Jeb 244662
Jeb 244662
Jeb 244662
As climate change-induced heatwaves become more common, The pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis (POLS; Réale et al., 2010)
phenotypic plasticity at multiple levels is a key mitigation strategy by posits that organisms must trade-off long-term survival against
which organisms can optimise selective outcomes. In ectotherms, short-term reproductive success, leading to predictable correlations
changes to both metabolism and behaviour can help alleviate between risk-related or metabolically costly behaviour and
thermal stress. Nonetheless, no study in any ectotherm has yet energetic physiology. POLS predicts that individuals with
empirically investigated how changing temperatures affect more risk-prone, ‘bolder’ personalities (consistent behavioural
among-individual differences in the associations between these differences among individuals; Sih et al., 2004), should show
traits. Using the beadlet anemone (Actinia equina), an intertidal ‘faster’ physiological characteristics, such as a high metabolic rate,
species from a thermally heterogeneous environment, we that are conducive to higher early fecundity and growth, but
investigated how individual metabolic rates, linked to morphotypic not to long-term survival (Montiglio et al., 2018; Réale et al., 2010).
differences in A. equina, and boldness were related across It is well established that life-history trade-offs can drive the
changing temperatures. A crossed-over design and a temporal maintenance of personality types (Wolf and McNamara, 2012; Wolf
control were used to test the same individuals at a non-stressful and Weissing, 2010); bold individuals often place themselves at
temperature, 13°C, and under a simulated heatwave at 21°C. At greater risk of mortality than shy conspecifics, but benefit from
each temperature, short-term repeated measurements of routine riskier lifestyles via increased foraging opportunities and more
metabolic rate (RMR) and a single measurement of a repeatable energetic scope for reproduction (Smith and Blumstein, 2008).
boldness-related behaviour, immersion response time (IRT), were POLS simply extends these trade-offs by predicting that the
made. Individual differences, but not morphotypic differences, were physiology of bolder individuals should be primed to maintain
highly predictive of metabolic plasticity, and the plasticity of RMR high levels of risky activity, exploration and foraging, even under
was associated with IRT. At 13°C, shy animals had the highest periods of heightened environmental stress (Montiglio et al., 2018;
metabolic rates, while at 21°C, this relationship was reversed. Réale et al., 2010). As such, according to POLS, bolder animals
Individuals that were bold at 13°C also exhibited the highest should exhibit reduced physiological stress reactivity, faster growth
metabolic rates at 21°C. Additional metabolic challenges during and higher metabolic rates than shyer conspecifics (Biro and
heatwaves could be detrimental to fitness in bold individuals. Stamps, 2010). The relationships proposed by POLS could be of
Equally, lower metabolic rates at non-stressful temperatures could great value to conservationists, indicating the life-history strategies
be necessary for optimal survival as heatwaves become more present in a given population and informing whether some
common. These results provide novel insight into the relationship behavioural phenotypes might be more susceptible to novel
between metabolic and behavioural plasticity, and its adaptive selective pressures than others.
implications in a changing climate. Evidence for POLS is mixed, with studies finding positive
(Polverino et al., 2018), negative (Le Galliard et al., 2013) and
KEY WORDS: Climate change, Boldness, Metabolism, Pace of life, inconclusive associations (Killen et al., 2012) between metabolic
Marine invertebrate rate and boldness. As such, a recent meta-analysis concluded that
empirical evidence for POLS is weak (Royauté et al., 2018).
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2024) 227, jeb244662. doi:10.1242/jeb.244662
relationships between metabolism and boldness, and their selective differences in boldness-related behaviours. Of particular relevance
implications under different environmental scenarios. could be immersion response time (IRT), which not only displays
Although activational plasticity does not itself form part of POLS among-individual variation within and across environments but also
(Montiglio et al., 2018), the relationship between metabolism and may be closely associated with an anemone’s metabolic rate
behaviour is likely to be both species and context dependent (Killen (Maskrey et al., 2020, 2021). IRT is a risk-related behaviour, which
et al., 2012). In mosquitofish, for example, lineages from more measures how long after a simulated tide cycle it takes an anemone
stochastic environments grow faster, but also exhibit lower to re-extend its feeding tentacles and resume foraging. Because
metabolic rates and are shyer than those from stable environments A. equina is unable to feed when the tide is out, more protracted
(Polverino et al., 2018). Among-individual variation in plasticity tentacle retraction upon immersion will lead to an animal having
may be an especially important driver of relationships between less time to forage and thus less energy for metabolic processes.
behaviour and metabolism in heterogeneous environments, where Further, tentacle extension in A. equina is inherently linked to
the coexistence of different plastic strategies can be driven by spatial respiratory efficiency and gas exchange (although anemones do
and temporal variation both in normal environmental conditions and continue to respire with their tentacles retracted or when exposed;
in how much those conditions fluctuate (Dingemanse and Wolf, Griffiths, 1977; Navarro et al., 1981), so spending longer with
2013; Wolf and McNamara, 2012). Despite the clear need to tentacles retracted can be highly costly in the face of metabolic
incorporate activational plasticity into investigations of POLS and challenges (Griffiths, 1977). Conversely, while its primary function
its selective implications, we currently do not have any empirical is to support essential metabolic processes and gas exchange,
information on how short-term environmental changes, and the tentacle extension is also risky, placing anemones under increased
overall variability of an animal’s environment, might affect the threat of predation (Edmunds et al., 1974, 1976). Given that
relationships between metabolism and behaviour. anemones are still able to respire with their tentacles retracted
When investigating how acute environmental changes affect (Griffiths, 1977; Navarro et al., 1981), and thus tentacle extension is
these relationships, temperature is a particularly important not perfectly correlated with routine metabolic rate (RMR, the
environmental variable to consider. As climate change leads to metabolic rate of an animal undergoing normal activity), tentacle
higher average temperatures and increased frequency of heatwaves extension behaviour should represent a trade-off. If an individual is
(IPCC, 2013, 2018), animal populations are being placed under more cautious to predation risk, it is likely to face the costs of
substantial, novel selective pressures (Parmesan, 2006). Thermal reduced efficiency of gas exchange and reduced foraging
physiology and thermal preferences are especially important drivers opportunities but may survive longer in the face of predators. As
of associations between metabolism and behaviour in ectotherms such, general tentacle extension behaviour, and in turn IRT, should
(Abram et al., 2017), where many physiological processes, act as a useful gauge of boldness. This trade-off should be
including metabolic rate, are intrinsically linked to environmental particularly pronounced at high temperatures, which drive increases
temperatures (Seebacher et al., 2015). In ants, for example, colonies in metabolic demand (Abram et al., 2017) but are also likely to
from warmer environments are more likely to show the positive place anemones under greater risk of predation from other
associations among energetically costly or risk-related behaviours ectotherms (e.g. Twardochleb et al., 2020; Yamane and Gilman,
that are predicted by POLS (Segev et al., 2017). Adult parasitic 2009). Relationships between IRT and metabolic rate at different
wasps with a preference for low temperatures are another example, temperatures should thus provide clear indications of whether
exhibiting high metabolic rates, low foraging efficiency and short A. equina follows POLS and enable prediction of the metabolic
lifespans when exposed to high temperatures (Le Lann et al., 2011). responses of different individuals to thermal extremes.
As an acute thermal stressor to which they are unable to immediately In this study, we investigated for the first time how relationships
physiologically adjust, climate change-induced heatwaves present between behavioural phenotypes and metabolic rates were
ectotherms with a different set of ecological challenges compared influenced by different temperatures, both within and among
with chronic temperature change (Vajedsamiei et al., 2021), and individuals. We measured the associations between RMR (Metcalfe
many species rely heavily on behavioural plasticity to address these et al., 2016; Velasque and Briffa, 2016) of two morphotypes of
challenges (Abram et al., 2017). Nonetheless, the effect of acute A. equina and their IRTs at two temperatures using a crossed-over
temperature rises on the relationship between ectothermic temperature design, where one temperature was non-stressful and
physiology and behaviour has yet to be investigated. the other simulated a heatwave. We also incorporated a temporal
The beadlet anemone, Actinia equina, lives across a gradient of control where the temperature remained non-stressful throughout.
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2024) 227, jeb244662. doi:10.1242/jeb.244662
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2024) 227, jeb244662. doi:10.1242/jeb.244662
produced sufficient data with which to measure oxygen utilising free software or statistical packages lack flexibility (e.g. lme4:
consumption, while allowing more repeated metabolic Bates et al., 2015), and relatively more flexible frequentist packages
measurements to be taken each day. After this 12 h overnight require paying a subscription (e.g. ASReml-r v.4.2:
acclimation period, experimentation was carried out for 4 h in the By contrast,
morning and 4 h in the afternoon, with a brief (∼10 min) break multiple free, flexible Bayesian packages and software exist for fitting
period between the two where any small bubbles that had formed mixed effects models across multiple response variables or across
were removed from chambers. During trials, aquatic oxygen multiple levels of variance (e.g. MCMCglmm:
concentration within chambers never fell below 80% saturation.; JAGS:
Four metabolic slopes of oxygen consumption were produced; Stan: Carpenter et al., 2017). By fitting Bayesian
for each anemone at each time of day (for full descriptions models over uninformative priors as we do in this study, study data
and checklist, see Supplementary Materials and Methods, ‘1.1 drive modelled posterior distributions, meaning that the information
Metabolic apparatus and additional measurement detail’ and and estimates contained in those distributions are functionally the
Table S1; Killen et al., 2021). same as those contained in frequentist models (Cleasby et al., 2015;
At the end of their first day of testing, groups were transferred Houslay and Wilson, 2017). Moreover, Bayesian methodologies are
back to one of the two holding tanks and the whole cycle was more robust to small sample sizes, or violations of the assumptions of
repeated, beginning with another 48 h acclimation period. To frequentist modelling approaches (McNeish, 2016). Bayesian
account for temporal variation and treatment order effects, we modelling has become standard practice when investigating
utilised a crossed-over design (Briffa et al., 2013) and a temporal associations between multiple phenotypic traits within or across
control (White and Briffa, 2017). Within blocks, each group of five environments (e.g. Briffa et al., 2013; Jolles et al., 2019; Maskrey
anemones was designated to one of three treatment groups, which et al., 2021; Mitchell et al., 2020), and current advancements in these
were subjected to repeated RMR measurements and a single IRT approaches use predominantly Bayesian frameworks (Mitchell et al.,
measurement at each temperature. Each treatment had an overall 2016; Mitchell and Houslay, 2021; Prentice et al., 2020). We utilised
sample size of 10 red and 10 green individuals: (1) The temporal these methods, exploring associations between traits at multiple
control (L–L) group was housed and tested at 13°C throughout; phenotypic levels (i.e. behavioural, as IRT, and physiological, as
(2) the low temperature to high temperature group (L–H) was first RMR), here.
housed and tested at 13°C, then at 21°C; (3) the high temperature to
low temperature group (H–L) was first housed and tested at 21°C, Calculation of RMR
then at 13°C. Metabolic data were analysed using the respR package (Harianto
After the second round of metabolic testing, anemones were et al., 2019) in R version 3.6.2 or later (
placed directly into a −20°C freezer in individually labelled plastic A minimum of two slopes were extracted for every chamber for both
bags, to be stored for later drying and weighing. This method morning and afternoon sets of readings, providing up to six
of euthanasia added an extra step compared with previous studies of measurements of oxygen consumption per chamber, per day.
A. equina, where anemones were dried from live (e.g. Navarro et al., The first 41 min cycles in both the morning and afternoon were
1981; Rudin and Briffa, 2012). Fig. 1 provides a visualisation of this always excluded, as preliminary data indicated that RMR settled
schedule. during the first cycle, such that values were different from
subsequent slopes in a sampling repeat. After a wait period before
Morphological measurement recording of at least 1 min to ensure only the linear portion of slopes
To measure the dry mass of each individual, frozen anemones were were measured (Svendsen et al., 2016), the r 2 of recorded oxygen
placed in a Carbolite (Hope Valley, UK) CWF100 muffle furnace, consumption slopes for all anemones fell above a threshold of
maintained at 110°C for 90 h. Dry anemones were then weighed 0.9. For each repeated measure, slopes from blank chambers were
using a Sartorius (Stonehouse, UK) R2000 balance scale, accurate used to calculate background-adjusted whole-organism oxygen
to the nearest hundredth of a milligram. consumption (RMR) by subtracting blank oxygen consumption
values from the values of each experimental chamber. Raw blank-
Statistical analysis adjusted measurements were converted to provide final whole-
The question of how behavioural and other phenotypic traits covary organism short-term RMR estimates in milligrams of oxygen per
with one another within and across environments is multivariate by hour (mg O2 h−1; Supplementary Materials and Methods, ‘1.2
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2024) 227, jeb244662. doi:10.1242/jeb.244662
A Testing
13°C Testing 13°C and
21°C Testing 13°C
13°C Testing 21°C and
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Collection of 5 Collection Collection
anemones (am)
B 48 h acclimation 48 h acclimation
(13) (21)
Respirometry Respirometry and freezing
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Feeding and PDD IRT (pm) Feeding and PDD IRT (pm)
C Respirometers running, 38 min per measurement, 2 min flush Bleach, water change,
Into respirometer and acclimation overnight (160 min for 4 measurements) blank run Next anemones in
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental design. (A) A full example block schedule (where grey bars indicate acclimation periods), (B) the schedule
for a low to high temperature (L–H) group (kept initially at 13°C and changed to 21°C on day 4) and (C) an example respirometry schedule. IRT, immersion
response time; PDD, pedal disc diameter.
research has already shown in IRT (Maskrey et al., 2020, 2021). We To investigate whether individual differences in metabolic rate
also sought to investigate the influence of morphotypic differences were consistent across the two temperatures, adjusted cross-context
on RMR. To achieve this, a random slopes model was run (see repeatability was calculated. To test the explanatory importance of
Supplementary Materials and Methods, ‘1.3 Statistical detail’, for individual variation in determining metabolic plasticity to
details of comparison with the equivalent random intercepts model). temperature, the temperature-driven I×E, or random slope effect
RMR (z-transformed) was the response variable and morphotype, estimate, was extracted. Finally, to explore how an individual’s
temperature, treatment, dry mass (z-transformed), sampling metabolic rate at 13°C related to their metabolic plasticity to
occasion, sampling day (i.e. whether it was an individual’s first temperature, the correlation between individual intercepts at 13°C
or second day of metabolic testing), and data collection block and their random slopes between 13°C and 21°C was calculated.
(z-transformed) were all included as fixed effects. Because data Statistical significance was inferred for fixed effects and covariance
collection block was temporally directional, and to improve model terms where 95% credible intervals did not cross zero. For
fits and simplify outputs, it was included in this and subsequent repeatability and random slope effect estimates, significance was
models as a continuous variable. This was denoted by the number of inferred where 95% credible intervals were not close to zero and
days between the start of the first block and the start of the block in histograms of the term’s posterior estimates were not pushed up
question (0, 12, 28 and 41, respectively). z-Transformation of against zero (Maskrey et al., 2020).
continuous variables, which centres data on zero based on how
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2024) 227, jeb244662. doi:10.1242/jeb.244662
Two separate datasets were used. The ‘13°C dataset’ included all 4
values measured at 13°C, including 13°C values from both the
control and crossed-over temperature treatments. The ‘crossover
dataset’ included all values measured in the crossed-over
temperature treatments at either temperature. A bivariate mixed
effects model was run on the 13°C dataset to determine the
covariance between the two traits at 13°C, with RMR and IRT (both
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2024) 227, jeb244662. doi:10.1242/jeb.244662
As the climate warms and marine invertebrates experience extreme
2 temperatures with increasing regularity (IPCC, 2013), the survival
of individuals under the greatest metabolic demand at those
Scaled RMR (mg O2 h−1)
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2024) 227, jeb244662. doi:10.1242/jeb.244662
3 3
Scaled RMR at 13°C (mg O2 h−1)
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
−2 −2
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
Scaled IRT at 13°C (s) Scaled IRT at 21°C (s)
3 3
Scaled RMR at 13°C (mg O2 h−1)
2 2
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
−2 −2
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
Scaled IRT at 21°C (s) Scaled IRT at 13°C (s)
Fig. 4. The relationship between individual-level posterior mode estimates (Bayesian BLUPs) for RMR and immersion response time (IRT) at 13°C
and 21°C. Data are scaled to their respective standard deviation units and centred on their respective means at zero, at (A) 13°C for both traits, (B) 21°C for
relationship could have involved shy individuals suppressing their but, as heatwaves become more frequent, suppression strategies
RMRs to a greater degree than bold individuals at stressful high could place individuals at a selective disadvantage by creating
temperatures, in preparation for cooler ‘recovery periods’ in the energetic deficits which they are unable to fulfil during
future (Schulte et al., 2011). Temperature-driven adaptive metabolic progressively shorter recovery periods (Pörtner, 2012). Although
suppression (either limiting the increase or even decreasing they were of varying personality types, those individuals
metabolic rates rapidly by curbing processes with high energy suppressing their RMRs most in our sample could have been the
requirements; Schulte et al., 2011) appears to be specific to intertidal four that failed to increase their RMRs at all at 21°C (e.g.
and shallow-water invertebrates, having been so far documented in Vajedsamiei et al., 2021). It is also possible that these individuals
gastropods (McMahon et al., 1995), molluscs (Vajedsamiei et al., had surpassed their metabolic thermal maximum (Schulte et al.,
2021) and freshwater crustaceans (Glazier et al., 2020). Animals 2011). Although the high RMRs of all four of these individuals at
employing this strategy may be equipped during heatwaves to avoid 13°C might suggest this is plausible, it would seem unlikely that any
their energetic demands exceeding their available energy supply of them had surpassed this threshold given that lethal temperatures
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2024) 227, jeb244662. doi:10.1242/jeb.244662
for other UK populations of A. equina are at least 2°C higher than directly, and incorporate life-history characteristics such as survival
the 21°C used in this experiment (Maskrey et al., 2020). Future or fecundity. This could provide clearer information on not only the
studies could investigate molecular changes associated with vulnerability of different A. equina individuals and genotypes to
metabolic suppression (Richier et al., 2008; Tomanek and heatwaves but also that of other species, as the heterogeneous nature
Somero, 1999) to address these two possibilities directly. of the seashore leads many intertidal ectotherms to display
The effects of individual and morphotypic variation on the intraspecific variation in behavioural and physiological responses
plasticity of RMR could shed further light on its relationship with to stressful high temperatures (Briffa et al., 2013; Chapperon et al.,
IRT. There was a general trend towards higher RMRs at 21°C, 2016; Dias et al., 2018; Maskrey et al., 2021).
which remained unexpectedly consistent between the two Our measures of IRT resulted in censored data, given that there
morphotypes. Importantly, however, as predicted, this response was a maximum cut-off time for shy individuals. Such data are
was not ubiquitous, possibly indicating variation among individuals common among behavioural studies (e.g. Stamps et al., 2012), but
in strategies for dealing with extreme high temperatures. One nevertheless they complicated our analysis of the relationships
potential explanation is that some individuals may compensate for between RMR and IRT. We attempted a variety of approaches
increased RMR induced by higher temperatures by reducing but the ability of current statistical packages to deal with these sorts
activity. This could have led to the observed negative correlation of data were limited (although future developments may provide
between IRT and RMR at 21°C. After considering the available ways forward). Though our final statistical design was able to
evidence, however, we believe that such a compensatory reduction produce appropriate models, the likes of which are utilised in
in activity may be unlikely. Foraging tentacle expansion is the main behavioural studies across the literature, there are concerns over its
energetically costly activity these anemones undertake (Griffiths, ability to deal with censored values (Stamps et al., 2012). As such,
1977) and IRT is thus not only an excellent proxy for boldness but these results may need to be considered with care but we are
also should act as a proxy for activity. As such, if a change in activity confident that they are reflective of the biology of these organisms.
was driving the change in RMR, IRT and RMR at 21°C should have This study shows that associations between RMR and boldness in
been closely correlated, a pattern that is not borne out by the data A. equina are highly temperature dependent, and that variation in
presented here. Indeed, RMR at 21°C was more closely correlated trait plasticity could be part of the reason why evidence for POLS is
with IRT at 13°C than at 21°C, which does not suggest a close so inconsistent. Individual differences were key drivers of how
association between an individual’s current level of activity and RMR changed between temperatures in this study, while morphotypic
its RMR. Previous research also shows differences in how differences remained consistent, suggesting changing associations
morphotypes change their IRTs, and thus their activity, across between RMR and boldness were being driven by individual-level
temperatures (Maskrey et al., 2020). These discrepancies were, plasticity. By measuring the boldness and metabolism of animals
unexpectedly, not reflected in morphotypic patterns of RMR in living in heterogeneous environments under different contexts, and
these data, further indicating that changing activity was not driving adding a life-history component, future work could draw a clearer
changing RMR. Instead, it seems more likely that relationships picture of POLS, gain insights into how different populations might
between IRT and RMR were at least partly driven by boldness- respond to more regular climate change-induced heatwaves, and
associated physiological differences, either via varied growth facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the adaptive value
strategies at non-stressful temperatures and RMR suppression at of different personality types under climate change.
high temperatures as we speculate, or by other mechanisms.
The patterns elucidated here may have important selective Acknowledgements
implications for A. equina as the frequency of heatwaves Thanks to Leslie Connor for technical support with the muffle furnace, to Guillermo
Garcia-Gomez, Ruth Dunn and Curtis Horne, who assisted with anemone collection,
continues to increase (IPCC, 2013, 2018). At the broader and to Dr Matthew Spencer for invaluable assistance setting up the 21°C
genotypic scale, the red morphotype, associated with the high temperature control. We would also like to thank the reviewers for their valuable
shore, may be at a selective advantage as predicted. Not only do comments, and Dr Simone Blomberg, University of Queensland, for her advice on
individuals of the red morphotype, in contrast to their green the statistical analysis. Portions of this paper are reproduced from the PhD thesis of
counterparts, lower their IRTs (Maskrey et al., 2020, 2021) at high D.K.M. (Maskrey, 2022).
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2024) 227, jeb244662. doi:10.1242/jeb.244662
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