key, learned thei;r identity and ~i.m~::~D ll but five of them.
, Squads_~ _ f)~ a ~_ent_~we~e dispatched to in:'estigate these . five, and t 7y t o induc~ frien~s, neigh-
~-bcrs and bu s i ness assoc1.ates to say someth1ng derogatory 1n order to i mpe ach their testimony.

'When, after two days of deliberation, the jurors balked at convicting Dowdy of bribery, the judge
·summoned them before him and instructed them that it was "not ne•~essary to find beyond a reasonable
doubt that the Congressman actually received compensation, but that he conspired to receive compen-
sation"! The hand-picked jury had been FBI-scree ne~ more than half were either government em-
plpyees, defense contract workers or tfiet raependent s. It was a stacked jury, easy to coerce. /
The dragooned jury convicted Dowdy of causing bribe funds to be transported across state lines, ·
conspiracy to obstruct j ustice, conspiracy to violate e. conflict-of-interest statute and five '
co~nts of perjury before the grand jury that indicted him.

;The Richmond, Va., U.S. Appeals Court overturned the five counts of bribery, but upheld three
counts of perjury. That perjury consisted in giving testimony that contradicted the testimony of
three self-confessed swindlers, one of whom had been granted immunity for his perjury before the
gr~nd jury, The sentence was reduced by the Appeals Court, but the vindictive Henry E. Petersen
appealed this partial vindication of Dowdy to the Supreme Court, which refused to review 'the case.

After the trial, prosecut.or Sachs, in a newspaper interview, said the case was "made in the grand
jury with its subpoena power and by the FBI, which performed brilliantly under pressure during
the trial~•• ----

, . ·I
• •.-.-.. - -' ••· .. OPT•or-lAL ..-ORM NO.. fO
" I;.

"1AY 11/.'l WI CJON

<.SA f"rlAR (i1 CFT<)



,_ ~... Memo-ra1i.Jurn
TO DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: September 24, 1973


l<:M - MM
(BuFile 62-107261). ~
--~ (EaFile 157-4616)(P)
Miscellaneous Information
· 00:'WFO ~~
(BaFile 157-1768)(c)
Enclosed fox- the Bureau are two conies a,nd for · ~. ~
Kansas City and WFO one copy of Liberty Letter, Number 149;
September, 1973., which contains an article on BOB DE PUGH.
Enclosed f'or Kansas City is a Wli'O char-acterizatiori ~
of Liberty Lobby.
Qn 8

' ~ (¼.~Bureau (Enc. 2) (REGISTT::P.ED MAIL)° b

~ - c~Kansas City (~ce 2) (REGISTERED MAIL) Nor
--- - - . . b 7C
REconnr,:I) i:,7o
2-WJ.i'O ( Enc c 1) (REGr.sTERJ!.."'D MAIL) .
2-Baltimor·e \ 184 SEP 2 ~:. 1S7::,. •)
1 - 157.;.4616
1 - 157-1768 -------.... ~
luocr 1o1~73
_& B11y U.S. Sa1,1111g,.r Botids Reg:tlr.rl)' en the: Pap·oU Savinv. Plan
- L.


•:.: ;
'I . /

BA 157-4616
\ BA 157-1768

made available the enclosed
Liberty Letter which announced that during a three day
Liberty Lobby convention, 10/19 - 21/73 at.Kansas City,
Missouri, there would be a reception on the 19th and a ·--------
testimonial b~nquet on the 20th t·or BOB DE PUGH, former b6
Minutemen head. b7C

The above 1s being furnished for the information

of Kansas City.
Liberty Lobby is a closed case in the Office of

. -~-·

2* .
~ I
·- ~~ \ ·~·
I -: ' ·, •
I l / ·



~umber 149 Education without A ct ion availeth Naught September 1973


@ ® (j

El .It 9285 lVou'ld Open Books of Both Ag~ncies

After 50 years, ·the Federal Reserve System may have to open its books and records for a com-
----- I
pl ete audit by the General Ac counting Office (GAO). lhe same careful examination is proposed for

the IRS! Both audits are ordered in H.R. 9285, introd_uced July 16 by Rep . Sam Gibbons (D-Fla.i.

~· For the first time, someone "outside" the

Fed will be able to determine whether there is
any Class A stock; who owns it and how
much. It will be interesting to learn whether
any Fed stock is owned by the big commercial
banking houses of Europe ... and how much
profit the Fed has been enjoying at taxpayers' lI
expense. l his measure represents a tremen-
dous opportunity to lay before the American
people tlie entire secretive story of private _j
control of our currency!
Recently I RS arrogantly told GAO it had no busi-
ness examining their books . What IRS does is con-
fidential; no one can question its judgment. i~ f
-,,'--' - ~·

__ _______________
Students of the I RS and Fed warn that if the truth
about these two enigmatic organizations is ever
known, Watergate will look innocent by comparison!

The nucleus of our most pressing economic problems (inflation, taxes, devaluation,
etc.) rests in these two sacrosanct empires. Examination of their methods and control will
provide the basis for constructive remedial legislation.

H.R. 9285 was referred to the Government Operati ons Com mittee (Rep. Chet Holifield, D-Calif.,
'.:hairman). All 41 comm ittee members (see p. 15 of LI BERTY LOBBY's Congression,il Handbook)
nust be deluged with demands for favorable reporting out of this bill. Every member of the House
rnd Senate should also be flooded with requests for prompt action on this historic measure. It can
fo more for the economic health of the Nation than 100 phases or freezes! Contact your Senators
,rnd Representative today!
•:-•~-- . :·--:--•-~,r-"';"l':-r··--·~ -:--· •=~-·~ ~ , ,.~ --•,_.,.,..,;,.~ ,: \<\#.'-.~~ l'""\'~-...r·:~-1~ ~ •t":'"j,"'7 ~~-,.,-;:;:~,...~~ -~•,rtr~-?rr-...--:---: :: ~-~--=---::.---.~:-¥!·;:---.7"';~~•-:--; ': _,,..-;--··-'7":::• : r'Jll"~.--;;!''',~ :"'?""!:"~; ;._1

~Ve-iA T YOU CAN 0 0:
.. Write, wire , or call yot:r legislators (:rnd others ind i.cated) . Mah:e them commit them s ei ·., es. If
tl1ey oppose auditing either IRS or the Fed, ask WHY! What ctr, the y llavr: to hie! ~? Wl1y
:;houl dn;! Americ i\ ns !rn ow who CJwns stock ir: ~he F~d ';!ral Re::21ve·? \Vh y should IRS be Jllle
to audit any citizen it choose:5 ; then rleny all citi2.e11s the s:ime right?
~ Contact service club s ~nd other puhiic orient ed 0rgani.rntiGris. Teli them to pas:; tile word to
their contacts.
9 Cal! every radio talk show you can. Teti them .111 exJminatinn of the Fed's books will c!ear
up, once and for ,ill, tile question cf just wllo owns ti1e money in this Nation . Write local
newspapers, urging citizen s11pport. l_ ~\ \ -
Rernember-YOUr< INFLU[f,jCE COU NTS . .• US E 'ij \r)';p. -\ a\QC\ "\
... "_ . _,,,_ ..-. ~•-·- . --. ···"··· .... . - .. .. - .. . m lCI.iQSUU . .... . . . ,_....·..... ...- .J
• c;

• ~~:,·
'ORfAt.S corrupt and tyrannical regime · which .
C/oseca/1 =~ Id stop at nothing to serve their per-
. ~~(~"'~ ... ,;~ · ~
if{'l -..,,1:tJi
".'.Al c:,y, • (ll and business interests. And this, ,
you are disheartened by Watergate, ..~ "j.~~ we say, would be even worse than the
up. Things could be a lot worse . i;~1Vf..1 ~~~
1· · '"•r~;l . '"f!<'.).,, •
admitted bad results which are evident.
,ink how much worse they would be
--~•':':~~-',i; ~" pAd
~ ~;;-;,..-"""}'....--l~

: seven walcrgators had completed .., , , ~,. WHO SUPPORTED NIXON·
mission unhindered, the night cif ' \\,...;
~ ~~
Richard M. Nixon came to office just
17, 1972! '\a few , sho rt mo nths ago with the greatest
we've pointed out, compared with 'n-injority rece ived in years. Today, his
normous side issues that have been Administration lies shattered beyond re-
j, the bugging itself and the sub-
:nt coverup are relativ~ly unim-
e'd even go further and say that the
1•ior of some of the members of the
C-6 · • --,..ra::.r:cr:r
if't ,~i,.f_
r1 \1
~:~.~~ ;1;:~1.J~I~, 1
covery under Watergate.
How did Nixon build the electoral ma-
jority he did? It is very interesting-you
may find it incredible-to note the inter-
t committee is sanctimonious hypoc-
1ir rr_
1½' l,
~ :.i~trftGi,
/Lf!.. _' · "' ,.. lfrffi[:rr'. 1
est groups which supported him. It is
quite a list:
We frankly doubt if many of the
1gu i~hed sena tors basking under the
si(.)n light s wo[1ld have acted any
en c th an those t·hey are questioning
~ ·
1tc.r r:- - - - - ~ ·-
l,o, f
• The SoYict Union and the American
Communist Party.
• Red China and Maoist supporters
~Y had been caught up in a similar l ,: .e--,,. - ---
·•t ~ " ° ; ; ~'~ inside America.
and 1/1cir political lives were at • Israel and the alien Zionist politicnl
, d ependent upon the qunlity of Robert Vesco ::incl giant corporations, machine inside America.
lying. . such ns ITT, probable selling of paroles o The international bankers.
to Mafia kingpins and extortion by Nixon 0 Big business, including the interna-
so, there arc results coming from bagmen of contributions from
rgate which arc bad-some of them companies, such as American Airlines. tional corporations and conglomerates.
bad. Anarchy seems just .iround the 0 The intcrnationJI Rockefeller finan-
:r as the public loses confidence in ( 5) Exposure of illegal use of the IRS
as a political weapon. cial-political machine.
onesty of all politicians, in the dollar o The international oil cartel.
:vcn in the Svstem itself. Then there ( 6) Exposure of Nixon's effort to de-
: approaching loss of southe:ist Asia. stroy the Republican Pnrty by denying • The Council on Foreign Relations.
the expenditure of 50,000 lives ;ind campaign funds to Republicans he wished 0 Most of the press.
ns of dollars as Watergate sloshes defeated, even though he raised more • The Republican libernls.
into the area of foreign ~policy. This monev in 1968 and J 972 than any other o Meyer Lansky and probably the
1le tragedy, however, has not been politi~ian in history and had over SI mil- Mailc1.
ed by \Vatcrgntc but is being has- lion in secret cash left over from 1968.
o The Republican Party.
: by it. . ( 7) The weakening of the Nixon-con-
trolled "responsible conservative'' ele- • Small business.
1ving said that, however, we say
ment cif the GOP and the vindication • Teamsters Union (both Fitzsimmons
THANK GOO tOR WATERGATE of LI BERTY LOBBY and all other incle- and Hoffa factions) and most of the labor
1se we can see at least e!even verv penderft pro-American groups which were movement .
things which are coming ollt of it. under attack by the vicious Murr;iy o Billy Graham.
they are: Chotiner - Nixon - Mitchell - Buckley ma- • R.::publican "responsible conserva-
) Exposure of the "clearly illegal" chine. tives."
Charles Huston plan, the lnter- ( 8) The political weakening of the • Southern Democrats.
:y Group on Domestic 1n1clligence. Nixon Administration to the point that • Gerald L. K. Smith.
unit was authorized by Nixon to his plans uf v;ist giveaways of your t:ix
We marvel at the political skill it took
uct a secret and illegal w;1r against dollars to the internatioi1al bankers to
to secure the support of such an aggre-
ind all political group~s which did not develop the industry of Red China, the
Soviet Union .ind North Yietn.irn are in gation of divergent groups, many with
::irt him, including hiring thug5 to
jeopardy. totally opposing interests.
; into private homes, inlcrccpting
tc mail, infiltrating spies into groups (9) The politic:il weakening of the To line up this support, Nixon would
upporting Nixon and kidnaping op- Nixon Administration, preventing Nixon have lrnd to make m.iny contradictory
nts. After five days, J. Hoover from invoking the Executive dict:itorship promises, :is is the way with politici:111s.
ured Nixon into rcscin&ril! his di- he was clc.irly planning. We wonder which, if any, he intended
,e and tiring supercop Huston ( a on kcl:'rinf!?
(IO) The vivid \e~son co the public
ge of William F. Buckley, Jr .) . th,1t conspir:1cies do exist among men in :'l:OTE: t\lthout:h lhc a(,ov,~ two .:ditcrials
Hoowr's cll.',1th. Nixon set up a high r,ublic ollicc, as UBERTY LOBBY were wrilt..:11 prfor to P:rr,idcnt Nixon's pub-
1r group called ''Th.:: Plumbers .·• ha~ been saving for vc:1rs . lic cxpl~nation on Auh"Ust 15, all of lhe facts
r1's apprc,1,a{ of these' cri111i11af 1111its covered :i.n, still valid .
( 11) The f'~owin~ :.iwareness of the
'f his C()11tc111,nr for fa11 1•
public to the ~-t~cmc1;dcus ~()'.\'Cf of big
) Exposure of illcg:d financing of money in politics . This aw:1kcning can FLASH UULLETIN!
eft groups by Nixon 10 foment vio- haw, onlv a l!oocl effect, ;.ind r10111 now llcar "T}IJS JS LIBERTY LOIJBY" c,n
" nd create a pubiic I eaction for on the voters~ will be very ~uspicious of
n. XERF-IS70kc
all campaign financing . This fact is the
) Exposun~ of illegal domestic op- most constructi\'c of all. 4:55 p.m. Pacific; 5:55 p.m. Moun; 6:55
ms of the CIA. p.m. Central; 7:55 p.m. Ea~tcm.
) ExpO$Ure of m'.lS$iV~ c.:orn.iptinn THANK GOD FOR WATEr:GATE . This stalion-the mos: powerful commcrci:11
~the Nixon Administration: the sell- because if it hadn't happcned, Amc·rica radio st.ition in the world-,:an b~ heard
\' ~, ,1;, ; , .. , 1 r" 1 , ... ,._. • ... , ... , ~ ~, 1. • • . .... , , , •• , • I 1 l. - ~ • •. • _ - I ' • ~- I •• T ,. J , 1 r,,,, . . ~ "T"11'1""' r1,,,~r1-·r, r>"'T" • ,..., ... ,..,
. Q
·.....) •
Station~r .Air
ASHINGTOI--1, Aug. 24 (LLNS)-
1ons of people can now hear the
that thev will never read in their

11->iTfti' !1
i ·· !11 > '11:. ~;
•I •11
I lf, 1·1•1
I ,. I!~'
·! ,~1· 1i

i. )
iJ J:_i -~

Aug. 20 (LLNS)-
Robert B. DcPugh, former ivfinutemen
papers, - according to Robert M. head, will be honored by a banquet in
for the Kansas City, Oct. 20, 1973.
~II, commentator on "This Is LIB-
-y LOBBY." He announced that 74
:gically placed radio stations around
"perfect'' book to help you. explain to
others what is really going on in the
The banquet will be sponsored by ,
Ll BERTY LOBBY as part of a three-
cou nlry ( sec page 5 for log) now world, perhaps Robert L. Preston's day function which will also include the
r the daily broadcast Monday-Friday . Wake-Up America is the one. Third National Convention of the Board
1rtell added that In only 117 pages, and printed in of Policv ,of LIBERTY LOBBY and Tax
four 50,000-watt large, legible type, the author has com- Exp.o Micf-America.
ms ( sec bottom of piled the essential facts to prove. exactly In addition. a Na-
"extend our cov- what is the matter with our svstem and tional Strategy- Seminar
: to nearly the en- what can be done about it.. Preston's )lo will be held to discuss
continental U.S. book is r.:~ possible political and
·;st every Board of
y member .i,nd
because it combines a clearly-stated, logi-
~ ;•. .~
other action in post-
Watergate Amtrica. A
:ribei is within ,;tt·~- surviv;il Seminar will
! of a station air-
cal argument with new and authoritative ~~ ¾.~ ~ ~~ complete th,: affair.
he prcgram." documentation. The book is therefore ~~~~-~ E~ \1~~ Oct.21.
,ccial recognition was paid to scores very persuasive lo the "convert" as well Mr. DePugh This was announced
1embers and subscribers who have as rewarding to the veteran student toe.Jay by Carol Dunn, Secretary of LIB-
1cted local stations and helped gain Beginning prior to the French Revolu- ERTY LOBBY's Board of PolicY. in her
ones. ''Their continued efforts great- tion, Preston traces an unbroken line of September letter to Board members.
1courage us to predict meeting .our causes and eff..:cls up to this moment. Participating in the events will be many
~~~= Why should America
of being on 100 stations by the end
:e ye:-tl'. These dedirntecl supporters
turned up a number of station le:,1ds
t .-.__.· _:,_·/· drop 1axpayer_-provi~cd
1 • ,.. ,.,.,~;.: ••·: · . ! bombs. o~ C1111bod1an
of Amel'ica's patriotic leaders, including
Tom Anderson, Bob Bartell, Frank Ca-
pell, Willi~ Carta, Marvin Cooley, Col.
:hich we are unable to act now for !1 :.•faJ...-i.;,"",))1.. . 1 revolut10_ rnsts ,vho are Curti~ D,111. Gen. Pedro de!Va!le, G~orge
cial reasons, because the costs of tile l · :,•. i:;:i :"- ' I
supported by Peking at Kindred, Dr. Marlin Larson, Robert
:nt level of broadcasting a1 e straining I: . ·,,. ::: the same time the tax- Preston and Ned Touchstone.
rnd get to th~ limit." -
trtcrr stressed the importance of con-
~ ij I~~~
fi ~~~ , wheat and soy bean
payers are financing Advance registration is $25. \\ hich in-
d and increasing financial support,
: warmly chanking all donors now
ng the program po:;siblc. He also
!! . ... ·d sales to Red China?
;_;~:,,.,,..~t Why do American cap-
italists subsidize the U.S.S.R . while the
cludes the DePugh banquet. Registration
at the desk will cost' S30 but cannot be
guaranteed because early indications arc
taxpayers provide "foreign aid" allegedly that the three-day \'unction wil! see a ca-
1 that the huge volume of inquiries
to stop the Soviet Army'? Why was Davi_d pacity attendance.
listeners is gratifying, buL has vc1stly
,1scd the office work lo:id. Rockcf<;:.J ler accorded priviicged status to
,rtlancl, Oreg., area listeners arc travel lo Peking before Henry Kissinger AFTER YOUR DEATH will your estate p;:;H Into the
I tn n0le the chnnge to KLIQ AM and even before the famous ping-pong hands of llberals1 r.evlew y0ur i'/111 no1v-4o cot allow
a liberal chuc(h or educational hierart!1'l to ·1.-iste your
FM effective Aug. 27. games? Who really controls and profits
•~•il<'l'llf-ll-'l•'l-•,,,.Hlf""lflf¥1'J.lf1'-'l- 1
·from leftist-internationalist policies'?
mclcrial pO $S C~sions on purposes of whl r.h ) 'OU do not
ipprove. For lnlopnatlon on how your ~~\lt-~ can be
tran~ferred to work ior patriotic purpcses-or:en with•
out taxes-write to LIBEliTY LOBBY.

citizen, victimized by the lying press.

J.~tlerefteJ . . . £ questions like these boggle the mind but
once you find the key, they are easy to
Preston's book can be read in one eve-
ning, yet it will stay with you indefinitely.
·-tr~~1:ft~tt-l-:*'lttrktt-lrlrwftw~*~ underst;ind. The key is in this book. You will be particularly intt::r-~sted in
~ Au g ust and Seplcmher i£sues of Col. Curtis B. Dall. Chairman of LIB- his forsighted recommendations at the
ty Loiudown, sent to all memhers of ERTY LOBBY and himself an nuthor end of the book concerning wh:-1t vou ,1s
~oarcl of Pclicy, are especially goo d . :111d lon~-time student of world events. a citizen can do to restore'· vour lost lib-
arc a two-part report on Africa To• erty. lf read by enough peopk. Wakc-Ufl
('X<:lusively revealing the conflict be• calls tlfr( book "a brilli;rnt analysis which
I wholl'hcartcdly recommend to everv- A 111erica could change history.
1 Red China and Soviet Russia over
ol of the dark continent. as well as one." - Use coupon below to order.
, other- thin~s which lrnve never been
ionecl in t'hc con,rolltid Amcrican
. No11 -:11 (:i:1bcrs may join tl1e Board
1---------------- Cli11 C,,,,,·,n,1 Here -------------------

lG pl'l' y ear, whkll includes a Life : OF.All l lBERTY L0B8Y:

Suln:cripti o n to Libe rty Letter, as
as c,th cr bc:1cfits. I Pleose send me copies of Wake Up America, by llobert heston
I tS~.00 each) I enc105& $ .. ............ .
,· a list of the be:sl books on the
·v uuestion, write to Omni Boo!, s.
'.!Hi,' l·J.1wt horne, Cil li f. !)0205. You'll
l Please ~end me copies of Now to Prepare for the Coming Crash, by
Robert Preston ($2.00 each) I cnr:lo5t.' $ .•• ,. .......... .

naz,·d at this ,;~1ppressccl knowledge . I

Please send me ........... ... ;oplcs of Karl Marx, CJpitalisl, by June Grem t$2.00
1 has been exposed repeatedly by in I each) I enclose $ ............... .
'Wl Congressmen for a hundt·cd I
All prices lnc,udc st1lppini; Total enclosed $.............. ;.
.• b11t always supprl?ssed by the r:n11 • I
·cl 1H·c:,;s. I My name a11d address appear correctly on lhe •reversu of this· coupon.
e . ·l
~.Mi':AA*-;, ..,,· ;:,, ·w ~ •. .- ~··1·,:" " .• ~· b' -~l~~~~13k,_Jg;fi5]l.lfilif.!id[@i~~~~~wTAwii~~~..,~~~- 11
,.~ ..• ~ ., ' ';•1 •

, · . 'ii DIUIERICAN :1

UI V 11 rm7::
.~ . 3~ i f

111s©Js City, Missouri * frt, O~tc 1~-Sun<D, Odo 21 t
ifl'f: ,il(.
'"1: ~t
3 days of hard-hitting, candid conferences and discussions-designed ,. ~s

to chart our common course if liberty is to be preserved in this great . ~\ j!

~} ·1 !
L~ !i

land of ours .
•• I!
,' i'

.·~·. Jl::,I
ft. !1

~~ ,I
Dr. Martin A. Larson, Marvin Cool ey, George Kin d red and other nationally-known tax ,j,. .1

OCT. 19 experts and rebels will speak and co ndu ct a semin,3r o n the tax strike . You will learn f'irst f/1 1'
hand how thousands of Americans are assert in g their rights as free men a nd women ancl
refusing to pay the income tax. ·
'' .I1,\
,j ,

t!.. ' ~
~ ~f .
All Board of Poiicy Members are in-
9:30 a.m. BOARD OF POLICY 11 ited to participate in LIBERTY ii,,
L O88'f 's Third Nat iona l Conven-
tio ~-th e first since 197 0-and help
set guidelines for future operations,
OCT. 20 Strntegy and altermtives to conventional politics in a changing world. Seminar leader, re

Col. Curtis Dall with American nationalist leaders, including Tom Anderson, Bob Bartell, '-'l:• • .•
Willis Carto, Ned Touchstone and others.
' i,~{'
T ,,

;; .'!I .
'. f


i I:
.-.:, 1;_,l
8:30 a.m. - 12 noon SURVIVAL SEMINAR ,, ~ i:
OCT. 21 Answers to questions you need to know. How to protect your money and investments,
~- f (
communications, food and living off the land , personal defense in the midst of revolution. t ·-H
Top experts including Gen. P. A. delValle and Robert L. Preston . Moderator, Bob 1 1t·
OePugh. :i , ·l ·
if·. {
lb .\~
' ~~ ., .

* * ~....r
f: ·l
r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cut Coupon Here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ::· ·1
i 1
I r-' i

$25 I
'f 1'}
To: LIBERTY LOBBY • 300 Independence Ave ., S.E. • Washington, D.C . 20003
I l
tr . 2
With millions of Americans beginning tc, see for the first time the grave danger America l
I· faces, I agree that ,. ,n.3~i11e re-appraisal of our efforts is necess;iry. I want to attend the
f {
c.GiSTRAT~Oi\t I
Mid-American S~JRl/1 VAL STR,'\TEG Y · 73 in Kansas City and enclose my check ior $25 to
assure my re servation . Send m<J full information on ~ccommodations as soon as p o~sib le. [ J
I (please print) :i,
, ·~ <

I ~·- '
NAME----------- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - .,,
/\DDRESS - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - -
... • ,a

LIB~RTY LOBBY's dynamic, daily radio
program is now heard coast to coast on 74 I
stations. Listen daily, Monday through Fri-

adio~Log Coffeyville KGGF (690) 5:25 p.m.

Lyons KLOQ-FM (105.5) 6:25 p.m.
New Orleans WVOG (600) 7:10 a.m.
il1AINE f
BAMA ' Lincoln WLKN {1450) 6:06 p.m.
ullman WFMH (1460) & WFMH-FM (TOT.1) 6:30 p.m. MARYLAND
icrnopolis WXAL (1400) 8:35 a.m. & 5:35 p.m. Baltimore (Towson) WTOW (1570) 4:25 p.m.

lagstaff KCLS (600) 6:45 a.m . Boston WRYT (950) 3:05 8, 6:05 p.m.
hoenix KRDS (1190), 12:30 & 6:30 p.m. MINNESOTA
ic,ra Vista KH FH ( 1420) 1 2: 35 p.m . Fairmont KSUM (1370) 1:30p,m. r
ucson KH YT ( 1330) 6: 50 a.m.
Minneapolis KUXL (1570) 4:55 p.m.
orrest City KXJK (950) 8:00 a.m .
:arlsbad KARL-FM (95.9) 8:30 a.m. & 3:30 p.m.
Carthage KDMO (1490) 5:45 p.m,
Columbia KOPN-FM {89.7) 5:30 p,m.
Jclano KCHJ (1010) 8:06a.m. Omaha-Council Bluffs KLNG ( 1490) 7: 10 p.m. ~;;}
rcsno KMJ (580) 5:25 p.m.
. an caster KAV L (61 0) 12: 35 p.m.
Albany-Schenectady-Troy WHAZ ( 1330) 4 :45 p.m .
. ancaster KB\'M (1380) 5:30 p.m. Elmira WENY ( 1230) 6:55 p.rn.
. os Angele~ KG RB (900) & KBOIJ.- FM (98.J) 7:55 a.m. & 3:25 p.m. Lake Placid WIRD (920) 8:05 a,m.
lntario KS OM ( 1510) 4:00 p.m:'- Mineola WTHE (1520) 4:10 p.m.
an Diego l~LP.0-FM ('.J4.9) 7:00 p.m. New Rochelle WVOX ( 1460j & WVOX-F:vl (93.5) 12: 15 p.m.
an Diego KOZN-FM (103 7) 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
an Diego XEMO (860) 1 :00 p.m.
Canton WTOF-FM (98.1) 4:30 p.m. .

an Francisco KFAX (1100) 12:25 p.rn. Cincinnati WZIP (1050) 5:25 p.m. ''
;an Francisco ( fremont) KFM R-FM ( 104.9) 11 :40 a.m. & 8:40 p.m. OREGON .;
;anta Barbara KACL ( 1290) 8:05 a.rn. . Portland KLIQ (1290) & KLIQ-FM (92.3) 4:00 p.m.
;onora KVML {1450) & KVML-FM (92.7) 5:15 p.m.
Linesville WVCC-FM (101.7) 12:05 p.m. f:
)enver (Arvada) KQXI (1550) 4:20 p.rn. Philadelphia (Doylestown) WBUX ( 1570) 8:55 a.m. f
:;rJnd Junction KREX ( 1100) 5:35 p.rn. Pittsburgh WNUF-FM (100.7) 7:30 a.m. t
Collierville WMSO (1590) 11 :55 a.m.
Nashington (Arlington) WAVA (780) & WAVA-FM (105.1) 7:05 p.m .
,lelboume WMMB ( 1240) ,:05 p.m.
)rlando WFIV (1080) 5:30 p.m,
Bay City KIOX {1270) 6:30 p.m.
Crane KBSN (970) 5:05 p.m.

)RGIA Dallas KRL D ( 10S0) 10: 25 p.m.
\tlanta {Decatur) WAVO (l:')20) 12:10 & 4:55 p.m. Del Rio XERF (1570) 6:55 p.n1.
HO (250,000 watts; heard everywhere in the U.S.)
;;,lmon KSRA (960) 1:00 p.m, Houston (Baytown) KWBA (1360) 7:102.m.
INOIS Midland {Odessa) KIVEL ( 1600) 6:05 p.m.
=1iicago (Evanston) WEAW (1330) 11:05 a.rn. Port Artl1u1 KCAW (1510) & KCAW-FM (93.3) 6:00 p.111.
San Antonio KBER (1150) 6:00 a.m.
=lli,agc, (LaGrange) \VTAQ (1300) 2:25 p.rn. I'

:c,iiet WJOL (1340) 6:55 p.rn. UTAH
'rnria WP EO ( 1020) 6:4 0 ,1. m. Ogden KVOG ( 1490) 12:40 p.m.
'ldianapo!is W[jRI ( 1500) 6:55 J.m. Roanoh.e WSLC (610) 2:30 p.m.
;outh Bend WH!\1 E-FM ( 103.1) 4: 30 p,in.
rerre 11.iutc WIVV!<.-Ff\1 ( 105.5) 8:05 J.m., 5:05 & 11:05 p.m.
'Aberdeen KBKW {1-150) ,1:30 p.m.
Seattle-TacomJ KTW (1250) 7:25 a 111. & 12: 10 run.
.Vatcrloo KXEL ( 1540) 7:55 p.rn. Spokane KUDY ( I ~SO) 3:55 p.rn.
»((!it 50,-000~\VAli STA~~~0rirS ~~OlN f3ITlO!lO(AST!i;!G

95 ~ I r
1 1 0 0-

10:25p.m. 7:55 p.m.
l'.1r,l'..IT l\f'..I .', 3:~~~~.~;?.:.~:m. I 5:35 p.m.
/\ Cll 7f"\t\l t\
. ' 0 l.

t:F'i/c;;;~~~ -"~:.,-~~.:tr ri -
·· ' ,.,,'¾:'::',{'., ' : •'"I"~,;;,-;,,~.
backs H.R. 643 · or one of the numerous.,
·:1 .t1119 g ~v N:1 r-w
~ ... ._ ..,w-;r,r"-r.>· "' -~
~ t:n~
• -~~
, : ~ 't~i
~ -- ~· --
:,,"11 tica l bills to trim the power of the
< •~;,;t:· r,•.a• ~ -- 7, A bu reaucracy.
• •
t "'"--''
: fl.I. r.- ~"-.A
- , ,.~ '
...'-,t ~~• , , , ,
'" ' ' ..\ ' . 4•
_ ,.
Land CJsc- Federal control of state
lands (S. 268-sce August Liberty Let-
"'j~-~v,;•'l;{' I;--,•,•, '. j•;; II k
.,/) ,_. :,... ::·,~:..= .. ~.... ~} .
'~[':i., ter) sailed through the Senate 64-21 and
..,,. - "':"· ·'\ ( • r";•1·f,. f • rf-"o-fPr, 7 {1 ;, now faces House action. It empowers the
;•~1r . ·'1djiiv.r1•,l°:J rJ · . !/i President to issue guidelines on land use
'< • j (I [, 'fi;J Ji.ii ·,;,

.,. :, , - .; ~,:31 ~ -~ ~ ....,: J

.,r, -1,,.,,.,..,.-;~.,-:'. . "Jt.l.- -... -~..,.. ... -, .. ~
-and au thorizes grants to. states. This giant
~~:;;-- ~~..,,_....~~ · step i,nlo further federal control should
CELERATED BUSING be halted; urge your Representative
•re· gas is being poured into compul- This month Congress returns from a accordingly.
busing of school children, with the long recess to a longer list of stalled legis- Bank Sccrccy-H.R. 9424 and S. 2200 ·
J.S. Circuit Court of Appeals vote lation, including these major issues: would protect the right of privacy cif U.S.
that Detroit schools must be de- citizens against government probes into
·gated. This requires a cross-district Vitamin Restriction-On Aug. I FDA their bank holdings. They forbid Rnancial
with the 52 suburban districts. The gave final approval to regulations limit-
t said that no Detrnit-only plan
disclosures apart from citizen authoriza-
ing availabilitv of certain vit:1mins to the tion, subpoena, or court order. This law
:lesegregate because Negroes would pu~blic. Yitan{ins A and D arc the two
ly be shuffled around and wind up is needed to protect citizens from the
to others of ,their own race. The
most popular ones that will require a 1970 Act permitting government snoop-
: feels that a desegregation plan be- doctor's prescription. Since ½ oz. of liver ing.
Detroit school district boundaries or 2 oz. sweet potatoes exceed the FDA Timbcr-U.S. Forest Service has just
th within its powers ancl essential vitamin limit, the regulations look ridicu- bce11 ordered to harvest an additional 1.1
solution. lous. 1f you supplcn1ent your diet with billion board feet of timber for sale next
~ same elements that exist in Deiroit A, B complex, C, D, or E, you may be
year. Already too much of our timber is
ir in Washington, D.C. Forced rnix- without your present s·ourcc after next being exported to Japan. S. 1033 (Sen.
f the races can come only by busing January. Rep. Craig Hosmer (R-Calif.)
·en among D.C. and Maryland and Bob Packwood, R-Oreg.) would halt the
has introduced measures to prevent these destruction of our forests by irresponsible
nia schools. The heads of the Dis- regulations from becoming law. Be sure
and Prince ·Georges County, Mel., cutting, and limit our exports-a major
I systems secretly agreed to set up
yo~ur Representative co~sponsors and
cause of the terrine increase in housing
cooperative programs with equal costs. S. 1033 deserves the support o~f
:ipation of' stude1;ts· from both areas, all Americans.
been circumvented by HE\V bureaucrats,
financed, of course.
federal judges, and the NAACP. Communications-H.R. 3516 would
;_ School Board attorney Paul Nuss-
Niemphis, Nashville, Denver, Detroit, 1equire radio and TV receiver manufoc-
blew the whistle on the
and other cities are scheduled for mas- turcrs to include suiwblc filters on their
SECRET NEGOTIATIONS sive busing very soon. \Vith all the citizen equipment to eliminate interference, from
ct the public know about the plans. opposition to forced busing, it is amazing whatever source. This ,,oulrl greatly im-
:diately the P.G. School Board with-. tllat only one Congressman has taken prove reception for many listeners and
from one program and began steps practical steps to defeat it. Rep. Robin
Beard (R-Tenn.l, after discovering no viewers, and the incre,1se in cost, if anv,
)p out of the other. Nussbaum based
•gal opinion on the possibility of a action contemplated on forced busing, would be negligible. It would be a par-
~ merger on the "custom and usage" introduced Discharge Petition No. 1. If it ticular boon to ham radio operators,
,nc. A developing pattern of coopera- gets 218 sign a tu res, it will bring to the often :111d \V(ongfully blamed for inter-
between the two school systems House floor H.J. Res. 286, which pro- ference'.. Urge vour Congressman and also
be used in an attempt to justify hibits busing children out of neighbor- Chairman }L1~ley Staggers, Hou5e Inter-
ining them to desegregate them. hood schools because of their race .• state and Forei£1.n Commerce Cnmmittee.
) should know: he was attorney As long as people are lulled to sleep by to support this -bill.
lie P.G. School Board against the Presidential double talk and Congres-
~lsory busing out of neighborhcocl sional inaction, forced busing will con-
ls, and argued the case to the Su- tinue to grow. The Discharge Petition is
~ Cou1 t, rece:iving an education in the only available positive action against
custom and usage" doctrine. busing. In this issue • • •
· new school year will find thousands ACTION NOW still stands ready to
innocent children being bused, to
cletrirnent, by dcclicatccl social plan-
Although anti-busin;:; legislation has
assist in any way it can to remove com-
pulsory busing from the scene, but e•,ery- Mid America
passed by Congress. all of it has
one will ha\'e to work together if right
is to prevail. Survival Strategy
Kansas City, Oct. 19-2 l
Puhlishcd each month h·,, LIRERTY
Lt)RBY. Suhscripticin rricc. S5 per
(p. 4)
:'/DEPE:,IJENCf:. ;\VE., S.E. year Exira curie:>. l~ ror SI. 50 0r
9/73 mnr(' 5(' e:ici1. Scci.•J1d·l..':las.-; ;,nst.1~c
p:1td al \Vas:1i11gtl~n. I) C. Ne\a.·:--s.1:111d
INGTO:---;, D. C. 20003 pric~ 5lW pt:r C0f'JY
New Radio Log (p. 5)
SLETTER \~ake Up America,
bv UoLert Preston
Outstanding new book-
, 3579 (p. 3)

.• i:-~-
• 1 - Phoenix Field Guidance
l - I
• I
SAC, Phoenix 9/26/73
.,,,,. 1
Director, FBI

"tV'~; .
~ ?Xlat and IHM t o the Bureau dated 9/6/73 0
captioned~iberty Lobbza 300 Independence Avenue, S.E. 0
Washington 11 D. C., Extremist I-fat ter - .Y::J'::~:":_
~·:~. ;- ,~.'1-,X~,~ 11
copies of which were furnished WFO, ~:i..t.:y, LJJ.d
New Orleans.

Enclosed for :Phoeni.:-~ 11 Kansas City, and New O:rle.:ms

is one copy each of WFO letter to the Bureau dated 3/22/73.
captioned 19 Liberty Lobby 0 Miscellaneous Information
Concerning, 11 as irell as the enclosure to that letter,
which is a sur;1mary setting forth the back3round of the
Liberty Lobby ..
···! .//2
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•.✓ .

In referenced COIBJ!!\lllipreh¼Yltft \+¼H&ii • E¼Cl- frCdY • OIH"f j

set forth inform,!3t iQn fu:i..~ni sl1..~<l z:

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The I,iberty Lobby hes not b~en :i.nvestig.nted✓ by O!
\ l' the FBI. It may be identified as a privE.te 01:ganizaticn
'- y: .\ . . I with headcru.a.rters at 300 Independence h1e..."1t1e S. E., $
/\-~ J Washington, D. c. ~ lThich ,;-ms orge.nized in 1955 for the

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Assoc. Dir. _ _
Asst. Dir.:
Admin. _ _ __
Enclosures (2)
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F;lcs & Com. -
Gen. Inv. _ _
1 - New Orleans Enclosures - ~, l!,. -'-"'=.JJ.
ldant, _ _ _
Inspection - -
ln,cll. __
Laboratory - -
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Letter to Phoenix
-- . ..

purpose of "reversing the dangerous trend toward socialism

internally and to defeat the insidious effort to we·a ken our
resistance to international communism" a.'1d it is self-
described as a patriotic pressure group which stands for
constitutional law, A~ericanism, and individ~"talism and
opposes "bureaucratic dictatorship, giveaway internation-
alism and collectivi&11. 11 The Bureau desires at the present

,\] time that no investigation be conducted conce1--ning

Liberty Lobby.

The Llll·l submitted by the Phoenix pi vision with

b 7C
referenced cc.:TT'.rm.mication is not being disseminated by the
Bureau. Fhoenix Division is to r2submit this LH}'! under th0
cantion as set forth in caotion of this letter. Pertinent. ~

information contained in 1L'.M clearly showing subject's in-

volvement with the Liberty Lobby should be set forth; . however,
insure that informant's opinions, conjectures, and conclu-
s 1.. on s are no t 1.nc_urJe
. 1 - d t.mi.ess
., St.:) 'e.nsis
· :toT
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s an~e e.xis1..s,
ana , if . • . ,. . . . , ,
so, insure :i-n:cor~1a1:1on 1.s or::,;:;0r J..·y c.c- c1..r::cr~t" E:;\G,
- "·
and identif icd as 1.·uraor, gossip, or conj ectur-e in the LL:2-1.
I~esubr.:: issicn of information contained in Ll·IM [:;hould b~ c o.n-
pleted promptly.
. , ,
All recipients of this c o~ unication e.r.e rennnaca
that the H1.:. rre.:>u is act ivel y c or. duc t i~o; lnv~s t i.:tat icn con-
ce1.· ninp-
Liberty Lobby is to be
_p_r_o_u_n_p~t-l~y-r-~-_-p_o_r~t~e- -a_,,t_o_t~h--e-=E--ur -~_e_a_u_in fcrra suitable for dissem-
ination under appri.:>pr i.ate ca ption. You are rer.·lin<led that
no i nform 0 nts are t o
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and results submitted to the Bt1reau on a t im,-ely b 2. sis in

form suitable for <liss~.Jnina.ti.on~

.. 2 -

• •
\.. ,1

. . "-
·... ·~...

Letter to Phoenix
Re: I

TI1e enclosed ·w:ro letter and l.Et1 are forwarded

recipient offices for their information. This sunmiary is
not to be u.sed as a characterization of the Liberty Lobby
in any cormmmication.

NOTE: b6
AI Phoenix Division source furnished informa tion b7D

The Bureau doe~ not investigate the Liberty Lobby

and .l:'noenlx Division improperly submitted this data under
caption of the Liberty Lobby. Data furnished by Pho;i;i;
should have been submitted under the caption I I
I Isubject to active investigation byt e
Bureau. Enclosure furnished to assi~t recipients in
evaluating information received from informants and/or any
other information received concerning the Liberty Lobby.
Information identifying Liberty Lob.b y obtained from public
source material.


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411$] b6
September 24, 1974
Rm-~ ~, 1/1, ' " J- '~,

1' .l.,F-,Y f.J7;:E~!-n i a 2030 \


I ,;:;=z I. . .
.. . ·

. The concern you expressed in your letter of Septem-

ber 12th, with enclosure, for the future of America is indeed
appreciated. · ·
I would like you to know the FBI is called upon to
investigate individuals chosen for high level Government posi-
tions; however, we are strictly an investigative ag·ency of the
Fede~al·Government and we present . the facts · that are gathered
. without an evaluation or conclusion 'of any kind . to interested
committees or agencies whichever the case may hei We do not
issue clearances of any type.
. t
With regard to the ·allegation that Mr. Hoover's
death was mysterious, may I assure you his personal physician
was on the . scene shortly after r-1r. Hoover's body was discovered
on the morning of May 2, 1972. After examining the body_, the
doctor determined that Mr. Hoover had died of natural causes.
The Medical Examiner for the District of Columbia, who . is the
official responsible for certifying the cause of death, and
who was on the scene, attributed Mr. Hoover's death to hyper-
tensive cardiovascular disease and decided an autopsy was not
necessary. The police official· present found no indication of
foul play.
.This Bureau's jurisdiction· does· not extend beyond the
confines of the United States and . its possessions~ however, when
information comes to our attention regarding activities abroad
involving our Country, it is directed to proper channels.
A s s oc. D i r . _ _

~::: :~ :~~-= assu

Ass1. o;,.,
Although I cannot answer_.all _: of your _questions, be
I.'? o e nd avoring to .fulfill(_'. o ur responsibilities with
.' Ad m, n . _ _ ·1:eg_a to :he inte nal .security of our· Country with all thorough-
C omp . Sy st. - . rie-ss ' 1d c~'1..A -1ij,H\. . .,/ . ' . .
Ext . AHo, rs ~ ;, , .'~\....'f"~t;tr-'l · 1
Files & Com.~• ;• (,.· · . / ~ •
·•' (1 ,: ' ·:/ ~~:-_; >. -F BI . ·.sincerely . yours,· •. _,.
lnspe c1, on _ •' ."; ·
1( , ~ / · '
lnt e l l. _ _ ,f> • ,;• u'), ~~• • .,~M... _Ji~e.}£
Lo bo,oto,y _

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Tro in , ng
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Claren'?e M. Kelley
04 f '~/ (P
Legal Cou©;; ~ f"rltR-."d'gh t{J'?V
~ ';)_~ .. :
To loph ooo,B.:Q~ · 4'.i ,-.1 I_ ' ~ SEE ' NOTE PAGE 2 •
Dhecl or Soc'y _ AJL ROOM

c:J GPO 0.i-1-546
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I I. .• ·. •,. ....

NOTE: correspo.n dent is not ide~t.I f.iat?le · i~ _. ButiTes· ~ . The . . .

.Liberty.. Lobby :• is. well known . to · tl1e :Bureau. : The Bilqerberger• · _. ·· :- ""
. Group was creat~d a .·number .of · year·s a:go ..' by. rrince B·e rnhar_d ·> . .- ·
The Nethei:·lartds. I _t is composed of . top ieaders .i_n ·and·..: _: · .·
outside of · Government who meet to explore-, the ·points . of .\·:··:·. •·:
friction ·existing i~ this area. - QfficJ-als . of the Un.ited ··., .. .
Stab~s Depar.tment ·of S_tctte have :·. ~ttended· past meetings• of
this organizati'm L • It has note _be~n investigated by the· FBI.
The· allegati.on regarding ·Mr . . Hoover's mysterious death is ..
found in the ~nclos·ure. .. -• ·

•.: l

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W.sKJNGTON, D. C. 20003


May 1974

Liberty Lowdown has again scored an international scoop on the latest meeting of the
Bilderberger-s, held in a luxurious French resort Apr. 19-21, 1974.

For three years, Liberty Lowdown has kept a close watch on the secret Bilderberg meet-
ings, which are held each year at a different resort in Europe or the United States.
Since 1971, no publicity is permitted until after the conference. The 1972 meeting
was held in Knokke, Belgium and in 1973 at Saltsjobaden, Sweden.' Liberty Lowdown
learned of these two meetings too late to send a reporter. Extensive digging finally
developed the time and location of the 1974 meeting, which was attended by the Roth-
schilds, Rockefellers, Wallenbergs and other billionaire interna,t .ional financiers or
their proxies.

In 1971 IJBERTY LOBBY first penetrated the outer hard shell of secrecy which surrounds
this clandestine and sinister group. In May of that year they met in Woodstock, , Vt.,
at a luxurious hotel owned by Laurence Rock,e feller. This was fully reported in Liberty
Lowdown No. 100. With the single exception of the local paper in Vermont, which could
not ignore the event, the only other news source which reported on it was the Washing-
ton Observer. It was deliberately suppressed by all other media in the U.S.

Following the 1971 Bilderberg meeting unusual world events happened in rapid succes-
sion. There was the severe dollar crisis of August, resulting in vast profits for the
"insiders" and tre first devaluation of the dollar. The Bilderberg floating dollar
policy has put an end to the financial independence of the United States and signals
the impending collapse of the American economy.

The 1971 meeting, which broke policy with previous meetings in that two Russians and

r two Red Chinese attended, also presaged the Nixinger policy of "detente," following
Rockefeller trips to the u.s.s.R. and Red China, followed in turn by Kissinger and
Nixon, followed by vast oil and grain deals with communists • • • etc.


This time, the.Bilderbergers met at Megeve, France, a village nestled in the French
Alps about 20 miles from Switzerland. The secret conferences were in the luxurious
Hotel Mont d'Arbois, owned by Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Security surrounding the
Megeve meeting was even more strict than that in Woodstock three years ago. The only
access to the hotel is up a long road, which dead-ends in the Alps. Between 600 and
1,000 uniformed gendarmes were assigned to the task of guarding the participants.
They were armed with rifles, machine guns and traveled in armored cars. An undeter-
mined number of guards and security personnel who attended the conferences did so in
pla~nclothes. As with the Woodstock Inn in 1971, no employee was allowed near the
hotel without a special pass. All persons living in the immediate vicinity were care-
fully watched and not permitted to stray too close to the hotel.
~:~~~~.;· •. ~ .. ,. n_ ""'>1
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Telesoope Jens shot of Hotel Mon, .i· Arhois

site of 197 4 Bilderberg meeting,. Note Grand
Ball,oom on right, with large picture windows.
- ·

distant. Here is the room where the Bildcr-

bergers secretly planned your future, away
Crom pryini eyes.
r -..; w . w
i · ·
·:1:" .:.:.ti..,~..a.,.QEi._,;
Telephoto of Grand llallroom taken one mile Blodca.ded entrance 10 hole! gwinled by armed
gendarmes. Only those with special pink passes
were permiU.ed to enter the gounds.

JO$lph E. Johnson, 1op Oilderberg functionary,

Portion of Sp0ns Palace in Mege~e used 10 Two of the more than 15 armored personnel who shuns publicity. Note Bilderberg ro badge
house 600 police and their weapons. Note carriers ordered to Megeve to secure the moun- on lapel No <1d niittance 10 secret meetings
armored personnel carriers parked outside. taintop retreat for Rothschild and Rockefeller. without (hi$!
r 1
Few r~P")rters were in Megeve,. of them French, but no wire s e,.ce was permitt~d to carry
new~ of the meeting. No publicity appeared anywhere in the wor i' . except for the local French
paper which had to carry a story because no one in the area could ignore the obvious fact
that something very important was happening.

' The guests arrived at the Geneva Airport beginning Apr. 18 and were whisked over the Swiss-
French border in a caravan of Mercedes-Benz, Rolls Royce .and Cadillac limousines--each one
preceded and followed by heavily armed and uniformed Swiss and French police.


From the U.S. came both David and Nelson Rockefeller. Since the time of their grandfather,
John D. Rockefeller, Sr., this family has worked hand-in-glove with the Rothschilds.

Only one top-level publisher was invited, Henry A, Grunwala, ·· managing editor of Time. In 1971
Grunwald's opposite number in Newsweek attended, Elliott Osborn. Newsweek in 1971 carried no
ment i on of t he meeti ng and Time wi ll not , either , unless forced to by publicity elsewhere.

~~ I n deference to women 's lib , per ha ps , bht s ye ar the Bilderberge~s invited a woman, Mrs~ Miriam
Camps , a senior r esearc h f e llow f or tr/e Counci l on Foreign Relations. Also representing the
C. F , R. was Jame s Cha ce, _m anaging edit or of th e C,F.R. periodical For eign Affairs ~ -.The R_o cke~
feller-funded, tax-exempt C.F.R, has the responsibility of disseminating the decisions of the
Bilderbergers to American "intellectuals,"

Another top Rockefeller man in attendance was Emilio G. Collado, executive vice president :of
Exxon Corp., the world's largest oil company, which reports record profits resulting from the
Mideast war, the oil boycott and rising oil prices.

Including Nelson Rockefeller, three presidential candidates attended, Sens. Walter Mondale
(D-Minn~) and Charles McC. Mathias (R-Md.) being the other two. Only politicians who have
proved their unquestioning loyalty to the Rockefeller-Rothschild cabal are invited to Bilder-
berg meetings. They must be willing tools of the super-rich internationalists and must pose
as liberals and "friends of the working man." Nationalist and anti-communist political
figures are never allowed inside a Bilderberg meeting.

Representing the military was Gen. Andrew J, Goodpaster, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe,
who, incidentally, was listed in the "International," not the U.S., Section~


-7 Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger was invited. He planned to attend, as he usually· does.
Kissinger is now recognized by even foes of UBERTY LOBBY as the most powerful man in America,
far outstripping Nixon. At the last moment, however, Kissinger sent his regrets and dis-
patched two of his deputies, Helmut Sonnenfe ldt, Counselor of the Department of State and
Wi ns t on Wd, signific~.ntly t he Di rec t or of fl anning and Coordination for the "American" i..-----
Sta t e Department.

v · sonnenfeldt is a notorious leftist and internationalist who always receives the finest press
coverage and is obviously chosen for a rapid rise in the Rothschild-Rockefeller world secret
government. He has repeatedly ·transmitted classified U.S. documents to a foreign power
(Israel), During the reign of J . Edgar Hoover, security r i sk Sonnenfeldt was under inten-
sive scrutiny by the F,B.I. and his telephone was tapped for more than a year prior to ....c:!, ~
Hoover's mysterious death. •Fi3,J: ~ S , . ------------------~
Key factotum in setting up the Bilderberger meeti ngs is Joseph E. Johnson, president·emeritus
of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a tax-free group best known for its de-
tailed plan for the invasion of South Africa by U.N. troops and the murder of its White in-
habitants. Johnson has the job of transmitting invitations to selected persons to attend
the annual Bilderberger meetings. Actual arrangements for the hotels, security and trans-
portation are left to the permanent Bilderberg office in The Hague, Holland.

In a rare private interview with the close-mouthed Johnson, the Liberty Lowdown reporter
r,-~ . mana,g~q_ -~£ ~g_et. h_i_m . t _o re:ye~_l__ t;_; :.. t;t:1_e. M .e_ng~ _for .t ~t,1!e g~y_~sonf.e.,re~c.e ..~nc l uq~d : t_h e Mi d:-

east and pe troleum, NATO and t he Common Mar ke t . J ohnson also admitted t hat th i s time no
Russians, Chinese or Ara\t~er!» in~ t ed , '3'Wef~l I)·
The list of leaders fro mVO:CJ ei nl 4 onbwno 'fr.{e~d~ Vs
als o known to Libe rty Lowdown.
Heading the list, of course, is H.R.H, Prince Bernh ard of t he Ne therlands , fr ont man for
and chairman of the Bilderberg organization. The list includes Edgar Faure, president
of the French National Assembly; Helmut Schmidt, German Minister of Finance; Giovanni
Agnelli, president of Italy's gigantic Fiat Co.; Marcus Wallenberg, the richest and
most powerful financier in Sweden (his son died leaving a $2.5 billion estate); Denis
Healy, Great Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer and of course Baron Edmond de Roths-
child of France--host of the meeting and owner of the hotel and grounds on which it was
held--and his cousin, Guy Rothschild of England, The total number of those· attending
was about 120 plus, of course, hundreds of retainers and security personnel.

This story will be continued in the next (June) issue.

Copyright 1974 by LIBERTY LOBBY. Absolutely no copies may be made without the ex-
_press permission of LIBERTY LOBBY. Extra copies available only to members of the
Board of Policy: 12 copies, $1; 50 for $3; 100 - $5,00; 1,000 copies, $40.00


June 1974

In the last issue of Homefront, the organ of the Institute for American Democracy,
the editor says, in discussing LIBERTY LOBBY:

The zealots are fighting against a "conspiracy." This, you must admit,
is a much handier explanation for the state of things then (sic) the
hard-to-face fact that we have problems for which there are no reason-
able, short range solutions. They all look for whipping boys to rally

Students of the intellectual perversion known as Marxism will recognize the above as
a statement of the orthodox Marxist view that the historical movement toward social-
ism is inevitable, and proceeds ponderously according to vast and impersonal forces
which cannot be denied. Unfortunately, this opinion has been absorbed by American
"intellectuals" as standard liberal doctrine. Those who have dared to contradict
openly this orthodoxy have paid for their courage by being immediately labeled by
the press with such terms as "paranoid, II "extremist, II "fascist" and, of course,
"anti-Semitic," the standard imprecations hurled as wit_fhes' curses against the
luckless few who dare to challenge the official "line."

Innumerable Americans have thus been intimidated from professing the "conspiracy
theory" and those who have not been so intimidated have oftentimes wasted their
time and effort in trying to explain it to others because of the obvious difficulty
involved in trying to expose something which, by its very nature, is secret and

The tremendous difficulties involved have therefore seriously prevented popular as-
signment of the responsibility for why America and the West have reached such a
state of pronounced decline. Obviously, without such assignment, any hope for the
survival of the West is fatuous.


Is there any way to prove the existence of a great conspiracy to despoil the West-- ·
a relatively easy way to lay out the facts in such fashion that no fair-minded per-
son can possibly deny that such a conspiracy exists?

Thanks to the facts that are now known about the Bilderberg Group and the astounding
control that this organization exercises over the so-called "free press" in Europe
and America such proof is now simple to establish for anyone who will devote 15
minutes to the subject.

Please note that this argument is not concerned with the s ubjects the Bilderbergers
discuss in their secret conferences. Of course, the content of their discussions is
the core of the controversy, but all this issue of Liberty Lowdown a_ddresses is the
fact that the meetings are unreported by the press. In other words, for the purposes
of this analysis, it is unimportant whether they get together once each year in
secrecy to play pinochle, have a party or to discuss plans and strategems to trans-
fer additional billions of taxpayers' money and the wealth of the world to their
bank accounts. The mere fact that they do get together and that their meetings are
protected from any and all publicity is what is germane to this discussion, and what
is, in itself, proof of a conspiracy. The nature of the conspiracy is another mat-
ter wo-rthy of inquiry tiut one that cannot be intelligently explored until the exis-
~ of the conspiracy itself is recognized as an incontrovertible fact. ---


Because of what is known about the Bilderberg Group and th~ control it exercises over
the so-called "free press" of the West there is no explanation save that of conspir-
acy to account for the fact that the entire press of the world has suppressed all
mention of the Bilderberg meetings and all recognition of the existence of the Group.

The simple statement in the paragraph above is far too much for the average American
to comprehend, be he conservative, liberal or neuter. It is totally at odds with the
Great American Myth--that America is a free Nation, resting on the bulwark of Freedom
of Speech, and that the newspapers and other media are free and uncontrolled.

· To accept the paragraph above requires the average American to destroy the image of
America he has held since infancy. Yet, the image must be destroyed if America is
to survive. The image is as false as the dec line of America is factual.
-- .,~
/~ ·(

. ).

To understand that a consp.:y exists, begi n with two undeniabl e f a cts: _ • .. ·• .,... -~
u L A meeting of very impo . t world figures took place at 4p ril 19-21, 1974;
2. The fact that this meeting took . place was not rep~rted in any . majo'r: newspaper in
the world, covered by any wire service or reported on radio or televisio~ ,anywhere
i' except in the irmnediate vicinity of the meeting. ·..·

There are only three possible explanations for these two facts:

1. The event was really not "news" in the ac_cepted journalistic definition and con-
sequently unworthy of notice, or _
2. The press did not know of the meeting and so -could not report on it, or
3. Every wire service in the world, including M; UPI, Reuters and Tass, ··, and hundreds .
if not thousands of professional journalists and th~ir ~mployers in E~rope · and the
11 U.S., leftists, liberals and "responsible conservative:s 11 knew of the meeting ' a?.-"d con-
i ·i spired together to suppress it. · ···
I.I', There are no other possibil i~res./ One of them has · to be true.
Let us
examine them:

As for the first, Lesson Number One in all journalism c lasses is that "names make .
news." · This" is not only known by all dewey-cheeked higti sch8ol fresfimen who- worlc°' 611.
their school paper but by experienced journalists who work for the New York newspaper
which promises "All the News That's Fit to Print." Every year, somewhere. in the world,
the Bilderbergers get together to discuss· ·concerns of mutual interest. · Hi_s Royal High,a '
ness, :Prince· Bernha_rd of the Netherlands, the chairman of the Bi lderberg· Organization, ,
arrived at Kennedy International Airport on April 22, 1971, en route to Woodstock, Vt.,
from Holland to attend the Bilderberg meeting scheduled for that weekend. He was met
by dozens of reporters, and additional dozens surrounded the Woodstock Inn during that
meeting. Before this meeting, as well as prior to the Megeve meeting, duriryg the meet- ·
ings and afterwar~ newspapers pr i nted thousands of tons of. paper, for reader,s containing
advice to the lovelorn, horoscopes, crossword puzzles, recipes, features,.6n giant pandas,
African voodoo and Common Cause, advertisements for and reviews of pornography and other
garbage. ··

But not one square inch in this Sahara of newsprint is ever given to a Bilderberg
meeting. No news coverage. No features on the per sonaliti e s, their love lives or
their riches. No human interest. No photos of them at work or play or alighting
from their private jets or riding in their heavily-guarded limousines.

And most important of all, nothing--absolutely nothing--ab out what they talked about.
No speculation, predictions, analysis. No interviews, no halfbaked syndicated
philosophy, witticisms or morali z ing editorials in the Los Angeles Times. No car-
toons by Herblock, Conrad· or Parrish. No screams of rage from Jane Fonda, Wifliam
Kunstler or the ACLU. ' No threats from the SLA. No wisdom from Eric Sevareid, Howard
K. Smith or David Brinkley. _ No excited exposes from Jack Anderson or biting sarcasm
from Nicholas von Hoffman. Not even a peep from Time--even though its managing editor,
Henry Grunwald, attended the 1974 meeting, just as Osborn Elliott, president of Newsweek,
attended in 1971. Total silence.


The second excuse is equally .pr~posterous. One of the great legends of America
(taught to us by the press) is that of the honest, hard-working reporter who,
by dint of effort, comes up with a great story exposing an evil plot. It is true
that once his boss puts him on the trail of a story he wants, a reporter will not
easily give up--so long as he continues to draw a salary and expenses, that is.
There must be a hundred thousand reporters in Europe and the U.S. The Bilderbergers
have been meeting for years at roughly the same time every year. Virtually any re-
porter, if he had wanted to, could have found out when and where the 1974 meeting
was going to be held. L ib e r t y Lowdown did, with a budget of pen~ies compared to
the Associated Press, UPI or CBS-TV.

In addition, all newspapers, radio stations and TV stations subscribe to a wire ser-
vice and possess at least one teletype that connects them with the world. By their
,- ~ !'..!.~.a.-~t ..!th e; o h-1-i-g-9..te.d .,.J;.e- -!:n .i,.q.rm.....t..'12 a g-2 n~y-0£.,. -..1o.c~a. l -~new s~.: -: -T.hi-e is the way th~-
-~ - "'':ll\~'"'
age ncy nonnally learns of f loods , aLtl~ii!D~~~rashes a nd e arthquak es--from feedback
f rom a loca l newspaper or radi o stat i on. I n 1971 t he Rutland Herald carried a small
news story on the Bilderberg meeting at Woodstock, Vt.--a small town next door with
no daily newspaper of its own. It had to because all t he local people knew about it

and therefore the story could not be locally suppressed. By the Herald's contract
wi th UPI and/ o r AP , it was compe lled to r eport the story to New York City. But the

::::I::yn=rctrit-il6ei ;;i/ t'1

The conclusion therefore has to be that the third possibility--conspiracy--is the only
possible explanation of the facts. The Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other super-rich
internationalists at Megeve merely told their underling publishers--the Sulzbergers,
Schiffs, Newhouses, Knights, Chandlers, Pulliams, Buckleys, etc.--that there was to be
no news of the meeting.

Is the press free? This quest.ion has been answered in the Introduction to Imperium': ·::::if
"How the press loves to brag to its victims--its readers--about its freedom. Yes, the
press may be free to lie and distort and suppress and deceive and malign, but is it
free to tell the truth'?"
.... ~ ... r.
:'..;i ::-----...
::.:.',J I'

• ..


-::~ b6

October 10, 1974 ~

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~J __l:1-t'...t.-1U:J1J:.~~ ~each-Lewis
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'=3 0~0= Indep.enden.c .e Avenue, S. E. :t:r.l ~·.'
wast,Tr;gJ:on".; - -:n:~- c-;-- - -2 o0·0'"3:::::____
- ~ - : - ...,..--.- -==--e:1-:d~-:;;~.~'=':~ ..::;,... --

.. r:
Dear Mr.'Leach-Lewis: - ~,-
"'- 't- ·

· - -- - · This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of c:(
f .... ( October 3rd in t\ hich you questioned deletions r, in the
·c:0 -~
f · > I docu.-ncnts ~reviously furnished to you and in w~dch you also ...,. ~

/:~J :_
·; ~:/ made two additional requests for infor-!71.ation. 0'-· :.~
' ·1


'i .. In regard to the deletions made in the letter dater1 ~I

z; _Sept~mber 2, 19~~4, from the 'Director, FBI, to the 5.~c, .~tlanta,

C '. . . J prev1ouslr fur1:ishec1 to you, tl:e nn.mes of the o:=-ganizations
' ; · included in thJ.s oroaram were deleted because tnese names
-:,--w-... . were taken fror---. invr:..~~-ti'},~i..:ory files compiled for lRW enforce- .~~1
_./ :

ment purposco. '!'hey ar(..:, t:~ert~fore, spcci f ically e~{er;i.pted
from• d1.sclos!lre
• , • pu,
~ ....... .•. .. _. +--,
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'l'i1c deletions r:.:1,:1~·: in the r.,:..':.:_;_ora~d:_1:-:i dated August· 27,
. 1 9~;1
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1,,.,. •._,
mation,. of law en f:orcei~!_ent pi,;:rso!1r1el ., axH~ inf.err.a tion
contained in investig,:ttory files coF,t d.lcd fer la~": enforcement
purpo~ea. These matter~ are pz-otec"!:c:,_;_ fro~ ~ul::! ic ,ii::;clcisure
•·. • t·l.Onf! (b)
by e,p . (1) , (?)
- I · (C-) , c.;.,\u Q_,_ - ;,o-Tc,_
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Assac, Dir . _ _
Oep, AD Adm._
Oep. AO lnY, _ The abo•-1e-.}escribe-::t <leletior.s ~,.r•::!!:e r1c1de i:n t:'.;,~s ,~
Asst. 01,.:
Admin. _ _ __
documents t·:hen they· were i~i tially rcle2.;::;ed to ::;rior rc,'T-.1.,::::: t-:,::r :.;
Comp. Syst. __ and the Department of . T:.rntice
. wc1s aware of t!-7.e scope of t'.-:d.:;,:~
Ext. AH-,irs __ d~letions at that time.
Files & Com;_
"·· -
'- ·'l ·_- The Deputy Attorney General - Enclosure

'"•~·.,;." _ 1 - Buf ile 62-115530 (POI-REPLIES)
ln•ell, _ _ : l ~ I \

_':•~y-~~ J1JD: la~, (7;) {-~ \\/ Cp ~,-/\:·;~

Spec .. ln•. -- ~ ~ otr_•2~,9~1\J)!i'
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•" • I • l,



Mr. William A. Leach-Lewis

In response to the two additional quest'ions you

posed, I regret to inform you that the information you
requested is exempt from public disclosure pursuant to the
provisions of Section 552 (b) (2), (6), and {7) of the
Freedom of Infonnation Act.
You may appeal my decision in this matter by ~n-iting
to the Attorney General, Attention: Office of Legal Counsel,
Washington, D. c. 20530. Additionally, judicial review is
thereafter available either in the district in which you
reside or have a place of business or in the District of
Columbia, th~ location of the records to which you seek
Sincerely yours,
C. M. Kel\2y

Clarence M. Kelley
. I 5'! r q, '\, .
NOTE: By letter dated 9-16-74, Mr. Leach-Lewis requested
copies of documents concerning COINTELPRO-White Hate Groups.
By letter 9-24-74 we responded and furnished correspondent
copies of four of the COINTELPRO-White Hate doc11i-nents which
were previously released to Messrs. Carl Stern and Fred
Graham. The requester has now written again, protesting
deletions in two of the docwnents provided and requesting
additional details concerning the COINTELPRO-White Hate
Group program. It is noted that the deletions complained
of were made when.the documents were initially released
under instructions from the Department and the Department is
aware of the scope of the deletions. A detailed explanation
of the deletions was provided to the requester as it is
anticipated he may appeal this matter to the Attorney General.
Bufiles contain no references to requester, who represents ·
himself as General Counsel for the Liberty Lobby." Bufiles

contain numerous references to the "Liberty Lobby" which is

self-<lescribed as an organization composed of patriotic pres-
sure groups and is considered an ultra-conservative group.
This reply coordinated with Intelligence D~vision.

- 2 -
.:i;.~-1-BERTY LOBB:Y PUBLISH E.. R , 0 F_
LET E~'·7.;'.Affoirs
' Syst. - _
Files & Com. _
HEADQT,/ARTERS OFFICE: • W__E~I,.£9,~,§1-.Qf.f..l.~§;. --Gen. Inv. __ _
3QO INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, S.E. • ~ ....O.,,B.o~ ..36,lJL,.,.,,~-.. -.•
·--.;..,- Idcnt. _____ _
WASHINGTON, D. C. 20003 ·, Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90ffi§reciion - - -
PHONE: LIBERTY 6-5611 ~.;.. ..... ~..........w ..,r;-~n.,......,.~.~ ..c-,l -:-Intell.

Laboratory - · -
Plan. & Eval. _
Spec. I n v . _
• ~1~ ·-ef
Dear Sir,
C0INTELPR0-Disruption of White Hate Groups
ircct'lr Sec'y _
_,__,..,, ................. _~
,We are much obliged to you for sending various papers •
Unfortunately, there are quite a few blanks and erasures. For instance
The following hate organisations currently beine;
-. ·a-f forded
- . active invest-
_ gation are . included in _J;)4,s program~" . Then _f~llc;>.ws · a · bl~nk square label~
(__),/)I,' 13..
to the lef.t, 1 to · 9 • _
11 11
~.~ ;,1 /~.i t.f
i~ll~ ~
Again there is a me·m~o'ranaurd:1r~a;;;t,~l;lgust--~"7~~-~·rr~'7'4: 11 • Memorandum •..
' '
•••• dated 7/30/64, and then further do.wn, par\if-tr~ph J, ,i field offices •.. \
• relating •• 11 There are several other" similar cases.
Besides filline: in these details, please answer the following two
questions: . . ···-
\ W f'~
1. How many people were assi&;n~d t .o such a ·tasl<:, wi_th their names?
2~ Copies of their reports •. May we · have these ? /"\i
Upon what ~rounds were the deletions/ms'il,e io/ }'"e~P.flt'.;,"'.S alr_jl:{i, !1 .,..,., ,

supplied? Certainly not under exemption. :K}o$rrte;r-Jency . ~ntra-a:g:ency fa ot

rpemorandums or letters which·,.:would not be available by law to a....,..,~
party ~
~ ~

other than an ~gency in liti~ation with an agency.

Ag _J
You can only withold opinions and matt.ers or poI,:cJ),CTbli't -1/lM; FACTS . , _J f
The names of the hate g roups are facts, the number o f ~ ~ n ~·d ?2
are facts, what they were told· to do is fact, and re p Q ..§... _.o[r --~-
J:1a~~. !~ey
did are facts. .
Exemption No 7 is ~f not much use to :vou. 11 , ~lo .' 1ti
compiled for law enforcement purposes except to the e ~~~J..ab,l.e by
law to a party other than an agency. Law enforcment then, maybe, but not
over ten years later, The instructions are no lon~er ac~ive or un de r co~-
f'\ ., r:
templation. In fact you admit this by withdrawing them. \\..,,, \;7:t~J. ·. ·
If you are unwillin~ to supply us with thi~ substantive informatio~

within two weeks, we will consider our a pplication denied, and will :have t''
appeal the denial. ours very truly,
'_..,,· ~.. -{,,,-t.,;~. ·._~ ... --· r ·~ · .::.__~
- .-•-••J• b6
,.:., .....

? /.·•',!
/. ~6l.. ; : ~•/
_~· ,) _
(' ,•
-:-· :• Gneral Counsel.
Your J,rfi11ence Co1m/J i USE IT! ·,
"'' ..;.. ::;., . ,11
, .,:·
• .
• ! ,.,

Royting SIIP,.-: __
• . .

FD-4: (Rev~ --
~ ., - -5
Date i'0/4Y'74
To: ~ ector __ 'i

) Att. : INTD •

0 SAC-- - - - - -


• _ASAC - - -- - - -9- _ ,.
o Supv. - - - - 'i1eu,r LIP~Br
D Agent - - - -- - - - ~
0s£ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ : _ / _ _ ~ - - - - - - --

0 SC RE : - - - - - - - - -- - -
•• cc - - - - - - - -
Steno _ _ _ _ _ _ __
D Clerk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D Rotor #:
A C T I O N D E S 1 ~ E=D ,/
D Acknowledge D Open Case ~ - - / 0 &> CJ 7_: / ..-
D Assign __ Reassign. __ D Prepare lead c,a. .ids
. . . , 1- '~"--
....:;:: . :. ·->-=:,;:¢.
t- - . ~__,.--~
D Bring file D Pre.pare tickler
CJ Call me D Return ouign~fiit foGff 18 "'19 74
Deadline _ __,______ D Search and r e ~
Return file
--=• ~4 }
D Deadline passed D See me 1 .
0 Delinquent D Serial # ---=r-.a.~-=--t--t,111.._....._
_.,._ __
D Discontinue . ,0 Post....,..~,_ch ge D Return
D Expedite ' 1 ~ r'Send . · .
Ofile · C!J~mitnewchargeOltrl"J ~
D For information D Submit report by 'qAf/P~
D Handle D Type
D Initial & return
D Leads need attention
• ·Return :wlfh: uplanatiori· or notation a:s· to ,action taken •. :
Attached received in mail at Miami
No action being taken, UACB.

to~•1 ·
-\'.=---See reverse si de Office MIAMI

* GPO , 1973 526-770

, x. -~ . :7,J'l:..\l.
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"/rtf<-, ,,
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/4~;;/~ ~!BERTY LOBBY
. . : A . (RE~RINTED . ~ 0 0 INmlIDmBNa AVE S.E.


' ' April 1968


Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller wants to be President of the United States. Governor Rock-
efeller's socialistic views and left-wing approach to politics are well known. He has
declared that racial rioting in the United States is 11 actually a sign of progress."
He has demanded that the United States establish "intimate" relations with Red China.
His book, The Future of Federalism, is a blueprint for world government.

Rockefeller's disloyalty to the Republican Party is equally well known. It will be

recalled that, after his repudiation of Barry Goldwater in 1964, Richard Nixon referred
to Rockefeller having gotten his "pound of flesh," and advised that there was no place
for him in the leaaership of the party. His person~l life is such that the minister who
married him to his second wife was officially censured by the Presbyterian Church.
. i•:-·

. More important, but hardly known at all to the American people, is Nelson Rockefeller's ~
·; role as an agent for the Soviet Union. As unbelievable as this charge might seem, the
facts document it beyond any doubt. In examining the fantastic record of Rockefeller's
-dealings with the counnunists, it would be well to keep in mind the dictionary definition
of "agent": "One who acts for or in the place of another by authority from him."


On January 16, 1967, reade_rs of the New York Times were shocked to see a f~ont page head-
·line reading "Eaton Joins Rockefeller to Spur Trade with Reds." The story began: "An
alliance of family banking fortunes linking Wall Street and the Midwest is going to try
to build economic bridges between the free world and connnunist Europe. The International
Basic Economy Corporation, controlled by the Rockefeller brothers, and Tower Internation-
al, Inc., headed by Cyrus S. Eaton, Jr., Cleveland financier, plan to cooperate in pro-
moting trade between the Iron Curtain countries, including the Soviet Union, and the
United States, Canada and Latin America. The International Basic Economy Corporation
was organized in 1947 under the principal direction of Nelson A. Roc kefe ller. now New
York Governor" (emphasis add ed).

The Times poi nted out that: "The joint effort contemplated by I.B.E. and Tower is seen
as ·combining the investment skills and resources of the Rockefellers and the :·special
entree to Soviet bloc officialdom that Tower erijoys largely as a result of contacts cul-
tivated over the last 15 years by Cyrus S. Eaton, Sr. The elder Eaton has been an out-
spo~en adv~cate of _closer ties between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. He has backed
his convictions-by visiting Russia and entertaining high Soviet leaders including former
Premier Khrushchev."

Cyrus Eaton, Sr., Nelson Rockefeller's pace-setter, in blood trade with · the colllil!Unist
enemy, is notorious for . his long and ctose friendships with Soviet leaders. He is the.. ;
only private American citizen known ever to· enter·tain top Soviet officials. In addition
tp having Khrushchev as a guest at his Ohio farm~ Eaton found no difficulty in- trans-
ferring his loyalty to Alexei Kosygin, the new Soviet Premier, whom he entertained at
his Pugwash estate in New Brunswick, Canada.

As early as December 21, 1958; The Worker, official corranunist publication in the United
States identified Eaton as being responsible for arranging increased East-West trade •
. The Work.e r q·.ioted with approval Eaton's suggestion that "the main ·responsibility" for
forcin:;~ erica's surrender to 'international <=;ommunism "lay with America's .industrial. C
gia,~!:_S~ Were these business ieaders to urge an · accorrmi.odaiicn with~!-i"e COI!l!!!'.J~ist world ______
our Gov~ent .:would have but small choice to change its policy." If Nelson Rockefeller
ever fulfill~ nts · consuming ambition to become President, Eaton will have free access to
the Wh.ite House at all times.

The sinister deal between Eaton and Rockefeller was described by Cyrus Eaton, Jr., as a
"50-50 partnership." I.B.E. wilt be offered a 50 percent interest in any Red Trade
d~al Tower unde!takes, inclqding projects under way at the time the deal was made. Rich-
ard S. Aldrich, a vice-president and director ·of I.B.E., and a member of the Rockefeller
family, was quoted. as saying that his cirganization' s objective in entering Red Trade on
a huge scale is "to improve the standard of•living of .the peoples of the world • • • ' An
initiative th a t creates a ·commercial and {ndustrial dialogue between the East and West
cannot help but contr1.bute to this end."



The Times story referr·ed to above revealed that, in December 1966, Tower International
had·' reached an agre~me~t with "Licensintorg," the' official Soviet licensing and patent.
organization, covering future licensing and patent transactions. The Eaton-Rockefeller
w .;~
e •

cornh~ne was to t~ke o:_e r the - ing a~d se~ling o~. U.c enses an<, ,,i ~e~t~; fr- or'.1 the Amtot ~ Corporat;,_on, 1.nnocent-descn.bed oy the T imes as "the hcial So v.i et agency HI
this country for promo~ing So v i et-American trade.-11- -

Cyrus Eaton, Jr. complained of the difficulty Amtorg 1 s representatives in this country
had encountered in trying to arrange agreements :,vith American comp.inie s. "As you can
imagine," Eaton said, "it is aimo,st impossible for a Russian to t·:a ! k i nto the re s earch
departEJent of an Ameri c an aerospace company and try to arrang e the purch ::1 s e of a paten t. 11
Eaton and Rockefeller are therefore g e nerously relieving the ·communists of this difficuity.
Their Red Trade combine will a.ct for Amtorg, by its authority, as its officia l agent. in
the United States. Recall the defini tion _of "agent" given above! The Rockefell er.s anq.
the Eatons will thus have monopoly control of American trade with the u.s.s.R., control-
ling both the American and Russian ends.

J. Edgar Hoover writes: "In 1924, Amtorg Trading Corporation (a Sovi et government com-
mercial agency) was established. This gave the Soviets their fir st ' legal' base for
espionage operations. In this way persons and institutions in a country openly as
representatives or agents of a foreign power have an ideal cover to fulfill their as-
signments of clandestine espionage" ( Mas te r s of. Deceit, p. 274).

.. , Again in 1959, in testimony before a subcommittee of the House Appropriations Commi ttee,
Hoover warned of Soviet efforts to use Amtor.g to obtain information from American busi-
nessmen "that would be of value to the Soviet bloc in their activities in opposition to '\
\. this country." In answer to a question as- to whether Amtorg_ still conducts and fits :\.~~ '
_i ,n to the espionage picture, Mr. Hoover replied: "Amtorg fits into it 100 p~rcent. 11 I

A hearing conducted by the House Connnittee on Un-American Activities (Patterns of Com- ·\.
munist Espi·onage, House Document 4!119, 86th Congress, 1st Session, 1959) ~evr- aled tha t
Vassili M. Zubilin, Amtorg representative ip the United States in the 1930' s, h_ad engaged
~I'. spy-ing arid e'opion:!ge -work. He later played a kP.y role i.n the. theft of eUim~. c seCcf'ls
from the radiation laboratory at the University of California. Alexander Barmine, a
Brigadier General in the Red Army and high Soviet intelligence agent before defecting
to the United States, told the HCUA that 11 • • • persons in Amtorg were used by the intelli-
gence department and they were having foreign trade representative s as cover for them."

Are the profits of Red Trade so important to Nelson Rockefeller that he is willing to ·
betray the Nation of which he aims to become President?


The Rockefeller-Eaton partnership is indeed highly profitable. Lucrative luxury hotel

ventures are under way or contemplated throughout Eastern Europe, in Belgrade , Wa rsaw,
Sofia, Prague, and Bucharest. Cyrus Eaton, Jr. boasts tha t he has had "f irm i n quiries"
from five Eastern European countries, including the Sovi e t Union, for the c onstruction
of 10 rubber goods plants. "These people, 11 says Eaton, "are setting up ·n ew· a_utomobile
plants and know they have got to have tire factories." Equally shocking is the con-
struction of a $50 million aluminum plant in Yugoslavia. And the Red Traders greedily
eye further profits. After pointing out that, by . the end of 1966, Tower had $7 million
worth of orders on its books from Hungaria~ industry~ Eaton boasted that "We think
there is _a ·potential trade volume with Hungar! al~ne of $Sq million a year. 11

These huge potential profits, it should be r~memhered, are a virtual Eaton-Rockefeller

monopoly. Any other American businessmen ·s o unpatri'otic as to want to profit from trade
with the enemy will have to cut these two ·o'ffi~ial Sov.i•et agents in handsomely. And it
·''' has· been disclosed that the State Department is cooperating cioselv with Eaton and Rock-
efeller. An official of the Department's Office· of East-West Trad~ ~as admitted, ac~
cording to the Washington Observer (August 15, 1967), that all information relating to
the business transactions . of Roclc efel~er aJ1,d Eaton with the communists was strictly
confidential, "because they must be protected fi:-om ·their competi tots." · :>,

,,Another•-Rockefeller-Eaton operation, which apparently needs "protection" was revealed ,,

_;__ '.': by a rei:u ~e~ _} rom coinr.1ut'list '-B'-:l e~.1:!- a. ' In that countr~_,- Tower_ :1-nd ,l.B._- E. have, cont ract e d
with the communist governmen t to sell chickens and mushrooms, raised by slave labor on
colle·c tive farms, i.i. the 11orld market. They can undercut American prices, and have al-
ready taken the Wes t Ge rman pcultry ~ark et away from American exporters. In yet another
outrage, Towe·r ·has been a ppointed official purchasing agent for the Hungarian government,
and in the past t.wo years h_a s · purchased yast quantJ.ties of American drugs, some of which
have been transshipp e d t o Nor th Vi e tnam. · ~· ·

The Constitution pf the United .States· (Art. III, Sec. 3) defif\es treason as '!levying
war a~a inst (the U. S. ) ·or : ..• . ad her i ng to their enemies, giving them ai.d and com-
fort. 11 Can i t be de n ied U1at p rovi di11g 't h_~· comm'u ni'st enemy with :food and drugs, . alum-
inwn a nd r u b be-r plants , anri -vitally ifl!portant ior eign exchange, falls· witl}in t;h,e defini- .
tion o f "ai d a nd comfo-rt: 11 to the en.emy? Nel so n Rockefeller's · comm1,1nist· partners have
· been respons i b le for the deaths of 20 1 445 Americans killed in action in Vietnam, as of
··Marcl1 23 , 19 68. They hav e b~en r e.spo nsib le· for 65,517 other casualties. Only the
technicality· of the lack of a formal d~clar~ti.on · o( war prevents Rockefeller,' s trading
in the blood' of d e-ad Americans from being actionable as treason.

xtra cop_ies: 12 for $1; SO for· $3; 100 - $,5 ; 1,000 c9pie ~ ,. $40

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Septe~IDer 24, 1974


1 - Mr. Wannall - Enc. b6

- I I .b7C

&';1- -It? 6 ? ~-/-

Mr. William Leach-Le::wis
General Counsel
Liberty Lobby \
(};~ti 300 Independence Avenue, S. E.
Washington, D. c. 20003
(J ~
if Dear Mr. Lcach-Le,.,,is:

This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated

Septe:mbcr l~;th ln which you requested copies of doCU,"J.l ents .con-·
:i ccrning the ·· COINTELPRO-Disruption of Wlli te Hate Gr.oups Program.

Pursuant to your request, enclosed are the docu..~ents
relating to the above-mentioned program.
I trust the attached will be of assistance to you.
r-.; ..


Sincerely yours, \
· ~

ai ,NL ~e!ie:t,1 I -
Clarence M. Kelley , ~
\)J· SEP 2 4 i974 Director \ -

1 - The Deputy Attorney General - Enclosure
1 - Bufile 62-115530 (POI-REPLIES)

~==-=-=...,_ '
Assoc. 01r. _ NOTE: _____________________________,__
Oep. AD Adm. _
~ -..J
Oep . AOlnY,_ I I ·But:..les z
A:~•~;~'.'_·'__ contain numerous references to the Liberty Lobby i.-:hich is CD
comp. sr•'· _ self-described as an organization composed of patriotic pressure er.
e.,. Alfa;,. - groups. It is considered an ultra-conservative group. 'l'his
~:':.',!.~:.:..= organization has not been the subject of an investigation by
1d."'· _ _ the Burea1,.1., . The four documents being furnished are part of 13
1"'.i>"<.•.;~~ - .. - .documents p·r e viously ordered to be furnished to Carl Stern and
lnio ll . - -
l, obo ro ro, y _ ., ,
F: r e d~ ,....:1ra.nam,

• • t ea~ t O ctOCUinell
an d are 1 J.ffi1 ~ t-5 COnCe:i::l1J.D.g
• th ' program
· C
directed :.: .at i White Hate' Groups.
Pion. &. Evo l. -
SO<>c . In• . ,....._ ,.,_ / \ . 1 .:'
_, l " 1 I
T ,a 1@ 09..e.....:: .. ~ / , -
,Logaflc'lvf ~U
Tole-p'h ono Rm. _
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300INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, S.E. P. 0. Box 36132

September 16, 1974

The Di.rector
United States Oeparbrent of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation (,1/46e
r Ttj . ;(tf b
tJ (J'r·
washington, D.C. 20535
! • ~1

... .., \·~ .• .

Dear Sir: ..•; ·- ~

Pursuant to the Freedom of Infonaatjon Act, S u.s.c.,
Section 552,we hereby request a copy of, or access to, OOJNI'ELPRO-
Disruption of White H?te Gros,s, which program was discontinued by
your Bureau on April 28, 1971, in a n ~ of that date, addressed
by you to SAC, Albany. • .·1-; •" ; · •.' -~-·3 .· .. , , .:
1· - ' : .. - ,. ft ~

we •will expect a definite reply .within 15 days· from the date ¾

of this· letter. Othel'.Wise -we .wi,11 C;Qnsider_our request has been
,.refused. ' : ; ' :' ~ ••• : • :: I •:-~•.,• ,•• .• '.,'
·:. .-•.• • •

If, however, our request 'is granted,. we are prepared to pay

any reasonable. expenses incurred. . . · '
Thanking you in ·anticipation
. .

Yours faithfully, .
~ -
~ • •. -- · ~ ; · ·1 _.;:'j •:-:t

' .·: iv.L~(; .~:. :___ 1..::::_~~ · /__~ -~

' .
William I.each-Lewis ' Q
General Coi.rrisel . w

. ',. . ~;i). ~ /CJ ·!o 9

... ,, :"
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202 S_EP _26~1974 CD
- ,~-=---- b6

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/__ ' December 1~, 1974

&-c.9l!{;; 2 - /Db 1lfl·· 11 l 2 - Mr. Wannall - Encs.

I > • •'


l -, )
Mr. William ~ach-Lewis
~ Gen.era.l..-CG.nnsel:...-. ---
'U. ~I:._i~e,F,t,¥_.~ ~J.'l.Y b6
l.Q.O- InQ}liB.~'1.g~ce Avenue, S. E •
. Wa.sfiT'n.sw.g,.,_p~::e-'2mra,r=-~ , .. b7C ~
-=--....,,.~- ,; . ~ ~

Dear Mr. Leach-Lewis: )

November 30th.
This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of

In response to your inquiry, a ~vie~ of the appro-
priate records failed to reveal that any counterintelligence
program {COINTELPRO) activities were directed.,eoward

-· ~

I hope the above will alleviate .. the concerns
~, -
expressed in your letter.
Sincerely yours, ~

.a. M~ Kelle~
Clarence M. Kelley
·FBI Director
1 - The Deputy Attorney General - Enclosure ,~~
1· - Bufile 62-115530 (POI-REPLIES) . ,. \'\~~c. ,;f:1
NqTE: Correspondent· has written to Bureau on two prey, · _.
occasions in .September and October, 1974, inquiring ~ab(jut . ~- \Of/
the COINTEL~RO-DisruI?tion of White Hate Groups (WHG) pro~r~- · :, .,.\\ • {1 ~-
He was furnished copies of four of the COINTELPRO-WFIG dopuments /. ·
which were previously released to Messrs. Carl Stern 1fl'd ~re_d~ ,: · ·' .L
.,~::~·:~\~ Grai:iarn. His request for further details of the ·program wa-~-} · ~ ,c/1
o••• Ao 1••• · - den1.ed by 01:-tr 1!9tter
. o.f . 10-10-74 based on several applicable 1 t
exemptioµs.: tP i;he ~9I~/: . ~~, .P.t:i-, current letter, corir~~P.01?P~i'~-., t (I'.;1
~::'· o,,.,
E,o . AHa i,s _
indicates that h~ wishes'· to•fui:ow if tti~ i Liberty Lobby. W<;1S: one·'·!.(.'~~, L
the groups,., w~s ,,,t l~e ~~1~U.'fCt of ~OINTELPRO activities. . •~ . I
fllos ~ Com. - Buf iles contain -n~~i'~us~ t~ie:i!~nees to the Liberti,l:Lqbby; ',,;,
,.,,,..,,." _
publisher·. o.f the "LibertY-, ;~~:t;~r, ~• but ,th~s organization-- ha's~.:, J,r,-;-#.(
~Qfa '\
· ~RD:law (8)
, )
:fc:. ..r:NO'.f'E · CONTINUED PAGB_-TWO
, •• ,d ''2) , ..
ln•ofl. _
L.. bo•~•<>•~ -
Pion. &E•o l, ;?,;.:& ✓ .
v~ ,,,V ·~ i \' :.-•
\/" /plJl . .'' 1,.
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, . ...

' .

. ..,. . ,• :
• :


Mr • .William A-. :· Lea9h.:::L~wi~ ·..

NOTE· CONTINUED: · _-not been the .subject o-f ~cti '\i'e · Bu~eau
. investigatiOJ\~: . _The: Liberty Lobby -is an ultra..:.conservative
... group; _ self.:ae~qr-ibed - as . an· organizat-i_o n ·: composed ··of patriot.i q . . ·
. press_u re groups _~' ' Th:e Iritelligep.ce _Div;i.s~o:11 advised>tha-t;: - a, .. '. . :. _._ . .:·._:
· revi~w of ·Bure·au · indices . concerning- · this -org?tnization fails -. . . .. · .
... ·: ·to_· reveal any· referenqe·s to -· the COINTELPRO _:control files.; -_ ·._ -: - . ·. ...·
,• ...
· whic;::li would 'fndica te . this·_ organizat;i.on w~:t"s· .not_. th~_:. subj ~ct· 9£ _ ·· · .-
.· . . .. COINTEL~RO ac~iv~_ti~~ . ·'-,.:f As ::·this o~gan:izatiqn .fs· headquartered .. ·, .
at W-ashington, :-:D;~· 9;,\" .--.a-~'. f _urther · check wit)1 <Washi1:1gton Field
confirm~d they have ·..-no- Jnformation. to· indicate >acti;ve · i~vesti~
, gat.i on . of
the .·organ·izati'on or COINTELPRO act~vities aga.:i,nst. it.
.' ! . . Reply coordinated with the. Inte:J.ligence Div.;is,ion. . .. ' r- • . . . . • ~

- :- ...·. ·.·· ·-.'· . •'

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300 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, S.E. P. 0 . Box 36132
PHONE: LIBERTY 6-5611 .~-

November JO, 1974.

Dear Mr Kelley,
With reference to our letter of
Qctooe,r -.3',

and your reply thereto

on October 10, are ,you able, in view of th~ · v.oting· in Congres s, to let \./
us have the detaiJs , for Which we have ask~d1 : ';__ ." . .,r.,t ,:. tJ y-e /(/llaj
Of cou:',se .:we . wi>_
~.l d -not have writtel; ~t all'' µ we we re one ·~.,,
of the organiza~i6~s._-~~~-~--~ntended to d~i~;r~~~\-} ·:.~· -~h~~-~ ~nswer to this is
11 No 11 , t hen there is : no fu rther nee_d for any ?C?r:res,po'den c e .
·:· .. ·. ~- ' _-~ .'. . . - -~:-- - - .,,·• ·.l•· . l••.r..

Perhap~:;' the:ff:.·bef bre writing t-o .the . itt:~ri:i~Y~p-~neral t o appeal ~:

,; - .. :-;. ..·: -~: • •~, .. ~: ~►~ - ' :• ·--! ~- ,• ,- - ft,,~..;·_·:_~•-;:'-,::._
against your de'c_is ion , . you mtght let us know'. if:. we were one of the -- - ~i

groups to be II
)-.,~~:;·~- -\:! .... ;~' .~ ~. ---:;..
d·~_s}upt:e:a. :and ::distracted_;:11 ,_-: .;.'\7t:\}
.. ~ - ,.... : '\'·.,~~· >-=:~ ·.·(
May we have ah -~~rly~repl l?-
... r ··::• .;,,




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a___ k---

, L.:::::,~
. J
. · ~· ·.! ·-:·-~ · ::.~~~i-;_;.;::t ., .W-il l1am. A.Leach-Lewis
Clarence M~·Kelley, Di re~cls,~:, :: /('·:\:•r.~/~:::-'7~:~_-• Ge·r ieraJ - Counsel.
·) •._'~ ' ;;. • "io ;, ,.
United Sta te!s Department·-:,•of · Jus.ti•c e; ' . . : ~- ,.
~ ·.,- t -,- '·,..-• I ; ,_'' . ,-. .•' ... ;. l, '.,, ,.; ·• t • . ,.
. -~.- • - •• • • ••:. ·.:.,~;,; _ ' - , •_ - ~ -: . - • - -. : -·~ -,; .., . ..

Federal Bureau of Inve·s ,t :rga:tion , ·:··· .

Washington.D.c.20535 • .~-~ -··· ~· .'' ~ -,:· _.:
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i• 1Z Of.~ 1974 ;,,
'------ -

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