High Performance Sailplane Design
High Performance Sailplane Design
High Performance Sailplane Design
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1 author:
Krzysztof Kubrynski
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
All content following this page was uploaded by Krzysztof Kubrynski on 18 October 2016.
Krzysztof Kubrynski
Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics
Warsaw University of Technology
Warsaw, Poland
[email protected]
costs, modernization was restricted mainly to the design of created. Three thermal families are specified and studied:
a new wing. A:narrow, B:wide, C:middle thermal. The rate of climb for
Design of the new aerodynamics took a few stages a particular thermal shape, specified sailplane mass, and
subseqently shortly described in the paper: the aerodynamic characteristics can be specified as
difference between thermal lift and sailplane sink velocity
- cross-country flight performance analysis, ( wC = wT − w SINK ), where the thermal lift at a specified
including investigations of various design and circling radius and sink velocity depend on sailplane speed
aerodynamic features on final flight efficiency and bank angle in circling, mass and aerodynamic
- optimization of wing planform characteristics, and can be expressed as:
- optimization/design of wing two-dimensional
sections for various span stations
- removing of adverse aerodynamic interference wT = wT (THERMAL _ MODEL , wT 0 , RCIRC ( VCIRC , ϕ CIRC ))
effects (1)
Planform Specification
Wing planform should ensure best possible wing
characteristics including low induced drag (optimum load
distribution), high maximum lift coefficient and proper
stall characteristics (with no tendency to wing drop). It is
worth mentioned that real observations and flight tests does
not fully confirm classical considerations regards optimum
planform [11,12] due to nonlinear wing-tip flow features
and three-dimensional flow effects. Especially important
observation [11] is that wing planform and winglet can
Fig. 4 Computational characteristics of Diana-2 airfoil and signifficantly affect induced drag (more then classical
typical modern airfoil – clean and wet conditions finite wing theory predicts) and high lift and stall
simulated, a) no flaps, b) flaps down. characteristics.
The optimum load distribution along the wing/winglet
span was determined by applying third Munk’s theorem
WING DESIGN [13]. The optimum wing planform (more precise: local
Basic design procedure for the wing-winglet chord value) minimizing induced and profile drag is
combination consist of several stages[10]: planform possible to evaluate by division of the above optimum load
optimization, specification of flow conditions (local by optimum sectional lift coefficient. Such airfoil could
Reynolds number and sectional lift coefficients) at various minimize both: induced and profile drag. Modification to
wing stations and flight conditions (including speed, flap such a planform is undertaken in order to achieve proper
setting and sailplane mass variation), optimization of two- stall progression along the span by decreasing slightly
dimensional airfoils for each of wing sections (and local sectional lift coefficients in the outer wing stations (by
flow conditions), building three-dimensional wing about 2% at the end of the planar part of the wing).
(combining optimum planform and 2D airfoils), and finally Trailing edge line is nearly unswept in order to minimize
removing adverse interference effects via inverse design/ span-wise pressure gradients and prevent boundary layer
optimization process. washout effect at high angles of attack.
Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium
Miami, Florida,U.S.A., April 16-18, 2007
All the design parameters, such as planform and final two-dimensional characteristics). Sample
profiles at subsequent span stations are, of course, aerodynamic characteristics and airfoil geometry designed
subsequently updated to achieve the properties dictated by for flow conditions from figure 7 are presented on figure 8.
the iterative design process. The final planform and wing
sections were obtained as a result of using three-
dimensional optimization methods during detailed
aerodynamic design and are seen on Fig. 6.
wing-winglet region). Two dimensional flow over the surface at higher lift coefficients. Additionally it can
airfoil have some special features: completely laminar flow produce flow separation in the rear part of wing-fuselage
on the lower surface in all design points, about 75% intersection, significantly increasing drag. At a final design
laminar flow on the upper surface that follows transition stage three-dimensioanl inverse design/optimization
with very week separation bubble. method[15] is used in order to enforce pressure distribution
closesd to the two-dimensioanl design pressures on the
optimized airfoils. This is equivalent to removing adverse
interference effects and leading finally to the so called
design with neutral interference. The design method allows
to find modification of the external geometry that
producesthe pressure distributions closesd to the target at a
few design points (design angles of attack and
configurations: flaps/controls deflections). Additionally,
induced drag can be minimized at given lift and moment
coefficients (trim conditions), and some additional
geometrical constraints can be enforced. The following
objective function is minimized:
E= ∑ WP
n =1
n ⋅ E P _ n + WC ⋅ E C + WR ⋅ E R +
Fig. 10 nviscid pressure distribution on the isolated airfoil
and on the wing ∑ WD
n =1
n ⋅ (C D _ ind ) n +
n =1
n • (C L − C LD ) n + ∑λ
n =1
n • (C M − C MD ) n